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Drying 29 

Michael E. Aulton

C H AP TE R C O N TE N TS Solute .migra tion.d uring.d rying . 501

Introd uc tion . 488 Intergranular migration 501
Drying.of.we t.s olid s . 488 Intragranular migration 501
Fundamental properties and Cons equences of s olute
interrelations hips 488 migration 501
Mois ture content of wet s olids 488 In uence of formulation factors on
s olute migration 502
Mois ture content of air 489
In uence of proces s factors on s olute
Los s of water from wet s olids 490 migration 503
Typ e s .of.d thod . 491 Some practical means of minimizing
Choice of drying method 491 s olute migration 503
Dryers in the pharmaceutical Re fe re nc e . 503
indus try 491 Bib liogra p hy. 503
Types of pharmaceutical dryers 491
Conve c tive .d rying.of.we t.s olid s . 491
Dynamic convective dryers 491
Cond uc tive .d rying.of.we t.s olid s . 493 • Drying is important at many s tages of
pharmaceutical manufacture in order to remove
Vacuum oven 493 (us ually) water that may act as a vector for
Ra d ia tion.d rying.of.we t.s olid s . 494 chemical and microbiological deterioration of
the drug or product
Radiant heat trans mis s ion 494 • The mos t common form of drying is heat-
Us e of microwave radiation 494 induced evaporation of the s olvent Great care
Drye rs .for.s olutions .a nd .. mus t be taken (by controlling temperature and
s us p e ns ions . 495 time) to minimize any thermal degradation
during drying
Spray dryer 495 • Some fraction of the s olvent is very eas y to
Fre e ze .d rying . 498 remove (known as free m oisture) and the
remainder is much more dif cult or occas ionally
The phas e diagram for water 498 impos s ible to remove from a s olid (bound
Stages of the freeze-drying proces s 499 m oisture)

© 2013, Els evier Ltd

P A R T F IVE Do s ag e Fo rm De s ig n and Manufac ture

• Many different types of drying proces s es and of cases the ‘liquid’ will be water but also more
equipment exis t as there are numerous volatile organic solvents, such as isopropanol, may
mechanis ms by which mois ture is los t from a need to be removed in a drying process. The physical
wet product or intermediary principles of aqueous or organic solvent drying are
• The s election of the bes t drying method for a similar, regardless of the nature of the liquid, though
product is a key decis ion
volatile solvents are normally recovered by conden-
• The phenomenon of s olute migration s hould be
minimized during drying proces s es sation rather than being vented into the atmosphere.
This is for environmental and economic reasons.
Also, the toxicity and ammability of organic
Intro duc tio n solvents pose additional safety and process
Drying is an important operation in primary phar-
maceutical manufacture (i.e. the synthesis of active
pharmaceutical ingredients or excipients) since it is Drying o f we t s o lids
usually the last stage of manufacturing before pack-
aging. It is important that the residual moisture, say
from the nal crystallization step, is rendered low
Fundamental properties
enough to prevent product deterioration during and interrelations hips
storage and ensure free- owing properties during
use. It is equally important (and probably encoun- An understanding of this operation requires some
tered more frequently) in secondary (dosage form) preliminary explanation of the following important
manufacture following the common operation of terms. To avoid confusion and repetition, these
wet granulation (see Chapter 28) during the prepa- terms will be de ned and explained in the context
ration of granules prior to tablet compaction. H ence, of water (the most commonly used pharmaceutical
stability (see Chapter 48 and 49), ow properties solvent) but the explanations and concepts are
(see Chapter 12) and compactability (see Chapter equally applicable to other relevant liquids (e.g.
30) are all in uenced by residual moisture. ethanol, isopropanol, etc.).
This chapter is concerned with drying to the ‘dry’
solid state, starting with either a wet solid or a solu- Mois ture content of wet s olids
tion or suspension. The former is usually achieved
by exposing the wet solid to moving, relatively dry The moisture content of a wet solid is expressed as
air (elevated temperatures to accelerate the process kg of moisture associated with 1 kg of the moisture-
are common). The latter is possible with equipment free or ‘bone-dry’ solid. Thus, a moisture content of
such as the spray dryer (see later in this chapter) 0.4 means that 0.4 kg of water is present per kg of
that is capable of producing a dry product from a the ‘bone-dry’ solid that will remain after complete
solution or suspension in one operation. drying. It is sometimes calculated as percentage
Most pharmaceutical materials are not com- moisture content; thus this example would be
pletely free from moisture (i.e. they are not ‘bone quoted as 40% moisture content.
dry’) but contain some residual water, the amount
of which may vary with the temperature and humid-
ity of the ambient air to which they are exposed. Tota l.mois ture .c onte nt
This is discussed in more detail in this chapter. This is the total amount of liquid associated with a
For the purpose of this chapter, drying is de ned wet solid. Some of this water can be easily removed
as the removal of all or most of the liquid associated by the simple evaporative processes employed by
with a wet pharmaceutical product. All drying pro- most pharmaceutical dryers and some cannot. The
cesses of relevance to pharmaceutical manufacturing amount of easily removable water (unbound water)
involve evaporation or sublimation of the liquid is known as the ree moisture content and the mois-
phase and the removal of the subsequent vapour. ture content of the water that is more dif cult to
The process must provide the latent heat for these remove in practice (bound water) is the equilibrium
processes without a signi cant temperature rise. moisture content. Thus, the total moisture content
Naturally the latter will enhance the potential of of a solid is equal to its free moisture content plus
thermal degradation of the product. In the majority its equilibrium moisture content.

