Experimental Collapse of A Lightly Reinforced Concrete Frame Subjected To High Intensity Ground Motions
Experimental Collapse of A Lightly Reinforced Concrete Frame Subjected To High Intensity Ground Motions
Experimental Collapse of A Lightly Reinforced Concrete Frame Subjected To High Intensity Ground Motions
Post earthquake reconnaissance studies show that the primary cause of collapse in older non-seismically
detailed reinforced concrete buildings is the loss of vertical-load-carrying capacity in building components
leading to cascading vertical collapse. In cast-in-place beam-column frames, the most common cause of
collapse is the failure of columns, beam-column joints, or both. Once axial failure occurs in one or more
components, vertical loads arising from both gravity and inertial effects are transferred to adjacent framing
components. The ability of the frame to continue to support vertical loads depends on both the capacity of the
framing system to transfer these loads to adjacent components and the capacity of the adjacent components to
support the additional load. When one of these conditions is deficient, progressive failure of the building can
ensue. Presented here are the results of a series of dynamic tests performed on a one-third-scale, three-story,
three-bay concrete frame. This large experiment was aimed at investigating the structural framing effects on
local column failures and conversely the effects of localized column failures on the frame’s global collapse
vulnerability. The test frame was subjected to three high-intensity ground motion records before it suffered
complete collapse. The gradual loss of column shear and axial load carrying capacities throughout the tests has
given significant insight into the progressive collapse behavior of this type of frame.
The broad objective of the presented experimental study is to investigate the seismic collapse behavior of
non-seismically detailed reinforced concrete frames. Collapse is defined as the loss of axial load carrying
capacity of one or more elements leading to partial or complete vertical subsiding of a structure. Particularly, the
aim is to investigate structural framing effects on column shear and axial failures and conversely the effects of
localized column failures on frame-system collapse vulnerability. As failure of one or more columns in a frame
system does not necessarily constitute the collapse of that structure, understanding these interactions is essential
in assessing the collapse vulnerability of this type of structure.
To date, there have been relatively few tests on lightly confined reinforced concrete frame systems in the
literature (e.g., Bracci et al. (1992); Calvi et al. (2002); Otani and Sozen (1972); Shahrooz and Moehle (1987))
with even fewer conducted dynamically to collapse (Elwood (2002); Wu (2007)). In an attempt to fill some of
this knowledge gap a 2-D, three-bay, three-story, third-scale reinforced concrete frame was dynamically tested
to collapse. This frame contained non-seismically detailed columns whose proportions and reinforcement details
allow them to yield in flexure prior to initiating shear strength degradation and ultimately reaching axial
collapse. These columns are hereafter referred to as flexure-shear critical (FSC) columns. The interest in this
class of column stems not only from their ability to withstand moderate to large deformations prior to axial
collapse (Elwood and Moehle (2005); Sezen and Moehle (2006)) but from the fact that current codes of practice
and design guidelines under-estimate their deformation capabilities, often leading to overly conservative
predictions of structural collapse.
Experimental results are presented with focus on shear and axial degradation of the flexure-shear critical
columns that lead to frame collapse. System level behavioral aspects are examined with particular attention
given to load redistributions and dynamic amplifications that result from column failures.
To study the collapse behavior of reinforced concrete frames with light transverse reinforcement, a three-
bay, three-story frame was built and dynamically tested on the University of California, Berkeley shaking table
(Figure 1a). Final dimensions and reinforcement details of this frame were influenced by the following main
considerations: laboratory and shaking table limitations, replication of column details from previous column
tests, analytical capabilities, target mode of failure, and cost. Target failure mode for the test frame was that of
partial collapse that would enable examination of load redistributions during collapse.
a) b)
Figure 1 Test frame photograph and details
These considerations resulted in the third-scale, two-dimensional reinforced concrete frame specimen shown
in Figure 1 and detailed in Figure 1b. The frame was dimensioned to represent typical 1960s and 1970s office
building construction in California. Two of the columns in this frame had identical non-seismic detailing with
widely spaced ties closed with 90 degree hooks, while the other two columns had identical ductile detailing as
The 14 World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
October 12-17, 2008, Beijing, China
per ACI 318-2005 (American Concrete Institute (ACI) Committee 318 (2005)) recommendations for special
moment-resisting frames. As mentioned previously, the non-seismically detailed columns in this frame were
dimensioned and reinforced such that they yield in flexure prior to developing shear or axial failure. Ties in
these columns were spaced over the column height at 4 in. on centers. This resulted in a transverse
reinforcement ratio ρ”=0.0015 (ρ”=Ast/bs, Ast=area of transverse reinforcement with spacing s, b=column
width). Longitudinal steel ratio of these columns, defined as the cross-sectional area of longitudinal
reinforcement divided by the gross section area, was ρl=0.0245. The two ductile columns had a maximum
transverse reinforcement ratio ρ”=0.011 and a longitudinal reinforcement ratio ρl=0.0109.
