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Shin Megami TenseiPersona The Tabletop Roleplaying Game

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Shin Megami Tensei Persona: The Tabletop Roleplaying Game (Production Bible)

v. 0.5 (Beta 1 Hotfix)

Principal Author: Will Canady.

Supplementary Authors: breadotop, Sebastian Sung, Chris Robichaux, Daina


Known Issues:
[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Chapter # - Character Creation [PLEASE WEAR A HARD HAT]

Table of Contents

[Under Construction]

What Kind of Game is This?
What is Shin Megami Tensei?
What is Persona?
What Can You Expect?

Character Creation
What IS Persona: the RPG?
Character Creation Checklist
The Basics
Dice System
The Attributes
Attribute Generation
Attributes in Detail
Magic Power

Persona Mechanics and the Major Arcana

[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Chapter # - Character Creation [PLEASE WEAR A HARD HAT]


“Elizabeth! We have a new group of users. They must have intriguing stories to tell…”
-Igor, to a new party.

Creating a character in Persona may seem daunting at first, especially if this is your first tabletop
role-playing game. The sheer complexity of the rules can turn off newcomers to the genre. The
jargon may seem incomprehensible and downright inane. That sentiment is totally
understandable – tabletop is not for everyone. While a game like Persona is innately complex
and due to a complex system, every effort will be made to make sure that character creation is
made as simple as possible, and easy enough for anyone to pick up. Why? To give the
prospective players, both old and new, an ease of access to the system, without being threatened
with jargon and vague bullshit.

To begin, let’s outline what Persona: the RPG is.

- (From a thematic standpoint) Persona is a tabletop RPG that blends

magic, metaphysical philosophy and mythology into an action-packed
combat and social game. Prospective players play teenagers, working
to stem the tide of evil and to protect the innocent, while also
juggling a social life at high school and managing their own
personal crises. Players fight demons by means of Personae –
mystical beings rising from the depths of one’s soul, representing
icons of world mythology.
- (From a mechanical standpoint) Persona is a system designed for
efficiency, speed and simple mechanics. While no less nuanced as
titles such as Dungeons and Dragons or Shadowrun, the game has been
tailored to be quickly set up, flexible and easy to learn for new

[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Chapter # - Character Creation [PLEASE WEAR A HARD HAT]

Character Creation Checklist

 Make sure you have:
o 1 Persona Character Sheet (either attached to this book as a
PDF file or as a google documents link).
o 2 ten-sided die.
o Up to 3 six-sided die.
o 1 GM.
 Start with your Arcana – what card do you want as your primary
card? Consider the card’s description.
 Pick your background aspects –this determines your starting
skills and how your character was raised.
 Ask your GM to ‘roll’ your attributes – roll the ten-sided
dice eight times and record the results. Take out the highest
and lowest values from the dice roll. Examine the attributes.
When you’ve found what attributes you would like to excel in,
place the values as your see fit in each attribute box. High
values are good, low values are bad.
 Determine your modifiers – how many points above 5 each
attribute is. You do not gain negative modifiers!
 Roll for your luck and starting hitpoints.
o Luck grants additional rerolls every game session in the
event that the player fails. Luck may be used anywhere. A
reroll may be ‘burned’ to avoid death if a character is
about to die. The roll for luck is a coin flip.
o Starting hitpoints are determined by a character’s Arcana
card, one of your attributes and a dice roll.
 Gain your starting Persona from your GM.
 You start with 15 exp – look over the available tactics cards
and the spells available to your starting Persona and pick the
ones you want to start with.
 And you’re done!

The Basics

Before we start with character creation, we need to outline a few basic concepts related to the
game as a system.

Dice System

[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Chapter # - Character Creation [PLEASE WEAR A HARD HAT]

Persona primarily operates on the d10, or ten-sided die, when in play. Other dice types are
utilized when necessary. For reference, the dice in use, and their use in the game engine, are as
-d2 (coin) – used for gender-determination for Personae.
-d4 (four-sided die; available at hobby stores) – used for Social Links.
-d6 (six-sided die; available with most board games) – specific situations relying on
random chance; hitpoint-related activities; chances of dropping valuables after a battle; damage
and healing rolls.
-d10 (ten-sided die; available at hobby stores) – used for damage and rolls for skill tests;
this is the dice you’ll be using for more in-game circumstances.
-d100 (considered as two ten-sided die, one representing a tens value, and the other
representing a one’s value; hundred-sided die DO exist, but they are not recommended for play)
– used for Hama/Mudo spells and percentage chances.

Online dice rolling programs exist, so don’t sweat it if you can’t find the dice you are looking

*The below is a list of jargon endemic to tabletop RPG’s. Skip to page # to continue to attributes.


Tabletop games are notorious for excessive amounts of jargon, or words that refer to specific
concepts that the culture is familiar with. Jargon can be a serious barrier of entry to new players.
Understanding this, the following list has been constructed for the player’s convenience.

-The Party – refers to the group of players currently playing the game with you.

-GM – Game Master; this person controls the world around the players, and sets up the
challenges for them to face.

-Session – A session is a 2 to 6 hour block of time devoted to playing the Tabletop game. Most
GM’s will organize this.

-Fighter – A fighter refers to a character who specializes in fighting with melee weapons.
Typically, fighters are hard to kill, but are restricted to a melee range.

-Role – this is the ‘job’ that a character tries to accomplish for the party’s benefit (or their own).

-Mage – A mage refers to a character who specializes in magic and the arcane, and uses magic to
deal damage or support the party. Typically, mages have weak defenses, but can cast magic far
away from danger.

-Rogue – A rogue refers to a character who typically uses ranged weapons to deal damage to
opponents from afar. Typically, rogues can deal significant damage, but are vulnerable if caught

[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Chapter # - Character Creation [PLEASE WEAR A HARD HAT]

off-guard. A rogue may also refer to a character who uses trickery and stealth to steal or to kill
opponents much stronger than they are.

-Assassin – An assassin refers to a character who deals high damage, but is vulnerable to
damage. Assassins lack the means to hold down their opponents, and rely on exploiting their
opponents weakness in order to beat them.

-Tank – A tank refers to a character who takes damage for their teammates, either standing
between opponents or forcing them to fight him or her. Tanks tend to have a lot of skills that
keep an opponent from moving freely, but lack the raw damage required to kill opponents.

-Support – A support refers to a character who provides status effects to other members of the
party to increase their performance, or to opponents to lower their effectiveness. Supports may
have offensive or defensive components, and their role often mixes with others.

-Healer - A healer refers to a character who restores hitpoints to other characters and removes
negative status effects. Healers are just as nascent as supports, and may blend healing elements
with offensive or defensive capabilities.

-Paladin – A Fighter class that benefits from magic attributes and normally possesses healing
abilities and holy magic.

-Necromancer – A Mage class that revolves around death and bringing the undead back to life.

-White Magic – Magic that heals or removes negative status effects.

-Black Magic – Magic that deals damage via the elements and light/dark magic.

-Green Magic – Magic that provides positive status effects to party members and inflicts
negative status effects on opponents.

-Time Magic – Magic that affects time around allies and opponents, such as extending turn
duration or shortening it.

-Buff – A positive status effect, usually granted by a healer or a support character. You want
these on your character.

-Area of Effect – The area that a spell affects; referred to as an “AoE.”

-Debuff – A negative status effect, usually cast by enemies. You do not want these. With the
right spells, you can cast them on opponents.

-NPC – Non-Player Character; This is a character controlled by the GM.

-TPK – Total Party Kill (also known as a Wipe); this happens when all player characters have
been killed during a session.

[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Chapter # - Character Creation [PLEASE WEAR A HARD HAT]

-d(soandso) – this is your dice roll to perform the action. The number before “d” is the number
of dice your roll. 1d means one dice. The number after “d” is the dice type being rolled. A d6 is
a six-sided die. For example, 1d6 is a roll of one six-sided die. A 2d10 is a roll of two ten-sided

-Modifier – the value of a skill above the average person (in this system, the average score in all
attributes is 5). If your attribute is below or at 5, the modifier counts as 0. If your attribute is
above 5, say at 6, then your modifier is 1.

-per Arcana level – this ability goes into effect every time an Arcana is leveled up. Arcana are
leveled up by gaining a number of total experience across skills, tactics cards and Personas. The
total number of experience points ever gained counts toward Arcana level.

-Test – a test is an attempt to do an action or skill that has a chance of failure. Tests are typically
done using a 1d10 as the dice type.

-Taken Against (soandso) – this is the number you have to equal in your test in order to pass a
given test. Low numbers are easier to pass, while high numbers are harder to pass.

[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Chapter # - Character Creation [PLEASE WEAR A HARD HAT]

Character Creation in Depth


Before you decide on a specific archetype and concern yourself with the mechanics of Persona,
consider what kind of character you want to make. Consider it from every angle – do you want
to make a fighter? A boxer? A boxer who chain-smokes? A man with a troubled past who balls
his insecurities into a tightened fist? A strong character comes not from the mechanics, but from
the pathos behind the design. Why does this character fight? What does (s)he deal with? What
does (s)he want to express to (or hide from) others, and how do they do it? Consider every


Persona does not have ‘classes’ like other RPGs. There is no exclusive ‘fighter’ or ‘mage’ roles.
Characters are specialized by their ‘Arcana Cards’ – tarot cards that represent a character’s soul
and combat specialization. Each card provides a description of the card’s symbolism and their
first ‘Persona.’ Any Arcana may be picked, so long as at least one element of the card is
apparent in a character’s conflict. The Persona of each Arcana card provide substantial boosts to
a player’s attributes, and give him or her access to spells and passive abilities. Persona are
tailored by their Arcana card to reflect a general combat style, like overpowering opponents with
raw physical power, or chaining them down so that others may deal damage to them. These
cards level up with experience, and grant passive effects to the player’s character.

However, you are not simply stuck to one card. Over the course of the game, you may take on
secondary cards from contact with other characters that grant you access to more Personas. As
the player gains multiple cards, and the Personas associated with them, they gain the ability to
switch out Personas in combat, effectively changing their role to fit the need of battle.

Selecting an Arcana card should be the first thing you do when you set up your character if you
don’t have a good idea of what you want to try. The cards give you a basis for a character
without necessarily pigeonholing a character into a certain backstory or class role.

Attribute System

The Persona system uses a group of six attributes: Muscle, Finesse, Intellect, Charm, Magic
Power and Aegis. Very basically:
 Muscle = raw strength and physical conditioning.
 Finesse = flexibility, agility and body control.
 Intellect = mental aptitude and intelligence.
 Charm = social competency and leadership skills.
 Magic Power = raw magical energy and application of it to the outside world.
 Aegis = resistance to outside forces acting on the soul, and the magical senses of
the individual.

[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Chapter # - Character Creation [PLEASE WEAR A HARD HAT]

There are two values in play – the “human” value, which refers to the base statistics of a
character, and the “final” value, which refers to the combination of Persona and skill bonuses to
statistics. The two values are distinct to provide transparency in calculating the combined value
of all attribute values.

Attribute Generation

There are two recommended methods for generating a character’s attributes in Persona.

Planned Generation
- This is the most ‘consistent’ generation method. All players are granted
28 attribute points to place in their attributes. No attribute may be greater
than a value of 9 or less than a value of 2 during generation.

Rolled Generation
- This is the most ‘fun’ generation method. Fun being, of course, dealing
with the fickle dice mistress. For each player, the GM rolls a ten-sided
dice 8 times and record the results on a sheet of paper. The GM drops the
highest and lowest values and offers the numbers to the player to place in
their attributes as they see fit. Of course, you may ask for a reroll of all
attributes if you are not satisfied (pending the GM’s approval).

Out of the six available statistics, you should, on average, only have two higher than average (8-
10) attribute values. This is good. A character that has everything has no room to grow. The
lack of something provides a conflict for the player AND the character. A character who lacks
Charm but excels in Intellect is implicitly encouraged by social contact to learn how to be
socially competent. A character who lacks Finesse but excels in Muscle is implicitly encouraged
by combat to learn how to be more agile.

Attributes in Detail

Below is a more nuanced description of each attribute and their use. Refer to this for any
questions concerning how Attributes work.

[Please note!] A modifier is a character’s attribute bonus above 5. This denotes how
exceptional a character is in a given attribute. That modifier works to improve your odds in skill
and to-hit tests. For example, a character with a score of 6 in one attribute has a modifier of 1 to
all skills relevant to that attribute.

[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Chapter # - Character Creation [PLEASE WEAR A HARD HAT]

Muscle (MUS) –

In gameplay, Muscle governs physical skills, hitpoints-per-level, basic movement, basic bonuses
to physical damage, and armor class.
 Physical Tests – tests for physical actions and skills, such as to climb, swim, or bust
a door down, are taken with a bonus equal to the user’s final BEEF modifier. This is
a separate modifier from the skill modifier. (e.g. if our hypothetical user has a muscle
score of 6 and a swim skill value of 3, then the test to swim is equal to 1d10 + 0 + 3,
or 1d10 + 3).
 Hitpoints at Level 1 – Your starting hitpoints are determined, in part, by Muscle.
You start with (Arcana Value) + (final BEEF modifier) hitpoints.
 Hitpoints-per-Level – every Arcana level-up, a character gains 1d6 + (final BEEF
modifier) hitpoints, not including passive bonuses from one’s Arcana and
background (e.g. a character with a final BEEF score of 9 gains 3 extra hitpoints per
level guaranteed).
 Movement (BASIC) – basic movement is related to cardiovascular endurance and
physical fitness, and therefore is covered by Muscle. Movement range is calculated
as 3 feet (or 1 square) per point of Muscle. You have a minimum of 3 squares
available for half move. After 8 points of muscle, no additional range may be granted
(e.g. if a character has 7 points of muscle, then their movement range is 21 feet, or
seven squares. If a character has 9 points of Muscle, then their movement range is
only 24 feet, equal to the value of 8 points of Muscle.).
 Bonus to Physical Damage – damage dealt by melee weapons and physical spells
gains damage equal to one’s final BEEF modifier (e.g. a character with a final BEEF
score of 9 wielding a rapier will deal 1d10 + 2 + (3)).
 Armor Class – wearing armor is a given in Persona, but not all characters can wear
the same armor. Armor class is calculated by the final BEEF value of one’s character
divided by two rounding down (e.g. if the player’s final BEEF value is 5, then they
can equip up to armor class 2.)

Finesse (FINE) -

In gameplay, Finesse governs initiative, passive evasion, counter, combat maneuvers, to-hit
chance, and armor penetration.
 Initiative – turn order in combat is determined primarily by FINE. To roll for
initiative, roll 1d10 + (final FINE Modifier). Additional modifiers from background
and Persona passives apply.
 Counter – For a reaction action, you may test to counter an inbound physical attack.
The roll for this is 1d10 + (final FINE modifier), tested against the opponent’s to-hit
roll. If the counter succeeds, then the opponent’s attack is negated and the player
deals damage with their weapon. Until the next round, passive evasion is treated as
half its value.
 Active Dodge – Dodging in this game is governed by Maneuvers, in the form of
dodge rolls, vaults, charges, sprints and leaps. Detailed below:

[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Chapter # - Character Creation [PLEASE WEAR A HARD HAT]

o You get a number of Maneuver attempts at the start of battle. This is equal to
your final FINE Modifier + 1. This operates as your ‘maneuver cap’ – the
number of maneuvers you can keep.
o A Maneuver Attempt represents an action, either as a half or reaction action.
You may attempt any Combat Maneuver as many times as you need to during
your turn until you succeed. If you run out of Attempts, you can perform the
maneuver at the cost of moving or dodging next turn.
o Attempts are taken 1d10 tests. If taken against an attack, the attempt is taken
against the opponent’s to-hit roll. If you get a higher roll, then you dodge out
of the way and take no damage. The full roll for most Attempt rolls is (1d10
+ final FINE modifier + relevant Maneuver modifiers). These modifiers
include background modifiers, skill training modifiers, Persona modifiers and
o You gain Maneuvers every round, equal to 1 + (relevant modifiers). These
modifiers include background modifiers, skill training modifiers, Persona
modifiers and spells.
o Let’s put it all together. A character has the Gymnast and Urban Explorer
backgrounds. She gains: +1 maneuver every round (Gymnast) and +2 to
Vault, Leap and Climb maneuver attempts (Urban Explorer). In addition to
this, she has a Finesse score of 8, and is wielding the Persona Boudicca, who
grants +1 Combat Maneuver cap. A test for her to climb a drainpipe, then the
resulting test is 1d10 + 3 + 2, or 1d10 + 5. If she fails the first time, say
scoring a 3 to pass a test of 9, she can roll again. She can roll 5 times before
running out of attempts, and regenerates +2 maneuvers every turn. For more
information, please see Chapter#: Combat Engine.
 To-Hit – rolling to-hit is calculated as 1d10 + (final FINE modifier), pending
bonuses from weapon type, tactics cards and Personas (e.g. if a player’s final FINE
score is 7, then their to-hit roll is considered as 1d10 + 2, pending additional
modifiers). Unless you score a 1 on your roll, a To-Hit test will hit a target that is not
actively dodging. However, a target that has at least one Maneuver can roll against
your To-Hit roll to dodge your attack. For more information, please see Chapter#:
Combat Engine
 Armor Penetration – ranged weapons do not gain additional damage per FINE;
rather, they gain armor penetration. Armor penetration on most ranged weapons (like
the bow, crossbow, thunder gun, spirit gun, etc.) is calculated as Weapon value +
final FINE modifier.
 Practical Skills – Skills that relate to a practical application of one’s intelligence and
workmanship, such as First Aid, Tracking, Lock Picking and Car Maintenance, are
put under the general banner of Practical Skills. They can be upgraded individually.
Tests to utilize practical skills are taken like Technical skills: 1d10 + (skill modifier)
+ (final FINE modifier).
o Driving is considered a practical skill, but a character may only drive after
reaching skill level 5. After that point, a character may Drive freely, but is
subject to driving tests at the whim of the GM.

[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Chapter # - Character Creation [PLEASE WEAR A HARD HAT]

Intellect (INT) –

In gameplay, Intellect governs scholarly skills, technical skills, practical skills, skill experience
gain, and Tactics cards.
 Scholarly Skills – Skills related to subjects like math, science, literature and higher
arts is directly affected by INT. These skills include: medical skill, mathematics,
biology, history, literature, music and mass culture lore. Tests for scholarly lore are
taken as 1d10 + (skill modifier) + (final INT modifier) (e.g. if one takes a test to
remember a compound interest equation - their math value equal to 3, and their INT
score equal to 6 - then the final equation is 1d10 + 3 + 1 or 1d10 + 4;).
 Skill Experience – Skills can be upgraded by spending experience, offering minor
boosts. Skills can only be upgraded after performing the skill at least once during a
session. Intellect reduces the cost of skill upgrades by a value equal to a player’s
final INT modifier above 8, reflecting aptitude in learning (e.g. an upgrade in
swimming that would cost 16 skill points would instead cost 15 skill points if one’s
final INT value is 9).
 Tactics Cards – (further delineated in: Tactics Cards) Tactic cards are
representations of strategic maneuvers and the combat priorities of a given character,
in the form of tiered cards. Each card conveys a minor stat or skill buff that affects
combat directly. The card is declared at the start of battle, and is in play until it is
switched out. Cards may only be switched out once per round. All characters get at
least two tactic cards at level 1, and can purchase more with experience. Intellect
directly impacts the amount of a player’s tactics cards and the cost of buying new
cards. Specifically, INT grants:
o A number of free tier 1 tactic cards at level 1 equal to 2 + (final INT
modifier - 1)(no less than two).
o A reduction in tactic card cost equal to a player’s final INT modifier; e.g.
10% off per point of intellect above 5, rounding down (e.g. a tactics card
that would normally cost 10 exp will cost 5 exp if one’s final INT value is
10, a 50% cost reduction).

Charm (TALK) –

In gameplay, Charm governs social skills, awareness, and group tactics cards.
 Social Skills – Charm is the basic barometer for social skills. The test for all social
skills uses the basic model of 1d10 + (final TALK modifier). It should be noted that
tests to perform specific social skills, like intimidate and bluff, gain modifiers from
background and skills, but are taken opposed (e.g. testing to intimidate another
student, if one’s TALK value is 8 and their intimidate modifier is 2, uses 1d10 + 3 +
2, or 1d10 + 5).
 Awareness – socially competent individuals are, surprisingly, very good at noticing
subtle changes around them. While a character with high finesse may be focused
entirely in their craft, and a character with high intellect may be an absent-minded
egghead, a character with strong social sense WILL notice if someone is acting
strange, or if something has gone missing. Thus, awareness. This skill is nebulous,
and may refer to noticing missing objects or assessing a room. Testing for awareness

[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Chapter # - Character Creation [PLEASE WEAR A HARD HAT]

takes a 1d10 + (final TALK modifier) roll, taken against a number decided by the
 Group Tactics Cards – certain tactics cards may only be applied to the group. These
cards are more expensive and require TALK test before they can be applied. TALK
directly affects the cost of these cards and the ease of playing them:
o Cost reduction for group tactics cards is a function of TALK. Cost reduction
is equal to 10% off per point of Intellect modifier, rounding down (e.g. the
card “Hunker Down!” has a base cost of 15 exp. Our hypothetical character
has an INT value of 4, but also a TALK value of 9. Therefore, the total cost
reduction applied to the card is 40%, and the final cost of the card is (roughly)
8 exp.).
o TALK tests to play Group Tactics cards are taken as 1d10 + (final TALK
modifier -2), against the challenge number on the card (e.g. a card with the
challenge number 6 requires the player to score a 6 or higher to apply the

Magic Power (MP) – Contrary to popular belief, magic IS real. And you can use it. Personas
manifest due to magical essence, and can utilize magic to empower their user. However, not all
Personas and nost all humans are equal with regards to their magical potential. Magic Power, or
MP, is the yardstick to measure to measure this capability. It should be noted that MP measures
the potential magical power of the Persona, not the sophistication of its power. Aegis covers

In gameplay, MP governs the spirit point pool, spell damage, magic tests and magical movement.
 Spirit Points – “Mana” in Persona is defined as ‘spirit points,’ representing a
character’s will and spiritual stamina. Every point of final MP value grants 4
Spirit Points to the overall SP pool at the start of the game, on top of a flat 10 SP
that is granted to every character. (e.g. A character with 5 MP starts with a mana
pool of 30 SP, that is 10 + 20 granted from MP). Additional effects granted by
Persona abilities apply.
 Spell Range – Spells can only be cast as far as a character can extend their magic.
Spell range is determined by a function of MP and a base value. A player may
cast magic at a range equal to 4 + (MP modifier). This is expressed as (final
number x final number) – for example, a range of 4 is a 4x4 square. For AoE
spells, the entirety of the AoE must be within in the spell range before it can be
cast (e.g. A player with an MP of 8 gains a spell range of 7x7 squares, as a
function of their modifier (3) + 4).
 Damage – most mainline spells (the Bufu, Agi, Garu, and Zio schools) gain
power from MP, either arithmetically (e.g. x + 2) and multiplicatively (e.g. 2x).
Outside of the mainline, some spells apply flat damage, others utilize unique
formulas, and special ones like Hama and Mudo that use instant kill mechanics
gain increased chance per MP.
 Magical Movement – characters with high MP may use their magic to empower
their movement. This includes aided jumps, levitation, and time dilated
movement and phasing through solid objects.

[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Chapter # - Character Creation [PLEASE WEAR A HARD HAT]

o When attempting magic jumps or levitation, the test taken is equal to 1d10
+ (final MP value) against the target numbers 10 and 12 respectively. A
character with 9 or more MP or the Persona skill ‘Jump’ or ‘Levitation’
does not have to test to perform the aforementioned skills.
o Time-dilated movement is attached to time magic, and its effects are
gained when the spell is cast. The two basic Time spells, Haste and Slow,
increase an ally’s movement range by (final MP modifier) squares and
reduce an opponent’s movement range by half respectively. Applying
such magic to allies requires no tests, but costs significant amounts of
mana to apply. The test to apply time magic to opponents is equal to
1d10 + (final AEGIS modifier) + (final MP modifier), taken against the
opponent’s Spell Block value.

Aegis (AEGIS) – The urge to shield one’s ego from harm extends past the metaphysical sense
for Persona users. Humans and Personas possess natural defenses against magical and
extradimensional threats, but only together can the two forces defend themselves competently. It
should be noted that Aegis is not just the defense of the ego – it acts as the outer senses and the
influence of will beyond force. Like ego itself, Aegides considerably between people and
Personas – some are built to take abuse, while others are fragile and easy to shatter.

In gameplay, Aegis governs to-hit chance for spells, magical damage reduction, Spirit Points per
level, scan, magical senses and rerolls.
 To-Hit – Aegis is utilized for magic to-hit tests, for damaging and debuff spells. This
is calculated as 1d10 + (final AEGIS modifier), pending bonuses from spell type, tactics
cards and Personas (e.g., if a player’s final AEGIS value is 7, then their to-hit roll is
1d10 + 2).
 Willpower – As constructs of the human unconscious, shadows can influence and
outright control human emotions, provoking panic, confusion, fear and outright
sabotage against their prey. Persona-users have the ability to fight this fuckery with
their strong Aegides. Tests to apply status ailments like Fear, Charm and Panic are
resisted by Willpower, a separate modifier. Willpower tests are equal to 1d10 +
(Willpower modifier).
o Willpower is granted through backgrounds, Arcana passives, Persona abilities,
passives and through skill training.
o Willpower is also tested in non-combat attempts to affect a character’s mind,
such as mass panic, hypnosis and abject fear from incomprehensible monsters.
 Magical Damage Reduction – Serving as the defense to one’s ego, AEGIS acts as a
shield to magic damage. In game terms, this is MDR (magic damage reduction). MDR
is calculated as one’s AEGIS value over 8 (for example, a character with an Aegis of 9
gains +1 MDR). MDR is augmented by armor pieces, tactics cards, spells and Persona
 SP-per-Level – SP-per-Level is affected by AEGIS as a function of its value. All
players gain 4 + AEGIS modifier every level (e.g. a player who starts with 8 AEGIS
gains 4 + (3) SP per level).
 Scan – Scan is a special skill that is treated like a standard skill, but is augmented in
part by AEGIS. It is the only skill whose tests are directly augmented by AEGIS. Tests

[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Chapter # - Character Creation [PLEASE WEAR A HARD HAT]

to scan a target are taken as 1d10 + (skill modifier) + (AEGIS modifier), against the
target’s Aegis value. The target does not challenge Scan tests, and there is no penalty
for failing the test. Scan is trained up by scanning shadows (elaborated in the Scan
subsection of Chapter#: Skills)(e.g. if a player wants to test to examine a typical
shadow, and they have – Scan skill modifier of 3 and AEGIS modifier of 3 – then the
roll to make is 1d10 + 3 + 3, or 1d10 + 6).
 Magical Senses – Senses in Persona are treated ambiguously; they can refer to all sorts
of tests made to examine magical phenomena and evaluate their function. All tests
made in this sense are taken as 1d10 + (AEGIS modifier).

[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Chapter # - Character Creation [PLEASE WEAR A HARD HAT]


Everybody comes from somewhere.

A background is a general descriptor of how a character grew up – essentially, how a character

developed in relation to the social and economic forces around them. This is organized into
aspects. Each background aspect grants a benefit, typically related to specific tests, costs or
values not directly associated with the main attributes. All players pick two background aspects
for free during character creation. If a player wishes, they may opt out of a background aspect,
and instead gain an additional point in any attribute.

In addition, a player may sacrifice starting experience points to buy more backgrounds (as
additional aspects of one’s development) before the game starts, at a cost of 10 experience points
per aspect. For example, a player who takes Boy Scout as their starting background can also
take Gangland if they so desire for free, as well as Amateur Detective at a cost of some of their
starting experience points. Some background aspects are mutually exclusive from one another,
and may not be taken together. In addition, a background may not be taken multiple times.

It should be noted that Personas are not limited to people, or even animals. Robots, like AEGIS,
and shadow-beings, like Teddie, can possess Personas as well, and bring specialized tools with
them into battle. Such beings are classified as ‘Unique’ backgrounds, for the purpose of game
mechanics. You may pick a Unique background during character select, but if you do so, you
must forfeit all starting experience and follow a specialized set of rules during gameplay.
Almost all Unique backgrounds have crippling social problems, so please bear that in mind
before considering one.

Keep in mind that each background has the capacity to be expanded upon in-game, as part of
roleplay. This is highly recommended - a character with rich history and complex interactions
with the world around them has many potential avenues of roleplay material.

[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Chapter # - Character Creation [PLEASE WEAR A HARD HAT]


Simply put, your family has been rich for a long time. Financial hardships have been nonexistent
for you. However, the affluent life tends to lack conflict, and is inherently full of material
comforts. As a result, you are more vulnerable to ennui, depression and anxiety.

Cannot be taken with Poverty or Young Entrepreneur.

Benefit: +6000 Starting Yen (+60 Starting Dollars);

Penalties: -1 to Willpower Modifier

Amateur Detective

The truth is out there, and it’s your duty to find it. You decided a long time ago, by intrigue or
by righteous indignation, that you wanted to become a detective. Since then, you have been
training your mind to be sharper and your senses better equipped, to handle the ‘big’ cases later
in your life.

Benefit: Gain +2 to Awareness Tests.

Archery Alumni

You have been trained how to wield a bow, to a highly competent degree. Most of the time, this
is the result of a club’s influence during school years, but this is not always the case. To some,
bow training might actually be a skill linked closely to one’s heritage.

Benefits: Gain +1 To-Hit Chance and +1 Armor Penetration when wielding Bow Weapons.


Your time in primary and secondary school has been devoted to sports, and you have the
physical fitness to show for it. Your body is conditioned to constant activity, as well as short
bursts of energy when needed.

Benefits: Once per session, you can automatically pass a Combat Maneuver attempt.

Band Geek

Don’t be ashamed of all the hours you put in marching the school show, honking that horn.
Embrace it! You are a band geek, a student who’s spent a large chunk of their life performing
for school bands and pit orchestra. The experience has gifted you incredible endurance, but life-
scarring bunions and hand welts.

[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Chapter # - Character Creation [PLEASE WEAR A HARD HAT]

Benefits: You do not suffer penalties for becoming winded. However, after you do take a wind,
if you run out of combat maneuver attempts when an enemy attacks you, you must accept the


A natural disposition towards solving problems with your fists has led to a career as a boxer.
Fist-fighting for you might be part of a career in the future, or it just might be a hobby.
Regardless, you are still a force to be reckoned with in melee, and you know this.

Benefits: Gain either the Tactic Card “Double-Up” OR +1 to Counter attempts.

Boy Scout

All that time spent getting Condor Scout pays for itself. Since you were a small child, you have
been part of a youth organization dedicated to wilderness survival and practical skills, such as
first aid and tracking. Whether you graduated from that organization or not is up to you to

Benefits: You may reroll any Practical Skill test made in-game once during a session; Gain +3
skill points in any one Practical Skill.

Close Friends

While you might not have had the biggest social group growing up, the friends you made were
extremely close to you, almost life partners. This has affected your social skills – you socialize
better with one or two people at a time, and create much stronger relationships over time.

Benefits: The first three social links you make require half the amount of time to level up.

Country Kid

Growing up in a rural part of the country has its own benefits. Particularly as a child of a rancher
or large scale farmer, you have had experience working long hours in the open air, and have
developed a generally tough physique as a result.

Cannot be taken with Urban Explorer.

Benefits: Gain +3 hitpoints.

[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Chapter # - Character Creation [PLEASE WEAR A HARD HAT]


Of all things, religion sits in the center of your universe. Growing up in a highly religious
household, you have developed a strong sense of faith and identity. This translates into a
stronger overall Ego. How healthy this relationship is, and the effects of dogma on a developing
mind, are up to you to decide.

Cannot be taken with Spiritual Medicine.

Benefits: Gain +1 MDR; Gain two levels in Religious Lore of your choice.

Driven to Succeed

Coming in second is just as bad as losing for you. You have developed a heightened sense of
achievement and have gained a strong work ethic. Though, no matter where this drive comes
from or what it is being put into, it is probably not healthy.

Benefits: +1 Initiative; +1 to any one To-Hit category (Finesse or Aegis).

Early Contact

The revelation of Personas does not come as a complete shock to you – in fact, you have always
had a feeling that something was watching over you as you grew up. A guardian angel, perhaps?
An imaginary friend? That was contact with your Persona, and simply knowing it exists is a feat
worthy of some recognition.

Benefits: Gain any one Level 1 spell from the Arcana Bank for free for your starting Persona.


Being a shoulder to lean on is a valuable skill on its own. Though not necessarily the center of
any major trauma, you have acted as a mediating force for those around you who have dealt with
pain and loss. You take trauma with a much calmer edge, and can face that negative energy with
an uncommon optimism and sense of perspective.

Benefits: +10 Starting SP

Flamboyant Schemer

[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Chapter # - Character Creation [PLEASE WEAR A HARD HAT]

Another day, another scheme. Long days of your childhood were spent coming up with bigger
and bigger schemes to achieve greater things. Money, fame, power, members of the opposite
sex. Some might call you a dreamer, but you are smarter than that. Wondering how to get ahead
in life for so long has given you profound insight into planning and putting together operations.

Benefits: All group tactics cards cost 20% less.


Some streets are just meaner than others. You grew up on such a street, and know the struggle of
gang life like nobody else. Either working with or against gangs has given you the skills
necessary to survive in an unstable, violent urban environment.

Benefits: Gain +2 to Bluff and Intimidate tests;


Your body is nimble and thin, and has been conditioned to control its reflexes. Effectively, this
means that you can evade attacks and move through hazardous terrain more easily. Such
conditioning can come from anywhere – a parent, cheerleading, idle curiosity. Regardless, the
developmental effects, the focus on grace and balance, are apparent.

Benefits: +1 additional Combat Maneuver attempt every round.

Honors Student

You have spent your school life at the top of the intellectual food chain, making consistent good
grades across all of your classes. While not necessarily intelligent, you are still very diligent,
and can accomplish repetitive, arbitrary tasks easily. Just don’t expect your A’s to save you from
a punch to the face.

Benefits: Use double your INT score for homework, tests and projects; Tasks that require filling
out forms or writing take half the usual time.

Hardware Junkie

Being a nerd has its perks. Working with computers for most of your childhood, mostly in
slotting in new parts and tampering with GPUs and RAM, has given you a base of knowledge
about computer construction and repair. And presumably, a little know-how about circuitry and
mechanics too.

