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Final Fantasy Mystic Quest

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Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
By: Dark Vortex (Quan Jin)
Version 1.2

This guide may be found on the following sites:

[]--------------------------------------[Dirty Little

This guide is copyright (c)2005-2006 Quan Jin

--- Table Of Contents ---

1. Introduction...............................................[1000]
2. FAQ........................................................[2000]
3. Basics.....................................................[3000]
3.1. Controls...........................................[3100]
3.2. Battle Screen......................................[3200]
4. Walkthrough................................................[4000]
4.1. The Knight.........................................[4100]
4.2. Dungeon Of Bones...................................[4200]
4.3. Wakewater!.........................................[4300]
4.4. Burning Hot........................................[4400]
4.5. The Final Sector...................................[4500]
4.6. D-D-Doom Castle....................................[4600]
5. Equipment Listing..........................................[5000]
5.1. Weapons............................................[5100]
5.2. Armor..............................................[5200]
6. Magic Listing..............................................[6000]
6.1. White Magic........................................[6100]
6.2. Black Magic........................................[6200]
6.3. Wizard Magic.......................................[6300]
7. Item Listing...............................................[7000]
7.1. Items..............................................[7100]
7.2. Key Items..........................................[7200]
8. Boss Listing...............................................[8000]
9. Bestiary...................................................[9000]
10. Version History..........................................[10000]
11. Legal Information........................................[11000]
12. Credits and Closing......................................[12000]

To find a section quickly, press Ctrl-F and type in either the name
of the section along with its content number (ie. 1., 2., 3., etc.)
OR you can use the codes on the far right. Simply type in the
brackets with the code number to get a jump.

--- 1. Introduction ---

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest is like the idiot's Final Fantasy.

Even so, that doesn't make this game bad. Sure, a blindfolded monkey could
beat it with one hand (exaggeration alert!), but that's not the point.
It's a
good game in general that differentiates from the "real" Final Fantasy. I
like its style. Being a very "simple" RPG, it's a great game to play when
too lazy to use my brain and such.

This guide will walk you through the game (if you need it of course), as
well as provide appendices and the like to help you master the game.

--- 2. FAQ ---


[Q] What are battlefields?

[A] Battlefields are places on the world map in which you can
monsters. Beat 10 rounds of them, and you can win prizes or
and GP.


[Q] How many battlefields are there?

[A] There are 20 in all. You can check the walkthrough and seek
the one you're looking for.


[Q] What exactly does "Auto" or "Manual" mean?

[A] If you're talking about this game, "Auto" and "Manual" has
the computer control your ally or not. Auto will allow an ally
automatically attack while Manual forces you to make moves.


[Q] How come my ally doesn't level up?

[A] Your allies have a set level when they join your party and
they leave. I don't think it's possible to have them level up
without the use of a cheat device.


[Q] How do I use Refreshers and what do they do?

[A] Refreshers will regain any stats lost in-battle. For example,
a monster lowers your attack stats, then Refresher will regain
them. To use them, just select them from the "Item" bar.


[Q] I heard there was a really quick way of defeating the Dark
How so?

[A] Yeah, you can easily deal 30000 HP damage by just casting Cure
him. It's still cheap though. Besides, he's easy anyway. 8)

--- 3. Basics ---

Basic information that should be in your "brain" before actually playing


3.1. Controls

For those that got the game without the manual, the controls are below. I
assume you know what a SNES controller looks like.

#|---- Start Button

L Button --| ##| |-- R Button
,' | _ `.
/ _ | |_|-------------- X Button
/ _| |_ | _ _ \
|-------- |_ O _| | |--|_| |_|------ A Button
| \ |_| // // | _ /
Control Pad \ __|______|_ |_| /
`._______,' | | `.___|___,'
| Y Button |
| |-------- B Button
|------- Select Button

Control Pad ~
~ Move your character.
~ Change cursor to select items.

Select Button ~
~ Not used.

Start Button ~
~ Pause the game.
~ Bring up in-game menu.
L Button ~
~ Switch character's weapons.

R Button ~
~ Switch character's weapons.

A Button ~
~ Confirm action.
~ Examine.
~ Engage in conversation.

B Button ~
~ Jump.
~ Cancel selection.

X Button ~
~ Save the game.

Y Button ~
~ Change Battle Mode between Auto and Manual. (Choose whether or not
computer controls your characters.)

3.2. Battle Screen

Whenever you engage in battle, these three boxes will pop up;
____________ ____________ ____________
|[1]BATTLE | |[2] RUN | |[3]CONTROL |
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

[1] Battle -- By choosing Battle, you can

fight. A separate menu will come up.
Look below for descriptions on each.
[2] Run -- If you're a wuss, you can choose
to run. Keep in mind that you can't run
from every single fight.
[3] Control -- Use this toggle computer
control of your allies. If you let it
run on AUTO, your units will fight
automatically. If MANUAL, you control
their actions.

The Battle options consist of these four boxes;

____________ ____________
|[4]ATTACK | |[5] SPELL |
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
____________ ____________
|[6] ITEM | |[7]DEFENSE |
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

[4] Attack -- This is obvious. Select this to

have the selected character attack.
[5] Spell -- To cast a spell, just select this
[6] Item -- This is obvious. To use an item,
select this option.
[7] Defense -- A character can defend to null
some of the damage taken. By defending,
a unit can do nothing else until next turn.

--- 4. Walkthrough ---


The Focus Tower, at the center of the earth, had once

connected the world. It represented the union of the
land and all its inhabitants. For years and years,
this tower had stood unscathed.

Very recently however, four monsters had stormed the

Focus Tower, and stole the four Crystals. Also stolen
were the coins that kept the Focus Tower open to all
the world. Without the Focus Tower and the Crystals,
the earth slowly decayed. Quakes ravaged the lands,
and dangerous monsters appeared -- terrorizing all
that was ever good.

No one could have ever believed that some boy could

save their world...

4.1. The Knight

The first task is naming your character. Choose whatever suits your fancy.
personally don't care what you decide to name him. I'll refer to him as
Benjamin for the most part. When you're finished, select the End option,
orjust press the Start Button...
---=| Hill Of Destiny |=---

An earthquake has driven Benjamin from his home up to the Hill Of Destiny
(nice name). Coming across some random man, he demands to know what's
on. The two will climb up to the top of the hill. A gap lies between
and the man. Jump across with the B Button to get to the other side. The
strange man will show you the Focus Tower, once the heart of the world.
speak a bit about the situation at hand.

[Insert Name Here], only you can save the Crystals and the World.

Obviously, Benjamin's a bit confused. Suddenly, a Behemoth will appear out

nowhere. This is your first fight. Luckily, it's nothing too difficult.
regular attacks are really your only option at this point, just pound it
that. It is possible to lose here, but you can always restart the battle.
you manage to get a critical hit, you've basically killed the thing.

The man will notice that the place is becoming dangerous (oh really?).
he flies away, he'll mention the Level Forest. Well, that's the only place
you can go...

---=| Level Forest |=---

The man appears just as he promised. He'll tell you your first objective;
the Crystal of Earth. And with that, he runs/flies off. That helped. You
talk to the blue guy a bit to the north. That boulder is blocking his way.
He asks if you could shove it aside, but considering that he himself is
of blocking your way, that might be a bit difficult.

So what do you do? Use the B Button to jump over him. Simply push it up,
he'll thank you. He will also tell you to bring the Tree Wither to Kaeli
Foresta. Push the boulder up one more tile, and open the nearby chest for
few Cure Potions. Don't use them yet though. Walk east to leave the Level
See the flashing arrow? Walk in the direction that its point to reach
Let's deliver that Tree Wither to Kaeli now.

---=| Foresta |=---

Houses here are made out of tree trunks. You can talk to some of the
hanging around to learn some nifty information. An old lady will tell you
the Crystal of Earth can be found to the north in the Bone Dungeon.
house was the first house you saw (when you entered Foresta). It's in the
lower-left corner of town. Enter her house and walk up to the two beds.
the chest for some more Cure Potions. Yeah, let's walk into more
houses and steal their drugs!

Talk to Kaeli and she'll mention a tree that is blocking the north exit of
the Level Forest. You agree to help out, and Kaeli decides to tag along.
mother gets a bit anxious though. But hey, who doesn't like some random
stranger taking out their daughter? Before you joins, Kaeli picks up her
Obviously, she's a woman with attitude.

Leave Kaeli's house and head north. At the northeast corner is a house.
is that man you helped out. He'll allow you take the contents of the chest
above him. However, the barrels are kind of blocking your way. Wow, what
people. Leave his house, and walk north over the wooden bridge. See the
of wood in the water? You can jump onto them. Use them to get to the back
his house and enter. Inside the chest is your first spell: Cure. It heals
Now move the barrels out of your way and leave his house.

Before we skedaddle out of here, enter the house to your south. The bed on
left will restore your HP. Don't forget to pick up the three Cure Potions
the nearby chest. With that collected, you can finally leave Foresta. Head
west to return to the Level Forest. Yippee!

As you re-enter the forest, Kaeli will appear and chop down some trees
her Axe. Of course, you're now obligated to fight a Brownie. You'll notice
much more powerful Kaeli is than your main character. You have two ways to
go from this point. First, head left. Defeat the two Slimes and (soon) a
Brownie. At the end of the path here are some more Cure Potions. Return to
the intersection and go right. See the red tree up ahead? Don't touch it
yet. First, defeat the Slime and Brownie to the east. Pick up the Heal

Heal up your team with Cure Potions. Examine the glowing tree and Kaeli
cut it out of her way effortlessly. He'll poison Kaeli, but you two still
up a fight.

Boss Fight: Minotaur ~

First, I'll tell you the cheap method of winning. Simply have
cast Life on the Minotaur to immediately put him out of
If you'd rather just attack the conventional way though, you
have a tiny bit of trouble. Use Cure to heal up your units. The
Minotaur hits pretty hard, so you'll need it. Obviously, if
dies, you'll need Kaeli's Life spell to revive him. Just

Once he's down for the count, Kaeli's mom, for some reason, appears. Kaeli
seems to be pretty confident in her survival. All she needs is Elixir...
in the depths of the Sand Temple. Benjamin has to be a good boy, and says
he will get it. Kaeli will hand you her Axe. Now you can chop down trees
kick monster butt!

Before continuing, check the southwest corner. You'll find a Brownie

some trees. Chop them down and fight it. Some Heal Potions can be found in
chest behind it. If you'd like, you can exit and re-enter the Level
The chests all respawn with the same items. It's not required, but it's
a good idea to stock up on Cure Potions. When you're done fooling around,
over to where you fought the Minotaur and continue onward.

4.2. Dungeon Of Bones

Simply go north, and you'll reach your first battlefield. Since you'll
die without the help of another member, bypass it. Continue north to reach
the Sand Temple.

---=| Sand Temple |=---

Simply walk up until you find a chest. Open it to find the Elixir... gone?
dude will walk in. Apparently, he got here before you did. He'll offer to
it to you for 9000 GP. Deal!! You probably don't have that much money at
moment. Anyhow, Tristam will offer another, more reasonable deal. Get him
through the Bone Dungeon. Help him find the treasure and you get the
It's as simple as that.

Tristam mentioned Battlefields right? You have two that are accessible at
moment. There's one to the south (the one that you passed), and one to the
west. Basically, Battlefields pits you up against monsters in 10 rounds.
them all for EXP, GP and items. Start with the one just south of your
position. If you ever need healing, head back to Foresta to heal up.

Battlefield One ~
Monsters: Mad Plant, Poison Toad
Prize: 54 EXP
~ Pretty simple here. Tristam kicks incredible amounts of butt
his shurikens. I managed to breeze through all 10 rounds
even breaking a sweat. Benjamin and Tristam should be able to
kill each monster within one hit. Mad Plants are weak against
Axes, so Benjamin should really win out. Trust me, it's THAT
easy. If you managed to get poisoned, return to Foresta and
the bed to heal up. Heal Potions work too.

Battlefield Two ~
Monsters: Mad Plant, Poison Toad, Basilisk
Prize: Charm
~ This one is a tad bit harder than the above, but that's only
because of the Basilisks. Also, a lot of the battles put you
against three monsters and not just two. Sure, it's a step
but nothing you can't handle. Have Benjamin kill off the Mad
Plants while Tristam takes care of the rest. If you managed
get poisoned, return to Foresta and use the bed to heal up.
Potions work too.

Once you finish both Battlefields, return to Foresta for healing and
Take advantage of the re-appearing chests in the Level Forest as well.
you're done, proceed to the Bone Dungeon, of which is north of the Sand

---=| Bone Dungeon |=---

See the moving sand just ahead of you? Step onto it and you'll be carried
a chest. Open it for some Cure Potions. Now, fight the monsters on either
side to get past them. I would suggest fighting them all for the
They're not difficult either. The monsters here consists mostly of those
already fought in the Battlefields. Anyway, the skull thingy is the door
the next room. However, there are more items here to pick up.

Will you go left or right? Go left first because... that path's kind of
I'll describe right now. Beat up the Sand Worm in your way along with the
other monsters here. A Sand Worm guards the chest in the northwest corner.
contains 10 Ninja Stars for Tristam. Now, if you head over to the right
of the room, you can find another 10 Ninja Stars directly opposite the
chest. Pick that up and go through the skull doorway.

Walk up a bit to be stopped by some water. Luckily, some stones are in the
perfect position for you to jump over them. Use them (jump to them) to get
the other side. See the steps to your right? Have Benjamin go into the
Now, if he could just walk on water like (???), what was the point of
those stones? Anyway, trudge over to the west side of the water to find a
skeleton with an abnormally large rib-cage.

Follow the skeleton until you reach open water again. Walk up the nearby
to find a door. Tristam will appear and blow the crap out of the door for
Afterwards, he tries to sell you some bombs for 30G. Decline the first
and he'll cut the price in half. 15G is the lowest you can get them at.
continuing, return through the skeleton back to the first part of this
Walk back up the steps onto dry land. A bit to your north is a skull. Blow
out of the way with your newly acquired bomb. Past it is a Steel Shield.
Return to the door that Tristam blew up for you and continue.

