Intro To Race For Kids
Intro To Race For Kids
Intro To Race For Kids
get started.
to read aloud videos space to keep questions that Talking about race with
many of the stories Answer questions you can, difficult. It might get
A quick search will you don't feel equipped to Use phrases like "Tell me
offer many other book answer, and questions that more about that" and
lists about race, and have no answer. Practice "how does your body feel
can be found at your BIPOC voices, and listening This is activism work and
local (and/or POC deeply as you seek answers you are ready for it.
What did you notice about this story? How did this story make you feel?
What did this story remind you of? What is this story asking you to do?
art with their name in Activity: Write an "I What memories do you
the middle, and to Am" poem (optional have from when you
together. sister.)
For each story, ask:
What did you notice about this story? How did this story make you feel?
What did this story remind you of? What is this story asking you to do?
In Tan
Activity: Ask your child to
What did you notice about this story? How did this story make you feel?
What did this story remind you of? What is this story asking you to do?
What did you notice about this story? How did this story make you feel?
What did this story remind you of? What is this story asking you to do?