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Environmental Seismic Intensity Scale - ESI 2007-: January 2007

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Environmental Seismic Intensity Scale - ESI 2007-

Article · January 2007


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17 authors, including:

Alessandro Maria Michetti Eliana Esposito

Università degli Studi dell'Insubria Como Italian National Research Council


L. Guerrieri Sabina Porfido

Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) Italian National Research Council


Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:

apulia (southern Italy) historical seismicity View project

Researcher View project

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La Scala di Intensità ESI 2007




Direttore responsabile: Leonello SERVA
REDAZIONE a cura del Servizio Cartografico, coordinamento base dati e tavoli europei
Dirigente: Norman ACCARDI
Capo Settore: Domenico TACCHIA
Coordinamento Editoriale, allestimento digitale dei testi: Maria Luisa VATOVEC


The idea of an Intensity scale based on coseismic environmental effects started to ripe early in the '80s
following the macroseismic surveys of strong earthquakes, in particular, for Italy, those occurred in 1976
(Friuli) and 1980 (Irpinia-Basilicata). In fact, during such surveys, it was often observed that intensity
could not be reliably evaluated only based on damage to artefacts. This was specially true for sparsely
populated areas and for the highest degrees, because it was extremely difficult to estimate damage above
degree X. Environmental effects, although sometimes widespread, were generally overlooked even if
some of them do not suffer of such limitations. Among them was particularly impressive the observation
of jumping stones, which sometimes were found higher than their original position, clear evidence of
peak acceleration exceeding gravity.
It must be underlined that the compilers of the earlier macroseismic scales already at the end of XIX cen-
tury judged useful to define the intensity degree based on effects not only on man and man-made struc-
tures, but also on the environment.
The intensity scale ESI 2007 (Environmental Seismic Intensity scale) results from a reviewing process of
previous versions lasted for eight years and carried out also under the patronage of INQUA (International
Union for Quaternary Research). To this revision have participated many qualified geologists, seismolo-
gists and engineers from many countries, under the coordination of the Italian Geological Survey of the
Italian Environmental Agency.
The ESI scale does not substitute the traditional ones, but integrates them, allowing to define the ear-
thquake intensity on the basis of the whole set of coseismic effects. It can be applied not only to future
earthquakes, but also to reassess historical events. Therefore, I believe that, if properly applied, the ESI
scale will provide valuable information in many areas for a better assessment of seismic hazard.

L’idea di una scala di intensità basata sugli effetti cosismici sull’ambiente è iniziata a maturare a partire dagli anni '80 a
seguito dei rilievi macrosismici di forti terremoti, in particolare per l’Italia quelli del 1976 (Friuli) e 1980 (Irpinia-
Basilicata). Infatti, nel corso di tali rilievi si osservava spesso che l’intensità non poteva essere stimata in maniera affidabi-
le sulla base dei soli danni sul costruito. Ciò valeva in particolare per le aree scarsamente abitate e per i terremoti più forti,
in quanto risultava estremamente complesso stimare il danneggiamento sopra il decimo grado. Gli effetti ambientali, pur talo-
ra numerosi e diffusi su tutto il territorio venivano invece trascurati sebbene alcuni di loro non soffrissero di simili limitazio-
ni (tra essi, l’effetto che più mi colpiva erano le impronte sul terreno di sassi che si ritrovavano nelle immediate vicinanze,
anche a monte, indicazione sicura di picchi di accelerazione superiori a quello di gravità).
Va detto che gli Autori delle prime scale macrosismiche già alla fine del XIX secolo avevano ritenuto utile definire il grado
d’intensità sulla base degli effetti non solo sull’uomo e sulle strutture antropiche, ma anche sull’ambiente naturale.
La scala di intensità ESI 2007 (Environmental Seismic Intensity scale) è il risultato di un processo di revisione delle pre-
cedenti versioni durato otto anni e realizzato anche nell’ambito delle attività dell’INQUA (International Union for
Quaternary Research). A tale revisione hanno collaborato numerosi e qualificatissimi geologi, sismologi e ingegneri prove-
nienti da varie parti del mondo coordinate dal Servizio Geologico d’Italia dell’APAT.
La scala ESI 2007 non si sostituisce a quelle tradizionali ma le integra, consentendo di definire l'intensità sismica sulla
base di tutti gli effetti a disposizione. Essa è potenzialmente utilizzabile non solo per terremoti futuri ma anche per la revi-
sione di terremoti storici. Pertanto, sono convinto che, se adottata correttamente, la scala ESI 2007 potrà fornire in molte
aree utili indicazioni anche per la rivalutazione della pericolosità sismica.

Il Direttore del Servizio Geologico d’Italia / Dipartimento Difesa del Suolo

Dr. Leonello SERVA
Environmental Seismic Intensity scale - ESI 2007
La scala di Intensità Sismica basata sugli effetti ambientali - ESI 2007

MÖRNER N.A. (11), OTA Y. (12), ROGHOZIN E. (4)

ABSTRACT - The Environmental Seismic Intensity scale (ESI ded only when effects on humans and on manmade struc-
2007) is a new earthquake intensity scale only based on the tures i) are absent, or too scarce (i.e. in sparsely populated
effects triggered by the earthquake in the natural environ- or desert areas), and ii) saturate (i.e., for intensity X to XII)
ment. The coseismic effects considered more diagnostic for loosing their diagnostic value.
intensity evaluation are surface faulting and tectonic After its official approval at the 17th INQUA Congress, the
uplift/subsidence (primary effects), landslides, ground use of the ESI 2007 scale will be proposed to national insti-
cracks, liquefactions, displaced boulders, tsunami and tutions (geological surveys, academic and research institu-
hydrological anomalies (secondary effects). The ESI 2007 tes, departments for civil protection, environmental agen-
scale follows the same basic structure as any other XII cies, etc.), dealing in the field of earthquake intensity and
degree scale, such as the MCS, MM, MSK and EMS scales. seismic hazard.
This type of intensity scale was proposed to the scientific
community since the beginning of '90s. The idea was defi- RIASSUNTO - L’Environmental Seismic Intensity scale (ESI
nitely accepted in 1999, when a first version of the scale was 2007) è una nuova scala di intensità dei terremoti basata
developed by a Working Group of geologists, seismologists esclusivamente sugli effetti ambientali. Tra questi, quelli
and engineers sponsored by the International Union for considerati diagnostici per la valutazione dell’intensità sono
Quaternary Research (INQUA). In the following years, this la fagliazione superficiale e i sollevamenti/abbassamenti tet-
version has been revised and updated. tonici (effetti primari), i fenomeni franosi, le fratture, le
The ESI 2007 scale is the result of the revision of previous liquefazioni, gli tsunami, le variazione idrologiche (effetti
versions after its application to a large number of earthqua- secondari). La scala ESI 2007 è strutturata come le altre
kes worldwide. In the frame of INQUA SubCommission scale a XII gradi, quali le scale MCS, MM, MSK ed EMS.
on Paleoseismicity, this activity was conducted by academic Già dagli anni '90 questo tipo di scala di intensità veniva
and research institutes coordinated by the Geological proposta all’interno della comunità scientifica per essere
Survey of Italy - APAT (for further details, successivamente accolta e sviluppata in ambito internazio-
s e e h t t p : / / w w w. a p a t . g o v. i t / s i t e / e n - nale, sotto l’egida dell’INQUA (International Union for
GB/Projects/INQUA_Scale/default.html). Quaternary Research), da un Gruppo di Lavoro costituito da
For intensity levels lower than IX, the main goal of this new geologi, sismologi e ingegneri. Nel 1999 ne veniva redatta
scale is to bring the environmental effects in line with the una prima versione, più volte aggiornata negli anni succes-
damage indicators. In this range, the ESI 2007 scale should sivi.
be used along with the other scales. In the range between X La versione ESI 2007 è il risultato della revisione delle pre-
and XII, the distribution and size of environmental effects, cedenti sulla scorta delle informazioni ottenute attraverso
specially primary tectonic features, becomes the most dia- l’applicazione della scala a un gran numero di terremoti
gnostic tool to assess the intensity level. Documentary in tutto il mondo. Tale attività è stata condotta, nell’ambito
report and/or field observations on fault rupture length dell’INQUA SubCommission on Paleoseismicity, da
and surface displacement should be consistently implemen- Università e Istituti di ricerca a livello internazionale
ted in the macroseismic study of past and future earthqua- coordinati dal Dipartimento Difesa del Suolo - Servizio
kes. Therefore, the use of the ESI 2007 alone is recommen- Geologico d’Italia dell’APAT (per maggiori dettagli

(1) Università dell’Insubria, Como, Italy.

(2) Istituto per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero, CNR, Napoli, Italy.
(3) Geological Survey of Italy, APAT, Roma, Italy.
(4) Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.
(5) FUNVISIS, Caracas, Venezuela.
(6) National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Tokyo, Japan.
(7) Department of Earth Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada.
(8) IAEA, Vienna, Austria.
(9) GEO-HAZ Consulting, Crestone, Colorado, USA.
(10) Robinswood Consultant, Saint Martin de Nigelles, France.
(11) Institute for Paleogeodynamics & Paleogeophysics, Stockolm , Sweden.
(12) Emeritous of Yokohama National University, Japan.

h t t p : / / w w w. a p a t . g o v. i t / s i t e / e n - the scale for a trial period of 4 years, coincident

GB/Projects/INQUA_Scale/default.html). with the intercongress cycle, B) reviewing the first
Per livelli di intensità inferiori a IX, lo scopo principale di
questa nuova scala è quello di considerare gli effetti ambien- version through its application to case studies wor-
tali alla stessa stregua degli indicatori di danneggiamento. In ldwide(1) , and C) submitting the revised version so
questo intervallo di intensità, la scala ESI 2007 deve essere as to be ratified during the 17th INQUA Congress
utilizzata insieme alle altre scale d'intensità. Tra il X e il XII in Cairns (July 28 - August 3, 2007). The 2004 ver-
grado, la distribuzione e le dimensioni degli effetti tettonici sion of this scale was provisionally named
primari costituiscono l’indicatore maggiormente diagnosti-
ca per la valutazione dell’intensità. Le descrizioni delle carat- INQUA EEE scale, where EEE stands for
teristiche della fagliazione superficiale (lunghezza della rot- Earthquake Environmental Effects.
tura; massima dislocazione verticale) dovrebbe essere ripor- This document describes the revised version
tata in maniera consistente negli studi macrosismici dei ter- of the scale, which is formally named Enviro-
remoti passati e futuri. L’utilizzo della scala ESI 2007 come nmental Seismic Intensity scale - ESI 2007. The
unico e indipendente strumento di valutazione deve essere
utilizzata solamente quando gli effetti sull’uomo e sulle IES 2007 scale is composed by:
strutture antropiche i) sono assenti o troppo scarsi (es. aree a) Definition of intensity degrees on the basis
deserte o scarsamente abitate) oppure ii) arrivano a satura- of Earthquake Environmental Effects, i.e. the
zione (per intensità comprese tra X e XII). scale itself, which follows the same basic structu-
Al fine di promuoverne un utilizzo più condiviso e ampio re of the widely used twelve degrees macrosei-
possibile, la scala ESI 2007, che verrà ufficializzata durante
il 17th INQUA Congress, sarà proposta alle istituzioni (servi- smic scales (see MICHETTI et alii, 2004);
zi geologici nazionali, istituti di ricerca in campo sismologi- b) Guidelines, which aim at better clarifying i)
co, dipartimenti di protezione civile, agenzie ambientali) che the background of the scale and the scientific
nei vari Paesi si occupano della valutazione dell’intensità dei concepts that support the introduction of such a
terremoti e della pericolosità sismica. new macroseismic scale; ii) the procedure to use
the scale alone or integrated with damage-based,
1. - INTRODUCTION traditional scales; iii) how the scale is organized;
iv) the descriptions of diagnostic features requi-
In 1999, during the 15th INQUA (International red for intensity assessment, and the meaning of
Union for Quaternary Research) Congress in idioms, colors, and fonts.
Durban, the Subcommission on Paleoseismicity A gallery of photographs kindly provided by
promoted the compilation of a new scale of numerous scientists involved in the INQUA Scale
macroseismic intensity based only on environ- Project are reported in Appendix I.
mental effects. A Working Group including geo- The ESI 2007 Form (Appendix II) is an hel-
logists, seismologists and engineers compiled a pful tool for data collection of Earthquake
first version of the scale, that was presented at the Environmental Effects. The Plate I (Appendix
16th INQUA Congress in Reno (July 23 - 30, III) reports the definition of intensity degrees in
2003), and updated one year later at the 32nd a synoptic table, classified by the category of
International Geological Congress in Florence Earthquake Environmental Effect.
(MICHETTI et alii, 2004). To this end, the INQUA Both these latter documents have been desi-
TERPRO (Commission on Terrestrial Processes) gned for the application of the ESI 2007 scale
approved a specific project (INQUA Scale during field surveys immediately after the seismic
Project, 2004 - 2007) with the aim of A) testing event.

(1) The application of the INQUA scale to case studies was conducted within the INQUA Scale Project Working Group by
the Authors and by the following scientists:
· R. AMIT - Geological Survey of Israel.
· G. BESANA - Nagoya University, Furo-cho Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan.
· K. CHUNGA - Università dell’Insubria, Como, Italy.
· A. FOKAEFS - Institute of Geodynamics, National Observatory of Athens, Greece.
· L.E. FRANCO - INGEOMINAS, Bogotà, Colombia.
· C.P. LALINDE PULIDO - Universidad EAFIT, Departamiento de Ciencias de la Tierra, Medellin, Colombia.
· E. KHAGAN - Geological Survey of Israel.
· N. LIN YUNONG - National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
· S. MARCO - Department of Geophysics and Planetary Sciences, Tel Aviv, Israel.
· A. NELSON - US Geological Survey, Denver, USA.
· I. PAPANIKOLAU - University College London, Department of Earth Sciences, BHRC, London, UK.
· G. PAPATHANASSIOU - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
· S. PAVLIDES - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
· K. REICHERTER - Aachen University, Germany.
· A. SALAMON - Geological Survey of Israel.
· C. SPERNANZONI - University of Roma Tre, Italy.
· P.G. SILVA - Departamento de Geología, Universidad de Salamanca Sapin.
· J. ZAMUDIO - Istituto Geofisico del Perù, Lima.
Definition of intensity degrees
Definizione dei gradi di intensità

From I to III: There are no environmental effects that can be used as diagnostic.

IV - LARGELY OBSERVED - First unequivocal effects in the environment

Primary effects are absent.

