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Form 4 Chapter 2 & 3 (Structure of Atom & Chemical Formulae & Equation) Spot in Structure / Essay !!
[SPM 2015 Chap 2 (Structure P2) : Reaction between HCl gas and NH3 gas]
a) able to define isotope : Atoms of same element with same number of proton but different number of neutron.
b) able to draw and describe atomic structure of an atom.

1)Explain the diffusion of bromine particles throughout the two gas jar.
- Bromine gas consist of tiny and discrete particles.
- When cover is removed, the bromine molecules move randomly from higher concentration region to lower
concentration region

2 .Master all the calculation from chapter 3 and chapter 7

Concentration in gdm-3 Concentration in mol dm-3 (molarity)

mass of solute (g) Number of moles of solute (mol)
volume of solution (dm3) ÷1000 volume of solution (dm3)
* if volume in cm3 , must convert to dm3 first (cm3  dm3)
Conversion of units of concentration Number of moles , ( liquid )
÷ Molar mass Number of moles = MV
Concentration Molarity M = molarity ( mol dm-3 )
(g dm-3 ) × Molar mass (mol dm-3 ) V = Volume of solution ( dm3)
Neutralisation reaction Dilution method
( acid + alkali  salt and water )
MaVa = a
MbVb b

Stoichiometric calculation
Step 1:
Convert a given quantity (mass / volume ; given molarity& volume) into number of moles.
Step 2:
Write a balanced equation
Step 3:
Based on the mole ratio, determine the number of moles of the unknown quantity.
Step 4:
Convert the calculated number of moles into required quantity ( mass ; volume; molarity ).

3. Describe an experiment to determine empirical formula of magnesium oxide – Not in Essay section before!
- Include a labelled diagram
- procedures
- Data
- Show the calculation in table form to determine the empirical formula of magnesium oxide

Prepared by : Mr. Patrick Chai, SMK Rosli Dhoby, Sibu

Edited by : Siti norhayati Mohd mokhtar

4. Experiment to determine the melting point of substance X (Only Asked once in SPM 1997)

(water) / (oil) - depend on the m/p of substance X given

Substance X

- Include labelled diagram

- Procedure
- Tabulation of data
- Interpreting data ( Sketch the graph of temperature against time + and show the way how to determine the
- Conclusion

Form 4 Chapter 4 & Chapter 5 Spot in Structure and Essay!!

[2015 chapter 4: Structure Section A : Atoms of group 1 elements]
(*Long time not set in essay part since 2006)
1. Remember to put the word of *ATOM* OR *MOLECULE* for the explanation
Eg : Sodium atom has a higher tendency to donate its valence electron // The Van der Waals
forces of attraction between molecules become stronger.

Practice all the balanced chemical equations for all the reactions in group 1 and group17
Group 1 + water Group 17 + water
2Na + 2H2O  2 NaOH + H2 Cl2 + H2O  HCl + HOCl
Group 1 + oxygen Group 17 + NaOH
4Li + O2  2Li2O Cl2 + 2NaOH  NaCl + NaOCl + H2O
Group 1 + halogen Group 17 + iron
2K + 2Cl2  2 KCl 3Cl2 + 2Fe  2 FeCl3

Period 3 Na2O + H2O  2NaOH

Must able to explain the difference reactivity of elements when going down the group 1 and 17
• Atomic size of potassium atom is bigger than sodium atom
• Distance between nucleus and valence electron of potassium atom is further than sodium atom
• The forces of attraction between nucleus and valence electron of potassium atom is weaker than
sodium atom
• Potassium atom is easier to release its valence electron than sodium atom
• Hence potassium atom is more reactive than sodium atom


• Atomic size of chlorine atom is smaller than bromine atom
• Distance between nucleus and valence electron of chlorine atom is nearer than bromine atom
• The force of attraction / strength of nucleus to attract electron into its outermost shell of chlorine
atom is stronger than bromine atom
• Hence ,Cl atom is more reactive than Br atom
Must able to explain the why the atomic size of Cl is smaller than Na
• Number of proton in the nucleus of Cl atom is bigger than that of Na atom [ Reject : Proton number]
• The force of attraction of nucleus on valence electron of chlorine atom is stronger than bromine
• Hence , the shells occupied with electrons in Cl atom are pulled closer to the nucleus

Prepared by : Mr. Patrick Chai, SMK Rosli Dhoby, Sibu

Edited by : Siti norhayati Mohd mokhtar

Form 4 chapter 5 (Chemical Bonds) Spot in Essay!!

