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Do Remote Sensing Mapping Practices Adequately Address Localized Flooding? A Critical Overview

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Springer Science Reviews

DOI 10.1007/s40362-017-0043-8


Do Remote Sensing Mapping Practices Adequately Address

Localized Flooding? A Critical Overview
Radek Malinowski1 • Geoffrey B. Groom2 • Goswin Heckrath1 •

Wolfgang Schwanghart3

Received: 12 August 2016 / Revised: 8 February 2017 / Accepted: 19 April 2017

Ó Springer International Publishing AG 2017

Abstract Local-scale flooding (LSF) is usually character- similar capabilities and limitations for analyzing LSF as
ized by much less severe damage compared to extreme they have for extreme floods. However, data from many
flood events; however, it does have marked local envi- current remote sensing sensors are inadequate for LSF
ronmental influence, especially when it is characterized by analysis, since very high spatial resolution data are required
regular and frequent occurrence and long duration. for mapping localized flooding. Finally, airborne laser
Knowledge about the spatial extent of flood-prone areas is scanning is found to be an emerging and promising tech-
essential for flood risk and land management purposes, nology in flood-related water surface analysis.
spatial planning, or emergency response. Flood mapping
procedures have been supported by remote sensing for Keywords Flood  Inundation  Landsat  LiDAR  Remote
several decades, and progress in remote sensing technology sensing  SAR
and image processing over the last two decades has made
flood extent analysis possible at an unprecedented level of
detail. Here we provide an overview of applications of Introduction
remote sensing technologies for analyzing the extent of
flood events and discuss their applicability for LSF. We Floods are one of the most serious extreme events in nat-
report on applications of data from the optical visible and ure, occurring very widely on the Earth with a broad
reflective infrared spectrum, active microwave spectrum, spectrum of magnitudes, frequencies, and impacts.
and airborne laser scanning technology. Additionally, Although floods also affect areas away from rivers (e.g.,
applications of elevation data supporting flood extent coastal flooding and storm-related urban flooding), inun-
mapping are reviewed. The review reveals that in general dations associated with rivers are the major form of
remote sensing techniques and data types are likely to have flooding. Depending on the topographic setting and flood
magnitude, floods can be restricted to just a few hectares of
Endorsed by Goswin Heckrath. land, or may affect large swaths of land and evolve into
national or regional catastrophes (e.g., floods of the Danube
& Radek Malinowski and the Elbe Rivers in 2002 and the Chao Phraya (Thai- land) in 2011).
Goswin Heckrath Despite advances in prevention, protection, and fore- casting, floods have high socioeconomic costs. In the years
Department of Agroecology, Aarhus University, Blichers
2000–2011, floods killed 970 people and generated an
Allé 20, Postboks 50, 8830 Tjele, Denmark estimated economic damage of *50 billion US$ in Wes-
2 tern, Central, and Eastern Europe alone [29]. Thus, detailed
Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Grenaavej 14,
8410 Roende, Denmark knowledge of flood hazards is required to reduce and
3 manage the risks that floods pose to human health, envi-
Institute of Earth and Environmental Science, University of
Potsdam, Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24-25, 14476 Potsdam-Golm, ronment, and the economy [28]. Maps that indicate flood
Germany extent aid flood risk management. Advances in flood

Springer Science Reviews

mapping will thus directly impact the work of authorities transportation, and damage to property and possessions
and decision-makers in assessing and mitigating the which are associated with high economic costs [97]. In
adverse effects of flood events and will contribute to addition, frequent and long-lasting LSF has a direct impact
understanding and managing flood processes and impacts. on flora, fauna, and soil, leading to changes in habitat
Remote sensing (RS) techniques for flood mapping have characteristics and agricultural land suitability. Thus,
been applied for several decades and complement or information about the extent and spatio-temporal patterns
replace traditional methods based on ground surveying. of LSF may play a crucial role in decision-making pro-
Determining the extent of floods is usually based on the cesses at administrative levels with respect to land use
detection of floodwaters. The distinctive spectral charac- planning, river management, emergency response plans
teristics of open water permit inundated land to be distin- [28], and lowland agricultural and wetland habitat
guished from other land cover types using either passive or management.
active RS systems. In contrast to ground surveying, the use There have been many developments during the last two
of RS in inundation analyses enables data acquisition on a decades in the availability of RS data and in their pro-
more regular basis, quicker and in areas that are remote or cessing methods. Data acquired by sensors with sub-meter
inaccessible. spatial resolution, such as IKONOS (launched in 1999) or
In recent years, several scientific articles have critically TerraSAR-X (2007) or new spectral bands available
reviewed RS applications in flood inundation mapping in through the recent very high spatial resolution (VHSR)
terms of floodwater extent and/or depth [11, 84, 87, 94, 99]. sensors, such as the WorldView-2 (2009), provide new
These works have been mainly focused on extensive possibilities for image interpretation and raise the level of
flooding events, and a distinct gap can be identified in RS details which can be achieved using data from satellite. A
flood mapping reviews with regard to mapping small-scale, great improvement has also been achieved through the
localized flooding. Therefore, the main aim of this paper is development and dissemination of techniques (e.g., laser
to review RS techniques, both passive and active, as well as scanning and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) interfer-
the use of digital terrain data, for their applicability to ometry) that provide elevation data with sub-meter accu-
mapping and modeling less extreme flood inundation cases, racy [71, 91]. In addition, new approaches to image
which we refer here to as ‘‘local-scale flooding’’ (LSF). analysis, like object-based image analysis (OBIA), which
LSF has previously been associated with meteorological have seen substantial developments in the last decade,
phenomena with small areal extent and short duration, such provide new opportunities for obtaining more information,
as thunderstorms [41]. At variance with that space–time especially from VHSR imagery [8]. We argue that these
domain-based definition, we refer to LSF as events char- recent advances are especially valuable for studying inun-
acterized by low inundation extents of 101 to 107 m2 dation of highly heterogeneous, vegetated floodplain areas.
covering low-lying topography that generates complex A specific objective of this review is to investigate
spatial patterns of inundated and dry patches. These floods whether the existing RS techniques are relevant and
are frequent, and their interaction with high groundwater applicable to inundation analysis of areas which are often
levels, lack of discharge of direct precipitation onto the predominated by floodplain vegetation that is only partly
floodplain as well spring sapping at valley margins invoke submerged during flooding period. In addition, we aim at
that these floods are often static and prolonged (Fig. 1) identifying which types of RS techniques and spatial data
[47]. Long-lasting inundation entails that LSF can cause may be particularly appropriate for such studies. Therefore,
significant damages including loss of crops, disruptions of the reviewed literature contains examples of fluvial and

Fig. 1 Local-scale flooding in the Nørreå River valley at Vejrumbro, Jutland, Denmark

