Leave of Court: Rule 26 Admission by Adverse Party
Leave of Court: Rule 26 Admission by Adverse Party
Leave of Court: Rule 26 Admission by Adverse Party
RULE 26 pleadings, the intended purpose for the rule will certainly be
Copies of the documents shall be delivered with the request unless 5. Do you admit that there is no stipulation as to payment of interest
copies have already been furnished. in the said contract of loan?
example - naay uban na naka attach dapat sa imong pleading. For
example of promissory note if it is what is described under the rule
as an actionable document, which of the foundation of a cause of
action or defense, so in this case you don't have to furnish a copy of
the actionable document because it was already previously attached
in your complaint and the adverse party already has copy.
In both, the answers must be under oath.
In both, it is purely between parties to the action
The purpose of this mode of discovery is to allow one party to Specific details or Admissions are sought. Thus, the
request the adverse party in writing to admit certain material and evidentiary matters are questions are answerable by YES or
relevant matters which most likely will not be disputed during the sought. The questions NO.
trial. To avoid unnecessary inconvenience to the parties in going asked are WHO, WHAT,
through the rigors of proof, before the trial, a party may request the WHEN, WHERE, etc.
other to: Can be availed of at any Can be availed of if there is an answer
time by filing an ex- served with leave of court in the latter
(a) admit the genuineness of any material and relevant document parte motion. case.
described in and exhibited with the request; or
On March 4, 1971, the petitioner filed a motion for summary 1. Can a lawyer answer a request for admission on behalf of his client?
judgment on the ground that there exists no genuine or substantial
controversy on any issue of fact raised in the complaint because the LAÑADA V. CA NESTLE PHILIPPINES v. CA
defendant, by failure to answer her request for admission within the February 1, 2002
reglementary period (Sec. 2, Rule 26, Rules of Court) is deemed to
have admitted the facts set forth in the request.
May the counsel of a party to whom a written request for admission
is addressed under Section 1, Rule 26 of the Rules of Court, answer
On April 16, 1971, respondent Judge Lustre denied the motion for such request for his client?
summary judgment, observing that "the interrogatories...are nothing
but a reiteration of a portion of the plaintiffs allegations in the
complaint, which have already been answered and denied by the The issue for resolution thus calls for an interpretation of the phrase
“the party to whom the request is directed.” This is not the first time
that the Court is faced with the issue of whether a party requested to party to whom the request is directed cannot be deemed to have
make admissions may reply or answer through his counsel. In PSCFC admitted the genuineness of any relevant document in and exhibited
Financial Corporation v. Court of Appeals (216 SCRA 838), the with the request or relevant matters of fact set forth therein, on
petitioner therein served upon the Banco Filipino Savings and account of failure to answer the request for admission.
Mortgage Bank, a written request for admission of the truth of
certain factual matters. Through Philip Sigfrid A. Fortun, who was not This is one of the instances na notice to the lawyer does not bind the
yet a lawyer when Banco Filipino inaugurated its financing plan in client.
1968, Banco Filipino made the requested admissions but denied that
the financing corporation had availed of the Home Financing Plan
subject of controversy. Obviously objecting to the reply, the The general rule is notices documents papers etc must be served to
the lawyer and not to the client if a client is represented by
petitioner therein made a second request for admission. In resolving
the issue of whether or not the answer to the request for admission counsel. Notice to client is not notice to the lawyer and it will not
prejudice also the client. Notice to the lawyer is notice to the client it
under Rule 26 “should be made by the party himself and nobody
else, not even his lawyer,” the Court issued a Resolution stating as is binding against the client. But if it is a request for admission notice
to the lawyer himself alone without notifying the client is not binding
against the client or the parties
(a) order any party to produce and permit the inspection and
Example: let's say that there is a fact that the plaintiff wants to prove
copying or photographing, by or on behalf of the moving party, of
and he knows that this is within the knowledge of the
any designated documents, papers, books, accounts, letters,
defendant. Under the rules, the plaintiff has to send the defendant a
photographs, objects or tangible things, not privileged, which
request for admission. Supposed to plaintiff did not send the
constitute or contain evidence material to any matter involved in the
defendant a request for admission because according to the plaintiff
action and which are in his possession, custody or control ( of the
anyway i will just prove this during the trial. During trial the adverse
party against whom the motion is made);
party can object because under section 5 the plaintiff cannot present
evidence to prove something which the defendant could have
admitted in a request for admission so this is something which could (b) order any party to permit entry upon designated land or other
have been the other party resorted to a request for admission. So property in his/her possession or control for the purpose of
this is a dangerous provision because it practically places the other inspecting, measuring, surveying, or photographing the property or
party in estoppel. any designated relevant object or operation thereon (Sec. 1, Rule 27,
Rules of Court)
GR: The adverse party can therefore bar the other from proving
anything simply because he failed to avail of the modes of Rule" 27 sets an unequivocal proviso that the documents,
discovery. papers, books, accounts, letters, photographs, objects or tangible
things that may be produced under Rule 27 and inspected
XPT: However, the Rules allow an exception: “Unless otherwise
allowed by the court for good cause and to prevent a failure of
justice.” On the ground of public policy the rules should only be limited to
those which are not confidential and which are not privileged in
character because even this evidence cannot be admitted also.
• What if denied by the defendant in his answer, still need to send
request for admission?
