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Quickbrand Introduction: A Guide by Thillar.8716

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Quickbrand Introduction

a guide by Thillar.8716


This guide is gonna be pretty short, as there aren’t as

many variants as for chrono or druid, and less me-
chanics to take care of.

In our comp whoever plays Quickbrand has different

sets of armor: healer, tank, power, condi and can be
expected to also play DH for some bosses.

Even when “only” healer or dps, a quickbrand can

still easily tank, lots of toughness is not needed for
most encounters.

It is in general a dps increase to have a quickbrand

in your squad since it can cover many different roles,
going from dps to heal to tank, having still lots of
very useful support skills. It allows you to get rid of a
chrono and a healer, gaining more damage from the
remaining Chrono (not having to tank is a huge dps
increase potentially) and Alacrity Renegade can also
put out quite some decent numbers (for some bosses
is recommended to have 2 Cnd Alac for even better

Everything comes from my personal experience in

carrying lots of asses through raids.

Quickbrand 2


As mentioned before, Quickbrand can run some dif-

ferent builds depending on bosses and experience (of
the squad as well).
In every variation you will provide quickness for your
subgroup by simply using mantras: you have to posi-
tion correctly though, since range is not huge and is
a cone in front of you. Also, if people don’t stack they
will lack boons, but you can’t go around catching all
the chickens.

In general you want to use “Feel My Wrath!” as soon

as you enter combat, for instant Quickness and Fury.
Your Heal Mantra should be used once, all the others
twice (you can save one additional charge of Mantra
of Lore if you know you’ll need extra condi cleanse).
Afterwards, use Elite off cooldown and the Mantras
every time they regain a charge.

Quickbrand has a lot of big heals that can get your
group full again in no time, but it also provides con-
stant little heals from basically anything you do.
As healer is also really really easy to tank, and you
allow your Chrono to go crazy with dps (you already
have lower as heal, so be double useful and tank pls).
You could simply tank with a Harrier set, but for
some bosses you would preferably need a Giver as it
has a lot more sustain (and makes it easier for other
roles too, as HK at Deimos for example).
Both Harrier and Giver (everything same stats for the
entire gear) run the same Monk Runes and Transfer-
ence/Water Sigils.
And both run Honor and Virtues for more healing.

These are your basic skills

Quickbrand 3

All the gear is mostly Berserker with the exception of
Amulet and Rings Diviner. Depending on the boss I
personally still prefer to use Scepter over Sword, but
anyways weapons have Force and Impact Sigils.
As for the runes, I use Flame Legion ones, since even
as power I am the tank, so it’s kinda pointless to have
Runes of the Thief when I’m basically always in front
of the boss (and Thief’s Runes make you deal more
damage from behind or the flank).
Traits in Radiance and Zeal are the same as DH (or
you could run Perfect Inscriptions).
If you are using a Sword, remember to change Heal-
er’s Retribution for Right-Hand Strength.

These are your basic skills

Everything is Viper, with Runes of the Firebrand and
Smoldering/Bursting Sigils.
Traits in Radiance and Zeal are the same as the Dps
version of Cnd Firebrand.

These are your basic skills

Quickbrand 4


There aren’t really many different choices in the traits,

but they have nice synergy with others and is better to
know their effects.

Is overall more healing, both active and passive.

Invigorated Bulwark grants you 5% outgoing healing effectiveness every time you block with Aegis, up
to 5 stacks of it for a total of 25%.

Selfless Daring will heal you and 4 nearby allies at the end of your dodge.

Pure of Heart grants heal when Aegis blocks an attack; this will also happen to your allies, so if they
block an attack with your Aegis they will be healed too.

Your F2 Tome of Resolve’s passive increases Endurance regeneration by 15% with Purity of Body. This
allows you to have more dodges and so more heals with Selfless Daring.
The Endurance regen is shared with 5 allies with Battle Presence (trait in Virtues).

