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The Generation of Arbitrary Order Curved Meshes For 3D Finite Element Analysis

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The generation of arbitrary order curved meshes for 3D finite element analysis

Article  in  Computational Mechanics · January 2014

DOI: 10.1007/s00466-012-0736-4

70 410

4 authors, including:

Ruben Sevilla O. Hassan

Swansea University Swansea University


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Preprint of
Z. Q. Xie, R. Sevilla, O. Hassan and K. Morgan
The generation of arbitrary order curved meshes for 3D finite element analysis
Computational Mechanics, 51 (3); 361-374, 2013

The generation of arbitrary order curved meshes for 3D

finite element analysis
Zhong Q. Xie, Ruben Sevilla, Oubay Hassan, Kenneth Morgan

A procedure for generating curved meshes, suitable for high–order finite el-
ement analysis, is described. The strategy adopted is based upon curving
a generated initial mesh with planar edges and faces by using a linear elas-
ticity analogy. The analogy employs boundary loads that ensure that nodes
representing curved boundaries lie on the true surface. Several examples, in
both two and three dimensions, illustrate the performance of the proposed
approach, with the quality of the generated meshes being analysed in terms
of a distortion measure. The examples chosen involve geometries of par-
ticular interest to the computational fluid dynamics community, including
anisotropic meshes for complex three dimensional configurations.
Keywords: mesh generation, high–order elements, curved finite elements,
element distortion, element stretching, computational fluid dynamics

1. Introduction
The last decade has seen an increase in interest in the development of
high–order discretisation methods within the finite element community [29,
15, 11, 16]. The advantages that high–order methods bring, in terms of accu-
racy and efficiency, have been object of intensive study [17, 5] and, as higher
order approximations are considered, the effect of an appropriate boundary
representation of the domain has been identified as being critical [24, 26, 27].
The use of curved elements becomes mandatory in order to obtain the ad-
vantages of using high–order approximations [8, 1, 18, 37, 25] and the lack

Email addresses: (Zhong Q. Xie), (Ruben Sevilla), (Oubay
Hassan), (Kenneth Morgan)

Preprint of
Z. Q. Xie, R. Sevilla, O. Hassan and K. Morgan
The generation of arbitrary order curved meshes for 3D finite element analysis
Computational Mechanics, 51 (3); 361-374, 2013

of high–order curved mesh generators for complex geometries is recognised

to be an obstacle preventing the widespread application of high–order meth-
ods [34]. Existing approaches for constructing a curved high–order mesh can
be classified into two categories [6]: the so–called direct methods, which build
a curved high–order mesh directly from the CAD representation of the geom-
etry, and the a posteriori approach, in which the curved mesh is generated by
deforming an initial linear mesh. A posteriori approaches are generally pre-
ferred, as they makes use of mature linear mesh generation technology [36].
In the basic a posteriori approach [6, 7], boundary mesh entities are
curved using the parametric space of the underlying geometric model. Curv-
ing a linear initial mesh will often create low quality or invalid elements,
especially in regions of high curvature, and specific strategies for detecting
and correcting invalid elements are therefore necessary [6, 7, 28, 19]. Using
a quality measure, derived from the Jacobian of an isoparametric transfor-
mation to detect invalid elements, mesh operations such as edge and face
swapping, edge deletion, internal entity curving and node relocation are used
in an attempt to obtain a valid curved mesh. In addition, it may, sometimes,
be necessary [6] to perform remeshing in order to completely remove non
valid elements. Different strategies have been proposed for alleviating the
problem of invalid elements [28]. These include improving the quality of the
curved surface mesh, by constructing an optimal nodal set over the curved
faces on the boundary, or using a hybrid mesh of prismatic elements near
curved boundaries and tetrahedral elements in the rest of the domain, or
using a curvature based mesh refinement strategy to reduce the deformation
of curved elements and the possibility of generating non valid elements.
An alternative a posteriori approach employs a non–linear elasticity model
to deform the initial mesh [20]. The initial linear mesh represents the unde-
formed state and, after prescribing a boundary displacement based upon the
curved geometry, a deformed curved high–order mesh corresponding to the
equilibrium state is obtained. Mesh moving techniques based on elasticity
equations were proposed in [33], with details given in [13], and have a proven
track record of robustness. In Jacobian–based stiffening, as shown in [30],
the stiffening power can be varied to obtain the desired effect.
A similar technique is proposed in this paper but, in an attempt to im-
prove the efficiency of the process, a linear elastic model is adopted. In ad-
dition, specific strategies for the generation of nodal distributions on edges
or faces of curved boundaries are proposed, in order to minimise the pos-
sible number of non–valid elements and to enhance the overall quality of

Preprint of
Z. Q. Xie, R. Sevilla, O. Hassan and K. Morgan
The generation of arbitrary order curved meshes for 3D finite element analysis
Computational Mechanics, 51 (3); 361-374, 2013

the resulting curved mesh. Particular attention is paid to the generation

of anisotropic boundary layer meshes, suitable for the efficient simulation of
high Reynolds number fluid flow problems. This is a crucial problem that
must be overcome, before high–order methods can be routinely applied by
the computational fluid dynamics community to the solution of problems of
industrial interest. It is worth noting that the methodology proposed in this
paper is valid for any element topology, so that hybrid meshes can also be
The paper is organised as follows. In Section 2, the linear elastic prob-
lem and its solution, using high–order continuous finite elements, is briefly
outlined. Sections 3 and 4 describe the proposed approach for generating
curved high–order meshes in two and three dimensions respectively. The
performance of the proposed method is demonstrated in Section 5 and sev-
eral examples, involving the generation of isotropic and anisotropic meshes in
both two and three dimensions, are considered. Finally, Section 6 summarises
the main conclusions of the work that has been presented.

