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Global Talent Management at The Coca-Cola Company

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International HR Conference 2009 Talent Management

Global Talent Management at the

Coca Cola Company
Dr. Arnold Dhanesar

Slide 1

Slide 2

● Worlds largest beverage company

● Worlds most recognized & Valued brand
● Servings: 1.5 billion per day
● Products: 2,800
● Locations: 200+ countries
● 80% of sales outside of North America
● One Million Employees system-wide
● 343 consecutive quarterly dividends

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©People In Aid 2009

This presentation contains material from a People In Aid conference and is provided for information only and does not
constitute advice. Neither the speakers nor People In Aid accepts any responsibility for how you use the information and
strongly recommends seeking suitable (legal) advice before implementing employment policy, as there may be specific
legal implications in the countries in which you operate. The handouts may be photocopied for non-commercial use, citing
People In Aid and the speaker as the source. If further information is required, please contact
International HR Conference 2009 Talent Management

Slide 3

Developing global Talent with global mindsets is essential to

the success of our business


Slide 4

Successful Talent Strategies are alignment to the

Business Strategy

2004 2008

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©People In Aid 2009

This presentation contains material from a People In Aid conference and is provided for information only and does not
constitute advice. Neither the speakers nor People In Aid accepts any responsibility for how you use the information and
strongly recommends seeking suitable (legal) advice before implementing employment policy, as there may be specific
legal implications in the countries in which you operate. The handouts may be photocopied for non-commercial use, citing
People In Aid and the speaker as the source. If further information is required, please contact
International HR Conference 2009 Talent Management

Slide 5

Our “HR call to action” is embedded in our Manifesto

Play a Drive System

leadership role Alignment to
in growing the win in the
stock price market
shaping our

Build a
Disciplined ways
Culture to drive
to be an “engine
the results we
for talent”

Diversity now

included in our
Play a Strategic
Be a great place Partner role in
to work where executing our
people are end-to-end and
inspired to be productivity
the best they 5 work
can be Classified - Internal use

Slide 6

Our Talent Strategies are beginning to show results…

‘Unprecedented Improvement’ on Engagement*

. . . International Survey Research, 2008

High Performing

KO ● Diversity & Fairness +13 pts

● Leadership +13 pts
CPG Norm
● Communications & Awareness +12 pts
+ 7 pts
● Performance Management + 9 pts
● Immediate Manager + 9 pts
● Empowerment & Innovation + 9 pts


*2008 Employee Engagement Survey

(points change vs. ’04)
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©People In Aid 2009

This presentation contains material from a People In Aid conference and is provided for information only and does not
constitute advice. Neither the speakers nor People In Aid accepts any responsibility for how you use the information and
strongly recommends seeking suitable (legal) advice before implementing employment policy, as there may be specific
legal implications in the countries in which you operate. The handouts may be photocopied for non-commercial use, citing
People In Aid and the speaker as the source. If further information is required, please contact
International HR Conference 2009 Talent Management

Slide 7

In 2008, TCCC was awarded the SHRM Human Capital

Leadership Award – recognizing the instrumental role HR
played in activating our Manifesto for Growth

Slide 8

Global Talent Management - Key Strategic Initiatives

Development Build Core
Forums Capability

Enable Peak High

Performance Business Driven Talent Potential
for a Talent Driven Development

Women’s General
Leadership Management
Initiative Pipeline

©People In Aid 2009

This presentation contains material from a People In Aid conference and is provided for information only and does not
constitute advice. Neither the speakers nor People In Aid accepts any responsibility for how you use the information and
strongly recommends seeking suitable (legal) advice before implementing employment policy, as there may be specific
legal implications in the countries in which you operate. The handouts may be photocopied for non-commercial use, citing
People In Aid and the speaker as the source. If further information is required, please contact
International HR Conference 2009 Talent Management

Slide 9

TCCC Talent Framework

to guide career development discussions and talent planning efforts

Fit: Is s/he the best fit for

the desired role? If not, are
there other opportunities
Leadership Behaviors: that may be a better fit?
Does the associate
demonstrate the leadership
behaviors needed to be
successful in the desired
role? If not, what needs to Ability: Are the associate’s strengths
be developed? transferable to more senior roles?
Has he/she shown evidence that
he/she is able to pick up new skills and
address new challenges?
Aspiration: What are the associate’s
career goals? How quickly does
Critical Experiences and
he/she want to progress?
Functional Competencies:
Engagement: How passionate is the
What experiences does the
associate about the business and how
associate have and how do
well has he/she been able to engage
they compare to what is
his/her team?
needed in the desired role?
What additional experiences,
knowledge, skills and
abilities are needed? What is
the best way to acquire

Performance: Has the associate

accomplished sustained results and
demonstrated the core competencies
required of his/her current role? If not, what
does he/she need to begin delivering/