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coastal flooding, wetlands monitoring, and various studies NDWI ¼ ðGREEN  NIRÞ=ðGREEN þ NIRÞ; ð1Þ
related to water surface mapping in general.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. where GREEN and NIR are the reflectance values of
Section ‘‘Remote Sensing Approaches to Mapping Flood respective spectral bands of TM sensor. Water surfaces
Inundation’’ reviews RS approaches to flood mapping have positive index values between 0 and 1, while land
according to the data type used, i.e., optical, radar, and surface and vegetation cover have negative values (be-
LiDAR. Section ‘‘Discussion’’ discusses the applicability of tween -1 and 0).
the reviewed methodologies for LSF analyses. The con- Since its development, the NDWI has been frequently
cluding section ‘‘Conclusions’’ indicates the challenges and modified [49, 52, 61, 75, 101]. Jain et al. [49] used images
areas of future works related to LSF mapping activities. from the TM and IRS LISS III sensors to evaluate NDWI
discrimination performance against (1) density slicing of
band 4 of TM imagery and band 3 of IRS data, (2) the
wetness band of the Tasseled Cap Transformation (TCT)
Remote Sensing Approaches to Mapping Flood (Eq. 2) [21], and (3) hydraulic modeling using digital
Inundation elevation model (DEM) and records from river gauge sta-
tions. The NDWI method provided the best results as other
Our review updates and expands upon the earlier review by methods were more significantly affected by mixed pixels
Smith [94] who stressed the importance of medium and in the image data.
high spatial resolution imagery obtained from visible/in-
TCT Wetness ¼ 0:1509  BLUE þ 0:1793  GREEN
frared sensors. Active remote sensing applications, such as
þ 0:3299  RED þ 0:3406  NIR
radar, were largely confined, at that time, to airborne sys-
þ 0:3060  SWIR1  0:7112
tems. Although Smith [94] concluded that a combination of
 THERMAL0:4572  SWIR2;
optical and SAR data will be necessary for an effective
monitoring of inundation extent, the currently reviewed ð2Þ
literature (Table 1) shows that there are only a few studies where BLUE, GREEN, RED, NIR, SWIR1, THERMAL,
that have pursued synergy of these two types of data and SWIR2 are the reflectance values of respective spectral
[4, 33, 40, 89]. We consider that developments in sensor bands of TM sensor.
technology and data processing during the last decade Xu [101] found that the NDWI fails in differentiating
necessitate a fresh review based upon studies reported between water features and built-up areas and developed
since those examined by Smith [94]. the modified NDWI (MNDWI). The MNDWI replaces the
NIR band (band 4) in Eq. 1 with the band 5 (SWIR) and
Applications of Optical Imagery for Inundation achieves superior performance compared to the NDWI
Mapping when applied to TM and Landsat Enhanced Thematic
Mapper Plus (ETM?) imagery. The higher performance of
The pioneering work from the early 1970s on inundation MNDWI as compared to NDWI was also showed by Li
mapping using optical imagery, reviewed by Smith [94], et al. [60] while tested on the spectral bands of Advanced
has undergone continued development, testing, and oper- Land Imager (EO-1) sensor. Ouma and Tateishi [75]
ationalization through the subsequent decades with the modified the NDWI using the TM/ETM? bands SWIR and
widespread use of Landsat data. NIR ((SWIR - NIR)/(SWIR ? NIR)). Combination of
The discriminatory power of the infrared bands for water their modified NDWI with the wetness band of the TCT
surface mapping [94] was corroborated by Frazier and Page into the Water Index (WI) led to higher precision in
[32], who demonstrated the applicability of spectral bands of delineating water–land boundaries and shallow water. Lu
the Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) sensor, in the near-, et al. [61] applied the NDWI to HJ-1B imagery. Combining
short-, and mid-wavelength infrared parts of the electro- the NDWI with the Normalized Differentiated Vegetation
magnetic spectrum, using density slicing and supervised Index (NDVI), NIR band, and topographic slope informa-
maximum likelihood classification (MLC) methods. tion enabled them to reduce misclassification of water with
Progress has been made with the introduction of the shadowed and built-up areas. A validation showed that the
Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) [70] devel- method performs well for large water bodies (reservoirs).
oped on TM data. The NDWI employs the reflected near- However, problems with detecting water surfaces of rivers
infrared radiation and visible green light to enhance the and ponds limit the method’s use for mapping small-scale
presence of open water features, while eliminating the floodplain inundation. Feyisa et al. [31] developed the
presence of soil and terrestrial vegetation features, utilizing Automated Water Extraction Index (AWEI). The AWEI
the formula (Eq. 1): performs particularly well in shadowed and built-up areas,

Springer Science Reviews

Table 1 The reviewed studies in which flooding or different types of water surfaces were mapped or modeled using remotely sensed and
topographic data
Methods applied

Spatial resolution (m)

Main data typed used

Analysis approach

Rule based/ knowledge

classifiers (e.g. CART)

Topography analysis
Data Transformation

Index based (NDWI,

Snake segmentation

Statistical classifier
based classification

Texture & context

Change detection

(e.g. PCA, HSV)


(e.g. MLC, NN,



AWEI, etc.)

Andresen et al. (2002) O Ikonos 4 OBIA ●
Antonarakis et al. (2008) L OBIA ●
Arnesen et al. (2013) SAR/ O ALOS/PALSAR, TM- 90, 30, OBIA ● ● ● ●
5, MODIS 250
Bates et al. (2006) SAR Airborne SAR-X, 1.2 PB ●
Brennan and Webster L OBIA ●
Brivio et al. (2002) SAR/ ERS-1 12.5 PB ● ●
Brzank et al. (2008) L PointB ●
Burnett et al. (2003) O CIR 1:20K OBIA ●
Chormanski et al. (2011) O ETM+ 25 PB ● ● ●
Davranche et al. (2013) O SPOT-5 10 PB ● ●
De Roo et al. (1999) SAR ERS-1 / ERS-2 12.5 PB ● ●
Dissanska et al. (2009) O QuickBird, AP 0.6, OBIA ● ● ●
Feyisa et al. (2014) O TM-5 30 PB ● ●
Frazier and Page (2000) O TM-5 30 PB ● ●
Grenier et al. (2007) O/ SAR ETM+, Radarsat-1 30, ~25 OBIA ● ●
Hagg and Sties (1998) SAR Radarsat-1, ERS, TM- 7, 12.5, PB ● ● ●
5 30

