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Comparative Study Between Digital Marketing

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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement

For the award of degree of


SESSION (2018-2020)

Under the guidance of; submitted by:

………………………. Anubhav Tiwari
……………………….. Roll No. 1804870017
Batch: MBA 2018-2020

Dayanand Academy of Management Studies, KANPUR

Affiliated To
Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University

As a part of the MBA curriculum and in order to gain practical knowledge in the field of
management, we are required to make a report on “COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN
behind doing this project report is to get knowledge of different tools of marketing.

In this project report we have included various concepts, effects and implications.

Doing this project report helped us to enhance our knowledge regarding

different-different marketing strategies and tools. Through this project report we come to
know about importance of team work and role of devotion towards the work.

Any research is never an individual effort. It is contributory effort of many heads,

hands & hearts. Firstly, I would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to DAYANAND
Provided me an opportunity to do my training in “CLOUD DATA SOFT
SOLUTIONS” for a period 45 Days. I am highly indebted to those who have
helped me in making this training report successful and helped me to understand
and remember the important and valuable details for the completion of report. It is
my profound privilege to express my sincere thanks to Mr.
SATYAM YADAV who gave me an opportunity to Pursue my training in their
prestigious company.

I would also like to thank Mr. SHWET SAXENA for giving his expert Guidance &
cooperation whenever I approached his for help in carrying out my project related
TRADITIONAL MARKETING” And also provided the valuable insights in
understanding the basic fundamental about CLOUD DATA SOFT SOLUTIONS
and regulation throughout duration of my project. I would like express my thanks to
all faculties throughout, which this learning was possible. My project has been
successes only because of their guidance & support.












The Project was undertaken at Cloud Data Software solution, Kanpur. This Project

is carried out to know that which marketing strategy is going on in the market

nowadays and which marketing strategy is more liked by people. So far the company

conducted surveys for their customers in Kanpur Region.

The project was successful and very Valuable inputs were obtained from the project.

Area of study was limited to Kanpur Region. The methodology has been adapted

through Questionnaire with Personal Interview and the results collimated according

to the nature of questions asked. I have used both open-ended and close-ended

questions in the questionnaire. With given restricted sample size of the customer in

the given area all efforts have made to make sure that data is collected and analyzed.

I believe that conclusion that I have drawn are based on the data I have collected and

Interpretation I have made is based on the customer’s feedback.




1. To study the Online presence of business & its services.

2. To study the Social media presence & promotion of products/services.

3. To increase client/audience engagement & generate leads.

4. Easier access to organization services through web & social media.


1. Creates negative public relation.

2. It takes control out of our hands.

3. Campaigns are very easy to copy.

4. Judges on first impression.


This study helps to know that nowadays which marketing strategy is best.
Digital marketing is the use of technologies to help marketing

Activities in order to improve customer knowledge by matching their needs.

Traditional marketing is a form of conventional marketing that was used before
the internet era was rampant.

This is the type of marketing strategy that is best known to many public because
most populations around the world have used and enjoyed this method.

 Traditional Marketing refers to a kind of promotion, advertisement in which

companies used this method in the early period to market their product.
 This Marketing includes print advertisements, billboards, flyers or pamphlets,
TV, newspaper, radio, etc.
 Traditional Marketing includes mainly four categories print, broadcast, direct
mail, and telephone.
 In this marketing, the company sell their product directly to customers using

 We can easily reach a group of audience,

 Reuse and recycling,
 Hard copies can be easily processed,
 Greater exposure.


 It takes more time to reach people,

 Based on our stories the product will reach more people,
 Expensive high,
 Nowadays most of the people prefer online marketing than traditional


Digital Marketing is the promotion of products or brands via one or more forms

of electronic media. The key objective is promotion of brands through

Electronic media It is the promotion of products or brands via one or more forms

of electronic media, differs from traditional marketing in that it uses channels and

methods that enable an organization to analyze marketing campaigns and

understand what is working and what isn’t – typically in real time. Digital

marketers monitor things like what is being viewed, how often and for how
long, sales conversions, what content works and doesn’t work, etc. While the

Internet is, perhaps, the channel most closely associated with digital marketing,

others include wireless text messaging, mobile instant messaging, mobile apps,

podcasts, electronic billboards, digital television and radio channels, etc.

Why digital marketing is important:

Digital media is so pervasive that consumers have access to information any time

Place they want it. Gone are the days when the messages people got about your

products services came from you and consisted of only what you wanted them

to know. Digital media is an ever-growing source of entertainment, news,

shopping and social interaction, and consumers are now exposed not just to what

your company says about your brand, but what the media, friends, relatives,

peers, etc., are saying as well. And they are more likely to believe them than

you. People want brands they can trust, companies that know them,

communications that are personalized and relevant, and offers tailored to their

needs and preferences. There’s no denying it, the world is rapidly shifting from

analogue to digital.

People are consuming more and more digital content on a daily basis – on

mobile phones, laptops, desktop computers at work, and more – and

companies that have not yet recognized this in their plans and strategies need

to adapt fast.

The facts are that digital methods of communication and marketing are faster,

more versatile, practical and streamlined, so it is perhaps unsurprising that once

the technology became available we began quickly moving into the digital age.

The good news is that digital offers just as much potential to marketers as it

does to consumers.

The Reality is, people spend twice as much time online as they used to 12

years ago. And while we say it a lot, the way people shop and buy really has

changed, meaning offline marketing isn’t as effective as it used to be

Some of the most common assets and tactics:

 Your website

 Blog posts

 E books and whitepapers

 Info graphics

 Interactive tools

 Social media channels (Face Book, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)

 Earned online coverage (social media, and reviews)

 Online brochures and look books

 Branding assets (logos, fonts, etc.)



The process of optimizing your website to ‘rank’ higher in search engine results
therefore increasing the amount of organic (or free) traffic that your website



The creation and promotion content assets for the purpose of generating

brand , traffic growth, lead generation, or customers.


Inbound marketing refers to the ‘full- funnel’ approach to attracting, converting,

closing, and delighting customers using online content.


The practice of promoting your brand and your content on social media

channels to increase brand awareness, drive traffic, and generate leads for

your business.


A method of driving traffic to your website by paying a publisher every

time your ad is clicked. One of the most common types of PPC is Google

Ad Words.


A type of performance-based advertising where you receive

commission for promoting someone else’s products or services on your



Companies use email marketing as a way of communicating with their

audiences. Email is often used to promote content, discounts and events, as
well as to direct people towards the business’ website.


Online PR is the practice of securing earned online coverage with digital

publications, blogs, and other content-based websites. It’s much like
traditional PR, but in the online space.



The term Digital Marketing was first used in the 1990s. The digital age

took off with the coming of the internet and the development of the Web

1.0 platform.

The WEB 1.0

The digital age as we now know it began with the Internet and the Web 1.0

platforms of the early 1990s. This was a rather static world in which users could

get the information they desired but it could not be shared on the web. There

was no such thing as interaction, as the only activity was reading of content. In
1993, we saw the entrance of the first clickable banner ad and by the next year,

Hotwired, had begun to purchase huge numbers of banner ads. This was really

the first step in getting us all shifted over to a new digital age.


New technology began to make its entrance into the digital marketplace after

about 1994 and in 1998, Google was founded. Blogger came soon after in 1999.

About this time social networking sites began to be birthed and Blackberry had

launched their own mobile email program. MySpace was one of the first social

sites to arrive on the social scene and Face book came soon afterward. It did not

take too long for companies to realize that these presented them with some

excellent opportunities and soon these social sites became new way for

businesses to communicate directly with consumers. Businesses began

searching for new ways to implement web marketing strategies so that they

could capitalize on the new digital platforms. It did not take long for Google to

start expanding and improving their internet search engine. Savvy marketers

soon learned how to implement search engine optimization strategies in order to

improve the ranking of their sites. Google also added options like Ad Words and

Ad Sense to marketing potential. It wasn’t long until Google figured out how to

analyze content that was entered in a query in order to target users with ads

relevant to their interests. Google was not actually the first ones to incorporate

targeted ads, but they did help develop algorithms which helped search results

become prioritized.
Advertising networks soon began to develop ways that they could capitalize on some

of these new developments and the “cookie” came on the scene. The first cookie was

actually developed in an attempt to analyze user’s browsing habits. But since its

inception it has evolved into a useful part of the e-commerce sector and allows

marketers and businesses ways of collecting literal user data. Amazon still uses this

method for targeting its audiences and offering them products based on previous

searches. This was a huge impact on the digital marketing.


The Web 1.0 slowly evolved into the Web 2.0. In this new digital world,

audiences were no longer passively taking in information; but instead, the

internet became a sort of super highway where users could directly interact with

both other users and businesses. The Web 2.0 became a social world at last. In

the early 2000s, numerous networks and social platforms were developed which

allowed users to connect and interact. By 2004 we saw the rise of sites like

Word Press, LinkedIn and finally Face Book. It was not long before social media

became a thriving entity and we saw more sites like Dig, Skype, Flickr, and

Gmail all make their appearance. By the end of 2004, internet advertising in the

US alone brought in around $2.9 billion. By 2005, YouTube had entered the

playing field and now there are more than 3 billion hours spent watching

YouTube videos each and every month. In 2007, the IPhone began to change
the web one more time and everything began to shift to cater to the mobile user.

By 2010, mobile marketing alone brought in approximately $650 million.




 Marketers can easily reach their  Not only target local audience can be

target local audience. reached, but as well as the audience

from all around the globe.

 Traditional marketing has a more  Since it can reach a finite audience,

personal approach since marketers can getting more popular is easy. There is

have a person-to-person relationship in no need to be physically present in

informing the public about their brand’s introducing the brand’s name to the

name. audience.