[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Chapter # - Character Creation [PLEASE WEAR A HARD HAT]

Benefits: Automatically succeed on any attempt to dismantle or disable circuitry or mechanical


Icon of Cool

Among your peers, you are the cream of the crop. The coolest kid ever to walk to the earth.
That might be embellishing a bit, but you are still an icon among your old social groups. You
exemplify elements of ‘coolness’ in social environments – elements such as a willing rejection of
authority figures and a natural sense of control.

Benefits: Your charm modifier is doubled in environments with more than 3 NPCs.


Stuffing your nose in books all your life wasn’t a bad idea, in retrospect. You are knowledgeable
about a variety of subjects, to an almost pedantic degree. Note that this also extends to technical
skills as well, as intellectualism can have practical applications.

Benefits: Select one non-magical skill group. You may reroll any skill within that skill group
once per session.

Kung Fu Fanatic

Bruce Lee? Jet Li? Donnie Yen? You know the greats, and you know them down to their
signature moves. You are a fanatic for Hong Kong-style Martial Arts films, and have practiced
for years to perfect that crane kick. Practically, this increases your capabilities in combat while

Benefits: Increase all damage dealt and reduce all damage taken by 1 when unarmed.

Kendo Veteran

Fortunately enough, you have had weapon’s training before having to deal with shadows, in the
form of Kendo. Kendo is a high-contact sport, using bamboo swords in simulated combat.
Often, it is represented as a school club. Being part of the sport for so long has given you a
significant advantage with swords that is valuable to the party.

Benefits: Gain +1 To-Hit Chance When Using 1H and 2H Swords.

[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Chapter # - Character Creation [PLEASE WEAR A HARD HAT]

Modern Musician

Music is a good outlet for that teenage infatuation/rage, and you have recognized that. Operating
alone or with friends, you have developed a proficiency with modern instruments. In the long
run, this has improved your hand dexterity significantly. As years of flubbing those chords
ought to do.

Benefits: Gain +1 to Music Tests; All Finesse related skills cost 1 Skill Point less to upgrade,
stacking per level.


The absence of nature can be a disturbing thing. Such is the case with you – you have grown up
away from an urban environment, and are most at home in a natural setting. Naturally, you
picked up a few wilderness survival skills as you were growing up, whether you were conscious
of it or not.

Cannot be taken with Urban Explorer or Video Game Prodigy.

Benefits: You cannot get lost in a ‘natural’ environment; Gain +3 skill points in any practical


Your life lacks much of the material amenities of modern life. To put it simply, your family is
poor, and it has been poor for a long time. But that is not necessarily a bad thing. Being poor
builds character, and makes a person more able to resist to depression and panic.

Cannot be taken with Affluence.

Benefits: Gain +1 to your Willpower Modifier;

Penalties: -2000 Starting Yen (-20 Starting Dollars)


Living in the shadow of a military parent is never easy. Your life has been strictly regimented
for several years, and you have learned to go without material comforts. The experience might
have left a few scars that have yet to heal. However, your upbringing has given you an
uncommon discipline and competence to most tasks asked of you.

Benefits: Twice per session, on a 1d10 roll, you may take a 5 instead of rolling the dice.

[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Chapter # - Character Creation [PLEASE WEAR A HARD HAT]

Self Defense

You told yourself you weren’t going to take their shit anymore and you meant it. Over the years,
you have developed a brutal, but effective way of answering bullies and detractors – beating the
snot out of them. With this comes a natural “savoir faire” when fighting groups; gangs have a
harder time using their numerical advantage on you.

Benefits: Gain +1 to combat maneuver attempts for every two enemies in sight, bonus capping
at +5.

Slaving Artist

True art is hard, thankless work. You have spent a long time developing an artistic craft, and the
results are remarkable. Your art is good. Really good. Supported or not by your peers, it has
developed into a sophisticated form, tempered by high competency with one’s hands and an
active, creative mind.

Benefits: Omega Personas carry 4 skills with them into fusion, rather than 3. Overwrite rules
apply as normal.

Social Animal

You have developed a larger than average social circle, centering around school or one of your
passions. Whether due to circumstance or talent in a social environment, you are, in the very
least, skilled with creating and maintaining many relationships at one time.

Benefits: Social Link decay with NPCs does not go into effect until two weeks (normally one
week) after the last social event.

Spiritual Medicine

Spiritual arts, such as Tai Chi, Yoga, Reiki, Ayurvedic medicine, Tarot, Wiccanism or Zhong Yi,
has served as an escape for you from the rigors of everyday life. Practice with other ‘exotic’
spiritual systems has given you a wider worldview and a stronger sense of self.

Cannot be taken with Dogmatist.

Benefits: Gain +1 to all Magical Sense Tests and Scan Tests; Gain 1 level in a Scholarly Lore
relating to non-mainstream belief systems.

[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Chapter # - Character Creation [PLEASE WEAR A HARD HAT]

TCG Fanatic

Yes, playing TCG is a useful skill. You devoted a significant amount of your childhood to
trading card games and games of skill, and have developed a strong strategic sense as a result.
This translates to a more out-of-the-box approach to tactics, mechanically speaking.

Benefits: All tactics cards cost 1 + X less experience points, X being your primary Arcana

Urban Explorer

The city is just another jungle, waiting to be explored. You have developed an innate fascination
with urban environments, and often find yourself exploring abandoned buildings and complexes.
The skills to climb into and wander around said buildings and complexes come naturally.

Cannot be taken with Country Kid.

Benefit: +2 to Vault, Leap and Climb maneuver attempts.

Video Game Prodigy

And yes, being good at video games is a useful skill too. No matter what genre, video games
teach some modicum of hand-eye coordination and opportunity cost. Online takes this a step
further, introducing a socializing element. Though, you’re probably picking this option to make
Persona references. Fair enough.

Cannot be taken with Outdoors(wo)man.

Benefits: Start with 2 additional free level 1 normal tactics cards at the beginning of the game.

Young Professional

Is learning a trade skill all that bad? You have turned your attention to a trade at an early age,
like tailoring or accounting. In pursuit of your trade, you have gained valuable experience
working as an understudy to a professional. It’s a very practical option, but keep in mind that
your social life and your childhood are important too.

Cannot be taken with Affluence.

Benefits: +5000 Starting Yen (+50 Starting Dollars); +1000 Yen every Week (+10 Dollars
every week).
Penalties: Two Afternoons of the school week must be dedicated to work.

[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Chapter # - Character Creation [PLEASE WEAR A HARD HAT]

Unique Backgrounds

In exchange for starting experience points, a player may elect to select a ‘unique’ background,
one that confers significant bonuses, but also significant costs. These backgrounds represent
non-human entities who can wield Persona, and humans caught abnormal circumstances.

The costs associated with these uniques vary – the Manufactured, for example, takes longer to
develop their social links, and has to pay more for new skills. The Shadow does not attend
school, and may only make social links with other Player Characters. The Psychic hears the
thoughts of others, whether or not (s)he wants to. These costs fundamentally change gameplay
for a character with a Unique Background. It is not recommended to start with a Unique
background unless you are already familiar with the system.

A character with a Unique Background may not be with the party when the game starts, due to
the background’s nature. The GM should be mindful of this.



Originally seen in: N/A

Characters in precedent: N/A

Persona awakenings sometimes don’t go as smoothly as they usually do. Such was the case with
yours. When the evoker was brought to your head and fired into your skull, SOMETHING
broke. Your ego twisted and morphed under the stress, and, without any means of reform itself,
it split in two. Two halves, carrying the same basic ego. The Anima and the Animus; the female
and male aspect respectively. You are one of these halves, born as the opposite sex of an NPC or
party member. You embody the opposite aspect of their primary gender, almost to an extreme
(though bear in mind – a feminine guy will make a masculine girl, while a feminine girl will
create a masculine guy; vice versa).

It should be noted that there are no particular mechanical benefits or penalties to the Animus
background. The Animus is primarily a roleplay challenge, to explore concepts gender identity.

Mechanics: If you are the Animus of a player character, you are spawned during the Persona
awakening sequence. You possess their Arcana card (except in the case of Priestess (will default
to Magus or vice versa) and Empress (will default to Emperor and vice versa)), their starting
Persona, and their background, but you may roll your attributes as normal. In roleplay, you
possess a diametrically opposed gender identity to your origin – a guy who acts somewhat
feminine will produce a somewhat masculine Anima; a girl who acts deeply masculine will
produce a deeply feminine Animus. This is not a hard and fast rule – the two player characters
should not be stereotypes of gender roles, but realistic opposites, with varying degrees of nuance
to their actions and preferences.
If you are the Animus to an NPC, there are no effective differences between the construction of
an Animus and another player characters.

[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Chapter # - Character Creation [PLEASE WEAR A HARD HAT]

The Anima crisis may be resolved later in the campaign, at the discretion of the GM. In the
event of the crisis being resolved, both halves are recombined into a single being, taking the best
Attributes of each character and the highest leveled social links with it.


Originally seen in: Persona 3

Characters in precedent: A.E.G.I.S.

Science is constantly expanding in new directions, even into metaphysical concepts. In a bid to
tap into the Persona, a clandestine, highly dubious organization created you. You are, by all
counts, a manufactured entity with an artificial consciousness. Whether robot, clone, android or
other abject monstrosity of science, you have been developed to harbor a soul, to wield a Persona
in tandem with an arsenal of weapons. The science isn’t perfect, however – your Personas are
weaker than those of other party members, and you weren’t exactly built to socialize. If you
want to earn the trust of the party, it is going to be a struggle to do so.

Benefits: Gain +1 Finesse, Strength and Intellect; Gain one Gun or Melee Weapon with two
level 2 upgrades for Free.
Penalties: Take -2 to MP and AEGIS; Attempts to use Charm-related skills other than
intimidate will automatically fail until you reach Arcana level 5. After that point, you take -4 to
attempt charm skills, reduced by 1 for each Arcana level above 5.


Originally seen in: N/A

Characters in precedent: N/A

Unsurprisingly, the evoker is not the only way to access the Persona. Those gifted with
abnormal psychic power have the capacity to summon their own Persona without a trigger. You
are one such person. You have known your ‘Persona’ for years, as a psychic force that interacts
with the world around you. Coming into contact with Shadows has manifested that force into a
metaphysical form, capable of acting in concert with you. On the plus side, you possess a much
stronger AEGIS than other characters, and are capable of breaking through almost any
opposition. Unfortunately, you cannot ‘turn off’ your Persona out of battle, and you are subject
to frequent migraine headaches.

Benefits: Gain +3 to AEGIS; May not be affected by targeted enemy crowd controls or ailments
(fears, roots, blinds, stuns, knockback and rage) (AoE crowd controls still apply);
Penalties: Using more than 50% of your maximum SP over the course of a session imposes a
migraine headache upon your character in the next session, applying -2 to all tests until the end
of the session; In addition, your character is unable to ‘turn off’ their psychic abilities. They can
hear the thoughts of those around them, whether (s)he wants to hear them or not. There are no
mechanical penalties associated with this fact, but keep in mind that keeping secrets from this
character is nigh on impossible.

[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Chapter # - Character Creation [PLEASE WEAR A HARD HAT]


Originally seen in: Persona 2: Innocent Sin

Characters in precedent: Joker

By sheer force of popular belief, YOU have come into being. You are an amalgam of the
popular unconscious, put together by the will of people who believe you exist. You may be a
ghost, an urban myth, that mythical ‘black friend’ everybody seems to have, a historical figure
back from the dead, or simply a monster. Regardless, you are real, and your impact is real. Any
of above are possible forms, as long as enough people believe, and the idea is widely spread. Of
course, your existence, and power as a Persona wielder, is entirely based on belief. If your
rumor disappears, you will fade out of existence, and people will forget you.

Benefits: Start with a Social Link with every party member, as well one with the Arcana of the
World; Gain the passive effects of two of your Secondary Arcana (barring hitpoints);
Penalties: Your Social Link with the World starts at level 6, and decays by 15 points every
week. This represents your power. You must maintain your existence by continually appearing
in the public consciousness. All attempts to advance a social link with an NPC or player
character will default back to the World, and all points earned will go towards the World. (NPC
social links may be started, but not advanced; Player-bound social links are equal to the player’s
Primary Arcana level). At level 6, all attributes and values are unaffected. For every level under
6, you take -2 to all values. If the Social Link with the World ever reaches level 1, then you will
die. If you ever make it to Arcana Level 10, you will be considered a public icon, and decay will
Multiple Characters: In the event that multiple characters, or the whole party, would like to
start with Rumor, each Rumor takes 3 less decay per week per other Rumor in the party. If the
entire party is made up of Rumors, then the decay does not apply, and the World Arcana is set to
level 1 (the game will be tailored to meet the expectations of a non-standard party).

Shadow Self

Originally seen in: Persona 4

Characters in precedent: Shadow Yousuke; Shadow Chie; Shadow Yukiko; Shadow Rise;
Shadow Teddie; Shadow Kanji; Shadow Naoto; Shadow Adachi

“I am a shadow… the true self…”

You were born in the void of the ethereal world, spawned from a human unwilling to face their
‘darker’ self. You were the id to his or her ego, the part of their soul that represents everything
they repressed and feared. They could not accept that you were a part of them. So, you killed
them. Now, taking the mantle of this character out into the human world, you have joined the
party. You may be strong, but you are still a newborn spirit, just grappling with the demands of

[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Chapter # - Character Creation [PLEASE WEAR A HARD HAT]

Benefits: Gain +1 Attribute Point in all Attributes except Charm; You may transform into a
Shadow Form, dealing +3 extra damage from all sources and taking -2 less damage from all
sources until combat ends; available once per session.
Penalties: You are the shadow of a (formerly) living being, and thusly are not capable of using
a ‘social mask’ at the start of the game. Your Charm value is set to 0. While you are conscious
of your actions, you cannot fathom why humans feel the need to hide aspects of themselves from
others. You are always honest about your feelings of other characters, and cannot feel shame
about being honest. In addition, using Shadow Form at any time lowers all social links who
witness your transformation by 1 level, including your party members. Other party members are
obliged to be disgusted and/or horrified by your appearance, though they may get used to it. As
your primary Arcana levels up, your social prowess will become stronger, and your obligations
to be honest will eventually disappear. Gain 1 Charm every Arcana level-up.
Multiple Characters: If there is more than one Shadow Self in the campaign, all Shadow
Selves have their human Charm value set to 1 higher per additional Shadow Self. If the whole
party chooses to be a Shadow Self, the Charm penalty is removed. The GM is obliged to tailor
the campaign to fit the needs of the party.


Originally seen in: Persona 4

Characters in precedent: Teddie

Being able to summon a Persona requires only consciousness. A human shape or even a
physical form is wholly optional. You are a shadow who developed conscious, a metaphysical
entity created by the collective unconscious. What makes you different from the Rumor is that
you are not a figure humans think is real, but a manifestation of mental energy that has gained
consciousness over time. This energy may be anger, sadness, happiness, compassion for
something, introspection; anything that deals with the mind is fair game. Importantly, you have
agency over yourself, and are in complete control of your existence. However, you are one of
the only sentient shadows, if not the only one. In a place like the Otherworld, defined by
constant violence and chaos, if you are alone and relatively weak, your days are numbered. You
may not like it, but you will have to join the party and find a way into the human world, or die
alone in the wastes of the Otherworld.

Benefits: Start at Arcana Level 2; Gain +1 to damage rolls; Take -1 less damage from all
sources; Gain +5 HP;
Penalties: Until Arcana Level 5, you cannot leave the otherworld in an ‘acceptable’ form – that
of human shape. This means, effectively, that you cannot train skills or form social links with
human NPCs. When you hit Arcana Level 5, you may choose to create a human form to take in
the human world. In addition, until you hit Arcana Level 5, you must roll a 1d10 if you stay in
the Otherworld for three or more days out of the week. The encounter table is as follows:
 If you roll a 1 or a 10, you gain a Persona on a 2d20 roll.
 If you roll a 2 or a 9, you must fight a pack of common-level shadows from the current
dungeon level on your own.

[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Chapter # - Character Creation [PLEASE WEAR A HARD HAT]

 If you roll a 3 or 8, you gain Yen equal to the total combined value of your attributes +
 If you roll 4 or 6, you must fight a common-level shadow from your dungeon level on
your own.
 If you roll a 5, you must fight a rare-level shadow from your dungeon level on your

This represents the struggle to survive in the Otherworld, and its potential dangers and rewards.

Chapter # - The Persona and the Major Arcana

I art Thou… Thou art I… From the depths of your soul, I arise…

Personas are the source of power for the player characters. This is what distinguishes you from
NPCs and ‘normal’ people, and allow you to fight the forces of They represent their social
identity given shape, granting them the ability to fight shadows and to affect the spiritual world.
In game, a Persona is a combination of an aura and a toolkit. Players amass Personas over the
game through fusion, loot and through exp buys. Every Persona comes with unique spells,
attribute bonuses and passive effects that empower the user to a great degree. It is a core aspect
of a player’s gameplay style. However, only one may be active at a time, and each one has
weaknesses inherent to them. The opportunity cost of choosing which Persona to attain and
which to play in battle is the driving factor of Persona.

A little metaphysical philosophy.

The idea of the ‘Persona’ comes from Carl Gustav Jung and Sigmund Freud. A persona is the
metaphysical exertion of one’s self, taking the form of a social mask that one develops during
socialization. Essentially, it is the identity that others see, that both represents your ego AND
shields your ego from harm. A persona is essential to establish contact with others – it bridges
the boundaries between conscious minds, through the medium of language and gesture.

However, you will never know your ego intimately. As you develop and socialize, you develop
your Persona over your ego, as you come to understand social culture. Your Persona is,
effectively, the representation of your conscious mind, and your ego is the unconscious.

One’s soul is in constant flux, taking and rejecting information to reinforce its conception of the
universe in relation to itself. On the one hand, the soul subconsciously works to reinforces itself,
and establish order within the personal space, e.g. your mind. On the other hand, the soul cannot
account for outside influences. Everything and everyone around one’s self has an agency that
you cannot control. You can control your reaction to them, and influence them to a degree, but
you cannot actively control them. The constant interplay between the chaotic outside world and
the self-ordering inner world establishes one’s social identity, the persona. The persona protects
the ego from harm.

Your ‘true’ self does not exist, at least according to Jung and Freud. By ‘true,’ we mean a self
that represents a concept of you that only you know. The self does not develop in a vacuum, and
cannot be isolated beyond any outside influences. The self that embodies you, the one that
interfaces with others, is the sum total of your life’s efforts to socialize with and rationalize about
the world around itself.

TLDR; It’s the public self. You need a Persona to talk to others, because souls cannot talk to
each other. The Persona shields you from bad things.


Chapter # - The Persona and the Major Arcana

For the vast majority of humanity, unless you’re a sad philosophy major, Ego, Personas and
social identity are irrelevant, compared to pressing concerns of everyday life.

However, by one way or another, you (your player character, anyway; please don’t try to
‘summon persona’ at home) have gained the potential to summon your own Persona. While you
are not the first to be able to do this, you (and the rest of the party) are among the most important
people in the world right now.

You are one of the few things standing between the Demiurge and the rest of the world (or your
local apocalyptic equivalent – far be it from me to discriminate).

Chapter # - The Persona and the Major Arcana

The Arcana

Persona are organized by the major Arcana – a set of trump Tarot cards that carry specific
meanings through allegory. There are twenty major Arcana, each representing a different aspect
of the soul and conflict within it.

Instead of a class, the player chooses a primary Arcana card, and gains secondary cards (in-game
as ‘social links’) as the game progresses. The card acts as the ‘base’ specialization of the
character, providing a passive bonus to the character and a unique Persona when the PC receives
their invoker.

The card maintains a Level, reflecting the development of the Persona that the PC wields. As the
character matures, so do their social masks, I.E. their Personae. The Arcana Level determines
the Personae a player character may summon, as well as the hitpoints-per-level of a character.
Level is not ‘precisely’ calculated – while Arcana level can be determined by experience points,
level-ups are granted by the GM at their discretion. Though, level may be calculated otherwise
by this leveling scheme (excluding social link exp):
 Level 1 – 30 exp to level up (including starting exp)
 Level 2 – 20 exp
 Level 3 – 25 exp
 Level 4 – 30 exp
 Level 5 – 35 exp
 Level 6 – 40 exp
 Level 7 – 45 exp
 Level 8 – 50 exp
 Level 9 – 55 exp
 Level 10 – 100 exp

Secondary Arcana are additional Arcana gained from social contact. Whenever a player
character engages with another individual with a different primary Arcana card, PC or NPC, the
player character may declare a relationship with that character, called a social link. That
relationship brings with it an Arcana, and the ability to find, fuse and buy Personae.

The Arcana are meant, in roleplay, to be a signifier of a character’s soul, and this extends to
player characters. If you pick an Arcana, you must be prepared to defend your choice to the GM.
Why is your character the Fool? Why is (s)he the Hanged Man? What aspects of his/her life
reflect that card’s meaning? Keep these questions in mind as you select your Arcana…

Chapter # - The Persona and the Major Arcana

20 Starting HP || [0] ||

The Fool

The fool is both nothing and everything. He is Zero. He has no power, but
can become anything. Beholden no one’s rules except his own, he acts with
childlike innocence.

Passive Effect - +1 Extra Persona Slot; Roll 1d100 whenever you fuse a
Persona with a Fool card. If you score 85 or better, instead of gaining the
intended Persona, choose one Persona from one level above from any arcana.
This Persona does not gain any new spells from fusion.

First Persona – Orpheus; Final Persona – Chaos

Crux – Eurydice
Personas of the Fool are typically hero figures or protagonists of myth
stories, though they may also be anti-heroes.

Generally, the Fool Arcana is an acting or reacting agent. It can react with
any card and carry any spell, but do not have any overall specialization.

Wild Card || || Wild Card

Chapter # - The Persona and the Major Arcana

16 Starting HP || [I] ||

The Magus

The Magus holds great power and confidence. He is the herald of new
beginning, the conduit of one’s power to change the world. He lies in the
realm of the conscious mind, and its ability to change the world.

Passive Effect - +1 to Human MP; +1 Magic Damage

First Persona – Daedalus; Final Persona – Prometheus
Crux – Archimedes
Personas of the Magus tend to be magicians in their own right, or characters
with great creative ability.

Generally, Personas of the Magus are mages, with an affinity for elemental
spells. They have access to every elemental spell and to several supportive
spells, all the while providing boosts to MP and AEGIS. However, Magus
Personas do not provide tangible benefits for physical resistances or to the
‘mental’ attributes, and are exceedingly vulnerable to physical fighters.
Further, most Personas can support only one or two elemental types at a time
to truly be effective.

Magical || || Damage/Buff

Chapter # - The Persona and the Major Arcana

20 Starting HP || [II] ||

The Priestess

The Priestess is the aspect of the unconscious mind, the source of the
Magician’s power and confidence. She holds great wisdom, tempered by
intuition and common sense.

Passive Effect - +1 to Human AEGIS; +1 MDR

First Persona –Dido; Final Persona - Ishtar
Crux – Ereshkigal
Personas of the Priestess are crone archetypes, often priestesses or figures
renowned for their wisdom.

Priestess Personae are powerful healers and supports. They have access to
all schools of healing magic and almost all ‘good’ supportive magic, like
protect and shell, and can inherit offensive magic. Like the Magician,
however, the Priestess has virtually no physical defenses, and provides scant
bonuses to the non-combat attributes. Worse, the Priestess has very few
inherent offensive spells.

Magical || || Heal/Buff

Chapter # - The Persona and the Major Arcana

20 Starting HP || [III] ||

The Empress

The Empress is the source of life, the epitome of femininity. She represents
the material world and creativity, and embodies love, grace, creation,
passion, and the role of the mother.

Passive Effect - +1 to Human Finesse OR Charm

First Persona – Boudicca; Final Persona – Matrona
Crux – Queen Mab
Personas of the Emperor are female authority figures and fertility symbols,
including historical female figures.

The Empress Arcana is well suited for ranged fighters, compared to the
Emperor’s focus on melee. Empress Personae provide passive damage bonuses
to specific weapon types and natural armor penetration, as well as soft crowd
controls like slows and blinds. They also augment tactics cards effects and
success rate, as well as Charm-based skills. However, the Empress lacks
health and if caught, the Empress has few tools to get away from assailants.

Physical || || Leader/Damage

Chapter # - The Persona and the Major Arcana

24 Starting HP || [IV] ||

The Emperor

The Emperor is the ruler of the mind, the master of logic and reasoning. He
represents the mind’s capacity and power to shape the world. He is the
paternal aspect of the soul, compared to the Empress’ maternal side.

Passive Effect - +1 Human Muscle OR +1 Intellect

First Persona – Zahhak; Final Persona – Ahura Mazda
Crux – Dahag
Personas of the Emperor are male authority figures, typically strength-based
deities, kings and emperors.

Between the divine couple of Emperor and Empress, the Emperor is the domain
of the brawling leader. Emperor Personae excel at physical skills and
tanking ability, able to survive high burst damage easily. They also have
access to Zio spells. In addition, several Personae offer natural bonuses to
tactics card cost and Intellect. However, the biggest weakness of the
Emperor is its low speed and vulnerability to being kited. Against quick
opponents, the Emperor simply cannot compete.

Physical || ||Leader/Tank

Chapter # - The Persona and the Major Arcana

20 Starting HP || [V] ||

The Hierophant

The Hierophant is the holder of tradition and leader of the institution, the
personification of law. He is the continuity of customs and culture, the
spiritual aspect of the soul. He is also the mentor to initiates, teaching
his students conformity and the benefit of the group.

Passive Effect - +1 to Human MP OR AEGIS

First Persona –Izanagi; Final Persona –Susano-O
Crux – Izanami-no-Mikoto
Personas of the Hierophant are symbols of group authority and the power of

The Hierophant is a battle mage, showing its presence through solidarity and
power control. Specifically, its Personae deal with auras, buffs and hard
crowd controls, controlling opponents and buffing allies to increase their
damage and resistances. Such Persona may easily be called ‘buff towers.’
If there is any significant weakness to the Hierophant’s Personae, it is its
passivity. It has very few options to defend itself or attack on its own.
Further, it does not naturally tank, so it only lasts so long in combat if
opponents attack them.

Magical || || Control/Buff

Chapter # - The Persona and the Major Arcana

20 Starting HP || [VI] ||

The Lovers

The Lovers represent duality in natures, the masculine and the feminine, and
the union between them. Typically, it represents the power of love to be
constructive as well as destructive. As per the theme of dualism, it also
represents a crossroads, a choice between two paths or extremes.

Passive Effect – The first party member who makes a Social Link with a
player with the Lovers arcana gains +1 to Charm and -4 exp cost to all
Tactics cards.
First Persona – Ariel; Final Persona – Titania
Crux – King Lear
Personas of the Lovers are figures from theater culture and symbols of
courtship and love in mythology.

The Lovers are a supportive Arcana, with an emphasis on survivability,

redirection and auras. Lovers Personae often act as the ‘shield’ for a
particular offensively oriented ally, taking damage for them, peeling
opponents off them and breaking crowd control. A critical weakness of the
Lovers is that they require dedication to an ally to be useful.

Mix || || Buff/Control

Chapter # - The Persona and the Major Arcana

16 Starting HP || [VII] ||

The Chariot

The Chariot embodies discipline, control and power over one’s emotions, the
power of the mind to shape the heart. The Charioteer tames his emotions and
ushers them forward, for a constructive purpose.

Passive Effect - +1 to Human Finesse

First Persona – Aeneas; Final Persona – Caesar
Crux – Hannibal
Personas of the Chariot are martial hero-figures, some of which are demi-
gods. A focus on Greco-Roman figures.

The Chariot is a purely offensive, physical arcana, devoted to dealing

damage. Chariot Personae offer a mix of physical skills, aim bonuses,
maneuver bonuses and critical attack bonuses. Passive bonuses are fairly
rare, more the domain of the Strength arcana. The weakness of the Chariot is
a poignant lack of crowd control and tankiness. In addition to this, the
Chariot offers few benefits to the party besides damage output. It is a
wholly selfish Arcana that relies on others to ensure to its success.

Physical || ||Damage

Chapter # - The Persona and the Major Arcana

24 Starting HP || [VIII] ||


While the Chariot concerns itself with controlling emotions, Strength rises
above it. Strength embodies the rational mind overcoming the preoccupation
and fickleness of emotions, the taming of the lion through patience and

Passive Effect - +1 to Human Muscle

First Persona – Hildebrand; Final Persona – Siegfried
Crux – Fenrir
Personas of Strength embody masculine qualities in hero-figures, typically
those born in the wilderness or subject to exile or isolation.

Strength is highly characteristic of a ‘tanking’ Arcana. Strength Personae

possess passives that resist or totally ignore crowd controls, and provide
damage in the form of passive buffs to a character’s Muscle. They also
possess minor crowd controls in the form of slows and blocks. While Strength
Personae can easily resist damage and attract attention, they simply lack
damage, and can be ineffective if the opponent ignores them.

Physical || || Damage/Tank

Chapter # - The Persona and the Major Arcana

24 Starting HP || [VIII] (alternate) ||


Lust can be equated to passion, of physical and mental energies, though far
from completely sexual. It represents the drive to create and control,
libido in the greater sense. It can also represent the power to dominate and
abuse, perverting power to achieve selfish goals.

Passive Effect - +1 to Human Muscle for Every Ally under 50% Health
First Persona – Enkidu; Final Persona – Gilgamesh
Crux – Nergal
Personas of Lust embody characters and deities who abused power to satisfy
themselves. They may or may not have reformed before coming to you.

Lust possesses a similar role as Strength. Both Arcana banks are identical.
However, in general, Lust is more focused on high damage at low HP and
empowering active abilities. While Lust can still tank properly, the bonuses
associated with the Arcana and Personae are tailored towards a high risk,
high reward playstyle.

Physical || || Damage/Tank

Chapter # - The Persona and the Major Arcana

16 Starting HP || [IX] ||

The Hermit

The Hermit can represent both isolation and introspection, depending on the
circumstance. In either case, the implication is that the Hermit is
withdrawing for greater wisdom, retreating from the world to contemplate
greater things.

Passive Effect - +1 Round Duration to all Status Effect Skills; +1 to MDR

First Persona – Firebird; Final Persona – Chernobog
Crux – Koshchei the Immortal
Personas of the Hermit are figures working behind the scenes, playing with
time and fate.

The Hermit is a strange, complex Arcana, capable of completely locking down

opponents and exploiting their weaknesses. Hermit Personae carry many forms
of crowd control and status effects, as well as poisons and saps that deal
damage based on total (or missing) HP. Against single targets and bosses,
Hermits don’t need to worry about taking damage, if they understand their
Personas. However, their damage is primarily magical, and dependent on
certain conditions. If the opponent resists the Hermit’s crowd control and
poisons, however, the Hermit’s effectiveness is severely reduced.

Magical || ||Control/Damage

Chapter # - The Persona and the Major Arcana

20 Starting HP || [X] ||


Fortune, embodying fate and destiny, turns on a wheel, going in cycles across
time. It signifies change, good or bad, coming soon. It may also signify
the changing fortunes of fate, coming and going as the beginnings and ends to
a cycle.

Passive Effect - +1 to Initiative; +1 to Maneuver Attempts

First Persona – Arjuna; Final Persona – Vishnu
Crux – Shiva
Personas of Fortune represent cycles and time, specifically figures related
to creation/destruction events and the passage of time.

Fortune is an Arcana based on speed and time, but not necessarily a mage,
support or ranged character. Fortune’s toolkit, time and wind magic,
misdirection, redirection and high evasion chance, can be adapted to any
role. Critically, higher level Fortune Personae have access to the spell
“Fate,” which nullifies all rolls across the round and resets board
position and character data to one round prior. However, Fortune simply
lacks health and damage steroids, as well as hard crowd control. It requires
attention to detail and careful control to play properly.

Mix || || Control/Mix

Chapter # - The Persona and the Major Arcana

22 Starting HP || [XI] ||


Justice is the embodiment of cause and effect, the personification of the

laws of the universe. It takes the wisdom from previous Arcana to a rational
extreme, to mete out an impartial justice.

Passive Effect – +10 Success Chance to All Hama and Mudo Spells OR +2 Damage
to All Hama and Mudo Spells
First Persona – Deborah; Final Persona – Joan D’Arc
Crux – The Black Knight
Personas of Justice follow the hierarchy of Judeo-Christian angels, as well
as the hierarchy of non-Abrahamic servant-figures.

Justice sits firmly in the realm of dark and light spells, holding equal
authority over both. However, this does not mean that Justice is mage-like.
Almost every Persona carries a multitude of physical skills and magical
support, making Justice prepared for any situation. In addition, Justice
Personae often gain passive health and mana regeneration over time. The
Arcana’s greatest weakness is its reliance on Hama and Mudo to kill big
targets. If the enemy has a resistance to one or both spell types, the
Arcana loses killing power, and therefore loses much of its use.

Mix|| ||Removal/Control

Chapter # - The Persona and the Major Arcana

26 Starting HP || [XII] ||

The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man represents a need to admit fears and vulnerabilities,

sacrifice for greater knowledge. Only by recognizing one’s weaknesses does
one gain greater wisdom and insight into the machinations of the universe.

Passive Effect – Under 50% Health, Gain +3 Damage, Armor, and MDR, and +1 on
the Above for Every Round Spent Under 50% health. This Resets After Gaining
More Than 50% health at the End of the User’s Turn.
First Persona – Skinwalker; Final Persona – Ha Wen Nayu
Crux – Iktomi
Personas of the Hanged Man are figures in transition, operating between two
different forces.

The Hanged Man is an Arcana of extremes. Drawing strength from its

weaknesses, the Arcana naturally favors constant attention in a fight. All
Personae have at least one form of empowerment based on status debuffs.
Further, Hanged Man Personae can easily break crowd controls and tank
effectively. The user who uses this card must be aware of their own
mortality. Without a dedicated healer, the Hanged Man can easily die in
battle, and unlike other tanks, is stronger when closer to death.

Physical || || Tank/Damage

Chapter # - The Persona and the Major Arcana

18 Starting HP || [XIII] ||


Death is the ever-present spectre of mortality. Death is inevitable, but not

a force of evil on its own. It instead embodies the necessity of ends and
the creation of new things from the end of others.

Passive Effect – Once per Session: Ignore Fatal Damage on Your Character or
a Party Member For One Round; OR Kill One Opponent Under 10% Health
First Persona – The Raven; Final Persona – Reaper
Crux – Alice
Personas of Death are simply embodiments of death and the underworld from
various cultures.