Henry et al. (2006) SAR Envisat, ERS-2 12.5 PB ●

Heremans et al. (2003) SAR Envisat 12.5 OBIA ● ● ● ● ●
Herrera-Cruz et al. O/ SAR TerraSAR-X, ETM+ 3/18, 30 OBIA ● ● ●
Höfle et al. (2009) L OBPA ● ●
Jain et al. (2005) O TM-5, IRS III 30, 23 PB ● ● ● ●
Lang and McCarty L PB ●
Lu et al. (2011) O HJ-1A/B 30 PB ● ●
Malinowski et al. (2015) O WorldView-2 2 OBIA/PB ● ● ● ● ●
Malinowski et al. (2016) L PointB ● ●
Mallinis et al. (2011) O TM-5, Envisat ASAR 30, 30 OBIA ● ● ●
Mason et al. (2007) SAR/L/D ERS-1 12.5 PB ● ●
McFeeters (1996) O MSS 60 PB ●
Nico et al. (2000) SAR ERS-1/2 12.5 PB ● ●
Ouma and Tateishi O TM-5, ETM+ 30 PB ● ●
Pierdicca et al. (2008) SAR ERS-1 12.5 PB ● ● ●
Pulvirenti et al. (2011a) SAR COSMO-SkyMed 1 PB ● ● ●

Pulvirenti et al. (2011b) SAR COSMO-SkyMed 5 PB ● ● ● ●

Robertson et al. (2011) O/ SAR WorldView/2, 2, 30, 8 OBIA/ ● ●
TM-5, Radarsat-2 PB
Schäfer and Lundström SAR ERS-2, Envisat 12.5 PB ● ● ● ●
Schumann et al. (2011) SAR/ O TerraSAR-X, Envisat, 3, ● ● ●
Radarsat-1, AP 150/25,
25, 1
Smeeckaert et al. (2013) L PB ● ●
Tuxen and Kelly (2008) O/DEM AP 0.2 OBIA ● ● ● ●
Wang (2002) DEM PB ● ●
Xu (2006) O TM-5 30 PB ●

AP aerial photography, ETM ? Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus, L LiDAR, MSS Landsat Multispectral Scanner System, NN nearest neighbor,
O optical, OBIA object-based image analysis, OBPA object-based point analysis, PB pixel-based, PointB point-based, TM Landsat Thematic Mapper

Springer Science Reviews

and in mixed pixels recognition. The AWEI consists of two mutual relations of analyzed land cover classes) analyses of
equations (Eqs. 3 and 4) and utilizes five spectral bands of the imagery with combination of membership functions
the TM sensor. and a nearest neighbor classifier, provided results with a
AWEInsh ¼ 4  ðGREEN  SWIR1Þ high level of accuracy in areas of both deep and shallow
ð3Þ water.
ð0:25  NIR þ 2:75  SWIR2Þ
An good example of application of VHSR data for
AWEIsh ¼ BLUE þ 2:5  GREEN  1:5 mapping of localized flooding was presented by Mali-
 ðNIR þ SWIR1Þ  0:25  SWIR2; ð4Þ nowski et al. [62]. These authors followed assumptions of
Davranche et al. [22] and adopted their method to
where BLUE, GREEN, NIR, SWIR1, and SWIR2 are the WorldView-2 imagery additionally including OBIA
reflectance values of respective spectral bands of TM approach and topographic data, which led to achieving very
sensor. The AWEI ranges between -1 and 1 with separa- high overall accuracy of above 90%.
tion of water and non-water land covers at a threshold of 0. Examples of other studies in which water bodies were
The AWEInsh equation is designed to deal specifically with mapped as a part of a wetland ecosystem include
built surfaces, while the AWEIsh more efficiently elimi- [2, 13, 82, 96]. In each case, VHSR data (satellite or air-
nates shadowed areas. The AWEI was tested in a variety of borne) were processed using object-based approaches for
settings [31], and was shown to outperform MNDWI and mapping standing (pools) or flowing (river) water. Also
MLC. Grenier et al. [34] developed procedures for classifying
Many studies augmented multispectral data from shallow water among other wetland classes, with spectral,
Landsat sensors for water body delineation using advanced context-based, and textural analyses combined in an object-
processing and analysis techniques. Mallinis et al. [64] based approach, with data fusion of ETM ? and
used the Classification and Regression Trees (CART) RADARSAT-1 data.
technique in an OBIA setting for processing pre- and post-
flood TM-derived MNDWI images to distinguish com- Application of Microwave Imagery for Inundation
pletely inundated areas and those covered by shallow dis- Mapping
persed pools of water on the transboundary area of the
Evros River. Chormanski et al. [15] mapped inundation on Inundation patterns have been analyzed with both passive
the Biebrza River floodplain by applying MLC to a com- and active microwave systems [23, 24, 94]. Since passive
position of images derived from bands of the ETM? sen- systems provide low spatial resolution data (e.g., coarser
sor: the moisture ratio (band 7/NIR), the NDVI, and the than 1 km), we refer only to active microwave systems
first component of the principal component analysis (PCA). (i.e.,SAR).
A slightly different approach presented [22]. The Prior to the early 1990s, radar data were mostly acquired
authors analyzed wetland inundation indirectly through the by airborne platforms, but with the launches of long mis-
vegetation canopy, assuming that the registered reflectance sion satellites such as ERS-1 (1991) and ERS-2 (1995),
of the canopy is dependent on the combination of the JERS-1 (1992) and RADARSAT (1995), spaceborne radar
presence of free water under the canopy, the plant water data began to be widely used, starting with single polar-
content, and photosynthetic activity. Therefore, the authors ization mode systems and followed with sensors operating
assumed that the spectral signatures of inundated vegeta- in multi-polarization modes (Envisat (2002), PALSAR
tion should be reflected and possible to detect from spectral (2006), COSMO-SkyMed (2007), and Sentinel-1 (2014)).
bands of multi-temporal images (SPOT5) and various The radar signal backscattered from an open water
vegetation indices calculated from them. The reported surface is typically associated with low values in all bands
relatively high efficiency of that method shows its potential as a result of specular reflection (Figs. 2, 3). In contrast,
but also requires further testing in different environmental inundated vegetation (e.g., trees, reeds) produces higher
settings [22]. backscatter values, exceeding those from dry soil, owing to
VHSR sensors have made data available with spatial a double-bounce effect. This effect occurs when the signal
resolutions that allow the derivation of inundation patterns is reflected first from the water surface and then from
at large map scales. Dissanska et al. [27] investigated water upstanding vegetation, or vice versa (Figs. 2, 4). The
pools as an important feature of peatlands and indicator of incidence angle influences the intensity of backscatter, and
aqualysis progress. Pools were classified with OBIA generally the received energy is inversely proportional to
methods from two datasets: aerial photography and the incidence angle. In water surface analysis, however,
panchromatic QuickBird imagery acquired with an interval sensing at larger incidence angle is more suitable, because
of almost 50 years. The segmentation and classification it enhances the specular reflection [35, 79, 100]. Mapping
process, which included textural and context-based (e.g., open waters or flooded areas covered by sparse vegetation

