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Ao2020-0019 Guidelines On The Service Delivery Design of Health Care Provider Networks

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of the Philippines

Department of Health
MAY 14 2020

No. 2020—_

SUBJECT: Guidelines on the Service Delivery Design of Health Care Provider



The Universal Health Care (UHC) Act or Republic Act 11223 is anchored on an
integrated and comprehensive approach for
the health system to ensure that all Filipinos
are health literate, provided with healthy living conditions, and protected from hazards
and risks that could affect their health.

Section 18 of the UHC Act provides the formation of health care provider networks
(HCPNs) that ensure integration and effective and efficient delivery of population-
based and individual-based health services. HCPNs may be composed integrated of
local health systems (the province-wide or city-wide health systems), networks of
private health care providers to complement the health services provided by public
health facilities, or mixed public-private networks of health service providers. In
addition, the DOH is mandated to identify apex or end-referral hospitals for patients
needing specialized care not available within the HCPNs.

UHC Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) in Section 18 provides that HCPNs
shall receive performance driven, closed-end, prospective payments from PhilHealth
based on diagnosis-related groupings. Apex or end-referral hospitals may be contracted
as stand-alone facilities by PhilHealth.

To support the implementation of the UHC Act and its IRR, and to ensure that all
Filipinos have access to quality health care, the following guidelines are hereby issued.


A. General Objective

This Order shall set the standards of HCPNs and apex hospitals to ensure that the
continuum of care is delivered through a people-centered and integrated health system.

B. Specific Objectives

To provide the requirements of the HCPNs;

To develop the mechanism for a functional referral system;
To establish guidelines for the designation of apex hospitals; and,

To provide guidelines for the establishment of
public health units in hospitals.

Building 1, San Lazaro Compound, Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz, 1003 Manila @ Trunk Line 651-7800 local 1113, 1108, 1135
Direct Line: 711-9502; 711-9503 Fax: 743-1829 e URL: http:/; e-mail: {

This Order shall apply to all Department of Health (DOH) offices and all
its units and
instrumentalities, including the Centers for Health Development (CHDs), hospitals,
PhilHealth, and other attached agencies. Likewise, this shall also apply to all public
and private health facilities, Local Government Units (LGUs), and other relevant
stakeholders on establishing HCPNs.


A. Apex or End-Referral Hospital — The terms apex and end-referral hospital are used
interchangeably in these Guidelines. It refers to a hospital, offering specialized
services as determined by DOH, which is contracted as a stand-alone facility by

Specialty Center - a unit or department in a hospital that offers highly specialized

care addressing particular conditions and/ or providing specific procedures and
management of cases requiring specialized training and/ or equipment.

Health Care Provider Networks (HCPN) — a group of primary to tertiary care

providers, whether public, private or mixed, offering people-centered and
comprehensive care in an integrated and coordinated manner with the primary care
provider acting as the navigator and coordinator of health care within the network.

Public Health Unit (PHU) - a unit in the hospital facilitating the provision of
population-based services, implementation of national public health programs,
coordination with primary care provider networks, and provision of a one-stop shop
patient navigation system within the hospital.

Primary Care Provider Network (PCPN) — refers to a coordinated group of public,

private or mixed primary care providers, as the foundation of the HCPN.

Primary Care Facility — is a private or a public institution that primarily delivers

primary care services which shall be licensed or registered by the DOH with the
prescribed service capability (Annex A).

Health Station — is a private or a public health facility that functions to augment the
delivery of public health services of a Primary Care Facility (Annex A).

Referral — the process in which a health facility officially and appropriately

transfers the management of
a patient to a better or differently resourced facility,
and refers the patient back to the assigned primary care provider.


A. Public, private, or mixed HCPNs shall be established to provide all population

groups with continuous health care from primary to tertiary, which shall be
delivered in a safe, efficient, and coordinated mechanism.