Death is exactly what it says on the tin – it works with, and defies, death
in gameplay. Specifically, Death Personae offer the first revive spell, Hama
and Mudo spell schools and resistance to them, undead minions, and Megido
spells, a specific school that has no counter, but drains SP substantially.
Death can be a strong addition to a party, but it should be noted that Death
has few innate crowd controls, almost no elemental magic, and no direct
healing spells.

Magical || ||Damage/Removal

Chapter # - The Persona and the Major Arcana

18 Starting HP || [XIV] ||


Temperance is the ultimate manifestation of balance, on a personal level. It

represents not the purging of lawful or chaotic elements, but the
incorporation of the two into a superior entity cognizant of the benefits of

Passive Effect – Regenerate 1 HP every Round

First Persona – Xuanzhong; Final Persona – Sun Wukong
Crux – Suzaku, Vermillion Bird
Personas of Temperance are figures associated with moderation and self
control, typically mythological creatures or monsters.

Temperance provides moderation, compared to other Arcana. Capable of dealing

physical and magical damage (in the form of Havoc damage and Fire/Ice spells)
and providing support to the team all the while, Temperance Personas have
considerable flexibility in their use. However, this is the Arcana’s
weakness. It provides great utility, but sacrifices focus on any particular
part of its toolkit.

Mix || ||Damage/Support

Chapter # - The Persona and the Major Arcana

22 Starting HP || [XV] ||


The Devil means more than just religious iconography. It represents harm
from the negative aspects of one’s personality, ignorance, materialism and
to a degree, a lack of self-control. Ultimately, the Devil teaches that the
only thing that limits you and the expression of your soul is yourself.

Passive Effect – When Casting Ailments on One or More Targets, Your To-Hit
Roll is increased by +2
First Persona – Malebranche; Final Persona - Mephisto
Crux – Beelzebub
Personas of the Devil are figures associated with evil or sin, typically
Abrahamic and Christian devil figures.

The Devil Arcana is all about manipulating opponents and afflicting them with
ailments, while dealing consistent Fire damage and providing constant
negative debuffs. While the Hermit concerns itself with controlling and
killing opponents on its own, the Devil operates with the party, and has
generally greater access to AoE crowd controls. The Devil’s biggest
weakness is that its damage is primarily magical, and that it relies on crowd
controls to do its dirty work. In melee, the Devil tends not to do well.

Magical || ||Damage/Control

Chapter # - The Persona and the Major Arcana

26 Starting HP || [XVI] ||

The Tower

The Tower represents both destructive and creative energies, related to the
material world. It can represent the appropriation of falsehoods and
fantasies, the building up of a ‘tower’ of ignorance and ideals built on
shaky foundations. The collapse of the tower, however violent and damaging
it may be, confirms reality, and provides valuable wisdom.

Passive Effect – Switching into a Tower Persona removes all active –Nda
Debuffs on your character
First Persona – Dullahan; Final Persona – Cuu Chulainn
Crux – The Morrigan
Personas of the Tower are corrupted hero-figures, often subjects of their own

The Tower plays more on the former aspect of the Arcana card than the later.
Almost every Persona in the Arcana starts with a full roster of spells.
However, each Persona possesses a negative passive effect that cannot be
removed, crippling the user in a certain way. There is a way to mitigate
this – by completing a certain task listed on the Persona card, the effect
will change to a positive one.

Mix|| ||Damage/Tank

Chapter # - The Persona and the Major Arcana

26 Starting HP || [XVII] ||

The Star

The Star deals with the nature of faith, not just in a deity but in your own
abilities. Coming after the Tower, it often represents the reconstruction of
realistic ideals and a new perspective on life after a violent
deconstruction. No matter what the circumstance, there is always light at
the end of the tunnel, and hope that things will get better.

Passive Effect – Increase All To-Hit Results by +1

First Persona – Coatl; Final Persona – Kukulkan
Crux – Huitzilopotchli
Personas of the Star are astrological figures, related to constellations and
star formations.

Innately physical, the Star is a support/fighter Arcana, almost the opposite

of the Tower. Star Persona typically possess only one or two natural spells,
but have the potential to learn a wide variety of spell types to fill open
roles in the party. Many Star Personae have abilities that lower costs of
certain spell types. The Arcana leans more on physical spells, armor, and
strong passives that help fighters more than physical casters.

Physical|| ||Tank/Support

Chapter # - The Persona and the Major Arcana

18 Starting HP || [XVIII] ||

The Moon

The Moon is a powerful symbol of illusions and the subconscious, confusion

and deception. It represents the fertility of imagination and the capacity
of the human mind to lose itself in its own fears and desires.

Passive Effect – Once per Session: Pass any Maneuver Test

First Persona – Taketori no Okina; Final Persona – Kaguya-Hime
Crux – Tsukiyomi-no-Mikoto
Personas of the Moon are lunar deities, related in part to gravity, lunar
cycles and the tides.

The Moon deals purposefully with illusions and afterimages, acting as the
assassin Arcana. Dealing physical damage, Moon Persona specialize in
manipulating To-Hit tests and creating illusions to avoid taking damage,
while dealing consistent damage in melee and at long range. Like the
Empress, the Moon requires some body blocking and careful management of
position. It cannot take direct hits to the face, and needs teammates to

Physical|| ||Damage

Chapter # - The Persona and the Major Arcana

22 Starting HP || [XIX] ||

The Sun

The Sun acts as a state of enlightenment, following the ordeals of the Tower
and Moon and the moderation of Temperance. It represents accomplishment and
success at the end of trials, the rewards of a long spiritual journey. The
journey may not be over yet, however – you still have to earn your happy

Passive Effect – At the End of a Battle, Restore 2 HP and 2 SP to all Allies

First Persona – Enoch; Final Persona – Metatron
Crux – King Solomon
Personas of the Sun are often pantheon heads, in the form of storm, solar and
sky gods.

The Sun is the ultimate mixture of mage and warrior into a combination class
type that offers the best of both worlds. Specializing in fire and Hama
magic, Personas of the Sun can either cast spells from afar or engage in
melee with equal competence. Sun Personae also have access to passives that
improve experience growth for the user and his or her allies. However, in
order to play it effectively, the player must constantly be aware of
potential threats and know how to deal with them effectively, as the Sun
trades high upfront damage for consistent sustained damage.

Mix || ||Damage/Support

Chapter # - The Persona and the Major Arcana

|| [XX] ||


Judgment can be seen as the final ‘transition’ one must face, either in a
series of events or at the end of life. It signals a spiritual rebirth that
is neither good or bad, but the culmination of all you have learned up to
this point.

Passive Effect – N/A

Final Persona – Lucifer
Crux – Michael
Personas of Judgment are part of cataclysmic events, either as rational
actors or unwitting causes.

Judgment is not a selectable starting Arcana. Personas from Judgment,

however, may be found in dungeons and through fusion. Judgment, as an
arcane, is nearly identical to the Fool. The only major difference is that
Judgment Personae possess passives with a wide area of effect.

Mix || ||Damage/Support

Chapter # - The Persona and the Major Arcana

|| [XXI] ||

The World

The World is the end of the cycle. A retrospective of sorts, following the
spiritual rebirth of Judgment. It is the time of rest that comes before
another great journey, or the final peace of a long adventure.

Passive Effect – N/A

Final Persona – Monad
Crux – YHWH
Personas of the World are greater beings, having taken part in the formation
or construction of the world.

The World is not a selectable starting Arcana. Personas from the World,
however, may be found in dungeons and through fusion. The World is also like
the Fool, in the sense that its Personae can learn any spell. Personae of
the World possess passives that increase experience points gained and
encourage social link growth.

Mix || ||Damage/Support

Chapter # - Skill Training

Combat Engine

Combat in Persona is a fusion of the Persona 3 and 4 combat engine and a square-based tabletop
system based on dice. The mechanics have been constructed to provide a similar ‘feel’ to the
RPGs, while creating movement, maneuvering and range mechanics to provide additional layers
of depth. An ‘in so-in-so’ example is available with each entry.

The Round Structure

Round Structure
SEES Users (player) Block Shadows
Akihiko’s Turn Junpei’s Turn Yukari’s Turn Minato’s Turn Shadow’s Repeat
(I: 9) (I: 6) (I: 5) (I: 4) Turn

Half Half Half Half Half Half Half Half Half Half
3 Free Actions 3 Free Actions 3 Free Actions 3 Free Actions 3 Free Actions
Reaction Reaction Reaction Reaction Reaction
Action Action Action Action Action

In Persona 3 and 4, turns are taken linearly – the player typically goes first, followed by their
allies, and then the opponent. This changes if a character is afflicted with a status ailment or
knocked down, or if the party starts with an “enemy advantage.” Otherwise, this system does not

In a tabletop combat engine, this kind of system is incredibly rigid and inflexible. We’ll be using
something different.


The basic structure of combat in Persona Tabletop is the round. At the start of combat, all
players (and all enemies) roll for initiative. This is a 1d10 + (final FINE Modifier). In the
above example, I represents initiative. The player with the highest initiative roll goes first. In
typical battles against shadows, the players are put into a block – all players may go before the
enemies may act. In this sense, the advantage system has been carried over:
 “Player Advantage!!” – Players may roll initiative and attack first before shadows may
 “Enemy Advantage!!” – Shadows may roll initiative and attack first before the players
can react.
 In a boss fight, the players always roll initiative and attack first as a block.

The round is made up of turns. Every player gets a turn. This turn is made up of one or more
actions. See the example above. Once all players have acted, the player block ends and the next
Chapter # - Skill Training

block, block B, starts. The characters in block B, typically enemies or NPCs, act. Once all
characters in B block finish their actions, the round is over. The next round starts, and the player
block may act again. Note that multiple blocks may be active in combat, representing different
factions, helpless humans, helpless shadows, etc.


Every character possesses a certain number of actions they may perform in their turn. All
characters possess two half actions, or one full action, as well as a number of free actions and a
reaction action.
 A half action may be anything from moving, attacking, casting a spell, performing a
maneuver or performing a combat action.
 A full action may be a full move, a powerful spell, multiple attacks, multiple spells, or
multiple maneuvers or combat actions.
 A free action may be a Persona switch, a Tactics Card switch, a maneuver attempt or a
skill test.
 A reaction action is an attempt to dodge, block or redirect an enemy attack. This action is
only available when it is not your turn, and may be forfeited if you performed a maneuver
the previous turn or used the certain action.

A player may only attack once or cast a spell once during their turn. Once a player attacks or
casts a spell, their turn is over. Spells and passives obtained later in the game increase the
amount of actions a player may perform before their turn ends.


Attacking in Persona is a multi-step process, though a simple one:

 Step 1 – Declare a target.

 Step 2 – Roll to hit;
o If you’re rolling to hit something with a weapon, you are testing Finesse against
your target’s Passive Evasion value.
o If you’re rolling to hit something with magic, you are testing Aegis against your
target’s Spell Block value.
o Apply to-hit bonuses as needed; these are listed on your Persona’s card as their
Passive Ability or one of their Passive Effects.\
 Step 2b – The enemy parries/dodges/counters!
o Resolve the parry, dodge or block. If the opponent fails, proceed to Step 3. If the
opponent succeeds, resolve the action and end your turn.
 Step 3 – Success! Roll for damage!
o For example, roll 1d10 if you are using a sword.
o Determine what the target’s armor or MDR value is, then subtract your calculated
damage by the corresponding value that applies. Armor applies to physical
attacks, while MDR applies to magical attacks.
 Step 4 – If you hit a weakness and knock and enemy down, you may return to Step 1.
 Step 5 – End your turn.
Chapter # - Skill Training

See? Not hard at all.


Time in this system is measured loosely. A player’s turn may last between 10 seconds and up to
a minute depending on what the narrative dictates. It is up to the GM to decide time lengths in
game, ultimately.


Players have access to a mechanic called ‘maneuvers.’ Maneuvers are conscious efforts to
change position on the battlefield, to dodge attacks, get in the enemy’s face or scale
environmental obstacles. A Maneuver can be performed as a half action before or after moving,
or as a reaction action in response to an enemy action.

Every maneuver requires an ‘Attempt,’ in the form of a 1d10 test. The test is modified by a
character’s Finesse attribute, in the form of the Finesse Modifier, and is taken against a target
number set by the GM. Attempts are a resource – you start each session with a number of
Attempts, and gain back Attempts every round, depending on your background bonuses and skill
training. You have a maximum number of attempts you can keep at a time, equal to your Finesse
modifier + 1. All characters gain at least 1 Attempt every round, up to a cap.

You may elect to take damage instead of dodging, to save up your Attempts to dodge more
dangerous attacks or attempt more dangerous maneuvers.

If you fail an attempt, you may use another Attempt to perform the same action again. The extra
attempts are there as insurance. You can keep attempting an action until you succeed, or run out
of attempts. At that point, you can ask to ‘take a wind’ – auto-pass the test, in exchange for not
being able to move or attempt a maneuver the next round. You may only do this once per battle.

The following is a list of Maneuvers you can perform in combat, along with suggested Target

Chapter # - Skill Training

Combat Table 2; Maneuvers

Maneuver Action Action in Detail Suggested Difficulty
Evade Reaction; Evade an enemy’s Opponent’s To-Hit Roll; This value
Single Target physical or magical will fluctuate depending on the
attack. Roll 1d10 + FINE opponent’s difficulty level.
Dodge Reaction; Evade an enemy’s Opponent’s To-Hit Roll - 2; This value
Roll Single Target physical or magical attack will fluctuate depending on the
and move up to four opponent’s difficulty level.
spaces in any direction.
Roll 1d10 + FINE
Duck and Reaction; Jump out of the way of an Opponent’s spell level; Typically, a
Cover Area of area of effect, up to four base level spell has a TN of 8. A –la
Effect squares in any direction. spell has a TN of 10. A –dyne spell
Roll 1d10 + FINE has a TN of 12.
Counter Reaction Strike back at an Opponent’s To-Hit Roll; This value
opponent and try to beat will fluctuate depending on the
their attack. Roll To-Hit opponent’s difficulty level and
on your weapon and try to relevant modifiers.
beat the opponent’s
physical To-Hit roll. If
you succeed, deal damage
with your weapon.
Parry Reaction Deflect an enemy’s attack Opponent’s To-Hit Roll; This value
and knock them down. will fluctuate depending on the
Roll 1d10 + FINE opponent’s difficulty level and
modifier. If you succeed, relevant modifiers.
the opponent is knocked
Combat Actions
Charge! Full Action Charge at an enemy to pin Opponent’s Maneuver Roll; If the
then and slow them down. target does not choose to maneuver,
Roll 1d10 + FINE this action does not require a test.
modifier + BEEF This value will fluctuate depending on
modifier – 2. Move your the opponent’s difficulty level and
full movement range relevant modifiers.
towards an enemy. If you
succeed and land on the
same space as your target,
you and the opponent
cannot move next round,

Chapter # - Skill Training

and you deal weapon

damage to the opponent.
Take Aim Half Action Concentrate on a target to N/A
increase your chances to
hit it. There is no roll
associated with this
action. If you attack on
your next half action, you
gain +3 To-Hit.
Tactical Full Action Move from Cover to Typically, TN 8 for a tactical advance.
Advance Cover and reduce an Adjust up or down, depending on the
enemy’s chance to hit availability of cover for the player.
you. Roll 1d10 + FINE
modifier – (squares
moved). You can only
move from cover to cover.
If you succeed, the enemy
takes -3 To-Hit you on
their next round.
Firezone Full Action Select a 3x3 area within N/A
eyesight. If an enemy
moves through that zone,
make an attack against
them with a penalty of -3
to the enemy’s Maneuver
Grapple Half Action Grapple a humanoid N/A
target to prevent them
from moving (STILL
Scan Half Action Test to see the statistics, The Aegis value of the target. The
weaknesses, spells and target, however, cannot challenge your
patterns of a target. test, and you have no penalty towards
Elaborated in the skill failing a scan test.
Movement Actions
Sprint Full Action Add half of your N/A
movement range to your
full move action, in
exchange for taking -2 to
dodging during the
enemy’s round.
Leap Half Action Attempt to jump over a Typically, TN 8 for small roof-to-roof
large gap. Roll 1d10 + jumps. Adjust depending on the size
FINE modifier + BEEF of the gap.

Chapter # - Skill Training

modifier – (square size of

the gap). If you run out of
attempts on this
challenge, you will fall
into the area you were
attempting to leap over.
Climb Varies Climb up or down a given Typically, TN 8 for climbing up
surface. Roll 1d10 + drainpipes and two story fire escapes.
FINE modifier + relevant Adjust size depending on the height of
modifiers. If you run out the objective and the difficulty of the
of attempts on this climb.
challenge, the GM
decides the result.
Vault Half Action Jump over a small wall, Typically, TN 8 for vaulting over a
while maintaining chain-link fence.
movement. Roll 1d10 +
FINE modifier + relevant

Weaknesses, One More!! and Resistances

All characters and shadows in Persona have at least one weakness. A weakness is a vulnerability
to a specific elemental, physical or alignment-based damage type. If a unit’s weakness is
attacked, then the unit is knocked down and the caster gets a free turn to act. This is called “One

When “One More!!” is in effect, the player or shadow who hit the weakness can perform
another turn, which can include anything between moving, attacking again and casting another
spell. Hitting the same type of target after getting “One More!!” does not require a to-hit test,
though the target may try to dodge if they can. Hitting the weakness of another unit will trigger
“One More!!” again, and will continue to stack until all enemy units are knocked down or the
initiator ends their turn without hitting a weakness. If all enemy units are knocked down, then
any player who has not already moved this round can call for an “All Out Attack.” Detailed

You can identify your character’s weakness at any time by looking at their Persona. If one of the
attack types has a ‘weak’ note underneath it, then your character will be knocked down if a spell
of that type hits them.

This is going to be in bold because this is important: Weaknesses are deadly. They can save
you in dire situations, or get you and your party killed. Always be wary of what
weaknesses are in play and how to use or circumvent them.

Chapter # - Skill Training

However, Persona’s also have means of mitigating or outright ignoring damage from spells and
attacks. These come in form of ‘resist,’ ‘null,’ ‘repel,’ ‘absorb,’ and ‘empower.’
 Resist (Res) – after rolling and damage calculation, cut all damage from that type in
 Null (Null) – that type cannot hit you.
 Repel (Back) – that type is reflected back on the caster and hits automatically.
 Absorb (Ab) – that type nullifies damage dealt to the owner and restores health equal to
the intended damage.
 Empower (Em) – that type nullifies damage dealt to the owner and empowers the next
spell or attack declared with an extra 1d10, plus additional dice depending on the spell
level (medium/-la spells grant 2d10 total, heavy/severe spells grant 3d10 total).

All-Out Attacks

When all of an enemy’s units are knocked down, a player who has not acted during the round
can call for an All Out Attack. If the party leader agrees, all players who have not acted during
the round get the chance to charge at an opponent and do what essentially amounts to curb-
stomping a helpless victim. This can take multiple forms:

 Normal - All participating players deal their weapon damage to all targets without a to-
hit test. Ignore any armor on the target(s). After all damage has been dealt, the down
status on the affected targets is removed.
 Duo Attack – Two players can forfeit their turn this round to cast any two spells
together as one damage spell that cannot miss. Combine both damage rolls and ignore
any MDR or armor on the target.
 Cavalry Attack – One player charges at the target, either on foot or on a suitable
mount, and attacks one down target, dealing their weapon damage three times. Ignore
any armor on the target.

A typical AOA chain of events runs as follows:

1. The party enters combat, consisting of Yu Narukami (Fool), Chie Satonaka (Chariot),
Yosuke Hanamura (Magus) and Rise Kujikawa (Lovers). The shadow pack consists
of 3 Quivering Maya shadows.
2. Yu Narukami casts Zio on the first enemy unit of a shadow pack. The unit is weak to
Zio, and is knocked down.
3. Yu gets One More!!, and proceeds to knock every shadow down with Zio.
4. Chie pipes up, when the last shadow is knocked down.
a. “Here’s our chance! Kick’em when they’re down!”
b. Yu agrees. The party initiates a ‘normal’ All Out Attack.
5. Yu, Chie and Yosuke charge at the shadow pack and deal their weapon damage (1d6,
2d2, 1d2) to all enemies. 7 damage is dealt overall.
6. The shadow pack dies! The party is victorious!

Chapter # - Skill Training

Skill Training

“You’re the sum of your parts... that’s the way I see it. What you know, what you’ve trained to
be, what you do as work. That’s your worth to society. Give or take a few favors upstairs.”
-Ian Branagh, Police Lieutenant of the Norfolk Precinct

All characters, underneath their personality quirks and Personae, are built on top of a toolbox of
life skills and talents put together by years spent training those talents. In the case of your
character, this process is sped up several times over, reflecting the situation at hand. You have
been transplanted into a new environment, and you and your new friends are part of something
bigger now – a conflict that only you can solve. And you have to develop fast enough to keep up
with the threat.

Skills act as the passive component of a character’s progression, as well as a passive modifier to
specific tests made during gameplay. From a gameplay perspective, the skill system adds greater
player control in developing a character’s toolkit. From a roleplay perspective, it represents a
character growing in a specific, tangible way that reflects them obtaining new ‘tools’ to
overcome life’s hardships, quantified in the number of days spent to achieve a certain end-goal.
Persona’s unique time system allows the skill system to work in the context of a tabletop game,
while also maintaining the flow of a social simulator.

Skills are graded by their ‘level,’ which determines a character’s proficiency with that skill.
Levels are ‘leveled up’ for every day spent doing that particular activity, both as mundane
training days and special ‘epiphany’ days. Each day spent doing this activity grants you skill
points that fill the level bar. Once you have enough skill points, you can level up the skill.

The bonuses offered by skill training are based on their level. Each level confers a bonus to the
test relating to the skill. A rank 1 Computer Science skill grants +1 to Computer Science tests.
In addition, each level above 4 confers an additional bonus to the character, such as a bonus to-
hit or an SP refund from specific spell types. This bonus is permanent – it sticks with you
regardless of active Persona or tactics card. All skills ‘end’ at level 7, representing the point
where skills require aid outside of the character’s current environment in order to be advanced.
At level 8, the character receives a permanent buff to an attribute and a permanent bonus to
Personas from the Arcana of their choice.

The amount of points required to level up are graded by a geometric equation. The first skill
level only takes 1 day to level up. Level 2 takes, at minimum, 4 days. Level 3 takes 9, level 4
takes 16, level 5 takes 25, so on and so forth. Specifically speaking, the equation runs as

Chapter # - Skill Training

 Level 1 – 1 Skill Point Required

 Level 2 – 4 Skill Points Required; Grants 1 Small Bonus
 Level 3 – 9 Skill Points Required; Grants 1 Small Bonus
 Level 4 – 16 Skill Points Required; Grants 1 Small Bonus
 Level 5 – 25 Skill Points Required; Grants 2 Small Bonuses
 Level 6 – 36 Skill Points Required; Grants 1 Medium Bonus
 Level 7 – 64 Skill Points Required; Grants 1 Attribute Buff and 1 Bonus Specific to
Personas of a selected Arcana.
 *MAGIC SKILLS ONLY* Level 8 – 64 Skill Points Required; 1 Large Bonus

Skill gain per-day is ordered geometrically as well. Training a skill by yourself grants 1 point
per day spent. Training a skill with a friend, NPC or party character, increases that gain to 2
points. Training a skill with 3 or more characters, NPC or player, increases the gain to 4 points.


Skills are segregated into four separate skill schools: Physical Skills, Intelligence Skills,
Practical Skills, and Magical Skills. Specific bonuses from background can affect skill-gain in
each skill school. Scan cannot be leveled up outside of a dungeon.

In list format, skills are ordered as follows, underneath a general skill banner:

 Skill Name
o Skill Description
o Associated activities on the school curriculum
o Level 4, 5, 6 and 7 bonuses.
o Some magic skills have level 8 bonuses.

Chapter # - Skill Training

Physical Skills

Physical skills cover the basic applications of muscle power and endurance – climbing,
swimming, running and like skills.


Refers to, generally speaking, a learned ability to climb vertical faces, natural or unnatural. This
skill is called for when climbing walls or buildings above 8 feet in height. This skill may also be
used to break falls and resist being thrown off of a high point.

Curricula: Rock Climbing; Obstacle Course Training; Physical Education

Level 2 Bonus: +1 Maximum HP
Level 3 Bonus: +1 Maximum HP
Level 4 Bonus: +1 Bonus Movement Range
Level 5 Bonus: +2 Maximum HP; +1 Bonus Movement Range
Level 6 Bonus: Refund the Attempt cost if you succeed at Climbing, Vaulting or Leaping.
Lev el 7 Bonus: +1 Muscle; Personas of ____ Arcana gain +1 Armor and +4 to Vaulting and
Leaping when in play.


Refers to the capacity of a character to resist fatigue or negative ailments. This skill is called for
when resisting poisons, bad food, environmental conditions and severe pain, while also applying
as general damage reduction later in skill rank.

Curricula: Conditioning; Boxing; Physical Education

Level 2 Bonus: +1 Maximum HP
Level 3 Bonus: +1 Natural Armor
Level 4 Bonus: +2 Maximum HP
Level 5 Bonus: +3 Maximum HP
Level 6 Bonus: You are no longer susceptible to the Poison, Freeze, Petrify and Disease status
ailments (you can still get sick).
Level 7 Bonus: +1 Muscle; Personas of ____ Arcana gain +2 Damage Reduction naturally when
in play.


Refers to a character’s ability to lift, push, pull or destroy something with only their muscle
power. Broadly, this covers most of the basic tests for strength, though it is separate to
emphasize efforts to control one’s musclepower and hone it.

Curricula: Boxing; Weight-Lifting; Wrestling; Karate; Judo

Level 2 Bonus: +1 Damage when Unarmed
Chapter # - Skill Training

Level 3 Bonus: +1 Damage with Melee Weapons; +1 Damage when Unarmed

Level 4 Bonus: +1 Damage with Melee Weapons
Level 5 Bonus: +1 Damage with Melee Weapons; +1 Damage when Unarmed
Level 6 Bonus: Count half of your Power Skill Level, rounding down, as natural Armor Value.
Level 7 Bonus: +1 to Muscle; Personas of the ____ Arcana gain +1 to damage and +1 damage
reduction when in play.


Refers to proficiency in running, jogging and general non-aided movement. This skill is called
for in situations where you are running from or trying to catch an NPC or shadow, and is used
when attempting to flee from a pack of shadows.

Curricula: Jogging; Cross-Country; Physical Education

Level 2 Bonus: +1 Bonus Movement Range
Level 3 Bonus: +1 Bonus Movement Range; Gain +1 to Sprint Actions
Level 4 Bonus: +1 Bonus Movement Range
Level 5 Bonus: +1 Bonus Movement Range; Gain +1 to Sprint Actions
Level 6 Bonus: Dodge rolls to avoid Area of Effect attacks now move you 6 squares instead of
Level 7 Bonus: +1 Muscle; Personas of the ____ Arcana gain +2 Movement Range naturally
when in play.


Refers to proficiency is swimming and successfully operating in a pool of water without

panicking. Testing for Swimming is called for when fording or crossing large bodies of water,
both in mundane and supernatural circumstances.

Curricula: Swimming; Physical Education

Level 2 Bonus: +1 Movement Range
Level 3 Bonus: +1 Movement Range; +1 Maximum HP
Level 4 Bonus: +1 Maximum HP
Level 5 Bonus: +1 Movement Range; +1 Maximum HP
Level 6 Bonus: Gain 1 Water spell available at your level and grant it to a Persona of your
Level 7 Bonus: +1 Muscle; Personas of the ____ Arcana gain +4 HP when a water spell is cast
around them.

Chapter # - Skill Training

Intelligence Skills

Intelligence skills cover the theoretical aspect of skill training – memory, method and orthodoxy
in understanding how things work.


This refers to utilizing and switching between multiple languages in social contexts. This is
called for when speaking to persons of different languages, both old and new.

Curriculum: Foreign Language Class; MMO; Computer Science;

Level 2 Bonus: +2 XP
Level 3 Bonus: +5 XP
Level 4 Bonus: +5 XP
Level 5 Bonus: +10 XP
Level 6 Bonus: You may take a 7 on any non-combat test instead of rolling.
Level 7 Bonus: +1 Intellect; Personas of the ____ Arcana can learn all spells from one declared
spell school.

[Common Lore]

Common lore can pertain to any topic of particular importance to the campaign. Mass media,
school subjects, local politics/culture, mythological lore, etc. Common lore can be taken for any
subject, but only for that topic at a time. This can be taken multiple times for new topics, but
each new common lore only covers that lore. Except in extreme cases, all common lore options
gain skill points at twice the normal rate of other skills.

Curriculum: History Class; Local History Class; Media/Video Broadcasting class; Occultism
Level 2 Bonus: +1 XP
Level 3 Bonus: +2 XP
Level 4 Bonus: +2 XP
Level 5 Bonus: +5 XP
Level 6 Bonus: You can elect to take a 10 on any Lore test regarding that specific lore.
Level 7 Bonus: +1 Intellect; Personas of the ____ Arcana gain +1 MDR when in play.

[Religious Lore]

Refers to knowledge of dogma and doctrine from a religious group, or specific

spiritual/mythological knowledge. This, like common lore, can be taken multiple times and
gains skill points at twice the normal rate of other skills.

Curriculum: Religious Studies Class; Extended Religious Study

Level 2 Bonus: +1 Maximum SP
Level 3 Bonus: +2 XP

Chapter # - Skill Training

Level 4 Bonus: +2 Maximum SP

Level 5 Bonus: +2 Maximum SP; +5 XP
Level 6 Bonus: Persona originating from your chosen religion are free to buy back if they are
used for fusion.
Level 7 Bonus: +1 Intellect; Personas of the ____ Arcana regenerate +1 SP every turn.


Refers to a character’s skill at researching complex topics and navigating obtuse commercial and
bureaucratic structures. You can consider this to be Google-Fu, taking to a professional degree.
This is called for when looking into non-standard entities and looking for specific information.

Curriculum: Study Hall; Social Studies Class; Computer Science; Library Volunteering
Level 2 Bonus: +1 Maximum SP
Level 3 Bonus: +3 XP
Level 4 Bonus: +3 Maximum SP
Level 5 Bonus: +6 Maximum SP
Level 6 Bonus: Spells of a declared spell school cost 75% less SP or HP to cast.
Level 7 Bonus: +1 Intellect; Personas of the ____ Arcana gain an unconditional reroll on a
declared spell whenever the spell is cast.

Chapter # - Skill Training

Practical Skills

Practical skills refer to the application of method and theory to the physical world, in the form of
a learned skill. These include medical aid, music, outdoorsmanship, computer skills, etc.

[Computer Science]

This covers, broadly, application of coding knowledge and knowledge of hardware and software
and how they function. This is called for on tests taking apart or putting together computer
systems. Note, this does not apply to robots, due to the setting. More on that under [Robotics].

Curriculum: Computer Science Class;

Level 2 Bonus: +1 Maximum SP
Level 3 Bonus: -10% on all normal tactics cards.
Level 4 Bonus: Gain +1 to tests to find passwords.
Level 5 Bonus: Gain +2 to tests to override or shut down specific programs.
Level 6 Bonus: Automatically pass all tests to dismantle a computer or computer system.
Level 7 Bonus: +1 Intellect; Personas of the ____ Arcana gain an additional free reroll on any
elemental spell once per battle.


Referring to crafting objects or pieces of equipment from raw materials like wood and metal.
This skill exclusively covers crafting as a hobby, moreso than actually constructing equipment.

Curriculum: Workshop Class; Metalworking Class;

Level 2 Bonus: +1 Armor
Level 3 Bonus: +1 Maximum SP
Level 4 Bonus: +1 Armor.
Level 5 Bonus: +2 Maximum HP; +1 Damage when casting Physical Spells.
Level 6 Bonus: Deal +2 extra damage with a declared damage type.
Level 7 Bonus: +1 Finesse; Personas of the ____ Arcana gain Resist for three declared damage


This covers any particularly complex dancing technique or sequence. This skill is tested when
asked to perform a specific dance, ballet or physical aesthetic technique, or to resist a hypnotic
quality present in those techniques.

Curriculum: Dance Class; Drama Class;

Level 2 Bonus: +1 MDR
Level 3 Bonus: +1 MDR; +1 Movement Range
Level 4 Bonus: +1 Movement Range
Level 5 Bonus: +1 MDR; +1 Movement Range

Chapter # - Skill Training

Level 6 Bonus: You may use your Dance skill in place of your Finesse skill when testing to
dodge; Double the effect of tactics cards pertaining to dodging.
Level 7 Bonus: +1 Finesse; Personas of the ____ Arcana gain +6 movement range for their next
turn after successfully dodging an attack or AoE when in play.


This skill specifically covers the effects of taking and sticking with a job. This option is here for
those who want to make additional money over the course of the campaign. A Job skill,
however, is not a skill that can normally be tested (though the GM may decide to include certain
job skills at his/her disclosure). While [Job] can be trained, only the effects from training may be
applied. In addition, a Job takes up at least two days of the week, called when the Job skill is
selected. You must make it to work every during those days. If you miss work three times, then
your job is forfeit, and you have to start a new one. You keep all effects gained from the
previous job, but cannot advance that job any further unless you find a way to get back into it.
This is assuming the job is based on finesse, such as a fast-food position or a delivery position.
Day costs may be reduced by working with a player character or a social link.

Level 1: (requires 1 days of work) +2 xp; +1000 yen (10 dollars)

Level 2: (requires 4 days of work) +2 xp; +1000 yen per day.
Level 3: (requires 16 days of work) +2 xp; + 5000 yen + 1000 yen per day.
Level 4: (requires 32 days of work) +5 xp; +10,000 yen.
Level 5: (requires 64 days of work) +1 Finesse; +20,000 yen.


Refers to the theory and practice of breaking locks, both real and electronic. This test type is
called for when trying to break into something with a key-bound or electronic lock, though this
test may be substituted for Computer science when dealing with computer passwords.

Curriculum: Workshop Class;

Level 2 Bonus: +1 Maximum SP
Level 3 Bonus: +1 Willpower
Level 4 Bonus: +1 To-Hit with Ailment Spells
Level 5 Bonus: +1 To-Hit with Spells that affect a unit’s mobility (slows, snares, knockups and
stuns apply here)
Level 6 Bonus: All locks you create impose a -3 penalty to all characters who attempt to pick
the lock; +1 MDR
Level 7 Bonus: +1 Finesse; Personas of the ____ Arcana impose a -3 to-hit towards units who
attempt to cast ailments or debuffs on them.