2. High–order finite element solution of the linear elastic problem

The proposed a posteriori approach will employ a linear elastic model to
deform a mesh that has been generated for the geometry of interest.
The equation governing the static deformation of a linear elastic medium,
Ω, with closed boundary Γ, is considered in the form
∇·σ =0 in Ω (1)
The stress tensor σ is given by
σ = λtr(ε)I + 2µε (2)
where ε is the deformation tensor and λ and µ denote the Lamé coefficients
for the medium. This constitutive relation is often expressed, alternatively,
in terms of Young’s modulus E and Poisson’s ratio ν for the medium [39, 38].
The solution to equation (1) is sought subject to appropriate boundary
conditions. In the current context, these conditions will be an imposed dis-
placement uD on the Dirichlet boundary, ΓD , S and an imposed T traction, f n,
on the Neumann boundary Γ . Here, Γ = Γ Γ and Γ Γ = ∅.
The solution is approximated using continuous piecewise polynomials of
order p on a reference element e and an isoparametric finite element formula-
tion is employed [38], so that the physical and local coordinates for element

Preprint of
Z. Q. Xie, R. Sevilla, O. Hassan and K. Morgan
The generation of arbitrary order curved meshes for 3D finite element analysis
Computational Mechanics, 51 (3); 361-374, 2013

e are related using the mapping

x(ξ) = NJ (ξ)xJ (3)

where xJ are the coordinates of node J of the element.

To produce an accurate and efficient high–order finite element solver,
appropriate nodal distributions for the interpolation [3, 4, 32] and optimal
numerical quadratures for the integration [9, 35, 10] are used. On one hand,
optimal interpolation points, such as the Fekete points [32], substantially
reduce the interpolation error compared to equally–spaced nodal distribu-
tions when very high–order approximations are considered, say p ≥ 4. On
the other hand, optimal numerical quadrature enables a reduction in the
computational cost involved in evaluating the integrals that appear in the
variational formulation.

3. Two dimensional curved mesh generation

The two dimensional problem of generating a curved mesh, of prescribed
order p, is considered first. The basic steps involved in the proposed process
are illustrated in Figure 1, which shows how a triangular mesh of degree
p = 4 can be generated in the region surrounding a general two dimen-
sional object. Initially, Figure 1 (a), the region surrounding the object is
discretised with linear triangular elements using a standard two dimensional
unstructured mesh generator. The characteristic mesh size, h, of this initial
mesh is selected in such a way that the characteristic mesh size of the final
high–order mesh, h/p, will provide a spatial discretisation that is suitable for
resolving the features of interest in the problem under consideration. Nodes,
appropriate to the selected degree of approximation, p, are located on each
straight–sided element. In Figure 1 (b), the nodes have been located at the
Fekete points [32]. Then, for each pair of edge vertices on a curved bound-
ary, the desired location for the nodes on the true boundary is computed, as
shown in Figure 1 (c). The process is completed by obtaining a high–order
solution to the linear elasticity problem, with the mesh of straight–sided ele-
ments forming the initial configuration. With Dirichlet boundary conditions
corresponding to the displacement of boundary nodes, from their initial lo-
cation on straight sides to their desired location on the true boundary, the
equilibrium configuration is the curved high–order mesh of Figure 1 (d).

Preprint of
Z. Q. Xie, R. Sevilla, O. Hassan and K. Morgan
The generation of arbitrary order curved meshes for 3D finite element analysis
Computational Mechanics, 51 (3); 361-374, 2013

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 1: Illustration of steps involved in the proposed method for generating high–order
curved triangular elements in two dimensions: (a) initial mesh with straight–sided el-
ements; (b) high–order nodal distribution on the straight–sided elements; (c) imposed
displacement at nodes on the curved portion of the boundary; (d) final curved high–order

Preprint of
Z. Q. Xie, R. Sevilla, O. Hassan and K. Morgan
The generation of arbitrary order curved meshes for 3D finite element analysis
Computational Mechanics, 51 (3); 361-374, 2013

3.1. Curved high–order edge nodal distribution

The key ingredient in ensuring that the process described results in a
curved high quality mesh of high–order elements is the approach adopted
to computing the desired location of the nodes on each curved boundary
edge. The approach advocated here begins with a parameterisation of the
true boundary of the computational domain in the form

