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Bulletin 6-28-20 + 6-17-20 Parish Council Minutes

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James Parish Neshkoro, Wisconsin June 28, 2020 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Saturday, June 27 – 4:00 PM This week remember Aspen Ladwig, Barbara Faccio,
3:30 - 3:45 PM Confessions Arnold Skrzypchak, Caroline Skrzypchak, Carole
Intentions: Robert Guenterberg, Jr., Nation, John Ronspies, Joyce Vetrone, Jeanette
Bernard & Keith Naparalla Harmon, Donna Paris, Tim Lynch, Roberta
Servers: Sobieski Family Naparalla, Ken Finnemore, Mary Jean Nielsen, Betty
Lector: Parker Reese-Grimm Rohde, Julie Swartz, Sharon Bennett,
Eucharistic: Volunteers Needed Jerry Wallander, Joe Schumitsch, Jack Nehmer, Jim
Ushers: Dave & Shannon Krentz, Schurk, Christina Hope, Jean Scott, Grant Wolf,
Brian Ronspies Susan DeLain, Keith Farnham, Jan Schiro,
Vic Schiro, Gail Fitzgerald, Marge Matthias, Dorothy
Sunday, June 28 – 9:30 AM Kasubaski, Jason Philps, and all the shut-ins of
Intentions: Don Behnke, Anthony Fargo St. James Parish.
Servers: Bryanna Markel
Eucharistic: Volunteers Needed SICK
Ushers: Tom Murphy, Ralph Disterhaft When someone is seriously ill or in the hospital, it is
up to family members to notify Fr. Grubba or the
Parish Office, (920) 295-6209 or (920) 293-4211, and
Saturday, July 4 – 4:00 PM
their names will be listed in the bulletin the next week
3:30 - 3:45 PM Confessions
so that they may be remembered with prayers and
Intentions: Ken Sondalle
letters. This week I would ask that you
Servers: Parker & Preston Reese-Grimm
remember…Shut-ins of the parish.
Lector: Pierce Reese-Grimm
Eucharistic: Volunteers Needed
Ushers: Dave & Shannon Krentz, June 20-21, 2020
Brian Ronspies
Envelopes $1,526.41
Offertory 1,050.00
Sunday, July 5 – 9:30 AM Candles 39.00
Intentions: Nathan Disterhaft, Building & Improvements 25.00
James Verkuilen Initial Offering 20.00
Servers: Pat Klier
Picnic – Big Ticket 475.00
Lector: Becky Van Scyoc
Eucharistic: Volunteers Needed TOTAL $3,135.41
Ushers: Tom Murphy, Ralph Disterhaft
July 1 - 7:00 PM AA Meeting (basement)
July 2 - 3:00 PM Cenacle
The meeting was called to order by President, Pat Klier. Father Grubba offered an opening prayer. Council
members present: Father Grubba, Kevin Fitzgerald, Pearl Reese-Grimm, Krista Sobieski and Trustees:
Jack Nehmer and Don Sedlar.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes from the May meeting were electronically approved and published
Correspondence: None
Treasurer’s Report: Don noted that offertory envelope collection is very low. All expenses are just basic Church
operations. Kevin Fitzgerald made a Motion to file as presented, Gayle Bodoh seconded. Motion approved.
Building/Maintenance Report: Dave Ripp completed several painting projects and replaced rotted wood trim
around the air conditioners in the Parish office. The siding on the south side of St. James Place has been replaced
and will be painted. A new leaf blower is needed. Discussion held. Krista Sobieski made a Motion to purchase a
new leaf blower, seconded by Gayle Bodoh and approved. Kevin Fitzgerald will look into purchasing a new leaf
blower. The pressure washer has been purchased and has been used to wash the Parish office building and some
other locations on the property. The cemetery work has been completed. A deer blind will need to be removed
from the cemetery property. Pending weather conditions, other items need to be addressed such as: top of the wall
completion, black top, replace screening. Some window repair and door weather stripping will be examined. The
lawn care has been outstanding. Mario DeStafanis completed the security light work; his generosity is greatly
Spiritual/Music Report: Gayle Bodoh shared that Audio Plus has examined the sound situation. The sound
system in the old church needs to be updated. An outside speaker will be added as well.
Council of Catholic Women: Two students will each receive a $500 scholarship this year.
Religious Education: A date for First Communion will be set soon.
Food for the Needy: There is a substantial balance in the Food for the Needy Fund. There have been no
additional funds collected. A donation to Blessings Food Pantry continues to be made monthly.
Old Business: St. John’s Pocket Change continues to be collected and the current balance is $3,266.60. The
amount will be given to St. John’s Pocket Change at the end of the month.
New Business: A discussion was held regarding a church Website. Kevin Fitzgerald brought a sample Website
page created by Anne Fitzgerald Gerlach. The Website would be mobile ready and include information from
St. John’s Parish as well as St. James Parish. Anne will the train office staff to update the Website. A Motion was
made and approved to go ahead with this Website for the St. James Parish.
Liturgy: Everyone is adjusting to the new rules.
Church Picnic: A discussion was held with a focus on examining the guidelines from Waushara, Marquette, and
Green Lake Counties. The Parish Festival will be held on Sunday, August 9, 2020. There will not be a sit-down
dinner. There will be a raffle. Other activities will be considered as the date of the festival gets closer. Everything
will be modified as necessitated by County guidelines.
Pastor’s Report: We are awaiting modifications of Diocesan guidelines regarding the rules for weekend Masses.
Masses will continue on weekends now at 50% capacity, rather than at the initial 25% capacity. All other rules
concerning social distancing, etc. remain the same. An evangelization program, “GO MAKE DISCIPLES”, and a
new program with the Diocesan Apostolate for Disabilities will be starting soon. More information will be available
Next Council Meeting: July 15, 2020.
Father closed the meeting with a prayer.
Motion to adjourn made by Kevin Fitzgerald, seconded by Pearl Reese-Grimm. Motion approved. Meeting
Respectfully Submitted,
Pearl Reese-Grimm, Secretary

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