Springer Science Reviews

Fig. 2 Presentation of the characteristic behavior of radar backscat-

tering in interaction with a water surface. On the left, the specular
reflection effect resulting from radar radiation reflected away from the
sensor associated with a smooth water surface. In this case, only a
small amount of energy is backscattered toward the sensor resulting in
dark areas in the image. On the right, the mechanism of double-
bounce reflection is presented, in which the radar backscattering is
enhanced by the corner-reflection of microwave radiation between
water surface and vegetation (trees) stems. This results in very high
backscattering and bright areas in the image

can be accomplished using C- (approx. 5.5 cm wavelength)

and X- (approx. 3 cm wavelength) band data; however
inundation under a canopy is studied more efficiently using
L-band data, owing to the enhanced ability of longer
wavelengths to penetrate vegetation [51].
Co-polarization modes (HH, VV) should be preferred to
Fig. 3 A scene of a COSMO-SkyMed X-band SAR image presenting
cross-polarization modes (HV, VH) for detecting inunda- various types of water bodies in the form of dark areas as a result of
tion under vegetation [94] and authors report that with the the specular reflection effect. COSMO-SkyMed Image ÓASI. All
same wavelength and incident angle, inundated forests are rights reserved
better analyzed by horizontal than vertical polarization
[79, 84, 92]. Henry et al. [38] confirmed the suitability of approach based on OBIA consisted of multiresolution
HH polarization for analysis of water bodies in variable segmentation [5] followed by classification of derived
land cover types. segments using membership function. The flooded areas
Two techniques for deriving inundation maps from ERS were recognized by low backscattering values during the
imagery were investigated by De Roo et al. [26]. The flooding period and high value on the pre-flood image. The
authors compared the performance of a supervised MLC active contour method was preceded by mathematical
with a statistical active contour technique (Snake) that morphology operations which automated the process of
performs an image segmentation into regions of homoge- finding initial polygons. After running the Snake algo-
neous speckle statistics [45]. Both methods resulted in rithms on both images, the resulting segments were sub-
similar overall accuracies of around 80%; however, the tracted from each other in order to remove permanent water
output of MLC required posterior manual corrections to objects. While the OBIA approach provided a very detailed
reach this accuracy level. A higher performance of the delineation of water bodies, the active contour segmenta-
Snake algorithm was observed when applied to a series of tion resulted in a more generalized flood map. The gener-
four SAR images in study on flood dynamics of the Severn alization in the Snake method was not regarded as a
River (UK) [7]. An estimated accuracy of 95% was negative result, since the larger polygons comprised the
achieved due to the use of VHSR data (1.2 m) that pro- open waters that were detected by OBIA and also inun-
vided additional fine scale details and a means to validate dated vegetation [39].
the performance of a hydrodynamic flood inundation Herrera-Cruz et al. [40] combined an object-based
model. The active contour method (with a modification approach with change detection analysis for the develop-
proposed by Chesnaud et al.) [14] for flood analysis was ment of a near-real-time automated method for flood extent
evaluated against the result of an object-based classifica- mapping. The procedure utilized during-flood-event Ter-
tion by Heremans et al. [39] using Envisat SAR data. In raSar-X data and pre-flood-event image data, including
both approaches, the analyses were conducted using two optical imagery. A rule-based classification was carried out
images, presenting pre-flood and flooding conditions. The on both datasets using a pattern of low mean backscattering

Springer Science Reviews

Fig. 4 A radar map of part of

the Amazon Basin, composed of
images acquired by JERS-1
satellite with representation of
the double-bounce effect of
radar backscattering. The upper
image represents a dry season
situation. The lower image is
from a wet season with
inundation depicted as light
gray areas due to radar
backscattering enhanced by the
double-bounce effect. The
permanent watercourses are
associated with low backscatter
(black) and forested areas with
mid-level backscatter (dark
gray). By courtesy of

values for the radar data and low mean reflectance in the lowlands. From different methods tested, the best perfor-
NIR spectrum, for optical imagery. A comparison of results mance was produced by ISODATA classification of a
enabled the distinction between floodwater extent and synthetic color image, derived from hue, saturation, and
perennial water bodies. value transformation (HSV) into RGB space. First, the
Arnesen et al. [4] applied an object-based analysis with mean ‘dry’ image, i.e., composition of images representing
L-band SAR data and ancillary data (e.g., TM, DEM) to dry periods, was subtracted from the image depicting the
investigate floodplain inundation in the lower Amazon flooding period. The resulting gray scale image was pro-
River. A hierarchical, four-level classification provided cessed by high- and low-pass filters. The HSV image was
accuracies of inundation maps of 84 and 94% for low and derived from low-frequency information (hue), high-fre-
high water stages, respectively. The OBIA procedure used quency information (value), and fixed saturation level.
results of an analysis of backscattering variation of dif- Despite a high overall accuracy of 85%, the approach
ferent land cover classes under flooded and non-flooded performed weakly when mapping inundation in forested
conditions (multi-temporal analysis) and different radar areas, thus highlighting the difficulties of C-band micro-
incidence angles, and employed a decision tree algorithm wave data in penetrating vegetation structure.
to define classification thresholds for backscattering Nico et al. [72] tested the applicability of interferometric
attributes. coherence data to flood mapping. The radar signal ampli-
Schäfer and Lundström [85] used an unsupervised tude was supported by coherence data in analysis of pre-
classification on 16 SAR images from ERS-2 and Envisat and during-flood images. This procedure significantly
sensors for mapping temporary flooding in Swedish increased the predictive accuracy since the coherence is