C : [0, 1] −→ C([0, 1]) ⊆ Γ ⊂ R2

Standard choices for parameterising the boundary within a CAD system

are polynomial B–splines, non–uniform rational B–splines (NURBS [21]) or
subdivision surfaces [14]. Here, it is the NURBS boundary representation of
the domain that is considered.
For an edge on a curved boundary, with vertices x1 and xp+1 , the para-
metric coordinates λ1 and λp+1 of the two vertices are computed, from the
parameterisation, as
C(λi ) = xi , i = 1, p + 1
using a point inversion algorithm [21]. For a curve C, parameterised by its arc
length, a nodal distribution is specified in the parametric space between λ1
and λp+1 and this is mapped to the physical space using the parametrisation
C. This provides the desired nodal distribution over the true boundary, e.g.
if a mesh with p = 2 is desired, the location of the mid edge node in the
physical space is given by C ((λ1 + λ3 )/2). The nodal distribution is usually
specified to be equally–spaced or to correspond to the location of the Fekete
Unfortunately, NURBS curves are rarely parameterised in terms of arc–
length, so that obtaining the desired nodal distribution in the physical space
is not trivial. The problem involves finding a nodal distribution in the para-
metric space which, when mapped with C, corresponds to an equally–spaced
or a Fekete-nodal distribution in the physical space. The length of the curved
edge, defined by Z Z λp+1
L= dx = |C 0 (λ)|dλ
Γ λ1

is evaluated approximately using a high–order Gauss–Legendre quadrature [23].

In practice, an adaptive quadrature is used, to ensure a relative error that
is smaller than 10−4 , and composite quadratures are used to account for
changes in the NURBS definition in [λ1 , λp+1 ]. Given a p–th degree nodal

Preprint of
Z. Q. Xie, R. Sevilla, O. Hassan and K. Morgan
The generation of arbitrary order curved meshes for 3D finite element analysis
Computational Mechanics, 51 (3); 361-374, 2013

distribution, {ξ}p+1
k=1 ∈ [0, 1], the lengths of the subintervals [ξk , ξk+1 ] are de-
fined by
lk = ξk+1 − ξk k = 1, . . . , p
The parametric coordinates, {λk }pk=2 , of internal edge nodes are found by
using a standard root finding algorithm to solve the set
1 λk 0
|C (λ)|dλ − lj = 0 k = 2, . . . , p
L λ1 j=1

of independent non–linear equations. This equation set is solved using a

simple and robust bisection algorithm and, as it is possible to select a good
initial guess, convergence is achieved in a few iterations. The NURBS pa-
xk = C(λk ), k = 2, . . . , p (4)
is employed to determine the position of the internal edge nodes in the phys-
ical space.

3.2. Two dimensional mesh

The high–order boundary nodal distribution, obtained by following the
above procedure, is used to set the Dirichlet boundary conditions for the
linear elastic problem. For each node on a curved boundary, the boundary
condition imposes a displacement
uk = xk − x0k
where x0k is the initial position of a boundary node and xk is the position
given from equation (4).
The linear elastic problem described in Section 2 is solved and the result is
a displacement field that, when applied to the original linear mesh, produces
the desired high–order curved mesh.

4. Three dimensional curved mesh generation

The strategy adopted for generating curved high–order meshes in three
dimensions is an extension of the process described for two dimensions. Ini-
tially, a linear mesh is generated and a high–order nodal distribution of the
desired degree of approximation is then located within each element. For
each face representing a curved boundary, a desired distribution for the nodes
over the true boundary is generated and the linear elasticity problem is then
solved to obtain the curved high–order mesh.

Preprint of
Z. Q. Xie, R. Sevilla, O. Hassan and K. Morgan
The generation of arbitrary order curved meshes for 3D finite element analysis
Computational Mechanics, 51 (3); 361-374, 2013

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 2: Illustration of the proposed high–order mesh generation for a surface patch: (a)
the initial linear triangular surface mesh; (b) the high–order nodal distribution constructed
on each edge of the patch boundary; (c) the high–order nodal distribution constructed on
each internal edge.

4.1. Curved high–order edge nodal distribution

The initial linear triangular mesh used to represent a surface patch, mak-
ing up a portion of a curved boundary, is illustrated in Figure 2 (a). Edges
that lie on a curved boundary are classified into two categories: either edges
that belong to a surface patch boundary or edges that are internal to a surface
patch. In this case, a parameterisation of the form

S : [0, 1]2 −→ S([0, 1]2 ) ⊆ Γ ⊂ R3

is assumed for each curved boundary. For edges on the boundary of a surface
patch, the desired nodal distribution is generated in the physical space, as
shown in Figure 2 (b). Again, an equally–spaced distribution or the Fekete
point location is normally employed. The procedure described above for
generation of edge nodal distributions in two dimensions can be directly used,
as the surface parameterisation is, when restricted to a patch boundary, just
a parametric curve in three dimensions. In this example, an equally–spaced
nodal distribution for a degree of approximation p = 3 has been selected. For
an edge that does not lie on the boundary of a surface patch, the geodesic
connecting the two edge vertices is approximated and the appropriate nodal
distribution is generated in the physical space, as shown in Figure 2 (c).
The approximation of the geodesic connecting two edge vertices x1 and
x2 is performed by iteratively constructing a list of points in the parametric
space, such that the image of these points in the boundary surface param-
eterisation S approximates the geodesic. As a first step, the parametric

