Hesi Altered Nutrition
Hesi Altered Nutrition
Hesi Altered Nutrition
19. What initial action should the nurse implement? Rationale: Feeding
supplements are
A. Connect the Lactated Ringer's Solution to the PEG tube at the prescribed rate typically initiated when
B. Prepare to infuse water slowly through the PEG tube for the first 8 hours bowel sounds are
C. Call the dietary department and request immediate delivery of the feeding solution present, usually within 24
D. Continue to monitor the client without infusing any solution through the PEG tube hours following PEG
tube insertion.
4. CARE OF CLIENT WITH FEEDING TUBE B. Circle the amount of drainage on the initial dressing -
The nurse observes that the dressing around the PEG tube
insertion site is intact, with a small amount of Rationale: Circling this small amount of drainage allows the nurse to
serasanguineous drainage. compare any changes in the amount of drainage at a later time.
A. Onset of action
B. Therapeutic index
C. Drug half life
D. Bioavailablity
9. DIETARY INSTRUCTION D. Scrambled eggs and sausage -
The health care provider prescribes an appetite
stimulant and asks the nutritionist to consult with the Rationale: Both eggs and sausage are good sources of protein
Rusks regarding Mrs. Rusk's dietary needs.
The nurse and nutritionist collaborate to develop a E. egg, potato, & onion omelet- good source of protein, vitamins and
plan of care to improve Mrs. Rusk's nutritional status. minerals
The nurse teaches the Rusks about foods high in
protein and provides them with sample menus.
A. Remind the IAP to keep track of the fluid intake and output
B. Advise the UAP to provide all fluids at room temperature
C. Instruct the UAP to add a thickening agent to all liquids
D. Establish a fluid restriction for the UAP to follow
12. DYSPHAGIA PRECAUTIONS D. Bathe the client first and then place the client in a high
The speech therapist is consulted and makes a home visit to evaluate Fowler's position during and after the meal -
Mrs. Rusk. The therapist determines that dysphagia precautions are
needed. The nurse and unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) arrives Rationale: The head of the bed should be elevated to a
at the home shortly after the therapist's evaluation is completed. The high Fowler's position while the client with dysphagia is
UAP prepares to assist Mrs. Rusk with her noon meal and with her eating, and kept elevated for at least 1 hour following the
personal care. meal to reduce the risk for aspiration
A. Meet privately with Mrs. Rusk to discuss that a feeding tube can be considered a heroic
means of keeping a client alive
B. Inform Mrs. Rusk that the instructions in her advanced directive cannot be followed if she
has a feeding tube
C. Ask Mrs. Rusk why she wants to have a feeding tube inserted since she has an advanced
directive requesting no heroic measures
D. Advice Mrs. Rusk that an identifying bracelet needs to be secured on her wrist in case an
emergency occurs
14. ETHICAL-LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS A. Provide the couple with privacy
The next morning, the nurse enters Mrs. Rusk's room to prepare her to go to the procedure to discuss the decision -
room. The nurse states that the procedure is scheduled in 30 minutes. Mrs. Rusk, who is still
lethargic from her sleeping pill, tells the nurse she has changed her mind and does not want Rationale: The nurse must address
the procedure performed, stating she would rather just "go ahead and die." Her husband is in the client's expressed desire to
the room, and is very upset by his wife's comment. cancel the procedure. The nurses's
initial actions should include
18. What action should the nurse implement? allowing the couple privacy to
discuss the decision, addressing
A. Provide the couple with privacy to discuss the decision any concerns of the client, and
B. Continue to prepare the client for the scheduled procedure encouraging further
C. Remind the client that the consent form is already signed communication.
D. Ask the client's husband if the procedure should be cancelled
15. FORMULA CALCULATION C. Increase the rate of the formula
After infusing the half strength formula at 40 ml/hour for 6 hours, the nurse checks the to 50 ml/ hour -
clients residual volume and obtains 75 ml. The prescription for the formula states that the
prescription should be increased by 10 ml/hour as long as the client's residual volume is less Rationale: The client has received
