The document lists parameters and corresponding methods for analyzing air, water, and wastewater samples. It includes parameters like pH, turbidity, heavy metals, nutrients, and various chemicals. For each parameter, standardized methods are specified from sources like the American Public Health Association (APHA) and National Standards of Indonesia (SNI) that should be followed to test samples for that parameter. In total, over 50 parameters are outlined along with the standardized testing procedures to use for water quality monitoring and analysis.
The document lists parameters and corresponding methods for analyzing air, water, and wastewater samples. It includes parameters like pH, turbidity, heavy metals, nutrients, and various chemicals. For each parameter, standardized methods are specified from sources like the American Public Health Association (APHA) and National Standards of Indonesia (SNI) that should be followed to test samples for that parameter. In total, over 50 parameters are outlined along with the standardized testing procedures to use for water quality monitoring and analysis.
The document lists parameters and corresponding methods for analyzing air, water, and wastewater samples. It includes parameters like pH, turbidity, heavy metals, nutrients, and various chemicals. For each parameter, standardized methods are specified from sources like the American Public Health Association (APHA) and National Standards of Indonesia (SNI) that should be followed to test samples for that parameter. In total, over 50 parameters are outlined along with the standardized testing procedures to use for water quality monitoring and analysis.
The document lists parameters and corresponding methods for analyzing air, water, and wastewater samples. It includes parameters like pH, turbidity, heavy metals, nutrients, and various chemicals. For each parameter, standardized methods are specified from sources like the American Public Health Association (APHA) and National Standards of Indonesia (SNI) that should be followed to test samples for that parameter. In total, over 50 parameters are outlined along with the standardized testing procedures to use for water quality monitoring and analysis.
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Air limbah Air Minum Air Bersih Air
industri Permukaan Perda Kaltim 492/Menkes/Per Permenkes PP N0.02-2011 /IV/2010 32/2017 82/2002/kela Lampiran 1 bab II s 1 ( sungai, Bag A waduk,danau ,mata air ) Suhu Odour Turbidity pH TSS Colour Colour TSS TDS Turbidity TDS Cd Ph Taste Temperature Pb Disolved Fe Temperature Taste B Disolved Mn TDS Odour Ba Ba Ph pH Cu Co Arsenic (As) Besi (Fe) Zn Cu Fluoride (F-) Fluoride ( F-) Cr6+ Chromium total Harness ( CaCO3) Fe Cr total Mn Cadmium (Cd) Mangan (Mn) Cd Pb Nitrat (NO3) as Nitrite (NO2) Hg Zn N Nitrate (NO3) Pb Nitrit (No2) as N Sianida (CN-) Hg Sn As Cyanide (CN) MBAS As Se Selenium (Se) Mercury (Hg) Se Ni Aluminium (Al) Arsenic (As) Cr6+ Co Iron (Fe) Kadmium (Cd) Cl- CN Chloride (Cl) Chromium F- H2S Manganese Heksavalen (Cr6+) OG F (Mn) Selenium (Se) Zinc (Zn) Zinc (Zn) DO FreeChlorine Cl 2 Amonia (NH3-N) Sulfate (SO4) BOD NH3-N Copper (Cu) Lead (pb) COD NO2-N Sulfate (SO4) Zat Organic COD low NO3-N Kesadahan Total (KMnO4) COD high BOD5 (CaCO3) Cl2 (50mm) COD Cl2(10mm) MBAS CN- (50mm) Oil & grease Phenol NH3-N NO3-N NO2-N Fosfat SO4 2- H2S MBAS TDS Suhu METODE PARAMETER AIR
Ph APHA 4500 H+ B-2017
TSS APHA 2540 D -2017 Cd APHA 3030 B / 3030 E -2017 Pb APHA 3113 B – 2017 (GTA) Sn Al B Ba Cd Co APHA 3030 B / 3030 E – 2017 Cr APHA 3120 B – 2017 Cu ( ICP – OES ) Fe Mn Na Ni Pb Zn Sn
Hg APHA 3112 B - 2017
As APHA 3114 C - 2017 Se Cr6+ APHA 3500 – B - 2017 SiO2 APHA 4500-SiO2 C- 2017 Hardness APHA 2340 B - 2017 Cl- EPA Method 9212 - 1996 F- EPA Method 9214 - 1996 Kekeruhan W - 017 Warna APHA 2120 C - 2017 OG APHA 5520 B - 2017 DO APHA 4500 - O C – 2017 SNI 06-6989-.72 - 2009 COD W-033 COD Low APHA 5220 D - 2017 COD High Cl2 ( 50mm) W-024 Cl2 (10mm) CN- (50mm) W-025 NH3-N w-023 NO3-N W-026 METODE PARAMETER AIR NO2-N W-027 Fenol W-028 Fosfat W-029 So42- W-030 APHA 4500-So42- E - 2017 H2S W-031 N-TOT APHA 4500 N C -2017 MBAS W-035 TDS W-036 Suhu SNI 06-6989.23-2005 OM SNI 06-6989.23-2004 Al Ba Ca Co Cr Cu APHA 3030 B / 3030 E – 2017 Fe APHA 3111 B – 2017 Mn ( Flame ) Na Ni Zn