Preprint of
Z. Q. Xie, R. Sevilla, O. Hassan and K. Morgan
The generation of arbitrary order curved meshes for 3D finite element analysis
Computational Mechanics, 51 (3); 361-374, 2013

λ2 λ2 λ2
r23 r45
λ5 λ5

λ1 λ3 λ1 λ3 λ1 λ3
λ4 λ4

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 3: Illustration of the procedure for approximating the geodesic between two points
in the parametric space: (a) selection of a point λ3 on the perpendicular bisector between
λ1 and λ2 such that equation (5) is satisfied; (b) selection of points λ4 and λ5 ; (c)
correction of λ3 using the perpendicular bisector to the segment joining λ4 and λ5 .

coordinates, λ1 and λ2 , of the edge vertices are found such that

S(λi ) = xi i = 1, 2

Then, the point λ3 in the parametric space is determined, such that it belongs
to the perpendicular bisector of the segment connecting λ1 and λ2 , say r12 ,
and it satisfies
  n  o
d x1 , S(λ3 ) + d S(λ3 ), x2 = min d x1 , S(λ) + d S(λ), x2 (5)

Here, d(·, ·) denotes the Euclidean distance. This process is illustrated in

Figure 3 (a). The point x3 = S(λ3 ) is added to the list of points approx-
imating the geodesic and the process is repeated between both x1 and x3
and between x3 and x2 , as shown in Figure 3 (b). The result is a point, λ4 ,
on the perpendicular bisector of the line joining λ1 and λ3 and a point, λ5 ,
on the perpendicular bisector of the line joining λ3 and λ2 . The position of
λ3 is corrected by using the perpendicular bisector of the line between λ4
and λ5 , as shown in Figure 3 (c). The process is repeated iteratively until
a fine distribution of nodes that approximate, with a specified accuracy, the
geodesic connecting x1 and x2 is obtained. A nodal distribution, of the de-
sired degree of approximation p, can then be defined on the approximated

Preprint of
Z. Q. Xie, R. Sevilla, O. Hassan and K. Morgan
The generation of arbitrary order curved meshes for 3D finite element analysis
Computational Mechanics, 51 (3); 361-374, 2013

x2 x2

α α2

α3 α4

x1 x1

(a) (b)

Figure 4: Two triangular faces on a curved boundary showing (a) a curved edge that
forms an angle, α1 , less than the specified limit; (b) correction of the edge for a cubic

Finally, the angle between neighboring edges is checked to ensure that the
minimum angle is not less than a specified lower limit. For each edge on a
curved boundary, e.g. the edge connecting vertices x1 and x2 in Figure 4 (a),
the angles, αi for i = 1, . . . , 4, between this edge and its neighboring edges
are measured. If any angle αi is less than the specified lower limit, a new
edge connecting the vertices x1 and x2 is defined, in such a way that the
four angles αi for i = 1, . . . , 4 are acceptable. For instance, if a degree of
approximation p = 3 is considered, the new edge is defined by a cubic curve,
that contains the two vertices x1 and x2 , with the derivative at the initial
and final vertices imposed in such a way that the minimum angle between
edges is not less than the specified limit, as shown in Figure 4 (b). For a
degree of approximation p = 4, the curvature on one edge vertex is also
imposed and, for a degree of approximation p = 5, the curvature at both
edge vertices is icluded. Extra conditions can be devised when using higher
degrees of approximation, but these are not considered here.

4.2. Curved high–order surface mesh

A reference element, with a nodal distribution of the desired degree, is
employed to generate the internal nodes on a curved boundary face. The ref-
erence element enables the computation of the distance from an internal node
to the element boundaries. Using the geodesics in the physical space, inter-
nal points are placed on the curved faces by imposing the criterion that the
relative distance, with respect to the element boundaries, is approximately

Preprint of
Z. Q. Xie, R. Sevilla, O. Hassan and K. Morgan
The generation of arbitrary order curved meshes for 3D finite element analysis
Computational Mechanics, 51 (3); 361-374, 2013

η η

γ =γ k
γ =γ k ξk ξk

α = αk ξ α = αk ξ
β =βk β =βk

(a) (b)