Uh oh, more monsters. Boy, this room is loaded. Beat up the various Rocs,
Skeletons, and Sand Worms. First, blow up the cracked door at the upper-
corner. In the chest is another 10 Ninja Stars for Tristam. Head over to
northeast corner and continue onwards. The staircase there will bring you
to B2. From the staircase, head east. Defeat the Gorgon that is blocking
chest. Inside is 10 Bombs.

To your north is a Skeleton. Beat it up. Continue up to find a rather long

skeleton. Place a bomb at the weak part of the skeleton to blow up the
thing. First, head right to find a secret doorway leading to a chamber
a chest. Use the stones to hop across the water. The chest contains 10
Stars. Return to the shattered rib-cage (poor thing) and advance west.
through the skeletal head.

To your south are two monsters. You only need to defeat one to reach the
at the south end. It contains another 10 Ninja Stars for Tristam. Geez,
game doesn't have much faith in you, does it? Head north to find some
sand. The only part that you can cross is lined with monsters. Defeat them
and make your way to the other side. Don't step on the moving sand, or
you'll go back. Instead, blow a hole in the weak part of the nearby
with a bomb.

Kill the Minotaur Zombie that is blocking your path. Now, move south.
step on the moving sand unless you want to be carried back. See the
Descend them to B2. Shove the Skeleton out of the way. To your immediate
is a Minotaur Zombie guarding a chest containing 10 Ninja Stars. Return
and look up. The skeletal head has its mouth closed. Of course, a little
can easily blow it back up. Do just that and continue.

You'll reach a fork while still in the rib-cage. Don't go left just yet.
Instead, go north through the doorway. Take the three Seeds and return to
the split. Go left to find some more moving sand. The only safe passage is
lined with monsters. Clear the pathway and check the next skeleton. The
is closed once more. Repeat what you did a few minutes ago to open it.
more, you'll reach a fork. Go up first. The Quake spell can be found in
You don't want to miss out.

Back at the fork, head right. Get the Minotaur Zombie out of the way and
advance. Once again, place a bomb on the skull to open up a passage. Enter
next room. Before continuing, heal up a bit. A difficult monster is just
ahead. See the big, red thingy? Yeah, that's it. Jump across the water
the stone) to face it. *battle cry*

Boss Fight: Flamerus Rex ~

You know, they could have at least come up with a better name.
Assuming you didn't already use up all your Quakes, now would be
great time for Benjamin to use them. The Flamerus Rex can deal
damage with most of his attacks, so make sure that Benjamin or
Tristam heals up occasionally. Both Life and Cure heal HP so use
them. Because the Flamerus Rex is strong against poison, don't
on Tristam dealing too much damage. Have him heal and revive
with Life if need be. When the boss's HP gets pretty low, he can
Rip Earth, which deals a good amount of damage to both of them.
always, heal when your HP gets too low. Have Benjamin use Quake
he runs out. Then throw some bombs to finish the Flamerus Rex

Once the freak is defeated, Tristam will immediately run to get his
A crystal rises from the corpse of the Flamerus Rex. You have already
your first objective; to release the first crystal. Tristam will play
with a weapon reminiscent of the Hookshot in Zelda games. He'll also give
the Elixir he promised. For some reason, Tristam didn't take _all_ of the
treasures. Be sure to open the last three for some Cure Potions, more
Explosives, and the Sand Coin. Do not forget the last item!!

You will want to return to Foresta now to give Kaeli the Elixir. As you
the Bone Dungeon, Tristam will leave you.

4.3. Wakewater!

By releasing the last crystal, Foresta has been restored. The grass is
again and people are young. Head over to Kaeli's house to give her the
For such a terminally ill person, she doesn't seem very sick... Kaeli will
state that she will head off to Aquaria to see Spencer. Why don't we get
there first? If you need to heal, go ahead to the house at the southeast
corner. Sleep in the bed.

To reach Aquaria, you'll have to go through the Focus Tower. First, head
from the Sand Temple. You'll hit a Battlefield. If you want to fight here,

Battlefield Three ~
Monsters: Basilisk, Sand Worm, Minotaur Zombie
Prize: 150 GP
~ If you chose to fight here by yourself, you might have some
trouble. Even so, the monsters are nothing new as you've
battled them in the Bone Dungeon. Minotaur Zombies are the
dangerous foe here. They can confuse, paralyze, and blind
you. It
really sucks when Benjamin (out of confusion) happens to cast
Quake on himself only to die instantly. If you can keep those
status ailments off your back, this Battlefield should be

You will find the Focus Tower west of the Battlefield. The smart thing to
here would would be to enter.
---=| Focus Tower to Aquaria |=---

Simply follow the path until you reach the strange man. Yes, he's here
for you. He'll mention Captain Mac and a girl named Phoebe. Suddenly, the
freak flies off again without clarifying what the hell he just said.

Going any further south leads to nothing. Just enter the nearby opening.
up the 10 bombs and check the gold seal on the wall. Because you have the
Coin, you can open it. The other seals cannot be opened because you (duh!)
not have the Coin for their respective doors. The path will lead you to a
staircase. Ascend them to 2F. Turn to your left and head south to reach a
chest. Yay, you've just picked up your second Black Magic spell.

Although there appears to be a bunch of other staircases around and such,

are not accessible at the moment. Return to the stairs that you took up
and go through the doorway. You will appear back outside, but in a
part of the world. Continue east and reach another Battlefield. If you
want to
wait until you get another member in your team, skip it. If you want to
RIGHT NOW (!!), just do it.

Battlefield Four ~
Monsters: Mintmint
Prize: 99 EXP
~ Mintmints will be the only monster encountered here. They
terrifyingly tough, but they can deal some good damage. I can
tell you that they're less annoying than those crazy Minotaur
Zombies from the last Battlefield. For such easy monsters,
sure give quite a bit of EXP. Quake works well along with

North of the Battlefield is the Libra Temple. Enter.

---=| Libra Temple |=---
Up ahead is a white tile with an omega symbol on it. Ignore it at the
Above it is a chest and a girl standing next to it. Take some Explosives
the chest and talk to the other. You'll learn some depressing news. It
that Aquaria is now frozen, the people are sick, and to top it all off,
her grandpa is trapped! Benjamin will ask her about Spencer. It seems that
is her grandpa! As Phoebe tries to leave, Benjamin kidnaps her. You now
have a
new member who is actually GOOD with magic.

Leave the Libra Temple and head east to find two consecutive Battlefields
in a

Battlefield Five ~
Monsters: Giant Toad, Mintmint
Prize: 300 GP
~ I hate Giant Toads with a passion. They can poison and
you effortlessly. Phoebe has the Heal spell which cures
ailments though. Giant Toads also give a lot of EXP -- always
good thing. Simply have Phoebe cast Thunder or Fire while
Benjamin just attacks. When you need to heal up, check in at
inn at Aquaria.

Battlefield Six ~
Monsters: Giant Toad, Mintmint, Scorpion
Prize: Magic Ring
~ Giant Toads and Mintmints galore. Plus a new monster; the
Scorpion. Fire magic is your best friend here. Luckily, both
Benjamin and Phoebe should have it. Scorpions are weak
Fire, so those are easily vanquished. If you're poisoned or
paralyzed, use Phoebe's Heal spell to get rid of those.

Past those two Battlefields is the town that we were originally looking
Aquaria! Enter the now-frozen town.

---=| Aquaria |=---

The inn up ahead can restore your HP and stuff. However, you'll have to
pay a
hefty fee of 95 GP. Ouch. Also at the inn is a girl who will sell you some
Explosives. Only buy some if you're low. West of the inn is Phoebe's
Phoebe will explain a little bit more about Spencer's predicament. To melt
ice here, you'll need Wakewater from the Libra Temple. However, we'll need
Libra Crest first.

If you'd like, you can steal some Heal Potions from Phoebe's house. Before
heading out, check the house behind Phoebe's. The woman will sell you a
Helmet for 200 GP. Trust me, you want this. Don't forget to pick up the
Refreshers by the beds. There's nothing interesting in her basement. Leave
Aquaria and head further west to hit yet another Battlefield!

Battlefield Seven ~
Monsters: Edgehog, Scorpion, Giant Toad
Prize: 99 EXP
~ Edgehog is the new monster in this Battlefield. Like the
Edgehogs are weak against the Fire spell. They pack quite a
punch, so watch out for them. If you're poisoned by the Giant
Toads, use Phoebe's Heal spell. It beats having to pay 95 GP
the inn back in Aquaria. This should be an easy-peasy

North of that Battlefield is the Wintry Cave. Here, we should find the
Crest so we can actually enter the Libra Temple.

---=| Wintry Cave |=---

At the start, you have two ways to go. Head left first and beat up the
monsters in your way. The chest contains 10 bombs. Return to the split and
head in the opposite direction. Clear the Scorpion out of your way. Follow
path and trudge up the steps. Meet the Edgehog at the top. Continue along,
clearing out the Land Worms in your way.

The floor will collapse and Benjamin tumbles down. Phoebe saves only
She'll let you use her Cat Claws. With them, you can climb walls, but only
they have steps. Let's put it to use. A little bit to your right is a
able wall. Pick up the Heal Potions. Keep on climbing up. As long as you
the A Button, you can't fall. Move yourself so that you can climb to the
ledge -- the one that you just fell from. Now back up here, continue west.
A Centaur blocks your path here. Be careful of them as Centaurs can
you. Inspect the wall behind where he once stood. At one point is a
wall. Yeah, you guessed it. Bomb time!! Blow it up and continue. There are
bunch of monsters here. If you want the Cure Potions and Arrows, beat them
to clear a path to the chests. If you don't, beat them up anyway for the
After getting the Arrows, climb down the shiny wall. Walk around to the
side of the room so you can access the Cure Potions.

When you're done with that, leave the room. Continue east to find two
guarding a chest. Take three more Cure Potions from the chest. Now, head
west and climb the wall. Position yourself so that you are along the other
wall. Let go of the A Button to fall onto a separate platform. Kill off
Edgehog and keep going. After getting rid of another Land Worm, the path
begin to widen up a bit.

Keep going south to find a chest. Get the Centaur out of the way first.
Refreshers can be found inside. Head northwest from there to find a
blocking a wall. Getting boring, eh? Climb the wall behind its corpse.
one or two spaces to the left and drop down. Defeat the Edgehog a little
up ahead. Climb the nearby wall to the next platform. A Scorpion guards
wall here. Once it's gone, climb the wall behind it.

Well, what do you know? Another monster! Clear the Edgehog out of the way
reveal a cracked door. Place a bomb and blow it to smithereens. Inside is
another batch of monsters. There are some items here. The two chests you
at the entrance three Cure Potions and 10 Arrows. Fight your way north
the path. Obviously, this is going to take a while. In the next open
of this room, you can go northeast to advance or southeast to find two
chests. Snag the Heal Potions and Arrows. Proceed to the northeast portion
this room to find the staircase leading OUTTA here.
Before you can fight the boss, you'll have to vanquish the monsters below
The sheet of ice above you makes it kind of hard to see. Clear a way to
center platform, of which the boss stands upon. The chest nearby contains
Arrows. If you'd like, you can defeat all the monsters for EXP. However, I
don't really see a point to doing all of that work. Anyway, the boss
your company. Heal up before you fight!

Boss Fight: Squidite ~

Yeah, it's a gigantic squid. Got a problem with that? Squidite
starts the battle with two Sparna allies. Phoebe can easily
them down with her Bow of Grace. Once those are taken care of,
can focus on Squidite itself. Use Phoebe's Thunder spell to take
advantage of Squidite's weakness to that element. However, don't
think it's just going to sit there. Squidite can deal some heavy
damage as well as inflict certain status ailments upon your
Needless to say, if Phoebe needs to use Heal, USE IT! Once
runs out of Thunder, just start pounding it with physical
to bring it down.

Defeating the Squidite will reveal a chest. Open it for the Libra Crest.
it, you can warp to the Life Temple from the Libra Temple. Backtrack all
way out of this dungeon. Return to Aquaria for some healing. From the
Cave, head west to find another Battlefield.

Battlefield Eight ~
Monsters: Desert Hag
Prize: 600 GP
~ The problem with Desert Hags is their counter-attack. If you
a physical attack (that doesn't kill in one hit), you'll most
likely eat a nasty counter-attack. Desert Hags can deal quite
bit of damage if you don't defeat them quickly. Fire magic is
your best bet here. Desert Hags are weak against that.

I assume that you remember where the Libra Temple is. Head back over
Now that you have the Libra Crest, stepping on the omega tile will bring
to the Life Temple.
---=| Life Temple |=---

Oh noes! The water has dried up. That sucks. There is someone else here
might be able to help though. Walk north through the opening. It's that
man that's been terrorizing you since forever! Luckily, he managed to save
what was left of the Wakewater in a tiny bag. He'll fly off like always.
forget to pick up the Cure Potions. When ready, return to Aquaria.

Phoebe will use the Wakewater on the plant at the center of town. The
unfreezes... but everything else stays frozen (???). To unfreeze the rest
town, you need to release the next crystal. Since there's not much left to
here in Aquaria, head north to reach the Falls Basin. Before you can reach
Ice Pyramid, you'll need to traverse through the Falls Basin.

---=| Falls Basin |=---

Phoebe will appear and tell you push the block. Move the ice block nine
up, seven spaces to the left, and one space up. Once you finish that task,
should be in-between the two platforms. If you were to jump from one to
ice block, you would be able to get across. For now, just go through the
opening up ahead.

Defeat the Desert Hag to clear the way. Walk to the other end of this
room to find another opening. Use the ice block you pushed before. Jump
it. From there, jump to the opposite platform. Continue south and beat up
another Desert Hag. I wonder what a _Desert_ Hag is doing here. Walk down
the tiny steps and fight the Lamia to reveal another ice block. Ready for
more shoving around?

Push the ice block four spaces to the right and one space up. Like before,
this block should act as a stepping stone between the two platforms. Head
west and walk up the tiny steps. Head east and use the ice block to get
across the gap. Keep going east and fight the Lamia. With this block, move
four spaces to the left, one space up, two more spaces to the left, six
spaces up, and ten spaces right.
Take the other ice block at the south end of the screen. Push it four
up, eight spaces to the right, one space down, and three spaces to the
Have it rest right below the last ice block. Re-locate the third ice
Push it one square to the right, one square down, eight squares right, one
square up, three more squares to the right, and one square up. Phew!

