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Science and Technology and Nation Building

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Science- is branch of knowledge dealing with the body of fact of true, gained through observation and experimentation.
-planting crops that provide crops
-taking care of animals
-food production
-medical use of plants
Technology- both material and immaterial, the scientific knowledge for practical purposes.
-developing tools
-trading with other countries
The role of that science and technology has played improving the life condition across the globe is vivid, has made
life a lot of easier such as advancement specifically the medicines and analyses of disease.
Many developing countries have well qualified scientist but often they are lack of resources and political support to
solve complex problems.
In Mexico, where agriculture remains an important part of the economy, specific work related to food production and
security is complicated. Social problems such as poverty, social discrimination against peasant, marketing services and weak
of transportation and health too.
Science is a major tool of the ideology currently driving the word economy, namely that of the free market system,
continual growth and pursuit of personal wealth. On the other hand science is increasingly called on to produce knowledge
and technology promote the environmentally, people oriented and long term management of resources.

Science and Technology in the Global Economy

The global economy continues to rely on cheap oil, a non-renewable resources and major contributor of greenhouse
gases. Fossils fuels, oil and natural gas will continue to power world industry for several decades. The facts that they will do
so despite the availability of technically feasible alternative green energy technologies bring the dilemma into sharp relief.
The impositions of structural adjustment policies by international financial institution, for example, some country reorient
agricultural research and production to focus on some cash crops that generate foreign currency rather than food crops for
local consumption. For local consumption


Recycling technology help to eliminate waste. The resources and capabilities of global society have never been greater than
they are today. Scientific knowledge
-technological developments,
-infrastructure and productive capabilities,
-educated and human resources and
-entrepreneurial skills
-commercials organization
-Rapidly social expanding global social network
-opportunities for social progress


Significant reason behind the developing country world and developed world
The developed world -is heavenly reliant on technology in which life much easier and production much more efficient.
The developing world- the technology is lacking and this contribute to widespread poverty and lack of basic amenities such
as clean running water and food supplies.

New technologies - which will boost food production, improve infrastructure, improve healthcare and provide sanitation
facilities could dramatically change the quality of life in the developing world; this kind of technology is gradually being
introduced into developing countries.
The department of science and technology (DOST),is the executive department of the Philippine Government
responsible for the coordination of science and technology- related projects and to formulate policies and projects in the
field of science and technology in the support of national development under the (DOST) there are 19 organizations, which
consist of two advisory.
The Philippine basic strategy is “National science and Technology Plan 2002-2020” which is a long term plan that
covers nearly 20 years. Visions related to S&T are presented for three points in time: 2004, 2010, 2020.
The vision of 2004 is contributes enhancing the national productivity and competitiveness and solving urgent national issues.
The vision of 2010 the Philippine has created a niche market and provide utilizes world class knowledge and expertise in the
field of selected.
The vision of 2020 the Philippine develops word -class competitive product and services based on high technical
Vision are classified into 9 categories
1. Pursuit of niche and information of cluster.
2. Efforts to tackle urgent national issue.
3. Cultivation of human resources in the field of science and technology.
4. Provision of support to small-mediocre enterprises.
5. Promotion of technology transfer and utilization.
6. Building and upgrading of infrastructure.
7. Enhancement of relationship between government, industries, academic, society and foreign countries.
8. Improvement of administrative ability.
9. Fostering of scientific, technological and innovation culture.
The following priority issues were presented with an aim of building innovative industries and service sectors:
1. Widening across to cost effective and useful technologies.
2. Provide state-of the art equipment.
3. Utilizing ICT
4. Motivating researchers and engineers
The website of the DOST shows eight outcomes
1. Science-based expertise and tools (in the field of agriculture).
2. Revolutionary, cost-effective, and appropriate technologies for small-to-medium companies.
3. State-of-the-art facilities and equipment for achieving world –class competitive edge.
4. The Philippine as a world leader in the It field (create 1.3 million jobs including 520,000 jobs outside the capital
5. Transforming the government based on ICT in a manner that widens access to government services (medical
and education) with the aim of getting a place on the top 50 countries in the field of government.
6. Improving medical care in the QOL by scientific innovation,
7. Fostering the high capable and word competitive human resources through national science and technology
programs (making Philippine Science High School a top level science high school in the ASEAN).
8. Providing science- based weather and climate information along with the impact assesstment of the result.

Major Development in Science and Technology in the Philippines

To help the country leapfrog its constraints to growth, USAID has strategically included science, technology and
innovation (STI) in its programming. The US government contributes to the priorities of the US Philippines Science and
Technology Agreement signed by former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (US Presidential Candidate) and the former
Philippine Secretary of Foreign Affairs del Rosario.