This condition is in addition to the requisite that the items must be
specifically described so will not inspect remove or get any other
If the answer of the defendant is not under oath then you need to
item and must constitute evidence material to any matter in the
send another request for admission because the answer in a request
for admission has to be under oath. So the answer in the answer the
admissions and denials, would not serve the same purpose as answer
to the request for admission if the answer itself is not under oath. Materiality basta-basta naunsa lang na document even if it is
described kung dili material sa case, then you cannot ask for the
production of that document and which are in the poor disposition The movant must show that the inspection order is necessary to
custody or control. establish the right of the aggrieved party alleged to be threatened or
Ngano man diay mangayo ka og order for the production kung wala
man gihapon sa inyong possession or custody useless gihapon The inspection order shall specify the person or persons authorized
to make the inspection and the date, time, place and manner of
SEE: AIR PHILIPPINES CORPORATION VS PENSWELL (G.R. making the inspection and may prescribe other conditions to protect
No. 172835) the constitutional rights of all parties. The order shall expire five (5)
days after the date of its issuance, unless extended for justifiable
3. An action to recover damages for personal injury where the issue
is the extent of the injuries of the plaintiff;
The RTC is wrong. The rules of discovery, including Section 1, Rule 27
of the Rules of Court governing the production or inspection of any
designated documents, papers, books, accounts, letters, Here we have to know the extent of the injury suffered by the
photographs, objects or tangible things not privileged, which contain plaintiff for example.
or constitute evidence material to any matter involved in the action
and which are in the other party’s possession, custody or control, are 4. Action for declaration of nullity of marriage on the ground of
to be accorded broad and liberal interpretation. psychological incapacity;
What is chiefly contemplated is the discovery of every bit of Here we can compel the mental examination of the person.
information which may be useful in the preparation for trial, such as
the identity and location of persons having knowledge of relevant
5. Action for annulment under Article 45 of the Family Code on the
facts; those relevant facts themselves; and the existence, description,
grounds of insanity, physically incapacity of consummating the
nature, custody, condition, and location of any books, documents, or
marriage with the other and such incapability continues and appears
other tangible things. Hence, the "deposition-discovery rules are to
to be incurable and affliction with a sexually-transmissible disease
be accorded a broad and liberal treatment. No longer can the time-
found to be serious and appears to be incurable;
honored cry of ‘fishing expedition’ serve to preclude a party from
inquiring into the facts underlying his opponent’s case. Mutual
knowledge of all the relevant facts gathered by both parties is 6. An action for damages based on quasi-delict that led to physical
essential to proper litigation. To that end, either party may compel injuries.
the other to disgorge whatever facts he has in his possession. The
deposition-discovery procedure simply advances the stage at which SEC. 2. Order for examination.—The order for examination may be
the disclosure can be compelled from the time of trial to the period made only on motion for good cause shown and upon notice to the
preceding it, thus reducing the possibility, of surprise,"... party to be examined and to all other parties, and shall specify the
time, place, manner, conditions and scope of the examination and
In light of the foregoing, the RTC should have favorably acted on the the person or persons by whom it is to be made. (2)
petitioners’ Motion for Production/Inspection of Documents in order
to enable the petitioners, consistent with the recognized privileges Discussion: So it should be a bond motion you file a motion for the
and disabilities, to enable them to obtain the fullest possible physical examination of your opponent and there should be good
knowledge of the issues and facts to be determined in Special Civil cause to justify why there is a need to examine. You should serve a
Action Case No. 2070, and thereby prevent the trial from being copy of the motion to the adverse party so fun to the requisites of
carried on in the dark, at least from their side. Doing so would not motion. Once the court already approves you motion for the mental
have caused any prejudice to the respondents, for, after all, even had or physical examination the court should also specify the time please
the petitioners not filed the Motion for Production/Inspection of manner condition etc of the examination and who will conduct
Documents, the respondents would themselves also be expected to examination
produce the STB in court in order to substantiate their affirmative
defense that the petitioners were not stockholders-of-record of Abra
Valley. Verily, that there was no entry or record in the STB showing
the petitioners to be stockholders of Abra Valley was no valid SEC. 3. Report of findings—If requested by the party examined, the
justification for the respondents not to produce the same. Otherwise, party causing the examination to be made shall deliver to him or her
the disputable presumption under Section 3 (e) of Rule 131 of the a copy of a detailed written report of the examining physician setting
Rules of Court that "evidence willfully suppressed would be adverse out his or her findings and conclusions. After such request and
if produced" could arise against them. delivery, the party causing the examination to be made shall be
entitled upon request to receive from the party examined a like
report of any examination, previously or thereafter made, of the
---- END OF RULE 27 ---- same mental or physical condition. If the party examined refuses to
deliver such report, the court on motion and notice may make an
order requiring delivery on such terms as are just, and if a physician
RULE 28 fails or refuses to make such a report, the court may exclude his or
PHYSICAL AND MENTAL EXAMINATION OF PERSONS her testimony if offered at the trial. (3a)
What is the meaning of section 3 conducted thereafter by requesting and obtaining a report of the
exam or by taking the deposition of the examiner.
For example a files a case against b for declaration of nullity of
marriage on the ground of psychological incapacity of be in that So same illustration, si B, after sya na examine on order of the court
particular case for example a filed a motion in court for the mental by motion of A, gitake ni B ang deposition sa doctor. By taking that
examination of b which the court granted. So the exam was deposition, B waives any privilege which he may have in that case or
conducted and the results are in. Be requested for a copy of that in any other case involving the same mental condition.
psychological evaluation so once mohatag na si a kay b ug copy
atong result, of findings, unsay consequence? So A now has access to mental examinations conducted by ANY
A can ask B of a copy of any examination conducted before or after So 2 instances when there is a waiver:
of the same mental condition. So dili pa kaingon si B karon na dili 1. By requesting and obtaining a report of the examination
taka tagaan because that is privileged communication. Here we are so ordered or
applying the rule on physical and mental examination of persons 2. By taking the deposition of the examiner, the party
under rule 28. So be cannot refuse to furnish be a copy of an examined
examination which he underwent before sa examination na girequest
ni A or after.
