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80th OREGON LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY--2020 Special Session

House Bill 4210

Sponsored by Representative KOTEK (at the request of Joint Committee on the First Special Session of 2020)

The following summary is not prepared by the sponsors of the measure and is not a part of the body thereof subject
to consideration by the Legislative Assembly. It is an editor’s brief statement of the essential features of the
measure as introduced.

Repeals driving privilege suspension and eliminates imposition of driving privilege restrictions
for failure to pay fine.
Becomes operative October 1, 2020. Authorizes Department of Transportation to take certain
actions before operative date of Act.
Declares emergency, effective on passage.


2 Relating to driving privileges; creating new provisions; amending ORS 807.010, 807.120, 809.380,
3 809.415, 809.416 and 809.515; repealing ORS 809.210; and declaring an emergency.
4 Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon:
5 SECTION 1. ORS 807.010 is amended to read:
6 807.010. (1) A person commits the offense of operating a vehicle without driving privileges if the
7 person operates a motor vehicle upon a highway or premises open to the public in this state and the
8 person does not have an appropriate grant of driving privileges from this state in the form of a li-
9 cense, driver permit, endorsement or statutory grant of driving privileges allowing the person to
10 engage in the particular type of operation.
11 (2) A person to whom a license or driver permit is issued commits the offense of violating license
12 restrictions if the person operates a motor vehicle in any manner that violates restrictions that are
13 placed upon the person’s driving privileges by the Department of Transportation under ORS 807.120
14 or 807.122, by a court under ORS [809.210 or] 809.270, or by the vehicle code.
15 (3) Nothing in this section is applicable to a person who is driving while suspended or revoked
16 in violation of ORS 811.175 or 811.182. Persons who violate ORS 811.175 or 811.182 are subject to
17 the provisions and penalties provided therein and are not subject to the penalties and provisions of
18 this section.
19 (4) Except as provided in subsection (5) of this section, the offense described in subsection (1)
20 of this section, operating a vehicle without driving privileges, is a Class B traffic violation.
21 (5) The offense described in subsection (1) of this section, operating a vehicle without driving
22 privileges, that results from a person operating a motorcycle without a motorcycle endorsement, is
23 a Class A traffic violation.
24 (6)(a) The court shall suspend a fine imposed under subsection (5) of this section on the condi-
25 tion that the person, within 120 days of the date of sentencing:
26 (A) Complete a motorcycle education course established by the department under ORS 802.320;
27 and
28 (B) Obtain a motorcycle endorsement issued under ORS 807.170.
29 (b) The court shall set a hearing date for 120 days from the date of sentencing. At the hearing
30 the court shall:

NOTE: Matter in boldfaced type in an amended section is new; matter [italic and bracketed] is existing law to be omitted.
New sections are in boldfaced type.