[2014 chapter 5 : Structure Section A - Physical properties of ionic and covalent compound (small part only)]
b) Able to explain and draw the electron arrangement of ionic compound and covalent compound correctly

Explain the formation of ionic bond and covalent bond + draw the electron arrangement
Pt1: The electron arrangement of Magnesium atom is 2.8.2 Pt1 : Electron arrangement of atom D is 2.4.
Pt2 : The electron arrangement of chlorine atom is 2.8.7 Pt2 : Electron arrangement of atom E is 2.6.
Pt3 : In order to achieve a stable octet electron arrangement Pt3 : In order to achieve a stable octet electron arrangement,
Pt4 : A Magnesium atom donates 2 electrons to form a Pt4 : An atom D contribute 4 electrons for sharing
positive ion , Mg2+ . Pt5 : Each of two atom E contribute 2 electrons for sharing
Pt5 : Each of the two chlorine atom receives 1 electron to Pt6 : Atom D share electrons with 2 atoms E to form
form negative ion , Cl- . covalent bond
Pt6 : Mg2+ and Cl- are attracted together by strong Pt7 : Covalent compound, DE2 is formed.
electrostatic force Pt 8 & Pt 9 :
Pt7 : to form an ionic compound, MgCl2
Pt8 & Pt9 :

Explain the differences of physical property of ionic compound and covalent compoundfrom aspect electrical condu
ctivity and the melting point
Ionic compound ions Covalent compound -molecules
-The ions are attracted together by strong electrostatic -The molecules are attracted together by weak Van Der
force Waals force
-More heat energy is required to overcome the forces of -Less heat energy is required to overcome the forces of
attraction between the ions attraction between the molecules
AQUEOUS STATE - consists only neutral molecules
-the ions can move freely - No freely moving ions are present

Examples of Open Response Essay

Compounds M and N are two white solids at room temperature. A small amount of of solids M and N are added
separately to 5 cm3 of distilled water in two different test tubes and shaken well. The results obtained are shown in
Table 9.

Compound M N
Observation The white solid remains The white solid N dissolves
unchanged in the water. and a colourless solution is
Table 9
The student carried out another experiment to study the electrical conductivity of compounds M and N in the solid
and molten states.
By using a suitable examples of compound M an compound N, describe an experiment how you can differentiate
compound M and compound N based on their electrical conductivity in the solid and molten states. [10 marks]
Pt1 : Compound M : _____________________________________________________________________
Pt2 : Compund N : ________________________________________________________________________
[reject : polyatomic ion, eg : sodium sulphate / sodium hydroxide]
Pt3 - pt8 : Writing the procedures to conduct the experiment .

Prepared by : Mr. Patrick Chai, SMK Rosli Dhoby, Sibu

Edited by : Siti norhayati Mohd mokhtar

Pt9 & pt 10 : Results of the experiment

Substance State of substance Observation
Compound M Solid The bulb does not glow
Molten The bulb does not glow
Compound N Solid The bulb does not glow
Molten The bulb glows brightly

Pt 11 : Conclusion of the experiment

Compound M cannot conduct electricity in the solid and molten state. Compound N cannot conduct electricity in the solid
state but can conduct electricity in the molten state.

Form 4 chapter 6 (Electrolysis) Spot in essay and PAPER 3!!