Walk over to the southeastern corner of this chamber. Use the stairs and
head north. Hop over the gap and onto the two ice blocks you put into
Kill off the Desert Hag and continue. Open the chest for some more bombs.
Defeat the nearby Lamia and follow the path. You'll come to the point
you placed the third ice block. Hop over the gap onto the block. The boss
up ahead but before fighting it, snag the Heal spell from the chest
Replenish your HP and battle the giant crap... I mean crab.

Boss Fight: Snow Crab ~

The Snow Crap has two Desert Hags to help him out. Have Benjamin
and Phoebe use Fire to take them down quickly. The Snow Crab has
some tough attacks. He can easily deal 200+ damage, so make sure
that you heal when necessary. Thunder works the best in this
Have Phoebe cast that while Benjamin either heals or uses Quake.
When the Snow Crab's HP is low, he'll begin to use Tornado for
heavy damage. Heal whenever necessary, and you should be fine.
Mmm, seafood!

Head up to the cracked door and Phoebe will appear to tell you about Jumbo
Bombs. These upgraded explosives deal more damage to enemies while still
blowing up cracked doors and the like. Use it on the wall just ahead of
Now that you're back outside, return to Aquaria for some healing. When
done with that, walk past the Falls Basin to yet another Battlefield.

Battlefield Nine ~
Monsters: Lamia, Desert Hag, Mage
Prize: 540 EXP
~ Desert Hags have counter-attacks that you should already be
familiar with. Just blast them with a Fire spell or kill them
with a physical attack. Your choice. Lamias on the other
can put a unit to sleep or confuse them. Have your Heal spell
handy for that. Use Thunder to take them down quickly. The
that you fight are capable of casting various spells
Blizzard and Cure. Blizzard is their main attack spell. When
their HP is low though, they will cast Cure to heal

And just ahead of that Battlefield is (surprise, surprise) the Ice

Make sure that your team is refreshed and fully healed before attempting
take it on.

---=| Ice Pyramid |=---

A wall blocks any further progress. Check the oddly-colored statue on the
right. Take your Steel Sword and poke the switch to open the wall.
into the main room. Begin by head east first. Follow the path until you
a fork. Continue east to the lower-left corner of this chamber. Walk a
bit north. You have two ways to go, left or right? The path on the right
the way to go. Do not be surprised if a battle suddenly begins. Monsters
are invisible at the moment.

At the end of this path is a chest containing a Magic Mirror. With it, you
can see the invisible enemies here! Backtrack to the split. Take the path
the left this time. Defeat the Desert Hags and take the Explosives from
chest. Return to the pyramid's entrance. Go southwest and open the two
for some Refreshers an Arrows. Avert your gaze to the other two paths. Not
counting the one you took to reach these chests, take the path on the

Slay the Desert Hag and proceed. A Mage blocks a staircase up ahead. On
next floor, head a little bit north to find some Heal Potions guarded by a
Phanquid. With that in your pack, head back downstairs. Now back at the
empty chests, take the left path. After a bit of walking, a Lamia will
From here, you have three possible paths to take; northeast, southeast,
northwest. Whee, I love choices!

Take the southeast path first. Get the monster out of the way and
Defeat another Mage blocking the staircase. Ascend the steps to the next
floor. Dead end? Defeat the Lamia and walk into the wall that she was
originally in front of. It seems that you can walk into the wall here.
the Arrows in the chest and return to the three-way fork.

Now, head to the northeast fork. A Desert Hag blocks the way, so defeat
Keep going east past another monster. Advance until you hit another set
of stairs blocked by a Mage... again. You know the drill. Kick him out of
way. On the next floor, head south to find a blue-tinged statue. It's
obvious that it's really a switch. Use your Steel Sword to hit it. The
will open up to reveal a chest containing some arrows.

Look a little bit to your left. Another Lamia blocks the path here. Keep
walking and defeat any unlucky monsters that happen to cross your path. At
end, you'll reach another staircase. This one leads to 3F. Begin here by
moving right first. What do you know? MORE monsters! Stoney Roosts,
and Freezer Crabs are some new faces you might see. A Freezer Crab guards
chest containing more Arrows. By now, you're probably running low on

Further south is another chest with some more Arrows. Jump over that chest
keep going. Take care of another Gather and continue along. At the end is
suspicious statue -- poke it! The wall to your left will rise revealing a
path. Backtrack to the entrance stairs and head west. Take care of the
blocking your path. All you have to do now is follow the path. But as
enemies will get in your way. This is really getting annoying, isn't it?

When you reach the south end of this room, you should see an opening on
wall. Walk through to immediately be pushed into a battle with some Stoney
Roosts. These birds are annoying as they can petrify you on a whim. After
clipping their wings, you can find some bombs and Arrows ahead. Exit this
and keep going east. Soon enough, you will reach the area where you had to
hit the switch to raise the wall. Turn left and head through the doorway.
Ta-da, stairs!

Now on 4F, begin by heading left. After killing the Mage, you'll have to
around to the southeastern corner where a staircase is located. A Sphinx
guards it, so make sure to take care of that. Head up the stairs and walk
forward so that you FALL off the floor. You will find yourself in the
of 4F. Now that you're surrounded by chests and monsters, why not have
fun? There are multiple chests here. If you choose to open them all,
find 40 Arrows, 3 Refreshers, 3 Heal Potions, 3 Cure Potions, and the
Armor. DO NOT FORGET THE LAST ITEM!! The monsters around also give a
lot of EXP.

To continue, you need to locate the statue. It's at the northwest corner
this area. Hit it with your Steel Sword to open a door on the opposite
Retrace your steps to the southeast corner. Return to 5F, but don't fall
time. Begin by heading left. After getting rid of the monster, you can
the two chests. To get the second one, you'll need to jump over the first.
They both contain bombs. Kill the Stoney Roost and continue north. Defeat
Gather. You have two ways to go from here.

Begin by heading north. Kill off the Freezer Crab and walk past it.
walk to the other end and pick up the bombs. Return to the middle platform
head left. The only way to reach that chest at the opposite end is by
Keep in mind that the darker blue line IS NOT a path. It's a wall.
you'll have to walk north and jump at the chest from behind it. Open it
some Cure Potions.

Go back to the middle platform once more. See the cracked tile in the
Place a bomb on top of it to blow a hole in the platform. This should be
Fall down and KEEP falling down until you reach 1F. When you do, stop!
you are six statues. Poke any one of them to open up the floor. Now resume
your falling. When you hit B1, you will find yourself in an uncomfortable
situation. Haha, surrounded by enemies? Whether or not you choose to clear
them all out or not, don't forget about the chests. Snag some more Arrows,
Heal Potions, and Cure Potions. Also, remember to pick up the Knight

Climb the platform above you with the Cat Claws to find a very ugly
Apparently, he's enjoying your little game. Head over to the southeast
Locate the staircase and use it to get "under" the ice sheet. Go northwest
find a Lamia guarding a doorway. Defeat it and head through the opening.
dear, more monsters! You don't have to beat them all though. Just clear
the one standing in front of the wall. Use the Cat Claws to climb it.
for you at the top is a Sphinx. Slay it and keep walking.

Simply go straight until you reach a doorway. If you hit the statue on the
right, you can reveal two chests. However, you'll have to drop off all the
way to 5F to get it. If you really need it, then get them. If not, ignore
for later. Heal up, and head through the opening. Follow the icy path to
Ice Golem. Bwahaha!

Boss Fight: Ice Golem ~

Oh no; a giant made of ice! So scary. The key to this fight is
magic. Luckily, both Benjamin and Phoebe should have that spell
available. Simply roast the Ice Golem with some of that. Be wary
his attacks though. They can deal a considerable bit of damage
your units. When necessary have either of your units heal.
only one of him, so the Ice Golem can easily be overpowered.
your Black Magic runs dry, start pounding him with physical
Keep your team healed up and you should be fine.

Once the Ice Golem is melted, another crystal will appear. That's two for
four. At least now, half of the world is peaceful once more. Aquaria
also be fixed. Phoebe will leave to check it out. Before you call it
pick up the River Coin from the chest. You don't want to forget that. Make
your way out of here.

You should immediately notice how green everything looks. Gone is the snow
that once had this region covered. Make your way back to Aquaria.

4.4. Burning Hot
Check it out. Aquaria is no longer frozen. First, head over to Phoebe's
and talk to her. She'll thank you for your help, and tell you that Spencer
in the tunnel under her house. Use the steps right in front of the inn.
magical ability to walk on water (???) should help out here. Walk over
Phoebe's house and head underneath.

---=| Spencer's Place |=---

Phoebe's gramps sure has a big place here. At the start of the tunnel, use
the steps to climb back onto dry land. Proceed south across a bridge and
a long staircase. Cross some more bridges and should eventually reach the
foot of the waterfall. Go through the opening into the next area. Ignore
first bridge leading west for now. The other bridge leads to Spencer. As
can see, he just realized that the ice had melted. After a bit of
news, Spencer will hand you the Venus Key. With it, you can pick up this
supposed shield that was located by Captain Mac.

North of Spencer is a doorway. Follow it to the other side of the wall.

can climb the nearby wall with the Cat Claws. Drop down to the chest and
up some Cure Potions. That's basically it for here. Make your way out of

Our next destination is the Focus Tower. However, you could make a stop at
inn. An old guy will offer to sell some Cure Potions for 25 GP each. The
dude still sells Explosives at the same price as always. Head over to the
Libra Temple and go north. There are two Battlefields here. Battle here
or later. They're not going to disappear or anything.

Battlefield Ten ~
Monsters: Phanquid, Sphinx
Prize: Exit Spell
~ This Battlefield should be a cakewalk with your newfound
Sword. Monsters usually don't come in groups here (two at
so you should have no problem ripping away. The Sphinx is the
more dangerous opponent. Be sure to take them down first.
can easily confuse your unit. Phanquids can also blind you,
be wary of that too.

Battlefield Eleven ~
Monsters: Gather, Freezer Crab
Prize: 744 EXP
~ The Gathers are very easy to defeat. Freezer Crabs, on the
hand, might take a few hits to put down. Jumbo Bombs work
against Gathers as they're weak to them. For Freezer Crabs,
hack away with your Knightsword. Be careful of counter-
from these crustaceans as well. Just hope they don't deal too
much damage before going down.

Past those two is the Wintry Temple. Entering will just bring you to a
end. Ignore it for now and keep going. The Focus Tower is up ahead.

---=| Focus Tower to Fireburg |=---

You begin on 3F with a staircase right in front of you. A familiar person

greet you downstairs. "Some awful news made Captain Mac race from his
Your objective now is to seek Reuben who can be found in Fireburg. Just
he proceeds with his daily "fly away" routine, he'll mention a statue.

Now you're by yourself again. Bomb the wall to your immediate left to make
opening. Walk through this passage to a chest containing the shield that
Spencer was talking about. Equip your Venus Shield with pride and return
the stairs. If you head over to the other side of the room, you will
locate a
Blizzard spell in a chest. Return to the statue that the man mentioned and
get ready to move it. Where, you ask? Push it two squares to the left. Now
move it down until it hits the south wall and left until it's stopped by a
stone thingy.

Leave the Focus Tower and circle around it so that you reach it through
OTHER entrance. Enter once more. Walk through the opened door to the set
four colored doors. With the River Coin, you can unlock the blue door. Do
just that and continue up the next set of stairs. Head down and jump the
using the statue you moved previously. Turn west and follow the path to a

Use your brain and climb up. Pick up the Cure Potions from the chest to
south. The exit is just due north of the chest. You'll appear in a
portion of the world. Walk to the next area and the ground will shake.
Well, you just hit a row of Battlefields, so why not battle?

Battlefield Twelve ~
Monsters: Jelly
Prize: 900 GP
~ Okay, this is simple. Unless you're out of Explosives, 10
should go by easily if you know what to do. Jellies are
weak to Jumbo Bombs. Simply throw one at them. There you go,
mission accomplished.

Battlefield Thirteen ~
Monsters: Jelly, Sting Rat
Prize: Gemini Crest
~ Sting Rats have a weakness. That weakness is Blizzard. If
prefer to conserve your black magic though, just cut them up
with your Knight Sword. Sting Rats can get pretty annoying
their Poison Sting attacks and such. But assuming that you
kill them before they have a chance to attack, you should be
fine. Jellies are vulnerable to Jumbo Bombs. Plain and
If you need to, stop at Fireburg to heal up.

Battlefield Fourteen ~
Monsters: Plant Man
Prize: 816 EXP
~ Swap that Knight Sword for an Axe when fighting. Plant Mans
weak against Axes. These ugly trees can inflict various
ailments upon your unit with Bad Breath. Obviously, have Heal
ready just in case you need to relieve an ailment. Just chop
the Plant Man with an Axe and you should breeze through this
Fireburg is just ahead in case you didn't know that. Well, you might have
already been here to heal up... or not.

---=| Fireburg |=---

Fireburg doesn't have an inn. Oh no. Fireburg has a HOTEL which is

cooler than any old inn. Apparently, the hotel currently has a live rock
show (just look at all those posters), which is strange to see in a Final
Fantasy game...

Anyway, you can stay for 95 GP. Now, we have to find Reuben. The old guy
outside the hotel will sell you Explosive (damn pyromaniac). See the house
the left of the hotel? That's Reuben's house. Talk to the guy in armor and
he'll tell you his predicament. He has to help his dad from behind a
Benjamin agrees to help, so Reuben joins.

Don't forget to get the Refreshers from the chest before heading on out.
down the wall in front of the hotel (Cat Claws) to reach the locked house.
Since it's locked, there's nothing much we can do. Return to the hotel and
look for Tristam. He's over by the bar. Tristam hands you the Multi-Key
opens locks. Before you barge into the guy's house, you can listen to the
(for no reason), buy Cure Potions, or buy some Seeds.