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HB 4210

1 (A) If the person has successfully completed the requirements described in paragraph (a)(A) and
2 (B) of this subsection, [dismiss the fine imposed under subsection (5) of this section] enter a sentence
3 of discharge; or
4 (B) If the person has not successfully completed the requirements described in paragraph (a)(A)
5 and (B) of this subsection:
6 (i) Grant the person an extension based on good cause shown; or
7 (ii) Impose the fine under subsection (5) of this section.
8 (7) The offense described in subsection (2) of this section, operating in violation of license re-
9 strictions, is a Class B traffic violation.
10 SECTION 2. ORS 807.120 is amended to read:
11 807.120. (1) The Department of Transportation may place restrictions on any driving privileges
12 granted a person if the department determines that there is good cause to restrict the driving priv-
13 ileges of the person in order to ensure the safe operation of a motor vehicle by the person.
14 (2) Restrictions placed on a driver license or driver permit by the department under this section
15 shall be suitable to the driving ability of the person whose driving privileges are restricted. The
16 restrictions may include:
17 (a) Restrictions on the type of motor vehicle the person may operate;
18 (b) Requirements for special mechanical control devices on motor vehicles operated by the per-
19 son; or
20 (c) Any other restrictions the department determines appropriate to ensure the safe operation
21 of a motor vehicle by the person.
22 (3) The department shall place a restriction on the commercial driver license of a person who
23 performs the skill demonstration required under ORS 807.070 for issuance of a commercial driver
24 license in a vehicle that:
25 (a) Is not equipped with air brakes. A restriction imposed under this paragraph prohibits the
26 person from operating commercial motor vehicles equipped with service brakes that operate fully
27 or partially by air pressure.
28 (b) Is equipped with air over hydraulic brakes. Air over hydraulic brakes includes any braking
29 system operating partially by air pressure and partially by hydraulic pressure. A restriction imposed
30 under this paragraph prohibits the person from operating commercial motor vehicles equipped with
31 service brakes that operate solely by air pressure.
32 (c) Is equipped with an automatic transmission. A restriction imposed under this paragraph
33 prohibits the person from operating commercial motor vehicles equipped with manual transmissions.
34 (d) Uses any connection other than a fifth wheel hitch between the power unit and a vehicle
35 towed in combination with the power unit. A restriction under this paragraph prohibits the person
36 from operating a commercial motor vehicle in combination with any other vehicle using a fifth wheel
37 hitch between the power unit and first towed unit.
38 (4) The department shall place a restriction on the commercial driver license and the commer-
39 cial learner driver permit of a person who does not pass an air brakes knowledge test administered
40 under ORS 807.070. The restriction shall prohibit the person from operating a commercial motor
41 vehicle with service brakes that operate fully or partially by air pressure.
42 (5) The department may impose restrictions under this section by setting forth the restrictions
43 on the regular license form or by issuing a special form for licenses with restrictions.
44 (6) The department shall place restrictions on driving privileges under this section when ordered
45 by a court under ORS [809.210 or] 809.270. Any restriction imposed under this subsection shall be

HB 4210

1 made a part of the person’s driving record and shall remain in effect until the court notifies the
2 department in writing that the restrictions are removed.
3 (7) The department may impose restrictions under this section on driving privileges that are
4 restored after having been suspended or revoked. The restrictions imposed under this subsection
5 may include any restrictions that have been recommended by a convicting magistrate.
6 (8) The use of the term “restrictions” in this section includes any restrictions, conditions or
7 requirements.
8 (9) Violation of any restrictions placed on driving privileges under this section is punishable as
9 provided under ORS 807.010.
10 SECTION 3. ORS 809.380 is amended to read:
11 809.380. All of the following apply to a person whose driving privileges have been suspended:
12 (1) The period of suspension shall last as long as provided for that particular suspension by law.
13 (2) During the period of suspension, the person is not entitled to exercise any driving privileges
14 in this state except as provided under this subsection. Unless otherwise specifically provided by law,
15 a person whose driving privileges are suspended may obtain, if the person qualifies, a hardship
16 driver permit under ORS 807.240, and exercise driving privileges under the driver permit.
17 (3) Upon expiration of the suspension, the Department of Transportation shall reissue, upon re-
18 quest of the person, the suspended driving privileges and any license or driver permit that evidences
19 the driving privileges. The reissuance shall be without requalification by the person except that the
20 department may require the person to furnish evidence satisfactory to the department that the per-
21 son is qualified to continue to exercise driving privileges in this state before the department reissues
22 the driving privileges.
23 (4) The department may not issue any driving privileges in contradiction to this section.
24 (5) If the person fails to surrender to the department any license or driver permit issued as ev-
25 idence of driving privileges that are suspended, the person is subject to the penalties under ORS
26 809.500.
27 (6) No reinstatement of suspended driving privileges will be made by the department until the
28 fee for reinstatement of suspended driving privileges established under ORS 807.370 is paid to or
29 waived by the department. The department may waive the reinstatement fee for any of the following
30 reasons:
31 (a) The suspension occurred under ORS 809.419 for failure to take an examination upon request
32 of the department under ORS 807.340.
33 (b) The suspension occurred under ORS 809.419 for failure to obtain required medical clearance
34 upon request of the department under ORS 807.070 or 807.090.
35 (c) The suspension occurred under ORS 809.419 for incompetence to drive a motor vehicle or
36 having a mental or physical condition or impairment that affects the person’s ability to safely op-
37 erate a motor vehicle.
38 (d) The suspension occurred under ORS 809.419 upon notification by the superintendent of a
39 hospital under ORS 807.700 that a person should not drive.
40 (e) The suspension occurred under ORS 809.419 upon notification by a court under ORS 810.375
41 that a person charged with a traffic offense has been found guilty except for insanity.
42 (f) The department committed an error in issuing the suspension.
43 (g) The suspension was the result of an error committed by an insurance company in issuing or
44 failing to issue a certification of insurance or in canceling a certification of insurance filed with the
45 department under ORS 806.270.