Secondary effects:

a) Rare small variations of the water level in wells and/or of the flow-rate of springs are locally recorded,
as well as extremely rare small variations of chemical-physical properties of water and turbidity in
springs and wells, especially within large karstic spring systems, which appear to be most prone to this
b) In closed basins (lakes, even seas) seiches with height not exceeding a few centimeters may develop,
commonly observed only by tidal gauges, exceptionally even by naked eye, typically in the far field of
strong earthquakes. Anomalous waves are perceived by all people on small boats, few people on larger
boats, most people on the coast. Water in swimming pools swings and may sometimes overflows.
c) Hair-thin cracks (millimeter-wide) might be occasionally seen where lithology (e.g., loose alluvial depo-
sits, saturated soils) and/or morphology (slopes or ridge crests) are most prone to this phenomenon.
d)Exceptionally, rocks may fall and small landslide may be (re)activated, along slopes where the equili-
brium is already near the limit state, e.g. steep slopes and cuts, with loose and generally saturated soil.
e) Tree limbs shake feebly.

V - STRONG - Marginal effects in the environment

Primary effects are absent.

Secondary effects:

a) Rare variations of the water level in wells and/or of the flow-rate of springs are locally recorded, as
well as small variations of chemical-physical properties of water and turbidity in lakes, springs and wells.
b) In closed basins (lakes, even seas) seiches with height of decimeters may develop, sometimes noted also
by naked eye, typically in the far field of strong earthquakes. Anomalous waves up to several tens of cm
high are perceived by all people on boats and on the coast. Water in swimming pools overflows.
c) Thin cracks (millimeter-wide and several cms up to one meter long) are locally seen where lithology
(e.g., loose alluvial deposits, saturated soils) and/or morphology (slopes or ridge crests) are most prone
to this phenomenon.
d) Rare small rockfalls, rotational landslides and slump earth flows may take place, along often but not
necessarily steep slopes where equilibrium is near the limit state, mainly loose deposits and saturated
soil. Underwater landslides may be triggered, which can induce small anomalous waves in coastal areas
of sea and lakes.
e) Tree limbs and bushes shake slightly, very rare cases of fallen dead limbs and ripe fruit.
f) Extremely rare cases are reported of liquefaction (sand boil), small in size and in areas most prone to
this phenomenon (highly susceptible, recent, alluvial and coastal deposits, near-surface water table).

VI - SLIGHTLY DAMAGING - Modest effects in the environment

Primary effects are absent.

Secondary effects:

a) Significant variations of the water level in wells and/or of the flow-rate of springs are locally recor-
ded, as well as small variations of chemical-physical properties of water and turbidity in lakes, springs
and wells.
b) Anomalous waves up to many tens of cm high flood very limited areas nearshore. Water in swimming
pools and small ponds and basins overflows.
c) Occasionally, millimeter-centimeter wide and up to several meters long fractures are observed in loose alluvial deposits
and/or saturated soils; along steep slopes or riverbanks they can be 1-2 cm wide. A few minor cracks develop in paved
(either asphalt or stone) roads.
d) Rockfalls and landslides with volume reaching ca. 103 m3 can take place, especially where equilibrium
is near the limit state, e.g. steep slopes and cuts, with loose saturated soil, or highly weathered / frac-
tured rocks. Underwater landslides can be triggered, occasionally provoking small anomalous waves in
coastal areas of sea and lakes, commonly seen by intrumental records.
e) Trees and bushes shake moderately to strongly; a very few tree tops and unstable-dead limbs may break
and fall, also depending on species, fruit load and state of health.
f) Rare cases are reported of liquefaction (sand boil), small in size and in areas most prone to this phenomenon (highly
susceptible, recent, alluvial and coastal deposits, near surface water table).

VII - DAMAGING - Appreciable effects in the environment

Primary effects: observed very rarely, and almost exclusively in volcanic areas. Limited surface fault rup-
tures, tens to hundreds of meters long and with centimetric offset, may occur, essentially associated to
very shallow earthquakes.
Secondary effects: The total affected area is in the order of 10 km2.
a) Significant temporary variations of the water level in wells and/or of the flow-rate of springs are
locally recorded. Seldom, small springs may temporarily run dry or appear. Weak variations of chemi-
cal-physical properties of water and turbidity in lakes, springs and wells are locally observed.
b) Anomalous waves even higher than a meter may flood limited nearshore areas and damage or wash
away objects of variable size. Water overflows from small basins and watercourses.
c) Fractures up to 5-10 cm wide and up to hundred metres long are observed, commonly in loose alluvial deposits and/or
saturated soils; rarely, in dry sand, sand-clay, and clay soil fractures are also seen, up to 1 cm wide. Centimeter-wide
cracks are common in paved (asphalt or stone) roads.
d) Scattered landslides occur in prone areas, where equilibrium is unstable (steep slopes of loose / satu-
rated soils), while modest rock falls are common on steep gorges, cliffs). Their size is sometimes signi-
ficant (103 - 105 m3); in dry sand, sand-clay, and clay soil, the volumes are usually up to 100 m3.
Ruptures, slides and falls may affect riverbanks and artificial embankments and excavations (e.g., road
cuts, quarries) in loose sediment or weathered / fractured rock. Significant underwater landslides can
be triggered, provoking anomalous waves in coastal areas of sea and lakes, directly felt by people on
boats and ports.
e) Trees and bushes shake vigorously; especially in densely forested areas, many limbs and tops break
and fall.
f) Rare cases are reported of liquefaction, with sand boils up to 50 cm in diameter, in areas most prone to this phenome-
non (highly susceptible, recent, alluvial and coastal deposits, near surface water table).

VIII - HEAVILY DAMAGING - Extensive effects in the environment

Primary effects: observed rarely.
Ground ruptures (surface faulting) may develop, up to several hundred meters long, with offsets not exceeding a few cm, par-
ticularly for very shallow focus earthquakes such as those common in volcanic areas. Tectonic subsidence or uplift of the
ground surface with maximum values on the order of a few centimeters may occur.

Secondary effects: The total affected area is in the order of 100 km2.
a) Springs may change, generally temporarily, their flow-rate and/or elevation of outcrop. Some small
springs may even run dry. Variations in water level are observed in wells. Weak variations of chemi-
cal-physical properties of water, most commonly temperature, may be observed in springs and/or
wells. Water turbidity may appear in closed basins, rivers, wells and springs. Gas emissions, often sul-
phureous, are locally observed.
b) Anomalous waves up to 1-2 meters high flood nearshore areas and may damage or wash away objects
of variable size. Erosion and dumping of waste is observed along the beaches, where some bushes
and even small weak-rooted trees can be eradicated and drifted away. Water violently overflows from
small basins and watercourses.
c) Fractures up to 50 cm wide and up to hundreds metres long, are commonly observed in loose alluvial deposits and/or
saturated soils; in rare cases fractures up to 1 cm can be observed in competent dry rocks. Decimetric cracks arecommon
in paved (asphalt or stone) roads, as well as small pressure undulations.
d) Small to moderate (103 - 105 m3) landslides are widespread in prone areas; rarely they can occur also
on gentle slopes; where equilibrium is unstable (steep slopes of loose / saturated soils; rock falls on
steep gorges, coastal cliffs) their size is sometimes large (105 - 106 m3). Landslides can occasionally dam
narrow valleys causing temporary or even permanent lakes. Ruptures, slides and falls affect riverbanks
and artificial embankments and excavations (e.g., road cuts, quarries) in loose sediment or weathered /
fractured rock. Frequent is the occurrence of landslides under the sea level in coastal areas.
e) Trees shake vigorously; branches may break and fall, trees may be uprooted , especially along steep slopes.
f) Liquefaction may be frequent in the epicentral area, depending on local conditions; the most typicalò effects are: sand boils
up to ca. 1 m in diameter; apparent water fountains in still waters; localised lateral spreading and settlements (subsiden-
ce up to ca. 30 cm), with fissuring parallel to waterfront areas (river banks, lakes, canals, seashores).
g) In dry areas, dust clouds may rise from the ground in the epicentral area.
h) Stones and even small boulders and tree trunks may be thrown in the air, leaving typical imprints in soft

IX - DESTRUCTIVE - Effects in the environment are a widespread source of considerable

hazard and become important for intensity assessment
Primary effects: observed commonly.
Ground ruptures (surface faulting) develop, up to a few km long, with offsets generally in the order of several cm. Tectonic
subsidence or uplift of the ground surface with maximum values in the order of a few decimeters may occur.
Secondary effects: The total affected area is in the order of 1000 km2.
a) Springs can change, generally temporarily, their flow-rate and/or location to a considerable extent. Some modest springs
may even run dry. Temporary variations of water level are commonly observed in wells. Variations of chemical-physical
properties of water, most commonly temperature, are observed in springs and/or wells. Water turbidity is common in clo-
sed basins, rivers, wells and springs. Gas emissions, often sulphureous, are observed, and bushes and grass near emission
zones may burn.
b) Meters high waves develop in still and running waters. In flood plains water streams may even change their course, also
because of land subsidence. Small basins may appear or be emptied. Depending on shape of sea bottom and coastline,
dangerous tsunamis may reach the shores with runups of up to several meters flooding wide areas. Widespread erosion
and dumping of waste is observed along the beaches, where bushes and trees can be eradicated and drifted away.
c) Fractures up to 100 cm wide and up to hundreds metres long are commonly observed in loose alluvial deposits and/or
saturated soils; in competent rocks they can reach up to 10 cm. Significant cracks are common in paved (asphalt or stone)
roads, as well as small pressure undulations.
d) Landsliding is widespread in prone areas, also on gentle slopes; where equilibrium is unstable (steep slopes of loose / satu-
rated soils; rock falls on steep gorges, coastal cliffs) their size is frequently large (105 m3), sometimes very large (106
m3). Landslides can dam narrow valleys causing temporary or even permanent lakes. Riverbanks, artificial embankments
and excavations (e.g., road cuts, quarries) frequently collapse. Frequent are large landslides under the sea level.
e) Trees shake vigorously; branches and thin tree trunks frequently break and fall. Some trees might be
uprooted and fall, especially along steep slopes.
f) Liquefaction and water upsurge are frequent; the most typical effects are: sand boils up to 3 m in diameter; apparent water
fountains in still waters; frequent lateral spreading and settlements (subsidence of more than ca. 30 cm), with fissuring
parallel to waterfront areas (river banks, lakes, canals, seashores).

g) In dry areas, dust clouds may rise from the ground.

h) Small boulders and tree trunks may be thrown in the air and move away from their site for meters, also depending on
slope angle and roundness, leaving typical imprints in soft soil.

X - VERY DESTRUCTIVE - Effects on the environment become a leading source of hazard

and are critical for intensity assessment
Primary effects become leading.
Surface faulting can extend for few tens of km, with offsets from tens of cm up to a few meters. Gravity grabens and elon-
gated depressions develop; for very shallow focus earthquakes in volcanic areas rupture lengths might be much lower. Tectonic
subsidence or uplift of the ground surface with maximum values in the order of few meters may occur.
Secondary effects. The total affected area is in the order of 5,000 km2.
a) Many springs significantly change their flow-rate and/or elevation of outcrop. Some springs may run
temporarily or even permanently dry. Temporary variations of water level are commonly observed in
wells. Even strong variations of chemical-physical properties of water, most commonly temperature,
are observed in springs and/or wells. Often water becomes very muddy in even large basins, rivers,
wells and springs. Gas emissions, often sulphureous, are observed, and bushes and grass near emission
zones may burn.
b) Meters high waves develop in even big lakes and rivers, which overflow from their beds. In flood plains rivers may chan-
ge their course, temporary or even permanently, also because of widespread land subsidence. Basins may appear or be
emptied. Depending on shape of sea bottom and coastline, tsunamis may reach the shores with runups exceeding 5 m floo-
ding flat areas for thousands of meters inland. Small boulders can be dragged for many meters. Widespread deep erosion
is observed along the shores, with noteworthy changes of the coastline profile. Trees nearshore are eradicated and drifted
c) Open ground cracks up to more than 1 m wide and up to hundred metres long are frequent, mainly in loose alluvial depo-
sits and/or saturated soils; in competent rocks opening reaches several decimeters. Wide cracks develop in paved (asphalt
or stone) roads, as well as pressure undulations.
d) Large landslides and rock-falls (> 105 - 106 m3) are frequent, practically regardless of equilibrium state of slopes,
causing temporary or permanent barrier lakes. River banks, artificial embankments, and sides of excavations typically
collapse. Levees and earth dams may also incur serious damage. Frequent are large landslides under the sea level in coa-
stal areas.
e) Trees shake vigorously; many branches and tree trunks break and fall. Some trees might be uprooted and fall.
f) Liquefaction, with water upsurge and soil compaction, may change the aspect of wide zones; sand volcanoes even more
than 6 m in diameter; vertical subsidence even > 1m; large and long fissures due to lateral spreading are common.
g) In dry areas, dust clouds commonly rise from the ground.
h) Boulders (diameter in excess of 2-3 meters) can be thrown in the air and move away from their site for hundreds of meters
down even gentle slopes, leaving typical imprints in soil.

XI - DEVASTATING - Effects on the environment become decisive for intensity assessment,

due to saturation of structural damage

Primary effects are dominant

Surface faulting extends from several tens of km up to more than one hundred km, accompanied by slips reaching several
meters. Gravity graben, elongated depressions and pressure ridges develop. Drainage lines can be seriously offset. Tectonic sub-
sidence or uplift of the ground surface with maximum values in the order of numerous meters may occur.
Secondary effects. The total affected area is in the order of 10,000 km2.
a) Many springs significantly change their flow-rate and/or elevation of outcrop. Many springs may run
temporarily or even permanently dry. Temporary or permanent variations of water level are generally
observed in wells. Even strong variations of chemical-physical properties of water, most commonly
temperature, are observed in springs and/or wells. Often water becomes very muddy in even large
basins, rivers, wells and springs. Gas emissions, often sulphureous, are observed, and bushes and grass
near emission zones may burn.
b) Large waves develop in big lakes and rivers, which overflow from their beds. In flood plains rivers can change their cour-

se, temporary or even permanently, also because of widespread land subsidence and landsliding. Basins may appear or be
emptied. Depending on shape of sea bottom and coastline, tsunamis may reach the shores with runups reaching 15 meters
and more devastating flat areas for kilometers inland. Even meter-sized boulders can be dragged for long distances.
Widespread deep erosion is observed along the shores, with noteworthy changes of the coastal morphology. Trees nearsho-
re are eradicated and drifted away.
c) Open ground cracks up to several meters wide are very frequent, mainly in loose alluvial deposits
and/or saturated soils. In competent rocks they can reach 1 m. Very wide cracks develop in paved
(asphalt or stone) roads, as well as large pressure undulations.
d) Large landslides and rock-falls (> 105 - 106 m3) are frequent, practically regardless of equilibrium state
of slopes, causing many temporary or permanent barrier lakes. River banks, artificial embankments,
and sides of excavations typically collapse. Levees and earth dams incur serious damage. Significant
landslides can occur even at 200 - 300 km distance from the epicenter. Frequent are large landslides
under the sea level in coastal areas.
e) Trees shake vigorously; many branches and tree trunks break and fall. Many trees are uprooted and fall.
f) Liquefaction changes the aspect of extensive zones of lowland, determining vertical subsidence possi-
bly exceeding several meters; numerous large sand volcanoes, and severe lateral spreading can be observed.
g) In dry areas dust clouds arise from the ground.
h) Big boulders (diameter of several meters) can be thrown in the air and move away from their site for long distances down
even gentle slopes., leaving typical imprints in soil.

