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Contracting Authority:

The European Union represented by

Government of the Republic of Serbia, Ministry of Finance, Department

for Contracting and Financing of EU Funded Programmes (CFCU)

Cross-border Programme Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina

under the Instrument of Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II)
allocations for 2014, 2015 & 2016

Grant Application Form

Budget line: 22.020401

Reference: EuropeAid/139072/ID/ACT/Multi

Deadline for submission of Concept Notes: 16 November 2017

To reduce expense and waste, we strongly recommend that you use only paper for your file (no plastic
folders or dividers). Please also use double-sided printing if possible

Title of the action: Cross border natural heritage Network – CB Nature NET

 2.1. Improving sustainable X 3.2. Strengthening the

Number and title of the environmental planning and cultural identity of the
specific objective of the call1: promotion of biodiversity programme area
Number(s) and title(s) of the  Result 1 - The effectiveness  Result 1 - Sustainable
intended results of the call: of public services and practices cultural and sport exchanges
in relation to solid waste and across the border are
wastewater management are fostered
enhanced through joint
initiatives at both sides of the X Result 2 - The historical
border and natural heritage and
traditions of the cross-border
 Result 2 - The protection of area are better preserved
the Drina and Sava river
catchment areas and the
promotion of their biodiversity

Please note that the selection of only one specific objective of the call is possible.
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is fostered
Does the operation include Yes X No 
the execution of works? (tick
the right answer)

Joint development X Joint implementation X

The following CBC criteria (compulsory) (compulsory)
are met by this operation (tick
the right ones)2: Joint staffing X Joint financing X
(optional) (optional)
Serbia, Special Nature Reserve - Klisura river Mileševka, Užice and
Location(s) of the action: Prijepolje region and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sutjeska National
park, Foča Municipality
Name of the lead applicant: Public Institution Sutjeska National Park
Nationality country and date Bosnia and Herzegovina, 09.02.1962
of registration of the lead

Dossier No
(for official use only)

A genuine CBC operation must have both mandatory criteria plus at least one of the two optional criteria.
An organisation’s statutes must show that it was established under the national law of the country concerned and
that the head office is located in an eligible country. Any organisation established in a different country cannot
be considered an eligible local organisation. See the footnotes to the Guidelines for the call.

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EuropeAid ID4: BA-2009-GRV-0210022430
EU-funded ongoing contract
number or Legal Entity File
Number (if available)5:

Legal status6: Public institution

Name: The University of Belgrade - Faculty of Forestry

EuropeAid ID no: <…>
Nationality country and date of registration: Serbia,
Co-applicant no. 1 7 Legal entity file no (if available): <…>
Legal status: Public institutions
Relation with the lead applicant or another co-applicant:
Partnership agreement

Name: SE for Forest Management "Srbijašume" Belgrade

EuropeAid ID no: <…>
Nationality country and date of registration: Serbia,
Co-applicant no. 2 Legal entity file no (if available): <…>
Legal status: Public institutions
Relation with the lead applicant or another co-applicant:
Partnership agreement

Name: <…>
EuropeAid ID no: <…>
Nationality country and date of registration: <…>
Affiliated entity no. 1 Legal entity file no (if available): <…>
Legal status: <…>
Relation with the lead applicant or co-applicant: <…>
Specify the kind of affiliation you have with that entity: <…>

To be inserted if the organisation is registered in PADOR (Potential Applicant Data On-Line Registration). For
more information and to register, please read the beginning of section 2.2. of the Guidelines of this call and visit
If an applicant has already signed a contract with the European Commission and/or has been informed of the
Legal Entity File number. If not, write ‘N/A’.
E.g. non-profit, governmental body, international organisation.
Open or delete rows according to the number of final co-applicants participating in the operation.
Open or delete rows according to the number of affiliated entities taking part in the operation.

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Lead applicant’s contact details for the purpose of this action

Postal address: Tjentište 73311, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Telephone number: (fixed and mobile) Country +387 58 233-102

code + city code + number

Fax number: Country code + city code + number +387 58 233-102

Contact person for this action: Dejan Pavlović

Contact person’s email:

Address: Tjentište bb

Website of the lead applicant:

Any change in the addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers or e-mail, must be notified in writing to
the Contracting Authority. The Contracting Authority will not be held responsible in the event that
it cannot contact an applicant.

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PART A. CONCEPT NOTE.........................................................................................................5

1 Instructions for drafting the concept note.............................................................................5

1.1. Summary of the action..................................................................................................................6
1.2. Description of the action (max 2 pages).......................................................................................7
1.3. Relevance of the action (max 5 or 6 pages, if there are works)....................................................8

2 Checklist for the concept note..............................................................................................12

3 Declaration by the lead applicant (concept note)...............................................................13

4 Assessment grid for the concept note...................................................................................15

PART B. FULL APPLICATION FORM..................................................................................16

1 General information..............................................................................................................16

2 The action...............................................................................................................................18
2.1. Description of the action............................................................................................................18
2.2. Lead applicant’s experience.......................................................................................................26
2.3. Co-applicant(s)'s experience.......................................................................................................27
2.4. Affiliated entity(ies) experience (if applicable)..........................................................................29

3 The lead applicant.................................................................................................................32

3.1. Identity.......................................................................................................................................32
3.2. Profile.........................................................................................................................................33
3.3. Capacity to manage and implement actions................................................................................40
3.4. List of the management board/committee of your organisation..................................................42

4 The Co-applicant(s)...............................................................................................................43
4.1. Description of the co-applicant(s)...............................................................................................43
4.2. Capacity to manage and implement actions................................................................................44
4.3. Mandate for co-applicant(s)........................................................................................................46

5 Affiliated entity(ies) participating in the action..................................................................47

5.1. Description of the affiliated entity(ies).......................................................................................47
5.2. Capacity to manage and implement actions................................................................................48
5.3. Affiliated entity(ies)'s statement.................................................................................................50

6 Associates participating in the action..................................................................................51

7 Checklist for the full application form................................................................................52

8 Declaration by the lead applicant (full application)...........................................................54

9 Principles of good partnership practice...............................................................................56

10 Assessment grid for the full application..............................................................................57

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Please note that if this is a restricted call, only the concept note should be submitted in the first stage (no
full application). Therefore, none of the sections belonging to part B of this application form should be
submitted with the concept note.