Dryin g C H AP TE R 2 9

Unbound wa ter. The unbound water associated Re la tive .humid ity.(RH).of.a ir

with a wet solid exists as a liquid and it exerts its
Ambient air is a simple solution of water in a mixture
full vapour pressure. It can be removed readily by
of gases and as such follows the rules of most solu-
evaporation. During a drying process this unbound
tions – such as increased water solubility with
water is readily lost but the resulting solid will not
increasing temperature, a maximum solubility at a
be completely free from water molecules as it
particular temperature (saturation) and precipita-
remains in contact with atmospheric air that inevi-
tion of the solute on cooling (condensation, rain!).
tably contains dissolved water. Consequently the
Incidentally, this is exactly why rain is sometimes
resulting solid is often known as air dry.
called precipitation.
At a given temperature, air is capable of ‘taking
up’ (i.e. dissolving) water vapour until it is saturated
Eq uilib rium.mois ture .c onte nt (at 100% RH ). Lower relative humidities can be
As mentioned above, evaporative drying processes quanti ed in terms of percentage relative humidity,
will not remove all the possible moisture present in which is given by:
a wet product because the drying solid equilibrates
with the moisture that is naturally present in air. Vapour pressure of water vapour in air
The moisture content of a solid under steady-state ×100 0
Vapour pressure of waater vapour in the air
ambient conditions is termed the equilibrium mois- saturated at the same temperature
ture content. Its value will change with the tempera- (29.1)
ture and humidity of the air, and with the nature of
the solid (see later in this chapter). This is approximately equal to the percentage satu-
Bound wa ter. Part of the moisture present in a ration, which is:
wet solid may be adsorbed on surfaces of the solid
or be absorbed within its structure to such an extent Mass of water vapour present per kg of dry air
that it is prevented from developing its full vapour ×100
Mass of waterr vapour required to saturate
pressure and therefore from being easily removed 1 kg of dry air at the same t emperature
by evaporation. Such moisture is described as bound (29.2)
water and is more dif cult to remove than unbound
water. Adsorbed water is attached to the surface of Percentage saturation is the more fundamental
the solid as individual water molecules which may measure but the expression ‘relative humidity’ is
form a mono- (or bi-) layer on the solid surface. most commonly used. The two differ only very
Absorbed bound water exists as a liquid but is slightly in practice and only because water vapour
trapped in capillaries within the solid by surface does not behave exactly like an ideal gas.
tension. These relationships show that the relative humid-
ity of air is dependent not only on the amount of
moisture in the air but also on its temperature. This
Mois ture content of air is because the amount of water required to saturate
air is itself dependent on temperature. As men-
An added complication to the drying process is that tioned before, in ambient air, water is in solution in
the drying air also contains moisture. Many pharma- the air gases and in this case its solubility increases
ceutical plants have air-conditioning systems to with increasing temperature. If the temperature of
reduce the humidity of the incoming process air, but the air is raised whilst its moisture content remains
removing water from air is a very expensive process constant, the air will theoretically be capable of
and therefore not all the water will be removed. The taking up more moisture and therefore its relative
moisture content of air is expressed as kg of water humidity falls. A re-examination of Equations 29.1
per kg of ‘bone-dry’ (water-free) dry air. and 29.2 will show this.
The moisture content of air is not altered by It is important to understand the difference
changes in its temperature alone, only by changes in between moisture content and relative humidity of
the amount of moisture taken up by the air. The air. This is important in many contexts (powder
moisture content of air should be carefully distin- properties, granulation, drying, compaction, storage
guished from the relative humidity. conditions) but these terms are often confused.