Go check out the locked house. With the Multi-Key, you can open the door.
to the man and he'll mention Arion and the gigantic boulder. He'll also
you how to use a Mega Grenade. Just throw it. You can try it out a bit.
heading out, go to the house in lower-left corner of town. A woman will
you a Battle Axe for 500 GP. You will definitely want this. If you check
her basement, you'll find a strange tile. Stepping on it will warp to a
in Aquaria. This is great if you don't feel like walking all the way back.

Leave Fireburg and head west. Two more Battlefields are up ahead. With
newfound Mega Grenades and Battle Axe, why don't you kick some monster

Battlefield Fifteen ~
Monsters: Sting Rat, Flazzard, Plant Man
Prize: 1200 GP
~ Plant Men are weak against the Battle Axe (And Reuben's
Star). Sting Rats can be obliterated with Blizzard. Flazzards
probably a new monster to you. They're weak to Blizzard as
Be careful of the Sting Rat's Poison Sting. Reuben's only
is Life, so you'll have to rely on Benjamin's Heal spell to
care of that.

Battlefield Sixteen ~
Monsters: Flazzard, Red Cap
Prize: Thunder Spell
~ When up against Flazzards, simply cast Blizzard. Reuben
should be
able to take each monster out within one hit. Benjamin, on
other hand, should be a bit weaker. Don't hesitate to use
often. Red Caps are easy to beat too, but they can use Stare
confuse your units or Hypno-sleep to put someone to sleep.

Walk past those two Battlefields to reach the Mine. Reuben's dad is
somewhere here...

---=| Mine |=---

This area is a bit confusing. You'll find conveyor belts along with pulley
systems. Note that if you go in one direction on one of these, you cannot
back without finding the alternative route to return.

You have three ways to go from the start. The conveyor belt to your east
not accessible because it's moving toward you. Head north first and fight
Red Bone. Continue and use a Mega Grenade to clear the cracked wall. There
are some chests in here, but they're blocked off. Walk forward and climb
wall. Monsters block these chests, but they provide good EXP. Fight them
and pick up the Heal Potions and Cure Potions. With those collected,
to the previous platform.

Since we can't head back south, continue by stepping onto the moving belt
your east. Further east is a pulley system. Use the cart to get yourself
the bottom. Defeat the two Red Bones nearby and get the cracked door open.
through. The path on the left leads to nothing, so head right. Clear the
monsters out of the way and move through the opening at the end. A Red
guards a single chest. Inside is a Charm Claw; a very useful weapon that
inflict multiple status ailments upon an enemy.

Make your back to the previous area. Head south using the conveyor belt.
will fall right onto a Zombie! Eww. Slay the Zombie and continue south and
west. Use a Mega Grenade to bomb the cracked wall. Head left and defeat
various monsters in your way. Climb the wall at the end to the lower area.
Kill off the Red Bone and climb the other wall to the chest. It contains
Explosives. Leave this cave.

To your immediate right is a climb-able wall. Use the Charm Claw to get to
top. Go west across the conveyor belt all the way back to the entrance
Head south and use the pulley system to get to the bottom. Take the next
conveyor belt southbound. Get rid of the Zombie that you land upon and
going. Head east (across another conveyor belt) and climb up the wall.
the north conveyor belt to another Zombie. Keep going north until you
a belt leading east. Take it and fight the Red Bone.

To the south is Jinn, a yellow freak blocking a door.

Boss Fight: Jinn ~

Begin the battle by clearing out the Red Bones that Jinn has
to him. Even though Jinn is fire-based, Blizzard doesn't seem
to be
super-effective against him. Jinn's Flame Pillar move is the
you will want to watch out for. 200+ damage will be dealt to
of your units. Both Benjamin and Reuben should have Life, so be
sure to use it when the other falls. Use Mega Grenade or the
spell, Thunder, to deal heavy damage. With the Charm Claw, you
poison Jinn. Simply keep your units alive with Cure and Life to
Jinn will die without even uttering a word. Go through the door he was
in front of. Outside, take the contents of the four chests and look across
chasm. On the other side is Reuben's dad. Reuben will appear and chuck a
Grenade to clear the boulder out of the way. He'll throw it and miss
The boulder still rolls away though. With the rock now clear, a whole new
is clear.

Now all you have to do is return to the entrance. Because all the conveyor
belts here are one-way, that might take some thought. Go north and defeat
Red Bone blocking the other conveyor belt. Simply follow the belts until
get back to the entrance. Remember that you have to climb the wall by the
bombed door. Leave and head south, east, and south. You'll reach the
Temple that was previously inaccessible.

---=| Sealed Temple |=---

Here is the strange man once more along with a strange tile and some
Talk to him and he'll ask for some coffee money...? Anyway! Take the Heal
Potions and Cure Potions from the chests and check out that weird tile.
will be warped to the Wintry Temple. There are two chests here as well.
up some more potions for the road. Step back onto the warp and return to
Sealed Temple. Head off to Fireburg.

You're probably itching for some healing. Sleep at the hotel if you need
Return to Reuben's house to find Arion. He must be psychic because he
immediately tells you that the Crystal of Fire can be found in the Lava
Whatever. Leave Fireburg and head west and north. Another Battlefield
your blade.

Battlefield Seventeen ~
Monsters: Red Bone, Zombie, Ghost
Prize: 1200 EXP
~ Red Bones and Zombies are pushovers as you probably already
The only real danger with Zombies is the fact that they can
regenerate themselves if you take too long. The Cure spell
deal heavy damage if you use it against them. Ghosts can be a
bit tough though. They might take multiple hits to take down.
Also, Ghosts are capable of multiplying, which basically
introduces another Ghost into the battle. Luckily, Ghosts
sometimes have a tendency to "not do anything" so you
have a problem.

Head past the Battlefield to reach the Volcano. After getting through
this, we
can head over to the Lava Dome at last.

---=| Volcano |=---

Northeast from the entrance is a staircase. Start off by climbing it to

top. First, defeat the Were Wolf guarding the cave. Proceed through. You
see your position, but you should be able to tell where you are. Head a
bit to the left and exit through the other opening. The chest contains the
White spell; a very powerful Wizard spell.

Go back to the entrance area and defeat the Ghost to your left. You'll
another staircase. To the left of it are some monsters guarding a single
Inside are some Cure Potions. Now, head up the steps and look to your
A gap lies in-between you and the next ledge. Jump across it to the other
side. A bunch of monsters will block your way forward. Clear them out and
up the stairs to reach the next area of the Volcano.

A thick shroud of gas prevents you from being able to see any nearby
In order to see through, you'll need the Mask, of which is hidden
around. Walk up a little bit and turn left. Simply follow the path until
hit an opening in the wall. Again, you can't see yourself. Head right to
out. Steal some Heal Potions and keep going. Once at the next area, you
two ways to go. Some Explosives are straight ahead. To get the Mask, head

Don't be surprised if you suddenly run into monsters. Walk up the stairs
the next area. Amazing, the gas has suddenly disappeared! Defeat the
to your left and trot up the steps. Kill off the Were Wolf and snag the
from the chest. Before you return to the previous area, defeat the
to your left. The chest behind it contains some more Cure Potions. Now,
backtrack to the first area with the gas. Return all the way to the
of that room.

This time, go straight ahead to a staircase. Defeat the Nitemare in front

it and proceed to the next area. Defeat another Nitemare and continue. Use
the opening and move eastward. Keep on heading east until you reach
set of stairs. Climb it to the top and get rid of the Ghost that greets
You can choose to take the path on the right for some Cure Potions before
climbing the steps. There are a bunch of monsters on this ledge. Before
continuing up the stairs to your left, you can beat up some more enemies
some Heal Potions.

You will reach the top of the volcano after climbing up the stairs. Heal
before fighting Medusa!

Boss Fight: Medusa ~

Begin by taking out the Were Wolves that join the fight.
should use White while Reuben just attacks with his Morning
Try to take them out before they manage to pull off a Quake or
something. White deals a lot of damage. Only a few castings are
needed to put her down. Be sure to have Reuben heal when needed.
Keep Benjamin alive while Reuben heals and attacks. Beware of
Screech Voice move; it's capable of confusing a unit. Stone
can petrify and Para-snake can paralyze. Ouch.

Well, with her out of the way, you can descend the stairs to finally get
of the Volcano. Now you can continue onward to the Lava Dome. However, you
might want to return to Fireburg for some healing. Buy any last-minute
that you might need before venturing into the core of the cinder-cone.

---=| Lava Dome |=---
Begin by heading east. Defeat the Hot Wings and descend the staircase that
was blocking. At the bottom, continue eastward and fight the Ninja (*ahem*
PINK Ninja). Once more, head down the steps and go through the opening to
west. Inside this cave, simply go right. Get rid of the various monsters
continue until you are stopped by some lava. Jump across the steps.
the cracked rock a Mega Grenade and beat up the Medusa-wannabe. The chest
was guarding contains the Life spell!

Return to the entrance of the cave and head north. Climb the wall and
northwest. A bunch of enemies here will make life much harder for you. At
end of the northwest path are some Explosives -- 20 to be exact. Return to
wall and move southwest. Clear the monsters out of the way and leave
this alternative exit. Three Refreshers can be found in the chest. With
collected, simply climb down and drop off.

Going east from here will lead you to the original cave entrance. Defeat
Avizzards and drop down the wall it was blocking. You have two ways to go
here. Let's head west. Defeat another Iflyte and climb the stairs leading
Another pink Ninja awaits. Move west and ignore the next set of stairs.
going in that direction and kill the next Ninja. Another cave entrance is
ahead. Enter.

Proceed north and do whatever you'd like with the Hot Wings. The next area
absolutely infested with monsters. Fight them for the valuable EXP and
pick up
some Refreshers, Heal Potions, and Cure Potions. Now, look to your left.
the lava is a collection of platforms that can be jumped. Head north and
onto the first block. Head downward until you see the two boulders. Throw
Mega Grenade to blast them out of the way. Move over to the northwest
and kill off another monster blocking the door.

Ugh, another line of monsters. Keep going north until you reach two
The one to the far northwest contains a Moon Helm. The other holds some
Potions. Do not forget the former! With that, return to the previous room.
Jump over the platforms and head southeast. Follow the path until you
an Avizzard in front of some stairs. Head down and descend the other
to the next floor. Just keep going and you'll eventually find yourself
outside. To your west is a monster blocking a strange tile. Step on it and
the door to the right will open.

Okay, with the door open, we can now access the boss. Drop off the ledge
kill off the Avizzard. Head down the steps that it was blocking. To your
is the switch you just pressed. See the cave on your ledge? Enter it for
items. The first chest has some Cure Potions. If you keep heading in
you'll reach another opening. Go through to the next chamber. At the
head north. Upon reaching the end of this path, you'll be rewarded with
Heal Potions and Cure Potions. Return to the fork. This time, take the

Keep heading north until you reach the steps leading up to the ledge. Walk
and go left and south. Jump the gap at the end and fight the Salamand.
the next gap and kill off the Stheno to access the chest. Take the Heal
Potions and return to the stairs. Go east and follow the path. Ignore the
first gap jump across the second. After getting rid a Adamant Turtle, you
pick up some Heal Potions. Return to that other gap and jump across it.

Now that we're on the right track, continue northbound. Defeat the
that is sitting at the corner. Advance west and you will finally reach the
door leading out of here. In the next room, there are two chests. Both are
haphazardly surrounded by monsters though. If you aren't at level 24 yet,
suggest beating up monsters until you are. Both chests contain Cure
so you're not missing out on anything if you don't open them. Anyway, keep
going and enter the next room.

Instead of climbing the wall, just climb the staircase to your left.
Avizzard will await you at the top. Enter the next cave. You will have to
travel down some stairs before you even get anywhere. Defeat the Hot Wings
to your right and proceed down the steps. There are a bunch of chests in
room. Likewise, there are also a bunch of monsters. Head south until you
some steps. Defeat the Salamand and get ready to do a lot of jumping

The first gap to your left will take you to a chest (Heal Potions). Return
the other path. If you keep going, you'll come across two gaps. Jump
the left one and open the chest for some Cure Potions. Now, hop across the
on the right and beat up the monster. Step down to the lower area and go
Clear out the Hot Wings. To the west are some Heal Potions. The right path
will reveal some Cure Potions. Head back north and step up to the ledge
the Ninja on it.

Defeat the Ninja and jump to the other ledge. Proceed and kill off the
guarding the chest containing Heal Potions. To continue, you can just walk
through the nearby doorway. However, if you want some more items, you can
explore the rest of this room. When you're done, exit through the said
doorway. You will appear just before the big doors that you have opened
before. Clear out the single Salamand up ahead.

Yay, more jumping. First, hop to the right. At the fork, jump south.
the Stheno and open the chest for some (once again) Cure Potions. Jump all
the way back to the center platform. This time, go left. At the fork, head
north. Get rid of the Stheno and go west. The northwest platform has some
more Cure Potions for you. Head east and you'll finally reach the big man
himself. Meet the Dualhead Hydra.

Boss Fight: Dualhead Hydra ~

The White spell will be your salvation in this battle. Although
obviously can't cast it forever, it still will deal a
amount of damage to the Dualhead Hydra. Reuben is useful for
so have him use Life to replenish your party's HP. The Dualhead
Hydra is capable of quite a few different attacks. Para-Breath
Poison Breath will paralyze and poison, respectively. Stone Gas
petrify. Heal Potions will clear a unit of those annoying
Fire Breath deals heavy damage as well. Although a Moon Helm can
help defend against Fire Breath, Reuben (without any fire
will surely be fried. It's not imperative that he survives, but
really helps out with his Life spell.

From the ashes of its corpse, the third crystal will materialize. Reuben
congratulate you and mention Windia, the sector of the fourth crystal. A
sudden earthquake will ravage the land and some lava will blast out of the
volcano. Pick up the Sun Coin before hopping out of here.

Well, the land hasn't really changed. However, there are no more
despite the fact that the volcano is still standing. Strange.