B. All HCPNs shall have functional care coordination with the PCPN serving as the
patient’s initial-contact and navigator.

C. HCPNs shall establish a patient navigation and coordination system, patient

records management system, harmonized information and communication
technology, medical transport system, standardized network mechanisms for
operations, and financial and performance management.

D. Public HCPNs may complete their service capability through contractual

arrangements with the private sector or vice versa.

E. All HCPNs shall have primary to tertiary care providers with linkages to an apex
hospital and other facilities providing specialized services needed
its catchment


F. All DOH hospitals shall endeavor to become apex hospitals; Provided that, in the
interim, DOH Hospitals that currently do not qualify as apex hospitals may be
contracted by PhilHealth as stand-alone facilities.

G. The DOH
determine eligible apex or end-referral hospitals. These apex or
end-referral hospitals shali be contracted as stand-alone facilities based on the
guidelines issued by PhilHealth.

H. All hospitals shall have a Public Health Unit to facilitate the implementation of
population-based health services and seamless patient navigation within the HCPN.


A. Components of the HCPN

The HCPN shall be composed of PCPN providing primary care service, and
hospitals delivering secondary and tertiary general health care.

1. The PCPN shall be composed of the following health facilities that provide
population and/or individual-based primary care services:

a. Primary Care Facilities, such as Rural Health Units, Health Centers, and
Medical Outpatient Clinics, which shall ensure proper coordination and
service delivery across the PCPN; and,

b. Other health facilities necessary for the delivery of primary care, such as
but not limited to,health stations, stand-alone birthing homes, stand-alone
laboratories, pharmaceutical outlets, and dental clinics.

2. The following health facilities, whether public or private, shall provide general
in-patient care services for the HCPN:

a. Infirmaries, if present in the existing geographic or political boundary;


we cS
b. Hospitals, as classified by the DOH, which shall include:
1. At least one Level 1 providing secondary care; and,
2. At least one Level 2 or 3 hospital providing tertiary care.

B. Network-wide Requirements

All HCPNs shall have the following:

1. Licensed and accredited health facilities. All public and private health facilities
that are part of the network shall be licensed by DOH and accredited by

Service capability profiling. All HCPNs shall determine and continuously

monitor the services, human resources, equipment, and infrastructure of itsall
health facilities.

All participating health facilities shall annually comply with the Health
Facility Profiling of DOH and PhilHealth.

A directory and map of all the health facilities in the HCPN with all the
services provided, address, clinic hours, and contact numbers shall be
posted in each health facility.

All HCPNs and their apex hospitals shall endeavor to meet access standards
for health facilities in alignment with the Philippine Health Facility
Development Plan, wherein people shall have access to a primary care
facility within thirty (30) minutes travel time and to a hospital within one
(1) hour.

Primary care-based coordination. The HCPN shall establish a functional

referral system rooted in effective primary care navigation across the network.

a. HCPNs shall develop localized referral protocols based on clinical practice

guidelines in consideration of the local context such as available road
networks, modes of transportation, availability of health human resources
including clear and standardized criteria for transfer of patients. An
algorithm for emergency and non-emergency referrals and patient flow in
the network shown in Annex B

HCPNs shall have a patient record management system with an

interoperable electronic medical record in all member health facilities
capable of real-time information-sharing. The system shall include patient
records, diagnostics, treatment history, and other pertinent medical
information that enables medical care, subject to guidelines to be developed
by DOH and PhilHealth, and in compliance with the Data Privacy Act or
RA 10173.