that half the previously infused total volume. 240 ml during the previous 6
hours. Half of that volume is 120
22. What action should the nurse implement? ml. The residual volume obtained
was 75 ml. so the rate of formula
A. Decrease the rate of the formula to 30 ml/hour should be increased by 10 ml/hour
B. Maintain the rate of the formula at 40 ml/hour to 50 ml/ hour.
C. Increase the rate of the formula to 50 ml/ hour
D. Increase the rate of the formula to 75 ml/hour
The next day, the nurse initiates the feeding prescribed
by health care provider. The prescription is for half Rationale: The nurse needs a total volume of 480 ml (12 hours x
strength formula to infuse at 40 ml/hour. The formula is 40ml/hour). The prescription is for half strength formula, so the volume
available in 8 ounce cans. The nurse is preparing enough of formula needed is 240 ml (480/2). An 8-ounce can of formula
formula for 12 hours. contains 240 ml (8 ounces x 30 ml/ounce). Therefore, only 1 can of
formula is needed.
21. How many cans of formula will the nurse need?
(Enter numerical value only. If rounding is necessary,
round to the whole number.)
In developing the plan of care, the nurse recognizes
that Mrs. Rusk's dysphagia may impact her fluid and Rationale: Speech therapists have expertise in the evaluation and
nutritional status. management of clients with dysphagia.
A. Case manager
B. Speech therapist
C. Registered dietician
D. Geriatric nurse practitioner
The nurse recognizes that Mrs. Rusk's right-sided
weakness is also a factor contributing to her risk for Rationale: Occupational therapists have expertise in helping clients
altered nutrition. adapt fine motor movements for the provision of self care.
A. Bariatrics specialist
B. Clinical nutritionist
C. Occupational therapist
D. Rehabilitation counselor
19. NURSING PROCESS B. Establish goals
2. After establishing priorities, what action should the
nurse take next in developing Mrs. Rusk's plan of care? Rationale: the nurse should first complete assessment, then analyze data
to identify problems, and then establish goals. After goals and expected
A. Analyze data outcomes are established, the nurse plans and implements interventions,
B. Establish goals which are then evaluated to determine if the expected outcomes and
C. Complete an assessment goals were accomplished
D. Implement interventions
20. NURSING PROCESS A. Aspiration -
The nurse's assessment findings include
right sided weakness, slurred speech, and Rationale: Aspiration, or the entry of foreign substances such as food or fluids into the
dysphagia. The nurse identifies that Mrs. lungs, may cause hypoxia or respiratory distress. Therefore, this is the highest priority
Rusk is at high risk for several problems. in establishing the client's plan of care.
A. Aspiration
B. Skin Breakdown
C. Altered nutrition
D. Self care deficit
21. NUTRITIONAL ASSESSMENT A. Instruct the home health aide to weigh the client once a week -
9. In planning care, which intervention
should be included to provide the nurse Rationale: Regular measurement of the client's weight provides a useful measurement
with the most accurate information of client's general nutritional status. Assessment of the client's pattern of weight gain
regarding Mrs. Rusk's ongoing nutritional or loss should be combined with other measures, such as general assessment and
status? dietary evaluation for a thorough picture of the client's nutritional status.
7. Which data indicates the need for the C. The skin over the sternum tents when pinched -
nurse to evaluate Mrs. Rusk further for Rationale: This is an unexpected finding. Skin tenting typically indicates a fluid volume
altered nutrition? (Select all the apply.) deficit.
A. The conjunctival sac is pale in E. The lips are dry and cracked -
appearance when exposed Rationale: This is an unexpected finding for someone with adequate nutrition, and
B. Blanching occurs when the fingernail could be a sign of dehydration.
bed is compressed
C. The skin over the sternum tents when
D. Bowel sounds are auscultated every 5
E. The lips are dry and cracked
23. NUTRITIONAL ASSESSMENT C. The client's ability to feed herself with her left
The nurse obtains further data regarding Mrs. Rusk's nutritional status. hand -
8. Which data best assesses the client's functional ability related to Rationale: This assessment provides information
nutrition? about the client's functional ability.
A. Mrs. Rusk is taking in more calories than she needs and may gain weight
B. Mrs. Rusk is consuming an adequate number of calories for her height
C. Mrs. Rusk's calorie consumption is insufficient and will result in weight
D. Since Mrs. Rusk's activity is limited, her caloric intake is sufficient to
meet her needs