There is no specific template for the concept note but the lead applicant must ensure that the text:
 does not exceed 7 full or 8 full pages (A4 size) if works are part of the action, in Arial 11 font
characters with 2 cm margins, single line spacing;
 provides the information requested under the headings below, in the order in which it is requested,
and in proportion to its relative importance (see the relevant scores set out in the evaluation grid
and in the guidelines for applicants);
 provides full information (as the evaluation will be based solely on the information provided);
 is drafted as clearly as possible to facilitate the evaluation process.

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1.1. Summary of the action9
Please complete the table below, which should not exceed 1 page.
Title of the action: Cross border natural heritage Network – CB Nature NET
Please tick the box 3.2. Strengthening the cultural identity of the programme area
corresponding to the Result 3.2.1. Sustainable cultural and sport exchanges across 
specific objective for the border are fostered
which you are Result 3.2.2. The historical and natural heritage and
applying: X
traditions of the cross-border area are better preserved
Serbia, Užice and Prijepolje region (Zlatibor nature park, Special Nature
Location(s) of the Reserve - Mileševska river, Landscapes of exceptional features „Kamena
action: gora“ and „Ozren – Jadovnik“) and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sutjeska
National park, Foča Municipality
Total duration of the 18 months
action (months):
Request EU
€ 490.000
contribution (amount):
Requested EU
85 %
contribution as a
percentage of total
eligible costs of the
action (indicative) 10
Objectives of the Overall objective: Promotion of cross border approach to biodiversity
action protection and establishment of joint measures and management
solution for protected areas and natural preserves

Specific objective(s) or project purpose: The historical and natural

heritage and traditions of the cross-border area are better preserved
Target group(s) TG1- Faculties as educational and scientific research institutions dealing with
the protection and preservation of biodiversity and nature TG2 - elementary
and high schools, especially VET schools TG3 - NGOs dealing with the
protection of biodiversity, environment (ornithological associations, ecological
associations, mountaineering associations etc.), TG4 tourism associations
and tourism related private sector
Final beneficiaries12 FB1 – individual professionals (scientists, teachers, tutors) and
networks/associations/consortia of researchers in the specific area of nature
preservation, protection of biodiversity and research and promotion of
endemic species FB2 Local population FB3 local authorities - ministries
dealing with the protection of the environment FB4 tourists and tourism
related private sector
Estimated results 1. Established institutional infrastructure for monitoring and
(please number them protection of natural heritage in the cross-border area
in relation to the (establishment of joint Research and Ecology Center in Sutjeska
specific objectives of National Park, reconstruction of facilities in Tjentište, improving of
the action) protected areas: Zlatibor nature park, Special Nature Reserve -
Mileševska river, Landscapes of exceptional features „Kamena gora“
and „Ozren – Jadovnik“ , purchasing of the equipment for Center)
Cover page as per template in page 1 should be attached as well.
If applicable, insert an additional % of the total accepted costs.
“Target groups” are the groups/entities who will directly benefit from the action at the action purpose level.
“Final beneficiaries” are those who will benefit from the action in the long term at the level of the society or
sector at large.

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2. Human capacities are strengthened, at least 60 participants
benefiting from capacity building
3. Established regional monitoring system for nature protection,
integrated monitoring plan
4. Increased awareness of environmental protection, 2000 people
addressed within awareness raising campaigns
Main activities 1.1. Establishment of a joint Research and Ecology Centre with an area for
(please number them exhibition and tourist information
in relation to the 1.2. Purchasing of Equipment for Research and Ecology Centre
estimated results of the 1.3. Designing of strategic documents and management plan for Research
action) and Ecology Center
1.4. Creating cross border educational and exhibition programs for the
Centre and each protected area
1.5. Development and improvement of tourism related attractions and
offers in BIH:
a. Reconstruction of the facility in Tjentište, as one of the major
tourist attraction site
b. Establishment of a botanical garden within Sutjeska National park
with focus on attracting domestic and foreign tourists and
c. establishing of educational trails for local inhabitants, especially
pupils and students and tourists
1.6. Development and improvement of tourism related attractions and
offers in protected areas in Serbia: Zlatibor nature park, Special
Nature Reserve - Mileševska river, Landscapes of exceptional features
„Kamena gora“ and „Ozren – Jadovnik“
1.7. Establishment of a cross border and intersectoral focus network for
development of cross border tourism offers with focus on nature and
biodiversity friendly, green and sustainable tourism
2.1. Education programs on the theme of prevention and protection of
nature and active involvement of local inhabitants, entrepreneurs and
companies – definition of potential roles and responsibilities for
tourism developement
2.2. Study visit
3.1. Mapping sites with specific natural characteristics
3.2. Development of monitoring plan for the cross-border area
4.1. Organization of conferences and organization of round tables for both
scientific reflexions and discussions as well as promotion and visibility
of the area
4.3. Online campaign focussing on natural heritage and potential for
sustainable tourism developement
4.4. Campaign to raise awareness of the protection of the environment in
primary and secondary schools
4.5. Printing of promotional materials

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1.2. Description of the action (max 2 pages)
Please provide all the following information:

i. Give the background to the preparation of the action.