Figure 5: Reference triangle showing the barycentric coordinates of an internal point for
(a) an equally–spaced nodal distribution for p = 3; (b) a Fekete-nodal distribution for

the same as that for the corresponding node in the reference element.
The procedure for placing high–order interior nodes for triangular faces
is considered first. A p-th degree nodal distribution is defined on a reference
element, e.g. Figures 5 (a) and (b) show an equally–spaced nodal distri-
bution of degree p = 3 and a Fekete–nodal distribution of degree p = 5
respectively in the reference triangle. The barycentric coordinates, denoted
by (α, β, γ), for an internal node with local coordinates ξ k = (ξk , ηk ), are
given by (αk , βk , γk ) = (1 − ξk − ηk , ξk , ηk ), as illustrated in Figure 5. Note
that the barycentric isolines intersect the boundary of the reference element
at the location of the nodes, if the nodal distribution is equally–spaced, as
shown in Figure 5 (a). However, this is not the case in general, as shown in
Figure 5 (b) for the case of a Fekete nodal distribution.
The barycentric coordinates of an internal node can be used to define
three geodesics, g α , g β and g γ , in the physical space. The geodesic, g α , joins
the points xα12 and xα13 , where xαIJ lies on the geodesic, gIJ , connecting the
vertices xI and xJ . In this case,
dS (xI , xαIJ ) = (1 − αk )dS (xI , xJ )
where dS denotes the distance function over the surface parametrised by S,
i.e. the distance along the geodesic between two points. Similarly, g β joins
the points xβ21 and xβ23 , where xβIJ ∈ gIJ and
dS (xI , xβIJ ) = (1 − βk )dS (xI , xJ )

Preprint of
Z. Q. Xie, R. Sevilla, O. Hassan and K. Morgan
The generation of arbitrary order curved meshes for 3D finite element analysis
Computational Mechanics, 51 (3); 361-374, 2013



xβ21 gβ gγ xα

12 x3

x2 xγ32

(a) (b)

Figure 6: Surface patch showing (a) a curved face; (b) the three geodesics used to determine
the position of the internal node.

and g γ joins the points xγ31 and xγ32 , where xγIJ ∈ gIJ and

dS (xI , xγIJ ) = (1 − γk )dS (xI , xJ )

The three geodesics g α , g β and g γ , corresponding to the internal node for an

equally–spaced nodal distribution with p = 3, are illustrated in Figure 6.
The points xα ∈ g α , xβ ∈ g β and xγ ∈ g γ are defined such that
dS (xα12 , xα ) = dS (xα12 , xα23 )
β k + γk
dS (xβ21 , xβ ) = √ dS (xβ21 , xβ23 )
γk + αk 2
dS (xγ31 , xγ ) = √ dS (xγ31 , xγ32 )
βk + α k 2
and the position of the internal face node in the physical space is defined as
the projection over the true surface of the average position of xα , xβ and xγ ,
α β γ
xk = ΠS (x + x + x )/3 (6)
Here ΠS represents the projection operator over the surface parameterised
by S.
A similar procedure is adopted for curved quadrilateral faces, but now
only two geodesics are considered, corresponding to the local coordinates of
an internal node. Figure 7 shows a Fekete-nodal distribution for p = 5 in the
reference square and the local coordinates of an internal node. The geodesic,

Preprint of
Z. Q. Xie, R. Sevilla, O. Hassan and K. Morgan
The generation of arbitrary order curved meshes for 3D finite element analysis
Computational Mechanics, 51 (3); 361-374, 2013

ξk η= ηk

ξ = ξk

Figure 7: Reference square, with a Fekete-nodal distribution, for p = 5 and the local
coordinates for an interior node

g ξ , joins the points xξ12 and xξ43 , where xξIJ ∈ gIJ , and

dS (xI , xξIJ ) = (1 − ξk )dS (xI , xJ )

Similarly, the geodesic g η joins the points xη23 and xη14 , where xηIJ ∈ gIJ , and

dS (xI , xηIJ ) = (1 − ηk )dS (xI , xJ )

It is worth noting, as shown in Figure 8, that the location of the points

xξIJ and xηIJ coincides with high–order edge nodes computed in Section 4.1,
as the nodal distribution in the reference square is a tensor product of one
dimensional nodal distributions. The points xξ ∈ g ξ and xη ∈ g η are defined
such that
dS (xξ12 , xξ ) = ξk dS (xξ12 , xξ43 )
dS (xη14 , xη ) = ηk dS (xη14 , xη23 )
and the position of the internal face node in the physical space is defined as
xk = ΠS (xξ + xη )/2 (7)

which is the projection over the true surface of the average position of xξ
and xη .

4.3. Three dimensional mesh

The resulting high–order boundary nodal distribution is used to set the
Dirichlet boundary conditions for the linear elastic problem. For each node

Preprint of
Z. Q. Xie, R. Sevilla, O. Hassan and K. Morgan
The generation of arbitrary order curved meshes for 3D finite element analysis
Computational Mechanics, 51 (3); 361-374, 2013

x1 x14

gη x43

x12 x3

x2 x23

(a) (b)

Figure 8: Surface patch showing (a) a curved quadrilateral face; (b) the two geodesics
used to determine the position of the internal node.