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1 (h) The department issued the suspension without error because the person failed to respond as
2 required under ORS 806.150 or to furnish proof of exemption under ORS 806.210 from the filing re-
3 quirement of ORS 806.200, but the department later determines that the person in fact was in com-
4 pliance with financial responsibility requirements as of the date specified by the department by rule
5 under ORS 806.150 or at the time of an accident described in ORS 806.200.
6 (i) The department issued the suspension without error because the person was not in compli-
7 ance with financial responsibility requirements as of the date specified by the department by rule
8 under ORS 806.150 or at the time of an accident described in ORS 806.200, but the department later
9 determines that the person reasonably and in good faith believed that the person was in compliance
10 with financial responsibility requirements on the date specified by the department by rule under
11 ORS 806.150 or at the time of the accident.
12 (j) The suspension was the result of an error committed by an insurance company in notifying
13 the department regarding the correctness of proof of compliance with financial responsibility re-
14 quirements provided under ORS 806.150.
15 (k) The suspension occurred because the person failed to make future responsibility filings but
16 the department later determines that the reason for the failure was that the person was a military
17 reservist or a member of a national guard unit that was ordered to active military duty to a location
18 outside of the United States. The effective date of the military orders must be prior to the effective
19 date of a suspension issued by the department for failure to make a future responsibility filing.
20 (L) The department issued the suspension without error because the department received a no-
21 tice to suspend from a court under ORS [809.210 or] 809.220, but the department later determines
22 that the person in fact was in compliance with the requirements of the court prior to the effective
23 date of the suspension.
24 SECTION 4. ORS 809.380, as operative until July 1, 2020, is amended to read:
25 809.380. All of the following apply to a person whose driving privileges have been suspended:
26 (1) The period of suspension shall last as long as provided for that particular suspension by law.
27 (2) During the period of suspension, the person is not entitled to exercise any driving privileges
28 in this state except as provided under this subsection. Unless otherwise specifically provided by law,
29 a person whose driving privileges are suspended may obtain, if the person qualifies, a hardship
30 driver permit under ORS 807.240, and exercise driving privileges under the driver permit.
31 (3) Upon expiration of the suspension, the Department of Transportation shall reissue, upon re-
32 quest of the person, the suspended driving privileges and any license or driver permit that evidences
33 the driving privileges. The reissuance shall be without requalification by the person except that the
34 department may require the person to furnish evidence satisfactory to the department that the per-
35 son is qualified to continue to exercise driving privileges in this state before the department reissues
36 the driving privileges.
37 (4) The department may not issue any driving privileges in contradiction to this section.
38 (5) If the person fails to surrender to the department any license or driver permit issued as ev-
39 idence of driving privileges that are suspended, the person is subject to the penalties under ORS
40 809.500.
41 (6) No reinstatement of suspended driving privileges will be made by the department until the
42 fee for reinstatement of suspended driving privileges established under ORS 807.370 is paid to or
43 waived by the department. The department may waive the reinstatement fee for any of the following
44 reasons:
45 (a) The suspension occurred under ORS 809.419 for failure to take an examination upon request

HB 4210

1 of the department under ORS 807.340.

