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Activities 6th Year-Past Simple

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The past simple is the most common way of talking about past events or states which have finished. It is often used with
past time references (e.g. yesterday, two years ago).
A past event could be one thing that happened in the past, or a repeated thing.
I stopped at a zebra crossing.
We carried on with the test.
We played tennis every day in August.
A state is a situation without an action happening.
We stayed at my grandparents' house last summer.
Regular past simple forms are formed by adding -ed to the infinitive of the verb.
start → started kill → killed jump → jumped
There are some spelling rules. If a verb ends in -e, you add -d.
agree → agreed like → liked escape → escaped
If a verb ends in a vowel and a consonant, the consonant is usually doubled before -ed.
stop → stopped plan → planned
If a verb ends in consonant and -y, you take off the y and add -ied.
try → tried carry → carried
But if the word ends in a vowel and -y, you add -ed.
play → played enjoy → enjoyed
You form questions and negatives with the verb did (do in the past) + the infinitive.
Did you pass? Yes, I did. / No, I didn't
You didn't fail.

A. Are these sentences True or False?
1. We use past simple regular verbs for things in the past which have finished.
2. We use it for things in the past with a connection to the present.
3. We use it for single events or situations in the past.
4. We use it for repeated events in the past.
5. We use it for things a long way back in the past and in the recent past.
6. We only use it for things a long way back in the past.
7. We use the auxiliary ‘do’ to form questions and negatives.
8. We use the auxiliary ‘have’ to form questions and negatives.
B.Put the verb in the past simple tense to fill the gaps.
1. The cat _______________ (escape) from the garden.
2. They _______________ (agree) with me about the album.
3. He _______________ (try) to start the car.
4. We _______________ (enjoy) the funfair a lot.
5. Tell me, what _______________ (happen)?
6. She _______________ (stop) at a zebra crossing.
7. I _______________ (carry on) working until late.
8. Alfie _______________ (fail) his driving test again.

C.Circle the correct sentence, a or b.

1. a. Did he talked to you? b. Did he talk to you?
2. a. They no liked the film. b. They didn’t like the film.
3. a. We planed to go on a trip round the US. b. We planned to go on a trip round the US.
4. a. I tryed to help her. b. I tried to help her.
5. a. The door opened and we went in. b. The door openned and we went in.
6. a. Played you tennis last year? b. Did you play tennis last year?
7. a. We decideed to go home. b. We decided to go home.
8. a. They stopped working and went for lunch. b. They stoped working and went for lunch.

D. What did you do yesterday? Write affirmative and negative sentences. (8)

Some verbs are irregular. Their past forms do not end in -ed.
The past forms don't change.
I took a taxi to the airport. (take → took)
One person gave me his last bar of chocolate. (give → gave)
The negatives are all formed with did + not + the infinitive without to.
The question forms are very similar: did + subject pronoun + the infinitive without to.
We didn't think you would get home in time for your birthday.
What did you do all day in the airport?
Did you have enough food?

The verb to be is an exception. The past form is was for I, he, she and it, but were for you, we and they.
It was horrible not being able to phone you two!
There wasn't any food.
I was so hungry!
We were stuck in the airport.

List of verbs

Infinitive Past Simple Infinitive Past Simple

be was / were begin began

break broke bring brought

build built buy bought

catch caught choose chose

come came cost cost

cut cut do did

draw drew drink drank

drive drove eat ate

fall fell feel felt

fight fought find found

fly flew forget forgot

freeze froze get got

give gave go went

have had hear heard

hold held hit Hit

keep kept know knew

learn learnt leave left

lead led let Let

lie lay lose lost

make made mean meant

meet met pay paid

put put read read

ride rode run ran

say said see saw

sell sold send sent

set set shut shut

sing sang sit sat

sleep slept speak spoke

spend spent stand stood

steal stole swim swam

take took teach taught

tell told think thought

understand understood wake woke

wear wore win won

write wrote

A.Are these sentences True or False?
1. To form the past simple, we add -ed to the end of regular verbs.
2. There are many different types of endings of irregular verbs in the past simple.
3. We use did + not + infinitive to form past simple negatives with all types of verbs.
4. We use did + subject + infinitive to form past simple questions with all types of verbs.
5. There are clear rules about the endings of past simple irregular verbs.
6. You have to learn all the different irregular verb forms of the past simple.

B.Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1. We _______________ about the storm on the news. hear/ heard
2. They _______________ that it was my birthday. find out /found out
3. The waiter _______________ us the menu to look at. bring /brought
4. I didn’t _______________ very well last night. sleep /slept
5. Did you _______________ your coat in the cafe? leave/ left
6. It was so cold that the pipes _______________. freeze/ froze
7. She didn’t _______________ us what to do for homework. tell /told
8. He ______________ bad about failing the test. feel/ felt

C. Put the irregular verb in the past simple tense to fill the gaps.
1. I _______________ (buy) some food for lunch.
2. Who _______________ (meet/you) at the airport?
3. We all _______________ (have) the same idea.
4. _______________ (do/ you )speak to Sophie?
5. I _______________ (see) the weather forecast earlier.
6. He _______________ (give) us a lift into town.
7. She _______________ (read) three books in one week!
8. They _______________ (take) a taxi to the hotel.

D. Write the correct form of ‘to be’ to fill the gaps.

1. He _______________ late again yesterday.
2. Daisy _______________ (not) very happy at the party.
3. I _______________ 18 years old last year.
4. _______________ he a friend of yours?
5. They _______________ (not) from round here.
6. We _______________ tired last week, after so much trekking.
7. Alfie _______________ (not) in Ollie’s class last year.
8. What _______________ your journey like this morning?

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