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The document discusses a series on early Christianity and its environment that covers publications such as monographs, source collections, conference proceedings, and writings by up-and-coming scholars.

Some of the main themes discussed include monotheism and polytheism in Graeco-Roman, Jewish, and Christian writings, as well as the relationship between Jews, gentiles, and Christians in Roman Asia Minor.

The series covers specialist monographs, collections of essays, source material collections and editions, as well as conference proceedings focused on themes central to New Testament scholarship.

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen

Edited by Jörg Frey
Associate Editors: Markus Bockmuehl, James A. Kelhoffer, Hans-Josef
Klauck, Tobias Nicklas and J. Ross Wagner

WUNT I is an international series dealing with the entire eld of early Christianity and its Jewish and Graeco-Roman
environment. Its historical-philological pro le and interdisciplinary outlook, which its long-term editor Martin Hengel was
instrumental in establishing, is maintained by an international team of editors representing a wide range of the
traditions and themes of New Testament scholarship. The sole criteria for acceptance to the series are the scholarly
quality and lasting merit of the work being submitted. Apart from the specialist monographs of experienced researchers,
some of which may be habilitations, WUNT I features collections of essays by renowned scholars, source material
collections and editions as well as conference proceedings in the form of a handbook on themes central to the discipline.

WUNT II complements the rst series by o ering a publishing platform in paperback for outstanding writing by up-and-
coming young researchers. Dissertations and monographs are presented alongside innovative conference volumes on
fundamental themes of New Testament research. Like Series I, it is marked by a historical-philological character and an
international orientation that transcends exegetical schools and subject boundaries. The academic quality of Series II is
overseen by the same team of editors.

ISSN: 0512-1604 - Suggested citation: WUNT I

Last updated: 11/09/2017. Prices are subject to change.

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2017. Approx. 390 pages. UEBERSCHAER, NADINE
forthcoming in October

ISBN 978-3-16-155041-6
Theologie des Lebens bei Paulus und Johannes
cloth approx. 120,00 €
Ein theologisch-konzeptioneller Vergleich des Zusammenhangs von Glaube und
Leben auf dem Hintergrund ihrer Glaubenssummarien


The Christian World Around the New Testament

Collected Essays II

2017. Approx. 760 pages. Most of these thirty-one essays by Richard Bauckham, a well-known New Testament scholar,
forthcoming in October were rst published between 1979 and 2015 in journals and multi-authored volumes. Two are
previously unpublished and one has not been published in English before. They range widely
ISBN 978-3-16-153305-1 over early Christianity and early Christian literature in both the New Testament period and the
cloth approx. 220,00 € early patristic period, re ecting the author's conviction that the historical study of early
Christianity should not isolate the New Testament literature from other early Christian sources,
ISBN 978-3-16-155462-9
such as the apostolic fathers and the Christian apocryphal literature. Some of the essays
eBook PDF approx. 220,00 €
develop further the themes of the author's books on aspects of the Gospels, such as the
intended audiences of the Gospels, the way in which Gospel traditions were transmitted, the
role of the eyewitnesses in the origins of the Gospels, the importance of Papias's evidence
about Gospel traditions, and the relationship between canonical and Gnostic Gospels. Some of
the essays relate to important persons, such as Peter, Barnabas, Paul and James. These include
a full investigation of the evidence for the martyrdom of Peter and an attempt to locate the
estate of Publius where Paul stayed on Malta. There are studies of the Sabbath and the Lord's
Day in both the New Testament and patristic periods. There are studies that survey most of the
main categories of apocryphal Christian literature, including apocryphal Gospels and Acts, and
with a special focus on the non-canonical apocalypses, such as the Apocalypse of Peter and the
Latin Vision of Ezra.

Juden – Heiden – Christen?

Religiöse Inklusionen und Exklusionen im Römischen Kleinasien bis Decius
Hrsg. v. Stefan Alkier u. Hartmut Leppin

2017. Approx. 420 pages. The triad of Jews, gentiles and Christians seems clearly arranged in the religious world of the
forthcoming in November Roman Empire. However, a closer look shows that this is too simple a model in that it neither
does justice to the diverse descriptions of these groups or those of others, nor to their
ISBN 978-3-16-153706-6 respective concepts of identity or the varying mechanisms of inclusions and exclusions. This
cloth approx. 150,00 € volume illustrates this by way of interdisciplinary individual studies on Asia Minor, but also
through conceptional considerations. In summary, the editors o er new terminology
ISBN 978-3-16-155029-4
eBook PDF approx. 150,00 €

Survey of contents

Stefan Alkier/Hartmut Leppin: Einleitung – Juden, Christen, Heiden?

I. Grundsatzfragen
Tobias Nicklas: Parting of the Ways – Probleme eines Konzepts – Manuel Vogel: Judentum,
Christentum, Heidentum – Konzeptionelle Probleme der Begri sbestimmungen – James Rives:

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament

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Ritual Practice, Social Power, and Religious Identity: The Case of Animal Sacri ce

II. Fallstudien
Gian Franco Chiai: Christen und christliche Identität(en) in den Inschriften des kaiserzeitlichen
Phrygiens – Christian Marek: Nochmals zu den Theos-Hypsistos-Inschriften – Ulrich Huttner:
Christliche Grenzgänger und ihre Inschriften – Martina Böhm: Samaritanische Diaspora im
Imperium Romanum – Dorothea Rohde: Die religiöse Landschaft einer Hafenstadt im Wandel:
Das Beispiel Ephesos – Kay Ehling: “Μεγάλη ἡ Ἄρτεμις Ἐφ εσίων.” Münzen, Inschriften, Papyri
und Gemmen kommentieren Apostelgeschichte 19 – Alexander Weiß: Christliche versus
städtische Identitäten? Ein Heptapolit liest die “Sieben Sendschreiben” der Johannesapokalypse
– Carsten Claußen: Die Identität antik-jüdischer Gemeinden in Kleinasien im Spiegel von
Rechtstexten – Stefan Alkier: Terminologien kollektiver Identitäten in der Apostelgeschichte des
Lukas – Jan Bremmer: Jews, Pagans and Christians in the Apocryphal Acts – Hartmut Leppin:
Justin und der Dialog mit Tryphon – Beobachtungen zum christlichen Intellektualismus – Walter
Ameling: Smyrna von der O enbarung bis Pionius – Marktplatz oder Kampfplatz der

Stefan Alkier/Hartmut Leppin: Ein terminologischer Epilog

Between Canonical to Apocryphal Texts

Processes of Reception, Rewriting, and Interpretation in Early Judaism and Early
Ed. by Jörg Frey, Claire Clivaz, and Tobias Nicklas, in collaboration with Jörg

2017. Approx. 480 pages. The present volume aims at a comparative study of the processes of reception, rewriting and
forthcoming in October interpretation between canonical and apocryphal texts in early Jewish and early Christian
literature. A closer look at the respective developments in both corpora of literature can open
ISBN 978-3-16-153927-5 up new perspectives for understanding the developments and changes between texts that
cloth approx. 145,00 € were already considered authoritative, and their reception in new, 'parabiblical' or 'apocryphal'
compositions. The way of reception may also in uence the perspective on canonical texts. The
ISBN 978-3-16-155232-8
range of texts considered includes the LXX, Targumim and Pesharim, books such as Jubilees, the
eBook PDF approx. 145,00 €
Genesis Apocryphon, the Gospel of Thomas, and Apocryphal Acts, traditions about Esther, Ezra,
Manasseh, Peter and Paul, depictions of hell from Enoch to the Apocalypse of Paul, and the
development of miracle stories.

Survey of contents

I. Introduction
Jörg Frey: From Canonical to Apocryphal Texts: The Quest for Processes of 'Apocryphication' in
Early Jewish and Early Christian Literature – Simon Mimouni: Le concept d'apocryphité face au
concept de canonicité: retour sur un problème en débat

II. Reception, Rewriting and Interpretation in Early Jewish Literature

Martin Meiser: Interpretive Methods in the Septuagint of the Prophetic Books – Veronika
Bachmann: Der persische Königshof als Bühne für Variationen um die Themenkomplexe Macht
und Identität. Ein vergleichender Blick auf die Estherbuchversionen EstMT, EstLXX und EstA –
Michael Becker: Ein Patriarch mit Schwächen. Zur Darstellung Abrahams im Genesisapokryphon
– David Hamidovic: Securizing the Straight Line from Heaven to Earth: The Written
Authoritative Catena in the Book of Jubilees – Jutta Jokiranta: Quoting, Writing, and Reading.
Authority in Pesher Habakkuk from Qumran – Stefan Krauter: Esra zwischen Kanon und
Apokryphen – Alberdina Houtman: The Great Beyond According to Targum Isaiah – Karl-Heinz
Ostmeyer: Die Gebete des Manasse (aus Qumran, der Septuaginta und der Kairoer Geniza)

III. Reception, Rewriting and Interpretation in Early Christian Literature

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament

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Enno-Edzard Popkes: Die Apokryphisierung der Botschaft Jesu im Thomasevangelium: eine
religionshistorische Spurensuche – Claire Clivaz: (According) To the Hebrews. An Apocryphal
Gospel and a Canonical Letter Read in Egypt – Wolfgang Grünstäudl: Ein apokryphes
Petrusbild im Neuen Testament. Zur Konstruktion apostolischer Autorität in O bPetr und 2 Petr
– Meghan Henning: Hell as 'Heterotopia'. Edi cation and Interpretation from Enoch to the
Apocalypses of Peter and Paul – Julia Snyder: Relationships between the Acts of the Apostles
and Other Apostle Narratives – Janet Spittler: The Development of Miracle Traditions in the
Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles – Jörg Röder: Wegen guter Taten wollen sie ihn töten?
Apokryphisierung als Element der Rezeptionsgeschichte dargestellt an Wundern in den Acta
Pilati – Tobias Nicklas: Absonderlich und geschmacklos? Antike christliche Wundererzählungen
zwischen “kanonisch” und “apokryph” – Michael Sommer: Paulus und Laodicea. Überlegungen
zur Schriftrezeption, zur Eschatologie und zum Autorenkonzept des “apokryphen”

Delightful Acts
New Essays on Canonical and Non-canonical Acts
Ed. by Harold W. Attridge, Dennis R. MacDonald, and Clare K. Rothschild

2017. Approx. 250 pages. The primary impetus of this collection of essays on canonical and non-canonical Acts is to
forthcoming in November honor the scholarly achievements of Richard I. Pervo. Pervo pioneered the view that canonical
Acts is comparable to ancient ction, insofar as the various episodes about Peter, Paul and the
ISBN 978-3-16-154477-4 other apostles were composed to entertain, even as they inform. In the spirit of this work,
cloth approx. 115,00 € contributors to this volume do not sit idly by. Prodding and provoking readers, these new and
often exploratory essays travel at di erent speeds and with notable variation from center
ISBN 978-3-16-155511-4
within the broad orbit of canonical Acts. The hope is that this volume will foster serious
eBook PDF approx. 115,00 €
conversation of the things discussed, with no small measure of delight along the way .

Survey of contents

Clare K. Rothschild: Introduction

I. Essays
Harold W. Attridge: Paul and Pentheus: What's in a Possible Allusion – Clayton N. Je ord:
Rethinking the Relationship of Acts and the Didache – Amy-Jill Levine: Tabitha/Dorcas,
Spinning O Cultural Criticism – Dennis R. MacDonald: The Son of Man in Acts 7:56 and His
Origin in the Lost Gospel – Troy W. Martin: Peter and the Expansion of Early Christianity in the
Letters of Acts 15:23–29 and First Peter – Shelly Matthews: Fleshly Resurrection, Wifely
Submission, and the Myth of the Primal Androgyne: The Link between Luke 24:39 and
Ephesians 5:30 – David Moessner: A Strange 'New Dish' Called Acts – Mikeal C. Parsons: The
Interrelationship of Friendship, Hospitality, and Philanthropy in Luke's Writings – Mark
Reasoner: The Open Stage of Luke and Acts – Clare K. Rothschild: Perfect Martyr? Dangerous
Material in the Stoning of Stephen – Melissa Harl Sellew: James and the Rejection of Apostolic
Authority in the Gospel of Thomas – Janet E. Spittler: Joking and Play in the Acts of John –
Angela Standhartinger: Better Ending: Paul at the Roman Colonia Philippi in Acts 16

II. Complete Bibliography: Richard I. Pervo


Paul and the Emergence of Christian Textuality

Early Christian Literary Culture in Context. Collected Essays, Volume 1

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament

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2017. Approx. 400 pages. The essays by Margaret M. Mitchell collected in this volume were published over a roughly
forthcoming in November twenty- ve year span of time, and range in scope from the treatment of a two-word phrase
(περὶ δέ, “now concerning,” in 1 Corinthians and 1 Thessalonians) to the role of “the written
ISBN 978-3-16-154616-7 record” in the formation, di usion, and ultimate success of the Gentile Christ-believing mission
cloth approx. 120,00 € in the rst three centuries. At the heart of these studies are two main claims: an insistence that
it was by no means predictable that textuality would be a crucial medium of the Christ-
ISBN 978-3-16-155512-1
believing apocalyptic missionary movements, and the contention that in a signi cant way it
eBook PDF approx. 120,00 €
was the in uence of the self-styled “apostolic envoy,” Paul, that made it so. These arguments
involve not only a retracing of the history and development of Paulinism, in some sense, but
also an analysis, both hermeneutical and history-of-religions, of the role of texts in the life of
the historical Paul, in the extant remnants of the historical-epistolary Paul (i.e., of the
homologoumena), and in that of Paulinist readers, writers, collectors, redactors, narrators, and
interpreters from his time forward. This extends from the exible poetics of his accordion-like
“gospel narrative” that could be expanded and contracted to encompass and address with
sophistication all kinds of issues in occasion-speci c written texts, to the theological grounding
of that gospel proclamation κατὰ τὰς γραφ άς (“according to the scriptures,” 1 Cor 15:3–4), to
the religious logic of “envoyage” and “epiphany” that animated his self-understanding of
mediated presence of Jesus Christ cruci ed, to the powerful poetics of epistolary literature that
enabled the absent Paul to speak from a distance and so even the dead Paul to continue to
speak to generation after generation in a trans-local and trans-temporal religious community
formed in relation to these texts, their claims, and their ritual embodiments. The story of the
development of an early Christian literary culture is not ancillary to a proper study of the “rise
of Christianity” but is a key to it, the isolation of a major strand of its DNA and its processes for
replication across time and space.

Die Septuaginta
1.-3. Internationale Fachtagung veranstaltet von Septuaginta Deutsch (LXX.D),
Wuppertal 2006–2010-PAKET-
Hrsg. v. Martin Karrer u. Wolfgang Kraus, Siegfried Kreuzer, Martin Meiser u.
Marcus Sigismund

2016. XXXV, 2279 pages. The Septuagint is the translation of the Hebrew Bible into Greek and originated in Egypt in the
time of the Ptolemaic kings. It became the basis for the Jewish religion in the Mediterranean
ISBN 978-3-16-154869-7 world in antiquity and also for the dissemination of Christianity. It was used by New Testament
cloth 199,00 € authors for their scripture quotations and it became the canonical form of the Old Testament in
the Orthodox Church. It is also a mirror of its historical setting and a witness of religio-historical
in uences as well as of theological concepts and perceptions. It is the most important witness
for the textual history of the Old Testament, apart from the Hebrew Masoretic text, because
unlike the Qumran biblical texts it is complete.
For the rst time the rst three volumes that contain papers that were presented at the
international conference in Wuppertal, Germany, organized by the Septuaginta-Deutsch
project, are available as a set at a special price. The volumes contain studies into the origins, the
language and the history, including the Wirkungsgeschichte .

Perceiving the Other in Ancient Judaism and Early

Ed. by Michal Bar-Asher Siegal, Wolfgang Grünstäudl, and Matthew Thiessen

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament

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2017. Approx. 250 pages. The present volume reexamines both ancient Christian and Jewish portrayals of outsiders. In
forthcoming in October what ways, both positive and negative, do ancient writers interact with and relate to those
outside of their ethnicity or religious tradition? This volume devotes itself to the
ISBN 978-3-16-154962-5 methodological questions surrounding the use of diverse ancient sources for the construction
cloth approx. 115,00 € of the other. The goal is to shed new light on ancient interactions between di erent religious
groups in order to describe more accurately these relationships.
ISBN 978-3-16-155510-7
eBook PDF approx. 115,00 €
Survey of contents

Albert I. Baumgarten: An Ancient Debate of Disciples – Matthew Thiessen: Gentiles as Impure

Animals in the Writings of Early Christ Followers – Nathan Eubank: Damned Disciples: The
Permeability of the Boundary between Insiders and Outsiders in Matthew and Paul – Tobias
Nicklas: Creating the Other: The “Jews” in the Gospel of John: Past and Future Lines of
Scholarship – Wolfgang Grünstäudl: Instant Polemics: Use and Reuse of Charges against Others
in Early Christianity – Patricia A. Duncan: The Case for Tolerance in the Early Christian (Pseudo-
Clementine) Novel – Katell Berthelot: The Paradoxical Similarities between the Jews and the
Roman Other – Isaiah M. Gafni: Various “Others” in Rabbinic Literature: Between Babylonia
and the Land of Israel – Haim Weiss: The Bodily Images of Shimon Bar Kosibah in Rabbinic
Literature – Michal Bar-Asher Siegal: “The Best of Them Is like a Brier”: On b. 'Eruvin 101a and
the Jewish-Christian Dialogue in the Babylonian Talmud – Christine Hayes: The Complicated
Goy in Classical Rabbinic Sources

Rewriting and Reception in and of the Bible

Ed. by. Jesper Høgenhaven, Jesper Tang Nielsen, and Heike Omerzu

2017. Approx. 400 pages. The contributions in this volume critically engage with Mogens Müller's work on ancient
forthcoming in November Judaism, the Septuagint, the New Testament gospels, and the reception history of the Bible,
covering a variety of topics within the eld of biblical rewriting and reception. Rewriting and
ISBN 978-3-16-155006-5 reception are parts of a continuous process that began within biblical literature itself and have
cloth approx. 160,00 € continued in the history of interpretative communities where the Bible has been received and
cherished in innumerable ways until today. The present volume aims to further the scholarly
ISBN 978-3-16-155439-1
debate on important topics within biblical studies. It demonstrates that the notion of reception
eBook PDF approx. 160,00 €
can be addressed from very di erent angles and from diverse hermeneutical and
methodological viewpoints, all of which o er fresh insights into ancient texts and their afterlife.

Survey of contents

Jesper Høgenhaven/Jesper Tang Nielsen/Heike Omerzu: Introduction: Rewriting and Reception

in and of the Bible

Part I: Rewriting and Reception in the Bible

Ancient Judaism
Jesper Høgenhaven: Fortschreibung und Kanonbildung in der Bibliothek von Qumran:
Bemerkungen mit besonderem Hinblick auf Genesis-Kommentar A (4Q252) – Ingrid Hjelm: The
Coming of a 'Prophet like you' in Ancient Literature – Thomas Thompson: 'Rewritten Bible' or
Reiterative Rhetoric: Examples from Yahweh's Garden – Siegfried Kreuzer: New Testament
Quotations and the Textual History of the Septuagint

New Testament
Michael Labahn: Die Königin aus dem Süden und ihr Auftritt im Gericht: Q 11,31 oder zur
(Wirkungs-)Geschichte einer Begegnungserzählung – Troels Engberg-Pedersen: The Messianic
Secret in the Fourth Gospel: On the Fundamental Importance of Mark for John's Rewriting of
the Story of Jesus – Jesper Tang Nielsen: Lukas und Johannes: Szenen einer Beziehung –
Frederik Poulsen: A Light to the Gentiles: The Reception of Isaiah in Luke-Acts – Martin Meiser:
Torah in Galatians: The Signi cance of the Reception of the Septuagint

Part II: Rewriting and Reception of the Bible

Ancient Times

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament

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Martin Karrer: Reception and Rewriting: Beobachtungen zu Schriftreferenzen und
Textgeschichte der Apokalypse – Heike Omerzu: Das Petrusevangelium als 'rewritten Gospel'?
Eine forschungsgeschichtliche Erörterung der Rezeption der Kategorie ,rewritten Bible' in Bezug
auf frühchristliche Texte – Tilde Bak Halvgaard: Reception of the Johannine Logos in the
Trimorphic Protennoia: The Gnostics and the Bible – Part II – Francis Watson: Reception as
Corruption: Tertullian and Marcion in Quest of the True Gospel – Thomas Ho mann:
Everywhere and Nowhere: On the rewritten Bible and Qur'ān – John Strange: Rewriting the
Bible in Pictorial Arts: Some Examples and Observations

Modern Times
Christina Petterson: Zinzendorf 's New Testament and the Production of Gender – Halvor
Moxnes: Desiring Christ: A Nordic Christology in the Time of Romantic Friendships – Gitte
Buch-Hansen: Converting Refugees and the Gospel: Exegetical Re ections on Refugees'
Encounter with Denmark and with the Lutheran Church

Shadowy Characters and Fragmentary Evidence

The Search for Early Christian Groups and Movements
Ed. by Joseph Verheyden, Tobias Nicklas, and Elisabeth Hernitscheck

Volume 388 The present volume contains the proceedings of an international colloquium that dealt with
2017. Approx. 270 pages. heavily fragmented texts and hypothetical sources, and the “shadowy” characters and
forthcoming in October movements they feature. These two aspects are combined and studied to ascertain how they
have been handled in the history of research, to nd out what they reveal about the
ISBN 978-3-16-154085-1 community or the group expressing itself through (or hiding behind) them, and to establish the
cloth approx. 110,00 € role these documents and gures or groups should be given in reconstructing an overall picture
of developments in the theology and religious life of early Christianity. As can be imagined,
ISBN 978-3-16-155436-0
such documents and sources have sometimes been taken as an open invitation to come up
eBook PDF approx. 110,00 €
with all sorts of highly creative exegesis, adventurous reconstructions of texts and movements,
and quite daring suggestions about identifying particular groups or presumed literary
in uences between documents. The essays contribute to the writing of a critical history of
researching these types of documents and movements.

Survey of contents

Joseph Verheyden: Introduction – Christopher Tuckett: The Community of Q – Korinna Zam r:

Elusive Opponents in the Pastoral Epistles – Michael Sommer: Die Nikolaiten und die
Gegner ktion in der O enbarung des Johannes – eine Annäherung an einige hermeneutische
Probleme der Apokalypselektüre – Tobias Nicklas: Fragmente christlicher Apokryphen und die
Geschichte des frühen Christentums – Elisabeth Hernitscheck: Im trüben Wasser des
“Davidsteichs” – P.Oxy. 840 und die Suche nach seiner Provenienz – Wolfgang Grünstäudl:
Enthüllung im Fragment – Notizen zu Überlieferungsgestalt und Figureninventar der
O enbarung des Petrus – Andrew Gregory: The Nazoraeans – Jean-Daniel Dubois: The
Basilidians – Johanna Brankaer: Revisiting Those Elusive Sethians – Tobias Nicklas: Jenseits der
Kategorien – Elchasai und die Elchasaiten – Carl Johan Berglund: Evaluating Quotations in
Ancient Greek Literature: The Case of Heracleon's hypomnēmata – Gianfranco Agosti:
(Re)constructing a Christian Community through its Poetry

Volume 384
2017. Approx. 430 pages.
forthcoming in October

ISBN 978-3-16-154823-9
cloth approx. 160,00 €

Biblical Ethics and Application

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament

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Biblical Ethics and Application
Purview, Validity, and Relevance of Biblical Texts in Ethical Discourse. Kontexte
und Normen neutestamentlicher Ethik/Contexts and Norms of New Testament
Ethics. Band IX
Ed. by Ruben Zimmermann and Stephan Joubert

Die Makkabäer
Hrsg. v. Friedrich Avemarie, Predrag Bukovec, Stefan Krauter u. Michael Tilly,
unter Mitarb. v. Hendrik Stoppel

Volume 382 In many respects, the Maccabean period represents a bench mark for the formative phase as
2017. XI, 471 pages. well as for ancient Judaism and early Christianity. Alongside the political signi cance of an
forthcoming in September independent state in Hellenistic times, there belongs the paradigmatic developments of the
complex intertwining of ethnos and confession in Judaism, the establishment of the Torah and
ISBN 978-3-16-153861-2 the Bible as binding text corpora, and the emergence of religious institutions and parties. In the
cloth 179,00 € eld of theology, discourses on the Maccabean period had a decisive e ect on Jewish and
Christian eschatology, martyrology and soteriology. This volume makes the rst attempt at
ISBN 978-3-16-155252-6
providing a complete overview of this epoch from a variety of angles. In thematically ordered
eBook PDF 179,00 €
interdisciplinary groups, proven experts synchronously consider contemporary events and
literature, and take a diachronic look at the far-reaching reception of the Maccabean books and
their time.

Survey of contents

Achim Lichtenberger: Die Jerusalemer Religionsreform im Kontext. Antiochos IV., Antiochia und
Zeus Olympios – Hermann Lichtenberger: Die Qumrantexte als Quelle für die Makkabäerzeit –
Anders Klostergaard Petersen: 1 Maccabees from an Axial Age Perspective – Daniel R. Schwartz:
1 Maccabees 14 and the History of the Hasmonean State – Jan Willem van Henten: Time as a
Narrative Tool in 2 Maccabees – Beate Ego: Der Tempel im 2. Makkabäerbuch im Kontext der
Jerusalemer Kultkonzeption – Clemens Leonhard: Tempelfeste außerhalb des Jerusalemer
Tempels in der Diaspora – Markus Öhler: Judäer oder Juden? Die Debatte “Ethnos vs. Religion”
im Blick auf das 2. Makkabäerbuch – Luke Neubert: Inventing Jason of Cyrene? 2 Maccabees
and the Epitome – Armin Lange: Jeremia in den Makkabäerbüchern – Johannes Bernhardt: Das
Bild der Hasmonäerfamilie in den Makkabäerbüchern – Anna Maria Schwemer: Zu
Entstehungszeit und -ort des 4. Makkabäerbuchs – Predrag Bukovec: Per aspera ad astra.
Leben nach dem Tod im 4. Makkabäerbuch – Jan Dochhorn: “Ich bewahrte die gebaute Seite” (4
Makk 18,7). Eine Referenz auf die Verführung der ersten Frau im vierten Makkabäerbuch und
ihre überlieferungsgeschichtlichen Hintergründe – Stefan Krauter: Tacitus über Antiochos IV.
und die Makkabäer – Gerbern S. Oegema: 1 and 2 Maccabees in Paul's Letter to the Galatians –
Dieter Richter: Die Geschichte vom Martyrium der Sieben Brüder (2 Makk 7) in der westlichen
Tradition – Matthias Morgenstern: “Gendered Resistance”. Anmerkungen zur Makkabäer-
Rezeption im rabbinischen und modernen Judentum – Hans P. Lichtenberger: Judentum und
Griechentum bei Hermann Cohen – Thomas Knöppler: Marksteine der wissenschaftlichen
Arbeit am 3. Makkabäerbuch (1564 – 1913)

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament

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Jesus, der Retter

Die Soteriologie des lukanischen Doppelwerks

Volume 381 In this study, Torsten Jantsch examines Luke’s concept of salvation by means of semantic and
2017. XV, 398 pages. narrative analyses of Luke-Acts. He clari es what, according to Luke, the elements of salvation
are, and what the theological basis of his concept of salvation is. History of research has shown
ISBN 978-3-16-155189-5 that these questions remain unanswered so far. The author argues that Luke develops Luke’s
cloth 139,00 € concept of salvation by means of telling the story of the saviour Jesus. During the course of this
story, the activity of Jesus during his earthly mission and his exaltation as ruler of Jews and
ISBN 978-3-16-155594-7
Gentiles at God’s right hand are connected. It is not the death of Jesus, but his position as
eBook PDF 139,00 €
heavenly ruler that e ects salvation consisting in forgiveness of sins and resulting in eternal


Der früheste Evangelist

Studien zum Markusevangelium

Volume 380 In this collection of essays Eve-Marie Becker explores Mark – the earliest gospel writer – as a
2017. XVIII, 461 pages. literary author who, by shaping a gospel narrative, creates a genre sui genres which can be
placed in the broader frame of ancient history-writing. The approach to Mark's Gospel
ISBN 978-3-16-154861-1 presented in this volume thus aims at contextualizing the earliest gospel narrative in terms of
cloth 139,00 € literary history and genre studies in the eld of early imperial history-writing. Second, against
the background of more recent discourses about “history” in the areas of literary and historical
ISBN 978-3-16-155424-7
studies it is discussed how Mark in particular relates to the concept of history-writing: What
eBook PDF 139,00 €
kinds of historiographical methods and concepts does he use? Which types of literary forms of
history-writing does he apply? What is his intention as a historiographical author? The textual
analyses presented in this volume reach from the gospel writing's incipit in Mk 1:1 to the
original ending of the narrative in 16:8.


Maidens, Magic and Martyrs in Early Christianity

Collected Essays I

Volume 379 In this work, Jan N. Bremmer aims to bring together the worlds of early Christianity and those
2017. XVIII, 501 pages. of ancient history and classical literature – worlds that still all too rarely interlock.
Contextualising the life and literature of the early Christians in their Greco-Roman
ISBN 978-3-16-154450-7 environment, he focusses on four areas. A rst section looks at more general aspects of early
cloth 169,00 € Christianity: the name of the Christians, their religious and social capital, prophecy and the
place of widows and upper-class women in the Christian movement. Second, the chronology
ISBN 978-3-16-155438-4
and place of composition of the early apocryphal Acts of the Apostles and Pseudo-Clementines
eBook PDF 169,00 €
are newly determined by paying close attention to their doctrinal contents, but also,
innovatively, to their onomastics and social vocabulary. The author also analyses the frequent
use of magic in the Acts and explains the prominence of women by comparing the Acts to the
Greek novel. Third, an investigation into the theme of the tours of hell suggests a new
chronological order, shows that the Christian tours were indebted to both Greek and Jewish
models, and illustrates that in the course of time the genre dropped a large part of its Jewish
heritage. The fourth and nal section concentrates on the most famous and intriguing report of

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an ancient martyrdom: the Passion of Perpetua . It pays special attention to the motivation and
visions of Perpetua, which are analyzed not by taking recourse to modern theories such as
psychoanalysis, but by looking to the world in which Perpetua lived, both Christian and pagan.
It is only by seeing the early Christians in their ancient world that we might begin to
understand them and their emerging communities.


The Gospel of Matthew on the Landscape of Antiquity

Volume 378 The Gospel of Matthew is an oeuvre mouvante (a work in process), and the dynamics of this
2017. XVIII, 351 pages. process are essential to its identity and function. This understanding of the Gospel of Matthew
stands in distinction from the long history of research centered on Matthew the author and his
ISBN 978-3-16-154454-5 design for the gospel. Focused instead on tradition history—the history of composition and
cloth 139,00 € transmission—Edwin K. Broadhead's approach keeps open the dialectical engagements and the
con icting voices intrinsic to the Gospel of Matthew. As a result, the consistently Jewish
ISBN 978-3-16-154623-5
textures of this gospel are emphasized, there is a broader engagement with the landscape of
eBook PDF 139,00 €
antiquity, and serious attention is given to further developments in the history of transmission.
This focus on the developing tradition thus highlights, rather than suppresses, the viability and
the generative potential of such discourses.


Die Nichtigkeit des Menschen und die Übermacht Gottes

Studien zur Gottes- und Selbsterkenntnis bei Paulus, Philo und in der Stoa

Volume 377 Regard for the self has recently been rediscovered as one of the central themes of Hellenistic
2017. XIV, 471 pages. philosophy. Taking the Jewish theologian Philo of Alexandria and the Apostle Paul as her main
examples, Gudrun Holtz shows how theological anthropology was developed in contrast to
ISBN 978-3-16-155008-9 contemporary philosophical conceptions of the self, particularly to the Stoa. The common core
cloth 169,00 € of the theological-anthropological conception of both authors can be captured in the phrase
“not of people, but of God”. The Pauline doctrine of justi cation proves itself to be a rei cation
ISBN 978-3-16-155009-6
of this shared essence. Other than has been repeatedly assumed lately, the stoical perception
eBook PDF 169,00 €
of God can not be understood to restrict the philosophical demands of the self.

The Eucharist – Its Origins and Contexts

Sacred Meal, Communal Meal, Table Fellowship in Late Antiquity, Early Judaism,
and Early Christianity. Volume I-III
Ed. by David Hellholm and Dieter Sänger

Volume 376 These three volumes are the results of two conferences on the Christian eucharist and its
2017. LX, 2199 pages. context in the traditions of sacred and communal meals; the rst conference was held at the
University of Kiel, the second at the University of Agder's Study Center at Metochi (Lesbos).
ISBN 978-3-16-153918-3 Scholars from all around the world form an international, interdisciplinary and
cloth 289,00 € interdenominational collaboration from various elds including History of Religion, Classics,
Old and New Testament, Judaism, Patristics, Archeology, and History of Art. Volume I deals with
ISBN 978-3-16-153919-0
Old Testament, Early Jewish, and New Testament traditions, volume II with Patristic traditions
eBook PDF 289,00 €
and Iconography, and volume III approaches Near Eastern and Graeco-Roman traditions, as
well as Archeology. Images, illustrations and indexes complete the volume.
The broad scope covered by these studies invites readers not only to a clearer interpretation of

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the origin of the Eucharist and its development in the early church, but also enables them to
reach a better understanding of the religious and cultural background of sacred and communal
meals in general in ancient societies.

Survey of contents

Volume I: Old Testament, Early Judaism, New Testament


Ulrich H. J. Körtner: Zur Einführung in die drei Bände – Peter Altmann: Sacred Meals and Feasts
in the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible and its Environment. A “Treasure Chest” for Early Christian
Practice and Re ection – Göran Eidevall: From Table Fellowship to Terror. Transformations of
the zebach in the Hebrew Bible – Hermann Lichtenberger: Fremdwahrnehmung und
Selbstwahrnehmung – Cecilia Wassén: Common Meals in the Qumran Movement with Special
Attention to Purity Regulations – Jörg Frey: Die Zeugnisse über Gemeinschaftsmähler aus
Qumran – Judi Magness: Were Sacri ces O ered at Qumran? Animal Bone Deposits
Reconsidered – Naomi Jacobs: Biting o More Than They Can Chew. Food, Eating and Cultural
Integration in Tobit and Letter to Aristeas – Dieter Sänger: “Brot des Lebens, Kelch der
Unsterblichkeit”. Vom Nutzen des Essens in 'Joseph und Aseneth'- Kirsten Marie Hartvigsen: The
Meal-Formula, the Honeycomb, and Aseneth's Transformation – Jutta Leonhardt-Balzer: Die
Funktion des Mahles für die Gemeinschaft bei Philo und Josephus – Clemens Leonhard:
Pesach and the Eucharist – James Kelho er: John the Baptist as an Abstainer from Table
Fellowhip and Jesus as a 'Glotton' – Jostein Ådna: Jesus' Meals and Table Companions – Jonas
Holmstrand: The narratives of Jesus' Feeding of the Multitudes. Functions in Early Christian
Literature – Jerker / Karin Blomqvist: Eucharist Terminology in Early Christian Literature.
Philological and Semantic Aspects – Samuel Byrskog: The Meal and the Temple. Probing the
Cult-Critical Implications of the Last Supper – Karl Olav Sandnes: Jesus' Last Meal According to
Mark and Matthew. Comparison and Interpretation – Thomas Kazen: Sacri cial Interpretation
in the Narratives of Jesus' Last Meal – Enno Edzard Popkes: Die verborgene Gegenwärtigkeit
Jesu: Bezüge zu eucharistischen Traditionen in Lk 24* und in den johanneischen Schriften –
Daniel Marguerat: Meals and Community Ethos in the Acts of the Apostles – Peter Müller:
“Streitet nicht über Meinungen”. Römer 14,1–15,7 – Paul Du : Alone Together. Celebrating the
Lord's Supper in Corinth (1 Cor 11:17–34) – Mikael Winninge: The Lord's Supper in 1 Cor 11 and
Luke 22. Traditions and Development – Felix John: Gal 2,11–21. Eine Ritual- und Identitätskrise
– Hermut Löhr: Vom Gemeinschaftsmahl zur Mahl-Gemeinschaft. Überlegungen zum
sakramentalen Charakter des Herrenmahls bei Paulus – Tor Vegge: Meals in the Context of the
Deutero-Pauline Letters, and the Letter of Jude – Håkan Ulfgard: Sharing with the Divine in the
Apocalypse: Meals as Metaphors – Concepts and Contexts – Lukas Bormann: Das Abendmahl.
Kulturanthropologische, kognitionswissenschaftliche und ritualwissenschaftliche Perspektiven
– Hans-Ulrich Weidemann: Mahlgemeinschaft und Taufe. Zu den neutestamentlichen Wurzeln
der altkirchlichen Taufeucharistie

Volume II: Patristic Traditions, Iconography

Gerhard Rouwhorst: Frühchristliche Eucharistiefeiern: Die Entwicklung östlicher und westlicher
Traditionsstränge – Reinhart Staats: Das Blutverbot im Aposteldekret und seine
Wirkungsgeschichte – Candida Moss: Christian Funerary Banquets and Martyr Cults – Andrew
McGowan: Feast as Fast: Asceticism and Early Eucharist Practice – Dietrich-Alex Koch:
Eucharistievollzug und Eucharistieverständnis in der Didache – Lothar Wehr: Die Eucharistie in
den Briefen des Ignatius von Antiochien – Andreas Lindemann: Die eucharistische Mahlfeier
bei Justin und bei Irenäus – Øyvind Norderval: The Eucharist in Tertullian and Cyprian – Anders
Ekenberg: The Eucharist in Early Church Orders – Gunnar af Hällström: Spiritual Meal for
Spiritual People. The Eucharist in the Theology of Clement and Origen of Alexandria – Joseph
Verheyden: Eating with Apostles: Eucharist and Table Fellowship in the Apocryphal Acts of the
Apostles – Jürgen Wehnert: Mahl und Mahlgemeinschaft in den Pseudoklementinen – Michael
Lattke: Einsetzung und Vollzug der christlichen Paschafeier bei Aphrahat – Kees den Biesen: “A
Drop of Salvation”. Ephrem the Syrian on the Eucharist – Juliette Day: The Eucharist in
Jerusalem. An Analysis of the Context and Content of the Eucharistic Prayer of the Mystagogical
Catecheses – Ilaria Ramelli: The Eucharist in Gregory Nyssen as Participation in Christ's Body
and Preparation of the Restoration and Theōsis – Rudolf Brändle: Eucharistie und christliches
Leben bei Johannes Chrysostomos und Theodor von Mopsuestia – Allan Fitzgerald, O.S.A.:
Eucharist and Culture in Ambrose and Augustine – Hugo Lundhaug: Shenute's Eucharistic

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Theology in Contexts – Andreas Müller: Die “Mysterien des Herrn” bei Johannes von Damaskos
– Nils Arne Pedersen: Holy Meals and Eucharist in Manichaean Sources: Their Relation to
Christian Traditions – Ulrich Kuder: Die Eucharistie in Bildwerken vom frühen 3. bis zum 7.
Jahrhundert (mit Farbbildern)

Volume III: Near Eastern and Graeco-Roman Traditions, Archeology

Andrea Kucharek: Profan – kultisch – funerär: Mahlkontexte im Alten Ägypten – Gunnel
Ekroth: Sacred Meals in Ancient Greece. Dining in Domestic Settings as Compared to
Sanctuaries – Markus Öhler: Mähler und Opferhandlungen in griechisch-römischen
Vereinigungen. Das frühchristliche Herrenmahl im Kontext – Knut Usener: Symposion und
Sexualität in der griechischen Antike – Gerhard Baudy: Sakrales Gebäck in attischen Kulten
(Athen und Eleusis) – Ulrike Egelhaaf-Gaiser: Ab ovis ad mala: Tafelluxus und Semantik der
Speisen im 1. Jh. v. Chr. – Lutz Käppel: The Philosophical Banquet – Jörg Rüpke: Römische
Priestermähler – Konrad Vössing: Ö entliche Bankette und Bankette in der Ö entlichkeit –
Anja Bettenworth: Die Begegnung von Gott und Mensch beim Mahl im Bibelepos des Sidulius
– Peter Ruggendorfer: Das Mahl zu Ehren der Verstorbenen. Bankette im funerären Kontext im
antiken Griechenland und Kleinasien – Norbert Zimmermann: Archäologische Zeugnisse von
Gemeinschafts- und Kultmählern aus römischer Zeit am Beispiel von Ephesos – Bernhard
Domagalski: Antike Mähler in archäologischen Zeugnissen – Vemund Blomkvist: The Pagan
Cultic Meal in Early Christian Literature – John Granger Cook: Reactions to the Eucharist in
Paganism – Anders Hultgård: Religious Communal Meals in Iranian Tradition and the
Hellenistic-Roman World – Christa Müller-Kessler: Sacred Meals and Rituals of the Mandaeans –
Fritz Graf: Sacred Meals in the Cults of Isis and Sarapis – Benedikt Eckhardt: Meals in the Cults
of Cybele and Attis – Benedikt Eckhardt: Eating and Drinking (with) Dionysus – Hans Dieter
Betz: Unique by Comparison: the Eucharist and Mithras Cult – Einar Thomassen: The Eucharist
in Valentinianism – David Hellholm: Aliments of Immortality in the Afterlife. Apocalyptic and
Eschatological Notions of Eternal Life


New Essays on the Apostolic Fathers

Volume 375 This volume comprises fteen new essays on the Apostolic Fathers with a focus on the letters
2017. XVII, 304 pages. of Clement. An introductory essay investigates the role of seventeenth-century librarians in the
origination of the collection's title. Five essays concern 1 Clement, exploring its relationship to 1
ISBN 978-3-16-155134-5 Corinthians, its generic classi cation, the discussion of “Christian education” (1 Clem. 21:8), the
cloth 129,00 € golden calf tradition, and the well-known legend of the regeneration of the phoenix. Three
essays treat aspects of 2 Clement, including problems with recent translations of chapter 1, the
ISBN 978-3-16-155196-3
motif of the barren woman in chapter 2, and the analogy of faith as a race in chapter 7. One
eBook PDF 129,00 €
study probes the Quintus incident in Martyrdom of Polycarp 4 as emblematic of the literary
and cultural conventions of second-century sophism. Another study considers protection
against exploitation of Christian generosity by visitors in Didache 12. Another contribution
investigates the precise nature of allegory in the Epistle of Barnabas. A short piece on the
Epistle of Diognetus argues that the ancient moral-philosophical topos of the invisible God is at
work in this text; and, a nal essay explores the popular second-century medical theory behind
Hermas's presentation of ὀξυχολία (“irascibility”) in Mand. 5.1.3 (33.3). The volume ranges
widely within and beyond early Christian literature – from the streets of ancient Achaean and
Asian πόλεις to the early modern libraries of Europe.


Gott wahrnehmen
Die Sinne im Johannesevangelium. Ratio Religionis Studien IV

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Volume 374 Surprisingly, the “spiritual gospel” places a special emphasis on the senses. It details a tasting of
2017. XV, 427 pages. exceptional wine, the stench of death, a nger in the risen Christ's wounds as an a rmation of
new life. Rainer Hirsch-Luipold interprets these stories as the Johannine answer to the
ISBN 978-3-16-154899-4 fundamental obstacle in the quest for knowledge of God: the fact that “nobody has ever seen
cloth 134,00 € God” (John 1, 18). Based on the idea of an incarnation of the divine Logos, the Fourth Gospel
formulates a christological aesthetics of the Invisible. Since the utterly transcendent and
ISBN 978-3-16-154900-7
unknowable God has stepped over the threshold of his divine being and entered the world,
eBook PDF 134,00 €
the readers gain an immediate perception of God through the eyes, mouths and noses of rst
witnesses. According to the Gospel's soteriological pragmatics, the knowledge of God thus
rendered leads to belief and, in turn, everlasting life. On the basis of a fresh reading of three
exemplary stories, the author presents his overall view of the literary technique, pragmatics and
theology of the Gospel according to John.

Das Verständnis des Glaubens im frühen Christentum und in seiner jüdischen
und hellenistisch-römischen Umwelt
Hrsg. v. Jörg Frey, Benjamin Schliesser u. Nadine Ueberschaer, unter Mitarbeit
von Kathrin Hager

Volume 373 “Faith” has taken center stage in the religious language of Early Christianity and developed into
2017. XXV, 957 pages. the dominant description of the relationship between humans and God. No writing prior to or
beside the New Testament uses the semantic eld of “faith” with comparable density. At the
ISBN 978-3-16-153878-0 same time, the Early Christian talk of faith is embedded into a complex network of perceptions
cloth 219,00 € and images, which constitute the addressees' horizon of understanding and lend
communicative meaning to the word “faith”. The present volume contains studies on the
ISBN 978-3-16-153879-7
understanding of faith in the writings of the New Testament as well as in foundational texts of
eBook PDF 219,00 €
the Old Testament, ancient and rabbinic Judaism, the Greco-Roman world, the Apostolic
Fathers, and the Early Church. Re ections from the perspective of church history and
systematic theology conclude it.

Survey of contents

Benjamin Schliesser: Faith in Early Christianity. An Encyclopedic and Bibliographical Outline –

Anja Klein: “Wie hast Du's mit dem Glauben, Israel”. Der Glaubensbegri im Alten Testament –
Frank Ueberschaer: Πίστις in der Septuaginta, oder: Der Glaube der Siebzig. Von was spricht
die Septuaginta, wenn sie von πίστις schreibt? – Friedrich Reiterer: Dimensionen des
Glaubens. Das Zeugnis spätalttestamentlicher Schriften in der Septuaginta – Anke Dorman:
Abraham's Happiness and Faith in the Book of Jubilees – Martina Böhm: Zum
Glaubensverständnis des Philo von Alexandrien. Weisheitliche Theologie in der 1. Hälfte des 1.
Jh. n. Chr. – Dennis R. Lindsay: Πίστις in Flavius Josephus and the New Testament – Stefan
Krauter: “Glaube” im Zweiten Makkabäerbuch – Michael Tilly: Der Begri des “Glaubens” in der
rabbinischen Traditionsliteratur – Peter Arzt-Grabner: Zum alltagssprachlichen Hintergrund von
πίστις. Das Zeugnis der dokumentarischen Papyri – Rainer Hirsch-Luipold: Religiöse Tradition
und individueller Glaube. Πίστις und πιστεύειν bei Plutarch als Hintergrund zum
neutestamentlichen Glaubensverständnis – Teresa Morgan: Πίστις Between Theology, Ethics,
Ecclesiology, and Eschatology – Thomas Schumacher: Den Römern ein Römer. Die paulinischen
Glaubensaussagen vor dem Hintergrund des römisch-lateinischen des -Begri es – Michael
Wolter: Die Wirklichkeit des Glaubens. Ein Versuch zur Bedeutung des Glaubens bei Paulus –
Jakob Spaeth: Der Glaube des Einzelnen und der Glaube der Gemeinschaft im Ersten
Korintherbrief – Christfried Böttrich: Glaube im lukanischen Doppelwerk – Matthias Konradt:
Die Rede vom Glauben in Heilungsgeschichten und die Messianität Jesu im
Matthäusevangelium – Nadine Ueberschaer: “... damit ihr glaubt, dass Jesus der Christus ist, der
Sohn Gottes…”. Das Johannesevangelium als Medium der Glaubensvermittlung – Karl-Wilhelm
Niebuhr: Glaube im Stresstest. Πίστις im Jakobusbrief – Benjamin Schliesser: Glauben und
Denken im Hebräerbrief und bei Paulus. Zwei frühchristliche Perspektiven auf die Rationalität
des Glaubens – Bernhard Mutschler: Kanonische “Vollender des Glaubens”? Integrierender und

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belastbarer Glaube als Grundbegri des Christseins in den Pastoralbriefen und die Frage nach
der Bedeutung des Glaubens im (frühen) Christentum – Jörg Frey: Between Holy Tradition and
Christian Virtues? The Use of πίστις / πιστεύειν in Jude and 2 Peter – Bernhard Mutschler:
Glaube als Transformationsraum für Kirche und Gemeinde? Zum Glaubensverständnis des
Polykarp von Smyrna – Wolfgang Grünstäudl: Kontinuität und Innovation. Πίστις im Ersten
Clemensbrief und den Ignatianen – Jim Kelho er: Faith and Righteousness in Second Clement :
Probing the Purported In uence of 'Late Judaism' and the Beginnings of 'Early Catholicism' –
Beatrice Wyss: Gott denken oder Gott glauben: Zur Rolle der Πίστις in den Stromateis des
Klemens – Tobias Nicklas/Veronika Niederhofer: “Glaube” und “Glauben” in den apokryphen
Akten des Paulus und der Thekla – Enno Edzard Popkes: Glaube und Erkenntnis – die
Soteriologie des Johannesevangeliums und des Thomasevangeliums als Kontrast- und
Konkurrenzkonzepte – Peter Opitz: Die Rezeption des paulinischen Glaubensverständnisses in
der reformierten Tradition am Beispiel von Heinrich Bullingers Römerbriefauslegung – Volker
Leppin: Sola de und monastische Existenz. Die Amalgamierung von Paulus und Mystik in
Luthers Römerbriefauslegung – Anne Käfer: Glaube als Beziehungsfrage. Ein
fundamentaltheologisches Gespräch mit Karl Barth und Friedrich Schleiermacher – Johanna
Rahner: Glaube. Katholische Thesen zu einem scheinbar protestantischen Thema


Johannine Studies 1975–2017

Volume 372 The voice of Francis J. Moloney has been heard in Johannine studies for many decades. This
2017. XVI, 660 pages. volume gathers shorter journal articles from a publishing career that began in 1975, placing
them together with new studies that appear for this rst time, and thus complementing
ISBN 978-3-16-154960-1 Moloney's already well-known commentary and scholarly monographs on the Fourth Gospel.
cloth 189,00 € The author's work has encompassed all areas of Johannine scholarship – the world that
produced and rst received the Fourth Gospel, its theology and Christology, and critical
ISBN 978-3-16-155108-6
analysis of much-discussed passages. Well known for his extensive use of narrative and reader-
eBook PDF 189,00 €
response criticism, Francis J. Moloney has in more recent years developed an interpretation of
the gospel which suggests that the author(s) of this narrative regarded their work as the
“completion” of scripture. This unique collection therefore not only provides the past
publications of a signi cant Johannine scholar, but also re ects the development of Johannine
scholarship from 1975 until today.


Das Endgericht bei Paulus

Framesemantische und exegetische Studien zur paulinischen Eschatologie und

Volume 371 In the 'New Perspective on Paul' the last judgment does not play any decisive role. According to
2017. XIX, 415 pages. other Pauline scholars, Paul, in his many fragmentary references to a last judgment, did not
presuppose a consistent conception of judgment, but instead used di erent and sometimes
ISBN 978-3-16-155007-2 contradicting motives in di erent contexts. Christian Stettler counters these views from a
cloth 139,00 € cognitive semantic perspective. Since in frame semantics language is seen as an 'access point' to
encyclopaedic cognitive concepts, the author argues that judgement texts are references to a
ISBN 978-3-16-155204-5
more detailed concept of the last judgement that Paul presupposed in his letters and taught in
eBook PDF 139,00 €
his churches. Stettler o ers a full reconstruction of this concept by a semantic analysis of all
relevant passages and through more extensive interpretation of central texts. The result is a
reading of Paul that o ers a way forward both to New Perspective and traditional confessional

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The Berlin-Strasbourg Apocryphon

A Coptic Apostolic Memoir

Volume 370 The present volume o ers a new edition, English translation, and interpretation of the Berlin-
2017. XI, 241 pages. Strasbourg Apocryphon , previously known as the Gospel of the Savior . An apocryphal story
about Jesus probably transpiring shortly before the Cruci xion, the Berlin-Strasbourg
ISBN 978-3-16-155106-2 Apocryphon claims to recount the narrative as told by the apostles themselves. The text also
cloth 99,00 € includes a long hymn sung by Christ to the cross on which he will soon be cruci ed.
The Berlin Strasbourg-Apocryphon is exclusively preserved in Coptic by two fragmentary
ISBN 978-3-16-155107-9
manuscripts, Papyrus Berolinensis 22220 and Strasbourg Copte 5–7. Additionally, a Coptic
eBook PDF 99,00 €
manuscript discovered at Qasr el-Wizz in Christian Nubia contains a short version of the Hymn
of the Cross.
Until now, it has been almost unanimously accepted that the Berlin Strasbourg-Apocryphon is
an ancient Christian gospel – probably datable to the second century CE – which was bypassed
in the formation of the Christian canon. Approaching the text from the angle of Coptic
literature, Alin Suciu rejects this early dating, showing instead that its composition must be
located following the Council of Chalcedon (451 CE), whose theological deliberations gradually
alienated Egypt from the Byzantine world. The author argues that the Berlin-Strasbourg
Apocryphon is one of numerous “apostolic memoirs,” a peculiar genre of Coptic literature,
which consists of writings allegedly written by the apostles, often embedded in sermons
attributed to famous church fathers.

Survey of contents

Chapter 1: History of Research on the Berlin-Strasbourg Apocryphon

A New Ancient Gospel? – Other Documents Emerge: The Strasbourg Fragments and the Qasr el-
Wizz Codex – Reframing the Berlin-Strasbourg Apocryphon

Chapter 2: The Manuscripts

P. Berol. 22220
Location and Acquisition – Origin of P. Berol. 22220 – Paleography and Dating – Scribal Note –
Codicology – Orthography

Strasbourg Copte 5–7

Location and Acquisition – Papyrological Reconstruction – Language – Paleography and Dating

The Qasr el-Wizz Codex

Discovery and Location – Content of the Codex – Description and Dating of the Manuscript

Chapter 3: The Content of the Berlin-Strasbourg Apocryphon and the Relationship between the
Outline of the Text – The Relationship between the Manuscripts – The Relationship between P.
Berol. 22220 and Strasbourg Copte 5–7 – The Relationship between the Strasbourg Fragments
and the Qasr el-Wizz Manuscript – The Relationship between P. Berol. 22220 and the Qasr el-
Wizz Manuscript – The Qasr el-Wizz Version of the Hymn of the Cross – Placing P. Berol. 22220
Frag. 9 – Placing Strasbourg Copte 6

Chapter 4: The Place of the Berlin-Strasbourg Apocryphon in Coptic Literature

“We, the Apostles.” The Berlin-Strasbourg Apocryphon and Other Similar Coptic Stories
Attributed to the Apostles – The Apostolic Memoirs Framed by a Patristic Sermon – The
Apostolic Memoirs without a Homiletic Framework – “O My Holy Members,” “O My Honored
Members”: Apostles, Martyrs, and Monks – The Literary and Liturgical Function of the Coptic
Memoirs of the Apostles – The Local Egyptian Character of the Apostolic Memoirs – Dating the
Apostolic Memoirs – The Christology of the Berlin-Strasbourg Apocryphon : Christ as King and
Son of the King. The Dating of the Work

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Text and Translation
Edition of P. Berol. 22220 – Edition of Strasbourg Copte 5–7 – Edition of the Hymn of the Cross
according to the Qasr el-Wizz Codex – Translation of P. Berol. 22220 – Translation of Strasbourg
Copte 5–7 – Translation of the Hymn of the Cross according to the Qasr el-Wizz Codex


Ways of Reading Scripture

Collected Papers

Volume 369 This volume consists of previously published articles by Frances Young, a scholar of early
2017. Approx. 490 pages. Christianity, well-known for her work Biblical Exegesis and the Formation of Christian Culture,
forthcoming in October together with a few newly composed additions. The studies collected here are concerned with
the New Testament, but their approach is often not in the modern historico-critical mode.
ISBN 978-3-16-154099-8 Rather, they bring new insight through being informed by the author's patristic specialism, by
cloth approx. 150,00 € methodological enquiries, by her interest in doctrinal and theological reading, and by
exploration of the very nature and function of sacred scriptures. The signi cance of this volume
ISBN 978-3-16-154955-7
lies in the way it exempli es the extraordinarily interesting changes which have taken place in
eBook PDF approx. 150,00 €
biblical hermeneutics during the last 50–60 years. Many of the essays could be useful, not only
to research specialists, but to advanced undergraduates as well as clergy and preachers.


Von Jesus zur neutestamentlichen Theologie

Kleine Schriften II
Hrsg. v. Benjamin Schliesser

Volume 368 The second volume of collected essays by Jörg Frey contains 22 essays that illuminate the
2016. XI, 940 pages. theological claims of New Testament texts from a philological and historical perspective. Issues
discussed span the messianism of Jesus and the implicit Christology of his proclamation, the
ISBN 978-3-16-155015-7 relevance of apocalypticism for Jesus, the di erent New Testament patterns of interpreting his
cloth 219,00 € death, and Paul's background and development as well as questions on his theologies of
justi cation and the cross. Further studies discuss New Testament concepts of salvation, the
ISBN 978-3-16-155016-4
new covenant in Hebrews, ecclesiological and eschatological issues and the problem of the
eBook PDF 219,00 €
construction of a Theology of the New Testament. The author demonstrates that the New
Testament is to be read both historically and theologically, and that its interpretation is also
fruitful for issues of contemporary faith.

Survey of contents

Eine persönliche Zwischenbilanz: Mein Weg vom Lesen des Neuen Testaments zur
Neutestamentlichen Wissenschaft – Der historische Jesus und der Christus der Evangelien –
Jesus und die Apokalyptik – Zum Verständnis der Wunder Jesu in der neueren Exegese –
Probleme der Deutung des Todes Jesu in der neutestamentlichen Wissenschaft. Strei ichter zur
exegetischen Diskussion – Die Deutung des Todes Jesu als Stellvertretung – Die paulinische
Antithese von “Fleisch” und “Geist” und die palästinisch-jüdische Weisheitstradition – Paulus als
Pharisäer und Antiochener – Paul the Apostle – A Life between Mission and Captivity – Paulus
und die Apostel. Zur Entwicklung des paulinischen Apostelbegri s und zum Verhältnis des
Heidenapostels zu seinen “Kollegen” – Lohngedanke und Rechtfertigung bei Paulus –
Rechtfertigungstheologie im Ersten Korintherbrief – Paulinische Perspektiven zur
Kreuzestheologie – Die alte und die neue διαθήκη nach dem Hebräerbrief – Heil.
Neutestamentliche Perspektiven – “Himmels-Botschaft”. Die neutestamentliche Rede vom

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament

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Himmel und ihre kerygmatische Funktion – “God Is Love”. On the Textual Tradition and
Semantics of a Core Expression of the Christian Notion of God – Vom Windbrausen zum Geist
Christi und zur trinitarischen Person. Stationen einer Geschichte des Heiligen Geistes im Neuen
Testament – Apostelbegri , Apostelamt und Apostolizität. Neutestamentliche Perspektiven zur
Frage nach der 'Apostolizität' der Kirche und der 'apostolischen Sukzession'- Neutestamentliche
Perspektiven und Impulse zur Entwicklung christlicher Gemeinden – New Testament
Eschatology: Classical Issues, Disputed Themes, and Current Perspectives – Zum Problem der
Aufgabe und Durchführung einer Theologie des Neuen Testaments

Vermittelte Gegenwart
Konzeptionen der Gottespräsenz von der Zeit des Zweiten Tempels bis Anfang
des 2. Jahrhunderts n. Chr.
Hrsg. v. Andrea Taschl-Erber u. Irmtraud Fischer

Volume 367 The Second Temple period reveals various concepts of mediating the presence of the
2016. XI, 365 pages. transcendent God. These span the likes of the presence of God in “word” and the wisdom- lled
order of creation to the personi ed or personal “mediators” in which God is met, right up to
ISBN 978-3-16-154617-4 cultic and mystic-visionary imaginings. Various epochs and contexts attempt to reinterpret the
cloth 129,00 € presence of God by integrating ideas from neighbouring cultures. In New Testament reception,
varying Christological versions latch onto crystallising ideas. What accents and impulses do the
ISBN 978-3-16-154725-6
concepts in the biblical and extra-canonical writings set? What lines of reception and which
eBook PDF 129,00 €
fractures become apparent, especially in New Testament Christologies?

Survey of contents

Andrea Taschl-Erber/Irmtraud Fischer: Einleitung – Beate Ego: Der Engel Rafael und die Witwe
Judit. Aspekte vermittelter Gottespräsenz in den Apokryphen – Nuria Calduch-Benages: Ben
Sira 24:22 – Decoding a Metaphor – Ludger Schwienhorst-Schönberger: Metaphorisch
vermittelte Gottespräsenz – aufgezeigt am Hohelied – Franz Sedlmeier: “Ezechiel sah eine
Vision und beschrieb die Gestalten am Thronwagen” (Sir 49,8). Zur Rezeption der
Thronwagenvision Ezechiels in spätalttestamentlicher und zwischentestamentarischer Zeit –
Loren Stuckenbruck: Henoch als Menschensohn in den Bilderreden von 1 Henoch und im
breiteren traditionellen Kontext – Daniel Boyarin: Henoch und Metatron, der “Prinz der
göttlichen Präsenz”: Apokalypse und der zweite Gott – Christoph Heil: “Angeordnet durch Engel
durch die Hand eines Mittlers” (Gal 3,19). Das paulinische Konzept von der Vermittlung der Tora
– Samuel Vollenweider: “Einer ist der Mittler” (1 Tim 2,5). Mittleraussagen der
neutestamentlichen Brie iteratur in ihren frühjüdischen und hellenistischen Kontexten –
Andrea Taschl-Erber: “Erstgeborener der ganzen Schöpfung”: Der exklusive “Mittler” im Brief an
die Gemeinde in Kolossä – Wolfgang Kraus: Jesus als “Mittler” im Hebräerbrief – Martin Ebner:
Abgebrochene Karriere. Zur Funktion der jüdischen Weisheitsspekulation bei der Entwicklung
der neutestamentlichen Christologien in den synoptischen Evangelien – Jörg Frey: “Wer mich
sieht, der sieht den Vater”: Jesus als Bild Gottes im Johannesevangelium

Borders: Terminologies, Ideologies, and Performances

Ed. by Annette Weissenrieder

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament

Last updated: 11/09/2017 Page 17 of 145
Volume 366 What are the relevant conceptualities and terminologies marking political, cultural, cultic, or
2016. IX, 508 pages. religious borders and border zones? What terms represent “border” or “border zones” and what
did they signify in antiquity? In this volume, an international group of archaeologists,
ISBN 978-3-16-154375-3 classicists, historians, and biblical scholars investigates various terms, performances, and
cloth 149,00 € qualities of borders, and ideologies of boundaries in antiquity. Their primary focus is on
physical borders and border zones of political organizations as well as of sanctuaries and
ISBN 978-3-16-154376-0
houses, and on borderlines which can be experienced in demarcations and their relevance for
eBook PDF 149,00 €
religious life. The contributions also discuss instances where de nitions of external borders are
renounced altogether and states are organized from the center toward the outer margins, for
example, with the sub-divisions of a given territory remaining unde ned. And they look into
trans-boundary social relationships, investigated on the basis of archaeological nds and
textual sources, and their signi cance for the transfer of knowledge.

