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Open Access Full Text Article Original Research

Efficacy of a respiratory rehabilitation exercise

training package in hospitalized elderly patients
with acute exacerbation of COPD: a randomized
control trial
This article was published in the following Dove Press journal:
International Journal of COPD
27 August 2015
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Lin-Yu Liao 1,2 Clinical trials identifier: NCT02329873

Kuei-Min Chen 2 Background: Acute exacerbation (AE) of COPD is characterized by a sudden worsening of
Wei-Sheng Chung 3 COPD symptoms. Previous studies have explored the effectiveness of respiratory rehabilitation
Jung-Yien Chien 4 for patients with COPD; however, no training program specific to acute exacerbation in elderly
patients or unstable periods during hospitalization has been developed.
Department of Nursing, Chest
Hospital, Ministry of Health and Objective: To evaluate the effects of a respiratory rehabilitation exercise training package
Welfare, Rende District, Tainan, on dyspnea, cough, exercise tolerance, and sputum expectoration among hospitalized elderly
College of Nursing, Kaohsiung
patients with AECOPD.
Medical University, Sanmin District,
Kaohsiung, 3Department of Internal Methods: A randomized control trial was conducted. Pretest and posttest evaluations of
Medicine, Taichung Hospital, Ministry 61 elderly inpatients with AECOPD (experimental group n=30; control group n=31) were per-
of Health and Welfare, Taichung,
Department of Medicine, Chest
formed. The experimental group received respiratory rehabilitation exercise training twice a day,
Hospital, Ministry of Health and 10–30 minutes per session for 4 days. The clinical parameters (dyspnea, cough, exercise tolerance,
Welfare, Rende District, Tainan, Taiwan and sputum expectoration) were assessed at the baseline and at the end of the fourth day.
Results: All participants (median age =70 years, male =60.70%, and peak expiratory flow 140 L)
completed the study. In the patients of the experimental group, dyspnea and cough decreased
and exercise tolerance and sputum expectoration increased significantly compared with those
of the patients in the control group (all P,0.05). Within-group comparisons revealed that the
dyspnea, cough, and exercise tolerance significantly improved in the experimental group by
the end of the fourth day (all P,0.05).
Conclusion: Results of this study suggest that the respiratory rehabilitation exercise training
package reduced symptoms and enhanced the effectiveness of the care of elderly inpatients
with AECOPD.
Keywords: COPD, severe early onset, exercise, older adults, respiratory diseases

Acute exacerbation (AE) of AECOPD is characterized by a sudden worsening of COPD
symptoms. Older adults with COPD have a high risk of experiencing AECOPD,1 which
typically leads to a decreased lung function, an increased incidence of respiratory fail-
ure, and even death.2,3 Patients with COPD who experience aggravation of symptoms,
Correspondence: Kuei-Min Chen such as dyspnea, cough, and sputum production, for .48 hours are diagnosed with
College of Nursing, Kaohsiung Medical
University, 100 Shih-Chuan 1st Rd, AECOPD.3,4 Dyspnea, coughing, difficulties in sputum clearance, and low exercise
Sanmin District, Kaohsiung 80708, tolerance are systemic symptoms in patients with AECOPD.5,6
Tel +886 7 313 6900
Pharmacological therapy and respiratory rehabilitation exercise management constitute
Email the standard treatment for COPD.2 According to the guidelines for global COPD care,

