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Sovereign Election (Edited from GTY.

org Sources)

Defined: · 1 Peter 3:15 but honor the Messiah as

Lord in your hearts. Always be ready to
Election is the act of God whereby in eternity give a defense to anyone who asks you
past He chose those who will be saved. Election for a reason for the hope that is in you.
is unconditional, because it does not depend on · Titus 1:9 He must be devoted to the
anything outside of God, such as good works or trustworthy message we teach. Then he
foreseen faith (Romans 9:16). This doctrine is can use these accurate teachings to
repeatedly taught in the Bible, and is also encourage people and correct those who
demanded by our knowledge of God. oppose the word.
· 2 Timothy 4:2 Preach the word; be
The Bible says prior to salvation, all people are
prepared in season and out of season;
dead in sin—spiritually dead (Ephesians 2:1-3).
correct, rebuke and encourage–with great
In this state of death, the sinner is utterly unable
patience and careful instruction.
to respond to any spiritual stimulus and therefore
· Philippians 1:16 The latter do so out of
unable to love God, obey Him, or please Him in
love, knowing that I am put here for the
any way. Scripture says the mind of every
defense of the gospel.
unbeliever "is hostile toward God; for it does not
subject itself to the law of God, for it is not even · 2 Timothy 3:16-17 All Scripture is God-
able to do so; and those who are in the flesh breathed and is useful for teaching,
cannot please God" (Romans 8:7-8, emphasis rebuking, correcting and training in
righteousness. so that the servant of God
added). That describes a state of total
may be thoroughly equipped for every
hopelessness: spiritual death.
good work.
The effect of all this is that no sinner can ever · 2 Timothy 2:15 Be diligent to present
make the first move (by free-will) in the salvation yourself approved to God, a worker who
process. This is what Jesus meant in John 6:44, doesn’t need to be ashamed, correctly
when He said, "No one can come to Me, unless teaching the word of truth.
the Father who sent Me draws him."
This is also why the Bible repeatedly stresses
that salvation is wholly God's work. In Acts 13:48 This IS NOT an issue that's worth leaving a
we read, "And when the Gentiles heard this, they church over, or even splitting a church over?
began rejoicing and glorifying the word of the Nor should we condemn everybody else who
Lord; and as many as had been appointed to doesn't understand election. With a true
eternal life believed." understanding of the doctrine of election, we will
be humbled by it, not made proud by it. If there
Historic conflict: seems to be some resistance to it or its treated
like an elephant in the room, we need to be
The doctrine of election is perhaps the greatest meek/gracious and celebrate the glory of God in
of the most hotly contested and persistent His electing grace in our own life and do the best
debates in the history of the confessing church. we can to live our Christian life in that
The question goes like this: Does God choose environment. And when given the opportunity,
sinners to be saved and then provide for their speak to it, point people in the direction of the
salvation? Or, Does God provide the way of Word of God. Change can occur over time, but it
salvation that sinners must choose for needs to be done at a leadership level in a
themselves? gracious, patient way by honestly and truthfully
teaching Divine election from the myriad of
Our responsibility: Defending the faith verses in God’s Word thus enabling the Holy
Spirit to do His work in the hearts of leadership
and congregation alike.
Some questions you should Always be ready a. Exercise free-will, or
to give a Biblical answer in defense of the b. By Divine initiative?
hope that is in you. 10. Is this why the notion of mankind’s free-
will is treated as sacred?
1. Given heated history of election, are you a. Satan wanted to be sovereign and
fully informed? he wanted to replace God. In the
2. Who are the elect referenced in Rom. garden God said, "Don't do that."
8:33, 2 Pet 1:10, Luke 18:7, Mark 13:27, Eve said, "I will do that. I'll usurp
Titus 1:1, Rom 9:11-13, 2 John 1:1-13? sovereignty over my own life and
3. Are the words elect and chosen make my own choices." And that's
synonymous? the fabric of human fallenness. So
4. Are those, “whom He foreknew He also when you come along and say God
predestined..” in Rom 8:28-30, the Elect? is absolutely sovereign, you know,
5. Are the names written in the Lamb’s book that's like scraping your fingernails
of life (Rev 13:8) all of the elect? down a blackboard to the sinner
6. When did God write those names in the (condition when the first move
book? toward salvation by free-will may
a. before the foundation of the world be exercised) because he believes
(Before creation) or, so strongly in his own right to
b. each time a sinner repents and choose.
trusts Christ as Lord and Savior per b. Election is a very important
the popular song (Miles-1905) issue and if you resist the
“There’s a new name written down sovereignty of God, that's about as
in Glory”? serious a theological error as you
7. How did God select those who would be can make. It strikes a blow at the
written in the Lambs book of life (forknew very heart and soul of everything in
before the foundation of the world)? Christian theology, the character
a. Did God look down the corridor of and attributes of God Himself.
time to see who would choose Him 11. What part does redeemed mankind
before He decided? contribute to the faith of the unsaved
b. Or did God by His sovereign will elect?
choose who would be in the Body 12. How does the triune God bring faith to the
of Christ? (meaning He acted unsaved elect causing them to ALL repent
totally independent of any outside and enthusiastically trust/believe Christ
influence, totally apart from human and confess Rom 10:9?
will, and purely on the basis of His 13. Is there any connection between the fact
sovereignty). The most superlative that all of the elect will be eternally saved,
spiritual blessings stand on and salvation is by divine initiative?
Ephesians 1:4—"He chose us 14. Based on Matt 22:14 few are chosen
[elected us] in Him before the (written in Lamb’s book of life). Why, if
foundation of the world." God desires all to be saved-some aren’t?
8. All the elect are born into this world as 15. If God's choice of the elect is un-
unsaved sinners either: conditional, does this rule out need for
a. Spiritually dead (Absolute spiritual human response? Check Paul’s answers
inability), what does that mean in Romans 9:19-20!!!
concerning salvation? 16. As one of God’s elect how do you make it
b. Spiritually impaired (some spiritual sure? How about 2 Pet 1: 3-11?
life/ability), what does that mean Participate in the divine nature:
concerning salvation? a. Goodness e) Godliness
c. Which is true? b. Knowledge f) Mutual
9. How does the unsaved elect sinner ever c. Self-control affection
make the first move toward Christ? d. Perseverance g) Love
Edited by: S. A. Mumma, 2018
This vacuous Arminian theology parallel rails
image must be replaced by the following
theologically rich Biblically based diagram.
References for the correct Diagram include:………………..
1. Arminianism DEBUNKED - Arminian Theology
Destroyed - Bible Affirmed (40:48 minutes)
YouTube (MacArthur refutes Freewillism)
2. The Doctrine of Absolute Inability. MacArthur
GTY 90-278 or 5 part YouTube (10 min ea.)
3. Answering the KEY Questions about the Doctrine
of Election. MacArthur: GTY 106