Springer Science Reviews

lower between pairs of images of flooded areas for which approach presented by Pierdicca et al. [78] was refined
the dielectric constant and the surface roughness are using CSM data by Pulvirenti et al. [81]. The authors
changed. Nevertheless, interferometric data should be describe an automatic method developed as an operational
analyzed carefully since there can be other causes of low flood management system, which integrates SAR images,
coherence between images [1, 19, 46, 72]. land cover, and DEM datasets. Fuzzy logic was combined
Using a temporal sequence of images covering a flood with information generated by three electromagnetic scat-
event enables the assessment of flood dynamics in space tering models which simulated the SAR observations from
and time [7]. Schumann et al. [89] studied flood dynamics agricultural, forested, and urban areas under inundation
of an urbanized floodplain along the River Severn, UK, conditions. Additional conditions were introduced includ-
using aerial photography and radar data with spatial reso- ing the vicinity to different types of water bodies (rivers,
lutions ranging from 1 to 150 m, and covering a six-day- lakes, etc.) as potential sources of flooding (cf. [35]. The
period after the flood peak in a combined analysis of flood final defuzzification process, based on the Otsu threshold-
extent and stage. The extent of inundation was mapped by ing algorithm [74], differentiated flooded from dry areas.
visual interpretation from aerial photography, by a region- A major achievement of the work by Pierdicca et al. [78]
growing algorithm for Envisat and Radarsat-1 data and by and Pulvirenti et al. [81] has been the development of
an algorithm for urban flood extraction [68], which com- methods capable of mapping open water and inundation in
bines the Snake and the region-growing technique, from densely vegetated (agricultural and forested) areas, which
TerraSar-X data. is problematic with other mapping techniques. The tool
The constellation of COSMO-SkyMed (CSM) satellites developed by Pulvirenti et al. [81] was examined for flood
meets the requirements for conducting high-quality multi- case studies in Albania (January 2010) and elsewhere [79],
temporal analysis providing data with the same character- and was shown also to cope with shaded areas which are
istics in high temporal resolution. Pulvirenti et al. [80] very often misclassified as flooded on both radar and
analyzed temporal variations in land inundation of a rural optical images.
landscape, during flooding of the Tanaro River, Italy by a
series of five VHSR CSM images taken within a period of Application of LiDAR Data for Inundation Mapping
19 days. They proposed a processing chain of morpho-
logical operations and clustering procedures. This proce- Airborne laser scanning (ALS), also known as airborne
dure resulted in segments presenting multi-temporal LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging), which provides
signatures which were analyzed according to their mean data in the form of a point cloud (i.e., set of data points
backscattering coefficient. To fully use information from with known coordinates) [73], is not a new technology but
the signatures, a model which simulates interactions of its commercial and wide use started only in the early 1990s
radar energy with terrain objects was applied. [77]. Despite numerous LiDAR applications in forestry,
Hagg and Sties [35] combined inundation mapping from urban mapping, and DEM generation [10, 48, 53, 57], its
SAR data (i.e., ERS-1 and RADARSAT) with fuzzy set use for inundation analysis is not yet fully explored, and
theory. Their approach used additional contextual infor- only few studies have highlighted the potential of LiDAR
mation which supported the change detection analysis of for mapping water surfaces [3, 12, 44, 58]. Since LiDAR
images acquired, respectively, before and during a flood systems mostly use the near-infrared spectrum, the ampli-
event, in order to analyze changes in backscattering coef- tude of recorded energy backscattered from the water
ficient caused by the presence of floodwaters. In addition, surface is reduced by water absorption (Fig. 5). Low
fuzzy logic was used to include the assumption that there is intensity LiDAR signals from water bodies allow for dif-
a decreasing probability of flooding with increasing dis- ferentiating them from other surfaces. If most of the energy
tance from a river channel. This procedure improved is absorbed by water, the returning laser pulse is too weak
inundation classification results compared to simple to be recorded by the receiver and thus no return is regis-
thresholding approaches. tered, resulting in laser dropouts [44] (Fig. 5). Dropouts
Another approach using fuzzy logic and SAR data was can also result from specularly reflected laser pulses from
adopted by Pierdicca et al. [78]. Their analysis of ERS-1 smooth water surface, especially in higher incidence
SAR data was augmented by land cover/land use and angels, leading to a reflection of the pulse away from the
topographic data. Fuzzy sets were developed and included receiver. Hence, water surfaces are characterized by lower
the analysis of specular reflection from open water, inten- point cloud density than other surfaces [12]. Low intensity
sified backscattered signal caused by a double-bounce signals and dropouts of LiDAR data thus provide useful
effect from forested and urban areas, and elevation and information for water surface mapping. In general, there
topography (slope, concavity) analyses. The authors are two main approaches to water surface mapping from
assessed the commission error to be in the order of 5%. The ALS data; one approach is based on raster datasets derived

Springer Science Reviews

season. In another study, LiDAR was used for mapping

open water areas in an Arctic region [20]. Authors per-
formed decision tree classification using different deriva-
tives from geometric and intensity LiDAR data to derive
highly accurate maps of water extent.
There are only a few studies in which water surface was
analyzed from LiDAR point cloud data directly. Brzank
et al. [12] used height, intensity, and 2D point density
attributes of LiDAR points with fuzzy logic method to
accurately (*90%) distinguish water bodies from mudflats
in the Wadden Sea coastal wetlands. The method was
further developed by Schmidt et al. [86] with the condi-
tional random field classifier. This was the first study that
used the full-waveform LiDAR attribute, the echo width, to
map water objects and supported the three point features
used by Brzank et al. [12]. The performance of these
methods stays, however, questionable in vegetated areas.
Höfle et al. [44] analyzed reaches of two mountainous
rivers and developed a region-growing approach to seg-
Fig. 5 LiDAR intensity image derived from LiDAR point cloud data
by interpolation of the intensity values, the Nørreå River valley,
ment the 3D point cloud and, in a subsequent step, to
Jutland, Denmark. The blue area, in the image, represents locations of classify the segments into water class using point features
laser dropouts (no laser pulse returns detected). The dark area (e.g., such as elevation, intensity, intensity density, intensity
located around dropouts) indicates low amplitude value. Both variation, and roughness. The processing chain also
phenomena are fundamental characteristics of LiDAR data, enabling
detection of the water presence
included modeling of the laser dropouts, which were sub-
sequently used in segmentation together with registered
laser echoes. This method also successfully mapped a
from LiDAR and the second comprises methods operating water-covered area below a tree canopy, and demonstrated
on point cloud data directly. the potential of LiDAR data to map water on vegetated
Antonarakis et al. [3] and Brennan and Webster [9] areas.
examined the use of LiDAR in a land cover classification In the latest study, Malinowski et al. [63] presented a
context using object-based approach. The authors separated detailed analysis of the interaction between laser pulses and
open water bodies from other land cover classes using the water surfaces with varying vegetation cover. The resulting
mean intensity value of segmented rasterized data. In the information was used for classification of laser points into
latter study, the intensity data were supported by the veg- flooded and non-flooded classes by applying three machine
etation height model (difference between DSM and DTM). learning techniques, AdaBoost with Decision Tree, Naı̈ve
In both approaches, water was classified with very high Bayes, and Random Forest. All three methods received the
accuracy of above 95%. The rasterized data were also used best accuracy of flooding extent maps when radiometric
in other studies, which focused directly on water detection. and geometric point features were combined, reaching
For example, the classification by the Support Vector nearly 90% of the overall accuracy. This study demon-
Machine algorithm was evaluated for large-scale mapping strated the potential of radiometrically calibrated ALS data
of water-covered areas [93] using purely LiDAR geometric to detect water surfaces on areas with limited water surface
data, i.e., point height, point density, and 3D distribution of exposition through the vegetation canopy.
points (based on eigenvalue measures). The method being
designed for mapping water areas mainly on a Terrain and Image Data Integration for Inundation
regional/national scale fails, however, to recognize water Analysis
surfaces in water-logged areas. Lang and McCarty [58]
used rasterized LiDAR intensity data for mapping inun- DEMs are often integrated in image data processing chains
dation in a forested area. By using the histogram thresh- to support analysis of flooding events or flood-prone areas.
olding of the LiDAR intensity values, the authors managed Examples include the studies of Pierdicca et al. [78] and
to map inundation under a forest canopy with a high Pulvirenti et al. [81] who coupled DEM derivatives (ele-
accuracy. However, the authors used data acquired in leaf- vation, slope, and concavity) with SAR and LC/LU data.
off conditions; thus, limitations can be expected when Mason et al. [67] combined LiDAR DEMs with SAR data
applying that method to data representing a growing (ERS-1) to increase the accuracy of high-resolution,