With Writ of Persistence your symbols have increased duration and radius, and they also heal allies that
stand in them with each pulse.

If for any reason your party of monkeys is unable to stack in your symbols, you could take Force of Will
and have increased outgoing healing.

More heal, boons and improved Tomes.

Inspired Virtue grants boon when activating a Tome: F1 (Tome of Justice) applies Might, F2 (Tome of
Resolve) allies Regeneration, F3 (Tome of Courage) applies Protection.

Absolute Resolution increases the passive heal of your F2, and removes 3 condis when you activate it.

Power of the Virtuous simply reduces the cooldown of your Tomes.

Battle Presence shares the effects of your F2 Tome of Resolve with your group every 3 seconds; the ef-
fects of Absolute Resolution and Purity of Body are shared as well.

Quickbrand 5

For both power and cnd Quickbrand, but could also
be taken as healer instead of Virtues to have access to
Perfect Inscriptions (you would lose quite some heal

Power - Scepter: Healer’s Retribution is simply the best choice when you have a scepter equipped as it
grants more Retaliation uptime.

Power - Sword: Right-Hand Strength gives you more power and precision, and reduced cd on swords.
Condi: just more power and precision.

Renewed Justice: your F1 is refreshed when you kill a foe.

Power: Retribution makes you deal more damage when you have Retaliation.

Condi: Radiant Fire triggers torch 4 when you critically hit, and your burning had increased duration.
It has a 10 seconds internal cd and you should wait for it to proc before you do your own torch 4.

Radiant Power increases your ferocity, and your attacks against burning emenies have more crit chance.

Power: Righteous Instincts also affects Retaliation’s effects: you gain might and more Critical Chance.

Condi: Amplified Wrath makes your burning deal more damage.

Usually DHs take Perfect Inscriptions when they really have to CC so they give each other the Signet’s
effect when they use it (they also have reduced recharge).
If you are taking it as supporter, then you should use the Signet simply off cooldown to share its passive
effect with your allies. If your subgroup is mostly power then take Bane Signet, if they are condi you can
take Signet of Wrath.

Quickbrand 6

For both power and cnd Quickbrand, just more dam-
age and different synergy.

Zealot’s Speed casts an automatic Symbol when struck below 75% health, useful for more damage and

Fiery Wrath simply makes you deal more damage against burning foes, useful for both power and cnd.

With Symbolic Exposure, your Symbols will give vulnerability to enemies, and you will deal 5% more
damage against vulnerable foes.

Power: Zealous Blade grants you more power, and addotional while on Greatsowrd (its skills also have
reduced cd).

Condi: with Kindled Zeal you gain condition damage based on your power.

Symbolic Power simply makes your Symbols deal more damage.

Power: Symbolic Avenger lets you deal 2% more damage when Symbols hit an enemy (up to 5 stacks).

Condi: Eternal Armory improves your Spirit Weapons, with 1 more cast, reduced count recahrge and
burn on hit.

Quickbrand 7

Mostly needed to give Quickness to your party.

Liberator’s Vow grants 2 sec of quickness to 5 people when you use your healing, with 7 sec of internal

Mantras’ charges recover faster with Weighty Terms.

When you give Aegis or Stability, you also grant quickness with Stalwart Speed (7 sec internal cd).

Imbued Haste gives you +250 of Vitality, Healing Power and Condition Damage when you are affected
by quickness.

Loremaster grants 33% reduced recharge on Tomes’ skills, and you regain Virtues passives even if they
are on cooldown (Battle Presence, Absolute Resolution and Purity of Blood all have synergy with it).

Quickbrand 8


I’m not gonna explain the power and condi version

for Quickbrand as it simply is the DPS rotation and
your job is to just give quickness; weapons are the
same as DPS and you just have to press Mantras.

You always have it and is source of perma swiftness Skill 2 is a very nice heal and a blast finisher
and gives quite some might too, and you also have (when used in a light field, staff 3 for exam-
combo condi cleanse. Heals a lot. ple, is a condi cleanse).