on a curved boundary, the boundary condition imposes a displacement of the

uk = xk − x0k
where x0k is the initial position of a boundary node and xk is the position
given by equation (6), for a curved triangular face, or by equation (7), for a
curved quadrilateral face. The linear elastic problem described in Section 2
is solved and the result is a displacement field that, when applied to the
original mesh, produces the desired high–order curved mesh. For realistic
three dimensional viscous flow problems, the linear system of equations may
contain millions of unknowns. In this case it is preferable to split the system
into a number of smaller problems. For example, boundary layer meshes are
normally generated using a layer by layer strategy, so that the system cor-
responding to the first layer of elements surrounding the aerodynamic shape
can be solved, using Dirichlet boundary conditions on the curved boundary
and a homogeneous Neumann boundary condition on the outer surface of the
layer. The system corresponding to the second layer of elements can then
be solved, using the displacement field from the outer boundary of the first
layer as a Dirichlet boundary condition. The procedure continues until the
last layer of elements is deformed or until the displacement field of one layer
is small enough. It is worth recalling that, in case of tetrahedral meshes, the
presence of a large number of elements with planar faces leads to an extra
efficiency of the finite element solver. This is because the mapping between
the reference element and the physical elements is then an affine mapping,

Preprint of
Z. Q. Xie, R. Sevilla, O. Hassan and K. Morgan
The generation of arbitrary order curved meshes for 3D finite element analysis
Computational Mechanics, 51 (3); 361-374, 2013

i.e. the determinant of the Jacobian of the isoparametric transformation is

constant. The layer by layer approach means that the deformation process
can be stopped when a quality measure has not substantially changed af-
ter applying the deformation. For the generation of the anisotropic meshes
shown in Section 5, the layer by layer approach is implemented.
When we have very large meshes, with refined layers of elements near solid
surfaces, we can use the Solid–Extension–Mesh Moving Technique (SEMMT) [31],
particularly its multi-domain version (SEMMT-MD), to efficiently solve the
mesh moving equations. This would result in a robust way of solving the
mesh movement equations iteratively, even with stretched elements near solid
Although other measures of the element quality can be considered [22],
the scaled Jacobian [6] is employed here as a measure of the distortion of a
curved high–order isoparametric finite element. This is defined as
minξ∈R |J (ξ)|
Ib = (8)
maxξ∈R |J (ξ)|
J (ξ) =
is the Jacobian of the isoparametric mapping of equation (3). To ensure that
the curved high–order mesh is valid, it is necessary to verify that
|J (ξ)| > 0 ∀ξ ∈ e
for all the elements in the mesh. In practice, the determinant of the Jacobian
|J (ξ)| is actually checked at a set of discrete points [6] in the reference ele-
ment e. The points used are chosen to be those corresponding to a quadrature
rule of order 2p for a curved high–order element of degree p, i.e. the quadra-
ture points necessary to integrate exactly the element mass matrix with an
approximation of degree p. This check does not remove completely the pos-
sibility that the mesh may contain elements with a negative Jacobian [12].
With the standard definition of the scaled Jacobian given in equation (8),
it is possible to obtain a positive scaled Jacobian even when the element is
not valid, e.g. if the Jacobian is negative at all the selected points. For this
reason, the slightly modified definition
minξ∈R |J (ξ)|
I =
maxξ∈R |J (ξ)|

Preprint of
Z. Q. Xie, R. Sevilla, O. Hassan and K. Morgan
The generation of arbitrary order curved meshes for 3D finite element analysis
Computational Mechanics, 51 (3); 361-374, 2013

is employed as the indicator of the validity of an element. With this revised

definition, a negative value indicates that the element is not valid, a positive
value indicates that the element is valid and the classical distortion measure
is recovered, i.e. I = I.

5. Implementation Examples
Several examples, in both two and three dimensions, are considered to
illustrate the potential of the proposed methodology. The examples that
have been selected are of particular interest to the aerospace community, as
they involve isotropic and anisotropic high–order curved meshes suitable for
the computation of external flows around aerodynamic shapes.
The elastic parameter values E = 10 and ν = 0.4 are used for all the
examples. It has been found that this combination allows the minimum
scaled Jacobian to be maximised and, at the same time, allows the con-
dition number of the linear system to be minimised. The scaled Jacobian
is found to be independent of the value of E and highly dependent on ν.
Since the scaled Jacobian is a measure of the volumetric deformation, it is
expected that, with lower values of ν, compressibility of the material will re-
sult in highly distorted elements near curved boundaries. The best element
quality is expected for values of ν approaching the incompressible limit, as
the imposed boundary displacement then propagates into the computational
domain. This behaviour is confirmed in Figure 9 (a), which illustrates the
influence of the elastic parameters on the scaled Jacobian. Figure 9 (b) shows
that the condition number of the system matrix deteriorates rapidly as the
value of E is increased. Values of ν between 0 and 0.4 are found to have
little effect. For higher values of ν, i.e when the material approaches the in-
compressible limit, the effect is more pronounced and the condition number
of the system matrix also deteriorates. Note that the exact nature of the
plots shown in Figure 9 will depend upon the geometry under consideration.
However, it is important to note that the same qualitative behavior has been
consistently observed in practice for a number of different geometries.

