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SCOTUS - Boy Scouts of America Et Al v. Dale - Syllabus

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(Bench Opinion) OCTOBER TERM, 1999 1


NOTE: Where it is feasible, a syllabus (headnote) will be released, as is

being done in connection with this case, at the time the opinion is issued.
The syllabus constitutes no part of the opinion of the Court but has been
prepared by the Reporter of Decisions for the convenience of the reader.
See United States v. Detroit Timber & Lumber Co., 200 U. S. 321, 337.





No. 99–699. Argued April 26, 2000— Decided June 28, 2000
Petitioners are the Boy Scouts of America and its Monmouth Council
(collectively, Boy Scouts). The Boy Scouts is a private, not-for-profit
organization engaged in instilling its system of values in young peo-
ple. It asserts that homosexual conduct is inconsistent with those
values. Respondent Dale is an adult whose position as assistant
scoutmaster of a New Jersey troop was revoked when the Boy Scouts
learned that he is an avowed homosexual and gay rights activist. He
filed suit in the New Jersey Superior Court, alleging, inter alia, that
the Boy Scouts had violated the state statute prohibiting discrimina-
tion on the basis of sexual orientation in places of public accommoda-
tion. That court’s Chancery Division granted summary judgment for
the Boy Scouts, but its Appellate Division reversed in pertinent part
and remanded. The State Supreme Court affirmed, holding, inter
alia, that the Boy Scouts violated the State’s public accommodations
law by revoking Dale’s membership based on his avowed homosexu-
ality. Among other rulings, the court held that application of that
law did not violate the Boy Scouts’First Amendment right of expres-
sive association because Dale’s inclusion would not significantly af-
fect members’ ability to carry out their purposes; determined that
New Jersey has a compelling interest in eliminating the destructive
consequences of discrimination from society, and that its public ac-
commodations law abridges no more speech than is necessary to ac-
complish its purpose; and distinguished Hurley v. Irish-American Gay,
Lesbian and Bisexual Group of Boston, Inc., 515 U. S. 557, on the
ground that Dale’s reinstatement did not compel the Boy Scouts to ex-
press any message.
Held: Applying New Jersey’s public accommodations law to require the
Boy Scouts to admit Dale violates the Boy Scouts’First Amendment
right of expressive association. Government actions that unconstitu-


tionally burden that right may take many forms, one of which is in-
trusion into a group’s internal affairs by forcing it to accept a member
it does not desire. Roberts v. United States Jaycees, 468 U. S. 609,
623. Such forced membership is unconstitutional if the person’s
presence affects in a significant way the group’s ability to advocate
public or private viewpoints. New York State Club Assn., Inc. v. City
of New York, 487 U. S. 1, 13. However, the freedom of expressive as-
sociation is not absolute; it can be overridden by regulations adopted
to serve compelling state interests, unrelated to the suppression of
ideas, that cannot be achieved through means significantly less re-
strictive of associational freedoms. Roberts, 468 U. S., at 623. To de-
termine whether a group is protected, this Court must determine
whether the group engages in “expressive association.” The record
clearly reveals that the Boy Scouts does so when its adult leaders in-
culcate its youth members with its value system. See id., at 636.
Thus, the Court must determine whether the forced inclusion of Dale
would significantly affect the Boy Scouts’ability to advocate public or
private viewpoints. The Court first must inquire, to a limited extent,
into the nature of the Boy Scouts’viewpoints. The Boy Scouts asserts
that homosexual conduct is inconsistent with the values embodied in
the Scout Oath and Law, particularly those represented by the terms
“morally straight” and “clean,” and that the organization does not
want to promote homosexual conduct as a legitimate form of behav-
ior. The Court gives deference to the Boy Scouts’assertions regard-
ing the nature of its expression, see, Democratic Party of United States
v. Wisconsin ex rel. La Follette, 450 U. S. 107, 123–124. The Court then
inquires whether Dale’s presence as an assistant scoutmaster would
significantly burden the expression of those viewpoints. Dale, by his
own admission, is one of a group of gay Scouts who have become
community leaders and are open and honest about their sexual orien-
tation. His presence as an assistant scoutmaster would interfere
with the Scouts’choice not to propound a point of view contrary to its
beliefs. See Hurley, 515 U. S., at 576–577. This Court disagrees with
the New Jersey Supreme Court’s determination that the Boy Scouts’
ability to disseminate its message would not be significantly affected
by the forced inclusion of Dale. First, contrary to the state court’s
view, an association need not associate for the purpose of dissemi-
nating a certain message in order to be protected, but must merely
engage in expressive activity that could be impaired. Second, even if
the Boy Scouts discourages Scout leaders from disseminating views
on sexual issues, its method of expression is protected. Third, the
First Amendment does not require that every member of a group
agree on every issue in order for the group’s policy to be “expressive
association.” Given that the Boy Scouts’ expression would be bur-
Cite as: 530 U. S. ____ (2000) 3


dened, the Court must inquire whether the application of New Jer-
sey’s public accommodations law here runs afoul the Scouts’freedom
of expressive association, and concludes that it does. Such a law is
within a State’s power to enact when the legislature has reason to
believe that a given group is the target of discrimination and the law
does not violate the First Amendment. See, e.g., id., at 572. The
Court rejects Dale’s contention that the intermediate standard of re-
view enunciated in United States v. O’Brien, 391 U. S. 367, should be
applied here to evaluate the competing interests of the Boy Scouts
and the State. Rather, the Court applies an analysis similar to the
traditional First Amendment analysis it applied in Hurley. A state
requirement that the Boy Scouts retain Dale would significantly bur-
den the organization’s right to oppose or disfavor homosexual con-
duct. The state interests embodied in New Jersey’s public accommo-
dations law do not justify such a severe intrusion on the freedom of
expressive association. In so ruling, the Court is not guided by its
view of whether the Boy Scouts’teachings with respect to homosexual
conduct are right or wrong; public or judicial disapproval of an or-
ganization’s expression does not justify the State’s effort to compel
the organization to accept members in derogation of the organiza-
tion’s expressive message. While the law may promote all sorts of con-
duct in place of harmful behavior, it may not interfere with speech for
no better reason than promoting an approved message or discouraging a
disfavored one, however enlightened either purpose may seem. Hurley,
supra, at 579. Pp. 5–17.
160 N. J. 562, 734 A. 2d 1196, reversed and remanded.

REHNQUIST, C. J., delivered the opinion of the Court, in which

filed a dissenting opinion, in which SOUTER, GINSBURG, and BREYER,
JJ., joined. SOUTER, J., filed a dissenting opinion, in which GINSBURG
and BREYER, JJ., joined.

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