The exciting richness of living world that exist in the cross border area is the result of ecological
heterogeneity, its geomorphological and hydrological diversity, specific geological past and its
eco climate diversity. In this geographic area, flora and fauna are considered to be among the
most diverse in Europe, being especially important in terms of global biodiversity due to its high
level of endemism and relicts. Like in no other place in Europe, in the cross border area,
countless endemic centres occur. These endemic centres continue, even at present-day, to
unfold processes by which new species evolve. Two major challenges arise when considering
this specific and overwhelming biodiversity: on one hand a serious “Inventory”, recording and
research of the endemic species and the current and past natural processes has not been
undertaken and on the other hand, there is a very significant threat for specific plants from land
conversion, unsustainable management, and exposure to pollutants. Given that nature itself as
well as the living world in this area knows no borders, only a joint approach to research and
preservation are a viable and sustainable solution, especially considering the lack of financial
subsidies for protection and research. Therefore, the preparation of the project has arisen from
the urgent necessity to develop a joint and systematic, sustainable and long-term course of
actions, which will be planned and carried out very carefully under full consideration of the
current EU recommendation on protection and management of natural preserved areas as well
as be completely aligned with the latest scientific researches and knowledge. All relevant and
renowned institutions have worked jointly on setting up this project, which can be considered as
a Flagship project in terms of shared responsibilities, management and finances as well as
shared and utilized knowledge and expertise in the field of biodiversity and environmental
protection. At the same time, these activities will provide input in terms of potential for creating
new tourism offers and enhancing the green businesses without endangering the nature life and
biodiversity in the area. A cross border focus groups will be established and will create joint
cross border tourism offers based on the gained inputs from experts and the developed
strategic and educational documents and plans regarding the protection and promotion of
specific cross border natural habitat.
ii. Explain the objectives of the action given in the table in section 1.1.
The project is promoting a cross border approach to biodiversity protection and establishment of
joint measures and management solution for protected areas and natural preserves and is
clearly contributing to the development and enhancement of cross-border relationships. It is
also the projects clear objective to reflect on the great economic (tourism) and scientific
potential and produce joint recommendations for green and sustainable business and economic
development in this specific cross border area – with careful consideration of the major goal –
preservation and promotion of the joint natural richness.
iii. Describe the key stakeholder groups, their attitudes towards the action and any consultations
Key stakeholders (KS): 1.KSmunicipalities in the cross border area, 2.KS Faculties and
educational and scientific research institutions dealing with the protection and preservation of
biodiversity and nature, 3.KS elementary and high schools, especially VET schools, 4.KS
relevant policy makers such as ministries of ecology, tourism, agriculture etc. 5.KS NGOs
dealing with the protection of biodiversity, environment (ornithological associations, ecological
associations, mountaineering associations etc.) and 6.KS tourism associations and tourism
related private sector; The project has been developed in close cooperation with the
aforementioned key stakeholders to create a systematically, joint and sustainable approach and
for each KS to establish an ownership sense by identifying their role, responsibility, needs and
benefit in the implementation and outcome process of the project. All stakeholders have shown
strong interest in creating and implementing jointly this project. The KS are devoted to

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promotion and protection of biodiversity and nature in this region, and will provide all the support
needed to ensure successful outcome of this action.
iv. Briefly outline the type of activities proposed and specify related expected outputs, outcome(s)
and impact including a description of linkages/relationships between activity clusters.
All project activities cover four aspects:
1.) Cross border approach towards improvement and enhancement of institutional
capacities and infrastructure for nature protection and preservation defined and
adequate and controlled utilization for sustainable tourism without endangering the
biodiversity and natural habitat of the respected cross border region created (A1.1 Joint
Research and Ecology Centre with an area for exhibition and tourist information etsablished;
A1.2 Research and Ecology Centre equipped, A1.3 strategic documents and management plan
for Research and Ecology Center developed; A1.4 cross border educational and exhibition
programs for the Centre and each protected area in Serbia created; A1.5 tourism related
attractions and offers in BIH developed and improved; A1.6 tourism related attractions and
offers in protected areas in Serbia: Zlatibor nature park, Special Nature Reserve - Mileševska
river, Landscapes of exceptional features „Kamena gora“ and „Ozren – Jadovnik developed and
improved and A1.7. a cross border and intersectoral focus network for development of cross
border tourism offers with focus on nature and biodiversity friendly, green and sustainable
tourism established); 2.) A set of activities for strengthening of human capacities
implemented, especially focussing on promoting and ensuring a positive identification of
the inhabitants of the respected cross border region with the specific natural habitat as
well as initiating an ownership relation and motivation for their active involvement in
both ways: nature preservation and protection actions as well as actions regarding a
sustainable economic development and utilization of given natural advantages (A2.1
education programs on the theme of prevention and protection of nature and active involvement
of local inhabitants, entrepreneurs and companies created with at least 60 participants,
especially focussing in defining potential roles and responsibilities for tourism development
actions; A2.2 Study visit); 3.) A regional monitoring system for nature protection with long-
term control and warning mechanism for possible natural and economic (e.g. tourism)
driven threats and potentially negative changes in the protected natural habitat
developed (A3.1 Mapping sites with specific natural characteristics; A3.2 development of
monitoring plan for the cross-border area); 4.) Raised awareness of at least 2000 persons for
the urge of a cross border and supra-national approach towards nature protection
activities and the potential of cross border synergies in utilizing natural habitat of the
cross border region for the development of a joint sustainable tourism through
implementation of various activities (A 4.1 organization of conferences and organization of
round tables for both scientific reflexions and discussions as well as promotion and visibility of
the area; A 4.3 online campaign focussing on natural heritage and potential for sustainable
tourism development and A 4.4 campaign to raise awareness of the protection of the
environment in primary and secondary schools, accompanied by A 4.5. creation and
dissemination of promotional materials)
v. Outline the broad timeframe of the action and describe any specific factor taken into account.
The project duration is 18 months. All project activities will be implemented in accordance to the
timeframe as foreseen in action plan. Specific seasonally determined factors e.g. in terms of
infrastructural work will be considered very carefully to avoid any delays and risks.