Chapter # - Skill Training


This covers application of emergency medical care knowledge and practice, like CPR training,
disinfecting and dressing wounds and handling abnormal conditions. Tests for this go to medical
emergencies and helping party members who have been K/O’d. More on that under “K/O” in
the combat engine chapter.

Curriculum: First Aid Course; Internship with a Hospital

Level 2 Bonus: +2 Maximum SP
Level 3 Bonus: +1 Maximum HP
Level 4 Bonus: +1 extra HP restored when casting a healing spell
Level 5 Bonus: +1 HP restored after casting any magical spell on an ally
Level 6 Bonus: You may automatically pass one Medic test every session.
Level 7 Bonus: +1 Aegis; Personas of the ____ Arcana grant +1 extra turn duration to all
buffing spells they cast.


Refers to music in a loose-ish sense, generally tied to proficiency with an instrument, though it
may tie into a greater understanding of music as a science. Tests for this are called for when
playing difficult sections of music, identifying music style or resisting otherworldly melodies.

Curriculum: Band Class; Marching Band; Jazz Band; Concert Band

Level 2 Bonus: +1 Willpower
Level 3 Bonus: +1 Buy one free single-target ailment spell.
Level 4 Bonus: +1 MDR
Level 5 Bonus: +1 MDR, +1 Willpower
Level 6 Bonus: Double your Music test results when testing against hypnotic or mind-altering
music or sounds.
Level 7 Bonus: +1 Finesse; Personas of the ____ Arcana grant +2 Willpower when in play.


You know what this is. This skill refers to skill at hiding and eavesdropping, as well as
remaining hidden in difficult circumstances. This differs from Tracking in that it is only covered
when you are not following someone more than 20 meters.

Curriculum: This skill may only be trained by listening in on NPC conversations or hiding.
The points earned by skill training are equal to your Stealth roll (if you succeed) divided by 2.
Level 2 Bonus: +1 Movement Range
Level 3 Bonus: +1 to attempt Dodge Rolls
Level 4 Bonus: Double your Stealth test results if under cover of night, low-light or near total
Level 5 Bonus: Deal 2 extra damage when striking a weakness
Level 6 Bonus: You may buy a ‘____ break’ spell for any damage type for no cost.

Chapter # - Skill Training

Level 7 Bonus: +1 Finesse; Personas of the ____ Arcana grant +4 to any effect cast after
striking a weakness.


This skill refers to wilderness survival – living with basic amenities in the great outdoors. This
test would be called for when trying to find food, create a campfire, build a shelter, or otherwise

Curriculum: Scouts; Youth Group

Level 2 Bonus: -1 Slow Reduction
Level 3 Bonus: +1 Maximum HP
Level 4 Bonus: +1 to any skill test with +3 or fewer modifiers to the test.
Level 5 Bonus: +1 HP regenerated per turn
Level 6 Bonus: Declare two elemental damage types. Those damage types cannot do more than
10 damage to you in one round.
Level 7 Bonus: +1 Aegis; Personas of the ____ Arcana restore +2 HP per turn when in play.


Refers to tracking an animal or person in their respective environments, either following clues or
following them directly. The circumstances when called for when you are following an NPC for
more than 20 meters.

Curriculum: Physical Education;

Level 2 Bonus: You cannot get lost in a crowd.
Level 3 Bonus: Gain +2 when looking for material clues related to individuals.
Level 4 Bonus: +1 Movement Range
Level 5 Bonus: +2 to Awareness Tests
Level 6 Bonus: Double your Movement Range when following an NPC or following the trail of
a Shadow
Level 7 Bonus: +1 Finesse; Personas of the ____ Arcana grant +4 Movement Range.

Chapter # - Skill Training

Magical Skills

These skills pertain to unlocking and controlling one’s magical potential. Most of these skills do
not have an associated skill modifier, but are instead used as progression markers for improving
one’s magic capacity. For this reason, they have level 2 and 3 bonuses as well as level 8
bonuses. Skills that do not have skill modifiers are noted in descriptions. This includes Scan.

[Magic Control]

Refers to how easily you can control your magic and your efficiency in casting magic. This
affects spell costs and rolls. This skill does not have a skill modifier.

Curriculum: Practicing Magic in a setting that mirrors your study (ironworks for fire, ocean for
water, hospital for healing, etc.); Resisting, repelling or absorbing a spell (grants 1 skill point per
Level 2 Bonus: +1 Maximum SP
Level 3 Bonus: -1 SP cost on all spells.
Level 4 Bonus: +3 Maximum SP
Level 5 Bonus: You may reroll any 1 on a spell dice roll for free.
Level 6 Bonus: Declare one Spell type. If you have not rerolled that spell type this round, you
may reroll it.
Level 7 Bonus: +1 Aegis; Personas of the ___ Arcana gain a free reroll every two rounds.
Level 8 Bonus: Spells that use two or more dice gain a free reroll on the lowest scoring die
when cast.

[Magic Potency]

This refers to the raw magical character may tap at any time. This affects damage dealt,
additional dice rolled and spell effects. This skill does not have a skill modifier.

Curriculum: Practicing Magic by casting more than 10 SP a day;

Level 2 Bonus: +1 Maximum SP
Level 3 Bonus: +1 Spell Break (ignores MDR)
Level 4 Bonus: +1 Damage to one Declared Spell Type
Level 5 Bonus: +1 to all spell effects from one declared Spell Type (other than the previously
declared spell type).
Level 6 Bonus: +2 to all spell effects from one declared Spell Type (other than the previously
declared spell types).
Level 7 Bonus: +1 MP; Personas of the ___ Arcana gain +2 to all spell effects.
Level 8 Bonus: Declare one spell type. Deal +6 extra damage or +6 extra healing to the target
when casting that spell after calculation.

Chapter # - Skill Training

[Magic Sense]

This refers to the range and strength of a character’s magical senses, in detecting shadows,
determining dungeon layout and detecting mental stress in NPCs. This skill DOES have a skill

Curriculum: This skill may only be trained by testing Magic Sense in the dungeon environment
(this is initially tested with Aegis, then augmented by Magic Sense); Gain skill points equal to
your winning magical sense roll divided by 2.
Level 2 Bonus: +1 Square Detection Radius
Level 3 Bonus: +3 Square Detection Radius
Level 4 Bonus: +1 to Detecting Mental Stress
Level 5 Bonus: You can reroll loot results; you must take the second option, even if it’s worse.
Level 6 Bonus: +10 Square Detection Radius
Level 7 Bonus: +1 Aegis; Personas of the ___ Arcana can reroll loot results twice.
Level 8 Bonus: Advancing a Social link will grant a Persona of that Social Link’s arcana; This
can only trigger once per session, but can trigger for any character.


This skill exclusively covers scanning target opponents to reveal attributes, weaknesses and spell
lists. Scan operates on different principles than other skills. There are multiple target numbers,
set to the target’s AEGIS value. Rolling at or under these target numbers reveals certain details
about the target, from health generalities to specific quirks and attack patterns. The TN
hierarchy is as follows:
 Roll half or more of the target’s Aegis value – Target name, elemental/physical
weaknesses and health generalities (More than half health, less than half health, etc).
 Roll full or more of the target’s Aegis value – Target attributes scores, spell list and exact
HP value at any given time.
 Roll double or more of the target’s Aegis value – Target’s battle patterns and specific
quirks to combat; All spells cast on this target gain +1 to-hit and +2 Spell Break (ignores
Scan is usually attempted as a Half Action. Every successful scan attempt adds +1 points to the
skill point pool. Rolling double or more of the target’s Aegis value adds +2 points to the skill
point pool.

Curriculum: See above.

Level 2 Bonus: +2 to Scan tests towards common-level shadows.
Level 3 Bonus: +1 healing to all healing spells.
Level 4 Bonus: Restore 1 HP to yourself or an ally after scanning a shadow.
Level 5 Bonus: +2 MDR
Level 6 Bonus: You may attempt to Scan as a free action.
Level 7 Bonus: +1 Aegis; Personas of the ___ Arcana gain +4 to damage, healing, armor and
MDR after scanning for this and the next round.
Level 8 Bonus: After scanning a target, all spells cast in the remainder of the round are free.

Chapter # - Skill Training

[Spirit Training]

Refers to training one’s spirit to pool more spiritual energy and more effectively resist mental
ailments and status effects. This affects Maximum SP and willpower, as well as Aegis. This
skill does not have a skill modifier.

Curriculum: Tai Chi; Regulated Meditation;

Level 2 Bonus: +2 XP
Level 3 Bonus: +2 Maximum SP
Level 4 Bonus: +1 Willpower
Level 5 Bonus: +5 Maximum SP
Level 6 Bonus: Double your Willpower Score to resist Fear, Distress and Panic.
Level 7 Bonus: +1 Aegis; Personas of the ____ Arcana regenerate 2 SP per turn when in play.
Level 8 Bonus: Increase your maximum SP by 25%

Chapter # - Social Links

Social Links
“You became friends with Yosuke. Yosuke will now die for you.”

In Persona, a character is more than the sum of their calculated parts. The power to access
different, stronger Personae depends on social interaction, creating and maintaining social bonds
with other characters. Which, isn’t too far from the philosophy of the Persona – if the Persona is
constructed to interact with the outside world, further interaction only increases its complexity
and potency. To accomplish this, your powers over your Persona are tied to a concept called
social links.

Social links are a socializing mechanic that rewards roleplay with mechanical bonuses over time.
Social links can be made with NPCs by regularly interacting and conversing with them, or with
other party characters by exploring their history and interests. Every social link is attached to an
Arcana, based on the Arcana the GM assigned that character or the Arcana the other player
picked for his/her character. After a significant social event, that social link is leveled up, and
Personas of that Arcana get a certain amount of experience when they are found or fused. Those
experience When a social link is ‘completed,’ or the character arc is finished, then the player
who forged the link is given the ability to fuse the final Persona of the Arcana.

Social links are the most nascent aspect of game construction for Persona. Unlike the rest of the
game, social links cannot be put into numbers. It is heavily dependent on how the party acts and
responds to character interaction. Character development, good or bad, is dependent on
interaction. Therefore, the GM has final decision on what rewards a player may receive for
interacting with an NPC or another player. Bear in mind that there is no hard and fast rule to
gauging the strength of a player’s interactions. What make work for some (loose, accept-what-
may interaction that rewards play regardless of results) may not work for others (strict
grammar/spelling, and strict character interpretation and railroading).

Social links are advanced in one level increments over the course of the game. The NPC
attached to the link can be found typically in one environment (either school or their place of
work), but may appear in other locations at the GM’s discretion. Some require an obligation,
such as one day a week devoted to a club or job. Others require Charm tests in order to advance,
and will not advance unless certain parameters are met. These are all factors determined by the

Social links award XP to a Persona of a specified arcana when fused or found, equal to the social
link level multiplied by 5. This XP may only be spent on that Persona when fused or found as
dungeon loot. XP gained from advancing a social link does not apply retroactively to Persona of
the same Arcana, only to new one.

Character Writing

For developing social links, the GM will be largely responsible for making NPCs available for
the party once they are satisfied with interacting amongst themselves. However – you are not
Chapter # - Social Links

writing the next Persona game. You are writing a campaign, and the pressures of life and the
constraints of time will factor into how much time you can put into writing NPCs. You may
have the time to craft characters to fit specific archetypes. You may have to introduce characters
incredibly quickly to respond to party direction, either to keep the plot moving or to keep the
party from being bored (relatively speaking). For either case, you will be asked to create
meaningful characters to interact with your party. What it means to be ‘meaningful’ will vary
considerably depending on your background, perspective and social group. Character writing is,
thusly, an incredibly nascent practice in this format.

The best advice I can give you is to:

 Be concise,
 Be simple,
 Be knowledgeable about the topic,
 Be knowledgeable about character typing and archetypes,
 Be ready to write, and;
 Be prepared, both for derailing and for unexpected questions.


Progression for social links is not set in stone, as it was in the Persona games. Due to the fact
that relationships built to accommodate a large, active party cannot be truly “quantified,” the
social link system as built for Persona’s game engine is difficult to attain. To accommodate for
this, the tabletop edition provides several options for progression:

[1] Five Level System

This system provides five ‘levels’ of link progression, from contact to completion. Each level is
a significant stepping stone in a social link, structured to provide a clean, simple structure for
creating/establishing social links. This system is designed for two-three month games, with
weekly sessions.
 Level 1 – 10 xp rewarded; Characters introduce themselves
 Level 2 – 20 xp rewarded; Characters become comfortable with each other
 Level 3 – 30 xp rewarded; The first big conflict emerges;
 Level 4 – 40 xp rewarded; The conflict is addressed, with a suitable climax
 Level 5 – 50 xp rewarded; Final Persona; Catharsis, the characters end their arc
on a final note, with a suitable ending (tone and mood may vary)

[2] Arc System

The Arc system provides a three point system that establishes a simple character arc for an NPC.
This system is designed to create a character quickly and establish a conflict; designed for one-
two month games or one shot sessions.

 Opening Arc – 15 xp rewarded; The character is introduced and the problem is


Chapter # - Social Links

 Conflict Arc – 25 xp rewarded; The character’s conflict comes to a head, and

requires action
 Closing Arc – 35 xp rewarded; Depending on how the conflict is resolved, the
plot shifts, and the player(s) is rewarded for interacting

[3] Long Form System

The Long Form system is the closest to the Persona system – ten tiers of development that fully
explore a character’s backstory, motivations and potential conflicts. This system offers the
greatest potential rewards, but requires a significant amount of time to complete. Structure is not
a massive concern – the social link may be a simple friendship with slice of life moments, or
revolve around a major conflict arc. Regardless of how the social link goes, there is enough
space to address everything that needs to be addressed. This system requires a six to eight week
commitment, even more time if necessary.

 Level 1 – 5 xp;
 Level 2 – 10 xp;
 Level 3 – 15 xp;
 Level 4 – 20 xp;
 Level 5 – 25 xp; Arcana bonus for the Arcana associated with the link
 Level 6 – 30 xp;
 Level 7 – 35 xp;
 Level 8 – 40 xp;
 Level 9 – 45 xp;
 Level 10 – 50 xp; Final Persona of the Arcana; Arcana bonus

Chapter # - Persona Mechanics and the Arcana Bank

Persona Mechanics and the Arcana Bank

Persona Mechanics

Personas have specific mechanics, some of which apply to the Persona’s card text and others that
apply in relation to the card itself.


Only one Persona may be active at a time. This is called ‘locking in’ and may be done freely out
of combat. In combat, a player may ‘lock in’ a Persona at the start of the fight and change
Personas once per turn. When a Persona is ‘locked in,’ the effects listed on the card (such as +1
Muscle, +1 Passive Evasion) apply to the final values of the Player’s attributes and statistics.
The effects apply as soon as a Persona is ‘locked in.’

Spells that a Persona can use may only be used when the Persona in question is ‘locked in.’

However, the passive effect of one’s primary Arcana are always in effect, even when the active
Persona is not from your Arcana.

Spells and Passives

Personae possess spells and passives naturally, either innately, as a result of fusion or from
experience buys. All Personas carry eight slots for skills and passives. Once the slots are used
up, the user must discard a skill in order to add a new one.

Skills take the form of spells and physical attacks. They each have an associated HP or SP cost.
Like attacks, only one spell may be used per round.

Passives take up a skill slot, but apply an effect constantly. These can include resistance to
specific damage types, evasion against damage and extra damage on damage rolls.

All Personae possess innate spells, listed on the card’s slots when first summoned. These spells
will always come with the Persona. They are slotted in the card’s slots when received, and
cannot be reslotted.

Additional spells and passives may be bought for Personae in the ‘Arcana’ bank. The bank lists
all the spells and passives based on level and experience cost. It should be noted that a prudent
Persona user will be frugal with their buys until they are sure that they can bring the skills they
want into fusion.

Fusion, coincidentally, acts as the method by which valued spells are carried over into a new
generation of Personas. This is the act of taking two or more Personas, bashing them together
and making something new and more powerful. This will be elaborated on under Fusion.

Chapter # - Persona Mechanics and the Arcana Bank

For more information on Spells, see Chapter #: Spells.

Finding Personae

Persona may be ‘found’ out of combat through combat rewards and through establishing Social

After every instance of combat, the party leader rolls a 1d10 to determine the party’s rewards.
The level of the reward is equal to the dungeon level. 1-2 is a party health heal, 3-4 is a new
weapon, 5-6 is a money drop, 7 is a consumable item drop, and 8 through 10 is a new Persona.
The new Persona is selected by a 2d20, rolled by the GM, each number on the die representing
an Arcana by its number. The two die results grant a Persona from either die, but the party may
only vote on keeping one.

For example, a roll of (2,14) will grant Persona of the Priestess and Temperance, and a roll of
(7,8) will grant Persona of the Chariot and Strength.

There is a special rule for doubles. A roll of (1, 1) will grant a Persona of the Fool. A roll of (20,
20) will grant a Persona of the World.

Personas are also found in the forging of social links. Whenever the first social link is made, the
player is granted a level 1 Persona of the link’s Arcana. If both characters are Persona-users, and
are creating their first social links with each other, the GM rolls one die for both and both get a
Persona if the roll succeeds.

Buying Personae

In the event that a player cannot find a Persona from the Arcana they want, (s)he can elect to buy
a Persona from Igor, at a cost of some of their experience points. The Personae one can buy are
dependent on social links and the party compendium, as well as Arcana level. A player may
only buy Personas from Arcana within the party and from social links established from NPCs.

Buying Personae is only recommended when Persona drops are irregular or party members are
having trouble with their native Persona. While the cost is not prohibitive, a bought Persona is
literally and figuratively not free, especially considering that bought Persona only have the spells
and passives that come with them naturally. Weigh your options before putting your points into
a new Persona.

Fusing Personae

At any time before entering the Dungeon Realm, the players may speak with Igor in the Velvet
Room and ask for a ‘Persona Fusion.’ A fusion takes two or more Persona and creates one
greater Persona, carrying a mixture of spells and passives. A player may ask for a split, triad,
cross or pentagram fusion, which corresponds to a fusion between 2, 3, 4 and 5 Personae
respectively. All fusion types will produce one Persona. Fusion costs at least two Personae

Chapter # - Persona Mechanics and the Arcana Bank

already owned by a player. Fusion may occur between multiple players – in this case, two or
more players may contribute at least one Persona each to the fusion process. The resulting
Persona belongs to the player who initially requested fusion.

For the purpose of simplicity, fusion-material Personae can be referred to as ‘parents,’ and
fusion-product Personae can be referred to as ‘children.’

The level of the resulting fused Persona depends on the levels of the two fusion-material
Personas. If both Personas are equal level to each other, their ‘child’ will be one level greater
than its parents. If one parent is one level lower or more than the other parent, the resulting child
will be of the same level as the highest level parent. No matter what, the resulting fused Persona
is at least equal in level to the highest level parent.

In fusion cases higher than split, special rules are used. In triad, cross and pentagram fusions,
there is an ‘Actor,’ a Persona that carries the gender and first/last three spells, and ‘Catalysts,’
Personae that carry one spell and their Persona effect. The player requesting fusion determines
the actor and catalysts. The resulting Arcana number of the fused Persona is equal to the
combined digit of all Arcana brought into fusion (A fusion between Magus, Priestess and
Empress, (I, II, III) will produce a resulting Persona of the Lovers (VI, the combined sum of the
digits). If the final Arcana number is greater than 21, subtract the remaining sum of the digits
from 21 to find the new Arcana number (e.g. If you fuse a Fortune, Devil and Magus, 10, 14 and
1 respectively, your total is 25. Your final Arcana number is (21- 4), meaning that the final
Persona is one of the Moon).

There are two fusion ‘genders’ – Alpha and Omega, first and last. The genders are chosen when
the player decides to fuse Personae; either Persona in fusion can be Alpha or Omega, only on.
Alpha gendered cards carry the name of the Arcana into fusion, along with part of their parent’s
passive effect (delineated on the card). An Alpha Chariot will remain a Chariot after fusion
(gender is reset after each fusion). Omega gendered cards carry the FIRST two or LAST two
spells over into fusion. The spells chosen carried over are determined by the player asking for a

Crux Personae are special Personae that cannot be created through fusion. A Crux exists for
each Arcana. They may only be found as potential bosses or rewards for particularly difficult
fights or scenarios, recommended for level 6-9 parties. The Crux Persona possesses a full spell
list and a unique passive ability.

Players may buy-back fusion material Persona by consulting the Persona Compendium (typically
held by Elizabeth, Margaret, Igor or Victor). The cost of fusion material Personae is equal to
75% of the experience cost to buy the same Persona from him.

When Personae are fused, the resulting product gains a number of ‘reserve’ experience points
equal to the Arcana card’s level OR the relevant social link’s level times five (1*5 for a level 1
Arcana; 3*5 for a level 3 Arcana). These points can be used to buy skills and passive available
from the Arcana bank for that Persona only.

Chapter # - Persona Mechanics and the Arcana Bank


There are no exclusivity rules in Persona. Any Persona can inherit any spell or passive through
fusion, for no experience point cost. This can mean that a player running a strictly offensive
Arcana, like the Chariot, can get spells like Dia and Recarm through fusion if they do not have a
supportive Persona, while still maintaining a focus on their core gameplay. The only limits to
inheritance are that only the FIRST or LAST two spells are carried over, and that Persona effects
are not carried over in 2 card fusions.

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Spells and Passives

“… Spells, on the other hand, have different properties. "Bufu," for instance, indicates an "Ice" attack. Now, most
enemies are vulnerable to certain types of attacks. In other words, they have weaknesses. A Fire spell will deal
greater damage to an enemy that's weak against Fire.”
-Mitsuru Kirijou [Change this quote later – find something better]

The Persona, in the metaphysical sense, is the way we exert ourselves on the world around us. It
controls, through reason, social connections and memory, who we interact with and what power
we have over them or they have over us. It manifests, consciously or unconsciously, as a social
force, empowered by socialization and social networks.

In Persona, this power is very much physical. Your Persona’s powers manifest in the physical
world, in the form of spells and passive effects that can affect opponents and objects.

Spell Mechanics

Spells are not ‘learned’ in the literal way, but ‘bought’ with experience. This is reflective of the
metaphysical nature of the game. As a Persona is a manifestation of your conscious tools, as a
now-physical entity, a Persona’s spells are the mechanical approximation for what you
consciously want to happen. You want to heal an ally? You heal them, at a cost of some of your
stamina. You to set an enemy on fire? You can do the same, at a cost.

As your character develops over the course of the game, (s)he will learn how to manifest their
Personas in more powerful and efficient ways, unlocking new levels of spells and powers that
they could not previously access.

Mechanical Details

A spell in the Persona universe may be considered an action or a passive effect, depending on the
designation of the spell. Only one may be performed per round unless stated otherwise.

Your Persona keeps your spells for you, through the use of spell slots. All Personas have at least
1 ‘innate’ spell that they come with, occupying one or more of their spell slots. Typically
though, Personas have 3 or 4 innate spells. The remaining slots are open, and may be filled by
spells bought in a Persona’s Arcana Bank for experience points. You may only keep up to eight
spells with one Persona at any time. If you want to add a new spell to a Persona that has no free
spell slots, you must discard one of your spells and have the new one take its place.

Spells typically have a cost associated with them, in the form of SP (Spirit Points) or HP (Health
Points). ‘Magic’ spells, spells that deal magic damage and apply status effects, cost SP.
‘Physical’ spells, spells that deal physical damage and apply passive effects, cost HP.

Spells are divided into ‘schools’ – rough groupings that share a general hierarchy of power. The
schools are listed thusly:

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

 Elemental Spells – these spells roughly represent elemental forces, like fire, ice and
wind. These spells deal damage, and target a weakness. These spells may target one or
multiple targets depending on the spell level. The spell types are as follows:
o Agi – Fire magic; strong area of effect, high damage.
o Bufu – Ice; high levels of control and sustained damage.
o Garu – Wind; carries a large area of effect and buffs.
o Zio – Lightning; capable of incredible burst damage.
o Maji – Water; maintains substantial healing and protection from enemy debuffs.
o Nuya – Earth; supports the other elements and provides reliable consistent
 Force Spells – these spells represent Newtonian forces, like kinetic energy, gravity and
nuclear forces. These spells move enemy characters around, slowing them down and
stopping them from moving. The spell types are as follows:
o Zan – Kinetic Force; This spell type pushes foes around, and deals extra damage
when enemies are pulled into walls. This spell type may also destroy
environmental obstacles.
o Gry – Gravity; This spell type pulls foes to a single spot, and deals extra damage
when enemies collide with each other. This spell type may also destroy
environmental obstacles.
o Megido – Almighty/Nuclear; This spell type deals damage that cannot be
resisted, but costs significant amounts of SP to cast; In addition, this spell type
can destroy whole sections of the environment.
 Alignment Spells – these spells represent the forces of light and darkness. These spells
may either kill their target outright using a probability roll, or deal light or dark-based
damage to one or multiple targets. The spell types are as follows:
o Mudo – Dark; Weak against Holy. These spells have higher chances to kill a
target early in the game, but do not scale well into the late game.
o Hama – Holy; Weak against Dark. These spells are highly inaccurate early in the
game, but become very strong later in the game.
 Blessing Spells – these spells represent healing elements, in the broader sense. These
include HP/MP restoration spells, dispels, positive status effects and reviving spells. The
notable spell types include:
o Dia – Heal; This spell heals HP directly.
o Recarm – Revive; This spell revives unconscious allies.
o Recovery Spells – Status heal; These spells remove negative status effects.
o Attribute Spells – Stat bonus; These spells buff your allies.
o Invigorate/Rejuvenate – Passive regeneration of health and SP.
o –Karn Spells – Reflect an incoming attack.
 Curse Spells – these spells represent negative emotional and physical states that human-
like creatures can experience. These spells inflict negative status effects.
o Ailment Spells – Inflict an ailment that severely disrupts enemy actions.
o Nerve Spells – Direct debuffs that affect an enemy’s attacks.
o Exploitation Spells – Modifying spells that hinder an opponent when affected by
debuffs or ailments. Extremely difficult to remove.
o Illusion Spells – Increase your agility and evasion by disrupting the opponent.

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

 Time Spells – these spells represent the time manipulation and the effect of magic on
time. These spells affect the number of actions a unit may take, as well as the state of the
environment around the unit.
o Causality – Play with causality to increase or decrease the number of attacks one
may make or times a spell may be applied.
o Sync – Disrupt past, present and future to take attacks and spells out of time, or
displace them on others.
 Physical Spell – very broadly, these spells inflict physical damage and strike at a
weakness. This school of spells costs HP to cast, but inflicts greater damage and applies
more effects than standard attacks. Spell types include:
o Strike – inflicts heavy damage, low accuracy; includes hammers, maces, clubs,
staves and improvised weapons, like desks, folding chairs and street signs; These
spells may also stun targets or slow them.
o Slash – inflicts moderate damage, moderate accuracy; includes swords, halberds,
axes and knives; these spells may also deal damage over time.
o Pierce – inflicts low initial damage, but cuts through or burns through armor;
includes bows, crossbows, spears, sickles and guns;
o Havoc – inflicts low damage with the potential to cause additional status effects;
includes claws, natural weapons and fists;
o Weapon – these spells may be cast if the caster is wielding a particular weapon
o Passive – physical passives affect a character’s effectiveness with weapon types
and with combat maneuvers.
o (These spell types are also weapon types; refer to Chapter#: Weapons for more

Most spells are distinguished by a system of prefixes and suffixes that signal their power and
range. These prefixes and suffixes combine into a phrase, akin to a ‘magic word’ (Ma-hama-on,
for example, is a Hama spell that has greater range and power). Please note that you, as a player
or as a character, do not have to say the magic word to use a spell (hotblooded players are
encouraged to do the opposite of this). The system is as follows:
 Prefixes determine range; Ma- or Me- (Hindi for great) increases the range of the spell
type to all units within a targeted area of effect. Maha- (Hindi for greatest) increases the
range to all units within eyesight.
 Suffixes determine power; -La, -Lao, -Ga, and -Ma increase the power of a spell by one
tier (to moderate). –Dyne and -Han (-dyne being a unit of power or force in physics)
increases the power of spell by two tiers (to heavy). Spells that deal severe damage are
named separately from the naming scheme.
o As a corollary, -On increases an Alignment spell’s kill chance.

Spell range that is not targeted or self is indicated by a ‘number x number’ value and a shape
(square, cube, cone and line). The value represents the number of squares affected, while the
shape determines… well, the shape of the area of effect. For example, a 4x4 square is a square
that is four squares long and four squares wide. All units within that square are affected by the
resulting spell (keep in mind that when dealing with area of effect skills, only one to-hit roll is
used to hit all units).

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Individual sections on spell types are available on the proceeding pages.

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Elemental Spells
The following pages outline the details of the elemental spells: Agi, Bufu, Garu, Zio, Maji and
Nuya. If you’re looking for information on them, you’ve come to the right place.

Below is a general chart, listing the Arcana that can buy and/or inherit Elemental spells. This is
by no means a full list – details are included with the entries on each spell type.

In this chart:
 O means that the Arcana can inherit and buy that spell type.
 I means that the Arcana can only inherit that spell type.
 N means that the Arcana cannot inherit or buy that spell type.

Elemental Spell Arcana Chart

Arcana Agi Bufu Garu Zio Maji Nuya
Fool O O O O O O
Magus O O O O O O
Priestess O (up to – O (up to – O O (up to – O O (up to
la) la) la) –la)
Empress N O N N N N
Emperor N N N O N N
Hierophant O (up to – O (up to – O (up to – O (up to – O (up to O (up to
la) la) la) la) –la) –la)
Lovers O (AoE only) O (AoE only) O (AoE only) O (AoE O (AoE O (AoE
only) only) only)
Chariot N N N N N N
Strength N N N N N O
Hermit N O N O N N
Fortune N N O N O N
Justice N N N N N N
Hanged Man N N N N O O
Death N N N N N N
Temperance O N O N O O
Devil O N N N N N
Tower N N O O N N
Star O O N N N N
Moon N O N N O N
Sun O N N N N O
Judgment O O O O O O
World O O O O O O

Chapter # - Spells and Passives


Derived from Agni, god of Fire in Vedic texts.

Fire is a symbol of many things. Ingenuity, knowledge, creation, destruction, chaos, war,
passion, rage… It can be considered an element of catalysts, creating and destroying rather than
sustaining. In symbolic terms, it also means a change of state, a shifting of one form to another,
often suddenly or violently. Religious contexts often pair fire with world-shifting events and
Abrahamic underworlds (hell being the most apparent example), though fire may also be
synonymous with the sun or light. Ra, Egyptian personification of the sun, is one example.

Fire in-game is a moderate damage, moderate cost spell type. It operates as one of the basic
damaging spells, with limited environmental utility. It has no on-point crowd control. It is weak
against Ice, but is also strong against it.

Arcana who learn Agi naturally (can buy them from the Arcana bank) are:
 Fool, Magus, Priestess (up to Agilao), Hierophant, Lovers (only AoE), Devil,
Temperance, the Star, the Sun, Judgment, and World.


For the main line of spells (unless otherwise states, Fool and World may buy these spells):
 Agi is available at level 1 to all of the above except Lovers.
 Maragi is available at level 3 to all of the above.
 Agilao is available at level 4 to all of the above except Lovers.
 Maragion is available at level 6 to Fool, Magus, Lovers, Devil, the Star, the Sun and
 Agidyne is available at level 7 to Fool, Magus, Devil, the Star, the Sun and Judgment.
 Maragidyne is available at level 9 to Magus, Lovers, Devil and Judgment.

For specific spells (unless otherwise stated, Fool and World may buy these spells):
 Spark is available at level 1 to all ‘magic’ Arcana.
 Hellfire is available at level 5 to the Devil and the Sun.
 Inferno is available at level 5 to the Magus.
 Dragonfire is available at level 4 to the Magus and Devil.
 Conflagration is available at level 3 to the Magus, and at level 5 for all ‘magic’ Arcana.
 Explode is available at level 5 to the Magus, and at level 6 for all other ‘magic’ Arcana.
 Ragnarok is only available at level 10 to the Magus.
 Molten Blade is available at level 4 to Strength, the Magus and the Star.
 Searing Fire is available at level 6 exclusively to Strength and the Magus.
 Laevateinn is available at level 9 to Strength and the Magus.
 Agi Boost is available at level 5 to all of the above.
 Agi Amp is available at level 8 to all of the above.

Chapter # - Spells and Passives


Fire spells deal moderate damage for their cost, but are not entirely consistent. Their damage is
graded on 1d6 and 1d10. Their area of effect is moderately sized. Specifically, fire spells tend
to have a ‘damage over time’ component.

Fire Spells in Detail

Spell Full Damage Area Additional Effects Out of Spell EXP
Roll of Battle Cost Cost
Effect Effects
Spark 1d2 + MP 3x3 N/A Test to set a 2 SP 5 XP
modifier Square targeted object
Agi 1d6 + MP Target N/A or person on 3 SP 10 XP
modifier fire (MP test;
Maragi 1d6 + (MP 3x3 N/A TN 7 on small 5 SP 15 XP
modifier – 1) Square objects, TN 9
Agilao 2d6 + MP Target N/A on humans; 5 SP 20 XP
modifier decrease the
Maragion 2d6 + (MP 4x4 N/A TN value for 8 SP 30 XP
modifier - 2) Square both tests by 2
Agidyne 2d10 + MP Target N/A for –lao spells 8 SP 40 XP
modifier and 4 for –
Maragidyne 2d10 + (MP 5x5 N/A dyne spells). 12 SP 50 XP
modifier - 3) Square
Hellfire 2d6 + (MP 4x4 Inflict 1d6 damage N/A 6 SP 20 XP
modifier) Square upon yourself after
around damage calculation.
Inferno 1d6 (+1 for 6x6 N/A Test to set a 6 SP 15 XP
every unit Square large area on
caught in the fire (MP
AoE) test;TN 15).
Dragonfire 1d6 + MP 3x3 Burn away 2 armor N/A 6 SP 20 XP
modifier Square and MDR off any
units within the AoE
after dealing damage.
Conflagration 1d2 + MP Target Target cannot benefit N/A 2 SP 10 XP
modifier dealt from Maji spells
every turn for while afflicted.
three rounds.
Explode 1d10 + MP Target If the target dies as a The same 8 SP 25 XP
modifier result of explode, deal effect applies
1d6 + MP modifier to people.
damage to all other Test as normal
units within two for Agi spells
squares. This effect to attempt to

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

can explode further. make

Wildfire N/A N/A For three rounds, all Test to set a 5 SP 10 XP
fire spells linger on major fire that
their target or area of will be
effect, dealing 1d2 + difficult to
(1 per spell rank) to extinguish
all units affected. (MP test; TN
This does not stack 16)
with conflagration.
Ragnarok 3d10 + MP Target Target is afflicted (Please don’t 25 SP 80 XP
modifier with Conflagration use this on
after damage people.)
Molten Blade N/A Self Give your weapon +2 Apply as 8 SP 15 XP
damage and change normal out-of-
its weapon type to combat (MP
Fire for three rounds test 12).
Searing Fire (Weapon Self Cast on your 12 SP 25 XP
damage) + MP equipped weapon.
modifier + The weapon dissolves
FINE modifier into a molten whip,
extending its range to
three squares. In
addition to its weapon
damage, it gains
one’s MP modifier
and FINE modifier to
damage rolls for two
Laevateinn N/A Self Give your weapon 20 SP 40 XP
+7 damage and
change its weapon
type to Fire for
three rounds.
Agi Boost N/A Self Passive; Increase all N/A N/A 15 XP
damage dealt by
fire spells by 3.
Agi Amp N/A Self Passive; Gain a N/A N/A 25 XP
guaranteed Spell
Reroll for Fire

Chapter # - Spells and Passives


Derived from Sanskrit, root of the word bRhattuhinazarkara meaning ‘full of

great lumps of ice.”