Since typical reinforced concrete building frames contain columns with varying axial loads, dimensions, and
reinforcing details, they sustain a staggered failure mechanism whereby different columns fail at different drifts.
The ductile columns in the test frame, while not apparently representative of older existing construction, were
introduced to simulate that effect. As well, these ductile columns were introduced to achieve the target partial
collapse mechanism for the test frame. This arrangement was useful in studying load redistributions during
structural collapse. Lastly, the final arrangement of ductile and flexure-shear critical columns shown in Figure
1b was chosen as it applied different loading and end-fixity conditions to the otherwise identically dimensioned
and detailed FSC columns at column axes A and B.
Beam dimensions and longitudinal reinforcements were identical on all floors and spans. Beams were
designed to support applied gravity loads while creating a strong-beam weak-column mechanism. Beams were
chosen to be deeper (at 9 in. [0.23m]) than required to resist gravity loads so as to have ample torsional stiffness
and strength to resist any accidental torsion that may be generated during strong shaking. This deeper beam
profile also reduced joint shear stresses. Beam transverse reinforcements were designed to resist shear
corresponding to the development of ultimate flexural strength.
Lap splice effects were not introduced in the frame as they were not within the scope of this study and joints
were reinforced transversely to force failure in FSC columns. The planar test frame was cast in a horizontal
position from a single batch of concrete, and subsequently lifted to the upright position. Test frame concrete
cylinder compressive strength was f’c = 3.56 ksi [24.6 MPa]. Longitudinal reinforcing steel had a measured yield
stress of fy = 64.5 ksi [445 MPa]. Beam and column ties were straightened basic bright wires with measured
yield strengths of 81 and 95 ksi [558 and 655 MPa]. Evenly distributed lead-weights were attached to the beams
with masses equivalent to those expected considering dead loads from a one-way slab system typical of office
building construction. Lead-weights were clamped onto beams with contact points being one neoprene pad and
one steel plate per packet. The flexible neoprene pads were used to reduce the stiffening effects of lead packets
on beams. Lead-weights resulted in an axial load ratio of approximately 0.16Agf’c on the first-story center
columns (Ag=column gross section area).
The test frame was subjected to the same ground motion record scaled to various amplitudes. The Llolleo
station (component 100) ground motion record from the 1985 Chile earthquake at Valparaiso (Valparaiso 1985-
03-03 22:47:07 UTC) was chosen for these tests. This motion was scaled up 4.06 or 5.8 times from its original
acceleration amplitudes for the main dynamic tests. Table 2.1 summarizes the testing protocol. The ground
motion time scale was divided by a factor of 30.5 to satisfy similitude requirements.
Figure 2 plots the acceleration history of the scaled motion and the elastic response spectra for 5% critical
damping (amplitude scale 4.06). For comparison purposes, this figure also superimposes the FEMA 356
(American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) (2000)) 2% in 50 years design spectrum at a site on the
University of California, Berkeley campus less than 200 m [219 yd] from the Hayward fault, for soil class B. As
can be seen from Figure 2, the test frame was able to sustain three high intensity ground motions before
reaching collapse.
-1 1
-1.5 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Time (sec) Period (sec)
Figure 2 Input ground motion acceleration history and elastic response spectra (amplitude scaled by 4.06)
Based on Figure 1b, and for ease of reference throughout this document, columns will be referred to by their
axis letter and story number.
During Test 3, Column A1 failed axially and collapsed the East side of the frame with it. Figure 3c shows a
picture of the bare collapsed frame at the end of the testing program. Column C1 picked up a significant amount
of axial load (about 12 kips [53.4 kN]) as Columns A1 and B1 collapsed vertically. Column D1 experienced a
slight uplift. Both Columns A1 and B1 sustained relatively “gradual” axial collapses as they were able to hold a
significant amount of axial load during the collapse. This resulted in a much slower collapse rate than free fall
and translated into relatively low vertical acceleration amplifications.