[2015 : Structure Section A - Electrolysis of copper(II) sulphate solution by using different electrodes ]
a)Able to explain how to arrange metals based on potential difference (essay part)

Examples of Open response essay

Describe electroplating/purification experiment (Have asked once in essay on 2010)
1. Diagram for the set-up of apparatus
2. Procedures for conducting the experiments
3. Observations
4. Include half equation occured

Describe an experiment to prove chemical energy can be converted into electrical energy

Pt1 & Pt2 : Draw a labelled diagram for the set-up of apparatus
Pt 3 - Pt6 : Describe the procedures for conducting the experiment
Pt7 & pt8 : Observation : 1. Voltmeter shows reading
2. Observation at the positive and negative terminal
Pt9 & Pt10 : Half equation at the positive terminal and negative terminal

Displacement reaction
The arrangement of four metals in decreasing order of their electropositivity is shown below.

W, X, Y, Z
Decreasing order of electropositivity

You are provided with strips of metals W, X, Y and Z and nitrate solution of W, X, Y and Z respectively.
Describe an experiment to verify the arrangement of these metals.
Pt1 - Pt5 : Able to describe the procedures for conducting the experiment.
Pt6 : Tabulation of the result

Prepared by : Mr. Patrick Chai, SMK Rosli Dhoby, Sibu

Edited by : Siti norhayati Mohd mokhtar

Solution Nitrate of W Nitrate of X Nitrate of Y Nitrate of Z

W √ √ √
X X √ √
Y X X √

Pt7 - pt9 : Interpreting data - Describe how the arrangement is derived from the result
Pt10 : Conclusion

May come out in paper 3

Two students are discussing about the uses of electrolysis process to solve their problem.

Why my spoon rusts easily?

Mengapa sudu yang saya guna ini cepat Why not you electroplate it with silver
berkarat? or copper?
Mengapa awak tak menyadurnya
dengan argentum atau kuprum?

Based on the above situation, plan a laboratory experiment to electroplate an iron spoon with silver metal and copper metal
using the electrolysis process.
You are given silver nitrate solution and copper (II) nitrate solution.
Your planning must include the following items:
(a) Problem statement
(b) All the variables
(c) Statement of the hypothesis
(d) List of materials and apparatus
(e) Procedure of the experiment
(f) Tabulation of data

Able to compare and contrast chemical cell and electrolytic cell (essay part)

(b) Diagram 8.2 shows two types of cell.

Copper Zinc
Copper Zink
Kuprum Kuprum

Diagram 8.2

Prepared by : Mr. Patrick Chai, SMK Rosli Dhoby, Sibu

Edited by : Siti norhayati Mohd mokhtar

Compare and contrast cell A and cell B in terms of:

 Type of cell
 The energy change
 Ions presence in the electrolyte
 The anode and cathode of the cells
 Half equations for both electrodes
 Observation at the anode of each cell [10 marks/markah]

Cell A Cell B
Sel A Sel B
Type of cell Electrolytic cell Voltaic cell / Chemical cel

Energy change Electrical energy to chemical energy Chemical energy to electrical energy

Ions presence in
the electrolyte Cu2+, H+, SO42-and OH-

Half equation Anode: Anode:

Cu → Cu2+ + 2e- Zn → Zn2+ + 2e-
Cathode: Cathode:
Cu2+ + 2e- → Cu Cu2+ + 2e- → Cu
Observation Anode: Anode:
The copper electrode becomes thinner The zinc electrode becomes thinner
Cathode: Cathode:
Brown solid is deposited / Copper Brown solid is deposited / Copper
electrode becomes thicker electrode becomes thicker

13.Planning experiment paper 3 : Effect of Type of position of ions in the electrochemical series /
type of electrode / effect of concentration of electrolyte
[Refer to the planning experiment]

