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Pratt's: Guide To Private Equity & Venture Capital Sources

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The key takeaways are that private equity relies on principles of entrepreneurship and risk-taking to help create new industries and technologies. Private equity investors work with entrepreneurs to identify and participate in new business development opportunities.

The entrepreneur brings fresh ideas, management skills, and commitments, while the private equity investor adds financial backing and business development experience. They usually collaborate to help a developing business achieve its objectives faster and more efficiently.

An important factor is a good relationship between the entrepreneur and investor based on understanding their partnership. The entrepreneur and management team are usually crucial, but the collaboration between them and private equity investors enables faster and more efficient goal achievement.


Guide to
Equity &

Pratt’s Guide to Private Equity & Venture Capital Sources

Worldwide, private equity thrived on principles enables a developing business to achieve its
of entrepreneurship and individual and collective objectives faster and more efficiently. In today’s
risk-taking. In myriad ways, its development dynamic and competitive marketplace, such an
sprung from the willingness to assume the risks investor/management partnership is often vital
involved in new business development. The to the survival and success of new business
imagination, boldness and energy of entrepreneurs development. Private equity has acted as a catalyst
and small business owners combined with the for economies worldwide by igniting the flames of
involvement and persistence of experienced private expansion.
equity investors helped create new industries and The amount of private equity raised
new technologies. In turn, these have significantly internationally remains a fraction of the asset base
increased the productivity of many economies and of entities such as commercial banks and insurance
the workers involved in them. companies. In the United States, certain state
This publication is dedicated all the people pension funds control more money than the entire
willing to take on the challenges of building new domestic private equity industry raises in a single
businesses, and to those private equity investors year. As a result, the private equity process involves
with the skills, fortitude and foresight to identify a personal relationship, which can either grow and
and participate in new business development. The endure or end in frustration and disappointment.
contributions of the world’s entrepreneurs are as In the future, companies that receive private equity
important as ever as we seek to create new jobs and financing will require continuous financial support
broaden our economic activities. With globalization to fuel their growth. These follow-on investments
increasing, this has become even more significant. – which constitute a large part of current private
An important element in successful private equity activity and the commitments to new
equity financing is a good relationship between investment opportunities – will absorb the capital
the entrepreneur and the investor. Understanding currently available in the industry. This includes
this partnership is a necessary initial step for the any “dry powder”, or capital raised, but not yet
prospective entrepreneur. The entrepreneur brings invested. As these commitments are made, the
fresh ideas, management skills, and personal demand for private equity will intensify.
commitments to this relationship, while the private This book was conceived and has grown over
equity investor adds financial backing and valuable roughly the last four decades by helping to increase
new business development experience. the entrepreneur’s chances of success in receiving
Although the entrepreneur and the management funding. It provides the most thorough analysis of
team are usually the most crucial elements in what each private equity firm can and will supply
the relationship (especially since private equity to fledgling businesses. It is our hope that by
investors cannot perform their roles without organizing and simplifying this process, we can
entrepreneurs), the collaboration of entrepreneurial help you get the right financing for your business
management and private equity investors usually idea.

Pratt’s Guide to Private Equity & Venture Capital Sources

Table of Contents
U.S. Firm Cross Reference by State 2374
Buyout firms 15 Fund of Funds 2388
Venture firms 23 Mezzanine Firms 2389
Mezzanine firms 31 Venture Firms 2390

Non-U.S. Firm Cross

DIRECTORY OF PRIVATE EQUITY & Reference by Nation 2406
Firm Listings 39 Fund of Funds 2426
Mezzanine Firms 2428
Venture Firms 2428

