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12 - Carcuevas Mhislee - W-F (10-1)

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1. How are you taking care of yourself today?

While we are in quarantine I always try my best to get plenty of rest, drink lots of fluids, keep
warm, use a humidifier or take a hot shower for sore throat and cough, and take medicine
when I kirig2 in the night. Also, I eat healthy foods to help me boost my immune system. While
staying home, I make sure that I clean my hands often with soap and water for at least 20
seconds after I blow my nose, cough, sneeze, use the bathroom, and before eating or preparing
food. Most importantly, I use alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 70% alcohol of soap and
water is not available.

2. What are your realizations in terms of:

a. values

This pandemic taught me lots of things. Firstly, I realized that money, jobs, and material things
are all temporary. Health indeed is wealth. How could we enjoy those luxuries in life if we
aren’t healthy? In addition, while we are dealing with this unseen enemy, it made me realize
that humanity prevails at all. All people in the world are helping hand in hand—extending arms
to reach those unfortunate and those who are in need. Also, I learned how to appreciate and
enjoy the borrowed life we had. Lastly, Compassion has to come first. We’re all in this together.
Everyone is going through this quarantine and all the emotions that come with it, some more
intense depending on your situation than others. Because we cannot see each other and catch
up face to face, we must make use of what we need to check in with family and friends.

b. habits to keep and discard

Avoid contact with others, physically. Greet people with nods or waves instead of hugs,
handshakes or kisses. I frequently wash your face. Clean your hands before eating properly,
before touching your nose, and every time after touching a surface that could have affected

c. material things and essentials

Well for me, the most essential supplies are things you should already have at your disposal:
food, water and a warm place to sleep. Sure that you have basic emergency supplies on hand is
also a good idea. In addition, we should not order deliveries worth more than a few weeks at a
time. Buying massive amounts of toilet paper and cleaning supplies in panic will not make this
problem any better, and it could hurt those in need. Grocery stores are already struggling to
keep up with demand for certain items as everybody is panicking and buying too many.
3. What do you hope we will learn from this quarantine and Covid pandemic?

We've certainly goofed up along the way and could perhaps have done better if we had
understood some things earlier but that's water under the bridge. Many are going to write
about lost opportunities and hopefully we will learn from them for the next time we face a
crisis of this magnitude. Yet pause and focus on the good in the human race at this moment and
at this time, working in one and benefit the entire world. That gives us much hope for the

4. What am I grateful for today?

Coronavirus has adversely affected the lives of everyone but it was amazing to see people
forget about themselves and give so generously. I 'm thankful to the many selfless community
leaders who gave their time, skills and resources to help those of us on the frontlines. The only
way that we can get through that is together! Additionally, I’m also grateful that even we are in
quarantine; God never fails to provide for us.

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