Springer Science Reviews

waterline mapping. The introduction of height data to SAR [25, 28, 30]. RS data have gained importance for flood
image processing by the Snake algorithm permitted a 3D extent mapping; and technological advances in sensor
analysis in which the more elevated areas with low technology, new methods for image processing, and inte-
backscatter values similar to water could be discriminated gration of different data products now enable that RS can
as dry land with higher accuracy. be directly applied for the analysis of LSF. However, most
Brivio et al. [11] used a DEM in an analysis of flood methods described previously (see Table 1) fail to perform
extent at a receding floodwater stage. Since remote sensing equally well in different environmental settings. We will
imagery (SAR) was acquired a few days after the flood discuss selected approaches and suitability of RS tech-
peak, it only enabled detection of the residual flooded nologies (summary in Table 2) for mapping LSF patterns
areas. To estimate the maximum area inundated during the below.
flood peak, a least accumulative cost-distance analysis was
conducted. The cost matrix was designed to account for the Optical Imagery and the Landsat Series
cost of water movement from one cell to another and
included a weighting scheme of vertical (slope gradient) Data from optical sensors have played a crucial role in
and horizontal (surface roughness) factors. This approach flood analyses in the past and are still widely used today.
integrated DEM and SAR data in a spatial analysis and The Landsat series, in particularly, is important owing to its
provided a high level of coincidence (over 96%) with the nearly 40-year active history, now being continued with the
reference data derived from field survey. initiation of the Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM)
Wang [99] integrated elevation data in an inundation [59].
analysis with river stage records obtained from a gauging Optical RS data are widely used because of their ease of
station network. The author used topographic data and availability, pre-processing, and visual interpretation of
combined them with pre-flood and during-flood records data, allowing for quick and straightforward information
from three gauging stations for a flood simulation along a retrieval. Spectral indices such as the NDWI enable
78-km reach of the Tar/Pamlico River, USA. After inter- detection of inundated surfaces [70] and support informa-
polating the water level data for areas along the river tion retrieval since the bands required to calculate the
between gauging stations, the heights of the water during NDWI are commonly available with RS systems, including
low flow and during the flooding period and the heights of VHSR RS systems. Modified indices such as the MNDWI
surrounding lands were compared, enabling the discrimi- or AWEI may have precluded more widespread application
nation of inundated areas, non-inundated areas, and regu- in LSF mapping since the required spectral bands are
lar/permanent water bodies. Reliable and accurate available from only few sensors with medium and high
estimation of the inundation extent was observed based on spatial resolution (e.g., TM, ETM?, SPOT 4 and 5). The
comparison with aerial photography and field data. This exception is the Worldview-3 sensor (launched 13th
clearly demonstrated the potential of the approach in sce- August 2014) that overcomes these limitations providing
nario-based analyses for flood forecasting. However, this numerous spectral bands from SWIR spectrum at 3.7-m
approach oversimplifies the hydrodynamics of the flood spatial resolution and enabling to calculate water-related
wave and is highly data driven; therefore, it may fail if indices with high level of details. Moreover, due to avail-
sparsely located gauging stations are available, limiting its ability of multiple spectral bands in many optical RS sys-
usage to large-scale applications. tems, they deliver additional information from which
Elevation data have been frequently used to improve floodwater quality, sediment content, and characteristics of
flood mapping and parameterization of hydrodynamic floodplain vegetation associated with LSF events can be
models. In addition, when combined with flood extent data inferred [66].
(e.g., mapped from remotely sensed data), it enables esti- Despite their longstanding tradition in flood mapping,
mation of other flood parameters such as water depth or Landsat data and similar optical imagery have various lim-
volume [7, 89, 102]. LiDAR-derived DEMs should there- itations particularly in LSF analyses. These include the
fore improve the accuracy of flood analysis products and inability of optical sensors to penetrate clouds, limiting their
facilitate accurate analysis of LSF. use in situations where acquisition is restricted to short
periods or where ad hoc information on rapidly changing
flood dynamics is required. Thus, data from optical sensors
Discussion are more valuable for mapping long-term inundation patterns
and may provide valuable input for LSF.
The growing frequency of flood events in Europe [6] The inability of optical RS data to penetrate the vege-
increases public interest in flood and river management for tation canopy, even during leaf-off periods, limits its use in
which flood inundation maps play a crucial role inundation analysis at any scale, including LSF. Inundation

Springer Science Reviews

Table 2 The main advantages and disadvantages of different type of remote sensing data in LSF mapping
Data type Advantages Disadvantages

Optical Possibility for calculating spectral indices (e.g., NDWI) Highly dependent on weather conditions, inefficient if ad hoc
imagery Richness of data/information (spectral) acquisition necessary (cloudiness)
Ease of visual interpretation Small number of sensors with broad range of spectral bands and
Relatively low temporal resolution of sensors with VHSR
Impenetrable through closed vegetation canopy
SAR data Measurement independent on weather and sun illumination Efficiency of water detection dependent on weather conditions
Provides specific backscattering in relation to water presence (wind and rain make water surface rough)
(e.g., specular reflection and double-bounce) Less intuitive interpretation of data
Depending on available band possibility for vegetation Problem with speckle noise that may be mistaken for irregular
penetration distribution of water and vegetation in the case of LSF
LiDAR Independent on sun illumination Mostly limited to measurement with one wavelength
data Independent on weather conditions if acquisition not Acquisition limited to airborne platforms; inefficient if ad hoc
combined with optical imagery acquisition necessary
Very precise measurement
Possibility for very dense sampling
High rate of vegetation penetration
Possibility for bathymetric measurement with dual-
wavelength systems
Elevation Provides important information for hydrological analysis Lack of highly detailed elevation models for many locations
data (terrain gradient)
Useful in differentiation between water-covered and
vegetated areas