2 (b) The suspension occurred under ORS 809.419 for failure to obtain required medical clearance
3 upon request of the department under ORS 807.070 or 807.090.
4 (c) The suspension occurred under ORS 809.419 for incompetence to drive a motor vehicle or
5 having a mental or physical condition or impairment that affects the person’s ability to safely op-
6 erate a motor vehicle.
7 (d) The suspension occurred under ORS 809.419 upon notification by the superintendent of a
8 hospital under ORS 807.700 that a person should not drive.
9 (e) The suspension occurred under ORS 809.419 upon notification by a court under ORS 810.375
10 that a person charged with a traffic offense has been found guilty except for insanity.
11 (f) The department committed an error in issuing the suspension.
12 (g) The suspension was the result of an error committed by an insurance company in issuing or
13 failing to issue a certification of insurance or in canceling a certification of insurance filed with the
14 department under ORS 806.270.
15 (h) The department issued the suspension without error because the person failed to respond as
16 required under ORS 806.160 or to furnish proof of exemption under ORS 806.210 from the filing re-
17 quirement of ORS 806.200, but the department later determines that the person in fact was in com-
18 pliance with financial responsibility requirements as of the date of the department’s letter of
19 verification under ORS 806.150 or at the time of an accident described in ORS 806.200.
20 (i) The department issued the suspension without error because the person was not in compli-
21 ance with financial responsibility requirements as of the date of the department’s letter of verifica-
22 tion under ORS 806.150 or at the time of an accident described in ORS 806.200, but the department
23 later determines that the person reasonably and in good faith believed that the person was in com-
24 pliance with financial responsibility requirements on the date of the department’s letter of verifica-
25 tion or at the time of the accident.
26 (j) The suspension was the result of an error committed by an insurance company in notifying
27 the department regarding the correctness of a certification under ORS 806.150.
28 (k) The suspension occurred because the person failed to make future responsibility filings but
29 the department later determines that the reason for the failure was that the person was a military
30 reservist or a member of a national guard unit that was ordered to active military duty to a location
31 outside of the United States. The effective date of the military orders must be prior to the effective
32 date of a suspension issued by the department for failure to make a future responsibility filing.
33 (L) The department issued the suspension without error because the department received a no-
34 tice to suspend from a court under ORS [809.210 or] 809.220, but the department later determines
35 that the person in fact was in compliance with the requirements of the court prior to the effective
36 date of the suspension.
37 SECTION 5. ORS 809.415 is amended to read:
38 809.415. (1)(a) The Department of Transportation shall suspend the driving privileges of a person
39 who has a judgment of the type described under ORS 806.040 rendered against the person if the
40 person does not settle the judgment in the manner described under ORS 809.470 within 60 days after
41 its entry.
42 (b) A suspension under this subsection shall continue until the person does one of the following:
43 (A) Settles the judgment in the manner described in ORS 809.470.
44 (B) Has an insurer that has been found by the department to be obligated to pay the judgment,
45 provided that there has been no final adjudication by a court that the insurer has no such obli-

HB 4210

1 gation.
2 (C) Gives evidence to the department that a period of seven years has elapsed since the entry
3 of the judgment.
4 (D) Receives from the court that rendered the judgment an order permitting the payment of the
5 judgment in installments.
6 (c) A person is entitled to administrative review under ORS 809.440 of a suspension under this
7 subsection.
8 (2)(a) The department shall suspend the driving privileges of a person who falsely certifies the
9 existence of a motor vehicle liability insurance policy or the existence of some other means of sat-
10 isfying financial responsibility requirements or of a person who, after certifying the existence of a
11 motor vehicle liability insurance policy or other means of satisfying the requirements, allows the
12 policy to lapse or be canceled or otherwise fails to remain in compliance with financial responsi-
13 bility requirements.
14 (b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this subsection, the department may suspend under this
15 subsection only if proof of compliance with financial responsibility requirements as of the date
16 specified by the department by rule under ORS 806.150 is not submitted within the time specified
17 by the department by rule under this section.
18 (c) A suspension under this subsection shall continue until the person complies with future re-
19 sponsibility filings.
20 (3)(a) The department shall suspend the driving privileges of a person who fails to comply with
21 future responsibility filings whenever required under the vehicle code or fails to provide new proof
22 of compliance for future responsibility filings when requested by the department.
23 (b) A suspension under this subsection shall continue until the person complies with future re-
24 sponsibility filings.
25 (c) A person whose initial obligation to make future responsibility filings is not based upon a
26 conviction or other action by a court is entitled to a hearing under ORS 809.440 prior to a suspen-
27 sion under this subsection. A person whose obligation to make future responsibility filings is based
28 upon a conviction or other action by a court is entitled to administrative review under ORS 809.440
29 of a suspension under this subsection. A person whose suspension under this subsection is based on
30 lapses in filing after the initial filing has been made is entitled to administrative review under ORS
31 809.440.
32 (4)(a) The department shall suspend driving privileges when provided under ORS 809.416. The
33 suspension shall continue until the earlier of the following:
34 (A) The person establishes to the satisfaction of the department that the person has performed
35 all acts necessary under ORS 809.416 to make the person not subject to suspension.
36 (B) Ten years from the date the traffic offense or violation of ORS 471.430 occurred if the sus-
37 pension is imposed for a reason described in ORS 809.416 [(1) or 20 years from the date the traffic
38 offense occurred if the suspension is imposed for a reason described in ORS 809.416 (2)].
39 (b) A person is entitled to administrative review under ORS 809.440 of a suspension under this
40 subsection.
41 (5) Upon determination by the department that a person has committed an act that constitutes
42 an offense described in ORS 809.310, the department may suspend any driving privileges or any
43 identification card of the person determined to have committed the act. A suspension under this
44 subsection shall continue for a period of one year.
45 (6) Upon determination by the department that a person has submitted false information to the