4.5. The Final Sector

The recent eruption created a new path to another Battlefield and an

alternative route to the northeast sector. Before you continue, tackle the

Battlefield Eighteen ~
Monsters: Iflyte, Stheno
Prize: 1068 EXP
~ Monsters here are basically the same ones that you have
fought in the Lava Dome. Even by now, you might have a bit of
trouble taking these down. If you want to clear them quickly,
just use White every single turn. Seeds will replenish your
Wizard magic counter. This is a somewhat difficult
so don't hesitate to go back to Fireburg for a rest when it's
needed. Be sure to heal any status ailments that the Sthenos
Iflytes might inflict on you.

Head over to the Focus Tower. Be sure to take the entrance that puts you
front of the four "special" doors.

---=| Focus Tower to Windia |=---

Now, with the Sun Coin, you can open the purple door. That man is waiting
you past the door. Be on the lookout for Captain Mac's ship! Anyway, the
is past the staircase. However, if you want the Aero spell, descend the
into the Doom Castle. This castle, for some reason, is underground.
defeat the single monster and pick up your Aero spell. We'll access the
of this castle later. Return and leave the Focus Tower.

---=| Rope Bridge |=---

This bridge is in major need of repair as you can see. Begin by walking
and a Mummy will materialize out of thin air. Reuben will step up to the
and take care of this monster. You can probably predict what will happen
Yep, the monster knocks him off the bridge. And of course, you're left to
this Mummy in its place. It seems that Reuben is fine. He'll catch up
Tristam will also appear and decides to join your party. NOOO! I want

You can climb down some of the vines to find cool stuff in chests.
there's really nothing you DESPERATELY need. Make it to the end of the
and leave. You'll reach the Alive Forest afterwards.

---=| Alive Forest |=---

There are a few monsters here. For some Cure Potions, look to your north
cut down some trees. Fight the two monsters and open the chest. Now, cut
trees south of the group of trees in the shape of an arrow pointing left.
Continue and fight the Mummy. Head down the steps and you'll reach a giant
tree stump with a strange tile on it. Continue east from there to meet two
more monsters by a tree with a face on it.

Talk to it and Tristam will recommend getting Kaeli here because she can
obviously talk to trees... Head southeast from the talking tree to find
another gigantic tree stump. South of it is a chest containing the Giant's
Axe; the most powerful axe in the game! Of course, monsters guard it. To
Kaeli, you'll have to head over to Phoebe's house in Aquaria. Do just
Phoebe will state that Kaeli is still asleep. Blargh. Head over to
Place underneath her house. Find the old man and talk to him. Tristam will
appear and gets sidetracked by Spencer's offer. Looks like he'll be
you, thankfully. Also, you get his Dragon Claw (that he found earlier in
game). This, my friends, is a HOT weapon. Wield it with pride. Leave
Place and check on Kaeli. She'll join with awesome stats.

Now it's time to return to the Alive Forest. Check on that big, talking
and he'll be like, "Yo, wassup." Then Kaeli will say some stuff. The big
will let you go through if you whack some monsters in him.

---=| Giant Tree |=---

So you're inside a giant tree. Not exactly the most creative thing ever,
I guess it'll do.

Begin by heading right. Defeat the monsters blocking the path. The chest
the end contains some Cure Potions. Return to the entrance and head
At the fork, head right. Of course, some more enemies will try to block
A Live Oak guards a chest full of Refreshers. Head back to the split and
the left fork this time.

Clear out the monsters and continue west until you hit the wall. There are
chests above and below you. Steal the Cure Potions and Heal Potions and
continue north. Follow the path east and climb the wall. Here's where it
fun. Take out your Dragon Claw and aim at the little stub to your south.
it and you'll be grappled to the other platform. Repeat this process with
platform south of that one. Look to your west and use the Dragon Claw to
to the following ledge. Keep doing this until you reach a door. Go right

Head east first. Kill off the Snipion and snag some Heal Potions from the
chest. From your current position, you should be able to see a special
to your southeast. How do we get there? You'll soon see. Keep going south
defeat the next row of enemies. After finishing off the Mad Toad, go
the doorway a tiny bit to the right. Whoa, mushroom paradise! This room is
also infested with Mad Toads. Apparently, frogs in this game love
for some reason.

Use the Giant's Axe and cut a path to the two chests. Defeat the Mad Toad
steal some Cure Potions and Explosives. Backtrack a little bit and slice a
path to the south end of the room. This next part will be sure to take a
time. Defeat each and every Mad Toad while you progress around the room.
Blizzard as they're weak against water (for some reason). Eventually,
reach the exit door. The last monster that you'll fight before the chest
is a
Snipion. Finally, you can open it for the well-deserved Meteor spell.

Return to the entrance of this floor. Head west this time and follow that
path. You can use the Dragon Claw to get across the gap in the floor. Kill
the Live Oak and continue onwards. If you go all the way east, you can
pick up
some more Cure Potions. Climb the wall nearby and walk west. Use the
Claw to reach the door. Alternatively, you could have climbed the other
but you would have never gotten to Cure Potions. Clear the Mad Frog out of
way. The door appears to be closed. Simply poke it with a sword to force

Before climbing down, take some Heal Potions from the chest. Climb down
defeat the two monsters on your left. Open the two chests for some more
Potions and Heal Potions (I'm getting tired of saying those words). Climb
back up to the starting position and get rid of the Leech on the left.
to the platform on your left. Continue south until you meet some more
Kill 'em all.

Keep going until you reach a door. Like before, just poke it with a sword
force it open. Yes, it's another mushroom room. The Leeches hanging around
are sure to give you a headache. Begin by heading west. Remember that
are weak against axe attacks. Make your way to the northwest corner. Once
there, climb the wall and drop down to the lower area. Fight the two
and proceed south. Simply go through the door to get out of that hellhole.

Back out here, go southwest to a vine. Climb it down and drop off. Down
walk north a bit to find another closed door. You know the drill. Stab it
head through. On this floor, you will find yourself on a ledge. A Mad Toad
will block a wall that you can climb. Bring it down and climb the
wall. This next part is a bit tough. You'll have to drop off by releasing
A Button. When you hit the other part, hit the A Button so that you latch
Repeat this process until you reach another door. Stab it and proceed.

We're almost done, luckily. Head south at first and defeat the various
and such. You will come to three doors. You can enter either the door in
the middle or the one on the left. There are various items scattered in
following mushroom room. If you want them, then seek them out. Hack your
through the mushrooms while following the path. You should not get too
interference from the Oozes. Climb the wall and exit through the nearby

Immediately kill off the nearby Leech. Advance northward while taking care
more monsters. You will have to walk clockwise around this platform to
actually get anywhere. You should reach a climb-able wall. You can use the
Dragon Claw to grapple on the stub to the south. Two chests can be found
that platform. If you want Explosives or some more Cure Potions, open
chests. Finally, climb the wall and stab the door to force it open.

Ah crap, more monsters. To your immediate south are some chests containing
Cure Potions and Heal Potions. If you'd prefer to go out of your way for
more chests, head over to the northwest corner for some Explosives and
Heal Potions. Before you climb the wall to the boss (at the north end of
room), remember to heal up.

Boss Fight: Gidrah ~

Get rid of the two Skuldiers by using Aero. Once they are
out, have Benjamin use Meteor or White while Kaeli continues to
blast Gidrah with Aero. Gidrah can paralyze and petrify your
so watch out for those. Remember to use Heal in order to clear
status ailments. If both units are petrified, then you lose.
sure that doesn't happen.

Walk up to the final door and examine it. It will offer to carry you to
Windia. Enjoy the "ride" on the tree's branch as he transports you off.
Exit to get out of there and continue. Next stop; the Kaidge Temple.

---=| Kaidge Temple |=---

Climb up the wall and meet the strange man once more. He'll mention
Mac again and fly off. Proceed deeper into the cave if you need some Cure
Potions. If not, just skedaddle out of there. Up ahead are two more
Battlefields. These are the last ones. Rejoice!!

Battlefield Nineteen ~
Monsters: Skuldier, Water Hag, Ooze
Prize: 2808 EXP
~ Skuldiers are easy enough to beat. They're weak against Aero,
so use that if you need to. Don't use magic against Oozes
as they simply bounce off (and hit you back). Skuldiers
the most, which is a good thing. You might consider Mega
as well. Choose whichever way works best, and clean out the

Battlefield Twenty ~
Monsters: Water Hag, Vampire
Prize: 2700 EXP
~ Intimidating as they may be (Haha, yeah right), Vampires can
be shut down painlessly with Aero. Take advantage of their
weakness and shut 'em out. Water Hags are weak against the
spell. However, it seems that the Giant's Axe deals more
than that. Either way, Water Hags should be nothing. Vampires
might cause some problems, but Aero should take them down
they can even attack. Beware of the occasional "Unexpected

Just ahead of these two Battlefields is Windia, capital of the southeast.

Let's check it out, yo.
---=| Windia |=---

Windia sure is windy. I mean, that weathervane on the house to your right
be moving at least 100 mph! Begin by entering the house to your left. Talk
the girl inside to buy the Cupid Locket. Trust me, you want this. For 300
you can have protection against silence status, confusion (HOORAY!), and
blindness. It also adds to your defense, which isn't a bad deal.

Check in the basement of the northeast house to find two chests. Inside
some Heal Potions and bombs. There's one more house you should visit
heading on out. The house below the inn (with the weathervane on it) is
residence of Otto. He'll state that his daughter had went up north using
Rainbow Road. Norma was blown off by the wind and is stuck down there. If
wind doesn't die down, she'll be stuck there for all eternity. You can go
upstairs for some Heal Potions.

Before going, you might want to stop at the inn. Upstairs, where the beds
are two chests. Inside are some Refreshers and Heal Potions. Upon leaving
Windia, head south and east. The Windhole Temple is up ahead.

---=| Windhole Temple |=---

There's really nothing interesting here. In fact, none of the temples

throughout this world serve that much of a purpose. Get the Heal Potions
in the
middle before heading out. North of the Windhole Temple is Mount Gale.

---=| Mount Gale |=---

Ignore the first staircase you see. Continue along and ignore the second
staircase unless you want a chest of Heal Potions. Ascend and beat up the
Water Hag. Climb the multiple stairsets until you reach a Skuldier
your way. Defeat it and advance. At the gap, use the Dragon Claw to
yourself across.

Jump the next gap (there's no point in using the Dragon Claw for that).
south and defeat another Water Hag. You'll now be on the opposite side of
rocks. Continue descending the staircase and follow the path to come
across a
Vampire. Kill it and take the steps down. If you'd like, you can go north
find a chest of Refreshers across the gap. Keep going south and climb down
another staircase. Go northeast and up the stairs.

Kill off another Skuldier and proceed. Head up the next long staircase you
To your west is a messed-up bridge reminiscent of the Rope Bridge you
before. Walk across to the opposite side and defeat the monster blocking
way. Look north and grapple yourself across the chasm. Here, you'll find
Apollo Helm; the strongest helmet you'll pick up. Defeat the Vampire, and
your prize. Well, you can't just go back south because Benjamin can't jump
that far AND there is no grappling hook. Instead, look to your west. Get
Water Hag out of the way and jump across that gap.

Now just use the Dragon Claw and circle around. Proceed south and get back
the other half of the bridge. Use it to get to Vampire just below you. Ben
will automatically assume that he holds the fourth crystal... for some
reason... Nah, it's Pazuzu.

Boss Fight: Dullahan ~

So this Dullahan is some headless knight in shining armor, eh?
First thing's first; get rid of the two Vampires he has at his
That should be instinct by now. Aero will get rid of them
The best way to defeat Dullahan is through pounding him with
That means casting Meteor, White, etc. Kaeli won't be too useful
this fight, but she's a good healer. Use her to heal Benjamin if
loses a lot of HP. She can also heal the various status ailments
that Dullahan might cast upon you. The one move you want to
out for is Doom Dance. It is capable of automatically killing
of your units regardless of their HP. Needless to say, it can
pretty annoying. All you basically need to do is use Meteor
that ugly Dullahan dies.
Well, this dungeon was kind of pointless. At least we got the Apollo Helm
of it. Pazuzu holds the last crystal. He can be found in Pazuzu's Tower,
after him of course. Use the Exit spell and return to Windia.

Hmm, it seems that the wind has stopped. You can have some fun by getting
top of the inn's roof using the Dragon Claw but there's no point in doing
that. Give Otto a visit and he'll power up the rainbow road for you.
you go though, he'll tell you to hit the switches with your axe to work
elevator. I wonder how he knows that...

---=| Pazuzu's Tower |=---

Now inside Pazuzu's Tower, you should see a little girl to the right. Walk
the steps and talk to her. Well, now that you've rescued her, you might as
well continue.

With that, begin walking into the middle area of the room. You'll have to
fight through some monsters obviously. You don't have to beat them all up.
Just clear a path to the big bird up ahead. Yep, that's Pazuzu. Before you
can kick his butt, he'll fly off. Damn. Return to the entrance and head
past the area where you found Norma. Go through the opening and defeat the
Beholder blocking the doorway. Continue along.

Get rid of the monster blocking the staircase up ahead. Proceed and kill
another annoying Garuda and then another one at the end. Continue west and
you will see the elevator of Pazuzu's Tower. Defeat the Beholder and head
south. There's a staircase to your left. Don't take it just yet. Kill off
Manticor followed by a Chimera. Beware of Chimeras as they are capable of
petrifying you. That would suck. Last, but not least, get rid of the
blocking the doorway. A line of four monsters block two chests. You will
20 bombs for the picking. With those collected, return to the staircase I
you to ignore previously. Walk up the following stairs all the way to 5F.

A Garuda up ahead is just asking to be vanquished. Do just that and

Walk through the doorway and you'll reach another set of stairs and a
Go through. Once more, climb all the stairs to the very end. Monsters
each stop so clear them out of your way. Once you finally reach the top,
will appear on 7F. Head west and use your Dragon Claw to get to the
to your north. Get rid of the Thanatos and step onto the ledge. Advance
way until you see a staircase leading down. This will bring you to 6F.

Proceed south and get rid of the Sorcerer that is blocking your path. Walk
tiny bit to the right and kill the Naga after the steps. Be careful of
their Sleep Lure attack. They can also confuse Kaeli, but not Benjamin due
his Apollo Helm. Go south and through the doorway. Here, you have a
a chest containing Cure Potions, and a cracked door. Pick up the Cure
and continue left. Pop open the chest for the Flare spell!

