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Bulbous Bow Design and Construction: Manuel Ventura MSC in Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture

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The document discusses the history and design of bulbous bows on ships.

Some of the earliest ships to use bulbous bows were the German passenger ships Bremen and Europa in the 1920s.

The two types of waves generated by ships are divergent waves and transverse waves.


Bulbous Bow Design and Construction

Ship Design I

Manuel Ventura

MSc in Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture

Historical Origin

• The bulbous bow was originated in the bow ram (esporão), a

structure of military nature utilized in war ships on the end
of the XIXth century, beginning of the XXth century.

Bulbous Bow 2

Bulbous Bow

• The bulbous bow was allegedly invented in the David Taylor

Model Basin (DTMB) in the EUA

Bulbous Bow 3

Introduction of the Bulbous Bows

• The first bulbous bows appeared in the 1920s with the

“Bremen” and the “Europa”, two German passenger ships
built to operate in the North Atlantic. The “Bremen”, built in
1929, won the Blue Riband of the crossing of the Atlantic
with the speed of 27.9 knots.

• Other smaller passenger ships, such as the American

“President Hoover” and “President Coolidge” of 1931, started
to appear with bulbous bows although they were still
considered as experimental, by ship owners and shipyards.

• In 1935, the “Normandie”, built with a bulbous bow, attained

the 30 knots.

Bulbous Bow 4

Bulbous Bow in Japan

• Some navy ships from WWII such as

the cruiser “Yamato” (1940) used
already bulbous bows
• The systematic research started on
the late 1950s
• The “Yamashiro Maru”, built on 1963
at the Mitsubishi shipyard in Japan,
was the first ship equipped with a
bulbous bow.
• The ship attained the speed of 20’
with 13.500 hp while similar ships
needed 17.500 hp to reach the same

Bulbous Bow 5

Evolution of the

• Diagram that relates the

evolution of the application
of bulbs as a function of the
Reynolds Number, along the
XX century
• Along the years the range
of application of the bulb
was extended up and down
of the interval initially
considered as useful

Bulbous Bow 6

Systems of Waves from the Ship

• There are two types of

waves generated by ships:
– Divergent Waves – which
are originated at the sides
of the ship and have crests
inclined in relation to the
symmetry plane of the ship
– Transverse Waves – which
are originated at the sides
fwd and aft (amuras) and
have crests perpendicular
to the symmetry plane of
the ship
• These wave systems are generated both forward and aft
• The interference between these wave systems originates the
characteristic bumps and hollows, as a function of the ratio
(Vs/Lwl) of the ship.
Bulbous Bow 7

Wave Resistance

• The wave system

generated by the bulb
interferes with the wave
system of the ship.
• The length of the bulb
defines the phase of
interference and its
volume determines the
width of its wave system.

Bulbous Bow 8

Usage of the Bulb

• The bulbous bow, by changing the entrance angles of the waterlines

and the volume distribution, represents an effective mean of
reducing the wave resistance
• The bulb shape must be adjusted to the design conditions:
– Generally at low speeds the effect of the bulb is negative. When
the Froude Number (FN) increases, its effect becomes positive
and increases up to a maximum value.
– From this point upwards, when the FN tends to the infinity, the
effect of the bulb tends to zero.
Bulbous Bow 9

Bulbous Bow Shapes

Bulbous Bow 10

Bulb Geometry (1)

Linear Form Coefficients BB Breadth

C BB = Coefficient

LPR Length
LPP Coefficient

ZB Height
C ZB = Coefficient

LPR = protruding length of

BB = bulb breadth at FP
Bulbous Bow 11

Bulb Geometry (2)

Non-Linear Form Coefficients

ABT Cross-section
AMS Coefficient

ABL Longitudinal Section

AMS Coefficient

VPR Volumetric
∇ Coefficient

Taylor Coefficient (for fast ships)

t = LPP ⋅ tg ( sac ) / ⎡⎣ 2 ⋅ ( AMS − ABT )⎤⎦ sac = angle of the standardized SAC
with the horizontal, at the FP
Bulbous Bow 12