Survey of contents


I. Borders, Frontiers, and Boundaries of Land and City: Terms, Performances and Ideologies
Annette Schellenberg: “And God Separated the Light from the Darkness” (Gen 1:4) – On the
Role of Borders in the Priestly Texts of the Pentateuch – Martina Kepper: What to Do with
Borders When They Become Obsolete? Strategies of Re-de ning Border Concepts in the Greek
Text of Genesis – David L. Balch: Borders: Terms, Ideologies, and Performances. Jesus and the
Samaritan/Judean Border – Harry O. Maier: Histoire Croisée , Entangled Bodies, Boundaries,
and Socio-Political Geography in the Letter to the Colossians – Alexander Sokolicek: Betwixt
and Between – The Cultural Roles of the Magnesian Gate in Greek-Roman Ephesus – Christine
M. Thomas: The Magnesian Gate at Ephesos: Variant Readings of Monumentality at the
Borders of the City – Stephan Esders: Deditio and Baptism: Religious Borders and the
Integration of Barbarians in the Later Roman Empire – Susanna Elm: Response to Stefan
Esders: Deditio and Baptism

II. Borders and Boundaries of Temples: Terms, Performances, and Ideologies

Barbara Schmitz: Space, Borders and Boundaries in the Letter of Aristeas – Georgia Petridou:
Amorphous Epiphanies and Divine Bilingualism: Crossing Physical and Cultural Borders on the
Battle eld – Anna-Katharina Rieger: Gods on the Rocks – Material Approaches to the Rock-Face
at Caesarea Philippi (Mount Hermon) – Annette Weissenrieder: “Tear Down the Middle Wall of
the Temple”: The Meaning of mesotoichon in Ephesians 2:14

III. Borders and Boundaries of Houses: Terms, Performances, and Ideologies

Frank Ueberschaer: Borders between Privacy and Public in the Thinking of Ben Sira – Bart
Bruehler: Open and Shut: The Real and Metaphorical Doors of the New Testament in their
Mediterranean Context – Ivan Varriale: Otium and negotium , a Border Breaks Down in the
Imperial Villas. The study case of Pausilypon

IV. Borders and Boundaries

Barbara Böck: On the Ancient Mesopotamian Concept of “Taboo”: Transgression and
Delimitation – Ingrid Lilly: Rȗaḥ Embodied: Job's Internal Disease from the Perspective of
Mesopotamian Medicine – Gert J. Steyn: Crossing the Border – Re ections on Heb 13:13. “Let us
then go to him outside the camp...” – Michael Bachmann: Important and Delicate: Borders
According to Paul – James R. Harrison: Who is the “Lord of Grace”? Jesus' Parables in Imperial
Context – Holger Zellentin: Jewish Dreams Between Roman Palestine and Sasanian Babylonia:
Cultural and Geographic Borders in Rabbinic Discourse (Yerushalmi Ma'aser Sheni 55c, 15‒22
and Bavli Berakhot 56a‒b)

Epigraphik und Neues Testament

Hrsg. v. Thomas Corsten, Markus Öhler u. Joseph Verheyden

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament

Last updated: 11/09/2017 Page 18 of 145
Volume 365 Recent years have seen a growing interest in approaches that try to place the New Testament
2016. VIII, 213 pages. within its original context. A joint conference of New Testament exegetes and epigraphists in
Vienna in February 2014 brought together experts to explore possibilities and avenues for a
ISBN 978-3-16-153508-6 more systematic study of the epigraphical material and its relevance for interpreting the New
cloth 99,00 € Testament. The proceedings of this conference illustrate the various ways that epigraphical
material provides a treasure trove of insights for understanding Early Christianity and its
ISBN 978-3-16-154749-2
writings. Papers in this volume deal with questions of methodology, di erent genres of
eBook PDF 99,00 €
inscriptions, and with di erent topics that also all have a direct impact on New Testament

Survey of contents

Joseph Verheyden/Markus Öhler/Thomas Corsten: Introduction – Walter Ameling: Neues

Testament und Epigraphik aus der Perspektive der epigraphischen Forschung – Peter Arzt-
Grabner: Die Auswertung inschriftlicher Zeugnisse für die neutestamentliche Exegese.
Erfahrungen, Chancen und Herausforderungen – Thomas Corsten: Die Rolle der Onomastik für
die Erforschung des frühen Christentums. Ein einführender Überblick – Hans Taeuber:
Ephesische Gra ti als Zeugnisse des Lebensgefühls in der hohen Kaiserzeit – Eva Ebel:
Vergöttlichte Kaiser am Straßenrand. Die Bedeutung epigraphischer Zeugnisse für die
Sichtbarkeit der Verbindung von Religion und Politik im Imperium Romanum und für eine
kaiserkritische Lektüre neutestamentlicher Schriften – Richard S. Ascough: Carving Out Public
Space. τόπος Inscriptions and Early Christ Groups – Imre Peres: Die eschatologischen Aussagen
kaiserzeitlicher Grabinschriften – John S. Kloppenborg: Epigraphy, Papyrology and the
Interpretation of the New Testament: Member Contributions to the Eucharist – Markus Öhler:
Sünde, Bekenntnis und Sühne in kleinasiatischen “Beichtinschriften” und dem 1. Johannesbrief

L'adversaire de Dieu – Der Widersacher Gottes

6. Symposium Strasbourg, Tübingen, Uppsala. 27.-29. Juni 2013 in Tübingen
Hrsg. v. Michael Tilly, Matthias Morgenstern u. Volker Henning Drecoll unter
Mitarb. v. Hendrik Stoppel

Volume 364 Ce volume en trois langues réunit des études sur la genèse de la gure littéraire de l'adversaire
2016. XIV, 359 pages. de Dieu, sur sa présentation et son interprétation dans la Bible hébraïque et dans son
homologue chrétienne, dans les textes du judaïsme antique et rabbinique et de l'Eglise
ISBN 978-3-16-154236-7 ancienne et dans des documents gnostiques. Les approches du thème inspirées par l'exégèse et
cloth 139,00 € la philologie, l'histoire des religions, la judaïstique, l'histoire des concepts et de la théologie et
l'histoire de l'art se côtoient et se complètent. Les contributions, dues à des enseignants-
ISBN 978-3-16-154237-4
chercheurs des facultés de théologie des universités de Strasbourg, Tübingen et Uppsala
eBook PDF 139,00 €
traitent de Satan, du Diable, de Beelzeboub, de l'antichrist, du “penchant mauvais” et d'autres
forces et démons adversaires de Dieu ainsi que du mal dans l'o euvre du réalisateur danois Lars
von Trier.

Der dreisprachige Sammelband enthält Untersuchungen zur Entstehung der literarischen

Gestalt des Widersachers Gottes und zu ihrer Darstellung und Deutung in den jüdischen
heiligen Schriften, in der christlichen Bibel, in Texten des antiken und rabbinischen Judentums
und der Alten Kirche sowie in gnostischen Texten. Umfassend behandelt werden exegetisch-
philologische, religionsgeschichtliche, judaistische sowie begri s- und theologiegeschichtliche
Aspekte des Themas. Die Beiträge von Forscherinnen und Forschern der evangelisch-
theologischen Fakultäten der Universitäten Straßburg, Tübingen und Uppsala behandeln die
Figur des Satans, des Diabolos, des Beelzebub, des Antichristen, des “bösen Triebs” und anderer
gottfeindlicher Kräfte und Dämonen sowie das Böse im lmischen Werk des dänischen
Regisseurs Lars von Trier.

Survey of contents

Martin Leuenberger: Widersacher-Konstellationen in der Levante und im AT – Göran Eidevall:

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament

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The Role of the Enemies of Yhwh in the Book of Isaiah and in the Psalms – Jan Joosten: “Pour
mettre n à l'ennemi et au vindicatif ”. La thématique du Psaume 8 – Hermann Lichtenberger:
Der Feind Gottes in der frühjüdischen Literatur – Antiochus IV Epiphanes – Christian Grappe:
Éclairage sur les récits du baptême de Jésus, de son épreuve au désert et de sa victoire sur Satan
à partir surtout de la littérature intertestamentaire – Tord Fornberg: Baal-zevul – The History of
a Name – Gudrun Holtz: Die Zeit der Verkündigung des Reiches Gottes und das Wirken des
Widersachers im lukanischen Doppelwerk – James A. Kelho er: Der Verfolger als Gottes
Widersacher in der Apostelgeschichte – Anna-Maria Schwemer: Agrippa I. – Sein Tod als
“Gottesfeind” bei Josephus und Lukas – Michael Theobald: Der Widersacher im
Johannesevangelium – Madeleine Wieger: “Celui qu'o n appelle διάβολος” (Apocalypse 12,9).
L'histoire du nom grec de l'Adversaire – Gabriella Gustafsson: “Whoever is not with me is
against me”. Accounts of Rituals Securing the Loyalty of Individual Gods in Republican Rome –
Matthias Morgenstern: Auf der Suche nach der “anderen Seite” Gottes in der rabbinischen
Literatur – Erwägungen zu einigen Stellen im Babylonischen Talmud – Gabriella Aragione:
L'ange premier-né et les theomachoi dans l'écrit Aux Grecs de Tatien – Volker Henning Drecoll:
Saklas – Mikael Larsson: Whose Enemy? Lars von Trier's Anti-Christ in Dialogue with Biblical
Creation and Passion Narratives

Book of Seven Seals

The Peculiarity of Revelation, its Manuscripts, Attestation, and Transmission
Ed. by Thomas J. Kraus and Michael Sommer

Volume 363 The Book of Revelation is a peculiar text whose special status in early Christianity is manifested
2016. VIII, 274 pages. by its manuscript attestation, transmission, literary references and discussions among early
Church writers. This special status forms the nucleus of these collected essays and is
ISBN 978-3-16-152741-8 highlighted from various perspectives. Nowadays of course, the Apocalypse has become a
cloth 99,00 € treasure trove of famous motifs for artists, composers, poets and novelists. On the other hand,
however, it also appears to be something of a bon mot in that its manuscript tradition is rather
ISBN 978-3-16-154268-8
sparse and highly distinctive. With the help of single phenomena that revolve around the
eBook PDF 99,00 €
extraordinary attestation and transmission of Revelation, the authors here are able to unveil
how its peculiarity was perceived in early Christianity. Its manifestation in manuscripts and in
the lively controversy about its value and orthodoxy thus resulted in it being treated as unique.

Survey of contents

I. The Peculiarity of Majuscules and Minuscules

Giovanni Bazzana: Write in a Book what you See and Send it to the Seven Assemblies – Je
Cate: The Curious Case of Psalm 43 – Thomas J. Kraus: ʻWhen symbols and gures become
physical objects:ʼ critical notes about some of the “consistently cited witnesses” to the text of

II. The Peculiarity of Reception

Tobias Nicklas: Christliche Apokalypsen in Ägypten vor Konstantin – Lincoln H. Blumell/Thomas
A. Wayment: The 'Number of the Beast' – Martin Meiser: Before Canonisation – Michael J.
Kruger: The Reception of the Book of Revelation in the Early Church – Je Cate: Sisters
separated from Birth – Michael Sommer: “Work in progress” – What do Revelation's
handwriting tell us about its post-canonical role and function inside the Bible

III. Peculiarities and Miscellaneous

Markus Lembke: Besonderheiten der griechischen Überlieferung des Textes der O enbarung
und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Textkritik – Ulrich Schmid: Editing the Apocalypse in the 21st
Century – James H. Charlesworth: The Heavenly Jesus reinterprets Daniel

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament

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Copying Early Christian Texts

A Study of Scribal Practice

Volume 362 It is widely believed that the early Christians copied their texts themselves without a great deal
2016. XX, 558 pages. of expertise, and that some copyists introduced changes to support their theological beliefs. In
this volume, however, Alan Mugridge examines all of the extant Greek papyri bearing Christian
ISBN 978-3-16-154688-4 literature up to the end of the 4th century, as well as several comparative groups of papyri, and
cloth 159,00 € concludes that, on the whole, Christian texts, like most literary texts in the Roman world, were
copied by trained scribes. Professional Christian scribes probably became more common after
ISBN 978-3-16-154760-7
the time of Constantine, but this study suggests that in the early centuries the copyists of
eBook PDF 159,00 €
Christian texts in Greek were normally trained scribes, Christian or not, who reproduced those
texts as part of their trade and, while they made mistakes, copied them as accurately as any
other texts they were called upon to copy.

Die Septuaginta – Orte und Intentionen

5. Internationale Fachtagung veranstaltet von Septuaginta Deutsch (LXX.D),
Wuppertal 24.-27. Juli 2014
Hrsg. v. Siegfried Kreuzer, Martin Meiser u. Marcus Sigismund, in Verb. m. Martin
Karrer u. Wolfgang Kraus

Volume 361 The Septuagint is a Jewish Bible translation which came into existence in the 3rd century BC
2016. XVI, 923 pages. and became Judaism's basis in the Greek-speaking world. From a historical textual perspective,
it is the most important source for the Old Testament besides the Hebrew-Masoretic text and
ISBN 978-3-16-153832-2 the only very partially preserved biblical Qumran texts. This volume's contributions cover a
cloth 214,00 € wide spectrum of this discipline's themes – Septuagint Studies is a separate eld lying at the
interface of ancient Judaism and the historical-exegetic orientated theological disciplines – and
ISBN 978-3-16-154724-9
arose from the Septuagint Deutsch Project's 5th International Conference.
eBook PDF 214,00 €

Survey of contents

Kontexte und Orte der Entstehung und Rezeption
Martin Karrer: Septuaginta und antike Philosophie – Knut Usener: Plutarch und das Judentum
– Plutarch und die Septuaginta? – Johann Cook: The Provenience of the Septuagint: A Case
Study of LXX Proverbs; LXX Job and 4 Maccabees – Michael Lattke: Die Psalmen Salomos: Orte
und Intentionen – Marcus Sigismund: Die ägyptische Rezension des JosuaLXX im Lichte der
sahidischen Überlieferung – Bonifatia Gesche: Von Nordafrika über Paris nach Stuttgart: Wie
kommt die verderbte Fassung der Übersetzung von Esdras A' in die Vulgata? – Siegfried
Kreuzer: Zum textgeschichtlichen Ort der Dodekapropheton-Zitate im Neuen Testament

Reale und literarische Welten

Gert Jacobus Steyn: Heliopolis and On in the Septuagint – James K. Aitken: Moses's θίβις –
Michaël N. van der Meer: Galilee in the Septuagint. Textual Criticism and Topography in Joshua
19:10–39 – Frank Ueberschaer: Die Welt des Ben Sira. Orte und Räume im Denken Ben Siras –
Martin Rösel: Die himmlische Welt der Septuaginta. Angelologische Akzentuierungen am
Beispiel des Danielbuches – Jutta Leonhardt-Balzer: Philo and the Garden of Eden: An Exegete,
his Text and his Tools – Martin Meiser: Der Traum in der griechisch-römischen Antike, im
antiken Judentum und im antiken Christentum

Textkritik und Textgeschichte

Emanuel Tov: The Shared Tradition of the Septuagint and the Samaritan Pentateuch – Innocent

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament

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Himbaza: What are the consequences if 4QLXXLeva contains earliest formulation of the
Septuagint? – Tuukka Kauhanen: Septuagint in the West. The Signi cance of the Post-Lucianic
Latin Witnesses for the Textual History of Kings – Adrian Schenker: Archetype and Late Literary
Developments in 2 Kings 1:17–18 and 8:16. Recensions in the Masoretic Text and in the Old
Greek – Felix Albrecht: Die alexandrinische Überlieferung und die Rezension des Hesych von
Alexandrien in den Prophetenbüchern der Septuaginta – Claudine Cavallier: Esther 1, 13–20:
problèmes textuels – Robert V.J. Hiebert: A New Critical Edition of Greek IV Maccabees –
Michael Segal: The Old Greek Version and Masoretic Text of Daniel 6 – Wolfgang Schütte: Die
Exegese der griechischen Textgraphik und der Codex Venetus – Stefan Mulder: 'A conquering of
animals': Symmachus' depoliticising translation re-examined

Theo A.W. van der Louw: Did the LXX Translators Really Intend the Greek Text as it is? –
Takamitsu Muraoka: Septuagint Greek: a Syntactical perspective – Marieke Dhont: Double
Translations in Old Greek Job – Eberhard Bons: Ἀκακία and ἄκακος. Considerations on a
Septuagint term for “innocence” – Christoph Kugelmeier: Zu einer besonderen Bedeutung der
aus ἀρε- abgeleiteten Wortgruppe – Hong-Joon Kim: Zur Relevanz der Wiedergabe von ‫צ דקה‬
mit ἔλεος/ἐλεημοσύνη

Martina Kepper: Kontextualisierende Übersetzungspraxis in der Genesis-Septuaginta? – William
Loader: Attitudes towards Sexuality in the LXX Translations of Contentious Texts – Larry
Perkins: Israel's Military Characterization in Greek Exodus – Ralph Brucker: Zum 'Sitz im Leben'
des Septuaginta-Psalters – Annette Weißenrieder: Body Discourse in Job: Translation of Skin
and Flesh from ‫ש ר‬ָׂ ּ ָ‫ ב‬- ‫ ﬠוֹ ר‬into δέρμα, βύρσα or σάρξ – Heinz-Josef Fabry: Sühnevorstellungen
bei Jesus Sirach – Burkard M. Zap : Schriftgelehrte Rezeptionen im hebräischen, griechischen
und syrischen Sirach – Cécile Dogniez: Volonté et motif: les intentions du traducteur des Douze
Petits Prophètes – Daniela Scialabba: The LXX translation of Jonah 1:6. Text-critical and
exegetical considerations – Arie van der Kooij: “Do you understand what you are reading” (Acts
8:30). On Septuagint Hermeneutics and the Book of Isaiah – Jelle Verburg: Harmonisation in
Isaiah 35 – Johanna Erzberger: Nebuchadnezzar, Lord of the Wild Animals: Understanding a
Di erence Between JerLXX and JerMT in Light of Dan – Jan Joosten: The Origin of the Septuagint

Barbara Schmitz: “… using di erent names, as Zeus and Dis” (Arist 16). Concepts of “God” in the
Letter of Aristeas – Mogens Müller: Motive der Septuaginta bei Aristobul und ihre Intention –
Wolfgang Kraus: Zur Frage der Ursprünglichkeit und Rezeption von Bar 3,38 – Jonathan Draper:
The Old Testament in the Didache and in Subsequent Church Orders – Silke Diederich: Leiden
und Loben. Zur Psalmenrezeption in Dracontius De laudibus Deei – Stefan Freund: Die
Psalmen als übersetzte Dichtung in der Wahrnehmung des Hilarius von Poitiers – Meike Rühl:
Pia festa litterarum. Eine Fallstudie zur christlichen Transformation römischer Conviviallyrik –
Christoph Schubert: Poetische Transformationen: Commodian und der Psalter – Egert
Pöhlmann: Der Trinitarische Hymnus (POXY 1786) und sein Umfeld

Ancient Tales of Giants from Qumran and Turfan

Contexts, Traditions, and Influences
Ed. by Matthew Goff, Loren T. Stuckenbruck, and Enrico Morano

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament

Last updated: 11/09/2017 Page 22 of 145
Volume 360 While there has been much scholarly attention devoted to the Enochic Book of the Watchers ,
2016. XII, 257 pages. much less has been paid to the Book of Giants from Qumran. This volume is the proceedings
of a conference that convened in Munich, Germany, in June 2014, which was devoted to the
ISBN 978-3-16-154531-3 giants of Enochic tradition and in particular the Qumran Book of Giants . It engages the topic of
cloth 119,00 € the giants in relation to various ancient contexts, including the Hebrew Bible, the Dead Sea
Scrolls, and ancient Mesopotamia. The authors of this volume give particular attention to
ISBN 978-3-16-154532-0
Manichaeism, especially the Manichaean Book of Giants , fragments of which were found in
eBook PDF 119,00 €
Turfan (western China). They contribute to our understanding of the range of stories Jews told
in antiquity about the sons of the watchers who descended to earth and their vibrant
Nachleben in Manichaeism.

Survey of contents

Matthew Go : Introduction

Part One: Gibborim and Gigantes: Antecedents, Reception, and Comparative Contexts from
the Hebrew Bible and Greek Literature
Brian R. Doak: The Giant in a Thousand Years: Tracing Narratives of Gigantism in the Hebrew
Bible and Beyond – Samantha Newington: Greek Titans and Biblical Giants – Michael Tuval:
'Συναγωγὴ γιγάντων' (Prov 21:16): The Giants in the Jewish Literature in Greek

Part Two: Tales of Giants in their Ancient Jewish Context: the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Book of
Watchers, and Daniel
Joseph L. Angel: The Humbling of the Arrogant and the 'Wild Man' and 'Tree Stump' Traditions
in the Book of Giants and Daniel 4 – Amanda M. Davis Bledsoe: Throne Theophanies, Dream
Visions, and Righteous(?) Seers: Daniel, the Book of Giants, and 1 Enoch Reconsidered – Ida
Fröhlich: Giants and Demons – Matthew Go : The Sons of the Watchers in the Book of
Watchers and the Qumran Book of Giants: Contexts and Prospects – Loren T. Stuckenbruck:
The Book of Giants among the Dead Sea Scrolls: Considerations of Method and a New Proposal
on the Reconstruction of 4Q530

Part Three: Enochic Traditions in Central Asia and China: Exploring Connections and A nities
between Giants in Ancient Judaism and Manichaeism
Gábor Kósa: The Book of Giants Tradition in the Chinese Manichaica – Enrico Morano: Some
New Sogdian Fragments Related to Mani's Book of Giants and the Problem of the In uence of
Jewish Enochic Literature – John C. Reeves: Jacob of Edessa and the Manichaean Book of
Giants? – Jens Wilkens: Remarks on the Manichaean Book of Giants: Once Again on Mahaway's
Mission to Enoch

The Prologue of the Gospel of John

Its Literary, Theological, and Philosophical Contexts. Papers read at the
Colloquium Ioanneum 2013
Ed. by Jan G. van der Watt, R. Alan Culpepper, and Udo Schnelle

Volume 359 A key to understanding the Gospel of John is, in many respects, its prologue; yet questions
2016. XXII, 342 pages. regarding its origin and background, its structure, use of Greek philosophical terms, and indeed
its relationship to the rest of the gospel still remain open. The papers in this volume address
ISBN 978-3-16-154771-3 each of these questions and were presented at the rst meeting of the Colloquium Ioanneum,
cloth 134,00 € a group of distinguished international Johannine scholars broadly representing di erent
nationalities, religious traditions and approaches to the gospel. The rst part o ers di ering
ISBN 978-3-16-154772-0
assessments of the background, literary, and theological elements of the prologue, while the
eBook PDF 134,00 €
second examines presuppositions, methods, and perspectives involved in philosophical
interpretation of the Gospel of John.

Survey of contents

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Part 1: Confronting the Challenges of the Prologue
R. Alan Culpepper: The Prologue as Theological Prolegomenon to the Gospel of John – John
Ashton: Really a Prologue? – William R. G. Loader: The Signi cance of the Prologue for
Understanding John's Soteriology – Jan G. van der Watt: John 1:1 – A “Riddle”? Grammar and
Syntax Considered – Catrin H. Williams: (Not) Seeing God in the Prologue and Body of John's
Gospel – Ruben Zimmermann: John (the Baptist) as a Character in the Fourth Gospel: The
Narrative Strategy of a Witness Disappearing – Michael Theobald: Eine Gemeinschaft von
“Zeugen” (von Joh 1:7, 15 bis 3 Joh 12): Beobachtungen zur Genese des Corpus Iohanneum auf
der Basis des Prologs – Christos Karakolis: The Logos-Concept and Dramatic Irony in the
Johannine Prologue and Narrative

Part 2: Reading the Language and Concepts of the Prologue in Their Philosophical Context
Udo Schnelle: Philosophische Interpretation des Johannesevangeliums: Voraussetzungen,
Methoden und Perspektiven – Jörg Frey: Between Torah and Stoa: How Could Readers Have
Understood the Johannine Logos? – Craig R. Koester: “Spirit” (Pneuma) in Greco-Roman
Philosophy and the Gospel of John – George L. Parsenios: Confounding Foes and Counseling
Friends: Parrēsia in the Fourth Gospel and Greco-Roman Philosophy – Marianne Meye
Thompson: “Light” (φ ῶς): The Philosophical Content of the Term and the Gospel of John – Jean
Zumstein: “Zeichen” (σημεῖον): Philosophischer Inhalt und Gebrauch des Begri s im


Studien zum Matthäusevangelium

Hrsg. v. Alida Euler

Volume 358 This collection contains the essays written between 2003 and 2015 by Matthias Konradt on
2016. VIII, 488 pages. questions of the historical context of Matthew's gospel and Matthean theology. The
contributions are divided into three sections. The rst of these, “Matthew in Context”, discusses
ISBN 978-3-16-153886-5 the relationship between Matthew's congregation(s) and Judaism as well as the historical-
cloth 139,00 € theological positioning of his gospel within emerging Christianity. The essays in the second part
focus on Christology and the role of Israel in Matthew's theology while those in the third part –
ISBN 978-3-16-153887-2
besides a study on Matthew's understanding of faith – feature works on fundamental aspects
eBook PDF 139,00 €
of Matthew's ethics. Along with previously published essays, which have been reviewed,
brought up-to-date and partly extensively revised, this volume also presents studies appearing
for the rst time.


Exegetische Aufsätze
Volume 357 In this volume, Ulrich Luz presents 32 exegetical studies, nearly all of which were written
2016. IX, 565 pages. between 1985 and 2015. Five of these are published for the rst time while ve others make
their German language debut. The majority of the studies are reproduced in German with
ISBN 978-3-16-153536-9 others in English. The author deals among other things with the Sayings-Source Q, the gospels
cloth 179,00 € of Mark and John as well as the Corpus Paulinum. Each chapter is prefaced by an annotative,
evaluating introduction. In the chapter on Matthew – the most important focus of his work –
ISBN 978-3-16-154547-4
Ulrich Luz pursues the fundamental hermeneutic question of how we are to read Matthew's
eBook PDF 179,00 €
Jesus story from the inside; that is, as participants. What understanding of “truth” does
Matthew presuppose?

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Metapher – Narratio – Mimesis – Doxologie
Begründungsformen frühchristlicher und antiker Ethik. Kontexte und Normen
neutestamentlicher Ethik / Contexts and Norms of New Testament Ethics. Band
Hrsg. v. Ulrich Volp, Friedrich W. Horn u. Ruben Zimmermann

Volume 356 The essays collected in this volume deal with the founding essentials of ancient Christian ethics
2016. XIV, 452 pages. – metaphor, narration, mimesis and doxology – and were delivered during the four
symposiums of the 2012–2014 Mainz Moral Meetings. An interdisciplinary approach
ISBN 978-3-16-154050-9 encompasses the forms in which Early Christianity constructed a speci c ethos outside of
cloth 149,00 € explicit, rational-ethical re ection which still determines Western thinking today. The authors of
the contributions examine the metaphors through which the ethical power of persuasion is
ISBN 978-3-16-154051-6
derived, the implicit value-discourse of the “narrative-ethic,” the conforming of the self to a
eBook PDF 149,00 €
person or ideal within the framework of a “mimetic-ethic” and nally the justi cation of action
“doxology-ethic” which is o ered as a speech act of praise and celebration. It is thereby shown
that forms of speech do not just represent insigni cant vehicles but also de ning ethical
mediums of expression for ethics.

Survey of contents

Ulrich Volp/Friedrich W. Horn/Ruben Zimmermann: Einleitung

I. Metaphorische Ethik
Esther Verwold: Einführung – Ruben Zimmermann: Metaphorische Ethikbegründung.
Moralische Signi kanz durch Sprachbilder nicht nur bei Paulus – Ekkehard Mühlenberg:
Johannes Chrysostomus: Ethik und Metaphorik – Jens Herzer: “Gefäße zur Ehre und zur
Unehre” (2 Tim 2,20). Metaphorische Sprache und Ethik in den Pastoralbriefen – eine Skizze –
Christoph Gregor Müller: Von Gesinnungshüften (1 Petr 1,13) und geistlichen Opfern (1 Petr
2,5). Zur paränetischen Valenz metaphorischer Rede im 1. Petrusbrief

II. Narrative Ethik

Ruben Zimmermann: Einführung – Karen Joisten: Narrative Ethik. Lesarten, Dimensionen,
Anwendungen – Michael Roth: Narrative Ethik: Überlegungen zu einer lebensnahen Disziplin –
Sönke Finnern: Narrative Ethik und Narratologie. Methoden zur ethischen Analyse und Kritik
von Erzählungen – Paul-Gerhard Klumbies: Die ätiologisch-narrative Begründung geltender
Normen in Mk 2,1–3,6

III. Mimetische Ethik

Blossom Stefaniw: Mimetic Ethics – Introduction – Friedrich W. Horn: Mimetische Ethik im
Neuen Testament – Cornelis Bennema: Mimetic Ethics in the Gospel of John – Eve-Marie
Becker: Mimetische Ethik im Philipperbrief: Zu Form und Funktion paulinischer exempla –
Blossom Stefaniw: A Disciplined Mind in an Orderly World: Mimesis in Late Antique Ethical
Regimes – Ron Naiweld: Mastering the Disciple: Mimesis in the Master-Disciple Relationships of
Rabbinic Literature – István Czachesz: From Mirror Neurons to Morality: Cognitive and
Evolutionary Foundations of Early Christian Ethics

IV. Doxologische Ethik

Friedrich W. Horn: Doxologische Ethik als Begründungsform antiker Ethik. Eine Einführung –
Klaas Huizing: Viel Lob, viel Ehr. Karte und Gebiet einer doxologischen Ethik – Alexandra
Grund: “Aus der Asche erhöht er den Armen, um ihn unter die Edlen zu setzen.” (1 Sam 2,8).
Ethische Implikationen des Psalms der Hannah – Eckart David Schmidt: Dienen zu Gottes Ehre.
Die Doxologien im 1. Petrusbrief und ihr Beitrag zu einer “doxologischen Ethik” – Ansgar Franz:
Aufstehen, Auferstehung, Aufstand. Der Morgenhymnus des Ambrosius von Mailand als
Beispiel doxologischer Ethik – Ulrich Volp: Der nachkonstantinische Gottesdienst als
“Vermahnung zur Tugend”. Überlegungen zum Ethos antiker liturgischer Quellen

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Jesus in Geschichte und Bekenntnis

Volume 355 This volume contains 19 essays by Petr Pokorný that provide a unique overview of Jesus
2016. XIII, 304 pages. research and early Christology. The author presents case studies dealing with the problem of
the relationship between the rst and early Christian christologies and the Jesus of history.
ISBN 978-3-16-154287-9 They also examine Jesus research's theological basis and its relationship with systematic
cloth 129,00 € theology and philosophy as well as the methodology of critical Jesus research. Other essays
answer individual questions on Jesus of Nazareth's relationship to John the Baptist, how Jesus
ISBN 978-3-16-154479-8
related to Paul, and the language of the oldest traditions concerning Jesus. Furthermore, the
eBook PDF 129,00 €
author explores the Sermon on the Mount and its inner ethics structure, the Passion narrative,
and how Jesus' role is presented in each of the gospels and non-Christian testimonies.

The Holy Spirit and the Church according to the New

Sixth International East-West Symposium of New Testament Scholars, Belgrade,
August 25 to 31, 2013
Ed. by Predrag Dragutinovic, Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr, and James Buchanan
Wallace in co-operation with Christos Karakolis

Volume 354 This collection of essays contains the papers given at the Sixth International East-West
2016. IX, 516 pages. Symposium of New Testament Scholars in Belgrade, Serbia. The symposium was a project of the
Eastern Europe Liaison Committee of Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas. Main subject matters
ISBN 978-3-16-153507-9 of the volume are the Holy Spirit in New Testament writings (particularly Luke-Acts, the Gospel
cloth 149,00 € of John and Paul), the reception and interpretation of biblical texts about the Holy Spirit in
patristic theology, ancient Christian liturgy and iconography, and re ection on the role of the
ISBN 978-3-16-154369-2
Holy Spirit in church life. Contributions from seminars are devoted to extra-biblical ancient
eBook PDF 149,00 €
Jewish and early Christian sources. All topics are discussed from a “Western” (Protestant and
Roman-Catholic) theological and exegetical perspective as well as from an Orthodox point of
view. An introduction re ects the results of the symposium, sketches recent research on the
Holy Spirit in the New Testament scholarship and brie y points to texts and problems
belonging to the topic but not dealt with in the volume.

Survey of contents

Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr: Introduction

I. Biblical Scholarship in Serbia

Bishop Irinej Of Novi Sad And Bachka: The Holy Spirit and the Church. An Orthodox
Perspective - Vladan Tatalović : Orthodox New Testament Scholarship in Serbia

II. Papers from the Symposium

N. T. Wright: The Glory Returns: Spirit, Temple and Eschatology in Paul and John - Christos
Karakolis: The Holy Spirit in Luke-Acts: Personal Entity or Impersonal Power? A Synchronic
Approach - Daniel Marguerat: The Work of the Holy Spirit in Luke-Acts: A Western Perspective -
Predrag Dragutinović: The Holy Spirit and the Church in the Gospel of John. A Discourse
Analysis of John 20:19–23 - Andreas Dettwiler: The Holy Spirit in John from a Western
Perspective - John Fotopoulos: The Holy Spirit in Paul from an Orthodox Perspective - Volker
Rabens: The Holy Spirit and Dei cation in Paul: A 'Western' Perspective - Demetrios Bathrellos:
The Holy Spirit and the New Testament in St. Symeon of Thessalonica (†1429) - Katharina
Bracht: Augustine and His Predecessors Interpreting the New Testament on the Origin of the
Holy Spirit. The Question of lioque - Harald Buchinger: The Holy Spirit and the Church in
Liturgy. A “Western Perspective”

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III. Contributions from the Seminars
The Holy Spirit in Ancient Judaism
Rodoljub S. Kubat: The Spirit in the Wisdom of Solomon and its Old Testament Background -
James Buchanan Wallace: Spirit(s) in the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs - Carl R. Holladay :
Spirit in Philo of Alexandria

The Holy Spirit and the Church in the Gospels

Armand Puig I Tàrrech: Holy Spirit and Evil Spirits in the Ministry of Jesus - Joel Marcus: The
Spirit and the Church in the Gospel of Mark

The Holy Spirit and the Church in Second Century Christian Writings
Tobias Nicklas: A Church without Spirit? Pneumatology in the Writings of Ignatius of Antioch -
Taras Khomych: From Maranatha to Epiclesis? An Inquiry into the Origins of Spirit Invocations
in Early Christianity

IV. Re ections
Manuel Vogel: A Talk Continued. Notes and Deliberations on the Belgrade Conference -
Ekaterini Tsalampouni: A Re ection on the Conference from the Orthodox Perspective -
Armand Puig I Tàrrech: A Re ection on the Conference from a Catholic Perspective

Oksana Gubareva: The Holy Spirit in Orthodox Iconography

Der Philipperbrief des Paulus in der hellenistisch-römischen

Hrsg. v. Jörg Frey u. Benjamin Schliesser unter Mitarb. v. Veronika Niederhofer

Volume 353 Most of the articles in this volume originated at a conference held in Zurich in 2013. Using
2015. VIII, 421 pages. Paul's letter to the Philippians as an example, they explore the complex philological and
conceptual interaction between Paul and the intellectual and social traditions of the Hellenistic-
ISBN 978-3-16-153411-9 Roman world. They re ect the wealth of these connections and deal, inter alia, with aspects
cloth 139,00 € pertaining to philosophy and ethics, social history and legal history, rhetoric and
communication strategy.
ISBN 978-3-16-153412-6
eBook PDF 139,00 €
Survey of contents

Jörg Frey: Der Philipperbrief im Rahmen der Paulusforschung – Benjamin Schliesser: Paulus
und “seine” Philipper: Geschäftspartner, Freund, Vereinsgründer? Sozialgeschichtliche
Perspektiven auf den Philipperbrief – Markus Öhler: Gründer und ihre Gründung. Antike
Vereinigungen und die paulinische Gemeinde in Philippi – Eva Ebel: “Unser πολίτευμα aber ist
in den Himmeln” (Phil 3,20). Ein attraktives Angebot für viele Bewohnerinnen und Bewohner
der römischen Kolonie Philippi – Heike Omerzu: Paulus und die römische Rechtsordnung im
Spiegel des Philipperbriefes – Thomas Schmeller: Zwei Narrenreden? 2Kor 11,21b-33 und Phil
3,2–11 im Vergleich – Manuel Baumbach: Stimmung und συμμιμηταί im Philipperbrief – Petra
Von Gemünden: Der “A ekt” der Freude im Philipperbrief und seiner Umwelt – Anke
Inselmann: Zum A ekt der Freude im Philipperbrief. Unter Berücksichtigung pragmatischer und
psychologischer Zugänge – Troels Engberg-Pedersen: On Comparison: The Stoic Theory of
Value in Paul's Theology and Ethics in Philippians – Peter Wick: “Ahmt Jesus Christus mit mir
zusammen nach!” (Phil 3,17). Imitatio Pauli und imitatio Christi im Philipperbrief – Tobias
Nicklas: Der Philipperbrief in der Hand von “Häretikern”. Ascensio Isaiae und Evangelium
Veritatis – Christoph Markschies: Origenes und Paulus. Das Beispiel der Anthropologie –
Samuel Vollenweider: Dienst und Verführung. Überlegungen zur Kommentierung des Briefs
“An die Philipper”

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The Last Years of Paul
Essays from the Tarragona Conference, June 2013
Ed. by Armand Puig i Tàrrech, John M.G. Barclay, and Jörg Frey with the
assistance of Orrey McFarland

Volume 352 What happened in the last few years of Paul's life? Did he ever get to Spain? How and why did
2015. IX, 608 pages. he die? Were his plans ful lled or frustrated? How should we interpret our scant sources? And
what light can be shed on these matters by the social, historical, and legal context of Paul's life?
ISBN 978-3-16-153346-4 In this fresh investigation of the central historical questions, a group of leading international
cloth 164,00 € scholars bring together their collective expertise on the apostle Paul and on the Roman, Jewish
and early Christian worlds in which he lived and died. Through new scrutiny of all the key
ISBN 978-3-16-153583-3
sources, a number of fresh questions and hypotheses are developed, with wide signi cance for
eBook PDF 164,00 €
all who wish to know about the climactic and traumatic nal years of Paul.

Survey of contents

Table of Contents: John Barclay: The Last Years of Paul: What are the Issues? – Reimund
Bieringer: The Jerusalem Collection and Paul's Missionary Project: Collection and Mission in
Romans 15.14–32 – Michel Quesnel: The Collection for Jerusalem in the Context of Paul's
Missionary Project: Theological Perspectives – N.T. Wright: Paul's Western Missionary Project:
Jerusalem, Rome, Spain in Historical and Theological Perspectives – Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr:
Roman Jews under Nero: Personal, Religious, and Ideological Networks in Mid-First Century
Rome – Erich Gruen: The Jews of Rome under Nero – Peter Lampe: Roman Christians under
Nero (54–68 CE) – Peter Oakes: Using Historical Evidence in the Study of Neronian Christian
Groups and Texts – Loveday Alexander: Silent Witness: Paul's Troubles with Roman Authorities
in the Book of Acts – August Borrell: Paul and the Roman Authorities – Heike Omerzu: The
Roman Trial Against Paul according to Acts 21–28 – Friedrich W. Horn: The Roman Trial Against
Paul According to Acts 21–26. Reply to Heike Omerzu – Bernardo Santalucia: Paul's Roman Trial:
Legal Procedures regarding Roman Citizens Convicted of Serious Charges in the First Century CE
– Juan Chapa: Paul's Social Status and the Outcome of his Trial – Valerio Marotta: St. Paul's
Death: Roman Citizenship and summa supplicia – John Cook: Roman Penalties Regarding
Roman Citizens Convicted of Heavy Charges in I CE – Daniel Marguerat: On Why Luke Remains
Silent about Paul's End (Acts 28.16–31) – Tobias Nicklas: No Death of Paul in Acts of Paul and
Thecla? – Glenn E. Snyder: History of the Martyrdom of Paul – Wolfgang Grünstäudl: Hidden in
Praise: Some Notes on 1 Clement 5.7 – Rainer Riesner: Paul's Trial and End according to Second
Timothy, 1 Clement, the Canon Muratori, and the Apocryphal Acts – Jens Herzer: The Mission
and the End of Paul Between Strategy and Reality: A Response to Rainer Riesner – Udo
Schnelle: Paul's Literary Activity during his Roman Trial – Daniel Gerber: Paul's Literary Activity
during His Roman Trial: A Response to Udo Schnelle – Armand Puig ì Tarrech: Paul's Missionary
Activity during His Roman Trial: The Case of Paul's Journey to Hispania – Christos Karakolis:
Paul's Mission to Hispania: Some Critical Observations – Angelo di Berardino: Roman Tradition
on Paul's Death: Literary and Archaeological Data – Romano Penna: The Death of Paul in the
Year 58: A Hypothesis and Its Consequences for His Biography – Jörg Frey: Paul the Apostle: A
Life Between Mission and Captivity


Parables and Rhetoric in the Sermon on the Mount

New Approaches to a Classical Text

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament

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Volume 351 Parable research has to a large degree ignored the Sermon on the Mount (SM) and for its part,
2015. XXXI, 703 pages. research into the SM has likewise left the parables by the wayside. However, the use of
parabolic language in more than one third of the SM in uences its interpretation and indeed
ISBN 978-3-16-154102-5 opens up a new approach to it. In the current volume, Ernst Baasland focuses on this important
cloth 179,00 € factor, whilst also taking the rhetoric of Jesus' teaching into consideration. The author
maintains that rhetorical features have a great bearing on the interpretation of the text with the
ISBN 978-3-16-154107-0
overall structure illuminating the entire composition of the sermon. Fresh insights into its
eBook PDF 179,00 €
oration therefore serve to challenge the source problem in a new way. The religious and
philosophical settings of this most well-known of Christ's preachings are clari ed by its
parables and rhetoric; and the sermon's Jewish background has often been investigated. While
the author continues with that particular task, he simultaneously a ords more emphasis to the
parallels in (Greek) Hellenistic literature. The combining of all these factors leads to a clearer
comprehension of the Sermon on the Mount's philosophy of life and provides a better
understanding of this classical text.


A Narrative Theology of the New Testament

Exploring the Metanarrative of Exile and Restoration

Volume 350 The theory on restoration eschatology proposed by Sanders and Wright provides the
2015. XVIII, 477 pages. cornerstone for Timo Eskola's building up of the premise that the metanarrative of exile and
restoration can be used as an explanation when explicating New Testament theology. Jewish
ISBN 978-3-16-154012-7 texts foretold that the Messiah would end Israel's exile and build for God an eschatological
cloth 139,00 € temple wherewith Jesus went on to proclaim the contrast between the corrupt earthly temple
and his own heavenly one. This teaching brought to an end the exilic condition which had
ISBN 978-3-16-154037-0
persisted throughout the centuries.
eBook PDF 139,00 €
For Jesus, the era starting with John the Baptist was one lled with tribulations and inter-
familial strife which saw Israel continue to kill prophets. The implication is that the Son of Man
must su er too in order for peace to reign in Israel, with the resurrection of Jesus representing
the end-time enthronement when God is crowned King and those living in slavery to sin are
The early Christology developed by Jesus' followers presents the Savior as Christ and Ruler of
the new kingdom of peace who grants the fruits of restoration to those faithful to him. The
author recognizes a direct connection between Jesus' eschatology and early enthronement
Christology, and discusses several christological narratives which elaborate on di erent
restoration eschatology features.
The metanarrative has shed light on essential features in Second Temple nomism and Pauline
concepts about the law. Furthermore, it helps explain the nature of justi cation and has
proven invaluable when interpreting the new community as Christ's temple where the Holy
Spirit has returned.

Rediscovering the Apocryphal Continent

New Perspectives on Early Christian and Late Antique Apocryphal Texts and
Ed. by Pierluigi Piovanelli and Tony Burke with the collaboration of Timothy

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament

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Volume 349 This volume collects the contributions of a group of North American scholars who started
2015. XI, 439 pages. rethinking, in 2004, the traditional category of New Testament Apocrypha, largely dominated by
theological concerns, according to the new perspectives of a greater continuity not only
ISBN 978-3-16-151994-9 between Second Temple Jewish and early Christian scriptural productions, but also between
cloth 134,00 € early Christian and late antique apocryphal literatures. This is the result of the con uence of
two, so far, alternative approaches: on the one hand, the deconstruction of the customary
categories, inherited from ancient heresiology, of “Jewish Christianity” and “Gnosticism,” and on
the other hand, the new awareness that the production of new apocryphal texts did not cease
at the end of the third century but continued well into late antiquity and beyond. These papers
bring together for the rst time the typically North American need to reconsider “The Ways That
Never Parted” and other arti cially drawn “Border Lines” with the more European attention
paid to the phenomenon of apocryphicity in the long term. In the twenty essays published
here, di erent facets of this apocryphal continent are newly explored, from the Christian
appropriation of Jewish stories and literary genres, with a special emphasis on the case of the
late antique Pseudo-Clementines and their hypothetical Jewish Christian source, to the
complex and controversial situation of the narrative roles attributed to such gures as Judas
Iscariot, Mary of Magdala, Mary the mother of Jesus, or Peter. These new insights are
particularly relevant not only for the history of the rst Jesus movement but also, and
especially, for gaining a better understanding of the ways Judaism and Christianity evolved
initially together, then side by side, according to a process of di erentiation that took more
time than previously thought.

Survey of contents

I. Introduction
Pierluigi Piovanelli: The Christian Apocryphal Texts at the Society of Biblical Literature
International Meetings (2004–2006) and the Ottawa International Workshop (2006): Retrospects
and Prospects

II. General Perspectives

Tony Burke: Entering the Mainstream: Twenty- ve Years of Research on the Christian
Apocrypha – Ian H. Henderson: The Usefulness of Christian Apocryphal Texts in Research on
the Historical Jesus – James R. Davila: Did Christians Write Old Testament Pseudepigrapha That
Appear to Be Jewish? – Annette Yoshiko Reed: “Jewish-Christian” Apocrypha and the History of
Jewish/Christian Relations

III. From Early Christian Texts to Late Antique Apocryphal Literature

Louis Painchaud: With Regard to the (Re)Discovery of the Gospel of Judas – Minna Heimola:
Christians and Jews in the Gospel of Philip – Theodore de Bruyn: Christian Apocryphal and
Canonical Narratives in Greek Amulets and Formularies in Late Antiquity – Stephen J.
Shoemaker: Mary in Early Christian Apocrypha: Virgin Territory – Pierluigi Piovanelli: Why Mary
and Peter? From the Early Christian Gospel of Mary to the Late Antique Apocryphal Acts of the
Apostles – Peter W. Dunn: Luke's Acts or the Acts of Paul: Which Looks More Like a Second-
Century Text? – Cornelia Horn: Depictions of Children and Young People as Literary Motifs in
Canonical and Apocryphal Acts – Vahan Hovhanessian: The Repose of the Blessed John in the
Armenian Bible: Deconstructing the Acts of John – Timothy Beech: Unraveling the Complexity
of the Oracula Sibyllina: The Value of a Socio-Rhetorical Approach in the Study of the Sibylline
Oracles – Michael Kaler: Gnostic Irony and the Adaptation of the Apocalyptic Genre – Timothy
Pettipiece: The Manichaean Reception of Apocryphal Traditions: The Case of the “Five Limbs”

IV. The Pseudo-Clementines: Early Christian Traditions in Late Antique Editions

F. Stanley Jones: John the Baptist and His Disciples in the Pseudo-Clementines: A Historical
Appraisal – Kelley Coblentz Bautch: The Pseudo-Clementine Homilies' Use of Jewish
Pseudepigrapha – Giovanni Battista Bazzana: Healing the World: Medical and Social Practice in
the Pseudo-Clementine Novel – Dominique Côté: Rhetoric and Jewish-Christianity: The Case of
the Grammarian Apion in the Pseudo-Clementine Homilies – Nicole Kelley: Pseudo-Clementine
Polemics against Sacri ce: A Window onto Religious Life in the Fourth Century?

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Early Christian and Jewish Narrative
The Role of Religion in Shaping Narrative Forms
Ed. by Ilaria Ramelli and Judith Perkins

Volume 348 The authors of this volume elucidate the remarkable role played by religion in the shaping and
2015. VIII, 373 pages. reshaping of narrative forms in antiquity and late antiquity in a variety of ways. This is
particularly evident in ancient Jewish and Christian narrative, which is in the focus of most of
ISBN 978-3-16-152033-4 the contributions, but also in some “pagan” novels such as that of Heliodorus, which is dealt
cloth 134,00 € with as well in the third part of the volume, both in an illuminating comparison with Christian
novels and in an inspiring rethinking of Heliodorus's relation to Neoplatonism. All of these
ISBN 978-3-16-153618-2
essays, from di erent perspectives, illuminate the interplay between narrative and religion, and
eBook PDF 134,00 €
show how religious concerns and agendas shaped narrative forms in Judaism and early
Christianity. A series of compelling and innovative articles, all based on fresh and often
groundbreaking research by eminent specialists, is divided into three large sections: part one
deals with ancient Jewish narrative, and part two with ancient Christian narrative, in particular
gospels, acts, biographies, and martyrdoms, while part three o ers a comparison with “pagan”
narrative, and especially the religious novel of Heliodorus, both in terms of social perspectives
and in terms of philosophical and religious agendas. Like the essays collected by Marília Futre
Pinheiro, Judith Perkins, and Richard Pervo in 2013, which investigate the core role played by
narratives in Christian and Jewish self-fashioning in the Roman Empire, the present volume
fruitfully bridges the disciplinary gap between classical studies and ancient Jewish and Christian
studies, o ers new insights, and hopefully opens up new paths of inquiry.

Survey of contents

Ilaria Ramelli/Judith Perkins: Introduction: The Role of Religion in Shaping Narrative Forms

Part 1: Ancient Jewish Narrative

Lawrence M. Wills: The Di erentiation of History and Novel: Controlling the Past, Playing with
the Past – Erich S. Gruen: The Twisted Tales of Artapanus: Biblical Rewritings as Novelistic
Narrative – David Konstan: The Testament of Abraham and Greek Romance

Part 2: Christian Gospels, Acts, Biographies, and Martyrdoms

Karen L. King: Endings: The Gospel of Mark and the Gospel of Judas – Laura Salah Nasrallah:
“Out of Love for Paul”: History and Fiction and the Afterlife of the Apostle Paul – Dennis R.
MacDonald: Jesus and Dionysian Polymorphism in the Acts of John – Lautaro Roig Lanzillotta:
A Syriac Original for the Acts of Thomas ? The Hypothesis of Syriac Priority Revisited – Mark J.
Edwards: The Deferred Ful lment of Prophecy in Early Christian Fiction – Vincent Hunink:
Following Paul: The Acts of Xanthippe , Polyxena , and Rebecca as an Ancient Novel – Richard I.
Pervo: Dare and Back: The Stories of Xanthippe and Polyxena - Ilaria Ramelli : The Addai-Abgar
Narrative: Its Development through Literary Genres and Religious Agendas – Kathryn Chew:
“On Fire with Desire” (πυρουμένη πόθῳ): Passion and Conversion in the Ancient Greek Novels
and Early Christian Female Virgin Martyr Accounts

Part 3: “Pagan” and Christian Narratives: Social Worlds and Philosophical Agendas
Judith Perkins: Competing Voices in Imperial Fiction – Svetla Slaveva-Gri n: Argumentum ex
Silentio : Religion in Heliodorus' Aethiopica


Gnostic Morality Revisited

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Volume 347 The early Christian texts discussed in this book are often treated as “gnostic” ones. The studies
2015. IX, 244 pages. by Ismo Dunderberg collected here, however, approach them as witnesses to the views of
educated second-century Christians engaged in dialogue with philosophical traditions.
ISBN 978-3-16-152567-4 Following the idea that ancient philosophical schools rst and foremost provided their
cloth 99,00 € adherents with a way of life, the author explores issues related to morality and lifestyle in non-
canonical gospels and among groups that were gradually denounced as heretical in the church.
ISBN 978-3-16-153694-6
Prominent themes he deals with in this book include the soul's progress from material concerns
eBook PDF 99,00 €
to a life dominated by spirit, the control of emotions (such as desire, anger and grief), the
avoidance of luxury, the ideal “perfect human” as a tool in moral instruction, classi cations of
humankind into distinct groups based upon their moral advancement, and Christian debates
about the value of martyrdom. In addition Dunderberg o ers a critical review of some recent
trends and attitudes towards New Testament scholarship, especially those in which the non-
canonical texts discussed in this book are either ignored or deemed as irrelevant, irrational, and
sometimes even dangerous.

Poetik und Intertextualität der Johannesapokalypse

Hrsg. v. Stefan Alkier, Thomas Hieke u. Tobias Nicklas, in Zus.-Arb. m. Michael

Volume 346 Although the Book of Revelation may seem to be a strange piece of writing to modern readers,
2015. IX, 475 pages. it can be understood as a highly elaborate and in some respects unique ancient discourse of
surprising literary quality and theological impact. The present volume discusses questions of
ISBN 978-3-16-152966-5 the text's language, its style and poetic concept. It presents studies on the relation of time and
cloth 149,00 € space in the Book of Revelation and on the signi cance of books for its storyline and discusses
the question as to whether Revelation could be labeled “fantastic literature.” Several studies
ISBN 978-3-16-153547-5
deal with the question of Revelation's intertextual relations: besides a focus on the text's
eBook PDF 149,00 €
relation to Old Testament and early Jewish literature, the question of the text's relation to the
Fourth Gospel, to writings from the Hellenistic-Roman world and to important aspects of its
reception history is discussed anew.

Survey of contents

I. Philologie und Textgeschichte

Thomas Paulsen: Zu Sprache und Stil der Johannes-Apokalypse – Dieter Zeller: Zum
Tempusgebrauch in der O enbarung des Johannes – Martin Karrer: Textgeschichte und
Demarkationsprozesse der Johanneso enbarung – Jörg Frey: Das Corpus Johanneum und die
Apokalypse des Johannes. Die Johannes-legende, die Probleme der johanneischen
Verfasserschaft und die Frage der Pseudonymität der Apokalypse – Arthur Manukyan: Die
Johannesapokalypse und die armenischen Bibelübersetzungen im Wandel der Zeit – Ertrag,
Tendenzen und Perspektiven der Forschung

II. Poetologische Untersuchungen

Peter v. Möllendor : “Nimm und verschling es!” Elemente einer Poetik der Johannes-
Apokalypse – Marco Frenschkowski: Apokalyptik und Phantastik. Kann die
Johanneso enbarung als Text phantastischer Literatur verstanden werden? Ein Essay – Stefan
Alkier/Tobias Nicklas: Wenn sich Welten berühren. Beobachtungen zu zeitlichen und
räumlichen Strukturen in der Apokalypse des Johannes – Robyn J. Whitaker: The Poetics of
Ekphrasis. Vivid Description and Rhetoric in the Apocalypse – Annette Weissenrieder: Bilder
zum Sehen – Bilder zum Hören? Über die Grenzen von visuellem Bild und Sprache als Ekphrasis
in Apk 17

III. Intertextualität und Intermedialität

Thomas Hieke: Die literarische und theologische Funktion des Alten Testaments in der
Johanneso enbarung – Adela Yarbro Collins: Rewritten Prophets. The Use of Older Scripture in
Revelation – Edmondo F. Lupieri: From Sodom and Balaam to the Revelation of John.
Transtextual Adventures of Biblical Sins – Michael Sommer: Pech und Schwefel. Das Motivfeld
Sodom und der Tag YHWHs in der O enbarung – Luca Arcari: Vision and Tradition.

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Authoritative Past in the Recon guration of Visionary Experiences according to the Revelation
to John The Son of Man in Rev 1:7.12–20 – Jan Willem van Henten: The Intertextual Nexus of
Revelation and Graeco-Roman Literature – Daniele Tripaldi: Der Geist und das Gedächtnis. Die
Johanneso enbarung als prophetische Erinnerung an Jesusworte – Ian Boxall: Riding White
Horses. An Intertextual Study of Rev 6:1–2 in the Light of its Reception History – Sotirios
Despotis: Die himmlische Liturgie der Apokalypse (Kap. 4–5) in ihrem Kontext und die
Interaktion mit der östlichen irdischen Liturgie


Contested Ethnicities and Images

Studies in Acts and Arts

Volume 345 Ethnic values changed as Imperial Rome expanded, challenging ethnocentric values in Rome
2015. XX, 479 pages. itself, as well as in Greece and Judea. Rhetorically, Roman, Greek, and Judean writers who
eulogized their cities all claimed they would receive foreigners. Further, Greco-Roman narratives
ISBN 978-3-16-152336-6 of urban tensions between rich and poor, proud and humble, promoted reconciliation and
cloth 159,00 € fellowship between social classes. Luke wrote Acts in this ethnic, economic, political context,
narrating Jesus as a founder who changed laws to encourage receiving foreigners, which
ISBN 978-3-16-153797-4
promoted civic, missionary growth and legitimated interests of the poor and humble. David L.
eBook PDF 159,00 €
Balch relates Roman art to early Christianity and introduces famous, pre-Roman Corinthian
artists. He shows women visually represented as priests, compares Dionysian and Corinthian
charismatic speech and argues that larger assemblies of the earliest, Pauline believers “sat” (1
Cor 14.30) in taverns. Also, the author demonstrates that the image of a pregnant woman in
Revelation 12 subverts imperial claims to the divine origin of the emperor, before nally
suggesting that visual representations by Roman domestic artists of “a category of women who
upset expected forms of conduct” (Bergmann) encouraged early Christian women like Thecla,
Perpetua and Felicitas to move beyond gender stereotypes of being victims. Balch concludes
with two book reviews, one of Nicolas Wiater's book on the Greek biographer and historian
Dionysius, who was a model for both Josephus and Luke-Acts, the second of a book by
Frederick Brenk on Hellenistic philosophy and mystery religion in relation to earliest


The Trial and Crucifixion of Jesus

Texts and Commentary

Volume 344 The purpose of this comprehensive sourcebook by David W. Chapman and Eckhard J. Schnabel
2015. XXIV, 867 pages. is to publish the extra-biblical primary texts that have been cited as relevant for understanding
Jesus' trial and cruci xion. The texts in the rst part deal with Jesus' trial and interrogation
ISBN 978-3-16-153786-8 before the Sanhedrin, and the texts in the second part concern Jesus' trial before Pilate. The
sewn paper 89,00 € texts in part three represent cruci xion as a method of execution in antiquity. For each
document the authors provide the original text (Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, Latin, etc.), a
ISBN 978-3-16-151674-0
translation, and commentary. The commentary describes the literary context and the purpose
cloth 189,00 €
of each document in context before details are clari ed, along with observations on the
ISBN 978-3-16-152956-6 contribution of these texts to understanding Jesus' trial and cruci xion.
eBook PDF 89,00 €
Survey of contents

Part 1. The Jewish Trial before the Sanhedrin (E. J. Schnabel)

1.1 Annas and Caiaphas
1.2 The Jurisdiction of the Sanhedrin
1.3 Capital Cases in Jewish Law

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1.4 Interrogation of Witnesses
1.5 The Charge of Blasphemy
1.6 The Charge of Being a Seducer
1.7 The Charge of Sorcery
1.8 Abuse of Prisoners
1.9 Transfer of Court Cases

Part 2. The Roman Trial before Pontius Pilatus (E. J. Schnabel)

2.1 Pontius Pilatus
2.2 The Jurisdiction of Roman Prefects
2.3 The crimen maiestatis in Roman Law
2.4 Reports of Trial Proceedings
2.5 Languages Used in Provincial Court Proceedings
2.6 Amnesty and Acclamatio Populi
2.7 Abuse of Convicted Criminals
2.8 Requisitioning of Provincials
2.9 Carrying the Crossbeam
2.10 Titulus

Part 3. Cruci xion (D. W. Chapman)

3.1 Cruci xion, Bodily Suspension, and Issues of De nition
3.2 Bodily Suspension in the Ancient Near East
3.3 Barbarians and Cruci xion according to Graeco-Roman Sources
3.4 Suspension and Cruci xion in Classical and Hellenistic Greece
3.5 Jewish Suspension and Cruci xion
3.6 Victims of Cruci xion in the Roman Period
3.7 Suspension and Cruci xion in Hellenistic and Roman Palestine
3.8 Methods and Practices of Bodily Suspension in the Roman Period
3.9 Cruci xion Terminology Applied to Earlier Traditions
3.10 Perceptions of Cruci xion in Antiquity
3.11 Reception of the Christian Message of the Cruci ed Messiah


Studies in Paul's Letter to the Philippians

Volume 343 Paul's Letter to the Philippians is one of the most important but also most di cult parts of the
2015. XIII, 189 pages. corpus Paulinum. The main di culties are caused by unresolved issues in the interpretation,
which are re ected in the current commentary literature. In the present work, Hans Dieter Betz
ISBN 978-3-16-153119-4 does not o er a full commentary, but rather seven chapters of new exegetical investigations
cloth 89,00 € focusing on controversial passages and issues of the letter. These chapters represent separate
engagements over a period of several years and employ the standard historical-critical
ISBN 978-3-16-153500-0
methodologies, including rhetorical and literary criticism. The introduction clari es the author's
eBook PDF 89,00 €
understanding and use of key terminology such as text, manuscript, translation, critical-
historical commentary, literary criticism, letter and letter-writing, literary integrity, and
veri cation. As a result, the studies o er new proposals for analyzing di cult passages and
issues, and lay the groundwork for understanding the letter as a whole. This letter is decisive
primarily for understanding Paul's thinking and acting during his last days when he was
imprisoned in Rome (ca. 62 CE). In this situation, he sees clearly what is at stake for his own “life
or death”, his churches, his collaborators, and the Gospel mission in the future. He took this
last letter as being his nal chance to set an example on facing personal catastrophe, even
raising the question as to whether or not everything had been in vain. He wrote in retrospect of
his entire life, but also looking forward to beyond his own death.

Survey of contents

I. Introduction II. A Statement of Principle (1:21–26) III. An Autobiographical Memorandum (3:1b-

21) IV. On Being a Paulinist (4:8–9) V. On Self-su ciency (4:11–13) VI. The Cost of Mission: A
Look at Paul ' s Finances (4:10–20) VII. On the Question of the Literary Genre

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Early Christian Communities Between Ideal and Reality
Ed. by Mark Grundeken and Joseph Verheyden

Volume 342 The authors of this volume explore the notion of community as re ected upon in the writings
2015. XIII, 243 pages. of the Apostolic Fathers. Various aspects are dealt with, including concerns for organising the
community, developing a sacramental and liturgical praxis, constructing identity against
ISBN 978-3-16-152670-1 outsiders, spreading the Christian message, and building towards a better community. The
cloth 99,00 € interplay between ideal and reality in the sources o ers some reliable information about day-
to-day concerns and concrete situations in Christian communities from the end of the rst
ISBN 978-3-16-153509-3
century up to about 150 CE.
eBook PDF 99,00 €

Survey of contents

Joseph Verheyden/Mark Grundeken: Introduction – Andreas Lindemann: Sakramentale Praxis

in Gemeinden des 2. Jahrhunderts – Clayton N. Je ord: The Didache and Eucharist: Signs of
Community? – Taras Khomych: From Glorious Past to Miserable Present: First Clement on the
Organisation of the Corinthian Community – John S. Kloppenborg: Pneumatic Democracy and
the Con ict in 1 Clement – James Kelho er: If Second Clement Really Were a “Sermon,” How
Would We Know, and Why Would We Care? Prolegomena to Analyses of the Writing's Genre
and Community – Paul Foster: Christ and the Apostles in the Epistles of Ignatius of Antioch –
Mark Grundeken: Baptism and Metanoia in the Shepherd of Hermas – Harry O. Maier: From
Material Place to Imagined Space: Emergent Christian Community as Thirdspace in the
Shepherd of Hermas – Judith Lieu: From Us But Not Of Us? Moving the Boundaries of the
Community – James Carleton Paget: Barnabas and the Outsiders: Jews and Their World in the
Epistle of Barnabas – Tobias Nicklas: Identitätsbildung durch Konstruktion der “Anderen”: Die
Schrift Ad Diognetum


Paul in Athens
The Popular Religious Context of Acts 17

Volume 341 Paul's visit to Athens, in particular his Areopagus speech, is one of the most well known
2014. XXI, 215 pages. excerpts of early Christian literature. It is the most signi cant speech by Paul to a Gentile
audience in Acts and functions as a literary crest of the overall narrative. Yet at the same time
ISBN 978-3-16-153260-3 the speech is brief and possesses few speci cally Christian terms. Critical analyses describe it as
cloth 89,00 € eclectic—an ad hoc blend of Greek and Jewish elements. In this study, Clare K. Rothschild
explores how the apparently miscellaneous and impromptu components of Paul's speech and
ISBN 978-3-16-153261-0
visit to Athens cohere when compared to the nexus of ubiquitously popular second-century
eBook PDF 89,00 €
traditions crystallized around the ancient Cretan prophet Epimenides. Precursor to the Rip Van
Winkle legend, Epimenides was numbered among the seven sages, dubbed ἀνὴρ θεῖος by
Plato, and venerated as cult transfer gure par excellence for transferring Cretan Zeus worship
to Athens. Rothschild exposes correspondences between Epimenidea and the Lukan Paul,
focusing on, but not limited to, the altar inscribed to “an unknown god” and the saying, “In him
we live and move and have our being” (17:28a). Scholars have overlooked the signi cance of
Epimenidean traditions by clinging too fervently to the presence of Stoic and Epicurean
philosophers in Acts 17. The present treatment does not deny connections between Paul's
Areopagitica and popular philosophical ideals, but seeks to show that, in tandem with these
motifs, the episode of Paul in Athens utilizes popular 'religious' topoi to reinforce the Lukan
theme of cult transfer.