XII - COMPLETELY DEVASTATING - Effects in the environment are the only tool
for intensity assessment

Primary effects are dominant.

Surface faulting is at least few hundreds of km long, accompanied by offsets reaching several tens of meters. Gravity gra-
ben, elongated depressions and pressure ridges develop. Drainage lines can be seriously offset. Landscape and geomorpholo-
gical changes induced by primary effects can attain extraordinary extent and size (typical examples are the uplift or subsi-
dence of coastlines by several meters, appearance or disappearance from sight of significant landscape elements, rivers chan-
ging course, origination of waterfalls, formation or disappearance of lakes).
Secondary effects. The total affected area is in the order of 50,000 km2 and more.
a) Many springs significantly change their flow-rate and/or elevation of outcrop. Temporary or perma-
nent variations of water level are generally observed in wells. Many springs and wells may run tempo-
rarily or even permanently dry. Strong variations of chemical-physical properties of water, most com-
monly temperature, are observed in springs and/or wells. Water becomes very muddy in even large
basins, rivers, wells and springs. Gas emissions, often sulphureous, are observed, and bushes and grass
near emission zones may burn.
b) Giant waves develop in lakes and rivers, which overflow from their beds. In flood plains rivers change their course and
even their flow direction, temporary or even permanently, also because of widespread land subsidence and landsliding.
Large basins may appear or be emptied. Depending on shape of sea bottom and coastline, tsunamis may reach the sho-
res with runups of several tens of meters devastating flat areas for many kilometers inland. Big boulders can be dragged
for long distances. Widespread deep erosion is observed along the shores, with outstanding changes of the coastal mor-
phology. Many trees are eradicated and drifted away. All boats are tore from their moorings and swept away or carried
onshore even for long distances. All people outdoor are swept away.
c) Ground open cracks are very frequent, up to one meter or more wide in the bedrock, up to more than
10 m wide in loose alluvial deposits and/or saturated soils. These may extend up to several kilometers.
d) Large landslides and rock-falls (> 105 - 106 m3) are frequent, practically regardless to equilibriumstate
of the slopes, causing many temporary or permanent barrier lakes. River banks, artificial embankments,
and sides of excavations typically collapse. Levees and earth dams incur serious damage. Significant
landslides can occur at more than 200 - 300 km distance from the epicenter. Frequent are very large
landslides under the sea level in coastal areas.
e) Trees shake vigorously; many branches and tree trunks break and fall. Many trees are uprooted and fall.
f) Liquefaction occurs over large areas and changes the morphology of extensive flat zones, determining
vertical subsidence exceeding several meters, widespread large sand volcanoes, and extensive severe
lateral spreading can be observed.
g) In dry areas dust clouds arise from the ground.
h) Also very big boulders can be thrown in the air and move for long distances even down very gentle slopes, leaving typical
imprints in soil.
Linee Guida

1. - BACKGROUND re. In this way, the effects produced by earthqua-

kes at the surface have notably come under close
1.1. - RATIONALE scrutiny, recognizing the fact that they actually
result from the cumulated effects of the source
The twelve degrees macroseismic intensity (vibrations generated during slip, finite deforma-
scales, developed since the beginning of XX cen- tions), of the propagation of seismic waves, and,
tury, were based on evaluation of the effects on a) lastly, of local site effects. Later it became clear
humans, b) manmade structures and c) natural that by doing this they were able to take into
environment (fig. 1). account the whole frequency range of interest,
When the first models of macroseismic scales including its static component. Therefore, accor-
appeared, the Authors intuitively followed the ding to this original and valuable approach,
inspired idea of including different types of Intensity can be defined as a classification of
effects, or effects on different kinds of “recei- effects, which allows measuring the earthquake
vers”. Without giving a formal definition of this severity in the whole range of frequencies inclu-
successful methodological approach, DE ROSSI, ding static deformations and vibrational effects.
MERCALLI, CANCANI, OMORI, SIEBERG and their However, in the early versions of the twelve
colleagues incorporated in the macroseismic sca- degrees scales (cf. DAVISON, 1921), the effects of
les effects on humans, on buildings and on natu- the earthquakes on the natural environment were
scarcely documented. Their presence in the scale
was mostly due to the many references to ground
cracks, landslides, and landscape modifications,
effects on humans contained in the historical sources.
Later, in the second half of the XX century,
these effects have been increasingly disregarded
effects on manmade in the literature and in the practice of macrosei-
structures Intensity (I)
smic investigation, probably due to their inner
complexity and variability requiring specific skills
effects on natural and knowledge, while increasing attention has
environment been paid to the apparently easier to analyze
effects on humans and manmade structures (e.g.,
Fig. 1 - According to the original definition of intensity in the twelve ESPINOSA et alii, 1976a; 1976b; GRUNTHAL, 1998).
degrees scales, i.e., the Mercalli-Cancani-Sieberg Scale (MCS), the In fact, recent studies (DENGLER & MCPHERSON,
Modified Mercalli scale (MM-31 and MM-56) and the Medvedev-
Sponheuer-Karnik scale (MSK-64), the assessment of intensity degrees 1993; SERVA, 1994, DOWRICK, 1996; ESPOSITO et
has to be based on humans, manmade structures and natural environment. alii, 1997; HANCOX et alii, 2002; MICHETTI et alii,
- Secondo la defnizione originale di intensità nelle scale a dodici gradi, quali la scala
Mercalli-Cancani-Sieberg (MCS), la scala Mercalli Modificata (MM-31 e MM - 56) 2004; and references therein) have offered new
e la scala Medvedev-Sponheuer-Karnik (MSK 64), la valutazione del grado di inten- substantial evidence that coseismic environmental
sità deve essere basata sugli effetti sull’uomo, sulle strutture antropiche e sull’ambiente
naturale. effects provide precious information on the ear-

thquake size and its intensity field, complemen- 1.3. - THRESHOLD FOR SURFACE FAULTING IN VOL-
ting, de facto, the traditional damage-based macro- CANIC AREAS
seismic scales. As a matter of fact, with the out-
standing growth of Paleoseismology as a new The focal depth and the stress environment of
independent discipline, nowadays the effects on an earthquake obviously influence the occurrence
the environment can be described and quantified and the size of the observed effects. Two crustal
with a remarkable detail compared with that avai- earthquakes with the same energy but very diffe-
lable at the time of the earlier scales. Therefore, rent focal depths and stress environment can pro-
today the definition of the intensity degrees can duce a very different field of environmental
effectively take advantage of the diagnostic cha- effects and therefore largely different local inten-
racteristics of the effects on natural environment. sity values. This is particularly important in volca-
This is the goal of the ESI 2007 scale. Its use, nic areas, where tectonic earthquakes with low
alone or integrated with the other traditional sca- magnitude and very shallow focus (in the order of
les (see chapter 2), affords a better picture of the 1-4 km) can generate primary effects (e.g.,
earthquake scenario, because only environmental AZZARO, 1999). To take this into account, the
effects allow suitable comparison of the ear- threshold for surface faulting in volcanic areas has
thquake intensity both: been set at intensity VII, whereas for typical ear-
thquakes (focal depth 5-15 km) primary effects
· in time: effects on the natural environment start from intensity VIII.
are comparable for a time-window (recent, histo-
ric and palaeo seismic events) much larger than
the period of instrumental record (last century), 2. - HOW TO USE THE ESI 2007 SCALE
When suitable EEEs are documented, the ESI
· in different geographic areas: environmental 2007 scale allows independent estimates of epi-
effects do not depend on peculiar socio-econo- central and local intensity. Through a straightfor-
mic conditions or different building practices. ward procedure (fig. 2) these values can be used
for intensity assessment alone or together with
1.2. - PRIMARY AND SECONDARY EFFECTS damage-based traditional scales to produce a
“hybrid” intensity field. The use of the ESI 2007
Earthquake Environmental Effects (EEEs) scale as an independent tool is recommended
are any phenomena generated in the natural envi- when (case A in fig. 2) only environmental effects
ronment by a seismic event. They can be catego- are diagnostic because effects on humans and on
rized in two main types: manmade structures are absent, or too scarce (i.e.
· primary effects, the surface expression of in sparsely populated or desert areas), or suffer
the seismogenic tectonic source (including surfa- saturation (i.e., for intensity X to XII).
ce faulting, surface uplift and subsidence), typical- As shown by the processing of many ear-
ly observed for crustal earthquakes over a certain thquakes worldwide, typically the ESI 2007 used
threshold value of magnitude. Being directly lin- alone can define the intensity degree with an
ked to the size, hence the energy of the earthqua- acceptable level of accuracy starting from intensi-
ke, these effects in principle do not suffer satura- ty VII, when environmental effects usually beco-
tion, i.e., they saturate only for intensity XII, this me diagnostic. This accuracy improves in the
being an obvious inherent limit of all macrosei- higher degrees of the scale, in particular in the
smic scales. range of occurrence of primary effects, typically
· secondary effects: phenomena generally starting from intensity VIII, and with growing
induced by the ground shaking. Their occurrence resolution for intensity IX, X, XI and XII.
is commonly observed in a specific range of Obviously, when environmental effects are not
intensities. For each type of secondary effect, the available, intensity has to be assessed by damage-
ESI 2007 scale describes their characteristics and based traditional scales (case B).
size as a diagnostic feature in a range of intensity If effects are available either on manmade
degrees. Hence, in some cases it is only possible structures and natural environments (case C),
to establish a minimum intensity value. allowing to estimate two independent intensities,
Conversely, the total area of distribution of in general the intensity has to coincide with the
secondary effects does not saturate and therefore highest value between these two estimates. Of
it can be used as an independent tool for the course, expert judgment is an essential compo-
assessment of the epicentral intensity Ι0 (par. 3.2). nent in the process of comparing intensitiy asses-

sed using different categories of “receivers”. the epicenter. Several techniques can be applied
This procedure allows generating a “hybrid to assess I0; for instance, POSTPISCHL (1985) defi-
field” of local intensities, i.e., derived from the ne I0 as “the value of the closed isoseismal line
integration of ESI 2007 and other intensity scales. having the highest degree and including at least 3
This is deemed to be the best intensity scenario different data points”.
because 1) it takes into account all the effects trig- Surface faulting parameters and total area of
gered by the earthquake, 2) it is in agreement with distribution of secondary effects (landslides
the original definition of intensity, and 3) it allows and/or liquefactions) are two independent tools
the comparison of earthquakes in time and in to assess I0 on the basis of environmental effects,
space over the largest chronological and geogra- starting from the intensity VII.
phic window. SURFACE FAULTING PARAMETERS: The ranges
reported in Table 1 are based on the analysis of
2.1. - PROCEDURE TO USE THE ESI 2007 SCALE AS surface faulting parameters and intensity data
A SELF INSTRUMENT FOR INTENSITY ASSESSMENT available for more than 400 shallow crustal ear-
thquakes worldwide (SURFIN, SURFace faulting
Evidently the ESI 2007 scale is a tool to assess and INtensity database; INQUA scale Project,
both epicentral and local intensities. 2007). The use of this simple table for I0 asses-
sment requires particular attention when the
2.1.1. - Epicentral intensity (Ι0) amount of surface faulting is close to the boun-
daries between two intensity degrees. In this case
Epicentral intensity (I0) is defined as the inten- it is recommended to choose the intensity value
sity of shaking at epicenter, i.e. what intensity we better consistent with the characteristics and
would get, if there were a locality that matches distribution of secondary effects.


Revision of effects ENVIRONMENT
from historical
Revision of effects
from macroseismic and IJMA
geological surveys

Ad hoc macroseismic
and geological field
surveys =
Fig. 2 - Logical scheme for the use of ESI 2007 scale alone or together with damage-based traditional scales. We show only the most commonly used scales,
however, any scale can be integrated with the ESI 2007 scale following the same methodological steps.
- Schema logico per l'utilizzo della scala ESI 2007 da sola o insieme con le scale tradizionali basate sui danni. Qui sono considerate solo le scale maggiormente usate, tuttavia qual-
siasi scala può integrarsi con la scala ESI 2007 seguendo un approccio metodologico analogo.

TOTAL AREA OF SECONDARY EFFECTS: Starting According to this approach, a Site can be defi-
from intensity VII, the ESI 2007 scale considers ned as any place where a single environmental
the total area of secondary effects as diagnostic effect has occurred. The description of one effect
element for I0 assessment. Even in this case, for has to be done at this level.
each intensity degree table 1 only lists the order of One Locality may include several sites and
magnitude of the total area, and the chosen value presents a level of generalization, to which inten-
of I0 has to be consistent with primary effects. sity can be assigned. It can refer to any place,
The definition of total area should not inclu- either inhabited or natural. It has to be small
de the isolated effects occasionally located in the enough to keep separated areas with significantly
far field. In fact, the occurrence of these effects is different site intensities, but large enough to
most likely due to peculiar site conditions. include several sites and consequently to be repre-
Evidently, only a sound professional judgment sentative for intensity assessment. Therefore, the
can establish which effects should be inclu- locality has to be defined by expert judgment.
ded/excluded in the definition of total area. REGULAR GRID: in case a systematic field sur-
vey of the affected area provides a homogeneous
distribution of environmental effects, which is
TAB. 1 - Ranges of surface faulting parameters (prima- still uncommon for modern earthquakes but
ry effects) and typical extents of total area (secondary highly advisable for future earthquakes, it is
effects) for each intensity degree. recommended to divide the territory into a regu-
- Valori di riferimento per ciascun grado di inten- lar grid with a cell size that depends on the scale
sità relativo ai parametri di fagliazione superficia- of the field survey. It should be possible to assign
le (effetti primari) e all’area totale degli effetti a local intensity to each cell. The resulting distri-
secondari. bution of local intensities allows to define the
PRIMARY SECONDARY map of isoseismals. However, with this approach
I0 EFFECTS EFFECTS the comparison and integration with “standard”
Intensity SURFACE
MAX SURFACE macroseismic intensity values may become quite
TOTAL AREA difficult.
VI - -
VII (*) (*) 10 km2 In principle, the correlations of intensity sca-
VIII Several hundreds Centimetric 100 km2 les, degree by degree, should be never allowed
IX 1- 10 km 5 - 40 cm 1000 km2 because each scale classifies the effects in a diffe-
X 10 - 60 km 40 - 300 cm 5000 km2 rent way. Hence, for the comparison of two ear-
XI 60 – 150 km 300 –700 cm 10000 km2 thquakes it should be advisable to use the same
XII > 150 km > 700 cm > 50000 km2 intensity scale, even if it is necessary to reclassify
(*) Limited surface fault ruptures, tens to hundreds meters long with cen-
all the effects. For instance, in the MSK64 scale
timetric offset may occur essentially associated to very shallow earthqua- the concepts of “typical” damage and building
kes in volcanic areas. types are used. As a result this is a scale of con-
stant intervals. The MCS and Modified Mercalli sca-
2.1.2 . - Local intensity (IL) les, based on maximum effects, are scales of order.
As a consequence intensity VIII is much easier to
The local intensity is essentially assessed get in original Mercalli than applying MSK64.
through the description of secondary effects. Indeed, the “classic” twelve degrees scales,
However, even the local expression of primary though they included environmental effects, were
effects, in terms of maximum displacement of a not able to differentiate intensities above IX,
fault segment, may contribute to its evaluation. because (a) they did not make difference between
The evaluation of local intensity can be done in primary and secondary effects, (b) they did not
two different ways: use quantitative approach for the effects on natu-
LOCALITY - SITE: this approach is recommen- re. Therefore, it is expected that when we deal
ded when the descriptions of environmental with the strongest earthquakes the application of
effects are not homogeneously surveyed over the the ESI 2007 scale will yield an intensity value
territory, which is common for historical ear- that is different, and more physically meaningful,
thquakes. The main advantage of this procedure is from that obtained with the others scales. That is
that it allows the comparison with local intensities exactly the reason why it is necessary to develop
deriving from traditional macroseismic scales. this new intensity scale.