Types of Bulb Sections (1)

Delta type Oval type Nabla type

Bulbous Bow 13

Types of Bulb Sections (2)

Type Δ Type () Type ∇

Examples Taylor bulbs Elliptical More common

Pear shaped bulbs Circular
Lens shaped
Application “U” shaped hulls “U” or “V” “V” shaped hulls
Large variations shaped hulls Clearly defined
of draught loaded and
Observations More susceptible Less
of slamming susceptible of
Bulbous Bow 14

Integration in the Hull

• Addition
– Sectional Area Curve is kept

• Implicit
– Sectional Area Curve is
changed, part of the volume of
the bulb is distributed aft of
the FWD PP

Bulbous Bow 15

Bulb Design (1)

Height of Point of Maximum Protuberance

0.35 < H B T < 0.55

Length Coefficient
• Bulb for Ballast Condition
C LPR = 0.1811 ⋅ C B ⋅ B + 0.0074

• Bulb for Loaded and Ballast Conditions

C LPR = 0.2642 ⋅ C B ⋅ B + 0.0046
• Bulbs from a Similar Ship
The subscript <0>
C LPR = C LPP 0 + 0.08 ⋅ (C B − C B 0 ) − 0.004 ⋅ ⎛⎜ LPP ⋅ PP 0 ⎞⎟
refers to the base
⎝ B B0 ⎠
Bulbous Bow 16

Bulb Design (2)

Section Area Coefficient

• In the range of values 0.22 < FN < 1.45 the section area at
FP can be related to the Froude number by the expression

C ABT = 40 ⋅ FN − 3.5

• Typical values of CABT

General Cargo 7 – 10%

Bulk Carriers 9 – 12%
Tankers 10 – 14%

Bulbous Bow 17

Bulb Design (3)

Breadth Coefficient ( CBB x 100 )

0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 • The values from the
4.80 5.6 6.2 6.6 7.2 7.9 8.6 9.3 table can be applied to
5.00 5.8 6.4 6.9 7.4 8.2 8.8 9.5 bulbs with approx.
5.20 6.1 6.7 7.3 7.8 8.4 9.0 9.8
ZB/T = 0.45.
5.40 6.3 6.9 7.6 8.1 8.6 9.3 10.1 • For higher or lower
5.60 6.5 7.2 7.8 8.4 8.9 9.6 10.4
values, the coefficients
shall be increased or
5.80 6.7 7.4 8.0 8.6 9.2 9.9 10.7
reduced by 0.1% for
6.00 6.9 7.6 8.2 8.8 9.5 10.2 11.0 each 0.01 difference,
6.20 7.2 7.9 8.5 9.1 9.7 10.5 11.3 respectively.
6.40 7.5 8.1 8.7 9.3 10.0 10.8 11.6
6.60 7.8 8.4 9.0 9.6 10.3 11.1 11.9
6.80 8.0 8.6 9.2 9.8 10.5 11.4 12.2
7.00 8.2 8.8 9.4 10.0 10.7 11.6 12.5
7.20 8.4 8.9 9.6 10.2 11.0 Bow
Bulbous 11.8 12.8 18

Determination Main Bulb Dimensions

Vs, Lwl Suggested methodology

(Alvarino & al, 1997)
Calc Fn

Calc Cabt Abt

Similar ships
0.35 < (Zb/T) < 0.55
Estimate (Zb/T) Zb

Lpp/B, Cb


Calc Cbb Bb
Design load condition
Similar ship
Calc Clpr Lpr

Bulbous Bow 19

Advantages of the Bulbous Bow (1)

• The bulbous bow has several important advantages and does

not present relevant disadvantages:
– Reduces the bow wave, due to the wave generated by the bulb
itself, making the ship more efficient in terms of energy
– Increases the ship’s waterline length, slightly increasing the
ship speed, reducing the installed power requirements and so
the fuel oil consumption

Bulbous Bow 20

Advantages of the Bulbous Bow (2)