A motion must be filed showing good cause for the examination,
with notice to the other parties as well aside from the party to be
examined. The motion shall likewise specify the time, place, manner,
conditions and scope of the examination and 'by the person or RULE 29
persons by whom it is made (Sec. 2, Rule 28, Rules of Court). REFUSAL TO COMPLY WITH MODES OF DISCOVERY
SEC. 3. Other consequences.—If any party or an officer or managing ISSUE: Is the order providing for contempt and payment of fine
agent of a party refuses to obey an order made under Section 1 of valid?
this Rule requiring him or her to answer designated questions, or an
order under Rule 27 to produce any document or other thing for RULING:
inspection, copying, or photographing or to permit it to be done, or
to permit entry upon land or other property, or an order made under Yes, the order is valid. A person guilty of disobedience of or
Rule 28 requiring him or her to submit to a physical or mental resistance to a lawful order of a court or commits any improper
examination, the court may make such orders in regard to the refusal conduct tending, directly or indirectly, to impede, obstruct, or
as are just, and among others the following: degrade the administration of justice may be punished for indirect
contempt. In particular, Section 4, Rule 3 of the Interim Rules states
(a) An order that the matters regarding which the questions were that, in addition to a possible treatment of a party as non-suited or
asked, or the character or description of the thing or land, or the as in default, the sanctions prescribed in the Rules for failure to avail
contents of the paper, or the physical or mental condition of the of, or refusal to comply with, the modes of discovery shall apply.
party, or any other designated facts shall be taken to be established Under Section 3, Rule 29 of the Rules, if a party or an officer or
for the purposes of the action in accordance with the claim of the managing agent of a party refuses to obey an order to produce any
party obtaining the order; document or other things for inspection, copying, or photographing
(b)An order refusing to allow the disobedient party to support or or to permit it to be done, the court may make such orders as are
oppose designated claims or defenses or prohibiting him or her from just. The enumeration of options given to the court under Section 3,
introducing in evidence designated documents or things or items of Rule 29 of the Rules is not exclusive, as shown by the phrase "among
testimony, or from introducing evidence of physical or mental others."
To ensure that availment of the modes of discovery is otherwise
(c) An order striking out pleadings or parts thereof, or staying further untrammeled and efficacious, the law imposes serious sanctions on
proceedings until the order is obeyed, or dismissing the action or the party who refuses to make discovery, such as dismissing the
proceeding or any part thereof, or rendering a judgment by default action or proceeding or part thereof, or rendering judgment by
against the disobedient party; and default against the disobedient party; contempt of court, or arrest of
the party or agent of the party; payment of the amount of
(d) In lieu of any of the foregoing orders or in addition thereto, an reasonable expenses incurred in obtaining a court order to compel
order directing the arrest of any party or agent of a party for discovery; taking the matters inquired into as established in
disobeying any of such orders except an order to submit to a accordance with the claim of the party seeking discovery; refusal to
physical or mental examination. (3a) allow the disobedient party support or oppose designated claims or
defenses; striking out pleadings or parts thereof; staying further
CAPITOL HILLS GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB, INC. vs. SANCHEZ G.R. No. proceedings. Comment: when you say contempt, it’s actually indirect
182738, February 24, 2014 contempt because it is committed not in the presence of the judge.
During the January 11, 2007 inspection, the only document How about the fine?
produced by the Acting Corporate Secretary, Atty. Antonio V. Meriz, If adjudged guilty of indirect contempt, the respondent who
and one of the staff, Malou Santos, was the Stock and Transfer Book committed it against a Regional Trial Court or a court of equivalent
of the Corporation. They alleged that they could not find from the or higher rank may be punished with a fine not exceeding thirty
corporate records the copies of the proxies submitted by the thousand pesos, or imprisonment not exceeding six (6) months, or
stockholders, including the tape recordings taken during the both.
stockholders’ meetings, and that they needed more time to locate
and find the list of stockholders as of March 2002, which was in the In this case, the threatened sanction of possibly ordering petitioners
bodega of the Corporation. This prompted respondent to file a to solidarily pay a fine of ₱10,000.00 for every day of delay in
Manifestation with Omnibus Motion praying that an order be issued complying with the September 10, 2002 Order is well within the
in accordance with Section 3, Paragraphs (a) to (d) of Rule 29 of the allowable range of penalty.
Rules of Court (Rules), in relation to Section 4, Rule 3 of the Interim
Rules of Procedure Governing Intra-Corporate Controversies under
Republic Act No. 8799 (Interim Rules). SEC. 4. Expenses on refusal to admit.—If a party after being served
with a request under Rule 26 to admit the genuineness of any
On September 3, 2007, the trial court issued a Resolution, the document or the truth of any matter of fact, serves a sworn denial
concluding portion of which ordered the defendants to produce and thereof and if the party requesting the admissions thereafter proves
make available for inspection and photocopying by the plaintiff the the genuineness of such document or the truth of any such matter of
following documents: fact, he or she may apply to the court for an order requiring the
other party to pay him or her the reasonable expenses incurred in
1. The list of stockholders of record as of March 2002; making such proof, including reasonable attorney’s fees. Unless the
2. All proxies, whether validated or not, which have been received by court finds that there were good reasons for the denial or that
the defendants;
admissions sought were of no substantial importance, such order C. Refusal to be sworn
shall be issued. (4a)
A refusal of a party to be sworn after being directed by the court
may be considered as contempt of court (Sec. 2, Rule 29, Rules of
SEC. 5. Failure of party to attend or serve answers.—If a party or an
officer or managing agent of a party wilfully fails to appear before
the officer who is to take his or her deposition, after being served
with a proper notice, or fails to serve answers to interrogatories
D. Refusal to admit
submitted under Rule 25 after proper service of such interrogatories,
the court on motion and notice, may strike out all or any part of any
If a party refuses to admit the genuineness of any document or the
pleading of that party, or dismiss the action or proceeding or any
truth of any matter of fact and serves a sworn denial thereof and if
part thereof, or enter a judgment by default against the party, and in
the other party later on proves the genuineness of the document or
its discretion, order him or her to pay reasonable expenses incurred
the truth of such matter of fact, the court upon proper application,
by the other, including attorney’s fees. (5a)
may order the former to pay the reasonable expenses in making
such proof, including attorney's fees (Sec. 4, Rule 29, Rules of Court).