Return to the cracked wall and throw a Mega Grenade to blast it out of the
way. Continue and defeat the two monsters that are blocking your way. At
north end, you'll find Pazuzu YET AGAIN! Once more, he flies off. Pazuzu
is good at running away. Backtrack and hit the purple switch on the wall
your Giant's Axe. Head back south and move through the opening by the
chest. Kill the Naga just ahead and follow the path to a staircase.

You should be on 5F upon descending the stairs. Begin by getting rid of

Thanatos. Head south and east. Slay the monsters ahead and jump the gap.
north from here and kill another Thanatos. Ahead is a staircase leading
The smart thing to do would be to take them. The new monster you see is a
Gargoyle. In my book, monsters that are *pink* are weaklings. Defeat it
continue south.

After killing off a Chimera, you will appear at a staircase along with two
doorways to your left and right. First, defeat the Sorcerer blocking the
on the right. Inside is a chest containing the... Excalibur! Now that's a
friggin' powerful weapon!! With that collected, go through the opening on
left. Blow a hole in the cracked wall and proceed through it. A line of
Gargoyles have to be defeated before you get anywhere. Get the Heal
and Cure Potions. Talk to Pazuzu and he'll fly off. Typical...

Return through the door you bombed open and head west a little bit. After
defeating the monster, go north through the doorway. A Chimera blocks the
switch that you have to hit. Use that axe and smack it. Walk down the
steps (to your immediate left). A Thanatos will pop up right in front of
face. Slay it and continue all the way down the stairs. At the end, you
appear on 2F.

A staircase is nearby. There's no point in descending though. Defeat the

monsters and proceed south through the doorway. Ignore the cracked door
defeat the next line of monsters. It's a lot, but shouldn't take that much
time. After killing the last Naga, go through the doorway and through the
other opening to the right. Ignore the staircase here as well. Steal some
Potions and Cure Potions and leave the room. Head north past another line
monsters. At the end, a switch can be found. Once more, hit it with your

The elevator now has Pazuzu on 5F. Head back south and descend the stairs
the first floor. Use the Dragon Claw to grapple to the opposite hook. You
should know how to get to 5F from here. Head east and through the doorway.
Walk up the steps and repeat this process on 3F. You will find Pazuzu
at 5F. Playtime's over, pal.
Boss Fight: Pazuzu ~
The birdman is weak against wind attacks, so Aero works wonders.
Flare deals more damage though. Those two spells should deal the
most damage against Pazuzu. A lot of his attacks deal 500+
Keep Kaeli's HP high as she seems to die very often. Psychshield
makes it so that if you attack Pazuzu while it is up, you will
a nasty counter-attack. Do not attack with his shield up for
very reason. When the Psychshield is down, it is safe to kick
butt. Take caution with that one move and you shouldn't die THAT
often. If you send a constant barrage of Flare and Aero, the
will go much quicker. Aero (assuming Kaeli casts it) deals 1500+
damage while Flare can deal 2000+ damage. Those are some pretty
figures if you ask me.

Afterwards, Benjamin will take the elevator and ride it up to the top of
Pazuzu's Tower. The screen will darken and the final crystal will appear
all of its glory. Of course, you can't forget the Sky Coin in the chest.
is all four crystals. However, there is one more task we must accomplish
before we can call it quits. Cast Exit and leave the tower.

4.6. D-D-Doom Castle

Return back to Windia and get your butt to Otto's house. Talk to him to
that Captain Mac is still stuck. Reuben manages to barge in. Looks like
he's back just as he said he would. He'll explain his finding on a
to the top of the Focus Tower. In order to save Captain Mac, you'll have
blast Spencer's Place to drain the water into the lake. However, you'll
a Thunder Rock so Otto can build the rainbow road. Reuben's dad knows

Kaeli leaves the party to take care of Norma and Reuben joins! Arion lives
Fireburg, remember? Head over to Reuben's house and talk to Arion, who is
currently resting in bed. Upon asking him about Thunder Rock, he hands it
over to you. Now you can head back to Windia and talk to Otto again. He'll
go upstairs with the Thunder Rock and power up his machine. With the new
rainbow road, you can now get over to Spencer's Place. Do just that.

Use the new rainbow road past Pazuzu's Tower to get to Spencer's Place.
might notice a ship to your left. You'll reach that soon enough. Enter
Spencer's Place and Reuben will use a Mega Grenade and blow up the area.
water will flow free and form a gigantic lake outside. Captain Mac's ship
float toward the landmass. Before you go though, head north and climb into
the water. Keep going and climb back onto the ground. Throw a Mega Grenade
blow a hole in the wall...

Now, return to the entrance and hop on the platform to your left and
You'll see a white tile on the ground. Bomb the nearby wall with a Mega
Grenade. Take the warp with the Gemini Crest and you'll teleport just
before a
cave. Follow it through the hole you blew in the wall. At the end is the
Mobius Crest. With it, you can warp on the respective tile. Try it out on
mobius tile nearby. You'll teleport near the entrance of Spencer's Place.
return to Windia.

Head to Otto's House and talk to Kaeli, who is currently tending to Norma.
will hand you the Captain's Cap to show Captain Mac. Okay, so we have all
that done. Now, how do we get to his ship? The key is the house at the
northeast corner. Proceed to its basement and step on the tile. With the
Mobius Crest, you will warp to the Ship Dock.

---=| Ship Dock |=---

Although it doesn't really look like much of a dock, Captain Mac's ship is
up ahead anyway. Step onto the boardwalk to his ship. Notice the gigantic
difference between you and his ship. (Benjamin is bigger than the entire

---=| Deck |=---

Well, here we are. Now to look for Captain Mac. There are a bunch of
on the deck. Ignore them for now. Begin by heading to the middle of the
where the steering wheel is located. Go north from there and go right. See
barrel that's blocking the upper-right corner of the tiny center room?
it down and get the Heal Potions. Then climb up the big pole. See the
intersection of the two masts? Move a bit to the right and up the
thick piece of rope.

At the top of the rope, head left and down the middle mast. You will drop
between two Thanatos. Defeat either one (or both) and open the chest for
more Heal Potions. With that, head over to the stairs in the upper-left

---=| Mac's Ship |=---

Obviously, you should take the next stairs leading down. You will reach
Simply follow the path, defeating any monsters that get in your way. You
will reach another staircase at the end. Here, you'll have two ways to go;
left or right? The right path has a chest containing Refreshers. Just make
sure that you DO NOT fall down the hole. The left path will let you
Take the stairs at the end of that.

Once again, you appear on B2. Advance southbound and clear out that ugly
Gargoyle. The stairs to Mac's floor awaits. Take it up. Be sure to take
Gaia's Armor before getting to Captain Mac. You can tell that he's pretty
nervous. Before Kaeli takes her dad back to Windia, Captain Mac will
the Prophecy...

Suddenly, Reuben will faint. You are going to have to take him back to
You will come to the Ship Dock. Spencer will appear along with Tristam.
isn't this a happy reunion? It seems that Phoebe is looking for you. The
will skedaddle and you're free to step on the tile to get back to Windia.
your butt to the inn and you'll find Phoebe there. Reuben will limp his
way to
bed and Phoebe joins.

Walk upstairs and check on Captain Mac. Apparently, he has discovered a

part of the Prophecy. "The one behind the 4 is darker than the night, and
rises midst the land." The Dark King must be defeated, or else the world
will not be safe. Mac will lend you his ship. Use it to get to the Focus
and finish this fight.

Get back to Mac's Ship and step up to the steering wheel. Sail to the
Tower. This is the entrance to Doom Castle. Before entering, make sure
you are PREPARED. You can't be more safe with 99 Cure Potions, Seeds, and
Heal Potions. This is the final dungeon after all.

---=| Doom Castle |=---

Ignore the steps leading into the moving sand. Defeat the Shadow and
There are a bunch of steps leading into the sand here. You will need to go
down a particular one. You are looking for the last one (the one on the
east). Take them down and you'll be stopped by some bones. Walk a bit to
left until you are moving along the wall. You will stop by a skull and a
staircase. Bomb the former and defeat the Gorgon. You will find the Aegis
Shield on this platform. Wield it with pride.

It's easy to return to the entrance from there. Simply walk west along the
moving sand to reach the first steps you saw. Repeat the process of
to the far-east staircase. Let yourself go down and stop at the bones. Use
Dragon Claw to grapple onto the hook to your east. Climb the stairs and
the Gorgon. Use the Dragon Claw again to get yourself to the next platform
the west). Jump over the hook and grapple onto the next platform to the

Clear out the Minotaur Zombie and climb down the wall. You will
move to another skull and a chest containing Cure Potions. Now, make sure
you are one tile above the chest (and not the skull). Look to your left
throw a Mega Grenade to blow up the bones blocking the hook. Then use the
Dragon Claw to get to the stairs. Upon getting across, climb up the
Oh noes! It's the Skullrus Rex!!

Boss Fight: Skullrus Rex ~

Of course, begin by getting rid of the two Shadows. They won't
tough to take down. I'd suggest casting Flare or something to
damage both at the same time. Upon taking down the Shadows,
pounding the Skullrus Rex with Flare (Benjamin) and White
If you can deal 2000+ damage with each move, the Skullrus Rex
die within 2.5 turns. The only move you will want to watch out
is Sleep Powder. Luckily, Benjamin can't be put to sleep. The
Skullrus Rex is easily defeated.

Once that thing is out of the way, climb the stairs that was behind it and
proceed. Follow the path to another staircase. This one will bring you
before the green door in the Focus Tower. Open it and enter the depths of
Doom Castle.

The first room is icy. You will also see the statues that were originally
found in the Ice Pyramid. Defeat the Shadow on the left and stab the
with your Excalibur. The door will thus open. Go through and move left.
over the narrow gap and continue. Once again, poke the statue and proceed.
Get the Phanquid out of the way and stab the statue that it was originally
blocking. This will pop open a door on the opposite side. It will prove to
be very useful later. Return to the entrance and head east.

Jump over the hook and use the Dragon Claw to get to the eastern platform.
Simply go through the door and open the chest for some Heal Potions.
through the opening. You will appear at a four-way intersection separated
a hole in the middle. Jump over it and keep going. When you see the hook
your south, grapple to it and hit the nearby switch (stab it). Head east
jump the hole.

There are two paths here. Take the path that doesn't have the Phanquid
blocking it. Stab the statue and return to the Phanquid. Defeat it and
past it. Pick up the Arrows from the chest and move through the door you
opened previously. A Freezer Crab blocks yet another statue to poke. Do
that and backtrack to the four-way intersection (hole in middle). A bit to
the west of that is the hook you used before. Use the Dragon Claw to
onto the hook by the entrance.

Jump over the hook you just used. Now, grapple onto the platform to the
Basically, all we're doing is just circling around. When you reach the
door, go through. Poke the statue in the next room to open the door on the
right. Ignore that door for now. Instead, head left. Stab the statue you
find. Accomplishing that, head south and jump left over the hole. Follow
path east to a four-way split again. Once more, hop over and circle
You'll come to a chest containing Refreshers on your way.

Keep going forward and you'll enter the room that you opened. Pick up the
Arrows and defeat the Freezer Crab. Keep moving and use the Dragon Claw to
get across the next chasm. Heal up and prepare to fight the Stone Golem.

Boss Fight: Stone Golem ~

Two Cerberus's accompany the Stone Golem in all of his...
stoniness! The faster you take care of them, the better. You
want Doom Gaze (instant KO) to get the best of you before you
begin to fight the Stone Golem. Don't use Flare or Meteor or the
Stone Golem is strong against those two spells. Beware of any
ailments he might inflict upon you. Use Heal to dispatch any
away. As a side note, how does a "Stone" Golem melt?

Once the Stone Golem is down for the count, backtrack to the entrance
You will have to leave the icy area altogether to get to the next floor.
you're out of it, you will notice that the next two stairs have been
Ascend them to the next portion of Doom Castle.

You should see a pattern going on here. The first area was ground-ish to
resemble the style of the Bone Dungeon. The second was icy to resemble the
Ice Pyramid. Now the third style is that of the Lava Dome. Interesting...

Start off by heading east until you reach the lower-right corner. Jump
the nearby block and follow the blocks (because you can't jump diagonally,
only have one path to take). Soon, you will jump to some stairs. Follow
up the ledge and proceed to defeat the Iflyte. Go down the stairs and then
jump onto the block to the west. Kill the Stheno and open both chests for
Arrows and Cure Potions. Hop on the blocks to your south and defeat the
Cerberus. The two chests contain Arrows and Heal Potions.

Use the Dragon Claw to grapple onto the stub to the left. Once again, jump
across the blocks in the lava to reach a staircase. Defeat the Iflyte and
continue. At the north-south fork, go down. Ignore the Cerberus and walk
to the open wall. Grapple onto the stub and jump over it. Kill the Stheno
and advance. Hop over the block and battle the Twinhead Wyvern!

Boss Fight: Twinhead Wyvern ~

The Twinhead Wyvern enters the fight with a Stheno and Iflyte as
allies. Do what you have to do first obviously. The Iflyte and
Stheno are easily defeated with magic or plain physical strikes.
Do not use Flare or Fire in this fight. The Twinhead Wyvern is
strong against flame-based spells. Instead, use Meteor or White.
find it best for Benjamin to cast Meteor while Phoebe casts
The battle should be over within a few turns. You shouldn't have
much trouble with status problems, but use Heal if needed.

Now that that's over with, you can return to the entrance. Like before,
next stairset will now be available. 6F is the second to last floor.
it will prove to be pretty long (and maybe a little bit confusing).
to say, it isn't over just yet.

Note that you can easily fall off the side here down into the abyss. You
land in the previous floor if you happen to do that. Begin by heading
Soon, you will reach a fork. Head right and go down at the next split.
up the steps and get rid of the Cerberus. Begin moving east once more and
follow the pathway, making sure that you don't fall off, until you reach a

Dispose of the Chimera and continue west. Ignore the path leading north.
Eventually, you will reach a Thanatos blocking some steps. Defeat the
and head down the steps and through the doorway. A Cerberus blocks your
further ahead. Kill it as well. Go through the opening and proceed east.
should be able to see yourself through the glass (HI!). Of course, you'll
fighting various monsters while in that tunnel.