HB 4210

1 department for the purpose of establishing or maintaining qualification to operate a commercial

2 motor vehicle or hold commercial driving privileges, the department shall suspend the commercial
3 driving privileges or the person’s right to apply for commercial driving privileges for a period of one
4 year.
5 SECTION 6. ORS 809.415, as operative until July 1, 2020, is amended to read:
6 809.415. (1)(a) The Department of Transportation shall suspend the driving privileges of a person
7 who has a judgment of the type described under ORS 806.040 rendered against the person if the
8 person does not settle the judgment in the manner described under ORS 809.470 within 60 days after
9 its entry.
10 (b) A suspension under this subsection shall continue until the person does one of the following:
11 (A) Settles the judgment in the manner described in ORS 809.470.
12 (B) Has an insurer that has been found by the department to be obligated to pay the judgment,
13 provided that there has been no final adjudication by a court that the insurer has no such obli-
14 gation.
15 (C) Gives evidence to the department that a period of seven years has elapsed since the entry
16 of the judgment.
17 (D) Receives from the court that rendered the judgment an order permitting the payment of the
18 judgment in installments.
19 (c) A person is entitled to administrative review under ORS 809.440 of a suspension under this
20 subsection.
21 (2)(a) The department shall suspend the driving privileges of a person who falsely certifies the
22 existence of a motor vehicle liability insurance policy or the existence of some other means of sat-
23 isfying financial responsibility requirements or of a person who, after certifying the existence of a
24 motor vehicle liability insurance policy or other means of satisfying the requirements, allows the
25 policy to lapse or be canceled or otherwise fails to remain in compliance with financial responsi-
26 bility requirements.
27 (b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this subsection, the department may suspend under this
28 subsection only if proof of compliance with financial responsibility requirements as of the date of
29 the letter of verification from the department under ORS 806.150 is not submitted within 30 days
30 after the date of the mailing of the department’s demand under ORS 806.160.
31 (c) A suspension under this subsection shall continue until the person complies with future re-
32 sponsibility filings.
33 (3)(a) The department shall suspend the driving privileges of a person who fails to comply with
34 future responsibility filings whenever required under the vehicle code or fails to provide new proof
35 for future responsibility filings when requested by the department.
36 (b) A suspension under this subsection shall continue until the person complies with future re-
37 sponsibility filings.
38 (c) A person whose initial obligation to make future responsibility filings is not based upon a
39 conviction or other action by a court is entitled to a hearing under ORS 809.440 prior to a suspen-
40 sion under this subsection. A person whose obligation to make future responsibility filings is based
41 upon a conviction or other action by a court is entitled to administrative review under ORS 809.440
42 of a suspension under this subsection. A person whose suspension under this subsection is based on
43 lapses in filing after the initial filing has been made is entitled to administrative review under ORS
44 809.440.
45 (4)(a) The department shall suspend driving privileges when provided under ORS 809.416. The

HB 4210

1 suspension shall continue until the earlier of the following:

2 (A) The person establishes to the satisfaction of the department that the person has performed
3 all acts necessary under ORS 809.416 to make the person not subject to suspension.
4 (B) Ten years from the date the traffic offense or violation of ORS 471.430 occurred if the sus-
5 pension is imposed for a reason described in ORS 809.416 [(1) or 20 years from the date the traffic
6 offense occurred if the suspension is imposed for a reason described in ORS 809.416 (2)].
7 (b) A person is entitled to administrative review under ORS 809.440 of a suspension under this
8 subsection.
9 (5) Upon determination by the department that a person has committed an act that constitutes
10 an offense described in ORS 809.310, the department may suspend any driving privileges or any
11 identification card of the person determined to have committed the act. A suspension under this
12 subsection shall continue for a period of one year.
13 (6) Upon determination by the department that a person has submitted false information to the
14 department for the purpose of establishing or maintaining qualification to operate a commercial
15 motor vehicle or hold commercial driving privileges, the department shall suspend the commercial
16 driving privileges or the person’s right to apply for commercial driving privileges for a period of one
17 year.
18 SECTION 7. ORS 809.416 is amended to read:
19 809.416. [This section establishes circumstances that will make a person subject to suspension un-
20 der ORS 809.415 (4) and what a person is required to do to make the person no longer subject to
21 suspension. The following apply as described:]
22 [(1)] A person is subject to suspension under ORS 809.415 (4) if the Department of Transporta-
23 tion receives notice from a court to commence suspension under ORS 809.220. A person who is
24 subject under this [subsection] section remains subject until the person presents the department
25 with notice issued by the court showing that the person is no longer subject to this section or until
26 10 years have elapsed from the date the traffic offense or violation of ORS 471.430 occurred,
27 whichever is earlier. This [subsection] section does not subject a person to ORS 809.415 (4) for any
28 pedestrian offense, bicycling offense or parking offense. Upon receipt of notice from a court to
29 commence suspension under ORS 809.220, the department shall notify the person, in a manner de-
30 termined by the department by rule, that the suspension will commence 60 days from the date the
31 department sent the notification unless the person presents the department with notice issued by the
32 court showing that the person is no longer subject to this section.
33 [(2) A person is subject to suspension under ORS 809.415 (4) if the department receives a notice
34 of suspension from a court under ORS 809.210 indicating that the person has failed or refused to pay
35 a fine or obey an order of the court. A person who is subject under this subsection remains subject
36 until the earlier of the following:]
37 [(a) The person presents the department with a notice of reinstatement issued by the court showing
38 that the person:]
39 [(A) Is making payments, has paid the fine or has obeyed the order of the court; or]
40 [(B) Has enrolled in a preapprenticeship program, as defined in ORS 660.010, or is a registered
41 apprentice under ORS 660.020; or]
42 [(b) Twenty years have elapsed from the date the traffic offense occurred.]
43 [(3) Notwithstanding subsection (2) of this section, a person is not subject to suspension under ORS
44 809.415 (4) for failure or refusal to pay a fine relating to any pedestrian offense, bicycling offense or
45 parking offense.]