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pharmacological treatment involves antibiotics, bronchodila- were developed. The efficacy of the intervention in reducing
tors, and steroids. Airway clearance devices and oxygen therapy AECOPD symptoms (such as dyspnea and cough), increas-
are sometimes used in patients with acute exacerbation.7 ing exercise tolerance, and sputum expectoration in elderly
In the progression of AECOPD, poor exercise tolerance could inpatients was evaluated.
be caused by prolonged bed rest during hospitalization, expo-
sure to high dosage of glucocorticoids,8 and negative protein Methods
balance, which are due to the insufficient dietary intake and Design
increased resting energy expenditure during acute exacerba- This study was a randomized controlled trial in which pur-
tion.9 Although the aforementioned drugs can treat AECOPD, posive sampling was conducted to recruit patients who were
they have side effects and, thus, reduce patients’ willingness to randomized to the respiratory rehabilitation exercise training
move, contributing to adverse effects on physical and mental package (experimental) group or the control group, according
health,10 and ultimately leading to patient readmission.11 to a coin toss. To prevent mutual interference, the patients in
Clini et al indicated that rehabilitation exercises performed the experimental and control groups were assigned to wards
during hospitalization effectively ameliorate AECOPD located in different areas (east and west wings) upon admis-
symptoms, improve quality of life, and increase exercise sion. The experimental group received 4 days of respiratory
tolerance.12 Greening et al found that rehabilitation interven- rehabilitation exercise training in addition to the usual care
tion within 48 hours of hospital admission improved muscle and health education. The control group only received usual
strength, field walking performance, and rapid recovery of care and health education, which included monitoring of the
endurance walking after discharge.13 Previous studies have vital signs and the AECOPD symptoms, assessing the nutri-
reported that respiratory rehabilitation exercise performed tional status, educating the smoking cessation, and providing
within 2 weeks of disease onset (unstable period) alleviates the nasal O2 therapy. One hour before the intervention, the
acute symptoms to a greater extent than does the exercise patients were assessed for dyspnea, cough, exercise tolerance,
performed 6  months after disease onset (stable period).14 and sputum expectoration. The pretest results served as the
According to an American Thoracic Society/European baseline data. Posttest measurements were completed within
Respiratory Society statement, pulmonary rehabilitation is 1 hour after the final intervention session.
a comprehensive intervention that includes exercise training,
education, and behavioral changes.15 Rehabilitation approach Setting and participants
includes 1) upper-limb exercise training for increasing The study was conducted in two pulmonary wards of the
maximal exercise capacity, decreasing dyspnea, and reducing Chest Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare, in Southern
fatigue,16,17 2) pursed lip breathing (PLB) for increasing the Taiwan. Sixty-two patients were recruited of which 31 were
respiratory coordination of the diaphragm and inspiratory assigned to the respiratory rehabilitation exercise training pack-
muscle strength, reducing coughing frequency, dyspnea, and age (experimental) group and 31 were assigned to the control
hypoxemia symptoms, and facilitating sputum clearance,18,19 group. One experimental group participant withdrew from the
3) treadmill exercises for enhancing cardiopulmonary func- study due to discharge (Figure 1). Sample size calculation was
tions and weight training for improving muscles of the legs,12 based on previous studies,23 and we estimated that a sample of
4) airway clearance (such as chest percussion and postural 60 (experimental =30, control =30) would have 80% power to
drainage) for transferring the sputum into the main bronchi detect a 35% difference in the dyspnea score.
and, consequently, increasing sputum expectoration, 20,21 Inclusion criteria stipulated that the participants should
and 5) smoking cessation, health education, and self-health have the following five characteristics: 1) had been diag-
management.12 These measures are often provided to stable nosed with moderate exacerbation COPD (an increased
patients or after discharge through individual routine nurs- need for medication and feel the need to seek additional
ing care;22 however, no training program specific to acute medical assistance),4 2) were older than 65 years; 3) were in
exacerbation in elderly patients or unstable periods during clear consciousness, 4) had been diagnosed with shortness
hospitalization has been developed. of breath or dyspnea that was not caused by heart disease,
This study involved developing a respiratory rehabilita- pneumothorax, or pulmonary edema, and 5) had received
tion exercise training package for inpatients with AECOPD. bronchodilator aerosol therapy or antibiotic treatment, but
Interdisciplinary care processes were incorporated into the had not been treated with an antitussive. Exclusion criteria
design of the rehabilitation exercises, and instructional tools were 1) systolic blood pressure lower than 90 mmHg, 2) a

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Figure 1 Flowchart of the Participants’ Selection Process of the Study.