SEC. 6. Expenses against the Republic of the Philippines.—Expenses
and attorney’s fees are not to be imposed upon the Republic of the
Philippines under this Rule.(6) E. Failure to attend depositions or to serve answers to
29) The court may:
The sanctions for refusal to 'comply with the modes of discovery may (a) strike out all or any part of the pleading of that party, or dismiss
be summarized as follows: the action or proceeding or any part thereof, or
A. Refusal to answer any question (b) enter a judgment by default against that party, and in its
a. The court may upon proper application, compel a deponent who
refuses to answer an oral examination. The same applies to a witness (c) order him to pay reasonable expenses incurred by the other,
who refuses to answer an interrogatory submitted (Sec. 1, Rule 29, including attorney's fees (Sec. 5, Rule 29, Rules of Court).
Rules of Court). A refusal to answer after being directed by the court
may be considered as a contempt of court (Sec. 2, Rule 29, Rules of The consequences under Sec. 5 of Rule 29 will apply if a party refuses
Court). to answer the whole set of written interrogatories, and not just a
particular question. Where the party upon whom the written
The court may order the deponent, a party, or the counsel advising interrogatories is served, refuses to answer a particular question in
the refusal, or both of them, to pay the proponent the amount of the set of written interrogatories and despite an order compelling
reasonable expenses incurred in obtaining the order, including him to answer the particular question, still refuses to obey the order,
attorney's fees (Sec. 1, Rule 29, Rules of Court). Sec. 3(c) of Rule 29 will apply (ZEPEDA vs. CHINA BANKING
CORPORATION, G.R. No. 172175, October 9,2006).
b. If the application for an order to compel a deponent to answer is The following are the consequences provided for in Sec. 3(c) of Rule
denied because of the absence of a substantial justification, the court 29:
may require the proponent or the counsel advising the application,
or both of them, to pay to the refusing party or deponent the (a) The court may issue "an order striking out pleadings or parts
amount of reasonable expenses incurred in opposing the thereof;
application, including attorney's fees (Sec. 1, Rule 29, Rules of Court).
(b) The court may issue an order staying further proceedings until
B. Refusal to answer designated or particular questions or the order is obeyed; or
refusal to produce documents or things or to submit to physical
or mental examination (c) The court may issue an order rendering a judgment by default
against the disobedient party.
a. The court may order that the matters .regarding which the
questions were asked shall be taken as established for purposes of
the action in accordance with the claim of the party obtaining them The matter of how, and when, the above sanctions should be applied
(Sec. 3[a], Rule 29, Rules of Court). is one that primarily rests on the sound discretion of the court where
the case is pending, having always in mind the paramount and
b. The court may issue an order refusing to allow the disobedient overriding interest of justice. For while the modes of discovery are
party to refuse or support designated claims or defenses or intended to attain the resolution of litigations with great expediency,
prohibiting him from introducing in evidence designated documents they are not contemplated, however, to be ultimate causes of
or things or items of testimony, or from introducing evidence of injustice. It behooves trial courts to examine well the circumstances
physical or mental condition (Sec. 3[b], Rule 29, Rules of Court). of each case and to make their considered determination thereafter
(Zepeda vs. China Banking Corporation, supra).
c. The court may issue an order striking out pleadings or parts
thereof, or staying further proceedings until the order is obeyed, or
dismissing the action or proceeding or any part thereof, or rendering RULE 30
a judgment by default against the disobedient party (Sec. 3[c], Rule TRIAL
29, Rules of Court).
SECTION 1. Schedule of trial.—The parties shall strictly observe
d. The court may direct the arrest of any party or agent of a party for the scheduled hearings as agreed upon and set forth in the pretrial
disobeying any of the orders of the court, except an order to submit order.
to a physical examination.
a) The schedule of the trial dates, for both plaintiff and
defendant, shall be continuous and within the following periods:
Discussion: how about if there is a
i. The initial Discussion: iii. The period for the 3rd, 4th party complaint? The rules
presentation of plaintiff’s Let’s just summarize what happens presentation of evidence says, the court will also schedule
evidence shall be set not in a trial. So we mentioned before in on the third (fourth, that but it shall not exceed 90
later than thirty (30) the pre trial order, the court will etc.)party claim, calendar days.
calendar days after the shceduel based on the availability of counterclaim or cross
termination of the pre- the parties. The trial dates for claim shall be IV mentions about rebuttal
trial conference. Plaintiff plaintiff and trial dates for determined by the evidence. Balik ta sa previous
shall be allowed to defendant. Assuming no 3rd 4th party court, the total of which example – si plaintiff nagpresent ug
present its evidence complaint. shall in no case exceed testimonial evidence, nag formal
within a period of three ninety (90) calendar days; offer, then defendant napud, nag
(3) months or ninety (90) After the pre trial, based on the and testimonial evidence and nag formal
calendar days which shall schedules indicated in the pre trial offer assuming no 3rd, 4th party
include the date of the dates, I schedula na ang iv. If deemed necessary, complaint. After ni defendant,
judicial dispute presentation of evidence. Firat ang the court shall set the human na baa ng akso? Pwede na
resolution, if necessary; plaintiff. So witness for the plaintiff. presentation of the submitted for decision. Usually, kana
Let’s say na 2 witnesses so 2 trial parties’ respective ang order. Perop possible pud na
dates. Witness A will be presented in rebuttal evidence, which after sa offer sa defendant, si
ii. The initial presentation court to testify. When is the initial shall be completed within plaintiff magrebuttal. Naay mga
of defendant’s evidence presentation of evidence for the a period of thirty (30) items or issues, evidence in the
shall be set not later than plaintiff? The rule says not later than calendar days. testimonial ordocumentary evidence
thirty (30) calendar days 30 calendar days after the of the defendant na gusto irebut ni
after the court’s ruling termination of thepre trial and then plaintiff.