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1 [(4) Upon receipt of a notice of suspension from a court, the department shall notify the person, in
2 the manner provided by the department by rule, that the suspension will commence 60 days from the
3 date the department sent the notification unless the person presents the department with a notice of
4 reinstatement as described in subsection (2)(a) of this section.]
5 SECTION 8. ORS 809.416, as operative until July 1, 2020, is amended to read:
6 809.416. [This section establishes circumstances that will make a person subject to suspension un-
7 der ORS 809.415 (4) and what a person is required to do to make the person no longer subject to
8 suspension. The following apply as described:]
9 [(1)] A person is subject to suspension under ORS 809.415 (4) if the Department of Transporta-
10 tion receives notice from a court to apply this section under ORS 809.220. A person who is subject
11 under this [subsection] section remains subject until the person presents the department with notice
12 issued by the court showing that the person is no longer subject to this section or until 10 years
13 have elapsed from the date the traffic offense or violation of ORS 471.430 occurred, whichever is
14 earlier. This [subsection] section shall not subject a person to ORS 809.415 (4) for any pedestrian
15 offense, bicycling offense or parking offense. Upon receipt of notice from a court, the department
16 shall send a letter by first class mail advising the person that the suspension will commence 60 days
17 from the date of the letter unless the person presents the department with the notice required by
18 this [subsection] section.
19 [(2) A person is subject to suspension under ORS 809.415 (4) if the department receives a notice
20 of suspension from a court under ORS 809.210 indicating that the person has failed or refused to pay
21 a fine or obey an order of the court. A person who is subject under this subsection remains subject
22 until the earlier of the following:]
23 [(a) The person presents the department with a notice of reinstatement issued by the court showing
24 that the person:]
25 [(A) Is making payments, has paid the fine or has obeyed the order of the court; or]
26 [(B) Has enrolled in a preapprenticeship program, as defined in ORS 660.010, or is a registered
27 apprentice under ORS 660.020; or]
28 [(b) Twenty years have elapsed from the date the traffic offense occurred.]
29 [(3) Subsection (2) of this section does not subject a person to ORS 809.415 (4) for failure or refusal
30 to pay a fine relating to any pedestrian offense, bicycling offense or parking offense. Upon receipt of
31 a notice of suspension from a court, the department shall send a letter by first class mail advising the
32 person that the suspension will commence 60 days from the date of the letter unless the person presents
33 the department with the notice of reinstatement required by this subsection.]
34 SECTION 9. ORS 809.515 is amended to read:
35 809.515. (1)(a) The Department of Transportation shall suspend the commercial driving privileges
36 of a person if the department receives a notice from another jurisdiction that the person failed to
37 appear[, pay a fine or comply with an order of the court] in a prosecution on a citation for a traffic
38 offense or for a violation in the other jurisdiction that, if committed in this state, would be grounds
39 for suspension under ORS [809.210 or] 809.220, and the person held commercial driving privileges
40 or was operating a commercial motor vehicle at the time of the offense. The period of a suspension
41 under this subsection is the shorter of:
42 (A) Ten years; or
43 (B) Until the department receives notice from the other jurisdiction that the person appeared[,
44 paid the fine or complied with the court’s order].
45 (b) The department shall suspend a person’s commercial driving privileges under this subsection

HB 4210

1 without regard to whether the other jurisdiction suspends any driving privileges of the person by
2 reason of the person’s failure to appear[, pay a fine or comply with an order of the court].
3 (c) This subsection does not apply to failure to appear[, pay a fine or comply with an order of the
4 court] in a proceeding relating to a parking, pedestrian, vehicle defect or bicycling offense.
5 (2) The department shall suspend the commercial driving privileges of a person if the department
6 receives a notice from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration that the person has been
7 disqualified from operating a commercial motor vehicle and that the disqualification is due to a de-
8 termination that the driving of that person constitutes an imminent hazard. The department shall
9 immediately suspend commercial driving privileges under this subsection without hearing, but the
10 person may request a post-imposition hearing under ORS 809.440 (4), without regard to any hearings
11 conducted by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. The period of a suspension under
12 this section is the period of suspension prescribed by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Adminis-
13 tration, or one year, whichever is shorter.
14 SECTION 10. ORS 809.210 is repealed.
15 SECTION 11. The amendments to ORS 807.010, 807.120, 809.380, 809.415, 809.416 and 809.515
16 by sections 1 to 9 of this 2020 special session Act and the repeal of ORS 809.210 by section
17 10 of this 2020 special session Act apply to conduct giving rise to a driving privilege re-
18 striction or driving privilege suspension on or after October 1, 2020. Driving privilege re-
19 strictions or driving privilege suspensions imposed before October 1, 2020, shall be governed
20 by law applicable to driving privilege restrictions and driving privilege suspensions in effect
21 at the time of the most recent restriction or suspension.
22 SECTION 12. (1) The amendments to ORS 807.010, 807.120, 809.380, 809.415, 809.416 and
23 809.515 by sections 1 to 9 of this 2020 special session Act and the repeal of ORS 809.210 by
24 section 10 of this 2020 special session Act become operative on October 1, 2020.
25 (2) The Department of Transportation may adopt rules or take any actions before the
26 operative date specified in subsection (1) of this section that are necessary to enable the
27 department, on and after the operative date specified in subsection (1) of this section, to
28 carry out the amendments to ORS 807.010, 807.120, 809.380, 809.415, 809.416 and 809.515 by
29 sections 1 to 9 of this 2020 special session Act and the repeal of ORS 809.210 by section 10
30 of this 2020 special session Act. Rules adopted pursuant to this section may not become op-
31 erative before October 1, 2020.
32 SECTION 13. This 2020 special session Act being necessary for the immediate preserva-
33 tion of the public peace, health and safety, an emergency is declared to exist, and this 2020
34 special session Act takes effect on its passage.


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