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Optimization of the quantity take-off (QTO) process for

Mechanical, Electrical and plumbing (MEP) trades in tender

estimation phase of the construction projects
M.Rajabia, T.Biggab and M.A.Bartlc
Master of Infrastructure Planning, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Research Assistance, Department of Construction Management, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Head of technical organisation department, Max Boegl Group, Germany,,

1 Introduction
Nowadays, many leading construction companies
are still using 2D drawings, Microsoft Excel or other
spreadsheet programs to prepare tenders regarding The National Building Information Model Standard
MEP trades. 2D drawings are scanned and the (NBIMS) defines BIM as “a digital representation of
quantities of commodities are extracted and physical and functional characteristics of a facility” [1].
imported into spreadsheet programs. This method is In other words, BIM can be defined as the model of a
not accurate and transparent. In addition, too much facility which stores specific or generic information
time and effort is required to keep these files up to about its components as well as its whole lifecycle.
date. On the other hand, the variety of other Such information can be stored in Industry Foundation
solutions are developed to help estimators for a more Classes (IFC) formats. IFC lets BIM models be
accurate and transparent cord calculation. Building transferred easily from one software solution to another
Information Modelling (BIM) is one of the solving one without any problem regarding their format
methods. Nowadays, BIM is applied for many of the limitations.
construction projects, and its usage is growing up The benefits of using BIM and Virtual Design and
worldwide. Truly BIM has been used for Construction (VDC) technologies are listed out in many
Visualization, Clash detection, building design and research works which are done within last decade. As
very more other tasks in building industry; however, example S.Azhar [2] indicates the benefits of BIM as:
its acceptance for quantity take off (QTO) and
following, tender estimation is limited. Currently, - Faster and more effective processes,
not too many quantity surveyors (QS) are using BIM - Better design,
as normally a detailed building model is not - Controlled whole-life costs and environmental
available in the very early stage of a construction data,
project. This research work is done to develop a new - Better production quality,
workflow to use BIM for QTO regardless the
availability of a detailed Building model. It’s tried to In addition, A. Khanzode [3] did apply BIM/VDC
create some logics which simulate the required technologies for the coordination of MEP systems on a
quantities of the commodities. These logics can be $96.9 Million healthcare project in Northern California,
based on defined norms and standards or be created USA. The result of this implementation is:
according to the reached experience of QS.
Subsequently, they will be implemented in RIB - Labor saving ranging from 20% to 30% for all
iTWO to create the variable wizards. These wizards the MEP subcontractors.
create a better user interface to be used by QS for - 100% pre-fabrication for the plumbing
QTO. contractor.
- Only one recorded injury throughout the
Keywords installation of MEP systems over a 23,000
square meters project area.
MEP; RIB iTWO; QTO; Building Model; logics - Less than 0.2% rework for the whole project
for the mechanical subcontractor.
- Zero conflicts in the field installation of the
- 6 months saving on the schedule. MEP 13%
- About $9 Million saving in cost for the overall
project. Structural 42%

On the other hand, B. Becerik implemented an Architectural 46%

industry-wide online survey in 2009. According to this
survey, mainly BIM is used for visualization, clash
detection, building design and as-built model [4]. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
Figure 1 indicates the result of this survey. As it’s Figure 2: BIM models created by U.S contractors
shown, just for around 28% of the construction projects, for QTO [5]
model based estimation is implemented!
Interestingly, A. Sattineni has studied how often the
models received from architect or engineer; contain all
Visualization 63,8% necessary information to perform a quantity take-off.
Clash Detection 60,7% The result is indicated in Figure 3. As it’s shown, just
60,4% 22% of received models are fully qualified to be used
Building Design
for QTO regarding MEP trades.
As-Built Model 42,1%

Building Assembly 40,6%

Construction Sequencing MEP 22%
Program/massing Studies 31,9%

Model Based Estimation 27,9% Structural 22%

Feasibility Studies 24,1%

Alternative Development 23,8% Architectural 15%

Direct Fabrication 23,2%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%
Environmental Analysis