Figure 4 Columns A1 & B1 inter-story horizontal drift ratios versus shears – Tests 1 & 2
Shear failure at the bottom of Column A1 initiated during Test 2 at a horizontal drift ratio of approximately
+3.26% and a shear force of 7.25 kips [32.2 kN] as identified by a square maker in Figure 4. Table 3.1
highlights differences in column response values at the initiation of shear failure of Columns A1 and B1. Table
values include inter-story horizontal drift ratio, shear and axial forces, top and bottom moments, as well as top
and bottom end region rotations. Table 3.1 also presents pertinent response values for Column A1 at axial
failure initiation during Test 3.
At shear failure initiation during Test 2, Column A1 was under -21.5 kips [-95.5 kN] of axial load
(compression), with shear force of 7.25 kips [32.2 kN], bottom moment of -153 kip-in. [-17.3 kN-m], and end
rotation of 0.0259 rad. During Test 1, Column A1 was subjected to similar if not larger forces, drifts and end
rotations than in Test 2; both in the positive and negative drift directions. This observation seems to indicate that
the combinations of maximum deformations and loads applied to Column A1 were not sufficient in of
themselves to initiate shear failure in that column. Rather, test results suggest that these maximum load-
deformation combinations generated a shear crack in the column and subsequently weakened it through
repeated cycling. Ultimately this may have lead to a sufficient reduction in shear capacity of Column A1 and
initiated shear failure. Second story Columns A2 and B2 did not show signs of shear failure throughout testing
even though second story inter-story drift ratios reached a maximum of -4.7% during Test 1.
3.2.2 Discussion
Both Columns A1 and B1 initiated shear failure at deformation levels well above yield; about 3 times yield
to be more precise. These columns thus behaved as FSC columns. Imposed end-fixity boundary conditions were
found to be of major importance in shear failure initiation of FSC columns. Assessing differing fixity boundary
conditions was done through comparing column end rotations with inter-story horizontal drift ratios (Figure 5).
End rotations were only monitored for the first and second story FSC columns of the frame (i.e. Columns A1,
B1, A2, and B2). Figure 5 shows a clear difference between fixity conditions applied to first and second story
columns. Figure 5 shows that for the same inter-story drift ratio, second story columns were under much smaller
end rotations. This implies that joint rotations induced large rigid-body rotations in second story columns. These
rotations combined with lower second-story axial loads could explain why second-story columns did not
experience shear failures even though they were pushed to a maximum horizontal inter-story drift ratio of -4.7%
in Test 1. Additionally, Figure 5 shows a large difference in end rotations for Columns A1 and B1 between top
and bottom end regions. In this case as well, joint rotations were found to relieve end rotations at the tops of
Columns A1 and B1. Shear failures occurred at the bottom of both Columns A1 and B1 where rotations were
highest. Thus, experimental evidence indicates that column end rotations, rather than column drifts, may be
better predictors of shear capacity reduction leading to shear failure initiation in FSC columns.
Furthermore, it was observed that a combination of framing-element flexural capacities and stiffnesses (e.g.,
Columns A1 and A2 framed into one beam while Columns B1 and B2 framed into two) and higher mode effects
were major contributors to the observed high variability in end-fixity conditions. These factors are fairly
common in RC frame structures indicating that this high variability in column boundary conditions is likely to
be the norm rather than the exception in RC frame structures.
Columns B1,B2 Top Columns A1,A2 Top
0.06 0.06
Total Rotation over h (rad)
Column B2 Column A2
0.04 Column B1 0.04 Column A1
0.02 0.02
0 0
-0.02 -0.02
-0.04 -0.04
-0.06 -0.06
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
Columns B1,B2 Bottom Columns A1,A2 Bottom
0.06 0.06
Total Rotation over h (rad)
Column B2 Column A2
0.04 Column B1 0.04 Column A1
0.02 0.02
0 0
-0.02 -0.02
-0.04 -0.04
-0.06 -0.06
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
Horizontal Drift Ratio (%) Horizontal Drift Ratio (%)
Figure 5 FSC column inter-story horizontal drift ratios vs. end rotations – Test 1
Axial load effects on shear failure initiation of FSC columns were highlighted by the axial load differences
between Columns A1 and B1. Axial load in Column B1 was relatively constant throughout testing and always
higher than that of Column A1. Column A1 underwent much larger axial load variations, which varied from
slight tension in the negative drift direction to roughly the axial load level of Column B1 in the positive drift
The 14 World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
October 12-17, 2008, Beijing, China
direction. The lighter axial loads in Column A1 also resulted in smaller moments and shear forces in that
column, both in the elastic range due to tension softening and in the inelastic range due to the reduction in
flexural yield strength associated with a reduction in compressive axial load. Thus with both Columns A1 and
B1 experiencing similar levels of drifts and end rotations, the increased axial loads coupled with increased shear
forces and moments in Column B1 appear to have been the determining factors in why Column B1 failed in
shear prior to Column A1. It was not possible in these experiments to dissociate the effects of increased axial
loads from their associated increased shear forces and bending moments.