HCPNs shall ensure the availability of ambulances and patient transport

vehicles as necessary for its catchment population.
d. HCPNs shall standardize the process of communication:
i. Appropriate communication facilities available for contact during
operations (e.g. telephone number, cellular phone, two-way radio).
ii. Standardized communication tools for endorsements such as the
Situation Background Assessment Recommendation (SBAR)
communication tool (Annex C).
iii. Uniform referral form with minimum data components indicated in
Annex D and a back-referral form with follow-up and home
instructions, which may be transformed into an electronic report.
iv. Local call center/chat hotline for health ideally with a geographic
information system (GIS) that shall coordinate patient emergency
referral, in compliance with Executive Order 56, s. 2018, entitled:
“Tnstitutionalizing the Emergency 911 Hotline as the Nationwide
Emergency Answering Point, Replacing Patrol 117, and for Other

4. Network-wide health facility operations. HCPNs shall standardize health

facility operations in its catchment to include the following:

a. Integrated financial management including pooled fund management,

provider payment mechanism, unified price structures of services, and
accounting processes across component facilities, among others;

b. Maintenance team in charge of local capital asset management especially

for equipment and infrastructure depreciation and obsolescence;

ce. Unified supply chain inventory management systems for essential

medicines, supplies, and equipment;

d. Systematic healthcare waste management for the network including proper

waste handling as indicated in the Health Care Waste Management Manual
and a sewage treatment plant for hazardous solid waste through in-house
treatment orthird party hauler;

e. Unified client satisfaction surveys and patient engagement programs in

with the Framework on Integrated People-Centered Health Services
analyzed at the HCPN level;

f. Unified Patient Safety Program with designated Patient Safety Officers

whoshail oversee and promote a culture of safety in each health facility;

g. Capacity building and mentoring activities of all health facilities within the
network to improve service capability and health human resource

5. Network-wide performance management. The HCPN shall ensure quality,

efficient, and effective services across health facilities through Management
Reviews in
the following components conducted at least quarterly:

a. Network-wide health outcomes including morbidity and mortality reviews,
compliance with financial risk protection measures, and patient care and

b. Utilization of primary care providers by the catchment population as the

entry point of care;

ce. Evaluation of appropriateness and timeliness of referrals made within and

across the network;

d. Patient satisfaction rating using the standardized client responsiveness tool;

e. Compliance to basic accommodation requirements, no balance billing or

no co-payment policies, which may contribute to a reduction of out of
pocket expenses;

f. Adherence to clinical practice guidelines and referral protocols; and,

g. Accessibility and adequacy for health facilities and human resources for the
catchment population.

C. Completing Service Capability through Partnerships

1. HCPNs may partner through contractual agreements with other facilities to

complement its
service capability.

2. Public HCPNs shall follow current legal frameworks and policies for
partnership with the private sector including, but not limited to, the following:

a. Government Procurement Reform Act and its IRR for infrastructure,

equipment and services;

b. Public Private Partnership for Health through:

i. NEDA Joint Venture Guidelines, provided that the necessary
ordinances are in place; and,
ii. Build Operate and Transfer Laws; and,

ce. Guidelines for Local Government Units such as Public-Private Partnerships

for the People (LGU P4) as issued by the DILG.

D. Linkage of HCPNs to Apex Hospitals

1. Apex hospitals shall be linked to HCPNs and shall deliver specialty health care
services not expected to be provided in HCPNs.

a. The DOH shall determine eligible apex hospitals based on the following
service capability:
i. A single-specialty hospital that is designated by law or licensed by the

A general hospital with the following:

nee f
1. Accredited teaching and training in at least the following four
major departments namely, Medicine, Pediatrics, Surgery, and
Obstetrics and Gynecology; and,
2. Atleast two Specialty Centers according to DOH standards.

b. Apex hospitals shall have the ability and commitment to provide

performance mentoring and technical assistance to the HCPNs in the
following areas:
i, Quality, efficient, and patient-centered clinical services;
ii. Teaching and training of human resources;
iii. Functionality of the referral system; and,
iv. Clinical, public health, and operations research.

ce. Apex hospitals may be owned and managed by DOH, other National
Government Agencies, State Universities and Colleges, or private entities.

d. The designation of apex hospitals by specialty shall follow this process:

i. Survey, mapping and evaluation of service capability of all Level 3
government hospitals and volunteer private hospitals;
ii. Approval of the list of eligible apex or end-referral hospitals by the
Secretary of Health through the DOH Executive Committee;
iti. Matching/linking of apex or end-referral hospitals to the HCPN assisted
by Centers for Health Development; and,
iv. Submission of the list of apex or end-referral hospitals with linkage to
HCPNs to PhilHealth for contracting;

e. HCPNs shall enter into a memorandum of agreement (MOA) with at least

one apex hospital.