blood oxygen concentration lower than SpO2 =90%, and 3) assigned to each patient to inform the nurses of pulmonary
an unstable psychological status, hemoptysis, pneumothorax, lesion sites, thus facilitating disease awareness; 2) sputum
pulmonary edema, and the use of a respirator. clearance treatments: easily understood postural drainage
cards were provided to the patients and family members and
Ethical considerations hung near patients’ hospital beds to enable assistance with
The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of proper sputum clearance procedures. Instructions on the cards
National Chen Kung University Hospital, Taiwan (ER-100- explained how to properly place the vibrating sputum clear-
202). The principal investigator explained to the patients the ance devices at the correct asymptomatic sites for perform-
objectives, implementation process, inclusion criteria, and ing back percussion and positioning for postural drainage.
exclusion criteria of the study. In addition, the patients were The vibrating sputum clearance devices were manufactured
informed that they could withdraw from the study at any time by the General Physiotherapy, Inc. (Earth City, MO, USA),
if they felt unwell, and they were enrolled only after signing and a permit for their use was obtained from the Department
informed consent forms. of Health in Taiwan (Health Department Medical Device
no 021492). Sputum clearance treatments were conducted
Intervention for 30 minutes twice per day; 3) PLB training: PLB devices
The respiratory rehabilitation exercise training package designed by the authors were provided to the patients to
intervention has the following six components: 1) disease ensure that the PLB rehabilitation exercises were completed
awareness: the physician explained AECOPD to patients and properly. Using this device prevented carbon dioxide accu-
their families by using a chest X-ray. Pulmonary anatomic mulation in the lungs, which affects oxygenation. The ratio
illustrations were then attached to the hand over shift card of inspiratory to expiratory breathing was 1:2. This device

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was used at least twice per day for 10 minutes per session;18,19 a visual analog scale, a straight line of 0–10 points (0= no
4) upper-limb exercise with deep breathing: towels were coughing, 10= severe coughing) on which respondents
provided to the patients to support the movement of the upper indicate cough severity.27 In this study, Cronbach’s alpha
limbs and enable them to complete upper-limb exercises was 0.70.
properly. This exercise was performed by inhaling when the
arms were raised and exhaling when the arms were lowered. Exercise tolerance
In addition to expanding the chest, this exercise enhances The 6-minute walk distance was used to assess exercise
respiratory muscle strength and facilitates sputum expectora- tolerance. The patients wore comfortable shoes and clothes
tion. This upper-limb rehabilitation exercise was conducted a and walked on a hard, flat surface. The total length of the
minimum of twice per day for 10 minutes per time;16 5) walk surface was 30 m, and the patients walked for 6 minutes.28,29
training: patients walked back and forth in the ward corridor Before the test, the patients were allowed 15  minutes of
with a minimum of twice per day for 10 minutes per time. rest, and a physical examination was conducted to measure
Walking training was conducted by inhaling when the patients heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, blood oxygen
raised their legs and exhaling when they lowered their legs; saturation, and dyspnea index. The patients could stop and
and 6) assigned pulmonary rehabilitation program coordina- rest during the test if they experienced shortness of breath.
tor: coordinators were assigned to assist patients in nutrition After the conclusion of 6-minute walk, the patients stayed
management and health education (eg, education on diseases, in their positions on the floor in order to measure the total
smoking cessation, medication, sputum clearance techniques). walking distance.28,29
These sessions were conducted a minimum of twice per day
for 10 minutes per session. These components were conducted Sputum expectoration
by the nurses, except the first component, which was done by Sputum expectoration was assessed by the difficulty level
the physician. of sputum clearance in the morning. Participants were asked
to reflect whether it was difficult or easy to expectorate the
Data collection sputum.
Data were collected from November 2011 to April 2012.
A researcher who collected the data was different from the Data analysis
researcher who administered the intervention. The data collec- After the data were collected, coded, inputted into the com-
tor was further blinded as to the allocation of the patients to the puter, and verified, the SPSS Version 17.0 for Windows
two groups. Four outcome variables were tested, such as dys- was used for analysis. Since the data were not normally dis-
pnea, cough, exercise tolerance, and sputum expectoration. tributed, the nonparametric statistics were used to analyze
the data. The frequency distribution, percentage, median,
Demographic data and range were used to describe the demographic profiles
Patient’s demographic data, such as age, body height, body of the participants. The Mann–Whitney U-test was used
weight, body mass index, educational level, marital status, for measuring continuous variables, and the chi-square
smoking history, medical history, and peak expiratory flow, test was used for measuring categorical variables to deter-
were collected. According to Chow et al one of the best ways mine whether significant differences in the baseline data
to measure lung function was the peak expiratory flow.24 existed between the experimental and the control groups.
The Wilcoxon W test or McNemar test was conducted to
Dyspnea measure the changes of dyspnea, cough, exercise toler-
The Modified Borg Scale for Perceived Dyspnea, in which ance, and sputum expectoration in the two groups before
respondents report their exertion level after walking for and after the intervention. The level of significance was
6 minutes on a scale ranging from 0 (lowest exertion) to 10 set as P,0.05.
(highest exertion), was used to measure the dyspnea of the
patients.25 The reliability of dyspnea degree after exercising Results
was up to 0.92.26 In this study, Cronbach’s alpha was 0.78. Demographic profiles of the participants
and their baseline comparisons
Cough In total, 61 elderly inpatients (experimental group, n=30;
This study assessed the average degree of coughing dur- control group, n=31) completed the study requirements. Only
ing the previous day. Cough severity was measured using one experimental group participant withdrew from the study