on plaintiff’s formal offer all in all plaintiff has 90 calendar
of evidence. The days including JDR if necessary. Pagrebuttal gani, dili ka magsugod
defendant shall be Possibly man gud after pre trial, sa start, limited lang ka sa issues na
allowed to present its before proceeding to trial, ischedule pwede irebut based sa evidence sa
evidence within a period for JDR. defendant. So didto lang ka kutob.
of three (3) months or You cannot rpesent evidence you
ninety (90) calendar days; So apil na sa 90 days ang JDR. could have presented during the
presentation of the evidence in
Witness A will be subject to direct chief. Di na na sya rebuttal – if mag
exam by virtue of a judicial affidavit. present kag evidence in chief na
Then cross exam, redirect and then pud. So after the rebuttal, kung
recross. sidefendant nay nakita sa rebuttal
na gusto niya I rebut, we have the
After that, next trial date, si B napud. surrebuttal which shall be
Same – direct, cross, redirect, completed within 30 calendar days.
recross. After the presentation of b) The trial dates may be Discussion: possible na you schedule
testimonial evidence, usually ang shortened depending on pre trial dates but you’re just able to
counsel ni plaintiif will offer na the the number of witnesses present 1 witness.
exhibits- all which were identified to be presented, provided Then, naa pa jud syay limitation na
during the trial. that the presentation of regardless sa aktogn first na plaintiff
evidence of all parties has to complete presentation of
After that, the rule says defendant shall be terminated within evidence within 90 days. All in all the
na pud. initial presentation of a period of ten (10) rule says the presentation of
defendant’s evidence shall be set months or three hundred evidence of the parties shall be
not later than thirty (30) calendar (300) calendar days. If terminated within a period of 10
days after the court’s ruling on there are no third (fourth, months or 300 calendar days.
plaintiff’s formal offer of evidence. etc.) –party claim,
Nganong court’s ruling? Kay mag counterclaim or cross- Kung walay 3rd 4th, etc, 6 months or
rule paman si court regarding the claim, the presentation of 180 calendar days.
formal offer of evidence made by evidence shall be
paintiff to magrule si court kung terminated within a
admitted or excluded. Then, si period of six (6) months
defendant if duha iyang witness or one hundred eighty
example, the defendant shall be (180) calendar days.
allowed to present its evidence
within a period of three (3) months c) The court shall decide Rare ra ni maachieve, but that’s the
or ninety (90) calendar days; and serve copies of its rule. Lol.
decision to the parties
So pareho lang kaso si plaintiff nay within a period not
bawas kay inclusive of JDR iyang 90 exceeding ninety (90)
days. calendar days from the
submission of the case for
After presentation of evidence, resolution, with or
defendant will also make the formal without memoranda. (n)
offer of evidence. What you offer is
the documents. Kanus a man nimo
ioffer ang testimonial evidence?
When you call the witness to testify.
SEC. 2. Adjournments and postponements.—A court may adjourn a Naa pud nay court calendar sa gawas where you will see scheduled
trial from day to day, and to any stated time, as the expeditious and hearings for the day. You can look at the calendar of the court for
convenient transaction of business may require, but shall have no the next day to check if naschedule jud.
power to adjourn a trial for a longer period than one month for each
adjournment, nor more than three months in all, except when Pero if wala na schedule, you can talk to the staff para masingit. No
authorized in writing by the Court Administrator, Supreme Court. biggie.
The party who caused the postponement is warned that the SEC. 5. Order of trial.—Subject to the provisions of Section 2 of Rule
presentation of its evidence must still be terminated and the 31, and unless the court for special reasons otherwise directs, the
remaining dates previously agreed upon. (2a) trial shall be limited to the issues stated in the pre trial order and
Discussion: shall proceed as follows:
SEC. 3. Requisites of motion to postpone trial for illness of party or Comment: take note of letter F. You can still adduce rebutting
counsel.—A motion to postpone a trial on the ground of illness of a evidence but only to rebut the evidence of the other party. So
party or counsel may be granted if it appears upon affidavit or sworn plaintiff presented evidence and defendant also presented evidence.
certification that the presence of such party or counsel at the trial is Halimbawa walay mga 3rd 4th party complaint. After sa defendant
indispensable and that the character of his or her illness is such as to pwede pa si plaintiff mag present ug rebutting evidence.
render his or her nonattendance excusable. (4a)
Discussion: GR: Kato lang, dili pwede evidence in chief or another kind of
So if magpapostpone ka due to illness, you have to file a motion and evidence totally unrelated.
it must be accompanied by:
1. affidavit/sworn certification – not the med cert. aside from EXCEPT: for good reasons and in the furtherance of justice.
that, an affidavit na your presence is indispensable and
that the character of the illness is such to render non (g) Upon admission of the evidence, the case shall be deemed
attendance excusable. submitted for decision, unless the court directs the parties to argue
or to submit their respective memoranda or any further pleadings.