4. Is the Doctrine of Election Biblical?, MacArthur: GTY A191

5. Considering Election (Not Politics), MacArthur: GTY A132
6. Election & Predestination: the Sovereignty of God in Salvation.
MacArthur and panel: GTY BRG-90-20
7. For whom did Christ die? MacArthur GTY 90-363
8. Christ Died for God. MacArthur GTY 80-345
9. God's Purpose of Grace - Election - Baptist Faith & Message, Article 5a
10. Salvation by Choice Acts 16: 12-15
11. 10 Things You Need to Know About the "Lamb's Book of Life" Sam Storms
S. A. Mumma, Dec. 2018

God’s Sovereignty and Man’s Responsibilities

Note: with regard to SALVATION, mankind has no moral liberty (free-will) to accept Christ
when spiritually dead (totally depraved) Eph. 2:1-3 & Rom. 8:7-8, or
after saved to reject salvation Rom. 8:38-39. In other areas man has natural liberty.

All whose names are not

Creation All see His eternal power, & in Lamb’s Book of Life
Rom. 1:20 divine nature: so no defense are eternally cast into
the lake of fire
Holy Spirit uses shared
word of God, by grace, to UN-SAVED ELECT
open hearts and gift His mankind whose
God’s elect with saving faith. “names were”,
Sovereignty John 6:44 “no one can by God’s sovereign
come to me unless the unconditional choice
father draws him” with Love, “written in
Share the word of God the Lambs book of life
Redeemed with all humanity. before the foundation
Mankind’s Romans 10:17 “So faith of the world”,
Responsibility comes by hearing the Rev. 17:8, Eph. 1:4,
Word of God” 2 Tim. 1:9, Tit. 1:2

Eternal Salvation Through faith by Divine initiative

John 6:39 “ALL” repent & enthusiastically
trust/believe Christ and confesses Rom. 10:9

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