Ice, in stark contrast to fire, is a constant of the universe. That is, coldness. Ice represents the
constant will of the physics to return the environment and objects within it to a state of near-zero
energy. Symbolically, Ice can represent lifelessness, emptiness and distance, even death. It can
also describe preservation and intelligence, the triumph of cold reason over hot-blooded passion.
Death and ice are synonymous with certain cultures, Marzanna, the goddess of nightmares and
death in Slavic folkore, being a potent example.

Ice in-game is a moderate to low damage, low cost spell type. While it offers lower than average
damage, it offers low spell cost, access to crowd control, and more consistent damage overall
through exploiting freezes and slows. It is weak to Fire, but is also strong against it.

Arcana that can learn Ice spells naturally are:

 Magus, Priestess (up to Bufula), Empress, Hierophant, Hermit, the Star, the Moon,
Judgment, and World.

For the main line of spells (unless otherwise stated, Fool and World may buy these spells):
 Bufu is available at level 1 to all of the above except Lovers.
 Mabufu is available at level 3 to all of the above.
 Bufula is available at level 4 to all of the above except Lovers.
 Mabufula is available at level 6 to Fool, Magus, the Star, the Moon, and Judgment.
 Bufudyne is available at level 7 to Fool, Magus, the Star, the Moon, and Judgment.
 Mabufudyne is available at level 9 to Fool, Magus, Lovers, and Judgment.

For specific spell (unless otherwise stated, Fool and World may buy these spells):
 Frost is available to all ‘magic’ Arcana.
 Sheer Cold is available at level 3 to the Magus, Hermit, the Moon and Judgment.
 Sap Heat is available at level 4 to the Magus, Hermit, and the Moon.
 Absolute Zero is only available at level 5 to the Magus and Hermit.
 Hailstorm is available at level 6 to the Magus at level 5, and all other ‘magic’ Arcana.
 Frostbite is available at level 4 to the Magus, Hermit, and the Moon.
 Niflheim is available at level 10 to the Magus and the Moon.
 Diamond Dust is available at level 3 to the Magus, Empress, Chariot and the Moon.
 Cocytus is available at level 9 to Chariot and the Magus.
 Bufu Boost is available to level 5 to all of the above.
 Bufu Amp is available at level 8 to all of the above.

Chapter # - Spells and Passives


Ice spells deal relatively low damage for their cost, but are very consistent. Their damage is
graded exclusively on a 1d6. These spells possess a small area of effect, relative to other spells.
Their low damage amplified by several spells that inflict additional damage when the opponent is
frozen or slowed.

Ice Spells in Detail

Spell Full Damage Area Additional Out of Battle Spell EXP
Roll of Effects Effects Cost Cost
Frost MP Value – 4 4x4 S All units within Test to freeze a 2 SP 5 XP
the area of targeted object
effect are or person (MP
slowed by 1 test; TN 9 on
movement small objects,
range. TN 11 on
Bufu 1d6 + MP Target A roll of 6 on humans; 3 SP 10 XP
modifier two or more of decrease the TN
Mabufu 1d6 + (MP 3x3 the damage dice value for both 5 SP 15 XP
modifier – 1) Square freezes the tests by 2 for –
Bufula 2d6 + MP Target target in place lao spells and 4 5 SP 20 XP
modifier for one turn. for –dyne
Mabufula 2d6 + (MP 4x4 This can only spells). 7 SP 30 XP
modifier - 2) Square affect a unit Alternatively,
Bufudyne 3d6 + MP Target once per battle. you may freeze 7 SP 40 XP
modifier (Other freezing internal organs
Mabufudyne 3d6 + (MP 5x5 effects may or sap heat from 10 SP 50 XP
modifier - 3) Square apply the environment
otherwise.) at the same

Sheer Cold N/A Target Test MP against N/A 3 SP 10 XP

the target’s
Value – 2) to
inflict freeze.
Sap Heat N/A Target Target a unit. You may do this No cost 10 XP
Deal 3 damage to people (MP
and steal 25% of test; TN 9;).
the target’s Rolling a 10 on
maximum SP. this test will kill
the target
outright, and
restore half of
your maximum
Absolute N/A Target Target all units You may kill 10 SP 20 XP
Zero in battle that are frozen people

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

frozen. Kill without an MP

those units test.
without testing
(25% chance
against bosses).
Hailstorm 2d6 5s Cone All units caught Test to freeze a 6 SP 20 XP
in the area of large area (MP
effect are test; TN 15).
slowed by 2
movement range
for two rounds.
Frostbite See Additional Target Target a unit N/A 4 SP 15 XP
Effects. suffering from
freeze or an Ice-
based slow.
Deal 1d6
damage to that
unit and refresh
the status effect.

Niflheim 5d6 + MP Target Each roll of 6 (Please don’t 20 SP 80 XP

modifier inflicts another use this on
2 damage after people.)
Diamond N/A Self Summon a N/A 7 SP 15 XP
Dust Kunai weapon
made of ice,
possessing 3d2
attack value and
dealing ice
Cocytus N/A Self Give your N/A 16 SP 35 XP
weapon +3
damage and
inflict freeze
on hit; if the
target resists
Ice, then slow
the target by 3
range for 1
Bufu Boost N/A Self Passive; N/A N/A 15 XP
Increase all
damage dealt
by Ice spells
by 3.
Bufu Amp N/A Self Passive; Gain N/A N/A 25 XP

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

a guaranteed
Spell Reroll
for Ice spells.

Chapter # - Spells and Passives


Derived from Garuda, a Vedic mythological bird associated with the wind.

Wind is a transient element. Though invisible, the wind nevertheless interacts with the
environment in apparent ways, either subtly (through erosion) or violently (through tornados and
hurricanes). In this sense, it can represent transient forces, such as the collective consciousness
and the presence of spirits, forces that act invisibly but whose effects are apparent. It may also
be said that wind can be an indicator of fate. Instances where wind IS visible, like dustclouds,
fog, sandstorms and blizzards, often represent turmoil, claustrophobia and illusions shrouding the

Wind in-game is a low-damage, low cost spell type. While it maintains the lowest damage
overall among the elemental spell types, it provides low costs, utility, large area of effect and
crowd control. Wind is weak to lightning, but also strong against it.

Arcana that can learn Wind spells naturally are:

 Magus, Priestess (up to Garula), Hierophant, Lovers (only AoE), Fortune, Temperance,
the Tower, Judgment, and World.

For the main line of spells (unless otherwise stated, Fool and World may buy these spells):
 Garu is available at level 1 to all of the above except Lovers.
 Magaru is available at level 3 to all of the above.
 Garula is available at level 4 to all of the above except Lovers.
 Magarula is available at level 6 to Magus, Lovers, Fortune, Temperance, the Tower, and
 Garudyne is available at level 7 to Magus, Fortune, Temperance, the Tower, and
 Magarudyne is available at level 9 to Magus, Fortune, Temperance, and Judgment.

For specific spells (unless otherwise stated, Fool and World may buy these spells):
 Whirlwind is available to all ‘magic’ Arcana.
 Fan the Flames is available at level 3 to the Magus, Priestess, Lovers, Fortune, the
Tower, and Judgment.
 Chilling Wind is available at level 3 to the Magus, Priestess, Lovers, Fortune, the Tower
and Judgment.
 Windspeaker is available at level 4 to the Magus, Priestess and Lovers.
 Divine Gale is available at level 4 to the Magus, Priestess, Lovers, Fortune and the
 Dust Devil is available at level 5 to the Magus, Fortune and Tower.
 Typhoon is available at level 5 to the Magus, Lovers, Fortune, the Tower and Judgment.
 Heavenly Cyclone is available at level 6 to the Magus, Priestess, Lovers, Fortune, the
Tower and Judgment.
 Phanta Rhei is available at level 10 to the Magus.

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

 Garu Boost is available to level 5 to all of the above.

 Garu Amp is available at level 8 to all of the above.

Chapter # - Spells and Passives


Wind spells deal relatively low damage, but are reliably cheap and cost-effective. Damage is
graded on the 1d6, 1d8 and 1d10. These spells possess the largest area of effect of the elemental
spell schools, and possess almost no penalties to their AoE. Low damage is supplemented by
utility in buffing allies, as well as strong crowd controls.

Wind Spells in Detail

Spell Full Damage Area Additional Out of Battle Spell EXP
Roll of Effects Effects Cost Cost
Whirlwind MP modifier 4x4 If used on a prone or Test to knock an 2 SP 5 XP
Square stunned enemy, the NPC character
enemy is knocked or player up (no,
up and rendered not that way,
prone for another sicko) (MP test;
turn (not effective TN 8 on small
on boss enemies). objects, TN 10
Garu 1d6 + (MP Target N/A on humans; 3 SP 10 XP
modifier – 1) decrease the TN
Magaru 1d6 + MP 3x3 N/A value for both 5 SP 15 XP
modifier Square tests by 2 for –la
Garula 1d10 + (MP Target N/A spells and 4 for 5 SP 20 XP
modifier – 2) –dyne spells).
Magarula 1d10 + MP 4x4 N/A 8 SP 30 XP
modifier Square
Garudyne 2d8 + (MP Target N/A 8 SP 40 XP
modifier – 3)
Magarudyne 2d8 + MP 5x5 N/A 12 SP 50 XP
modifier Square
Fan the N/A Target Give an ally or self N/A 6 SP 15 XP
Flames +2 bonus damage on
Fire spells for three
rounds (add an
additional +1 to
damage per spell
Chilling N/A Target Give an ally or self N/A 6 SP 15 XP
Wind +2 bonus damage on
Ice spells for three
rounds (add an
additional +1 to
damage per spell
Windspeaker N/A Target All party members You may send 4 SP 10 XP
regenerate 1 SP per messages to
round for ten rounds fellow party
(or 1 hour of in- members

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

game time). through wind if

said party
members are not
in the same
location as you.
However, you
must know
generally where
a party member
is before you
can send
him/her a
Dust Devil 1d6 Special Summon a 2x2 Effect may 8 SP 15 XP
controllable minion apply out of
at target location, combat with an
possessing 6 health, MP test at TN 8.
no armor, and the
ability to pass
through enemies.
This minion deals
rolled damage to all
units it passes
through, and slows
them by 2.
Divine Gale N/A 3x3 All allies within the Effect may 4 SP 10 XP
AoE gain +2 apply out of
movement range, +2 combat with no
to-hit and +2 tests.
Willpower for three
Typhoon 2d6 + MP 6x6 The turn after this Test to summon 10 SP 25 XP
modifier Square spell is used, deal a localized
half of the previous storm (roughly
turn’s calculated 40 meters
damage to all wide)(MP Test;
affected units. TN 11)

Heavenly 1d8 + Aegis 4x4 All allies caught in 12 SP 15 XP

Cyclone modifier Square the cyclone are not
dealt damage and
are cleansed of
negative status
Phanta Rhei 3d8 + Aegis 4x4 All allies caught in Test to summon 25 SP 80 XP
modifier Square the AoE gain +2 a localized
movement range storm (roughly 4
and +2 Willpower. kilometers
wide)(MP Test;
TN 13) (Please
don’t use this on

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Garu Boost N/A Self Passive; Increase N/A N/A 15 XP
all damage dealt
by wind spells by
Garu Amp N/A Self Passive; Gain a N/A N/A 25XP
guaranteed Spell
Reroll for Wind

Chapter # - Spells and Passives


Derived from an old name for Tyr, a lightning god from the proto-Germanic

Lightning, and by consequence thunder, is a symbol of a potent, sudden force, often divine in
origin. It may be the spirit of epiphany, the spark of brilliance, but may also be an inescapable
punishment from on high. It strikes without warning, and leaves long lasting effects. As a
symbol of a destructive force, religions have framed lightning and the thunderbolt as a weapon of
a sky god – Zeus, Indra, Odin are the most recognizable examples.

Lightning is a high damage, high cost spell type. It offers the highest raw damage out of the
elemental spells, and is capable of dealing damage rapidly, but it has little utility, crowd control
and an unreliable area of effect.

Arcana that can learn Lightning spells naturally are:

 Fool, Magus, Priestess (up to Zionga), Emperor, Hierophant, Lovers (only AoE), Hermit,
the Tower, Judgement, and World.

For the main line of spells (unless otherwise stated, Fool and World may buy these spells):
 Zio is available at level 1 to all of the above except Lovers.
 Mazio is available at level 3 to all of the above.
 Zionga is available at level 4 to all of the above except Lovers.
 Mazionga is available at level 6 to Fool, Magus, Emperor Lovers, Hermit, the Tower,
and Judgement.
 Ziodyne is available at level 7 to Fool, Magus, Emperor, Hermit, the Tower, Judgment
and World.
 Maziodyne is available at level 9 to Fool, Magus, Lovers, Emperor, Hermit, Judgment
and World.

For specific spells (unless otherwise stated, Fool and World may buy these spells):
 Forked Lightning is available to all ‘magic’ Arcana.
 Charge is available at level 3 to the Magus, Lovers, Hierophant, Hermit, the Tower, and
 Lightning Rod is available at level 3 to the Magus, Lovers, Hierophant, Hermit, the
Tower and Judgment.
 Re-strike is available at level 4 to the Magus and Hermit.
 Chain Lightning is available at level 4 to the Magus, Hermit, and the Tower.
 Feedback is available at level 5 to the Magus, Hermit and Tower.
 Narukami is available at level 5 to the Magus, Hermit, the Tower and Judgment.
 Thunder Reign is available at level 6 to the Magus, the Tower and Judgment.
 Mjölnir is available at level 6 to the Magus, Emperor and Strength.
 Zio Boost is available to level 5 to all of the above.
 Zio Amp is available at level 8 to all of the above.

Chapter # - Spells and Passives


Zio possesses the highest damage potential of the elemental spells, but comes with a high SP cost
and the threat of ‘burning out’ – running out of SP before killing one’s target. Damage is graded
on the 1d6, 1d10 and 1d20.

Spell Full Damage Area Additional Out of Battle Spell EXP

Roll of Effects Effects Cost Cost
Forked 2d2 + MP Target If a unit is within Test to shock an 2 SP 5 XP
Lightning modifier three squares of the NPC character
target, deal 1d2 + or player with a
MP modifier lightning bolt
damage to that (MP test; TN 8
target. on small objects,
Zio 1d6 + MP Target N/A TN 10 on 3 SP 10 XP
modifier humans; You
Mazio 1d6 + (MP 3x3 N/A risk killing the 5 SP 15 XP
modifier – 2) Square target when you
Zionga 1d10 + MP Target N/A attempt this; 5 SP 20 XP
modifier decrease the TN
Mazionga 1d10 + (MP 4x4 N/A value for both 8 SP 30 XP
modifier - 3) Square tests by 2 for –
Ziodyne 2d10 + MP Target N/A ga spells and 4 8 SP 40 XP
modifier for –dyne
Maziodyne 2d10 + (MP 5x5 N/A spells). 12 SP 50 XP
modifier - 3) Square
Charge N/A Self When cast, end your N/A 5 SP 15 XP
turn. Next turn, you
may cast two
lightning spells in
one half action,
dealing 2 extra
damage to all
affected targets at
the end of damage
calculation. All
spells involved in
Charge cost 2 SP
Lightning N/A Target Select a target. For N/A 10 SP 15 XP
Rod three rounds, that
target takes 2
additional damage
per lightning spell
made against it.
Re-strike N/A Target Select a target. This N/A 10 SP 15 XP
target is marked for
three turns. At the

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

end of the duration,

deal damage equal
to half of total
lightning damage
inflicted on the
target over the
Chain 1d10 Target/ If there is one or Effect may 8 SP 25 XP
Lightning Special more units within 4 apply out of
squares of the target, combat with an
deal 1d10 to the MP test at TN 8.
nearest unit, at a
cost of 6 SP, +1 SP
more per target hit.
This effect triggers
three times. It may
not trigger on the
same unit multiple
Feedback N/A Self For three rounds, N/A 10 SP 30 XP
every time you cast
a lightning spell, if
the spell deals 2 or
less damage per dice
after calculation,
cast it again as a free
action for half the
Narukami 4d6 + MP Target N/A Test to summon 25 SP 25 XP
modifier an arcing
lightning bolt,
hitting all targets
in the area
(roughly 20
Thunder 2d20 + MP 4x4 Increase the cost of wide)(MP Test; 25 SP 80 XP
Reign modifier Square this spell by 1 SP TN 11)
per target hit.
Mjölnir N/A Self Your weapon gains N/A 15 SP 30 XP
+3 damage, 2 Armor
Penetration and
inflicts shock on hit
for three rounds.
Zio Boost N/A Self Passive; Increase N/A N/A 15 XP
all damage dealt
by Lightning
spells by 3.
Zio Amp N/A Self Passive; Gain a N/A N/A 25XP
guaranteed Spell
Reroll for

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Lightning spells.

Chapter # - Spells and Passives


Derived from the Swahili word for “water.”

As a symbol, water can be a catalyst. Water creates life, and by extension, continues life when
plentiful. It may be said that water ‘lacks’ a form of its own, and instead represents infinite
possibilities to create or destroy other forms. In religious terms, it can represent purification
from sin or corrupting elements. Philosophically, water represents, instead, a continuity - it
represents the unformed aspect of the human psyche and regression to an unformed state, as well
as the unconscious.

In-game, water is a moderate damage, moderate cost spell type. Unlike the other elemental
types, it has the capacity to directly heal allies. In addition to this, it has access to potent crowd
controls and provides some utility.

Arcana that can learn Water spells naturally are:

 Fool, Magus, Priestess, Hierophant, Lovers (only AoE), Fortune, Hanged Man,
Temperance, Moon, Judgment, and World.

For the main line of spells (unless otherwise stated, Fool and World may buy these spells):
 Maji is available at level 1 to all of the above except Lovers.
 Mamaji is available at level 3 to all of the above.
 Majiga is available at level 4 to all of the above except Lovers.
 Mamajiga is available at level 6 to Magus, Priestess, Lovers, Fortune, Hanged Man,
Temperance, Moon, Judgment and World.
 Majidyne is available at level 7 to Magus, Priestess, Fortune, Hanged Man, Temperance
Moon, Judgment and World.
 Mamajidyne is available at level 9 to Magus, Priestess, Lovers, Fortune, Hanged Man,
Temperance, Moon, and Judgment.

For specific spells (unless otherwise stated, Fool and World may buy these spells):
 Tidal Wave is available to all ‘magic’ Arcana.
 Bubble is available at level 2 to the Magus, Priestess, Lovers and Judgment.
 Flood is available to all ‘magic’ Arcana.
 Healing Waters is available at level 3 to the Magus, Priestess, Lovers, Hierophant,
Fortune, Hanged Man, and Judgment.
 Cleansing Waters is available at level 3 to the Magus, Priestess, Lovers, Fortune,
Hanged Man and Judgment.
 Surging Tides is available at level 4 to the Magus, Priestess, Lovers, Hanged Man and
 Ocean’s Weight is available at level 4 to the Magus, Hanged Man, and Moon.
 Hurricane is available at level 5 to the Magus, Moon and Judgment.
 Bloody Honeymoon is available at level 6 to the Magus, Moon and Judgment.

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

 Popul Vuh is available at level 6 to the Magus, Empress and Hanged Man.
 Maji Boost is available to level 5 to all of the above.
 Maji Amp is available at level 8 to all of the above.

Chapter # - Spells and Passives


Water spells deal moderate damage for their cost, while also providing healing, utility and crowd
control, as well as consistent AoE damage. Damage is graded on 1d6 and 1d10.

Spell Full Damage Area Additional Out of Battle Spell EXP

Roll of Effects Effects Cost Cost
Tidal Wave 1d2 + MP 3x3 All units within the Test to throw a 2 SP 5 XP
modifier Square area of effect are blob of water an
slowed by 2 NPC character
movement range. or player (MP
Maji 1d6 + MP Target N/A test; TN 8 on 3 SP 10 XP
modifier small objects,
Mamaji 1d6 + MP 3x3 N/A TN 10 on 5 SP 15 XP
modifier Square humans;
Majiga 1d10 + MP Target N/A decrease the TN 5 SP 20 XP
modifier value for both
Mamajiga 1d10 + MP 4x4 N/A tests by 2 for – 8 SP 30 XP
modifier Square ga spells and 4
Majidyne 2d10 + MP Target N/A for –dyne 8 SP 40 XP
modifier spells).
Mamajidyne 2d10 + MP 5x5 N/A 12 SP 50 XP
modifier Square
Bubble See effects. Target Grant a targeted unit Test MP to grant
+4 shield points for a unit a bubble
two rounds. The of air in a
shield dissipates at suitably large
the end of the body of water
duration. (TN 6 for a
shallow body;
TN 8-10 for
deeper, higher
pressure bodies).
Flood N/A 8x8 All enemy units N/A 5 SP 10 XP
Square caught in the AoE
must test Finesse or
be knocked down.
For three turns,
increase all
lightning damage on
affected units by 3.
Healing 1d6 + MP All All allies gain health N/A 5 SP 15 XP
Waters modifier Allies equal to the damage
roll of the spell.
Purifying N/A Target Remove all negative N/A 7 SP 15 XP
Waters Ally status effects on an

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Surging N/A 5x5 All allies in the AoE N/A 8 SP 15 XP

Tides gain +3 movement
range and +1 to all
combat maneuver
Ocean’s N/A Target This spell lasts 3 N/A 10 SP 30 XP
Weight rounds. During this,
all water spells cast
on a target will
lower the target’s
movement range by
3 and deal 3 damage
every time the target
Hurricane MP Modifier 12x12 This spell is active Test to summon 12 SP 30 XP
(follow for five turns. Deal a miniature
caster) your MP Modifier to hurricane,
all enemy units at hitting all targets
the start of your turn in the area
and slow then by 2 (roughly 20
movement range. meters
Bloody 3d10 + MP 6x6 Units that do not die wide)(MP Test; 25 SP 80 XP
Honeymoon modifier Square from this spell after TN 10)
damage calculation
are knocked down.
Popul Vuh N/A Self Your weapon gains N/A 12 SP 25 XP
[Mayan book +3 damage and
of the Dead] causes all units hit
by the weapon to
take -3 to all to-hit
Maji Boost N/A Self Passive; Increase N/A N/A 15 XP
all damage dealt
by Water spells by
Maji Amp N/A Self Passive; Gain a N/A N/A 25XP
guaranteed Spell
Reroll for Water

Chapter # - Spells and Passives


Derived from the Cherokee word for “rock.”

Out of all of the elements, Earth is the most constant. It acts as the base upon which other
elements act. It can be considered, in a scientific case, to be matter, upon which the forces of
energy act. Symbolically, Earth can represent fertility, as it accommodates the other elemental
forces and allows life to develop. It may also represent physical reality and the world of the
conscious. Greek Chthonian (‘of the earth’) gods, like Demeter and Hades, exist on opposite
sides of fertility as a symbol, and are one example of Earth in a symbolic context. For more on
fertility, see Dia.

In-game, Earth is a low damage, low cost spell type. Damage for this spell type is incredibly
reliable, but low. Its strength lies in its interactions with other element types. One might
consider Earth a support element, but it is still capable in its own right.

Arcana that can learn Water spells naturally are:

 Fool, Magus, Priestess (up to Nuyaga), Hierophant, Lovers (only AoE), Strength, Hanged
Man, Temperance, Judgment, and World.

For the main line of spells (unless otherwise stated, Fool and World may buy these spells):
 Nuya is available at level 1 to all of the above except Lovers.
 Manuya is available at level 3 to all of the above.
 Nuyaga is available at level 4 to all of the above except Lovers.
 Manuyaga is available at level 6 to Magus, Lovers, Strength, Hanged Man, Sun, and
 Nuyadyne is available at level 7 to Magus, Fortune, Hanged Man, Sun, and Judgment.
 Manuyadyne is available at level 9 to Magus, Lovers, Hanged Man, Sun, and Judgment.

For specific spells (unless otherwise stated, Fool and World may buy these spells):
 Earth is available to all ‘magic’ Arcana.
 Scorched Earth is available at level 3 to the Magus, Priestess, Lovers, Hierophant,
Strength, Hanged Man, and Judgment.
 Permafrost is available at level 3 to the Magus, Priestess, Lovers, Hierophant, Strength,
Hanged Man, and Judgment.
 Sandstorm is available at level 4 to the Magus, Priestess, Lovers, Hierophant, Strength,
Hanged Man, and Judgment.
 Grounded is available at level 4 to the Magus, Priestess, Lovers, Hierophant, Strength,
Hanged Man, and Judgment.
 Mud Spray is available at level 6 to the Magus, Strength, Hanged Man, and Judgment.
 Earthquake is available at level 7 to the Magus, Strength, Hanged Man, and Judgment.
 Pillars of Hercules is available at level 10 to the Magus, Strength, and Judgment.
 Fracture Tomahawk is available at level 7 to the Magus, Strength and Hanged Man.
 Nuya Boost is available to level 5 to all of the above.

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

 Nuya Amp is available at level 8 to all of the above.

Chapter # - Spells and Passives


Earth spells have consistent damage rolls for their cost, even though their overall damage is low.
Damage is graded on 1d2, 1d4 and 1d6. This is compensated by passive spells that help other
elements, as well as large amounts of crowd control.

Spell Full Damage Area Additional Out of Battle Spell EXP

Roll of Effects Effects Cost Cost
Earth Shock 1d2 + MP 4x1 All targets caught in Test to interact 2 SP 5 XP
modifier Line the area of effect are with the
slowed by 2 environment
movement range. around an NPC
Nuya 3d2 + MP Target N/A character or 3 SP 10 XP
modifier player (MP test;
Manuya 3d2 + (MP 3x3 N/A TN 8 on small 5 SP 15 XP
modifier – 1) Square objects, TN 10
Nuyaga 2d4 + MP Target N/A on humans; 5 SP 20 XP
modifier decrease the TN
Manuyaga 2d4 + (MP 4x4 N/A value for both 8 SP 30 XP
modifier - 1) Square tests by 2 for –
Nuyadyne 3d6 + MP Target N/A ga spells and 4 8 SP 40 XP
modifier for –dyne
Manuyadyne 3d6 + (MP 5x5 N/A spells). 12 SP 50 XP
modifier - 2 ) Square
Scorched N/A 6x6 This spell lasts three N/A 5 SP 10 XP
Earth Square turns. All Fire
spells cast on top of
Scorched Earth deal
an extra 2 damage
after calculation.

Permafrost N/A 6x6 This spell lasts three N/A 5 SP 10 XP

Square turns. All Ice spells
cast on top of
Permafrost slow
afflicted units by 3
movement range.
Sandstorm N/A 12x12 This spell lasts five N/A 6 SP 15 XP
(follow turns. After taking
caster) damage from a wind
spell while inside
the area of effect, a
unit must take a
Finesse test at TN
10 or be blinded for
that turn.
Grounded N/A Target This spell lasts three N/A 6 SP 15 XP
turns. All lightning

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

spells aimed at this

target ignore 4 spell
block to hit their
Mud Spray 3d4 + MP 5s This spell may only N/A 8 SP 20 XP
modifier Cone be cast immediately
after a Water spell
has been cast. All
units affected by this
spell are knocked
down, and then
blinded for three
Earthquake 1d6 + MP value 6x1 All units caught in Test to tear apart 12 SP 30 XP
OR BEEF value Line this spell’s area of the ground
effect that take around the
damage are snared caster, hitting
in place. everything in the
area (roughly 20
Pillars of 5d6 + MP Two All units caught in wide)(MP Test; 25 SP 80 XP
Hercules modifier 2x2 the area of effect TN 11)
Cubes must test Intellect at
TN 12 to avoid
being afflicted with
Fear for two rounds.
Fracture N/A Self Your weapon gains N/A 12 SP 25 XP
Tomahawk +3 damage and
knocks your target
down on hit (will be
ignored if target
resists weapon type)
Nuya Boost N/A Self Passive; Increase N/A N/A 15 XP
all damage dealt
by earth spells by
Nuya Amp N/A Self Passive; Gain a N/A N/A 25XP
guaranteed Spell
Reroll for Earth

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Force Spells
The following pages outline the details of the force spells: Zan, Gry and Megido.

Below is a general chart, listing the Arcana that can buy and/or inherit Force spells. This is by
no means a full list – details are included with the entries on each spell type.

In this chart:
 O means that the Arcana can buy that spell type.
 N means that the Arcana cannot buy that spell type.

Force Spells
Arcana Zan Gry Megido
Fool O O O
Magus N N N
Priestess N N N

Empress N N N
Emperor N N N
Hierophant O O N

Lovers O O N

Chariot N N N
Strength O N N
Hermit O O N
Fortune N N N
Justice N N N
Hanged Man N N N
Death N N O
Devil N N O
Temperance O N N
Tower O O N
Star O N N
Moon N O N
Sun N N O
Judgment O O O
World O O O

Chapter # - Spells and Passives


Derived from Japanese, from kanji meaning ‘cut’ or ‘sever.’

The forces of physics are, for the most part, restrained to a modern context, as in mythological
and religious contexts, concepts such as electro-magnetism and gravity were explained by the
presence of gods or forces from heaven. Zan, in Persona Tabletop, represents kinetic energy, a
rudimentary force of physics. It is made manifest as a force of the spirit violently acting on an
object or person. This differs from telekinesis in the fact that Zan is raw force, acting
indiscriminately, though the comparison between the two is not unwarranted.

Zan is a low cost crowd-controlling spell type, with emphasis on pushing away targets and
smashing them against the environment to deal damage. Zan spells have a large area of effect
and significant utility, but have low damage. Zan damage is considered physical.

Arcana that can learn Zan spells naturally are:

 Fool, Hierophant, Lovers (only AoE), Strength, Hermit, Temperance, Tower, Star,
Judgment, and World.

For the main line of spells (unless otherwise stated, Fool and World may buy these spells):
 Zan is available at level 1 to all of the above except Lovers.
 Mazan is available at level 3 to all of the above.
 Zanma is available at level 4 to all of the above except Lovers.
 Mazanma is available at level 6 to Lovers, Strength, Hermit, Tower, Star, and Judgment.
 Zandyne is available at level 7 to Strength, Temperance, Hermit, Tower, Star, and
 Mazandyne is available at level 9 to Lovers, Strength, Hermit, Tower, Star, and

For specific spells (unless otherwise stated, Fool and World may buy these spells):
 Sonic Boom is available at level 1 to all ‘physical’ Arcana.
 Telekinesis is available at level 4 to Hierophant, Lovers, Hermit, Tower, Star and
 Assault Dive is available at level 5 to Lovers, Strength, Tower and Star.
 Overwhelming Force is available at level 7 to Strength, Tower, Star and Judgment.

Chapter # - Spells and Passives


Zan deals low damage across a large area of effect, which reflects its primary use as crowd
control. Zan damage is graded on 1d2, 1d4 and 1d6. Additional damage is inflicted when a
target is thrown against obstacle in the environment (this damage is calculated as +4 damage if
the target hits an environmental object +2 per spell rank).

Spell Full Damage Area Additional Out of Battle Spell EXP

Roll of Effects Effects Cost Cost
Sonic Boom 3 damage 5x1 Units affected by Apply the spells 2 SP 5 XP
Line Sonic Boom are effects as
knocked back 2 normal, testing
squares. according to
Zan 1d2 + MP 5x1 Units affected by spell rank (MP 3 SP 10 XP
modifier Line this spell are test; TN 8 on
Mazan 1d2 + (MP 4x4 knocked back 4 small objects, 5 SP 15 XP
modifier) Square squares. TN 10 on
Zanma 1d4 + MP 7x1 Units affected by decrease the TN 5 SP 20 XP
modifier Line this spell are value for both
Mazanma 1d4 + (MP 5x5 knocked back 6 tests by 2 for – 8 SP 30 XP
modifier - 1) Square squares, and are lao spells and 4
stunned for one for –dyne
round if they hit an spells).
obstacle (half or no
effect on bosses).
Zandyne 1d6 + MP 8x1 Units affected by 8 SP 40 XP
modifier Line this spell are
Mazandyne 1d6 + (MP 6x6 knocked back 8 12 SP 50 XP
modifier - 2 ) Square squares, and are
stunned for one
round if they hit an
obstacle (half or no
effect on bosses).
Telekinesis N/A Special This spell is always Apply the N/A 15 XP
(Same active. You may spell’s effect out
range pick up an object in of combat as
as MP the environment and written.
range). throw it at the target.
Damage dealt is
equal to the size of
the object (Tiny = 2;
Small = 4; Medium
= 6; Large = 8;
Massive = 10). For
large and massive
objects, test to lift

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

them (MP test; TN 8

and 10 respectively).

Dive N/A Special Select an ally and N/A 15 SP 15 XP

(range then select an enemy
equal unit. You may
to MP throw this ally a
OR number of squares
value) equal to your MP
OR BEEF value to
hit that target for
(ally’s attack roll +
number of squares
thrown). The ally
will not take damage
when colliding with
the ground or
another unit and is
free to act on their
next turn.
Overwhelming N/A Self Passive; All This effect N/A 30 XP
Force physical attacks deal applies out of
extra damage equal battle with no
to the wielder’s MP alterations.
or Aegis value.

Chapter # - Spells and Passives


Derived from the word Gravity. Simple as that.