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Slide 10

Enabling Peak Performance at TCCC

Vision & Goals

Aug - Dec
Strategy & Planning

Feb - Mar
Rewards We will become January 31
“world class” at Peak (Perf & Career Plans)
Performance by
…Focusing every associate Performance,
Rewards & on executing business Career &
Recognition strategy to drive growth Development
…reinforcing the right Plans
…differentiating rewards
Dec – Jan
Reward Decisions Made (Mid-Year Review)

Tracking and Measuring

Nov - Jan
(Final Review)

Classified - Internal use 10

©People In Aid 2009

This presentation contains material from a People In Aid conference and is provided for information only and does not
constitute advice. Neither the speakers nor People In Aid accepts any responsibility for how you use the information and
strongly recommends seeking suitable (legal) advice before implementing employment policy, as there may be specific
legal implications in the countries in which you operate. The handouts may be photocopied for non-commercial use, citing
People In Aid and the speaker as the source. If further information is required, please contact
International HR Conference 2009 Talent Management

Slide 11

Accelerates Sustainable Growth Drives Execution Unleashes Potential

(Thought Leadership) (Results Leadership) (People Leadership)

Drives Innovative Develops and

Delivers Results
Business Improvements Takes accountability, ensuring
Inspires Others
Develops ideas and gains others’ Develops others, improving their
productive, efficient execution against
commitment; Seizes opportunities that skills/capabilities; Provides, seeks and
priorities; Sets ambitious yet realistic
can deliver the greatest value; Promotes accepts feedback; Supports the diverse
goals and removes obstacles to ensure
an environment of creative thinking and contributions of others; Engages others
high-quality results
innovation through effective communication

Balances Immediate and Imports and Exports Sets a Winning Example

Demonstrates integrity, including
Long-Term Priorities Good Ideas placing Company interests ahead of
Meets critical objectives while Shares and adopts ideas in and outside
personal agendas; Makes sound
considering the impact of those activities the Company; Leverages insights to
decisions and follows-through on them;
on longer-term goals; Translates strategic inform actions or gain support;
Demonstrates passion for the Company
direction into personal actions/plan Embraces change
and its products

Builds Influences Builds a

Vision and Strategy the System Winning Culture
Translates the vision into a compelling Leads culture change, including a case
Applies influence strategies and
destination, communicates it to others for change and vision; Supports the
negotiation skills to achieve win-win
and takes bold action to deliver upon it; future culture, even in challenging
results; Adapts style based on the
Manages through complexity to provide situations; Builds a team that includes
situation and audience
strategic direction for the future complimentary strengths

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Slide 12

People People Development Forums are the global

Development management routine that ensures we have the
talent needed to execute our short and long-term
business strategies

Senior Leadership PDF • High Potential Identification

Business Business Business
• Development Planning
• Succession Planning
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3
• Human Capital Planning
• Capability Building
Marketing • Internal Movement
• Expatriate Assignments
• Performance & Potential
Customer Vision • Diversity Management
• Organization Redesign
Exceptional Talent
Ready Now
Finance for all Key Roles

Other Global

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©People In Aid 2009

This presentation contains material from a People In Aid conference and is provided for information only and does not
constitute advice. Neither the speakers nor People In Aid accepts any responsibility for how you use the information and
strongly recommends seeking suitable (legal) advice before implementing employment policy, as there may be specific
legal implications in the countries in which you operate. The handouts may be photocopied for non-commercial use, citing
People In Aid and the speaker as the source. If further information is required, please contact
International HR Conference 2009 Talent Management

Slide 13

Framework for Defining Potential at TCCC

 High Potential (Distribution 0-10%) – This
individual is promotable at least one level in the
organization or capable of operating at Senior
Ability Leadership level as demonstrated through a
combination of ability, aspiration, and
(Current Ability
Ability ++ Ability
Ability to
to Grow)
Grow) engagement.

 Promotable / Expandable (Distribution 20-30%)

Ability – This individual is viewed as capable of
moving up one level in the organization and/or
expanding the scope and complexity of his/her

 Well Placed (Distribution 50-55%) – This

Aspiration Engagement
individual is functioning in a role of appropriate
size and scope. This person is well suited for
their current role and, at this time, seems likely
he/she will continue to contribute at their
current level in the organization.
Pre-requisite: Track
Track record
record of
of Performance
 Placement Issue (Distribution 0-5%) – This
individual is functioning at an inappropriate
Aspiration Engagement
Engagement level or in the wrong role. This person may
require coaching or a performance
Interest ++ Motivation
Motivation)) (Self
(Self ++ Others)
Others) improvement plan to function in the role.