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1.3. Relevance of the action (max 5 or 6 pages, if there are works)
1.3.1. Relevance to the thematic priorities/objectives of the call for proposals
Please provide all the following information:
i. Describe and justify the relevance of the action to the thematic priority(ies) and objective(s)
of the call for proposals (see section 1.2 of the ). Please note that you are expected to spell out
the overall and specific objectives of your concept note and to explain how they comply with
and contribute to the achievement of your selected specific objective of the call. The link
should be as clearly described as possible. Simple, one-sentence statements, such as ‘the
overall objective of our project will contribute in high degree to the achievement of the
programme specific objective’ are not acceptable.
Carefully considering and implementing best practice examples and recommendation of the EU
as well as following the national strategic papers in terms of nature preservation, protection and
planning, the project has been designed to contribute to environment protection and promotion
of climate change adoption and mitigation as well as contributing to research and better
understanding of the related natural processes and potential threats and risks which have been
or are currently present in the cross border area. The project promotes a cross border
systematically and joint approach to biodiversity protection and aims to establish joint measures
and management solutions for protected areas and natural preserves. These activities will also
provide an important input for sustainable tourism development plans in terms of preserving and
protecting biodiversity and natural heritage and common natural specifics of the region but also
promoting and utilizing them to create new tourism offers. The project partners as well as the
identified key stakeholders are renowned institutions, which have worked jointly on setting up
this project. Therefore, the project can be considered as a Flagship project in terms of shared
responsibilities, management and finances as well as shared and utilized knowledge and
expertise in the field of biodiversity and environmental protection. Their reputation and highly
developed cooperation is a guarantee factor that this very innovative cross border management
system will have a great impact on similar projects and undertakings in various other areas such
as natural disaster prevention and management, pollution management etc. but also creation of
cross border specific tourism offer (such as nature and wildlife tourism). Given the fact that
transnational tourism products, respectively thematic tourism, is identified as a major priority in
the development of sustainable tourism in the EU, the chosen approach of the project to protect
and preserve the nature without bearing the national borders in mind, but also to promote and
utilize the natural habitat of the cross border region for its joint economic development, the
project demonstrates an innovative approach, which is based on careful consideration,
discussion and reflection of all relevant key stakeholders.
ii. Where appropriate- Describe and justify the relevance of the action to the objectives of any of
the EU Strategies for the Danube Region or the Adriatic and Ionian Region. Please note that
you are expected to spell out the overall and specific objectives of your concept note and to
explain how they comply with and contribute to the achievement of the specific objectives of
any of the two EU macro-strategies. The link should be as clearly described as possible.
Simple, one-sentence statements, such as ‘the overall objective of our project will contribute
in high degree to the achievement of the objective X of the EU macro-strategy’ are not
The objectives of the project proposal are in line with the European Union Strategy for the
Danube Region (EUSDR), especially in terms of the environment and its protection by fostering
and steering a policy containing jointly developed measures for improvement of the quality of
water, biodiversity, prevention and risk management as well as in terms of unlocking the joint
potential of the Region in terms of creating interventions in various social and economic areas
with a highlight on the joint and sustainable economic development and increase of
competitiveness of regions, education, culture, tourism so as to guarantee the cohesion,
cooperation and multicultural and ethnical dialogue while preserving the specific regional
identity and cultural heritage. An alignment of the project is also given in relation to the third and
fourth pillar of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR). The project directly
contributes to raising and preserving the quality of the environment (3rd pillar), which will be
assured by implementing the project in a very innovative way as the project partners and the