 The public can have a hard copy of  The public can also have access on

materials of which they can read or different content on websites and videos

browse through over and over again on YouTube or video sharing websites.

 It can be easily understood by the public  Strategies implemented can reach

because they are already exposed to this target market with Internet connection.

kind of strategy. It is something that most Most target audience is groups of

people can have access on. people who have digital devices and

are always online 24/7.

 There is only a little interaction  Interaction is very possible especially

between the medium used and the with the use of social media networks.

customers. It is more of providing Marketers take advantage of the

information to the public that the brand convenience of communicating with

exists with the hope of these people their target audience aiming to get

patronizing the brand. positive customer feedback.

 Print or radio advertisements can be very  Digital marketing is cost-efficient. The

costly. Printing materials can be use of social media websites is free of

expensive and you need to hire people to charge. Though some invest on paid ads

distribute these. Businesses have the need online, the cost is still cheaper if you

to invest money for this marketing compare to traditional marketing.




Obviously senior professionals recognize that digital technology is all around

them, but their own experiences tend to be limited to a consumer or individual

perspective. Though many consumer technologies get converted to professional

applications, their use in business settings is generally more complex than

personal ones. And understanding technology as an individual consumer does not

readily translate to a broader perspective in terms of economic, industry and

organizational applications and implications. The commonly- held notion that

digital technologies are “just tools” further undermines their importance,

disregarding the fact that mastering modern-day means of communication and

collaboration is far more complex and challenging than traditional approaches.

The pen may be mightier than the sword, but it is a far more primitive instrument

than an electronic device.

Barrier 2: Lack of knowledge and understanding of Digital Era


In spite of their smart phones, tablets, and favorite mobile apps, most senior

professionals are still digital rookies. They are unable to put today’s

technologies in historical context, both with respect to the Digital Era and in the

larger scheme of human history and technological evolution. They are often

unaware of or have limited knowledge of technology trends that could have a

significant impact on their industries and organizations – either by significantly

enhancing or disrupting their current business models. Current trends that have

potentially widespread implications but are not widely understood include

digital currency, 3D printing, and cognition as a service. And of course there are

a host of risks and issues that need to be understood in a digital context,

including privacy, taxes, cyber security and more. Even when it comes to the

tools themselves, most leaders remain uninformed about the wide range of

platforms and technologies that enable more efficient and effective approaches
to communication and collaboration. We often talk about the need for

organizational leaders to carve out time for environmental scanning and

strategic reflection. Leaders must now add a digital dimension to that

imperative, making it even more crucial.

Barrier 3: Framing alternatives in a way that leads to risk aversion:

The idea behind the theory is that when alternatives are framed in the domain of

gains, decision makers tend to be risk averse. When framed in the domain of

losses, however, they tend to be risk seeking. Consider the following scenarios:

 Gain Framed Scenario: An organization has revenues of 1 million and is

keeping pace with current industry and marketplace dynamics. It is operating at

capacity. Digital Marketing and transformation have the potential to increase

those revenues to 1.20 million, but they could divert attention from the core

business and competencies, causing revenues to decrease to 900 thousand.

 Loss Framed Scenario: An organization used to have revenues of 1 million, they’ve

fallen to 800 thousand due to industry and marketplace changes. It is operating

at capacity. Digital Marketing and transformation have the potential to increase

revenues back to 1 million, but they could divert attention from the core

business and competencies, causing revenues to decrease to 700 thousand.

In both scenarios, the revenue/loss figures are the same: a potential gain of 200

thousand or a loss of 100 thousand. Prospect Theory – and plenty of anecdotal

evidence – indicates that decision makers in the first scenario are unlikely to

consider the risk worthwhile, whereas decisions makers in the second scenario
would find it much more palatable.

Unfortunately, many organizational leaders seem to be guilty of the “frog in

boiling water” syndrome, waiting until technological trends become disruptive

and threatening be fore choosing to take action, instead of recognizing they can

avoid the threats altogether by pursuing potential opportunities.

Barrier 4:Poor/no roadmaps for effective digital Marketing and

transformation: inappropriate resource allocation:

This barrier is effectively the culmination of the preceding four. Although many

organizations may have moved away from the “give it to the intern” approaches to

digital Marketing they employed a few years ago, they’re still far from

employing an optimal resource allocation strategy. There seems to be a

general tendency to add these responsibilities to existing roles that appear to

be related (e.g., marketing, sales, IT), even if the people in those roles don’t

have the expertise or capacity to execute them well.. And in other

organizations leaders assign people digital responsibilities simply because they

are being underutilized in other areas. These approaches can often result in sub

optimization and failures that are more likely to be (miss)attributed to the

inappropriateness or inadequacy of the technologies and tactics the

organization is trying to employ rather than being recognized as management

failures in understanding and deploying the proper resources to pursue digital

initiatives. If it’s not appropriate to assign someone with no education,

training, and experience in accounting to manage accounts receivable, it

shouldn’t be appropriate to assign someone with no education, training, and

experience in social and digital technologies to manage digital marketing.


 Global reach - A website allows you to find new markets and trade globally

for only a small investment.

 Lower cost - A properly planned and effectively targeted digital marketing

campaign can reach the right customers at a much lower cost than traditional

marketing methods.

 Track able, measurable results: Measuring your social media with web

analytics and other online metric tools makes it easier to establish how effective

your campaign has been. You can obtain detailed information about how

customers use your website or respond to your advertising. Web analytics can be

set up to show you exactly how much money you make from each digital tactic.

 Personalization - if your customer database is linked to your website, then

whenever someone visits the site, you can greet them with targeted offers. The

more they buy from you, the more you can refine your customer profile and market

effectively to them.

 Openness - by getting involved with social media and managing it carefully,

you can build customer loyalty and create a reputation for being easy to engage


 Social currency - digital marketing lets you create engaging campaigns using

different types of rich media content. O n the internet these campaigns can gain

social currency - being passed from user to user and becoming viral.
 Improved conversion rates - if you have a website, then your customers are

only ever a few clicks away from completing a purchase. Unlike other media

which require people to get up and make a phone call, or go to a shop, digital

marketing can be seamless and immediate.



At Better Graph, our mission is to provide clients with best quality SEO services

which boost the online visibility, reach, and profitability in the ever-changing

world of online search. As a full-time SEO service provider, we open the doors

of leads and conversions for your online business. Strategically based in Noida,

we conceptualize the path-breaking innovations with knowledge and extensive

expertise in our SEO services which focus on lead generation and keyword

ranking. Our integrated approach to market product/services on the web are

connected for the sake of better visibility and brand awareness. The other areas

of our services include paid marketing, mobile app marketing, social media

marketing, and online reputation management and so on.

2. HUGE (USA):

Huge is a digital marketing agency that provides business strategy,

Design, marketing and technology services to some of the world's largest businesses

and best- known brands.

Launch Digital Marketing is an agency specializing in helping businesses grow their

online presence through digital market.


Tech magnate, based in New Delhi (India), is an award-winning and a

leading digital advertising, marketing and SEO services agency all over the


Sparx IT Solutions is a web & app development company that creates user-

centric websites. Designing apps that could easily engage the audiences is one

among the several profiles of the company. The company has a dedicated team

of professionals as a result of which it successfully delivers projects.

Jellyfish is a global digital marketing agency with offices in the

US, UK and South Africa.


Ingenex Digital Marketing is a results-driven digital marketing agency

that serves clients across the U.S. and Canada.


Leap is a full- service digital agency that makes brands easy-to-find and

hard-to- ignore.

About the Company: It has worked with some leading companies in India. They
have created some award winning and memorable campaigns for their clients
that have helped the brands to build and sustain relationship with their audience.
Services: Online advertising, Website Designing, Mobile Marketing, SEO,
Analytics, Application Development and Social Media.
Located at: Mumbai, New Delhi and Bengal.


About the company: Founded in 2004,It ranks among the leading digital

advertising companies in the world. They have adopted an approach that sees

strategy, user experience, research, web design, mobile-friendly ,advertising,

viral videos, search optimization, Facebook campaigns, Twitter updates, real-

time listening and responses as a seamless set of tactics that stem from one

overarching brand strategy.

Services: Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Search Engine

Optimization, viral advertising, Online Reputation Management etc.

Located at: Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Zurich and Santa


About the company : It is a full service digital agency that delivers across the

value chain right from launching a brand via digital to building a brands salience

via digital to driving business leads and sales for a brand.

Services: Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Search Marketing,

Mobile Marketing, Digital Analytics and Digital Video Promotion.

Located at: Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore


About the company: Established in 2008, it was started by just 4 friends as an

experiment and now that experiment has converted into one of the India’s

leading independent digital agencies. They have worked on many innovative,

impactful, interactive and award winning campaigns.

Services: Website Designing & Development, SEO, SEM, Social Media, Public


Located at: Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru


About the company: Established in 2010. It is a globally recognized Digital

Marketing Agency that believes in humanizing your brand by optimizing

your online reputation

Services: Integrated Digital Campaigns, Online PR, Mobile Marketing, Web

Businesses, Social Media Marketing

Located at: Mumbai, Singapore, Dubai


About the company: It is a full service digital and mobile marketing company

that specializes in communication strategies with focus on movies and brands.

They provide end to end digital marketing campaigns and are pioneers in Design,

Development & Technology.

Services: Digital Rights Management, Content Monetization, Online PR, SEO,

SEM, Social Media, Website Development and many others.

Located at: Mumbai


About the Company: It is a Social First Digital Agency that has worked

with some of the largest brands and companies around the world to help

them embrace Social and Digital platforms.