maps derived from optical data tend to underestimate The development in recent decade of OBIA methods
inundation extents, because inundation in forested areas or complements the pixel-based approaches for LSF mapping
under agricultural crops often remains undetected. Flood- with VHSR image data. One of the advantages and chal-
plains are often covered with natural and semi-natural lenges with OBIA is the ease of integration of data from
vegetation or agricultural crops, and methods to minimize different sources such as VHSR images, DEMs, and vector
the impact of vegetation cover on flood detection are cru- information [2, 62, 96] and application of fuzzy set theory
cially needed. However, studies by Chormanski et al. [15 [13, 64, 96]. The integration of different data sources has
and Thomas et al. [95] show that mapping of some types of been one of the main endeavors over the last decade
inundated vegetation is possible. [34, 62, 96] and has successfully reduced the method-
According to Hengl [37], a spatial resolution finer than ological limits inherent in using optical data alone.
10 m is the optimal for mapping at local scale (i.e., larger
than 1:25,000) as used in land use planning and manage- SAR Data Application
ment at local level [30]. Coarser spatial resolutions may
introduce uncertainties since different features that should SAR RS has the advantage over optical RS systems in that
be distinguished in mapping LSF are spatially aggregated being active, it has its own energy source and is thus able to
in a mixed pixel. Hence, much of the detail required when operate independent of daylight. Radar sensors operate
mapping local floodplain or wetland inundation can only be largely independent of weather conditions. Thus, even
resolved by VHSR aerial photography or satellite imagery during prolonged wet periods and with persistent cloud
with pixel sizes below 5 m [89], particularly if the data are cover, radar sensors provide imagery for inundation map-
to be used for validation of dynamic flood models based on ping, a distinct advantage that underlies that SAR RS has
high spatial resolution DEM data. Some of the limits of been established in operational use for rapid mapping of
low spatial resolution of optical imagery may be overcome flooded areas [40, 79], enabling quick estimation of flood
by spectral unmixing (sub-pixel analysis) [56] and use of extent and risk analysis.
hyperspectral data. These methods could potentially solve, Progress in recent years includes systems operating as
to some degree, the problem of mixed pixels appearing in satellite constellations (e.g., CSM and the TerraSAR-X
areas of high land cover heterogeneity (mainly mix of systems) providing image data of similar radar modes and
water, vegetation, and soil in the case of LSF). spatial resolutions at daily or even hourly intervals, a feat

Springer Science Reviews

rarely achieved by optical sensors [79–81]. This enables influences the strength of the backscatter value and
frequent observation of flood stages and monitoring and mechanisms of specular reflection and double-bounce, the
analysis of associated hydraulic and geomorphic processes. latter helps to highlight certain land cover classes (e.g., HH
Radar data have thus become invaluable for relief efforts polarization preferred for water surface analysis [38]. Thus,
during extreme flood events. Considerably improved spa- by the selection of data from sensors with multiple polar-
tial resolution of SAR images (\1 m) from the newer ization modes and adjustable look angle, such as several of
systems (e.g., CSM, TerraSAR-X) is important for LSF the current radar sensors provide, it is possible to config-
analysis since it enables the spatial details of the floodplain ure acquisitions to fulfill flood inundation analysis
environment to be extracted. requirements. The current acquisition configuration possi-
A major issue with SAR data is the specular reflection bilities of SAR RS are well suited for LSF since the longer
effect which is fundamental in inundation mapping, but is duration that is often a feature of LSF renders its analysis
affected by a rough water surface generated by wind or less reliant upon rapid data acquisition.
rain. Wave influence on the backscattered signal is reduced
by the application of longer wavelengths such as L-band Water Mapping with LiDAR Data
(approx. 24-cm wavelength) (available e.g., from the
PALSAR-2 sensor), which is much less sensitive to small The use of LiDAR data for mapping water surfaces is still
waves [1], typical for water extents with limited fetch, such in its infancy. However, recent developments suggest that
as LSF. LiDAR may become an important tool in flood and water
Emerging plants reduce specular reflection, and the surface analyses, including LSF, using both intensity and
application of a change detection analysis helps to interpret elevation data. The high water absorption of the NIR
this phenomenon: the double-bounce effect significantly energy results in reduced intensity of the reflected laser
increases the backscattered signal during flooding when pulse or missing signal returns (dropouts). These response
compared to dry conditions. Combining the images taken patterns are indications of the presence or absence of water
during dry and wet conditions enables detection of water and aid the delineation of water bodies. Besides high data
below vegetation cover. However, such analysis is com- accuracy and precision, one of the major advantages of
plicated, since the double-bounce effect is dependent on LiDAR is the ability of a laser pulse to penetrate the
various factors such as sensor parameters and vegetation vegetation canopy, enabling both precise DEMs to be
characteristics. The double-bounce effect is enhanced for generated and the detection of water surfaces in areas
tall ([1.5 m) and dense vegetation, but is less apparent for covered by vegetation [44]. Owing to the small size of a
small herbaceous plants [92], resulting in, that it is easier to laser footprint, spectral information is integrated over much
analyze inundated forest than floodplain grasslands, limit- smaller areas than is the case of typical optical RS and
ing its applicability in LSF analyses. radar RS systems. Spatial aggregation of spectral infor-
Owing to better vegetation penetration with longer mation is thus reduced. Nonetheless, the LiDAR penetra-
wavelengths, systems operating with the L-band will be tion ability may fail when vegetation is extremely dense
more efficient in studies of vegetated areas [4]. The new and data are acquired during the leaf-on period [63].
PALSAR-2 sensor (launched on ALOS-2 satellite on 24th Similarly to passive optical RS, LiDAR is better suited
May 2014) with full polarization capability and improved for analysis of long-lasting LSF than short-duration
spatial resolution (1.0 m azimuth and 3.0-m range resolu- extreme flood events. This is because LiDAR surveys
tion) [55] may greatly support and improve inundation require careful planning and are currently limited to air-
analysis of vegetated areas, assuring a high level of detail, borne platforms. An airborne laser survey cannot be effi-
as required in LSF studies. ciently used for rapid mapping and analyses of extensive
A particular drawback of SAR RS data is the speckle flooding as the spatial extent is currently constrained by
noise effect, a random pattern of bright and dark pixels [51] high flight costs. A large number of flight lines may be
that may be reduced by filtering algorithms [88, 102]. necessary during a LiDAR survey to cover large flood-
While speckle noise may be less problematic during plains, while just one scene from a satellite RS system may
mapping of large swaths of inundated land, clear separation suffice to cover the same extent. A LiDAR survey also
of noise and highly variable inundation patterns of LSF requires good weather conditions, especially if it is
may not always be possible. Data patterns, similar to those undertaken, as is often the case, together with the acqui-
associated with radar speckle, of neighboring bright and sition of optical imagery, which precludes data acquisition
dark pixels may also be related to the distribution of water during rainy or cloudy periods that are typical during or
and vegetation. just after a flood occurrence.
The incidence angle and the polarization mode are two An important aspect in LiDAR data processing is the use
additional parameters of radar data. While the former of direct point cloud analysis [12, 44, 63], instead of