Soon enough, you will reach an opening. Head south and kill the Chimera in
your path. When you reach the next opening, turn right and enter the
path (you should see yourself in the glass again). Walk a tiny bit to the
doorway. Then head north and through the opening. Kill the Cerberus and
up. Simply follow this path to the end. A Pazuzu lookalike can be found on
the middle platform. This is Zuh!

Boss Fight: Zuh ~

This is basically Pazuzu all over again. Begin the fight by
off his Chimera and Thanatos allies. Luckily for you, all three
your enemies are weak to Aero. Start off the battle by casting
and repeat until both Thanatos and Chimera are dead. For the
remainder of the battle, you can easily win by casting Flare
and over again. Be wary of the Psychshield. When it's up, DO NOT
attack unless you want to die young. To win, all you really have
do is repeatedly use Flare and White. Use Cure when necessary
Life if someone happens to fall in battle.

With Zuh defeated, you'll have to leave this area. I found it faster to
fall off the edge of a platform and leave from fiery floor. But whichever
you choose, simply make your way to 7F. Walk up to the statue and the
shall speak to you. The walls surrounding the nearby chests will go down
your access. They contain 25 of whatever they are holding. You probably
even need it at this point. When you're done looting, go through the final
door to meet the Dark King. Oh man, what a cool place!

Boss Fight: Dark King ~

The Dark King begins in his regular form; lookin' all cool in
attire. Begin by using White and Flare and other powerful
This part of the fight is the easiest, so don't use Cure just
When he starts to mock you (he'll actually say something), the
King will grow some new arms. Each of them is armed with a
weapon. Now this is where it starts to get a little bit tough.
out for his stronger attacks that can deal a heavy amount of
I would just give Phoebe the role of healer now while Benjamin
blasts away with Flare. Be patient and concentrate more on
Phoebe and Benjamin alive than actually damaging him. If you are
diligent, you should deal about 2000 HP damage every turn at the
least. Repeat this process for a bunch of turns until the Dark
speaks again. Yeah, he turns into a spider. Use the same routine
with Phoebe curing and Benjamin using Flare. At this point,
begin to
watch out for Mega Flare and Laser. Trust me, it's not fun
hit by those moves. At long lasts, he'll finally transform into
final form; an octopussy-looking thing. Have Phoebe continue to
the two. A few more Flares will finally put the Dark King in his

Congratulations, you have defeated the Dark King and saved the world from
certain demise. Enjoy your ending!

_______ _ _______ _
(_______) | (_______) | |
_ | |__ _____ _____ ____ __| |
| | | _ \| ___ | | ___) | _ \ / _ |
| | | | | | ____| | |_____| | | ( (_| |
|_| |_| |_|_____) |_______)_| |_|\____|

--- 5. Equipment Listing ---

Listed below are the weapons and armor that Benjamin is able to equip
the game.

5.1. Weapons

Steel Sword ~
Type: Sword
Description: This is the sword that you start with.

Knight Sword ~
Type: Sword
Description: Powerful sword. It deals a good amount of damage.

Excalibur ~
Type: Sword
Description: This is the most powerful sword (and weapon) in the

Axe ~
Type: Axe
Description: Basic axe. It can chop down trees.

Battle Axe ~
Type: Axe
Description: Powerful axe. It can chop down trees.

Giant's Axe ~
Type: Axe
Description: The best axe you'll find in the game. It can chop
Cat Claw ~
Type: Claw
Description: These claws can inflict a few status ailments on
enemy. Out of battle, they can be used to climb

Charm Claw ~
Type: Claw
Description: These claws can inflict a number of status ailments
the enemy. Out of battle, they can be used to climb

Dragon Claw ~
Type: Claw
Description: These claws can inflict a large number of status
ailments on the enemy. Out of battle, they can be
to climb walls. They are also used as a grappling

Bomb ~
ATP: 63
Type: Explosive
Description: The most basic explosive. It can be used to blow
weak walls and doors.

Jumbo Bomb ~
ATP: 112
Type: Explosive
Description: This is a bigger bomb that deals more damage. It
can be
used to blow open weak walls and doors.

Mega Grenade ~
ATP: 162
Type: Explosive
Description: The most powerful explosive. It can be used to blow
open weak walls and doors.

5.2. Armor

Steel Armor ~
DEF: 6
Type: Body Armor
Description: Basic armor. Offers light protection.

Noble Armor ~
DEF: 12
Type: Body Armor
Description: Strong armor. Offers medium protection.

Gaia's Armor ~
DEF: 15
Type: Body Armor
Description: The strongest armor. Offers lots of protection and
is strong against various elements.

Steel Shield ~
DEF: 5
Type: Shield
Description: Basic shield. Offers light protection.

Venus Shield ~
DEF: 10
Type: Shield
Description: Strong shield. Offers medium protection. Prevents
paralysis attacks.

Aegis Shield ~
DEF: 14
Type: Shield
Description: The strongest shield. Offers lots of protection and
is strong against petrify/paralyze attacks.

Steel Helmet ~
DEF: 4
Type: Helmet
Description: Basic helmet. Offers some protection.

Moon Helmet ~
DEF: 9
Type: Helmet
Description: Strong helmet. Offers good protection.
Apollo Helmet ~
DEF: 15
Type: Helmet
Description: The strongest helmet. Strong protection against
as well.

Charm ~
DEF: 1
Type: Accessory
Description: Basic accessory. Offers light protection.

Magic Ring ~
DEF: 3
Type: Accessory
Description: This ring offers some protection. You also cannot

Cupid Locket ~
DEF: 6
Type: Accessory
Description: This locket offers some defense and protection
some status ailments.

--- 6. Magic Listing ---

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest gives you access to 12 different magic spells
all. They are split into three categories with four spells to each group;
White, Black, and Wizard.

6.1. White

Cure ~
Description: Use this on a single target to fully heal HP. If
heal both units, than only partial HP is restored.
Exit ~
Description: Use this spell during battle to "teleport" a
out of the battle for no EXP and GP. Exit's most
task is transporting your party out of dungeons.

Heal ~
Description: Use this spell to immediately cure all status
for one unit.

Life ~
Description: Life can raise a KOed unit. If the unit you cast it
isn't dead, then it will replenish max HP.

6.2. Black

Aero ~
Description: Deals wind damage. You can select one target for
maximum damage or multiple targets for weaker, more
spread out damage.

Blizzard ~
Description: Deals water damage. You can select one target for
maximum damage or multiple targets for weaker, more
spread out damage.

Fire ~
Description: Deals fire damage. You can select one target for
maximum damage or multiple targets for weaker, more
spread out damage.

Quake ~
Description: Deals earth damage. It affects all enemy units on-

6.3. Wizard

Flare ~
Description: Deals large amounts of fire damage. All enemies
on-screen are affected.

Meteor ~
Description: This spell rains meteors down upon your foes. All
enemies on-screen are affected.

Thunder ~
Description: Deals lightning damage. You can select one target
maximum damage or multiple targets for weaker, more
spread out damage.

White ~
Description: Deals heavy damage. All enemies on-screen are

--- 7. Item Listing ---

Each of the below listed items will help you with your quest. Key Items
items that are necessary to complete your quest.

7.1. Items

Cure Potion ~
Description: This potion restores 1/4 of a unit's HP.

Heal Potion ~
Description: This potion recovers a unit from status ailments.

Refresher ~
Description: This potion recovers status loss during battle.

Seed ~
Description: This item will restore all magic counters.

7.2. Key Items

Captain Cap ~
Description: Show this to Captain Mac.

Elixir ~
Description: This is used to help Kaeli recover from her poison.

Magic Mirror ~
Description: Used to see monsters in the Ice Pyramid.

Mask ~
Description: Used to see monsters in the Volcano.

Multi-Key ~
Description: Used to open a door in Fireburg to get Mega

River Coin ~
Description: This coin opens the blue door in the Focus Tower.

Sand Coin ~
Description: This coin opens the gold door in the Focus Tower.

Sky Coin ~
Description: This coin opens the green door in the Focus Tower.

Sun Coin ~
Description: This coin opens the purple door in the Focus Tower.

Thunder Rock ~
Description: Used to build rainbow road.
Tree Wither ~
Description: You must show this to Kaeli.

Venus Key ~
Description: Used to open the chest containing the Venus Shield.

Wakewater ~
Description: Use this unfreeze Aquaria.

--- 8. Boss Listing ---

The bosses of Final Fantasy Mystic Quest are listed below. Included are
strategies and HP statistics.


Minotaur -- 240 HP ~
First, I'll tell you the cheap method of winning. Simply have
cast Life on the Minotaur to immediately put him out of
If you'd rather just attack the conventional way though, you
have a tiny bit of trouble. Use Cure to heal up your units. The
Minotaur hits pretty hard, so you'll need it. Obviously, if
dies, you'll need Kaeli's Life spell to revive him. Just

Flamerus Rex -- 2200 HP ~

You know, they could have at least come up with a better name.
Assuming you didn't already use up all your Quakes, now would be
great time for Benjamin to use them. The Flamerus Rex can deal
damage with most of his attacks, so make sure that Benjamin or
Tristam heals up occasionally. Both Life and Cure heal HP so use
them. Because the Flamerus Rex is strong against poison, don't
on Tristam dealing too much damage. Have him heal and revive
with Life if need be. When the boss's HP gets pretty low, he can
Rip Earth, which deals a good amount of damage to both of them.
always, heal when your HP gets too low. Have Benjamin use Quake
he runs out. Then throw some bombs to finish the Flamerus Rex

Squidite -- 2500 HP ~
Yeah, it's a gigantic squid. Got a problem with that? Squidite
starts the battle with two Sparna allies. Phoebe can easily
them down with her Bow of Grace. Once those are taken care of,
can focus on Squidite itself. Use Phoebe's Thunder spell to take
advantage of Squidite's weakness to that element. However, don't
think it's just going to sit there. Squidite can deal some heavy
damage as well as inflict certain status ailments upon your
Needless to say, if Phoebe needs to use Heal, USE IT! Once
runs out of Thunder, just start pounding it with physical
to bring it down.

Snow Crab -- 3000 HP ~

The Snow Crap has two Desert Hags to help him out. Have Benjamin
and Phoebe use Fire to take them down quickly. The Snow Crab has
some tough attacks. He can easily deal 200+ damage, so make sure
that you heal when necessary. Thunder works the best in this
Have Phoebe cast that while Benjamin either heals or uses Quake.
When the Snow Crab's HP is low, he'll begin to use Tornado for
heavy damage. Heal whenever necessary, and you should be fine.
Mmm, seafood!

Ice Golem -- 6500 HP ~

Oh no; a giant made of ice! So scary. The key to this fight is
magic. Luckily, both Benjamin and Phoebe should have that spell
available. Simply roast the Ice Golem with some of that. Be wary
his attacks though. They can deal a considerable bit of damage
your units. When necessary have either of your units heal.
only one of him, so the Ice Golem can easily be overpowered.
your Black Magic runs dry, start pounding him with physical
Keep your team healed up and you should be fine.

Jinn -- 6000 HP ~
Begin the battle by clearing out the Red Bones that Jinn has
to him. Even though Jinn is fire-based, Blizzard doesn't seem
to be
super-effective against him. Jinn's Flame Pillar move is the
you will want to watch out for. 200+ damage will be dealt to
of your units. Both Benjamin and Reuben should have Life, so be
sure to use it when the other falls. Use Mega Grenade or the
spell, Thunder, to deal heavy damage. With the Charm Claw, you
poison Jinn. Simply keep your units alive with Cure and Life to

Medusa -- 7000 HP ~
Begin by taking out the Were Wolves that join the fight.
should use White while Reuben just attacks with his Morning
Try to take them out before they manage to pull off a Quake or
something. White deals a lot of damage. Only a few castings are
needed to put her down. Be sure to have Reuben heal when needed.
Keep Benjamin alive while Reuben heals and attacks. Beware of
Screech Voice move; it's capable of confusing a unit. Stone
can petrify and Para-snake can paralyze. Ouch.

Dualhead Hydra -- 14000 HP ~

The White spell will be your salvation in this battle. Although
obviously can't cast it forever, it still will deal a
amount of damage to the Dualhead Hydra. Reuben is useful for
so have him use Life to replenish your party's HP. The Dualhead
Hydra is capable of quite a few different attacks. Para-Breath
Poison Breath will paralyze and poison, respectively. Stone Gas
petrify. Heal Potions will clear a unit of those annoying
Fire Breath deals heavy damage as well. Although a Moon Helm can
help defend against Fire Breath, Reuben (without any fire
will surely be fried. It's not imperative that he survives, but
really helps out with his Life spell.

Gidrah -- 13000 HP ~
Get rid of the two Skuldiers by using Aero. Once they are
out, have Benjamin use Meteor or White while Kaeli continues to
blast Gidrah with Aero. Gidrah can paralyze and petrify your
so watch out for those. Remember to use Heal in order to clear
status ailments. If both units are petrified, then you lose.
sure that doesn't happen.

Dullahan -- 14000 HP ~
So this Dullahan is some headless knight in shining armor, eh?
First thing's first; get rid of the two Vampires he has at his
That should be instinct by now. Aero will get rid of them
The best way to defeat Dullahan is through pounding him with
That means casting Meteor, White, etc. Kaeli won't be too useful
this fight, but she's a good healer. Use her to heal Benjamin if
loses a lot of HP. She can also heal the various status ailments
that Dullahan might cast upon you. The one move you want to
out for is Doom Dance. It is capable of automatically killing
of your units regardless of their HP. Needless to say, it can
pretty annoying. All you basically need to do is use Meteor
that ugly Dullahan dies.

Pazuzu -- 25000 HP ~
The birdman is weak against wind attacks, so Aero works wonders.
Flare deals more damage though. Those two spells should deal the
most damage against Pazuzu. A lot of his attacks deal 500+
Keep Kaeli's HP high as she seems to die very often. Psychshield
makes it so that if you attack Pazuzu while it is up, you will
a nasty counter-attack. Do not attack with his shield up for
very reason. When the Psychshield is down, it is safe to kick
butt. Take caution with that one move and you shouldn't die THAT
often. If you send a constant barrage of Flare and Aero, the
will go much quicker. Aero (assuming Kaeli casts it) deals 1500+
damage while Flare can deal 2000+ damage. Those are some pretty
figures if you ask me.