Skill 3 is a light field that deals a little damage Staff 4 heals and gives Might for each of the 3
and gives swiftness (it heals as well with the pulses. Try to always finish it.
Symbol trait in Honor).


Axe 2 is basically perma cripple and fury if Be careful with axe 3 since it’s a pull, it’s
you keep placing it down, specially with the useful in some situations but in others you
trait for Symbols. might just kill everyone.


Shield 4 creates a wave in front of you that Shield 5 pushes enemies back and creates a
gives Protection and Aegis. dome that absorbs projectiles, use it wisely.

You can detonate it to heal allies.

Can replace axe; you would lose fury and pulls but
gain heal (with AA) and blocks.

Mace 2 grants regeneration to allies. Mace 3 blocks an incoming attack and grants
boons if triggered.

Quickbrand 9


You always need 3 specific skills, regardless of heal/

power/cnd: the healing Mantra (Solace), Mantra of
Potence (Quickness and Might) and “Feel My Wrath!”
in order to keep perma quick.

Healing - default Elite - default

Mantra of Solace: it gives Aegis to allies, so “Feel My Wrath!” is fury and quickness for
with the trait in Firebrand you will also give your subgroup, always take it.
quickness (7 sec internal cd).

Utilities Default
You will have different utilities if you are healer, con- Mantra of Potence: it gives quickness and
di or power, and others are situational regardless of might to your party, so you will always have
your build. this. Cast it twice at start and then every time
you regain a charge.

Heal Heal
Mantra of Lore: it grants regeneration and Bow of Truth: is a ranged heal, pretty nice
removes 2 conditions. Keep in mind to save and possible to precast as it has multiple im-
it if you know you’re about to get cnd. pacts.

Situational - Heal Situational

Purging Flames: useful when there is a lot of You wanna take “Stand Your Ground!” when-
cnd pressure that you can’t handle otherwise. ever stability is needed (Gorse, Sloth, Trio,
Lines up good with Xera’s Blurred Frenzy. Escort, Cairn, River, Largos, Sabir, Qadimp).

Power / support Support

Bane Signet: improves power with passive, Signet of Wrath is the condi counterpart
CCs when activated. Synergy with Perfect to Bane Signet basically. Can be taken and
Inscription, can be taken and spammed as spammed in a condi-based party if running
support if traited for a power-based party. with Perfect Inscription.

Power and condi

Sword of Justice: 3 charges on power, 4 on Condi
condi (Zeal - Eternal Armory). Mantra of Flame simply boosts your damage.
Besides improving your dps, it also inflicts a
lot of Vulnerability.

Quickbrand 10


F1 - Tome of Justice: dps (+ pull) F2 - Tome of Resolve: heal

Chapter 1: Searing Spell Chapter 1: Desert Blossom

Damage and burning Heals 5 allies

Chapter 2: Igniting Burst Chapter 2: Radiant Recovery

Damage, burning and weakness Remove 3 condis, and heals per cnd removed

Chapter 3: Heated Rebuke Chapter 3: Azure Sun

Pull 5 enemies to the center of the target area Vigor, regen and swiftness to 5 allies

Chapter 4: Scorched Aftermath Chapter 4: Shining River

Damage, burning and bleeding Heals for 5 pulses and gives swiftness

Epilogue: Ashes of the Just Epilogue: Eternal Oasis

Burning; gives 3 stacks of Ashes of the Just to Convert 5 conditions into boons;
5 allies, that will inflict burning with attacks Gives 33% of increased heal for 8 seconds