As a matter of fact, in the practice of macro- 3.1. - MAIN GROUPS OF INTENSITY DEGREES
seismic investigation, very often one is obliged to
compare earthquakes intensities classified with The ESI 2007 scale starts where environmen-
different scales. This has promoted the use of tal effects become regularly observed in favorable
conversion tables, such as those proposed by conditions, i.e. at intensity IV. The scale is linear
KRINITZSKY & CHANG (1978), REITER (1990), and and works well up to XII degree. In the first ver-
PANZA (2004). On the other hand, the application sion of the scale, intensity I, II and III were also
of such kind of tables has often caused the intro- defined using environmental effects (MICHETTI et
duction of additional uncertainties, such as the alii, 2004). It is important to remark that several
use of half-degrees or fractional degrees. effects on nature, especially concerning water
In order to avoid these inconveniences, the bodies and hydrogeological phenomena
correlation among the most important intensity (MONTGOMERY & MANGA, 2003 and references
scales has to be simply based on one-to-one rela- therein), but also instrumentally-detected primary
tionships. As discussed in MICHETTI et alii, (2004), tectonic deformations (permanent fault offset
due to the level of uncertainty inherent in the measured at the INFN Gran Sasso, Italy, strain-
structure itself of the macroseismic scales, and in meter; cf., AMORUSO & CRESCENTINI, 1999), have
case a conversion between scales is a step that been observed for very low intensity. Perhaps
cannot be absolutely avoided, the best we can do future investigation will allow a new revision of
is to consider all the twelve degrees scales as equi- the scale in order to include environmental effects
valent. This includes also the Chinese macrosei- suitable for intensity assessment in the range
smic intensity scale, which has been originally from I to III. However, after 4 years of applica-
designed to be consistent with the MM scale (e.g., tion at a global scale through the INQUA scale
XIE, 1957; WANG, 2004). Nevertheless, the corre- project, it was clear that with the knowledge avai-
lation with the 7-degrees JMA intensity scale lable today, effects on natural environment in this
(KRINTIZSKY & CHANG, 1977; REITER, 1990; range are not diagnostic.
HANCOX et alii, 2002), and with other scales not Therefore, comparing the ESI 2007 with the
based on twelve degrees, inevitably requires grou- other 12 degrees scales, we can identify three
ping of some intensity degrees. main subset:
I) From I to III: There are no environmen-
tal effects that can be used as diagnostic.
II) From IV to IX: Environmental effects are
The ESI 2007 scale has been developed to be easily observable starting from intensity IV, and
consistent with the Modified Mercalli macrosei- often permanent and diagnostic especially star-
smic scale (MM-31, WOOD & NEUMANN, 1931; ting from intensity VII. However, they are neces-
MM-56, RICHTER, 1958) and the MSK-64 ( sarily less suitable for intensity assessment than
Medvedev-Sponheuer-Karnik scale), since these effects on humans and manmade structures.
are the most applied worldwide and includes Their use is therefore recommended especially in
many explicit references to environmental effects. sparsely populated areas;
More in general, the new scale was carefully
designed in order to keep the internal consistency III) From X to XII: Effects on humans and
of the original twelve degrees scale, as discussed manmade structures saturate, while environmen-
in depth by MICHETTI et alii, (2004). A great deal tal effects become dominant; in fact, several types
of work in seismic hazard assessment is accompli- of environmental effects do not suffer saturation
shed in the world, and intensity is a basic parame- in this range. Thus, environmental effects are the
ter in this. Any “new word” in this research field most effective tool to evaluate the intensity.
must not result in dramatic changes. The members
of the WG are aware that, by definition, the twel- 3.2. - TITLE AND DESCRIPTION
ve-degree macroseismic scales are based essential-
ly on effects on humans in the range of intensity The title reflects the corresponding force of
II to V, on damage in the range of intensity VI to the earthquake and the role of environmental
IX, and on natural environment in the range effects.
of intensity X to XII. The ESI 2007 scale is therefo- In the description, the characteristics and size
re really useful only for the assessment of the of primary effects associated to each degree are
highest intensities. But, as mentioned above, reported firstly. Then, secondary effects are
to avoid any confusion, the classical numbering described i) in terms of total area of distribution
is kept. for the assessment of epicentral Intensity (star-

ting from intensity VII); ii) grouped in several A - Hydrological anomalies

categories (see previous chapter and tab. 2), orde- Hydrological anomalies show up from inten-
red by the initial degree of occurrence. sity III and saturate (i.e. their size does not increa-
Text in Italic has been used to highlight se) at intensity X.
descriptions regarded as diagnostic by itself for a They can be divided in two groups:
given degree. · Surface water effects: 1) Overflow; 2)
Discharge variation; 3) Turbidity of rivers;
3.3. - DESCRIPTION OF EARTHQUAKE · Ground water effects: 1) Drying up of springs;
ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS 2) Appearance of springs; 3) Temperature chan-
ges; 4) Anomaly in chemical component; 5)
It is possible to collect the characteristics of Turbidity of springs.
earthquake environmental effects in two different Further useful information might be: the
ways: amount and rates of variation in temperature and
discharge, the presence of anomalous chemical
- the ESI 2007 Form, designed to be used during element, the duration of the anomaly, and the
the emergency phase after an earthquake time delay.
(Appendix II);
B - Anomalous waves/tsunamis
- the EEE Database, designed to be used for the In this category are included: seiches in closed
revision of historical reports and for final archi- basins, outpouring of water from pools and
ving. basins, and tsunami waves. In the case of tsuna-
Both these documents can be downloaded from mis, more than the size of the tsunami wave itself,
h t t p : / / w w w. a p a t . g o v. i t / s i t e / e n - the effects on the shores (especially runup, beach
GB/Projects/INQUA_Scale/Documents/ erosion, change of coastal morphology), without
The structure of the ESI 2007 Form and EEE
Database is similar. Thus, it is possible to migrate
from the former to the latter without difficulties. TAB. 2 - Diagnostic range of intensity degrees for each
class of environmental effects.
3.3.1. - Primary effects - Intervallo di gradi di intensità diagnostico per
ciascuna classe di effetti ambientali.
The size of primary effects is typically expres- Diagnostic range
sed in terms of two parameters: i) Total Surface Environmental effects of intensity
Rupture Length (SRL) and ii) Maximum degrees
Displacement (MD). Their occurrence is com-
monly associated to a minimum intensity value SURFACE FAULTING
(VIII), except in case of very shallow earthquakes VIII (*) XII
in volcanic areas. Amount of tectonic surface AND DEFORMATION
deformation (uplift, subsidence) is also taken into HYDROLOGICAL
account. A IV X
3.3.2. - Secondary effects ANOMALOUS
Secondary effects can be classified into eight
main categories (tab. 2). While some descriptions C GROUND CRACKS IV X
are considered diagnostic (in Italic), others are
susceptible to be changed after the implementa- D SLOPE MOVEMENTS IV X
tion of the database which correlates characteri- E TREE SHAKING IV XI
stic features of secondary effects and intensity
Nevertheless, in order to provide a reasonable G DUST CLOUDS VIII VIII
value for the total area of secondary effects, it is
recommended to describe and map the whole H JUMPING STONES IX XII
distribution of secondary effects, including those
not yet incorporated in the description of inten- (*) For intensity degree VII, limited surface fault ruptures, tens to hun-
dreds meters long with centimetric offset may occur essentially associated
sity degrees (e.g., karst collapses). to very shallow earthquakes in volcanic areas.

neglecting those on humans and manmade struc- G - Dust clouds

tures, are taken as diagnostic of the suffered Dust clouds are reported since intensity VIII,
intensity. typically in dry areas.
Effects may already occur at intensity IV, but
are more diagnostic from IX to XII. The defini- H - Jumping stones
tion of intensity degrees has taken advantage Jumping stones have been reported from mi-
from the tsunami intensity scale proposed by nimum intensity IX. The size of stones and their
PAPADOPOULOS & IMAMURA (2001), and from imprint in soft soil are considered as diagnostic
many descriptions of the aforementioned effects parameters for intensity evaluation.
worldwide (e.g., LANDER et alii, 2003).
C - Ground cracks REFERENCES
Ground cracks show up from intensity IV and
AMORUSO A. & CRESCENTINI L. (1999) - Coseismic and
saturate (i.e. their size does not increase) at inten- aseismic strain offsets recorded by the Gran Sasso
sity X. Strainmeter. Phys.Chem. Earth (A), 24, 2, 101-104.
Diagnostic parameters are lithology, strike and AZZARO R. (1999) - Earthquake surface faulting at Mount
dip, maximum width, and area density. Etna Volcano (Sicily) and implications for active tectonics.
Journal of Geodynamics, 28 (2-3), 193 - 213.
DAVISON, C. (1921). On scales of seismic intensity and on the con-
D - Slope movements struction of isoseismal lines. Bull. Seis. Soc.Am., 11, 95-129.
Slope movements, including under water lan- DENGLER L. & MCPHERSON R. (1993) - The 17 August 1991
dslides, have been grouped in: Honeydaw earthquake north coast California: a case for revising
1) Rock fall; 2) Debris fall; 3) Toppling; 4) Rock the Modified Mercalli Scale in sparsely populated areas. Bull.
slide; 5) Debris slide; 6) Avalanche; 7) Mudslide; Seis. Soc. Am. 83, 4, 1081-1094.
DOWRICK D. J. (1996) - The Modified Mercalli earthquake inten-
8) Debris flow; 9) Earth flow; 10) Mud flow; 11) sity scale- Revisions arising from recent studies of New Zealand
Slow slide; 12) Slow earth flow; 13) Slow mud earthquakes. Bull. Of new Zeal. Nat. Soc. For earthqua-
flow; 14) Lateral spread; 15) Sackung; 16) ke Engineering, 29, 2, 92-106.
Complex (two or more concurrent types). ESPINOSA, A. F., R. HUSID, S. T. ALGERMISSEN, & J. DE LAS
They show up at intensity IV and saturate (i.e. CASAS (1976a) - TheLima earthquake of October 3, 1974,
intensity distribution. Bulletin of the Seismological Society
their size does not increase) at intensity X. of America, 67, 1429-1440.
The total volume is diagnostic for intensity ESPINOSA, A. F., R. HUSID, & A. QUESADA (1976b) -Intensity
assessment. It can be roughly estimated on the distribution and source parameters from field observations of the
basis of the landslide area when the depth of sli- February 4, 1976, Guatemalan earthquake. In: “The
ding mass can be reasonably estimated. The Guatemalan Earthquake of February 4, 1976, a Preliminary
Report”, A. F. ESPINOSA, Eds., U.S. Geological Survey
uncertainties introduced with this procedure do Professional Paper 1002, 52-66 .
not appear to significantly influence the intensity ESPOSITO E., PORFIDO S., MASTROLORENZO G., NIKONOV
evaluation. A.A. & SERVA L., (1997) - Brief rewiew and preliminary pro-
Further information: maximum dimension of posal for the use of ground effects in the macroseismic intensity
blocks, area density, amount of slip, humidity and assesment. Proc. 30th International Geological Congress,
Beijing, China, vol 5. Contemporary lithospheric motion
time delay. seismic geology, the Netherlands, VSP ed., ISBN: 90-
6764-269-X, 233-243.
E - Trees’ shaking GRUNTHAL G. (1998) - European Macroseismic Scale 1998
Trees’ shaking is reported from a minimum (EMS-98). European Seismological Commission,
intensity IV. It is important to record the occur- Subcommission on Engineering Seismology, Working
Group Macroseismic Scales. Conseil de l’Europe,
rence of broken branches and the morphologic Cahiers du Centre Européen de Géodynamique et de
characteristics of the area (flat, slope). The defini- Séismologie, 15, Luxembourg, 99 pp.
tion of intensity degrees basically follows these HANCOX G.T., PERRIN N.D. & DELLOW G.D. (2002) -Recent
provided by DENGLER & MCPHERSON (1993). studies of historical earthquake-induced landsliding, ground
damage, and MM intensity in New Zealand. Bulletin of the
New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, 35
F - Liquefactions (2), 59-95, ISSN 1174-9857.
Liquefactions occur from intensity V. The dia- INQUA Scale Project (2007) - Available online at http:
gnostic features for liquefactions are the diameter //
of sand volcanoes and the lithology. Saturation KRINITZSKY, E.L. & CHANG, F.K. (1988) - Intensity-related ear-
(i.e. their size does not increase) occur at intensi- thquake ground motions. Bulletin of the Association of
Engineering Geologists, 25, 425-435.
ty X. Other useful characteristics are shape, the LANDER J.F., WHITESIDE L.S. & LOCKRIDGE P.A. (2003) -
time delay, the depth of water table and the Two Decades of Global Tsunamis 1982-2002. The
occurrence of water and sand ejection. International Journal of The Tsunami Society (21) 1,