– Works as a robust “bumper" in the event of a collision

– Allows the installation of the bow thrusters at a foremost
position, making it more efficient
– Allows a larger reserve of flotation or a larger ballast capacity
– Reduces the pitch movement (cabeceio)

Bulbous Bow 21

Aspects of the Initial Bulb Design

• The bulb shall never emerge completely. The point at the

forward extremity shall be at the level of the waterline

• Distribution of the bulb volume

– Too much immersion doe not produce any effect
– Volume concentrated longitudinally near the free surface
increases the effect of interference in waves

• The waterlines at the bulb extremity should have a thin

shape but not circular, to avoid the flow separation

• The bulb is advantageous in ice navigation – the ice blocks

slide along the bulb with their “wet” side, which has a lower
friction coefficient
Bulbous Bow 22

Use of CFD on Bulb Design and Analysis

Bulb Hydrodynamic Analysis

• Based on the experience, the

designer must evaluate if:
– The length of the bulb is
adequate to the considered
– The overpressure generated
at the sides of the bulb is
– The bow flare does not
increase too much the height
of the wave at the bulb
Combined representation of the
wave profile, the distribution of
the hydrodynamic pressure
(colors) and of the flow lines
Bulbous Bow 24

Optimization of the Bulb with CFD (1)

• The bulbs shall be designed for the operational profile os

the ship and not only to the full load condition

• The bulb that reduces the most the fuel needed for the
required operational profile shall be the one selected

Bulbous Bow 25

Optimization of the Bulb with CFD (2)

Representation of the contours of wave height

Bulbous Bow 26

Non-Linear Analysis do Potential Flow (1)

• The figure shows two different bulbs, the one PS much larger than
the SB.
• The contours on the hull represent the gradients of the dynamic

Bulbous Bow 27

Non-Linear Analysis do Potential Flow (2)

• It can be concluded from the figure that the side of the smallest
bulb has larger crests and deeper caves, resulting in a larger

Bulbous Bow 28

Examples of Bulb Shapes

Bulbs in Merchant Ships (1)

Example of a bulb of addition, with

a knuckle in the intersection with
the hull.

Bulbous Bow 30

Bulbs in Merchant Ships (2)

Examples of bulbs integrated in

the hull.

Bulbous Bow 31

Bulbs in Merchant Ships (3)

Examples of bulbs integrated in

the hull shape.

Bulbous Bow 32

Bulbs in Merchant Ships (4)

Bulbous Bow 33

Simplified Bulb Shapes (1)

• To reduce the production costs, several

simplified bulb forms have been
• These bulbs are compromises between
the hydrodynamic efficiency and the
reduction of the production costs
• Some guidelines, to be used as possible:
• Avoid plates with double curvature
• Use conic plates
• Decrease the curvature of the
free-form curved plates,
decomposing them into smaller ones

Bulbous Bow 34

Simplified Bulb Shapes (2)

Bulb built from simplified conic shapes (Lamb, 1986 )

Bulbous Bow 35

Simplified Bulb Shapes (3)

Bulb integrated and bulb of addition, with knuckle, avoiding a stem with a
component in cast steel (Lamb, 1986 ).

Bulbous Bow 36

Bulbs in Military Ships

Aircraft Carrier George Washington

Bulbous Bow 37

Bulbs in Small Craft (1)

Bulbous Bow 38

Bulbs in Small Craft (2)

Bulbous Bow 39

Design for Construction

Distribution of plates

Development of the Bulb Plates

Bulbous Bow 40

Manufacture and Assembly

Bulbous Bow 41

Adding a Bulb

Addition of bulb to a
pleasure craft in composite
Bulbous Bow 42

Bibliography (1)