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Slide 14

Framework for Defining Potential at TCCC

Ability (Current Ability + Ability to Grow)
(Current ability & Ability to grow)
•Demonstrates core & functional
•Curiosity & eagerness to learn
•Open to & solicits feedback
•Thinks beyond current boundaries
•Understands & influences others
•Operates effectively under stress
(Self & Others)
(Interest & Motivation)
• Demonstrates passion for TCCC
• Models TCCC Values
• Wants to advance
• Strives for Excellence
• Motivation to lead & develop others
• Contributes beyond scope of role
• Understands the demands &
• Energizes & inspires others
tradeoffs of a more senior Role

Pre-requisite: Track record of Performance

Aspiration (Interest + Motivation) Engagement (Self + Others)

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©People In Aid 2009

This presentation contains material from a People In Aid conference and is provided for information only and does not
constitute advice. Neither the speakers nor People In Aid accepts any responsibility for how you use the information and
strongly recommends seeking suitable (legal) advice before implementing employment policy, as there may be specific
legal implications in the countries in which you operate. The handouts may be photocopied for non-commercial use, citing
People In Aid and the speaker as the source. If further information is required, please contact
International HR Conference 2009 Talent Management

Slide 15

Worksheet to assist in determining Potential Ratings

HiPo 4-5 Highs; No Lows
SCALE: Low Promotable 2-3 Highs
Medium Well Placed Majority Mediums
Placement Issue Majority Lows

Components of Potential Example Example Example Example

Associate A Associate B Associate C Associate D
Aspiration (Interest & Motivation) High High Medium Low
 Wants to advance to a more senior role
 Has the Motivation to lead & develop others
 Understands demands & trade-offs of a more
senior role
Current Ability High Medium Medium Low
 Demonstrates core & functional competencies
that are transferable to more senior roles
 Thinks beyond current boundaries
 Operates effectively under stress

Ability to Grow High High Medium Low

 Has a curiosity & eagerness to learn
 is open to & actively solicits feedback
 Understands & influences others; active
listening; empathizes; brings out best in people
Engaging Self High Medium Medium Low
 Strives for excellence
 Contributes beyond scope of role
 Models TCCC Values
Engaging Others Medium High Low Medium
•Demonstrates passion for TCCC
•Energizes and Inspires Others
OVERALL POTENTIAL RATING Hi Po Promotable Well Placed Placement issue

*This worksheet is to be used as a guide. It does not replace sound managerial judgment. Best practice (and TCCC) weights all components listed above equally
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Slide 16

PDF Performance / Potential Grid

Quadrant 2 Quadrant 1
4 Quickly create development 4 Create robust plan
plan to actively engage & 4 Actively steward Differentially
increase performance 4 ID experiences or learning
opportunities to invest in
accelerate development
Promotable/ Talent in
Quadrant 1

Well Placed

Quadrant 4 Quadrant 3
4 Ensure appropriate plan (Well Placed Only)
is in place to address 4 Focus development to
and/or improve optimize impact &
Placement performance engagement

Not Meeting Developing Successful Exceptional


16 Classified - Internal use

©People In Aid 2009

This presentation contains material from a People In Aid conference and is provided for information only and does not
constitute advice. Neither the speakers nor People In Aid accepts any responsibility for how you use the information and
strongly recommends seeking suitable (legal) advice before implementing employment policy, as there may be specific
legal implications in the countries in which you operate. The handouts may be photocopied for non-commercial use, citing
People In Aid and the speaker as the source. If further information is required, please contact
International HR Conference 2009 Talent Management

Slide 17

Post-Calibration Communication:
Combined Performance and Potential Messages
You are highly valued by TCCC
You are highly valued by TCCC You are highly valued by TCCC
as a future leader. We consider
as a future leader. We consider as a future leader. We consider
High Potential you among our most critical
you among our most critical you among our most critical
talent and are committed to
talent and are committed to talent and are committed to
preparing you for future
preparing you for future preparing you for future
opportunities opportunities
– probably new in role so we
– we really want to invest in you – We believe you can play
want to invest to make you
to accelerate your career multiple leadership roles
throughout your Career at TCCC

Valued individual who has the


potential for a successful career

Valued individual who has the Valued individual who has the
- we will continue to stretch you
potential for a successful career potential for a successful career
by providing you with new
– probably new in role so focus – our focus is to push your
challenges and supporting you
is on short term performance performance & prepare you for
as you continue to grow in your
future roles
Well Placed

You could be new in role or Solid performer and we are Deliver real value to the
underperforming - either way really grateful for your company through outstanding
we need to quickly identify and contribution. We really want you technical skills and Living the
address gaps and move to SP to continue to grow and develop Values – critical to our success
level in your role. today

Developing Performance Successful Performance Exceptional Performance


©People In Aid 2009

This presentation contains material from a People In Aid conference and is provided for information only and does not
constitute advice. Neither the speakers nor People In Aid accepts any responsibility for how you use the information and
strongly recommends seeking suitable (legal) advice before implementing employment policy, as there may be specific
legal implications in the countries in which you operate. The handouts may be photocopied for non-commercial use, citing
People In Aid and the speaker as the source. If further information is required, please contact

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