Survey of contents

Chapter 1: Introduction – Chapter 2: History of Research – Chapter 3: Text and Translation –

Chapter 4: Epimenidea in the First Two Centuries CE – Chapter 5: The Areopagus Speech –

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Chapter 6: Bracketing the Areopagitica – Chapter 7: Acts and Epimenidea – Chapter 8: God in
Transit: Paul Transfers Christianity to Athens – Chapter 9: Conclusion

The History of Religions School Today

Essays on the New Testament and Related Ancient Mediterranean Texts
Ed. by Thomas R. Blanton IV, Robert Matthew Calhoun and Clare K. Rothschild

Volume 340 The present volume o ers a glimpse at one currently thriving expression of the distinguished
2014. XIII, 374 pages. history of religions school approach to the New Testament and early Christian literature. Begun
circa 1884 at the University of Göttingen and pioneered by scholars such as Albert Eichhorn,
ISBN 978-3-16-153436-2 Wilhelm Bousset, Johannes Weiss, and William Wrede, today applications of this approach are
cloth 124,00 € diverse. Scholars adapt the method, incorporating the latest technologies and insights, to
optimize the school's original goal of accurate biblical interpretation. In North America, the
ISBN 978-3-16-153437-9
University of Chicago has long been a hub of this type of investigation. Over the last century,
eBook PDF 124,00 €
many of these Chicago studies have produced groundbreaking results. Still, the approach has
never been without its critics. Applying the history of religions school approach to a range of
interesting topics and themes, the essays in this collection demonstrate against current
opposition how the history of religions school continues to steer scholarly innovation in the
eld of New Testament studies by o ering constructive new interpretations of early Christian
and other writings and advancing discussion in key areas of research.

Survey of contents

I. Clare K. Rothschild: Introduction

II. New Testament
Mark Reasoner: Paul's God of Peace in Canonical and Political Perspectives – Robert Matthew
Calhoun: Romans 1:18–32 among Ancient Accounts of the Origin of Religion – Meira Z. Kensky:
The Hymnic Conclusion to Romans 11

Deutero-Pauline Literature
Je Asher: Missiles, Demagogues, and the Devil: The Rhetoric of Slander in Ephesians 6:16

Laurie Brink, O.P.: Going the Extra Mile: Reading Matt 5:41 Literally and Metaphorically – David
G. Monaco, C.P. : The Rhetoric of Narrative in Acts 8:26–40: Rami cations of the Baptism of the
Ethiopian Eunuch for the Author of Luke-Acts

Paul B. Du : The Scroll, the Temple, and the Great City: The Crisis in the Asian Assemblies and
the Interlude of Rev 10:1—11:13

Jewish Christianity
Matt Jackson-McCabe: Orthodoxy, Heresy, and Jewish Christianity: Re ections on Categories in
Edwin Broadhead's Jewish Ways of Following Jesus – Je rey A. Trumbower: Christians,
Sabbateans, and the Dead Sea Sect: A Comparative Case Study in Jewish Sectarian Logic

III. Related Ancient Mediterranean Texts

Clare K. Rothschild: Παιδεία as Solution to Stasis in First Clement – Andrew Langford/Matthijs
den Dulk: Polycarp and Polemo: Christianity at the Center of the Second Sophistic – Justin
Howell: Lucian's Hermotimus : A Fictive Dialogue with Marcus Aurelius – Thomas R. Blanton IV:
De caelo patrocinium : The Economy of Divine Patronage in Apuleius' Metamorphoses Abstract

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Hermeneutik der frühchristlichen Wundererzählungen
Geschichtliche, literarische und rezeptionsorientierte Perspektiven
Hrsg. v. Bernd Kollmann u. Ruben Zimmermann

Volume 339 Miracle stories have always been a source of fascination, but in many respects they also cause
2014. XII, 716 pages. considerable problems of interpretation. This volume on the hermeneutics of early Christian
miracle stories focuses on the current state of research and pursues the discussion. In addition
ISBN 978-3-16-152465-3 to a discussion of the basic issues, the early Christian miracle stories are also examined against
cloth 169,00 € the backdrop of their ancient environment. This is followed by articles on linguistic form,
narratological structure and literary form. The volume concludes with a series of articles dealing
ISBN 978-3-16-152466-0
speci cally with the signi cance of the texts for the present. Apart from the approaches of
eBook PDF 169,00 €
depth psychology, feminism and cultural anthropology, the signi cance of the early Christian
miracle stories for use in practice in schools and social welfare work is also addressed.

Survey of contents

I. Grundfragen Bernd Kollmann: Rehabilitierung mythischen Denkens. Die Auslegung von

Wundererzählungen in der neutestamentlichen Forschung – Craig S. Keener: Miracle Reports:
Perspectives, Analogies, Explanations

II. Geschichtliche Perspektiven (einschließlich Traditions- und Religionsgeschichte) Axel

Graupner: Wunder über Wunder. Israels Führung durch die Wüste Exodus 15,22–18,27 – Detlev
Dormeyer: Wundergeschichten in der hellenistischen Medizin und Geschichtsschreibung. Eine
religionsgeschichtliche Annäherung – Manfred Clauss: Wunder und Kaiserkult – Eric Eve: Jesus'
Miracles in their Historical and Cultural Context – Graham H. Twelftree: Exorcism in Early
Christianity – Reinhard von Bendemann: Elementar feurige Hitze – Zur Krankheitshermeneutik
frühjüdischer, hellenistisch-römischer und frühchristlicher Fieberheilungen – Erkie
Koskenniemi: Apollonius of Tyana, the Greek Miracle Workers in the Time of Jesus and the New
Testament – Marco Frenschkowski: Antike kritische und skeptische Stimmen zum
Wunderglauben als Dialogpartner des frühen Christentums

II. Sprachliche Perspektiven Gerd Theißen: Wunder Jesu und urchristliche Wundergeschichten.
Historische, psychologische und theologische Aspekte – Ruben Zimmermann: Fantastische
Tatsachenberichte . Zur Gattung 'Wundererzählung' – ein literaturwissenschaftlicher Versuch –
Kristina Dronsch: In Wunder verstrickt. Eine medio-theologische Pointe der Wundergeschichten
im Markusevangelium – Paul Borgman: Pattern and Purpose in John's Gospel: the Seven
Miracle Stories – Cornelis Bennema: Character Analysis and Miracle Stories in the Gospel of
Mark – Michael Labahn: Wunder verändern die Welt. Überlegungen zum sinnkonstruierenden
Charakter von Wundererzählungen am Beispiel der so genannten “Geschenkwunder” – Istvan
Czachesz: How to Read Miracle Stories with Cognitive Theory. On Harry Potter, Magic, and

III. Rezeptionsästhetische Perspektiven Eugen Drewermann: Tiefenpsychologische Hermeneutik

von Wundererzählungen – Stefan Alkier: Das Kreuz mit den Wundern oder Wunder ohne
Kreuz? Semiotische, exegetische und theologische Argumente wider die formgeschichtliche
Verkürzung der Wunderforschung – Christian Münch: Erzählung und Ereignis. Zur
theologischen Deutung der Wundergeschichten – Wendy J. Cotter, SCJ: The Function of the
Outrageous Petitioner in Pre-Markan Miracle Anecdotes – Susanne Luther: Die ethische
Signi kanz der Wunder. Eine Relecture der Wundererzählungen der apokryphen Thomasakten
unter ethischer Perspektive – Pieter Cra ert: What Actually Happened? Miracle Stories in
Anthropological Historical Perspective – Annike Reiß: Mit Kindern und Jugendlichen über
Wunder theologisieren – Reinhold Zwick: Die Wunder Jesu im Film. Grenzfall der Ästhetik und
( lm-)theologische Herausforderung – Ulrike Metternich: Wunderdeutungen in der
Feministischen Theologie und Bibelwissenschaft – Markus Schiefer Ferrari: Gestörte Lektüre der
Wundererzählungen. Dis/abilitykritische Hermeneutik biblischer Heilungserzählungen am
Beispiel von Mk 2,1–12

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Taufe und Mahlgemeinschaft

Studien zur Vorgeschichte der altkirchlichen Taufeucharistie

Volume 338 In almost all known liturgies of early Christianity, the baptismal eucharist is the goal and the
2014. XVI, 462 pages. culmination of the initiation. In this study, which approaches the subject from the perspective
of exegesis and liturgical history, Hans-Ulrich Weidemann reconstructs the history of this
ISBN 978-3-16-153362-4 reciprocal relationship between baptism and cultic meals against the backdrop of the multiform
cloth 139,00 € early Christian eucharistic practice. In order to do this, he studies the major sources from the
2nd and 3rd centuries: the Didache, Justin, the apocryphal Acts of Peter, Paul and Thomas, the
ISBN 978-3-16-153400-3
Pseudo-Clementines, Tertullian as well as the so-called Traditio Apostolica. He then analyzes
eBook PDF 139,00 €
those text passages in the New Testament in which there are reports of postbaptismal meals or
in which baptism and the Eucharist are related to one another: the Acts of the Apostles, 1
Corinthians and Galatians as well as Hebrews.


Good Works in 1 Peter

Negotiating Social Conflict and Christian Identity in the Greco-Roman World

Volume 337 In scholarship on 1 Peter, most interpreters understand the letter's call to “do good” as an
2014. XXII, 412 pages. admonition to behave in a manner which was consistent with popular standards of conduct. As
such, many contend that the Petrine readers could expect their “good works” to be favorably
ISBN 978-3-16-153251-1 acknowledged by Greco-Roman society. This fact is signi cant considering that good works are
cloth 139,00 € one of the primary paraenetic themes in the epistle, providing the readers with a strategic plan
of response for the con ict in which they are engaged. For many years, this consensus reading
ISBN 978-3-16-153252-8
of good works has shaped and directed investigations of the letter's social strategy. Travis B.
eBook PDF 139,00 €
Williams' goal is to challenge the modern consensus regarding the meaning and function of
good works in 1 Peter in order to thereby provide a fresh reading of the letter's social strategy.
Drawing on recent insights from postcolonial theory and social psychology the author
demonstrates that the exhortation to “do good” envisages a pattern of conduct which stands
opposed to popular values. The Petrine author appropriates terminology that was commonly
associated with wealth and social privilege and reinscribes it with a new meaning in order to
provide his marginalized readers with an alternative vision of reality, one in which the honor
and approval so valued in society is nally available to them. The good works theme thus
articulates a competing discourse which challenges dominant social structures and the
hegemonic ideology which underlies them.

Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation

Ed. by Reidar Hvalvik and Karl Olav Sandnes

Volume 336 The contributors of this volume address the question of identity among Christ-believers from
2014. IX, 421 pages. the viewpoint of prayer. Prayer brings into the discussion several dimensions that make up
religious identity. It is attested rather early that prayer was theology performed, and thus
ISBN 978-3-16-153520-8 intertwined with emerging theologies. Furthermore, prayer was Christocentric in orientation
cloth 139,00 € and focus. As of yet, these aspects have not received due attention in scholarly discussions.
Christian identity, albeit fragile and complex, was taking shape already in the rst century and
ISBN 978-3-16-153521-5
found itself on the verge between textual phenomenon and social realities. The texts had an
eBook PDF 139,00 €
impact on those who were exposed to them, in creating representations of social reality, but
were not to be identi ed with that reality. Texts on prayer are prescriptive in that they
recommend certain notions of Christian identity, with the addressees invited to embrace

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certain ways of thinking and acting. The present volume looks into that process.

Survey of contents

Reidar Hvalvik/Karl Olav Sandnes: Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation: Introducing
the Project – Mikael Tellbe: Identity and Prayer – Larry Hurtado: The Place of Jesus in Earliest
Christian Prayer and its Import for Early Christian Identity – Reidar Hvalvik: Praying with
Outstretched Hands: Nonverbal Aspects of Early Christian Prayer and the Question of Identity –
Geir Otto Holmås: Prayer, 'Othering' and the Construction of Early Christian Identity in the
Gospels of Matthew and Luke – Mikael Tellbe: Prayer and Social Identity Formation in the
Letter to the Ephesians – Anna Rebecca Solevåg: Prayer in Acts and the Pastoral Epistles:
Intersections of Gender and Class – Ole Jacob Filtvedt: With Our Eyes Fixed on Jesus: The
Prayers of Jesus and His Followers in Hebrews – Craig R. Koester: Heavenly Prayer and Christian
Identity in the Book of Revelation – Karl Olav Sandnes: “The First Prayer”: Pater Noster in the
Early Church – Hans Kvalbein: The Lord's Prayer and the Eucharist Prayers in the Didache –
Reidar Aasgaard: “What point is there for me in other people hearing my confessions?” Prayer
and Christian Identity in Augustine's Confessions – Anastasia Maravela: Christians Praying in a
Graeco-Egyptian Context: Intimations of Christian Identity in Greek Papyrus Prayers – Niclas
Förster: Prayer in the Valentinian Apolytrosis : A Case Study on Gnostic Identity – Glenn
Wehus: “Bring Now, O Zeus, What Di culty Thou Wilt. “ Prayer and Identity Formation in the
Stoic Philosopher Epictetus – Reidar Hvalvik/Karl Olav Sandnes: Prayer and Identity Formation:
Attempts at a Synthesis


The Myth of Rebellious Angels

Studies in Second Temple Judaism and New Testament Texts

Volume 335 The mythical story of fallen angels preserved in 1 Enoch and related literature was in uential
2014. XXI, 427 pages. during the Second Temple period. This myth, initially attested in the Enochic Book of Watchers
and picked up in further parts of 1 Enoch , was received in writings composed in Aramaic,
ISBN 978-3-16-153024-1 Hebrew, and Greek, and had a profound impact on streams of religious thought in the western
cloth 149,00 € and oriental world, as well as in Africa. This volume collects studies by Loren T. Stuckenbruck
that explore aspects of this in uence in some of the literature and demonstrate how it was
ISBN 978-3-16-153281-8
reused and adapted to address new cultural and religious contexts ( Book of Giants , Book of
eBook PDF 149,00 €
Jubilees , Dead Sea Scrolls, Book of Tobit, Book of Daniel, Genesis Apocryphon , Philo). In
addition, apart from whether in uence of the fallen angels' tradition can be established,
Stuckenbruck analyses the degree to which it o ers a theological framework through which to
reconsider theological approaches to several New Testament texts (Synoptic Gospels, Gospel of
John, Acts, Pauline texts, and the Book of Revelation). Themes covered in the essays include
demonology, prominent evil gures, giants, exorcism, petitionary prayer, the birth and activity
of Jesus, the holy Spirit, conversion of Gentiles, “apocalyptic” and the understanding of time,
and theological anthropology.

Survey of contents

Origins of Evil in Jewish Apocalyptic Tradition: The Interpretation of Genesis 6:1–4 in the Second
and Third Centuries B.C.E. – Giant Mythology and Demonology: From the Ancient Near East to
the Dead Sea Scrolls – The Lamech Narrative in the Genesis Apocryphon (1QapGen) and 1
Enoch 106–107 : A Tradition-Historical Study of Two Ancient Accounts about Noah's Birth –
Demonic Beings and the Dead Sea Scrolls – Early Enochic and Daniel Traditions in the Dead Sea
Scrolls – The Book of Tobit and the Problem of “Magic” – To What Extent Did Philo's Treatment
of Enoch and the Giants Presuppose Knowledge of Enochic and Other Sources Preserved in the
Dead Sea Scrolls? – Con icting Stories: The Spirit Origin of Jesus' Birth – The Human Being and
Demonic Invasion: Therapeutic Models in Ancient Christian and Jewish Texts – The Need for
Protection from the Evil One and John's Gospel – The “Cleansing” of the Gentiles: Background
for the Rationale behind the Apostles' Decree – Posturing “Apocalyptic” in Pauline Theology:
How Much Contrast with Jewish Tradition? – Why Should Women Cover Their Heads Because of

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the Angels? (1 Corinthians 11:10) – The Apocalypse of John, 1 Enoch , and the Question of
In uence


From Synagogue to Ecclesia

Matthew's Community at the Crossroads

Volume 334 Charles E. Carlston and Craig A. Evans examine in detail ve major motifs in the theology of
2014. XIII, 618 pages. Matthew: Christology, Law, Church, Scripture and Tradition, as well as History and Eschatology.
In this study they reveal a Jewish-Christian author who attempts to mediate the traditions of
ISBN 978-3-16-151804-1 Judaism and early Christianity to Christian churches in his area that are becoming increasingly
cloth 179,00 € composed of former Gentiles. Diversity then, as now, o ers both a challenge and an
opportunity. The evangelist, moreover, was faced with rejection by the synagogue and strongly
ISBN 978-3-16-152106-5
voiced skepticism with regard to the proclamation of Jesus as Israel's Messiah. To encourage
eBook PDF 179,00 €
believers and defend the story of Jesus, the evangelist shows how prophetic Scripture and the
demands of Torah have been ful lled.
While not all of the speci cs of Matthew's program are immediately usable today, the
evangelist o ers valuable guidance for the contemporary church in our vastly di erent
historical situation.

Ferdinand Christian Baur und die Geschichte des frühen

Hrsg. v. Martin Bauspieß, Christof Landmesser u. David Lincicum

Volume 333 Ferdinand Christian Baur (1792–1860) can be seen as one of the most important sources of
2014. X, 440 pages. inspiration for the development of historical-critical research in the 19th century. His immense
body of work covers many areas of the New Testament, the history of the church and of
ISBN 978-3-16-150809-7 dogma. Baur's works contain numerous ideas which can be applied to current discussion in
cloth 139,00 € which many fundamental questions in regard to the historical-critical method are being posed.
These ideas are dealt with in individual studies by the authors of this volume, which provide
ISBN 978-3-16-153168-2
reconstructions of Baur's view on various subjects from the New Testament and early church
eBook PDF 139,00 €
history as well as studies on the relationship between Baur and Strauß, Hegel's philosophy and
Baur's signi cance for practical theology. This creates an image of Baur's theological and
historical approach which can give the current discussion more depth.

Survey of contents

Stefan Alkier: Wunderglaube als Tor zum Atheismus. Theologiegeschichtliche Anmerkungen zur
Wunderkritik Ferdinand Christian Baurs – Martin Bauspiess: Das Wesen des Urchristentums. Zu
Ferdinand Christian Baurs Sicht der synoptischen Evangelien – Volker Henning Drecoll:
Ferdinand Christian Baurs Sicht der christlichen Gnosis und der zeitgenössischen
Religionsphilosophie – Jörg Frey: Ferdinand Christian Baur und die Johannesauslegung –
Daniel Geese: Die Aenlichkeit der Meister. Ferdinand Christian Baur und Adolf von Harnack –
Anders Gerdmar: Baur and the Creation of the Judaism-Hellenism Dichotomy – Ulrich Köpf:
Ferdinand Christian Baur und David Friedrich Strauß – Christof Landmesser: Ferdinand
Christian Baur als Paulus-Interpret. Die Geschichte, das Absolute und die Freiheit – David
Lincicum: F.C. Baur and the Theological Signi cance of New Testament Introduction – Robert
Morgan: F.C. Baur's New Testament Theology – James Carleton Paget: The Reception of Baur in
Britain – Notger Slenczka: Ethische Urteilsbildung und kirchliches Selbstverständnis. Ferdinand
Christian Baurs Deutung des protestantischen Propriums in der Kontroverse mit Johann Adam
Möhler als Korrektiv gegenwärtiger Selbstmissverständnisse – Martin Wendte: Ferdinand
Christian Baur: ein historisch informierter Idealist eigener Art – Birgit Weyel: Ferdinand
Christian Baur und die Praktische Theologie – Johannes Zachhuber: The Absoluteness of

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Christianity and the Relativity of All History: Two Strands in Ferdinand Christian Baur's Thought


Scriptures and Sectarianism

Essays on the Dead Sea Scrolls

Volume 332 The Dead Sea Scrolls include many texts that were produced by a sectarian movement (and also
2014. XIV, 329 pages. many that were not). The movement had its origin in disputes about the interpretation of the
Scriptures, especially the Torah, not in disputes about the priesthood as had earlier been
ISBN 978-3-16-153210-8 assumed. The de nitive break with the rest of Judean society should be dated to the rst
cloth 119,00 € century BCE rather than to the second. While the Scrolls include few texts that are explicitly
historical, they remain a valuable resource for historical reconstruction. John J. Collins illustrates
ISBN 978-3-16-153211-5
how the worldview of the sect involved a heightened sense of involvement in the heavenly,
eBook PDF 119,00 €
angelic world, and the hope for an afterlife in communion with the angels. While the ideology
of the sect known from the Scrolls is very di erent from that of early Christianity, the two
movements drew on common traditions, especially those found in the Hebrew Scriptures.

Survey of contents

PrefaceIntroduction: What Have We Learned from the Dead Sea Scrolls?

Part One: Scripture and Interpretation

The Transformation of the Torah in Second Temple Judaism – Changing Scripture – Tradition
and Innovation in the Dead Sea Scrolls – The Interpretation of Genesis in the Dead Sea Scrolls –
The Interpretation of Psalm Two – The Book of Daniel and the Dead Sea Scrolls

Part Two: History and SectarianismHistoriography in the Dead Sea Scrolls – Reading for History
in the Dead Sea Scrolls – “Enochic Judaism” and the Sect of the Dead Sea Scrolls – Sectarian
Consciousness in the Dead Sea Scrolls

Part Three: The Sectarian WorldviewCovenant and Dualism in the Dead Sea Scrolls – The
Angelic Life – The Essenes and the Afterlife – Prayer and the Meaning of Ritual in the Dead Sea
Scrolls – The Eschatologizing of Wisdom in the Dead Sea Scrolls

EpilogueThe Dead Sea Scrolls and the New Testament – The Case of the Su ering Servant


Allgemeines Priestertum
Zur Metaphorisierung des Priestertitels im Frühjudentum und Neuen Testament

Volume 331 The doctrine of common priesthood has been an integral part of Protestant ecclesiology and
2014. XX, 769 pages. clerical theology since the Reformation. It owes its prominence to the reception history of only
a very few passages in 1 Peter and the Apocalypse of John. Can this evidence bear the burden
ISBN 978-3-16-153234-4 of proof imposed on it? How can we understand how people were given the title of priest
cloth 169,00 € although in view of their parentage, their education or role in life they were not priests? Based
on the status of priests and their functions in Greco-Roman antiquity and in the Old Testament,
ISBN 978-3-16-153235-1
Volker Gäckle traces the con icts surrounding the priesthood, temple and cult in the various
eBook PDF 169,00 €
schools of thought in Judaism during the Second Temple in order to understand what Jewish-
Christian authors meant by applying the priest metaphor to early Christian communities.

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Der Höchste
Studien zur hellenistischen Religionsgeschichte und zum biblischen

Volume 330 This collection of Reinhard Feldmeier's essays is linked by a common theme: the question
2014. XIII, 561 pages. about God, posed repeatedly by Jews, Christians and Gentiles. The author shows how the
biblical belief in God is discussed again and again in the context of ancient religiosity and
ISBN 978-3-16-152718-0 philosophy in a perpetual process of assimilation and delimitation, rejection and
cloth 159,00 € appropriation, surpassing and transformation and in this way how the examination of the
history of religion helps raise our awareness of the biblical discourse on God. In the rst part,
ISBN 978-3-16-153185-9
Feldmeier deals with the history of ancient religion in the Roman Empire and in the second part
eBook PDF 159,00 €
he traces how in this context Jews and Christians re ected on their belief in the God of Israel
and the father of Jesus Christ and created a new awareness of this. In the third part he focuses
on the connection between the belief in God and Christology.

Survey of contents

Gottesliebe und Gotteslehre. Hinführung

1. Der Eine. Philosophie und Religion in der späteren Antike

“Göttliche Philosophie”. Die Interaktion von Weisheit und Religion in der späteren Antike –
Philosoph und Priester. Plutarch als Theologe – Philosophischer Glaube und politische
Verantwortung. Plutarchs Epikurkritik in De latenter vivendo – Der Gott der Toten als Gott des
Lebens. Plutarchs interpretatio Platonica des Osirismythos ( De Iside 76–78) – Der “Lenker und
Herr von allem” als “Schöpfer des Rechts".Plutarchs Theodizee – Bildung als Weg zu einem
gelingenden Leben. Die Soteriologie der Tabula Cebetis – Göttlicher Geist und Unsterblichkeit
der Seele. Die Neubegründung der Unsterblichkeitsho nung im pseudoplatonischen Axiochos

2. Der Höchste. Biblische Theologie zwischen Abgrenzung und Überbietung

Der Höchste. Das Gottesprädikat Hypsistos in der paganen Religiosität, in der Septuaginta und
im lukanischen Doppelwerk – Die stoische Zeusallegorese und das Bekenntnis zum biblischen
Gott als dem “Beleber der Toten” – Weise hinter eisernen Mauern. Tora und jüdisches
Selbstverständnis zwischen Akkulturation und Abgrenzung im Aristeasbrief – Der oberste Gott
als Vater. Plutarch, Dion von Prusa und das Neue Testament – Wenn die Vorsehung ein Gesicht
bekommt. Neutestamentliche Transformationen eines philosophischen Theologumenons – Die
Wirklichkeit als Schöpfung. Die paulinische Rezeption eines frühjüdischen Theologumenons –
Henoch, Herakles und die Himmelfahrt Jesu – “Unvergänglichkeit.” Die soteriologische
Transformation eines metaphysischen Gottesprädikats bei Paulus – “Seelenheil”. Die
Soteriologie und Anthropologie des 1. Petrusbriefes zwischen biblischer Überlieferung und
religiöser Koine – Vom Totengericht zum Jüngsten Gericht

3. Der Heilige. Die Unverfügbarkeit des nahe gekommenen Gottes

Biblischer Monotheismus und Toleranz – Vater versus Töpfer? Zur Identität Gottes im
Römerbrief – Der unsichtbare Gott und die menschlichen Sinne – Gott und die Zeit – Gottes
Torheit? Deutungen des Todes Jesu im Neuen Testament – Der Gekreuzigte im 'Gnadenstuhl'-
Theodizee? Biblische Überlegungen zu einem unbiblischen Unterfangen – Die Erfahrung der
Gottes nsternis und die Verortung des Schrecklichen in Christus – Ränder des Gottesglaubens:
Die Engel – Der Heilige. Rudolf Ottos Impulse für eine biblische Gotteslehre

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Synoptic Problems
Collected Essays

Volume 329 This volume contains a collection of twenty-one essays of John S. Kloppenborg, with four foci:
2014. XIII, 737 pages. conceptual and methodological issues in the Synoptic Problem; the Sayings Gospel Q; the
Gospel of Mark; and the Parables of Jesus. Kloppenborg, a major contributor to the Synoptic
ISBN 978-3-16-152617-6 Problem, is especially interested in how one constructs synoptic hypotheses, always aware of
cloth 179,00 € the many gaps in our knowledge, the presence of competing hypotheses, and the theological
and historical entailments in any given hypothesis. Common to the essays in the remaining
ISBN 978-3-16-153273-3
three sections is the insistence that the literature, thought and practices of the early Jesus
eBook PDF 179,00 €
movement must be treated with a deep awareness of their social, literary, and intellectual
contexts. The context of the early Jesus movement is illumined not simply by resort to the
literary and historical sources produced by Greek and Roman elites but, more importantly, by
data gathered from documentary sources available in non-literary papyri.

Survey of contents

Preface – Introduction – Abbreviations

I. Synoptic ProblemsThe Theological Stakes in the Synoptic Problem – Is There a New

Paradigm? – On Dispensing with Q? Goodacre on the Relation of Luke to Matthew – Variation
in the Reproduction of the Double Tradition and an Oral Q? – Synopses and the Synoptic

II. The Sayings Gospel QSymbolic Eschatology and the Apocalypticism of Q – “Easter Faith” and
the Sayings Gospel Q – Nomos and Ethos in Q – City and Wasteland: Narrative World and the
Beginning of the Sayings Gospel (Q) – Literary Convention, Self-Evidence, and the Social History
of the Q People – The Sayings Gospel Q: Literary and Stratigraphic Problems – A Dog Among
the Pigeons: The Cynic Hypothesis as a Theological Problem – Discursive Practices in the
Sayings Gospel Q and the Quest of the Historical Jesus

III. The Gospel of MarkEgyptian Viticultural Practices and the Citation of Isa 5:1–7 in Mark 12:1–9
– Self-Help or Deus ex Machina in Mark 12.9? – Evocatio Deorum and the Date of Mark –
Agrarian Discourse in the Sayings of Jesus

IV. ParablesJesus and the Parables of Jesus in Q – The Parable of the Prodigal Son and Deeds of
Gift – Pastoralism, Papyri and the Parable of the Shepherd – The Representation of Violence in
the Synoptic Parables


From the Sayings to the Gospels

Volume 328 Traditions about Jesus in the early Christian sources (primarily the canonical gospels, but also in
2014. XXI, 642 pages. Paul's letters, non-canonical gospels and other texts) can provide valuable information about
Jesus; but they can also show us how early Christians used these traditions to inform and
ISBN 978-3-16-153288-7 address their own situations and contexts. The 28 essays by Christopher Tuckett collected in
cloth 179,00 € this volume represent a number of studies, originally published over a period of 30 years,
seeking to throw light on the way in which Jesus traditions were developed and used in early
ISBN 978-3-16-153289-4
Christianity. In the rst four essays the author focuses on a number of aspects of the Synoptic
eBook PDF 179,00 €
Problem, seeking to defend a form of the Two Source Theory. A substantial part of the book
comprises over 10 essays about the Sayings Source “Q”, discussing its existence, its possible
pre-history, its language, as well as key features and theological aspects of the material it
contains. Three essays discuss Jesus traditions found in Paul's letters, asking what light they
might throw on similar material also contained in the gospel tradition. Two essays focus on the

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non-canonical Gospel of Thomas , its possible relationship to the canonical gospels and issues
about how much light it might shed on the historical Jesus. A number of essays in the nal part
of the volume discuss di erent aspects of the individual synoptic gospels. A feature of many of
the essays in the collection here is to focus on the question of Christology in general, and the
use of the term “Son of Man” in particular.


Crucifixion in the Mediterranean World

Volume 327 To understand the phenomenon of Roman cruci xion, John Granger Cook argues that one
2014. XXIV, 522 pages. should begin with an investigation of the evidence from Latin texts and inscriptions (such as
the lex Puteolana [the law of Puteoli]) supplemented by what may be learned from the
ISBN 978-3-16-153125-5 surviving archaeological material (e.g., the Arieti fresco of a man on a patibulum [horizontal
eBook PDF 69,00 € beam], the Puteoli and Palatine gra ti of cruci xion, the cruci xion nail in the calcaneum bone
from Jerusalem, and the Pereire gem of the cruci ed Jesus [III CE]). This evidence clari es the
precise meaning of terms such as patibulum and crux (vertical beam or cross), which in turn
illuminate the Greek terms [e.g., σταυρός, σταυρόω and ἀνασταυρόω] and texts that
describe cruci xion or penal suspension. It is of fundamental importance that Greek texts be
read against the background of Latin texts and Roman historical practice. The author traces the
use of the penalty by the Romans until its probable abolition by Constantine and its eventual
transformation into the Byzantine punishment by the furca (the fork), a form of penal
suspension that resulted in immediate death (a penalty illustrated by the sixth century Vienna
Greek codex of Genesis). Cook does not neglect the legal sources — including the question of
the permissibility of the cruci xion of Roman citizens and the crimes for which one could be
cruci ed. In addition to the Latin and Greek authors, texts in Hebrew and Aramaic that refer to
penal suspension and cruci xion are examined. Brief attention is given to cruci xion in the
Islamic world and to some modern forms of penal suspension including haritsuke (with two
photographs), a penalty closely resembling cruci xion that was used in Tokugawan Japan. The
material contributes to the understanding of the cruci xion of Jesus and has implications for
the theologies of the cross in the New Testament.


Crucifixion in the Mediterranean World

Volume 327 John Granger Cook traces the use of the penalty by the Romans until its probable abolition by
2014; student edition 2015. Constantine. Rabbinic and legal sources are not neglected. The material contributes to the
XXIV, 522 pages. understanding of the cruci xion of Jesus and has implications for the theologies of the cross in
the New Testament. Images and photographs are included in this volume.
ISBN 978-3-16-153764-6
paper 69,00 € “This is a major and substantial work that will be a valuable resource for many years to come.
Cook […] provides a thorough and deeply documented study of the practice and meaning of
cruci xion as a form of capital punishment in the ancient Mediterranean world.”
Donald Senior in The Bible Today 2014, p. 375–376

“This volume, with its encyclopedic scope, is the most thorough treatment of the subject yet
produced. Cook has done a lifetime's work here and he deserves our appreciation for
assembling such a complex, thorough, and useful work.”
Jim West on

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Codex apocryphus gnosticus Novi Testamenti

Band 1: Evangelien und Apostelgeschichten aus den Schriften von Nag Hammadi
und verwandten Kodizes. Koptisch und deutsch

Volume 326 This volume contains the Coptic texts and parallel German translations of nine Coptic-Gnostic
2014. XVII, 397 pages. and Coptic-Manichaean Gospels and Acts of the Apostles from Nag Hammadi, the Berlin
Gnostic Codex 8502 and from the recently discovered Codex Tchacos. It presents a detailed
ISBN 978-3-16-153343-3 introduction to each text, describing its background, origin and literary forms. The Coptic texts
cloth 124,00 € are accompanied by a critical apparatus, based on the examination of facsimiles or the
manuscripts themselves, and the previous editions. The translations are supplemented by
ISBN 978-3-16-153344-0
explanatory notes or comments. The volume is completed by indices of proper names and
eBook PDF 124,00 €
biblical quotations. Included are the Gospels according to Mary, Thomas and Philip, the Gospel
of Truth and the Gospel of Judas as well as two Acts of Peter.

Die Septuaginta – Text, Wirkung, Rezeption

4. Internationale Fachtagung veranstaltet von Septuaginta Deutsch (LXX.D),
Wuppertal 19.-22. Juli 2012
Hrsg. v. Wolfgang Kraus u. Siegfried Kreuzer in Verb. m. Martin Meiser u. Marcus

Volume 325 This volume contains studies of the text and the textual history of the Septuagint, its philology
2014. XIV, 928 pages. and geography as well as its theology and reception history. It provides an overview of the
current state of research and shows prospects for further research. This volume is the result of
ISBN 978-3-16-152653-4 an international conference held by the Septuaginta Deutsch Project in Wuppertal in July of
cloth 189,00 € 2012.
ISBN 978-3-16-152890-3
eBook PDF 189,00 € Survey of contents


Wolfgang Kraus: Die hermeneutische Relevanz der Septuaginta für eine Biblische Theologie
Gilles Dorival: The Septuagint Between Judaism and Hellenism


Adrian Schenker: Abraham Geigers Au assung von der alttestamentlichen Textgeschichte und
die alte griechische Bibel im Licht von 1 Kön 15,15 – Julio Trebolle: The Textual History and the
Text-Critical Value of the Old Latin Version in the Book of Judges – Siegfried Kreuzer: Älteste
Septuaginta und hebraisierende Bearbeitung. Old Greek und Semi-kaige im nicht-kaige-Text
von 2Samuel (mit einer Analyse von 2Sam 4,1–5) – Benjamin G. Wright III: Preliminary Thoughts
about Preparing the Text of Ben Sira for a Commentary – Felix Albrecht: Zur Notwendigkeit
einer Neuedition der Psalmen Salomos
Martin Karrer/Johannes de Vries: Der Septuagintatext in den neutestamentlichen Schriften und
der Codex Ambrosianus – Alison Salvesen: Aquila, Symmachus and the Translation of Proof-


Michaël N. van der Meer: Syria in the Septuagint. Studies in the Natural and Geographical
Context of the Septuagint

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Valérie Kabergs: Puns within the Context of Name Explanations in MT and LXX Exodus –
Takamitsu Muraoka: Syntax of the In nitive in the Septuagint Book of 2Samuel: Kaige and
Antiochene Texts Compared – Jean-Marie Auwers/Bastien Kindt: Tobie et Esther dans le
Thesaurus duplex Septuaginta
Dirk Büchner: Brief Remarks on the Occurrence and Value of Blood in Greek Sources from Epic
Literature to Early Christianity – Philippe Le Moigne: La virgule de Cléopâtre ou Considérations
sur l'emploi de la ponctuation, avec une attention plus particulièrement portée à la virgule,
dans les éditions Tischendorf, Swete, Rahlfs et Ziegler d'Ésaïe-LXX: usages éditoriaux, choix
interprétatifs, enjeux poétiques


Christian Eberhart: Beobachtungen zu Opfer, Kult und Sühne in der Septuaginta – Emanuel
Tov: The Harmonizing Character of the Septuagint of Genesis 1–11 – Arie van der Kooij: The
Old Greek of Isaiah 9,6–7 and the Concept of Leadership – Jan Joosten: The Samareitikon and
the Samaritan Tradition


Gert J. Steyn: Re ections on the Reception of the LXX Pentateuch in Philo's De Vita Mosis –
William Loader: Genesis 3,16–19 LXX in Reception: Observations on its Use in Early Judaism and
Christianity to ca 100 CE – Beate Ego: Die Theologisierung der Estererzählung – Von der
Septuaginta zu Targum Scheni – Ralph Brucker: “Wer ist der König der Herrlichkeit?” Ps 23[24] –
Text, Wirkung, Rezeption
Eberhard Bons: Psalter Terminology in Joseph and Aseneth – Gideon R. Kotzé: Text-Critical
and Interpretive Comments on Di erences between the Greek and Hebrew Wordings of
Lamentations 5
Barbara Schmitz: Die Juditerzählung – eine Rezeption von Dan 3LXX? – Martin Vahrenhorst:
Zwischen Alexandria und Tiberias – Berührungen zwischen dem Text der LXX und rabbinischen
Traditionen – Daniela Scialabba: The Vocabulary of Conversion in Joseph and Aseneth and in
the Acts of the Apostles

Neues Testament

Martin Meiser: Die Funktion der Septuaginta-Zitate im Markusevangelium – Reinhard

Feldmeier: “Der Höchste”. Das Gottesprädikat Hypsistos in der paganen Religiosität, in der
Septuaginta und im lukanischen Doppelwerk – Florian Wilk: “Zu unserer Belehrung
geschrieben…” (Römer 15,4): Die Septuaginta als Lehrbuch für Paulus – Dietrich-Alex Koch: Die
Septuaginta in der Korintherkorrespondenz des Paulus – Bruce Chilton: The Curse of the Law
and the Blessing of Atonement: Paul's Deployment of Septuagintal Language


Mogens Müller: Die Septuaginta als Bibeltext der ältesten Kirche Graeca veritas contra Hebraica
veritas – John Granger Cook: A Cruci ed Christ in the Septuagint? A Pagan Philosopher's
Assault on the Foundations of the Septuagint and the New Testament – Armin Lange: The
Canonical History of the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament in Light of Egyptian
Judaism – Heinz Josef Fabry: Die Kanongeschichte der Hebräischen Bibel und des christlichen
Alten Testamentes im Licht der Kirchenväter – Bonifatia Gesche: Die Vetus Latina-Version des
Buches Jesus Sirach als Zeuge für die Version Griechisch II – Stefan Freund: Πολυάνδριον (Ez
39,11–16): Eine Septuaginta-Übersetzung und ihre Fortwirkung im Lateinischen – Christoph
Schubert: Spuren (un?)mittelbarer Rezeption des LXX-Textes bei Ambrosius von Mailand – Eva
Schulz-Flügel: Hieronymus – Gottes Wort: Septuaginta oder hebraica Veritas – Cilliers
Breytenbach: The Early Christians and Their Greek Bible: Quotations from the Psalms and
Isaiah in Inscriptions from Asia Minor – Antonio Enrico Felle: Expressions of Hope Quoted for
Biblical Texts in Christian Funerary Inscriptions (3rd-7th cent. C.E.) – Thomas Kraus:
Außertextliche Rezeption von Ps 90. “Lebensgeschichte” und Lebendigkeit eines Psalms
Mariachiara Fincati: “Hebraiká” und “Ioudaiká” in mittelalterlichen biblischen Handschriften

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Conceptions of “Gospel” and Legitimacy in Early Christianity

Volume 324 The struggles to de ne what “gospel” was and to bolster a leader's or a group's legitimacy
2014. XXIII, 400 pages. amidst inter-ecclesial competitors are hallmarks of much early Christian literature. Commencing
with James A. Kelho er's inaugural lecture at Uppsala University, this volume makes available
ISBN 978-3-16-152636-7 sixteen revised and updated articles, originally published between 1998 and 2013, focusing on
cloth 139,00 € method, “gospel” and legitimacy. In regard to method, it is argued that the so-called “historical-
critical method” should not be construed as just one method in contrast to (or, as an
ISBN 978-3-16-152993-1
alternative to) newer methods and approaches to biblical studies. Kelho er's investigations of
eBook PDF 139,00 €
“gospel” in early Christian literature include when εὐαγγέλιον came to designate a written
“Gospel,” whether Basilides of Alexandria wrote a Gospel, Paul's concept of Heilsgeschichte ,
and patristic debates about the original conclusion to Mark. Examinations of struggles for
legitimacy survey a range of topics and literature – the prayers attributed to the Maccabees,
miracles as a con rmation of Paul's legitimacy as an apostle, Luke's apologetic portrayal of Paul
as a former persecutor of the church, a readiness to withstand persecution as a source of
authentication according to Paul and the Revelation of John, Hippolytus of Rome's attacks
against miracle-working 'heretics,' and the allegedly higher status of maimed “confessors” at the
Council of Nicaea. Those already familiar with Kelho er's Miracle and Mission (2000), Diet of
John the Baptist (2005) and Persecution, Persuasion and Power (2010) will nd in this volume
refreshing insights suggested but not developed in his other books.

Survey of contents

I. Re ections on Method
New Testament Exegesis as an Academic Discipline with Relevance for Other Disciplines – Early
Christian Studies among the Academic Disciplines – The Signi cance of the Earthly Jesus in

II. Conceptions of “Gospel” in Early Christianity

“How Soon a Book” Revisited: ΕUΑΓΓΕΛΙΟΝ as a Reference to “Gospel” Materials in the First Half
of the Second Century – Basilides's Gospel and Exegetica ( Treatises ) – The Struggle to De ne
Heilsgeschichte : Paul on the Origins of the Christian Tradition – The Witness of Eusebius's ad
Marinum and Other Christian Writings to the Original Conclusion of Mark

III. Struggles for Legitimacy

The Maccabees at Prayer: Pro- and Anti-Hasmonean Tendencies in the Prayers of First and
Second Maccabees – Su ering as Defense of Paul's Apostolic Authority – Paul and Justin Martyr
on the Miraculous: A Comparison of Appeals to Authority – The Gradual Disclosure of Paul's
Violence against Christians in Acts as a Defense of the Lukan Paul – Revelation's Date, the
Imperial Cult and the Value of Christians' Su ering in Revelation 1–3 – “Hippolytus” and Magic:
An Examination of Elenchos IV.28–42 in Light of the Greek Magical Papyri – The Search for
Confessors at the Council of Nicaea

IV. Varia
Suppressing Anger in Early Christianity: Examples from the Pauline Tradition – Early Christian
Ascetic Practices and Biblical Interpretation: The Witnesses of Galen and Tatian


New Testament Language and Exegesis

A Diachronic Approach

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Volume 323 A sequel as well as an advance on the author's study The Development of Greek and the New
2014. XIII, 409 pages. Testament (WUNT 167), Chrys C. Caragounis applies the diachronic or holistic approach to the
exegesis of the New Testament in this volume. He takes up for discussion a number of
ISBN 978-3-16-152764-7 grammatico-syntactical areas of the New Testament and shows that previous exegesis,
cloth 129,00 € misguided by a myopic view of and approach to the Greek language, has not infrequently
played havoc with the meaning and interpretation of its text. He studies the language of the
New Testament in the light of historical developments that changed Greek from classical to
'Hellenistic', then to Byzantine, and nally to Neohellenic. These explain the oddities or
peculiarities of the New Testament Greek, showing them to be a part of a much larger process
at modernizing the language. By drawing upon the whole linguistic evidence available, the
reader is led to a more genuine, more correct understanding of the New Testament text.

Anthropologie und Ethik im Frühjudentum und im Neuen

Wechselseitige Wahrnehmungen. Internationales Symposium in Verbindung mit
dem Projekt Corpus Judaeo-Hellenisticum Novi Testamenti (CJHNT) 17.-20. Mai
2012, Heidelberg
Hrsg. v. Matthias Konradt u. Esther Schläpfer

Volume 322 This volume is a collection of the contributions to a symposium which, in the endeavor to
2014. XIX, 587 pages. perceive early Jewish and New Testament texts in light of one another, dedicated 14 paired
papers to the analysis of central anthropological and ethical topics from the perspectives of
ISBN 978-3-16-152727-2 New Testament as well as early Jewish literature, in particular the so-called pseudepigrapha.
cloth 154,00 € These articles range in their content from the motif of being made in the image of God, the
question of sin and dealing with violence, aspects of sexual ethics and ethics of property and
ISBN 978-3-16-152971-9
behavior towards the needy to the “end of man.” More comprehensive articles deal
eBook PDF 154,00 €
methodologically with the “dialogue” between early Jewish and New Testament writings and
thematically address the anthropological and ethical signi cance of human dignity and
obligation, of conversion experiences and of human sustenance.

Survey of contents

John M.G. Barclay: Constructing a Dialogue. 4 Ezra and Paul on the Mercy of God – Christfried
Böttrich: Menschenwürde – Menschenp ichten. Perspektiven universaler Ethik in den
Henochschriften und im lukanischen Doppelwerk – René Bloch: Take Your Time. Conversion,
Con dence and Tranquility in Joseph and Aseneth – George H. Van Kooten: Man as God's
Spiritual or Physical Image? Theomorphic Ethics versus Numinous Ethics and Anthropomorphic
Aesthetics in Early Judaism, Ancient Philosophy, and the New Testament – Karl-Wilhelm
Niebuhr: Menschenbild, Gottesverständnis und Ethik. Zwei paulinische Argumentationen (Röm
1,18–2,29; 8,1–30) – Loren T. Stuckenbruck: The Myth of Rebellious Angels. Ethics and
Theological Anthropology – Eckart Reinmuth: Befreiung und Gewalt. Perspektiven
theologischer Anthropologie im Hebräerbrief – Hindy Najman: Sin and Torah in 4 Ezra – Jens
Herzer: “Worin es schwach war durch das Fleisch” (Röm 8,3). Gesetz und Sünde im Römerbrief –
oder: Das Ringen des Paulus um eine neue Identität – Matthias Konradt: “Fliehet die Unzucht!”
(TestRub 5,5). Sexualethische Perspektiven in den Testamenten der zwölf Patriarchen – Friedrich
Wilhelm Horn: Nicht wie die Heiden! Sexualethische Tabuzonen und ihre Bewertungen durch
Paulus – Michael Tilly: Besitzethik und Menschenbild bei Pseudo-Phokylides – Roland Deines:
God or Mammon. The Danger of Wealth in the Jesus Tradition and in the Epistle of James –
Markus Witte: Begründungen der Barmherzigkeit gegenüber den Bedürftigen in jüdischen
Weisheitsschriften aus hellenistisch-römischer Zeit – Gerd Theißen: Gemeindestrukturen und
Hilfsmotivation. Wie haben urchristliche Gemeinden zum Helfen motiviert? – Matthias Henze:
“Then the Messiah will begin to be revealed”. Resurrection and the Apocalyptic Drama in 1
Corinthians 15 and Second Baruch 29–30, 49–51 – Samuel Vollenweider: Auferstehung als
Verwandlung. Die paulinische Eschatologie von 1Kor 15 im Vergleich mit der syrischen
Baruchapokalypse (2Bar) – Todd D. Still: Turning to God from Idols. Conversion in Joseph and
Aseneth and 1 Thessalonians – Stefan Krauter: Der Mensch ist, was er isst. Ernährung als

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zentrale Dimension des Menschseins in den Adamviten

Credible, Incredible
The Miraculous in the Ancient Mediterranean
Ed. by Tobias Nicklas and Janet E. Spittler

Volume 321 Reports of the miraculous abound in early Christian literature, in early Jewish texts and in the
2013. XIV, 373 pages. works of various Greco-Roman authors. In this collection of essays, largely the product of a
symposium held at the University of Regensburg in June 2011, scholars specializing in a wide
ISBN 978-3-16-152516-2 range of areas involving the ancient Mediterranean explore the representation of miracles in
cloth 119,00 € ancient literature. The central questions addressed include the following: How do ancient
authors express their attitude toward the miracles they report? What value do they place in
ISBN 978-3-16-152517-9
miraculous accounts? Which literary techniques do authors use to indicate whether or not they
eBook PDF 119,00 €
take a particular miraculous occurrence as true? How do they qualify, cast doubt on, or deny
the validity of a report? Against this backdrop, a further question comes to the fore: What are
the relationships between the multiple literary genres and religious contexts within which
miraculous stories are told? These questions are raised and variously answered in essays
treating the Hebrew Bible, New Testament, rabbinic sources, Christian apocrypha, martyrdom
stories, and the works of Greek and Roman authors, including Galen and Lucian of Samosata.
The contribution of this volume lies in the juxtaposition of various perspectives: Jewish,
Christian and pagan authors are all brought into play; texts in which accounts of miracles are
narrated are discussed alongside texts in which authors re ect on such accounts – either
positively or negatively.


Scripture, Interpretation, or Authority?

Motives and Arguments in Jesus' Halakic Conflicts

Volume 320 In this study of motives and arguments in Jesus' halakic con icts, Thomas Kazen suggests a way
2013. XVII, 364 pages. out of the present methodological impasse in the use of traditional criteria of authenticity in
historical Jesus research, at least when it comes to those Jesus traditions that relate to halakic
ISBN 978-3-16-152893-4 issues. Kazen employs results from recent research on the development of halakah during the
cloth 119,00 € Second Temple period, in particular from Aharon Shemesh's discussion of two models
(developmental and re ective) for explaining halakic development within and between various
ISBN 978-3-16-152894-1
Jewish movements, and three areas of tension for analyzing dissenting views (revelation vs .
eBook PDF 119,00 €
interpretation, Scripture vs . tradition, and nominalism vs. realism). Kazen revisits the Synoptic
con ict narratives about Sabbath observance, purity rules and divorce practices, and discusses
motives and arguments ascribed to Jesus, whether implicitly or explicitly, by the texts
themselves, or by modern interpreters. By combining analyses of halakic development with
tradition and redaction criticism, Kazen disentangles theological motives from reasonable
historical explanations and suggests relative dates and contexts for motives and arguments
often ascribed to Jesus. He questions interpretations which focus on unique individual or
halakic authority and suggests that the earliest Jesus tradition appeals to the priority of human
need and to creational intent, viewing revelation as based on plain reading and a realistic
understanding of Scripture. Jesus' stance is best explained within the framework of prophetic
criticism and a traditional Israelite understanding of Torah. With this work the author
contributes as much to our understanding of halakic development during the Second Temple
and Tannitic periods as he does to our understanding of the historical Jesus and his
relationship to contemporary movements.

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The Emergence of Christianity

Collected Studies III
Ed. by Luke Drake

Volume 319 In this volume, biblical scholar and theologian François Bovon provides nineteen essays on
2013. X, 309 pages. topics of interest in the New Testament and early Christianity. Examining textual and
iconographic witnesses ranging from the earliest Christian writings to a Byzantine icon from
ISBN 978-3-16-152206-2 Cyprus, Bovon addresses critical issues in New Testament studies including early Christologies,
cloth 139,00 € notions of immortality and resurrection, ancient reception of Christian scripture, orthodoxy
and heresy, manuscripts in the digital era, and others. Four of the essays appear for the rst
ISBN 978-3-16-152781-4
time in an English translation in this volume – two of which include the original Greek and
eBook PDF 139,00 €
critical apparatuses for two fragments of ancient apocryphal works. Bovon's careful treatment
of the topics at hand makes this volume a reliable guide for scholars and students who wish to
deepen their understanding of early Christianity.

Das Geheimnis der Gegenwart Gottes

Zur Schechina-Vorstellung in Judentum und Christentum
Hrsg. v. Bernd Janowski u. Enno Edzard Popkes unter Mitarb. v. Stefanie Hertel
u. Cordula Wiest

Volume 318 In biblical traditions, we encounter various concepts of God's presence. In this context,
2014. VIII, 405 pages. particular importance is attached to the “concepts of Shekinah,” which allude to the indwelling
or dwelling of God in a cult sanctuary or a human community. The developmental history of
ISBN 978-3-16-152991-7 the concept of Shekinah can be used to determine how Old Testament and early Jewish
cloth 134,00 € traditions were capable of coming to terms with new directions in the history of religion and
historic events and of modifying traditional religious beliefs (above all subsequent to the
ISBN 978-3-16-152992-4
destruction of the First and Second Temple). In this collection of essays, the authors depict the
eBook PDF 134,00 €
biblical-theological dimensions of the concepts of Shekinah and demonstrate their potential
for current re ective processes in Christian and Jewish religious beliefs.

Survey of contents

Schechina-Vorstellungen im Judentum
Bernd Janowski: Die Einwohnung Gottes in Israel. Eine religions- und theologiegeschichtliche
Skizze zur biblischen Schekina -Theologie – Rüdiger Lux: Jerusalem – Stadt der Treue. JHWHs
Schekina in Zion nach Sacharja 1–8 – Martin Leuenberger: Die personi zierte Weisheit als Erbin
der atl. “Schechina” – Enno Edzard Popkes: Vorstellungen von der Einwohnung Gottes in der
Tempelrolle: 11QT 29,7b-10 und die Entwicklungsgeschichte frühjüdischer Schechina-
Vorstellungen – Jutta Leonhardt-Balzer: Vorstellungen von der Gegenwart Gottes bei Philo von
Alexandrien – Peter Schäfer: “Denn ich will unter ihnen wohnen”: Die Schechina der Rabbinen
– Elke Morlok: Erotische Anziehung und doppelte Konstruktion der Schechina in der
kabbalistischen Literatur – Matthias Morgenstern: Die Schechina zwischen Halacha und
Aggada. Versuch über ein Gedicht Ch.N. Bialiks im Gespräch mit Gershom Scholem

Schechina-Vorstellungen im Christentum
David du Toit: Motive der Gottesgegenwart in der Synoptischen Tradition – Samuel
Vollenweider: Göttliche Einwohnung. Die Schechina-Motivik in der paulinischen Theologie –
Hermann Lichtenberger: Das Motiv der Einwohnung in der Ekklesiologie des Epheserbriefs –
Jörg Frey: Joh 1,14, die Fleischwerdung des Logos und die Einwohnung Gottes in Jesus Christus.
Zur Bedeutung der Schechina- Theologie für die johanneische Christologie – Franz Tóth: Die
Schechina-Theologie in der Johannesapokalypse – Tobias Nicklas: Altkirchliche Diskurse um das

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“Wohnen Gottes”. Eine Spurensuche bis zur Zeit der Konstantinischen Wende – Vasile Hristea:
Einwohnung der Herrlichkeit. Gregors von Nyssa Au assung der Gegenwart Gottes im
Menschen – Paul Silas Peterson: Schechina-Vorstellungen in der Bibelauslegung des 17. und
18. Jahrhunderts in England und in den britischen Kolonien in Nordamerika


Acts of God in History

Studies Towards Recovering a Theological Historiography
Ed. by Christoph Ochs and Peter Watts

Volume 317 The eleven studies in this volume are connected by the conviction that God acts in history and
2013. XXIII, 502 pages. that it remains necessary for biblical exegesis to integrate this into its methodology. Roland
Deines presents historical and methodological considerations to trace how God was
ISBN 978-3-16-152181-2 experienced within historical events and how such events inspired the formation of Scripture.
cloth 149,00 € Topics range from the Pharisees to Bar Kokhba, and from the historical Jesus to the Apostolic
decrees, with Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) on Jesus and Martin Hengel on Jesus' pre-
ISBN 978-3-16-152858-3
existence and incarnation discussed as particular methodological examples. Roland Deines
eBook PDF 149,00 €
intends these studies to be contributions towards a theologically motivated historiography. His
aim is to propose a viable reading of history under the assumption that the one God to whom
the Holy Scriptures of the Jewish-Christian tradition bear witness is indeed the creator,
sustainer and perfecter of this world and its history.

Survey of contents

Introduction: God's Role in History as a Methodological Problem for Exegesis

Part One: Historical StudiesThe Social Pro le of the Pharisees – Jesus the Galilean: Questioning
the Function of Galilee in Recent Jesus Research – Jesus and the Jewish Traditions of His Time –
The Apostolic Decree: Halakha for Gentile Christians or Christian Concession to Jewish Taboos?

Part Two: Responses to the God who ActsHow Long? God's Revealed Schedule for Salvation
and the Outbreak of the Bar Kokhba Revolt – Biblical Viewpoints on Repentance, Conversion,
and Turning to God – The Term and Concept of Scripture

Part Three: Methodological ProbingsThe Recognition of God's Acting in History in the Gospel
of Matthew – Can the 'Real' Jesus be Identi ed with the Historical Jesus? Joseph Ratzinger's
(Pope Benedict XVI) Challenge to Biblical Scholarship – Pre-existence, Incarnation and Messianic
Self-understanding of Jesus in the Work of Martin Hengel


Neues Testament und frührabbinisches Judentum

Gesammelte Aufsätze
Hrsg. v. Jörg Frey u. Angela Standhartinger, unter Mitarb. v. Mareike Schmied u.
Sebastian Weigert

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Volume 316 This volume collects previously published and yet unpublished articles by the New Testament
2013. XXXIII, 966 pages. and rabbinic Judaism scholar Friedrich Avemarie, who died in October 2012 unexpectedly.
Founded on a great familiarity with rabbinic literature and a distinct theological interest in the
ISBN 978-3-16-152600-8 New Testament, the articles provide much important stimulus for the issues involved: rabbinic
cloth 179,00 € martyr-theology, rabbinic and New Testament soteriology, the parables of Jesus, the historical
background of Acts, Paul's teaching on redemption in discussions on the so-called New
ISBN 978-3-16-152924-5
Perspective on Paul, the role of 'Israel' in Pauline theology and issues of salvation history and
eBook PDF 179,00 €
free will in Paul. Five articles are published here for the rst time.

Metaphor, Narrative, and Parables in Q

Ed. by Dieter T. Roth, Ruben Zimmermann and Michael Labahn

Volume 315 Research on Q has frequently been driven by questions addressing the legitimacy of the two-
2014. X, 423 pages. source hypothesis or by questions related to the reconstruction of this source. As such, Q
scholarship has often viewed its tasks primarily through the lenses of source- and redaction-
ISBN 978-3-16-152338-0 critical perspectives. The authors of this volume make a conscious e ort to refocus, at least to a
cloth 129,00 € certain extent, discussions concerning Q from questions of reconstruction to narratival and
metaphorical aspects of this text. Narrative elements such as space, time, characters, plot, etc.
ISBN 978-3-16-152843-9
on the one hand, and metaphorical elements such as Bildfeldtradition, socio-historical aspects
eBook PDF 129,00 €
of the images employed, etc., on the other, can be recognized and examined even apart from a
precise, verbal reconstruction of a text. Since parables are an especially fruitful area for such
considerations, the parables found in Q receive particular emphasis and consideration. Along
these lines, this publication is intended to provide not only new perspectives on old questions
in Q scholarship (e.g., tradition-history, social context, tradents, etc.) but also to provide
stimulus for new directions in the study of Q.

Survey of contents

Introduction Ruben Zimmermann: Metaphorology and Narratology in Q Exegesis: Literary

Methodology as an Aid to Understanding the Q Text

Metaphor in Q Daniel A. Smith: The Construction of a Metaphor: Reading Domestic Space in Q

– Christopher Tuckett: Q and Family Ties – InHee Park: Children and Slaves: The Metaphors of
Q – Sarah E. Rollens: Conceptualizing Justice in Q: Narrative and Context – Markus Tiwald: Die
protreptische, konnotative und performative Valeur der Gerichts- und Abgrenzungsmetaphorik
in der Logienquelle

Narrative in Q Harry T. Fleddermann: The Narrative of Jesus as the Narrative of God in Q –

Michael Labahn: Was “Lücken” berichten: Exemplarische Beobachtungen zu narrativen “gaps”
in Q – Detlev Dormeyer: Q 7,1.3.6b-9.?10? Der Hauptmann von Kafarnaum: Narrative Strategie
mit Chrie, Wundergeschichte und Gleichnis – Robert A. Derrenbacker, Jr.: “The Medium is the
Message”: What Q's Content Tells us about its Medium – Marco Frenschkowski: Nicht wie die
Schriftgelehrten: Nichtschriftgelehrte Rezeption alttestamentlich-jüdischer Traditionen in der
Logienquelle und im Koran

Parables in Q Paul Foster: The Q Parables: Their Extent and Function – John S. Kloppenborg:
The Parable of the Burglar in Q: Insights from Papyrology – Erin K. Vearncombe: Searching for a
Lost Coin: Papyrological Backgrounds for Q 15,8–10 – Christoph Heil: Was erzählt die Parabel
vom anvertrauten Geld? Sozio-historische und theologische Aspekte von Q 19,12–26 – Dieter T.
Roth: “Master” as Character in the Q Parables

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Character Studies in the Fourth Gospel
Narrative Approaches to Seventy Figures in John
Ed. by Steven A. Hunt, D. Francois Tolmie and Ruben Zimmermann

Volume 314 This volume represents the most thorough study of characters and characterization in the
2013. XVII, 724 pages. Fourth Gospel heretofore published. Building on several di erent narrative approaches, the
contributors assembled here o er sixty-two essays related to characters and group characters in
ISBN 978-3-16-152784-5 John. Among these are detailed studies presenting fresh perspectives on characters who play a
cloth 194,00 € major role in the Gospel (e.g., Peter, Mary Magdalene, etc.), as well as original studies of
characters who have never been the focus of narrative analysis before, characters often glossed
ISBN 978-3-16-152785-2
over in commentaries as insigni cant (e.g., the boy with the loaves and sh, the parents of the
eBook PDF 194,00 €
man born blind, etc.). Clearly, characters in John stand in the shadow of the protagonist—Jesus.
In this volume, however, they step fully into the light. Thus illuminated, it becomes clear how
complex and nuanced many of them are.