Gravity, in relativistic physics, represents the effect of mass on space, time and objects around it.
Specifically, the more mass an object possesses, the greater the effect of gravity on objects
around it, in the form of pulling objects towards the center of mass. In Persona Tabletop, the
spirit can create localized gravity wells, possessing enough temporary mass to pull in nearby
shadows or humans and disrupt the environment. In doing this, gravity magic may also disrupt
the effects of gravity on the player, and allow them to float.

Gry is a moderate cost crowd-control spell type, with an emphasis on pulling targets toward a
point on the map and controlling their movement. Unlike other spells, Gry is meant to be used
principally as a form of control, not as damage, and is meant to operate over the course of several
turns. Gry also provides support spells at later levels that affect snare targets and force them out
of position.

Arcana that can learn Gry spells naturally are:

 Fool, Hierophant, Lovers (only AoE), Hermit, Tower, Moon, Judgment, and World.

For the main line of spells (unless otherwise stated, Fool and World may buy these spells):
 Gry is available at level 1 to all of the above except Lovers.
 Magry is available at level 3 to all of the above.
 Gryviga is available at level 4 to all of the above except Lovers.
 Magryviga is available at level 6 to Lovers, Hermit, Tower, Moon, and Judgment.
 Grydyne is available at level 7 to Hermit, Tower, Moon, and Judgment.
 Magrydyne is available at level 9 to Lovers, Hermit, Tower, Moon, and Judgment.

For specific spells (unless otherwise stated, Fool and World may buy these spells):
 Levitate is available at level 3 to Hermit, Moon and Judgment.
 Defy Gravity is available at level 6 to Hermit, Tower, Moon and Judgment.
 Antigravity is available at level 6 to Hermit, Tower, Moon and Judgment
 Gravity Field is available at level 6 to Hermit, Tower, Moon and Judgment.
 Atlas Shrugged is available at level 7 to Hermit, Tower and Judgment.

Chapter # - Spells and Passives


Gry does not deal damage ‘naturally’ – that is, by dice. Gravity spells are designed to apply
crowd controls that stack multiplicatively, and deal damage when a unit is pulled completely into
the spell’s area of effect. Mechanics are as follows:
 All mainline Gravity spells possess a ‘core’ and a ‘periphery.’ Units caught in the
periphery are slowed, and then eventually pulled into the core. Units caught in the core
are dealt damage equal to the slow value associated with the spell every turn the spell
continues to be active.
 Multiple versions of the same spell may not be cast in the same area of effect. However,
the same spell may be cast again while the spell is active to double the slow and damage.
Ma- spells increase all active Gry spell effects, while non-Ma- spells only increase one
Gry spell at a time.

Spell Full Area of Additional Out of Battle Spell EXP

Damage Effect Effects Effects Cost Cost
Gry N/A 1 Square All units within the Apply the spells 3 SP 10 XP
Core; 4x4 orbit area of effect effects as
Square lose 2 movement normal, testing
Orbit range. If a unit according to
Magry N/A 1 Square cannot overcome the spell rank (MP 6 SP 15 XP
Core; loss in range, said test; TN 8 on
6x6 unit is pulled small objects,
Square towards the core by TN 9 on
Orbit a number of squares humans;
equal to the amount decrease the TN
of movement loss value for both
that exceeds their tests by 2 for –
movement range. lao spells and 4
This lasts three for –dyne
rounds. spells).

Gryviga N/A 2x2 All units within the 6 SP 20 XP

Square orbit area of effect
Center; lose 4 movement
6x6 range. If a unit
Square cannot overcome the
Orbit loss in range, said
Magryviga N/A 2x2 unit is pulled 10 SP 30 XP
Square towards the core by
Core; a number of squares
8x8 equal to the amount
Square of movement loss
Orbit that exceeds their
movement range.
This lasts three

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Grydyne N/A 4x4 All units within the 10 SP 40 XP

Square orbit area of effect
Core; 8x8 lose 6 movement
Square range. If a unit
Orbit cannot overcome the
Magrydyne N/A 4x4 loss in range, said 16 SP 50 XP
Square unit is pulled
Core; 8x8 towards the core by
Square a number of squares
Orbit equal to the amount
of movement loss
that exceeds their
movement range.
This lasts three
Levitate N/A Self Test MP to: float Apply spell 5 SP 15 XP
above the ground up effects as
to 40 feet in the air, normal.
lift another person
off the ground, or
grab and retrieve an
object up to 40 feet
away from you
(TN: 10).
Practically, Levitate
grants +2 to passive
evasion and
immunity to melee
attacks. This spell
requires a full action
to use.
Defy Gravity N/A Self Passive; You may Apply spell N/A 30 XP
perform Levitate effects as
actions at double the normal.
range without an
MP test. This spell
does not require
Levitate to operate.
Antigravity N/A Self OR Test MP to Increase the 8 SP 20 XP
5x5 temporarily stop duration to 1
Square gravity around hour.
yourself or a nearby
area for 3 turns.
Practically, this
snares all units
affected and
increases all to-hit
chance by 5. You,
however, can walk

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

on any surface and

play with gravity as
you see fit, gaining
+3 to passive
evasion (TN: 10).
Gravity Field N/A Self This spell is always Apply spell N/A 30 XP
active. All melee effects as
weapons gain 3 normal.
range and +2 armor
penetration. In
addition, you may
wield a number of
extra melee
weapons equal to
your MP modifier,
at a cost of 2 passive
evasion per extra
weapon equipped.
Switching between
attacking actions
with this spell is a
free action.
Atlas N/A Self Enchant equipped Apply spell 10 SP 25 XP
Shrugged ranged weapon. For effects as
three turns, all normal.
targets this weapon
hits must Aegis or
be lifted in the air,
snaring them in
place and increasing
all subsequent to-
hits rolls against
them by 5

Chapter # - Spells and Passives


Derived from Tel-Megido, the supposed site of the apocalypse in the Bible.

You may be wondering why Megido is under Force spells and not Alignment. In purely
metaphysical terms, an apocalyptic force does not have an alignment. Sheer divine destruction is
not aligned to good or evil, light or darkness, as it destroys indiscriminately. Such is Megido.
As a representation of pure destructive force at an atomic level, it destroys everything around it
in a maelstrom of magical and metaphysical energy. Direct comparisons to nuclear weapons
can be drawn here, as both an atomic bomb and Megido are incredibly powerful, but capable of
near-total devastation.

Megido possesses the highest damage ceiling of any spell type in the game, but also carries
significant casting costs. In this sense, Megido can be considered a late game ‘finisher’ spell
class. Megido is capable of completely destroying sections of the environment as well.

Arcana that can learn Megido spells naturally are:

 Fool, Death, Devil, Judgment, and World.

For the main line of spells (unless otherwise stated, Fool and World may buy these spells):
 Megido is available at level 5 to all of the above.
 Megidola is available at level 7 to all of the above.
 Megidolaon is available at level 9 to all of the above.

Chapter # - Spells and Passives


Megido is an extremely high damage spell type that ignores MDR and cannot be resisted.
Damage is graded on a 1d10. The area of effect of Megido spells is very large, and deals
damage indiscriminately. Costs associated with Megido spells range from half SP, all SP and the
character’s life.

Spell Full Damage Area Additional Out of Battle Spell EXP

Roll of Effects Effects Cost Cost
Megido 2d10 + MP 8x8 Destroy all Apply the spells 50% 25 XP
Value Square environmental effects as of
objects and non- normal. (MP max
shadow/non-Persona test; TN 10; SP
Megidola 5d10 + MP 12x12 wielding characters decrease the TN 75% 40 XP
value Square in the area of effect. value for both of
tests by 2 for –la max
and 4 for –laon). SP
Megidolaon 10d10 + MP 20x20 After using this 100% 60 XP
value Square spell, the caster max
is immediately HP
afflicted with (You
fatigue. Be will
careful with this die if
spell, as it will you
kill any human cast
caught in the his
blast radius. spell)

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Alignment Spells
The following pages outline the details of the Alignment spells, Hama and Mudo. Time to see
the world in black and white.

Below is a general chart, listing the Arcana that can buy and/or inherit Alignment spells. This is
by no means a full list – details are included with the entries on each spell type.

In this chart:
 O means that the Arcana can buy that spell type.
 N means that the Arcana cannot buy that spell type.

Alignment Spells
Arcana Mudo Hama
Fool O O
Magus N N
Priestess N N

Empress N N
Emperor N N
Hierophant N N

Lovers N N

Chariot N N
Strength N N
Hermit N N
Fortune N N
Justice O O
Hanged Man N N
Death O O
Temperance N N
Devil O N
Tower N O
Star N O
Moon O N
Sun N O
Judgment O O
World O O

Chapter # - Spells and Passives


Derived from the Japanese word for “curse,” or the Spanish word for

Mudo, while literally meaning ‘curse,’ is the dark element in Persona, known otherwise as
unholy or death. Darkness, the absence of light, is a very primal, dualistic symbol. Everything
that light is, darkness often opposed to. Generally, it can represent mystery, coldness, silence,
emptiness, ignorance, the unknown, depression, even death. It is important to note, however,
that dark is not evil. Just as light can be blinding, oppressive and controlling, darkness can be
nurturing, calm and peaceful, in the right circumstances.

Mudo is a spell type based on instant kill mechanics, the diametric opposite to Hama spells.
Mudo spells have an increased chance to kill targets early in the game, but they do not scale as
well as Hama later in the game.

Arcana that can learn Mudo spells naturally are:

 Fool, Justice, Death, Devil, Moon, Judgment and World.

For the main line of spells (unless otherwise stated, Fool and World may buy these spells):
 Mudo is available at level 3 to Justice, Death, Devil, Moon and Judgment.
 Mamudo is available at level 4 to Justice, Death, Devil, Moon and Judgment.
 Mudo Boost is available at level 5 to Justice, Death, Devil, Moon and Judgment.
 Mudoon is available at level 6 to Justice, Death, Devil, Moon and Judgment.
 Mamudoon is available at level 7 to Justice, Death, Devil, Moon and Judgment.

Certain spells are only available to certain Personae:

 Die for Me! Is only available to Alice as a natural spell.
 Condemnation is only available to the Black Knight as a natural spell.
 Thousand Curses is only available to Izanami-no-Mikoto as a natural spell.

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Kill Chance:

Mudo operates on kill chance, rather than damage. The player casting Mudo rolls a 1d100 dice.
If the number on the die is lower than the Kill Chance value, then the target or targets affected
are automatically reduced to zero hit points and killed (fainted if a target is a party member).
Spell block does not apply in applying Mudo, though a target may have passives that hinder or
completely stop Mudo attempts (resist Mudo, survive Mudo, absorb Mudo).

The caster may opt to deal damage instead of applying kill chance. Damage is equal to the first
digit of the final Mudo roll, plus the first digit of the spell’s natural kill chance. The d100 is
rolled to hit, and hits according to the spell’s kill chance, plus modifiers.

Spell Kill Chance Area Additional Out of Spell EXP

of Effects Battle Cost Cost
Effect Effects
Mudo 35%; Target N/A Test to 15% of 15 XP
swallow an current
Mamudo 30% 6x6 darkness (MP 20% of 20 XP
Square test; TN 8; current
decrease the SP
Mudoon 45% Target TN value for 30% 35 XP
both tests by 2 current
for -on). After SP
Mamudoon 40% 8x8 using this 35% 40 XP
Square spell, the current
caster is SP
Die for Me! 80% 8x8 immediately 50% N/A
Square afflicted with max SP
Condemnation 40% Target Before rolling for fatigue. 25% N/A
Kill Chance, nullify max SP
all resistances,
absorbs and nulls to
Hama and Mudo on
the target. This
spell effect lasts for
the rest of the turn
Thousand 60% 8x8 All units within the 50% N/A
Curses Square area of effect that max SP
around are not killed after
Self the dice roll are
instead stunned for
one round.
Mudo Boost N/A Self Decrease all Mudo N/A Passive 20 XP
roll results by 10;
Increase all mudo
damage by 4.

Chapter # - Spells and Passives


Derived from the Japanese word for ‘exorcism’ or ‘to exorcise.’

Hama literally means ‘exorcism,’ the excising of evil spirits, the application of holy light to
‘repel’ demonic forces. In general, Hama can be extended to represent light in general, as a
symbol. Across cultures, light, and by consequence fire, can represent knowledge, the spark of
creativity, oneness, wholeness, cleansing, power and awe in the face of the almighty. It is the
most apparent dualistic opposite to darkness, and is, typically, a complete opposite to it. Note,
that light is not always ‘good.’ Light and dark are not synonymous with good and evil – they act
as metaphors in context. Light can easily be oppressive, blinding, overwhelming, unfeeling,
dogmatic, brutally destructive.

Hama is a spell type based on instant kill mechanics, the diametric opposite to Mudo spells.
Hama is, relatively speaking, weaker earlier in the game compared to Mudo, but gains power
with rank.

Arcana that can learn Hama spells naturally are:

 Fool, Justice, Death, Tower, Star, Judgment and World.

For the main line of spells (unless otherwise stated, Fool and World may buy these spells):
 Hama is available at level 3 to Justice, Death, Tower, Star and Judgment.
 Mahama is available at level 4 to Justice, Death, Tower, Star and Judgment.
 Hama Boost is available at level 5 to Justice, Death, Tower, Star and Judgment.
 Hamaon is available at level 6 to Justice, Death, Tower, Star and Judgment.
 Mahamaon is available at level 7 to Justice, Death, Tower, Star and Judgment.

Certain spells are only available to certain Personae:

 Samsara is only available to Vishnu as a natural spell.
 Seal of Metatron is only available to Metatron as a natural spell.
 Injustice is only available to Joan D’Arc as a natural spell.

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Kill Chance:

Hama operates on kill chance, rather than damage. The player casting Hama rolls a 1d100 dice.
If the number on the die is lower than the Kill Chance value, then the target or targets affected
are automatically reduced to zero hit points and killed (fainted if a target is a party member).
Spell block does not apply in applying Hama, though a target may have passives that hinder or
completely stop Hama attempts (resist Hama, survive Hama, absorb Hama).

The caster may opt to deal damage instead of applying kill chance. Damage is equal to the first
digit of the final Hama roll, plus the first digit of the spell’s natural kill chance. The d100 is
rolled to hit, and hits according to the spell’s kill chance, plus modifiers.

Spell Kill Chance Area Additional Out of Spell EXP

of Effects Battle Cost Cost
Effect Effects
Hama 25%; Target N/A Test to 15% of 15 XP
condemn an current
NPC to death SP
Mahama 20% 6x6 by holy light 20% of 20 XP
Square (MP test; TN current
8; decrease the SP
Hamaon 55% Target TN value for 30% 35 XP
both tests by 2 current
for -on). After SP
Mahamaon 50% 8x8 using this 35% 40 XP
Square spell, the current
caster is SP
Samsara 80% 8x8 immediately 50% N/A
Square afflicted with max SP
Seal of 99% Target fatigue. 99%
Metatron max SP
Injustice N/A Self This spell may be 50% N/A
activated as a free max SP
action during your
turn. All alignment
spells and passives
switch their
alignment, and gain
+10% kill chance
and +5 damage on
all alignment spells.
However, this spell
cannot be
deactivated until the
battle ends, and the
caster takes 20% of
their maximum HP
as damage at the end

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

of their turn.

Hama Boost N/A Self Decrease all Hama N/A Passive 20 XP

roll results by 10;
Increase all Hama
damage by 4.

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Blessing Spells

The following pages detail the Blessing Spells: Dia, Recarm, Recovery Spells, Attribute Spells,
Regeneration Spells and –karn Spells. Please note that Blessing Spells cover a wider spectrum
of spells than other spell types. The spell list is much longer than the others.

The chart below is only a very vague listing of what Arcana can buy the principal Blessing
Spells. Details apply in individual spell type sections.

In this chart:
 O means that the Arcana can buy that spell type.
 N means that the Arcana cannot buy that spell type.

Blessing Spells
Arcana Dia Recarm Recovery Enhance Invigorate/Rejuvenate -Karn
Spells Spells Spells
Fool O O O O O O
Magus N N N O N N
Priestess O O O O O O
Empress N N N N N N
Emperor O N O O O N
Hierophant O O O O O O
Lovers O O O O N O
Chariot N N N N N N
Strength O N N O O N
Hermit N N N N N N
Fortune O O O O O N
Justice O N O O O N
Hanged Man N N N O O N
Death N O O N N N
Temperance O N O O O N
Devil N N N N N N
Tower N O N O O N
Star O N O O O N
Moon O N O O O N
Sun O N O O O N
Judgment O O O O O O
World O O O O O O

Chapter # - Spells and Passives


Derived from Greek, as the word for ‘Song.’ May also be related to Dea Dia,
the Roman goddess of growth. May also be an inverse of the word ‘aid.’

In a greater context, Dia represents life energy and virility. Yes, that kind of virility. In
symbolic terms, healing and blessings of life were typically associated with the harvest and
seasons, as well as human fertility symbols, like the phallus or breasts. Beyond that, life and the
energy associated with it ties in with age and physical prowess. Birth and conception, the literal
planting of the seed, can be represented by Spring and Summer, the planting and growing season.
By consequence, Autumn and Winter represents the fruits of life coming bear and the eventuality
of atrophy and death.

Dia is the principal healing spell type in Persona. Dia and its derivations grant health in a single
casting action, to one or multiple allies. Dia is the bread and butter of support Personae playing a
medic role. Be advised, however, that fights are not won with heals alone. A good support will
keep their Dia spells updated, but also buy buffing and debuffing skills to support the party.

Arcana that can learn Dia spells naturally are:

 Fool, Priestess, Hierophant, Lovers, Fortune, Temperance, Moon, Star, Judgment
and World.

For the main line of spells (unless otherwise stated, Fool and World may buy these spells):
 Dia is available at level 1 to all of the above.
 Media is available at level 3 to all of the above.
 Diarama is available at level 4 to all of the above.
 Life Link is available at level 4 to the Lovers.
 Mediarama is available at level 6 to all of the above.
 Diarahan is available at level 7 to all of the above.
 Mediarahan is available at level 8 to all of the above.
 Salvation is available at level 10 to Priestess, Fortune and Judgment.

Chapter # - Spells and Passives


Dia spells heal hitpoints on a target ally or allies when cast. Mechanically, this functions the
same way as damage in elemental spells – the caster rolls a dice and receives a result, and heals a
friendly character by that amount. Healing is calculated on the 1d6. A test is not required to
apply a Dia spell.

Spell Healing Roll Area Additional Out of Spell EXP

of Effects Battle Cost Cost
Effect Effects
Dia 1d6 + Aegis Target N/A Apply the 4 SP 5 XP
modifer spells effects
Media 1d6 + Aegis All as normal. 8 SP 10 XP
modifier Allies (MP test; TN
Diarama 2d6 + Aegis Target 7; decrease the 8 SP 15 XP
modifier TN value for
Mediarama 2d6 + Aegis All both tests by 2 16 SP 20 XP
modifier Allies for –rama and
Diarahan 75% of target’s Target 4 for -rahan). 20 SP 30 XP
maximum HP
Mediarahan 75% of ally’s All 35 SP 40 XP
maximum HP Allies
Salvation Full health All Apply spell 50% of 20 XP
restoration. Allies effects as Max SP
Life Link N/A Target Passive; Select an normal N/A 25 XP
and ally. Whenever you without a test.
Self heal that ally, heal
yourself for half of
the resulting heal
after calculation.

Chapter # - Spells and Passives


Either the Latin combination word “re-caro,” meaning “return of flesh;” or

a shortening of the word “reincarnation.”

The defying of death, in a mythographical context, is long-standing trope of storytelling, the

descent into the underworld. While not necessarily involving a defined world of the dead, the act
of defying death to save a loved one is considered to be a crossing of a threshold, between the
rigidly defined worlds of the living and the dead. Otherwise known as a ‘katabasis’ in
theoretical terms. Starting and finishing such a journey is often considered a testament of a
hero’s nature, as someone beyond human mortality. Persona’s biggest icons, Orpheus and
Izanagi, are heroes who undertook such a journey – the former failing to save his wife, the latter
fleeing from his undead mate in disgust and shame.

Recarm is the resurrection spell type, possessing spells that revive party members. This spell
group is the smallest of the Blessing spells, but contains deeply essential spells for the party in
the late game.

Arcana that can learn Recarm spells naturally are:

 Fool, Priestess, Hierophant, Lovers, Fortune, Death, Tower, Judgment and World.

For the main line of spells (unless otherwise stated, Fool and World may buy these spells):
 Recarm is available at level 5 to all of the above.
 Samarecarm is available at level 8 to all of the above.
 Recarmdra is available at level 9 to all of the above.

Spell Area of Spell Effects Out of Battle Spell EXP

Effect Effects Cost Cost
Recarm Target Revive a K/O’d ally Test to revive a 15 SP 5 XP
with 25% of their dead or
maximum health unconscious NPC
Samarecarm Target Revive a K/O’d ally to or party member 25 SP 10 XP
full health. (MP test; TN 15;
Recarmdra Target Reduce your HP to 1. decrease the TN See 15 XP
Revive all K/O’d party value for both effects.
members and allies. tests by 2 for
Sama- and 4 for -

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Recovery Spells

Recovery spells are a general moniker for spells that dispel and remove negative status effects
and curses. Exactly what it says on the tin. Status-healing spells are available early in the game,
to combat specific threats like Charm, Panic, Paralyze and Freeze. Naming conventions vary
among these spells, but most end in –di, to indicate a dispelling of the effect in question.

The following Arcana can NOT learn Recovery spells:

 Empress, Chariot, Hermit, Hanged Man, Devil, Tower, and Judgment.
Unless otherwise stated, all eligible Arcana may buy Recovery spells at the designated level.

Spell Effect Area of Effect Level Availability Spell Cost

Charmdi Remove Charm Target Level 1; 5 XP 2 SP
status from 1
Posumundi Remove Poison Target Level 1; 5 XP 2 SP
status from 1
Patra Remove Panic, Target Level 2; 5 XP 2 SP
Distress and
Fear from 1 ally.
Re Patra Remove Down Target Level 2; 5 XP 2 SP
from 1 ally.
Me Patra Remove Panic, All allies Level 4; 15 XP 4 SP
Distress and
Fear from all
Enradi Remove Rage Target Level 2; 5 XP 2 SP
from 1 ally.
Petradi Remove Petrify Target Level 2; 5 XP 2 SP
from 1 ally.
Frezadi Remove Freeze Target Level 2; 5 XP 2 SP
from 1 ally.
Makadi Remove Mute Target Level 2; 5 XP 2 SP
from 1 ally.
Maladi Remove Disease Target Level 4; 15 XP 2 SP
from 1 ally.
Amrita Remove all All allies Level 6; 25 XP 10 SP
status ailments
from all allies.

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Enhance Spells

Enhance spells provide temporary buffs to allies, either directly or indirectly improving their
combat capabilities. These spells can provide straight bonuses to values or rerolls to tests,
damage and defense, specifically interacting with to-hit tests, damage rolls and evasion. Naming
conventions for attribute spells are based on Japanese action verbs, ending in –kaja. At this
moment, it is unclear what –kaja stands for, other than as an indicator of the spell type.

The following Arcana can learn Enhance spells naturally:

 Fool, Priestess, Hierophant, Lovers, Fortune, Hanged Man, Temperance Star,
Judgment and World.
Unless otherwise stated, all eligible Arcana may buy Enhance spells at the designated level.

Spell Effect Area of Duration Level Spell Cost

Effect Availability
Tarukaja Give yourself Target 3 rounds Level 2; 10 XP 4 SP
or an ally +2
to damage
Auto-Tarukaja Give yourself Self Infinite Level 2; 15 XP N/A
+2 to damage
Matarukaja Give yourself All allies 3 rounds Level 5; 20 XP 8 SP
and your
allies+3 to
damage rolls.
Auto- Give all allies All allies Infinite Level 7; 35 XP N/A
Matarukaja +3 to
damage rolls.
Rakukaja Give yourself Target 3 rounds Level 2; 10 XP 4 SP
or an ally +2
armor OR
Auto- Give yourself Self Infinite Level 2; 15 XP N/A
Rakukaja +2 armor OR
Marakukaja Give yourself All allies 3 rounds Level 5; 20 XP 8 SP
and your
allies +3
armor OR
Auto- Give all allies All allies Infinite Level 7; 35 XP N/A
Marakukaja +3 armor OR

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Sukukaja Give yourself Target 3 rounds Level 2; 10 XP 4 SP
or an ally +2
to combat
OR +2 for to-
hit tests.
Auto-Sukukaja Give yourself Self Infinite Level 2; 15 XP N/A
+2 to combat
OR +2 for to-
hit tests.
Masukukaja Give yourself All allies 3 rounds Level 5; 20 XP 8 SP
and your
allies +3
OR +2 for to-
hit tests.
Auto- Give all allies All allies Infinite Level 7; 35 XP N/A
Masukukaja +2 to combat
OR +2 for to-
hit tests.
Dekaja Dispel all 4 targets. Instant Level 6; 25 XP 8 SP
statuses on
Rebellion Rolling 8, 9 All allies 3 rounds Level 7; 25 XP 15 SP
or 10 on a
damage roll
will now
cause a
critical strike.
Revolution Critical strike All allies 3 rounds Level 7; 25 XP 15 SP
damage is
increased by
Power Charge Give yourself Target Until next Level 6; 20 XP 10 SP
an extra attack or (Only available
damage dice spell to “physical”
on the next arcana)
attack or

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Mind Charge Give yourself Target Until next Level 6; 20 XP 10 SP
an extra attack or (Only available
damage dice spell to “magical”
on the next arcana)
attack or
Heat Riser Apply Target 3 rounds Level 8; 40 XP 15 SP
and Sukukaja
on one target.

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Invigorate and Rejuvenate

These two spell types are tiered passives that restore health and SP over turns. Note turns, not
rounds. These passives are available from the mid-game on. For characters who use physical or
magical spells often, you may consider these two spell types to be ‘refunds’ for the associated
costs. They also provide a form of reliable healing, in situations where healing is stressed or SP
is low.

The following Arcana can learn Invigorate and Rejuvenate naturally:

 Fool, Priestess, Hierophant, Lovers, Fortune, Hanged Man, Temperance, Star,
Moon, Judgment and World.
Unless otherwise stated, all eligible Arcana may buy Invigorate and Rejuvenate spells at the
designated level.

Spell Effect Area of Duration Level Spell Cost

Effect Availability
Invigorate 1 Regain 1 HP Self N/A Level 3; 15 XP N/A
every turn.
Invigorate 2 Regain 2 HP Self N/A Level 4; 20 XP N/A
every turn.
Invigorate 3 Regain 3 HP Self N/A Level 5; 25 XP N/A
every turn.
Rejuvenate 1 Regain 1 SP Self N/A Level 3; 15 XP N/A
every turn.
Rejuvenate 2 Regain 2 SP Self N/A Level 4; 20 XP N/A
every turn.
Rejuvenate 3 Regain 3 SP Self N/A Level 5; 25 XP N/A
every turn.

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

-Karn Spells

Sometimes evasion just doesn’t cut it. There’s a megido coming your way and you need
something to block it. –Karn spells fill that need. Tetrakarn and Makakarn provide a one-time
shield for physical or magical attacks for the next round. While expensive in SP cost, these
spells can counter ANY spell type thrown at the caster and the party, including Megido and
Hama/Mudo. It is invaluable in the late game.

From an etymological standpoint, Tetrakarn comes from Tetra-, Greek world for

The following Arcana can learn –Karn Spells naturally:

 Fool, Priestess, Hierophant, Lovers, Judgment and World.

Spell Effect Area of Duration Level Spell Cost

Effect Availability
Tetrakarn Cast a shield Self and All 1 Round Level 8; 50 XP 50 SP
on yourself Ally (Triple
and all allies duration on
that blocks boss
the next opponents)
attack or
Makarakarn Cast a shield Self and All 1 Round Level 8; 50 XP 50 SP
on yourself Allies (Triple
and all allies duration on
that blocks boss
the next opponents)
attack or
Gaelic Repel all Party 1 Round Available only 99% of SP
Embrace attacks in the to Matrona
next round. naturally.
Tetra Break Dispel the Opponent N/A Level 7; 50 XP N/A
effects of
Tetrakarn on
an opponent.
Makara Break Dispel the Opponent N/A Level 7; 50 XP N/A
effects of
on an

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Curse Spells


The following pages detail the Curse spells: general debuffing spells that apply a negative status
ailment, reduce a particular statistic or capitalize on a weakness or ailment to deal damage or
weaken the opponent further. Pick these spells if you feel like being an asshole. Please note that
Curse spells may lose effectiveness against stronger opponents.

The chart below is only a very vague listing of what Arcana can buy the principal Curse Spells.
Details apply in individual spell type sections.

In this chart:
 O means that the Arcana can buy that spell type.
 N means that the Arcana cannot buy that spell type.

Curse Spells
Arcana Ailment Spells Nerve Spells Exploitation Spells Illusion Spells
Fool O O O O
Magus O O O O
Priestess N N N N
Empress N N N O
Emperor N N N N
Hierophant O O N N
Lovers O O N N
Chariot N N N N
Strength N N N N
Hermit O O O O
Fortune O O N O
Justice N N N N
Hanged Man O O N N
Death N O N N
Temperance N N N N
Devil N N O O
Tower O O O N
Star N N N N
Moon O N N O
Sun N N N N
Judgment O O O O
World O O O O

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Ailment Spells

The psychic nature of the Persona extends beyond shooting fireballs and condemning your
opponents to darkness. Persona users can actively attack the minds of others with the right
spells, incapacitating them and turning them against each other without even having to touch
them. Such is the nature of Ailment spells. Against shadows, creatures with already fractious
mental states, this is an invaluable tool. Though, I’m sure you’ll only use these spells against
shadows, right? R-right?

Ailment spells are status debuffing spells that afflict a negative effect on a target, forcing them to
act or perform in a certain way. These spells are available early in the game in a single-target
form, evolving into AoE into the mid-game. Against bosses, these spells have a lessened effect,
but can still be applied.

Unless otherwise noted, all spells may be used outside of battle to create panic, fear, distress, etc.
The GM decides, ultimately how these spells affect NPCs.

The following Arcana can learn Ailment Spells naturally:

 Fool, Magus, Hierophant, Lovers, Hermit, Fortune, Hanged Man, Tower, Moon,
Judgment and World.

Spell Effect Ailment Area of Duration Level Spell

Effect Availability Cost
Bad Touch Cast Fear on Fear – Target Targeted 3 rounds Level 2; 10 2 SP
a target. rolls 1d6 at the (Half XP
Evil Smile Cast Fear on start of their Targeted; 4 duration on Level 4; 15 5 SP
a group of turn. On a 1 targets bosses, XP
enemies. or 6, the target within rounding
must either try eyesight down).
to run or
forfeit their
Pulpinpa Cast Panic on Panic – Target Targeted 3 rounds Level 2; 10 2 SP
a target. cannot switch (half duration XP
Tentarafoo Cast Panic on Personas or Targeted; 4 on bosses, Level 4; 15 5 SP
a group of tactics cards. targets rounding XP
targets. within down).
Bewilder Cast Distress Distress – Targeted 3 rounds Level 2; 10 2 SP
on a target. Target does (half duration XP
Eerie Cast Distress not gain Targeted; 4 on bosses, Level 4; 15 5 SP
Sound on a group of Maneuver targets rounding XP
targets. Attempts within down).
while afflicted eyesight.
and cannot
apply bonuses
to maneuvers.

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Marin Cast Charm Charm – Flip Targeted 3 rounds Level 2; 10 2 SP

Karin on a target. a coin. If (half duration XP
heads, the on bosses,
Sexy Cast Charm target Targeted; 4 rounding Level 4; 15 5 SP
Dance on a group of performs all targets down). XP
targets. actions for within
that turn as an eyesight.
ally of the
Provoke Cast Rage on Rage – The Targeted 3 rounds Level 2; 10 2 SP
a target. target cannot (half duration XP
Infuriate Cast Rage on cast spells and Targeted; 4 on bosses, Level 4; 15 5 SP
a group of must attack targets rounding XP
targets. the nearest within down).
unit. eyesight.
Intoxicate Cast Poison Poison – The Targeted 3 rounds Level 2; 10 2 SP
on a target. target takes 1 (half duration XP
Toxic Mist Cast Poison damage every Targeted; 4 on bosses, Level 4; 15 5 SP
on a group of turn. targets rounding XP
targets. within down).
Glare Cast Petrify Petrify – The Targeted 3 rounds Level 2; 10 2 SP
on a target. target cannot (half duration XP
Petrifying Cast Petrify move. Targeted; 4 on bosses, Level 4; 15 5 SP
Glower on a group of However, the targets rounding XP
targets. target may within down).
still cast spells eyesight.
and attack
with ranged
Icy Stare Cast Freeze Freeze – The Targeted 3 rounds Level 2; 10 2 SP
on a target. target moves (half duration XP
Cold Cast Freeze at half their Targeted; 4 on bosses, Level 4; 15 5 SP
Shoulder on a group of normal speed, targets rounding XP
targets. and all combat within down).
maneuver rolls eyesight.
are halved.
Scream Cast Mute on Mute – The Targeted 3 rounds Level 2; 10 2 SP
a target. target cannot (half duration XP
Larynx Cast Mute on cast spells or Targeted; 4 on bosses, Level 4; 15 5 SP
Lock a group of put group targets rounding XP
targets. tactics cards in within down).
play. In eyesight.
addition, the
target cannot

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Blight Cast Disease Disease – The Targeted 4 rounds Level 4; 15 4 SP

on a target. target cannot (half duration XP
Pestilence Cast Disease heal from any Targeted; 4 on bosses, Level 6; 20 10 SP
on a group of source, and targets rounding XP
targets. will revive within down).
with 1 HP. eyesight.
Death Will Cast on a N/A Targeted Instant Level 5; 25 15 SP
target. If the (resurrected XP
target dies unit will die
before the at the end of
end of the battle)
turn block,
that unit is
for your side
at the end of
the turn
____ Boost Gain +3 to- N/A Passive Passive Level 3; 15 N/A
hit when XP
casting that

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Nerve Spells

Nerve spells strike at the nerves of targets, reducing their overall effectiveness in near
imperceptible ways. This spell type extends beyond status ailments and strikes at the inner
mechanics of how a character operates. This spell type is considered the polar opposite of the
Enhancement spells, for the purpose of application and removal. The vast majority of spells in
this spell group end –nda, denoting a decrease of a certain statistic.