F3 - Tome of Courage: support - boons

Chapter 1: Unflinching Charge

Stability and swiftness to 5 allies

Chapter 2: Daring Challenge

Retaliation on you and taunt the enemy

Chapter 3: Valiant Bulwark

Create a bubble that reflects for 5 seconds

Chapter 4: Stalwart Stand

4 pulses of 1 second of Resistance

Epilogue: Unbroken Lines

Gives aegis, protection, stability and 300
toughness to your group

Quickbrand 11
Wing 1

Wing 1

Vale Guardian - Heal tank

Try not to use long CD skills during split phase
(FMW) and be sure to have all in range before you
give boons.
Also keep an eye on the Red Guardian team and heal
them in case (nice range heals).
Since you can’t reliably block the blue aoes, tanking at
edge makes it easier to avoid them with a dodge.
Be ready with your heals for when the green explodes:
you could prepare in F2 for quick recovery (start with
5 and then 4 for a great initial bost).

Gorseval - DPS
You can use wither Power or Condi, just be sure you
have a toughness infusion so you can keep tanking.
Take “Stand Your Ground!” to give stability to the
entire squad when he does the push back attack (and
use a heal charge to give aegis to your group as well).
During CC you can enter F2 to help with heals.

Sabetha - Condi
Nothing special, just try to have a heal charge to block
if red bombs are slowpokes, for the rest do as much
dps as possible.
If the group is not that great, you could potentially
kite as well as dps but is pretty sad and your damage
goes down a lot.

Quickbrand 12
Wing 2

Wing 2

Slothasor - Heal
You can take the 1st mushroom, just make sure that
the chrono will use Time Warp at the start to cover
for quickness in your group while you eat. You can
also place staff 3 below the boss right before you take
the shroom so it’ll have swiftness and reach the group
You will have SYG for every CC, delay it as much as
you can to avoid corruption from slublings. If the dps
is decent, you probably won’t have it ready for last CC
at 10%, so remember to spam 1 in F3 (stab).
For shakes, you can place 4 in F3 to give resistance (5
is also nice for more juicy boons and tough), so even
if they take condis they are fine for a little and you
have time to remove with Mantra of Lore or 2 in F2.
Remember to place bubble in F3 before leaving so it
helps with slublings in case. Shield 5 is also helpful,
just make sure you don’t push away slubings.
Chrono should pull the slublings together in mid
so you can pull them with axe 3 under the boss. In
case also skill 3 in F1 helps with managing them with

Trio - Heal
You can just stay heal for this as well and help a bit
with couple of mechanics.
At Zane you can simply camp F3 and keep placing
skill 4 to have resistance and ignore the very annoy-
ing blinding aoe.
For Narella remember to use SYG and avoid knock-
backs from tornadoes.

Usually there is Boon Thief to cover for quickness,
and druid is enough to keep up the squad.
But if you are staying Firebrand then be a useful heal-
er and take care of reflects yourself: Wall of Reflec-
tion will be up every time you need it, just place it
right below Matth’s feet. If for some reason the reflect
fails, you can always back up with skill 3 in F3.

Quickbrand 13
Wing 3

Wing 3

Escort - Heal
Take care of Glenna so druid can stay with group,
give them might and handle Wargs in case.
SYG is nice for capping towers: before the group takes
the portal to go up, give them stability to avoid an-
noying knockbacks. You can go up with the others as
well and use shield 5 as soon as you are on the tower
to push enemies out and make it faster.

Keep Construct - Power

As for Gorseval, you can take a toughness infusion
to tank.
Remember to save a heal charge to block KC’s jump.
While the druid is pushing you can enter F2 to heal
up the others.
After the collecting orbs phase, you can use skill 4 in
F3 all the time to give resistance and help the plebs
that gets condis in the face.

Twisted Castle
Stay power for this so you can take care of the skip:
use greatsword 3 towards the button and swap weap-
on while mid air to go further in front and reach.
You can also give SYG right before the group of mobs
through the first portals to avoid getting knocked.

Xera - Heal tank

She is pretty painful so be sure to have heals ready
and remove cnd for when she does her blurred frenzy.
Purging Flames is up for all of them if you have
enough alacrity uptime; you can also precast it a little
bit since it has pulses.
Try to save your F2 and F3 for when half the squad is
ported for more survivability.
Chrono should pull the big Clones, and you can take
care of the little ones with axe 3 (you actually have to
turn towards them to make is work); skill 3 in F1 can
also help with adds control.