Executive Cross Reference

by Firm Name 2453

Pratt’s Guide to Private Equity & Venture Capital Sources

This is the 43rd edition of Pratt’s Guide to Private Eq- ness.
uity & Venture Capital Sources, a directory long consid- • First-Stage Financing is provided to companies that
ered to be the industry benchmark. The goal of this pub- have expended their initial capital (often in developing
lication is to incorporate the most current information on and market testing a prototype), and require funds to ini-
individual private equity and venture capital firms as well tate full-scale manufacturing and sales.
as the private equity investment process. This current
edition contains over 5,500 listings, including firms from Expansion Financing
around the world. Our collection of data continues to in- • Second-Stage Financing is working capital for the
crease with the inclusion of the research efforts of Price- initial expansion of a company that is producing and
waterhouseCoopers, with which in 2002 one of Buyouts shipping, and has growing accounts receivable and in-
Insider’s predecessors, Thomson Financial, together with ventories. Although the company has made progress, it
the National Venture Capital Association, jointly con- may not yet be showing a profit.
ducted the quarterly MoneyTree data collection report. • Third-Stage or Mezzanine Financing is provided for
Pratt’s Guide was created as a practical tool to help en- major expansion of a company whose sales volume is
trepreneurs and small-business managers understand the increasing and that is breaking even or profitable. These
process of raising capital and locating compatible private funds are used for further plant expansion, marketing,
equity investors. Since various terms are mentioned in working capital, or development of an improved product.
the directories, it is important that these terms are clearly • Bridge Financing is needed at times when a compa-
defined. ny plans to go public within six months to a year. Often
bridge financing is structured so that it can be repaid from
Early-Stage Financing the proceeds of a public underwriting. It can also involve
• Seed Financing is generally a relatively small restructuring of major stockholder positions through
amount of capital provided to an inventor or entrepreneur secondary transactions. Restructuring is undertaken if
to prove a concept and to qualify for start-up capital. This there are early investors who want to reduce or liquidate
may involve product development and market research their positions, or if management has changed and the
as well as building a management team and developing a stockholdings of the former management their relatives
business plan, if the initial steps are successful. and associates are being bought out to relieve a potential
• Research and Development Financing is a tax ad- oversupply of stock when public.
vantaged partnership set up to finance product develop- • Balanced is a venture strategy in which a variety of
ment for start-ups as well as more mature companies. In- venture stages of development are invested in or there is
vestors secure tax write-offs for the investments as well no stated venture focus.
as a later share of the profits if the product development
is successful. Acquisition/Buyout Financing
• Start-up Financing is provided to companies com- • Acquisition Financing provides funds to finance an
pleting product development and initial marketing. Com- acquisition of another company.
panies may be in the process of organizing or they may • Management/Leveraged Buyout funds enable an
already be in business for one year or less but have not operating management group to acquire a product line
sold their product commercially. Usually such firms will or business (which may be at any stage of development)
have made market studies, assembled the key manage- from either a public or private company; often these com-
ment, developed a business plan and are ready to do busi- panies are closely held or family owned. Management/

Pratt’s Guide to Private Equity & Venture Capital Sources

leveraged buyouts usually involve revitalizing an oper- preneurs and business managers analyze their needs and
ation, with entrepreneurial management acquiring a sig- attempt to match these requirements with the skills and
nificant equity interest. interests of an appropriate private equity firm.
• Industry Rollups are financings that are involved in While the private equity firms included in Pratt’s Guide
acquiring companies within the same industry category. have been selected because they are devoted primarily to
• Control-block Purchases are investments in which at private equity financing, there is no assurance that a spe-
least 50% of company’s outstanding shares are acquired. cific group will be receptive to an approach or will have
Other Financings immediately available funds. At present, however, most
• Generalist PE refers to either a stated focus of in- private equity investors are actively seeking new invest-
vesting in all stages of private equity investment (not just ment opportunities. Even with the current availability of
venture) or a fund considered to be a generalist by its investment capital, the majority of new investment pro-
investment record when it has no one investment focus. posals are not financed. Convincing private equity inves-
• Fund of funds have direct investments that consist of tors that a potential development is an important invest-
investments in other private equity funds. ment opportunity is truly new company’s first major sale.
• Recapitalizations consist of financing provided for Further, a good working relationship must be established
turnaround situations, particularly for distressed compa- and maintained to optimize the benefits of a private eq-
nies. uity investment.
• Special Situations is a catchall category consisting of The private equity firms in this directory have different
financings that do not apply to more specific categories. capacities for servicing client companies and it is critical
• Private Placement financings consist of acquiring for the entrepreneur or business management to under-
shares of publicly traded companies in privately placed stand these capabilities. Some firms can provide a range
issuances, as opposed to acquiring them on the open mar- of financial and managerial services while others may
ket. have specialized talents that would be valuable to some
• Public Companies are financings of publicly traded new businesses, but less important to others.
companies that occur in the open market. Both the nature and extent of active involvement pri-
• Distressed Debt financings consist of investing in the vate equity investors put into their investments vary. For
debt of companies that have either filed for bankruptcy or the most part, the most successful investors need to be
are likely to do so in the future. actively involved in the companies they finance. While
• Turnaround financings involve investing in compa- the directories in Pratt’s Guide attempt to delineate pref-
nies at a time of operational or financial difficult with the erences as well as levels of activity and involvement,
intention of improving the company’s performance. the entrepreneur and management team must develop a
means of evaluating the ongoing role of the private eq-
Each company seeking financing and its advisors must uity investor.
determine the type of private equity firm best suited for Generally, private equity firms are not interested in re-
their specific investment situation. Each private equi- viewing situations that are clearly not going to meet their
ty firm has particular preferences, methods of investing stated preferences. Consequently, a careful review of the
and selecting investments, and its own type of legal in- information in the text and in the directories should help
vestment agreements. Since no two private equity firms capital seekers begin to develop a productive investment
operate exactly in the same way, it is essential that entre- relationship with the firms.