Attendance of who? The party OR counsel. Pwede pud that the parties will be order to submit memorandum or
Si party, pwede nap ag muabsent sya, dili pa sya ang nakatoka mag other pleadinsg para maguide ang court.
appear sa witness stand or maybe he is the witness pero diba before
the trial, when you file the complaint, naka attach na dapat ang If several defendants or thirdparty defendants, and so forth, having
judicial affidavit, so maybe if the witness/party is unavailable, if the separate defenses appear by different counsel, the court shall
other witness is available, you can present him instead and avoid the determine the relative order of presentation of their evidence. (5a)
postponement of the trial.
Kaya lang, this will be very problematic if is aka box ag imong ioffer.
All courts shall ensure the posting of their court calendars outside
In that case, the court will allow parties to make a written offer of
their courtrooms at least one (1) day before the scheduled hearings,
their exhibits. Kung isa isahon nimog offer – isa isahon man gud na.
pursuant to OCA Circular No. 250 2015. (n)
like adeed of sale, you mention it and you mention the purpose,
unsaon pagkahuman sa hearing ana? In that case, the court will allow
a written offer.
8:30-12 then 2-5PM
Motion day is Friday
SEC. 7. Agreed statement of facts—The parties to any action may
agree, in writing, upon the facts involved in the litigation, and submit
the case for judgment on the facts agreed upon, without the the court may delegate the reception of evidence to its clerk of court
introduction of evidence. who is a member of the bar. The clerk of court shall have no power
to rule on objections to any question or to the admission of exhibits,
If the parties agree only on some of the facts in issue, the trial shall which objections shall be resolved by the court upon submission of
be held as to the disputed facts in such order as the court shall his or her report and the transcripts within ten (10) calendar days
prescribe. (6) from termination of the hearing. (9a)
Discussion: judge proceeds and receives evidence. During the entire
Discussion: it can happen during the pre trial for example, stipulation proceedings naa si judge. Kung nay objections, judge will rule on
of facts. So during trial after na pre trail, the parties can agree upon objections.
the facts involved in the litigation. So walay issue as to what really
happened. The issue lang is what law or how to apply the law on the Can judge delegate hearing or reception of evidence? YES
set of facts. So in that case mas dali ra sya. You just submit the case You can delegate reception of evidence to COC who is a member of
for judgment on the basis of the facts agreed upon. This is similar to the bar.
a judgment on the pleadings. You don’t need to introduce evidence
already because insofar as the facts are concerned, that is already In what cases?
established. 1. In default
2. Ex parte hearing
If only some of the facts are in issue, then the court will conduct trial
only on those disputed facts. Dili na sa tanan. Katong hearings na walay kalaban. Dili pwede magrule si COC if naay
objections. The court will rule when the COC submits the report and
[SEC. 7. Statement of judge.—Deleted] TSN.
There are cases na nay objections – human na pre trial. During trial
na, without any justifiable reason, a party and counsel are not
SEC. 8. Suspension of actions.—The suspension of actions shall be
present so it will allow presentation of evidence ex parte. However,
governed by the provisions of the Civil Code and other laws. (8a)
pag magformal offer na si plaintiff, pwede gihapon makaobject si
This contemplates a situation whre the court proceedings will be RULE 31
suspended. But if you remember our discussion on rule 15, sec 12 CONSOLIDATION OR SEVERANCE
(d), sec 12 talks of prohibited motions one of which is a motion to
suspend proceedings without a TRO issued by a higher court. So
SECTION 1. Consolidation.—When actions involving a common
nganong naa man tay provision on suspension of actions when a
question of law or fact are pending before the court, it may order a
motion to suspend is a prohibited motion?
joint hearing or trial of any or all the matters in issue in the actions; it
may order all the actions consolidated; and it may make such orders
Take note that sec 12 contemplates a sitch where there is a petition
concerning proceedings therein as may tend to avoid unnecessary
for certiorari before a higher court and then nagpadayon gihapon
costs or delay. (1)
mo sa RTC. In that rtc case, nay interlocutory orders na wala ka nag
agree so imong gielevate sa CA. is the fact na nay pending petition Discussion: We are talking of different actions docketed seprarately.
for certiorari a ground to suspend proceedings in the RTC? NO. The corut can order a joint hearing or trial of any or all the matters in
unless the CA issued a TRO or injuction against the RTC. issue in the actions.
BUT this sec 8, is another ground for suspension of actions. So for example – this is case 1, then we have case 2, they are
different cases but there is a common question of law or fact in the 2
cases and pedning before the same court.
Art. 2030. Every civil action or proceeding shall be suspended: Example, naay common witness na magtestify for the same 2 cases
and then iyahang testimony would be the same for case 1 and 2. The
documents he will identify in case 1 and 2 are the same. So why
1) If willingness to discuss a possible compromise is expressed by conduct separate trials for the same parson. So okay nan a joint. The
one or both parties; or case will be called jointly by the court.
Discussion: Discussion:
Concept of trial by commissioner Take note of the power of commissioner:
Here there is still a judge but certain issues may not be within the 1. He can conduct hearings
competence of a judge. For example there are accounting issues 2. Regulate proceedings
involved in a case and you cannot render judgment without taking 3. Issue subpoena (duces tecum or ad testificandum)
that issue into account. So the court may refer the issue to persons 4. Can swear witnesses
or group of persons who are more competent on the matter.