9 Alvarino, Ricardo; Azpíroz, Juan José e Meizoso, Manuel (1997), “El

Proyecto Básico del Buque Mercante”, Fundo Editorial de Ingeniería
Naval, Colegio de Ingenieros Navales.
9 Chen, P-F, Huang, C-H, Fang, M-C, Chou, J-H (2006), “An Inverse
Design Approach in Determining the Optimal Shape of Bulbous Bow
with Experimental Verification”, Journal of Ship Research, Vol.50,
No.1, pp.1-14. (CD-ROM#41)
• Couch and Moss (????), “Application of Large Protruding Bulbs to
Ships of High Block Coefficient”, SNAME Transactions.
• Hoyle, Cheng, Hays, Johnson and Nehring (????), “A Bulbous Bow
Design Methodology for High-Speed Ships”, SNAME Transactions.
• Kracht (1970), “A Theoretical Contribution to the Wave-Resistance
Problem of Ship-Bulb Combinations: Verification of the
Negativeness of the Interaction Term”, Journal of Ship Research,

Bulbous Bow 43

Bibliography (2)

9 Kracht (1978), “Design of Bulbous Bows”, SNAME Transactions.

• Lamb, Thomas (1986), “Engineering for Ship Production”, SNAME.
• Lee, K.J. and Sarath, E.S. (2005), "Optimized Design of Hull Form
and Bulbous Bow for ULCS", Proceedings of The Fifteenth (2005)
International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Seoul,
9 Pérez, Francisco ; Suárez, José A.; Clemente, Juan A. and Souto,
Antonio (2007), "Geometric Modelling of Bulbous Bows with the use
of Non-Uniform Rational B-spline Surfaces", Journal of Marine
Science and Technology, Vol.12, Number 2, June 2007, pp. 83-94.
9 Sharma, R. and Sha, O.P. (2005), "Practical Hydrodynamic Design of
Bulbous Bows for Ships", Naval Engineers Journal, Vol.117, No.1,

Bulbous Bow 44

Bibliography (3)

• Smith and Salvesen (1970), “Comparison of Ship-Motion Theory and

Experiment for Destroyer with Large Bulb”, Journal of Ship
Research, March 1970.
• Yim (1974), “A Simple Design Theory and Method for Bulbous Bows
of Ships”, Journal of Ship Research, Sept. 1974.

Bulbous Bow 45

Annex A. Some Bulb Design Patents

Conical Bulbous Bow (1)

• A novel bulbous bow for bulk carriers comprises a conical bulb with
a faired nose, with the axis of the cone substantially parallel to the
longitudinal axis of the ship.
• In a preferred embodiment the cone is a right circular cone and
the faired nose is substantially a hemisphere. More particularly,
the included angle of the cone is in the range of five to twenty
• Although the cone could be faired into the hull, preferably it is not.
• The longitudinal centerline of the bulb is located between 45 and
60 percent of the design draft below the design waterline.
• The preferred extension of the bulb, beyond the forward
perpendicular, is proportional to the square of design speed with
the proportionality factor in the range of 0.015 to 0.04 and
preferably 0.035.

United States Patent 3946687 (1976)

Bulbous Bow 47

Conical Bulbous Bow (2)

• The cross-sectional area

of the bulb at the
forward perpendicular
may be in the range from
10 to 20 percent of the
amidships cross-sectional
• The bulb, comprising
conical and hemispherical
sections, is easier and
less expensive to
fabricate than some of
the more complex shapes
shown in the prior art.

Bulbous Bow 48

Bulb Construction (1)

• Bulb for a ship

with small
variations of the
• Parameters <a>
and <b>, where
<b> has the order
of magnitude of
the height of the
bow wave

United States Patent

Bulbous Bow 3455262 (1969) 49

Bulb Construction (2)

• Bulb for ship with larger

variations of the

Bulbous Bow 50

Bulb Construction (3)

• Bulb for ships with

larger variations of the

Bulbous Bow 51

Bulb for Navigation in Ice (1)

• Bow shape patented by EcoShip Engineering based on

studies done at HSVA
• Presents a low resistance in ice and simultaneously a low
resistance in open waters

Bulbous Bow 52

Bulb for Navigation in Ice (2)

Bows tested in the HSVA

Bulbous Bow 53


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