NOAA - NGDC, Boulder, Colorado USA, 73 pp. V. COMERCI Eds.), 115 pp., Roma.
COMERCI V., MARCO S., MCCALPIN J. & MÖRNER N.A. the Ml 5.2, November 24, 2004, Salò earthquake, Northern Italy,
(2004) - The INQUA Scale. An innovative approach for asses and the seismic hazard of the western Southern Alps. Rend. Soc.
sing earthquake intensities based on seismically-induced ground Geol. It., 1 (2005), Nuova Serie, 134-135, 2 ff.
effects- in natural environment. Special paper APAT, Mem. PAPATHANASSIOU G., VALKANIOTIS S. & PAVLIDES S.
Descr. Carta geol. d’Italia, 68. (E. VITTORI & V. (2007) - Applying the INQUA Scale to the Sofaeds 1954, Central
COMERCI Eds.), 115 pp. Greece, earthquake.
Water Well Responses to Earthquakes. Science, 300, 27 June GUERRIERI L. & PECE R. (2007) - Seismically induced ground
2003, 2047-2049. effects of the 1805, 1930 and 1980 earthquakes in the Southern
PANZA G.F. (2004) - Correlation among intensity scales. Apennines (Italy). Boll.Soc.Geol.It. (Ital .J. Geosci.), 126, No.
Downloadable from site/en- 2, Roma.
GB/Projects/INQUA_Scale/Documents/, 15 p., Trieste. SALAMON A. (2005) - Seismically induced ground effects of the
PAPADOPOULOS, G.A. & F. IMAMURA (2001) - Proposal for a February 11, 2004, Ml=5.2 northeastern Dead Sea earthquake.
new tsunami intensity scale. Proc. Internat. Tsunami Geological Survey of Israel, Report 30/04.
Conference, Seattle , 7 - 9 August 2001, 569 - 577. SERVA L., ESPOSITO E., GUERRIERI L., PORFIDO S.,
POSTPISCHL D. (1985) - Catalogo dei terremoti italiani dall’anno VITTORI E. & COMERCI V. (in press) - Environmental Effects
1000 al 1980. CNR-PFG 114, 2B: 238 pp. from some historical earthquakes in Southern Apennines (Italy) and
REITER L. (1990) - Earthquake Hazard Analysis. Issues and macroseismic intensity asseessment. Contribution to INQUA
insights. Columbia University Press, New York, 254 pp. EEE scale project. Quaternary International (2007),
RICHTER C.F. (1958) - Elementary Seismology. W.H. FREEMAN doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2007.03.015.
& CO, San Francisco, 768 p. SILVA P.G. (2006) - La Escala de Intensidad Macrosísmica de
SERVA L. (1994) - Ground effects in intensity scales. Terra Nova INQUA (EEE Intensity Scale): Efectos Geológicos y
6, 414-416. Geomorfológicos de los terremotos. Journal of Quaternary and
WANG J. (2004) - Historical earthquake investigation and research Geomorphology: Cuaternario y Geomorfología, 20 (1.2).
in China. Annals of Geophysics, 47 (2/3), 831-838. TATEVOSSIAN R.E. (in press) - The Verny, 1887, earthqua-
XIE Y. (1957) - A new scale of seismic intensity adapted to the con- ke in central Asia: Application of the INQUA scale based on cosei-
ditions in Chinese territories. Acta Geophysica Sinica, 6-1, smic environmental effects. Quaternary International (2007),
35-47, (in Chinese). accepted manuscript.


In the frame of the “INQUA Scale Project” activities, 32nd International Geological Congress - Florence, Italy,
numerous papers, reports and abstracts have been publi- 20-28 August 2004.
shed. In this section is reported a preliminary list. MOHAMMADIOUN B. - Interpretation of paleoseismic data using
an innovative macroseismicity scale.
FOKAEFS A. & PAPADOPOULOS G. (in press) - Testing the S., TATEVOSSIAN R. & VITTORI E. - The INQUA Scale: an
new INQUA intensity scale in Greek earthquakes. Quaternary innovative approach for assessing earthquake base ond seismically-
International (2007), doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2007.02.019. induced ground effects in natural environments.
V., ESPOSITO E., MICHETTI A.M., PORFIDO S. & SERVA L. International Symposium on Active Faulting - Hokudan,
(2007) - Earthquake environmental effects (EEE) and intensity Japan, 17-22 January 2005
assessment: the INQUA scale project. Boll. Soc. Geol. It. (Ital. J. ESPOSITO E., PORFIDO S., LIVIO F., MARTIN S., MICHETTI
Geosci.), 126, No. 2, Roma. A. M., CHUNGA K., FANETTI D., GAMBILLARA, R., SILEO G.
GUERRIERI L., VITTORI E., ESPOSITO E., PORFIDO S., & VITTORI E. - Ground effects of the Ml 5.2, November 24,
TATEVOSSIAN R. & SERVA L. (2006) - The INQUA intensity 2004, Salò earthquake, Northern Italy: a case study for the use of the
scale. Brochure APAT, 4 pp., Roma. INQUA scale.
LALINDE C. P. & SANCHEZ J.A. (2007) - Earthquake and GUERRIERI L., COMERCI V. & VITTORI E. - An earthquakes
environmental effects in Colombia in the last 35 years. INQUA database linking epicentral Intensity and surface faulting parameters.
Scale Project. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of KINUGASA Y. - The INQUA Seismic Intensity Scale, its importan-
America, 97, (2), pp. 646-654. ce and problems.
MICHETTI A.M., AUDEMARD F.A.M. & MARCO S. (2005) MICHETTI, A.M. - Paleoseismology, seismic hazard, and the
- Future trends in paleoseismology: Integrated study of the seismic lan- INQUA Scale Project.
dscape as a vital tool in seismic hazard analyses. Tectonophysics PORFIDO S. & ESPOSITO E. - The INQUA Scale Project:
408 (2005) 3 -21. Analysis and distribution of ground effects by type for Italian ear-
ROGOZHIN E., SERVA L., TATEVOSSIAN R., VITTORI E., parameter relationships: implications for seismic hazard assessment.
AUDEMARD F., COMERCI V., MARCO S., MCCALPIN J. & “Dark Nature - Rapid natural Change and Human
MÖRNER N.A. (2004) - The INQUA Scale. An innovative Responses”, Como, Italy, 3-7 September, 2005
approach for assessing earthquake intensities based on seismically- CHUNGA K., LEÓN C., QUIÑÓNEZ M., STALÍN BENÍTEZ
induced ground effects in natural environment. Special paper & MONTENEGRO G. - Seismic Hazard Assessment for Guayaquil
APAT, Mem. Descr. Carta Geol. d’Italia , 67. (E. VITTORI & City (Ecuador): Insights from Quaternary Geological Data.

CHUNGA K., ZAMUDIO Y., MARÍN G., EGRED J., Spain) - first results.
QUIÑÓNEZ M. & ITURRALDE D. - The 12 Dic, 1953,
Earthquake, Ms 7.3, Ecuador-Peru border region: A Case Study ICTP IAEA Workshop on the Conduct of Seismic Hazard
for Applying the New INQUA Intensity Scale. Analyses for Critical Facilities Trieste, Italy, 15-19 May 2006.
ESPOSITO E., PORFIDO S, GUERRIERI L, VITTORI E. & ABDEL AZIZ M. - INQUA intensity assessment for the 1995
PENNETTA M. - INQUA intensity Scale Evaluation for the 1980 Aqaba earthquake.
Southern Italy “Historical” Earthquake. AMIT R. - The use of paleoseismic data and ground effects
FOKAEFS A., G.A. PAPADOPOULOS & PAVLIDES S. - Testi- (INQUA Scale) of strong earthquakes for seismic hazard evalua-
ng the New INQUA Intensity Scale in Greek Earthquakes. tions of the Dead Sea Rift.
GUERRIERI L., TATEVOSSIAN R., VITTORI E., COMERCI KINUGASA Y. - Use of geological data for seismic hazard asses-
V., ESPOSITO E., MICHETTI A.M., PORFIDO S. & SERVA L. - sment and siting of the nuclear facilities in Japan.
The Database of Coseismic Environmental Effects as a Tool for LALINDE PULIDO C. - Active tectonics and earthquake ground
Earthquake Intensity Assessment within the INQUA EEE Scale effects in Colombia, with examples of applications of the INQUA
Project. Scale.
KAGAN E.J. , AGNON A., BAR-MATTHEWS M. & AVNER MC CALPIN J. - Paleoseismology and Maximum Magnitude esti-
AYALON - Damaged Cave Deposits Record 200, 000 Years of mates in extensional terranes.
Paleoseismicity: Dead Sea Transform Region. MICHETTI A.M. - Introduction of the INQUA Intensity Scale.
Scale for the Assessment of Intensity: Case Study of 14/08/2003 link to dynamic source parameters and maximum magnitude determi-
Lefkada Earthquake, Greece. nation.
TATEVOSSIAN R. - Study of the Verny, 1887, Earthquake MUELLER K. - Assessing Mmax on Active Thrust Faults in
in Central Asia: Using Environmental Effects to Scale the Intensity New Madrid (USA) and the Northern Po Basin (Italy).
ZAMUDIO DIAZ Y., MARIN RUIZ G. & VILCAPOMA NELSON A. - Earthquakes accompanied by tsunamis: their
LAZARO L. - Applying the INQUA Scale to Some Historical and paleoseismic records and application to the INQUA intensity scale.
Recent Peruvian Earthquakes. OTA Y., AZUMA T. & LIN N. - Paleoseismological study and
seismic hazards resulting from major recent active faulting in Japan
EGU General Assembly 2006, Vienna, Austria, 06 April and Taiwan, and examples of INQUA scale intensity maps.
2006, Session “3000 years of earthquake ground effects PAPATHANASIOU G. - Applications of the INQUA Scale in
reports in Europe: geological analysis of active faults and Greece.
benefits for hazard assessment” PORFIDO S., ESPOSITO E., GUERRIERI L.& VITTORI E. -
AZUMA, T.& OTA, Y. - Comparison between seismic ground Application of the INQUA Scale to Italian earthquakes.
effects and instrumental seismic intensity- an example from a study on REICHERTER K. - Paleoseismology and the study of earthqua-
the 2004 Chuetsu earthquake in Central Japan. ke ground effects in the Mediterranean Region.
GIARDINA, F.,CARCANO C., LIVIO F.. MICHETTI, A.M., SERVA L. - The concept of the Intensity parameter in the Intensity
E. - Active compressional tectonics and Quaternary capable faults in SILVA P.G. - Fault activity and earthquake ground effects in
the Western Southern Alps. Spain: applications of the INQUA Scale in the Iberian Peninsula.
GUERRIERI L., ESPOSITO E., PORFIDO S. & VITTORI E. TATEVOSSIAN R. - Geological effects in the macroseismic inten-
- The application of INQUA Scale to the 1805 Molise earthquake. sity assessment, and the application of the INQUA Scale in former
MICHETTI A.M. - The INQUA Scale Project The INQUA Scale USSR.
Project: linking pre-historical and historical records of earthquake VITTORI E. - Relationships among surface rupture parameters
ground effects. and intensity.
SCHÖNEICH S. & ZAZO C. - Active faults and paleostress history OTHER CONFERENCES
of the Gibraltar Arc area (southern Spain) - first results.
- Epicentral-near field and far field effects from recent earthquakes in Estimation of the Earthquake Intensities in Iran based on ground
Greece. Implications for the recently introduced INQUA effects (application of INQUA scale); two cases studies.
SILVA BARROSO P.G., REICHERTER K., BARDAJÍ T., LARIO Preliminary application of the INQUA scale to the recent
J., PELTZER M., GRÜTZNER C., BECKER-HEIDMANN P., GOY Colombian earthquakes. X° Congreso Colombiano de Geologia,
J.L., ZAZO C. & BORJA F. - The Baelo Claudia earthquake pro- Bogotà, April 2005.
blem, Southern Spain. PAPATHANASSIOU G. & PAVLIDES S. - Lefkada. 14th
SILVA P., G.REICHERTER K.R., BARDAJÍ T., LARIO J., MAEGS, Turin, September 2005.
J.L., ZAZO C.& BORJA F. - Surface and subsurface paleoseismic Cooperation on natural hazards: tools for risk management,
record of the Baelo Claudia area (Gibraltar Arc area, southern Yerevan, Armenia, October 26-28, 2005.

Ear thquak e En vir onmental Ef f ects

Photo g aller y

January 3, 1911, Chon Kemin, Kirgyzstan earthquake

A fault slip of more than ten meters was produced by one
single seismic event. In such a case, a paleoseismological
trench needs to be very deep to recognize past events (cen-
tre of photo, man for scale).
- Un rigetto di oltre 10 metri venne generato da un singolo evento
sismico. In questi casi servono trincee paleosismiche molto estese per
ricostruire gli eventi precedenti (per confronto, si osservi l’uomo al cen-
tro della foto).

Photo: E. Vittori

December 4, 1957, Mogod, Gobi-Altay earthquake

Bogd Toromhon coseismic fault rupture: 6 m of left
lateral and 5 m (cfr. Shmulik Marco + Kelvin
Berryman + Thomas Rockwell) of vertical slip.
- Fagliazione superficiale cosismica a Bogd Toromhon: lo sposta-
mento cosismico è stato pari a circa 6 metri di movimento late-
rale sinistro, e a circa 5 m (cfr. Shmulik Marco + Kelvin
Berryman + Thomas Rockwell) di dislocazione verticale.

Photo: R. Amit

March 27, 1964 Alaska earthquake (Mw=9.2).

Hanning Bay fault scarp on Montague Island.
Vertical displacement in the foreground, in
rock, is about 3.6 m. The maximum measured
displacement of 4.2 m is at the beach ridge near
the trees in the background.
- Scarpata di faglia di Hanning Bay, Montague Island.
In primo piano, la dislocazione verticale è pari a 3,6 m.
La massima dislocazione, pari a 4,2 m, è stata misu-
rata vicino agli alberi sullo sfondo.

Source: U.S. Geological Survey Photographic

Library ( .
Published on U.S. Geological Survey
Professional paper 541.

December 7, 1988 Spitak, Armenia ear-

thquake (Ms 6.9).
Coseismic surface rupture produced by
one single event. Here the rupture cuts
across the ground without clear morpholo-
gical evidence of past tectonic activity.
- Rottura cosismica superficiale prodotta da un sin-
golo terremoto. La rottura cosismica ha tagliato la
superficie topografica in un punto in cui non si
hanno evidenze morfologiche di attività tettonica

Photo: E. Vittori

December 7, 1988 earthquake, Spitak, Armenia, Ms=6.9.

