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Mushmist House Chapter 1&2

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Background of the Study

The word mushroom is derived from the French word ‘fungi’ and moulds. It is an

important vegetable characteristically having an umbrella-shaped cap borne on a stalk

grows usually in the forest with its nutritive and medicinal value. It can also be cultivated

domestically in a small scale by landless people. Before mushroom will be famously

known, its production is very favorable in Bangladesh because their climate there fits the

temperature that mushroom needed. The cultivation of mushroom is one of the lucrative

agricultural job. In the study, the profitability of mushroom cultivation was found

comparatively higher than that of rice and wheat, the most popular cash earning crops in

Bangladesh. Profit continually increases because of the increasing customers’ demand in

this kind of food.

Also, this fungus is popular in Paris. Around 1650, a melon grower near Paris

discovered mushrooms growing on his growth fertilizer. He decided to cultivate this new

exotic delicacy commercially and to introduce it in exclusive Parisian restaurants. It was

at that time that the mushroom was given the nickname ‘Parisian mushroom’. Fungi were

most likely cultivated for the first time around the year 600 in Asia. Philippines can be

considered as home of tropical mushrooms. Mushrooms are types of fungi and

considered as saprophytes, which means they obtain their nutrition from metabolizing

non-living organic matter. Mushroom farming can be both or either traditional farming

and scientific industry. To successfully produce mushrooms continuously, both practical

experience and scientific knowledge is required.

Mushroom is a fungus; mushrooms thrive in moist environments. Mushroom also

needs specific temperature for specific species. It has many benefit in our health. Since

mushrooms possess various bioactivities, the demand for mushrooms increased in recent

years, and it is potentially functional food or medicines for prevention and treatment of

several chronic diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes. Here in

the Philippines, investments are done by the government for Philippine mushroom

industry. Because, at present, 90% of mushroom that are gourmet food in the Philippines

is imported. A mushroom is characterized as a macro fungus. The macrofungi have

fruiting bodies huge enough to be seen with the naked eye and to be picked up by hand.

The word mushroom also refers only to the fruit body.

Even before, until these days, mushroom is one of the popular food in our

country. In Western Pangasinan, including Alaminos City, mushroom is usually booming

in market during rainy or stormy days. Many people consider mushroom as an important

commodity, both as food and livelihood source. Nowadays, the interest in mushroom as

source of healthy nutrients, medical compounds, and dietary supplement is growing.



Mushroom Cultivation at Maawi, Alaminos City, Pangasinan


 Consistent in producing the product.  Small facility. 4 meters by 4 meters which

 Complete materials as to the process and housing can accommodate 1300-1500 mushroom

of the mushroom. fruiting bags only.

 Giving job opportunities to unemployed youths,  Contaminations that causes some mushrooms

farmers and fish folks. not to bloom.

 Do not have any by-products.

 Highly perishable vegetable crop.


 They are the supplier in different areas here in  They cannot supply hotels or big restaurants

Alaminos like market, school, city hall, food court, because of the fluctuating production of

etc. mushroom.

 Less competitor in Alaminos City because some of  They don’t produce white button mushroom

the mushroom cultivation don’t continue because for they do not like to take a high risk.
of some reasons.

 They have different alternative methods that can

use to produce mushrooms.



 Have bigger facility than the other competitors.   Mushrooms are highly perishable vegetable

 Adding value and increasing the shell-life of the crop with less than two to three days of

mushroom by creating processed products, storability.

including dried or pickled mushrooms, sauce,  Non-implementation of agricultural crop

polvoron, etc. insurance schemes to the mushroom crop and

 Crop residues such as rice straw; palm oil waste; absence of government-sponsored minimum

coffee pulp, cocoa shell, banana leaves, logs and support price (MSP) for mushroom crop.

other materials are easily, abundantly, and cheaply  If not stored properly it can cause molds that

available for mushroom substrates because it can result to total harm of the product.

turn into opportunity considering its utility for

other farms.

 Abundance potential for product diversity in urban

and rural area, diversity of raw materials for

mushroom production and low environmental

pollution and existence of potential for organic

 Specialty mushrooms are gaining interest from

majority races in unusual and gourmet foods.

 Mushrooms are valued not only as nutritious and

delicious food but these also possess medicinal

properties including anti-cancer and anti-HIV


 Well adapted modern technologies for production  Demand shift towards fresh mushrooms,

and post-harvest management marketing of mushroom, insect pests

 Increasing awareness and liking for mushrooms in damage, high cost of mushroom span, and

domestic market. unstable supply of spawn.

 The country is facing the problem of nutritional  Risk of supply exceeding demand if markets

deficiency in the diet. This may be covered by the not developed.

high protein and rich nutrients through mushroom.  Over-dependence of mushroom industry on

 Development of mushroom production on the basis the imported technology.

of local demand.  Low recognition of consumers for

 Increasing interest in protection and improvement mushrooms and environmental issues

of environment and creating strong functional

relations between urban and rural areas

 Increasing concern for the empowerment of local

support and improvement of public administration

for mushroom production

 Awareness about food; health issues and medicinal

values is increasing around the world creating

better domestic and global market demand.

 Improved future sales by enhancing public

awareness in environmentally friendly farming by

using crop waste and spent mushroom substrate as

a value-added product.

 Mushroom production provides an ideal

opportunity for conversion of agro-waste into

wealth, quality food and organic manure and leads

to high range of reduction in environmental


 Mushroom provides an opportunity to eliminate

protein malnutrition among people.