2. All HCPNs shall have linkage with Drug Abuse and Treatment Rehabilitation
Centers, Blood Centers, among others.

E. Public Health Units in Hospitals

All hospitals shall have a Public Health Unit (PHU) to

facilitate the provision of
population-based health services and patient navigation.

1. The PHU shall ensure that hospital policies are aligned with national public
health programs.

The PHU shall assist the hospital management in ensuring surveillance and
reporting of notifiable diseases through the disease surveillance officer or
disease surveillance coordinator.

The PHU shall ensure proper referral and navigation of patients within the
hospital and from the hospital to primary care facilities and other necessary
facilities in the network.
4. The PHU shall be established under the Office of the Medical Center Chief or
Chief of Hospital with the following minimum dedicated or designated staff
(see Annex E):

a. Health education and promotion officer;

b. Care navigator/educator; and,

c. Administrative staff.


A. Health Facility Development Bureau (HFDB)

1. Survey, mapping, and evaluation of service capability of all Level 3 hospitals;

2. Annually submit to PhilHealth the eligible list of apex hospitals; and,

3. Issue guidelines for monitoring functionality and performance

facilities and hospitals, including apex hospitals.
of primary care
B. Field Implementation and Coordination Team (FICT)

1. Coordinate with concerned Central Office units for the provision of technical
assistance to CHDs, Local Health Systems, and HCPNs;

Coordinate with respective Central Office units for a systematic performance

monitoring of HCPNs;

Organize with respective Central Office units a harmonized capacity building

of CHD personnel for monitoring performance; and,

4. Organize with respective Central Office units capacity building of HCPNs.

C. Knowledge Management and Information Technology Service (AMITS)

1. Set interoperability and data standards for information and communication

technology systems in the network including patient record management

D. Health Facilities and Services Regulatory Bureau (HFSRB)

1. Set licensing standards for primary care facilities and other health facilities in
the HCPN; and,

2. Ensure compliance of all licensed health facilities to DOH standards.

E. Bureau of Local Health Systems Development (BLHSD)

1. Formulate frameworks, policies, guidelines, and standards on Local Health

F. Centers for Health Development (CHD)

1. Assess performance and monitor the functionality of HCPNs and apex


2. Guide the development of HCPNs according to their maturity grade, based on

the CHD capacity for assistance; and,

3. Provide and/or facilitate the provision of technical assistance to resolve issues,

concerns and problems on the development, utilization, and implementation of
the care coordination mechanisms within the network.

G. PhilHealth

1. Develop contracting guidelines and mechanisms for HCPNs and apex


2. Monitor financing performance indicators of HCPNs and apex hospitals (e.g.

utilization rates, out of pocket expenses, no balance billing);

3. Incentivize health facilities to become part of the HCPNs;

4. Incentivize contracted HCPNs and apex hospitals based on their performance;


5. Provide pertinent data to DOH for selection of apex hospitals, oversight of

network performance and national-level monitoring and planning.

H. Local Government Units (LGUs)

1. Ensure that the HCPN design, requirements and support mechanisms are
available within their jurisdiction;

2. Provide the needed resources, including funds, to ensure the functionality of

the HCPN;

3. Endeavor to meet the gaps of health facilities, human resources, equipment and
infrastructure within their jurisdiction; and,

4. Adopt appropriate ordinances for public-private partnership for health.


If any part or provision of this Order is rendered invalid, by any court of law or
competent authority, the remaining parts or provisions not affected shall remain valid
and effective.