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Table 1 Demographic profiles of the participants (N=61) in the variables of dyspnea, cough, exercise tolerance, and
Variables Experiment (n=30) Control (n=31) sputum expectoration either (all P.0.05) (Tables 2 and 3).
Median Range Median Range
(n) (%) (n) (%) Between-group and within-group
Age (years) 68.0 44.0–89.0 70.0 52.0–91.0
BMI (kg/m2) 23.9 15.7–34.1 24.0 17.0–35.0
PEF (L/second) 140.0 50.0–240.0 140.0 60.0–300.0 By the end of the fourth-day study, the experimental group
Sex participants had less degree of dyspnea (U=−2.99, P=0.003),
Male (16) (53.3) (21) (67.7)
fewer frequency of coughing (U=−3.64, P,0.001), greater
Female (14) (46.7) (10) (32.3)
Marital status exercise tolerance (U=−3.68, P,0.001), and better sputum
No (0) (0) (3) (9.7) expectoration (McNemar =4.43, P=0.034) than the control
Yes (30) (100) (28) (90.3) group participants (Tables 2 and 3).
Educational level
In the within-group comparisons, the experimental group
Illiterate (10) (33.3) (7) (22.6)
Elementary school (15) (50.0) (19) (61.3) participants had significant alleviations in the symptoms
High school (5) (16.7) (5) (16.1) of dyspnea (W=−4.35, P,0.001), coughing (W=−4.30,
Medical comorbidity P,0.001), and significant improvements in exercise toler-
No (0) (0) (3) (9.7)
ance (W=−4.53, P,0.001) after 4 days of the intervention.
Yes (30) (100) (28) (90.3)
Smoking status However, no significant change was found in the sputum
No (20) (66.7) (15) (48.4) expectoration (McNemar =0.08, P=0.621) of the experimental
Yes (10) (33.3) (16) (51.6) group participants after 4 days of the intervention. In terms
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; PEF, peak expiratory flow.
of the control group participants, no significant changes were
observed in all of the variables (P.0.05), except the sputum
owing to discharge. The median age of these participants expectoration (McNemar =4.78, P=0.036) (Tables 2 and 3).
was 70 (range =44–91) years. The median body mass index
and peak expiratory flow of the participants were 24 kg/m2 Discussion
(range =15.7–35.0) and 140 L (range =50–300), respectively. Results indicated that the respiratory rehabilitation exercise
Most of the participants were male (60.7%) and married training package significantly alleviated dyspnea and cough
(95.1%), and more than half (55.7%) had a 6-year elemen- and increased the exercise tolerance in hospitalized elderly
tary school education. Most of the participants had medical patients with AECOPD. In addition, all of the AECOPD
comorbidity (62.7%); however, more than half (57.4%) of symptoms of the participants in the experimental group were
them did not smoke. As shown in Table 1, no significant dif- less severe than were those in the control group at the end of
ferences existed between the experimental and control groups the fourth day of study. These results were consistent with
in all of the demographic profiles (P.0.05). In terms of the those studies that involved providing respiratory rehabilitation
baseline comparisons, no significant differences occurred exercise training to inpatients30 and outpatients,22 showing

Table 2 Between and within groups differences on dyspnea, cough, and exercise tolerance at baseline and the end of fourth day (N=61)
Variables Experiment (n=30) Control (n=31) Between-group test P-value
Median Range Median Range
Baseline 5 0–8 4 0–10 −0.76a 0.448
At the fourth day 1 0–4 4 0–10 −2.99a 0.003**
Within-group test (P-value) −4.35 (,0.001***)b −1.69 (0.091)b
Baseline 5 0–10 5 0–10 −0.31a 0.760
At the fourth day 2 0–5 4 0–10 −3.64a ,0.001***
Within-group test (P-value) −4.30 (,0.001***)b −1.65 (0.099)b
Exercise tolerance (m)
Baseline 160 50–390 200 60–290 −1.28a 0.200
At the fourth day 280 80–390 200 60–375 −3.68a ,0.001***
Within-group test (P-value) −4.53 (,0.001***)b 0.81 (0.419)b
Notes: aMann–Whitney U-test; bWilcoxon W test; **P,0.01; ***P,0.001.