Evidence of coseismic surface faulting: local displacements are
more than one meter.
- Fagliazione superficiale cosismica: qui l’entità della dislocazione
cosismica è superiore al metro.

Source: CISTERNAS et alii, (1989). The Spitak (Armenia) earthquake of 7

December 1988: field observation, seismology and tectonics. Nature, 339,
N 6227, p.675-679.

September 27, 2003 Altai, Russia

earthquake (Ms=7.4)
Coseismic surface ruptures: local
offsets of topographic surface are
in the order of a few meters.
- Rotture superficiali cosismiche: local-
mente le dislocazioni della superficie
topografica sono dell’ordine di pochi

Photo: A. Ovsyuchenko

October 28, 1983, Borah Peak, Nevada, USA, earthqua-

ke (Ms = 7.3)
The height of fault scarp is locally in the order of one
meter. A clear gentler sloping scarp indicates the penul-
timate event.
- L’altezza della scarpata di faglia è pari a circa un metro. Un
tratto della scarpata meno pendente indica il penultimo evento.

Photo: E. Vittori

December 16, 1954 Dixie Valley,

Nevada, USA, earthquake (M =
Trace of the fault escarpment asso-
ciated to this event. The mountain
front is the result of repeated ear-
thquakes like the 1954 event over a
geological time interval.
- Traccia della scarpata di faglia associa-
ta a questo evento. Il fronte montuoso è il
risultato di ripetuti terremoti simili a
quello del 1954 in un intervallo di tempo

Photo: E. Vittori

October 02, 1915 Pleasant Valley,

Nevada, USA, earthquake
(M = 7.8).
Trace of the coseismic fault
scarp and associated
Mt. Tobin mountain front.
- Traccia della scarpata di faglia e del
fronte montuoso (Monte Tobin) ad essa

Photo: B. Slemmons

January 17 1995, Kobe, Japan, earthquake (M=6.9).

Hokudan, Awaji island: the surface rupture of the Nojima fault preserved inside a museum built on purpose.
- Hokudan, isola di Awaji: la rottura superficiale della faglia di Nojima conservata all’interno di un museo appositamente costruito.

Photo: L. Guerrieri

January 13, 1915, Fucino, Central Italy, earthquake (M = 7.0).

San Veneziano, Eastern border of the Fucino basin: Eye-witnesses have testified to Serva L. that coseismic displacement along the fault was about 80-90 cm.
- San Veneziano, margine orientale del bacino del Fucino. Testimoni oculari hanno dichiarato a Serva L. che il rigetto cosismico lunga la faglia è stato pari ad 80-90 cm.

Source: SERVA L., BLUMETTI A.M. & MICHETTI A.M. (1988) - Gli effetti sul terreno del terremoto del Fucino (13 gennaio 1915); tentativo di interpretazione
dell’evoluzione tettonica recente di alcune strutture. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 35, 893-907.

October 23, 2004, Chuetsu, Japan, earthquake (Mw=6.6).

A trench exposure across the Obirou thrust fault which caused the earthquake. The scarp is the cumulative effect of several earthquakes. The last event
produced offsets of only a few cm.
- La parete di una trincea attraverso il thrust di Obirou che ha generato il terremoto. La scarpata è l’effetto cumulato di diversi terremoti. L’ultimo evento ha prodotto rigetti
dell’ordine di pochi cm.

Photo: T. Azuma

1811-1812 New Madrid (USA) earthquakes (Mw between 7.2 and 8.3).
Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee, USA. This lake was formed by coseismic uplift triggered by a blind thrust that caused the inundation of the forested area in
- Questo lago si è formato per il sollevamento cosismico innescato dalla riattivazione di un sovrascorrimento cieco che ha provocato l’inondazione dell’area forestata in primo piano.

Photo: courtesy J. & D. Richardson Photography (


February 5, 1783 Calabria ear-

thquake (Mm=7.1).
A seismically-induced landslide
dammed the S. Cristina narrow
valley and formed a temporary
- Una frana sismoindotta sbarrò la
stretta valle di S. Cristina e formò
un lago temporaneo.

Source: Sarconi (1784) - Istoria

de' fenomeni del Tremoto avvenuto
nelle Calabrie e nel Valdemone nel-
l’anno 1783. Reale Accademia
delle Scienze, e delle Belle
Lettere di Napoli. Naples.

October 23, 2004 Chuetsu, Japan, earthquake

Seismically induced landslide in the hills of
- Una frana sismoindotta sulle colline di Yamakoshi.

Photo: T. Azuma

January 25, 1999, Armenia, Colombia earthquake (M = 6.1).

Seismically induced landslide at Cristales, Cajamarca.
- Una frana sismoindotta a Cristales, Cajamarca.

Photo: A.N. Gomez

November 23, 1980 Irpinia-Basilicata, Italy earthquake (Ms = 6.9).

S. Giorgio La Molara: coseismic reactivation of a landslide.
- S. Giorgio La Molara: riattivazione cosismica di una frana.

Source: Ufficio Tecnico Comune San Giorgio La Molara

August 6, 2002 Bullas, Spain earthquake (VI MSK; 5.0 mb)

A massive block of 25 m3 located 4 km from the epicentre rolled for several hundreds of meters. Another block of 15 m3 fell down in the same zone. Blocks
were overturned during a second earthquake (VI MSK; 4.8 Mw), 2005 La Paca earthquake.
- Un blocco di 25 m3 a circa 4 km dall’epicentro è rotolato per centinaia di metri. Un altro blocco di 15 m3 è caduto nella stessa zona. I blocchi sono stati rimobilizzati durante il ter-
remoto del 2005 a La Paca (VI MSK; 4.8 Mw).

Source: Murphy Corella, P. (2005) Field Report for the January 29th 2005 earthquakes in Lorca, Spain. http://www.proteccioncivil-

November 24, 2004, Salò, Italy earthquake (Ml=5.2).

At Clibbio, along the Chiese River, large rockfalls with dolostone boulders up to ca. 75 m3 detached from the mountain slope of Mt. Acuto; two houses were
hit by the boulders.
- A Clibbio, lungo il fiume Chiese, imponenti frane di crollo con blocchi di dolomia di dimensioni anche fino a 75 m3 si sono staccati dal versante montuoso di Monte Acuto. Due case
furono colpite dai blocchi.

Photo: S. Porfido

April 12, 1998 Bovec, Slovenia earthquake (Md = 5.6) - Two rock falls reactivated along the Mt. Cucla mountain slope.
- Due frane di crollo si sono riattivate lungo il versante montuoso di Monte Cucla.

Photo: P. Di Manna, E. Vittori


July 12, 2004, Kobarid, Slovenia earthquake (Md = 5.1). Two small landslides along the Kobarid - Bovec road.
- Due piccole frane lungo la strada Kobarid - Bovec.

Photo: P. Di Manna, E. Vittori

September 06, 2002, Palermo, Italy

earthquake (ML=5.6).
Cerda: trace of the main scarp of a
ca. 500 m x 1500 m landslide. An
ESI scale value of VII degree
might be attributed based on such a
landslide. However, the nearby vil-
lage of Cerda and the country hou-
ses around the slide did suffer a
MCS intensity V. No other similar
or even smaller slides were obser-
ved in the area.
This is a case where a specific ana-
lysis is required to verify if the iso-
lated, though large, landslide, better
portraits the local intensity or it
should be disregarded.
- Cerda: un tratto della corona di una
frana di dimensioni pari a circa 500 m x
1500 m. Si potrebbe attribuire a questo
effetto un grado di intensità ESI pari a
VII. Tuttavia, al vicino paese di Cerda e
alle case adiacenti alla frana è stata attri-
buita un intensità MCS pari a V. Non
sono stati osservati altri movimenti di ver-
sante nell’area.
Questo è un caso in cui è necessaria un
analisi specifica con l’obiettivo di verifica-
re se un fenomeno franoso isolato, anche se
molto esteso, sia rappresentativo dell’in-
tensità locale o se invece debba essere igno-

Photo: E. Vittori

March 27, 1964 Alaska earthquake (Mw = 9.2).

Collapse pits at Kasilof formed after eruptions
of ground water and sand. The pit in the fore-
ground is about one meter in diameter.
- Kasilof, cavità di collasso formate dalle eruzioni di
acqua sotterranea e sabbia. La cavità in primo piano ha
un diametro di circa un metro.
Photo by H.L. Foster, 1964. U.S. Geological
Survey Professional paper 543-F.

May 27, 1995 Neftegorsk earthquake (Ms=7.4).

A ground collapse occurred after the earthquake.
- Un collasso occorso a seguito del terremoto.

Source: IVASHCHENKO et alii, (1995). Neftegorskoye zemletryaseniye

27(28) maya 1995 g. na Sakhaline. (The Neftegorsk 27(28) May, 1995,
earthquake in Sakhalin - in Russian). // In: Federal’naya sistema sei-
smologicheskikh nablyudeniy i prognoza zemletryaseniy.
Neftegorskoye zemletryaseniye 27 (28).05.1995. Moskva, 48-67.

March 3, 1872 Owens Valley, California, USA earthquake (Ms=7.6).

Owens Lake: aligned mud volcanos in the playa of the lake, dried in
- Owens Lake: vulcanelli di fango allineati sul fondo del lago, prosciugato nel

Photo: E. Vittori

November 22, 1995 Nuweiba, Sinai, ear-

thquake, (MW=7.2).
Gulf of Elat - Aqaba: an about one meter
large sand blow with coarse sand on its surfa-
ce, suggesting that coarser material was likely
ejected during a late liquefaction phase.
- Golfo di Elat - Aqaba: un vulcanello di sabbia di
circa un metro con sabbia grossolana in superficie. Il
materiale grossolano dovrebbe essere fuoriuscito in una
fase tardiva del fenomeno di liquefazione.

Source: The November 22, 1995 Nuweiba

earthquake, Gulf of Elat - Aqaba: post-sei-
smic analysis of failure features and seismic
hazard implications. Edited by Hillel Wust,
Report GSI/3/97, Elat.

October 23, 2004 Chuetsu, Japan, earthquake (Mw=6.6).

Kawabukuro: a sand bowl a few meters wide.
- Kawabukuro: un vulcanello di sabbia ampio diversi metri.
Photo: T. Azuma

August 14, 2003, Lefkada, Ionian Sea,

Greece, earthquake (Mw=6.2).
Ground crater in the sandy beach of
Agios Nikitos.
- Un cratere formatosi nella spiaggia sabbiosa
di Agios Nikitos.

Source: Earth Planets Space, 55, 713-

718, 2003 (G.A. PAPADOPOULOS, V.

November 24, 2004, Salò, Italy, earthquake (Ml=5.2)

Salò: in the harbor evidence of liquefaction and localized (over an
area of ca. 500 m2) lateral spreading was observed, with fissuring
up to 30 cm wide parallel to the waterfront area.
- Salò: nel porto sono state osservate evidenze di liquefazione ed espandimen-
ti laterali localizzati in un area di circa 500 m2, con fessure ampie fino a 30
cm parallele al fronte del porto.

Photo: E. Esposito

October 18, 1992, Murindo, Colombia earthquake (Mw=7.1)

Murindo River basin, Colombia: The vegetation cover was heavily
damaged and trees collapsed even in flat areas.
- Bacino del fiume Murindo, Colombia: La copertura vegetale venne profondamen-
te devastata e alberi caddero anche in aree pianeggianti.

Photo: E. Parra

October 18, 1992, Murindo,

Colombia earthquake (Mw=7.1)
Damaquiel Island (50m x
150m) emerged in the Gulf of
Uraba Colombia.
- L’isola di Damaquiel (50 m x
150 m) emerse nel Golfo di Uraba,

Photo: E. Parra

October 18, 1992, Murindo, Colombia

earthquake (Mw=7.1)
San Pedro de Uraba: the Cacahual mud-
volcano erupted some minutes after the
event emitting gas that burnt for days.
- San Pedro de Uraba: il mud-volcano di
Cacahual ha iniziato ad eruttare alcuni minuti
dopo l’evento con emissioni gassose che alimenta-
rono incendi per diversi giorni.

Photo: E. Parra

March 27, 1964, Alaska earthquake (Mw=9.2).

Shoup Bay: a boulder estimated to weigh almost 800 kg was
thrown 27 m above the shoreline.
- Shoup Bay: un enorme blocco il cui peso è stato stimato pari a quasi
800 kg è stato scagliato fino a 27 metri sopra la linea di costa.

Photo by G. Plafker, 1964. Figure 4, U.S. Geological Survey

Professional paper 542-G.

February 11, 2004, Northeastern Dead Sea

earthquake (ML=5.2).
Anomalous wave in the Dead Sea, half an hour
after the event.
- Un onda anomala nel Mar Morto, mezz’ora dopo

Source: SALAMON, A., 2005. Natural seismoge-

nic effects of the February 11, 2004, ML=5.2,
Dead Sea earthquake, Israel Journal of Earth
Sciences, 54, 145-169).
Photo taken by C. Barghoorn

February 11, 2004, Dead

Northeastern Sea earthqua-
ke (ML=5.2).
Ponds along the Darga
coast, probably formed by
the run-up wave of a small
- Pozze d’acqua lungo la costa di
Darga, formate probabilmente
dall’onda di run-up di un picco-
lo tsunami.

Source: SALAMON, A., 2005.

Natural seismogenic effects
of the February 11, 2004,
ML=5.2, Dead Sea ear-
thquake, Israel Journal of
Earth Sciences, 54, 145-
Photo taken by G. Baer.