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involved key stakeholders will share responsibilities, management and finances as well as
utilize their knowledge and expertise in the field of biodiversity and environmental protection.
Also, within the project the huge potential for green business development in the cross border
region, especially in terms of the sustainable tourism sector (4 th pillar) will be analysed and
identified and recommendation and development plans will be discussed.
iii. Describe the relevance of the action to any specific requirement stated in the guidelines for
the call, e.g. local ownership, programme indicators, etc. (for instance, see section 2.1.4 of the
In accordance with the call, the project focuses on the establishment, strengthening and
promoting a joint systematic cooperation and approach of the relevant institutions in the cross-
border area in the sector of biodiversity, nature and environment protection. The project follows
three main goals: preservation and scientific research on specific and stunning biodiversity and
nature habitat, establishment of an innovative cross border management system in terms of
nature protection and joint planning of potential tourism sector related opportunities and new
offers. Through the partnership of Sutjeska National park, University of Belgrade – Faculty of
Forestry and the Public Enterprise "Srbijašume", which directly manage protected areas in
cross-border area, the local ownership and sustainability, is assured. Through a proactive and
long term involvement of the identified key stakeholders, especially the municipalities and
inhabitants of the respected (mostly rural) region, support from various levels of policy and
decision making bodies, research centres, scientific networks and individuals as well as the
tourism related private sector initiatives will ensure a successful implementation with long-term
benefits. All project activities planned are planned in accordance to the guidelines of the CBC
Serbia-Bosnia Call.
iv. Describe which particular expected results referred to in the guidelines (section 1.2) of the
call will be addressed.
In line with the objectives specified in the Programme Document, the overall objective of this
Call for Proposals is enhancement of socio-economic development in the cross-border area
between the Republic of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, through the implementation of
targeted and concrete actions, based on comparative advantages of the programmes area and
the joint, efficient use of resources, whilst specific objective is the promotion of an innovative
cross border approach to biodiversity protection and establishment of joint measures and
management solution for protected areas and natural preserves with a focus on utilizing the
natural habitat for the joint development of tourism, as a major potential economic branch for
this rather rural and poorly developed area. Therefore, the project is in fact covering all three
thematic priorities as it results and actions will certainly contribute to protecting the environment,
encouraging tourism and natural and cultural heritage and consequently promote and foster
employment, labour mobility and cross border cooperation as well as social and cultural
inclusion. Given that the specific objectives of the CBC Serbia-Bosnia 1st Call are very
compatible and create in fact a synergy for economic development, also the overall protection of
natural heritage is fostered by the project on a very high level, because the expected results of
the project and the planned activities will fully contribute to the achievement of the programme
objective and results.
v. Explain which of the following cross-border cooperation criteria are fulfilled (minimum
three): joint development, joint implementation and either joint staffing or joint financing, or
both. Please give a brief justification on how the cross-border criteria will be respected.
Avoid using simple sentences such as ‘the application was developed by all project partners’.
You are advised to be more convincing by describing what has been the exact role of each
partner organisation in the project development. The same recommendation refers to the
other cross-border cooperation criteria.
Cooperation between partners has been and will be assured through: Joint project development
in designing the action, filling in a joint application form and drawing up their respective budget
(activities will be carried out on both sides of the borders), all staff engaged will act as one
project team and through joint internal organisation. Joint development included coordination of
Lead partner, evolving initial concept into application including all partners experience and
priorities. Cross border effect will be achieved through joint activities and establishment of

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sustainable and long-term cross border cooperation, but also through support between partners,
since nature protection cannot be treated isolated and needs engagement of all relevant
partners. Cross border cooperation is essential to develop mechanism and tools for the
protection of natural resources. Project partners merge variety of expertise to achieve project
goals. Cross border cooperation and expertise is merged through exchange in all phases to
reach project objective and results within all project phases: planning of activities,
implementation which involves all partners, with specific responsibilities and knowledge of each
partner in project activities, dissemination which include all partners. Project results are relevant
to all cross-border area and encourage integration between less and more developed partner’s
territories. Cross border effect is also achieved through joint staffing which participate in the
project preparation and implementation from sides as well as joint financing through definition of
joint budget and activities (which will be implemented on both sides) and participation in the co-
financing. The project is created as a long-term cross border action, for which the motivation
and enthusiasm as well as the formal commitment is ensured properly.
vi. Explain how the proposed action is going to contribute to better neighbourly relations as well
as how you can measure or demonstrate this once the action will be implemented.
Better neighbourly relations are established during the preparation of the project proposal and
cooperation between all project partners and within the meetings organised during preparatory
process. Good neighbourly relations are complementary to achievement of economic
development and represent a major motivation to assure solid and active cross border
cooperation. Activities are created to draw a path towards joint economic development in terms
of thematic tourism and steer equal participation of both cross border sides in jointly creating an
efficient and harmonic living and working together in the region. The natural habitat of the region
is considered as a pride factor of both countries and there is no doubt that the joint efforts to
preserve and protect the specific biodiversity are an important element for creating a
sustainable platform for cooperation and good neighbourly relations. Taking into account
defined target groups and final beneficiaries, joint actions will provide better connections (e.g.
involvement of elementary and high schools). Established relations will be measurable during
and after project completion through further collaboration of partners (exchange of expertise,
new common project proposals, Research and Ecology Center used for both cross border sides
1.3.2. Relevance to the particular needs and constraints of the programme eligible area
and/or relevant sectors
Please provide all the following information:
i. State clearly the specific pre-project situation in the target eligible area and/or sectors
(include quantified data analysis where possible).
Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia are characterised by richness in natural resources,
especially in the respected programme area. These natural resources are characterized by a
variety of flora and fauna, and specificities in terms of climate, soil, geology, hydrology etc.
Although these natural resources are protected to some extent and are subject to special rules
and regulation, the management and monitoring system are not developed sufficiently and their
promotion and utilization for fostering the economic development, especially the tourism is still
at a very low level. The cross border cooperation in terms of joint protection and preservation
actions are barely existent. Scientific research actions have only been carried out within small
scale projects and not in truly joint cooperation but rather only as a sporadic exchange of data
and findings. The huge potential for cross border thematic tourism and economic cooperation is
not existent at all. Both areas are characterized by specific flora and fauna and endemic species
and plant subspecies, which are in urgent need of an overall and serious “inventory”,
transnational research and cross border protection and preservation mechanism. The specific
natural habitat can also be considered as tourism attraction of utmost importance and value:
Sutjeska National Park has a large number of plant species, 20 endangered species, 4 sensitive
and more than 200 rare species, in the Zlatibor nature park, the Special Nature Reserve -
Mileševska river, the landscapes of exceptional features „Kamena gora“ and „Ozren – Jadovnik“
have a total of 27 plant groups that are divided into 10 plant classes and 18 herbal groups, the
most important and most interesting are the relict polidominant forest communities of oak and