Survey of contents

Steven A. Hunt, D. Francois Tolmie, and Ruben Zimmermann: An Introduction to Character and
Characterization in John and Related New Testament Literature.
Catrin H. Williams: John [1:6] – Christopher W. Skinner: The World [1:9] – Ruben Zimmermann:
“The Jews” [1:19] – Sherri Brown: The Priests and Levites [1:19] – Uta Poplutz: The Pharisees
[1:24] – Derek Tovey: An Anonymous Disciple [1:35] – Martinus C. de Boer: Andrew [1:40] –
Michael Labahn: Peter [1:40] – Paul N. Anderson: Philip [1:43] – Steven A. Hunt: Nathanael
[1:45] – Mary L. Coloe: The Mother of Jesus [2:1] – Susan E. Hylen: The Disciples/The Twelve
[2:2/6:67] – Mary L. Coloe: The Servants/Steward at Cana [2:5/2:8] – Edward W. Klink III: The
Bridegroom at Cana [2:9] – Joel Nolette/Steven A. Hunt: The Brothers of Jesus [2:12] – Mark A.
Matson: The Animal Sellers/The Money Changers [2:14] – R. Alan Culpepper: Nicodemus [3:1] –
Gary T. Manning, Jr.: The Disciples of John [3:25] – Mark Appold: “A Jew” [3:25] – Harold W.
Attridge: The Samaritan Woman [4:7] – Steven A. Hunt: The Men of the Samaritan Woman
[4:18] – Peter Phillips: The Samaritans of Sychar [4:28] – Andy M. Reimer: The Galileans [4:45] –
Peter J. Judge: The Royal O cial [4:46] – Gilbert Van Belle/Steven A. Hunt: The Royal O cial's
Son [4:46] – Peter J. Judge: The Servants of the Royal O cial [4:51] – D. Francois Tolmie: The
Ill/The Sick [5:3/6:2] – J. Ramsey Michaels: The Invalid at the Pool [5:5] – Cornelis Bennema: The
Crowd [5:13] – Dieter T. Roth: The Boy with Loaves and Fish [6:9] – Cornelis Bennema: Judas
(the Betrayer) [6:71] – Susanne Luther: The Authorities [7:26] – Cornelis Bennema: The Chief
Priests [7:32] – Gary T. Manning, Jr.: The Temple Police [7:32] – Sherri Brown: The Greeks [7:35]
– Chris Keith: The Scribes/The Elders [8:3/8:9] – Peter Phillips: The Adulterous Woman [8:3] –
David L. Mathewson: The Devil [8:44] – Andy M. Reimer: The Man Born Blind [9:1] – Matthew
D. Montonini: The Neighbors of the Man Born Blind [9:8] – Michael Labahn: The Parents of the
Man Born Blind [9:18] – Ruben Zimmermann: The Believers Across the Jordan [10:41] –
Marianne Meye Thompson: Lazarus [11:1] – Susan Miller: Mary of Bethany [11:1] – Gail R.
O'Day: Martha of Bethany [11:1] – Thomas Popp: Thomas [11:16] – Adele Reinhartz:
Caiaphas/Annas [11:49/18:13] – James L. Resseguie: The Beloved Disciple [13:23] – Catrin H.
Williams: Judas [14:22] – Steven A. Hunt: The Roman Soldiers at Jesus' Arrest [18:3] –
Christopher W. Skinner: Malchus [18:10] – Helen K. Bond: People in the Courtyard [18:16] – D.
Francois Tolmie: Pilate [18:29] – David L. Mathewson: Barabbas [18:40] – Michael Labahn: The
Soldiers Who Crucify [19:2] – Chelsea N. Revell/Steven A. Hunt: The Co-Cruci ed [19:18] – D.
Francois Tolmie: The Women by the Cross [19:25] – Jaime Clark-Soles: Mary Magdalene [19:25]
– Jean Zumstein: The Mother of Jesus/Beloved Disciple [19:26] – William John Lyons: Joseph of
Arimathea [19:38] – Jan van der Watt: Angels at the Tomb [20:12] – Christos Karakolis: Sons of
Zebedee/Anonymous Disciples [21:2]

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Ethische Normen des frühen Christentums
Gut – Leben – Leib – Tugend. Kontexte und Normen neutestamentlicher Ethik /
Context and Norms of New Testament Ethics. Band IV
Hrsg. v. Friedrich W. Horn, Ulrich Volp u. Ruben Zimmermann, in Zus.-Arb. m.
Esther Verwold

Volume 313 Good, life, the body, virtue – this volume contains the lectures given at the rst four symposia
2013. XII, 478 pages. of the Mainz Moral Meetings on these subjects between 2009 and 2011. An interdisciplinary
approach through biblical studies, Jewish studies, the classics, philosophy, patristics, systematic
ISBN 978-3-16-152499-8 theology and further disciplines provides a view of the ethical norms of early Christianity. In
cloth 139,00 € selected elds, the authors deal with the possibilities of norms and reasons for norms in early
Christian ethics in the context of ancient philosophy and in present-day responsibility.
ISBN 978-3-16-152500-1
eBook PDF 139,00 €
Survey of contents

Hinführung – Grundlagen

Ruben Zimmermann: Pluralistische Ethikbegründung und Normenanalyse im Horizont einer

“impliziten Ethik” frühchristlicher Schriften – Gerd Theißen: Bibelhermeneutik und
Ethikbegründung. Wie können Imperative in religiösen Erfahrungen begründet werden?

I. “Gut"/das “Gute” als ethische Norm in Antike und Christentum

Ruben Zimmermann: Das “Gute” als ethische Norm in Antike und Christentum. Gut, Güter,
Güterabwägung in philosophischen und christlichen Ethiken – Jan G. van der Watt: Re ections
on doing what is good and true in the Gospel of John – Christoph Horn: Der Güterbegri in der
antiken Moralphilosophie – Jörg Röder: Άγαθός Κτλ im Neuen Testament – eine historisch-
semantische Annäherung – Ruben Zimmermann: Güterabwägung als Verfahren einer
frühchristlichen Ethik? Zur Begründung von Normen am Beispiel des 1. Korintherbriefs – Notger
Slenczka: Was heißt “gut”? Plädoyer für eine deskriptive christliche Ethik im Anschluss an
Friedrich Schleiermacher und Max Scheler

II. “Leben” als ethische Norm in Antike und Christentum

Ruben Zimmermann: “Leben” als ethische Norm in Antike und Christentum. Begri und
Funktion des Lebens im ethischen Diskurs – Nikolaus Schneider: Wie viel Naturwissenschaft
verträgt die Theologie? – Maren Nieho : Halacha, Nomos oder Tugend im hellenistischen
Judentum – Manfred Lang: Lebenskunst und Kohärenz. Beobachtungen anhand von Epiktet
und dem Römerbrief – Eckart David Schmidt: Kult und Ethik: Leben “heiliger” Gemeinden. Der
Heiligkeitsbegri in ethischen Begründungszusammenhängen im 1. Petrusbrief – Mira Stare:
Der Lebensbegri als ethische Norm im Johannesevangelium – Werner Zager: Zwischen
Schopenhauer und Nietzsche. Albert Schweitzers Lebensethik

III. “Leib” als ethische Norm in Antike und Christentum

Ulrich Volp: “Leib” als ethische Norm in Antike und Christentum. Der Grundbegri “Leib"/σῶμα
und die Begründungszusammenhänge antiker christlicher Ethik – Jochen Altho : Die Rolle des
Körpers und seiner Bedürfnisse in der aristotelischen Ethik – Lorenzo Scornaienchi: Die
Unterscheidung von σάρξ und σῶμα und ihre Konsequenzen für die Ethik des Paulus – David
Horrell: σῶμα as a Basis for Ethics in Paul – Sebastian Moll: Marcions trotzige Ethik – Frederick
D. Aquino: Maximus on the Beginning and End of Rational Creatures

IV. “Tugend” als ethische Norm in Antike und Christentum

Friedrich W. Horn: “Tugend” als ethische Norm in Antike und Christentum. Tugend und
Tugendbegri in griechisch-hellenistischer Philosophie, biblischer, jüdischer und frühchristlicher
Theologie – Wilhelm Blümer: Schicksalswille und Willensfreiheit im 8. Jahrhundert vor Christus.
Die Verp ichtung auf ein tugendhaftes Leben bei Hesiod – Maximilian Forschner: Mens
perfecta. Bemerkungen zum stoischen Tugendbegri – Friedrich W. Horn: Tugendlehre im
Neuen Testament? Eine Problemanzeige – Christian Hengstermann: Leben des Einen – Der
Tugendbegri des Origenes – Ulrich Volp: Der Tugendbegri des Origenes – eine Erwiderung

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auf Christian Hengstermann


Jews in a Graeco-Roman Environment

Volume 312 Margaret H. Williams presents a selection of studies, most of them epigraphically based, on the
2013. XIV, 462 pages. Jewish Diaspora in Graeco-Roman antiquity. Those collected in the rst part deal with problems
connected with the Jewish community in Rome, its history, organisation and burial practices.
ISBN 978-3-16-151901-7 The papers in the second part are mainly concerned with other Jewish settlements in the
cloth 149,00 € Roman Empire, most notably those of Aphrodisias and Corycus in Asia Minor and Venusia in
Italy. The third part focuses entirely on Jewish naming practices such as the use of alternative
ISBN 978-3-16-152662-6
names, the formation of festal names and the increasing preference in Late Antiquity for
eBook PDF 149,00 €
Hebrew names. The reception of these studies, previously dispersed over a variety of
publications, forms the subject of the over-arching introductory essay. Since the original articles
were written, many of the inscriptions have been re-edited in new corpora. References to these
are systematically included in this volume.


Approaching New Testament Texts and Contexts

Collected Essays II
Ed. by Tord Fornberg and David Hellholm

Volume 311 In this volume, Lars Hartman deals with several major topics. Some of the essays are devoted to
2013. XI, 382 pages. exegetical and hermeneutical issues, beginning with the theoretical considerations concerning
what it means to write a commentary. These are followed by detailed studies on various
ISBN 978-3-16-152319-9 aspects of text analysis as a preparation for his commentary on the Gospel of Mark.
cloth 124,00 € Furthermore, Hartman has written groundbreaking articles on baptism, especially in regard to
the name formula. The nal essays deal with the Hellenistic context of various New Testament
ISBN 978-3-16-152354-0
texts and topics, for instance the study of “Hellenistic Elements in Apocalyptic Texts”. This
eBook PDF 124,00 €
volume is an appropriate complement to Lars Hartman's earlier collection on text-centered New
Testament studies, which was published in 1997.


Paul in Acts and Paul in His Letters

Volume 310 The reception of Paul in the rst century is a highly debated issue. In this collection of essays,
2013. XI, 295 pages. Daniel Marguerat defends the position of a threefold reception of Paul in parallel ways:
documentary (the canon of Pauline writings), biographical (the book of Acts and the apocryphal
ISBN 978-3-16-151962-8 Acts of the Apostles ) and doctoral (Deutero-Pauline and Pastoral Letters). Marguerat advocates
cloth 119,00 € that the value of the phenomena of reception be appreciated, in particular the gure of Paul in
Acts. It should not systematically be compared to the apostle's writings, even though this image
evolves from a Lukan reinterpretation. It actually gives us an aspect of Paul which forges the
background of the epistolary literature, especially concerning his rapport with Judaism. The
essays in this book concern the literary and theological construction of the narrative of Acts,
focusing on the gure of Paul: his rapport with the Torah, the Socratic model, the Lukan
character construction, the resurrection as a central theme in Acts, the signi cance of meals. In
his analysis, Marguerat combines narratology and historical criticism. He is highly attentive to
how Christology emerges as narrative Christology. Some of the essays treat classical or less
classical themes of Pauline theology: Paul the mystic, the justi cation by faith, imitating Paul as
father and mother of the community, and the a air of the woman's veil in Corinth. Concerning

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the statute of the Torah, Marguerat debates with the “New Perspective on Paul”. He also sheds
a fresh light on less known aspects of the apostle: his mystic dimension and the emotional
impact in his correspondence to the Thessalonians.


Studies in Matthew and Early Christianity

Ed. by Markus Bockmuehl and David Lincicum

Volume 309 Over the course of his distinguished career, the late Graham Stanton, former Lady Margaret's
2013. XI, 483 pages. Professor of Divinity at the University of Cambridge, wrote extensively on New Testament and
early Christian themes. This volume presents a collection of twenty-six essays, including one
ISBN 978-3-16-152543-8 previously unpublished, and encompasses some of his most prominent contributions to
cloth 149,00 € scholarship. Stanton's work as an interpreter of the Gospel of Matthew is well known, and thus
Part I includes seven essays on Matthew. Part II ('New Testament Studies') collects twelve studies
ISBN 978-3-16-152544-5
on various New Testament themes, ranging from the exegetical to the methodological and
eBook PDF 149,00 €
programmatic. Toward the end of his life, Stanton was engaged in writing a book on Justin
Martyr in the context of early Christian and Jewish dialogue. Though he did not live to
complete the project, he published a number of preliminary studies that are included in Part III,
together with a previously unpublished paper investigating 'Justin on Martyrdom and Suicide'.

Survey of contents

Introduction Chapter 1: The Origin and Purpose of Matthew's Gospel: Matthean Scholarship
from 1945–1980 Chapter 2: Matthew's Gospel: A Survey of Some Recent Commentaries Chapter
3: Matthew: ΒΙΒΛΟΣ, ΕΥΑΓΓΕΛΙΟΝ, or ΒΙΟΣ? Chapter 4: The Communities of Matthew Chapter
5: Revisiting Matthew's Communities Chapter 6: Ministry in Matthean Christianity Chapter 7:
The Early Reception of Matthew's Gospel: New Evidence from Papyri? Chapter 8:
Presuppositions in New Testament Criticism Chapter 9: Form Criticism Revisited Chapter 10: The
Gospel Traditions and Early Christological Re ection Chapter 11: On the Christology of Q
Chapter 12: Incarnational Christology in the New Testament Chapter 13: Messianism and
Christology: Mark, Matthew, Luke and Acts Chapter 14: Rudolf Bultmann: Jesus and the Word
Chapter 15: Stephen in Lucan Perspective Chapter 16: Paul's Gospel Chapter 17: The Law of
Moses and the Law of Christ: Galatians 3:1–6:2 Chapter 18: What is the Law of Christ? Chapter
19: Interpreting the New Testament Today Chapter 20: The Two Parousias of Christ: Justin
Martyr and Matthew Chapter 21: 'God-Fearers': Neglected Evidence in Justin Martyr's Dialogue
with Trypho Chapter 22: Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho: 'Group Boundaries', 'Proselytes'
and 'God-Fearers' Chapter 23: The Spirit in the Writings of Justin Martyr Chapter 24: Justin on
Martyrdom and Suicide Chapter 25: Aspects of Early Christian and Jewish Worship: Pliny and
the Kerygma Petrou Chapter 26: Jewish Christian Elements in the Pseudo-Clementine Writings


Die Verklärung Jesu nach dem Markusevangelium

Studien zu einer christologischen Legitimationserzählung

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Volume 308 The trans guration pericope in the Gospel of Mark (Mk 9:2–8) is seen as a major enigma in New
2013. XIII, 514 pages. Testament scholarship. In fact this narrative, with its peculiar mixture of fascination and
disconcertment, poses considerable challenges to the exegete. What type of text is it and what
ISBN 978-3-16-152560-5 about the historical and Christological reality behind this narrative? Following an introductory
cloth 139,00 € chapter, Adrian Wypadlo begins with a detailed analysis of the individual verses of the text,
dealing in particular with the narratological aspects. Then he compares this text with the
ISBN 978-3-16-152561-2
concepts of transformation in the Hellenistic-Jewish and pagan environment of the New
eBook PDF 139,00 €
Testament. Lastly Wypadlo examines the conspicuous constellation between Jesus, Elija and
Moses in Mk 9:4f. The author's goal is to show that, along with the baptism pericope (Mk 1:9–
11), Mk 9:2–8 is the key legitimation narrative within Markan Christology.The trans guration
pericope in the Gospel of Mark (Mk 9:2–8) is seen as a major enigma in New Testament
scholarship. In fact this narrative, with its peculiar mixture of fascination and disconcertment,
poses considerable challenges to the exegete. What type of text is it, and what about the
historical and Christological reality behind this narrative?


Die Herrlichkeit des Gekreuzigten

Studien zu den Johanneischen Schriften I
Hrsg. v. Juliane Schlegel

Volume 307 On his way towards a thorough commentary on John, Jörg Frey presents 17 (partly) extensive
2013. IX, 886 pages. studies on John from 15 years, together with a new introduction. The subject is the history of
research, the history-of-religions background of the gospel, the reception of the Synoptic
ISBN 978-3-16-150782-3 tradition, the pro le of the Johannine communities and the image of the “Jews” in the Gospel.
cloth 79,00 € Other articles deal with the metaphor of bread in John 6, the relevance and function of
Johannine “dualism”, the particular shape of the Johannine theology of the cross and the
ISBN 978-3-16-152796-8
understanding of the doxa -motif and, nally, eschatology and ethics in John. Throughout the
eBook PDF 159,00 €
volume, John is read as a theological work, as a post-Easter anamnesis of the Christ event on
the background of Synoptic traditions. Its objectives are to lead to a deepened understanding
of Christ and cruci xion and resurrection that tries to communicate the view of the glory of the
cruci ed one.

Survey of contents

I. Einführung
Wege und Perspektiven der Johannesauslegung
II. Religions- und Traditionsgeschichte
Auf der Suche nach dem Kontext des Johannesevangeliums – “Wie Mose die Schlange in der
Wüste erhöht hat...” – Licht aus den Höhlen? Der johanneische 'Dualismus' und das Schrifttum
von Qumran – Das Johannesevangelium auf dem Hintergrund der älteren Evangelientradition
III. Adressaten und Situation
Heiden – Griechen – Gotteskinder – Das Bild 'der Juden' im vierten Evangelium und die
Geschichte der johanneischen Gemeinde
IV. Sprache und Darstellungsweise
Das Bild als Wirkungspotenzial – Zu Hintergrund und Funktion des johanneischen Dualismus
V. Theologie
Die theologia cruci xi des Johannesevangeliums – Edler Tod – wirksamer Tod –
stellvertretender Tod – heilvoller Tod – Heil und Geschichte im Johannesevangelium – “...dass
sie meine Herrlichkeit schauen” (Joh 17,24) – Eschatology in the Johannine Circle – Leiblichkeit
und Auferstehung im Johannesevangelium – Love-Relations in the Fourth Gospel. On
Establishing a Semantic Network – Ethical Traditions in the Johannine Literature

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Kultmetaphorik und Christologie

Opfer- und Sühneterminologie im Neuen Testament

Volume 306 What are the Christological and soteriological contents of the metaphor of the sacri ce of Jesus
2013. XVI, 328 pages. and the concept of atonement in the New Testament? Do they communicate the vicarious
death of Jesus, as many suggest today? These metaphors and concepts, however, are not only
ISBN 978-3-16-151882-9 di cult to comprehend; they are often considered o ensive due to alleged implications such as
cloth 99,00 € violent killing and the image of a vengeful God. Christian A. Eberhart tackles this problem in his
careful and detailed study of cult metaphors and concepts in the context of New Testament
ISBN 978-3-16-152284-0
Christology. By relating them to Old Testament and early Jewish traditions of sacri cial rituals,
eBook PDF 99,00 €
he shows that the metaphor of the sacri ce of Jesus does not necessarily convey the violent
death of Jesus, but his entire mission and life. Nor is the cultic concept of atonement based on
vicarious killing; it expresses salvation through puri cation and consecration.

Purity, Holiness, and Identity in Judaism and Christianity

Essays in Memory of Susan Haber
Ed. by Carl S. Ehrlich, Anders Runesson and Eileen Schuller

Volume 305 Susan Haber (1957–2006) was a graduate of York University (B.A.) and McMaster University
2013. X, 313 pages. (M.A.). At the time of her death, she was working on a doctorate from McMaster University,
having already published articles on the Hebrew Bible, early Judaism, and early Christianity. The
ISBN 978-3-16-152547-6 present volume consists of contributions in elds central to her own interests by her teachers,
cloth 129,00 € friends, and colleagues in memory of a brilliant scholar. The essays deal with issues of central
concern to the theologies of Judaism and Christianity: purity, holiness, and identity. In the rst
ISBN 978-3-16-152548-3
part of this volume the former two topics within the context of the Hebrew Bible are
eBook PDF 129,00 €
introduced. The second part deals with all three within late Second Temple and early Rabbinic
Judaism, as well as in the Christianity of the rst three centuries C.E. The last part examines the
subject matter of the volume within the context of medieval and modern Judaism, as well as in
contemporary Christianity. Although it is not necessarily explicitly stated, the juxtaposition of
these essays dealing with areas of mutual theological concern to Judaism and Christianity
implicitly lays the groundwork for interreligious dialog and understanding.

Survey of contents

Preface David Seed: Susan Haber: A Brief Biography and Appreciation Part I: Ancient Israel
Baruch J. Schwartz: MIQRA' QODEŠ and the Structure of Leviticus 23 – Eric Grossman:
Everyman's Judgment Cometh From The LORD: Popular Perception of the Primary Purpose of
the Cult – Ehud Ben Zvi: Purity Matters in the Book of Chronicles: A Kind of Prolegomenon Part
II: Classical Antiquity Cecilia Wassen: Do You Have to Be Pure in a Metaphorical Temple?
Sanctuary Metaphors and Construction of Sacred Space in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Paul's
Letters – Stephen Westerholm: Is Nothing Sacred? Holiness in the Writings of Paul – Adele
Reinhartz: The Temple Cleansing and the Death of Jesus – Thomas Kazen: Jesus and the Zavah:
Implications for Interpreting Mark – Anders Runesson: Purity, Holiness, and the Kingdom of
Heaven in Matthew's Narrative World – Steve Mason: Pollution and Puri cation in Josephus's
Judean War – Philip Harland: “The days seemed like years”: Thessalos Prepares to Encounter
the God Asklepios – Lily Vuong: The Impact of Social and Economic Status on the Experience of
Martyrdom: A Case Study of Perpetua and Felicitas Part III: The Mediaeval and Modern Periods
Martin I. Lockshin: Is Holiness Contagious? – Yedida Eisenstadt: Sancti cation and Shame:
Bialik's In the City of Slaughter in Light of Leviticus and Ezekiel – Eileen Schuller: Biblical Texts
about Purity in Contemporary Christian Lectionaries

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Mark and Matthew II
Comparative Readings: Reception History, Cultural Hermeneutics, and Theology
Ed. by Eve-Marie Becker and Anders Runesson

Volume 304 Sustained, comparative Synoptic studies do not stand alone methodologically in the
2013. VIII, 418 pages. humanities, but belong to a more general trend within cultural studies as well as in the
humanities more broadly. Textual interpretation involves approaching speci c texts composed
ISBN 978-3-16-152545-2 more often than not by individual authors. In these texts, however, are embedded a myriad of
cloth 139,00 € conscious and unconscious relationships to historical and contemporary events, people, and
other texts likewise connected historically and contemporaneously. In-depth understanding of
ISBN 978-3-16-152546-9
a text evolves, therefore, almost by necessity from multi-perspectival comparative approaches
eBook PDF 139,00 €
rather than from readings taking a more isolated focus as point of departure. The Mark and
Matthew project, of which the present study is the second volume, aims at taking seriously
such more general insights and applying them to the earliest Gospels in order to stimulate new
research and a deeper understanding of these two texts individually and as parts of a common
discursive setting. In the present volume, the goal has been to shed light on the interpretation
and use of the earliest Gospels from the rst to the twenty- rst century, with special focus on
cultural hermeneutics and theology. The dynamics of interpretation, including the role played
by history, methodology, religion, and politics, are taken into consideration, shedding light on
distinctive aspects of the human endeavour to understand and use sacred text in context. One
of the characteristics of the interpretive e ort that is highlighted through this approach is the
fact that texts are silent until we, their readers, give them voice; that meaning and use happen
in the interplay between history and the present, residing never in one place alone, but rather
in the dynamic space embracing both text and reader.

Survey of contents

Preface Anders Runesson/Eve-Marie Becker: Introduction: Reading Mark and Matthew Within
and Beyond the First Century PART IReception and Cultural Hermeneutics: Reading Mark and
Matthew From the 1st to the 21st Century Eve-Marie Becker: The Reception of “Mark” in the 1st
and 2nd Centuries CE and its Signi cance for Genre Studies – Petri Luomanen: From Mark and
Q to Matthew: An Experiment in Evolutionary Analysis – Benedict Viviano: Who Wrote Q? The
Sayings Document (Q) as the Apostle Matthew's Private Notebook as a Bilingual Village Scribe
(Mark 2:13–17; Matt 9:9–13) – René Falkenberg: Matthew 28:16–20 and the Nag Hammadi
Library: Reception of the Great Commission in the Sophia of Jesus Christ – Peter Widdicombe:
The Patristic Reception of the Gospel of Matthew: The Commentary of Jerome and the Sermons
of John Chrysostom – Joseph Verheyden: Reading Matthew and Mark in the Middle Ages: The
Glossa Ordinaria – Martin Meiser: Protestant Reading of the Gospels of Mark and Matthew in
the 20th Century – Detlev Dormeyer: A Catholic Reading of the Gospels of Mark and Matthew
in the 20th Century – Anders Runesson: Judging the Theological Tree by its Fruit: The Use of the
Gospels of Mark and Matthew in O cial Church Documents on Jewish – Christian Relations
PART IIHistory, Meaning, and the Dynamics of Interpretation Adela Yarbro Collins: Mark and the
Hermeneutics of History Writing – Stephen Westerholm: Hearing the Gospels of Matthew and
Mark – Mogens Müller: The Place of Mark and Matthew in Canonical Theology: A Historical
Perspective – Janice Capel Anderson: Mark and Matthew in Feminist Perspective: Reading
Matthew's Genealogy – Hans Leander: Mark and Matthew after Edward Said – Todd
Penner/Caroline Vander Stichele: Re-Assembling Jesus: Rethinking the Ethics of Gospel Studies
– Michael Knowles: The Interpretation of Mark and Matthew in Historical Perspective: The
Trans guration as a Test Case

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Jesus, Gospel Tradition and Paul in the Context of Jewish and

Greco-Roman Antiquity
Collected Essays II

Volume 303 This volume contains a collection of twenty-two of David E. Aune's essays focusing on a variety
2013. XII, 614 pages. of issues in the interpretation of the Gospels, Gospel traditions, Paul and the Pauline letters.
Most essays center on the exegesis of particular problematic passages in the Gospels, Acts and
ISBN 978-3-16-152315-1 the Pauline letters. In some essays the author discusses Pauline anthropology, in others he
cloth 154,00 € investigates the phenomenon of oral tradition in the ancient world and the Gospels or deals
with the problem of the genre of the Gospels (Mark and Matthew) and Romans. He critically
ISBN 978-3-16-152353-3
reviews recent research on justi cation by faith in Paul and investigates the meaning of
eBook PDF 154,00 €
euaggelion in the titles of the Gospels. He also deals with such historical and contextual
problems as the proposed relationship between Jesus and Cynicism in rst century Palestine,
evaluating Jesus tradition in the Gospel of Thomas and dualism in the Fourth Gospel. The
relevance of cognitive dissonance in the reconstruction of Christian origins and the relevance of
apocalyptic in the interpretation of the Lord's Prayer are also discussed.

Doing Gender – Doing Religion

Fallstudien zur Intersektionalität im frühen Judentum, Christentum und Islam
Hrsg. v. Ute E. Eisen, Christine Gerber u. Angela Standhartinger

Volume 302 The articles in this volume deal with the debate in social sciences on the so-called
2013. IX, 468 pages. intersectionality of structural inequality and apply this to ancient religious texts. The articles
focus on the question of how gender role concepts and religious ideals are mutually
ISBN 978-3-16-152226-0 dependent and in uence each other. Fundamental articles on the analysis of intersectionality
cloth 124,00 € are followed by case studies on the entanglement of gender constructions in early Jewish, early
Christian and contemporary pagan texts as well as those of the ancient church and early Islam.
ISBN 978-3-16-152368-7
The question of the interdependence of gender concepts and religious constructions proves to
eBook PDF 124,00 €
be very. At the same time, the authors show that gender and religion are not to be isolated
from further categories, in particular the social status. Contributors: Ulrike Auga, Bärbel
Beinhauer-Köhler, Bernadette J. Brooten, Doris Decker, Ute E. Eisen, Aliyah El Mansy, Christine
Gerber, Catherine Hezser, Brigitte Kahl, Karen L. King, Christiane Krause, Martin Leutzsch, Christl
M. Maier, Shelly Matthews, Moisés Mayordomo, Friederike Oertelt, Silke Petersen, Angela

Survey of contents

Inhaltsübersicht: Ute E. Eisen/Christine Gerber/Angela Standhartinger: Doing Gender – Doing

Religion. Zur Frage nach der Intersektionalität in den Bibelwissenschaften. Eine Einleitung
(De)konstruktion und Applikation Ulrike Auga: Geschlecht und Religion als interdependente
Kategorien des Wissens. Intersektionalitätsdebatte, Dekonstruktion, Diskursanalyse und die
Kritik antiker Texte – Karen L. King: Gender Contestation as Political Critique. Four Cases from
Ancient Christianity – Silke Petersen: “Jede Häresie ist eine wertlose Frau” (Epiphanius von
Salamis). Zur Konstruktion der Geschlechterdi erenz im Religionsstreit Interkulturelle Ehen und
Geschlechtermoral im frühen Judentum, Christentum und Islam Christl M. Maier: Der Diskurs
um interkulturelle Ehen in Jehud als antikes Beispiel von Intersektionalität – Aliyah El Mansy:
Interreligiöse Ehen im literarischen Diskurs des 1./2. Jahrhunderts. Plutarch und der Erste
Petrusbrief im Vergleich – Bärbel Beinhauer-Köhler: “Untreue” im entstehenden Islam. Eine
koranische Norm der Paarbeziehung im Wechselspiel mit der neuen Religion – Doris Decker:
Frauen zwischen Selbst- und Fremdbestimmung. Wandel weiblicher
Geschlechterkonstruktionen in religiösen Veränderungsprozessen am Beispiel frühislamischer
Überlieferungen ,Gender' in Religionspolitik und Moral Friederike Oertelt: Gender, Religion und

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Politik bei Philo von Alexandria – Christiane Krause: Patria Potestas – Honour-Shame? Tote
Töchter im Kapitel “De pudicitia” des Valerius Maximus – Brigitte Kahl: Krieg, Maskulinität und
der imperiale Gottvater. Das Augustusforum und die messianische Re-Imagination von “Hagar”
im Galaterbrief Sklavinnen in Zeiten der religiösen Rechtsbildung Catherine Hezser: Part Whore,
Part Wife. Slave Women in the Palestinian Rabbinic Tradition – Bernadette J. Brooten: Enslaved
Women in Basil of Caesarea's Canonical Letters. An Intersectional Analysis Männerfragen zum
Neuen Testament Moisés Mayordomo: Jesu Männlichkeit im Markusevangelium. Eine
Spurensuche – Shelly Matthews: The Weeping Jesus and the Daughters of Jerusalem. Gender
and Conquest in Lukan Lament – Martin Leutzsch: Eunuch und Intersektionalität. Ein
multiperspektivischer Versuch zu Apg 8,26–40

The Rise and Expansion of Christianity in the First Three

Centuries of the Common Era
Ed. by Clare K. Rothschild and Jens Schröter

Volume 301 This collection of essays is partly the product of a symposium that took place at Humboldt
2013. IX, 543 pages. University, Berlin in July 2010. It was supplemented by other articles which contributed further
relevant aspects to the overall topic. The aim of the conference was to explore the longstanding
ISBN 978-3-16-152249-9 conundrum of the rapid rise and growth of Christianity in the rst three centuries CE. This well-
cloth 139,00 € studied question nds a special home in the city of Berlin where, at the beginning of the last
century, Adolf von Harnack, Professor at Friedrich Wilhelms University (today Humboldt
ISBN 978-3-16-152285-7
University) Berlin carried out what was arguably its most famous treatment. According to
eBook PDF 139,00 €
Harnack, early Christian history began in the missionary activity of contemporary Judaism. The
movement spread as the result of a combination of deliberate syncretism with a measure of
simplicity in the cultural and political unity of the Roman Empire. Over the past thirty years,
scholars such as Ramsey MacMullen and Rodney Stark have questioned some of Harnack's
conclusions. Arising from outside of the eld of New Testament Studies (Ancient History and
Sociology of Religion, respectively), both MacMullen's and Stark's approach remained at some
distance from specialist understandings of, for example, complex theological and rhetorical
aspects of early Christian texts. Therefore, in the wake of these important studies, a variety of
new strategies have emerged taking these and other vital concerns into account. The essays in
this volume represent these assorted approaches. Methodological rigor is the only
unambiguous theme running throughout this otherwise diverse collection. The essays are
collected under two broad sub-headings: Cultural Milieu and Texts. Topics treated include Paul,
Jesus and the Gospels, other New Testament texts, the Apocryphal Acts, and the expansion of
Christianity in the second and third centuries.

Survey of contents

Clare K. Rothschild: Introduction I. Cultural Milieu James Carleton Paget: Hellenistic and Early
Roman Period Jewish Missionary E orts in the Diaspora – William Horbury: Jewish and
Christian Origins in Roman Africa II. First Century Developments: From Galilee to Asia
MinorJesus and the Gospels Jürgen K. Zangenberg: From the Galilean Jesus to the Galilean
Silence: Earliest Christianity in the Galilee until the Fourth Century CE – Thomas Söding: Die
Saat des Evangeliums. Vor- und nachösterliche Mission im Markusevangelium – Matthias
Konradt: Die Ausrichtung der Mission im Matthäusevangelium und die Entwicklung zur
universalen Kirche. Überlegungen zum Standort des Matthäusevangeliums in der Entwicklung
des Christentums Paul Wayne Meeks: From Jerusalem to Illyricum, Rome to Spain: The World of
Paul's Missionary Imagination – James D.G. Dunn: The Rise and Expansion of Christianity in the
First Three Centuries C.E.: Why and How Did Embryonic Christianity Expand Beyond the Jewish
People? – Michael Wolter: Jesus bei Paulus Other Trajectories Jörg Frey: Von Paulus zu
Johannes: Die Diversität “christlicher” Gemeindekreise und die “Trennungsprozesse” zwischen
der Synagoge und den Gemeinden der Jesusnachfolger in Ephesus im ersten Jahrhundert –
Clare K. Rothschild: ἐτυμολογία, dramatis personae, and the Lukan Invention of an Early
Christian Prosopography – Jan Dochhorn: Ist die Apokalypse des Johannes ein Text des
Christentums der Asia? Einige Überlegungen – Enno Edzard Popkes: Antike christliche
Apokryphen als Spiegel frühchristlicher Identitätsbildungsprozesse: Beobachtungen am Beispiel
kanonischer und außerkanonischer Haltungen zum Verzehr von “Götzenopfer eisch” – Richard

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I. Pervo: The Hospitality of Onesiphorus: Missionary Styles and Support in the Acts of Paul –
Janet E. Spittler: Christianity at the Edges: Representations of the Ends of the Earth in the
Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles – Trevor Thompson: Claiming Ephesus: Pauline Legacy in the
Acts of John III. Christianity between “Orthodoxy,” “Heresy,” and Paganism in the Second and
Third Centuries Candida R. Moss: Polycarphilia: The Martyrdom of Polycarp and the Origins
and Spread of Martyrdom – Ismo Dunderberg: Early Christian Critics of Martyrdom – Karen L.
King: Theologies and Mission Practices among the so-called “Heretics” – Jörg Ulrich: Die
Begegnung von Christen und Heiden im zweiten (und dritten) Jahrhundert Jens Schröter:


Reading the First Century

On Reading Josephus and Studying Jewish History of the First Century

Volume 300 The writings of Flavius Josephus provide much of what we know about the rst century CE –
2013. XVIII, 204 pages. which witnessed the birth of Christianity, the destruction of the Second Temple of Jerusalem,
and the concomitant rise of rabbinic Judaism. However, Josephus was an author, not a video
ISBN 978-3-16-152286-4 camera, and what he wrote often re ects much apart from what actually happened in the rst
eBook PDF 39,00 € century: Josephus' works were a ected both by his literary models and by current events, and
they functioned in various ways for Josephus as an individual and also as a Jew and a Roman,
writing in a time of tumult and radical change. Moreover, as all ancient works, texts by
Josephus often raise such basic philological questions as what the original text is, what it
means, what sources (if any) it re ects, and how it relates to other texts. Daniel R. Schwartz
argues that by building from the bottom up – rst establishing the text and its meaning, then
moving on to issues of Josephus' models, sources, and purposes, as well as comparing his
testimony with that supplied by other relevant sources, such as the works of Philo and the New
Testament – we may nevertheless reconstruct, with some con dence, the events and processes
of this crucial era.


Reading the First Century

On Reading Josephus and Studying Jewish History of the First Century

Volume 300 The writings of Flavius Josephus provide much of what we know about the rst century CE –
2013; unchanged student which witnessed the birth of Christianity, the destruction of the Second Temple of Jerusalem,
edition 2014. and the concomitant rise of rabbinic Judaism. However, Josephus was an author, not a video
XVIII, 204 pages. camera, and what he wrote often re ects much apart from what actually happened in the rst
century: Josephus' works were a ected both by his literary models and by current events, and
ISBN 978-3-16-153331-0 they functioned in various ways for Josephus as an individual and also as a Jew and a Roman,
paper 39,00 € writing in a time of tumult and radical change. Daniel R. Schwartz argues that by building from
the bottom up – rst establishing the text and its meaning, then moving on to issues of
Josephus' models, sources, and purposes – we may nevertheless reconstruct, with some
con dence, the events and processes of this crucial era.

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The Death of Jesus

Some Reflections on Jesus-Traditions and Paul

Volume 299 Taking up a number of themes and questions touched on in earlier works, the author discusses
2013. XV, 226 pages. critically some attempts to interpret the death of Jesus and the assumption that these make
about the nature of God and of Jesus. For Jesus himself seems to have left his followers no
ISBN 978-3-16-152114-0 clear guidance on how to understand his fate, in all probability not even at his last meal with
cloth 89,00 € them. There is, moreover, a seeming tension in the passion story between his self-surrender in
Gethsemane and the reproachful cry on Golgatha, perhaps due to contrary views of God's will
ISBN 978-3-16-152281-9
and his own about God's intention. Confronted with this puzzling inheritance, early Christians
eBook PDF 89,00 €
adopted a variety of di erent images in an attempt to explain what had happened, and its
place in the divine plan; and Paul, despite apparently eschewing any use of human wisdom to
interpret the cross, nevertheless draws on some of these lines of interpretation. Yet
characteristic for the apostle's theology and soteriology are his corporate Christology and his
talk of “righteousness” and “justi cation”. Yet the death of one person involving all humanity
presents problems of understanding and ethics. Or, if Jesus is a “model” for humanity is he a
perfect one and what example does he in fact give us? And is “peace with God” really all that
our justi cation entails, especially when the cry of desolation on Golgatha shows little sign of
such peace? That would mean that the views of both Jesus and Paul on this subject need to be
criticized and corrected if they are to be meaningful and of use today.


Ancient Jewish Letters and the Beginnings of Christian

Volume 298 Ancient Jewish letter writing is a neglected topic of research. Lutz Doering's new monograph
2012. XIV, 600 pages. seeks to redress this situation. The author pursues two major tasks: rst, to provide a
comprehensive discussion of Jewish letter writing in the Persian, Hellenistic, and Roman
ISBN 978-3-16-152236-9 periods and, second, to assess the importance of ancient Jewish letter writing for the
cloth 129,00 € emergence and early development of Christian epistolography. Although individual groups of
Jewish letters have been studied before, the present monograph is the rst one to look at
ISBN 978-3-16-152283-3
Jewish letters comprehensively across the languages in which they were written and/or handed
eBook PDF 129,00 €
down (chie y Aramaic, Hebrew, and Greek). It operates with a broad concept of “letter” and
deals with documentary as well as literary and embedded letters. The author highlights cross-
linguistic developments, such as the in uence of the Greek epistolary form on Aramaic and
Hebrew letters or the non-idiomatic retention of Semitic “peace” greetings in some letters
translated into Greek, which allowed for these greetings to be charged with new meaning.
Doering argues that such processes were also important for early Christian epistolography.
Thus, Paul engaged creatively with Jewish epistolary formulae. Frequent address of
communities rather than individuals and the quasi-o cial setting of many Jewish letters would
have provided relevant models when Paul developed his own epistolary praxis. In addition, the
author shows that the concept of communication with the “Diaspora”, in both halakhic-
administrative and prophetic-apocalyptic Jewish letters, is adapted by a number of early
Christian letters, such as 1 Peter, James, Acts 15:23–29, and 1 Clement . Ancient Jewish and early
Christian letters also share a concern with group identity and cohesion that is often supported
by salvation-historical motifs. In sum, Lutz Doering addresses the previously under-researched
text-pragmatic similarities between Jewish and Christian letters.

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Judasevangelium und Codex Tchacos
Studien zur religionsgeschichtlichen Verortung einer gnostischen
Hrsg. v. Enno Edzard Popkes u. Gregor Wurst

Volume 297 Due to various archeological ndings, fundamental progress has been made in the study of the
2012. VIII, 365 pages. history of the Gnostic religion in the past decades. One of the more recent discoveries is the so-
called Codex Tchacos, containing the Gospel of Judas which had already been mentioned by
ISBN 978-3-16-150794-6 Irenaeus of Lyons. Although the Codex Tchacos was already discovered in 1978, it could not be
cloth 109,00 € made accessible to the general public until 2006/07. Since this time, a number of new fragments
have been published and added to the already edited texts. This new text is the basis for the
ISBN 978-3-16-152474-5
studies in this volume, which attempts to outline the history of religion of the evidence handed
eBook PDF 109,00 €
down in the Codex Tchacos and to de ne its relationship to further traditions in the history of
the Gnostic religion.

Survey of contents

Gregor Wurst: Zur sprachgeschichtlichen und kodikologischen Eigentümlichkeit des Codex

Tchacos – Johanna Brankaer: Der Codex Tchacos als thematische Textsammlung – Constanze
Dreßler: Das Judasevangelium als vorösterliche O enbarungsschrift: Überlegungen zu
gattungsgeschichtlichen Eigentümlichkeiten – Herbert Schmid: Was hat der “Judasevangelist”
eigentlich gegen die Eucharistie? – Tobias Nicklas: Der Demiurg des Judasevangeliums – Jean-
Daniel Dubois: The Gospel of Judas and Basilidian Thought – Enno Edzard Popkes: 'Die
Wolken': Beobachtungen zum Motiv der Lichtwolke im “Buch des Allognes” (CT 4) und
verwandten Traditionen – Philippa Townsend: Sacri ce and Race in the Gospel of Judas – Hans-
Gebhard Bethge: “Der Brief des Petrus an Philippus” als Bestandteil von NHC VIII und Codex
Tchacos: Beobachtungen und Überlegungen zum überlieferungsgeschichtlichen und inhaltlich-
sachlichem Verhältnis beider Paralleltexte – Silke Petersen: “Die sieben Frauen – sieben
Geistkräfte sind sie”. Frauen und Weiblichkeit in der Schrift “Jakobus” (CT 2) und der (ersten)
Apokalypse des Jakobus (NHC V,3) – Claire Clivaz: What is the Current State of Play on Jesus'
Laughter? Reading the Gospel of Judas in the midst of Scholarly Excitement – David A. Creech:
Bodily Delight: The Pro-Life Message of the Gospel of Judas – Anders Klostergaard Petersen:
The Gospel of Judas: A Scriptural Ampli cation or a Canonical Encroachment? – Simon
Gathercole: Matthean or Lukan Priority? The Use of the NT Gospels in the Gospel of Judas –
Gerard P. Luttikhuizen: Fragments of a Gnostic Anthropology in the Gospel of Judas: A
Comparison with the Secret Book of John – John D. Turner: Dating the Gospel of Judas


Performanzkritik der Paulusbriefe

Volume 296 The Pauline epistles were recited to the recipients and their impact was felt in a collectively
2012. XI, 305 pages. experienced event. Performance criticism attempts to capture the event for which the texts
were created. Bernhard Oestreich's work is the rst German monograph on this new method of
ISBN 978-3-16-152213-0 biblical interpretation and actually the rst performance criticism of the Pauline epistles. In the
cloth 89,00 € rst chapter, the author begins by dealing with the roots of this approach to the text. He then
de nes performance and explains the method. In the following three chapters he tests this
ISBN 978-3-16-152280-2
method, using the Pauline epistles and other early Christian epistles. In doing so, he shows
eBook PDF 89,00 €
how the speaker acts towards the recipients through these texts and provokes interaction
among the audience. The Pauline epistles come to life as social events, their intentions become
clearer and the understanding of them is enhanced.

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Beyond Biblical Theologies
Hrsg. v. Heinrich Assel, Stefan Beyerle u. Christfried Böttrich

Volume 295 This collected volume presents new approaches to theologies of the entire Bible in
2012. X, 656 pages. international, interdisciplinary, and intergenerational perspective. The authors develop
guidelines for theology and religious history, address future-oriented theological problems, not
ISBN 978-3-16-151001-4 only in the context of the contrasting North American and European approaches, but also view
cloth 139,00 € to the di erent foundations and perspectives of non-canonical writings. In doing so, they also
consider paradigmatic texts and themes, as well as general hermeneutic issues.
ISBN 978-3-16-152422-6
eBook PDF 139,00 €
Survey of contents

Heinrich Assel / Stefan Beyerle / Christfried Böttrich: Vorwort

I. Forschungsperspektiven und Zugänge / History of Scholarship and Basic Approaches

Rudolf Smend: Der Greifswalder Julius Wellhausen und die Biblische Theologie – Stefan
Beyerle: “Beyond” – Grenzbeschreibungen zur Biblischen Theologie – Christfried Böttrich: Der
Raum zwischen den Testamenten – Heinrich Assel: Den Text der Menschwerdung lesen lernen.
Das Fiktive und das Imaginäre in Joh 1 als Aufgabe der Inkarnationschristologie

II. Kontroversen / Controversies

Gösta Hallonsten: Joseph Ratzingers/Benedikts XVI. 'Jesus von Nazareth': spirituelle Auslegung
und kritische Anfragen – Georg P eiderer: Ausbruchsversuche aus der Moderne. Zur
Problematik der kerygmatischen Programmatik Biblischer Theologie – Ulrike Mittmann: Die
neutestamentliche Rezeption von Ps 2 und Ps 110 (109 LXX) als Prüfstein einer gesamtbiblischen
Hermeneutik und Exegese. Hartmut Geses traditionsgeschichtlicher Ansatz in der Diskussion –
John J. Collins: Biblical Theology Between Apologetics and Criticism – John Barton: (Pan-
)Biblical Theology in the German- and English-speaking Worlds: A Comparison

III. Fundamente / Fundaments

1. Namen und Gültigkeit / Names and Validity
Tomas Bokedal: Notes on the Nomina Sacra and Biblical Interpretation – Gregor Reichenbach:
Zur Gültigkeit biblischer Texte

2. Der Psalter als “Kleine Biblia” / Psalms as “Kleine Biblia”

Corinne Körting: Israel und die Völker im Lobpreis. Ein Beitrag zur Theologie der Hebräischen
Bibel und zur Biblischen Theologie – Eva Harasta: Between Prayer and Action: Psalm 22 as
Orientation and Formation of Dogmatic Thinking

3. Der Text als Fundament Biblischer Theologie / Text as Fundament of a Biblical Theology
Michael Coors: The Fragmentation of Theology at the Limit of the Text The Theological Reading
of the Bible Beyond Biblical Theologies in the Works of Karl Barth and Johann Andreas
Quenstedt – Stefan Schorch: Which Bible, Whose Text? Biblical Theologies in Light of the
Textual History of the Hebrew Bible

4. Themen und Motive / Themes and Motifs

Joel S. Kaminsky: The Hebrew Bible's Theology of Election and the Problem of Universalism –
Anathea Portier-Young: Drinking the Cup of Horror and Gnawing on Its Shards: Biblical
Theology Through Biblical Violence, Not Around It – Eckart David Schmidt: Heiligung:
Implikationen in 2Thess im Anschluss and 1Thess

5. Theologische Paradigmen / Theological Paradigms

Hans-Christoph Askani: Zeugnis ohne Ende? Zur Kon guration von Gabe, Zeugnis und Stil –
Philipp Stoellger: Biblische Theologie – in bildtheoretischer Perspektive: 'Bild' als Beispiel einer
Hermeneutik der Di erenz – Michael Welker: Theological Realism and Biblical Theology

IV. Perspektiven jenseits des Kanons / Perspectives Beyond the Canon

Petra von Gemünden: Die Fremdheit der Bibel wahrnehmen – der kulturanthropologische
Beitrag zur Exegese – Beate Ego: Abrahams Jugendgeschichte in der Literatur des frühen
Judentums – Ein Paradigma theologischer Rezeptionskonzepte in der Antike – Jacques T.A.G.M.

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Van Ruiten: The Book of Jubilees and the Genesis Apocryphon as Examples of the Rewriting of
Authoritative Texts in Early Judaism: The Case of Abram and Sarai's Stay in Egypt (Gen 12:9–13:4)
– Ferdinand R. Prostmeier: Einfache Wahrheit? Schrift und christliche Theologie im zweiten
Jahrhundert – Enno Edzard Popkes: The Gospel of Thomas within Early Christian History: A
Theological Appreciation and Discussion


Jesus und die Steuerfrage

Die Zinsgroschenperikope auf dem religiösen und politischen Hintergrund ihrer
Zeit mit einer Edition von Pseudo-Hieronymus, De haeresibus Judaeorum

Volume 294 After Judas of Galilee's revolt in 6 AD, the Jewish-Roman con ict became manifest in the
2012. XI, 418 pages. rejection of the Roman tax demands. In this context, Niclas Förster gives historically
substantiated suggestions for a political reading of New Testament texts in this study of Jesus's
ISBN 978-3-16-151841-6 answer to the tax issue. He contextualizes the synoptic Tribute Money Pericope in the historical
cloth 114,00 € and political environment of its time. In his interpretation, he breaks new exegetical ground in
using previously disregarded source material. Niclas Förster draws on archeological evidence
ISBN 978-3-16-152103-4
such as coin and papyrus ndings, previously little-explored Qumran texts as well as a new
eBook PDF 114,00 €
patristic source (with a scholarly rst edition), which among other things sheds light on the coin
boycott by Jewish insurgents. In addition, the author examines the reception history of the
tribute money phrase from the possible adaptation in Romans 13:6–7 as well as the Gospel of
Thomas and P. Egerton 2.


Future Hope and Present Reality

Volume I: Eschatology and Transformation in the Hebrew Bible

Volume 293 This book is the rst of a two-volume work with the overall title “Future Hope and Present
2012. XVII, 384 pages. Reality”. These volumes had their origin in the Speaker's Lectures that Andrew Chester gave in
Oxford; their main focus is central themes in biblical eschatology, and especially the apparent
ISBN 978-3-16-152196-6 contradictions between what is hoped for in the future and what is experienced in the present:
cloth 109,00 € the stark discrepancy, that is, between the world as it is and the world as it should be. In this
rst volume, as the subtitle “Eschatology and Transformation in the Hebrew Bible” indicates,
ISBN 978-3-16-152282-6
the author is concerned with the Hebrew Bible (or Old Testament; the second will be on the
eBook PDF 109,00 €
New Testament). He deals, successively, with central eschatological themes and the deep
tensions they involve: divine threats of an absolute end (to human life and to the world itself),
and divine promises of blessing and transformation, along with the theological questions
inevitably raised by these – both in themselves and in relation to each other; the whole
phenomenon of prophecy, and the problems it involves – not least, whether it can be taken
seriously, in face of the contradictions and failures it manifests. He discusses the sheer
discrepancy between ideal and reality in traditions relating to kingship, along with the tensions
inherent in the emergence of messianic hope; death, as representing the end of any
relationship with God, along with hope that goes beyond death – in relation both to the
individual and also the nation; and, nally, visions of a transformed and paradisal world, and
whether these can bear any relation to reality. It is argued that the Hebrew Bible can be seen to
o er genuine grounds for hope, but that these can have any cogency only if the problems
involved are really engaged with.

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Paul, Founder of Churches

A Study in Light of the Evidence for the Role of “Founder-Figures” in the
Hellenistic-Roman Period

Volume 292 The apostle Paul's understanding of his role and responsibilities in transferring the cult of Jesus
2012. XXIII, 550 pages. Christ to new lands to found new groups devoted to this immigrant son of God is not unique.
His modus operandi cannot be adequately explained in terms of Jewish precedents. Rather,
ISBN 978-3-16-150716-8 Paul's pattern is a creative appropriation of the enduring Greek model of the founder, the key
cloth 129,00 € gure in Greek imaginings of the formation of social space, whether colony or cult. Cult
foundation inscriptions as well as literary descriptions show that such foundations were laid
ISBN 978-3-16-152473-8
according to persistent elements of a pattern originating in Greek foundation narratives
eBook PDF 129,00 €
focused on the oracular selection of the founder- gure and his obedience to a divine impetus
for cult innovation. With the help of modern culture studies, especially postcolonial critique,
Paul's letters show that he not only appropriated this traditional Greek model and applied it to
the foundation of his churches, but creatively adapted it for purposes of group self-de nition
and his own sensibilities. While Paul uses few technical foundation terms, his reliance on divine
visionary endorsement of his transfer of the Christ cult to new places, the way the apostle
exercises authority over the communities he has founded, his attempt to integrate his Greek
communities into the sacred history of Israel, and the strategies used against him by his
opponents reveal his use of the Greek foundational model. Paul shares the discourse and
action of contemporary cult founders who, like him, were obeying their deity's call for
transferal to a new location.

Rethinking the Ethics of John

“Implicit Ethics” in the Johannine Writings. Kontexte und Normen
neutestamentlicher Ethik / Contexts and Norms of New Testament Ethics.
Volume III
Ed. by Jan G. van der Watt and Ruben Zimmermann

Volume 291 Ethics is a neglected eld of research in the Gospel and Letters of John. Judgments about even
2012. XI, 395 pages. the presence of ethics in the Gospel are often negative, and even though ethics is regarded as
one of the two major problem areas focused on in 1 John, the development of a Johannine
ISBN 978-3-16-151830-0 ethics from the Letters receive relatively little attention. This book aims at making a positive
cloth 114,00 € contribution and even to stimulating the debate on the presence of ethical material in the
Johannine literature through a series of essays by some leading Johannine scholars. The current
ISBN 978-3-16-152104-1
state of research is thoroughly discussed and new developments as well as new possibilities for
eBook PDF 114,00 €
further investigation are treated. By utilizing di erent analytical categories and methods (such
as narratology) new areas of research are opened up and new questions are considered.
Therefore, aspects of moral thinking and normative values can be discovered and put together
to the mosaic of an “implicit ethics” in the Johannine Writings. More familiar themes like the law
or deeds in the Gospel are reconsidered in a new light, while the ethical role of the opponents
or the ethical use of Scripture are explored as new avenues for describing the dynamics of
ethics in the Gospel. The ethical nature of the Letters is also considered, focusing not only on
the theological nature of ethics in the Letters, but also on the ethical impact of some rhetorical
material in 1 John. The culminative result of these series of essays is to illustrate that the ethical
material in the Gospel is not as absent as was believed by many in the past. The essays not
only open up a wider spectrum of Johannine ethical material but also invite further exploration
and research in this much neglected area of Johannine studies.

Survey of contents

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Introduction: Overview of Research
Michael Labahn : “It's Only Love” – Is That All? Limits and Potentials of Johannine “Ethic” – A
Critical Evaluation of Research – Ruben Zimmermann : Is there Ethics in the Gospel of John?
Challenging an outdated consensus

Possible backgrounds for Johannine ethics

Andrew T. Glicksman : Beyond Sophia: The Sapiential Portrayal of Jesus in the Fourth Gospel
and Its Ethical Implications for the Johannine Community – Erik Eynikel : The Qumran
background of Johannine Ethics – Volker Rabens : Johannine Perspectives on Ethical Enabling in
the Context of Stoic and Philonic Ethics

Ethics in the Gospel according to John

William R.G. Loader : The Law and Ethics in John's Gospel – Karl Weyer-Menkho : The
Response of Jesus. Ethics in John by considering Scripture as Work of God – Jan G. van der
Watt : Ethics of/and the opponents of Jesus in John's Gospel – Christos Karakolis : Semeia
Conveying Ethics in the Gospel according to John – Mira Stare : Ethics of life in the Gospel of
John – Hermut Löhr : Ἔργον as an Element of Moral Language in John – Chrys C. Caragounis :
“Abide in me”. The New Mode of Relationship Between Jesus and His Followers as a Basis for
Christian Ethics (John 15) – Glen Lund : The Joys and Dangers of Ethics in John's Gospel – Paul
N. Anderson : Discernment-Oriented Leadership in the Johannine Situation – biding in the Truth
versus Lesser Alternatives

Ethics in 1 John
Udo Schnelle : Ethical Theology in 1 John – Je rey E. Brickle : Transacting Virtue within a
Disrupted Community: The Negotiation of Ethics in the First Epistle of John – Tom Thatcher :
Cain the Jew the AntiChrist: Collective Memory and the Johannine Ethic of Loving and Hating


Attraction and Danger of Alien Religion

Studies in Early Judaism and Christianity

Volume 290 Early Judaism and early Christianity emerged during the Hellenistic and early Roman imperial
2012. XIII, 270 pages. era. They were, naturally, confronted with the Hellenistic and the Roman religion. The question
therefore arose as to whether Jews or Christians were free to participate in religious activities
ISBN 978-3-16-151742-6 alien to the religious heritage of their own. In his articles, Karl-Gustav Sandelin presents
cloth 94,00 € documentary material showing that this problem was a burning issue within Judaism from the
beginning of the Hellenistic period until the end of the rst century C.E. Several Jewish
ISBN 978-3-16-152105-8
individuals converted to the Hellenistic or the Roman religion. Such behavior was also
eBook PDF 94,00 €
discussed and generally condemned, for example by the Books of Maccabees and authors such
as Philo of Alexandria and Flavius Josephus. A similar problem is to be found in the New
Testament, notably in the letters of Paul, especially in the rst letter to the Corinthians and in
the Revelation of John.

Jesus in Continuum
Ed. by Tom Holmén

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Volume 289 One of the central characteristics of the latest historical Jesus research has been the attempt to
2012. XXVI, 492 pages. locate Jesus plausibly within rst-century Judaism. Less emphasis has been placed on the
question as to whether or how, if at all, the image of Jesus within the Jewish context also suits
ISBN 978-3-16-150683-3 and accounts for the history of the in uence and reception of Jesus in early Christianity. Tom
cloth 129,00 € Holmén urges that the Christian reception history of Jesus be given a proper role in research. He
argues that the scrutiny of the reception should not be a mere appendage to the more careful
ISBN 978-3-16-152253-6
study of Jesus within Judaism. Instead, the reception should be given equally serious attention
eBook PDF 129,00 €
and form an integral part of scholarly pursuits. As a result, one no longer studies Jesus “within
Judaism” but “in continuum,” namely in the continuum from early Judaism to early Christianity.
The articles of this volume outline a continuum approach to the historical Jesus. They are
divided into three areas exhibiting di erent aspects of the continuum approach: theoretical
aspects, Jesus meets Christianity, and Jesus from Judaism to Christianity.

Gospel Images of Jesus Christ in Church Tradition and in

Biblical Scholarship
Fifth International East-West Symposium of New Testament Scholars, Minsk,
September 2 to 9, 2010
Ed. by Christos Karakolis, Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr and Sviatoslav Rogalsky

Volume 288 This collection of essays contains the papers given at the Fifth International East-West
2012. XIII, 458 pages. Symposium of New Testament Scholars in Minsk (Belarus). The symposium was a project of the
Eastern Europe Liaison Committee of Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas. Main subject matters
ISBN 978-3-16-151908-6 of the volume are the history and methodological questions of modern Jesus research,
cloth 119,00 € approaches to the Jesus of history in ancient and modern Christian exegesis, Jesus as a Jew in
ancient and modern exegesis, and the portraits of Jesus in Luke and John. The authors of these
ISBN 978-3-16-152141-6
papers deal with the parables of Jesus, with his Galilean ministry, with the passion narrative in
eBook PDF 119,00 €
Mark and with the death of Christ according to Paul's letters. All topics are discussed from a
“Western” (Protestant and Roman-Catholic) exegetical perspective as well as from an Orthodox
point of view. A concluding report recapitulates the group discussions and seminar sessions of
the symposium. Contributors: Charalampos Atmatzidis, Reimund Bieringer, Predrag
Dragutinović, Carl R. Holladay, Christos Karakolis, Dominika A. Kurek-Chomycz, Ulrich Luz, Joel
Marcus, Vasile Mihoc, Tobias Nicklas, Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr, Marius Reiser, Armand Puig i
Tàrrech, Sviatoslav Rogalsky, Ekaterini G. Tsalampouni, Konstantinos Th. Zarras

Survey of contents

Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr: Introduction

I Biblical Scholarship in Russia and Belarus

Metropolitan Philaret of Minsk and Slutsk: Church Life and Biblical Scholarship in Belarus. An
Opening Lecture – Sviatoslav Rogalsky: A Historical Overview of Pre-Revolutionary Russian
Biblical Scholarship

II Papers from the symposium

Ulrich Luz: Jesus from a Western Perspective. State of Research. Methodology – Charalampos
Atmatzidis: The Historical Jesus: State of Research and Methodological Questions from an
Orthodox Perspective – Marius Reiser: Jesus-Research from the Enlightenment until Today –
Vasile Mihoc: How Did the Church Fathers Understand the History of Jesus? – Ekaterini G.
Tsalampouni: Jesus in the view of Luke – Reimund Bieringer: “… because the Father is greater
than I” (John 14:28). Johannine Christology in Light of the Relationship Between the Father and
the Son – Konstantinos Th. Zarras: Beyond Jesus the Jew: Old Visions Meet Modern Challenges
– Joel Marcus: Jesus the Jew in Recent Western Scholarship

III Contributions from the Seminars

Armand Puig i Tàrrech: Interpreting the Parables of Jesus. A Test Case: The Parable of the lost

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Sheep – Predrag Dragutinović: The Parables: A Theological Approach. Reading Parables in the
Context of Today's Orthodox Church – Carl R. Holladay: Jesus and His Followers in Galilee:
Albert Schweitzer's Reconstruction – Carl R. Holladay: Jesus' Ministry in Galilee in Matthew 8−10
– Tobias Nicklas: The Cruci ed Christ and the Silence of God. Thoughts on the Christology of
the Gospel of Mark – Dominika A. Kurek-Chomycz: Performing the Passion, Embodying
Proclamation: The Story of Jesus' Passion in the Pauline Letters?

IV Discussion
Christos Karakolis: Group Discussion: Summaries and Re ections – Urs von Arx: Notes from
the Group Discussion

Die Johannesapokalypse
Kontexte – Konzepte – Wirkungen
Hrsg. v. Jörg Frey, James A. Kelhoffer u. Franz Tóth

Volume 287 The Revelation of John receives much attention in New Testament scholarship. This volume
2012. XI, 867 pages. o ers an extensive discussion of Revelation's historical location and date, its history-of-
religions background and reception of early Christian tradition, as well as its rhetoric and
ISBN 978-3-16-150603-1 theological aims and concepts. The volume contains papers from a Symposium held in Munich
cloth 159,00 € and additional invited contributions, which survey some of the most important current
debates. The rst part -“contexts”- contains essays on the text and the traditions adopted, the
ISBN 978-3-16-152124-9
historical context and date of Revelation. The second part -“concepts”- focuses on theological
eBook PDF 159,00 €
themes, from Christology to eschatology and martyrdom. A third part on -“e ects”- contains
essays on several important forms of the reception of Revelation, from Montanism and
Lactantius down to Orthodox liturgy and the art of William Blake.