Services: Digital Strategy, Social Media Communications, Social Media

Listening, Media Buying, Content, Analytics etc.

Located at: Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru, Hyderabad


About the Company: Established in 2006, It specializes in integrating creative

and analytical spirit along with globalized resources in the process of Digital


Services: Search Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Customer Relationship

Management, Content Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Web and App Development.

Located at: Mumbai.


About the Company: They assist brands and organizations globally to engage

stakeholders in conversations to share, draw insights, build communities and co-

create offerings for business impact.

Services: Content Syndication, Brand Storytelling, Designing, Website

and Mobile Development, Media Planning, Media Buying etc.

Located at: New Delhi


About the Company: It is a full-service digital advertising agency known for

their strategic brand solutions and world-class creative. BC Web Wise has

consistently been ranked as one of India's Top 10 Digital Agencies by the

Economic Times (2010, 2011).

Services: Website development, Social Media Optimization, Intranet

development, Email Marketing, Content Management System, Media

Planning and Buying, SEM, ORM etc.

Located at: Mumbai and Delhi














Whether it is product or a service, you just can’t under estimate the power of

digital marketing. The current age where we live, it is fully dedicated to digital

media and so when you are marketing or advertising then you must not forget

that there has to be online marketing too.

Ex : Video Advertising..
The rise of video marketing has been one of the most exciting trends in recent

years. In a recent research report by the companies that are seeing the greatest

success with video marketing ranked the importance and effectiveness of

different types of videos in the following order, starting with the most


1. Customer testimonials

2. On-demand product demonstration videos

3. Explainer and tutorial videos

4. Thought leader interviews

5. Project reviews and case studies

6. Live and on-demand webinars

7. Video blogs

8. Event videos

Video is the next best thing to being there in person, and it’s proving itself to be

a powerful and highly accessible weapon throughout the selling process.

Personalization has been a key trend in digital marketing for a number of years. In

2019 we’ll see this continue with the rise of personalized video, a new concept that

enables marketers to customize the actual video content with information unique

to each individual viewer for a truly tailored content experience.


1. Redirecting Traffic to your Website:

The sole aim of a marketer- generate traffic and redirect it to the website.
Without traffic, everything else will be a waste of time. To figure out what

might appeal to your audience is a challenge that every marketer faces. It is a

tough judgment to make when it comes to understanding whether a particular color

or a font or a texture will be compelling enough to drive them to your website.

While some marketers fail to pull in huge amount of traffic, others are pretty

confused as to which area to target for the best result

2. Effective Targeting:
Targeting the right audience is very important aspect in marketing. To identify

your buyer and analyze their personas is integral in marketing. There is no denial

to the fact that in order to convince a person to even pay heed to what you are

saying or spend time on what you have written in your blog, you need to give

them something valuable enough that will be worth the time they are spending

on your website. For that you have to identify which group of people you want

to target, because let’s get it straight- you cannot please everyone in this world.

A segregation is mandatory. Once you are done filtering your audience, the

problem arises- is your content providing value relevant to your audience.

3. Staying in sync with new trends:

Change is something that is forever constant on the web. Marketing techniques

and strategies have undergone transformations innumerable times. From print to

digital, marketing has seen phenomenal shifts in the last decade. Thanks to

technology, every day we witness the advent of a new tool solving one or the

other problem. Interacting with customers have become more and more efficient
with new tools. New tools lead to new strategies. The challenge is to stay updated.

4. Generating ROI:

It is not just about doing marketing, a marketer is also responsible for measuring

and understanding the results of each marketing technique implemented. So how

do you know whether your efforts are actually worth it?

5. The Importance Of Cyber Security:

As The Digital World Has Grown, So too has the need to protect it. Cybercrime

has the potential to be a huge risk for businesses, and being the subject of a high-

profile data breach . As Andrew Cocker, the senior marketing director at

Expedia, says, the role of a marketer has expanded dramatically: "It’s not about

advertising. Our brand is made up of every single iteration that’s happening;

every user experience. So, every time we do something to upset them, or have

a problem we do not solve quickly enough, we’re eroding that brand, and no

amount of advertising will fix that.

Digital Marketing Industry in India :

Digital Marketing applies to almost all the business sectors in India. Some of

the applications of E-Marketing are shopping and order tracking, online

banking, payment systems and content management. The power of digital

marketing allows geophysical barriers to disappear making all consumers and

businesses on earth potential customers and suppliers. It is known for its ability
to allow business to communicate and form a transaction anywhere and anytime.

Digital marketing industry in India is a booming career today. In a country with

a rapid growth economy, it is expected to have a very high significant growth in

Digital marketing career. The growth in the digital marketing trends is making a

very substantial impact on marketing and advertisement. The Digital Marketing

in India cannot be complete if short preview of the past digital marketing

statistics is not made. Going back to history, International Journal of

Advanced Research Foundation reveals the following in 2019 Between 1971

and 1972, The ARPANET is used to arrange a sale between students at the

Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and the Massachusetts Institute of

Technology, the earliest example of electronics or digital commerce.

1979: Michael Aldrich demonstrates the first online shopping system.

1981: Thomson Holidays UK is first business-to-business online shopping

system to be installed.

1996: India MART B2B marketplace established in India.

2007: Flip kart was established in India. Every E- marketing or commercial

enterprises uses majorly digital means for their marketing purposes.

In 2011, the digital marketing statistics revealed that advertising via the mobile

phone and tablets was 200% lower than that of the following years. During this

year, the net worth was

$2 billion. The growth was in a geometric progression as it rose to $6 billion in

2012. The competitive growth demands for more improvement in the career
works and professionals are being added to the field.

From 2013 to March 2019 the investment total increase was 1.5 billion

dollars over the preceding years. There has been an impressive growth up till

this present moment. The report by the International Journal of Advanced

Research Foundation revealed that summarized that India is getting to see the

golden period of the Internet sector between 2013 to 2019 with incredible

growth opportunities and secular growth adoption for E-Commerce, Internet

Advertising, Social Media, Search, Online Content, and Services relating

digital marketing.

Today, digital marketing growth in India is at its peak, and is still continuous.

Many factors are responsible for this growth. The use of communication tools

has greatly changed in the year past. No one ever thought to have a credible deal

online. The below figure indicates the digital marketing statistics.

The belief was that online information is virtual information full of lies. No one

could listen to any online advertisement not to talk of purchasing groceries,

furniture or clothes. The story has really changed. Everything from marketing to

sales can be done online. This is due to the trust that has been restored back to online

communication in India. This has really helped the marketing initiatives. The

revolution is from the communication industries. Low cost of handset is now

available making it possible for India to have about 600 million internet users which

ultimately creates a fascinating business opportunity to sell to a growing population.

Moreover, the development in the digital marketing in India evident in the

marketing shift from anonymity to identity. Interaction on the Internet now

looks more physical as opposed to the anonymity of identity in the past. Also,

marketing information’s is moving along in the same line with entertainment.

People of India needed an exciting spirit always. This targets their interest into

the marketing information.

Several factors have been found to contribute to the growth of digital marketing

in India. Before now, internet usage was only meant for the wealthy. There is

now a great change in the lifestyle of the middle class. The Very majority now

have access to the internet in India. Internet and 3G penetration revolutionized

the marketing scenario for both consumers and the marketers. It was discovered

that changes in lifestyle and standard of living had increased the level of

consumption, quality and also the pattern of consumption. The quality of use in

the urban centers of India is on a high side. This is because majority doesn’t
have time for shopping. Apart from struggles to earn money, people want some

other things to be done at their own convenience.

The following survey from people indicates the size of Digital Marketing industry in

 34% of the companies already had an integrated digital marketing strategy in


 72% marketers believe that traditional model of marketing is no longer

sufficient and this will make the company revenue to be increased by

30% by the end of 2018.

In 2018, 80% businesses will increase their digital marketing budget which may

surpass the IT budget. Only the illiterates could not access the potentials of the

digital marketing because of the accessibility to computing devices and

computer education. Many of the people in this category still don’t trust the

method of an online payment and they lack training in English Language and

other foreign language to market online in global markets.

The following are the channels that are playing an active role in the

development of digital marketing industry in India.

Mobile Marketing :
Digital marketing overview reveals that Social media has been playing a

supporting role to marketing. Over the years, it has been noticed that 92% of

social media users are from the mobile devices. This enables the size of digital

marketing industries. According to the research made by the Internet and

Mobile Association of India (IAMAI, 2008), communication has become a

real mass communication tools having about 286 million accounts in 2008.

The Indian telecommunications market has tremendous growth opportunities

and according to IAMAI is projected to exceed 500 million by 2010. According

to TRAI, the numbers of mobile subscriber based in India grew to 980.81 million

users in the second quarter of 2018.

Adoption for the mobile device is getting higher day by day. SMS marketing

is one of the true mass market media channel across many demographics before

the convergence of mobile internet and mobile devices.

Video Marketing:
Growing need for the visual content has turned video marketing be one of the
most appealing trends of digital marketing in 2018.