Ali Orders, rules, regulations, and other related issuances inconsistent with or contrary
to this Order are hereby repealed, amended, or modified accordingly. All other
provisions of existing issuances which are not affected by this Order shall remain valid
and effect.


This order shall take effect immediately.


Secrétary of Health

Annex A. Primary Care Facility Services
(Refer to Primary Care Facility Manual)

Services Primary Care Facility* STMT ere

Medical outpatient Yes No

Lab services In-house or outsourced No

Imaging services In-house or outsourced No

Pharma services In-house

or outsourced Distribution of public
health programs

Birthing services In-house or outsourced No

Minor surgeries Yes No

Public Health services Yes, if government Yes

PT/OT/ST Optional No

Transport Ambulance (can be shared) Patient transport vehicle

Licensing Yes No
*Public Primary Care Facility shall deliver population-based services. *Can
be a one-stop shop service provider or not

Annex B. Patient Flow in the HCPN and Referral Algorithm

Specialty! REFERRAL
Multl-Specialty HOSPITAL
Hospital “stand-alone
L2 and 3 Hospital

Lt Hospitals &
ck Otherhealthfacllities —_ Global Budget

& *
I~ ate

i primary Care Facility +
Services that may
Health Station be contracted

Annex C. Referral Algorithm


to refer

RECORD Referral in the

4 Registry

SECURE informed
to discharge

FILL OUT Referral Form i
FILL OUT Back Referral

Is it an
“| Receiving
Facility for
INSTRUCT Patient about
Follow up
SEND patient home with
CALL Receiving Back Referral Form
RECORD back referral in
the Registry
Patient Arrives at the
Receiving Facility with
Referral Form

White boxes — by Initiating Facility

Blue boxes — by Receiving Facility
"Steps may happen simultaneously (i.e. Call is made during transfer ofpatient)
Standard Communication Protocols
For Emergency and Non-Emergency Cases via phone

Iam (name), (position) of (initiating facility)
Iam calling about an emergency referral
am I talking with? [Wait for Response 1]
S Patient is a (age), (sex) with chief
complaint/problem: (state chief complaint) Present
working impression is: (Working Impression)
Reason for referral is: (state reason)
Current vital signs are: (BP, HR, RR, O2 Sats, Temp)

*..|-(Name of patient) nas
us gcd
Findings <age: (stat findings)

A I think the problem/concern is: (describe)
(state issues for the referral)


. Ro
a We would liké to transfer. the ‘patient immediately.


1 Name of receiver and position

2 Yes, please transfer to our facility immediately.

our facility's capacity is full. Please transfer to (specify another
Other instructions: (e.g. give medicines on the way)

So tyr
Annex D. Uniform Referral Form



Name of initiating facility Contact Number


Date of Referral Time Called*

Name of receiving facility Receiving Personnel
Address Response

Referral Category 1 Emergency OF Outpatient

Working Impression
Reason forReferral O Consultation
© odiagnostics
O)treatment/P rocedure
O others

Name of Patient identity number

Age Sex O Male O Female
Chief Complaint
Clinical History

Vital Signs: 8P. HR RR. O2 sats Temp Weight
(atta ch laboratory results)

Treatment Given
(atta ch treatment cards}

Print Name & Signature of Health Professional Date and Time

“for emergency cases
Return Slip
Action Point: Received
ANNEX E. Public Health Unit Staffing Pattern

Personnel Hospitals

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Health education
public Health Advisor
and promotion
Health education and Health education and
Health education promotion once promotion officer
and promotion officer/disease : Disease surveillance
surveillance officer
officer surveillance
coordinator Disease surveillance



Care Navigator Care Navigator

Care Navigator/ Care Navigator (Nurse
Educator (Nurse or Social
(Nurse or
or Social Worker)

Administrative Admin staff Admin staff Admin staff


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