Diba pwede idelegate sa clerk of court ang reception of evidence in
How can an issue be referred to a commissioner? ex parte and default hearings but the clerk of court has no power to
2 ways rule on objections or admissibility of evidence. But here, the
1. Reference by consent - By written consent of both parties, commissioner may rule on objections and admissibility of evidence.
the court may order any or all of the issues in a case to be So kung unsa ang power sa court, mao sad to ang power sa
referred to a commissioner to be agreed upon by the commissioner.
parties or to be appointed by the court.
a. Who will be the commissioner – agreed upon by
SEC. 4. Oath of commissioner.—Before entering upon his or her
parties or if they agree to be appointed by the
duties the commissioner shall be sworn to a faithful and honest
court, then to be appointed by the court.
performance thereof. (4a)
SEC. 3. Order of reference; powers of the commissioner.— When a SEC. 9. Report of commissioner.—Upon the completion of the trial or
reference is made, the clerk shall forthwith furnish the commissioner hearing or proceeding before the commissioner, he or she shall file
with a copy of the order of reference. The order may specify or limit with the court his or her report in writing upon the matters
the powers of the commissioner, and may direct him or her to report submitted to him or her by the order of reference. When his or her
only upon particular issues, or to do or perform particular acts, or to powers are not specified or limited, he or she shall set forth his or
receive and report evidence only, and may fix the date for beginning her findings of fact and conclusions of law in his or her report. He or
and closing the hearings and for the filing of his or her report. she shall attach thereto all exhibits, affidavits, depositions, papers
Subject to the specifications and limitations stated in the order, the and the transcripts, if any, of the testimonial evidence presented
commissioner has and shall exercise the power to regulate the before him or her. (9a)
So the findings of fact, conclusion of law and attach affidavits (2) representatives from each party, and a geodetic engineer from the
transcript, if there are testimonial evidence presented before him, City Engineer's Office of Pasay City as the team leader.
also include that.
Engineer Amador Abaya (Engr. Abaya) of the City Engineer's Office
SEC. 10. Notice to parties of the filing of report.— Upon the filing of was designated as the team leader. On March 31, 1987, he submitted
the report, the parties shall be notified by the clerk, and they shall be a report 17 (Abaya Report) indicating that there are no monuments
allowed ten (10) calendar days within which to signify grounds of on the ground which would enable him to determine the boundary
objections to the findings of the report, if they so desire. Objections of Lot No. 555 owned by Uy Realty and the extent of encroachment
to the report based upon grounds which were available to the of Balasbas, et al.'s houses on Lot No. 555 and that a sevenmeter
parties during the proceedings before the commissioner, other than canal separates Lot No. 555 and Lot No. 587 owned by a certain Mr.
objections to the findings and conclusions therein set forth, shall not Saulog. Attached to the report was a sketch plan showing Lot No.
be considered by the court unless they were made before the 555, Lot No. 587 and the canal which separates the two (2) lots.
commissioner. (10a)
Discussion: During the continuation of the trial, the trial court ordered the
When the commissioner files the report, it will be the COC which will commission to resurvey the area in order to determine the exact area
notifiy the parties of the report. For example, you are the party and of the gap or strip of land/canal separating Uy Realty's land and that
you have read the report of the commissioner and you want to of Mr. Saulog. On January 31, 1989, Engr. Abaya manifested that
object. there is a conflicting tie line appearing on the survey plans submitted
by the engineers of both parties. The RTC then directed the Director
Can you object? YES. The rule says you have 10 days within which to of the Bureau of Lands or his representative to examine the plans
signify grounds of objections to the findings of the report, if they so and to certify which one is the correct plan.
Isidro E. Mundo, Jr., Chief: Surveys Division of the Department of
Now, usna man pud ang mga possible objections? Environment and Natural ResourcesLands Management Sector
1. As to findings and conclusions in the report (DENRLMS), submitted a reply report dated July 18, 1989 and a
a. So naa may factual statements, didto ta sa supplemental letter clarifying and correcting the tie line.
conclusion of findings based on the facts Subsequently, the Chief of the Technical Services Section of the
2. As to the facts mentioned in the report, DENRLMS, Elpidio T. De Lara (Engr. De Lara), submitted his Final
a. If tehse grounds were available to the parties Report (De Lara Report) of the field survey dated January 11, 1990.
during the proceedings before the The results of the surveys conducted by Engr. Abaya and Engr. De
commissioner. Like na syay determination pila Lara showed encroachment on Uy Realty's property.
ang amount, distance, area – you should make
these objections before the commissioner On May 8, 1990, the trial court issued an Order submitting the case
b. If wala girule ug tarong or dii ka satisfied, you for decision on the basis of the survey conducted by the commission
can also reterate that in court but you should as previously agreed upon by the parties and their counsels.
make your objections before the commissioner.
c. But with respect to the findings and conclusions
Petitioners Balasbas, et. al. challenged the surveys undertaken and
in the report, you can raise your objections to
their joint stipulations and admissions.
the court.
Section 11. Hearing upon report. – Upon the expiration of the period
of ten (10) calendar days referred to in the preceding section, the The findings of the RTC and the CA regarding petitioners'
report shall be set for hearing, after which the court shall issue an encroachment on Uy Realty's property are based on the results of the
order: surveys Engr. Abaya and Engr. De Lara conducted and which were
1. adopting, attended and witnessed by the parties and their representatives,
2. modifying, or adopted by the parties through their joint stipulations and
3. rejecting the report in whole or in part, or admissions and approved by the RTC through its July 9, 1987 Order
4. recommitting it with instructions, or and September 30, 2005 Decision.
5. requiring the parties to present further evidence before the
commissioner or the court. (11a) Thus, it is too late in the day for petitioners to challenge this. The
Rules of Court, specifically Rule 32[,] Section 11, clearly provides that
the trial court may adopt, modify, reject or recommit the findings of
BALASBAS, ET. AL. vs. ROBERTO L. UY REALTY & DEVELOPMENT the commissioners, the parties, in the case at bench, have agreed to
CORPORATION abide by the results of the survey. Besides, the field survey was
G.R. No. 187544, October 03, 2016 conducted in the presence of representatives of both parties. In fact,
both parties have submitted documents which were utilized as
Uy Realty filed before the RTC of Pasay City a Complaint for recovery references. For actively participating in the conduct of the survey, they
of possession against Balasbas, et al. During the pretrial, the parties are now barred from questioning the manner by which the procedures
agreed that the only issue to be resolved is whether the property were undertaken.
claimed by Uy Realty is the same property on which Balasbas, et al.'s So if you have objections and these are present during the
houses stand, or, whether the property claimed by Uy Realty goes proceedings before the commissioner, you raise your objections
beyond the area covered by its title such that a portion of it there. It would be too late to raise your objections on these matters
encroaches upon the land on which Balasbas, et al. built their once the report is already submitted to the court.