 Can be used as an organic fertilizer in other

agricultural systems, which can improve soil

structure, or it can be used as nutritious fodder for


 Using solar dry to extend the life span of the


 Creating job opportunity for out of school youth

and unemployed people.




The mushroom inside is the product that we offer. The diamond in front of the mushroom

represents the wealth that our business can contribute to us. And lastly the cloudy

background of our logo means the mist or the water that we use to grow the mushroom.

Mushmist is a combined name of mushroom and mist which means, “growing

mushrooms by the help of mist”.



Musmist envisions itself to be the premier supplier of mushrooms in every region

and continuously improve our operations in order to increase value to our customers,

enhance the lives of our employees and their families, contribute to our community,

create new business opportunities, lead our industries and as a result, change our world.


Our mission is to cultivate the highest quality mushrooms using low-impacts

methods as part of a greener, healthier future, values the environment, committed to

ensuring that Mushmist House has the lowest carbon footprints, committed to conserve in

our operation and using sustainable and recyclable materials and methods whenever


Core Values


- We provide new methods and technology to improve our products


- Distinct in terms of the process in producing our products.

- Going concern in producing a high quality of product by which the

consumer demands. We are consistent in delivering the customer-

service that every customer wanted.


- Providing health products that give the customers the safest

herbal/organic product to live their lives longer.


- give the employees the benefits that they needed.


- we utilize the latest technologies and advancement in our industry to

provide the highest quality in the most productive and

environmentally-conscious way.


- We follow protocols, procedures and recognize and correct potential



- We give our best support to each other and make choices first for the

sake of the team, before individual performance.

Location of the Business

(Vicinity map (image taken from the Google Map)


Mushmist House will be located at Sabangan, Alaminos City, Pangasinan. We choose

this location because of the following:

1. Accessible. It took for just 4 minutes to reach Sabangan from town.

2. Suitable for plantation. These lot has 10,000 square meters equivalent to 1 hectar

wide which is suitable for the mushroom cultivation plantation.

3. This location is flood free because of the trees that help to avoid floods and even




Mushroom is one of the famous foods that most Filipinos demand. This is

because of the unique taste and health benefits that can get in this product.

Alaminos City, Pangasinan has limited production of mushroom so we, the

Mushmist House will give the demand and satisfaction of the customers in

the city.

Mushmist House offers variety of mushroom by-products that are adopted in

different countries in the world.

The following are the products, that we offer:

Raw Products

1. Chanterelle Mushroom

-good source of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.

2. Porcini Mushroom

-may kill colon cancer cells, reduce inflammation, high in

antioxidants, aid weight loss, promote digestive health, and a good

source of protein.

3. Honey Agaric Mushroom

-helps treat diabetes, IBD, hepatitis, and cancer

4. Shiitake Mushroom

-anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and has a vitamin B.

5. White Button Mushroom

-excellent source of protein, in some regions, they are known as

vegetable meat for their high protein content.

6. Oyster Mushroom

-maintains the level of blood sugar, enhance immunity system,

improve cardiovascular condition, treat skin problems, maintain brain

health, cures anemia, prevents tooth decay, and provides energy.

Figures and Specification of mushroom by-products (Mushroom Pasalubong


 Anti-inflammatory

 Anti-stress

 Nourishing the body

1. Mushroom Polvoron

 Good source of some

vitamin B
 Anti-oxidant
 Fiber
2. Mushroom Chips
 Vitamin D

 Vitamin D
 Vitamin B
 Anti-oxidant

3. Mushroom Cookies

 Fights constipation
and gas
 Helps reduce weight
 Miniml amount of
4. Mushroom Pickles
sodium so it is good
for people with high
blood pressure
 Protein helps burning
 Has vitamin D content
 Protein
 Iron
 Enzymes

5. Dried Mushroom

 Anti-inflammatory
 Anti-tumor
 Clearing heat in the lungs
 Boost energy

6. Mushroom Candy

 Improves mood

 Sharpens concentration

 Benefits their digestive


7. Mushroom Juice  Boost energy

 Freshly from fresh and locally

8. Mushroom Chicharon
cultivated oyster mushroom.
 Yummy, Crispy, and not oily.
 Low in calories
 Cholesterol –free

Rich in fiber, iron, vitamin B6,

protein, magnesium, folate,

zinc, potassium

 Anti-oxidants

 Boost energy

 Immune System

9. Mushroom Soup

 Anti-inflammatory

 Improves mood

 Helps the digestive system

10. Mushroom Biscuit

 Ability to naturally boost
 Anti-cancer
 Improving brain cells
 Boost liver health

11. Mushroom Coffee

 Anti-inflammatory element
 B-vitamins
 Protein
 Healty immune system
 Beneficial effect on the
circulatory system
12. Mushroom seasoning

 Boosting immune
 Fight Alzheimer’s
13.  Aids digestive and
Mushroom Tea diabetic health
 Can treat insomnia
 maintains the level of blood


 enhance immunity system.

 improve cardiovascular


14. Mushroom in pack

 Low in fat and calories

 Dietary fiber
 Amino acids
 Protein
 Vitamin B

15. Fried Mushroom

 Used to relieve coughs,
bronchitis, asthma, sore
 Used for digestive system
 Treat lungs and urinary

16. Mushroom Marshmallows

 Anti-inflammatory

 Improves mood

 Anti-stress

17.Mushroom Appetizer

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