Code Review 16,4% Figure 3: Completed received model from

Architect or Engineer [5]
Facilities Management
LEED Certification So obviously, mostly contractors are unable to use
Forensic Analysis 1,2% the models for estimating purposes, as provided by their
0% 40% 80%
design counterparts and QTO process cannot be limited
to the 3D model.
Figure 1: Tasks BIM is used for [4] Within this study, firstly some logics and relations
are defined and developed to count the quantities of
So although, BIM has brought too many advantages used commodities in a project when no building model
for construction industry, it’s usage for QTO and tender is available. They can be created based on available
estimation is limited (28%). Moreover, A. Sattineni [5] norms and standards or according to the reached
has conducted a survey of construction practitioners to experience of QS. As much as these logics are accurate,
determine the extent to which estimating processes were the QTO and subsequently the estimation will be
automated in the conjunction industry, with the data accurate. Following, these logics will be implemented in
from a BIM model. Figure 2 demonstrates a comparison the available software solutions to have a better user
of how often survey participants created and used the interface. For this purposes, RIB iTWO is used and
BIM models for QTO. As it’s shown, only 13% of based on developed logics, some variable wizards are
contractors are using BIM models for QTO regarding created. Basically, these wizards are same with the
MEP trades; however, 46 % of them are using defined logics with this difference that they can have a
Architectural building model for QTO. better interaction with user. Shortly, theses wizards are
created to request necessary information from the user,
analyze them and finally print the best answer.
For this research work, a virtual industrial building
is selected. Following, the above mentioned logics, for
the used lamps and radiators in this pilot project are model for MEP trades in tender estimation phase,
defined and developed. although a detailed model always help to have a more
transparent and accurate result in tendering and all other
oncoming phases of a construction project.
2 Preparation of the building model
optimization point
As it’s shown in Figure 4, this study is focused on
South-west part of a virtual industrial building where CAD Model Low level of detail
MEP equipments are modelled.
This building model is created by StabiCAD which iTWO High level of detail
is run on Revit MEP platform. By StabiCAD, there is
this possibility to select the exact production lines from Figure 2 - optimization point [6]
its database to draw MEP equipments. As the result, the
exact geometry and properties (the ones that are
published by manufactures) of the drawn equipments
3 Quantity take-off for the modelled
are available in the created BIM model.

One of the Prerequisite steps before preparing

tenders is to take off the quantities of all equipments and
materials which will be used in the construction project.
Within this research work, it’s tried to take off all
required information from the building model regardless
its detailed level!
To start this process, the created building model is
imported into RIB iTWO. Figure 5 indicates the
imported electrical commodities.

Figure 4: Building Model [6]

“The length of the bidding period (time between the

invitation to tender and the closing date) typically varies
from four to eight weeks”[7]. In this short period, it’s Figure 5: Electrical Equipments
not possible to create a detailed model. Obviously by
increasing the available time, more detailed building As the created BIM model contains the exact
model can be created. So in the first step, it’s necessary properties information of drawn articles, these
to define the detailed level of the tender models. properties information are available in RIB iTWO as
According to figure 2, less amount of logics and content well. Three different production lines for lamps are
should be developed in accounting software solutions, if available within the BIM model. They are defined in
more detailed tender model be available. On the other Table 1 and shown in Figure 5.
hand, much more work is needed to be done in
accounting software solutions, when less detailed Table 1: Production lines
building model is available. Considering the developed Lamps Production line Manufacture
contents and logics can be used for all following Down light Panos Zumtobel
projects, it will be more efficient to develop once these LED Fluorescent E-Line T-5 Trilux
General GentleSpace gen2 Philips
contents and use them for all on coming projects. In this
case there is no essential need to have detailed building
Following, these three production lines are be assigned to a work item. Work items can be created
categories in three different groups since they have in one project (master project) and be saved in iTWO
different unit costs. In general, all equipments with database. In this way, they can be used for all oncoming
same unit price and same unit of measurements will be projects. It should be mentioned, work items can be
placed in one category. This task is done by the help of defined for all equipments regardless being available in
search sets in RIB iTWO. They are written based on the 3D model or not. When a work item is created, its
imported properties. Figure 6 indicates a sample search relative search set will be assigned to it. As the result,
set. With defining a standard template, these search sets the work item perceives its assigned articles. Then a
can be exported as an .xml file and used for all other question query should be written. This query will ask
oncoming projects. about the quantities of the equipments which are
assigned to the work item. Figure 8 indicates a question
quarry which is written to take off the number of lamps
within each search set.

Figure 8 : A sample question query

Figure 6: Written query for a search set
Within this question query, QTO refers to quantity
This query first picks up all equipments which are take-off. This query counts the number of equipments
modelled in Electrical layer (358 = electrical). Then it which are assigned to a work item and its unit is stuck.
searches for all equipments which their Revit category If it be necessary, other queries can be written to take of
name is “light”. In the next step, all articles which their the length, area or volume of their assigned
Revit family name is “general light” are selected. It commodities. As the result, the quantities of
should be mentioned, within this query,”and” condition commodities (Stuck, Length or volume) in each search
is written. It means the selected articles have all the set are counted automatically. In other words, the
written conditions. quantities of the articles are extracted from the model
Figure 7 shows the result of each search set for and by linking the unit price, cost can be calculated.
available lamps in the model. They are down light
lamps, General lamps and LED Fluorescent lamps as
mentioned in Table 1. 4 Quantity take-off for not modelled

