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Seismic Refraction Lab

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Lab 6: Seismic Refraction Lab GLY3160 / PHY3160

NAME: ________________________________________ LAB TIME: __________________________


The following lab will introduce you to the basic concepts of seismic refraction as well as some actual data collected during
seismic refraction surveys. You will use your knowledge of seismic refraction to calculate various parameters of interest.

Part I: Ray Paths

1) On the picture below: Draw and label the paths of the direct ray, the reflected ray, and the refracted ray to both
geophones. Note that geophone 1 is at the critical distance and geophone 2 is at the crossover distance. You
don’t have to make your drawing perfectly to scale, but use a straight edge and label the critical angle (ic)
everywhere that it occurs. Only draw and label the rays that are recorded at these two geophones.

2) Which ray is the first arrival at distances less than geophone 1’s location? Be sure to explain why this is true.
Do not simply state the definitions of terms like critical distance, etc. This also applies to questions 3-5.

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Lab 6: Seismic Refraction Lab GLY3160 / PHY3160

3) What ray arrives first between geophone 1 & 2? Why?

4) What ray arrives first after geophone 2? Why?

5) Which ray is never the first arrival? Why?

6) What are the equations for the arrival times of the direct ray and the first refracted ray given the layer
thicknesses and the layer velocities? Describe each parameter in these equations.

𝒕𝒅𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒕 =

𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒇𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅𝟏 =

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Lab 6: Seismic Refraction Lab GLY3160 / PHY3160

7) Using your trigonometry and algebra skills, show that the analytical solution for the critical distance is:
𝑋𝑐 = 2ℎ1 𝑡𝑎𝑛 [𝑎𝑟𝑐𝑠𝑖𝑛 ( )]
Where h1, is the upper layer thickness and v1 and v2 are the velocities of the two layers. Make sure to include a
sketch of your setup and describe what you are doing. Please be neat and explain your steps. Hint: recall that
the equation for the critical angle (ic) can be derived using Snell’s Law.

𝑣 2ℎ1
Any student that can show that 𝑋𝑐 = 2ℎ1 𝑡𝑎𝑛 [𝑎𝑟𝑐𝑠𝑖𝑛 ( 1 )] = 1/2 will receive bonus points. Be sure
𝑣2 𝑣2 2
[( ) −1]
to clearly state any trigonometric identities that you use.

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Lab 6: Seismic Refraction Lab GLY3160 / PHY3160

8) Define the term “crossover distance”. (We will work more with crossover distance later in this lab.)

Part II: Seismic Refraction Survey Data

1) Construct a t-x diagram in Excel using the data below (assume four significant figures). Plot all of the data as
discrete symbols (use circles), and once you have determined the different ray arrivals, re-plot each arrival in a
different color (again using circles). Plot a best-fitting line (and show the equations on the graph) for each
group so that you can later determine the layer velocities and thicknesses. Include your graph in your write-up
with a brief caption. I will not look at your excel file, so your description, graph, and work should be clear and
stand on its own.

Distance (m) Travel Time (milliseconds, msec)

5 7.1
10 14.3
15 21.4
20 28.6
25 35.7
30 42.9
35 48.5
40 51.0
45 53.5
50 56.0
55 58.4
60 60.9
65 63.4
70 65.9
75 68.4
80 70.8
85 73.3
90 75.8
95 77.5
100 78.3
105 79.1
110 80.0
115 80.8
120 81.6

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Lab 6: Seismic Refraction Lab GLY3160 / PHY3160

2) How many layers did you detect? How did you distinguish where a new layer started on the t-x diagram?

3) What are the velocities of each layer in m/s? Show/Explain your work (as always!).

4) How many layer thicknesses could you determine from this data? What is the depth to the top of layer two in
meters? Show/Explain your work (as always!).

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Lab 6: Seismic Refraction Lab GLY3160 / PHY3160

5) Construct a t-x diagram (using Excel) from the data below. Plot both data sets on the same plot. Note that
both surveys had the same geophone locations but the reverse was shot backwards. Hint: Instead of plotting
them like the forward lines and reverse lines in your textbook, I recommend plotting them both as forward
lines and seeing if each velocity and thickness calculations yield similar values. Include your graph in your
write-up with a brief caption.

Distance (m) Forward Time (msec) Reverse Time (msec)

10 33.3 33.3
20 66.7 66.7
30 100.0 100.0
40 111.4 119.8
50 114.3 125.1
60 117.3 134.1
70 120.2 137.0
80 123.1 140.0
90 133.6 142.9
100 138.9 145.8
110 144.1 148.8
120 149.4 151.7

6) What does this data tell you about the interface(s) geometry at depth? It is horizontal, dipping, and/or
undulating? How do you know?

7) Fill in the box below with a simplified sketch of the subsurface interface geometry suggested by this data.

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Lab 6: Seismic Refraction Lab GLY3160 / PHY3160

Part III: Caveats of Seismic Refraction & Fun with Maple

1) To get a better understanding of what the crossover distance depends on, derive the equation for the
crossover distance, Xcr , using Maple. Hint: Think about the ray travel time equations and how you could use
these to figure out the crossover distance. Once you have used Maple to calculate the crossover distance
equation, write it below and describe/define each parameter.

𝑿𝒄𝒓 =

2) Why is it useful to know the crossover distance, or at least have some idea of what a likely crossover distance
will be, before conducting a survey?

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Lab 6: Seismic Refraction Lab GLY3160 / PHY3160

3) Clearly, a layer with zero thickness would not be detectable, but what is the thickest layer that is
mathematically impossible to detect using seismic refraction? Using your existing Maple solution from
question 1, determine the maximum thickness of layer 2 that would remain mathematically impossible to
detect. Use the parameters in the figure above, and fill in your answer from Maple in the space below. Do not
use guess and check. You can directly solve for the maximum undetectable thickness. Hint: to solve this
problem, you will probably want to calculate both the cross-over distance and cross-over time.

Theoretical max thickness that is undetectable for this specific survey = ____________________________

4) To double check and visualize your answer, use Maple to plot the predicted linear travel time functions for the
direct ray (red), the 1st refracted ray (blue) and the second refracted ray (green) for this maximum
undetectable thickness layer scenario all on the same plot. Include a caption that explains your plot and what
it means. Include this plot and caption at the end of this lab.

5) Assuming you have exactly 24 geophones in your survey, what is the thinnest layer thickness (in meters) that
would be detectable in a reasonable seismic refraction survey? There is not exact answer here, so I will be
flexible. The key is to use the travel time equations to make a quantitative prediction. To figure this out, you
can change the layer 2 thickness in your Maple sheet and make a new version of the plot from question 5
(same colors and formatting), until you are satisfied that you have a detectable second layer. To simulate
having exactly 24 geophones, you can make your new plot use dots for each geophone arrival instead of
plotting a solid line. To do this, use the plot options:
Include this plot and caption at the end of this lab.

Min thickness that is detectable for this specific 24 channel survey = ____________________________

6) The previous question highlighted one of the known caveats of seismic refraction. What is the other known
limitation of seismic refraction and why does this happen? (Two sentences max)

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