Survey of contents

Franz Tóth: Erträge und Tendenzen der gegenwärtigen Forschung zur Johannesapokalypse
I. Kontexte
Martin Karrer: Der Text der Johannesapokalypse – Thomas Witulski: Der römische Kaiser
Hadrian und die neutestamentliche Johannesapokalypse – Stefan Witetschek: Ein weit
geö netes Zeitfenster? Überlegungen zur Datierung der Johannesapokalypse – Michael
Labahn: Die Septuaginta und die Johannesapokalypse: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer
Verhältnisbestimmung im Spiegel von kreativer Intertextualität und Textentwicklungen – Loren
T. Stuckenbruck / Mark D. Mathews: The Apocalypse of John, 1 Enoch, and the Question of
In uence – Enno Edzard Popkes: Vollendete Gottesgegenwart: Anmerkungen zu den
traditionsgeschichtlichen Bezugsgrößen von Apk 21,1–5 – Clare K. Rothschild: Principle, Power,
and Purgation in the Letter to the Church in Laodicea (Rev 3:14–22) – Jan Dochhorn: Beliar als
Endtyrann in der Ascensio Isaiae. Ein Beitrag zur Eschatologie und Satanologie des frühen
Christentums sowie zur Erforschung der Apokalypse des Johannes
II. Konzepte
Franz Tóth: Von der Vision zur Redaktion. Untersuchungen zur Komposition, Redaktion und
Intention der Johannesapokalypse – Hans-Georg Gradl: Buch und Brief. Zur motivischen,
literarischen und kommunikativen Interdependenz zweier medialer Typen in der Johannes-
O enbarung – Konrad Huber: Jesus Christus – der Erste und der Letzte. Zur Christologie der
Johannesapokalypse – Jörg Frey: Was erwartet die Johannesapokalypse? Zur Eschatologie des
letzten Buchs der Bibel – James A. Kelho er: The Relevance of Revelation's Date and the
Imperial Cult for John's Appraisal of the Value of Christians' Su ering in Revelation 1–3 – Jan
Willem van Henten: The Concept of Martyrdom in Revelation – Roland Bergmeier: Zeugnis und
III. Rezeption
William Tabbernee: The Appearance of the New Jerusalem in Montanist Interpretation and the
Revelation of John – Tobias Nicklas: Die apokryphe Thomasapokalypse und ihre Rezeption der
O enbarung desJohannes – Valentin Fàbrega: Laktanz und die Apokalypse – Juan Hernández,
Jr.: Andrew of Caesarea and His Reading of Revelation. Catechesis and Paranesis – Konstantin
Nikolakopoulos: Die Apokalypse des Johannes und die orthodoxe Liturgie.

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Anknüpfungspunkte zwischen Apokalypse und orthodoxem Kultus – Christopher Rowland:
'Mr. Blake: apo- or rather ana-calyptic Poet and Painter': Apocalyptic Hermeneutics in Action

Die Septuaginta – Entstehung, Sprache, Geschichte

3. Internationale Fachtagung veranstaltet von Septuaginta Deutsch (LXX.D),
Wuppertal 22.-25. Juli 2010
Hrsg. v. Siegfried Kreuzer, Martin Meiser u. Marcus Sigismund

Volume 286 The Septuagint is a translation of Hebrew Scriptures into Greek originated in Egypt in the time
2012. XI, 757 pages. of the Ptolemaic kings. It became the basis for the Jewish religion in the Mediterranean world in
antiquity and also for the dissemination of Christianity. It was used by New Testament authors
ISBN 978-3-16-151698-6 for their scripture quotations and it became the canonical form of the Old Testament in the
cloth 149,00 € Orthodox Church. It is also a mirror of its historical setting and a witness of religio-historical
in uences as well as of theological concepts and perceptions. It is the most important witness
ISBN 978-3-16-152140-9
for the textual history of the Old Testament, apart from the Hebrew Masoretic text, because
eBook PDF 149,00 €
unlike the Qumran biblical texts it is complete. This volume contains studies into the origins,
the language and the history, including the Wirkungsgeschichte . The papers were presented at
an international conference in Wuppertal, Germany, in July 2010, organized by the Septuaginta
Deutsch project.

Contested Spaces
Houses and Temples in Roman Antiquity and the New Testament
Ed. by David L. Balch and Annette Weissenrieder

Volume 285 How are archaeology and art related to understanding New Testament texts, for example,
2012. XI, 561 pages. narratives of the Lord's Supper and other meals? An international group of archaeologists, art
historians, and New Testament scholars investigate the function of spaces in Roman houses
ISBN 978-3-16-151026-7 and temples in Pompeii, Herculaneum, Corinth, Rome, Ostia, Ephesus, and Judaea. Another
cloth 129,00 € concern is more fully to understand the relationship between di erent architectural forms,
Roman domus, villae, and insulae, in relation to Paul's letters and the gospels, in order to
ISBN 978-3-16-152026-6
enable informed interpretation of leadership, meal customs, social relationships, and ethics in
eBook PDF 129,00 €
those contested spaces.

Survey of contents

A. Interpretive Issues
John R. Clarke (University of Texas, Austin): Representations of Worship at Rome, Pompeii,
Herculaneum, and Ostia in the Imperial Period: A Model of Production and consumption –
Irene Bragantini (Università di Napoli – Orientale): The Cult of Isis and Ancient Aegyptomania in
Campania – Fabrizio Pesando (Universita Orientale di Napoli): The Properties and the Social
Role of Feminae Nobiles in Italy During the Early Imperial Age – Annette Weissenrieder (San
Francisco Theological Seminary, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley): Contested Spaces in 1
Corinthian 11:17‒34 and 14:30: Sitting or Reclining in Ancient Houses, in Associations and in the
Space of ekklēsia – Laura Salah Nasrallah (Harvard Divinity School): Grief in Corinth. The
Roman City and Paul's Corinthian Correspondence – Eleanor Winsor Leach (Indiana University
Bloomington): Rhetorical 'Inventio' and the Expectations of Roman Continuous Narrative

B. Contested Domestic spaces

1. Domus
Ivan Varriale (Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa di Napoli): Architecture and
Decoration in the House of Menander in Pompeii – Mario Grimaldi (Università degli Studi Suor

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Orsola Benincasa di Napoli – Université Paris X Nanterre): Art and Architecture of the House of
Fabius Rufus in Pompeii – David L. Balch (Paci c Lutheran Theological Seminary, Graduate
Theological Union, Berkeley): The Church Sitting in a Garden (1 Cor 14:30; Rom 16:23; Mark
6:39‒40; 8:6; John 6:3, 10; Acts 1:15; 2:1‒2) – Hilke Thür (University of Vienna): Art and
Architecture in Terrace House 2 in Ephesos: An example of domestic architecture in the Roman
Imperial Period

2. Villae
Umberto Pappalardo (Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa di Napoli): How the Romans
saw the frieze in the Villa of the Mysteries – Rosaria Ciardiello (Università degli Studi Suor
Orsola Benincasa di Napoli): Beryllos, the Jews and the Villa of Poppaea in Oplontis (Torre
Annunziata) – Monika Bernett (University of Munich): Space and Interaction: Narrative and
Representation of Power under the Herodians

3. Insulae
Maria Paola Guidobaldi (Director of excavations, Herculaneum): Insula Orientalis 1 in
Herculaneum – Janet DeLaine (Oxford): Housing in Roman Ostia

C. Contested Sacred Spaces: Temples, the Imperial Cult, and Mithraea

Tina Najbjerg (Princeton University): Exploring the economic, political, and social signi cance of
the great Porticus in Herculaneum – Annette Weissenrieder (San Francisco Theological
Seminary, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley): “Do you not know that you are God's
temple?” Towards a new perspective on Paul's temple image in 1 Corinthians 3:16 – David L.
Balch (Paci c Lutheran Theological Seminary, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley): Cult
Statues of Augustus' Temple of Apollo on the Palatine in Rome, Artemis'/Diana's Birthday in
Ephesus, and Revelation 12:1–5a – L. Michael White (University of Texas at Austin): The
Changing Face of Mithraism at Ostia. Archaeology, Art, and the Urban Landscape – Ulrike Muss
(University of Vienna): The Artemesion at Ephesos: Paul, John and Mary

Christian Body, Christian Self: Concepts of Early Christian

Ed. by Clare K. Rothschild and Trevor W. Thompson with the assistance of
Robert S. Kinney

Volume 284 Early Christian texts are replete with the language of body and self. Clearly, such concepts were
2011. XIV, 370 pages. important to their authors and audiences. Yet usage rarely makes sense across texts. Despite
attempts to establish a single biblical or Christian vision of either body or self across texts, the
ISBN 978-3-16-150950-6 evidence demonstrates plurality of opinion; and, reception history multiplies interpretations.
cloth 119,00 € Depending upon the particular anthropological-philosophical paradigm of the interpreter (e.g.,
Platonic, Cartesian), Christian texts re ect a number of views about the body and self. Today,
ISBN 978-3-16-151861-4
scholarship on these concepts advances in many di erent directions. In addition to
eBook PDF 119,00 €
sophisticated new methods of drawing history-of-religions comparisons, scholars place early
Christian texts in conversation with philosophy, psychology, political science, and
developments in the hard sciences — in particular the neurosciences, sometimes all but doing
away with the notion of self. Recent studies and monographs focus on the disabled body, the
gendered body, the slave body, the martyr's body, relevance of ancient scienti c and medical
treatises for understanding the body, the asexual body/self, embodied knowledge, the
su ering self, and religion and the self. The essays in this volume individually and collectively
participate in these ongoing discussions. They do not proceed with a uniform notion of either
self or body, but recognize competition on the topics, ably captured by the variety of
approaches to their meaning in antiquity and today, and o er nuanced analyses of texts and
passages, highlighting individual perceptions of these crucial yet enigmatic concepts.

Survey of contents

I. Introduction
Clare K. Rothschild and Trevor W. Thompson : Status quaestionis : Christian Body, Christian Self

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II. Jewish Literature
Karina Martin Hogan : The Mortal Body and the Earth in Ben Sira and the Book of the Watchers
– Matthew Go : Being Fleshly or Spiritual: Anthropological Re ection and Exegesis of Genesis
1.3 in 4QInstruction and First Corinthians – Alec J. Lucas : Distinct Portraits and Parallel
Development of the Knowledge of God in Romans 1:18–32 and Wisdom of Solomon 13.15
III. Pauline Literature
Troels Engberg-Pedersen : A Stoic Concept of the Person in Paul? From Galatians 5:17 to
Romans 7:14–25 – Stefan Krauter : Is Romans 7:7–13 about akrasia?
IV. Canonical Gospels and Acts
Martin Meiser : Anthropologie im Markusevangelium
V. Extra-canonical Gospels and Acts
Manfred Lang : The Christian and the Roman Self: The Lukan Paul and a Roman Reading – Troy
W. Martin : Clarifying a Curiosity: The Plural Bloods (αἱμάτων) in John 1:13 – Richard I. Pervo :
Identi cation Please: Aspects of Identity in Ancient Narrative – Janet E. Spittler : The
Anthropology of the Acts of Thomas – Romulus D. Stefanut : From Logos to Mythos : The
Apocalypse of Paul and Plato's Phaedo in Dialogue – Robert Matthew Calhoun : The
Resurrection of the Flesh in 3 Corinthians
VI. Later Witnesses
Annette Bourland Huizenga : Epitomizing Virtue: Clothing the Christian Woman's Body – David
Konstan : Torture and Identity: Paganism, Christianity, and Beyond – Fritz Graf : Apollo,
Possession, and Prophecy
VII. History of Interpretation
John R. Levison : Assessing the Origins of Modern Pneumatology: The Life and Legacy of
Hermann Gunkel


Die Zeloten
Untersuchungen zur jüdischen Freiheitsbewegung in der Zeit von Herodes I. bis
70 n. Chr.
Hrsg. v. Roland Deines u. Claus-Jürgen Thornton

Volume 283 This new edition of Martin Hengel's classic Die Zeloten (ET The Zealots , 1989) makes a seminal
3rd, reviewed and work in the eld of Ancient Judaism available again, in German, fty years after its rst
supplemented edition 2011. appearance. The new edition contains the original text with corrections. An additional
XXII, 573 pages. appendix by Roland Deines, one of Professor Hengel's students, describes the impact this book
has had on the study of the Jewish freedom movement in the rst century AD that led to the
ISBN 978-3-16-150776-2 outbreak of the rst Jewish revolt against Rome, and how the scholarly debate has developed
cloth 114,00 € since its initial publication. Die Zeloten represents the origin of Hengel's lifelong interest in
Jewish messianism and the study of the messianic claims of Jesus.


Glauben, Handeln, Verstehen

Studien zur Auslegung des Neuen Testaments. Band II

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Volume 282 In these fourteen studies, Andreas Lindemann discusses the relationship between early
2011. X, 500 pages. Christianity and Israel, deals with concrete aspects of New Testament ethics and explores the
history of interpretation and theology from the early church up to the Reformation and to
ISBN 978-3-16-151683-2 present time. He examines the complicated relationship between emerging Christianity and
cloth 129,00 € Israel and deals with issues of the practice of ethics in early Christianity, issues which are still of
signi cance today, such as for example the ethical problem of the value of the beginning of life
ISBN 978-3-16-151860-7
in relation to the termination of a pregnancy. In addition he studies the New Testament
eBook PDF 129,00 €
tradition history of the story of the rich young man and its interpretation by Clement of
Alexandria as well as aspects of the history of New Testament studies in the 19th and 20th

Most of these studies are the result of inquiries which came directly from church bodies and
which required a reaction by a scholarly exegetical-theological article as an answer.

Infancy Gospels
Stories and Identities
Ed. by Claire Clivaz, Andreas Dettwiler, Luc Devillers, Enrico Norelli with
Benjamin Bertho

Volume 281 Even though the canonical Jesus' infancy stories have always provoked great interest in popular
2011. XXX, 755 pages. culture and in the arts, they have been neglected in research during the last decades due to the
relatively late date of their redaction. Since the monograph by Raymond Brown, The Birth of
ISBN 978-3-16-150833-2 the Messiah , the researchers working on this topic have not attempted to consider its historical
cloth 149,00 € impact. In this volume, an international team of scholars proposes rstly a reconsideration of
the historical background of these stories in terms of early Jewish and Christian identity quests.
ISBN 978-3-16-152090-7
Secondly, they deal with early Christian questions on Jesus' infancy and childhood through
eBook PDF 149,00 €
canonical and apocryphal Gospels including information from Patristic and documentary
literature. On the theological level, this volume illustrates the impact that these apocryphal
texts, recognized as “useful for the soul” (a phrase coined by François Bovon), have had on the
Christian faith.

Philip Alexander, Frédéric Amsler , Daniel Barbu , Simon Butticaz, Valentina Calzolari , Claire
Clivaz, José Costa , Elian Cuvillier, Adriana Destro, Luc Devillers, Jörg Frey, Daniel Gerber ,
Christian Grappe, Christophe Guignard, Jean-Daniel Kaestli , Ursula Ulrike Kaiser, Moisés
Mayordomo, Simon Claude Mimouni, Enrico Norelli, David Pastorelli, Mauro Pesce,
Francesca Prescendi, François Rosset, Anders Runesson, Andrea Taschl-Erber, Geert van Oyen,
Joseph Verheyden, Benedict Viviano, Sever J. Voicu, Lily Vuong

Survey of contents

I. Infancy Gospels and Stories

Francesca Prescendi : Divine Fathers, Virgin Mothers and Founding Children. Italic Myths about
Conception and Birth – Christian Grappe : Les Evangiles canoniques de l'enfance et les récits
d'enfance intertestamentaires – Simon Claude Mimouni : La virginité de Marie: entre textes et
contextes (Ier-IIe siècles) – Enrico Norelli : Les plus anciennes traditions sur la naissance de Jésus
et leur rapport avec les testimonia – Christophe Guignard : Jesus' Family and their Genealogy
according to the Testimony of Julius Africanus – Adriana Destro and Mauro Pesce : The Cultural
Structure of the Infancy Narrative in the Gospel of Matthew – José Costa : The Matthean
Reading of Isaiah 7.14 and the Midrash of Ancient Rabbis – Joseph Verheyden : Creating
Di erence Through Parallelism. Luke's Handling of the Traditions on John the Baptist and Jesus
in the InfancyNarrative – Claire Clivaz : Beyond the Category of “Proto-Orthodox Christianity”:
An Enquiry Into the Multivalence of Lk 1.35
II. Stories and Identities in the Infancy Gospels
Jörg Frey : How Could Mark and John Do without Infancy Stories? Jesus' Humanity and His
Divine Origins in Mark and John – David Pastorelli : The Genealogies of Jesus in Tatian's
Diatessaron The Question of their Absence or Presence. A Response to J. Frey – Andrea Taschl-

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Erber : Subversive Erinnerung. Feministisch-kritische Lektüre von Mt 1.2 und Lk 1.2 – Moisés
Mayordomo : Matthew 1.2 and the Problem of Intertextuality – Elian Cuvillier : Enjeux
ecclésiologiques de Matthieu 1.2. Approche historique et narrative – Anders Runesson : Giving
Birth to Jesus in the Late First Century. Matthew as Midwife in the Context of Colonisation –
Simon Butticaz : Lk 1.2: Auftakt einer tragischen Geschichte? Christliche Identität im Gespräch
mit Israel – Luc Devillers : The Infancy of Jesus and the Infancy of the Church. From the
Canticles (Luke 1.2) to the Summaries (Acts 1.7) – Daniel Gerber : D'une identité à l'autre. Le
Magni cat, le Benedictus, le Gloria et le Nunc dimittis dans le rôle de passeurs – Benedict
Viviano : God as Father in the Infancy Gospels (Matt 1 and 2, Luke 1 and 2)
III. Infancy Gospels Stories and Identities
Sever J. Voicu : Ways to Survival for the InfancyApocrypha – Lily Vuong : “Let Us Bring Her Up to
the Temple of the Lord”. Exploring the Boundaries of Jewish and Christian Relations through
the Presentation of Maryin the Protevangelium of James – Frédéric Amsler : Les Paidika Iesou,
un nouveau témoin de la rencontre entre judaïsme et christianisme à Antioche au IVe siècle ? –
Ursula Ulrike Kaiser : Die sogenannte “Kindheitserzählung des Thomas”. Überlegungen zur
Darstellung Jesu als Kind, deren Intention und Rezeption – Geert van Oyen : Rereading the
Rewriting of the Biblical Traditions in The Infancy Gospel of Thomas (Paidika) – Jean-Daniel
Kaestli : Mapping an Unexplored Second Century Apocryphal Gospel: the Liber de Nativitate
Salvatoris (CANT 53) – Valentina Calzolari : Les récits apocryphes de l.enfance dans la tradition
arménienne – Philip Alexander : Jesus and his Mother in the Jewish Anti-Gospel (the Toledot
Yeshu) – Daniel Barbu : Voltaire and the Toledoth Yeshu. A Response to Philip Alexander –
François Rosset : “False” and “True”. Infancy and Apocryphal Gospels in the Centuryof Voltaire

Aposteldekret und antikes Vereinswesen

Gemeinschaft und ihre Ordnung
Hrsg. v. Markus Öhler

Volume 280 At the culmination of his presentation in the Apostolic Decree, the author of Acts provides rules
2011. VIII, 411 pages. for the organization of the community, whose historical and theological classi cation is an
enigma. In this volume, authors from various disciplines collaborate to solve this enigma. The
ISBN 978-3-16-150363-4 early Christian communities, for whom the Apostolic Decree was intended, were part of a large
cloth 114,00 € number of ancient associations, as were the Jewish synagogues. Thus linking the two provides
new insights and knowledge. In addition to primarily exegetical articles and studies of the
ISBN 978-3-16-151779-2
reception history of the Decree, the book also contains ancient historical insights into
eBook PDF 114,00 €
associations in antiquity and also attempts to give a clearer picture of the Apostolic Decree
against this backdrop.

Survey of contents

Wilhelm Pratscher: Der Beitrag des Herrenbruders Jakobus zur Entstehung des Aposteldekrets –
Friedrich Avemarie: Die jüdischen Wurzeln des Aposteldekrets. Lösbare und ungelöste
Probleme – Hermut Löhr: “Unzucht”. Überlegungen zu einer Bestimmung der Jakobus-Klauseln
im Aposteldekret sowie zu den Geltungsgründen von Normen frühchristlicher Ethik – Richard S.
Ascough: The Apostolic Decree of Acts and Greco-Roman Associations: Eating in the Shadow of
the Roman Empire – Loren T. Stuckenbruck: The “Cleansing” of the Gentiles: Background for the
Rationale behind the Apostles' Decree in Acts 15 – Matthias Klinghardt: Das Aposteldekret als
kanonischer Integrationstext: Konstruktion und Begründung von Gemeinsinn – Matti
Myllykoski: Ohne Dekret: Das Götzenopfer eisch und die Frühgeschichte der Didache – Markus
Lang: Die Bestimmungen des Aposteldekretes im zweiten und frühen dritten Jahrhundert –
Andreas Bendlin: Associations, Sociality, and Roman Law: A New Interpretation of the cultores
Dianae et Antinoi in Lanuvium – Andreas Gutsfeld: Vereinigungen bei Tisch. Zur Funktion von
Banketten in paganen Vereinigungen der frühen Kaiserzeit – Julietta Steinhauer: Die
Kultgemeinschaften der ägyptischen Gottheiten in Griechenland – Eva Ebel: Regeln von der
Gemeinschaft für die Gemeinschaft? Das Aposteldekret und antike Vereinsregeln im Vergleich –
Markus Öhler: Landsmannschaftliche Vereinigungen, christliche Gemeinden und das

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Targum and New Testament

Collected Essays

Volume 279 The relevance of the Targums (Aramaic translations of the Hebrew Bible) for the understanding
2011. XIV, 615 pages. of the New Testament has been a matter of dispute over the past three hundred years,
principally by reason of the late date of the Targum manuscripts and the nature of the Aramaic.
ISBN 978-3-16-150836-3 The debate has become more focused by reason of the Qumran nds of pre-Christian Aramaic
cloth 149,00 € documents (1947) and the identi cation of a complete text of the Palestinian Targum of the
Pentateuch in the Vatican Library (Codex Neo ti, 1956). Martin McNamara traces the history of
ISBN 978-3-16-151778-5
the debate down to our own day and the annotated translation of all the Targums into English.
eBook PDF 149,00 €
He studies the language situation (Aramaic and Greek) in New Testament Palestine and the
interpretation of the Scriptures in the Targums, with concepts and language similar to the New
Testament. Against this background relationships between the Targums and the New Testament
are examined. A way forward is suggested by regarding the tell-like structure of the Targums
(with layers from di erent ages) and a continuum running through for certain texts.

Qumran und die Archäologie

Texte und Kontexte
Hrsg. v. Jörg Frey, Carsten Claußen u. Nadine Kessler

Volume 278 During the last ten or fteen years archaeology has gained an increasingly prominent role in
2011. XI, 561 pages. Qumran studies. Well-established views on the character and function of the settlement at
Khirbet Qumran have been questioned, and some scholars even denied the connection
ISBN 978-3-16-150840-0 between the settlement and the scrolls found in the vicinity. The volume presents the papers of
cloth 139,00 € a conference in 2008, together with some substantial additions. It aims at a renewed encounter
between scholars working with texts and scholars interpreting archaeological contexts and
ISBN 978-3-16-151777-8
artifacts. Thus the contributions discuss theoretical issues of the relationship between those
eBook PDF 139,00 €
di erent areas of studies. They highlight new archaeological insights about Khirbet Qumran
and its vicinity and also the issue of the character and the unity of the library of Qumran.
Furthermore, they discuss artifacts found at Qumran and architectural concepts represented in
Qumran texts in order to get a more precise view of the relationship between the textual
worlds and the “outside world".

Survey of contents

I. Einführung: Jörg Frey : Qumran und die Archäologie. Eine Einführung – Carsten Claußen: Die
Identi zierung der Grabungsstätte Khirbet Qumran. Eine forschungsgeschichtliche Annäherung
– Dieter Vieweger : Text und (Be-)Fund. Archäologie und Exegese als Geschichtswissenschaften –
Sabine Hüttig : Archäologie versus Textforschung? Versuch einer Aufarbeitung gegenwärtiger
Kontroversen in der Erforschung von Khirbet Qumran
II. Archäologische Kontexte:
Jürgen Zangenberg: Zwischen Zufall und Einzigartigkeit. Bemerkungen zur jüngsten Diskussion
über die Funktion von Khirbet Qumran und die Rolle einiger ausgewählter archäologischer
Befunde – Jan A. Gunneweg : Qumran vis-à-vis Science-based Archaeology: How to go about? –
Joan E. Taylor und Shimon Gibson : Qumran Connected: The Qumran pass and Paths of the
North-Western Dead Sea – Jonathan Ben-Dov : The Qumran Dial: Artifact, Text, and Context –
Mladen Popovic : The Roman Destruction of Qumran Revisited – Friedrich Schipper und Anne
Lykke : Qumran und Jericho (Tulul Abu el-Alayiq)
III. Die Texte und die Bibliothek:
Daniel Stökl Ben Ezra : Wie viele Bibliotheken gab es in Qumran? – Devorah Dimant : The
Vocabulary of the Qumran Sectarian Texts
IV. Architektur und “Außenwelt":

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Simone Paganini : Von Ezechiel bis zur Tempelrolle: Der Tempel als Realität und Vision – Johann
Maier : Ideale Planungsziele und Realarchitektur in der Tempelrolle und an der herodianischen
Tempelanlage – Hugo Antonissen: The Visionary Architecture of New Jerusalem in Qumran –
Craig A. Evans : Hanging and Cruci xion in Second Temple Israel. Deuteronomy 21:22–23 in the
Light of Archaeology and the Dead Sea Scrolls – Michael Tilly : Tod und Trauer in der
Tempelrolle und im rabbinischen Judentum

Die Septuaginta und das frühe Christentum – The Septuagint

and Christian Origins
Hrsg. v. Thomas S. Caulley u. Hermann Lichtenberger

Volume 277 The Septuagint represents the oldest translation of the Hebrew Bible into Greek. The essays in
2011. IX, 451 pages. this volume locate the translation of the Septuagint within the context of the translation of
other religious texts of antiquity, and address speci c aspects of the translation in the
ISBN 978-3-16-150561-4 individual writings and in relation to central concepts. The Septuagint had fundamental
cloth 129,00 € signi cance for emerging Christianity and its literature. The manner in which the Septuagint
was appropriated in the New Testament documents is variously developed in the series of
ISBN 978-3-16-151776-1
essays. Finally the volume broadens its view beyond the New Testament literature to include
eBook PDF 129,00 €
the Patristic period.


Paulus und die kaiserzeitliche Epistolographie

Kontextualisierung und Analyse der Briefe an Philemon und an die Galater

Volume 276 Are the oldest Christian writings literature? At the beginning of the 20th century, A. Deißmann's
2011. XIII, 482 pages. answer to this questions with respect to Paul's letters was no, and New Testament studies
experts were generally of the same opinion. Does however the nonliterary character of Paul's
ISBN 978-3-16-150977-3 letters show that Paul and his addressees belonged to the uneducated classes? Is it so di cult
cloth 119,00 € to compare his letters with the literary letters written by those who were educated or even with
literary letters which were art forms? Using the letters to Philemon and the Galatians as
ISBN 978-3-16-151775-4
examples, Thomas Johann Bauer shows that Paul was very familiar with the scholarly theory of
eBook PDF 119,00 €
letters and the conventions of letter writing in a cultivated style and knew how to apply these
competently and in a manner appropriate to the situation. In addition, both letters document a
sophistication in their arguments and their self-portrayal which would scarcely have been
possible without training in rhetoric.


Pauline Churches and Diaspora Jews

Volume 275 The 'assemblies' founded by Paul in the cities of the Mediterranean world were in many
2011. XII, 454 pages. respects comparable to the synagogues of Diaspora Jews which ourished in the same
locations. The comparison illuminates many features in the social formation of the rst
ISBN 978-3-16-151774-7 Christians, a complex and variegated process that continued through many generations of early
eBook PDF 129,00 € Christianity. In these seminal essays – some previously published, some newly written – John
M.G. Barclay examines aspects of the construction of early Christian identity, especially within
the Pauline tradition (during and after Paul's lifetime). Treating topics as diverse as food, family,
money, circumcision, constitutional theory, and ethnic stereotypes, these essays place Christian
communities in close comparison with Diaspora Judaism. Adopting a broader lens, placing both
Jews and Christians in the larger context of the Roman world, there are ground-breaking

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studies of the social boundaries between Christians and outsiders, the formation of a Christian
social dialect, and early Christian attitudes to old and young, to slavery, marriage, and death, to
Roman religion and the Roman Empire. Early Christian identity is shown to have been fragile,
contentious, often under-de ned, socially creative, and multiple in expression: in their
practices, their conventions, their social attitudes and their language, the Pauline churches
emerge as sometimes conformist and sometimes radically innovative. These essays both model
and stimulate a programme of socio-historical research that has much fresh light to shed on the
formation of early Christianity.

Neues Testament und hellenistisch-jüdische Alltagskultur

Wechselseitige Wahrnehmungen. III. Internationales Symposium zum Corpus
Judaeo-Hellenisticum Novi Testamenti 21.-24. Mai 2009, Leipzig
Hrsg. v. Roland Deines, Jens Herzer u. Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr

Volume 274 In New Testament research, the exploration of the witnesses of everyday life in antiquity has
2011. XXI, 493 pages. again attracted remarkable interest. However, interpreting the remains of material culture or
documentary papyri raises complex methodological issues. The Third International Symposium
ISBN 978-3-16-150170-8 of the Corpus Judaeo-Hellenisticum Project focused on the Hellenistic-Jewish perspectives on
cloth 129,00 € the conditions of everyday life. Once again, the main interest was the question of how the
research on the Hellenistic-Jewish culture could contribute to the understanding of the New
ISBN 978-3-16-151563-7
Testament and vice versa. This volume documents the interdisciplinary discourse between New
eBook PDF 129,00 €
Testament research and the elds of epigraphy, numismatics, archaeology, papyrology,
iconography, geography and the history of culture.

Survey of contents

Eric M. Meyers and Carol Meyers : The Material Culture of Late Hellenistic-Early Roman
Palestinian Judaism: What It Can Tell Us about Earliest Christianity and the New Testament –
Roland Deines : Non-literary Sources for the Interpretation of the New Testament:
Methodological Considerations and Case Studies Related to the Corpus Judaeo-Hellenisticum –
Reinhold Scholl : Licht aus dem Osten. Die Leipziger Papyrussammlung und die Erforschung
des Neuen Testaments – Renate Pillinger : Jüdische Alltagskultur in Ephesos und Umgebung im
Spiegel der Denkmäler – Jörg Frey : Das Johannesevangelium und seine Gemeinden im Kontext
der jüdischen Diaspora Kleinasiens – Achim Lichtenberger : Zur Vorbildfunktion der Bauten
Herodes' des Großen in Palästina – Rainer Riesner : Herodianische Architektur im Neuen
Testament – Tal Ilan : Jüdische Identität und die Namen von Juden in der Antike – Dieter Sänger :
Sara, die Freie – unsere Mutter. Namenallegorese als Interpretament christlicher
Identitätsbildung in Gal 4,21–31 – Walter Ameling : Paränese und Ethik in den kleinasiatischen
Beichtinschriften. Zu den Voraussetzungen christlicher Mission in Kleinasien – Karl-Wilhelm
Niebuhr : Jüdisches, jesuanisches und paganes Ethos im frühen Christentum. Inschriften als
Zeugnisse für Rezeptionsmilieus neutestamentlicher Texte im kaiserzeitlichen und spätantiken
Kleinasien am Beispiel des Jakobusbriefes – Adela Yarbro Collins : Portraits of Rulers in the Book
of Revelation – Peter Arzt-Grabner : Formen ethischer Weisungen in dokumentarischen Papyri
unter besonderer Ausrichtung auf 1Tim und Tit – Jens Herzer : Die Pastoralbriefe im Licht der
dokumentarischen Papyri des hellenistischen Judentums – Irina Levinskaya : The Traces of
Jewish Life in Asia Minor – Jens Schröter : Die jüdische Diaspora in der Apostelgeschichte –
Andrew Chester : Jewish Inscriptions and Jewish Life – Martin Meiser : Reinheitsfragen und
Begräbnissitten. Der Evangelist Markus als Zeuge der jüdischen Alltagskultur

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Paul and the Imperial Authorities at Thessalonica and Rome

A Study in the Conflict of Ideology

Volume 273 James R. Harrison investigates the collision between Paul's eschatological gospel and the Julio-
2011. XV, 428 pages. Claudian conception of rule. The ruler's propaganda, with its claim about the 'eternal rule' of
the imperial house over its subjects, embodied in idolatry of power that con icted with Paul's
ISBN 978-3-16-149880-0 proclamation of the reign of the risen Son of God over his world. This ideological con ict is
cloth 114,00 € examined in 1 and 2 Thessalonians and in Romans, exploring how Paul's eschatology
intersected with the imperial cult in the Greek East and in the Latin West. A wide selection of
ISBN 978-3-16-151562-0
evidence – literary, documentary, numismatic, iconographic, archeological – unveils the
eBook PDF 114,00 €
'symbolic universe' of the Julio-Claudian rulers. This construction of social and cosmic reality
stood at odds with the eschatological denouement of world history, which, in Paul's view,
culminated in the arrival of God's new creation upon Christ's return as Lord of all. Paul exalted
the Body of Christ over Nero's 'body of state', transferring to the risen and ascended Jesus many
of the ruler's titles and to the Body of Christ many of the ruler's functions. Thus, for Paul,
Christ's reign challenged the values of Roman society and transformed its hierarchical social
relations through the Spirit.

Eschatologie – Eschatology
The Sixth Durham-Tübingen Research Symposium: Eschatology in Old
Testament, Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity (Tübingen, September, 2009)
Hrsg. v. Hans-Joachim Eckstein, Christof Landmesser u. Hermann Lichtenberger

Volume 272 In historical, exegetical and hermeneutical studies, the authors of this work interpret New
2011. IX, 412 pages. Testament statements about nality as opposed to everything which is temporary. At the same
time, the various eschatological concepts shed light on basic theological decisions. In all of
ISBN 978-3-16-150791-5 these texts, the relationship between eschatological concepts and the Christ event is the key
cloth 129,00 € factor. The understanding of time and history in view of the end of these, the question of the
resurrection and the last judgment, the nal reconciliation, communion with God's community
ISBN 978-3-16-151561-3
as well as of the current dynamic eschatological existence are subjects which are associated
eBook PDF 129,00 €
with this. Against the backdrop of religious and tradition history, these studies deal with the
individual, universal and cosmic dimensions of eschatology and in doing shed light upon their
theological signi cance.

Mark and Matthew I

Comparative Readings: Understanding the Earliest Gospels in their First Century
Ed. by Eve-Marie Becker and Anders Runesson

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Volume 271 The study of Mark and Matthew from a comparative perspective has a long history. Ever since
2011. IX, 491 pages. the theory of Markan priority became rmly established in the 19th century however, many
studies, especially commentaries on either Mark or Matthew, make observations related
ISBN 978-3-16-150837-0 primarily to one of the Gospels only. Thus the most frequent result of studying Mark and
cloth 139,00 € Matthew is that one Gospel is overshadowed by the other. This collection of papers employs a
sustained multiperspectival comparative approach which contributes simultaneously to the
ISBN 978-3-16-151560-6
synoptic problem discourse and sheds light on the individual Gospels in their rst century
eBook PDF 139,00 €
setting(s), a procedure that reveals new questions and discoveries. This highlights new aspects
of the Gospels which are critical for our understanding of the rise and development of Gospel
literature in the rst century C.E.

Barbara Aland , David E. Aune , Wayne Baxter , Eve-Marie Becker, Cilliers Breytenbach , Warren
Carter , Sean Freyne , Morten Hørning Jensen , John S. Kloppenborg , Stanley E. Porter , Anders
Runesson , David C. Sim , Lorenzo Scornaienchi , Tommy Wasserman , Oda Wischmeyer , Adela
Yarbro Collins , Linden Youngquist

Survey of contents

Eve-Marie Becker and Anders Runesson : Introduction: Studying Mark and Matthew in
Comparative Perspective
1. History of Research
Cilliers Breytenbach : Current Research on the Gospel according to Mark: A Report on
Monographs Published from 2000–2009 – David C. Sim : Matthew: The Current State of
2. Reconstructing the Artifacts: Text-Critical and Linguistic Aspects of the Study of Mark and
Barbara Aland : Was heißt Abschreiben? Neue Entwicklungen in der Textkritik und ihre
Konsequenzen für die Überlieferungsgeschichte der frühesten christlichen Verkündigung –
Tommy Wasserman : The Implications of Textual Criticism for Understanding the 'Original Text' –
Stanley E. Porter : Matthew and Mark: The Contribution of Recent Linguistic Thought
3. Date and Genre
Eve-Marie Becker : Dating Mark and Matthew as Ancient Literature – David E. Aune : Genre
Theory and the Genre-Function of Mark and Matthew
4. Socio-Religious Location
Sean Freyne : Matthew and Mark: The Jewish Contexts – Morten Hørning Jensen : Con icting
Calls? Family and Discipleship in Mark & Matthew in the Light of First-Century Galilean Village
Life – Linden Youngquist : Matthew, Mark and Q – Wayne Baxter : Matthew, Mark, and the
Shepherd Metaphor: Similarities, Di erences, and Implications
5. Con ict and Violence
Warren Carter : Matthew: Empire, Synagogues, and Horizontal Violence – Lorenzo Scornaienchi :
The Controversy Dialogues and the Polemic in Mark and Matthew – John S. Kloppenborg : The
Representation of Violence in Synoptic Parables
6. Building Community Using Text
Oda Wischmeyer : Forming Identity Through Literature: The Impact of Mark for the Building of
Christ-Believing Communities in the Second Half of the First Century C. E. – Anders Runesson :
Building Matthean Communities: The Politics of Textualization
7. Notes from the Conference: Further Discussion
Adela Yarbro Collins : Re ections on the Conference at the University of Aarhus, July 25–27,


Persecution, Persuasion and Power

Readiness to Withstand Hardship as a Corroboration of Legitimacy in the New

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Volume 270 James A. Kelho er examines an often overlooked aspect of New Testament constructions of
2010. XXII, 443 pages. legitimacy, namely the “value” of Christians' withstanding persecution as a means of
corroborating their religious identity as Christ's followers. The introductory chapter de nes the
ISBN 978-3-16-150612-3 problem in interaction with sociologist Pierre Bourdieu's concept of “cultural capital.” Chapters
cloth 99,00 € 2–10 examine the depictions of persecuted Christians in the Pauline letters, First Peter,
Hebrews, Revelation, the NT Gospels, and Acts. These exegetical analyses support the
ISBN 978-3-16-151559-0
conclusion that assertions of standing, authority, and power claimed on the basis of
eBook PDF 99,00 €
persecution play a signi cant and heretofore under-appreciated role in much of the NT. It is
also argued that depictions of persecution can have both positive implications for the
persecuted and negative implications for the depicted persecutors in constructions of
legitimation.An epilogue considers later examples of early Christian martyrs and confessors, as
well as John Foxe's “ Book of Martyrs .” The epilogue also addresses the ethical and
hermeneutical problem of asserting the withstanding of persecution as a basis of legitimacy in
ancient and modern contexts. This problem stems from the observation that, although the NT
authors present their construals of withstanding persecution as a basis of legitimation as if they
were self-evident, such assertions are actually the culmination of numerous presuppositions
and are therefore open to dissenting viewpoints. Yet the NT authors do not acknowledge the
possibility of competing interpretations, or that oppressed Christians could someday become
oppressors. Accordingly, this exegetical study calls attention to an ethical and hermeneutical
problem that the NT bequeaths to the modern interpreter, a problem inviting input from
ethicists and other theologians.


Jesus and the Historians

Volume 269 Much has been written about the life of Jesus in works that often claim to be historical and to
2010. XI, 383 pages. employ historical methods. Yet only sometimes are the methods and the presuppositions
involved made explicit. However, it has also been claimed more recently that a decisive change
ISBN 978-3-16-150708-3 in our view of the nature of historical knowledge and methods has taken place, in that the
cloth 99,00 € 'modern' has given way to the 'postmodern'. After a survey of a number of books on Jesus that
have raised the question of how his life should be studied historically, Alexander J. M.
ISBN 978-3-16-151558-3
Wedderburn starts by looking at such claims, asking how new and how valid the insights
eBook PDF 99,00 €
involved in what claims to be a new historiographical epistemology in fact are, before turning
to look at a number of problems raised by recent studies of the life of Jesus that are relevant
for the work of the historian: the nature of the sources available to us and how to use them
and the criteria and principles to employ; the role played by the early Christian communities'
memories of Jesus and the extent to which this enhances their trustworthiness or gives reason
for caution; the extent to which the traditions about Jesus were transmitted orally and the
implications of this for the reliability of these traditions; and, nally, the questions how far we
can investigate how Jesus understood his work and to what conclusions a historical study of
this could lead us as well as the implications of this for christology.


Schriftgelehrte Prophetie
Der eschatologische Teufelsfall in Apc Joh 12 und seine Bedeutung für das
Verständnis der Johannesoffenbarung

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Volume 268 Revelation 12 is a key text in the Apocalypse of John. Jan Dochhorn explains this pericope from
2010. XV, 478 pages. the textual world in the Apocalypse of John and determines its signi cance for the book as a
whole. He provides a strategy for reading Revelation 12 which applies to the entire book,
ISBN 978-3-16-150608-6 deciphering the meaning of the text by revealing the contextual references, determining the
cloth 114,00 € scriptural references and naming the assumed traditional knowledge.This method di ers
considerably from the interpretational tradition, which explains Revelation primarily on the
basis of pagan mythologemes. However, Jan Dochhorn also has an agenda which concerns the
history of religion. He de nes Revelation 12 as an important piece of textual evidence for the
exceptionally productive idea of the apocalyptic fall of Satan in early Judaism and Christianity,
thus contributing to the history of the development of Jewish and Christian Satanology.


Studien zum Corpus Iohanneum

Volume 267 This volume contains 27 articles on the Corpus Iohanneum. These articles focus on the
2010. XI, 730 pages. prologue, the description of how the Word entered the world, the narrative and theological
concept of the Gospel and its redactional adjustments as well as on 1 John as its oldest
ISBN 978-3-16-150284-2 “commentary.” The early church saw the Gospel as the chief witness to the trinitarian doctrine.
cloth 144,00 € Its “high Christology”, which saw Jesus not only as Israel's Messiah but moreover as the Son of
God sent from heaven, does however seem to be inextricably combined with its harsh polemic
against “the Jews”, which helped to develop its own identity. Is Christian anti-Judaism also a
legacy of the Johannine concept of Jesus, which portrays him as a stranger in Israel? Michael
Theobald shows that it is only possible to deal with the Gospel in a hermeneutically
responsible manner today on the basis of its historical context.


Jewish Ways of Following Jesus

Redrawing the Religious Map of Antiquity

Volume 266 In this study, Edwin K. Broadhead's purpose is to gather the ancient evidence of Jewish
2010. XIX, 440 pages. Christianity and to reconsider its impact. He begins his investigation with the hypothesis that
groups in antiquity who were characterized by Jewish ways of following Jesus may be vastly
ISBN 978-3-16-151555-2 underrepresented, misrepresented and undervalued in the ancient sources and in modern
eBook PDF 129,00 € scholarship. Giving a critical analysis of the evidence, the author suggests that Jewish
Christianity endured as an historical entity in a variety of places, in di erent times and in
diverse modes. If this is true, a new religious map of antiquity is required. Moreover, the author
o ers a revised context for the history of development of both Judaism and Christianity and for
their relationship.


Jerusalem and Athens

Cultural Transformation in Late Antiquity
Essays Selected and Ed. by Alanna Nobbs

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Volume 265 E.A. Judge's third collection of essays moves on from Rome and the New Testament to the
2010. XII, 352 pages. interaction of the classical and biblical traditions, to the cultural transformation of late
antiquity, and to the contested heritage of Athens and Jerusalem in the modern West. A lifelong
ISBN 978-3-16-150572-0 interest in Rome bridges this range. Christianity emerges as essentially a movement of ideas,
cloth 99,00 € opposed at rst to the cultic practice of ancient religion which had been meant to secure the
existing order of things. The new message with its demanding morality laid the foundations for
ISBN 978-3-16-151554-5
our radically di erent sense of 'religion' as the quest for the ideal life.The 'Judge method' tackles
eBook PDF 99,00 €
such momentous questions by starting with textual detail, translated from Latin and Greek.
Inspired by the project of the Dölger-Institut in Bonn (the interaction of antiquity and
Christianity), he brings to it a particular focus on those documents of the times retrieved from
stone or papyrus. The collection re ects the more holistic approach to history, starting with the
ancient world, that has been developed at Macquarie University in Sydney, where diverse
interests are now drawn together from as far back as ancient Egypt or China in an attractive
approach to the modern world.


Essays on John and Hebrews

Volume 264 Harold W. Attridge has engaged in the interpretation of two of the most intriguing literary
2010. XI, 443 pages. products of early Christianity, the Gospel according to John and the Epistle to the Hebrews. His
essays explore the literary and cultural traditions at work in the text and its imaginative rhetoric
ISBN 978-3-16-150319-1 aiming to deepen faith in Christ by giving new meaning to his death and exaltation. His essays
cloth 129,00 € on John focus on the literary artistry of the nal version of the gospel, its playful approach to
literary genres, its engaging rhetoric, its delight in visual imagery. He situates that literary
ISBN 978-3-16-151553-8
analysis of both works within the context of the history of religion and culture in the rst
eBook PDF 129,00 €
century, with careful attention to both Jewish and Greco-Roman worlds. Several essays,
focusing on the phenomena connected with “Gnosticism”, extend that religio-historical horizon
into the life of the early Church and contribute to the understanding of the reception of these
two early Christian masterpieces.

Women and Gender in Ancient Religions

Interdisciplinary Approaches
Ed. by Stephen P. Ahearne-Kroll, Paul A. Holloway and James A. Kelhoffer

Volume 263 Following a scholarly conference given in honor of Adela Yarbro Collins, this collection of
2010. XI, 507 pages. essays o ers focused studies on the wide range of ways that women and gender contribute to
the religious landscape of the ancient world. Experts in Greek and Roman religions, Early
ISBN 978-3-16-150579-9 Christianity, Ancient Judaism, and Ancient Christianity engage in literary, social, historical, and
cloth 129,00 € cultural analysis of various ancient texts, inscriptions, social phenomena, and cultic activity.
These studies continue the welcomed trend in scholarship that expands the social location of
ISBN 978-3-16-151552-1
women in ancient Mediterranean religion to include the public sphere and consciousness. The
eBook PDF 129,00 €
result is an important and lively book that deepens the understanding of ancient religion as a
whole. With contributions by:Patricia D. Ahearne-Kroll, Loveday Alexander, Mary Rose
D'Angelo, Stephen J. Davis, Robert Doran, Radcli e G. Edmonds III, Carin M. C. Green, Fritz Graf,
Jan Willem van Henten, Paul A. Holloway, Annette B. Huizenga, Jeremy F. Hultin, Sarah Iles
Johnston, James A. Kelho er, Judith L. Kovacs, Outi Lehtipuu, Matt Jackson-McCabe, Candida R.
Moss, Christopher N. Mount, Susan E. Myers, Clare K. Rothschild, Turid Karlsen Seim

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The Remembered Peter

in Ancient Reception and Modern Debate

Volume 262 Although Simon Peter was evidently a central gure in both the ministry of Jesus and the
2010. XIII, 263 pages. mission of the earliest church, his life and thought are shrouded in historical uncertainty.
Markus Bockmuehl approaches this problem through focused studies of Peter's highly diverse
ISBN 978-3-16-150580-5 pro le and reception in subsequent Christian sources from Rome and Syria. In Part I of this
cloth 79,00 € book, Bockmuehl documents the persistent presence of Peter in personal and collective
memory – a phenomenon that usefully illustrates his importance as a “centrist” gure in the
ISBN 978-3-16-151551-4
early church. The author goes on to examine the apostle's place in recent historical Jesus
eBook PDF 79,00 €
research as well as in ongoing debates concerning the so-called “New Perspective on Paul” and
the problem of Peter's relationship with Paul. Part II discusses the complexity of that Petrine
memory in Syria and Rome in particular, paying speci c attention to Ignatius, Justin and
Serapion in the East, as well as to the signi cance of Roman memory for the long-standing
debate about the place of Peter's death. Finally, in Part III of the book Bockmuehl reconnects
this investigation of the apostle's “aftermath” to more conventional historical and exegetical
problems, seeking to shed light on their generative function for his subsequent
prosopographical pro le. In this vein the author examines Jewish meanings and implications of
Peter's names, the cultural and religious signi cance of his origin in the newly excavated village
of Bethsaida, and the puzzling Lucan theme of Peter's “conversion” as this came to feature in
early Christian faith and praxis.


Roman Attitudes Toward the Christians

From Claudius to Hadrian

Volume 261 John Granger Cook investigates the earliest interactions between Roman authorities and
2010; unrevised student Christians. The events in Claudius' time surrounding “Chrestos” and possible Jewish Christians
edition 2011. XV, 363 pages. are fascinating but obscure. The persecutions of Nero and Trajan may be crucial for interpreting
certain texts of the New Testament, including the Gospel of Mark, 1 Peter, and the Apocalypse.
ISBN 978-3-16-150954-4 Scholars have become increasingly skeptical of a persecution of the Christians during
sewn paper 49,00 € Domitian's rule, and the evidence is not strong. The rescript of Hadrian did little to change
Trajan's policy with regard to the Christians. Although the texts provide no evidence for a
ISBN 978-3-16-151550-7
general law against the Christians (probably no such law existed until the time of Decius), they
eBook PDF 49,00 €
do give some indication of the way magistrates characterized (“constructed”) Christians: to Nero
and his prefects the Christians were arsonists and harbored intense hatred of the human race;
to Pliny and Trajan they were people who did not “supplicate our gods.”

The Interface of Orality and Writing

Speaking, Seeing, Writing in the Shaping of New Genres
Ed. by Annette Weissenrieder and Robert B. Coote

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Volume 260 How did the visual, the oral, and the written interrelate in antiquity? The essays in this
2010. XIV, 438 pages. collection address the competing and complementary roles of visual media, forms of memory,
oral performance, and literacy and popular culture in the ancient Mediterranean world.
ISBN 978-3-16-150445-7 Incorporating both customary and innovative perspectives, the essays advance the frontiers of
cloth 129,00 € our understanding of the nature of ancient texts as regards audibility and performance, the
vital importance of the visual in the comprehension of texts, and basic concepts of
ISBN 978-3-16-151549-1
communication, particularly the need to account for disjunctive and non-reciprocal social
eBook PDF 129,00 €
relations in communication. Thus the contributions show how the investigation of the interface
of the oral and written, across the spectrum of seeing, hearing, and writing, generates new
concepts of media and mediation.

Survey of contents

I. Introduction The Interface of the Orality and Writing Hearing, Seeing, Writing in New Genres
Susan Niditch: Hebrew Bible and Oral Literature: Misconceptions and New Directions – Teun
Tieleman: Orality and Writing in Ancient Philosophy: Their Interrelationship and the Shaping of
Literary Forms – Catherine Hezser: From Oral Conversations to Written Texts: Randomness in
the Transmission of Rabbinic Traditions – Antoinette Clark Wire: Mark: News as Tradition –
Werner Kelber: The History of the Closure of Biblical Texts
II The Interface of the Orality and Writing Hearing in New Genres
John Foley: Plenitude and Diversity: Interactions between Orality and Writing – Kristina
Dronsch: Transmissions from Scripturality to Orality: Hearing the Voice of Jesus in Mark 4:1–34
– Ruben Zimmermann: Memory and Form Criticism: The Typicality of Memory as a Bridge
between Orality and Literality in the Early Christian Remembering Process – Richard Horsley:
The Gospel of Mark in the Interface of Orality and Writing – David Rhoads: Performance Events
in Early Christianity: New Testament Writings in an Oral Context – David Trobisch: Performance
Criticism as an Exegetical Method: A Story, Three Insights, and Two Jokes
III. The Interface of the Orality and Writing Seeing in New Genres
Kristina Dronsch/Annette Weissenrieder: A Theory of the Message for New Testament Writings
or Communicating the Words of Jesus: From Angelos to Euangelion – David Balch: Women
Prophets/Maenads Visually Represented in Two Roman Colonies: Pompeii and Corinth –
Annette Weissenrieder: The Didactics of Images: The Fig-Tree in Mark 11:12−14 and 20−21
IV. The Interface of the Orality and Writing Writing in New Genres
Annette Schellenberg: A “lying pen of the scribes” (Jer 8:8)? Orality and Writing in the Formation
of Prophetic Books – Roger Nam: Writing Songs, Singing Songs: The Oral and the Written in the
Commission of the Levitical Singers (1 Chr 25:1−6) – Andreas Schuele: “Call on me in the day of
trouble […]” From Oral Lament to Lament Psalms – Pieter J.J. Botha: “Publishing” a Gospel:
Notes on Historical Constraints to Gospel Criticism – Daniel Boyarin: The Sovereignty of the
Son of Man: Reading Mark – Robert Coote: Scripture and the Writer of Mark – Holly Hearon:
Mapping Written and Spoken Word in the Gospel of Mark – Trevor Thompson: Writing in
Character: Claudius Lysias to Felix as a Double-Pseudepigraphon (Acts 23:26–30)


Welcher Thomas?
Studien zur Text- und Überlieferungsgeschichte des Thomasevangeliums

Volume 259 The Gospel of Thomas does not tell the story of Jesus' life; it presents itself as a loose
2010. XII, 308 pages. compilation of words from his mouth. In it, the individual statements are isolated texts without
the context necessary to study the interpretation of individual sayings. Nevertheless, in order
ISBN 978-3-16-150543-0 to be able to deal with the text, there has been an increase in the development of approaches
cloth 99,00 € to a composition and redaction history of the Gospel of Thomas recently. However, those
doing so neglected the fact that we have two versions of a whole range of the sayings in the
ISBN 978-3-16-151548-4
Gospel of Thomas, and that these di er considerably. Wilfried Eisele studies these sayings,
eBook PDF 99,00 €
taking the Coptic text from Nag Hammadi and the Greek fragments from Oxyrhynchos seriously
as independent text forms. The result is a number of interesting insights into the structures of
the history of the text and the tradition of the Gospel of Thomas.

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Rhetoric and Drama in the Johannine Lawsuit Motif

Volume 258 George L. Parsenios explores the legal character of the Gospel of John in the light of classical
2010. XI, 165 pages. literature, especially Greek drama. Johannine interpreters have explored with increasing interest
both the legal quality and the dramatic quality of the Fourth Gospel, but often do not connect
ISBN 978-3-16-150262-0 these two ways of reading John. Some interpreters even assume that the one approach
cloth 79,00 € excludes the other, and that John is either legal or dramatic, but not both. Legal rhetoric and
tragic drama, however, were joined throughout antiquity in a complex pattern of mutual
ISBN 978-3-16-151547-7
in uence. To connect John to drama, therefore, is to connect John to legal rhetoric, and doing
eBook PDF 79,00 €
so helps to see even more clearly the pervasiveness of the legal motif in the Gospel of John.
Tracing the legal character of “seeking” in Sophocles' Oedipus Rex , for example, sheds new light
on the legal character of “seeking” in the Fourth Gospel, especially in the enigmatic comment of
Jesus at John 8:50. New insights are also o ered regarding the evidentiary character of the signs
of Jesus, based on comparison with Aristotle's comments about signs and rhetorical evidence in
both the Poetics and Rhetoric , as well as by comparison with plays by Aeschylus, Sophocles
and Euripides. To call the signs of Jesus evidence, however, does not remove them from the
dialectical tension inherent in Johannine theology. If the signs are evidence, they are evidence
in a world in which the basis of forming judgments has been problematized by the appearance
of the Word in the esh.

Between Gospel and Election

Explorations in the Interpretation of Romans 9–11
Ed. by Florian Wilk and J. Ross Wagner with the assistance of Frank Schleritt

Volume 257 How do the truth claims of the gospel of Christ square with the biblical testimony to God's
2010. XXVII, 554 pages. abiding election of the Jewish people? In Romans 9–11, the apostle Paul re ects deeply on this
fundamental theological question. The interpretation of these chapters has long been
ISBN 978-3-16-150533-1 contested, however. The present volume assesses the current state of research and opens up
cloth 134,00 € fresh lines of inquiry, taking into account insights generated both by the “New Perspective on
Paul” and by ongoing Jewish-Christian dialogue. Twenty-six essays in English and German –
ISBN 978-3-16-151546-0
representing the elds of Biblical Studies, Judaic Studies, Systematic Theology and Practical
eBook PDF 134,00 €
Theology – examine the theological horizons, history of interpretation, literary contexts,
argumentative structure, theological themes and contemporary signi cance of Paul's
arguments. With contributions by:Friedrich Avemarie, John M. G. Barclay, William S. Campbell,
Susan Eastman, Reinhard Feldmeier, Beverly Roberts Gaventa, A. Katherine Grieb, Klaus
Haacker, Wolfgang Kraus, Mark D. Nanos, Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr, Enno Edzard Popkes, Mark
Reasoner, Wolfgang Reinbold, Martin Rothgangel, Dieter Sänger, Berndt Schaller, Frank
Schleritt, Notger Slenczka, Katherine Sonderegger, R. Kendall Soulen, Christoph Stenschke,
Annette Steudel, J. Ross Wagner, Florian Wilk, N. Thomas Wright

Survey of contents

Berndt Schaller: Die Rolle des Paulus im Verhältnis zwischen Christen und Juden – N. Thomas
Wright: Romans 9–11 and the “New Perspective” – Klaus Haacker: Das Thema von Römer 9–11
als Problem der Auslegungsgeschichte – Mark Reasoner: Romans 9–11 Moves from Margin to
Center, from Rejection to Salvation: Four Grids for Recent English-Language Exegesis – John M.
G. Barclay: Unnerving Grace: Approaching Romans 9–11 from The Wisdom of Solomon –
Annette Steudel: Die Texte aus Qumran als Horizont für Römer 9–11. Israel-Theologie,
Geschichtsbetrachtung, Schriftauslegung – Dieter Sänger: “Er wird die Gottlosigkeit von Jakob
entfernen” (Röm 11,26). Kontinuität und Wandel in den Israelaussagen des Apostels Paulus –
Susan Eastman: Israel and Divine Mercy in Galatians and Romans – William S. Campbell: The
Addressees of Paul's Letter to the Romans: Assemblies of God in House Churches and
Synagogues? – Christoph Stenschke: Römer 9–11 als Teil des Römerbriefs – Florian Wilk:
Rahmen und Aufbau von Römer 9–11 – Beverly Roberts Gaventa: On the Calling-Into-Being of
Israel: Romans 9:6–29 – Frank Schleritt: Das Gesetz der Gerechtigkeit. Zur Auslegung von Römer

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9,30–33 – Friedrich Avemarie: Israels rätselhafter Ungehorsam. Römer 10 als Anatomie eines
von Gott provozierten Unglaubens – Enno Edzard Popkes: “Und David spricht …” Zur Rezeption
von Ps LXX 68,23 f. im Kontext von Röm 11,1–10 – Mark D. Nanos: “Broken Branches”: A Pauline
Metaphor Gone Awry? (Romans 11:11–24) – Reinhard Feldmeier: Vater und Töpfer? Zur
Identität Gottes im Römerbrief – A. Katherine Grieb: Paul's Theological Preoccupation in
Romans 9–11 – Wolfgang Reinbold: Zur Bedeutung des Begri es “Israel” in Römer 9–11 – J. Ross
Wagner: “Not from the Jews Only, But Also from the Gentiles”: Mercy to the Nations in Romans
9–11 – Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr: “Nicht alle aus Israel sind Israel” (Röm 9,6b). Römer 9–11 als
Zeugnis paulinischer Anthropologie – Notger Slenczka: Römer 9–11 und die Frage nach der
Identität Israels – Katherine Sonderegger: The Doctrine of Election in Romans 9–11 – Martin
Rothgangel: Christliche Identität ohne antijüdische Kontrastfolie. Zur Bildungsrelevanz von
Römer 9–11 – R. Kendall Soulen: “They are Israelites”: The Priority of the Present Tense for
Jewish-Christian Relations – Wolfgang Kraus: Die Bedeutung von Römer 9–11 im christlich-
jüdischen Gespräch


Glaube in den Pastoralbriefen

Pistis als Mitte christlicher Existenz

Volume 256 The Pastoral Epistles speak more than other early Christian scriptures about faith ( pistis ), and
2010. XVIII, 469 pages. they do it di erently than Paul does. An interpretation of all the records of faith (pistis word
family) shows that the scope of pistis in the Corpus Pastorale is huge. On the one hand, it is a
ISBN 978-3-16-150544-7 primary word, framing all references of Christian life, and on the other hand it is completely
cloth 119,00 € determined by the relation to Christ and/or God. Thus faith has an integrating character, and at
the same time it indicates the center of Christian existence. At the beginning of this rst
monograph about faith in the Pastoral Epistles, the author examines some fundamental terms,
such as faith, pistis, des/credere as well as the Corpus Pastorale, the Pastoral Epistles or the


Die Inkulturation des Christentums

Aufsätze und Studien zum Neuen Testament und seiner Umwelt

Volume 255 The essays and studies in this volume deal with the question of how early Christianity was
2010. X, 423 pages. “inculturated” in its environment. This includes the essentials of this inculturation, such as for
example the quest for the historical Jesus as well as the discussion about Paul and his
ISBN 978-3-16-150546-1 environment. In addition, the author examines the imperial cult serving as one of the de nitive
cloth 109,00 € foils for the interpretation of the New Testament scriptures and continues the debate on the
status and the role of the genders in early Christianity. He also provides insight into the gradual
ISBN 978-3-16-151544-6
development of rites and rituals as well as their reinterpretation in the incipient gnosis. On the
eBook PDF 109,00 €
whole, this volume presents a panorama of work on the history of religion in the eld of the
New Testament in a manner which is typical of the author and his understanding of exegesis.