Skullrus Rex -- 10000 HP ~

Of course, begin by getting rid of the two Shadows. They won't
tough to take down. I'd suggest casting Flare or something to
damage both at the same time. Upon taking down the Shadows,
pounding the Skullrus Rex with Flare (Benjamin) and White
If you can deal 2000+ damage with each move, the Skullrus Rex
die within 2.5 turns. The only move you will want to watch out
is Sleep Powder. Luckily, Benjamin can't be put to sleep. The
Skullrus Rex is easily defeated.

Stone Golem -- 10000 HP ~

Two Cerberus's accompany the Stone Golem in all of his...
stoniness! The faster you take care of them, the better. You
want Doom Gaze (instant KO) to get the best of you before you
begin to fight the Stone Golem. Don't use Flare or Meteor or the
Stone Golem is strong against those two spells. Beware of any
ailments he might inflict upon you. Use Heal to dispatch any
away. As a side note, how does a "Stone" Golem melt?

Twinhead Wyvern -- 15000 HP ~

The Twinhead Wyvern enters the fight with a Stheno and Iflyte as
allies. Do what you have to do first obviously. The Iflyte and
Stheno are easily defeated with magic or plain physical strikes.
Do not use Flare or Fire in this fight. The Twinhead Wyvern is
strong against flame-based spells. Instead, use Meteor or White.
find it best for Benjamin to cast Meteor while Phoebe casts
The battle should be over within a few turns. You shouldn't have
much trouble with status problems, but use Heal if needed.

Zuh -- 20000 HP ~
This is basically Pazuzu all over again. Begin the fight by
off his Chimera and Thanatos allies. Luckily for you, all three
your enemies are weak to Aero. Start off the battle by casting
and repeat until both Thanatos and Chimera are dead. For the
remainder of the battle, you can easily win by casting Flare
and over again. Be wary of the Psychshield. When it's up, DO NOT
attack unless you want to die young. To win, all you really have
do is repeatedly use Flare and White. Use Cure when necessary
Life if someone happens to fall in battle.

Dark King -- 40000 HP ~

The Dark King begins in his regular form; lookin' all cool in
attire. Begin by using White and Flare and other powerful
This part of the fight is the easiest, so don't use Cure just
When he starts to mock you (he'll actually say something), the
King will grow some new arms. Each of them is armed with a
weapon. Now this is where it starts to get a little bit tough.
out for his stronger attacks that can deal a heavy amount of
I would just give Phoebe the role of healer now while Benjamin
blasts away with Flare. Be patient and concentrate more on
Phoebe and Benjamin alive than actually damaging him. If you are
diligent, you should deal about 2000 HP damage every turn at the
least. Repeat this process for a bunch of turns until the Dark
speaks again. Yeah, he turns into a spider. Use the same routine
with Phoebe curing and Benjamin using Flare. At this point,
begin to
watch out for Mega Flare and Laser. Trust me, it's not fun
hit by those moves. At long lasts, he'll finally transform into
final form; an octopussy-looking thing. Have Phoebe continue to
the two. A few more Flares will finally put the Dark King in his

--- 9. Bestiary ---

Ta-da! It's the bestiary. All the boss and non-boss monsters you will ever
come across are listed here along with some technical information.
are listed in alphabetical order.


Adamant Turtle ~
HP ................................................. 630
EXP ................................................ 420
GP .................................................. 15

Avizzard ~
HP ................................................. 666
EXP ................................................ 402
GP .................................................. 15

Basilisk ~
HP .................................................. 90
EXP ................................................. 81
GP ................................................... 3

Behemoth ~
HP .................................................. 80
EXP ................................................. 84
GP ................................................... 3

Beholder ~
HP ................................................. 810
EXP ................................................ 576
GP .................................................. 18

Brownie ~
HP .................................................. 50
EXP ................................................. 66
GP ................................................... 3

Centaur ~
HP ................................................. 230
EXP ................................................ 123
GP ................................................... 6
Cerebus ~
HP ................................................. 935
EXP ................................................ 675
GP .................................................. 21

Chimera ~
HP ................................................. 870
EXP ................................................ 684
GP .................................................. 21

Dark King ~
HP ............................................... 40000
EXP .................................................. 0
GP ................................................... 0

Desert Hag ~
HP ................................................. 280
EXP ................................................ 168
GP ................................................... 6

Dualhead Hydra ~
HP ............................................... 14000
EXP ................................................ 429
GP ................................................... 0

Dullahan ~
HP ............................................... 14000
EXP ................................................ 750
GP .................................................. 21

Edgehog ~
HP ................................................. 220
EXP ................................................ 135
GP ................................................... 3

Fangpire ~
HP ................................................. 600
EXP ................................................ 381
GP .................................................. 15

Flamerus Rex ~
HP ................................................ 2200
EXP ................................................ 120
GP ................................................... 0
Flazzard ~
HP ................................................. 450
EXP ................................................ 261
GP ................................................... 9

Freezer Crab ~
HP ................................................. 410
EXP ................................................ 237
GP ................................................... 9

Gargoyle ~
HP ................................................. 888
EXP ................................................ 669
GP .................................................. 21

Garuda ~
HP ................................................. 825
EXP ................................................ 588
GP .................................................. 18

Gather ~
HP ................................................. 360
EXP ................................................ 192
GP ................................................... 9

Ghost ~
HP ................................................. 550
EXP ................................................ 330
GP .................................................. 12

Giant Toad ~
HP ................................................. 180
EXP ................................................ 114
GP ................................................... 3

Gidrah ~
HP ............................................... 13000
EXP ................................................ 729
GP .................................................. 18

Gorgon ~
HP ................................................. 150
EXP ................................................ 114
GP ................................................... 3
Hot Wings ~
HP ................................................. 585
EXP ................................................ 372
GP .................................................. 12

Ice Golem ~
HP ................................................ 6500
EXP ................................................ 246
GP ................................................... 0

Iflyte ~
HP ................................................. 660
EXP ................................................ 420
GP .................................................. 12

Jelly ~
HP ................................................. 420
EXP ................................................ 243
GP .................................................. 12

Jinn ~
HP ................................................ 6000
EXP ................................................ 504
GP .................................................. 15

Lamia ~
HP ................................................. 300
EXP ................................................ 150
GP ................................................... 6

Land Turtle ~
HP ................................................. 270
EXP ................................................ 144
GP ................................................... 6

Land Worm ~
HP ................................................. 265
EXP ................................................ 144
GP ................................................... 6

Leech ~
HP ................................................. 745
EXP ................................................ 504
GP .................................................. 18
Live Oak ~
HP ................................................. 710
EXP ................................................ 447
GP .................................................. 15

Mad Plant ~
HP .................................................. 60
EXP ................................................. 57
GP ................................................... 3

Mad Toad ~
HP ................................................. 740
EXP ................................................ 480
GP .................................................. 18

Mage ~
HP ................................................. 330
EXP ................................................ 186
GP ................................................... 6

Manticor ~
HP ................................................. 840
EXP ................................................ 612
GP .................................................. 21

Medusa ~
HP ................................................ 7000
EXP ................................................ 510
GP .................................................. 15

Minotaur ~
HP ................................................. 240
EXP ................................................ 102
GP .................................................. 30

Minotaur Zombie ~
HP ................................................. 190
EXP ................................................ 120
GP ................................................... 3

Mint Mint ~
HP ................................................. 160
EXP ................................................ 117
GP ................................................... 3
Mummy ~
HP ................................................. 685
EXP ................................................ 459
GP .................................................. 15

Naga ~
HP ................................................. 870
EXP ................................................ 627
GP .................................................. 21

Nightmare ~
HP ................................................. 535
EXP ................................................ 330
GP .................................................. 12

Ninja ~
HP ................................................. 580
EXP ................................................ 396
GP .................................................. 12

Ooze ~
HP ................................................. 750
EXP ................................................ 540
GP .................................................. 18

Pazuzu ~
HP ............................................... 25000
EXP ................................................ 618
GP ................................................... 0

Phanquid ~
HP ................................................. 400
EXP ................................................ 231
GP ................................................... 9

Plant Man ~
HP ................................................. 460
EXP ................................................ 258
GP ................................................... 9

Poison Toad ~
HP .................................................. 70
EXP ................................................. 63
GP ................................................... 3
Red Bone ~
HP ................................................. 510
EXP ................................................ 315
GP .................................................. 12

Red Cap ~
HP ................................................. 480
EXP ................................................ 294
GP .................................................. 12

Roc ~
HP ................................................. 100
EXP ................................................. 96
GP ................................................... 3

Salamander ~
HP ................................................. 640
EXP ................................................ 411
GP .................................................. 15

Sand Worm ~
HP ................................................. 140
EXP ................................................. 99
GP ................................................... 3

Scorpion ~
HP ................................................. 210
EXP ................................................ 129
GP ................................................... 3

Shadow ~
HP ................................................. 925
EXP ................................................ 675
GP .................................................. 21

Skeleton ~
HP ................................................. 120
EXP ................................................. 93
GP ................................................... 3

Skuldier ~
HP ................................................. 750
EXP ................................................ 513
GP .................................................. 18
Skullrus Rex ~
HP ............................................... 10000
EXP ................................................ 759
GP ................................................... 0

Slime ~
HP .................................................. 55
EXP ................................................. 72
GP ................................................... 3

Snipion ~
HP ................................................. 690
EXP ................................................ 459
GP .................................................. 15

Snow Crab ~
HP ................................................ 3000
EXP ................................................ 234
GP ................................................... 6

Sorcerer ~
HP ................................................. 840
EXP ................................................ 627
GP .................................................. 21

Sparna ~
HP ................................................. 260
EXP ................................................ 153
GP ................................................... 6

Specter ~
HP ................................................. 690
EXP ................................................ 453
GP .................................................. 15

Sphinx ~
HP ................................................. 360
EXP ................................................ 201
GP ................................................... 9

Squidite ~
HP ................................................ 2500
EXP ................................................ 219
GP ................................................... 6
Stheno ~
HP ................................................. 360
EXP ................................................ 432
GP .................................................. 15

Sting Rat ~
HP ................................................. 420
EXP ................................................ 252
GP ................................................... 9

Stone Golem ~
HP ............................................... 10000
EXP ................................................ 762
GP ................................................... 0

Stoney Roost ~
HP ................................................. 350
EXP ................................................ 165
GP ................................................... 6

Thanatos ~
HP ................................................. 900
EXP ................................................ 654
GP .................................................. 21

Twinhead Wyvern ~
HP ............................................... 15000
EXP ................................................ 600
GP ................................................... 0

Vampire ~
HP ................................................. 780
EXP ................................................ 561
GP .................................................. 18

Water Hag ~
HP ................................................. 765
EXP ................................................ 576
GP .................................................. 18

Were Wolf ~
HP .................................................. 55
EXP ................................................ 354
GP .................................................. 12
Zombie ~
HP ................................................. 500
EXP ................................................ 324
GP .................................................. 12

Zuh ~
HP ............................................... 20000
EXP ................................................ 750
GP .................................................. 15

--- 10. Version History ---

Version 0.1 -- Guide skeleton completed. First version. 10 KB

Version 0.2 -- Walkthrough is completed up to Libra Temple. Some work

has been done on the various listings and such. 30 KB

Version 0.3 -- Equipment listing is complete. 50 KB

Version 0.4 -- Two crystal down. Two more to go. Progress has been
on the bestiary. 75 KB

Version 0.5 -- Walkthrough is completed up to the third crystal. 89


Version 0.6 -- Walkthrough completed past the third crystal and onto
Windia. 105 KB

Version 0.7 -- Multiple listings are complete. Some progress has been
made on the bestiary. 115 KB

Version 0.8 -- More progress has been made on the bestiary. Expect
appendices to be completed by next update. 127 KB

Version 0.9 -- All listings are now complete. There is one portion of
the walkthrough yet to be completed. 143 KB

Version 1.0 -- All parts of the guide are now complete. I'll have to
it was much more interesting writing for the final
than any other part of the walkthrough. 164 KB

Version 1.1 -- I added a few FAQ questions. 166 KB

Version 1.2 -- Legal Information updated.

--- 11. Legal Information ---

This FAQ is the property of its author, Quan Jin. All rights reserved.

Any stealing, selling for profit or altering of this document without the
author's expressed consent is strictly prohibited. You may download this
for personal and private use only.

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest is a registered trademark of Squaresoft. The

(Quan Jin) is not affiliated with Squaresoft in any way or form. All other
trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

--- 12. Credits and Closing ---

If you know me, then you should know that I suck with closings. Haha. So
hope you enjoyed the guide. It was a pleasure to write... Actually, not


Square - Just because it's only courteous to thank the developers of the
Without these guys, would there have ever been a Mystic Quest

Psycho Penguin - For being a cool dude. I probably would never have
actually written this guide without his recommendation.
guide also provided some HP values that I couldn't get
myself. Thanks!

Astro Blade - For being another cool dude. Although he's kind of a small
writer at the moment, he has lots of potential. He just
to be less picky with his games. 8)
GameFAQs - The largest FAQ archive on the net. Thanks to CJayC for
this piece of work. He hasn't failed us yet.

Y.T.W.S.R. - Only a few selected people might know what I'm talking about
Since I'm not one to give it away, I would still like to
this group for their support and motivation throughout the
lifespan of this entire FAQ.

The FCSB - They didn't help too much but what can I say, where would I be
without a few of them? Major props to these great board members
are also prized FAQ writers. Some examples being; Crazyreyn,
Penguin, Gbness, Karpah, SinirothX, Meowthnum1, Guitarfreak86,
Joni Philips, War Doc, Merca, and last but definitely not
Gobicamel. You all rock!

- All outside sources which have contributed to the making of this guide
some form have been cited in this section. Any sources that have provided
information at all are listed in the credits. I am not taking credit for
hard work and I hope they do the same. Not giving proper credit is
and it's against the law.

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