Email Marketing :

Email marketers of some of the most successful marketing agencies claim a

return of $40 for every dollar they invested. From the digital marketing
overview, it was discovered that well- targeted email marketing will be one of
the most effective ways of ensuring conversions in 2018. As shown from the
figure below, email is one of the most effective methods for digital marketing as
there is a facility to disburse messages to millions of people at a time

Search & SEO Marketing :

As much as changes is existing in the search engines, marketers are also trying

shift their ways of targeting audience so as to meet up with the current

evolution in India information industries. Apart from the above channels

through which digital marketing takes place, Digital Marketing is active in India

is not limited to social media, email, content, search engine, etc. Digital

marketing is either done in- house where companies might hire people for their

own or clients’ digital marketing needs. A company may outsource to specialist

digital marketing agencies or given to consultancy Digital marketing is growing

from day to day as it has become a very important aspect in today’s era. The
power of digital marketing allows geophysical barriers to disappear making all

consumers and businesses on earth potential customers and suppliers. It is

known for its ability to allow business to communicate and form a transaction

anywhere and anytime. 34% marketers say that Digital Marketing is very

important in today’s era and 72% marketers say Traditional Marketing is no

longer sufficient to increase the Revenue of the Company. Digital Marketing

includes Online Marketing, Email Marketing, Mobile Marketing i.e. through

Social media( Face Book Ad’s ) etc. The growth has very important impact on

both Marketing and advertisement. It will help to decrease the space between

Consumers and Marketers.


Cloud Data Software solution is the professional Digital Marketing Company in

Kanpur, considering all aspects of web development and Digital Marketing

solutions at most affordable cost. Whether you are a start up or large enterprises,

an online presence is must for every business. Online business doesn’t mean just

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website is what matters for visitors to choose you than your competitors. They

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solutions. We offer full fledged web services from web design, development,

interactive ecommerce solutions, graphic design, logo design, digital marketing

and online brand reputation that make them stand unique amongst their

competitors. Cloud Data Software solution as the interactive web development

company in Bangalore provides the fresh, creative and interactive web

resolution for your business.

Cloud Data Software solution never compromise with quality. It has always

selected for quality more than any other aspects related to resources. Quality

Management System includes the set of effective performance in every task

which includes managerial activities with high quality of output to every

process. Cloud Data Software solution is renowned Web Design Company

Kanpur, who can provide you with complete online solutions package with best

standards, norms and business values. Exceed your customer’s expectancy and

present them everything they predict from you right away on their eyes.

 Adopting and execution of conventions in software development process by

our experts based on present technologies and practices.

 Product life-cycle examines to make certain acquiescence with guidelines to

enhance business growth in current scenario.

 Validation and verification of products to deliver as per clients need.

Founding of an effective alliance of all projects with team members to enhances

individual needs. Cloud Data Soft has one finer QA department which includes

subdivisions to make all the possible aspect to meet the requirements. We are

encircled with highly QA experts as well as specialized engineers to develop the clients

project to the level of elevation according to the expectation. Our team is passionate

to such extent they understand systematic and adopt step wise process to accomplish

the task whether it has one project or more than one we give best concern to meet the

quality performance. As QA team is not inclined completely with the development

team, hence QA team is also not responsible with project management team.


Cloud Data Soft is a professional Digital Marketing company in Kanpur, discovering

the innovative ways to turn ideas into creative solutions for online marketing. The

only thing which reflects your brand and business in this web world is “Website” and

web related services because the whole concept of today’s business is online and all
the activities of business are carrying out through the network called Website. Global

trend urges to offer interesting and fully functional web solutions to elite

organizations and businesses. Digital marketing has become demand in today’s

competitive world hence the professional team with years of experience delivers the

best of web service within prescribed time limit. Our main aim is not just to design

the website for business but to stand with till the end, keep updating it and giving you

ultimate control over your website 24/7 and budget thereby establishing reliable

relationship with clients. It’s simply awesome to know what the web design service

contribute to the extent of its best. Since they stand as the best web design Kanpur,

they ensure our services caters better with the specialized feature like Dynamic

Content, Interactive web design, Better lead capture and many more that keep website

updated and fresh. The main services are highlighted below:

 Custom Web Design

 Social Web Design
 E-commerce Web Design
 Real Estate Web Design
 Corporate Web Design
 Cloud computing
 Digital marketing and Many other

Cloud Data Software solution takes pride to offer the latest digital marketing

techniques to clients. Their team of expertise uses the advanced and up-to-date

technology like HTML5, Bootstraps, CSS3 and Query to design a particular

website in a way clients require and Search Engine understand. Important aspect

to design a website as per SE is because they don’t read design and text while
crawling it for indexing purpose rather their main focus is on coding part to

store the content into the ir data base further use of ranking.

A work becomes complete when it has been tested. So they first build the

website with the progressive know how successfully and then fully test each

element of it in major browsers (like IE, Firefox, Chrome) and devices (like

Mobile, Tablet, Computers) to make sure that the website we designed is

responsive and browser compatible because we care that you get best of ROI for

your investment.

Designs : The content does not attract customers as much as designs do. So

they have the most creative team, who deliver the proficient website designing

services. In the process of designing they use the latest technology like

CorelDraw, Adobe package, Illustrator and other which is quick to display and

friendly with all the major browsers. The content over image gets more noticed

than a simple content over blank page, they are able to design the image in a

most striking way that help viewers to know what exactly the owner wants to

speak about the product. Combining the technical and designing skill, Cloud

Data Software solution is a final stop for the web based needs of clients. Our

designs reflects smart business and attracts target audience in no time. It is vital

for every business to have communicative design that speaks about its offerings

not to just attract customers but to make them stick on it for long time and let

them convert it into leads. Other than technology & Design, They have talented

and experienced team especially for content writing that adds value to the
existing service. The success of a particular website depends on the relevant

information delivered along with the creative design. The website designing

service offered by Cloud Data Software solution will ease the clients to covey

the business related information and able to have full control over content as

well. The web designing service is just not restricted to what mentioned above;

they have expanded it to all the web related services including SEO (Search

Engine Optimization), Website promotion, and various to cater to your entire

network requirement. With these services, they stand by your side till the end

and help you to attain good online presence over your competitors. They realize

the value of your investment and thus focus on qualitative services that last till

long and help you attain its return. The feature that differentiate them from their


 Highly skilled and dedicated team concentrates on what the clients

actually required and how to deliver them within prescribed time.

 Technology used while designing reflects professional appearance of business.

 Decrease loading time of website and help visitors to twig on it for long period.

 Striking content conveys the business info without any extra effort.

 Further help search engines to crawl without spamming thereby increase its


The main motto of Cloud Data Software solution is to make client satisfied with

the service delivered. The personal approach of the team with client builds

lasting relationship and makes them to feel comfortable and confidence with the
work undertaken. Cloud Data Software solution is known as the Web Design

Company , ensuring that the web services they offer is a professional and

satisfied one as well. They have been functioning in web field and completed

almost all type of project successfully including Government, E-commerce,

Freelancer and much more. People throughout India use the website that they

have developed and pioneered by them. Cloud Data Software solution feels

proud to say that their clients are highly satisfied with their services and are

getting more than they have invested.


 To build long term relationship with their patron and clients and gratify

and exceptional services by pursuing business over innovations and

cutting edge technology

 A creative studio delivering a wide range of products to the industry it is

committed to Quality / Technology / Innovation / Satisfaction.


 Our core emphasis is to convey best excellence in every project we

pledge and ensure to maintain our global business bench mark.

 A creative and expertise team of designers and developers to design

creative and interactive web resolution for IT industry.


 One-Stop Internet Solutions Vendor

Cloud Data Soft is present to build any kind of web development solution.
Web design, complex website development, custom programming,

dynamic website never Matters highly professional team builds by using

current technology and as per market tendency to enhance the clients


Quality Standards

Cloud Data Soft believes in quality services: They develop web solution which

is based on high quality of performance to enhance business needs. They never

ever compromise with excellence especially with their client’s project. You can

find perfectly combination of quality communication and quality method

approach which results in their every web development aspects.

Full-Cycle Development Services

You can find always support from Cloud Data Soft in your business

requirements such as specification, featured design, testing, validation, coding

part of product performance. They provide full-cycle development services to

valuable customers.

Vast Pool of IT Professionals

Cloud Data Soft has strong team with proficient knowledge to accomplish

business goal, they have highly professional IT expertise to structure web

solution with the use of present technology to boost the business within

competitors and improve visibility over online. They offer web resources before

delivering to potential clients it should adopt the process which includes quality

testing, evaluating, business analysis, right decision then final approach and
handout to clients.

Complete Transparency

According to particular requirements they take approach of clients and follow

the method which has systematic and effective performance. Their experts

make use of all the necessary segments to enhance complete transparency with

the clients.


1. Founder & Director : Mr. SHIVAM YADAV

2. Managing Head- IT Department: Mr. SATYAM YADAV

3. Manager-Business Development: Mr. RAVI YADAV


1. Management –Board of Directors

2. Sales Department

3. Marketing Department

4. Finance & Accounts Department

5. Project Management Department

6. Designing Department

7. Development Department

8. Support & Maintenance Department

9. HR Department

 Process Monitoring

• Configuration Management

• Risk Management

• Full-cycle QA Testing

• Document and Code Reviews

• Defect follow up



 Web Design

 Mobile App Design

 Ecommerce Website Design

 U X Design


 Mobile App Development

 CMS Website Development

 PHP Website Development

 Ecommerce Website

 Development Services

 Search Engine Optimization

 Pay Per Click Services

 Email Marketing

 Social Media Optimization


 ( Web Hosting, Domain Registration)

 Server management

 Integration

 Web Hosting Services

 Domain Name Registration

 Billing software


 House Rent Billing

 CMS (Content Management System)

This paper offers views on some current and future trends in marketing. The content is

based on recent literature and on what is happening in the business world. The paper is

based on primary data. The Observation various articles, newspapers, magazines, various

websites and the information on internet have been studied. We experience a radical

change in India towards the digitalization. The consumer are looking and searching more

on internet to find the best deal form the sellers around India as compared to traditional

or conventional methods. In this study, we acknowledged that businesses can really

benefit from Digital Marketing such as search engine optimization (SEO), search engine

marketing (SEM), content marketing, influencer marketing, content automation, e-

commerce marketing, campaign marketing, and social media marketing, social media

optimization, e-mail direct marketing, display advertising, e–books, optical disks and

games and are becoming more and more common in our advancing technology. It is

demonstrated that we all are connected through whatsapp and Facebook and the

increasing use of social media is creating new opportunities for digital marketers to

attract the customers through digital platform.