Form 4 Chapter 7 (Acid and Bases & Form 4 Chapter 8 (SALTS) Spot in structure!!
[2015 : Essay section B : Different pH value between strong acid and weak acid + titration + electrical conductivity and
acidic property of hydrogen chloride in solvent X and solvent Y]
[2015 : Essay Section C : Preparation of soluble salt and insoluble salt in the laboratory]
a) able to define the meaning of salt
[Common mistake by students : Chemical compound formed from the neutralisation between acid and base]

b) Able to describe a chemical test to identify Pb2+ / Zn2+

[Reject : NaOH solution / NH3 solution / NaCl solution / Na2SO4 solution to confirm Pb2+]

c) Able to describe a chemical test to identify all the anion (CO32-, Cl-, SO42-, and NO3-)
(Use RODA IMPIAN To memorize all the chemical reagents)

d) Able to understand the preparation of soluble salts (ANaK) by titration method

e) Able to understand the preparation of soluble salts (Not ANak)
f) Able to describe preparation of standard solution by calculate the mass of solute needed to give the required
volume and molarity.
g) Able to describe preparation of standard solution by dilution method

Prepared by : Mr. Patrick Chai, SMK Rosli Dhoby, Sibu

Edited by : Siti norhayati Mohd mokhtar

Form 4 Chapter 9 (Manufactured Substances In Industry) Spot in structure /essay/P3!!

[2015 : None]
Hardness of Alloy experiment – essay part / Paper 3 structure Essay
Pure copper is soft. When copper is alloyed, it becomes harder and stronger.
Name one example of alloy of copper.
Describe an experiment to show that alloy of copper is harder than pure copper.
In your description, include a labelled diagram for the apparatus set-up for this experiment. [10 marks]
Pt 1 : Able to give an example of alloy of copper ; Bronze / Brass
Pt2 & 3 : Able to draw a labelled diagram for the set-up of apparatus
Pt4 - pt 8 : Able to describe the procedures of conducting the experiment
Pt 9 : Tabulation of data
Pt10 : Interpreting of data
Pt11 : Conclusion
2. Preparation of ammonium nitrate salt – essay part
* Use titration method to prepare the salt

Contact process or Haber process – structure / essay

Contact Process
a) Able to describe the reaction occurs in each stage in contact process
b) Able to state conditions required in stage 2 to produce higher percentage of sulphur trioxide gas
c) Able to write a balanced chemical equation for each stage.
d) Able to explain why sulphur trioxide gas are not directly dissolves in water to form sulphuric acid.

Haber Process
a) Able to state conditions required to produce higher percentage of ammonia
b) Able to write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction occured in Haber Process

Ammonium Sulphate is the product formed by Contact Process and Haber Process.
a) Able to state the use of ammonium sulphate
b) Able to calculate the percentage of nitrogen by mass of given fertilizers and able to choose the best fertilizer.
Alloy + Glass + Ceramic + Polymer + Composite materials - structure / essay
a) Able to explain the difference in the hardness of pure copper and bronze

Pure copper Bronze

Copper atoms are of the same size Copper atoms and tin atoms are of different
Atoms are arranged orderly The presence of tin atoms disturb the orderly
arrangement of atoms in the pure copper atoms
[a : not arranged in orderly]
Layers of atoms are easily slide on one another Reduces the layer of atoms from sliding one
Conclusion : Bronze is stronger and harder than its pure copper
* Must in pairing

b) Able to state the specific properties of the use of alloy/glass/ polymers/composite materials

Form 5 Chapter 10 (Rate of reaction) Spot in Essay & Paper 3 !!

[2015 : Structure - Factor of catalyst on the r.o.r between zinc and hydrochloric acid ]
1. COLLISION THEORY (very POPULAR) – REMEMBER catalyst will not increase frequency of collision but will
increase frequency of effective collision between reacting particles
***Factor of total surface area, concentration, temperature – must mention increase frequency of collision
between [metal] atom and hydrogen ion // [metal] carbonate(insoluble salt) and hydrogen ion // carbonate
ion(soluble salt) and hydrogen ion
2. Experiment effect of temperature on the r.o.r between sodium thiosulphate solution and sulphuric acid
(Paper 3 planning experiment)

Prepared by : Mr. Patrick Chai, SMK Rosli Dhoby, Sibu

Edited by : Siti norhayati Mohd mokhtar

Open Response Essay

Examples 1 :
Concentration can also affect the rate of reaction between acid and zinc.
Describe an experiment to show how this factor affects the rate of reaction.
Pt1 - Pt 7 : Able to describe procedures to conduct the experiment.
Pt 8 : Tabulation of data
Pt 9 : Interpreting data
Pt 10 : Conclusion

Examples 2 :
Marble reacts with dilute acid to liberate carbon dioxide gas.