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black, autochthonous forests of chestnut and beech, mixed forests of chestnut and pine, and
chestnut and grab forests. There are also very rare and unfortunately highly endangered bird
and animal species. In the Zlatibor nature park, the Special Nature Reserve - Mileševska river,
the landscapes of exceptional features „Kamena gora“ and „Ozren – Jadovnik“ there is a
completely isolated southernmost location of the tertiary endemorrhagic species of Pančićeva
omorika (Picea omorica), one of the three nest colonies of griffon vulture, as well as other rare
and endangered plant and animal species inhabiting this area. In addition to this, The Strict
Nature Reserve “Perućica”, one of the last two remaining primeval forests in Europe, is part of
the park, as a specially protected area. It is a UNESCO recognized site. Due to a lack of
financial subsidies, there is an urgent need to create a cross border synergy and utilization of
finances and actions.
ii. Provide a detailed analysis of the problems to be addressed by the action and how they are
interrelated at all levels.
A joint Research and Ecology Centre will provide a very solid basis for planning and developing
future protection, controlling and preservation plans. It will provide a platform for joint scientific
research and steer the development of educational programs to awake the interest of
pupils/students/inhabitants of the cross border region for the biodiversity and natural
advantages of the region as well as the urgent to get actively involved in its protection and
preservation. The joint approach, accompanied by developed monitoring plans and mechanism,
will also provide input in what directions the highly demanded thematic cross border tourism can
be developed. Within the project, newly open and improved natural heritage sites and
attractions, newly created events (e.g. exhibitions) and joint research as well as promotional
campaigns will lead to the creation of joint tourism offers and a better institutional, economic
and interpersonal cooperation in the cross border area.
iii. Refer to any significant plans undertaken at national, regional and/or local level relevant to
the action and describe how the action will relate to such plans.
Document Biodiversity of Bosnia and Herzegovina – state, ability to use and the need for
sustainable management (S. Redzic, Second International Colloqium „Biodiversity – theoretical
and practical aspects“) states that Bosnia and Herzegovina has a very high level of species
diversity that determines a very rich ecological diversity. On this relatively small territory (about
52,000 km2), there are as many as 252 ecosystems registered. The aforementioned document
states that the current state of the biodiversity imposes an urgent need to establish long-term
effective protection through the following measures: building scientific, professional and
management infrastructure in the field of nature protection and biodiversity; realization of all
obligations arising from international obligations in accordance to the Convention on Biological
Diversity and other international documents in this field; implementation of projects of
importance for the integration processes of BiH to the European Union (Red Book of Flora, Red
Book of Fauna, Red Book of Fungus, Natura 2000, Habitat Categorization, Climate Change,
etc.). The Council of Ministers of BiH adopted the Strategy and Action Plan for the Protection of
Biodiversity in BiH 2015-2020. The Action Plan includes concrete measures that all levels of
government in BiH should take to protect the rich biodiversity and the project is completely in
line with this document. The Management Plan of NPS has identified key activities for the
protection of NPS in all segments, with special emphasis of the Park (flora, fauna, endemic
species, rainforest) specificities, which have not been implemented in the given period but are
of the highest priority for this area. In Serbia, the Environmental Protection Law and the Nature
Protection Law regulate the protection and conservation of nature, biological, geological and
ecological diversity as a part of the environment. Nature protection measures defined in these
Laws and this project proposal is fully in line with mentioned measures (control the use of
natural resources through the establishment of a natural resource management system and
protected natural resources, the promotion of scientific research work, development and
promotion of nature conservation, development of awareness of the need for nature protection
in the process of education, etc.); According to the Strategy of Biodiversity of the Republic of
Serbia, there is not enough knowledge and understanding of methods and techniques for
conservation and economic valuation of biodiversity and natural protected zones.
iv. Where the action is the continuation of a previous action, clearly indicate how it is intended
to build on the activities/results of this previous action; refer to the main conclusions and
recommendations of any evaluations carried out.

Page 14 of 21480611344.doc
Previous actions regarding nature protection include project: “Support to Development of the
Eco Tourism in Sutjeska National Park”, financed by EU. Focus of the project was dealing with
problems of insufficient level of exploitation of natural, cultural and historical resources. The
overall objective of the project was strengthening the competitiveness of tourism through
development of new tourist products, taking into account still preserved environment and
nature, variety of landscape, and diversity of plant and animal world, and rich cultural heritage,
Sutjeska National Park possesses a huge potential for development of eco-tourism, but also
other sectors for economic development.
v. Where the action is part of a larger programme, clearly explain how it fits or is coordinated
with that programme or any other planned project. Specify the potential synergies with
other initiatives, in particular by the European Commission.
The EU Habitats and Birds Directives require Member States to ensure both the physical
protection of individual specimens across the EU countries as well as the conservation of core
breeding and resting sites for certain particularly rare and threatened species under the Natura
2000 network. The EU also sets rules regarding animal welfare and works with the international
community to fight illegal wildlife trade across the world. Taking into account willingness of both
countries to EU accession, project results and activities are in line with here mentioned
Directives. Some of the basic points of the Strategy for the Protection of Biodiversity of the
European Union by 2020 are: to stop the deterioration of the status of all species in the territory
of the European Union and to achieve significant and measurable progress in their status, to
increase the areas of cultivable land and green areas, and to ensure the conservation of
species and habitats in these areas; to define a sustainable forest management plan that will
lead to the improvement of these ecosystems and to ensure the conservation of species and
habitats under forest areas, to define invasive species and their priority as well as to be
controlled, and the European Union need to strengthen its contribution to preventing global loss
biodiversity.Although Strategy for the Protection of Biodiversity of the European Union by 202 is
the main document for preventing biodiversity loss, the European Union is also relying on the
implementation of existing environmental protection regulations at national, regional and local
level to preserve biodiversity and the project is fully in line with the stated strategy, with the
focus on strengthening cross-border cooperation and transfer of know-how, knowledge and
experience, along with the creation of a unique system of biodiversity protection. Therefore,
project provides activities which are compatible with EU and state regulations and programmes
regarding nature protection, including natural heritage, biodiversity as integral part of the