P A R T F IVE Do s ag e Fo rm De s ig n and Manufac ture

An additional complication to be taken into

account is that during a drying process both the
temperature and moisture content of the drying air
(and therefore its relative humidity) could change
signi cantly. This arises from two separate factors:
• uptake into the drying air of evaporated water
vapour from the drying solid. If evaporation is
high and vapour removal inef cient, the drying
ef ciency will rapidly fall
• the cooling of the supply air (and consequently
the product) as the air transfers latent heat
to the wet solid. This phenomenon is known as
evaporative cooling. If the cooling is excessive
the temperature of the air may fall to a value
known as the dew point. H ere the solubility of
water in the cooler air is reduced to such a
point that it is exceeded and liquid water will
condense and be deposited.
Fig . 29.1 • Typical equilibrium moisture contents at
Re la tions hip .b e twe e n.e q uilib rium. 20 °C. (1) Starch-based materials. (2) Textiles and
mois ture .c onte nt,.re la tive .humid ity.. f brous materials. (3) Inorganic substance, such as
a nd .the .na ture .of.the .s olid
The equilibrium moisture content of a solid exposed
to moist air varies with the relative humidity and
with the nature of the solid, as shown in some 1 EMC line
typical plots (Fig. 29.1). If we assume that the
atmospheric conditions are of the order of 20 °C and
70–75% relative humidity, a mineral such as kaolin
will contain about 1% bound moisture, while a Fre e MC
starch-based product may have as much as 30%
or more.
Los s of water from wet s olids
As explained above, unbound water is easily lost by
evaporation until the equilibrium moisture content
EMC a t tha t
of the solid is reached. This is shown in Figure 29.2. te mpe ra ture
O nce the solid reaches its equilibrium moisture a nd re la tive
content, extending the time of drying will not 3 humidity
change the moisture content since an equilibrium
situation has been reached. The only way to reduce
the moisture content of the solid shown in Figure 4
29.2 is to reduce the relative humidity of the
Re la tive humidity (%)
ambient air. This can be achieved on a large scale
with an air-conditioning system. O n a laboratory Fig . 29.2 • Loss o water rom a drying solid. The wet
scale, desiccators are used. Silica gel (a common solid prior to drying is at condition (1). It can lose water
laboratory and packaging desiccant) does not directly by evaporation to position (2), its equilibrium moisture
take water from a solid; instead it acts by removing content (EMC) at that RH. The only way the solid can
the water from the air, thereby reducing its relative lose more water is to reduce the RH o the atmosphere,
humidity to around 5–10%. This in turn causes the to (3) with silica gel or to (4) with phosphorus pentoxide.

Dryin g C H AP TE R 2 9

equilibrium to move along the drying curve in Figure Dryers in the pharmaceutical
29.2 to the left, thus reducing the moisture content
of the solids. Phosphorus pentoxide works in an
indus try
identical manner but it has an even greater af nity
The types and variety of drying equipment have
for the water in the storage air.
reduced in recent years as pharmaceutical compa-
If dried materials are exposed to humid ambient
nies strive for standardization and globalization of
conditions they will quickly regain moisture from
manufacturing. The types of dryers that have proved
the atmosphere since this relationship is an equilib-
the most successful have become commonplace
rium. Figure 29.1 shows this. Thus it is unnecessary
and less ef cient (or more damaging) drying proc-
to ‘overdry’ a product and there is no advantage in
esses have largely disappeared. An additional trend
drying to a moisture content lower than that which
is the manufacture of ‘mini’ versions of manufac-
the material will have under the normal conditions
turing equipment to be used in formulation and
of use.
process development. Previously, very distinctly
If low residual moisture content is necessary due
different dryers were sometimes used in labora-
to a hydrolytic instability in the material, the dried
tories but this resulted in numerous problems during
product must be ef ciently sealed during or imme-
scale-up. The use of the miniaturized production
diately after the drying process to prevent ingress of
equipment (processing just a few hundred grams)
moisture. It also worth noting that some solid phar-
will minimize later problems during the scaling up
maceutical materials perform better when they
to manufacturing batches (typically a few hundred
contain a small amount of residual water. Powders
will ow better; the ow of very dry powders is
inhibited by static charge. Tablet granules have
superior compaction properties with a small amount Types of pharmaceutical dryers
(1–2 %) of residual moisture.
A variety of pharmaceutical dryers are still used and
it is convenient to categorize these according to the
Type s o f drying me tho d heat transfer method that they employ, i.e. convec-
tion, conduction or radiation.
Choice of drying method
Co nve c tive drying o f
When considering how to dry a material, the follow-
ing points should be considered: we t s o lids
• heat sensitivity of the material being dried
• physical characteristics of the material Dynamic convective dryers
• nature of the liquid to be removed
• the scale of the operation Fluid ize d -b e d .d rye r
• the necessity for asepsis An excellent method of obtaining good contact
• available sources of heat (steam, electrical). between the warm drying air and wet particles is
The general principles for ef cient drying can be found in the f uidized-bed dryer. The general prin-
summarized as: ciples of the technique of f uidization will be sum-
marized before discussing its application to drying.
• large surface area for heat transfer Consider the situation in which particulate matter
• ef cient heat transfer per unit area (to provide is contained in a vessel, the base of which is perfo-
suf cient latent heat of vaporization or heat of rated, enabling a uid to pass through the bed
sublimation in the case of freeze drying) of solids from below. The uid can be liquid or gas,
• ef cient mass transfer of evaporated water but air will be assumed for the purposes of this
through any surrounding boundary layers, i.e. description, as it is directly relevant to the drying
suf cient turbulence to minimize boundary process.
layer thickness If the air velocity through the bed is increased
• ef cient vapour removal, i.e. low relative gradually and the pressure drop through the bed is
humidity air moving at adequate velocity. measured, a graph of the operation shows several