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Jesus in apokryphen Evangelienüberlieferungen
Beiträge zu außerkanonischen Jesusüberlieferungen aus verschiedenen Sprach-
und Kulturtraditionen
Hrsg. v. Jörg Frey u. Jens Schröter u. Mitarb. v. Jakob Spaeth

Volume 254 Apocryphal Jesus traditions form a speci c area of multifaceted interpretations of Jesus' activity.
2010. XI, 798 pages. Quite often, these traditions are only preserved in unfamiliar languages and fragmentary
manuscripts. This volume presents a comprehensive survey of important texts from this area
ISBN 978-3-16-150147-0 from the perspective of well-known specialists in these texts. It collects a range of studies of
cloth 139,00 € Jesus traditions outside the New Testament from diverse languages and cultural traditions.
Widely discussed texts such as the Gospels of Thomas, Peter and Mary are considered, but also
ISBN 978-3-16-151543-9
texts from less well-known languages and cultural milieus e.g. Syriac, Ethiopic or Slavonic
eBook PDF 139,00 €
traditions are taken into account. In this way a fascinating variety of ancient and medieval
receptions of Jesus' teaching emerges, which interprets it in new ways and adopts it to new

Survey of contents

Jörg Frey/Jens Schröter: Jesus in apokryphen Evangelienüberlieferungen: Zum Thema und zur
Konzeption des vorliegenden Bandes
I. Einführung
Jens Schröter: Die apokryphen Evangelien und die Entstehung des neutestamentlichen Kanons
– Christoph Markschies: Was wissen wir über den Sitz im Leben der apokryphen Evangelien?
II. Beiträge zu Einzelschriften
Jörg Frey: Zur Vielgestaltigkeit judenchristlicher Evangelienüberlieferungen – Eckhard Rau:
Weder gefälscht noch authentisch? Überlegungen zum Status des geheimen
Markusevangeliums als Quelle des antiken Christentums – Eckhard Rau: Das Geheimnis des
Reiches Gottes. Die esoterische Rezeption der Lehre Jesu im geheimen Markusevangelium –
Tobias Nicklas: Das Petrusevangelium im Rahmen antiker Jesustraditionen – Ursula Ulrike
Kaiser: Jesus als Kind. Neuere Forschungen zur Jesusüberlieferung in den apokryphen
“Kindheitsevangelien” – Enno Edzard Popkes: Das Thomasevangelium als crux interpretum: die
methodischen Ursachen einer difusen Diskussionslage – Herbert Schmid: Zur Funktion der
Jesusüberlieferung im so genannten Philippusevangelium – Esther de Boer: Followers of Mary
Magdalene and contemporary philosophy. Belief in Jesus according to the Gospel of Mary –
Joost L. Hagen: Ein anderer Kontext für die Berliner und Straßburger “Evangelienfragmente”.
Das “Evangelium des Erlösers” und andere “Apostelevangelien” in der koptischen Literatur –
Gregor Wurst: Das Problem der Datierung der Sophia Jesu Christi und des Eugnostosbriefes –
Uwe-Karsten Plisch: Judasevangelium und Judasgedicht
III. Übergreifende Themen und Zusammenhänge
James A. Kelho er: 'Gospel' as a Literary Title in Early Christianity and the Question of What Is
(and Is Not) a 'Gospel' in Canons of Scholarly Literature – Judith Hartenstein:
Autoritätskonstellation in apokryphen und kanonischen Evangelien – Karen L. King: Toward a
Discussion of the Category 'Gnosis/Gnosticism': The Case of the Epistle of Peter to Philip – Peter
Gemeinhardt: Magier, Weiser, Gott. Das Bild Jesu bei paganen antiken Autoren
IV. Jesusüberlieferung in unterschiedlichen Sprachkreisen
Peter Nagel: Apokryphe Jesusworte in der koptischen Überlieferung – Cornelia B. Horn/Robert
R. Phenix Jr.: Apocryphal Gospels in Syriac and Related Texts O ering Traditions about Jesus –
Igor Dorfmann-Lazarev: La transmission de l'apocryphe de l'Enfance de Jésus en Arménie –
Cornelia B. Horn: Apocryphal Gospels in Arabic, or Some Complications on the Road to
Traditions about Jesus – Tedros Abraha/Daniel Assefa: Apocryphal Gospels in the Ethiopic
Apocryphal Tradition – Christfried Böttrich: Apokryphe Jesusüberlieferungen in slawischen
Texten – Martin McNamara: Jesus in (Early) Irish Apocryphal Gospel Traditions

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Theologische, historische und biographische Skizzen

Kleine Schriften VII
Hrsg. v. Claus-Jürgen Thornton m. einer Würdigung u. einem vollständigen
Schriftenverzeichnis v. Jörg Frey

Volume 253 The seventh and nal volume of Martin Hengel's “Selected Essays” contains 32 texts, among
2010. XXIX, 776 pages. which two are hitherto unpublished. The rst section includes the small monograph on “Christ
and Power,” a new and programmatic essay on Heilsgeschichte (salvation history), as well as
ISBN 978-3-16-150201-9 re ections on New Testament methodology. The second section is devoted to biographical
cloth 199,00 € sketches and investigations into the history of the discipline. The articles on Kurt Aland, Elias
Bickerman, Henry Chadwick, Joseph Barber Lightfoot and Günther Zuntz are particularly
comprehensive. Some small contributions to the author's own scholarly vita conclude the
essays. Jörg Frey continues the author's bibliography. An alphabetical listing of the essays
contained in the seven volumes of the “Selected Essays” and extensive indexes on Volumes V
to VII complete the volume.

Survey of contents

Heilsgeschichte – The Prologue of the Gospel of John as the Gateway to Christological Truth –
Christological Titles in Early Christianity. The Cruci ed Son of God – Die Torheit des Kreuzes –
“Was ist der Mensch?” Erwägungen zur biblischen Anthropologie heute – Christus und die
Macht – Die Macht Christi und die Ohnmacht der Christen. Zur Problematik einer “Politischen
Theologie” in der Geschichte der Kirche – Das Gebet im Neuen Testament (Rez. O. Cullmann) –
Judaism and Hellenism Revisited – Das urchristliche Schrifttum als jüdische Quelle und das
Problem der Trennung zwischen Juden und Christen – Aufgaben der Neutestamentlichen
Wissenschaft – Eine junge theologische Disziplin in der Krise – Kein Steinbruch für Ideologien.
Zentrale Aufgaben neutestamentlicher Exegese – Theologie als Politikum? (Rez. W. Teichert) –
Bekennen und Bekenntnis – Laudatio Kurt Aland – Otto Bauernfeind. 14. 1. 1889–26.12.1972 –
Laudatio für Schalom Ben-Chorin zur Verleihung des Preises Bibel und Kultur – Elias
Bickermann. Erinnerungen an einen großen Althistoriker aus St. Petersburg – Mysterion und
Wahrheit. Professor Alexander Böhlig zum 60. Geburtstag – Günther Bornkamm. 8. 10. 1950–18.
2. 1990 – Sir Henry Chadwick als Patristiker und anglikanischer Theologe – Joachim Jeremias –
Der protestantische Rebell. Zum neunzigsten Geburtstag des Neutestamentlers Ernst Käsemann
– Bischof Lightfoot und die Tübinger Schule – Ein Leben für die Bibel. Zum Tod von Prof. D.
Otto Michel – Adolf Schlatter – Julius Wellhausens Evangelienkommentare – Günther Zuntz –
Antrittsrede vor der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften – A Gentile in the Wilderness.
My Encounter with Jews and Judaism – Schritte zur Selbsthilfe. Stiftungen von
Universitätslehrern für ihr eigenes Fach und ihre Fakultät – Ansprache am 14. Dezember 2006
am Ende der akademischen Feier zum 80. Geburtstag

Die Septuaginta – Texte, Theologien, Einflüsse

2. Internationale Fachtagung veranstaltet von Septuaginta Deutsch (LXX.D),
Wuppertal 23.-27. Juli 2008
Hrsg. v. Wolfgang Kraus u. Martin Karrer unter Mitarb. v. Martin Meiser

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Volume 252 The Septuagint – the Greek translation of the Old Testament – originated as a Jewish translation
2010. XI, 750 pages. of the Bible which was started in the 3rd century BC. It provides insights into the way in which
those Jews who spoke Greek understood the scriptures. Septuagint research is an independent
ISBN 978-3-16-150225-5 eld apart from the study of the Hebrew Bible. This volume contains studies of the historical
cloth 144,00 € background of the Septuagint, its textual history, philology, individual problems of Septuagint
scriptures and the reception of the Septuagint. It provides an update on current research and
ISBN 978-3-16-151541-5
shows the perspectives for further research. This volume resulted from a conference held by
eBook PDF 144,00 €
the Septuaginta Deutsch Project in Wuppertal in July 2008.

Survey of contents

Allgemeines und Geschichte Emanuel Tov : What is the Septuagint? – Adrian Schenker : Warum
wurde die Tora im 3. Jahrhundert in Alexandrien auf griechisch übersetzt? Eine Prüfung der
bisherigen Erklärungen und eine neue Antwort – Gilles Dorival: New Light about the Origin of
the Septuagint? – Armin Lange: Textliche Standardisierung in der griechischen Texttradition und
der Bibliothek von Alexandria – Arie van der Kooij: The Old Greek of Isaiah and Other
Prophecies in Egypt of the Time – Johannes Engels: Syrien, Phönikien und Judäa in den
Geographika Strabons von Amaseia (Strab. Geog. 16,2,1–46)
Siegfried Kreuzer: Übersetzung – Revision – Überlieferung. Probleme und Aufgaben in den
Geschichtsbüchern – Martin Karrer: Codex Sinaiticus Judges – Robert V. Hiebert: Establishing
the Textual History of Greek 4 Maccabees – Marcus Sigismund/Ulrich Schmid/Martin Karrer:
Textgeschichtliche Beobachtungen zu den Zusätzen in den Septuaginta-Psalmen – Michael N.
van der Meer: The Question of the Literary Dependence of the Greek Isaiah upon the Greek
Psalter Revisited – Peter Gentry: Issues in the Text-History of LXX Ecclesiastes – Heinz-Josef
Fabry: “Der Herr macht meine Schritte sicher” (Hab 3,19 Barb.) – Die Versio Barberini, eine
liturgische Sondertradition von Hab 3 – Gert J. Steyn: Recently Discovered New Testament
Papyri and their Value in the Reconstruction of LXX Texts – Martin Meiser: Hieronymus als
Textkritiker – Cameron Boyd-Taylor: The Greek Bible in Byzantine Judaism. Evidence from the
Margins of Christian Manuscripts – Marcus Sigismund: Text- und theologiegeschichtliche
Anmerkungen zu den LXX-Zitaten in der gotischen Bibelübersetzung
Lexikographie und Übersetzungstechnik
Takamitsu Muraoka: From the Desk of a Septuagint Lexicographer – Anna Passoni dell'Acqua:
Translating as a Means of Interpreting: The Septuagint and Translation in Ptolemaic Egypt –
Christoph Kugelmeier: 'Voces biblicae' oder 'voces communes'? Zum Sprachgebrauch der
Septuaginta im Lichte neuerer Papyrusforschungen – Hans Ausloos /Bénédicte Lemmelijn:
Content Related Criteria in Characterising the LXX Translation Technique – Jan Joosten: “Al tiqré”
as a Hermeneutic Device and the Septuagint Translation – Jong-Hoon Kim: Die griechische
Übersetzung für db[ in Samuel- und Königebücher – Eberhard Bons: Seltene Wörter in der
Septuaginta des Amosbuches – Pierre-Maurice Bogaert: Baal au féminin et les divinités
féminines dans Jérémie LXX – Katrin Hauspie: The Reception of the Septuagint-version of
Ezekiel by Theodoret of Cyrrhus: a Philological Approach
Theologie und Religionsgeschichte
Martin Rösel: Tempel und Tempellosigkeit. Der Umgang mit dem Heiligtum in der Pentateuch-
LXX – Helmut Utzschneider: Die Septuaginta als Erzählerin – Beobachtungen an der
Exoduserzählung – Natalio Fernández Marcos: Jephtah's Daughter in the Old Greek – Philippe
Hugo: Abner der Königsmacher versus David den gesalbten König – Beate Ego: Zur religiösen
Vorstellungswelt in den “Zusätzen zu Ester” – Albert Pietersma: Psalm 15(16) in Greek: Its
Production and Reception – Mario Cimosa: Angels, Demons and the Devil in the Book of Job
(LXX) – William R. Loader: The Seductress: Image and Reality in Proverbs and Ben Sira, Hebrew
and Greek – Cécile Dogniez: La necromancie dans la Septante d'Isaïe – Johann Cook:
Interpreting the Septuagint – Exegesis, Theology and/or Religionsgeschichte? – Timothy McLay:
Why not a Theology of the Septuagint?
Jutta Leonhardt-Balzer: Philo und die Septuaginta – Mogens Müller: Josephus und die
Septuaginta – Cilliers Breytenbach: LXX Jes 53,6.12 und die urchristliche Hingabeformel – Jan
Dochhorn: Das Testament Hiobs als Produkt narrativer Exegese. Eine Studie zur
Wirkungsgeschichte des griechischen und hebräischen Hiobbuchs – Jean-Marie Auwers: The
Greek Song of Songs as Found and Interpreted in the Exegetical Catenae – Riemer Roukema:
Patristic Interpretation of Micah – Wolfgang Kraus: Erträge der Tagung und das geplante
Handbuch zur Septuaginta

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Jews, Christians and Jewish Christians in Antiquity

Volume 251 The book, which consists of some previously published and unpublished essays, examines a
2010. XV, 538 pages. variety of issues relevant to the study of ancient Judaism and Christianity and their interaction,
including polemic, proselytism, biblical interpretation, messianism, the phenomenon normally
ISBN 978-3-16-150312-2 described as Jewish Christianity, and the fate of the Jewish community after the Bar Kokhba
cloth 129,00 € revolt, a period of considerable importance for the emergence not only of Judaism but also of
Christianity. The volume, typically for a collection of essays, does not lay out a particular thesis.
ISBN 978-3-16-151540-8
If anything binds the collection together, it is the author's attempt to set out the major fault
eBook PDF 129,00 €
lines in current debate about these disputed subjects, and in the process to reveal their
complex and entangled character.


The Arch-Heretic Marcion

Volume 250 Marcion is unanimously acknowledged to be one of the most important and most intriguing
2010. XIII, 181 pages. gures of the Early Church. In spite of this importance, there is no comprehensive up-to-date
study on his life and thought. Thus, the desire to ll this gap within the academic world –
ISBN 978-3-16-150268-2 which is inconvenient for both students and professors alike – has been the inspiration for
cloth 59,00 € writing this thesis. However, this work does not only aim at providing a complete study on
Marcion for the twenty- rst century, but also at ridding scholarship from several severe
ISBN 978-3-16-151539-2
misconceptions regarding the arch-heretic. The main argument of Sebastian Moll's study is that
eBook PDF 59,00 €
previous scholarship has turned Marcion's exegesis of Scripture upside down. He did not nd
the inspiration for his doctrine in the teachings of the Apostle Paul, it is the Old Testament and
its portrait of an inconsistent, vengeful and cruel God which forms the centre of his doctrine.
Marcion does not understand the Old Testament in the light of the New, he interprets the New
Testament in the light of the Old. This insight casts a new light on Marcion's place within the
history of the Church, as the initiator of a fundamental crisis of the Old Testament in the
second century. But not only did he have an enormous in uence on Christian exegesis, he also
stands at the beginning of the epochal ght between orthodoxy and heresy. As the rst man to
ever o cially break with the Church for doctrinal reasons, and whose biography would become
a stereotype for future heresiologists, Marcion can rightfully claim the title of 'arch-heretic'.

Das Gebet im Neuen Testament

Vierte europäische orthodox-westliche Exegetenkonferenz in Sambata de Sus,
4.-8. August 2007
Hrsg. v. Hans Klein, Vasile Mihoc u. Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr unter Mitarb. v.
Christos Karakolis

Volume 249 This collection of essays presents the papers given at the Fourth European Orthodox-Western
2009. XIII, 483 pages. Symposium of Biblical Scholars in Sambata de Sus, Romania. The Symposium is part of the
activities of the Eastern Europe Liaison Committee of Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas . The
ISBN 978-3-16-150102-9 main topics of the essays are prayer in late Second Temple Judaism and early Christianity,
cloth 109,00 € prayer to Jesus in the New Testament, prayers in Paul and in the Pauline tradition, the “Our
Father” in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke and in the Jesus tradition. In the second section,
ISBN 978-3-16-151538-5
the volume includes additional studies on prayer in ancient Judaism, the New Testament and in
eBook PDF 109,00 €
the early church traditions. These essays deal with prayer in the Gospels of Luke and John, the
Book of Revelation, ancient Hellenistic Judaism, early Christian martyr traditions, and in the
Church Fathers (Aphrahat, John Chrysostom).

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Heil und Geschichte
Die Geschichtsbezogenheit des Heils und das Problem der Heilsgeschichte in der
biblischen Tradition und in der theologischen Deutung
Hrsg. v. Jörg Frey, Stefan Krauter u. Hermann Lichtenberger

Volume 248 This volume combines the contributions to a conference held in honor of Martin Hengel on the
2009. XXIII, 834 pages. problem of the history of salvation. In more than 30 articles, the authors discuss the issue in its
exegetical and theological dimensions. The subjects range from the Hebrew Bible, Josephus,
ISBN 978-3-16-150110-4 Philo, Qumran and the rabbis, including the major New Testament writers, the Greco-Roman
cloth 199,00 € world, Irenaeus and the Gnostics Augustine and Luther to the modern interpreters such as Kant
and Hamann, von Hofmann, Bultmann, Löwith, Rosenstock-Huessy and Pannenberg. The aim
ISBN 978-3-16-151537-8
of this volume is to take a new look at the long-neglected issue of the history of salvation and
eBook PDF 199,00 €
the fundamental relationship between history and theology.

Survey of contents

Jörg Frey, Stefan Krauter, Hermann Lichtenberger: Einführung – Martin Hengel: Heilsgeschichte
Altes Testament und Antikes Judentum
Bernd Janowski: Vergegenwärtigung und Wiederholung. Anmerkungen zu G. von Rads Konzept
der “Heilsgeschichte” – Joachim Schaper: “Dann sollst du anheben und sagen vor dem HERRN,
deinem Gott …”: Heil, Geschichte und Gedächtnis im Deuteronomium – Anna Maria Schwemer:
Die Gottesherrschaft bei Josephus – Bernhard Mutschler: Geschichte, Heil und Unheil bei
Flavius Josephus am Beispiel der Tempelzerstörung. Zur Komposition von Jos. bell. 6,285–315 –
Jutta Leonhardt-Balzer: Heilsgeschichte bei Philo? Die Aufnahme der Zweigeisterlehre in QE I 23
– Marc Philonenko: La symbolique du noir et du blanc dans la vision de l'histoire de
l'apocalyptique – Beate Ego: Geschichte im Horizont der göttlichen Zuwendung. Überlegungen
zur Relation von Heil und Geschichte im rabbinischen Judentum – Hermann Lichtenberger:
Geschichte und Heilsgeschichte in der Damaskusschrift – Daniel Schwartz: From Moses' Song to
Mattathias' Speech. On “Zeal for the Law” and Heilsgeschichte in the Second Century BCE
Griechisch-römische Perspektiven
Thomas Szlezák: Weltgeschehen mit und ohne Götter. Griechische Vorstellungen über die
Präsenz des Göttlichen im geschichtlichen Prozess – Dieter Timpe: Domitian als Christenfeind
und die Tradition der Verfolgerkaiser – Stefan Krauter: “Tanti fuit” – Ein römischer Beitrag zu
Problemen heilsgeschichtlicher Theologie – Hans Dieter Betz: Plutarch über das leere Grab des
Numa Pompilius
Neues Testament
Reinhard Feldmeier: Gott und die Zeit – Ulrike Mittmann-Richert: Thesen zur
o enbarungsgeschichtlichen Grundlegung der Christologie – Christian Grappe: De le Création à
la Résurrection et à la Nouvelle Création: lectures et relectures de Genèse 2,7 – Friedrich
Avemarie: Heilsgeschichte und Lebensgeschichte bei Paulus – James D.G. Dunn: The Book of
Acts as Salvation History – Roland Deines: Das Erkennen von Gottes Handeln in der Geschichte
bei Matthäus – Hermut Löhr: Geschichtliches Denken im Hebräerbrief – Jörg Frey: Die
Fleischwerdung des Wortes: Die Geschichtlichkeit des Heils nach dem Johannesevangelium
Patristik und Reformation
Christoph Markschies: Welche Funktion hat der Mythos in den gnostischen Systemen? Oder:
“Ein gescheiterter Denkversuch zum Thema 'Heil und Geschichte'” – Winrich Löhr:
Heilsgeschichte und Universalgeschichte im antiken Christentum – Torsten Krannich: “Gott, der
du es durch die Fülle deines Erbarmens gut mit uns meintest (haer. 3,6,4). Heil bei Irenäus von
Lyon – Volker Drecoll: Heil und Geschichte in der Paulusauslegung Augustins – Matthieu
Arnold: Dieu, maître de l'histoire dans la correspondance de Martin Luther – Volker Leppin: “..
in diesen letzten Zeiten”. Gottes Geschichtswirken und Gottes Heilswirken bei Martin Luther
Neuzeitliche Theologiegeschichte
Oswald Bayer: Scheidekunst und Ehekunst. Glaube und Geschichte bei Kant und Hamann –
Johannes Wischmeyer: Heilsgeschichte im Zeitalter des Historismus. Das geschichtstheologische
Programm J.C.K. Hofmanns – Fritz Herrenbrück: Heilsgeschichte bei Karl Löwith und Eugen
Rosenstock-Huessy – Klaus W. Müller: Rudolf Bultmann und die Heilsgeschichte – Christine
Axt-Piscalar: O enbarung als Geschichte. Die Neubegründung der Geschichtstheologie in der

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Theologie Wolfhart Pannenbergs – Christoph Schwöbel: “Heilsgeschichte” – Anatomie eines
umstrittenen theologischen Konzepts
Literarischer Appendix
Ulrich Heckel: Heil und Geschichte. Predigt über 1. Petrus 1,3–9 – Folker Siegert: Philon über
die Vorsehung: Ein Gespräch

Key Events in the Life of the Historical Jesus

A Collaborative Exploration of Context and Coherence
Ed. by Darrell L. Bock and Robert L. Webb

Volume 247 Using a carefully de ned approach to historical Jesus studies and historical method, this
2009. XVII, 931 pages. collection of essays examines twelve key events in the life of Jesus that were part of a decade-
long collaborative research project. Each essay examines the case for the event's authenticity
ISBN 978-3-16-150144-9 and then explores the social and cultural background to the event to provide an understanding
cloth 189,00 € of the event's historical signi cance. The rst six events are related to the public ministry
context of Jesus, mostly associated with his Galilean ministry, while latter six events involve his
ISBN 978-3-16-151536-1
nal days in Jerusalem. The nal essay closes with suggestions about how these events cohere
eBook PDF 189,00 €
and what they can tell us about what Jesus did.

Survey of contents

Darrell L. Bock/Robert L. Webb: Introduction to Key Events and Actions in the Life of the
Historical Jesus – Robert L. Webb: The Historical Enterprise and Historical Jesus Research –
Robert L. Webb: Jesus' Baptism by John: Its Historicity and Signi cance – Craig A. Evans:
Exorcisms and the Kingdom: Inaugurating the Kingdom of God and Defeating the Kingdom of
Satan – Scot McKnight: Jesus and the Twelve – Craig L. Blomberg: The Authenticity and
Signi cance of Jesus' Table Fellowship with Sinners – Donald A. Hagner : Jesus and the Synoptic
Sabbath Controversies – Michael J. Wilkins: Peter's Declaration concerning Jesus' Identity in
Caesarea Philippi – Brent Kinman: Jesus' Royal Entry into Jerusalem – Klyne R. Snodgrass: The
Temple Incident – I. Howard Marshall: The Last Supper – Darrell L. Bock: Blasphemy and the
Jewish Examination of Jesus – Robert L. Webb: The Roman Examination and Cruci xion of
Jesus: Their Historicity and Implications – Grant R. Osborne: Jesus' Empty Tomb and His
Appearance in Jerusalem – Darrell L. Bock: Key Events in the Life of the Historical Jesus: A

Pseudepigraphie und Verfasserfiktion in frühchristlichen

Pseudepigraphy and Author Fiction in Early Christian Letters
Hrsg. v. Jörg Frey, Jens Herzer, Martina Janßen u. Clare K. Rothschild, u. Mitarb. v.
Michaela Engelmann

Volume 246 Since the classic studies of early Christian pseudepigraphy in the 1960s and 70s, pseudonymity
2009. XII, 902 pages. has been a vital question of New Testament scholarship. Yet no comprehensive, new work
taking into consideration the many recent developments in the eld has been published. Today
ISBN 978-3-16-150042-8 scholarship demands exacting discussions of ancient parallels, categorizing method and type of
cloth 139,00 € authorial ction and addressing respective functions and legacies. The present volume meets
this demand through its examination of a wide range of pseudonymous authorial
ISBN 978-3-16-151535-4
constructions from Early Judaism to the Greek and Roman world. It features treatments of
eBook PDF 139,00 €
apocalyptic, Qumran, wisdom and apocryphal literature as well as the ancient letter novel while
maintaining a focus on New Testament epistolary literature. The volume covers all NT texts
commonly viewed as pseudonymous as well as Hebrews. Its chief aim is to update respected
treatments of the past with a fresh awareness of the immense variety of texts and strategies.

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Survey of contents

Martina Janßen / Jörg Frey: Einführung

I. Frühjüdische Kontexte
Leo G. Perdue: Pseudonymity and Graeco-Roman Rhetoric. Mimesis and the Wisdom of
Solomon – Karina Martin Hogan: Pseudepigraphy and the Periodization of History in Jewish
Apocalypses – Eibert Tigchelaar: Forms of Pseudepigraphy in the Dead Sea Scrolls
II. Griechisch-römische Kontexte
Wolfgang Speyer: Göttliche und menschliche Verfasserschaft im Altertum – Martina Janßen:
Antike (Selbst-)Aussagen über Beweggründe zur Pseudepigraphie – Marco Frenschkowski:
Erkannte Pseudepigraphie? Ein Essay über Fiktionalität, Antike und Christentum – Katharina
Luchner: Pseudepigraphie und antike Briefromane – Timo Glaser: Erzählung im Fragment. Ein
narratologischer Ansatz zur Auslegung pseudepigrapher Briefbücher – Robert Matthew
Calhoun: The Letter of Mithridates. A Neglected Item of Ancient Epistolary Theory
III. Frühchristliche Kontexte
Harry Y. Gamble: Pseudonymity and the New Testament Canon – Eve-Marie Becker: Von
Paulus zu “Paulus”. Paulinische Pseudepigraphie-Forschung als literaturgeschichtliche Aufgabe
– Martin Hüneburg: Paulus versus Paulus. Der Epheserbrief als Korrektur des Kolosserbriefes –
Nicole Frank: Der Kolosserbrief und die “Philosophia”. Pseudepigraphie als Spiegel
frühchristlicher Auseinandersetzungen um die Auslegung des paulinischen Erbes – Trevor
Thompson: A Stone that Still Won't Fit. An Introductory and Editorial Note for Edgar Krentz's “A
Stone that Will Not Fit” – Edgar Krentz: A Stone That Will Not Fit. The Non-Pauline Autorship of
2 Thessalonians – Trevor Thompson: As If Genuine. Interpreting the Pseudepigraphic Second
Thessalonians – Jens Herzer: Fiktion oder Täuschung? Zur Diskussion über die Pseudepigraphie
der Pastoralbriefe – Clare K. Rothschild: Hebrews as a Guide to Reading Romans – Matthias
Konradt: “Jakobus, der Gerechte”. Erwägungen zur Verfasser ktion des Jakobusbriefes – Matt
Jackson-McCabe: The Politics of Pseudepigraphy and the Letter of James – Karl Matthias
Schmidt: Die Stimme des Apostels erheben. Pragmatische Leistungen der Autoren ktion in den
Petrusbriefen – Lutz Doering: Apostle, Co-Elder, and Witness of Su ering. Author Construction
and Peter Image in First Peter – Jörg Frey: Autor ktion und Gegnerbild im Judasbrief und im
Zweiten Petrusbrief – Jutta Leonhardt-Balzer: Pseudepigraphie und Gemeinde in den
Johannesbriefen – Stefan Krauter: Was ist “schlechte” Pseudepigraphie? Mittel, Wirkung und
Intention von Pseudepigraphie in den Epistolae Senecae ad Paulum et Pauli ad Senecam
David E. Aune: Reconceptualizing the Phenomenon of Ancient Pseudepigraphy: An Epilogue

Le Jour de Dieu – Der Tag Gottes

5. Symposium Strasbourg, Tübingen, Uppsala. 11.-13. September 2006 in Uppsala
Hrsg. v. Anders Hultgard u. Stig Norin

Volume 245 Der vorliegende Band enthält die Vorträge von Wissenschaftlern der drei theologischen
2009. VIII, 252 pages. Fakultäten zu Strasbourg, Tübingen und Uppsala, die anläßlich des fünften Symposiums in
Uppsala gehalten wurden. Thema dieses Symposiums war Der Tag Gottes / Le jour de Dieu.
ISBN 978-3-16-150068-8 Der Begri “Tag Gottes” hat im allgemeinen einen eschatologischen Bedeutungsinhalt, kann
cloth 74,00 € jedoch auch anders aufgefasst werden. Die behandelten Themen erstrecken sich über einen
langen Zeitraum: von der altägyptischen Periode bis ins skandinavische Mittelalter. Wenn auch
ISBN 978-3-16-151534-7
Judentum und Christentum im Blickpunkt des Interesses stehen, so werden auch Probleme und
eBook PDF 74,00 €
Vorstellungen im Zoroastrismus und in der ägyptischen Religion aufgegri en.

Mit Beiträgen von:

Anders Hultgård, Jean-Claude Ingelaere, Erika Meyer-Dietrich, Friedmann Eissler, Tord Fornberg,
Christian Grappe, Matthias Morgenstern, Stig Norin, Wolfgang Oswald, Marc Philonenko, Anna-
Maria Schwemer, Håkan Ulfgard, Madeleine Wieger

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Coping with Prejudice

1 Peter in Social-Psychological Perspective

Volume 244 Modern social psychology has devoted a signi cant share of its resources to the study of
2009. XVI, 317 pages. human prejudice. Most research to date has focused on those groups that exhibit prejudice.
However, a number of recent studies have begun to investigate prejudice from the perspective
ISBN 978-3-16-149961-6 of its “targets.” These studies have shown prejudice to be a powerful stressor that places
cloth 89,00 € unique and costly demands on its targets. They have also identi ed a number of strategies that
targets of prejudice use to cope with their predicaments. These ndings hold real promise for
ISBN 978-3-16-151533-0
scholars of early Christianity, for not only were early Christians frequently the targets of
eBook PDF 89,00 €
religious prejudice – they were to become its perpetrators soon enough! – but much of what
they wrote sought either directly or indirectly to address this problem. In this study, Paul A.
Holloway applies the ndings of social psychology to the early Christian pseudepigraphon
known as 1 Peter. He argues that 1 Peter marks one of the earliest attempts by a Christian
author to craft a more or less comprehensive response to anti-Christian prejudice and its
outcomes. Unlike later Apologists, however, who also wrote in response to anti-Christian
prejudice, the author of 1 Peter does not seek to in uence directly the thoughts and actions of
those hostile to Christianity, but writes instead for his beleaguered coreligionists, consoling
them in their su ering and advising them on how to cope with popular prejudice and the
persecution it engendered.


Studien zu Röm 13,1–7

Paulus und der politische Diskurs der neronischen Zeit

Volume 243 Due to its reception history, the exhortation to be subject to governing authorities in Rom
2009. XI, 354 pages. 13:1–7 is one of the most contested passages in the Pauline epistles. Stefan Krauter presents
the rst exegetical monograph to interpret the text as a part of Neronian political discourse.
ISBN 978-3-16-150099-2 Paul takes up central motifs of Graeco-Roman political ideology of his time, as well as
cloth 99,00 € traditions of Jewish political thought. Rom 13:1–7 not only advises Roman Christians to avoid
political turmoil but also legitimizes governing authorities as installed by God in order to
ISBN 978-3-16-151532-3
promote the moral good. It is further argued that it is in no way possible to deduce from this
eBook PDF 99,00 €
text a Christian political ethics for today.


Christ-Believers in Ephesus
A Textual Analysis of Early Christian Identity Formation in a Local Perspective

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Volume 242 This book deals with issues relating to the formation of early Christian identity in the city of
2009. X, 363 pages. Ephesus, one of the major centres of the early Christian movement towards the end of the rst
century and the beginning of the second century CE. How diverse was the early Christian
ISBN 978-3-16-150048-0 movement in Ephesus? What were its main characteristics? What held this movement together?
cloth 89,00 € Taking these questions as a starting point, Mikael Tellbe focuses on the social and theological
diversity of this early Christian movement, the process of “the parting of the ways” – i.e. issues
ISBN 978-3-16-151531-6
of ethnicity – , the in uence of “deviating” groups and the quest for authority and legitimacy,
eBook PDF 89,00 €
as well as issues of commonality and theological unity. The author argues for a textual
approach and the impact of various textual “prototypes” in the task of analyzing the process of
early Christian identity formation in Ephesus.


Die Evangelien und die Apostelgeschichte

Studien zu ihrer Theologie und zu ihrer Geschichte

Volume 241 In the four chapters contained in this work, Andreas Lindemann presents 16 studies of the
2009. VIII, 422 pages. Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles. In the rst chapter, he interprets central texts in the
Gospel according to Mark. The second chapter deals with the Q source, parallel texts in the
ISBN 978-3-16-150041-1 Gospel of Luke and Acts (speeches, miracle stories, meal stories) and texts about Christian life in
cloth 114,00 € Jerusalem and the beginnings of the mission to the Gentiles. In the third chapter, the author
focuses on theological problems in the Gospel of John, the relationship of the community to
ISBN 978-3-16-151530-9
the “world,” the signi cance of Moses and of biblical law. The book concludes with studies on
eBook PDF 114,00 €
the question of a “theology of the synoptic gospels,” the theological exegesis of miracle stories
and the image of Jesus in the gospels, in particular regarding Jesus' relationship to the people
outside of Israel. Each chapter contains a survey of the recent discussion of the topics since the
rst publication of the studies. The intention of the exegetical work is to show how it can
contribute to theology and to church life.


Der sprechende Gott

Gesammelte Studien zum Hebräerbrief

Volume 240 This volume includes thirteen articles on the interpretation of Hebrews written between 1993
2009. VIII, 344 pages. and 2009. They focus on the concept of God, Christology, the intertextual and gurative modes
of generating and developing biblical theology, the relationship between Israel and the church,
ISBN 978-3-16-150027-5 the history of Christian hope and anxiety and the ethical foundation of Christian sociality. The
cloth 89,00 € Epistle to the Hebrews shows the connection between these areas in the rst sentence: God's
self communication in Israel's history of promise, completed and guaranteed in the Christ
ISBN 978-3-16-151529-3
drama. Thus the book presents the multifaceted image of a pioneer of theology who has often
eBook PDF 89,00 €
been underestimated by the church and by scholars. Biblically oriented, thoughtful, rhetorically
skilled and (contrary to many a prejudice) practically competent, Hebrews explores the
“speaking God” in order to de ne and deepen Christian identity in the crisis of its liminal

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Jenseits von Indikativ und Imperativ
Kontexte und Normen neutestamentlicher Ethik / Contexts and Norms of New
Testament Ethics. Band I
Hrsg. v. Friedrich W. Horn u. Ruben Zimmermann

Volume 238 The widely-used division of ethics in New Testament writings into the categories “indicative and
2009. XIII, 386 pages. imperative” does not withstand a critical examination of the text. Hence the authors of this
volume attempt to go beyond the indicative and imperative to describe and explain these
ISBN 978-3-16-149997-5 ethics. They reveal that the New Testament texts put forth very di erent justi cations for the
cloth 99,00 € right conduct or the good in New Testament texts and that a complex methodological approach
is necessary in order to illustrate these arguments and their backgrounds.
ISBN 978-3-16-151527-9
eBook PDF 99,00 €
Survey of contents

Neutestamentliche Ethik im Dialog mit Ethiken im Vor- und Umfeld des Neuen Testaments
Maximilian Forschner: Das Selbst- und Weltverhältnis des Weisen. Über die stoische
Begründung des Guten und Wertvollen – Hermut Löhr: Elemente eudämonistischer Ethik im
Neuen Testament? – Manfred Lang: Lebenskunst und Ethos. Beobachtungen zu Plutarch,
Seneca, Philo von Alexandrien und dem 1. Petrusbrief- Eckart Otto: Narrative Begründungen
von Ethos in der Ethik des Alten und Neuen Testaments – Eckart Reinmuth: Das Alter würdigen.
Antike Anerkennungsdiskurse und Neues Testament – Christoph Horn: Der Zeitbegri der
antiken Moralphilosophie und das Zeitverständnis des Neues Testaments
Begründungsstrukturen bei Paulus
Udo Schnelle: Paulus und Epiktet – zwei ethische Modelle – Manuel Vogel: Ob Tugend lehrbar
sei. Stimmen und Gegenstimmen im hellenistischen Judentum mit einem Ausblick auf Paulus –
Christof Landmesser: Begründungsstrukturen paulinischer Ethik – David G. Horrell: Particular
Identity and Common Ethics. Re ections on the Foundations and Content of Pauline Ethics in 1
Corinthians 5 – Friedrich Wilhelm Horn: Die Darstellung und Begründung der Ethik des
Apostels Paulus in der new perspective
Begründungsstrukturen in den Evangelien, im Jakobusbrief und in der Alten Kirche
Ruben Zimmermann: Die Ethico-Ästhetik der Gleichnisse Jesu. Ethik durch literarische Ästhetik
am Beispiel der Parabeln im Matthäus-Evangelium – Troels Engberg-Pedersen: Giving and
Doing. The Philosophical Coherence of the Sermon on the Plain – Rainer Hirsch-Luipold:
Prinzipiell-theologische Ethik in der johanneischen Literatur – Matthias Konradt: Werke als
Handlungsdimension des Glaubens. Erwägungen zum Verhältnis von Theologie und Ethik im
Jakobusbrief – Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr: Ethik und Anthropologie nach dem Jakobusbrief. Eine
Skizze – Ulrich Volp: Beobachtungen zur antiken Kritik an den Begründungszusammenhängen
christlicher Ethik


New Testament and Christian Apocrypha

Collected Studies II
Ed. by Glenn E. Snyder

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Volume 237 This volume of Kleine Schriften re ects François Bovon's two major elds of research: Luke-Acts
2009. VIII, 381 pages. on the one hand, and early Christian Apocrypha on the other. He insists on the ethical and
missionary practices of the early Christian communities. The apostle Paul's ethical concern is
ISBN 978-3-16-149050-7 presented not as an opposition between good and evil, but as a crescendo from the good to
cloth 139,00 € the best. The authority of John, the author of the Book of Revelation, is described in a
nonhierarchical way as the care of a brother for his brothers and sisters rather than of a father.
ISBN 978-3-16-151526-2
Women ministry is attested in recently discovered portions of the Acts of Philip. This collection
eBook PDF 139,00 €
of essays shows also how doctrinal positions were reached in the middle of strong tensions.
Such is the witness of the Fragment Oxyrhynchus 840 in favor of a spiritual puri cation.
François Bovon is also attentive to the reception of the earliest Christian documents in the Late
Antiquity period. As a whole he describes aspects of early Christianity in its variety but also in
its unity.


Theologie und Ethos im frühen Christentum

Studien zu Jesus, Paulus und Lukas

Volume 236 Michael Wolter presents studies on central themes of the mission of Jesus, the theology of Paul
2009. X, 539 pages. the apostle and the theology of history in Luke-Acts. He demonstrates that there is a distinct
theology continuity among Jesus, Paul and Luke. At the same time, the studies show that rst
ISBN 978-3-16-149903-6 Paul and then Luke vary in the subjects they emphasized in order to reformulate the particular
cloth 129,00 € character of the Christian faith for the Christian communities in their own time. The author sees
Jesus' claim to be the authentic representative of God's salvi c care of Israel as the center of
ISBN 978-3-16-151525-5
Jesus' mission. Paul develops the theological concept of a Christian identity and of a
eBook PDF 49,00 €
corresponding Christian ethos which are based exclusively on the faith in Jesus Christ, and Luke
endeavors to explain the history of the Jewish-Christian parting of the ways as an integral part
of the history of Israel. The author concludes the book with comprehensive studies on
apocalypticism, the history of the concept of law, and the theology of sin.


Theologie und Ethos im frühen Christentum

Studien zu Jesus, Paulus und Lukas

Volume 236 Michael Wolter presents studies on central themes of the mission of Jesus, the theology of Paul
2009; unrevised student the apostle and the theology of history in Luke-Acts. He demonstrates that there is a distinct
edition 2017. X, 539 pages. theology continuity among Jesus, Paul and Luke.

ISBN 978-3-16-154498-9 “[This] volume contains seminal articles that make valuable contributions to the study of the
paper 49,00 € theology and ethos of the early church.”
James W. Thompson in Religious Studies Review 36 (2010), p. 148

“[The] gathering together (and updating) of this material shows that Wolter's substantial work
needs more systematically to be drawn into scholarly discourse of Anglo-American scholarship
than has generally been the case.”
Peter Oakes in Journal for the Study of the New Testament 33/5 (2011), p. 28

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Hebrews as Pseudepigraphon
The History and Significance of the Pauline Attribution of Hebrews

Volume 235 The history of scholarship on Hebrews attests a tension between the originality and Pauline
2009. XVII, 287 pages. character of its epistolary postscript (13:20–25). Generally speaking, scholars accepting the
postscript's originality reject its Pauline character, while those rejecting its originality accept its
ISBN 978-3-16-149826-8 reliance on Paul's letters. The Pauline character of the postscript is especially problematic for
cloth 89,00 € implying Paul's authorship of the book-a thesis that is all but dispensed with today. Clare K.
Rothschild argues that if Hebrews's postscript is both original and imitative of Paul's letters, and
ISBN 978-3-16-151524-8
if such imitation on the part of the author of Hebrews deliberately identi es the author as Paul,
eBook PDF 89,00 €
the entire book of Hebrews merits consideration as a pseudepigraphon.
Examining Hebrews from this perspective, Rothschild makes the case that neither the postscript
nor the rest of Hebrews was composed de novo . Rather, it deliberately adopts words and
phrases-including citations from the Jewish scriptures-from a collection of Pauline materials, in
order to imply Paul's authorship of a message that stands in continuity with esteemed Pauline
traditions. Furthermore, the longstanding tradition of Hebrews's Pauline attribution suggests
that it never circulated independently of other works attributed to Paul but was composed to
amplify an early corpus Paulinum . This is the rst ever monograph to examine the history of
Hebrews' Pauline attribution and the signi cance of this attribution for our understanding of
the book and its author's indebtedness to Pauline traditions.


Studien zum Urchristentum

Kleine Schriften VI
Hrsg. v. Claus-Jürgen Thornton

Volume 234 Volume VI of Martin Hengel's 'Selected Essays' contains 17 texts written over a period of 36
2008. XII, 652 pages. years between 1971 and 2007. They focus on aspects of Lukan historiography as the basis for
our knowledge of early Christianity. However, the volume also contains studies of the origins
ISBN 978-3-16-149509-0 of gnosis, the mission of the early church, the early history of Christianity and the history of
cloth 194,00 € Christian society as well as cruci xion in antiquity. All the texts have been checked and
additions have been made to some of them. They represent a part of the author's scholarly
work in the period mentioned. The nal volume of the 'Selected Essays,' Volume VII, which
contains historical-theological articles, biographical sketches and detailed indices of Volumes V
to VII is in progress and its planned publication date is 2009.

Survey of contents

Zur urchristlichen Geschichtsschreibung – Die Ursprünge der christlichen Mission – Die Anfänge
der urchristlichen Mission (Rez. von H. Kasting) – Der Historiker Lukas und die Geographie
Palästinas in der Apostelgeschichte – ?Ioudaiva in der geographischen Liste Apg 2,9–11 und
Syrien als “Großjudäa” – Der Jude Paulus und sein Volk. Zu einem neuen Acta-Kommentar (Rez.
von J. Jervell, Die Apostelgeschichte, KEK 3, Göttingen 1998) – Der Lukasprolog und seine
Augenzeugen: Die Apostel, Petrus und die Frauen – Problems of a History of Earliest
Christianity – Überlegungen zu einer Geschichte des frühesten Christentums im 1. und 2.
Jahrhundert – Eigentum und Reichtum in der frühen Kirche. Aspekte einer frühchristlichen
Sozialgeschichte – Die Arbeit im frühen Christentum – Königsherrschaft Gottes und himmlischer
Kult (zusammen mit A. M. Schwemer) – Qumran und das frühe Christentum – Die Heiden – Die
“auserwählte Herrin”, die “Braut”, die “Mutter” und die “Gottesstadt – Christological Titles in
Early Christianity – Die Ursprünge der Gnosis und das Urchristentum – Mors turpissima crucis.
Die Kreuzigung in der antiken Welt und die “Torheit” des “Wortes vom Kreuz”

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Studien zum Urchristentum

Kleine Schriften VI
Hrsg. v. Claus-Jürgen Thornton

Volume 234 Volume VI of Martin Hengel's 'Selected Essays' contains 17 texts written over a period of 36
2008; unrevised student years between 1971 and 2007. They focus on aspects of Lukan historiography as the basis for
edition 2011. XII, 652 pages. our knowledge of early Christianity. However, the volume also contains studies of the origins
of gnosis, the mission of the early church, the early history of Christianity and the history of
ISBN 978-3-16-150849-3 Christian society as well as cruci xion in antiquity. All the texts have been checked and
sewn paper 49,00 € additions have been made to some of them. They represent a part of the author's scholarly
work in the period mentioned.

Survey of contents

Zur urchristlichen Geschichtsschreibung – Die Ursprünge der christlichen Mission – Die Anfänge
der urchristlichen Mission (Rez. von H. Kasting) – Der Historiker Lukas und die Geographie
Palästinas in der Apostelgeschichte – Ioudaiva in der geographischen Liste Apg 2,9–11 und
Syrien als “Großjudäa” – Der Jude Paulus und sein Volk. Zu einem neuen Acta-Kommentar (Rez.
von J. Jervell, Die Apostelgeschichte, KEK 3, Göttingen 1998) – Der Lukasprolog und seine
Augenzeugen: Die Apostel, Petrus und die Frauen – Problems of a History of Earliest
Christianity – Überlegungen zu einer Geschichte des frühesten Christentums im 1. und 2.
Jahrhundert – Eigentum und Reichtum in der frühen Kirche. Aspekte einer frühchristlichen
Sozialgeschichte – Die Arbeit im frühen Christentum – Königsherrschaft Gottes und himmlischer
Kult (zusammen mit A. M. Schwemer) – Qumran und das frühe Christentum – Die Heiden – Die
“auserwählte Herrin”, die “Braut”, die “Mutter” und die “Gottesstadt – Die Ursprünge der Gnosis
und das Urchristentum – Mors turpissima crucis. Die Kreuzigung in der antiken Welt und die
“Torheit” des “Wortes vom Kreuz”


The Jewish World around the New Testament

Collected Essays I

Volume 233 This is a collection of twenty-four essays by Richard Bauckham rst published between 1976
2008. VI, 548 pages. and 2008, some of which have been updated for this volume. Many aspects of the literature
and thought of early Judaism are covered, including life after death, the provenance of the
ISBN 978-3-16-149614-1 Pseudepigrapha, the Jewish apocalypses, the book of Tobit, the Horarium of Adam, and the
cloth 149,00 € Contra Apionem of Josephus. There are discussions of 'the parting of the ways' between early
Judaism and early Christianity and of the relevance of early Jewish literature for the study of the
ISBN 978-3-16-151522-4
New Testament. Other essays throw light on speci c aspects or texts of early Christianity by
eBook PDF 149,00 €
relating them to their early Jewish context. These include studies of the delay of the parousia,
the restoration of Israel in Luke-Acts, and the use of Latin names by Paul and other Jews in the
early Christian movement. The essays in this volume result from the author's conviction,
throughout his career, that the New Testament texts can only be understood adequately
through wide-ranging and detailed study of the Judaism of the late Second Temple period.

Survey of contents

Introduction – The Martyrdom of Enoch and Elijah: Jewish or Christian? – Enoch and Elijah in
the Coptic Apocalypse of Elijah – The Rise of Apocalyptic – The Delay of the Parousia – A Note
on a Problem in the Greek Version of 1 Enoch 1:9 – The Son of Man: 'A Man in my Position' or
'Someone'? – The Apocalypses in J. H. Charlesworth's Old Testament Pseudepigrapha – Pseudo-

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Apostolic Letters – Kainam the Son of Arpachshad in Luke's Genealogy -The List of the Tribes of
Israel in Revelation 7 – The “Parting of the Ways”: What Happened and Why – The Messianic
Interpretation of Isaiah 10:34 – The Relevance of Extra-Canonical Jewish Texts to New Testament
Study – Josephus' Account of the Temple in Contra Apionem 2.102–109 -Life, Death, and the
Afterlife in Second Temple Judaism – What if Paul had Travelled East rather than West? –
Covenant, Law and Salvation in the Jewish Apocalypses – The Restoration of Israel in Luke-Acts
– Paul and Other Jews with Latin Names in the New Testament – The Horarium of Adam and the
Chronology of the Passion – The Spirit of God in Us Loathes Envy: James 4:5 – Tobit as a
Parable for the Exiles of Northern Israel – The Continuing Quest for the Origins of the Old
Testament Pseudepigrapha


Paul's Anthropology in Context

The Image of God, Assimilation to God, and Tripartite Man in Ancient Judaism,
Ancient Philosophy and Early Christianity

Volume 232 George H. van Kooten o ers a radical contextualization of Paul's view of man within the
2008. XXIV, 444 pages. Graeco-Roman discourse of his day. On the one hand, important anthropological terminology
such as “image of God” and “spirit” derives from the Jewish creation accounts of Genesis 1–2.
ISBN 978-3-16-149778-0 On the other hand, this terminology appears to be compatible with re ections of Graeco-
cloth 129,00 € Roman philosophers on man as the image of God and on man's mind, and is supplemented
with Platonic concepts such as “the inner man.” For this reason, the author traces the
ISBN 978-3-16-151521-7
development of Paul's anthropology against the background of both ancient Judaism and
eBook PDF 129,00 €
ancient philosophy. Although he takes his starting point from Jewish texts, and is not out of
tune with particular Jewish thoughts about the close relation between man and God, Paul, like
Philo of Alexandria, seems to owe a lot to contemporary philosophical anthropology. Paul's
view, for instance, that man needs to be “transformed into the image of God” lacks Jewish
antecedents, but re ects the pagan philosophical notion of man's assimilation to God. George
H. van Kooten emphasizes that it is no longer possible to deny the relevance of a Greek context
for Paul's view of man, and argues that Paul should be understood in the wake of the 1st cent.
BC introduction of a comprehensive Platonic doctrine of man's assimilation to God through
virtue. Paul's anthropology, which calls for inner transformation and is universally applicable,
criticizes the super cial values of the sophistic movement in Corinth and the anthropomorphic
images of the gods, and o ers a strategy to overcome the ethnic tensions which divide the
Christian community in Rome.

Hermeneutik der Gleichnisse Jesu

Methodische Neuansätze zum Verstehen urchristlicher Parabeltexte
Hrsg. v. Ruben Zimmermann unter Mitarb. v. Gabi Kern

Volume 231 Whereas previous methods of understanding Jesus' parables were strictly separated according
2008; unrevised student to history, literature and the aesthetics of reception, the authors of this book attempt to look at
edition 2011. XII, 688 pages. the various approaches together from the perspective of hermeneutics. Although the individual
contributors to the volume do represent di erent perspectives, the connection between the
ISBN 978-3-16-150850-9 various approaches can be perceived in this collection of essays, which are based on papers
sewn paper 79,00 € presented while working on the Compendium of the Parables of Jesus (edited by R.
Zimmermann, Gütersloh 2007) during the Conference on Parables in Bielefeld in October 2005
ISBN 978-3-16-151520-0
and February 2006. In their articles, the authors seek to establish a dialogue with American
eBook PDF 79,00 €
research on parables.

Survey of contents

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Ruben Zimmermann: Im Spielraum des Verstehens. Chancen einer integrativen
Gleichnishermeneutik – Uta Poplutz: Parabelauslegung im Kompendium der Gleichnisse Jesu.
Re exion der Methodenschritte und exemplarische Exegese von Joh 3,29f.
I. Historische und sozialgeschichtliche Perspektiven
Ruben Zimmermann: Gleichnisse als Medien der Jesuserinnerung. Die Historizität der
Jesusparabeln im Horizont der Gedächtnisforschung – Karl-Heinrich Ostmeyer: Gleichnisse.
Quelle des Verständnisses der Umwelt Jesu? Umwelt. Quelle des Verständnisses der Gleichnisse
Jesu? – Luise Schottro : Sozialgeschichtliche Gleichnisauslegung. Überlegungen zu einer
nichtdualistischen Gleichnistheorie – Warren Carter: Matthew's Gospel, Rome's Empire, and the
Parable of the Mustard Seed (Matt 13:31–32) – Charles W. Hedrick: Survivors of the Cruci xion.
Searching for Pro les in the Parables – Klyne Snodgrass: Stories with Prophetic Intent. The
Contextualization of Jesus' Parables
II. Traditions- und redaktionsgeschichtliche Perspektiven
Andreas Schüle: Mashal (lvm) and the Prophetic “Parables” – Catherine Hezser: Rabbinische
Gleichnisse und ihre Vergleichbarkeit mit neutestamentlichen Gleichnissen – Ruben
Zimmermann: Jesus' Parables and Ancient Rhetoric. The Contributions of Aristotle and
Quintilian to the Form Criticism of the Parables – Michael Labahn: Das Reich Gottes und seine
performativen Abbildungen. Gleichnisse, Parabeln und Bilder als Handlungsmodelle im
Dokument Q – Kurt Erlemann: Die eschatologisch-kritische Funktion der synoptischen
Parabeln – Mira Stare: Gibt es Gleichnisse im Johannesevangelium? – Enno Edzard Popkes:
'Das Mysterion der Botschaft Jesu'. Beobachtungen zur synoptischen Parabeltheorie und ihren
Analogien im Johannesevangelium und Thomasevangelium – Clare Rothschild: Parabolh, in
III. Sprach- und literaturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven
Ruben Zimmermann: Parabeln – sonst nichts! Gattungsbestimmung jenseits der Klassi kation
in “Bildwort”, “Gleichnis”, “Parabel” und “Beispielerzählung” – Detlev Dormeyer: Gleichnisse als
narrative und metaphorische Konstrukte – sprachliche und handlungsorientierte Aspekte –
Christian Münch: Form und Referenz von Gleichnissen in synoptischen Evangelien – Thomas
Braun: Wenn zwischen den Zeilen ein Funke aufblitzt. Überlegungen zur Metaphorik
lukanischer Gleichnisse im Anschluss an Paul Ricœur und am Beispiel von Lk 17,7–10 – Kurt
Erlemann: Allegorie, Allegorese, Allegorisierung – Annette Weissenrieder: Didaktik der Bilder.
Allegorie und Allegorese am Beispiel von Mk 4,3–20 – Adela Yarbro Collins: The Discourse in
Parables in Mark 4
III. Rezeptionsästhetische und theologische Fragestellungen
Eckart Reinmuth: Vom Sprachereignis zum Kommunikationsereignis. Diskurstheoretische
Überlegungen zu den Kontexten der Gleichnisrede Jesu – Kristina Dronsch: Auf der Suche nach
der Bedeutung der Gleichnisse – semiotische Aspekte – Stefan Alkier: Himmel und Hölle. Zur
Kontextualität und Referenz gleichnishafter Rede unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des
Gleichnisses vom Fischnetz (Mt 13,47–50) – Stephen Curkpatrick: Parable and Vocative Word. A
Dialogue with Levinas – Mary Ann Beavis: Feminist (and other) Re ections on the Woman with
Seven Husbands (Mark 12:20–23): A Neglected Synoptic Parable – Tania Oldenhage: Jesus, Kafka
und die Gräuel des 20. Jahrhunderts. Gleichnishermeneutik nach der Shoah – Arland J.
Hultgren: Interpreting the Parables of Jesus. Giving Voice to Their Theological Signi cance


Kultische Sprache in den Paulusbriefen

Volume 230 Martin Vahrenhorst deals with the Epistles which are generally thought to have been written by
2008. XI, 420 pages. Paul, studying their contexts in the history of religion and their cultic passages. What is
conspicuous here is that the Epistle to the Galatians is the only one which is di erent from the
ISBN 978-3-16-149714-8 others. Instead of using cultic language in this, Paul increasing falls back upon the word
cloth 109,00 € “justice”, which had already been used occasionally in previous Epistles parallel to the cultic
terminology. Thus this study of cultic language in Paul's Epistles gives a special outlook on the
ISBN 978-3-16-151519-4
continuity and the developments in Pauline thought.
eBook PDF 109,00 €

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The First Christians in the Roman World

Augustan and New Testament Essays
Ed. by James R. Harrison

Volume 229 E.A. Judge's collection of Augustan and New Testament essays explores the intersection of the
2008. XIX, 786 pages. social practices of the rst Christians in the eastern Mediterranean basin with the Roman world.
In the rst part of the collection, Judge examines the Augustan principate against the
ISBN 978-3-16-149310-2 competitive culture of the republican noble houses. Because of the unparalleled ascendancy of
cloth 164,00 € the Julian house, Augustus progressively acquired an eschatological aura as a ruler. The imperial
propaganda emphasized more his status than his o cial rank and presented him as the
culmination of the famous republican houses, replenishing their leadership with new blood.
These historical studies on Augustus and his times are invaluable not only for ancient
historians but also for New Testament scholars wishing to situate Paul's letters in their Julio-
Claudian context. The remainder of the collection is devoted to the collisions and social
perceptions that emerged as the rst Christians encountered their Jewish, Roman and Greek
neighbours in various situations. Tensions and misunderstandings were inevitable because of
the distinctive ethos of the rst believers, the 'novelty' of their beliefs and practices, and the
transformative impact of the house churches upon contemporary educational ideals and social


Roman Domestic Art and Early House Churches

Volume 228 In contrast to most studies of earliest Christianity that focus on texts, David Balch inquires into
2008. XXIV, 296 pages. the visual world of the culture in which early Christians lived and worshipped. Jews and
Christians outside Israel lived in Greek and Roman houses and apartment buildings. During
ISBN 978-3-16-149383-6 earlier Republican and later Imperial periods, artists painted frescoes on the walls of their
cloth 109,00 € patrons' houses. Beginning in the mid-1700s, archaeologists began unearthing brilliantly
colored domestic paintings, often of Greek (rarely of Roman) myths and tragedies, especially in
ISBN 978-3-16-151517-0
Pompeii, Herculaneum, and Rome. The author inquires how visual representations seen daily
eBook PDF 109,00 €
might in uence the understanding of Jewish and Christian scriptures read and heard in those
same spaces as well as the meaning of rituals performed in domestic worship. Scenes from the
tragedies of Euripides as well as visual representations of contemporary gladiatorial games
make su ering, sacri ce, and death surprisingly present in Roman houses, themes not rst
introduced by Christian preaching or the Eucharist. Further, David Balch includes not only
recent studies of domestic art, but also of Roman domestic architecture (domus and insulae) by
British (Wallace-Hadrill), American (Clarke, Leach), German (Zanker, Dickmann), and Italian
(Maiuri, Pappalardo) scholars, studies that a ect descriptions of the social history of early

Identity Formation in the New Testament

Ed. by Bengt Holmberg and Mikael Winninge

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Volume 227 This conference volume focuses on showing that investigating various aspects of the Christian
2008. XII, 341 pages. movement's identity helps us to understand its historical reality. Whatever is known about
identity from ancient times reaches us mostly through ancient texts. Thus many of the essays in
ISBN 978-3-16-149687-5 this volume are devoted to analyzing New Testament texts and showing how they reveal the
cloth 99,00 € processes of identity formation. One type of evidence here is how New Testament texts
compare with or treat older texts which are in the same normative tradition, in other words
ISBN 978-3-16-151516-3
biblical and Jewish texts. Another group of essays deals with speci c literary techniques used in
eBook PDF 99,00 €
the service of creating identity, such as personi cation, stereotyping or marginalizing others as
well as looking at the relationship between di erent kinds of social identity. A third group of
essays directs attention to the light that gender analysis casts on the shaping of Christian
identity, pointing both to surprising similarities and di erences from the surrounding culture.
The nal group of essays applies the insights of postcolonial theory and its sensitivity to power
relationships and the political dimension of human reality.

Survey of contents

The Role of Biblical Traditions in Identity Formation

Samuel Byrskog: Christology and Identity in Intertextual Perspective. The Glory of Adam in the
Narrative Substructure of Paul's Letter to the Romans – Per Jarle Bekken: The Controversy on
Self-Witness according to John 5:31–40; 8:12–20 and Philo, Legum Allegoriae 3.205–208 – Tobias
Hägerland: Rituals of (Ex-)Communication and Identity: 1 Cor 5 and 4Q266 11; 4Q270 7
Identity Construction in texts Judith Lieu: Literary Strategies of Personi cation – Lauri Thurén:
The Antagonists. Rhetorically Marginalized Identities in the New Testament – Thomas Kazen:
Son of Man and Early Christian Identity Formation – Raimo Hakola: Social Identity and a
Stereotype in the Making. Pharisees as Hypocrites in Matthew 23 – Rikard Roitto: Act as a
Christ-believer, as a Household Member or Both? A Cognitive Perspective on the Relation
Between the Social Identity in Christ and Household Identities in Pauline and Deutero-Pauline
Gender-analytical Perspectives
Halvor Moxnes: Body, Gender, and Social Space. Dilemmas in Constructing Early Christian
Identities – Fredrik Ivarsson: A Man Has To Do What A Man Has To Do. Protocols of Masculine
Sexual Behaviour and 1 Corinthians 5–7 – Hanna Stenström: Masculine or Feminine? Male
Virgins in Joseph and Aseneth and The Book of Revelation
Postcolonial Analyses
Hans Leander: The Parousia as Medicine. A Postcolonial Perspective on Mark and Christian
Identity Construction – Christina Petterson: Mission of Christ and Local Communities in Acts –
Anna Rebecca Solevåg: Perpetua and Felicitas. Reinterpreting Empire, Family and Sexuality

Exploring Early Christian Identity

Ed. by Bengt Holmberg

Volume 226 The main point of emphasis in the book is that approaching the Christian movement's early
2008. VIII, 205 pages. history through investigating its identity helps us to understand how the followers of Jesus
developed from an intra-Jewish messianic renewal movement into a new religion with a major
ISBN 978-3-16-149674-5 Gentile membership and major di erences from its Jewish matrix – all in only a hundred years.
cloth 69,00 € Identity is not simply a collection of beliefs that was agreed upon by many rst-century
Christians. It is embedded, or rather, embodied in real life as participation in the founding
ISBN 978-3-16-151515-6
myths (narrativized memory of and accepted teaching on Jesus), in cults and rituals as well as in
eBook PDF 69,00 €
ethical teaching and behavioral norms, crystallized into social relations and institutions. This is
a dynamic feedback process, full of con icts and di culties, both internal and caused by the
surrounding society and culture. The authors explore di erent aspects of identity, such as how
the Gospels' narrativization of the social memory shapes and is shaped by the identity of the
groups from which they emerge, how labels such as “Jewish” and “Christian” should and should
not be understood, the identity-forming role of behavioral norms in letters, and the interplay
between competing leadership ideals and the underlying unity of di erent Christian groups.
They also show that identity formation is not necessarily related to innovation in moral
teaching, nor averse to making use of ancient conventions of masculinity with their emphasis
on dominance.

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Survey of contents

Bengt Holmberg: Understanding the First Hundred Years of Christian Identity – Samuel
Byrskog: Memory and Identity in the Gospels: A New Perspective – Anders Runesson: The
Invention of Christian Identity: Paul, Ignatius, and Theodosius- Rikard Roitto: Behaving like a
Christ-Believer. A Cognitive Perspective on Identity and Behavior Norms in the Early Christ-
Movement – Mikael Tellbe: The Prototypical Christ-Believer. Early Christian Identity Formation
in Ephesus – Runar Thorsteinsson: The Role of Morality in the Rise of Roman Christianity –
Fredrik Ivarsson: Christian Identity as True Masculinity – Bengt Holmberg: Early Christian
identity – some conclusions


Frühes Christentum und Gnosis

Eine rezeptionsgeschichtliche Studie

Volume 225 In dealing with the reception of the New Testament scriptures in the sources handed down by
2008; unchanged student early Christian gnosis, Hans-Friedrich Weiß shows the integration of early Christian writings into
edition 2010. IX, 587 pages. an authentic gnostic conceptual framework. Although the question of a pre-Christian gnosis,
which up to now had been a burden to researchers, cannot be answered unequivocally in this
ISBN 978-3-16-150659-8 matter using chronological data, it is in the end modi ed in the sense that early Christian
sewn paper 79,00 € second century gnosticism is not a secondary phenomenon compared to early Christianity; it is
an independent phenomenon of the history of religion in late antiquity. In the age of late
ISBN 978-3-16-151514-9
ancient syncretism, its universal in uence was demonstrated in the speci cally gnostic
eBook PDF 79,00 €
reception of the authentic Christian tradition in the form of the New Testament scriptures.


Die vier Evangelien und das eine Evangelium von Jesus

Studien zu ihrer Sammlung und Entstehung

Volume 224 Why does the church have four di erent written Gospels, although according to Paul there was
2008. XI, 420 pages. only one orally proclaimed Gospel from the very beginning? Martin Hengel attempts to answer
this question by showing how the collection of the four Gospels developed in the 2nd century
ISBN 978-3-16-149663-9 and by tracing their origins. The reading of these four Gospels, in addition to the texts of the
cloth 109,00 € Old Testament, during the church service played a decisive role in the collection and the
a rmation of these Gospels as part of the church canon. The author also deals with the
authors of the Gospels and the time in which they were written. He bases his study on the fact
that Mark was the rst to write a Gospel. It is very probable that Matthew, who wrote the later
Gospel, was familiar with the earlier Gospel according to Luke and that he used this. The
numerous minor agreements between Luke and Matthew against Mark make it reasonable to
suppose this hypothesis to be correct. This is the substantially enlarged German version of the
English book The Four Gospels and the One Gospel of Jesus Christ , translated by John
Bowden, published by SCM Press in the year 2000.