1.3.3. Describe and define the target groups and final beneficiaries, their needs and
constraints, and state how the action will address these needs
Please provide all the following information:
i. Give a description of each of the target groups and final beneficiaries (quantified where
possible), including selection criteria.
Pursuant to the planned activities and identified needs, we have defined the following target
groups: (TG1) Faculties as educational and scientific research institutions dealing with the
protection of nature (in the region, which will use the services provided by the Research and
Ecology Center, has 10 faculties and research institutions with over 5,000 students),
biodiversity, the environment and work on research and protection, also professors and
students work together, and environmental protection and learning are practiced on site (TG2)
elementary and high schools, especially VET schools (over 30 elementary and high
schools) who will use the Research and Ecology Center services and be involved in awareness
raising campaigns of the environment protection and learning about the nature through
botanical garden, (TG3) NGOs (approx. 15 NGOs in the cbc region) dealing with the protection
of biodiversity, environment (ornithological associations, ecological associations, mountaineer-
ring associations etc.) (TG4) Tourism associations and tourism related private sector.
(over. 25 associations in the cbc region). These target groups are clearly and precisely defined
in accordance with project objectives and expected results.
The final beneficiaries are as follows: (FB1) individual professionals (scientists, teachers,
tutors) and networks/associations/consortia of researchers in the specific area of nature
preservation, protection of biodiversity and research and promotion of endemic species (over

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100 researchers). (FB2) Local Population (Zlatibor region and Upper Drina region, approx.
300.000 inhabitants) that will benefit from enhancing protected areas, preserving the
environment and raising the livelihoods (FB3) local authorities - ministries (Zlatibor region
and Upper Drina region – 15 municipalities and 4 ministries) dealing with the protection of the
environment, cultural heritage and the ministries that are in charge of education, municipalities
in which areas are located protected natural areas (FB4) tourists (over 150.000 visits in 2017
in Zlatibor region and Upper Drina region) who will have more diverse content, better
infrastructure and new services and tourism related private sector
ii. Identify the needs and constraints of each of the target groups and final beneficiaries.
1)Bearing in mind the constant need for research, and the protection of the area, and that
certain segments of these areas are still not sufficiently explored, and that faculties, in their
primary activity work, not only on education and knowledge transfer, but also on research work,
Faculties have a key role in this process, in terms of their engagement, as well as a more
comprehensive approach to teaching 2) elementary and high schools, as habits come from the
earliest age and that existing curricula and programs are insufficiently focused on protecting the
environment as well as biodiversity, a large number of schools will be included in the promotion
and education, 3) NGOs dealing with the protection of biodiversity, environment (ornithological
societies, ecological societies, mountaineering societies etc.), which has a primal focus on
research, but also protection etc. Needs and constrains within this topic are: the absence of
infrastructure for the protection and monitoring of protected areas, which is obstacle for science-
research work, not developed practice of involving local populations and students in
environmental protection and the inadequate awareness of the need to invest in natural
protection, and insufficient allocation by local authorities for this topic. All activities foreseen will
affect the tourists and visitors of Sutjeska National Park, Zlatibor nature park, Special Nature
Reserve - Mileševska river, Landscapes of exceptional features „Kamena gora“ and „Ozren –
Jadovnik“ who will be offered services as added value and which will in the future be useful for
further growth and development.
iii. Demonstrate the relevance of the proposal to the needs and constraints of the target groups
and final beneficiaries.
All project activities are carefully planned and defined to meet the needs of target groups and
final beneficiaries and to achieve the projected results: Established institutional infrastructure for
monitoring and protection of natural heritage in cross-border area, Human capacity building,
Establishment of regional monitoring system and Increase consciousness are fully in line with
the needs of the group. By acquiring these results, the target groups are enabled to fulfil their
primary activities and work, while the final beneficiaries benefit from multidimensional and
include natural, cultural, environmental, educational and financial aspects.
iv. Explain any participatory process ensuring participation by the target groups and final
Project partners closely cooperate in everyday work with the target groups and final
beneficiaries, and know real needs and each partner, work on development and improvement in
their segments daily. All the partners in their work collaborate with the NGO sector, local
government, relevant organisations and educational institutions, and all of the target groups and
end users directly and indirectly consulted during the project preparation to be comprehensive
and responsive to the real needs. Our work has already started with identification and
consultations with several faculties and research institutions.
1.3.4. Particular added-value elements
Indicate any specific added-value elements, e.g. the promotion or consolidation of public-private
partnerships, innovation and best practice, or other cross-cutting issues such as environmental
issues, promotion of gender equality and equal opportunities, the needs of people with disabilities,
the rights of minorities and the rights of children, as well as democratic standards, anti-
discrimination practices and good governance.
The project include the following specific added-value elements: an innovative approach to the
natural protection in the cross-border area through the establishment of a joint institutional
infrastructure for monitoring, protection and cooperation between the two countries and the
exchange of knowledge, expertise and experience, and the establishment and improvement of

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co-operation with other similar organizations. The project primarily addresses environmental
issues through activities aimed at protecting the environment and nature through educational,
institutional and operational approach. The target groups and final beneficiaries are gender
equal without any discrimination, with a special focus on involving children in specific segments
of the project (raising awareness of the natural and environmental protection).