Now it’s desirable to find out the quantities of lamps

which are not modelled. It can be done by the help of
variable wizards in RIB iTWO. Figure 9 shows the logic
which is defined to calculate the quantities of such
lamps. In the defined variable wizard, the first question
is if a building model is available or not. If the answer
be “no”, the user is requested to select the type of room
or area. The available options to be selected and their
standard illumination level (Lux) are shown in Table

Table 2: Light level [8]

Public areas with dark surroundings 20 - 50
Working areas where visual tasks are
100 - 150
only occasionally performed
Figure 7: The Lamps Homes, Theatres 150
Easy Office Work 250
After categorizing the commodities, it’s turn to Normal Office Work, PC Work, 500
Supermarkets 750
create work items. Each category of commodities has to
Then the used up production lines are going to be Moreover, the Lux level of each lamp is available in
queried. Some limited production lines (the ones which their commodity catalogs in iTWO. With assumption of
were mostly used in previous projects) are defined in 30 Lux for this downlight lamp, 25 lamps of this
the database of each variable wizard. One of these specific type will be required for the mentioned
products can be selected for estimation. supermarket.

Figure 10: Quantities of lamps

Moreover, according to each production line, more

necessary options can be presented. Such as example,
within Figure 11, E-Line T-5 from Trilux is selected as
the used lamp in our construction project. It’s known,
when E-Line t-5 is going to be applied, DIN rails should
be used between the lamps as well. This logic is defined
within the database of the wizard. So another filed will
appear and user will be requested to select the type of
DIN rail. Then the image of selected DIN rail will be

Figure 9: Quantity takes off for lamps (without


Within the next step, according to the standard

illumination level of the area and the standard Lux for Figure 11: Available options in the variable
each lamp, the quantities of the required lamps will be wizard
calculated. Figure 10 indicates a part of the variable
wizard for this pilot project. This wizard can be On the other hand, in the very early stage of a
assigned to different work items. By selecting one work construction project, usually user has no information
item, the wizard will be opened automatically. regarding the type of lamps which will be implemented
As it’s shown in Figure 10, there is no geometry data in the project. So a variable wizard can be developed to
for this work item (lamp) in the model. So the “model help users in this case. This is indicated in Figure 12.
available” option is not selected. Following, the type of As it’s shown, a drop-down list can be appeared and
area is selected as “supermarket” which should have user be requested to select a category of lamps. For
750 lux (lumen/m2) light level according to Table 2. example, for this study, there categories are defined.
They are: rooms, Kitchen, WC and stairs. These areas are sub-
divided since their standard thermal level can be
- Expensive or high quality lamps different!
- Middle quality lamps Once user does select office areas (selecting the
- Cheap or low quality lamps. check-box), a new tab will be shown. It’s called”office”
and the required number of radiators for all office areas
Then the unit price can be assigned to each category will be calculated there. The view of this tab is shown in
and later on, the cord calculation be generated. Figure 14.

Figure 12: Categories of the lamps

So shortly as it was discussed, variable wizards can

be used, firstly to take off the quantities of the required
lamps when no building model is available and then
assign a production line or a category of lamps to each
work item.

5 Quantity take-off for not modelled

radiators Figure 14: Number of radiators for offices

As it’s indicated, firstly the user is requested about

The QTO for radiators which are modelled are quite the total size of the office areas. Since a building model
similar to QTO for modelled lamps. In this section, it’s is not available, user has to import such information
explained how variable wizards can be used to count the manually. Here, in Figure 14, 250 m2 is imported as the
required number of radiators when no building model is total size of office areas. For the case if a building
available. So a variable wizard is created and shown in model be available, the size of office areas will be
Figure 13. requested directly from the model and pasted in the
variable wizard. It can be done by available question
queries in RIB iTWO. These queries are written once
and will be used for all oncoming projects.
Since the standard thermal level of bigger office
rooms is smaller than the standard thermal level of
smaller ones, two different categories of offices are
defined. They are:

- Offices which are bigger than 25 m2

- Offices which are smaller than 25 m2
Figure 13 : Variable wizard for radiators
It’s assumed the standard thermal level for small
As it’s indicated in Figure 13, firstly the user is office rooms is 60 W/m2 and for bigger ones is 50 W/m2.
asked if a model is available. For this case, no geometry Following, the total size of big offices are imported. For
model is available so “no model” is selected from drop- this example, 150 m2 of all office areas are belonging to
down box. Following, user is able to select a building offices which are bigger than 25 m2.
type. The possible selections are Offices, Supermarkets, Moreover, normally, radiators are installed under the
schools and houses which can be selected from drop- available windows within a room or area. So it can be
down box. When office building is selected, variable assumed, the total number of required radiators are the
wizard suggests different available areas within an same with total number of available windows in a room.
office building. They are office rooms, conference As the result, subsequently, the user is requested to
import the total number of windows. It should be 6 Conclusion
mentioned, if a building model be available, these
number can be requested directly from the model and
pasted within variable wizard. For this example, 10 Nowadays, BIM has applied for many of the
windows are available in all office areas. So according construction projects and its advantages are seen. For
to the ratio of the office sizes, variable wizard has example, A. Khanzode did implement BIM and VDC
suggested six radiators for smaller offices (smaller than technologies for coordination of MEP systems on a
25 m2) and 4 radiators for bigger ones. User can decide $96.9 Million healthcare project and the final result was
to accept the suggested numbers or not. In Figure 14, saving $9 Million for the overall project [3]. Moreover,
the user has accepted the suggested number of radiators B. Becerik has found, BIM is used mainly for
for small offices; however he has chosen five radiators visualisation, clash detection, building design and as-
for bigger offices. build model; however its usage for model based
Subsequently, according to the number of radiators, estimation is limited [4]. On the other hand, A. Sattineni
the standard thermal level of the area and the size of did indicate that only 13% of the US contractors do
each category of offices, the minimum required amount create a BIM model for QTO regarding MEP trades and
of watt (W) for each radiator is calculated and shown. interestingly, just 22% of the received models from
Following, the user is requested to select the production architects or engineers are qualified to be used for QTO
line of radiators which is going to be used in the [5]. To sum up with it, it will be true to state,
implementation phase of the project. Firstly, a category unfortunately, the usage of BIM between quantity
of radiators should be selected. It can be chosen from surveyors is limited; however very research work about
drop-down box. According to the German market, the effect of BIM on construction industry have done
following categories are defined in the database of the and its benefits ,somehow, are discovered. One of the
variable wizard. main reasons for the mentioned problem is, normally in
the very early stage of a construction project no detailed
- Convectors radiators 3D model is available. With considering BIM is not
- Plan Valve Compact limited to a detailed 3D model, this research work has
- Profile Valve compact tried to develop a workflow to use BIM regardless the
- Column radiators availability of a detailed building model. A scenario is
developed to use logical relations between MEP
Subsequently, a production line should be selected. systems for QTO regarding used commodities within a
For each category of radiators, around 10-15 different construction projects. These logics are developed once
production lines are defined and user will be request to and will be used for all oncoming projects. As accurate
select one of them. Interestingly, the production lines these relations and logics are, the accurate will be the
which produce less amount of calculated watt will not final reached quantities. Following, when a logic is
be shown to be chosen. developed, it will be applied in the available software
Following, when a production line is selected, solutions, and a better user interface will be created. For
automatically it will be shown in the bill of quantities. this research work, RIB iTWO is used and based on
Such as example, in Figure 15 two production lines of developed logics and relations, some variable wizards
radiators from plan valve compact and column radiators are created. These variable wizards are used by quantity
are activated since they are selected from variable surveyors when no detailed building model is available.
wizard. The production lines from other categories of In addition, some of the most common production lines
radiators are inactivated since they are not selected from of commodities which were used in the previous
variable wizard. construction projects can be added to the databank of
the variable wizard. It helps quantity surveyors to pick
up the most common production lines which will be
used later on in the implementation of the construction
project. In other words, by using variable wizards,
information phase of BIM can become specific.
Moreover, different versions of tender based on
Figure 15: Bill of quantity for radiators different used commodities, can be prepared and sent to
client. As the result, in a very shorter time frame more
This variable wizard is developed to help estimators accurate estimations can be generated.
when no building model is available or when it’s not
clear which production line will be used. By selecting
one of the most common production lines, more
accurate result can be achieved.

[1] Facility Information Council. National BIM

Standard. National Institutes of Building Sciences.
[2] Azhar. S, Hein.M and Sekto. B, Building
Information Modeling (BIM): Benefits, Risks and
challenges; Journal of American society of civil
engineering; 2011; 241-252
[3] Khanzode.A, Fischer. M, Reed.D; Benefits and
lessons learned of implementing building virtual
design and construction (VDC) technologies for
coordination of mechanical, electrical and
plumbing (MEP) systems on a large healthcare
project; Journal of Information Technology in
Construction; 2008; 324-342
[4] Becerik-Gerber.B, Rice.S; The perceived value of
Building Information Modelling in the U.S
Building Industry; Journal of Information
Technology in Construction; 2010; 185-201
[5] Sattineni. A, Bradford. H; Estimating with BIM, a
survey of US construction companies; 31st
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[6] Rajabi.M; Bigga. T and Bartl.M.A; cloud based
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[7] World health organization. Managing the tender
process. on line:
98en/s19598en.pdf, Accessed: 16/01/2015
[8] The Engineering ToolBox. On line:
rooms-d_708.html, Accessed: 15/01/2015

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