By using one of the acid in 10 (a) (i), describe how to carry out an experiment to determine the rate of liberation of
carbon dioxide gas at 60 seconds.
Your answer should include the method to calculate the rate of reaction at 60 seconds.
Pt1 - Pt6 : Able to describe procedures to conduct the experiment.
Pt7 : Tabulation of data
Pt8 : Able to sketch a graph of volume of gas against time + Titles of axis with unit
Pt9 : Able to draw tangent (line AB) at 60 seconds
Pt 10 : Able to calculate the gradient of the tangent AB

Volume of CO2



t1 60 t2

Rate of reaction at 60 seconds =

Form 5 Chapter 11 (Carbon compound) Spot structure!!

[2015 : Essay section B : Name of homologous series of each compound + molecular formula + functional group
+ compare soot + draw isomers of propanol]
1. Able to describe CHEMICAL TEST TO DIFFERENTIATE ALKANE AND ALKENE - Dont Use Combustion!!
2. Flow chart of conversion of one homologous series to another homologous series.
3. Able to draw and name the homologous series of ester

Essay Form 5 Chaper 12(Oxidation and Reduction) Structure / Paper 3!!

[2015 : Essay Section C : Experiment of effect metal Q which is more electropositive than iron and metal R which
is less electropositive than iron on rusting]
2. Please master to write a balanced half equation of the reduction occured in acidified potassium
manganate(VII) and acidified potassium dichromate(VI)
Acidified potassium manganate(VII) : _____________________________________________________________________________

Acidified potassium dichromate(VI) : _____________________________________________________________________________

Prepared by : Mr. Patrick Chai, SMK Rosli Dhoby, Sibu

Edited by : Siti norhayati Mohd mokhtar

3. Experiment to compare reactivity of metal through reaction between :-

(i) oxide of metal by hydrogen gas (Have asked in structure ONCE on 2000)
(ii) metal with oxygen gas
(iii) oxide of metal by carbon (Have asked in structure on 2014)
4. Rusting of iron – VERY POPULAR (may repeat and set in paper 3 structured question this year!)
5. Conversion Fe2+ to Fe3+ and vice versa and able to describe a chemical test to confirm the product.

Form 5 Chapter 13 (Thermochemistry) Spot in structure / Paper 3

[2015 : Heat of precipitation (endothermic reaction)
1. Please write the each Definition of Heat of Precipitation / Heat of Displacement / Heat of
Neutralisation / Heat of Combustion precisely!!
2. Able to draw the energy level diagram correctly
3. Able to master all the calculation
4. HEAT OF ________________________ (SPOT BY STUDENT)
5. HEAT OF ________________________ (SPOT BY TEACHER)

Form 5 Chapter 14 (Chemicals for Consumer) Spot in Essay / Paper 3

[2015 : Preparation of soap + effectiveness cleansing action of soap and detergent in hard water]
1. Able to describe the cleansing action of soap / detergent on greasy stained cloth
2. Able to describe the effectiveness of cleansing action of soap and detergent in hard water
3. Planning experiment Paper 3 : Describe an experiment to compare the effectiveness of cleansing action of
soap and detergent in hard water.


Measuring and Using Numbers

* 2003 – Stopwatch(rate of reaction) – with one or without one decimal point
* 2004 – Record the mass to determine the EF of magnesium oxide with two decimal point
* 2005 – Thermometer (naphthalene) – MUST one decimal point
* 2006 – Thermometer (Heat of neutralization)
* 2007 – Thermometer (Exothermic and endothermic reaction)
* 2008 - No apparatus – Just record the time taken for the latex to coagulate shown in the diagram
* 2009 – Burette – MUST TWO DECIMAL POINT
* 2010 – No apparatus – Just observing the reactivity of Group 1 elements with water
* 2011 – Stopwatch (Rate of reaction) – two decimal places because diagram show two d.p
* 2012 – Electronic balance (Heat of combustion) – two decimal places as stated in the table
* 2013 - Voltmeter (Chemical Cell) - one decimal place
* 2014 - Ammeter (Electrical conductivity of ionic compound and covalent compound) - 1 d.p
*2015 - Thermometer ( Melting point of acetamide) - MUST one d.p
*This Year - Burette ??? Ruler ??? Electronic balance ???