5.1. Isotropic mesh for a NACA0012 aerofoil

The first example is the problem of generating an isotropic mesh, for
a degree of approximation p = 5, in the region surrounding a NACA0012
aerofoil. Figures 10 (a) and (b) show an initial mesh of linear elements and
the final high–order curved mesh respectively. A detail of the mesh in the

Preprint of
Z. Q. Xie, R. Sevilla, O. Hassan and K. Morgan
The generation of arbitrary order curved meshes for 3D finite element analysis
Computational Mechanics, 51 (3); 361-374, 2013

(a) (b)

Figure 9: Influence of the elastic material parameters on (a) the scaled Jacobian; (b) the
logarithm of the condition number of the system matrix.

vicinity of the leading edge of the aerofoil is shown in Figure 10 (c). This
detail shows some of the curved elements and the high–order Fekete-nodal
distribution on each element. The mesh has 370 vertices, 650 elements and
50 edges on the curved boundary. After introducing a high–order nodal
distribution, appropriate for an approximation of degree p = 5 over each
element, the resulting high–order mesh has 8 350 nodes. An example of
a high–order curved quadrilateral mesh generated for this configuration is
given in Figure 11.
Figure 12 (a) displays a histogram of the scaled Jacobian, I, for the
high–order triangular mesh. It shows the percentage of elements for a given
scaled Jacobian in intervals of 0.05. For this simple isotropic case, 99% of
the elements are such that I > 0.95 and the minimum value of the scaled
Jacobian is 0.83.
To illustrate the optimal properties of meshes generated in this fashion,
the interpolation error estimate for a smooth function is checked, on a se-
ries of curved triangular and quadrilateral high–order meshes with degree
ranging from p = 1 up to p = 7. In order to measure the interpolation
error, the nodal values of the solution are set by using the smooth function
f (x, y) = x cos(y)+y sin(x). Then, the error between the approximated solu-
tion, interpolated from the nodal values, and the exact solution is computed
at each quadrature point in order to compute the L2 (Ω) error. Figure 12 (b)
shows the evolution of this error, as a function of the square root of the

Preprint of
Z. Q. Xie, R. Sevilla, O. Hassan and K. Morgan
The generation of arbitrary order curved meshes for 3D finite element analysis
Computational Mechanics, 51 (3); 361-374, 2013

Figure 10: NACA0012 aerofoil showing (a) an initial mesh with straight–sided triangular
elements; (b) a curved high–order mesh; (c) a detail of the curved mesh near the leading
edge with a high–order Fekete-nodal distribution on each element.

(a) (b)

Figure 11: NACA0012 aerofoil: detail near the leading edge showing (a) the initial mesh
with straight–sided quadrilateral elements and (b) the curved high–order mesh

Preprint of
Z. Q. Xie, R. Sevilla, O. Hassan and K. Morgan
The generation of arbitrary order curved meshes for 3D finite element analysis
Computational Mechanics, 51 (3); 361-374, 2013

100 -1
-2 Quadrilaterals

80 -3

log (L2 error)

Percentage of elements

60 -5

40 -7
0 0 50 100 150 200
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
I n1/2

(a) (b)

Figure 12: NACA0012 aerofoil showing (a) the scaled Jacobian; (b) an illustration of the
optimality of the mesh for finite element analysis.

number of degrees of freedom ndof , on both the triangular and quadrilateral

elements. The exponential convergence that is expected in the approximation
of a smooth function is observed, demonstrating that the proposed strategy
produces optimal meshes for finite element analysis.

5.2. Isotropic mesh for a generic Falcon aircraft

This example indicates the use of the approach for the generation of an
isotropic mesh in the region surrounding a complex aircraft configuration.
Figure 13 shows a view of the high–order surface mesh produced after apply-
ing the proposed approach. A detail of a view of the high–order surface mesh
and the nodal distribution, for use with a degree of approximation p = 3,
near the engine intake is shown in Figure 14 (a). A detail of a cut through
the mesh, in the vicinity of the aircraft surface, is shown in Figure 14 (b).
The mesh has 27 842 vertices, 150 801 elements and 3 686 triangular faces on
the aircraft. For a degree of approximation p = 3, the total number of nodes
in this mesh is 703 938.
An indication of the distribution of the values of the scaled Jacobian for
this mesh is shown in the histogram of Figure 15. For this complex geometry,
the proposed approach produces a high–order mesh in which almost 97% of
the elements have a scaled Jacobian value I > 0.95. However, it should be
noted that the minimum value of I is now significantly smaller than that
produced in the previous two dimensional examples. For this mesh, there
are two elements which are such that 0.15 < I < 0.2 and 75 elements for

Preprint of
Z. Q. Xie, R. Sevilla, O. Hassan and K. Morgan
The generation of arbitrary order curved meshes for 3D finite element analysis
Computational Mechanics, 51 (3); 361-374, 2013

Figure 13: Isotropic curved high–order surface mesh for a generic Falcon aircraft.

(a) (b)

Figure 14: Isotropic mesh for a Falcon aircraft showing (a) a detail of a view of the surface
mesh with the nodal distribution near the engine intake; (b) a detail of a cut through the
interior volume mesh.