Awareness of consumer’s motives is important because it provides a deeper

understanding of what influences users to create content about a brand or store. Digital

marketing is cost effective and having a great commercial impact on the business. Based

on this study, it can further be argued that knowing which social media sites a

company’s target market utilizes is another key factor in guaranteeing that online

marketing will be successful. The effectiveness of Internet marketing with respect to

different business can be analyzed. The study can further be extended to compare the

internet marketing techniques with specific to various businesses.

Keywords: - Internet, Marketing, Digitization, Social Media, Marketing Trends, Digital


1. Introduction

Marketing is a restless, changing, and dynamic business activity. The role of marketing

itself has changed dramatically due to various crises - material and energy shortages,

inflation, economic recessions, high unemployment, dying industries, dying companies,

terrorism and war, and effects due to rapid technological changes in certain industries.

Such changes, including the internet, have forced today’s marketing executive to

becoming more market driven in their strategic decision making, requiring a formalized

means of acquiring accurate and timely information about customers, products and the

marketplace and the overall environment. Internet marketing involves the usage of the

Internet to market and sell goods or services. Internet marketing utilizes the power of

electronic commerce to sell and market products. Electronic commerce refers to any

market on the internet. The electronic commerce supports selling, buying, trading of

products or services over the internet. Internet marketing forms a subset of electronic

commerce. With the outburst of internet growth, internet marketing has started becoming

very popular. It is said that Internet marketing first began in the beginning of 1990 with

just text based websites which offered product information. With growth in internet, it is

not just selling products alone, but in addition to this, information about products,
advertising space, software programs, auctions, stock trading and matchmaking. A few

companies have revolutionized the way; internet can be used for marketing, such as,,, and This paper

offers views on some current and future trends in internet marketing.

2. Review of Literature

A number of research papers and articles provide a detailed insight on Internet

Marketing. The findings from the literature are presented below:-

Internet marketing has been described simply as ‘achieving marketing objectives

through applying digital technologies’ (Chaffey et al., 2009). Digital marketing is the use

of technologies to help marketing activities in order to improve customer knowledge by

matching their needs (Chaffey, 2013). In the developed world, companies have realized

the importance of digital marketing. In order for businesses to be successful they will

have to merge online with traditional methods for meeting the needs of customers more

precisely (Parsons, Zeisser, Waitman 1996). Introduction of new technologies has

creating new business opportunities for marketers to manage their websites and achieve

their business objectives (Kiani, 1998). Online advertising is a powerful marketing

vehicle for building brands and increasing traffic for companies to achieve success

(Song, 2001). Expectations in terms of producing results and measuring success for

advertisement money spent, digital marketing is more cost-efficient for measuring ROI

on advertisement (Pepelnjak, 2008). Today, monotonous advertising and marketing

techniques have given way to digital marketing. In addition, it is so powerful that it can
help revive the economy and can create tremendous opportunities for governments to

function in a more efficient manner (Munshi, 2012). Firms in Singapore have tested the

success of digital marketing tools as being effective and useful for achieving results.

(Teo, 2005). More importantly, growth in digital marketing has been due to the rapid

advances in technologies and changing market dynamics (Mort, Sullivan, Drennan, Judy,

2002). In order for digital marketing to deliver result for businesses, digital content such

as accessibility, navigation and speed are defined as the key characteristics for marketing

(Kanttila, 2004). Other tried and tested tool for achieving success through digital

marketing is the use of word-of-mouth WOM on social media and for making the site

popular (Trusov, 2009). In addition, WOM is linked with creating new members and

increasing traffic on the website which in return increases the visibility in terms of

marketing. Social media with an extra ordinary example Facebook has opened the door

for businesses to communicate with millions of people about products and services and

has opened new marketing opportunities in the market. This is possible only if the

managers are fully aware of using the communication strategies to engage the customers

and enhancing their experience (Mangold, 2009). Marketing professional must truly

understand online social marketing campaigns and programs and understand how to do it

effectively with performance measurement indicators. As the market dynamics all over

the world are changing in relation to the young audience accessibility to social media

and usage. It is important that strategic integration approaches are adopted in

organization’s marketing communication plan (Rohm & Hanna, 2011). With the above

reviews we can assume that GST is a tax reform which will change the scenario of the
country as a support for this review study. Blogs as a tool for digital marketing have

successfully created an impact for increasing sales revenue, especially for products

where customers can read reviews and write comments about personal experiences. For

businesses, online reviews have worked really well as part of their overall strategic

marketing strategy (Zhang, 2013). Online services tools are more influencing than

traditional methods of communication (Helm, Möller, Mauroner, Conrad, 2013). As part

of study, it is proven that users experience increase in self-esteem and enjoyment when

they adapt to social media which itself is a motivating sign for businesses and marketing

professional (Arnott, 2013). Web experiences affect the mental process of consumers

and enhance their buying decision online (Cetină, Cristiana, Rădulescu, 2012). The

Internet is the most powerful tool for businesses (Yannopoulos, 2011). Marketing

managers who fail to utilize the importance of the Internet in their business marketing

strategy will be at disadvantage because the Internet is changing the brand, pricing,

distribution and promotion strategy.

3. Rationale for the Study

The most interesting result of the technology explosion and easy access to it by

consumers is the disruption of the market and the marketing practice. The customer

today is an empowered customer, and in control of the interactive online media, content

and communication process. The power of the traditional marketing tools and

communication is diminishing and the customer has little trust to the corporate message

and brand. Technology is changing the context of and practice of marketing: marketers

are increasingly forced to operate in a complex and changing world where they do not
have any more the full control of the media and the message. Customer behavior is also

changing: the customer is losing trust and becomes much more critical, smart, well

informed and proactive than ever before. New knowledge, new skills and new

approaches are required by today and future marketers not only for understanding the

changing and technology enabled marketing environment but also for comprehending

and communicating with the new customer. The Marketing becomes increasingly digital

and continuous technological developments present marketers with new challenges and

opportunities: Mobile marketing, Internet of Things, Analytics, Big Data, 3D printing,

cloud computing, Artificial Intelligence, Consumer Neuroscience / Neuro marketing are

some of the most interesting and challenging domains where the future marketer are

expected to must be able to function and deliver. With the ultra-rapid development of

digital technology and social media, it is an enormous challenge to keep track of those

developments and to use them advantageously. That is why author felt a need to focus on

this in this study.

4. Problem Statement and Study Objectives

Seeing that the strength of internet & social media will not decrease the upcoming few

years, this topic will be crucial to every organization (Giedd & Chief, August 2012). The

power of smartphones in combination with social media is a constant expanding threat to

many companies (Felt & Robb, 2016). The second big point of consideration is related to

the continuing trend of children, adolescents, and teenagers using digital and social

media more and more excessively (Giedd & Chief, August 2012). That is why this study
intends to focus on understanding the internet marketing and its technique with

following set of objectives:-

 What are the successful techniques of internet marketing used today?

 What is basic comparison between traditional and digital marketing?

 Which is the most preferred internet marketing approach?

 Do companies prefer internet marketing to traditional marketing?

These questions will help us predict the trends in internet marketing and make suitable

suggestions to companies.

5. Methodology

The exploratory research is designed to allow an investigator to basically look around

with respect to some phenomenon, with the aim to develop suggestive ideas (Reynolds,

1971). This study is exploratory in nature and includes both quantitative and qualitative

analysis. As a purpose of this study (critical review), data have been collected on all

India basis. The secondary data & information have been analyzed for preparing this

paper extensively. The secondary data & information have been collected from different

scholars and researchers, published e-books, articles published in different journals,

periodicals, conference papers, working paper, company websites for annual reports &

CSR activity reports and their internal newsletters. The company related data and

information are used which is available publically on the websites of the companies.

This is the best/standard practice for a research which is a critical review type.
6. Analysis and Discussion of Study

6.1 Internet Marketing

The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks. It is a network of

networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government

networks. “Internet works thanks to combination of a range of technologies and it is the

biggest source of information mankind has ever had for its disposal. Internet also laid the

foundations of more information channels than people have created until the 20th

century.” (Phillips, 2003). The term Marketing has many definitions. One of the most

well-known definition says that “Marketing is the social process by which individuals

and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products

and value with others.” (Kotler, Keller, 2007). By connecting these two fields “We can

apply marketing principles within the internet area. This can be done mainly by creating

a web pages, internet advertising, and also marketing research on the internet, electronic

commerce etc. However internet marketing demands a little bit different approach in

certain aspects than traditional marketing.” (Blažková, 2005). Simply speaking internet

marketing, also referred to as online-marketing, web-marketing, e-marketing, or i-

marketing, is the marketing of products or services over the Internet.

In fact, internet marketing includes the use of a company web site in conjunction with

online promotional techniques, such as banner advertising, search engines, PPC

advertising, e-mail and links or services from other web sites to acquire new customers.

Many people can think that internet marketing is just a website with its content, but it is

much more complex. Internet marketing is interconnection among the site portal, search

engines, partner’s sites, blogs, other site linking, B2B partners, customers, outsource

partners and much more. For any type of marketing is essential to have as large number

of audiences possible, as long as Internet marketing is concerned, the number of

potential customers goes along with the usage of internet itself.

6.2 Power of Internet / Digitization

The internet is most powerful tool in the emerging globalization. It is evident from the

examples given in Table-1. These companies have understood the power of Internet /

digitization long back and now they are the biggest user of Internet.