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Die vier Evangelien und das eine Evangelium von Jesus

Studien zu ihrer Sammlung und Entstehung

Volume 224 Why does the church have four di erent written Gospels, although according to Paul there was
2008; unrevised student only one orally proclaimed Gospel from the very beginning? Martin Hengel attempts to answer
edition 2011. XI, 420 pages. this question by showing how the collection of the four Gospels developed in the 2nd century
and by tracing their origins. The reading of these four Gospels, in addition to the texts of the
ISBN 978-3-16-151032-8 Old Testament, during the church service played a decisive role in the collection and the
paper 49,00 € a rmation of these Gospels as part of the church canon. The author also deals with the
authors of the Gospels and the time in which they were written. He bases his study on the fact
that Mark was the rst to write a Gospel. It is very probable that Matthew, who wrote the later
Gospel, was familiar with the earlier Gospel according to Luke and that he used this. The
numerous minor agreements between Luke and Matthew against Mark make it reasonable to
suppose this hypothesis to be correct.
This is the substantially enlarged German version of the English book The Four Gospels and the
One Gospel of Jesus Christ, translated by John Bowden, published by SCM Press in the year


Exegetische Studien
Volume 223 In this volume, Otfried Ho us presents a collection of studies on central texts of the Gospels,
2008. XI, 365 pages. Paul's Epistles and the Septuagint as well as on basic themes in New Testament theology and
hermeneutics. Among other things, he deals with the christological-soteriological testimony to
ISBN 978-3-16-149605-9 the major miracle stories in Mark 9:14–29 and John 11:1–44, the Pauline view of the law,
cloth 99,00 € justi cation, reconciliation, the Holy Communion and the resurrection of the dead, the biblical
concept of the essence and the signi cance of the apostles of Jesus Christ and the statements
in the New Testament about community leadership and the governing body of the church. The
essays attempt to combine philological textual understanding and theological interpretation in
an appropriate manner and in doing so show that understanding of New Testament
scholarship which is the special subject of two of the essays in this volume.


Exegetische Studien
Volume 223 In this volume, Otfried Ho us presents a collection of studies on central texts of the Gospels,
2008; unchanged student Paul's Epistles and the Septuagint as well as on basic themes in New Testament theology and
edition 2011. XI, 365 pages. hermeneutics. Among other things, he deals with the christological-soteriological testimony to
the major miracle stories in Mark 9:14–29 and John 11:1–44, the Pauline view of the law,
ISBN 978-3-16-150803-5 justi cation, reconciliation, the Holy Communion and the resurrection of the dead, the biblical
paper 39,00 € concept of the essence and the signi cance of the apostles of Jesus Christ and the statements
in the New Testament about community leadership and the governing body of the church. The
ISBN 978-3-16-151512-5
essays attempt to combine philological textual understanding and theological interpretation in
eBook PDF 39,00 €
an appropriate manner and in doing so show that understanding of New Testament
scholarship which is the special subject of two of the essays in this volume.

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The Resurrection of Jesus in the Gospel of John
Ed. by Craig Koester and Reimund Bieringer

Volume 222 The resurrection of Jesus plays a central and yet disputed role in the narrative and theology of
2008. VIII, 358 pages. John's gospel. In this collection of essays, leading Johannine scholars take up key questions
concerning the signi cance of Jesus' resurrection and its implications. Included are studies of
ISBN 978-3-16-149588-5 the relationship of Jesus' resurrection to his ministry of signs, his cruci xion, and the faith of
cloth 99,00 € later generations. The embodied quality of the resurrection and its importance for
understanding Johannine eschatology and life within the Christian community is given special
ISBN 978-3-16-151511-8
attention. Literary studies explore the interplay between the Farewell Discourses and the
eBook PDF 99,00 €
resurrection narratives, the problematic role of John 21 within the gospel as a whole, and the
way the theme of “recognition” informs the interpretation of the gospel's message. Careful
attention is given to the theme of Jesus' ascension and the commission to forgive and retain
sins. Together, these essays give a rich sense of the many facets of Jesus' resurrection and its
importance for the study of John's gospel. They also make a substantial contribution to the
ongoing discussion of this central theme in Christian theology.

Survey of contents

Harold W. Attridge: From Discord Rises Meaning. Resurrection Motifs in the Fourth Gospel –
Johannes Beutler: Resurrection and the Remission of Sins. John 20.23 against Its Traditional
Background – Reimund Bieringer: “I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God
and your God” (John 20:17). Resurrection and Ascension in the Gospel of John – R. Alan
Culpepper: Realized Eschatology in the Experience of the Johannine Community – Martin
Hasitschka: The Signi cance of the Resurrection Appearance in John 21 – Craig R. Koester:
Jesus' Resurrection, the Signs, and the Dynamics of Faith in the Gospel of John – Jesper Tang
Nielsen: Resurrection, Recognition, Reassuring. The Function of Jesus' Resurrection in the
Fourth Gospel – John Painter: “'Resurrection, Recognition, Reassuring. The function of Jesus'
resurrection in the Fourth Gospel” – Sandra M. Schneiders: Touching the Risen Jesus. Mary
Magdalene and Thomas the Twin in John 20 – Udo Schnelle: Cross and Resurrection in the
Gospel of John – Hans-Ulrich Weidemann: Eschatology as Liturgy. Jesus' Resurrection and
Johannine Eschatology – Ruben Zimmermann: The Narrative Hermeneutics in John 11. Learning
with Lazarus how to understand Death, Life, and Resurrection – Jean Zumstein: Jesus'
Resurrection in the Farewell Discourses


Griechen – Byzantiner – Semiten – Muslime

Hellenistische Religionen und die west-östliche Enthellenisierung.
Phänomenologie und philologische Hauptkapitel

Volume 221 Carsten Colpe examines an epoch of de-Hellenization, one which is important from the
2008. XIII, 514 pages. standpoint of cultural history but which has often been misjudged. This epoch can be most
clearly recognized by the decline of the use of the Greek language. However in institutions, the
ISBN 978-3-16-148890-0 arts, religion, languages and literature as well there was a powerful Greek impetus, which then
cloth 184,00 € declined gradually. The history of de-Hellenization is put into the terms of a phenomenology
which is divided into 21 sections. These range from the golden age of Hellenism in the 3rd/2nd
century BC and the substantial Byzantine and Asiatic documents which support this to the rise
of Hellenism in northern India in the 17th century.

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Der Sühnetod des Gottesknechts

Jesaja 53 im Lukasevangelium

Volume 220 In a critical analysis of past and present research on Luke, Ulrike Mittmann-Richert develops a
2008. XII, 427 pages. new Lucan soteriology. She opposes the theory that the cross of Christ does not have the same
importance in Luke as it does in the other New Testament writings. She bases her study on the
ISBN 978-3-16-148792-7 insight that, for Luke, Isaiah 53 is the key text for an appropriate understanding of the cross.
cloth 119,00 € Luke consistently designates Jesus on his way to the cross as the Su ering Servant who was
sent to redeem Israel and the nations. The atoning death of Jesus is the eschatological turning
ISBN 978-3-16-151509-5
point on which the wohle Gospel of Luke is focused. The author draws up this soteriological
eBook PDF 119,00 €
analysis of Luke's Gospel by interpreting its main texts, above all the Passion and Easter stories.

Die Septuaginta – Texte, Kontexte, Lebenswelten

Internationale Fachtagung veranstaltet von Septuaginta Deutsch (LXX.D),
Wuppertal 20.-23. Juli 2006
Hrsg. v. Martin Karrer u. Wolfgang Kraus u. Mitarb. v. Martin Meiser

Volume 219 The Septuagint – as a Greek translation of Hebrew Scriptures – originated in the 3rd century BC
2008. XIII, 772 pages. as a translation of the Hebrew Pentateuch. It was used by most of the New Testament authors
as a basis for their written quotations, and it is the Old Testament in the Orthodox churches. At
ISBN 978-3-16-149317-1 the same time it provides an insight into the way the Greek-speaking Jews understood the holy
cloth 154,00 € scripture. The historical location, the history of the text, the literary embedment and the
theology of the Septuagint writings pose many unanswered questions. In an international
ISBN 978-3-16-151508-8
research network, well-known scholars are attempting to nd the answers. This volume is the
eBook PDF 154,00 €
product of a conference held by the Septuaginta Deutsch project in July 2006. The authors of
the essays collected here begin by describing the current level of research and show the
prospects for further research. The volume contains studies of the historical background of the
Septuagint, the history of the text, the philology, the problems in individual parts of the
Septuagint and the reception of the Septuagint.

Survey of contents

Robert Hanhart : Alfred Rahlfs und die Edition der Septuaginta – Martin Karrer und Wolfgang
Kraus : Umfang und Text der Septuaginta. Erwägungen nach dem Abschluss der deutschen
Übersetzung – I. Einleitung – II. Umfang und Aufbau der Septuaginta (W. Kraus) – III. Die
Entstehungsgeschichte der Septuaginta und das Problem ihrer maßgeblichen Textgestalt (M.
Karrer) – IV. Resumée – Siegfried Kreuzer : Papyrus 967 – Bemerkungen zu seiner
buchtechnischen, textgeschichtlichen und kanongeschichtlichen Bedeutung – Martin Rösel :
Schreiber, Übersetzer, Theologen. Die Septuaginta als Dokument der Schrift-, Lese- und
Übersetzungskulturen des Judentums – Benjamin G. Wright : The Septuagint and Its Modern
Translators- Walter Ameling : Die jüdische Gemeinde von Leontopolis nach den Inschriften –
Michaela Bauks : “Das Land erben” oder “ die Erde in Besitz nehmen” in Ps 36 (37MT). Ein
Übersetzungsvergleich – Eberhard Bons : Der Septuaginta-Psalter: Übersetzung, Interpretation,
Korrektur – Cameron Boyd-Taylor : Robbers, Pirates, and Licentious Women. Echoes of an Anti-
Dionysiac Polemic in the Septuagint – Johann Cook : The Translator of the Septuagint of
Proverbs – Is His Style the Result of Platonic and/or Stoic In uence? – Kristin De Troyer : When
did the Pentateuch Come into Existence? An Uncomfortable Perspective – Gilles Dorival : Der
Beitrag der Kirchenväter zum Verständnis der Psalmenüberschriften aus philologischer
Perspektive – Erik Eynikel : The Reform of King Josiah 2 Kings 23:1–24. Textual Criticism – Georg
Fischer : Die Diskussion um den Jeremia-Text – Erich S. Gruen: The Letter of Aristeas and the
Cultural Context of the Septuagint – Katrin Hauspie : The Autonomy of the Target Language in

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the Translation Process. A Study of the Calques in the Septuagint of Ezekiel – Robert J. V.
Hiebert : 4Maccabees 18,6–19: Original Text or Secondary Interpolation? – Philippe Hugo : Die
Septuaginta in der Textgeschichte der Samuelbücher. Methodologische Prinzipien am Beispiel
von 2Sam 6,1–3* – Jan Joosten : To see God: Con icting Exegetical Tendencies in the Septuagint
– Andrea Jördens : Der jüdische Renegat Dositheos (3Makk 1,3) im Spiegel der
Papyrusüberlieferung – Martin Karrer und Wolfgang Kraus : Umfang und Text der Septuaginta:
Erwägungen nach dem Abschluss der deutschen Übersetzung – Jong-Hoon Kim : Zur
Textgeschichte von Sam-Kön anhand 2.Sam 15,1–19,9 – Siegfried Kreuzer : Papyrus 967.
Bemerkungen zu seiner buchtechnischen, textgeschichtlichen und kanongeschichtlichen
Bedeutung – Thomas Kruse : Das politeuma der Juden von Herakleopolis in Ägypten – John A.L.
Lee : A Lexicographical Database for Greek: Can It Be Far O ? The Case of amphodon – William
Loader : The Beginnings of Sexuality in Genesis and Jubilees – Johan Lust : Multiple Translators
in LXX-Ezekiel ? – Martin Meiser : Samuelseptuaginta und Targum Jonathan als Zeugen
frühjüdischer Geistigkeit – Mogens Müller : Die Septuaginta als Teil des christlichen Kanons –
Takamitsu Muraoka : Recent Discussions on the Septuagint Lexicography with Special Reference
to the So-called Interlinear Model – Anna Passoni Dell'Acqua : Von der Kanzlei der Lagiden zur
Synagoge. – Das ptolemäische Vokabular und die Septuaginta – Stephan A. Pfei er : Joseph in
Ägypten: Beobachtungen zur griechischen Übersetzung und zur Rezeption von Gen 39–50 –
Albert Pietersma : Text-Production and Text-Reception: Psalm 8 in Greek. – Thomas Pola : Von
Juda zu Judas: Das theologische Proprium von Sach 14,12–21 LXX – Tessa Rajak : Translating the
Septuagint for Ptolemy's Library: between Myth and History- Achtung: Der Titel wurde noch
einmal angefragt – Antwort steht aus! – Chana Safrai : The Reading ??? (Man): The
Exclusion/Inclusion of Women in Tannaic Midrashim and the LXX – Adrian Schenker : Veritas
hebraica bei den Siebzig? Die Septuaginta als älteste greifbare Ausgabe der hebräischen Bibel
(erörtert am Beispiel von 2. Chronik 1,13) – Gert J. Steyn : Which “LXX” are we talking about in NT
scholarship? Two examples from Hebrews – Hermann-Josef Stipp : Zur aktuellen Diskussion um
das Verhältnis der Textformen des Jeremiabuches – Emanuel Tov : Three Strange Books of the
LXX: 1 Kings, Esther, and Daniel Compared with Similar Rewritten Compositions from Qumran
and Elsewhere – Arie van der Kooij : The Septuagint of Isaiah and the Mode of Reading
Prophecies in Early Judaism. Some Comments on LXX Isaiah 8–9 – Michael N. van der Meer :
Trendy Translations in the Septuagint of Isaiah: A Study of the Vocabulary of the Greek Isaiah
3:18–23 in the Light of Contemporary Sources – Georg Walser : Die Wortfolge der Septuaginta –
Florian Wilk : Gottes Wort und Gottes Verheißungen. Zur Eigenart der Schriftverwendung in
2Kor 6,14 – 7,1 – Julia Wilker : Unabhängigkeit durch Integration. Zu den jüdisch-römischen
Beziehungen im 2. Jh. v. Chr. – Glenn Wooden : The phorologos of 2 Esdras – Benjamin G.
Wright : The Septuagint and Its Modern Translators – Erich Zenger : Übersetzungstechniken und
Interpretationen im Septuagintapsalter. Am Beispiel von Ps 129[130] – Johann Cook : The
Translator of the Septuagint of Proverbs – Is His Style the Result of Platonic and/or Stoic
In uence? – Cameron Boyd-Taylor : Robbers, Pirates and Licentious Women – Echoes of an
Anti-Dionysiac Polemic in the Septuagint – Thomas Pola : Von Juda zu Judas: Das theologische
Proprium von Sach 14,12–21 LXX – Michaël N. van der Meer : Trendy Translations in the
Septuagint of Isaiah: A Study of the Vocabulary of the Greek Isaiah 3:18–23 in the Light of
Contemporary Sources – Arie van der Kooij : The Septuagint of Isaiah and the Mode of Reading
Prophecies in Early Judaism. Some Comments on LXX Isaiah 8–9 – Georg Fischer : Die Diskussion
um den Jeremiatext – Hermann-Josef Stipp : Zur aktuellen Diskussion um das Verhältnis der
Textformen des Jeremiabuchesc- Johan Lust : Multiple Translators in LXX-Ezekiel? – Inhalt XIII –
Wirkungen – Florian Wilk : Gottes Wort und Gottes Verheißungen. Zur Eigenart der
Schriftverwendung in 2Kor 6,14–7,1 – Gert J. Steyn : Which “Septuagint” are We Talking about in
New Testament Scholarship? Two Examples from Hebrews – Mogens Müller : Die Septuaginta
als Teil des christlichen Kanons – Chana Safrai : The Reading ‫( א י ש‬Man): The Exclusion/Inclusion
of Women in Tannaic Midrashim and the LXX

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Einheit der Kirche im Neuen Testament
Dritte europäische orthodox-westliche Exegetenkonferenz in Sankt Petersburg,
24.-31. August 2005
Hrsg. v. Anatoly A. Alexeev, Christos Karakolis u. Ulrich Luz u. Mitarb. v. Karl-
Wilhelm Niebuhr

Volume 218 This collection of essays includes papers given at the Third European Orthodox-Western
2008. X, 311 pages. Symposium of Biblical Scholars in St. Petersburg (Russia). The Symposium is part of the
activities of the Eastern Europe Liaison Committee of Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas. Main
ISBN 978-3-16-149560-1 topics of the essays are: Unity and Diversity of the Church in the New Testament; The Eucharist
cloth 84,00 € according to the New Testament; The Mission of the Church in the New Testament and Today.
ISBN 978-3-16-151507-1
eBook PDF 84,00 € Survey of contents

I Einheit der Kirche in der neutestamentlichen Ekklesiologie

James D.G. Dunn: One Church – many churches – Jannuari Ivliev: Die Kirche Gottes als die
eschatologische Realität in der Welt in der paulinischen Tradition – Stelian Tofana: Die
Beziehung zwischen der lokalen und universalen Kirche im Licht der ekklesiologischen
Terminologie des Neuen Testaments – Loveday Alexander: Community and Canon. Re ections
on the Ecclesiology of Acts
II Geschichtliche Vielfalt der Kirche im Urchristentum
Gerd Theißen: Kirche oder Sekte? Über Einheit und Kon ikte im frühen Urchristentum – Eleni
Kasseluri: Women and Mission in the New Testament
III Eucharistie und Einheit der Kirche
Petros Vassiliadis: The Eucharist as an Inclusive and Unifying Element in the New Testament
Ecclesiology – Martin Ebner: “Hütet euch vor dem Sauerteig der Pharisäer ...!” Die Pro lierung
jesuanischer Tischgemeinschaft im narrativen und semantischen Konzept des
Markusevangeliums – Otfried Ho us: Gemeinschaft am Tisch des Herrn. Das Zeugnis des
Neuen Testaments – David Horell: Pauline Churches or Early Christian Churches? Unity,
Disagreement, and the Eucharist
IV Mission und Einheit der Kirche
Hans Kvalbein: Discipleship, Kingdom and Conversion: Aspects from Recent Exegetical
Discussion on the Mission of the Church – Armand Puig y Tàrrech: The Mission According to
the New Testament: Choice or Need?
V Wirkungsgeschichtliche Aspekte Dmitrij Bumazhnov: Some Ecclesiological Patterns of the
Early Christian Period and Their Implications for the History of the Term (Monk) – Alexander
Negrov: Understanding the New Testament Church within an Orthodox Hermeneutical


Bibelkritik und Auslegung der Heiligen Schrift

Beiträge zur Geschichte der biblischen Exegese und Hermeneutik

Volume 217 Around the middle of the 18th century, there was a break with tradition in the history of
2007; unrevised student biblical exegesis, a break more radical than the previous ones had ever been. The result of this
edition 2011. XI, 407 pages. is what is now known as the historical-critical method. In his studies, Marius Reiser examines
how and why this complete change happened and whether or not it is irreparable. The articles
ISBN 978-3-16-150893-6 focus on the history of exegesis in France, Germany and England between the 16th and 19th
sewn paper 49,00 € centuries. The articles deal with the relevant questions pertaining to hermeneutics in separate
articles, in particular the history and nature of allegorical interpretation, and questions whether
or not this can be revived.

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Deliver Us from Evil

Interpreting the Redemption from the Power of Satan in New Testament

Volume 216 The New Testament idea of deliverance from the power of Satan has posed special problems
2007. XXIII, 439 pages. and even acute embarrassment for interpreters since the Enlightenment. Often the Gospel
exorcisms are rationalized or a demythologizing agenda is pursued which divorces redemption
ISBN 978-3-16-149452-9 from the world in which we live.
cloth 109,00 € Richard H. Bell stresses that if the deliverance from Satan is understood within an appropriate
understanding of myth, then it can lead not only to an enrichment of New Testament Theology
but also to a deeper understanding of the world in which we nd ourselves. A theory of myth
is developed which does justice not only to the world of 'narrative' but also to the mysteries of
the 'physical world'. This is done by building on the phenomenal distinction as introduced by
Kant and further developed by Schopenhauer. The resulting theory of myth is then applied to
two seemingly disparate examples of redemption from Satan found in the New Testament: rst,
the exorcisms of Jesus; secondly, the redemption of the human being from the power of Satan
through the cross and resurrection of Christ as found in the Pauline tradition and in the letter
to the Hebrews. Then the author makes an attempt to relate these two forms of redemption to
each other and to draw some conclusions as to how these myths of deliverance from Satan can
be considered true.


Israel, Kirche und die Völker im Matthäusevangelium

Volume 215 Matthias Konradt explores a problem central to the theological conception of the Gospel of
2007. XI, 493 pages. Matthew: What is the cause for the transition from the Israel-centered activities of Jesus and his
disciples previous to Easter to the universal mission after Easter, and how is the formation of
ISBN 978-3-16-149331-7 the church related to Israel's role as God's chosen nation in Matthew's concept? In conjunction
cloth 109,00 € with a detailed scrutiny of the traditional interpretation that Matthew propagates the
replacement of Israel by the church and – in keeping with this – of the mission to Israel by the
universal mission, the author maintains that the Israel-centered and the universal dimension of
salvation are positively interconnected in the narrative conception, in which Matthew develops
Jesus' messianic identity as the Son of David and the Son of God. At the same time, Matthew
did not see the church as a “new” or “true” Israel.


Studien zum Corpus Iohanneum

Volume 214 By reprinting selected studies of the Corpus Johanneum, the rst part of this volume
2007. VIII, 734 pages. documents Hartwig Thyen's long road in dealing with the Fourth Gospel. To begin with, he was
oriented more toward the supposed genesis of the Gospel than he was toward the
ISBN 978-3-16-149115-3 interpretation of the text which had been handed down. It was this research which induced
cloth 164,00 € him to write the Commentary on John (Handbuch zum Neuen Testament). The second part of
this book provides analyses of theories of the sources and of the attempts of literary criticism
to distinguish between supposedly secondary levels and the original Evangelist's work. Since
however all these studies are oriented primarily toward the presumed development of the
Gospel instead of toward the Gospel itself, they became separate elements within the
Commentary on John during the course of the work. They do however not only illustrate the
way of reading John in the Commentary; they also substantiate their prerequisites in the
analysis of the controversial secondary literature.

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Frühes Christentum im antiken Strahlungsfeld

Kleine Schriften III
Hrsg. v. Veronika C. Oberparleiter

Volume 213 In this volume, Wolfgang Speyer continues his studies of the relationship between antiquity
2007. X, 325 pages. and Christianity. His goal is to make the di erences as well as the common ground between the
ancient polytheistic religions and Judaism and Christianity, the monotheistic revealed religions,
ISBN 978-3-16-149264-8 easier to understand. He shows the continuities as well as the breaks in the spiritual legacy of
cloth 99,00 € antiquity and Christianity since the late Middle Ages and explains why, in his opinion,
separating late Christian antiquity and the early Middle Ages is wrong. In philological, historical,
ISBN 978-3-16-151502-6
systematic and philosophical essays, the author assumes that man is intrinsically a “homo
eBook PDF 99,00 €
religiosus”, and that religiousness therefore is also the source of philosophy and science.

Survey of contents

Zur Erfahrung der göttlichen Macht in der Religionsgeschichte des Altertums – Zur
Grundstruktur und Geschichte des Gottesgedankens – Der Gott des Universums und die
Vierheit – Gewalt und Weltbild. Zum Verständnis grausamen Tötens im Altertum – Die
O enbarungsübermittlung und ihre Formen als mythische und geschichtliche Anschauung –
Gottheit und Mensch, die Eltern des Kunstwerkes. Zu einer abendländischen
O enbarungsvorstellung – Zu den antiken Mysterienkulten – Das Mahl als religiöse Handlung
im Altertum – Zum magisch-religiösen Inzest im Altertum – Die Stadt als das umfassende
Zeugnis der menschlichen Kultur in Realität und Symbolik der Antike – Reale und ideale
Ökumene in der griechischen und römischen Antike – Die Kenntnis des Trojanischen Krieges im
lateinischen Westen – Voraussetzungen platonischen Philosophierens – Porphyrios als religiöse
Persönlichkeit und als religiöser Denker – Hellenistisch-römische Voraussetzungen der
Verbreitung des Christentums – Der christliche Heilige der Spätantike. Wesen, Bedeutung,
Leitbild – Das Leben im Garten Eden nach Dracontius – Zum antiken Hintergrund der Ikone

Memory in the Bible and Antiquity

The Fifth Durham-Tübingen Research Symposium (Durham, September 2004)
Ed. by Stephen C. Barton, Loren T. Stuckenbruck and Benjamin G. Wold

Volume 212 The volume brings together essays that explore the topic of memory and remembrance in the
2007. VI, 394 pages. ancient world, taking into account the Hebrew Bible (Deuteronomy, 1 and 2 Kings), ancient
Judaism (1 and 2 Maccabees, Psalms of Solomon, Dead Sea Scrolls), the classical world, the New
ISBN 978-3-16-149251-8 Testament (Jesus, Synoptic Gospels and Acts, Gospel of John, Pauline letters) and Early
cloth 109,00 € Christianity (Petrine tradition). The essays, which focus on a wide range of sources from
antiquity, open up new questions about the social and religious function of memory. As a
ISBN 978-3-16-151501-9
collection, they demonstrate how much social memory theory can contribute to the
eBook PDF 109,00 €
understanding of the ways ancient texts were, on the one hand, shaped by conventions of
memory and, on the other hand, participated in and contributed to evolving strategies for
reading “the past".

Survey of contents

Loren T. Stuckenbruck , Stephen C. Barton , and Benjamin G. Wold : Introduction – Joachim

Schape r: The Living Word Engraved in Stone: The Interrelationship of the Oral and the Written
and the Culture of Memory in the Books of Deuteronomy and Joshua – Erhard Blum :
Historiography or Prose? The Peculiarities of the Hebrew Prose Tradition – Benjamin G. Wold :
Memory in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Exodus, Creation and Cosmos – Loren T. Stuckenbruck : The
Teacher of Righteousness Remembered: From Fragmentary Sources to Collective Memory in the

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Dead Sea Scrolls – Hermann Lichtenberger : History-writing and History-telling in First and
Second Maccabees – William Horbury : The Remembrance of God in the Psalms of Solomon –
John M. G. Barclay : Memory Politics: Josephus on Jews in the Memory of the Greeks – Doron
Mendels : Societies of Memory in the Graeco-Roman World – Anthony Le Donne : Theological
Memory Distortion in the Jesus Tradition – James D. G. Dunn : Social Memory and the Oral Jesus
Tradition – Martin Hengel : Der Lukasprolog und seine Augenzeugen: Die Apostel, Petrus und
die Frauen – Ulrike Mittmann-Richert : Erinnerung und Heilserkenntnis im Lukasevangelium –
Anna Maria Schwemer: Erinnerung und Legende: Die Berufung des Paulus und ihre Darstellung
in der Apostelgeschichte – Hans-Joachim Eckstein : Das Johannesevangelium als Erinnerung an
die Zukunft der Vergangenheit – Stephen C. Barton : Memory and Remembrance in Paul –
Markus Bockmuehl : New Testament Wirkungsgeschichte and the Early Christian Appeal to
Living Memory


Jesus und die Evangelien

Kleine Schriften V
Hrsg. v. Claus-Jürgen Thornton

Volume 211 The fth volume of Martin Hengel's Selected Writings contains 27 studies which concern Jesus
2007. XII, 725 pages. as a person, his works and the four Gospels. These studies were written over a period of 55
years. They focus on the historical Jesus and also deal with the trends in the Gospels and the
ISBN 978-3-16-149327-0 circumstances surrounding their origins. The studies evolved primarily from lectures given by
cloth 209,00 € the author and thus re ect a part of his scholarly development, his arguments and his interests.
At the same time they show that the way he deals with philology and history, the question
concerning the truth of the Gospel and his opinions of contemporary issues cannot be
separated from the author's “theological existence”, and that it is this interaction which makes
his exegetical and theological work so productive.

Survey of contents

Die Heilungen Jesu und medizinisches Denken (mit Rudolf Hengel) – Maria Magdalena und die
Frauen als Zeugen – Nachfolge und Charisma. Eine exegetisch-religionsgeschichtliche Studie zu
Mt 8,21f. und Jesu Ruf in die Nachfolge – Das Gleichnis von den Weingärtnern. Mk 12,1–12 im
Lichte der Zenonpapyri und der rabbinischen Gleichnisse – Markus 7,3 pygmé: Die Geschichte
einer exegetischen Aporie und der Versuch ihrer Lösung – Jesus and the Zealots – Leben in der
Veränderung. Ein Beitrag zum Verständnis der Bergpredigt – War Jesus Revolutionär? – Gewalt
und Gewaltlosigkeit. Zur “politischen Theologie” in neutestamentlicher Zeit – Kerygma oder
Geschichte? Zur Problematik einer falschen Alternative in der Synoptikerforschung aufgezeigt
an Hand einiger neuer Monographien – Augstein und der Menschensohn – Ein Blick zurück im
Zorn. Zur Neubearbeitung von Rudolf Augsteins “Jesus Menschensohn” – Die Magier aus dem
Osten und die Flucht nach Ägypten (Mt 2) im Rahmen der antiken Religionsgeschichte und der
Theologie des Matthäus (mit Helmut Merkel) – Jesus und die Tora – Das Ende aller Politik. Die
Bergpredigt in der aktuellen Diskussion – Die Bergpredigt im Widerstreit – Reich Christi, Reich
Gottes und Weltreich im Johannes-Evangelium – Probleme des Markusevangeliums –
Entstehungszeit und Situation des Markusevangeliums – Die Evangelienüberschriften – Der
dionysische Messias. Zur Auslegung des Weinwunders in Kana (Joh 2,1–11) – Die
Schriftauslegung des 4. Evangeliums auf dem Hintergrund der urchristlichen Exegese – Der
Finger und die Herrschaft Gottes in Lk 11,20 – Die vier Evangelien und das eine Evangelium von
Jesus Christus – Jesuszeugnisse außerhalb der Evangelien – Die ersten nichtchristlichen Leser
der Evangelien

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Jesus und die Evangelien

Kleine Schriften V
Hrsg. v. Claus-Jürgen Thornton

Volume 211 The fth volume of Martin Hengel's Selected Essays contains 27 studies which concern Jesus as
2007; unrevised student a person, his works and the four Gospels. These studies were written over a period of 55 years.
edition 2016. XII, 725 pages. They focus on the historical Jesus and also deal with the trends in the Gospels and the
circumstances surrounding their origins. The studies evolved primarily from lectures given by
ISBN 978-3-16-154499-6 the author and thus re ect a part of his scholarly development, his arguments and his interests.
paper 79,00 € At the same time they show that the way he deals with philology and history, the question
concerning the truth of the Gospel and his opinions of contemporary issues cannot be
separated from the author's “theological existence”, and that it is this interaction which makes
his exegetical and theological work so productive.

Religion, Ethnicity and Identity in Ancient Galilee

A Region in Transition
Ed. by Jürgen K. Zangenberg, Harold W. Attridge and Dale B. Martin

Volume 210 What is a Galilean? What were the criteria of de ning a person as a Galilean – archaeologically
2007. XV, 509 pages. or with respect to literary sources such as Josephus or the rabbis? What role did religion play in
the process of identity formation? Twenty-two articles based on papers read at conferences at
ISBN 978-3-16-149044-6 Cambridge, Wuppertal and Yale by experts from 7 countries shed light on a complex region, the
cloth 134,00 € pivotal geographic and cultural context of both earliest Christianity and rabbinic Judaism. In
these papers, ancient Galilee emerges as a dynamic region of continuous change, in which
ISBN 978-3-16-151499-9
religion, 'ethnicity', and 'identity' were not static monoliths but had to be negotiated in the
eBook PDF 134,00 €
context of a multiform environment subject to di erent in uences.

Survey of contents


Jürgen Zangenberg: A Region in Transition. Introducing Religion, Ethnicity, and Identity in

Ancient Galilee

I. The State of A airs in Galilean Studies

Sean Freyne: Galilean Studies. Old Issues and New Questions

II. “What is a Galilean”? Modes of De ning Religion, Ethnicity and Identity in Textual and
Archaeological Sources

Martin Karrer: Licht über dem Galiläa der Völker. Die Fortschreibung von Jes 9:1–2 in der LXX –
Timothy Luckritz Marquis: Re-Presenting Galilean Identity. Josephus' Use of 1 Maccabees 10:25–
45 and the Term Ioudaios – Silvia Cappelletti: Non-Jewish Authors on Galilee – Mark A.
Chancey: The Epigraphic Habit of Hellenistic and Roman Galilee – Michael Peppard: Personal
Names and Ethnic Hybridity in Late Ancient Galilee. The Data From Beth She'arim – Mordechai
Aviam: Distribution Maps of Archaeological Data from the Galilee. An Attempt to Establish
Zones Indicative of Ethnicity and Religious A liation – Milton Moreland: The Inhabitants of
Galilee in the Hellenistic and Early Roman Periods. Probes into the Archaeological and Literary

III. Identity at Ground Level: New Evidence from Sites and Regions of Galilee

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Wolfgang Zwickel: The Huleh Valley from the Iron Age to the Muslim Period. A Study in
Settlement History – Carl Savage: Supporting Evidence for a First-Century Bethsaida – Yizhar
Hirschfeld and Katharina Galor: New Excavations in Roman, Byzantine, and Early Islamic
Tiberias – Anders Runesson: Architecture, Con ict, and Identity Formation. Jews and Christians
in Capernaum From the 1st to the 6th Century – Jodi Magness: Did Galilee Decline in the Fifth
Century? The Synagogue at Chorazin Reconsidered

IV. “A Region of Many Identities”. Cultural Interaction and Social Relations in and with Ancient

Morten Hørning Jensen: Message and Minting. The Coins of Herod Antipas and Their Second
Temple Context as a Source for Understanding the Religio-Political and Socio-Economical
Dynamics of Early First Century Galilee – Marcus Sigismund: Small Change? Coins and Weights
as a Mirror of Ethnic, Religious and Political Identity in 1st /2nd Century C.E. Tiberias – Monika
Bernett: Roman Imperial Cult in the Galilee. Structures, Functions, and Dynamics – Douglas R.
Edwards: Identity and Social Location in Roman Galilean Villages – Stuart S. Miller: Priests,
Purities, and the Jews of the Galilee – Joshua Ezra Burns: The Archaeology of Rabbinic
Literature and the Study of Jewish-Christian Relations in Late Antiquity. A Methodological
Evaluation – Mira Waner: Music Culture in Ancient Sepphoris – Thomas M. Weber: Gadara and
the Galilee

Josephus und das Neue Testament

Wechselseitige Wahrnehmungen. II. Internationales Symposium zum Corpus
Judaeo-Hellenisticum. 25.-28. Mai 2006, Greifswald
Hrsg. v. Christfried Böttrich u. Jens Herzer unter Mitarb. v. Torsten Reiprich

Volume 209 Flavius Josephus' works are an invaluable source of material for the history of Judaism in the
2007. XVIII, 615 pages. 1st century AD. The articles in this conference volume deal mainly with the 'mutual perceptions”
between Josephus' works and New Testament writings. In a discussion between theologians,
ISBN 978-3-16-149368-3 experts in Jewish studies, ancient historians, philologists and art historians, the authors focus
cloth 139,00 € on a wide range of subjects. Leaving the previous selective “use” of Josephus behind, they
engage a productive interdisciplinary discussion.
ISBN 978-3-16-151498-2
eBook PDF 139,00 €
Survey of contents

Christfried Böttrich / Jens Herzer : Josephus und das Neue Testament – Das Neue Testament
und Josephus. Wechselseitige Wahrnehmungen
I. Standortbestimmungen
Steve Mason : Josephus and the New Testament, the New Testament and Josephus: an
Overview – Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr : Tod und Leben bei Josephus und im Neuen Testament.
Beobachtungen aus wechselseitiger Wahrnehmung
II. Exegetische Studien
1. Paarvorträge
Alice Whealey : Josephus, Eusebius of Caesarea, and the Testimonium Flavianum – Friedrich
Wilhelm Horn: Das Testimonium Flavianum aus neutestamentlicher Perspektive – Daniel R.
Schwartz : Josephus on the Pharisees as Diaspora Jews – Roland Deines : Die Pharisäer und das
Volk im Neuen Testament und bei Josephus – Jonathan J. Price : Josephus and the Dialogue on
the Destruction of the Temple – Matthias Konradt : Die Deutung der Zerstörung Jerusalems und
des Tempels im Matthäusevangelium – Christopher Begg : Isaiah in Josephus – Florian Wilk : Die
Geschichte des Gottesvolkes im Licht jesajanischer Prophetie. Neutestamentliche Perspektiven
– Jürgen Zangenberg : Das Galiläa des Josephus und das Galiläa der Archäologie. Tendenzen
und Probleme der neueren Forschung – Christfried Böttrich : Was kann aus Nazaret Gutes
kommen? Galiläa im Spiegel der Jesusüberlieferung und bei Josephus – Christine Gerber :
Antijudaismus und Apologetik. Eine Lektüre des Titusbriefes vor dem Hintergrund der Apologie
Contra Apionem des Flavius Josephus – John M. G. Barclay : Hostility to Jews as Cultural

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Construct: Egyptian, Hellenistic, and Early Christian Paradigms. In honour of Erich S. Gruen, on
his Retirement – Folker Siegert : Verbergen und Bekennen. Ein Gespräch mit Josephus über
seine Apologie ( Contra Apionem ) – Knut Backhaus : Mose und der Mos Maiorum. Das Alter des
Judentums als Argument für die Attraktivität des Christentums in der Apostelgeschichte
2. Einzelbeiträge
Jens Herzer : Zwischen Loyalität und Machtstreben. Sozialgeschichtliche Aspekte des
Pilatusbildes bei Josephus und im Neuen Testament – Karl-Heinrich Ostmeyer : Die Genealogien
in den synoptischen Evangelien und in der Vita des Josephus. Wechselseitige Wahrnehmung
ihrer Charakteristika, Intentionen und Probleme – Bianca Kühnel : Josephus Flavius und die
christliche Bildexegese – Ernst Hansack : Zum Forschungsstand des 'slavischen Josephus' –
Anatoli A. Alekseev : Who is Responsible for the Massacre of the Innocents (Mt 2,16)? An Old
Slavonic Apocryphal Tale
III. Josephus-Lektüren
Michael Weißenberger : Die jüdischen 'Philosophenschulen' bei Josephus: Variationen eines
Themas – Dirk Hansen : Nomothetes und Politeuma. Josephus' Präsentation des jüdischen
Glaubens in Contra Apionem II 125–189 – Manuel Vogel : Geschichtsschreibung nach den
Regeln von Lob und Tadel. Sterbeszenen bei Josephus und im Neuen Testament


The Land of the Body

Studies in Philo's Representation of Egypt

Volume 208 This book presents the rst extended study of the representation of Egypt in the writings of
2007. XXVIII, 365 pages. Philo of Alexandria. Philo is a crucial witness, not only to the experiences of the Jews of
Alexandria, but to the world of early Roman Egypt in general. As historians of Roman
ISBN 978-3-16-149250-1 Alexandria and Egypt are well aware, we have access to very few voices from inside the country
cloth 119,00 € in this era; Philo is the best we have. As a commentator on Jewish Scripture, Philo is also one of
the most valuable sources for the interpretation of Egypt in the Pentateuch. He not only writes
ISBN 978-3-16-151497-5
very extensively on this subject, but he does so in ways that are remarkable for their originality
eBook PDF 119,00 €
when compared with the surviving literature of ancient Judaism. In this book, Sarah Pearce tries
to understand Philo in relation to the wider context in which he lived and worked. Key areas
for investigation include: de ning the 'Egyptian' in Philo's world; Philo's treatment of the Egypt
of the Pentateuch as a symbol of 'the land of the body'; Philo's emphasis on Egyptian
inhospitableness; and his treatment of Egyptian religion, focusing on Nile veneration and
animal worship.


Messiah and Exaltation

Jewish Messianic and Visionary Traditions and New Testament Christology

Volume 207 Andrew Chester focuses on Jewish messianic hope, intermediary gures, and visionary
2007. XVII, 716 pages. traditions of human transformation, particularly in the Second Temple period, and analyzes
their signi cance for the origin and development of New Testament Christology. He brings
ISBN 978-3-16-149091-0 together ve previously published essays on these themes: these include two long chapters,
cloth 129,00 € one on Jewish messianic and mediatorial traditions in relation to Pauline Christology, the other
on messianism and eschatology in early Judaism and Christianity, plus one on messiah and
ISBN 978-3-16-151496-8
Temple in Sibylline Oracles 3–5. Two further essays, on the signi cance of Torah in the
eBook PDF 129,00 €
messianic age, and on resurrection, transformation and early Christology, have been
extensively revised. There are also three substantial new chapters, all of which engage closely
with recent scholarly debate. The rst, on the origin of Christology, argues for the signi cance
of Jewish visionary traditions of human transformation for understanding how 'high'
Christology came about at such an early stage within the New Testament. The second discusses

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the complex questions of the de nition, scope and nature of Jewish messianism, especially in
relation to the Hebrew Bible and the more-recently available Qumran evidence, and their
signi cance for the New Testament. The third is concerned with what Paul means by the 'law of
Christ', and the wider issues raised by this.


Das Menschenbild des Thomasevangeliums

Untersuchungen zu seiner religionsgeschichtlichen und chronologischen

Volume 206 Enno Edzard Popkes investigates the anthropological traits of the Coptic Gospel of Thomas,
2007. XVIII, 472 pages. especially its comprehension of individuality and sociality, the term monachos and the motif of
the image character of human existence. The analysis shows that this writing can be
ISBN 978-3-16-149265-5 understood as a Gnostic work, in terms of content as well as the technique of its argument and
cloth 109,00 € composition. It is not merely an “early Gnostic” writing with only rst signs of concepts, which
were expanded in later Gnostic traditions. The Coptic Gospel of Thomas presupposes an
already fully developed Gnostic anthropology.

Aufgabe und Durchführung einer Theologie des Neuen

Hrsg. v. Cilliers Breytenbach u. Jörg Frey

Volume 205 The authority, task, structure and implementation of New Testament theology are the subject
2007. XII, 364 pages. of current debates. Some authors look for alternatives in terms of a history of early Christian
religion or theology, whereas others search for the unity of New Testament theology within the
ISBN 978-3-16-149252-5 diversity of early Christian concepts. The articles in this volume focus on these crucial issues.
cloth 109,00 € They deal with aspects of the history of scholarship, include ecumenical perspectives and open
the debate in the direction of systematic theology. The discussion focuses on the recent two-
ISBN 978-3-16-151494-4
volume work entitled “New Testament Theology”, written by Ferdinand Hahn.
eBook PDF 109,00 €

Survey of contents

I. “Theologie des Neuen Testaments” in der Diskussion:

Jörg Frey : Zum Problem der Aufgabe und Durchführung einer Theologie des Neuen Testaments
– Rudolf Hoppe : Überlegungen zur Theologie des Neuen Testaments aus katholischer Sicht –
John Reumann : New Testament Theology, within Biblical Theology and Beyond, for Ecclesial
and Ecumenical Uses – Robert Morgan : Made in Germany: Towards an Anglican Appropriation
of an Originally Lutheran Genre
II. Das Für und Wider einer “Theologie des Neuen Testaments"
Jürgen Becker : Theologiegeschichte des Urchristentums – Theologie des Neuen Testaments –
Frühchristliche Religionsgeschichte – Jens Schröter : Die Bedeutung des Kanons für eine
Theologie des Neuen Testaments. Konzeptionelle Überlegungen angesichts der gegenwärtigen
Diskussion – François Vouga : Die Aufgaben der Theologie des Neuen Testaments. Verstehen als
interdisziplinäre Kunst der Interpretation – Heikki Räisänen : Towards an Alternative to New
Testament Theology: Di erent 'Paths to Salvation' – Charles Kingsley Barrett : Historia
Theologiae Genetrix – James D. G. Dunn : Not so much 'New Testament Theology' as 'New
Testament Theologizing' – Johan S. Vos : Theologie als Rhetorik.
III. Die eine “Theologie des Neuen Testaments” – ein Gespräch mit der systematischen
Notger Slenczka : Systematische Bemerkungen über die Aufgabe und den Ansatz einer
Theologie des Neuen Testaments am Beispiel des Entwurfes von Ferdinand Hahn – Friedrich
Wilhelm Horn : Die Nachfolgeethik Jesu und die urchristliche Gemeindeethik. Ihre Darstellung

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innerhalb Ferdinand Hahns Theologie des Neuen Testaments – Peter Neuner :
Fundamentaltheologische Implikationen einer Theologie des Neuen Testaments – Wolf Krötke :
Erlaubt die “Einheit” der Theologie des Neuen Testaments eine eindeutige Ho nung? Eine Frage
an Ferdinand Hahn – Karl Kardinal Lehmann : Die Bedeutung von Bibel und Bibelwissenschaft
für Kirche und Gesellschaft – Ferdinand Hahn : Nachwort


Von Jesus zum Neuen Testament

Studien zur urchristlichen Theologiegeschichte und zur Entstehung des
neutestamentlichen Kanons

Volume 204 In the studies of this volume, Jens Schröter deals with four subject areas. The rst part of the
2007; unrevised student book contains philosophical and hermeneutical observations concerning the history of early
edition 2008. IX, 441 pages. Christianity. In a follow-up to Johann Gustav Droysen, the author takes a look at recent
discussions on the hermeneutics of history. Based on this, he uses the second part of the work
ISBN 978-3-16-151493-7 to examine central areas of the history of theology of early Christianity. In the third part, he
eBook PDF 54,00 € takes a look at those developments which led to the creation of the New Testament canon, and
in doing so shows that those joint convictions which were clearly de ned in various ways in
the early Christian writings were the guiding factor. In the last part of the book, the author
examines how it would be possible to develop a comprehensive approach to a theology of the
New Testament in view of the individual writings which are contained in the New Testament.


Der Kaiserkult in Judäa unter den Herodiern und Römern

Untersuchungen zur politischen und religiösen Geschichte Judäas von 30 v. bis 66
n. Chr.

Volume 203 Using literary, archeological, numismatic and epigraphic evidence, Monika Bernett examines the
2007. XIII, 441 pages. form and the e ects of the imperial cult in Judea under the Herodians and the Romans. King
Herod established the imperial cult early on as part of a new style of Jewish rule. The
ISBN 978-3-16-148446-9 endowments for buildings and the founding of cities, which were related to the imperial cult,
cloth 109,00 € were part of a multifunctional network of relationships: public responses to the “good deeds”
of the princeps, publicizing the good relationship to Rome as well as acting as a sovereign
ISBN 978-3-16-151492-0
euerget, who might expect goodwill. The author also demonstrates why the imperial cult must
eBook PDF 109,00 €
be seen as a point of reference for the increasingly radical criticism of the Roman rule and why
it must be included in the history of the Jewish revolt.


Jews or Christians?
The Followers of Jesus in Search of their own Identity
Transl. from the Italian by Molly Rogers

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Volume 202 When was Christianity born? When was it that Christianity, born as a particular current within
2006. VIII, 175 pages. Judaism, constituted itself as a religion di erent and separate from the Jewish religion? The
question has been asked, and the problem has therefore been considered, since the historical-
ISBN 978-3-16-149192-4 critical investigation of Christian origins began. However the problem has become acute only in
cloth 74,00 € the last few decades, because of the occurrence of a whole series of circumstances and of
re ections that have deeply changed the historiographic understanding regarding Judaism in
the rst century, and thus the origins of Christianity as well. Traditional opinion considered the
founders of Christianity to be Jesus of Nazareth and Paul of Tarsus. Recent studies however
a rm that a Christian religion as distinct from the Jewish religion can be spoken of only much
later, and that for the entire rst century, and for at least a part of the second century,
Christianity was nothing more than a sect within Judaism. Dealing with the problem from an
historical point of view, and thus considering not only Christianity of Jewish origin but also that
of gentile origin, Giorgio Jossa demonstrates that the birth of a Christian identity as distinct
from Jewish identity must actually be dated back to the rst period of life of the community of


Studien zur Christologie

Kleine Schriften IV
Hrsg. v. Claus-Jürgen Thornton

Volume 201 This volume contains 13 studies written by Martin Hengel between 1967 and 2004 on the
2006. X, 650 pages. subject of New Testament theology. In these studies, the author deals mainly with the origins
of Christology in the early Christian community. His subjects are the meaning of Jesus' death for
ISBN 978-3-16-149196-2 salvation, Easter, Psalm 110 and the kyrios title, the son of God, the early Christian hymns and
cloth 194,00 € the relationship between the development of Christology and early Christian chronology. He
attaches considerable importance to the Jewish background of Christology and its connection
with Jesus' claim to be the Messiah, which led to his cruci xion.

Survey of contents

Der Kreuzestod Jesu Christi als Gottes souveräne Erlösungstat – Christologie und
neutestamentliche Chronologie – Ist der Osterglaube noch zu retten? – Der Sohn Gottes – Der
stellvertretende Sühnetod Jesu – Hymnus und Christologie – Das Christuslied im frühesten
Gottesdienst – Jesus, der Messias Israels – “Setze dich zu meiner Rechten!” Die Inthronisation
Christi zur Rechten Gottes und Psalm 110,1 – Die Throngemeinschaft des Lammes mit Gott in
der Johannesapokalypse – Das Begräbnis Jesu bei Paulus und die leibliche Auferstehung aus
dem Grabe – Das Mahl in der Nacht, “in der Jesus ausgeliefert wurde” (1 Kor 11,23) – Abba,
Maranatha, Hosanna und die Anfänge der Christologie

Imagery in the Gospel of John

Terms, Forms, Themes, and Theology of Johannine Figurative Language
Ed. by Jörg Frey, Jan G. van der Watt and Ruben Zimmermann in collaboration
with Gabi Kern

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Volume 200 The Gospel of John is well-known for its wealth and depth of gurative language, metaphors
2006. XI, 495 pages. and symbols. These articles, written by some of the leading scholars in Johannine exegesis and
particularly in the debate on Johannine imagery, utilize a broad variety of methods of
ISBN 978-3-16-149116-0 interpretation. The authors provide an in-depth discussion of the variety of terms and forms of
cloth 119,00 € gurative speech and explore the conceptual and traditio-historical background of central
motifs. Some of the most prominent Johannine images (lamb, king, bread, shepherd, vine,
eating and drinking and others) are discussed with regard to their literary design and
theological meaning. The collection aims at opening up paths in the tangled thicket of John's
gurative world, it amply demonstrates the close relationship between the di erent metaphors
and images in the Fourth Gospel and opens the view to the inter-relatedness of its theological

Survey of contents


Introduction: Ruben Zimmermann: Imagery in John. Open up paths in the tangled thicket of
John's gurative world

I. Terms, Forms and Methods

Harold W. Attridge: The Cubist Principle in Johannine Imagery. John and the Reading of Images
in Contemporary Platonism – Rainer Hirsch-Luipold: Bilder im Klartext – Klartext in Bildern.
alethinos ktl., parresia – paroimia, semeion als Signalwörter für eine bildhafte Darstellungsform
im Johannesevangelium – Uta Poplutz: Paroimia und parabole. Gleichniskonzepte bei
Johannes und Markus – Silke Petersen: Die Ich-bin-Worte als Metaphern am Beispiel der
Lichtmetaphorik – Jean Zumstein: Bildersprache und Relektüre am Beispiel von Joh 15,1- 17 –
Paul N. Anderson: Gradations of Symbolization in the Johannine Passion Narrative: Control
Measures for Theologizing Speculation Gone Awry – Folker Siegert: Von der Restauration
übermalter Bilder. Worum geht es in der 'Brotrede' Joh 6? – Jesper Tang Nielsen: The Blended
Lamb. The Cognitive Grounding of the Johannine Lamb of God

II. Texts, Themes and Theology

Marianne Meye Thompson: “Every Picture Tells a Story”: Imagery for God in the Gospel of John
– Ulrich Busse: Die Königs-Metapher im Johannesevangelium – Mary Coloe: Witness and
Friend. Symbolism associated with John the Baptizer – Petrus Maritz and Gilbert van Belle: The
Imagery of Eating and Drinking in John 6:35 – Francois Tolmie: The (not so) Good Shepherd.
The Use of Shepherd Imagery in the Characterization of Peter in the Fourth Gospel – Robert A.
Culpepper: Designs for the Church in the Imagery of John 21:1–14 – Craig R. Koester: What
does it mean to be human? Imagery and the Human Condition in John's Gospel – Jan G. van der
Watt: Ethics Alive in Imagery


Apocalypticism, Prophecy and Magic in Early Christianity

Collected Essays

Volume 199 This book contains a collection of twenty of David E. Aune's essays on the subjects of
2006. XII, 482 pages. apocalypticism, the Apocalypse of John, early Christian prophecy and early Christian magic.
Several essays on the Apocalypse of John explore contextual relationships of the Apocalypse to
ISBN 978-3-16-149020-0 apocalyptic literature from Qumran, Palestinian Jewish apocalyptic, Roman imperial court
cloth 129,00 € ceremonial, Greco-Roman revelatory magic and the social setting of the book. Other essays
center on aspects of the content and interpretation of the Apocalypse itself by investigating
such issues as discipleship, narrative Christology, genre, the problem of God and time, an
intertextual reading of the book, the form and function of the proclamations to the seven
churches (Rev 2–3), and interpretations of Rev 5 and 17. Essays on early Christian prophecy deal
with charismatic exegesis in early Judaism and early Christianity, the relationship between

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Christian prophecy and the messianic status of Jesus, and the prophetic features found in the
Odes of Solomon.

Paulus und Johannes

Exegetische Studien zur paulinischen und johanneischen Theologie und
Hrsg. v. Dieter Sänger u. Ulrich Mell

Volume 198 This volume presents essays on Paul and the Gospel of John written by leading German,
2006. X, 556 pages. Norwegian and Swiss New Testament scholars. They deal with central issues of Pauline and
Johannine interpretation, for example the religious-historical background and function of
ISBN 978-3-16-149064-4 dualism in the Gospel of John, the hermeneutical problem of Johannine metaphors, the
cloth 119,00 € structure of arguments in Rom 5, Israel's rejection and acceptance according to Rom 9–11, the
formcritical de nition of the letter to the Galatians, and the phrase “works of the law”, in
particular the way it is seen in the 'new perspectives on Paul'. The nal essay in the book
discusses common features and di erences between Pauline and Johannine literature.


Kommunikation mit Gott und Christus

Sprache und Theologie des Gebetes im Neuen Testament

Volume 197 As is every act of communication, prayer is an expression of the relationship between the
2006. XVI, 466 pages. believers, God, and Christ. For the rst time, Karl-Heinrich Ostmeyer studies how all the authors
of the New Testament were able to translate their speci c concepts of the relationship to God
ISBN 978-3-16-148969-3 and Christ into practice with the help of the terminology of prayer. The complete view of all the
cloth 109,00 € authors proves to be a re ection of the diversity of faiths in the rst generations of Christians.
In dealing with this subject in a systematic and di erentiating manner, the author has written a
book which can function as a reference work for verbal and nonverbal forms of New Testament
communication with God and Christ and is at the same time a compendium of the theologies
and Christologies behind the concepts of prayer.

Survey of contents

I Einleitung
II Die unumstrittenen Paulusbriefe
III Die deuteropaulinischen Briefe und der Hebräerbrief
IV Katholische Briefe (ohne Johannesbriefe)
V Synoptiker und Apostelgeschichte
VI Das Johannesevangelium und die Johannesbriefe
VII Die O enbarung des Johannes
VIII Folgerungen und Ergebnisse
IX Bibliographie


Jews and Christians in Their Graeco-Roman Context

Selected Essays on Early Judaism, Samaritanism, Hellenism, and Christianity

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Volume 196 In this book, published on the occasion of Pieter W. van der Horst's 60th birthday and his
2006. X, 352 pages. retirement from the chair of early Christian, Jewish, and Hellenistic studies at Utrecht University,
the author presents a selection of 30 essays (most of them recent) on the religious and cultural
ISBN 978-3-16-148851-1 milieu of early Christianity. The focus is especially on Jewish culture in the centuries around the
cloth 109,00 € turn of the era in its interaction with Hellenism. The book also contains various studies on
translation problems in the New Testament in the light of Greek philology, on the Samaritan
world in its con ict with Judaism, on beliefs and usages in the pagan Hellenistic world and on a
variety of patristic documents. One nds studies thematically as far apart as the anthropology
of the rabbis and the origins of Greek atheism. The unity in this variety is that all these studies
aim at shedding new light on the world of the early Christians in the rst six centuries of the
Common Era, a eld of research to which the author has been contributing for more than 35

Survey of contents

The Jews of Ancient Crete
The Jews of Ancient Cyprus
The Jews of Ancient Sicily
The Synagogue of Sardis and its Inscriptions
Jews and Blues in Late Antiquity
A Note on the Evil Inclination and Sexual Desire in Talmudic Literature
“His Days Shall Be One Hundred and Twenty Years”. Genesis 6:3 in Early Judaism and Ancient
Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientis. A Review Article
Huldah's Tomb in Early Jewish Tradition
Pseudo-Phocylides on the Afterlife. A Rejoinder to John Collins
Philo's In Flaccum and the Book of Acts
Common Prayer in Philo's In Flaccum 121–124
Philo and the Rabbis on Genesis. Similar Questions, Di erent Answers
Philo of Alexandria on the Wrath of God
Anti-Samaritan Propaganda in Early Judaism
Jacques Basnage (1653–1723) on the Samaritans. Or: How much did one know about the
Samaritans three centuries ago in the Netherlands?
Once More: The Translation of οἱ δέ. in Matthew 28:17
Abraham's Bosom, the Place Where He Belonged. A Short Note on ἀπενεχθῆναι in Luke 16:22
“Snorting Threat and Murder”. The Hellenistic Background of Acts 9:1
“Only then will all Israel be saved”. A Short Note on the Meaning of καὶ οὕτως in Romans 11:26
Macarius Magnes and the Unnamed Anti-Christian Polemicist. A review article
A New Early Christian Poem on the Sacri ce of Isaac (Pap. Bodmer 30)
The Role of Scripture in Cyril of Scythopolis' Lives of the Monks of Palestine
Twenty-Five Questions to Corner the Jews. A Byzantine Anti-Jewish Document from the Seventh
“The Most Superstitious and Disgusting of All Nations”. Diogenes of Oenoanda on the Jews
The Shadow in Hellenistic Popular Belief
The First Atheist
Subtractive Versus Additive Composite Numerals in Ancient Languages
The Great Magical Papyrus of Paris (PGM IV) and the Bible
“The God Who Drowned the King of Egypt”. A Short Note on an Exorcistic Formula
Original places of publication
Bibliography of Pieter W. van der Horst, 1970–2005


The Tenants in the Vineyard

Ideology, Economics, and Agrarian Conflict in Jewish Palestine

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Volume 195 John S. Kloppenborg gives a detailed analysis of one of the most di cult of Jesus' parables, the
2006. XXIX, 651 pages. parable of the Tenants (Mark 12:1–12; Gospel of Thomas 65). He examines the ways in which
Christians have typically read and mis-read the parable, and places the parable rmly in the
ISBN 978-3-16-148908-2 context of the practices of ancient viticulture. The author models a new approach to the
cloth 164,00 € interpretation of the parables of Jesus. First, he critically engages the history of interpretation of
the text, inquiring into the ideological interests that the parable has engaged during the history
of its use in Christian churches and in political discourse. Second, he reconstructs the social
world in which the parable was rst told, in particular the economic, social, and legal aspects of
ancient viticulture. He demonstrates that the parable of the Tenants has mostly been
interpreted from the standpoint of those who wield social and political power, a strange irony
considering the social status of the Jesus of history and the literary uses of the parable. All of
the features common to the parable as it is told by Mark and the Gospel of Thomas make it a
perfectly realistic story. It is only Mark's editing of the story that takes it beyond the realistic
idiom characteristic of Jesus' other parables. The book concludes with a dossier of 58 papyrus
documents relating to various aspects of viticulture and agrarian con ict.
It was awarded the 2007 Francis W. Beare Book Award by the Canadian Society of Biblical


2006; unrevised student
edition 2010.
XXXI, 651 pages.
The Tenants in the Vineyard

ISBN 978-3-16-150455-6 Ideology, Economics, and Agrarian Conflict in Jewish Palestine

sewn paper 29,00 €
ISBN 978-3-16-151490-6
eBook PDF 29,00 €


Das Markus-Evangelium im Rahmen antiker Historiographie

Volume 194 Eve-Marie Becker studies the Gospel according to Mark, seeing it as the earliest gospel, and
2006. XVII, 516 pages. places it in the context of Hellenistic historiography (Greek, Roman and early Jewish). She
examines the dating and the assimilation of events in contemporary history and analyzes their
ISBN 978-3-16-148913-6 chronological and their causal structure. This historiographical approach to Mark serves various
cloth 139,00 € purposes, among which are the establishment of the historical value of the pre-Markan sources
and the traditions and the acknowledgement of the 'historiographical achievement' of the
editor Mark. The author shows the literary cognation of the 'Gospel' genre, but also its special
place in the history of the genre.


Herodian Judaism and New Testament Study

Volume 193 This book presents a selection of William Horbury's recent essays. Those collected in Part I seek
2006. XII, 268 pages. to trace the pro le of Herodian Jewish piety, its Greek and Roman setting, and its re ection in
Christianity. Monotheism, mysticism, perceptions of Moses and the Temple are all considered in
ISBN 978-3-16-148877-1 this way, and a Jewish context for the term 'gospel' and the institution of 'the Lord's Supper' is
cloth 99,00 € suggested. Part II treats modern New Testament study, with special attention to its links with
study of the classical and Jewish traditions, and a survey on British study in its international

Survey of contents

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Part I: Jewish and Christian Piety
1. Jewish and Christian Monotheism in the Herodian Age
2. Moses and the Covenant in the Assumption of Moses and the Pentateuch
3. The Books of Solomon in Ancient Mysticism
4. Der Tempel bei Vergil und im herodianischen Judentum
5.'Gospel' in Herodian Judaea
6. Cena Pura and Lord's Supper

Part II: Modern New Testament Study

7. Briths New Testament Study in its International Setting (1902–2002)
8. Rabbinic Literature in New Testament Interpretation


Studien zum Neuen Testament

Band II: Bekenntnisbildung und Theologie in urchristlicher Zeit
Hrsg. v. Jörg Frey u. Juliane Schlegel

Volume 192 As a complement to Ferdinand Hahn's “Theology of the New Testament”, these two volumes
2006. XIII, 745 pages. present 70 detailed studies which were written over a period of more than 30 years in
preparation of this work. The articles cover the whole eld of New Testament scholarship, from
ISBN 978-3-16-148809-2 research on Jesus, Pauline theology and the Gospels to the late traditions of the New
cloth 159,00 € Testament. They o er detailed analyses of texts and theological issues, representing a
thoroughly theological view of the New Testament. Vol. II contains a comprehensive
bibliography of the author's writings and detailed indexes.