SEC. 12. Stipulations as to findings.—When the parties stipulate that
Trial ensued. On January 29, 1987, the trial court issued an Order a commissioner’s findings of fact shall be final, only questions of law
stating that the only way to determine if any of the houses were shall thereafter be considered. Eg what law to apply and how to we
constructed on Uy Realty's property is to conduct an actual survey. interpret the law in relation to a set of facts.
The trial court ordered the creation of a survey team which will
conduct an actual survey on the land based on the technical
description found in TCT No. 24612. The team would consist of two
SEC. 13. Compensation of commissioner.—The court shall allow the
commissioner such reasonable compensation as the circumstances INTRODUCTION
of the case warrant, to be taxed as costs against the defeated party, Demurrer to evidence is a motion to dismiss filed by the defendant
or apportioned, as justice requires. (13) after the plaintiff had rested his case, on the ground of insufficiency of
evidence. (Ballentine’s Law Dictionary). There is a similar rule in
criminal procedure under Rule 119, Section 23 – demurrer to
evidence in criminal cases. Rule 33 is demurrer to evidence in civil
SECTION 1. Demurrer to evidence.—After the plaintiff has completed
Discussion: Criminal cases – quantum of proof required is proof
the presentation of his or her evidence, the defendant may move for
beyond reasonable doubt. So if the prosecution fails to prove guilt
dismissal on the ground that upon the facts and the law the plaintiff
beyond reasonable doubt, pwede na idismiss.
has shown no right to relief. If his or her motion is denied, he or she
shall have the right to present evidence. If the motion is granted but
So in criminal cases, the prosecution here presents evidence –
on appeal the order of dismissal is reversed, he or she shall be
testimonial, documentary. After the presentation of evidence, the
deemed to have waived the right to present evidence. (1a)
prosecution will now formally offer its evidence. After the
prosecution rests, diha na possible na si accused, tan awon nya if
Discussion: What do we mean by demurrer to evidence? Read naprove iyang reasonable doubt. If feel nya wala he can file a
section 1 – demurrer to evidence.
If the court grants the Where a court denies a demurrer to evidence, (the next step is for
demurrer, acquitted si the defendant to present evidence.) it should set the date for the
accused. The prosecution reception of the defendant's evidence in chief. It should not proceed
cannot appeal because it is to grant the relief demanded by the plaintiff (NORTHWEST AIRLINES,
now double jeopardy. INC. vs. COURT OF APPEALS, 284 SCRA 408).
If mag motion for Discussion: in civil cases, leave of court is not required. It’s not even
reconsideration, then certiorari, mentioned in Rule 33 as a requirement for a demurrer to evidence.
allowed sya. 60 days to file. So if denied, dili makaproceed ang court to grant relief. The
defendant has to proceed with presentation of evidence.
If the court denies the
still present evidence. Pag naay If the demurrer is granted, the case shall be dismissed. However, if
motion for leave on appeal the order granting the motion is reversed, the defendant
loses his right to present evidence. (Sec. 1, Rule 33, Rules of Court;
REPUBLIC vs. TUVERA, G.R. No. 148246, February 16, 2007).
The regular order of trial requires the plaintiff to adduce evidence in MONTE MOTOR WORKS, INC.
support of his complaint. During the trial the plaintiff presents all the G.R. No. 143338, July 29, 2005
pieces of evidence available to him object, documentary and A demurrer to evidence abbreviates judicial proceedings, it being an
MOTION TO DISMISS DEMURRER TO EVIDENCE instrument for the expeditious termination of an action. Caution,
A motion to dismiss is A demurrer to evidence in Rule 33 is however, must be exercised by the party seeking the dismissal of a
made before the filing of made after the plaintiff rests his case, case upon this ground as under the rules, if the movant's plea for the
the answer. i.e., after the completion of the dismissal on demurrer to evidence is granted and the order of
presentation of his evidence. dismissal is reversed on appeal, he loses his right to adduce
evidence. If the defendant's motion for judgment on demurrer to
There are four grounds There is only one ground under Rule
evidence is granted and the order is subsequently reversed on
for a motion to dismiss 33 which is that the plaintiff is not
appeal, judgment is rendered in favor of the adverse party because
under Rule 16. entitled to relief.
the movant loses his right to present evidence. The reviewing court
If a motion to dismiss is If the demurrer is denied under Rule
cannot remand the case for further proceedings; rather, it should
denied, the defendant 33, the defendant may present his
render judgment on the basis of the evidence presented by the
may file his responsive evidence.
If the motion to dismiss If the demurrer to evidence is
is granted, the complaint granted, the complaint may not be MOTION TO DISMISS DISTINGUISHED FROM DEMURRER TO
may be refiled, refiled and the remedy of the plaintiff EVIDENCE
depending on the is to appeal from the order of
ground for dismissal. dismissal.
The defendant however, may sincerely feel that the plaintiff has not
lived up to his burden of proving the material allegations of his claim
and is therefore, not entitled to the relief sought for in his complaint.
Instead of presenting his evidence, the defendant may move for
dismissal on the ground that upon the facts and the law the plaintiff
has shown no right to relief (Sec. 1, Rule 33, Rules of Court). This
motion for dismissal is called a demurrer to evidence.