Quickbrand 14
Wing 4

Wing 4

Cairn - Heal
SYG is very useful so the squad can simply ignore the
greens and just stay in mid all time to dps the boss.
Alac needs to be on point or you might not have for all
(one in the end you just can’t do if dps is not the top,
so simply spam 1 in F3 to stab your group). Get ready
with heals for after the greens to refill the squad.
Be sure to not reflect: shield 5 simply absorbs, but 3
in F3 reflects.

Mursaat Overseer
Boon Thief here please.
If there is none just Condi.
If the group is sad you can heal at that point.

Samarog - Power
Here I personally prefer to take all the fixations since
Chrono has more CC. To do it, be ready to dodge
away as soon as CCs are over (keep spamming v) and
hope that the rest of the squad is able to stack on boss.
As usual, /gg at 10% and give all boons before that
(you can use all charges of the mantras).

Deimos - Heal tank

Here “Retreat!” is helpful as a panic button if you fuck
up with other blocks. And is also good cause it has
more range if in some occasions your group is away.
Since you are healer, is also super nice that you stay
with boss alone while others take the greens; you can
heal yourself and Saul pretty good.
Like this, you can also go in the bubble since the HK
will be BK as well for that time, but you need some-
one that always runs to you when everyone is back.
Remember to correctly time the blocks for the bubble
and not use them too soon or it might get ripped.
At 10% go fast to BK, and remember to block all of
Deimos’ knockbacks.

Quickbrand 15
Wing 5

Wing 5

Soulless Horror - Heal tank

You can choose between Purging Flames and Bow
of Truth, depending if you want more range heals or
condi remove. Try to block the big circle aoes, your
dps people will be very pleased, and try to save an
extra charge of Mantra of Lore for insta cnd remove.
You can also help pushing the golems if they are com-
ing back with your shield 5.

River of Souls - Heal

You can stay alone behind with Desmina, giving her Keep in mind that you can’t heal Desmina if a bomb-
perma swiftness (if there isn’t a holo with perma su- er already started the explosion.
per speed with you) and blocking the bombers. “Stand Your Ground!” and Mantra elite might help
When 2 of them arrive at her at the same time, then you with stability if you can’t make it in time to get
is pretty hard to block both, specially with just heal out of little bombs.
mantra, so save “Retreat!” for those situations in case. Merciful Intervention is also useful to port on De-
You can heal her up pretty fast with F2 anyways if smina and heal her fast.
things go bad. Remember to place red bombs close to
her to try and kill as many little skeletons as possible,
and delay the block to avoid them ripping it off when
they are close.
There is gonna be a rift spawning in the middle of
the river, close to the start, so just place your symbols
below it to close it.

Statues - Heal tank

Running the firebrigade there usually is portal strat
at eyes, so you can just stay up all time, throw orbs
and mark them easily.

Dhuum - Heal tank

If there are 2 healers already (some pug runs are skill 2 (and/or Mantra of Lore).
weird), you can tank as Condi as well with the tough- At 10%, before going to buttons, give some quickness
ness infusion or some trailblazer pieces. and protection (shield 4, 5 in F3).
Keep an eye at star, specially when he goes mid for
first time, as you will be able to range heal a bit.
Also, when he goes mid you can use skill 4 in F3 for
resistance, then swap to F2 and clear torment with

Quickbrand 16
Wing 6

Wing 6

Conjured Amalgamate - Heal

Could also play power, but specially if doing shields When you are collecting and come close to the group,
you will not be with the others in burst phase so won’t you can throw some boons at them (also before leav-
really change. ing, just so they can burst better).
It’s possible to collect all 15 shields alone: first phase
just use the special action to save from the damaging
ground; second phase keep it for the clap (the mov-
ing aoe shouln’t make it in time to reach the group
anyways); third phase the boss will probably be dead
before you can even collect all.
If the group doesn’t kill the shields that spawn at the
hands, it might be pretty annoying cause they slow
you down if you enter their aoe, so have a Lore charge
ready to remove condis. And an aegis to avoid knock-
down from the hand.