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Table 3 Between and within groups differences on sputum expectoration at baseline and the end of fourth day (N=61)
Variables Experiment (n=30) Control (n=31) Between-group P-value
N % N % test

Sputum expectoration
Baseline 0.97a 0.162
Difficult 8 26.7 13 41.9
Easy 22 73.3 18 58.9
At the fourth day 4.43a 0.034*
Difficult 3 10.0 10 32.3
Easy 27 90.0 21 67.7
Within-group test (P-value) 0.08 (0.621)a 4.78 (0.036*)a
Notes: aMcNemar test; *P,0.05.

that respiratory rehabilitation exercise training maintained a achieved more positive results than the control group. Hence,
healthy state and alleviated acute clinical symptoms in older the results of our study provide insight into the efficacy of the
adults with AECOPD. However, the experimental group designed respiratory rehabilitation exercise training package
participants showed no significant changes in the sputum in enhancing the learning of elderly inpatients with AECOPD
expectoration after 4 days of intervention, on the other hand, and promoting nurse education.
a significant improvement was observed in the control group.
Lareau and Yawn stated that smoking leads to chronic lung Study limitations
inflammation and induces poor lung function, and difficult Although benefits of the respiratory rehabilitation exercise
exacerbation.31 Regarding the demographic profiles of the training package were manifested in our study, some limita-
participants, more smokers were in the control group than in tions should be acknowledged. First, the sample was too small
the experimental group. Moreover, the patients in the control to enable generalization of the results to other elderly inpa-
group may have had a higher susceptibility to sputum, which tients with AECOPD. Second, the participants were followed
was related to smoking and impairment of lung function and for only 4 days, and all variables were measured at baseline
chronic lung inflammation.31 Thus, control group patients and at the end of the fourth day. Consequently, the variation
might have more deep feelings after quit smoking. during and after the 4-day course was not observed. In other
The respiratory rehabilitation exercise training intervention words, the short follow-up time and insufficient measurement
was implemented for only 4 days in our study, and the results frequency were of concern. Finally, the sputum expectora-
showed significant intervention efficacy, which confirmed tion was measured subjectively, which might have the recall
previous research findings on early rehabilitation interven- bias. More objective measurements with good psychometric
tion upon admission.13 This exercise training package was properties should be applied in the future studies.
designed by integrating the opinions of various specialists
and considering the pathological mechanisms of AECOPD Conclusion
symptoms. The exercise training package should be delivered The respiratory rehabilitation exercise training package
during standard nursing care and involves disease aware- reduced AECOPD symptoms (such as dyspnea and cough),
ness, sputum clearance treatments, PLB training, upper-limb increased exercise tolerance, and sputum expectoration in
exercise with deep breathing, walk training, and a pulmonary elderly inpatients. Furthermore, postural drainage cards and
rehabilitation program coordinator. The design was consistent percussion equipment, PLB devices, and towels used during
with the design in previous studies, in which standard medical upper-limb exercise improved the respiratory rehabilitation
care enhanced exercise tolerance32 and reduced dyspnea.33 skills of the participants. Future studies can evaluate the
This study also showed that intervention using PLB effectiveness of delivering the respiratory rehabilitation
devices was more effective than intervention in which no exercise training package early in reducing the acute episode
devices were used. A towel was used to enhance the arm rate, readmission rate, and number of hospitalization days in
lift balance, when the chest was fully extended. Hanging patients with AECOPD.
postural drainage cards at the bedside enabled the elderly
inpatients to learn the correct postural drainage method and Acknowledgments
how to use chest percussion equipment correctly to increase We would like to thank the staff at the Chest Hospital,
the efficiency of sputum clearance. The experimental group Ministry of Health and Welfare for their support and

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