Unless otherwise stated, spells with the same base word (Taru for Tarunda and Tarukaja, for
example), will override each other when cast on the same target. The last spell cast gets

The following Arcana can learn Nerve Spells naturally:

 Fool, Magus, Hierophant, Lovers, Hermit, Fortune, Hanged Man, Death, Tower,
Judgment and World.

Spell Effect Area of Duration Level Spell Cost

Effect Availability
Tarunda Reduce a target’s Target 3 rounds Level 2; 10 XP 4 SP
damage rolls by- 3. (Half
duration on
Matarunda Reduce a group of 4 targets 3 rounds Level 5; 20 XP 8 SP
targets’ damage within (Half
rolls by -3. eyesight duration on
Rakunda Reduce a target’s Target 3 rounds Level 2; 10 XP 4 SP
armor OR MDR (Half
by -3. duration on
Marakunda Reduce a group of 4 targets 3 rounds Level 5; 20 XP 8 SP
targets’ armor or within (Half
MDR by -3. eyesight duration on
Sukunda Reduce a target’s Target 3 rounds Level 2; 10 XP 4 SP
combat maneuver (Half
attempts OR to-hit duration on
chance by -3. bosses,

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Masukunda Reduce a group of 4 targets 3 rounds Level 5; 20 XP 8 SP

targets’ combat within (Half
maneuver attempts eyesight duration on
OR to-hit chance bosses,
by -3. rounding
Dekunda Dispel all negative All Allies Instant Level 6; 25 XP 8 SP
statuses on all
Fire Break Reduce a target’s Target 3 rounds Level 4; 15 XP 8 SP
Fire resistance to (Half
normal. duration on
Ice Break Reduce a target’s Target 3 rounds Level 4; 15 XP 8 SP
Ice resistance to (Half
normal. duration on
Wind Reduce a target’s Target 3 rounds Level 4; 15 XP 8 SP
Break Wind resistance to
Lightning Reduce a target’s Target 3 rounds Level 4; 15 XP 8 SP
Break Zio resistance to
Water Reduce a target’s Target 3 rounds Level 4; 15 XP 8 SP
Break Water resistance to
Earth Reduce a target’s Target 3 rounds Level 4; 15 XP 8 SP
Break Earth resistance to
Dark Break Reduce a target’s Target 3 rounds Level 4; 15 XP 8 SP
Dark resistance to
Light Reduce a target’s Target 3 rounds Level 4; 15 XP 8 SP
Break Light resistance to
Resistance Reduce all of Target 3 rounds Level 6; 25 XP 8 SP
Collapse target’s resistances
to normal. Does
not affect

Debilitate Apply Tarunda, Target 5 rounds Level 8; 35 XP 8 SP

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Rakunda and
Sukunda on one
Siphon Cast on target as a Target Instant Level 5; 25 XP 25 SP
reaction action
during their turn.
Take one dice
from opponent’s
damage roll. You
may use this dice
on your next turn
on any to-hit or
damage roll.
Drain Cast on target as a Target Instant Level 7; 30 XP 25 SP
reaction action
during their turn.
You may take up
to two dice from
the opponent in
either their damage
or to-hit roll.
Siphon rules
Queen of Cast on target as a Target Instant Only available 50% of SP
Nightmares reaction action as a natural spell
during their turn. for Marzanna.
The target may not
act on their turn,
and the caster
gains a number of
dice equal to the
first digit of the
target’s current
HP. Siphon rules
apply. If the target
ends their turn
under 15% HP,
then the target dies

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Exploitation Spells

As if applying ailments to your enemies were not cruel enough, with the right spells you can
exploit a target’s weakness to empower yourself or your next attack. These spells take advantage
of specific debuffs and ailments to deal more damage, refresh the duration of a debuff, or kill the
target outright. While certainly effective, these spells are very specific, and require at least two
spell slots to be do their work (the ailment/debuff in question and the exploitation spell). Also
keep in mind that packs of shadows in the mid and late game will carry this spell type, to
augment their debuffs.

The following Arcana can learn Nerve Spells naturally:

 Fool, Magus, Hermit, Devil, Tower, Judgment and World.

Spell Effect Area of Duration Level Spell Cost

Effect Availability
Ghastly Wail All units afflicted Target Instant Level 4; 20 XP 10 SP
with Fear are
Hysteria All units afflicted Target Instant Level 4; 20 XP 10 SP
with Panic are
Karoshi All units afflicted Target Instant Level 4; 20 XP 10 SP
with Distress are
Backbreaker Target a slowed Target 3 rounds Level 4; 20 XP 10 SP
unit. Double the (Half
slow value, and duration on
refresh the bosses,
duration of the rounding
slow. down).
Schadenfreude Target a unit Target 3 rounds Level 4; 20 XP 10 SP
afflicted by a (Half
curse that affects duration on
combat maneuver bosses,
attempts. Every rounding
time the unit fails down).
an attempt, gain 4
HP and 4 SP
Mocking Target a unit that Target 3 rounds Level 4; 20 XP 10 SP
Laughter has been knocked (Half
down. For three duration on
turns, that unit bosses,
cannot benefit rounding
from armor or down).
addition, test to

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Berserk the
Kick the Dog Target a unit that Target 3 rounds Level 6; 25 XP 10 SP
has been stunned. (half
That unit can duration on
only use half of bosses,
their roll value rounding
for damage, down).
combat maneuver
and to-hit tests
for three turns.
Sadism Target a unit. Target 3 rounds Level 4; 15 XP 0 SP
Every time that (half
unit takes duration on
damage, restore 5 bosses,
SP to yourself. rounding
Masochism Every time you Self Passive Level 5; 25 XP Passive
take you damage,
covert half of that
damage into:
bonus damage on
your next roll OR
SP for yourself.

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Illusion Spells

Due to the expanded nature of the combat engine, there is much more room for more nuanced
spell types. Such are illusion spells. Illusion spells interact with perception and the laws of
physicality, deceiving the target and influencing your agility. This spell type provides tools to
avoid enemy attacks, waste a target’s maneuver attempts and to-hit rolls, and turn units against
each other. While these spells do not do damage on their own, a smart player can use Illusion to
signficantly disrupt their target, nullifying damage and wasting enemy turns for the benefit of the

All Illusion Spells may be cast out of battle to produce false images of the caster, or teleport to a
location within range. For both, the typically test for this is set at TN 12 for MP.

The following Arcana can learn Illusion Spells naturally:

 Fool, Magus, Empress, Hermit, Fortune, Devil, Moon, Judgment and World.

Spell Effect Area of Duration Level Spell Cost

Effect Availability
Feint Gain +2 on your Self Until the Level 1; 5 XP 3 SP
next roll to next attack
Dodge an attack; against you
This is a free
action spell.
Afterimage Gain +4 on your Self Until the Level 2; 10 XP 5 SP
next roll to next attack
Dodge an attack. against you
Mirror Image The next Dodge Self Until the Level 4; 20 XP 7 SP
or Dodge Roll next attack
test will succeed against you
Misdirection You may spend a Target Until the Level 4; 20 XP 5 SP
maneuver attempt next attack
on the enemy’s against you
turn to perform
this spell. Roll
1d10. On a roll
of 1-4, the enemy
attacks as normal.
On a roll of 5-10,
the enemy attacks
a square adjacent
to you.
Blink Cast this spell as Target Until you Level 5; 20 XP 10 SP
a free action. attempt a
When you Sprint,

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

attempt a Sprint, Leap or

Leap or Climb, Climb
you may add the maneuver
rolled values of
your failed
attempts to the
number of
squares you
Stutter-step Teleport to any Self Instant Level 5; 20 XP 8 SP
spot within a 300
meter radius that
you can actively
Flash Pass your next Self Until you Level 8; 40 XP 25% of
Dodge or Dodge attempt a Max SP
Roll, and then Dodge or
teleport to any Dodge Roll
spot on the board.
Flashbang Reduce the to-hit 6x6 1 Turn Level 3; 15 XP 6 SP
tests for all units
within the area of
effect by -4 and
cut the movement
range of all
affected enemy
units in half.
After casting this
spell, you may
move your full
movement range.
Scapegoat Summon an See spell Until the Level 5; 15 XP 8 SP
‘illusion’ token description token dies.
on the game
board around the
target, possessing
8 hp. The target
must attack that
token until it dies.
Surround Cast on a target Target 3 rounds Level 4; 15 XP 8 SP
with an MP test, (Half
TN 10. Over the duration on
duration of this bosses,
spell, the target rounding
loses 2 maneuver down).

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

attempts per turn.

(Note; this is only
useful against
Lunacy All units within 5x5 3 rounds Level 6; 20 XP 10 SP
the area of effect (Half (Only the Moon
cannot target you duration on may buy this.)
for the duration bosses,
of the spell. rounding
Mass Cast on up to 4 4 targets 1 Turn Level 8; 40 XP 25% of
Confusion targets. You may Max SP
use them to
conduct a
physical attack
against any target
within range this

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Time Spells


The following pages detail the Time Spells: ‘green magic’ that plays with the concept of time
and causality in a turn-based system. These spells affect die, actions, battlefield position and
player status by speeding up, slowing down or otherwise dislocating the target in time-space.
It’s trippy, dude.

The chart below is only a very vague listing of what Arcana can buy the principal Time Spells.
Details apply in individual spell type sections.

In this chart:
 O means that the Arcana can buy that spell type.
 N means that the Arcana cannot buy that spell type.

Time Magic
Arcana Causality Spells Sync Spells
Fool O O
Magus O O
Priestess O O
Empress O N
Emperor N N
Hierophant N N
Lovers O O
Chariot N N
Strength N N
Hermit O O
Fortune O O
Justice O O
Hanged Man N N
Death N N
Temperance O N
Devil N O
Tower N O
Star N N
Moon O N
Sun O N
Judgment O O
World O O

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Causality Spells

Causality, in more simplistic terms, is the study of what causes events to happen. You might
think that such a study would redundant. To a certain degree, you wouldn’t be wrong. The vast
majority of things that happen to us in modern times is easy to explain through deductive
reasoning. On a quantum scale, however, causality is much more nascent and undefined. Any
number of factors can cause a reaction between particles, from the changing of charge to the
interactions of nuclear forces.

Causality spells interact with the cause of actions. They can increase or decrease the number of
actions available to a unit, augment spell costs, augment weapon types and provide significant
combat buffs like double-swings and double-applications of spell effects.

Spell Effect Area of Duration Level Spell Cost

Effect Availability
Spell Adept Select an Self Passive Level 2; 10 XP N/A
Element. Spells
from that element
cost half their
usual SP cost to
cast. If you strike
a weakness with
this element, the
spell cost is
Spell Weaver You may cast two Self Passive Level 4; 15 XP N/A
spells during your
turn instead of
one. The second
spell takes -3 to-
hit after
Spellslinger You may cast two Self Passive Level 6; 30 XP N/A
spells instead of
one during your
turn without
Draw a Bead Increase your Self Passive Level 3; 15 XP
attack range by 1;
You may fire two
ranged attacks
instead of one
during your turn
with a -3 penalty

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Rapid Fire You are no longer Self Passive Level 5; 25 XP N/A
limited to one
ranged attack per
turn. Every
ranged attack
takes -1 to hit
Dimensional You may fire Self Passive Level 6; 30 XP N/A
Window ranged attacks
from multiple
directions at
once. You may
spend a maneuver
attempt as a free
action to lower an
enemy’s evasion
attempt by -6.
There is no limit
to the number of
times you can
spend maneuver
attempts to do
Return Fire After successfully Self Passive Level 4; 20 XP N/A
dodging an
attack, you may
attempt to attack
the assailant with
your lowest
damage spell or
your ranged
weapon without
modifiers at -3.
Fire at Will! After successfully Self Passive Level 8; 45 XP N/A
dodging an
attack, you may
attempt to attack
the assailant with
your lowest
damage spell or
your ranged
weapon without
modifiers without

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Hit and Run You may move Self Passive Level 3; 20 XP N/A
your full move
and attack an
enemy with your
weapon in the
same turn. You
may attack your
target at any point
on your path. If
the opponent
counters or
parries the attack,
the effects apply
on the square
where you
Causal Flux Change your Self Instant Level 3; 15 XP 5 SP
weapon’s type for
a half action.
You may select
any elemental,
physical or
alignment type.
This effect lasts
until the end of
the battle.
Causal Change an Target Instant Level 6; 30 XP 10 SP
Fracture enemy’s
weakness to a
weakness as a
half action. This
is taken as a to-hit
test at -2, against
the enemy’s
Double-Strike Empower Target Instant Level 4; 20 XP 6 SP
yourself or an
ally. On their
next weapon
attack, roll double
the amount of
dice normally
Cripple Target a unit. Target Instant Level 4; 20 XP 6 SP
That unit loses

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

one half action

for their next
turn. This is
taken against as a
to-hit test against
the unit’s
Renew Target a unit. All Target Instant Level 4; 25 XP 6 SP
buffs and debuff
durations on that
unit are refreshed.
Renewing Target a unit. All Target Instant Level 7; 40 XP 12 SP
Spring buffs and debuff
durations are
multiplied by 3.
Battle Fervor If you hit an Self Passive Level 4; 25 XP N/A
opponent in
melee and strike
at their weakness,
you are granted
two additional
half actions
instead of one;
you may not
spend these
actions to cast a
spell; this effect
can only trigger
once per round.

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Sync Spells
Time is typically structured in the past, present and future model. We live in the present, lived in
the past, and will live in the future. Language is typically structured this way. However, time as
WE know it is relative. Time does not pass equally for all living beings, nor does time conform
to our expectation as we approach the speed of light. Quantum physics tends to lump space and
time together to refer to any one ‘reference frame’ one experiences at any time – space-time.
This goes into theories of time dilation and the effect of gravity on time. But this is Persona, not
physics class.

Sync spells, in opposition to causality spells, interfere with objects and actions in motion. These
spells affect movement and the number of actions a unit may take. Kālakaja and Kālakunda are
found under Sync.

Spell Effect Area of Duration Level Spell Cost

Effect Availability
Haste Increase a unit’s Target 3 turns Level 2; 10 XP 3 SP
movement range
by 1 for every 4
movement range
they already
Slow Decrease a unit’s Target 3 turns Level 2; 10 XP 3 SP
movement range
by 4.
Kālakaja Increase a unit’s Target 3 turns Level 3; 15 XP 6 SP
movement range
by 4, and grant
+1 maneuver
attempt to the
Makālakaja Increase your Party 3 turns Level 6; 30 XP 10 SP
party’s movement
range by 4 and
grant all affected
units +1
Kālakunda Half a unit’s Target 3 turns Level 3; 15 XP 6 SP
movement range,
and remove 1 to
maneuver attempt
from the target.

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Makālakunda Half a group of Up to five 3 turns Level 6; 30 XP 10 SP

units’ movement units.
range, and
remove 1 to
maneuver attempt
all affected units.
Blue Shift Target a unit. Target 3 turns Level 4; 20 XP 8 SP
That unit gains an
additional half
action every turn
for the next three
rounds. Requires
to-hit test.
Red Shift Target a unit. Target 3 turns Level 4; 20 XP 8 SP
That unit loses
one half action
every turn for the
next three rounds.
Requires to-hit
Time Field Target a unit. All Target 3 turns Level 4; 20 XP 10 SP
units around that
unit are slowed
by 4 movement
range and grant
+4 movement
range to the
holder of the buff.
Atrophy Target a unit. Target 3 turns Level 7; 40 XP 15 SP
That unit suffers
a loss of 50% of
their movement
range and lowers
their attribute
values by 2 for
every turn
afflicted by the
debuff. All
values refresh
after Atrophy
wears off.
Rewind Target a unit. Target 3 turns Level 5; 25 XP 12 SP
That unit returns
to their position
one round prior to
casting. All HP

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

or debuff related
changes are
Hard Reset Target a unit. All Target 3 turns Level 8; 80 XP 20 SP
resistances, nulls,
empowers and
repels are
rendered void.
Treat all damage
types as normal.
Fate Reverse all round All units 3 turns Level 9; 100 XP 30 SP
actions conducted
on you or your
opponent’s last
round. This
applies to all
units in battle.
All HP, buff and
debuff related
changes are

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Physical Spells


The following pages detail the Physical Spells: spells that deal physical damage outright or
empower melee or ranged attacks. The former is ideal for ‘physical casters,’ while the latter is
for ‘weapon attackers.’ Physical spells deal more damage than standard attacks, but cost HP to
cast. Note: if you roll a natural 6, 10 or 20 with a physical spell, you may deal critical damage to
the target and knock them down.

The chart below is only a very vague listing of what Arcana can buy the principal Physical
Spells. Details apply in individual spell type sections.

In this chart:
 O means that the Arcana can buy that spell type.
 N means that the Arcana cannot buy that spell type.

Physical Magic
Arcana Strike Slash Spells Havoc Spells “Shot” Weapon Physical
Spells Passives Passives
Fool O O O O 0 O
Magus N N N N N N
Priestess N N N N N N
Empress O O O O O N
Emperor O O O N O O
Hierophant N N N N N N
Lovers N N N N N O
Chariot O O O N O O
Strength O O O N O O
Hermit N N N N N N
Fortune N N N O O N
Justice O O O N O O
Hanged Man O O O N N O
Death N N N N N N
Temperance O O O O O O
Devil N N N N N N
Tower O O O N O O
Star O O O N O O
Moon O O O N O N
Sun O O O N O O
Judgment O O O O O O
World O O O O O O

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Strike Spells

Striking with a blunt object is the oldest method of inflicting harm. Even the earliest hunting
tools for proto-humans were some variation of a thick tree limb or heavy rock. Weapons that
‘strike’ break bones, cause internal bleeding and strike at organs to incapacitate a victim. While
inefficient and certainly brutal, it is effective and hurting foes, and does not require a sharpened
edge or any real training.

Strike spells, generally speaking, cost moderate amounts of HP to cast and deal moderate
damage for their cost. They are the go-to for basic physical damage spells. Strike spells
typically work with 1d6 die, and scale directly with Muscle.

Damage Area of Additional Level Health

Effect Effects Availability Cost
Bash 1d6 + Muscle Target N/A Level 1; 5 XP 2 HP
Assault Dive 1d6 + Muscle Target N/A Level 2; 10 XP 3 HP
Modifier + 3
Sonic Punch 1d6 + Muscle Target This spell Level 2; 10 XP 3 HP
Modifier - 1 gains +2 to
Body Slam 1d6 + ((Muscle 3x3 Teleport to Level 3; 15 XP 3 HP
Modifier)*2) Square target
Kill Rush 2d6 + Muscle 4x4 N/A Level 4; 20 XP 4 HP
Modifier Square
Swift Strike 1d6 + Muscle 4x4 Roll an Level 4; 20 XP 4 HP
Modifier Square additional
1d6 if the
die rolls a 1
or 2.
Herculean 3d6 + (number of 5x5 This spell’s Level 6; 30 XP 5 HP
Strike targets hit) Square to-hit test is
taken at a -2
Gigantic Fist 3d6 + Muscle Target N/A Level 6; 30 XP 5 HP
Heat Wave 2d10 5x5 N/A Level 6; 30 XP 5 HP
Vicious Strike 4d6 + # of Target N/A Level 7; 35 XP 6 HP
Squares Caster
has moved this
Weary Thrust 3d6 Target Deal 2d6 Level 7; 35 XP 6 HP
Chapter # - Spells and Passives

damage if
character is
Akasha Arts 3d10 + Muscle 3x3 N/A Level 8; 45 XP 7 HP
Modifier Square
God Hand 4d10 + Muscle Target N/A Level 9; 50 XP 8 HP

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Slash Spells

Slashing implements are, typically, a human invention, though there are numerous instances in
wildlife where a bladed edge exists. The edge, as one might put it, lies in the utility of the blade.
A sharp enough blade can cut, skin, lacerate, stab, or puncture flesh with a unique degree of
precision. A club can only crush and break. For hunting, this preserves the victim and allows
the hunter to separate their prey into easily manageable pieces. In battle, a proper sword or
dagger can disarm opponents (ha!) and cut through weak armors like leather and cloth, where a
blunt weapon can only crack the bone underneath.

Slash spells, generally speaking, cost moderate amounts of HP to cast and deal high damage,
though lack area of effect. Most slash spells either target one enemy or a cone around the caster.
In addition, Slash spells can specialize to deal more damage in specific environmental
circumstances. Damage is graded on the 1d6 and 1d10.

Damage Area of Additional Level Health

Effect Effects Availability Cost
Cleave 1d6 + Muscle 3x1 line. N/A Level 1; 5 XP 2 HP
Power Slash 1d6 + Muscle Target N/A Level 2; 10 XP 3 HP
Modifier + 3
Zan-ei 1d6 + Muscle Target Deal 2d6 Level 3; 15 XP 3 HP
Modifier extra damage
when cast
under a New
OR First
Getsu-ei 1d6 + Muscle Target Deal 2d6 Level 3; 15 XP 3 HP
Modifier extra damage
when cast
under a Full
OR Third
Smouldering 1d6 + Muscle Target Deal 1d6 Level 4; 20 XP 4 HP
Blade Modifier extra damage
when cast in
after a fire
Cyrogenesis 1d6 + Finesse Target Gain +3 Level 4; 20 XP 4 HP
Modifier damage
units affected
by Freeze or
effects dealt

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

by Ice spells.
Windswept 1d6 + Intellect Target Gain +2 Level 4; 20 XP 4 HP
Edge Modifier damage and
+4 Armor
to this spell
when cast in
a windstorm
of suitably
Sparking 1d6 + Charm Target If cast after Level 4; 20 XP 4 HP
Blade Modifier taking
damage from
a lightning
spell, deal
equal to the
Tidal Fury 1d6 + Aegis Target Deal 1d6 Level 4; 20 XP 4 HP
Modifier extra damage
when cast
during a
foggy, rainy
or moist
Magna Terra 1d6 + (Number of Target Inflict Fear, Level 4; 20 XP 4 HP
allies in battle) Distress OR
Panic on all
enemy units
if cast during
a seismic
event or
after an
Earth Spell.
Mighty Swing 3d6 3 squares Knock back Level 6; 30 XP 5 HP
directly in all units
front of caught in the
your AoE by 4
character squares.
Fatal End 2d6 + (Number of Target If this spell Level 6; 30 XP 5 HP
Dice on the caster’s kills the
weapon) targeted unit,
refund the
HP cost.
Blade of Fury 1d6 Target Deal 1d6 Level 6; 30 XP 5 HP
extra damage

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

for every
attack made
on the target
that round.
Deathbound 4d6 Target If the target Level 8; 40 XP 7 HP
is below
50% health,
damage dealt
by 4.
Tempest Slash 2d10 Target Deal this Level 8; 40 XP 7 HP
again if the
target is less
than 5
squares away
from you.
Brave Blade 4d10 Target You may Level 9; 55 XP 7 HP
reroll any of
your damage
dice if this
spell is cast
in melee
Vorpal Blade 3d10 5x5 Square Deal 1d10 Level 9; 60 XP 7 HP
around extra if your
Caster character has
the ‘Great’

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Havoc Spells

Havoc really qualifies as anything that promotes panic and confusion in battle. The human mind
can only rationalize so much before it becomes overloaded and enters a fight-or-flight state.
Rabid bites, clawing, kicks, explosions and poison all count as this damage type, in one capacity
or another.

Havoc spells, generally speaking, cost moderate amounts of HP to cast and deal low damage, but
can stun, crowd control and apply status ailments to targets. This spell type possesses a
moderate AoE range. Havoc damage is graded on the 1d2 and 1d6.

Damage Area of Additional Level Health

Effect Effects Availability Cost
Spin Kick 2d2 + Muscle Target N/A Level 1; 5 XP 2 HP
Firecracker 1d2 + Intellect 3x3 If this spells Level 1; 5 XP 2 HP
Modifier hits, afflict
the target
with Panic,
Distress or
Bite 2d2 + Muscle Target If this spell Level 2; 10 XP 4 HP
Modifier hits, afflict
the target
with Panic,
Distress or
Poison Claw 2d2 + Finesse Target If this spell Level 2; 10 XP 4 HP
Modifier hits, afflict
the target
with Poison.
Thunder Kick 1d6 + 5 Target The target Level 3; 15 XP 4 HP
takes 1
damage ever
turn for three
turns after
this spell
Cleaving Bite 2d6 Target If this spell Level 4; 20 XP 6 HP
hits, root the
target in
place for
their next
Feral Bite 2d6 + Intellect Target Lower your Level 4; 20 XP 6 HP
Value Intellect
value by
your roll

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

result for
three turns
after casting
this spell.
Wreak Havoc See effect 6x6 Square All units that Level 4; 20 XP 7 HP
enter the
AoE cannot
gain bonuses
to maneuver
attempts, are
slowed by 4
speed, and
take 1d2
every round.
Poison Gas 1d6 3x3 Square All units Level 5; 25 XP 7 HP
Bomb caught in the
AoE are
afflicted with
Needle Bomb 2d6 5x5 Square N/A Level 5; 25 XP 7 HP
Acid Bomb 1d6 + 3d2 3x3 Square N/A Level 5; 25 XP 7 HP
Skewer 3d6 + Finesse Target Test Muscle Level 6; 30 XP 8 HP
Modifier at -2. If you
succeed, the
target is
Triple Kick 3d6 Target If you roll a Level 6; 30 XP 8 HP
1 on any of
the dice used
for this spell,
reduce the
armor on the
target by 2
for every 1
for the next
three rounds.
Beastly Rage Combined Muscle Target Test Muscle Level 7; 35 XP 9 HP
Value of the Party. at -3. If you
fail, you are
afflicted with
Berserk. If
you succeed,
afflict the
with Fear,
Panic AND
Megaton Press 3d6 + Armor Value 3x3 square When cast, Level 8; 40 XP 10 HP

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

charge at a
3x3 square.
All units in
the square
are knocked
down and
have their
reduced to 0
until they get
back up.
Fury See effect Target If you Level 8; 40 XP Passive
succeed deal
damage with
any Havoc
spell, you
may cast
Havoc spell
as a free
adding +2
damage to
the spell
This can be
This stacks
with each
Rabid Bite 3d6 Target After Level 8; 45 XP 10 HP
restore health
equal to
damage dealt
and inflict
Maul See effect Target Roll 1d6. If Level 8; 45 XP 5 HP
you do not
roll a 6, roll
again. Keep
rolling until
you roll a 6.
value of all
dice rolled is
damage dealt

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

to the target.
dice rolled
counts as 1
HP cost.

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Shot Spells

Technically not spells per se, Shot refers to differing types of ammunition and arrows utilized
with bows and guns. Real-life counterparts – oil-dipped arrows, poison-dipped arrows, iron-
shaft arrows, explosive canister, pellet shot and armor piercing rounds, to mention a few – are
adaptations of the primary weapon component to suit a specific need. Bows and Guns, moreso
than bladed or blunt weapons, are more capable of changing weapon components at will, due to
their construction. Part of this capability comes from the proliferation of replacement parts and
weapon standardization in the 18th century, though musket domination in the centuries prior
certainly helped with that.

Shot spells can be considered weapon augment spells for ranged weapons, cast in place of
weapon attacks. These spells change the damage type of the weapon or inflict specific ailments
or debuffs on the target for that turn. This spell category also covers multiplicative spells like
Volley and Multi-shot. There is no downtime for changing ammunition, and no inherent penalty
for using having/using multiple shot types. However, shot types require a health cost, like
physical skills. Shot damage is typically graded by the associated weapon’s damage value.

“Arrow” spells require a Bow or Crossbow to be cast. “Round” spells require a gun to be cast.
“Shot” spells only require a ranged weapon to be cast.

Damage Area of Additional Level Health

Effect Effects Availability Cost
Barbed Arrow Weapon Value + Target For three Level 1; 5 XP 2 HP
1d2 turns, every
time the
target moves,
deal 1d2
Decoy Arrow Weapon Value Target If your to-hit Level 1; 10 XP 2 HP
roll fails,
reroll. You
must take the
second roll,
even if it is
Steady Shot Weapon Value + 1 Target This spell Level 1; 5 XP 2 HP
gains +1 to-
Frost Arrow Weapon Value + 2 Target Change this Level 2; 10 XP 4 HP
damage type
to Ice; Slow
the target by
2 movement
range, +1 for

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Frost arrow.
Explosive Shot Weapon Value + 2 3x3 Knock Level 2; 10 XP 5 HP
yourself back
3 squares if
you are
adjacent to
the AoE.
Magnesia Weapon Value Target Bathe the Level 2; 10 XP 4 HP
Rounds target in
embers. All
units test to-
hit that target
at an
additional +2
for three
Iron-Shaft Weapon Value + 4 Target Reduce the Level 3; 15 XP` 6 HP
Arrow target’s
Armor value
by half for
three turns.
Smoke Shot None 4x4 All enemies Level 3; 15 XP 5 HP
caught in the
AoE test to-
hit with
attacks at -5,
and cannot
see units
outside of
the smoke.
Twin Shot Weapon Value - 2 Two Select two Level 3; 15 XP 5 HP
Targets targets
within 5
squares of
each other.
Apply the
Volley Weapon Value - 1 6x2 Square Weapons Level 3; 15 XP 5 HP
that use
must reload
after casting
Pellet Rounds Weapon Value + 3 3x3 Square Deal an Level 5; 30 XP 7 HP
1d2 one

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

outside of
the center
Disabling Shot Weapon Value + Target Reduce the Level 5; 30 XP 7 HP
Target’s Armor target’s base
range to 1 for
three rounds.
Charged Shot Weapon Value + 6 Target N/A Level 6; 35 XP 8 HP
Glove Arrow Weapon Value + 4 Target Target is Level 6; 35 XP 8 HP
afflicted with
Mute for
three rounds.
Napalm Weapon Value 6x6 Square Set the area Level 7; 35 XP 9 HP
Rounds of effect on
fire. All
units caught
in the area of
effect are
dealt 1d6
Full Metal Weapon Value + Target Units Level 7; 35 XP 9 HP
Jacket Final To-hit roll directly
behind or
diagonal to
the target are
hit with the
damage of
the spell.
Penetrating 2*Weapon Value Target N/A Level 8; 40 XP 10 HP
Holy Arrow Weapon Value Target When you Level 8; 45 XP 10 HP
deal damage,
heal yourself
by the
amount of

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Weapon Passives

Weapon passives are spells that passively augment damage and effects from weapon types
currently equipped. These are graded according a general leveling scheme.

Passive Additional Effects Level Availability

____ Adept Gain +1 damage to physical Level 1; 5 XP

attacks OR +1 armor when this
weapon is equipped. This does not
apply when dual-wielding.

____ Apprentice Gain +2 damage to physical Level 3; 20 XP

attacks OR +2 armor when this
weapon is equipped. This does not
apply when dual-wielding.

____ Journeyman Gain +3 damage to physical Level 5; 30 XP

attacks OR +3 armor when this
weapon is equipped. This does not
apply when dual-wielding.

____ Knight (Dyna-knight Gain +4 damage to physical Level 7; 40 XP

if using Grenades) attacks OR +4 armor when this
weapon is equipped. This does not
apply when dual-wielding.

____ Master Gain +6 damage to physical Level 9; 50 XP

attacks OR +6 armor when this
weapon is equipped. This does not
apply when dual-wielding.

Two-Weapon Adept You may attack with two 1h Level 3; 25 XP

weapons with a -2 penalty to
damage and to-hit for each

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Two-Weapon Journeyman You may attack with two 1h Level 5; 30 XP

weapons with a -1 penalty to
damage and to-hit for each

Two-Weapon Master You may deal full damage with Level 7; 35 XP

both weapons without any

Sword/Shield Adept Gain +1 to Parry and Counter Level 1; 5 XP

when wielding a 1h sword and

Sword/Shield Journeyman Gain +3 to Parry and Counter Level 4; 20 XP

when wielding a 1h sword and

Sword/Shield Master Gain +5 to Parry and Counter Level 7; 35 XP

when wielding a 1h sword and

Spear/Shield Adept Gain +1 attack range and +1 armor Level 1; 5 XP

when wielding a 1h spear and

Spear/Shield Journeyman Gain +3 attack range and +2 armor Level 4; 20 XP

when wielding a 1h spear and

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Spear/Shield Master Block and Parry attempts against Level 7; 35 XP

attacks cannot fail when wielding
a 1h spear and shield.

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Physical Passives

These spells give general bonuses as a result of physical attacks or dealing damage with physical

Passive Additional Effects Level Availability

Apt Pupil Gain +1 damage to a physical attack if you Level 1; 5 XP
are not attacking first.

Sharp Student Gain +1 exp if you hit a weakness. Level 2; 10 XP

Valuable Gain +1 HP, SP and Damage if you strike a Level 2; 10 XP

Apprentice weakness.

Hotblooded Gain +1 damage to all physical attacks and Level 2; 15 XP


Firebrand Gain +2 damage to all physical attacks and Level 4; 25 XP


Red Oni Gain +4 damage to all physical attacks and Level 7; 40 XP


Bulwark Gain +1 armor when this Persona is active. Level 1; 10 XP

Shield-bearer Gain +2 armor when this Persona is active. Level 3; 20 XP

Unconquerable Gain +4 armor when this Persona is active. Level 6; 35 XP

Arms Master Cut the cost of all physical spells in half. Level 5; 30 XP

Firm Stance You take half damage from all sources, but Level 5; 30 XP
you cannot dodge.

Angelic Grace Double all dodge results, but you cannot use Level 5; 30 XP
more than 3 armor.

Resist ___ Gain “Resist” to the specified physical Level 3; 20 XP

damage type.

Absorb ___ Gain “Absorb” to the specified physical Level 5; 30 XP

damage type.

Chapter # - Spells and Passives

Dodge ___ Double your dodge rolls against a specified Level 5; 30 XP

physical damage type.

Low Counter Gain +1 to Counter attempts. Level 2; 10 XP

Mid Counter Gain +3 to Counter attempts. Level 5; 30 XP

High Counter Gain +5 to Counter attempts. Level 7; 40 XP

Low Parry Gain +1 to Parry attempts. Level 2; 10 XP

Mid Parry Gain +3 to Parry attempts. Level 5; 30 XP

High Parry Gain + 5 to Parry attempts. Level 7; 40 XP

Chapter # - Tactics Cards

Tactics Cards
“Don’t just rely on power from on-high to win your battles. Be smart. Know you’re
human. Come up with a plan before you rush in. It pays to be prudent when dealing with
shadows. Plus, it’ll save you heartache later.”
-Bianca, Chairwoman of Dorm 4

The RPG standard for non-spell passive bonuses and special abilities is ‘talents and feats.’
Usually tied to a class or role type, talents and feats represent the natural progression of a
character in that role, implicitly rewarding the player for playing a certain way. Modern d20
games like D&D and Star Wars, as well as d100’s like Warhammer, maintain a strict talent/feat
system with options in class development.