The USAID in partnership with the DOST institute the following major developments in science and technology:
1. Storm surge modeling, training, and study visits National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) scientific
2. Registered 1.3 million fisher folk to give them access to GPH basic services and help in fisheries conservation.
3. Use of renewable energy and environment-friendly alternative energy realizing its guiding vision of “Energy Access for
4. Addressed increasing levels of emissions due to rapid urbanization. The tools that used maps and geographic systems
provided information on estimate energy use, balding needs, and transportation and flood hazard scenarios.
5. Assisted Balagtas City in more effective and sustainable local planning.
6. Helped the Philippines to improve its ability to respond to natural disasters and adapt to the negative impacts of climate
change by setting up EWS in flood and landslide prone communicates.
7. Introduced mobile and web-based applications technology.
8. Promoted digital literacy.
9. Helped create an electronic medical record system, which facilitated access to 300,000 patients and generated 700,000
patient consultations, significantly improving delivery of health services and advice.
10. Initiated support for researching utilization of oxytocin in Uniject, a pre-filled, exact- dose of oxytocin that provides an
efficient alternative to preventing post- partum hemorrhage. This proven, innovative technology aims to reduce the number
of maternal deaths in the Philippines.
11. Supported research in tuberculosis (TB) in children and the relationship of tobacco and TB to children.

List of Famous Filipino Biologist

1. Angel C. Alcala
2. Benjamin D. Cabrera
3. Pedro B. Escuro
4. Edgardo Gomez
5. Bienvenido O. Juliano
6. Milagrosa R. Martinez
7. Evelyn T. Mendoza
8. Baldomero Olveria Jr.
9. Eduardo Quisumbing
10. Asuncion Raymundo
11. Reynaldo A. Tabada
12. Carmen Velasquez
13. Benito S. Vergara
14. Prescillano M. Zamora

Science Education in the Philippines (written by M.E Rabino, Oct.8, 2014 with modification)
-The most logical anchor for environmental education is by science
-expert from the university of the Philippines argued that students from the Philippines performed poorly in mathematics and
science compared to others students in nations in the world.
According to the report b Abs-cbn on June 15, 2011, the Philippines rank a poor seventh among nine Southeast
Asian nations in the area of education and innovation, Guillermo M. Luz, co-chairman (pcc). National competitiveness
1999-2000National Achievement Test (NEAT) FILIPINO pupils gave correct answers to the question of science (48.61%)
and this school did not improved this year.
2003-the math and science score ranks in the trends in International Mathematics and science study among the 45 countries
st nd
that participated in the TIMSS eighth grade, the Philippines rank 41 in the math and 42 in science. Among 25 countries
that joined in the study among fourth-grade student, the PHILIPPINES ranked 23 both science and math.
The main factors that the account for the low of performance in science of the Filipino include the lack of support for a
scientific culture reflected in the:
1. Deficiencies regarding the school curriculum,
2. The inadequate teaching learning process
3. Insufficient instructional materials and,
4. Lack of leaders training

For instance lack of good and engaging textbook and lack of science equipment have hindered the conduct of
scientific investigations and hands-on activities among Filipino pupils.
The Philippines spend only 3.3% of our GDP on public educational institutions for all levels in education; this is
lower than lower 7.4%for Malaysia,4.0% Thailand,4.0% average for all WEI countries and 5.2% average for the OECD
countries, albert higher than the 1.0% spend by the Indonesia similar story for our public expenditure on education as a
percentage of total public all level of education, the Philippines spend only 17.2%, way below the 40.0% spent
by Thailand and 28.o%by Malaysia, but slightly higher than the 16.9%average for the WEI countries and higher than the
13.3% average for the OECD countries. When viewed from the absolute levels of financing in education 11, the story is even
more telling. As a result, our country expenditure per student 500,505 1,718PPP 12 dollars for primary education, secondary
education and tertiary education, respectively, pale in comparison to our competitors. Malaysia spends 1, 830, 2,920
and 10,792 PPP dollars while Thailand spends 3,442 2,484 and 4,474 PPP dollars. How we envy the OECD countries that
have the resources to spend more than 101 times what we spend to students in primary and secondary education. If only we
have spent so much for defense or corruption?
A research study conducted among college students in Cebu normal students revealed that the teaching strategies employed
by the science teachers, specifically physics teachers can greatly affect to learners outcome on the student in research entitled
“Shadowing Physics Teachers” the problem is luck of Facilities or equipment. Even though Philippines has the highest
budgetary allocation on education compared to the other countries funding.

The researchers proposed the several solutions to address our country’s poor performance in science;
1. Project Based instruction-allows for more hands-on interaction for student than the traditional classroom and higher
levels for the higher school learning who can work individually.
2. Lecture-Based instruction-best students on a normal science track because it presents and new complicated
information in a traditional and familiar light.
3. Inquiry Based Learning- it is a learning teaching method that priorities student question, ideas and analysis.

It is a learner and teacher perspective

4 types of inquiry based learning
-confirmation inquiry
-structured inquiry
-guided inquiry
-open inquiry
These are the some of the proposed solution to the problem of poor science education in our country.
*The great challenge for the future educators for the young mind:
-To be idealistic
-Create enough to minimize this problem and;
-To be productive

Science Indigenous Science and Technology

In the Philippines, there are many indigenous people, and this includes the Ifugaos of Cordillera Region the Ifugaos
continued to thrive in their relatively remote yet self- sufficient communities. The transformation of much indigenous
knowledge system in science and technology practices to promote sustainable forest management as expected in their respect
to costmary laws pertaining to land rights, adoption of upland cultivation of practices following:
-fuel wood
-biodiversity protection

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