Table- Examples of Power of Internet / Digitization

The world's biggest bank, with no actual

Cash –Bitcoin
The world’s largest Taxi Company, owns

no vehicles –UBER

The world’s most popular Media owner

creates no content - Facebook

The world’s most valuable retailer, with

no inventory – amazon,

6.3 Different Trends/Techniques of Internet Marketing

Internet marketing plan will help define specific e-marketing objectives and develop

strategies to ensure that resources are deployed to take advantage of the marketing

opportunities provided by the Internet, and to counter its threats. E-marketing is focused

on how a company and its brands use the web and other digital media such as e-mail and

mobile media to interact with its audiences in order to meet its marketing goals. We

plowed through all the variety of marketing arenas from content and social marketing to
marketing technology, analytics and organizational transformation, to find and establish

the ultimate summary for marketing trends 2017. The various marketing trends articles

of different authors and experts were read, dissected, analysed and summarized as


6.3.1 Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

In layman’s terms, Search Engine Optimization or SEO is essentially tweaking your

website so that it comes up naturally or organically for search results in Google, Yahoo

Bing or any other search engine. Google updates its algorithms regularly so that only the

relevant results come up. From that perspective, many experts say that SEO is dead and

the effort is futile. However, the truth is that Google tries to prevent algorithm

manipulation and filters sites that don’t deserve to be on the top of SERPs (Search

Engine Result Pages). So there is no doubt you should invest in SEO work. Your website

should address the technicalities related to content and query matching, spidering,

indexing, and interpreting non-text content. Remember, it is the most cost-effective

marketing strategy that will bring organic traffic to your business.

6.3.2 Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Search Engine Marketing or SEM is the comprehensive strategy to drive traffic to your

business, primarily through paid efforts. Hence it is also called Paid Search Marketing.

The universe of SEM is diverse and complicated. Based on your business structure, you

may choose PPC (pay- per-click) or CPC (cost-per-click) model, or CPM (cost-per-

thousand impressions) model. There are different platforms for SEM. By far, Google Ad

Words (on Google Network) and Bing Ads (on Yahoo Bing Network) are the most
popular. SEM also includes Display Advertising, Search Retargeting & Site

Remarketing, Mobile Marketing and Paid Social Advertising.

6.3.3 Content Creation

Content can be presented in different formats, including blogs, white papers, e-books,

case studies, how-to guides, question and answer articles, forums, news and updates,

images, banners, info graphics, podcasts, webinars, videos, or content for micro blogging

and social media sites. All recent changes to Google’s algorithm - be it Panda, Penguin

or Hummingbird - point to the fact that content is the most important metric while

filtering search results. You can be creative and create content on any topic and then

skilfully link it indirectly to your business. You may like to read our article on how to

include content and market your start up or business free of cost. Also, you need to

customize your content for different platforms. For example, the content for mobile

phones should be crisp and short. Remember, an effective strategy will engage your

readers and leave them interested in more information from you. Good content is shared

and is the best way for branding your business.

6.3.4 Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Social Media Marketing or SMM is an offshoot of your SEM efforts. It involves driving

traffic to your sites or business through social sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,

Pinterest, Google+, LinkedIn, etc. As we mentioned above, good content is shared and

liked. So create and customize content for different social media platforms. Remember

to be prolific and original; you need to engage with users on a daily basis, at least four to

five times a day. Your SMM efforts can be especially helpful for branding and driving
sales. The tools and approaches for communicating with customers have changed greatly

with the emergence of social media; therefore, businesses must learn how to use social

media in a way that is consistent with their business plan (Mangold and Faulds 2099). In

order to create a successful marketing campaign via social media, a consumer must be

open to the technology.

6.3.5 Digital Display Advertising

This again is a subset of your SEM efforts. You may use a variety of display advertising

formats to target potential audience - be it text, image, banner, rich-media, interactive or

video ads. You can customize your message based on interests, content topics, or the

position of the customer in the buying cycle. However, note that Digital Display

Advertising is relatively costly. You need experts to drive good ROI for your business.

Mobile marketing is a relatively new branch of marketing, referring to the two-way

marketing communication between company and customers that takes place via mobile

devices. The website, apps and content is being customized for mobile devices. The

mobile users are growing day by day and it is the most effective way of marketing.

Dushinski (2009) in his paper defines mobile marketing as a revolutionary tool for

connecting companies with each of their clients via their mobile devices in the right

time, on a right place and with appropriate direct message.

6.3.7 Interactive Marketing

Make sure your advertising strategy engages the potential customer in a conversation.

According to a survey by, 55 percent respondents preferred to have

ongoing communications with the companies they buy from; and 89 percent felt more

loyal to the companies if they were invited to provide feedback. Use tools like widgets

and opt-in features to make your website interactive, solicit feedback and track user

behaviour. Engage with the customers actively and customize offers based on their

preferences and browsing activities.

6.3.8 Viral Marketing

Viral is today’s electronic equivalent of old-fashioned word of mouth. Viral Marketing is

a strategy where a unique content spreads exponentially online, because the content is

appreciated, shared and liked immensely. This is a great way to brand and drive traffic to

your website. The content can take any format; all you need is to be creative. Marketers

have caught the bug and are increasingly weaving viral components into their marketing

plans. Not only is the approach relatively inexpensive, but also it can sometimes be more

believable than standard ads.” (Howard, 2005)

6.3.9 Email Marketing

When you send a commercial message through email to a list of potential customers, the

strategy is called Email Marketing. With effective email marketing software, you can

maintain email lists that are segregated based on several factors, including customers‟

likes and dislikes, and spending habits. Remember to send personalized emails; this

helps to develop trust. However, note that Email Marketing may also be considered as

spamming and there are laws against it in some countries.

6.3.10 Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is a performance-based marketing program, where you pay

publishers who bring you customers. The performance may be based on conversions -

promotions, leads or simply sales. You may like to be part of the affiliate programs of

different publishers. Essentially, the publishers will give you space in their pages to

advertise your business and help you drive conversions; and you will pay them based on

the compensation model. You may avail the help from an Affiliate Network, which will

give you a large base of publishers, and other benefits like tracking and reporting

technology. Affiliate Marketing is especially useful for startups, as it will bring in more

traffic to their business through high-traffic sites. In essence, Affiliate Marketing is a

win-win situation for both the merchants and publishers. Sites like Amazon, eBay,

LinkShare and Flipkart run Affiliate Programs. In fact, most online businesses with

appreciable traffic have their own affiliate programs.

6.3.11 Online Public Relations (Online PR)

Public Relation is significant part of modern marketing tools. Companies that do not

consider PR can loose customers. The question is how many customers they can loose?

The answer of this question is very difficult, because PR is much more difficult to

measure than for example internet advertising, however correctly realized PR brings

always some benefits to the company. Online PR has advantage over the traditional PR

in the possibility of great and fast two way communication on the internet. Companies

running an online business can develop online public relations through publishing PR

articles in online PR catalogues, press releases in online media, by sharing videos or

music containing commercial message or advertisement, or by participating in various

discussion forums concerning the related topic or products.

6.3.12 Digital Media Planning and Buying

When a media agency researches and makes a comprehensive strategy framework, we

call it Digital Media Planning. Be it in driving sales or conversions, launching a new

brand or promoting an established brand, or changing customer behaviour, the media

agency plans different platforms and formats to reach the desired audience. It studies

reach and frequency of different web-based and mobile applications. The agency works

with different partners and buys relevant space and ideas. This is called Media Buying.

In essence, Media Buying and Planning entails all the strategies that we have discussed


6.3.13 Web Analytics

Perhaps, the most important aspect of your Digital Marketing is Web Analytics.

Essentially, Web Analytics helps you to collect, measure, understand, analyze, plan,

report and predict the web activities for your business. Web Analytics should not be

confused with Web Statistics. As opposed to simple reporting, Web Analytics gives you

analyses and different angles to ponder vis-à-vis your business. Some of the important

Web Analytics tools are Google Analytics, Spring Metrics, Woopra, Clicky, Mint and

Chartbeat. It goes without saying that every advertiser should use Web Analytics to

understand his business and improve the ROI and conversions.

6.4 Most Preferred Internet Marketing Approach

Ascend2 and its other research partners conducted a survey of 275 marketing
professionals in 2018 around the world. The results are shown in the following Figure.

Preferred Internet Marketing Approach

(Source:, Ascend2 and its research partners, 2018)

Figure shows that Email and Website constitute the most effective tactics and least

difficult to execute. In a study on “Digital Marketing Trends for 2018” by Dave Chaffey

(April, 2018) invited the views from Smart Insights reader for most important trends at a

top-level. A total 2,352 responses from marketers around the world were received. The

respondents were asked to give their opinion on "Select one marketing activity that you

think will give your business the biggest incremental uplift in leads and sales in 2018 (or

your clients if you work for an agency or as a consultant)”. The following statistics show

that various digital marketing activities with the greatest commercial impact in 2018. The

content marketing communities is having the highest impact on the business of the company.
Other 0.90%
Partnerships 1.50%
Display 1.60%
Communities 2.60%
Online PR 2.70%
Paid search marketing 3.30%
Wearables 3.40%
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) 4.10%
Internet of Things (IoT) 5.40%
Social media marketing 8.80%
Mobile marketing 9.20%
Mobile marketing 10.30%
Big Data 20.20%
Content marketing Communities 20.30%
Conversion rate optimisation (CRO) 5.90%

Fig. 3: Digital Marketing Commercial Impact


6.5 Traditional Marketing v/s Internet Marketing

If we compare the methods of online marketing with conventional traditional marketing

practices, then there are ample areas and opportunities where online marketing is

competent and have its advantages and is always preferred over it.