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Before sending your concept note, please check that each of the criteria below have been met in
full and tick them off.

TITLE OF THE APPLICATION: Cross border natural heritage Network – CB Nature NET

Yes No

1. The instructions for the concept note have been followed.

2. The declaration by the lead applicant has been filled in and signed.

3. The concept note, including the cover pages, is typed and is in English.

4. One original and 3 copies are included.

5. An electronic version of the concept note is enclosed.


6. The action will be implemented for the benefit of the population of the
programme eligible area.
7. At least one legal entity from each of the participating countries is
involved as either the lead applicant or a co-applicant in the operation?
8. The duration of the action is between 12 months and 18 months (the
minimum and maximum allowed) for the targeted specific objectives of
the call.
9. The requested contribution is between €600.000,00 (the minimum) and
€1.000.000,00 (the maximum allowed) for the targeted specific objective
(2.1. Improving sustainable environmental planning and promotion of
biodiversity, Result 1 The effectiveness of public services and practices in
relation to solid waste and wastewater management are enhanced through
joint initiatives at both sides of the border
9a. The requested contribution is between €120.000,00 (the minimum) and
€300.000,00 (the maximum allowed) for the targeted specific objective
(2.1. Improving sustainable environmental planning and promotion of
biodiversity, Result 2 The protection of the Drina and Sava river
catchment areas and the promotion of their biodiversity is fostered))
9b. The requested contribution is between €120.000,00 (the minimum) and
€250.000,00 (the maximum allowed) for the targeted specific objective
(3.2. Strengthening the cultural identity of the programme area, Result 1
Sustainable cultural and sport exchanges across the border are fostered)
9c. The requested contribution is between €250.000,00 (the minimum) and
€500.000,00 (the maximum allowed) for the targeted specific objective
(3.2. Strengthening the cultural identity of the programme area, Result 2
The historical and natural heritage and traditions of the cross-border area
are better preserved)
10. The percentage of the EU financing requested is between 50% (the
minimum) and 85% (the maximum allowed) of the total eligible costs of

Page 18 of 21
the action.

11. The following CBC criteria are met by this operation: joint development,
joint implementation and either joint staffing or joint financing, or both.
12. This checklist and the declaration by the applicant have been filled in
and sent with the concept note.
CONCLUSION: The application meets all the administrative and eligibility
criteria above?

Page 19 of 21
The lead applicant, represented by the undersigned, being the authorised signatory of the lead
applicant, and in the context of the present application, representing any co-applicant(s) and affiliated
entity(ies) in the proposed action, hereby declares that:
 the lead applicant has the sources of financing and professional competence and qualifications
specified in section 2 of the guidelines for applicants;
 the lead applicant undertakes to comply with the obligations foreseen in the affiliated entities'
statement of the grant application form and with the principles of good partnership practice;
 the lead applicant is directly responsible for the preparation, management and implementation
of the action with the co-applicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), if any, and is not acting as an
 the lead applicant, the co-applicant(s) and the affiliated entity(ies) are not in any of the
situations excluding them from participating in contracts which are listed in section 2.3.3 of
the Practical Guide (available from the following Internet address:
 furthermore, it is recognised and accepted that if the lead applicant, co-applicant(s) and
affiliated entity(ies) (if any) participate in spite of being in any of these situations, they may be
excluded from other procedures in accordance with section 2.3.4 of the Practical Guide;
 the lead applicant and each co-applicant and affiliated entity are in a position to deliver
immediately, upon request, the supporting documents stipulated under section 2.4 of the
guidelines for applicants;
 the lead applicant and each co-applicant and affiliated entity (if any) are eligible in
accordance with the criteria set out under sections 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 of the guidelines for
 if recommended to be awarded a grant, the lead applicant, the co-applicant(s) and the affiliated
entity(ies) accept the contractual conditions as laid down in the standard grant contract
annexed to the guidelines for applicants (Annex G) (or the PA Grant Agreement where the
lead applicant is an organisation whose pillars have been positively assessed by the European
We acknowledge that if we participate in spite of being in any of the situations listed in Section
of the Practical Guide or if the declarations or information provided prove to be false we may be
subject to rejection from this procedure and to administrative sanctions in the form of exclusion and
financial penalties representing 2 % to 10 % of the total estimated value of the grant being awarded
and that this information may be published on the Commission website in accordance with the
conditions set in Section 2.3.4 of the Practical Guide. We are aware that, for the purposes of
safeguarding the EU’s financial interests, our personal data may be transferred to internal audit
services, to the Early Detection and Exclusion System, to the European Court of Auditors, to the
Financial Irregularities Panel or to the European Anti-Fraud Office.

Signed on behalf of the lead applicant

Name Dejan Pavlović

Position Director
Date 15.11.2017

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1. The submission deadline has been met.
2. The concept note satisfies all criteria specified in the checklist.
Administrative compliance has been checked by:
DECISION 1: The committee has decided to evaluate the concept note, which
has passed the administrative check.
The concept note has been evaluated by:
DECISION 2: The committee has decided to recommend the evaluation of the
full application.

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