While using similar rules to d20, Persona does not use talents or feats. In their place, it uses a
more flexible, less intrusive method of class development: Tactics Cards.

Tactics cards are character-bound buffs and abilities, bought with experience points and played
like Persona. They act as situation specific cards, providing a bonus when in play. A card can
represent a lot of things: a plan of attack, reaction to an opponent, stance, way of thinking,
focuses, meditative action, etc. Practically, the cards offer a flexible way of responding to
threats and situations without compromising one’s Persona to do so. It doesn’t hurt to buy at
least one.


Tactics cards function in gameplay in roughly the same context as Personas. At the start of
combat, a card may be selected and played as a free action. That card provides a passive bonus
that kicks in immediately, and will remain in play for as long as the card remains in play. The
card is taken out of play only by player action – switching to another card and removing the card
from play by choice.

Switching between cards, like switching between Personas, is considered a limited free action.
You may only perform it once per turn. You may only switch into a given card on your turn, and
once you switch into it, you cannot switch out until your next turn.

All players start with at least 2 tactics cards at the beginning of the game, picked from the tier 1
suits. A player with a high Intellect attribute may select more than two.

Cards are obtained over the course of the game by purchasing them from the game master after
the first shadow encounter. The game master reserves the right to hold back or change certain
card effects or costs at their discretion.

Cards are graded according to their XP cost and level availability. In order to buy a card, you
must be the same level or a higher level than the card tier, though the GM may change this at
their discretion. Tier 1 cards cost 10 XP, tier 2 cards cost 20 XP, tier 3 cards cost 30 XP, tier 4
cards cost 40 XP, and tier 5 cards cost 50 XP. Intellect directly affects Tactic Card cost by

Chapter # - Tactics Cards

offering cost reduction, equal to 10% off per point of Intellect modifier (for example, a card that
costs 35 xp costs 50% less for a character with 10 Intellect).

Group tactics cards operate on functionally different principles. To put them in play, you must
beat an associated challenge number, by rolling a 1d10 charm test, augmented by charm
modifiers. Beating the challenge number puts the card in play as a free action. If you fail the
charm test, you cannot test any other group tactics cards this round. No two group tactics cards
can be in play at the same time. Cost reduction for group tactics cards is equal to 10% off per
point of Charm modifier.

Cards may be found as well as bought. Scoring a natural roll of 10 on a 1d10 social test, or
rolling higher than total of 12 on an Intellect test, grants a free tactics card of the player’s Arcana

There is no maximum number for the amount of tactics cards one may own or buy. But please -
don’t spend all of your XP on cards.

Cards come in two forms – [SET] and [TRIGGER]. [SET] cards remain in play until switched
out, similar to a Persona. [TRIGGER] cards remain in play until the effect is triggered. At that
point, the card is taken out of play and put on a round-based cooldown, equal to the number
following the card effect (TRIGGER 3 is 3 round cooldown).

Cards are divided into four ‘suits,’ indicating their function – Swords (Physical), Cups
(Support/Maneuvers), Wands (Magical) and Pentacles (Social).

Chapter # - Tactics Cards

Swords Suit

Cards of the Swords suit grant bonuses to physical damage, armor and affecting physical attacks.

Tactic Cards Table 1; Swords Suit, Standard Cards

Name Description Exp Recommended Level
Tier 1
Crippling Your next physical attack deals +3 extra 15 xp Level 1
Blow damage. [TRIGGER 2]
Double-Up After successfully hitting the target again, 15 xp Level 1
you may deal damage again equal to one of
the die rolled in the attack. [TRIGGER 2]
Guard Up +1 to Counter and Parry. [SET] 15 xp Level 1
Take Aim +2 Squares to Weapon Range [SET] 15 xp Level 1
Tier 2
Snapshot You can make a ranged attack after a full 25 xp Level 3
move. [TRIGGER 1]
Overwhelm Make a physical attack. Every time the 25 xp Level 3
target fails a maneuver attempt to dodge your
attack, deal +3 havoc damage [TRIGGER 3].
Battle Restore +2 HP per physical attack made 25 xp Level 3
Meditation while this card is in play. [SET]
Battle Gain a +2 modifier to Dodge, Hit, OR deal 25 xp Level 3
Calculation damage during your turn. You may only
pick one effect. [SET]
Tier 3
Draw a You may double your weapon range and 35 xp Level 5
Bead gain +2 Armor Penetration for your next
ranged attack. [TRIGGER 3]
Skullcracker Crack open your opponent’s armor; After 35 xp Level 5
your next attack, your opponent’s armor is
reduced to 1 for three rounds. [TRIGGER 3]
Battle Rush Killing an enemy grants +2 HP and +4 SP. 35 xp Level 5
Inner Fire You may spend SP to deal extra damage, 35 xp Level 5
dealing 2 damage per SP spent. [SET]

Chapter # - Tactics Cards

Tactic Cards Table 1; Swords Suit, Group Cards

Name Description Exp Challenge Recommended
Cost Number Level
Tier 1
Battle Cry All allied units gain Tarukaja for 15 xp 8 Level 1
three turns. [TRIGGER 3]
Go for the Give an allied unit +4 physical 15 xp 8 Level 1
Eyes! damage and +1 armor penetration.
Tier 2
Calm Gain 1d6 every round that can be 25 xp 10 Level 3
Command used to increase the strength of
any allied unit’s test. [SET]
Fire All allied units with ranged 25 xp 10 Level 3
Volley! weapons test at +3 to-hit to deal
damage immediately. Those units
may act on their turn as normal.
Tier 3
Charge!!! All allied units may move their 35 xp 12 Level 5
full move on your turn. Those
units may act on their turn as
normal. [TRIGGER 2]
Conserve You can transfer points from your 35 xp 12 Level 5
your Muscle value to other characters,
Strength! up to your maximum Muscle
value. This effect is constant.

Chapter # - Tactics Cards

Cups Suit

Cards of the Cups suit grant bonuses to maneuver attempts and grant effects that support yourself
or teammates.

Tactic Cards Table 1; Cups Suit, Standard Cards

Name Description Exp Recommended Level
Tier 1
Expansive Restore +1 SP when you kill an enemy. 15 xp Level 1
Mind [SET]
Keep Gain +2 movement range. [SET] 15 xp Level 1
Calm Mind Your next spell costs half its SP or HP cost. 15 xp Level 1
Sprint! Add +4 to your movement range this turn. 15 xp Level 1
Tier 2
Inner Peace Restore +1 SP per round. [SET] 25 xp Level 3
Adaptation Every time you fail a maneuver attempt, gain 25 xp Level 3
+2 to the next maneuver attempt. This stacks
until you pass a maneuver attempt. [SET]
Naturalize The next Water or Wind Spell you cast costs 25 xp Level 3
half its cost, and restores +2 HP to any unit
you choose. [TRIGGER 2]
Epiphany Restore SP equal to your Intellect value. 25 xp Level 3
Tier 3
Mana Fount Restore +2 SP per round to a character of 35 xp Level 5
your choice. [SET]
Enervation Gain a maneuver attempt after you cast a 35 xp Level 5
spell. [SET]
Complete Remove all debuffs and ailments on your 35 xp Level 5
Calm character. [TRIGGER 4]
Quiet Fury Spend 4 damage on your next attack to gain 35 xp Level 5

Chapter # - Tactics Cards

Tactic Cards Table 1; Cups Suit, Group Cards

Name Description Exp Challenge Recommended
Cost Number Level
Tier 1
Hunker Reduce all damage taken by 2 on 15 xp 8 Level 1
Down! the enemy’s next round.
Stay Distress, Panic and Fear cannot be 15 xp 8 Level 1
Calm! afflicted while this card is in play.
Tier 2
Union of You may add yours and an ally’s 25 xp 10 Level 3
Minds intellect modifiers together to pass
any intellect test OR restore SP to
both characters equal to the
combined modifier. [TRIGGER 3]
Encourage Select two attributes. Add +1 to 25 xp 10 Level 3
those attributes to all allied units
while this card is in play. [SET]
Tier 3
High All weaknesses are converted to 35 xp 10 Level 5
Guard nulls for the enemy’s round.
Infectious Every time you gain SP, all allied 35 xp 10 Level 5
Energy units gain the same amount of SP.

Chapter # - Tactics Cards

Wands Suit

Cards of the Wands suit grant bonuses to spell damage, healing, defense and scan.

Tactic Cards Table 1; Wands Suit, Standard Cards

Name Description Exp Recommended Level
Tier 1
Black Magic Deal 1 extra damage when you cast an 15 xp Level 1
elemental spell. [SET]
White Magic All healing spells heal 1 more. [SET] 15 xp Level 1
Makajam Flip a coin when you target an enemy with a 15 xp Level 1
spell. If heads, inflict an ailment of your
choice. If tails, reduce your calculated
damage by 2. [TRIGGER 2]
Magic Wall Reduce all inbound magic damage by 3 15 xp Level 1
during the enemy’s round. [TRIGGER 3]
Tier 2
Pyromancer Fire spells set fire to the target, cutting 25 xp Level 3
healing in half as long as this card is in play.
Ice Queen Casting an ice spell increases your MDR by 25 xp Level 3
1 during the enemy’s round. [SET]
Windbreaker Cast Hurricane for free, even if you do not 25 xp Level 3
know the spell. As long as Hurricane is
active, gain +1 HP and SP per round.
Lightning Cast two Lightning spells in succession. All 25 xp Level 3
Storm gain +2 to hit. [TRIGGER 3]
Tier 3
Sealing Rites All attempts to use Hama or Mudo on you 35 xp Level 5
take -10% to kill chance. [SET]
Gravity Well You are always treated as having Gry active, 35 xp Level 5
the AoE being centered around your
character. [SET]
Scanning You may test to scan ALL units on the field 35 xp Level 5
Wave at +2 [TRIGGER 3]
Kinetic The next Zan spell knocks the target back 35 xp Level 5
Force twice as far as normal, and deals twice as
much damage. [TRIGGER 3]

Chapter # - Tactics Cards

Tactic Cards Table 1; Wands Suit, Group Cards

Name Description Exp Challenge Recommended
Cost Number Level
Tier 1
Magic Add +1 to-hit to all spells. [SET] 15 xp 8 Level 1
Channel! Add your Intellect Modifier to 15 xp 8 Level 1
the effect of a targeted ally’s next
spell. [TRIGGER 3]
Tier 2
Sanskrit For this turn, all –kaja spells 25 xp 10 Level 3
Mantras grant +1 to their effect.
Concentrate Add +1 extra damage to spells 25 xp 10 Level 3
Fire! that target a designated unit.
Tier 3
Unholy Seal Add the party’s combined 35 xp 16 Level 5
Intellect Value to your next
Hama or Mudo spell’s kill
chance. [TRIGGER 2]
Hit the Declare one damage type. If any 35 xp 14 Level 5
Weak enemy unit does not Resist or
Point! (for Null that damage type, then treat
massive it as a weakness. [SET]

Chapter # - Tactics Cards

Pentacles Suit

Cards of the Wands suit grant bonuses to social tests, Charm, skill training and non-combat tests.

Tactic Cards Table 1; Wands Suit, Standard Cards

Name Description Exp Recommended Level
Tier 1
Detective Add +2 to Awareness. [SET] 15 xp Level 1
Open Mind Add +1 to Charm in group circumstances. 15 xp Level 1
Diligence Your next skill training event grants double 15 xp Level 1
its skill points. [TRIGGER 5 days]
Break the Ice When starting a social link, you cannot fail 15 xp Level 1
any charm tests. [SET]
Tier 2
Aggressive Intimidate tests gain an extra 1d6 dice. 25 xp Level 3
Posturing [SET]
Commanding In violent or chaotic situations, gain +2 to 25 xp Level 3
Shout Charm. [SET]
Egghead Add your Intellect Modifier to your Charm 25 xp Level 3
Mode tests. [SET]
Breakthrough Your next skill training event grants you 25 xp Level 3
enough points to enter the next tier.
[TRIGGER 14 days]
Tier 3
Web-Weaver If you lie at any point during a Charm test, 35 xp Level 5
you cannot fail the test. However, if the lie
is ever found out, take -1 to Charm for the
remainder of the session. [SET]
Social Link, Spending time with a social link that you 35 xp Level 5
GO! have a Persona from doubles all points
gained from that social link. [SET]
S-social If you have broken a Social Link, unbreak it. 35 xp Level 5
Link… Go? [TRIGGER 14 days]
Poker Face You cannot fail a Bluff or Intimidate test 35 xp Level 5
against your character. [SET]

Chapter # - The Armory

The Armory

“What?! Yer fightin’ shadows wit golf clubs?! Yer daft, ya little brat! If ya weren’t a
guest, I’d slap ya!”

The fight against the shadows is not a wholly magical one. A good sword and shield combo
works just as well as a pillar of fire or a tidal wave, if not better, given the circumstances. Every
resource is valuable, especially when you run out of SP.

Every character, regardless of physical status or Arcana, can equip themselves with weapons and
armor to fight shadows. These items represent the most basic form of dealing and mitigating
damage in combat, as well as a means of striking at a weakness. Higher ranks of weapons and
armor can provide additional passive benefits that augment your combat abilities. You will want
to have even the most basic gear, even if you’re the spell caster hanging around in the back of the

First rule of combat – don’t run in naked.

Weapon Mechanics

Your weapon is your first and last mode of attack. All characters get a starting weapon when
they enter the Velvet Room.

A weapon possesses: a damage roll, a damage type, an armor penetration value, a given range
and a passive ability.
 The damage roll determines how much damage the weapon can do when you attack with
 The damage type determines how the weapon deals damage (elaborated below).
 The armor penetration value determines how much the weapon avoids armor in damage
 The range determines how far the weapon can attack. Adjacent is the square adjacent to
the player. Otherwise, the number of squares listed in range is the number of squares
away from the square a player occupies.
 The passive ability is an effect that is in play when the weapon is equipped. The effect is
only active when the weapon is equipped.
 Unless modified, weapons in Persona do not break or degrade.

Chapter # - The Armory

Generally, weapons are classed into four general archetypes, each possessing a physical damage
‘type’ that exploits a weakness and knocks an opponent down.
 Strike – the most basic form of hitting things. Strike weapons inflict blunt
trauma and break whatever they hit, but do not cut. Weapons include hammers,
clubs, staves and improvised weapons like desks and folding chairs.
 Slash – a better weapon for a more civilized age. Slash weapons cut and tear, but
require more precision to use properly. Weapons include swords, axes, knives
and poleaxes.
 Pierce – to crack open armored badies like oversized eggs. Pierce weapons break
through armor, hitting precision points or outright cutting through layers of
protection. Weapons include bows, crossbows, flintlock guns, spears and sickles.
 Havoc – let your inner animal out. Havoc weapons are natural or semi-natural
weapons that, through mastery or material strength, can overcome opponents
outright. Weapons include fists, fist-weapons, horns, claws, teeth and spikes.

Weapons can be graded on a damage scale as well, based on the dice they use:
 d2 – This weapon is very accurate and deals consistent damage. However, unless
you have multiple die stacked on the item, the overall damage will be weak.
 d6 – This weapon is in the middle of the road. Fairly accurate, reasonable overall
damage. This is the most common level of damage you’ll seen.
 d10 – This weapon may not be accurate, but it packs a wallop. Weapons with this
die type have high damage potential, but require rerolls to be consistent.

Weapons may be dual-wielded. In this case, if these weapons do not complement each other (1h
sword and shield; 1h axe and shield; double knives), then both weapons take -3 to hit and -3 to
damage, but both may attack in a single half turn. Passives exist to augment the effectiveness of
these weapons.

The following chart gives a general overview of the available weapon types in Persona Tabletop.
The GM is encouraged to this, as well as the weapon catalogue, to experiment with weapon

Armory Table 1; Weapon Types

Weapon type Typical Bonuses to Range Additional Effects
Roll hit
Melee – Strike
Hammer 1d10 -1 to Hit Adjacent Can crush armor,
+1 reducing Armor value by
Club 1d6 None Adjacent Cause internal damage,
reducing the effectiveness
of healing by 3 points.
Staff 1d6 None Adjacent May contain
enchantments for specific

Chapter # - The Armory

Wand 1d2 None Adjacent May be dual wielded;

May also contain
enchantments for specific
Shield 1d2 None Adjacent Blocks 2 physical damage
naturally when attacked.
Improvised Varies Varies Varies May be found in the
environment for free
(relatively speaking).

Melee – Slash
1h Sword 1d6 +1 Adjacent May be Dual Wielded
(wielding with a shield is
not counted as dual
wielding); +1 to Parry.
2h Sword 1d10 -2 Adjacent +1 to Counter
1h Axe 1d6 None Adjacent May be Dual Wielded
(wielding with a shield is
not counted as dual
wielding); +2 range to
2h Axe 1d10 -2 Adjacent +1 range to charge.
Poleaxe 1d10 -2 Adjacent +1 to Parry. May be
+2 wielded in one hand
(1d6) or with two hands
(1d10; +2 to Charge).
Knife 2d2 +2 Adjacent May be Dual Wielded; If
wielding only knives,
dual wielding is not
counted; +1 to Maneuver
attempts when equipped.
Melee – Pierce
Spear Varies -1 Adjacent +1 to Charge. May be
+2 wielded in one hand
(1d6) or with two hands
(1d10; +2 to Charge).
Sickle 1d6 +1 Adjacent May cause bleed damage,
+1 dealing additional
damage over multiple
Melee – Havoc
Unarmed 1d6 +1 Adjacent N/A
Augmented Fist 1d6 +0 Adjacent Test Muscle to knock

Chapter # - The Armory

down a target (tested

against enemy muscle).
Horns/Claws/Teeth/Spikes 1d6 +2 Adjacent May deal Ailment or
debuff effects.
Ranged – Havoc
Grenade 1d6 + 3 None Muscle Cause Fear or Distress if
Value you successfully hit; Hits
on a 3x3 square.
Ranged – Pierce
Bows 2d2 +2 Finesse Gains range and damage
Value with each aim half-action
(+1 per).
Crossbow 1d6 +1 Finesse Gains damage with each
Value aim half-action; Requires
reloading after 6 shots (1
full turn)
Javelin 1d6 +1 Finesse May be Dual Wielded;
Value May be thrown, dealing
twice its rolled damage,
but becoming unusable.
Pistol (Matchlock) 2d2 +1 6 squares May be Dual Wielded;
Passes through Armor;
Requires reloading after 4
shots (1 full turn)
Heavy Gun (Matchlock) 1d6 None 8 squares Passes through Armor;
Requires reloading after 4
shots (1 full turn)

Only two weapons may be carried at any single time unless otherwise noted. This counts in
dual-wielding circumstances. These weapons are considered your ‘active’ weapons. You can
switch into these weapons at any time for a half action.

Weapon Customization

Persona Tabletop utilizes a weapon crafting system, using weapon types as the base. A weapon
is composed of a base with “aspects” built into it. They may come prebuilt or may be crafted
with money or materials. Regardless, most weapon above a base level is either rewarded as loot
or from a significant advancement in the campaign. Base weapons come in several forms,
differentiated by the number of qualities they can hold.

Armory Table 2; Base Weapons

Base Weapon Level Effects Suggested Availability
Training Weapon Base weapon statistics Level 1-3; Available at shops or as
level 1 reward weapons

Chapter # - The Armory

Adept Weapon 1 aspect space Level 2-4; Available at shops or as

prebuilt reward weapons.
Shadow Weapon 2 aspect spaces Level 3-7; Available as dungeon loot
or prebuilt reward weapons.
Blessed Weapon Add +3 to your weapon’s Level 5-7; Available as dungeon loot
damage; 2 aspect spaces. or boss reward weapons
Nihil Weapon Add one damage dice to Level 7-10; Available as dungeon loot
your weapon; 3 aspect or rewards for social links


A weapon aspect is a quality that can be grafted to a weapon to provide a specific additional
effect in battle. Aspects may be added to a basic weapon, or may come attached to a basic
weapon that is rewarded to the player. At any time, you can ask the GM to craft new aspects
onto your weapon, typically at a cost of experience points, money or special materials dropped
after a battle. The Tabletop system will assume that weapon aspects are bought with money,
though the system can be modified for any resource system.

Below is a list of the primary weapon aspects available in Persona Tabletop. The GM is able to,
and is encouraged to, alter this list to fit the needs of the campaign.

Armory Table 3; Weapon Aspects

Aspect Description
“Acid” Burn off 1 Armor and 1 MDR on the target after striking it; all
values reset after three turns without a strike;
“Barbed” Requires a ranged weapon; Tag your target after successfully
hitting them. Until the tag is taken off as a half action, deal 2
damage every time the target moves.
“Burning” Your weapon deals 2 additional Fire damage every round after
attacking with it; Deals double damage when striking a weakness.
“Dark-(weapon)“ After striking with your weapon, inflict Fear, Panic or Distress OR
add +7% kill chance to the next Mudo spell cast on the target.
“Freezing” If Melee, slow the target by 3 movement range per attack; If
ranged, target a 3x3 square when attacking. Units that move
through that location cannot move out until their next subsequent
turn (3 round cooldown).
“Fury” Gain a free reroll on your attack every round; if you reroll, all
additional damage modifiers are forfeit.
“Giant” Double damage dealt; Cut your to-hit roll results in half. (Cannot be
taken with “Small”)
“Holy” After striking with your weapon, deal an additional +2 Hama
damage OR add +7% kill chance to the next Hama spell cast on the

Chapter # - The Armory

“Long” Requires a ranged weapon; Double the effective range of your

“Obsidian” Gain +3 armor penetration;
“Quickdraw” Requires a gun weapon; Reload is considered a half action instead
of a full action.
“Rifled” Requires a gun weapon; Increase your to-hit rolls by +3.
“Small” Gain +3 to-hit; Cut all damage dealt by 3. (Cannot be taken with
“Split” Requires a ranged weapon; For a half action, you may split your
weapon into two melee weapons, each possessing the damage roll
of the ranged weapon but only effective at melee range. You may
now parry and counter with these weapons.
“Stone” Deal +2 extra Earth damage; After you hit an enemy with more
than 4 armor, reduce that armor to 4 for the next two rounds.
“Traditional” Gain +2 armor and +1 MDR when equipped.

Chapter # - The Armory

Armor Mechanics

Similar to the Persona games, armor has been abstracted to represent a general damage
mitigation value on a character’s body. No matter where you are hit, armor will reduce damage
taken from spells and attacks. Damage mitigation on armor is abstracted into an Armor and
MDR value, representing resistance to physical and magical damage respectively.

In-character, armor is worn on top of a character’s street clothes. This can be elaborated upon in
the ‘street clothes’ section of the character sheet.

Armor in Persona Tabletop is designated as ‘pieces,’ worn either alone or in tandem with other
parts. Each piece has a location and an Armor Point cost. Armor Points are an abstracted
number that denotes how many armor pieces a character can wear into battle. All characters
have a minimum value of points, 5, with which they can use to outfit themselves. Typically:
 Accessories like rings and amulets are worth 1,
 Gloves and small items are worth 2,
 Greaves and shoulder pauldrons are worth 3
 Chest pieces and pants are worth 4; and
 Full suits cost up to 9 points.

Characters with high Muscle or Aegis values can gain extra armor points, equal to their (attribute
value above 8).

Armor is grouped loosely into classes:

 Light – Light armor provides bonuses to maneuvers, to-hit tests and movement
range. Any character can wear this armor. This armor typically takes the form of
modern clothing and protective gear – vests, coats, work clothes, Kevlar, helmets and
arm/knee pads, etc.
 Magic – Magic armor provides bonuses to magic damage, MDR and
elemental/alignment resistances. Typically, a character needs high MP or Aegis to wear
this class. Magic armor typically does not ‘look’ like armor – most pieces are ordained
robes, cloaks, hats, and items of general a mystical aesthetic.
 Heavy – Heavy armor provides bonuses to maximum health, Armor value and
physical resistances. Only characters with high Muscle or MP can wear this class. This
armor takes the form of traditional armor pieces – chainmail, platemail, laminated
armor, chest-pieces, greaves, and armguards.
 Footwear – shoes, sandals, boots, etc. All characters can wear at least one pair of
footwear, as they do not count towards AP. However! You may only have one
footwear item equipped at a time.

Chapter # - The Armory


Items are one-use objects that provide an effect when cast. These include healing items, damage
items, buff granting items, debuff/ailment causing items and augmenting items that affect a
specific statistic. You can carry as many items as is believable (typically, only two item types
when just wearing street clothes; six item types if carrying a backpack; as many as desired with a
dedicated storage vehicle).


Availability of weapons and armor will vary on a campaign to campaign basis. Persona 3
deferred equipped items to the local Police department, a jewelry store (Be Blue V), an antique
store (Shinshoudo Antiques) and the Home Shopping network for bought items, and to the
dungeon for found items. Persona 4 followed a similar formula with Daidara, the Shinroku Store
and the TV World as similar locations to buy/find items.

For most campaigns, the pattern will likely be the same – weapons and armor will be available
domestically in designated stores, or in the dungeon as ‘drops.’ Prices will be set by the GM.
The GM may decide whether or not to consolidate stores or remove the ‘store’ aspect from
weapons. Armor/weapon crafting is delineated later in this section.

Tone and Mood with Weapons

The weapons and armor available to you are typically not modern – swords, hammers, bows,
spears, knives, shields, matchlock guns, etc. You will probably never get to lay your hands on a
sophisticated gun, except in certain circumstances (for example, if you are an android or a
government operative).

In the context of your typical campaign, this makes sense. If you’re following the formula of a
clandestine group of students hunting monsters on their downtime with mythical beings, adding
modern assault weapons creates a different ‘taste’ for the player. From a purely thematic
standpoint, there is an immediate clash between magic and the concept of heroism, and firearms.
It may be an awkward statement to make, but the concept of heroism for the target audience of
Persona (mainly Japanese teenagers and young adults; this has bled over to American culture to a
degree) is that of a swords and sorcery ideal. Big weapons, skillful techniques, absurd magic. It
fuels the fantasy of the game and reinforces the anti-realistic aesthetic. Fighting shadows is
something only YOU can do, you with your big sword and magic powers. Adding guns creates a
significant dissonance. It adds a level of realism that implies mature themes related to
maturation, taking lives, becoming a child soldier, even the death of myth in the face of

Does Persona handle dark themes and realism nonetheless? Yes, and the addition of modern
weapons is not necessarily a bad thing. However, Persona, at least as intended as a video game,
is intended to be a fulfillment fantasy, with some elements of magic escapism. Be wary of what
guns will do to your campaign’s tone before you add them.

Chapter # - The Armory

Armor Catalogue


Chapter # - The Armory

Footwear Catalogue

Please no running.

Each footwear entry has a name, associated cost and passive effect. As stated, only one pair of
footwear will be in effect at a time. You can wear as many shoes as you want, but only one pair
will count towards the bonus passive effect. Switching between shoes counts as a half action.

Footwear Catalogue
Name Description Passive Effect Cost Recommended
Running Brightly colored +1 Movement 4000 Yen; 40 Level 1
Shoes exercise shoes. Range Dollars
Nothing special.
Ballet Flats Soft, practical loafing +3 damage to the 3900 Yen; 39 Level 1
shoes. first spell cast in Dollars
a battle.
Work Boots Tight-laced boots. +1 Armor and 4100 Yen; 41 Level 1
Durable and tough. MDR against Dollars
AOE spells.
Scrappy Simple, worn Recover 1 SP at 4200 Yen; 42 Level 1
Sneakers Converse Sneakers. the end of a Dollars
Hard to wear out. battle.
High Sandals High quality, carved +1 to Maneuvers 4700 Yen; 47 Level 2
sandals. to dodge Fire Dollars
Cleat Boots Boots designed to -1 damage taken 4700 Yen; 47 Level 2
resist icy from Ice Spells Dollars
Windswept Feel their power. Gain +1 SP every 4700 Yen; 47 Level 2
Loafers time a Wind spell Dollars
is cast.
Rubber Sole Boots with rubber The first 4700 Yen; 47 Level 2
insoles. Ideal in lightning spell Dollars
electrical work. that targets you in
a battle deals 1
Thigh-highs Arbiter of absolute +2 to-hit with 5200 Yen; 52 Level 3
territory. Charm Spells; Dollars
Not gender-
Squeaky A pair of old seaboots Every movement 5200 Yen; 52 Level 3
Boots that constantly squeak action grants +1 Dollars
when worn. to-hit to the next
Distress spell;

Chapter # - The Armory

Resets after
casting a Distress
Offensive Garishly colored Every time you 5200 Yen; 52 Level 3
Crocs footwear, a pretender attack an Dollars
to sandals. opponent, test to-
hit to apply Rage
at -3.
Unsettling Something’s not right Fear duration for 5200 Yen; 52 Level 3
Heels about these shoes. the enemy is Dollars
You can’t put your increased by 1
finger on it. round.
Steadfast Boots designed to Enemy spells that 5200 Yen; 52 Level 3
Greaves stand ground. Very push or pull you Dollars
tough. move you one
less square.
Inline Skates Heavy shoes, When making 5200 Yen; 52 Level 3
combined with roller full moves, gain Dollars
blades. Potentially +4 movement
deadly. range and +1 to
all spells to hit
you on the
enemy’s turn.
Rugged Boots The Do not suffer 5200 Yen; 52 Level 3
outdoor(wo)man’s penalties in rough Dollars
fancy. terrain.
Geta Heavy sandals with a Gain +2 to Vault 6000 Yen; 60 Level 4
high base. Real men or Leap when Dollars
can run in these. equipped.
Jika-tabi Japanese socks with a Gain +2 to all 6000 Yen; 60 Level 4
thick inner layer. Stealth attempts Dollars
Very quiet.
Okobo Thick sandals, made Gain +1 to 6000 Yen; 60 Level 4
of whole blocks of Charm in public Dollars
wood. Simple, yet settings.
Waraji Worn sandals, made Gain +1 to hit 6000 Yen; 60 Level 4
of hemp rope. A with a Sword, Dollars
standard of Samurai Bow or Spear.
and Footsoldiers.
Zori Casual shoes, similar Gain +2 damage 6000 Yen; 60 Level 4
to flip flops. Handy to your next Dollars
for the lazy among us. attack if you do
not move during
your turn.

Chapter # - The Armory

Ruby Ruby-encrusted After healing an 7200 Yen; 72 Level 5

Slippers slippers. They Ally’s HP, gain Dollars
certainly seem +2 SP.
Singed Flats Soft shoes, burned on Elemental spells 7200 Yen; 72 Level 5
the edges as a result cost 1 less SP to Dollars
of…? cast.
Battle-Worn Armor-plated greaves, +1 Armor Value 7200 Yen; 72 Level 5
Greaves tested by war. Dollars
Hexed Spanish slip-ons, +1 MDR Value 7200 Yen 72 Level 5
Espadrilles hexed with powerful Dollars

Chapter # - Dungeons and You

Dungeons and You

Mitsuru: This is Tartarus--the labyrinth that reveals itself during the Dark Hour.

Junpei: Labyrinth...? What are you talking about!? What happened to our school!?

Mitsuru: Once the Dark Hour passes, everything returns to normal.

Junpei: This is the "nest" you were talking about!? But, why!? Why'd our school turn into a giant

Mitsuru: ......

Junpei: You don't know, either?

Mitsuru: ...No.
-Persona 3

Starkly different from the real world, the dungeon-world is your primary combat environment in
Persona. The dungeon-world is where you fight shadows, find loot, and work to uncover the
mystery of the plot in a more practical fashion. This is the area where you will be fighting for
the majority of the game, excluding bosses and special events.


The previous Persona games utilized unique dungeon environments, each of which play pivotal
roles in the game’s setting and plot. Spoilers will be avoided here.

Persona 3’s dungeon environment was Tartarus, an immense tower that comes into being during
the Dark Hour in place of Gekkoukan High School. The tower is considered to be a nest of
shadows, attracting them and confining them inside until a Full Moon rises. During a full moon,
a massive shadow appears around Tartarus and wreaks havoc, forcing the party to act. Tartarus
possesses six levels called blocks, each of which are severely distorted and warped by space-
time. The tower was used as a ‘training ground’ of sorts until Full Moon Operations – the party
would scale the tower, defeating shadows to become strong enough to fight the next threat to
Port Island.

Persona 4’s dungeon environment was the TV World, a sprawling mirror to the real world
shrouded in fog. The TV World has existed for a long time before the events of the game, but
the exact time of creation of unclear. Shadows populate the TV world, existing in a general state
of chaos and disorder. In the game, the TV world acts as the combat environment in general –
victims of the murderer are thrown into the TV world, specifically areas that resemble their own
insecurities, and the party is tasked with finding them and getting them out before the shadows
kill them. This process can take anywhere from several days to several weeks, depending on the
complexity of the TV world’s zones and the strength of shadows gathered around the victim.

Precedent Mechanics

Chapter # - Dungeons and You

Dungeons in Persona 3 and 4 share several commonalities. The enemies are always comprised
of shadows of various sizes and shapes (with the odd human thrown as a personal threat). The
dungeon environment is composed of several levels or zones with distinct features – the blocks
in Tartarus share a distinct visual theme, while the zones in the TV World reflect their prisoner’s
insecurities and suppressed desires. The primary armor, weapons and Personae that the player
receives comes from the dungeons (though Persona 4 deferred monetary rewards to jobs and real
world circumstances).


From a narrative standpoint, Tartarus and the TV world have different functions within the story
of the games.

While both dungeon-worlds act as the underlying mystery component, Tartarus serves a very
overt purpose. It is, metaphorically and literally, a looming problem. No one can explain why it
exists and why it is part of the Dark Hour, but it is always there, and you are consciously and
subconsciously reminded, through the Full Moon Shadows, of what kind of doom can be
wrought if the tower is not investigated. By the end of the game, the dread of the tower becomes
more overt, tied to the fate of the MC. Overall, it serves as the thread that connects the narrative
together, through its past with the MC and Port Island in general.

The TV-world is functionally different. It acts as a window to the subconscious desires of others
through the Midnight Channel. To this end, it has a disturbing allure. The want to see those
desires played out draws people, and to a degree, the party, to watch and gossip about what they
see. In addition to this, it acts as both a curiosity and a dreadful place on its own terms. People
die there. If you appear on the Midnight Channel, you are probably already thrown into the TV
and left for dead, while the world outside watches in voyeuristic awe. Far later in the game, this
becomes an exploration of conscious and unconscious nihilism and blocking out the truth in
favor of a simple, agreeable answer.


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