Unlike traditional marketing where we have to wait for stipulated time frame to find out

the response from the customers, online marketing is real time.

Since we can the response of the customers in real time, it is easier to track if a particular

campaign is working for the product or not and based on the feedback marketer can

made the appropriate changes in the promotional campaign, in traditional marketing

this flexibility is not possible.

In traditional marketing, it is difficult for small retailers to compete with the big

competitors in the market owing to the cost involved and strategy making expertise
whereas in case of online marketing, through a crisp website you can reach your

target audience with wider reach with better service assurance.

Cost involvement is another point which creates a lot of difference between the

conventional marketing techniques over online marketing; business house can create

its respective digital marketing strategy with very little cost and replace conventional

costly advertising methods such as print media, radio coverage, television and


Through online marketing any business promotional idea have far greater reach and

coverage as it can be seen any part of the world via one marketing campaign in

optimal cost compared to conventional marketing campaigns and once any marketer

optimized the important word search criteria content in website then it is a great

return on investment with very marginal cost to maintain the positioning.

With electronic marketing, marketer can create options to stimulate their target audience

to take favorable appropriate action, visit the respective website, to know about their

products and its features and different services, by this mechanism customers can

express their view about the product, their choice of buying the product and

corresponding feedback, which is also visible in the website thus by this way the

marketer get an effective opportunity to engage with the customers, which is usually

diluted in case of traditional mode of marketing.

Through online marketing brand development can be done better than traditional mode

of marketing, a well-designed website with quality information can target the

requirement of the customers and add significant value to their expectations with
creation of greater opportunities. Online marketing has the potential to create ripple

and viral effect in promotion over traditional mode marketing, for an instance using

social media networking website, email and social media channels promulgates the

content of the message to be shared incredibly quickly.

6.6 Advantages digital marketing brings for customers

With rapid technological developments, digital marketing has changed customers buying

behavior. It has brought various advantages to the consumers as given below: -

 Stay updated with products or services - Digital marketing technologies allow the

consumers to stay with the company information updated. Nowadays a lot of

consumer can access internet any place anytime and companies are continuously

updating information about their products or services.

 Greater engagement - With digital marketing, consumers can engage with the

company’s various activities. Consumers can visit company’s website, read

information about the products or services and make purchases online and provide


 Clear information about the products or services - Through digital marketing,

consumers get clear information about the products or services. There is a little

chance of misinterpretation of the information taken from sales person in a retail

store. However, Internet provides comprehensive product information which

customers can rely on and make purchase decision.

 Easy comparison with others - Since many companies are trying to promote their

products or services using digital marketing, it is becoming the greatest advantage

for the customer in terms that customers can make comparison among products or

services by different suppliers in cost and time friendly way. Customers don’t

need to visit a number of different retail outlets in order to gain knowledge about

the products or services.

 24/7 shopping - Since internet is available all day long; there is no time restriction

for when customer wants to buy a product online.

 Share content of the products or services - Digital marketing gives viewers a

chance to share the content of the product or services to others. Using digital

media, one can easily transfer and get information about the characteristics of the

product or services to others.

 Apparent Pricing - Company shows the prices of products or services through

digital marketing channel and this makes prices very clear and transparent for the

customers. Company may regularly changes the prices or gives special.

 Enables Instant Purchase - With traditional marketing, customers first watch the

advertisement and then find relevant physical store to purchase the products or

services. However, with digital marketing, customers can purchase the products or

services instantly.


We experience a radical change in India towards the digitalization. The consumer are

looking and searching more on internet to find the best deal form the sellers around

India as compared to traditional or conventional methods. Cha (2009) also established

in his study that more people perceive shopping services on social networking sites as

useful and easy to use, the more likely they are willing to shop for items on social

networks. The wide range of consumers utilizing social networks means that most

target markets can be reached (Cha 2009). Shankar (et al. 2011) also revealed in his

study that more shoppers are using social media (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, MySpace,

and LinkedIn) and rely on them for marketing shopping decisions; promotion through

these media has become important. In this study, we acknowledged that businesses can

really benefit from Digital marketing such as search engine optimization (SEO), search

engine marketing (SEM), content marketing, influencer marketing, content automation,

e-commerce marketing, campaign marketing, and social media marketing, social media

optimization, e-mail direct marketing, display advertising, e–books, optical disks and

games and are becoming more and more common in our advancing technology. Vogus

(2011) also determined that large companies are regarding social media sites as

strategic tools and some businesses are even hiring employees to oversee their social

media pages. Mangold and Faulds (2009) recommended that social media should be

regarded as an integral part of an organization’s integrated marketing strategy and

should not be taken lightly. It is demonstrated that we all are connected through

whatsapp and facebook and the increasing use of social media is creating new

opportunities for digital marketers to attract the customers through digital platform.

Awareness of consumer’s motives is important because it provides a deeper

understanding of what influences users to create content about a brand or store. This is

also supported by Chu (2011), who examined the link between Facebook brand related
group participation, advertising responses, and the psychological factors of self-

disclosure and attitudes among members and nonmembers of Facebook groups. The

study determined that users who are members of groups on Facebook are more likely to

disclose their personal data than non members are. Chu (2011) also found that users

who are Facebook group members maintain a more favorable attitude toward social

media and advertising. Digital marketing is cost effective and having a great

commercial impact on the business. Indeed, small companies are now able to reach

targeted markets at a minimized cost and are able to compete with bigger companies,

on an equal footing (F. Palumbo and P. Herbig., 1998).

8. Limitations of the study

Based on this study, it can further be argued that knowing which social media sites a

company’s target market utilizes is another key factor in guaranteeing that online

marketing will be successful. The effectiveness of Internet marketing with respect to

different business can be analyzed. The study can further be extended to compare the

internet marketing techniques with specific to various businesses.




1) To study the Online presence of business & its service.

2) To study the Social media presence & promotion of products/services.

3) To increase client/audience engagement & generate leads.

4) Easier access to organization services through web & social media.


It is all about to find best way to promote any product or service.


i It consume lots of time.
ii Creates negative public relation.

iii It takes control out of our hands.

iv Difficult to determine ROI.

v Campaigns are very easy to copy.
vi Judges on first impression.

Primary Data :

Primary Data is collected during Training , Observation ,Interaction,

Collecting data from the Manager for the design of Questionnaire, Discussion

with the Organization, Departmental heads, assistance and executives of the



Secondary data is collected from the Official website of the Company


 SAMPLE FRAME: Study about two different marketing techniques.

 SAMPLE UNIT: Educational institutes and business units.

 SAMPLE SIZE : 110 Respondents


 SURVEY TOOL : Structured Questionnaire

 DATA ANALYSIS: M S Excel, Pie chart, Bar chart.

Descriptive Study determines and reports the way things are . It has no control

over what is and it can only measure what already exist. Descriptive Research
also known as Statistical research describes data and characteristics about the

population or phenomenon being studied.

1. Do you believe in the concept of marketing?

Frequency Percent
Yes 47 42.7

No 63 57.3

Total 110 100.0


According to the Survey, 42.7% Respondents believe in the concept of marketing

and 57.3% Respondents do not believe in the concept of marketing.

2. Do you have any website?

Frequency Percent
Valid Yes 47 42.7

No 63 57.3

Total 110 100.0


According to the Survey, 42.7% Respondents have website for their Business and

57.3% Respondents don’t have Website for their Business.

a) If Yes, Do you want to Redesign it?

Frequency Percent

No Response 63 57.3

Yes 3 2.7

No 44 40.0

Total 110 100.0

According to the survey, 2.7% respondents who have a website want to redesign it

and 40% respondents don’t want to redesign their website.

b) If No, why?

Frequency Percent

No Response 47 42.7

Cost 7 6.4

5 4.5
Lack Of Technology
51 46.4
Others (Time Consuming)

Total 110 100


According to the survey, 46.4% respondents find it Time Consuming to have an

website, 6.4% respondents find costly to have one website and 4.5% have lack of

technology to have one website for their Business.

2) When are you planning to have one website for your business?

Frequency Percent

No Response 15 13.6

Immediately 2 1.9

Within a year 5 4.5

After One year 88 80.0

Total 110 100.0

According to the survey, 80% respondents are planning to have website after

one year, 4.5% respondents will have a website within a year, 1.9% respondents

will have a website immediately for their Business.

3)Do you believe in the growth prospect of digital marketing in the future?

Frequency Percent

Yes 14 12.7
No 82 74.5
May Be 14 12.7
Total 110 100.0

According to the survey 12.7% believe in the possibility of growth of digital

marketing,74.5% do not believe and 12.7% are doubtful.

4) Are You Aware of Digital Marketing ?

Frequency Percent
Yes 86 78.2

No 19 17.3

Don’t Know 5 4.5

Total 110 100.0


According to the survey, 78.2% respondents are aware of Digital Marketing,

17.3% are not aware of Digital marketing and 4.5% have no idea about Digital
(A)If YES, which Digital Marketing tool would you like to proceed with?

Frequency Percent

Don’t Know 20 18.2

Social Media Marketing 45 40.9
Search Engine Marketing 10 9.1
Email Marketing 4 3.6
Paid Ad’s 3 2.7
Online Marketing 19 17.3
Mobile Marketing 9 8.2
Total 110 100.0
According to the survey, 40.9% are into Social Media, 17.3% into Online
Marketing, 9.1% into Search engine marketing, 8.2% into Mobile marketing,
3.6% into Email Marketing and 2.7% into paid ad’s.
5) Are you aware of Social Media for your Business

Frequency Percent

Yes 57 51.8

No 53 48.2

Total 110 100.0

According to the Survey, 51.8% of Respondents are aware of Social Media and
48.2% are unaware of Social Media.
If YES, which is the most effective Social Media? RATE IT?