Columns A1 and B1 sustained very different shear degradation mechanisms. While Column B1 appears to
have lost most shear strength during a single cycle after shear failure initiation, Column A1 sustained multiple
cycles past shear failure initiation at similar deformation levels and experienced shear strength degradation due
to cycling (Figure 4). In other words, the shear versus drift relation of Column B1 traced a shear failure
envelope whereas Column A1 sustained more of a low-cycle fatigue failure with shear capacity diminishing
with each successive deformation cycle and accumulation of damage in the critical region. This implies that
shear strength degradation in FSC should not only be defined using a backbone curve but should also include a
damage related parameter that would reduce column shear capacity with deformation cycles beyond shear
failure initiation.
3.3.2 Discussion
In Column A1, axial failure is observed to initiate only after shear strength is reduced to a fraction of its
maximum value. For Column B1, axial failure initiation was difficult to pinpoint exactly but occurred roughly
when shear strength was reduced to a residual value. Both these observations indicate that axial failure initiation
occurs when shear strength is reduced substantially. The contrasting horizontal drift ratios at which axial
failures initiate in Columns A1 and B1 (1.6% and about 4-5% respectively) indicate that drift may not be the
driving force behind axial failure. Rather, a sufficient reduction in shear strength appears to be the driver,
regardless whether that reduction occurred in one cycle (i.e., Column B1) or through fatigue (i.e., Column A1).
The effects of framing on column axial degradation were clearly demonstrated through the contrasting
failures of Columns A1 and B1. In the case of Column B1, frame elements were able to redistribute axial load in
excess of column capacity. This resulted in a gradual axial failure, which seemed to relate to the stiffness of the
relieving framing elements and the amplitude of lateral deformations imposed during axial failure. In the case of
Column A1 where the frame could not redistribute excess axial load, axial degradation occurred more rapidly
The 14 World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
October 12-17, 2008, Beijing, China
and proceeded without pause until complete collapse. In this case however, the rate of collapse was slowed
down significantly by the crushing of material in the failing region. These results thus provide approximate
bounds on the rate of axial collapse of the specific FSC columns of the test frame. In both cases however, the
rate of collapse was “relatively” slow and resulted in low dynamic amplification of vertical accelerations.
Frame geometry and layout of critical elements are crucial in determining failure sequence and ultimately
collapse mechanisms. An edge column in a frame behaves much differently from an interior one. The
differences are attributed to axial load variability, as well as stiffness and flexural capacity of framing elements.
Inter-story drifts do not correlate well with either shear or axial failure of FSC columns. Shear failure
initiation appears to be deformation driven and is found to relate more to column end rotations than column
drifts. Shear strength was observed to degrade both monotonically with increasing lateral deformations, as well
as cyclically due to accumulation of damage with lateral deformation cycles. Axial failure was observed to
initiate when shear damage reduces shear capacity significantly to almost residual. Consequently, axial failure
initiation was not found to relate to deformations.
Compressive axial loads and associated yield moments and shear forces are negatively correlated with
deformation capacity of FSC columns at shear failure initiation. It was not possible to isolate the influence of
axial load from the associated peak lateral loads in the experiments.
Axial collapse behavior of FSC columns is governed by adjacent framing elements and their ability to
redistribute axial loads. Stiffer framing elements produce a more gradual axial subsiding mechanism that is
governed by number and amplitude of lateral deformation cycles. The absence of relieving frame elements
produces an axial collapse mechanism that, once initiated, continues up to complete collapse. In this latter case,
the rate of vertical subsiding is slowed down substantially by crushing of material in the failing region. In both
cases the rate of vertical subsiding did not produce substantial vertical acceleration amplifications.
This work was supported by the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center through the Earthquake
Engineering Research Centers Program of the National Science Foundation under award number EEC-9701568.
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed are those of the authors and do not
necessarily reflect those of the National Science Foundation.
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