Pratt’s Guide to Private Equity & Venture Capital Sources

Pratt’s Guide to Private Equity & Venture Capital Sources

Rank Firm Name Firm Capital Under Management No. of Companies No. of Funds
(USD Mil) Invested In Managed by Firm

60 Stone Point Capital LLC 9,730.88 66 13

61 Gsc Partners 9,200.00 15 12

62 Leonard Green & Partners LP 9,000.00 25 10

63 Qalaa Holdings SAE 9,000.00 - 4

64 Db Capital Partners 8,943.00 7 13

65 Baring Private Equity Asia Ltd 8,870.50 45 39

66 Citigroup Venture Capital International Brazil LP 8,820.00 3 3

67 Towerbrook Capital Partners LP 8,800.00 63 13

68 Centerbridge Partners LP 8,627.95 12 8

69 IK Investment Partners Ltd 8,613.60 116 12

70 Arle Heritage LLP 8,539.10 31 6

71 New Mountain Capital I LLC 8,500.00 13 8

72 Pacific Alliance Group Ltd 8,400.00 6 6

73 Riverside Co 8,300.00 171 24

74 BDT Capital Partners LLC 8,206.00 7 3

75 Varde Partners Inc 8,056.47 - 13

76 Hellman & Friedman LLC 8,000.00 55 12

77 Bridgepoint Advisers Ltd 8,000.00 167 33

78 GTCR Golder Rauner LLC 8,000.00 219 22

79 Sun Capital Partners Inc 8,000.00 45 12

80 Oak Hill Capital Management Inc 8,000.00 40 6

81 KSL Capital Partners LLC 7,792.98 1 12

82 Platinum Equity LLC 7,550.00 18 6

83 Mount Kellett Capital Hong Kong Ltd 7,443.59 8 4

84 Doughty Hanson and Co. 7,362.00 51 18

85 Citic Private Equity Funds Management Co Ltd 7,267.46 13 10

86 Waterland Private Equity Investments BV 7,090.40 56 9

87 Cerberus Capital Management LP 7,000.00 - 18

88 CVC Asia Pacific Ltd 6,845.00 45 5

89 Actis LLP 6,773.00 10 38

90 Veritas Capital Fund Management LLC 6,650.00 12 7

91 Hubei Province Changjiang Industry Investment Group 6,628.15 - 3

Co Ltd

Pratt’s Guide to Private Equity & Venture Capital Sources

Pratt’s Guide to Private Equity & Venture Capital Sources

Type of Financing Preferred: Project Preferences

Second Stage Financing
Leveraged Buyout
Early Stage LLP Prefer role as deal originator but will also invest in
Mezzanine deals created by others
70, Millers Road
Research and Development
Grace Towers, Second Floor Type of Financing Preferred:
Generalist PE
Bangalore, India 560 052 Leveraged Buyout
Phone: 918030789100 Expansion
Start-up Financing
Website: Mezzanine
Later Stage Management and Staff
Management Buyouts Later Stage
Deepak Natraj, Managing Director Management Buyouts
Type of Firm Acquisition
Size of Investments Considered: Startup
Min Size of Investment Considered (000s): $4,708 Private Equity Firm
Max Size of Investment Considered (000s): $94,160 Project Preferences Size of Investments Considered:
Geographical Preferences Min Size of Investment Considered (000s): $5,000
Type of Financing Preferred:
Max Size of Investment Considered (000s): $10,000
United States Preferences: Early Stage
All U.S. Expansion Geographical Preferences
International Preferences: United States Preferences:
Hungary Geographical Preferences Midwest
Central Europe
International Preferences: Industry Preferences
No Preference
All International In Communications prefer:
Switzerland Industry Preferences
Austria In Computer Hardware prefer:
Eastern Europe In Medical/Health prefer: Computers
Brazil Health Services
Croatia In Computer Software prefer:
Australia In Consumer Related prefer: Software
Belgium Education Related
Asia In Medical/Health prefer:
Additional Information Medical Products
All International Year Founded: 2010 Health Services
France Current Activity Level: Actively seeking new invest-
ments In Consumer Related prefer:
Industry Focus Consumer
(% based on actual investment) In Industrial/Energy prefer:
Consumer Related 25.8% AAVIN EQUITY ADVISORS Industrial Products
Other Products 25.0%
Biotechnology 12.7% LLC In Transportation prefer:
Industrial/Energy 9.8% 118 Third Avenue South East Transportation
Semiconductors/Other Elect. 7.7% Suite 630
Medical/Health 6.1% In Financial Services prefer:
Cedar Rapids, IA USA 52401
Communications and Media 4.7% Financial Services
Phone: 3192471072
Internet Specific 4.2% Fax: 3193639519 In Business Serv. prefer:
Computer Software and Services 2.8% E-mail: Services
Computer Hardware 1.4% Website: Distribution
Additional Information Management and Staff In Manufact. prefer:
Year Founded: 1980 James Thorp, Managing Partner Manufacturing
Capital Under Management: $2,900,000 Thies Kolln, Partner
Current Activity Level: Actively seeking new investments Additional Information
Method of Compensation: Return on investment is Type of Firm Name of Most Recent Fund: Aavin Equity Partners
of primary concern, do not charge fees Private Equity Firm I, LP
Most Recent Fund Was Raised: 01/20/2000
Association Membership Year Founded: 1999
Natl Assoc of Small Bus. Inv. Co (NASBIC) Capital Under Management: $47,000,000
Current Activity Level: Actively seeking new invest-


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