Survey of contents

Band I:
Teil I: Grundsatzfragen
Teil II: Zur Jesusforschung
Teil III: Zum Markus- und Matthäusevangelium
Teil IV: Zum Johannesevangelium

Band II:
Teil V: Zur frühchristlichen Bekenntnisbildung
Teil VI: Zur Apostelgeschichte
Teil VII: Zur paulinischen und deuteropaulinischen Theologie
Teil VIII: Zu Ekklesiologie, Amtsverständnis und Ethik
Teil IX: Zur Johanneso enbarung
Teil X: Zu Spättraditionen
Gesamtbibliographie Ferdinand Hahn (bearb. v. Ch. Hoegen-Rohls)


Studien zum Neuen Testament

Band I: Grundsatzfragen, Jesusforschung, Evangelien
Hrsg. v. Jörg Frey u. Juliane Schlegel

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Volume 191 As a complement to Ferdinand Hahn's Theology of the New Testament , these two volumes
2006. XVI, 691 pages. present 70 detailed studies which were written over a period of more than 30 years in
preparation of this work. The articles cover the whole eld of New Testament scholarship, from
ISBN 978-3-16-148808-5 research on Jesus, Pauline theology and the Gospels to the late traditions of the New
cloth 154,00 € Testament. They o er detailed analyses of texts and theological issues, representing a
thoroughly theological view of the New Testament. Vol. II contains a comprehensive
bibliography of the author's writings and detailed indexes.

Survey of contents

Band I:
Teil I: Grundsatzfragen
Teil II: Zur Jesusforschung
Teil III: Zum Markus- und Matthäusevangelium
Teil IV: Zum Johannesevangelium

Band II:
Teil V: Zur frühchristlichen Bekenntnisbildung
Teil VI: Zur Apostelgeschichte
Teil VII: Zur paulinischen und deuteropaulinischen Theologie
Teil VIII: Zu Ekklesiologie, Amtsverständnis und Ethik
Teil IX: Zur Johanneso enbarung
Teil X: Zu Spättraditionen
Gesamtbibliographie Ferdinand Hahn (bearb. v. Ch. Hoegen-Rohls)


Baptist Traditions and Q

Volume 190 Clare K. Rothschild o ers the rst comprehensive examination of why current models of Q
2005. XVII, 309 pages. feature traditions concerning John the Baptist both prominently and favorably. A close
hermeneutical investigation of the NT Gospels, including literary phenomena such as the
ISBN 978-3-16-148791-0 double attribution of sayings to John and to Jesus, contradictions among sayings of Jesus, and
cloth 79,00 € signi cant thematic continuities between Baptist traditions and Q sayings on topics such as the
Son of Man and Kingdom of God, support the argument that at some point in the undoubtedly
complex pre-history of its redactions Q existed as a source of Baptist traditions exclusively. This
study also includes an important new interpretation of the Markan trans guration narrative.


Das Corpus Johanneum bei Irenäus von Lyon

Studien und Kommentar zum dritten Buch von 'Adversus Haereses'

Volume 189 How does the Asian bishop Irenaeus of Lyon respond to the Gnostic challenge? What is the role
2006. XVIII, 629 pages. of Johannine theology in his answer, and how does he allude to and explain Johannine verses
or words? In giving a theological and philological commentary on the third book of Adversus
ISBN 978-3-16-148744-6 Haereses , the author attempts to nd an answer to these questions. In the rst Christian
cloth 129,00 € approach to a systematic theology, the church father of the second century deals with the
questions of the unity of God, Christ, creation, incarnation and salvation. In all these topics,
Irenaeus bases his theories substantially on the Corpus Johanneum and Johannine theology. It
is his opinion that the Gospel according to John, the Apocalypse and the Epistles of John were
all written by John of Ephesus, “the disciple of the Lord”, as he calls him.

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Argumentiert Paulus logisch?

Eine Analyse vor dem Hintergrund antiker Logik

Volume 188 Based on the simple question of whether Paul's argumentation is logical, this work seeks to
2005. XIV, 302 pages. nd an answer by using ancient formal logic. After giving an introduction into the basics of
ancient logic, the author analyzes three important Pauline argumentative texts exegetically and
ISBN 978-3-16-148793-4 logically: 1 Cor 15:12–19, Gal 3:6–14, Rom 1:18–3:20. In each of these texts, the role of logic
cloth 84,00 € within the trias of pathos, ethos and logos varies considerably. By seeking to establish a new
dialogue between logic and theology, this work makes a contribution to a better understanding
of Paul as a complex theologian.

Survey of contents

A. Paulus zwischen obscuritas und claritas
1. “Fremd und widerspruchsvoll”: Paulinische obscuritas
2. “Einfach und klar”: Paulinische claritas
B. “Beständig und gottgewollt”: Vom Nutzen der Logik für die Exegese
1. Theologie und Logik – Szenen einer (geschiedenen) Ehe
2. Grundlegende Prinzipien der Logik
3. Konsequenzen für die Exegese
4. Exkurs: Zum Status der Frage, ob Paulus logisch geschult war
II. Antike Logik im Überblick
A. Allgemeine Probleme
1. Die Quellenlage
2. Zur Terminologie
3. Die beiden Logiksysteme
4. Sprachtheoretische Grundlegung: Die wahrheitsde nite Aussage
B. Die aristotelische Termlogik
1. Weitere sprachtheoretische Überlegungen
a) Die logisch relevanten Modi des Aussagesatzes
b) Die logisch relevanten Formen des Gegensatzes
2. Der “Schluss” (syllogismós)
3. Logik in der Wissenschaft: Die Analytik (Syllogistik)
a) Der syllogistische Schluss
b) Die Schluss guren
c) Exkurs: Die Induktion als “zweite Form” des Wissens
4. Logik in der Diskussion: Die Dialektik (Topik)
a) Vorüberlegungen
b) Die vier Prädikatsklassen
c) Die vier Werkzeuge ( Top. I 13–18)
d) Würdigung
5. Logik in der Rede: Das “Enthymem” (Rhetorik)
a) Logik als rhetorisches Überzeugungsmittel
b) Was ist ein Enthymem?
c) Die vier Arten des Enthymems
6. Theophrast und das Erbe der aristotelischen Logik
7. Exkurs: Die Schriften des Aristoteles und das “Organon”
C. Die stoische Aussagenlogik
1. Die Logik Chrysipps
a) Weitere sprachphilosophische Überlegungen
b) Die Argumentations- und Schlusslehre
2. Historische Beziehungen und Auswirkungen stoischer Logik

III. Analyse paulinischer Texte

A. Vorfragen: Textwahl und logische Analyseschritte
B. Widerlegung der Auferstehungsleugnung (1Kor 15,12–19)

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1. Exegetische Vorfragen
a) Rhetorik und Gliederung von 1Kor 15
b) Der literarische Kontext (15,1–11)
c) Die Streitfrage
2. Exegetische Anmerkungen
3. Logische Analyse
a) Auslegungs- und forschungsgeschichtliche Perspektiven
b) Die Umkehrung der Implikation als Fehlschluss
c) Textabgrenzung und Bestimmung logisch relevanter Sätze
d) Versuch einer termlogischen Analyse
e) Aussagenlogische Struktur und Prüfung der Gültigkeit
f) Fazit
4. Exkurs: Fragen aufgrund der Topik
5. Exkurs: Weitere Beispiele für “modus tollens” in den Paulusbriefen
C. Unvereinbarkeit von Abrahamssegen und Gesetzes uch (Gal 3,6–14)
1. Exegetische Vorfragen
a) Rhetorik und Gliederung
b) Literarischer Kontext
c) Der Streitpunkt: Das Erbe Abrahams
2. Exegetische Anmerkungen
a) Positive Argumentation: Abraham-Exemplum (3,6–9)
b) Negative Argumentation: Fluch des Gesetzes (3,10–12)
c) Die “Lösung” des Kerygmas (3,13f)
3. Logische Analyse
a) Formalisierung
b) Analyse logischer Gültigkeit
c) Gesamtgedankengang
d) Fazit
D. Die Folgen der Schuld (Röm 1,18–3,20)
1. Exegetische Vorfragen
a) Argumentationsziel von 1,18–3,20
b) Literarischer Kontext (Röm 1,1–17)
2. Exegetische Anmerkungen
a) Röm 1,18–32
b) Röm 2,116
c) Röm 2,17–29
d) Röm 3,1–20
3. Logische Analyse
a) Basale semantische Felder in Röm 1,18–3,20
b) Formalisierung und Analyse
c) Fazit

IV. Schlussbetrachtung
A. Argumentiert Paulus logisch?
B. Exegetisch-methodischer Ertrag
C. Weiterführender Ausblick
1. Paulus und rabbinische Logik
2. Logik und paulinische Rhetorik
3. Logik und paulinische Theologie

A. Quellen 243 B. Nachschlagewerke und NT-Kommentare
C. Philosophisch-logische und rhetorische Literatur
D. Exegetisch-theologische Literatur

A. Quellen
B. Autoren und Autorinnen
C. Griechische Begri e
D. Sachen und Namen

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Biographie und Persönlichkeit des Paulus
Hrsg. v. Eve-Marie Becker u. Peter Pilhofer

Volume 187 This volume contains articles from specialists in various elds on the biography and character
2005; unrevised student of Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles. These articles re ect the level and the diversity of the
edition 2009. current research being done on Paul. The various approaches provide an important
VIII, 392 pages. contribution to the problem of the “New Perspectives on Paul” and turn the question regarding
the “Biography and the Character of Paul” into a paradigm of New Testament research in
ISBN 978-3-16-149952-4 connection with the study of people, biographies and autobiographies in antiquity.
paper 49,00 €
ISBN 978-3-16-151489-0
eBook PDF 49,00 €


From the Lost Teaching of Polycarp

Identifying Irenaeus' Apostolic Presbyter and the Author of “Ad Diognetum”

Volume 186 This book signi cantly expands our understanding of the life and work of Polycarp of Smyrna.
2006. IX, 207 pages. Part One establishes that the anonymous “apostolic presbyterquot;, whose oral teaching is
cited intermittently by Irenaeus in Against Heresies 4.27.1 through 4.32.1, is in fact Polycarp.
ISBN 978-3-16-148699-9 The fragments of teaching preserved by Irenaeus shed valuable light upon his relationship with
cloth 54,00 € Polycarp, establishing that Irenaeus' contact with his teacher was neither eeting nor shallow.
They also reveal Polycarp's important role in opposing the early e ects of the Marcionite
movement and gain a valuable perspective on Polycarp's Old Testament hermeneutic in the
face of ecclesiastical controversy. Part Two considers the many links which would tie Polycarp
to the work known as Ad Diognetum . Charles E. Hill proposes that the work is not a treatise
but the transcript of an oral address. A new proposal is made for the identity of Diognetus, the
addressee, based upon archaeological evidence of an aristocratic Smyrnaean family of the
second century.


The New Perspective on Paul

Collected Essays

Volume 185 The collection of essays highlights a dimension of Paul's theology of justi cation which has
2005; unrevised student been rather neglected in earlier decades: that his teaching emerged as an integral part of his
edition 2007. XII, 539 pages. understanding of his commission to preach the gospel to non-Jews; and that his dismissal of
justi cation 'by works of the law' was directed not so much against Jewish 'legalism' but rather
ISBN 978-3-16-149518-2 against his fellow Jews' assumption that the law remained a dividing wall separating Christian
sewn paper 84,00 € Jews from Christian Gentiles. The long opening essay interacts with critiques of this 'new
perspective on Paul' and seeks to carry forward the debate on Jewish soteriology ('covenantal
ISBN 978-3-16-151488-3
nomism'), on the relation of justi cation by faith to judgment 'according to works', on Christian
eBook PDF 84,00 €
'ful lment' of the law, and on the crucial role of Christ, his death and resurrection.

“This book is a wonderful resource for anyone wishing to become acquainted in particular with
the work of James Dunn, and in general with the so-called 'new perspective' on Paul.”
Preston Sprinkle in Europäische Theologische Zeitschrift 15. Jg. (2006), S. 171

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“Es ist zu wünschen, dass die über die kontroverstheologischen Fixierungen des 20. Jh.s weit
hinausführenden Anregungen von den Vertretern der anderen theologischen Disziplinen
aufgegri en und produktiv rezipiert werden.”
Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr in Theologische Literaturzeitung 132. Jg. (2007), S. 168


The Irrevocable Call of God

An Inquiry into Paul's Theology of Israel

Volume 184 Richard Bell examines the impact of Paul's life changing experience before Damascus on his
2005. XXV, 550 pages. theological understanding of Israel. The book considers the development of Paul's view
concerning the election and salvation of Israel, paying special attention to 1 Thessalonians,
ISBN 978-3-16-148009-6 Galatians and Romans. The author examines Paul's critique of Israel's religion in the light of
cloth 109,00 € traditional protestant approaches and the 'new perspective'. The work concludes by
considering some contemporary issues relating to Israel in the light of Paul's theology.

The Formation of the Early Church

Ed. by Jostein Adna

Volume 183 This book presents a selection of adapted papers originally read at the 7th Nordic New
2005. XII, 451 pages. Testament conference in Stavanger in 2003. The 14 essays expose di erent aspects of the
conference theme “the formation of the early church”. To these belong considerations about
ISBN 978-3-16-148561-9 how the primitive church developed and de ned its own identity over against (other) Jews,
cloth 109,00 € both historically and with regard to how recent research has treated this theme
methodologically. Further, early developments within and between di erent church
communities and congregations are discussed as well as aspects of authority and power
structures within them. Three essays deal with questions relating to the New Testament canon.
For obvious thematic reasons the volume moves beyond the 1st century A.D.; two essays
address issues related to the letters of Ignatius of Antioch, and one patristic contribution
focuses predominantly on Cyprian.

Survey of contents

Jostein Ådna : The Formation of the Early Church: An Introduction – Mikael Tellbe : The Temple
Tax as a Pre-70 CE Identity Marker – Anders Klostergaard Petersen : At the End of the Road:
Re ections on a Popular Scholarly Metaphor – Hanna Stenström : New Voices in Biblical
Exegesis: New Views on the Formation of the Church – Jon Ma. Asgeirsson : Complex and
Community: From the Prophets of Q to the Scribe(s) of St. Matthew or Vice Versa – Reidar
Hvalvik : All Those Who in Every Place Call on the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ: The Unity of
the Pauline Churches – Hans Kvalbein : The Authorization of Peter in Matthew 16:17–19: A
Reconsideration of the Power to Bind and Loose – Lone Fatum : Christ Domesticated: The
Household Theology of the Pastorals as Political Strategy – Outi Leppä : Debates within the
New Testament Canon – Antti Marjanen : Montanism and the Formation of the New Testament
Canon – Petri Luomanen : On the Fringes of Canon: Eusebius' View of the “Gospel of the
Hebrews” – Reidar Aasgaard : Brothers and Sisters in the Faith: Christian Siblingship as an
Ecclesiological Mirror in the First Two Centuries – Mikael Isacson : Follow Your Bishop!
Rhetorical Strategies in the Letters of Ignatius of Antioch – Matti Myllykoski : Wild Beasts and
Rabid Dogs: The Riddle of the Heretics in the Letters of Ignatius – Odd Magne Bakke : The
Episcopal Ministry and the Unity of the Church from the Apostolic Fathers to Cyprian -

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Lutherische und Neue Paulusperspektive
Beiträge zu einem Schlüsselproblem der gegenwärtigen exegetischen Diskussion
Hrsg. v. Michael Bachmann unter Mitarb. v. Johannes Woyke

Volume 182 Recent research on Paul has received new and important stimuli from the Anglo-Saxon world,
2005. XIII, 460 pages. in uenced above all by K. Stendahl, E.P. Sanders and J.D.G. Dunn. In this volume, Protestant
and Catholic exegetes examine three crucial issues: Does Paul's rejection of a justi cation which
ISBN 978-3-16-148712-5 originates in “works of the law” indicate a criticism of “justi cation by one's own good works” or
cloth 109,00 € rather an “opening” of Judaism, whose “boundary markers” are thus seen as not binding for
(Christian) pagans? Is German exegesis in uenced too strongly by 16th century concepts,
leading to a certain amount of anti-Judaism? Is the controversy around the doctrine of
justi cation really rooted in the New Testament itself?

Deutungen des Todes Jesu im Neuen Testament

Hrsg. v. Jörg Frey u. Jens Schröter

Volume 181 The collected essays in this volume deal with the current discussion on the meaning of Jesus'
2005. IX, 707 pages. death. The authors look at this topic from various perspectives: the question of pagan, Old
Testament, Jewish background, and di erent interpretations in the New Testament, reception in
ISBN 978-3-16-148581-7 the early church and in the Gospel of Thomas, and systematic theological contributions. The
cloth 119,00 € volume makes a signi cant contribution to the ongoing debate on the interpretation of Jesus'
death and its meaning for Christian theology.

Survey of contents

I. Zur Einführung
Jörg Frey: Probleme der Deutung des Todes Jesu in der neutestamentlichen Wissenschaft.
Strei ichter zur exegetischen Diskussion – Jens Schröter: Sühne und Stellvertretung und Opfer.
Zur Verwendung analytischer Kategorien zur Deutung des Todes Jesu – Friederike Nüssel: Die
Sühnevorstellung in der klassischen Dogmatik und ihre neuzeitliche Problematisierung
II. Alttestamentliche, judaistische und religionsgeschichtliche Horizonte
Bernd Janowski: Das Leben für andere hingeben. Alttestamentliche Voraussetzungen für die
Deutung des Todes Jesu – Friedhelm Hartenstein: Zur symbolischen Bedeutung des Blutes im
Alten Testament – Jan Willem van Henten: Jewish Martyrdom and Jesus' Death – Friedrich
Avemarie: Lebenshingabe und heilscha ender Tod in der rabbinischen Literatur – Henk
Versnel: Making Sense of Jesus' Death. The Pagan Contribution
III. Deutungen im Neuen Testament und im frühen Christentum
Michael Wolter: Der Heilstod Jesu als theologisches Argument – Ruben Zimmermann: 'Deuten'
heißt erzählen und übertragen. Narrativität und Metaphorik als zentrale Sprachformen
historischer Sinnbildung zum Tod Jesu – Thomas Söding: Sühne durch Stellvertretung. Zur
zentralen Deutung des Todes Jesu im Römerbrief – Christine Schlund: Deutungen des Todes
Jesu im Rahmen der Pesach-Tradition – Christfried Böttrich: Proexistenz im Leben und Sterben.
Jesu Tod bei Lukas – Cilliers Breytenbach: “Christus litt wegen euch”. Zur Rezeption von Jesaja
53 LXX und anderen frühjüdischen Traditionen im 1. Petrusbrief – Hermut Löhr: Wahrnehmung
und Bedeutung des Todes Jesu nach dem Hebräerbrief. Ein Versuch – Thomas Knöppler: Das
Blut des Lammes. Zur soteriologischen Relevanz des Todes Jesu nach der Johannesapokalypse –
Enno Edzard Popkes: Die Umdeutung des Todes Jesu im koptischen Thomasevangelium –
Winrich A. Löhr: Deutungen der Passion Christi bei Heiden und Christen im zweiten
IV. Systematische und religionspädagogische Perspektiven
Philipp Stoellger: Deutung der Passion als Passion der Deutung. Zur Dialektik und Rhetorik der
Deutungen des Todes Jesu – Mirjam Zimmermann: Die (Be-)Deutung des Todes Jesu in der

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Religiöses Lernen in der biblischen, frühjüdischen und
frühchristlichen Überlieferung
Hrsg. v. Beate Ego u. Helmut Merkel

Volume 180 This volume contains sixteen articles, written by German scholars and scholars from other
2005. XI, 336 pages. countries, who took part in an international research symposium at the University of
Osnabrück in 2003. The individual studies of Old and New Testament traditions and of ancient
ISBN 978-3-16-148562-6 Jewish and early Christian literature focus on completely di erent aspects of learning. In
cloth 94,00 € addition to explanations concerning the practical experience of learning, for which learning
something o by heart was of considerable signi cance, the personal and social aspects of
learning processes were also of great importance. One learns from a teacher, and learning
together in turn integrates the individual into the traditional community. Reference is also
made to the theological-ritual dimension of learning, since learning is described as a way of
encountering God, and teaching can be seen as an act of divine proof of grace. The order of the
individual essays results in interesting perspectives for the history of the tradition of Jewish and
Christian concepts of learning.

Survey of contents

Beate Ego : Zwischen Gabe und Aufgabe: Theologische Implikationen des Lernens in der
alttestamentlichen und antik-jüdischen Literatur – Karin Finsterbusch : “Du sollst sie lehren, auf
dass sie tun”. Mose als Lehrer der Tora im Buch Deuteronomium – Erich Zenger : JHWH als
Lehrer des Volkes und des Einzelnen im Psalter – Ludger Schwienhorst-Schönberger : Den Ruf
der Weisheit hören. Lernkonzepte in der alttestamentlichen Weisheitsliteratur – Georg Steins :
Inszenierungen des Lesens und Lernens in Neh 8,1–12 – Annette Steudel : “Bereitet den Weg
des Herrn”. Religiöses Lernen in Qumran – Michael Mach : Lerntraditionen im hellenistischen
Judentum unter besonderer Berücksichtigung Philos von Alexandrien – Günter Stemberger :
“Scha ' dir einen Lehrer, erwirb dir einen Kollegen” (mAv 1,6). Lernen als Tradition und
Gemeinschaft – Annette Böckler : Beten als Lernen – Lernen als Mitzwa. Das Gebetbuch als
Lehrbuch im Judentum – Tal Ilan : Learned Jewish Women in Antiquity – Samuel Byrskog : Das
Lernen der Jesusgeschichte nach den synoptischen Evangelien – Franz-Georg Untergaßmair :
“Du bist der Lehrer Israels und verstehst das nicht?” (Joh 3,10b). Lernen bei Johannes – Helmut
Merkel : Der Lehrer Paulus und seine Schüler. Forschungsgeschichtliche Schlaglichter – Peter
Pilhofer : Von Jakobus zu Justin. Lernen in den Spätschriften des Neuen Testaments und bei
den Apologeten – Dietmar Wyrwa : Religiöses Lernen im zweiten Jahrhundert und die Anfänge
der alexandrinischen Katechetenschule – Josef Wohlmuth : Augustins De magistro und das
inspirierte Subjekt bei E. Levinas. Inszenierung eines Dialogs

Epochs and Styles

Selected Writings on the New Testament, Greek Language and Greek Culture in
the Post-Classical Era
Ed. by Lars Rydbeck and Stanley E. Porter
Transl. from the Swedish Originals by Denis Searby

Volume 179 This book contains essays by Albert Wifstrand, most of which have previously only been
2005. VIII, 240 pages. published in Swedish. The author brings his range of learning and insight to bear on
fundamental questions regarding the Greek of the New Testament. By bringing a full range of
ISBN 978-3-16-148627-2 stylistic, grammatical and socio-historical data into consideration, Wifstrand nds a place for
cloth 79,00 € the language of the New Testament within the evolution of post-classical Greek. This includes
full appreciation of the so-called classicistic renaissance in language and culture in the early
Empire and its in uence on the development of later Greek. Wifstrand's rm grasp of the full
history of the Greek language and culture from classical to Byzantine times allows him to o er
original insights into the di erence between Greek and modern prose style. In the course of his

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discussions, he also o ers insightful analysis of how the Greeks viewed the Romans, the
ancient views of the child, and how ancient cosmology was related to their conception of the
entire universe. Writers that he treats in detail include the New Testament authors of Luke and
Acts, the Epistles of James and Peter, Melito, and Galen, among others.


The Old is Better

New Testament Essays in Support of Traditional Interpretations

Volume 178 Current study of the New Testament features many new interpretations. Robert Gundry's book
2005. XIII, 454 pages. nds them largely wanting and defends traditional ones. Several of its essays have never been
published before. Most of the rest, though previously published, have been updated and
ISBN 978-3-16-148551-0 otherwise revised, sometimes heavily. Topics include theological diversity, symbiosis between
cloth 119,00 € theology and genre criticism, pre-Papian tradition concerning Mark and Matthew as
apostolically Johannine, Secret Mark as secondary, mishnaic jurisprudence as compatible with
Jesus' blasphemy, Matthew as not Christian Jewish, Matthean soteriology, criticism of H. D. Betz
on the Sermon on the Mount, P. Oxy. 655 as secondary to Q 12:22b-31, resurrection as
uniformly physical, criticism of nonreductive physicalism, criticism of the new perspective on
Paul, nonimputation of Christ's righteousness, puberal sexual lusts in Romans 7:7–25, cruciform
rather than incarnational emphasis in Philippians 2:6–11, Thessalonian eschatology, John's
sectarianism, the pervasiveness of John's Word-Christology, Revelation's angelomorphic
Christology, and the New Jerusalem.


Die Gerechtigkeit der Tora im Reich des Messias

Mt 5,13–20 als Schlüsseltext der matthäischen Theologie

Volume 177 How can righteousness be achieved? Through the Torah or through Christ? In the Gospel of
2005. XVII, 746 pages. Matthew it is the Messiah, Jesus Son of David, who is God's only agent for the ful llment of “all
righteousness”. If this is the case, the question is what is the function of the Torah when the
ISBN 978-3-16-148406-3 kingdom of God is to appear. Roland Deines demonstrates the Matthean understanding of the
cloth 109,00 € new place and function of the Torah in the kingdom of the Messiah through a detailed exegesis
of the crucial text Matthew 5:13–20 in the context of the whole gospel. It becomes clear that
Matthew is not the advocate of a law-abiding community but a theologian with a genuine
pro le who is able to show that the new message of Jesus signi es a transformation and not a
straight continuation or a nulli cation of the biblical writings regarded as “law and prophets".


The Diet of John the Baptist

“Locusts and Wild Honey” in Synoptic and Patristic Interpretation

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Volume 176 James A. Kelho er o ers a comprehensive analysis of Mark 1:6c par. Matt 3:4c in its socio-
2005. XXIII, 256 pages. historical context, the Synoptic gospels and subsequent Christian interpretation. The rst
chapter surveys various anecdotes about John's food in the Synoptic gospels and notes that
ISBN 978-3-16-148460-5 there has never been a consensus in scholarship concerning John's “locusts and wild honey.”
cloth 74,00 € Chapters 2 and 3 address locusts as human food and assorted kinds of “wild honey” in
antiquity. Chapter 4 considers the di erent meanings of this diet for the historical Baptist,
Mark, and Matthew. Contemporary anthropological and nutritional data shed new light on
John's experience as a locust gatherer and assess whether these foods could have actually
sustained him in the wilderness. The last chapter demonstrates that the most prevalent
interpretation of the Baptist's diet, from the third through the sixteenth centuries, hails John's
simple wilderness provisions as a model for believers to emulate.

Kontexte des Johannesevangeliums

Das vierte Evangelium in religions- und traditionsgeschichtlicher Perspektive
Hrsg. v. Jörg Frey u. Udo Schnelle, unter Mitarb. v. Juliane Schlegel

Volume 175 Among the most controversial issues in Johannine interpretation are the quest for the religio-
2004. IX, 799 pages. historical background of the Fourth Gospel and the debate on its relationship to other early
Christian traditions. In comprehensive studies and detailed analyses, the volume discusses the
ISBN 978-3-16-148303-5 relationship of the Fourth Gospel to the Old Testament, Qumran, Philo, Pagan Hellenism, the
cloth 159,00 € Synoptics, Paul and Ephesians, the Gospel of Thomas, the Apocryphon of John and Irenaeus. In
dealing with these subjects, the volume provides a compendium of the relevant contexts of
John from Judaism, Hellenism and early Christianity.

Survey of contents

I. Einführung
Jörg Frey : Auf der Suche nach dem Kontext des Johannesevangeliums.
Forschungsgeschichtliche Perspektiven zur religions- und traditionsgeschichtlichen Einordnung
des vierten Evangeliums – Udo Schnelle : Historische Anschlußfähigkeit. Zum hermeneutischen
Horizont von Geschichts- und Traditionsbildung
II. Frühjüdische und hellenistische Kontexte
Ruben Zimmermann : Jesus im Bild Gottes. Anspielungen auf das Alte Testament im
Johannesevangelium am Beispiel der Hirtenbildfelder in Joh 10 – Jörg Frey : Licht aus den
Höhlen? Der 'johanneische Dualismus' und die Texte von Qumran – Carsten Claußen: Das Gebet
Joh 17 im Kontext von Gebeten aus zeitgenössischen Pseudepigraphen – Michael Becker :
Zeichen. Die johanneische Wunderterminologie und die frührabbinische Tradition – Folker
Siegert : Der Logos, “älterer Sohn” des Schöpfers und “zweiter Gott”. Philons Logos und der
Johannesprolog – Jutta Leonhardt-Balzer : Der Logos und die Schöpfung. Strei ichter bei Philo
(Op. 20–25) und im Johannesprolog (Joh 1,1–18) – Michael Labahn : Die parrhesia des
Gottessohnes im Johannesevangelium. Theologische Hermeneutik und philosophisches
Selbstverständnis – Manfred Lang : Johanneische Abschiedsreden und Senecas
Consolationsliteratur. Wie konnte ein Römer Joh 13,31–17,26 lesen? – Klaus Scholtissek : “Eine
größere Liebe als diese hat niemand, als wenn einer sein Leben hingibt für seine Freunde.” Die
hellenistische Freundschaftsethik und das Johannesevangelium
III. Frühchristliche Kontexte
Michael Labahn / Manfred Lang : Johannes und die Synoptiker. Positionen und Impulse seit
1990 – Zbynek Studenovský : “Dort werdet ihr ihn sehen” (Mk 16,7). Der Weg Jesu nach Galiläa
bei Johannes und Markus – Thomas Popp : Die Kunst der Wiederholung. Repetition, Variation
und Ampli kation im vierten Evangelium am Beispiel von Joh 6,60–71 – Christina Hoegen-
Rohls : Johanneische Theologie im Kontext paulinischen Denkens? Eine
forschungsgeschichtliche Skizze – Ulrich Heckel : Die Einheit der Kirche im Johannesevangelium
und im Epheserbrief. Ein Vergleich ekklesiologischer Strukturen – Enno-Edzard Popkes : “Ich bin
das Licht”. Erwägungen zum Verhältnis zwischen dem Thomasevangelium und den
johanneischen Schriften anhand der Lichtmetaphorik – Titus Nagel : Die Gnostisierung der
johanneischen Tradition. Das “Geheime Evangelium nach Johannes” (Apokryphon Johannis) als
gnostische Zusatzo enbarung zum Johannesevangelium – Bernhard Mutschler : Was weiß

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Irenäus vom Johannesevangelium? Der historische Kontext des Johannesevangeliums aus der
Perspektive seiner Rezeption bei Irenäus

Das Alte Testament als christliche Bibel in orthodoxer und

westlicher Sicht
Zweite europäische orthodox-westliche Exegetenkonferenz im Rilakloster vom
8.-15. September 2001
Hrsg. v. Ivan Z. Dimitrov, James D.G. Dunn, Ulrich Luz u. Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr

Volume 174 This collection of essays includes papers given at the Second European Orthodox-Western
2004. XIV, 420 pages. Symposium of Biblical Scholars in Rila, Bulgaria. It also contains summaries of the discussions
which took place in the various groups and formulates the di erent perspectives in the dialog
ISBN 978-3-16-148427-8 between orthodox and “Western” biblical scholars. The book deals with the Old Testament in
cloth 109,00 € the Christian tradition, the Old Testament in the New Testament and in ancient Judaism, the
canon of the Old Testament as well as Messianic texts and their Christian interpretation from an
orthodox, Catholic and Protestant perspective.

Survey of contents

Das Alte Testament in der christlichen Tradition

Prosper Grech : Problems of O.T. Interpretation in the First Centuries – Christos Karakolis :
Erwägungen zur Exegese des Alten Testaments bei den griechischen Kirchenvätern. Eine
orthodoxe Sicht – Dmitri Bumazhnov : Zwei Fallstudien zur Exegese des Alten Testaments bei
den Kirchenvätern:1. Die Auslegung der Jona-Geschichte in De resurrectione des hl. Methodius
von Olympus – 2. Die Erscha ung des Menschen und ihre Implikationen in der koptischen
Homilie des Ps.-Athanasius De anima et corpore – Anatoly Alexeev : The Old Testament Lections
in Orthodox Worship – Vasile Mihoc : The Messianic Prophecies of the Old Testament. An
Orthodox Perspective – Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr : Resümee der Diskussionen
Das Alte Testament im Neuen Testament und im antiken Judentum
Ivan Dimitrov : The Relationship Between the Old and the New Testament – Dieter Sänger : Das
Alte Testament im Neuen Testament: Eine Problemskizze aus westlicher Sicht – Michael F. Mach :
Der Tanach in der Rezeption des nachbiblischen Judentums – Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr : Resümee
der Diskussionen
Der Kanon des Alten Testaments
R. W. L. Moberly : The Canon of the Old Testament: Some historical and hermeneutical
Re ections from a Western Perspective – Petros Vassiliades : Canon and Authority of Scripture:
An Orthodox Hermeneutical Perspective – Dohmen : Der Kanon des Alten Testaments. Eine
westliche hermeneutische Perspektive – Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr : Resümee der Diskussionen
Messianische Texte und ihre christliche Interpretation
Frank-Lothar Hossfeld : Messianische Texte des Psalters. Ein Überblick mit hermeneutischen
Konsequenzen – Dimitris Kaimakis : Der zweite Psalm. Eine orthodoxe Annäherung – Militiadis
Konstantinou : Jesaja 11:1–9. Exegetische Einführung – Willem A. Beuken: The “Messianic”
Character of Isaiah Ch. 11. East and West: Alien Perspectives? – Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr : Resümee
der Diskussionen
Die Herausgeber: Das Alte Testament in der orthodoxen und der “westlichen”
Bibelwissenschaft. Zum Stand und zu den Perspektiven des Gesprächs

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Von Ben Sira zu Paulus

Gesammelte Aufsätze zu Texten, Theologie und Hermeneutik des
Frühjudentums und des Neuen Testaments
Hrsg. v. Eve-Marie Becker

Volume 173 This collection of essays contains exegetic, theological and hermeneutic works by Oda
2004. VIII, 560 pages. Wischmeyer on early Jewish and New Testament texts. The essays are to be seen as individual
studies. The way they have been combined in this collection shows the relationship between
ISBN 978-3-16-148411-7 exegetic, theological and hermeneutic questions in New Testament research.
cloth 139,00 €
Survey of contents

I. Ben Sira und die Frühjüdische Literatur

Das heilige Buch im Judentum des Zweiten Tempels – Macht, Herrschaft und Gewalt in den
frühjüdischen Schriften – Das Neue Jerusalem. Endzeitszenarien der frühjüdischen Apokalyptik
– Gut und Böse. Antithetisches Denken im Neuen Testament und bei Jesus Sirach – Theologie
und Anthropologie im Sirachbuch
II. Agape
Vorkommen und Bedeutung von Agape in der außerchristlichen Antike –
Traditionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung der paulinischen Aussagen über die Liebe – Das Adjektiv
ΑΤΑΠΗΤΟΣ in den paulinischen Briefen – Das Gebot der Nächstenliebe bei Paulus. Eine
traditionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung – ΘΕΟΝ ΑΤΑΠΑΝ bei Paulus. Eine
traditionsgeschichtliche Miszelle
III. Synoptische Texte und Paulusbriefe
Mt 6, 25–34 par. Die Spruchreihe vom Sorgen – Herrschen als Dienen. Mk 10, 41–45 – ΦΥΣΙΣ und
ΚΤΙΣΙΣ bei Paulus – Staat und Kirche nach Römer 13,1–7 – 1 Kor 15. Der Traktat des Paulus über
die Auferstehung der Toten – 2 Kor 12, 1–10. Ein autobiographisch-theologischer Text des
Paulus – Paulus als Autor
IV. Neues Testament und Religion
Die Religion des Paulus – Gottesglaube, Religionen und Monotheismus in der
Apostelgeschichte – Machtverständnis und Geschlechterdi erenz im Urchristentum am Beispiel
des Epheserbriefes – Probleme des gegenwärtigen Mythos-Begri s aus neutestamentlicher Sicht
V. Neutestamentliche Hermeneutik und Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft
Thesen zum Verstehen des Neuen Testaments. Die Bedeutung der neutestamentlichen
Hermeneutik für die Theologie – Neutestamentliche Exegese zwischen Spiritualität und
Gesellschaft – Die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft am Anfang des 21. Jahrhunderts.
Überlegungen zu ihrem Selbstverständnis, ihren Beziehungsfeldern und ihren Aufgaben – Die
neutestamentliche Wissenschaft zwischen Theologie, historischer Kritik und Hermeneutik – The
Self-Understanding of New Testament Studies in Germany – Tolle, lege, intellige. Vom Lesen des
Neuen Testaments aus der Sicht einer Neutestamentlerin
VI. Neutestamentliche Theologie
Gott im Neuen Testament – “Wort Gottes” im Neuen Testament. Eine theologische
VII. Ordinationsstellungnahme und Universitätspredigten
Stellungnahme zu Schrift, Bekenntnis, Amt und Ordination – Die Bibel als Konsensurkunde der
Kirche – Zwei Universitätspredigten: Erfüllte Zeit, seit 2000 Jahren (Mk 1, 14–15) – Die Wolke der
Zeugen (Hebr 11, 8–12)

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Philo und das Neue Testament
Wechselseitige WahrnehmungenI. Internationales Symposium zum Corpus
Judaeo-Hellenisticum. 1.-4. Mai 2003, Eisenach/Jena
Hrsg. v. Roland Deines u. Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr

Volume 172 This collection of articles is the result of an international symposium in Eisenach 2003 dealing
2004. XXIII, 435 pages. with the New Testament and Philo as two important sources for Hellenistic Judaism in the 1st
century AD. Specialists in Philo and the New Testament treat common subjects in both literary
ISBN 978-3-16-148396-7 corpora showing the advantage of involving Philonic studies in the New Testament and vice
cloth 104,00 € versa. The symposium is part of the research project “Corpus Judaeo-Hellenisticum Novi
Testamenti” which works on embedding the New Testament in its Jewish-Hellenistic context.

Survey of contents

(Roland Deines, Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr)
Jürgen van Oorschot : Grußwort des Dekans der Theologischen Fakultät – Christoph Kähler :
Grußwort des Landesbischofs der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Kirche in Thüringen
Roland Deines/Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr : Philo und das Neue Testament ? Das Neue Testament
und Philo. Wechselseitige Wahrnehmungen
I Standortbestimmungen
Gregory E. Sterling : The place of Philo of Alexandria in the study of christian origins – George
W. E. Nickelsburg : Philo among Greeks, Jews and Christians – Larry W. Hurtado : Does Philo
Help Explain Christianity?
II Exegetische Studien
David M. Hay : Philo's Anthropology, the Spiritual Regimen of the Therapeutae, and a possible
Connection with Corinth – Berndt Schaller : Adam und Christus bei Paulus. Oder: Über Brauch
und Fehlbrauch von Philo in der neutestamentlichen Forschung – Dieter Zeller : Philonische
Logos-Theologie im Hintergrund des Kon ikts von 1Kor 1–4? – Gerhard Sellin : Ein üsse
philonischer Logos-Theologie in Korinth: Weisheit und Apostelparteien (1Kor 1–4) – Naomi G.
Cohen : The Mystery-Terminology in Philo – Bernhard Heininger : Paulus und Philo als
Mystiker? Himmelsreisen im Vergleich (2Kor 12,2–4; SpecLeg 3,1–6) – Folker Siegert : Die
Inspiration der Heiligen Schriften: Ein philonisches Votum zu 2Tim 3,16 – Jens Herzer : Die
Inspiration der Schrift nach 2Tim 3,16 und bei Philo von Alexandrien – Pieter W. van der Horst :
Philo's In Flaccum and the Book of Acts – Friedrich Avemarie : Juden vor den Richterstühlen
Roms. In Flaccum und die Apostelgeschichte im Vergleich – Torrey Seland : The Moderate life of
the Christian pa/roikoi: A Philonic reading of 1 Pet 2:11 – Karl-Heinrich Ostmeyer : Das
Verständnis des Leidens bei Philo und im ersten Petrusbrief
Christian Noack : Haben oder Empfangen: Antithetische Charakterisierungen von Torheit und
Weisheit bei Philo und Paulus – Cana Werman : God's House: Temple and Universe
III Philo-Lektüren
Jutta Leonhardt-Balzer : Creation, the Logos and the foundation of a city: a few comments on
Opif. 15–25 – Rosa Maria Piccione : De Vita Mosis I 60–62: Philon und die griechische paideiva –
Jürgen Hammerstaedt : Textkritische und exegetische Anmerkungen zu Philo, De Specialibus
Legibus II 39–70
Martina Böhm : Abraham und die Erzväter bei Philo: Hermeneutische Überlegungen zur
Konzeption der Arbeit am CJHNT

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Christologie der Bilder im Johannesevangelium

Die Christopoetik des vierten Evangeliums unter besonderer Berücksichtigung
von Joh 10

Volume 171 The many images of Jesus Christ contained in the Gospel of John, such as for example the
2004. XIX, 551 pages. “Good Shepherd”, the “Lamb of God” or the “Bread of Life” have been enormously in uential
throughout history. In this literary-hermeneutic study, Ruben Zimmermann shows that these
ISBN 978-3-16-148388-2 images have an aesthetic in uence as well as some theological value in the entire concept of
cloth 109,00 € the Gospel, since it is in and through pictorial language that Christological re ection takes
place. This is not limited to the use of “I am”; it can also be seen in a variety of forms such as
contextual metaphors, symbolic narratives, remetaphorized titles or cognitive pictorial concepts
which are analyzed inductively with the help of various theories of imagery.


Geschichte und Geschichten

Aufsätze zur Apostelgeschichte und zu den Johannesakten
Hrsg. v. Jens Schröter u. Ralph Brucker

Volume 170 This volume contains essays written by Eckhard Plümacher on Lucan Acts and the Acts of John.
2004. XXIV, 320 pages. The essays concerning the Lucan Acts focus on the relationship between Acts and
contemporary Hellenistic-Roman historiography. This is analyzed using general aspects – such
ISBN 978-3-16-148275-5 as for example the question of the literary genre of Acts and its classi cation in the spectrum of
cloth 84,00 € ancient historiography – as well as the way special subjects, for example the speeches in Acts
and the we-passages, are dealt with. In the remaining essays, the author examines the
in uence of pagan society on the creation of the legendary Acts of John, which can be classi ed
as belonging to the genre of the ancient novel.

Le Repas de Dieu / Das Mahl Gottes

4. Symposium Strasbourg, Tübingen, Uspal. Strasbourg, 11–15 septembre 2002
Edité par Christian Grappe

Volume 169 Ce livre rassemble des contributions présentées par des professeurs des Universités de
2004. VIII, 446 pages. Strasbourg, de Tübingen et d'Upsal à un colloque qui eut lieu à Strasbourg en 2002. Il fait suite
à des volumes sur “Le Trône de Dieu” (1993), “La main de Dieu” (1997), et “La Cité de Dieu”
ISBN 978-3-16-148362-2 (2000). Les contributions traitent du thème complexe du “Repas de Dieu” sous des aspects
cloth 109,00 € d'histoire des religions proche-orientale et judéo-hellénistique, d'exégèse biblique, de
patristique, d'histoire de la Réforme et du judaïsme médiéval.

Das Buch versammelt die Beiträge eines Straßburger Symposiums von Wissenschaftlern der
Universitäten Straßburg, Tübingen, Uppsala im Jahre 2002. Dem Sammelwerk gingen die
Symposiumsbände “Le Trône de Dieu / Der Thron Gottes” (1993), “La Main de Dieu / Die Hand
Gottes” (1997) und “La Cité de Dieu / Die Stadt Gottes” (2000) voraus. Die Studien behandeln das
komplexe Thema des “Mahls Gottes” unter Aspekten der altorientalischen und hellenistisch-
jüdischen Religionsgeschichte, der Bibelexegese und Patristik sowie der Geschichte der
Reformation und des mittelalterlichen Judentums.

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Survey of contents

Christian Grappe : Introduction – Erika Meyer-Dietrich : Die göttliche Mahlzeit vor

Sonnenaufgang im Alten Ägypten – Alfred Marx : Le Dieu qui invite au festin. À propos de
quelques métaphores sacri cielles de l'Ancien Testament – Bernd Janowski : Das Dankopfer.
Theologische und kultgeschichtliche Aspekte – Christian Grappe : Le repas de Dieu de l'autel à
la table dans le Judaïsme et le mouvement chrétien naissant – Martin Hengel : Das Mahl in der
Nacht, “in der Jesus ausgeliefert wurde” (1 Kor 11,23) – René Kie er : Les repas eschatologiques
chez Luc – Marc Philonenko : “Ceci est mon corps”, “ceci est mon sang”. La préhistoire d'une
formule cultuelle – Anna Maria Schwemer : Das Problem der Mahlgemeinschaft mit dem
Auferstandenen – Hermann Lichtenberger : Die Mahlmetaphorik in der Johannesapokalypse –
Jean-Marc Prieur : L'eucharistie dans les Actes apocryphes des apôtres – Roland Minnerath : La
présidence de l'eucharistie chez Tertullien et dans l'Église des trois premiers siècles – Anders
Hultgård : Remarques sur les repas cultuels dans le mithriacisme – Matthieu Arnold : Des
bienfaits du Repas de Dieu, reçu dans la foi. Quelques sermons de Martin Luther sur
l'institution de la Cène – Stefan Schreiner : Das Festmahl der Gerechten in mittelalterlicher
jüdischer Überlieferung


Verkündigtes Heil
Studien zu den synoptischen Evangelien

Volume 168 This volume contains Heinrich Baarlink's studies and essays on issues which are still relevant in
2004. VIII, 299 pages. current Synoptic research and in many cases controversial. The author focuses on the two
Lukan works, which are still an enigma for many researchers. Heinrich Baarlink assumes that
ISBN 978-3-16-148393-6 redactional criticism won't bring any further results unless the researcher directs his attention
cloth 84,00 € not only to the redaction of the traditions which have been handed down but also to the
hidden theological structures which determine the technique which the evangelist used. The
author shows that Luke was repeatedly guided by the words pertaining to “the acceptable year
of the Lord” (Luke 4:18).


The Development of Greek and the New Testament

Morphology, Syntax, Phonology, and Textual Transmission

Volume 167 The introduction of the Erasmian pronunciation in 1528 had two dire consequences: Greek was
2004. XX, 732 pages. divided into ancient and modern — a division that led to the neglect of the later periods of the
language, and the pronunciation applied made impossible the detection of many
ISBN 978-3-16-148290-8 communicatory aspects and obscured many text-critical problems. Chrys C. Caragounis argues
cloth 139,00 € for the unity of the Greek language from Mycenaean times to the present. The New Testament
appears during the time of transition (335 B.C. – A.D. 565) from ancient to modern Greek.
Morphological and syntactical analysis shows that the New Testament often adumbrates
morphological and syntactical changes that characterize later Greek, up to Neohellenic. This
means that the evidence of Later Greek is often a sine qua non for a fuller understanding of
the New Testament. The Historical Greek Pronunciation helps us detect rhetorical gures,
wordplays, etc. that the Erasmian pronunciation has missed, and its application on MS readings
solves many text-critical cruces.

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Heil und Erlösung

Studien zum Neuen Testament und zur Gnosis

Volume 165 This book is divided into three parts. Takashi Onuki begins by dealing with new literary and
2004. VIII, 494 pages. sociological aspects of the gospels and the story of the miraculous healings performed by Jesus
and takes a close look at Jesus' concept of time, characterized by an “omnitemporal now”, and
ISBN 978-3-16-147970-0 its subsequent consequences In the second part of the work, he focuses on gnosticism with
cloth 109,00 € regard to its traditional and intellectual relationship to the Johannine writings and the
Hellenistic schools of philosophy. The third part revolves around the attempt to describe and
explain the problematic role played by apocalypticism and gnosticism in Japan today and in
other industrialized countries as well.


Das Ich Adams und das Ich der Menschheit

Studien zum Menschenbild in Römer 7

Volume 164 Based on a detailed history of research done mainly in the 19th and the 20th centuries,
2004. XIII, 315 pages. Hermann Lichtenberger has established in this study that the “I” of Romans 7 is the “I” of Adam
(7:7–13) and the “I” of mankind (7:14–24). In his interpretation, he shows clearly how this “I” is a
ISBN 978-3-16-148276-2 prisoner of sin and can be freed by Christ only. The author analyzes analogous and contrasting
cloth 84,00 € models in order to describe how the concepts of destiny, the imprisonment by guilt and
freedom were seen in classical antiquity and in Hellenistic and rabbinic Judaism and shows
their connection to Paul.


The Impact of Yom Kippur on Early Christianity

The Day of Atonement from Second Temple Judaism to the Fifth Century

Volume 163 The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) was the most important festival of late-antique Judaism,
2003. XX, 445 pages. but its in uence on Christianity was not generally recognized. Daniel Stökl Ben Ezra here not
only reveals the profound in uence of Yom Kippur on early Christianity up to the fth century
ISBN 978-3-16-148092-8 but also o ers the rst detailed analysis of the festival itself. He examines the rituals of and the
cloth 104,00 € concepts underlying Yom Kippur in various types of Second Temple and rabbinic Judaism. In
detailed analyses of many New Testament and extra-canonical writings, as well as Gnostic and
early mystical texts, the author portrays the sweeping in uence of the high priest, Holy of
Holies, blood sacri ce and scapegoat ritual on early Christian thought and practice. In the nal
part he examines Christian exegesis of Leviticus 16, Christian-Jewish polemics and the impact of
Yom Kippur on Christian liturgy.

Survey of contents

Part One: Yom Kippur in Early Jewish Thought and Ritual

1. The Names of Yom Kippur
2. The Rituals of Yom Kippur
3. Imaginaires of Yom Kippur

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Part Two: The Impact of Yom Kippur on Early Christianity in the First and Second Centuries
4. Yom Kippur in the Early Christian Imaginaire
5. Yom Kippur Imagery in Gnosticism and in Early Christian Mysticism
6. Yom Kippur in Jewish Christian Legends

Part Three: The Impact of Yom Kippur on Early Christianity from the Third to the Fifth
7. Christian Exegesis of Leviticus and the Polemics against the Contemporary Yom Kippur
8. Yom Kippur and the Christian Autumn Festivals

General conclusions

Frühjudentum und Neues Testament im Horizont Biblischer

Mit einem Anhang zum Corpus Judaeo-Hellenisticum Novi Testamenti
Hrsg. v. Wolfgang Kraus u. Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr unter Mitarb. v. Lutz Doering

Volume 162 Most of the articles in this volume are the result of a symposium held to celebrate the70th
2003. XV, 416 pages. birthdays of Traugott Holtz and Nikolaus Walter. In accordance with the research in which both
of them were engaged, these essays focus on the early Jewish surroundings of the New
ISBN 978-3-16-148163-5 Testament, the Septuagint and the question of a biblical theology. Since both of them, as
cloth 109,00 € students of Gerhard Delling, worked on the Corpus Judaeo-Hellenisticum Novi Testamenti
(CJHNT), the appendix of this work contains previously unpublished texts concerning the
history of this research project as well as re ections on its present status and on its

Survey of contents

I. Frühjudentum
Pieter W. van der Horst : Der Zölibat im frühen Judentum – Florian Wilk : Vision gegen Judäa
und Jerusalem. Bemerkungen zur Eigenart der Jesaja-Septuaginta anhand von Jes 1 – Hermann
von Lips : Beobachtungen zur griechischen Übersetzung des Proverbia-Buches – Lutz Doering :
Jeremia in Babylonien und Ägypten. Mündliche und schriftliche Toraparänese für Exil und
Diaspora nach 4QApocryphon of Jeremiah C – Eckart Reinmuth : Wunderbare Geburten. Zur
Allegorese biblischer Erzählinhalte bei Philo von Alexandrien
II. Neues Testament
Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr : Jesu Heilungen und Exorzismen. Ein Stück Theologie des Neuen
Testaments – Thomas Söding : Die Freiheit des Glaubens. Konkretionen der Soteriologie nach
dem Galaterbrief – Berndt Schaller: SONDERZEICHEN!! Zur Übersetzung und Deutung von Röm
11,15 – Martin Karrer : Der Weltkreis und Christus, der Hohepriester. Blicke auf die
Schriftrezeption des Hebräerbriefs – Jörg Frey : Der Judasbrief zwischen Judentum und
Hellenismus – Christfried Böttrich : “O Christe Morgensterne ”. Apk 22,16 vor dem Hintergrund
alttestamentlicher Königstheologie – Wolfgang Kraus : Das Heilige Land' als Thema einer
Biblischen Theologie – Jürgen Rolo : Die lutherische Rechtfertigungslehre und ihre biblische
C. F. Georg Heinrici : Vertraulich. Religionsgeschichtliches Forschungsinstitut der Universität
Leipzig [Instruktionstext für Mitarbeiter am Corpus Hellenisticum Novi Testamenti, 1915] – [
Ernst von Dobschütz ] Joh 1,1–18 der Prolog [Probedruck zum Johannes-Prolog, 1930] –
Hermann Hanse : Bericht über den Stand der Arbeiten am Corpus Hellenisticum, Halle 1934 –
Nikolaus Walter : Zur Chronik des Corpus Hellenisticum von den Anfängen bis 1955/58 –
Traugott Holtz : Zum wissenschaftlichen Lebenswerk von Gerhard Delling (1905–1986) – Karl-
Wilhelm Niebuhr : Das Corpus Hellenisticum. Anmerkungen zur Geschichte eines Problems

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Studies in Early Christianity

Volume 161 This collection of essays re ects the two poles of interest on which Francois Bovon has
2003. VIII, 336 pages. concentrated during the last years: the New Testament (especially the Gospel of Luke and the
Book of Acts) as well as the ancient church and the Christian Apocrypha. Eight articles in this
ISBN 978-3-16-147079-0 volume deal with Luke and Acts, and their coverage of this subject ranges from a research
cloth 139,00 € report to detailed studies such as an analysis of Luke's practice of quotation. Nine of the essays
focus on early Christian Apocrypha and the ancient church; ve essays deal with theological
topics at the crossroads between the New Testament and the Apocrypha. The essays are written
in German and English or have been translated from French into English for this collection.


Studien zum frühchristlichen und frühjüdischen Gebet

Eine Untersuchung zu 1 Clem 59 bis 61 in seinem literarischen, historischen und
theologischen Kontext

Volume 160 The prayer in 1 Clem 59–61, known since the 19th century, transcends its literary framework in
2003. XII, 653 pages. its form and content. Helmut Löhr looks into the history of the text's tradition and shows how
strongly it was in uenced by the Jewish language of prayer during the time of the Second
ISBN 978-3-16-147933-5 Temple. The prayer builds a bridge between early Jewish prayers – including the prayer texts
cloth 129,00 € from Qumran – and the liturgical tradition in the early church.


Kreuz und Weisheit

Eine exegetische Untersuchung zu 1 Kor 1,10–3,4

Volume 159 Hans-Christian Kammler shows that the cruci ed Christ is the one and only subject of the entire
2003. XII, 302 pages. 1 Corinthians 1:10–3:4. The most controversial text, 1 Corinthians 2:6–16, does not in fact
contradict 1 Corinthians 1:18–2:5; it is consistent with this passage and is one of the key texts of
ISBN 978-3-16-148133-8 Pauline theology. The author concludes that the preaching of wisdom does not transcend the
cloth 79,00 € preaching of the cross in quality, nor does it go more deeply into it; both of these are actually
identical. The distinction between those who are perfect and the babes in Christ is related to
the contradiction between believers and non-believers, but not to a discrepancy within the
Christian community.


Griechische Grabinschriften und neutestamentliche


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Volume 157 Imre Peres examines about 1,000 Greek epitaphs from the age of Hellenism and the early
2003. XX, 336 pages. Roman empire which give information about the Greeks' concept of life after death. A large
number of these epitaphs are printed in the original and in a translation. The author deals in
ISBN 978-3-16-148072-0 particular with dei cation, exaltation, ascension, heavenly dwellings, communion with the
cloth 84,00 € gods, divine nature and the resurrection as well as the contrast between the Greek and the
Christian understanding of hope. He also examines the conceivable connections between
signi cant New Testament texts and Hellenistic ideas of the future, demonstrating how New
Testament eschatology was adapted by “Greeks,” what was comprehensible for the Greeks and
how the “transformation” of early Christian eschatology began in the early church.


Die historische Person und ihre Rezeption in der Apostelgeschichte

Volume 156 For a long time, the role of Barnabas as a co-worker of Paul was neglected. Markus Öhler shows
2003. XIV, 566 pages. that he was in fact more important to early Christianity than Luke's portrait of him in Acts
suggests. Barnabas functioned as a mediator between the Jerusalem community centered
ISBN 978-3-16-147977-9 around the Torah and the Christians in Antioch who tried to establish a mission to the pagans
cloth 109,00 € without being bound by the law. In Paul's eyes, Barnabas acted as his patron in Antioch and in
his rst journey as a missionary, but they di ered considerably in their personalities and their
theology. Although Luke gives a subtly di erentiated portrait of the Cypriot Levite, Barnabas is
nevertheless clearly overshadowed by Paul. In this work, the author's purpose is to show
Barnabas in a new light.


The Child-Parent Relationship in the New Testament and its

Volume 155 Within the New Testament, tensions have been traced with regard to the expectation that
2003. XII, 279 pages. parents should be revered. There is an alleged di erence between reverence towards parents
among the rst followers of Christ and in the settled congregations. For example, the
ISBN 978-3-16-148006-5 Household Codes in the epistles to the Ephesians and Colossians, where children are addressed
cloth 74,00 € together with their fathers, do not mention the possibility of a justi ed breach between
children and their parents. In contrast, there are passages in the Gospels that narrate that the
rst disciples of Jesus left their family homes when they followed their master.
Peter Balla shows that there is no real con ict, and that Jesus' views correspond to non-biblical
family ethics where, too, God takes precedence over parents. Jesus and his disciples adhered to
the Fifth Commandment.


Iranier – Aramäer – Hebräer – Hellenen

Iranische Religionen und ihre Westbeziehungen. Einzelstudien und Versuch
einer Zusammenfassung

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament

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Volume 154 Depending on the observer's point of view, the Persians in the pre-Christian era were regarded
2003. XVII, 709 pages. either as “saviors of the faith” or as “barbarians,” a barbarian in this case being someone who
“performs cruel deeds.” Based on these contradictory ways of viewing the Iranian-Asian area,
ISBN 978-3-16-147800-0 Carsten Colpe traces the history of this territory from the discernibility of Iranian-Aryans
cloth 194,00 € (around 1000 BC) to the Iranian culture under the Samanides. Within these 2000 years, he
focuses on the half a millennium around the beginning of our calendar. Colpe studies the most
signi cant overlapping religious phenomena which originated during this time –
apocalypticism, mysteries, gnosis – and puts them into a larger context, thus enabling a
comparison of the conditions under which they originated.

Philosophical Hermeneutics and Biblical Exegesis

Ed. by Petr Pokorny and Jan Roskovec

Volume 153 The authors of these English and German essays focus on the analysis of the hermeneutical
2002. X, 389 pages. process, which is what occurs when texts are interpreted successfully. They are based on talks
given at a symposium on 'Philosophical Hermeneutics' held at the Center for Biblical Studies in
ISBN 978-3-16-147894-9 Prague in November 2001. In addition to an introductory essay by Paul Ricoeur about the basic
cloth 94,00 € problems of philosophical hermeneutics, the volume contains contributions from prominent
researchers from all religious denominations on the subjects of philosophical hermeneutics,
exegesis, and theology.

Survey of contents

Petr Pokorný: Philosophische Hermeneutik und biblische Exegese. Zum Wesen des
hermeneutischen Prozesses – Paul Ricoeur: The Canon Between the Text and the Community –
Zdenek Mathauser: Verständis und Gültigkeit. Zu künstlerischen und biblischen Texten –
Ladislav Hejdánek: Hermeneutik und die Zeit – Jaroslav Hroch: Hermeneutics and the
Contemporary Anglo-American Philosophy – Martin Šimsa: The Question of Understanding an
its Criteria in Conservative and Critical Hermeneutics – Michael Kirwan: The Limits of
Interpretation. The Gadamer – Habermas Conversation and its Implication for Philosophical
Hermeneutics – Ivana Noble: Apophatic Elements in Derrida's Deconstruction – Jan Duš ek:
Saying 'True' According to A.J. Greimas – Oswald Bayer: Hermeneutical Theology – Jean
Grondin: Gadamer and Bultmann – Hans Hübner: Zuspruch des Seyns und Zuspruch Gottes.
Die Spätphilosophie Martin Heideggers und die Hermeneutik des Neuen Testaments – Manfred
Oeming: Existenzerhellung. Karl Jaspers als Interpret des Alten Testaments – Jens Schröter:
Überlegungen zum Verhältnis von Historiographie und Hermeneutik in der neutestamentlichen
Wissenschaft – Bernard C. Lategan: History, Historiography and Hermeneutics – Prosper Grech:
Inner-biblical Reinterpretation and Modern Hermeneutics – Jan Sokol: Der zweifache
Schöpfungsbericht als hermeneutischer Schlüssel – Petr Pokorný: Christliche Verkündigung als
Modell des hermeneutischen Prozesses nach 1Kor 14,23–25 – Patrick Chatelion Counet:
Paroimiai (John 16:25): A Post-Hermeneutical Model – Detlev Dormeyer: Interkulturelle Exegese.
Der pragmalinguistische 'Kommentar für die Praxis' für Lateinamerika und Europa – Jaroslav
Brož: From Allegory to the Four Senses of Scripture. Hermeneutics of the Church Fathers and of
the Christian Middle Ages – Lenka Karfíková: Res signi care habent. Exegese der Schrift und
der Wirklichkeit nach Hugo von St. Victor (†1141) – Ivana Noble: The Apophatic Way in Gregory
of Nyssa – Solange Lefebvre: Hermeneutic, Biblical Texts and Interdisciplinary Dialogue. The
Question of Creation and Cosmology – Ferenc Szücs: Reformed Dogmatics as a Hermeneutical
Circle Between Exegesis and Preaching – Eva Kapsová: Intertextuality in Visual Interpretation of
Biblical Motifs in Contemporary Slovak Fine Arts

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Religion und Gesellschaft im frühen Christentum

Neutestamentliche Studien

Volume 152 This is a collection of articles by Hans-Josef Klauck from the years 1995–2002, expanded by a
2003. X, 456 pages. substantial new contribution on monotheism and polytheism in Graeco-Roman, Jewish and
Christian writings mainly of the rst two centuries CE. Most of the articles are characterized by
ISBN 978-3-16-147899-4 an approach from the history of religions point of view enriched by aspects of social history.
cloth 109,00 €

Kreuzestheologie im Neuen Testament

Hrsg. v. Andreas Dettwiler u. Jean Zumstein

Volume 151 This collection of essays brings together studies of the New Testament theology of the cross
2002. X, 367 pages. seen from the perspective of exegesis, systematic theology and hermeneutics. It is geared
towards exegetical studies of Mark and John, Paul and Deutero-Pauline literature, but also
ISBN 978-3-16-147775-1 contains explanations of terms which the authors have invested with hermeneutical intentions.
cloth 94,00 €


Der Segen im Neuen Testament

Begriff, Formeln, Gesten. Mit einem praktisch-theologischen Ausblick

Volume 150 The blessing is a subject which is of great relevance for church practice and whose meaning,
2002. X, 431 pages. forms and gestures such as the laying on of hands in the New Testament had previously not
been examined in their common context. Ulrich Heckel provides a careful exegetical and
ISBN 978-3-16-147855-0 philological analysis of the New Testament testimony to this and draws conclusions for church
paper 44,00 € practice.
ISBN 978-3-16-147847-5
cloth 84,00 €


Die Kunst der Argumentation bei Paulus

Studien zur antiken Rhetorik

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament

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Volume 149 In this book the argumentation of the apostle Paul is analyzed against the background of
2002. XII, 220 pages. classical rhetorical tradition. Although Paul explicitly rejects worldly wisdom and rhetoric, at
many places in his letters he argues as a contemporary lawyer in the courtroom would do, or as
ISBN 978-3-16-147849-9 a general who uses strategies to encourage his soldiers, or as a sophist who tries 'to make the
cloth 64,00 € weaker argument defeat the stronger'.

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