Define Operationally 1. What is observed?? 2. What is done??

(3. Conclusion?? depend on what experiment)

EFFECT OF CATALYST : What is the operational definition of catalyst?

ANSWER : When catalyst is added into hydrogen peroxide solution, glowing wooden splinter ignited when
it inserted into the test tube shows catalyst increases the rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide
Rusting of iron : What is the operational definition of rusting?
ANSWER : Formation of dark blue colouration when iron nail is coiled with less electropositive metal or
without any metal which immersed in jelly solution, potassium hexacyanoferrate(III) solution and
phenolphthalein show rusting occurs.

Prepared by : Mr. Patrick Chai, SMK Rosli Dhoby, Sibu

Edited by : Siti norhayati Mohd mokhtar

Reactivity of group 1 element with oxygen gas: What is the operational definition for the reactivity of
group 1 element with oxygen gas?
ANSWER : The brighter the flame produced when alkali metals burns in oxygen gas, the more reactive the
metal is.
Reactivity of group 17 elements with hot iron wool : What is the operational definition for the reactivity
of group 17 elements with hot iron wool?
ANSWER : Iron wool ignites with a brighter flame shows halogen is a more reactive when halogen gas is
passed over hot iron wool.
Displacement of metal // Displacement of halogen: What is the operational definition of displacement
of metal?
ANSWER : Change of colour in the solution or deposition of solid metal in the solution shows displacement
of metal occurs when[ more electropositive metal] is added into the [solution contain less electropositive
metal ion].
Hardness between alloy and pure metal : what is the operation definition for the hardness of the
ANSWER : The smaller diameter of dent created when 1 kg weight is dropped into a steel ball bearing that
taped on the metal block, the material is harder.
Effectiveness of the cleansing action of soap and detergent in hard water : What is the operational
definition of the effectiveness of the cleaning agent?
ANSWER : Cleaning agent which can remove the oily stains on the cloth/ does not form scum when the
cleaning agent is added into hard water indicates that the cleaning agent is more effective.

(Planning Experiment)
Asked in the previous year :
Form 4 : To construct ES based on potential difference // experiment to compare hardness of alloy and pure
metal // reactivity of group 1 elements with water // Experiment continuous variation method // To study
affect of different concentration of acid on pH value // To study the role of water in showing the property of an
alkali // Solubility of sulphate salt in water

Form 5 : Elasticity of vulcanized and unvulcanised rubber // Esterification // effect of concentration of acid on
rate of reaction // Effect of catalyst on r.o.r between metal and acid //To differentiate hydrocarbon X (hexane)
and hydrocarbon Y(hexene) // To study the effect of more electropositive metal and less electropositive metal
on rusting

Form 4
1. To study the acid and base properties of aluminium oxide, sodium oxide and phosphorus pentoxide
2. Experiment to construct ES based on displacement of metals
3. To study the factor of position ions/concentration ions/type of electrode on the products of electrolysis
// Electroplating of metal
4. To compare the rate of rusting between iron, steel and stainless steel

Form 5
1. Experiment to identify exothermic and endothermic for the reaction between solid sodium hydroxide in
water and reaction between ammonium chloride in water.
2. Experiment to compare the heat of neutralisation between strong acid and weak acid with strong alkali.
3. Heat of Combustion
4. Experiment to study the factor of concentration / temperature of sodium thiosulphate on r.o.r
5. Experiment to study the effect of amount of catalyst on the rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide
6. Experiment to study the effectiveness of soap and detergent in hard water



Prepared by : Mr. Patrick Chai, SMK Rosli Dhoby, Sibu

Edited by : Siti norhayati Mohd mokhtar

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