ESI 2007 F or m
ESI 2007 Form
This 2 pages - form has to be used for field surveys immediately after the earthquake and for the revision of
environmental effects from historical sources. It is designed at the site level (one different form for each different site).
Fields in Italic should be filled when required information is available.
A complete Guide to Compilation is available at the end of this Form.
Authors & Institution
1. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Earthquake Code __________________ Earthquake Region _____________________________________________
Year________ Month ______ Day_______ Greenwich Time______________Epicentral Intensity_______ Intensity type______
Magnitude_______________ Magnitude type________________ Focal Depth (km) _______ Depth accuracy_______
Latitude __________________ Longitude__________________________Earthquake References_________________________
Surface faulting (yes/not): _________________ Map of rupture zone (available /not available) _________________________
Maximum Displacement (cm) ______Total Rupture Length (km)______ Slip-sense ____________________________________
Surface faulting References_______________________________________________________________________________
Area of max secondary effects (kms) _________ Reference for secondary effects _______________________________________

ESI epicentral intensity assessment _______________

Locality Code______________________ EEE-Survey Date ______________ Surveyors _______________________________
Locality ______________________ Town/District______________ Locality length (m) _________ Locality width (m) ________
Latitude _________________ Longitude ____________________ Altitude (m) __________ Location accuracy ______________
Distance from epicentre (km) _________ Local PGA (g) ______ Geomorphological setting_______________________________
Local Macroseismic Intensity _____________ Intensity type______

EEE site
EEE Code__________________ EEE type____________________ Site length (m) _________ Site width (m) _____________
Site position _____________________Latitude __________ Longitude ___________ Altitude (m) ______ Loc. accuracy _____
Description ________________________________________________________________________________________
Notes on the site ____________________________________________________________________________________
Bedrock lithology_______________________________________ Soft sediment lithology __________________________
Strength_____________________________________________ Structure______________________________________
EEE Site References __________________________________________________________________________________

Effects on man-made structures

Type of man-made structures _____________________________________________________________________________
Level of damage _________________________ Single/multiple _________________________________________________
Surface faulting
Strike (°) ______ Dip (°) _____ Slip vector (°) ______ Type of movement__________________________________________
Vertical Offset (cm) ___________ Horizontal Offset (cm) ______ Displaced features _________________________________
Length of fault segment (km) ________ Scarp ________ Associated features:________________________________________

Hydrologic anomalies
Surface water effects____________________________________ Ground water effects________________________________
Temperature Anomaly Temperature change (°C) ________ Discharge anomaly Discharge change (l/s)_________
Chemical anomaly Change chemical components________________ Gas emission Gas element _____________
Duration of anomaly (days) __________ Time delay (hrs) __________ Velocity_______________________________________

Anomalous waves/tsunami
Max wave height (m) _________ Width (m) ___________ Length of affected coast (km) ________ Time delay (min) _________

Ground cracks
Origin________________________________ Strike (°) ______ Dip (°) _____ Areal density (Nr/m2) _________________
Shape___________________________ Max opening (cm) _______________ Length (m) ___________________________

Slope movements
Type_________________________________ Max dimension of blocks (m3) __________Total volume (m3)________________
Linear density (Nr/m) ____________ Areal density (Nr/m2) ____________________ Humidity__________________________
Time delay (hrs) _____________________ Width (m) _____________________ Slip amount (m) __________________

Type____________________________________ Max diameter (m) _____________ Linear density (Nr/m) ________________
Areal densit y (Nr/m2) ________ Max lowering/uplift (m) _________ Shape _________________________________________
Humidity_________________________ Depth of water table (m) ___________ Water ejection Sand ejection
Velocity ____________________________________ Time delay/advance (hrs) _____________________________________

Other effects
Three shaking Dust clouds Jumping stones Other__________________________________


ESI local intensity assessment _______________

ESI 2007 Form - Guide to Compilation
Authors & Institution: List of the authors of this form (Surname, First Name, Institution, Country).

Earthquake Code: it is the primary key (univocal) for the table “Earthquake” It is composed by 11 digits:
o 2 digits for country code for Regional Working Group (i.e. GR for Greece) that can be different from the country of epicentre;
o 8 digits for date (yyyymmdd);
o 1 digit according to the type of shock (m = main shock; a = aftershock; f = foreshock).
Earthquake Region: “epicentral area, country” or “name of the earthquake” (i.e. San Francisco, California, US);
Year, Month & Day: the date of the event. Please specify if it original date or converted date.
Greenwhich Time: when available, please specify.
Epicentral Intensity & Intensity type: MCS= Mercalli, Cancani, Sieberg; MM = Modified Mercalli intensity; EMS98 = European
Macroseismic Scale; MSK64 = Medvedev, Sponhauer, Karnik; JMA = Japanese Meterological Agency-Intensity Scale. If you do not
know the intensity type, please select “Not identified”.
Magnitude & Magnitude type: select from the menu (Ml / Mb / M / Ms / Md/ Mw / MbLg / Mm).
Focal Depth & Depth accuracy: in km.
Latitude, Longitude & datum: two numerical fields for the coordinates of the epicentre. Datum must be WGS84.
Earthquake References: the Agency providing source parameters and/or a list of data source for the earthquake.
Surface faulting: YES or NOT, according to the SF reference cited below. If there is no information about surface faulting,
please select “Unknown”.
Map of rupture zone: click the option if it is available.
Max D & SRL: maximum displacement (in cm) and Surface Rupture Length (in km) of the rupture zone.
Slip-sense: choose the option (normal/reverse/oblique/right-lateral/left-lateral).
Surface faulting References: the data source for surface faulting parameters (published paper and/or a personal observation).
Area of maximum secondary effects: the size (in km2) of the area where maximum secondary effects occurred.
SecEff References: references for the definition of the area of maximum secondary effects.
ESI epicentral intensity: epicentral intensity assessment based on EEE effects at the total affected area level.

Locality Code: it is the primary key (univocal) for the table “Locality”, composed by the first 8 digits of the locality name (truncated).
EEE-Survey Date: when the EEE effects of this locality have been described.
Surveyors: the list of surveyors.
Length & Width: the size of locality in meters.
Locality and Town/District: the name of the locality and the closest town/district.
Latitude, Longitude, Altitude & Location accuracy: the coordinates and the elevation (m) of the centroid of locality area.
Accuracy in km.
Distance from epicentre: in km.
Local PGA: peak ground acceleration data (in g), when available.
Geomorphological setting: select a geomorphological environment from the list (Mountain slope /Mountain
valley/Hillslope/Alluvial fan/Bajada/Delta/Alluvial plain/Alluvial terrace/Marsh/Sea-river cliff/River-lake bank/Sea-lake shore/Arid-
semiarid flat/Desert).
Local Macroseismic Intensity: local intensity values according to classical traditional scales (do not confuse with ESI intensity!!).
EEE site
EEE Code: it is the primary key (univocal) for the table “EEE Effects”, composed by 11 digits (8 digits of locality code + 1 + 2 digits
for counter). Es: SANFRANC101. If another earthquake recorded in this database has hit the same locality you should insert 2
(instead of 1) between the 8 digits for locality code and the 2 digits for counter ). Es. SANFRANC201.
Site position: describe the position of the site within the locality (50 digits).
Length & Width: the size of site in meters.
Latitude, Longitude, Altitude & Location accuracy: the coordinates and the elevation (m) of the EEE site. Accuracy in m.
Description: a description of the effect as reported by the original observer (essential for historical earthquakes). In this field you
should include description of the evolution in time of the effect.
Notes: any additional information on the site.
Bedrock lithology: select from the menu
Soft sediment lithology: select from the menu (Soil/Clay/Silt/Sand/Gravel).
Strength: select from the menu (hard/semi-coherent/soft).
Structure: select from the menu (massive/stratified/densely cleaved).
EEE Site References: cite the document supporting the EEE description.
EEE type: select the dominant type of EEE effect in this site: Surface faulting - Slope movements - Ground cracks - Ground
settlements - Hydrological anomaly – Tsunami - Not geological effects.

Effects on man-made structures

Type of man-made structure: select from the menu (Buildings/Bridge/Viaduct/Railway/Tunnel/Paved road/Unimproved
Level of damage: select from the menu (partially damaged/collapsed).
Single/Multiple: choose the option.

Surface faulting
Strike, Dip & Slip vector: in degrees.
Slip sense: . it can be different from the general trend of movement. Select from the list (normal/reverse/oblique/strike-slip dextral/
strike-slip sinistral).
Vertical Offset & Horizontal Offset: in cm.
Displaced features: type the displaced features (i.e. alluvial fan deposits, limestone, erosional terrace, etc.);
Length of fault segment: in km.
Scarp: select single/multiple.
Associated features: select from the menu (Gravity graben/Push-up/Pull-a-part/Mole track).

Hydrologic anomalies
Surface water effects: select from the menu (Surface waters effects/Overflow/Waves/Water fountain/Discharge variation/
Turbidity of river/Seiches/Temporary sea-level change/Temporary lake-level change).
Ground water effects: select from the menu (Drying up of springs/Appearance of springs/Temperature/Chemical component/
Turbidity of springs).
Temperature Anomaly &Temperature change: in case, click the option and estimate the change in °C.
Discharge anomaly & Discharge change: in case, click the option and estimate the change in l/s
Chemical anomaly & Change chemical components: in case, click the option and record the anomalous chemical component.
Gas emission & Gas element: in case, click the option and record the anomalous gas element.
Duration of anomaly: in days.
Time delay: in hours.
Velocity: select from the menu (Extremely slow/Very slow/Slow/Moderately rapid/Rapid).
Anomalous waves / Tsunami
Max wave height: in meters.
Width: the width of inundated land from the coast to the inner land, in meters.
Length of affected coast: in km.
Time delay: in minutes.

Ground cracks
Origin: select from the menu (slide/ground settling/detachment/ground shaking).
Strike & Dip: in degrees.
Areal density: Nr/m2.
Shape: select from the menu (straight/Sinuous/Curvilinear/Max opening).
Max opening: in cm.
Length: in meters.

Slope movements
Type: select from the menu (Rock fall/Debris fall/Toppling/Rock slide/Debris slide/Avalanche/Mudslide/Debris flow/
Earth flow/Mud flow/Slow slide/Slow earth flow/Slow mud flow/Lateral spread/Sackung).
Max dimension of blocks: in cubic meters.
Total volume: in cubic meters.
Linear density & Areal density: in Nr/m and in Nr/m2.
Humidity: select from the menu (very wet/moderately wet/dry).
Time delay: in hours.
Width: the width of the sliding material (along the slope) in m.
Slip amount: approximately, the amount of slip in m.

Type: select from the menu (Liquefaction/Compaction/Subsidence/Bulge/Sinkhole/Ground failure)
Max diameter: in meters
Linear density & Areal density: Nr/m and Nr/m2
Max lowering/uplift: in meters
Shape: select from the menu (Round/Elliptical/Elongated/Squared positive cone / Squared negative cone)
Humidity: select from the menu (Very wet/Moderately wet/Dry)
Depth of water table: in meters.
Water ejection & Sand ejection: in case, click the option
Velocity: select from the menu (Extremely slow/Very slow/Slow/Moderately rapid/Rapid)
Time delay/advance: in hours

Other effects
Select the type of effect
Description: add detailed characteristics of the effect

ESI local intensity assessment

The final assessment of local intensity on the basis of the ESI 2007
Plate I - Synoptic Table of ESI 2007 Intensity Degrees - The accuracy of the assessment improves in the higher degrees of the scale, in particular in the range of occurrence of pri- - Quadro sinottico dei Gradi di Intensità della scala ESI 2007 - L’accuratezza della valutazione aumenta verso i gradi più alti della scala, in particolare nell’intervallo di occorrenza degli effetti primari che
mary effects, typically starting from intensity VIII, and with growing resolution for intensity IX, X, XI and XII. Hence, in the yellow group of intensity degrees (VIII- tipicamente iniziano a manifestarsi dall’VIII grado con risoluzione crescente fino al XII grado. Pertanto, per i gradi di intensità in giallo (VIII-X) gli effetti sull’ambiente naturale sono una componente essenzia-
X) the effects on natural environment are an essential component of seismic intensity that cannot be disregarded. In the orange group of intensity degrees (XI-XII) they become le dell’intensità che non può essere ignorata. Per i gradi di intensità in arancio (XI e XII), essi sono lo strumento più affidabile per la valutazione dell'intensità.
the most effective tool for intensity assessment.


Jumping stones TOTAL

Surface faulting and deformations Hydrological anomalies Anomalous waves/tsunamis Ground cracks Slope movements Tree shaking Liquefactions Dust clouds AREA

From I to III There are no environmental effects that can be used as diagnostic
Rare small variations of the water level in In closed basins (lakes, even seas) seiches with height Hair-thin cracks (millimeter-
wells and/or of the flow-rate of springs are not exceeding a few centimeters may develop, com- wide) might be occasionally
LARGELY OBSERVED locally recorded, as well as extremely rare monly observed only by tidal gauges, exceptionally seen where lithology (e.g., Exceptionally, rocks may fall and small landslide may
First unequivocal small variations of chemical-physical proper- even by naked eye, typically in the far field of strong loose alluvial deposits, satura- be (re)activated, along slopes where the equilibrium is
IV Absent
ties of water and turbidity in springs and earthquakes. Anomalous waves are perceived by all ted soils) and/or morphology already near the limit state, e.g. steep slopes and cuts, Tree limbs shake Absent Absent Absent ------
effects in the wells, especially within large karstic spring people on small boats, few people on larger boats, (slopes or ridge crests) are with loose and generally saturated soil. feebly.
environment systems, which appear to be most prone to most people on the coast. Water in swimming pools most prone to this phenome-
this phenomenon. swings and may sometimes overflows. non.

