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Edited Risk For Maternal

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Nursing Goals/ Nursing

Rationale Evaluation
Diagnosis Objectives Intervention

After the nursing  Review of  To check for The patient is

intervention, the previous presence of able to: 
patient will: pregnancy complications   Gain
 Verbalize  Note  Maternal age knowledge
understanding maternal age above 35 years old on the
of risk factors  Provide is associated with different
or conditions information increased risks. risks
that may and assist in  Detects factors and
impact ultrasonograp presence of conditions
pregnancy hy as complications that that may
 be indicated. may affect impact
engaged in  Assess pregnancy. pregnancy
necessary fetal heart rate  Tachycardia  Engage in
alterations in (FHR), noting in a term infant necessary
lifestyle and rate and may indicate a alterations
daily activities regularity compensatory in lifestyle
to manage  Facilitate mechanism to  Display
risks positive reduced oxygen fetal
Risk for  Display adaptation to levels and/or growth
Disturbed fetal growth presence of sepsis within
Maternal- within normal normal
Fetal Dyad
through active  Helps in
limits   listening, successful limits  
related to
complication acceptance accomplishment of
of pregnancy and problem the psychological
solving. tasks of pregnancy.
 Provide  Increases the
supplemental oxygen available
oxygen as for fetal uptake
indicated  To prevent
 Promote dehydration, which
fluid of may compromise
noncaffeinated optimal uterine
fluid per day functioning
 Encourage  Activity level
modified or may need
complete bed modification,
rest as depending on
indicated. symptoms of
uterine activity and
cervical changes.

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