Percentage of elements




0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Figure 15: Scaled Jacobian for the generic Falcon isotropic mesh

Preprint of
Z. Q. Xie, R. Sevilla, O. Hassan and K. Morgan
The generation of arbitrary order curved meshes for 3D finite element analysis
Computational Mechanics, 51 (3); 361-374, 2013

(a) (b)

Figure 16: Anisotropic mesh for a generic Falcon aircraft showing the form of the mesh
(a) near the engine intake; (b) near the wing tip.

which I < 0.5. As might be expected, these elements are located in critical
regions of the mesh, such as the leading edge of the wings and the engine
intake. The low quality of these elements can be mainly attributed to the low
resolution provided by the cubic approximation when attempting to capture
the large deformations in regions with high curvature. It is worth recalling
that, although the linear elastic model has been selected for its efficiency,
cases such as this can violate the small deformation hypothesis inherent in
the linear model. Refining the initial linear mesh, or increasing the degree
of the approximation employed, may alleviate this problem, especially in the
vicinity of regions with high curvature.

5.3. Anisotropic mesh for a generic Falcon aircraft

A more complex example is the problem of generating an anisotropic
mesh for analysing viscous flow over a generic Falcon aircraft configuration.
Details of cuts through the mesh, shown in Figures 16 (a) and (b), illustrate
the form of the boundary layer mesh in the difficult regions near the engine
intake and the wing tip respectively.
The mesh has 228 845 vertices, 1 303 733 elements and 24 670 triangular
faces on the aircraft surface. For a degree of approximation p = 3, the total
number of nodes in this mesh is 5 967 338. An indication of the amount of el-
ement stretching in the mesh is represented in the histogram of Figure 17 (a).
The maximum stretching is almost 381 and there are over 300 elements have
a stretching of more than 200. The histogram of the scaled Jacobian for the

Preprint of
Z. Q. Xie, R. Sevilla, O. Hassan and K. Morgan
The generation of arbitrary order curved meshes for 3D finite element analysis
Computational Mechanics, 51 (3); 361-374, 2013

100 100

80 80

Percentage of elements
Percentage of elements

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
0 100 200 300 400 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Stretching I

Figure 17: Anisotropic mesh for a generic Falcon aircraft showing (a) the stretching; (b)
the scaled Jacobian.

elements in the mesh are shown in Figure 17 (b). For this complex configura-
tion, more than 91% of the elements have a scaled Jacobian value I > 0.95.
However, the minimum value of I is now 0.08 and 6 938 elements are such
that I < 0.5.

5.4. Anisotropic mesh for the F6 configuration

The final example involves the generation of an anisotropic mesh suitable
for analysing viscous flow over the F6 aircraft configuration introduced in
the 2nd AIAA CFD Drag Prediction Workshop [2]. A detail of a view of the
surface mesh is given in Figure 18, showing the important regions near the
engine intake and at the leading edge of the wing. Views of cuts through the
volume mesh, near the engine intake and near the leading edge of the wing,
are given in Figure 19. The mesh has 803 345 vertices, 4 624 321 elements and
79 052 triangular faces on the aircraft surface. For a degree of approximation
p = 3, the total number of nodes in this mesh is 21 113 641.
Figure 20 (a) gives information on the amount of element stretching. The
maximum stretching is 320 and there are more than 5 000 elements with a
stretching of more than 200. The histogram of the scaled Jacobian values is
shown in Figure 20 (b). For this complex anisotropic mesh, more than 95%
of the elements have a scaled Jacobian value I > 0.95. The minimum value
of I for this mesh is 0.015 and 15 030 elements have a value of I which is less
than 0.5.

Preprint of
Z. Q. Xie, R. Sevilla, O. Hassan and K. Morgan
The generation of arbitrary order curved meshes for 3D finite element analysis
Computational Mechanics, 51 (3); 361-374, 2013

Figure 18: Anisotropic mesh generation for the F6 configuration showing a detail of the
surface mesh near the engine intake and the leading edge of the wing.

Figure 19: Anisotropic mesh generation for the F6 configuration showing views of a cut
through the volume mesh near the engine intake and near the leading edge of the wing.

Preprint of
Z. Q. Xie, R. Sevilla, O. Hassan and K. Morgan
The generation of arbitrary order curved meshes for 3D finite element analysis
Computational Mechanics, 51 (3); 361-374, 2013

100 100

80 80

Percentage of elements
Percentage of elements

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Stretching I

Figure 20: F6 configuration: (a) stretching and (b) scaled Jacobian

6. Conclusions
An a posteriori strategy for obtaining high–order curved meshes, suit-
able for finite element analysis in both two and three dimensions, has been
described. The method is based on deforming an initial mesh with planar
faces and edges using a linear elasticity model. The proposed methodology
is valid for any element topology and hybrid meshes, containing different
types of element, can be handled. Special attention has been paid to the
construction of high–order nodal distributions on edges and faces on curved
boundaries. The quality of the resulting meshes was analysed in terms of the
scaled Jacobian, which is a standard distortion measure for curved elements.
Several examples, involving geometries of complex shape in both two and
three dimensions, have been considered to demonstrate the potential of the
proposed methodology. Special emphasis has been placed on constructing
high–order curved meshes for geometries that are of particular interest to the
aerospace community. In this area, anisotropic meshes suitable for analysing
viscous flow over two complex aircraft configurations have been presented.

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