In closed basins (lakes, even seas) seiches with height Thin cracks (millimeter-wide and Rare small rockfalls, rotational landslides and slump Extremely rare cases are repor-
STRONG Rare variations of the water level in wells several cms up to one meter ted of liquefaction (sand boil),
and/or of the flow-rate of springs are local- of decimeters may develop, sometimes noted also by earth flows may take place, along often but not necessa- Tree limbs and bushes
naked eye, typically in the far field of strong ear- long) are locally seen where litho- rily steep slopes where equilibrium is near the limit state, shake slightly, very rare small in size and in areas most
Marginal effects in ly recorded, as well as small variations of logy (e.g., loose alluvial deposits,
V the environment
Absent chemical-physical properties of water and thquakes. Anomalous waves up to several tens of cm saturated soils) and/or morpho-
mainly loose deposits and saturated soil. Underwater cases of fallen dead
landslides may be triggered, which can induce small ano- limbs and ripe fruit.
prone to this phenomenon
(highly susceptible, recent, allu-
Absent Absent ------
turbidity in lakes, springs and wells. high are perceived by all people on boats and on the logy (slopes or ridge crests) are malous waves in coastal areas of sea and lakes. vial and coastal deposits, near-
coast. Water in swimming pools overflows. most prone to this phenomenon. surface water table).
Occasionally, millimeter-centimeter Rockfalls and landslides with volume reaching ca. 103 Trees and bushes shake
Significant variations of the water level in wide and up to several meters long frac- m3 can take place, especially where equilibrium is near moderately to strongly; a Rare cases are reported of liquefac-
SLIGHTLY tures are observed in loose alluvial
wells and/or of the flow-rate of springs are Anomalous waves up to many tens of cm high flood the limit state, e.g. steep slopes and cuts, with loose very few tree tops and tion (sand boil), small in size and in
DAMAGING deposits and/or saturated soils; along saturated soil, or highly weathered / fractured rocks. unstable-dead limbs may areas most prone to this phenomenon Absent Absent ------
VI Modest effects in the Absent locally recorded, as well as small variations of very limited areas nearshore. Water in swimming steep slopes or riverbanks they can be Underwater landslides can be triggered, occasionally break and fall, also (highly susceptible, recent, alluvial
environment chemical-physical properties of water and pools and small ponds and basins overflows. 1-2 cm wide. A few minor cracks deve-
provoking small anomalous waves in coastal areas of depending on species, and coastal deposits, near surface
turbidity in lakes, springs and wells. lop in paved (either asphalt or stone) fruit load and state of
roads. sea and lakes, commonly seen by intrumental records. health. water table).
Scattered landslides occur in prone areas, where equili-
brium is unstable (steep slopes of loose / saturated
Significant temporary variations of the water Fractures up to 5-10 cm wide and soils), while modest rock falls are common on steep Rare cases are reported of lique-
Observed very rarely, and almost exclusi- level in wells and/or of the flow-rate of up to hundred metres long are gorges, cliffs). Their size is sometimes significant (103 - Trees and bushes faction, with sand boils up to 50 The total
Anomalous waves even higher than a meter may observed, commonly in loose allu- 105 m3); in dry sand, sand-clay, and clay soil, the volu- shake vigorously;
DAMAGING vely in volcanic areas. Limited surface springs are locally recorded. Seldom, small flood limited nearshore areas and damage or wash vial deposits and/or saturated cm in diameter, in areas most affected
fault ruptures, tens to hundreds of springs may temporarily run dry or appear. mes are usually up to 100 m3. Ruptures, slides and falls especially in densely prone to this phenomenon (highly area is in
away objects of variable size. Water overflows from soils; rarely, in dry sand, sand- Absent Absent
VII Appreciable effects in meters long and with centimetric offset, Weak variations of chemical-physical proper- small basins and watercourses. clay, and clay soil fractures are
may affect riverbanks and artificial embankments and forested areas, many
excavations (e.g., road cuts, quarries) in loose sediment susceptible, recent, alluvial and the order
the environment may occur, essentially associated to very ties of water and turbidity in lakes, springs also seen, up to 1 cm wide. limbs and tops coastal deposits, near surface water of
or weathered / fractured rock. Significant underwater break and fall.
shallow earthquakes. and wells are locally observed. Centimeter-wide cracks are com- landslides can be triggered, provoking anomalous waves table). 10 km 2.
mon in paved (asphalt or stone) in coastal areas of sea and lakes, directly felt by people on
roads. boats and ports.
Springs may change, generally temporarily, their Small to moderate (103 - 105 m3) landslides are widespre-
Fractures up to 50 cm wide ad in prone areas; rarely they can occur also on gentle slo- Liquefaction may be frequent in the
Observed rarely. flow-rate and/or elevation of outcrop. Some and up to hundreds metres long, epicentral area, depending on local In dry areas, Stone sand even
Anomalous waves up to 1-2 meters high flood near- pes; where equilibrium is unstable (steep slopes of loose The total
HEAVILY Ground ruptures (surface faulting) may develop, small springs may even run dry. Variations in are commonly observed in loose conditions; the most typical effects dust clouds small boulders
shore areas and may damage or wash away objects of alluvial deposits and/or saturated / saturated soils; rock falls on steep gorges, coastal cliffs) Trees shake vigorously; affected
DAMAGING up to several hundred meters long, with offsets water level are observed in wells. Weak variations their size is sometimes large (105 - 106 m3). Landslides branches may break are: sand boils up to ca. 1 m in dia- may rise from and tree trunks
variable size. Erosion and dumping of waste is obser-
VIII Extensive effects in
not exceeding a few cm, particularly for very of chemical-physical properties of water, most
ved along the beaches, where some bushes and even
soils; in rare cases fractures up to
1 cm can be observed in competent can occasionally dam narrow valleys causing temporary and fall, trees may be meter; apparent water fountains in the ground in may be thrown area is in
shallow focus earthquakes such as those common commonly temperature, may be observed in or even permanent lakes. Ruptures, slides and falls affect uprooted, especially still waters; localised lateral sprea- the order
springs and/or wells. Water turbidity may appear small weak-rooted trees can be eradicated and drifted dry rocks. Decimetric cracks are the epicentral in the air, leaving
the environment in volcanic areas. Tectonic subsidence or uplift of riverbanks and artificial embankments and excavations ding and settlements (subsidence up of
in closed basins, rivers, wells and springs. away. Water violently overflows from small basins and common in paved (asphalt or along steep slopes. area. typical imprints
the ground surface with maximum values on the stone) roads, as well as small (e.g., road cuts, quarries) in loose sediment or weathered to ca. 30 cm), with fissuring paral- 100 km2.
Gas emissions, often sulphureous, are locally watercourses. lel to waterfront areas (river banks, in soft soil.
order of a few centimeters may occur. pressure undulations. / fractured rock. Frequent is the occurrence of landslides
observed. under the sea level in coastal areas. lakes, canals, seashores).
Springs can change, generally temporarily, their flow-rate Fractures up to 100 cm wide and Landsliding is widespread in prone areas, also on gentle slo- Liquefaction and water upsurge are Small boulders and
DESTRUCTIVE and/or location to a considerable extent. Some modest Meters high waves develop in still and running waters. In flood up to hundreds metres long are Trees shake vigorously;
Observed commonly. pes; where equilibrium is unstable (steep slopes of loose / frequent; sand boils up to 3 m in dia- In dry areas, tree trunks may be The total
Effects in the springs may even run dry. Temporary variations of plains water streams may even change their course, also because of commonly observed in loose allu- saturated soils; rock falls on steep gorges, coastal cliffs) their branches and thin tree meter; the most typical effects dust clouds thrown in the air an- affected area
environment are a Ground ruptures (surface faulting) develop, up water level are commonly observed in wells. Variations of land subsidence. Small basins may appear or be emptied.
to a few km long, with offsets generally in the chemical-physical properties of water, most commonly Depending on shape of sea bottom and coastline, dangerous tsuna-
vial deposits and/or saturated size is frequently large (105 m3), sometimes very large (106 trunks frequently break are:apparent water fountains in still may d move away from is in the
widspread source of order of several cm. Tectonic subsidence or uplift soils; in competent rocks they can m3). Landslides can dam narrow valleys causing temporary and fall. Some trees waters; frequent lateral spreading and rise from their site for meters,
IX considerable hazard and of the ground surface with maximum values in
temperature, are observed in springs and/or wells. Water
turbidity is common in closed basins, rivers, wells and
mis may reach the shores with runups of up to several meters floo-
ding wide areas. Widespread erosion and dumping of waste is
reach up to 10 cm. Significant or even permanent lakes. Riverbanks, artificial embankments might be uprooted and settlements (subsidence of more than the ground. also depending on slope order of
cracks are common in paved and excavations (e.g., road cuts, quarries) frequently collapse. fall, especially along ca. 30 cm), with fissuring parallel to angle and roundness,
become important for the order of a few decimeters may occur. springs. Gas emissions, often sulphureous, are observed, observed along the beaches, where bushes and trees can be eradica- (asphalt or stone) roads, as well leaving typical im- km 2.
intensity assessment and bushes and grass near emission zones may burn. ted and drifted away. Frequent are large landslides under the sea level in coastal steep slopes. waterfront areas (river banks, lakes,
as small pressure undulations. areas. canals, seashores). prints in soft soil.
Become leading. Many springs significantly change their flow-rate Meters high waves develop in even big lakes and rivers, which over-
VERY DESTRUCTIVE and/or elevation of outcrop. Some springs may run Open ground cracks up to more Boulders (diameter in
Surface faulting can extend for few tens of km, temporarily or even permanently dry. Temporary
flow from their beds. In flood plains rivers may change their course, than 1 m wide and up to hundred Liquefaction, with water upsurge
temporary or even permanently, also because of widespread land Large landslides and rock-falls (> 105 - 106 m3) are fre- Trees shake vigorously; excess of 2-3meters)
Effects in the environ- with offsets from tens of cm up to a few meters. variations of water level are commonly observed in metres long are frequent, mainly and soil compaction, may change In dry areas, can be thrown in the The total
Gravity grabens and elongated depressions deve- subsidence. Basins may appear or be emptied. Depending on shape in loose alluvial deposits and/or quent, practically regardless of equilibrium state of the slo- many branches and tree the aspect of wide zones; sand vol-
ment become a leading wells. Even strong variations of chemical-physical
properties of water, most commonly temperature, of sea bottom and coastline, tsunamis may reach the shores with pes, causing temporary or permanent barrier lakes. River trunks break and fall. dust clouds air and move away affected area
lop; for very shallow focus earthquakes in volca- saturated soils; in competent rocks canoes may even be more than 6 m commonly from their site for is in the
X source of hazards and nic areas rupture lengths might be much lower. are observed in springs and/or wells. Often water runups exceeding 5 m flooding flat areas for thousands of meters opening reaches several decimeters. banks, artificial embankments, and sides of excavations typi- Some trees might be in diameter; vertical subsidence
becomes very muddy in even large basins, rivers, inland. Small boulders can be dragged for many meters. cally collapse. Levees and earth dams may also incur serious rise from the hundreds of meters order of
Wide cracks develop in paved even > 1m; large and long fissures
are critical for intensity Tectonic subsidence or uplift of the ground sur- wells and springs. Gas emissions, often sulphureous, Widespread deep erosion is observed along the shores, with notewor- (asphalt or stone) roads, as well damage. Frequent are large landslides under the sea level in uprooted and fall. due to lateral spreading are com-
ground. down even gentle slopes, 5,000
face with maximum values in the order of few are observed, and bushes and grass near emission thy changes of the coastline profile. Trees nearshore are eradicated coastal areas. leaving typical km2.
meters may occur. zones may burn. and drifted away.
as pressure undulations. mon. imprints in soil.
Many springs significantly change their flow-rate Large waves develop in big lakes and rivers, which overflow from their
and/or elevation of outcrop. Many springs may Open ground cracks up to Large landslides and rock-falls (> 105 - 106 m3) are
DEVASTATING Are dominant. run temporarily or even permanently dry.
beds. In flood plains rivers can change their course, temporary or even several meters wide are very Big boulders (diame-
Surface faulting extends from several tens of km permanently, also because of widespread land subsidence and landsli- frequent, practically regardless of equilibrium state Liquefaction changes the ter of several meters)
Effects in the up to more than one hundred km, accompanied
Temporary or permanent variations of water level
ding. Basins may appear or be emptied. Depending on shape of sea
frequent, mainly in loose of slopes, causing many temporary or permanent Trees shake vigorously; aspect of extensive zones of can be thrown in the The total
are generally observed in wells. Even strong varia- alluvial deposits and/or barrier lakes. River banks, artificial embankments, many branches and tree In dry areas
environment become by slips reaching several meters. Gravity graben, tions of chemical-physical properties of water, bottom and coastline, tsunamis may reach the shores with runups rea- saturated soils. In competent lowland, determining vertical dust clouds air and move away affected area
elongated depressions and pressure ridges deve- and sides of excavations typically collapse. Levees trunks break and fall. subsidence possibly excee- from their site for is in the
XI decisive for intensity lop. Drainage lines can be seriously offset.
most commonly temperature, are observed in ching 15 meters and more devastating flat areas for kilometers inland.
Even meter-sized boulders can be dragged for long distances.
rocks they can reach 1 m. and earth dams incur serious damage. Significant Many trees are ding several meters; nume-
arise from
the ground. long distances down order of
springs and/or wells. Often water becomes very Very wide cracks develop in
assessment, due to Tectonic subsidence or uplift of the ground sur- muddy in even large basins, rivers, wells and Widespread deep erosion is observed along the shores, with notewor- landslides can occur even at 200 – 300 km distance uprooted and fall. rous large sand volcanoes, even gentle slopes, 10,000
paved (asphalt or stone) from the epicenter. Frequent are large landslides leaving typical km2.
saturation of face with maximum values in the order of springs. Gas emissions, often sulphureous, are thy changes of the coastal morphology. Trees nearshore are eradicated roads, as well as large pressu- and severe lateral spreading
numerous meters may occur. observed, and bushes and grass near emission and drifted away. along the shores, with noteworthy changes of the re undulations. under the sea level in coastal areas. can be observed. imprints in soil.
structural damage zones may burn. coastline profile. Trees nearshore are eradicated and drifted away.
Are dominant. Many springs significantly change their flow-
Surface faulting is at least few hundreds of km Giant waves develop in lakes and rivers, which overflow from
rate and/or elevation of outcrop. Temporary their beds. In flood plains rivers change their course and even Large landslides and rock-falls (> 1055 - 1066 m3)
long, accompanied by offsets reaching several tens or permanent variations of water level are Liquefaction occurs over
COMPLETELY of meters. Gravity graben, elongated depressions their flow direction, temporary or even permanently, also becau- Ground open cracks are very are frequent, practically regardless to equilibrium Also very big boul- The total
generally observed in wells. Many springs and se of widespread land subsidence and landsliding. Large basins frequent, up to one meter or Trees shake vigo- large areas and changes the ders can be thrown in affected area
DEVASTATING and pressure ridges develop. Drainage lines can wells may run temporarily or even permanen- may appear or be emptied. Depending on shape of sea bottom state of the slopes, causing many temporary or per- morphology of extensive
more wide in the bedrock, rously; many bran- In dry areas the air and move for is in the

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be seriously offset. Landscape and geomorpholo- tly dry. Strong variations of chemical-physical and coastline, tsunamis may reach the shores with runups of manent barrier lakes. River banks, artificial emban- flat zones, determining verti-
Effects in the gical changes induced by primary effects can up to more than 10 m wide ches and tree dust clouds long distances even order of
XII environment are the attain extraordinary extent and size (typical
properties of water, most commonly tempe-
rature, are observed in springs and/or wells.
several tens of meters devastating flat areas for many kilome-
ters inland. Big boulders can be dragged for long distances. in loose alluvial deposits
kments, and sides of excavations typically collapse.
Levees and earth dams incur serious damage. trunks break and cal subsidence exceeding
several meters, widespread arise from down very gentle slo- 50,000
examples are the uplift or subsidence of coastli- Widespread deep erosion is observed along the shores, with out- and/or saturated soils. These fall. Many trees are large sand volcanoes, and the ground. pes, leaving typical
only tool for intensity Water becomes very muddy in even large may extend up to several Significant landslides can occur at more than 200 – uprooted and fall. imprints in soil. km 2
nes by several meters, appearance or disappea- basins, rivers, wells and springs. Gas emis- standing changes of the coastal morphology. Many trees are 300 km distance from the epicenter. Frequent are extensive severe lateral and more
assessment rance from sight of significant landscape ele- sions, often sulphureous, are observed, and eradicated and drifted away. All boats are tore from their moo- kilometers in length. spreading can be observed.
very large landslides under the sea level in coastal
ments, rivers changing course, origination of bushes and grass near emission zones may rings and swept away or carried onshore even for long distances. areas.
waterfalls, formation or disappearance of lakes). burn. All people outdoor are swept away.

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