Nikare and Kenut - Heal tank

You can take “Stand Your Ground!” to give stability
for some annoying mechanics, such as the double aoe
at Nikare and the push back wave at Kenut (will do
the attack pretty soon in her first platform, so be sure
to have it ready; if alacrity is good enough you will
have it ready for every attack; you can also precast it a
bit for the first one).
Shield 5 is really nice when they enter CC phase so
you destroy their projectiles.
Last platform will be in enrage (assuming your group
does portal of course), so try to have all the healing up
as well as F2 and F3.

Qadim - Condi
Any class can tank this, no need for anything special,
just experience. And is better if the 2nd heal is a Tem-
pest to have Rebound and be able to skip Stab Pyre,
so just go Condi.
In this case, Chrono has to go to Retal Pyre (and can
just port to Pyre at the end).
So ye, you can tank as Condi, or Chrono does, or heal
Temp, really anyone. But if you fuck up as FB be sure
you won’t fail too much or really need to rely on heal-
ers, if they sleep you’re dead.

Quickbrand 17
Wing 7

Wing 7

Cardinal Adina
Boon Thief is the best choice here, but if you really
have to be quickbrand, then you can be of any kind
depending of what the pugs require. The best thing
about a firebrand in this fight, is that you can reflect
every hand by yourself by simply placing a bubble
(skill 3 in F3) for each hand. Or there is also the pos-
sibility to take Wall of Reflection and some stability
for when the group has to run (only if heal).

Cardinal Sabir - Heal tank

Here is nice to take some safety stability for last phase
specially, in case adds control fails. For that you can
also use bubbles in F3 (pretty nice when the group
goes in the corners, so they can move in and out
again safely).
At 80% and 60% you can also use “Stand Your
Ground!” to avoid the knockback.
If the group is really good you could also go Condi
if they don’t need more than one healer, is actually a
really good dps.

Qadim the Peerless - Heal tank

Stability is very nice to avoid knockbacks and save Last phase will be a little painful, specially if boons
people from themselves. For starters, you can use are not removed fast enough, so be ready with every-
SYG while going mid after pylon CC so that the lucky thing (F2 and F3).
pylon-guy won’t even have to dodge. Then at 40-30- Hope that the druid will help you a bit in case, with a
20% you can use it again when the aoe completely nice Healing Spring to remove some Condi pressure
expanded from the pylon so that no one gets pushed from you, and remember that you can use skill 3 in F1
away into the lava. on pylons if the CCs are sad.
In general, if you don’t have stability anymore, you You could also decide to take a mace to tank this as
can always use an aegis to block the push back from it would make it easier to start with, probably, cause
the middle of the arena as well (this is very important of the blocks.
specially after 20%: be sure to be the first one inside
close to him so that he will have agro on you).
Since you have a trait that gives you vigor, you can
dodge every time he does the attack with the little
aoes on you (go backwards!), otherwise be ready to
heal up, block and remove vulnerability or he’ll hit
you pretty hard.

Quickbrand 18


In general, when there is the need of a second healer

and a tank just do all yourself to get the best out of
the squad: Firebrand is really versatile and can give a
lot of support and utilities, so try to get the max from

If the group is some serious shit and runs just one

heal everywhere, go crazy as Condi deeps.

When tanking bosses on Power/Condi, pray that peo-

ple are running proper gear so you can use a single
toughness infusion to keep the agro on you and still
deal all your precious damage.

Remember to stay a little behind the group to get

them all with your cone skills.

Take your time to look into the tomes, they can really
save the day.

Quickbrand 19

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