Springer Science Reviews

converting it to different surface layers (e.g., DEMs, conquer’’ strategy have been found adequate, in which
intensity map, and density map) [3, 93]. The former assures different classes related to flood inundation (shallow and
use of original point data without the need for LiDAR data deep water, submerged vegetation, short vegetation, inun-
rasterization, whereas rasterization of point cloud data dated forest) are analyzed separately [62]. This strategy can
requires interpolation, which introduces additional uncer- be effectively applied with the use of OBIA hierarchical
tainties to the data. A particular form of point cloud anal- structuring [2]. Mapping precision may be additionally
ysis is the recently developed object-based point cloud increased by a combination of different sources and types
analysis approach [42, 83]. This new techniques are of data such as multispectral optical and radar data or
adapted to the complex geometry of point clouds and are DEMs [62].
thus able to extract contextual information from analyses of The lack of detailed temporal and spatial coverage of
larger spatial units (objects) [44, 83]. flooding events is one of the major drawbacks in inundation
Developments in LiDAR data acquisition include mapping using RS. A high temporal resolution is especially
attempts to standardize radiometric correction procedures important when very dynamic floods are analyzed. It may
to ensure the availability of high-quality data representing however be also important for LSF, despite its rather pro-
values proportional to surface reflectance [43, 54, 98], and longed character, when floods occur on flat areas and the
thereby better suited to the extraction of different features area under water may change rapidly even with small
including water bodies. New types of LiDAR, such as full- changes in water stage. The availability of data with a pos-
waveform, require further investigation of how they sup- sible revisit interval of less than 12 h (e.g., the CSM radar
port flood mapping, particularly in the presence of inun- system) enables the stages of a flood event to be monitored,
dated short vegetation such as that found on grassy thus leading to a better understanding of flood dynamics.
floodplains [63]. Additional developments in LiDAR The application of optical data will particularly benefit from
technology are dual-wavelength and multispectral sensors short revisit intervals due to the increased likelihood of
[16, 36] which may provide better distinction between acquiring image data during cloud-free periods. An impor-
water and other features such as vegetation (e.g., use of the tant change to this situation is the launch of Copernicus
Normalized Difference LiDAR Vegetation Index) [16]. Program [18], which is based on several constellations of
Finally, it is crucial to mention applications of bathy- satellites carrying SAR and optical sensors, called Sentinels.
metric LiDAR. Although the main application of such With 5-m spatial resolution of Sentinal-1 data (SAR
technology is to measure topography of a water body instrument) and 10–20 m spatial resolution of Sentinel-2
bottom (e.g., river- or coastal seabed), it may also be used multispectral imagery, the Copernicus provides satellite
to derive the extent and elevation of the water surface [65]. imagery with the highest spatial resolution under fully free
and open access policy. Even though such data do not come
Miscellaneous Issues with VHSR recommended for LSF analysis, the free access
and the very high temporal resolution with revisit planned
A common problem in flood mapping using RS techniques for every 6 and 5 days for Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2,
is the presence of shaded areas in the image [49, 61, 64], respectively, cause that Sentinel data have a chance to
which affects both optical and radar RS. Shadows are become soon an extremely valuable data source for different
caused by topographic relief, high vegetation, buildings, or environmental studies, including flood mapping at local
clouds and appear as dark areas in an image with a low scale. This, however, needs to be verified with due research.
digital number values that are easily confused with inun- The need of a short revisit interval may be also
dated areas, e.g., a low backscattered value or a low addressed by application of rapidly developing technology
response in NIR bands from water surfaces. The NDWI is of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) [76]. Such tech-
an example of a data processing method that is often nology enable ad hoc acquisition of data with high tem-
adversely affected by shadowing leading to overestimation poral resolution and additionally VHSR in the centimeter’s
of flood extent. This problem is partly solved by the range. Moreover, application of UAVs makes it possible to
incorporation of elevation data or DEM derivatives (e.g., utilize different sensing equipment including optical,
slope and standard deviation) together with the analysis of thermal, radar, and LiDAR sensors or even combination of
the solar incidence angle [61, 64]. For optical data, the them. Application of this technology may assure high
problem can be minimized using the newly developed accuracy of measurement and acquisition of data also
AWEI [31], if the required spectral bands are available. during cloudy period while flying below the cloud level.
Most RS techniques perform best when mapping open Therefore analysis of LSF may benefit from UAV systems
water bodies with no protruding vegetation, yet accurate by overcoming problems met by spaceborne sensors such
mapping is challenging in forested areas or areas with short as cloud cover, closed vegetation canopies, inefficient
grassy or aquatic vegetation. In such case, a ‘‘divide and temporal resolution, and viewing angle [90].

Springer Science Reviews

A crucial issue in flood inundation studies is the lack of prevalent in a changing climate, testing various VHSR data
good reference data on which to base method assessments processing methods on localized floods ought to be
[17, 69]. Reference data need to be appropriate for the advanced in the future. Also, in the complex landscapes of
given problem, meaning having relevant purpose, spatial, riverine lowlands, the fusion and combination of various,
temporal, and semantic relationships [50]. However, get- often complementary data types (e.g., optical, radar, Light
ting good reference data of a flood situation (including Detection And Ranging (LiDAR), and digital elevation
LSF) is challenging. The water cover may change rapidly model), is likely to increase the efficiency of mapping LSF
and may include situations where the meaning of ‘‘the and should be more widely explored.
water extent’’ is ambiguous, for example, where open Applications of LiDAR data present a recent and
water grades to dry ground through zones of more or less exciting avenue in inundation analysis, especially those
saturated soil or areas with numerous small water pools. As based on the use of LiDAR radiometric characteristics.
in all fieldwork related to RS, objective and exe- LiDAR owes its great potential for mapping LSF to its high
cutable sampling and data collection protocols need to be spatial detail, precision, and ability to penetrate vegetation.
established and followed. Fieldwork in a flood situation can Hence, the use of LiDAR for flood mapping will certainly
also be hazardous. Thus, visual interpretations of other be developed in the coming years, potentially comple-
image data often have to serve as ‘‘best substitute’’ for field menting or replacing other RS techniques to some degree.
acquired reference data. This can have the bonus of Multispectral LiDAR sensors are particularly worth
obtaining reference data from a larger portion of the study exploring for achieving a better differentiation between
area than could be possible to cover in a timely way by water surfaces and other landscape features.
field survey. However, the more interpretative character of
such reference data must be accounted for in its use in Acknowledgements The funding of this work for Radosław Mali-
nowski, Geoff Groom and Goswin Heckrath, by aresearch grant from
method assessment. the Danish AgriFish Agency is gratefully acknowledged (Grant Num-
ber: 923063).Wolfgang Schwanghart acknowledges the support by the
Potsdam Research Cluster for GeoriskAnalysis, Environmental Change
Conclusions and Sustainability (PROGRESS) for his contribution to this work.

Compliance with Ethical Standards

The usefulness of various remote sensing (RS) methods for
analyzing local-scale flooding (LSF) has not been widely Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
discussed in the literature. Mapping and modeling of LSF interest.
requires highly detailed RS data to analyze the heteroge-
neous landscape of riverine lowlands composed of different
vegetation types (natural, semi-natural, and arable plants) References
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