NEUTRAL 0 2.7 1.8 1.8
VERYPOOR 0 3.6 2.7 2.7
GOOD 22.72 2.7 1.8 1.8
VERY GOOD 28.18 1.81 1.8 1.8
NO RESPONSE 43 86.36 86.36 86.36
POOR 43.63 2.7 5.45 5.45

100 Title

According to this survey,28.18% Facebook is found to be very good for their
Business, 1.8% find Linked in, 1.8% find Instagram Very good for their
Business , 1.8% find twitter very good for their Business.
If NO, Would you like to promote your Business through Digital
Marketing Strategies?

Frequency Percent
No Response 57 51.8
Yes 3 2.7
No 13 11.8
May be 37 33.6
Total 110 100.0

According to the survey, 2.7% respondents would like to promote through Digital
Marketing strategies, 11.8% are not interested to promote and 33.6% would think to
6) What is the Role of Online marketing in your Business( SALES)?

Frequency Percent

Extremely Important 7 6.4

Important 24 21.8

Neutral 37 33.6

Slightly Important 24 21.8

Not Important 18 16.4

Total 110 100.0

According to the survey, 6.4% respondents find Online Marketing for Sales
extremely important for their Business , 21.8% find it important ,33.6% find
neutral, 21.8% find it slightly important and 16.4% find it not at all important for
their Business.
7) What is Role of Online Marketing in your Business(INFORMATION

Frequency Percent

Extremely Important 16 14.5

Important 38 34.5

Neutral 31 28.2

Slightly Important 16 14.5

Not Important 9 8.2

Total 110 100.0

According to the survey, 14.5% Respondents find Online Marketing for
Information Search as Extremely Important for their Business , 34.5% find it
important ,28.2% find neutral, 14.5% find it slightly important and 8.2% find it not
at all important for their Business.
8) What is Role of Online Marketing in your

Frequency Percent

Extremely Important 8 7.3

Important 27 24.5

Neutral 49 44.5

Slightly Important 18 16.4

Not Important 8 7.3

Total 110 100.0

According to the survey, 7.3% Respondents find Online Marketing for
Customer Conversion rate as Extremely Important for their Business , 24.5%
find it Important ,44.5% find Neutral, 16.4% find it Slightly Important and 7.3%
find it not at all Important for their Business.
9) Among these which do you find most important when
promoting on social media

Frequency Percent
To Find New Customers 40 36.4
To engage with existing
customers 8 7.3

To Share new ideas and

40 36.4
build your brand

To get Instant Feedback 22 20.0

Total 110 100.0


According to the Survey, 36.4% Respondents feel Finding New customers is

important when promoting on Social Media, 7.3% find promotion to share with
existing customers, 36.4% Find it to share new ideas and build their brand and
20% do it to get instant feedback.
10) Which one Social Media network or Online
Presence you think is better to Generate Sales or
Customer Engagement

Frequency Percent

Facebook 102 92.7

Instagram 1 .9

Twitter 5 4.5

LinkedIn 2 1.8

Total 110 100.0

According to the survey,92.7% respondents find Facebook better to generate
sales,0.9% find Instagram better, 4.5% find Twitter better and 1.8% find Linked
In to generate sales and engage their customers.
11) What is Role of Digital Marketing in your Business or Service?

Frequency Percent

Just Presence 56 50.9

To Boost Sales 31 28.2

Omni Market 8 7.3

To Social Surters 15 13.6

Total 110 100.0

According to the survey, 50.9% of respondents find Digital Marketing as Just
presence in their Business, 28.2% find it to Boost Sales, 7.3% find it to get
Omni market and 13.6% find it for Social Surfers.
12) What Strategies you would like to opt to retain the existing customers?

Frequency Percent

Updating Existing Website With 32 29.1


Opting Social Media 46 41.8

Others 32 29.1

Total 110 100.0

According to the Survey, 29.1% Of Respondents Would Update Their Existing
Website To Retain The Existing Customers, 41.8% Would Opt Social Media
Strategies For Their Business And 29.1% Would Opt Other Strategies For Their
13) Based on your experience which source visitors finds you well with?

Frequency Percent

Networking 5 4.5
Social Media 29 26.4
Google 32 29.1
Newspapers 25 22.7
Others 19 17.3
Total 110 100.0
According to the survey, 4.5% of Respondents feel that their visitors find them
well with networking, 26.4% feel that their Visitors find them on Social Media,
29.1% feel on Google,22.7% feel on Newspapers and 17.3% find them on

1. According to this survey, 57.3% of the Business did not have website in

which 46.4% find having a website is Time Consuming.

2. About 12.7% Respondents are not aware about any Web Design Company

3. It can also be seen that 78.2% respondents are aware of Digital Marketing in

which 51.8% respondents are aware of Social media and remaining 26.4%

are not aware of Digital Marketing.

4. 33.6% of the Role of Online Marketing in Sales is Neutral, as in searching

information 35% is seen Important and 45% is for customer conversion rate.

5. 36.4% of Business in Kanpur feel finding new customers and sharing new
ideas to build their brand is the most important when promoting on Social

6. 92.7% of Respondents find Facebook is the most effective social media

application to generate sales and leads

7. 41.8% of Social Media is Found to be the important medium to retain

customers and 29.1% is taken by Google to find visitors


1.It can be seen that Kanpur has more potential Market for Digital Marketing as
only 78.2% are just aware of Digital marketing and rest 21.8% don’t have an
idea about Digital Marketing.

2. We need to educate the respondents i.e. about having one website for their
Business as only 57.3% respondents have websites.

3.As only 13% respondents know about web design company, their is also no
awareness about any Web Design Company, so the respondents need to be
educated about Web Designing.

4.We need to demonstrate the process of Web usage to clear the myth of Time
Consuming and also the Result Orientation of Web development on Business.

5.As it is seen that Facebook is 93% used tool to generate leads in Kanpur, we

need to introduce other similar media like LinkedIn to serve their Business.

6.It is also seen that Online marketing is playing a vital role in information
search. The Business can also increase their customers conversion and sales
through these strategies

7. As 29% of Business find their visitors through Google, Social Media

awareness can be created to get easier access with customers.

Communication about the product or service provides a major contribution to brand

competition in the market. It not only provides information about a product or service

but also promotes creative innovation. Besides advertising, it also facilitates consumer

satisfaction. The hidden fact is that no brand can progress without effective

communication strategy to attract their customers or users. Big and small variety of

brands nowadays laid their base on social network communication to get recognized in

the target market.

Social networking sites users of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have become a

personal, product and corporate branding hub in India nowadays in digital era. Every

brand that exists on social networking sites has the same core features and benefits, such

as the ability to create a page, share resources, add multimedia and much more. Social

networking sites are filled with potential users who are mainly young adults. They spend

more time in these networking sites due to heavy commercial contents, entertainment

and social gathering. So, product or service communicators throng their ads in these

areas with more and more interactive and with fascinating factors so that their brand

identity is developed among the right choice of focused audience. Advertisers and

brands uses social networking sites as the major resource for their promotion and

developing brand identity among the focused market.





1) Do you believe in the concept of marketing?

a. Yes

b. No

2) Do you have any website?

a) Yes

b) No

(A) If Yes, do you want to redesign it?

a) Yes

b) No

(B) IF No, why? (reason)

a) Cost
b)Lack of technology

c) Other (time consuming)

3) When Are you planning to have one website for your business?

a) Immediately

b) Within a year

c) After one year

3) Do you know any digital marketing company in


a) Yes

b) No

c) May be

1) If Yes, Which is it?

a) Quartz technologies

b) Cloud data software solution

c) Baya media

d) Others
4) Are you aware of digital marketing?

a) Yes

b) No

c) Don’t know

A)If yes, which digital marketing tool would you like to proceed with?

a) Social media marketing

b) Search engine marketing

c) Email marketing

d) Paid AD’s

e) Online marketing

f) Mobile marketing

5) Are you aware of social media for your business?


b) No

a) If yes, which is the most effective social media according to

your organization? Rate it.


b)If no, would you like to promote your business through digital

marketing strategies?

A) Yes

B) No

C) May be

6) What is the role of online marketing in your business?

(Rate them accordingly)


a) Extremely important

b) Important

c) Neutral

d) Slightly important

e) Not important

(a)Extremely important

(b) Important


(d) Slightly important

(e)Not important


a) Extremely important

b) Important

c) Neutral

d) Slightly important

e) Not important

7) Among these which do you find the most important when

promoting on social media?

a) To find new customers

b) To engage with existing customers

c) To share new ideas and build your brand

d) To get instant feedback

8) Which one social media network or online presence you

think is better to generate sales/ customer engagement?

a) Facebook

b) Instagram

c) Twitter

d) LinkedIn

9) What is the role of digital marketing in your business/ service?

a) Just presence

b) To boost sales

c) Omni market

d) To social surfers

10) Whom do you consider your biggest competitor in Kanpur

who has similar business as you do?

Please mention :

a) What strategies you would like to opt to retain the existing


a) Updating existing website with offers

b) Opting social media optimizing company

c) Others (.................................................................................)

12 ) Based on your experience, which source visitors finds you well

with ?

a) Networking

b) Social media

c) Google

d) News papers

e) Others


Books or Websites Author or Links

Company Website

“Digital matketing: A new buzz word”A Munshi, MSS MUNSHI (2012)

“Organizing for digital marketing” AJ Parsons, M Zeisser, R Waitman (1996)

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