P A R T F IVE Do s ag e Fo rm De s ig n and Manufac ture

d H / d t = hc A ∆T

where hc is the heat transfer coef cient for convec-

tive heat transfer, A is the surface area available for
heat transfer and ΔT is the difference in tempera-
ture between the drying air and the solid to be dried.
The heat transfer coef cient is high in a uidized
bed as the vigorous motion of the particles reduces
the thickness of the boundary layer. Also, the process
Fig . 29.3 • E ect o air velocity on pressure drop uidizes individual powder particles or granules and
through a uidized bed. thus the surface area available for drying is maxi-
mized to the total surface area of the powder bed.
An equivalent to Equation 29.3 shows that the rate
distinct regions, as indicated in Figure 29.3. At rst, of mass transfer (in this case vapour removal in the
when the air velocity is low, in the region A to B, opposite direction) is similarly improved.
ow takes place between the particles without H eat and mass transfer are therefore rela-
causing disturbance, but as the velocity is increased tively ef cient and the process, even for a large
a point is reached, C, when the pressure drop has manufacturing batch, takes between about 20 and
attained a value where the frictional drag on the 40 minutes.
particle is equal to the force of gravity on the parti- The arrangement of a typical uidized-bed dryer
cle. Rearrangement of the particles occurs to offer is shown in Figure 29.4. Sizes are available with
least resistance, D, and eventually they are sus- capacities ranging from about 400 g to 1200 kg.
pended in the air and can move. The pressure drop These are now manufactured so that dryers through-
through the bed decreases slightly because of the out the range have similar geometric and hydrody-
greater porosity at D. Further increase in the air namic features to aid manufacturing scale-up from
velocity causes the particles to separate and move laboratory experiments.
freely and the bed is ully f uidized, region D to E.
Any additional increase in velocity separates the par-
ticles further, that is, the bed expands, without Ad va nta ge s .of. uid ize d -b e d .d rying
appreciable change in the pressure drop. In the 1. Ef cient heat and mass transfer give high drying
region E to F, uidization is irregular, much of the rates, so that drying times are short. Apart from
air owing through in bubbles; the term boiling bed obvious economic advantages, the heat challenge
is used to describe this. At a very high air ow rate, to thermolabile materials is minimized.
F, the air velocity is suf cient to entrain the solid
2. The uidized state of the bed ensures that
particles and transport them out of the top of the
drying occurs from the surface of all the
bed in a process known as pneumatic transport.
individual particles. H ence, most of the drying
The important factor is that uidization produces
will occur at a constant rate.
conditions of great turbulence, the particles mixing
with good contact between air and particles. H ence, 3. The temperature of a uidized bed is uniform
if hot air is used, the turbulent conditions lead to throughout (as a result of the turbulence) and
high heat and mass transfer rates, the uidized-bed can be controlled precisely.
technique therefore offers a means of rapid drying. 4. The turbulence in a uidized bed causes some
The uidized-bed dryer was developed to make attrition to the surface of the granule. This
use of this process of uidization to improve the produces a more spherical free- owing product.
ef ciency of heat transfer and vapour removal com- 5. The free movement of individual particles
pared with the older static tray dryers that it reduces the risk of soluble materials migrating
replaced. A reason for this is the more ef cient during drying (see later in this chapter).
transfer of the required latent heat of evaporation 6. Keeping the granules separate during drying also
from the air to the drying solid. The rate of reduces the problems of aggregation and
heat transfer (dH / dt) in convective drying may be reduces the need for a sieving stage after
written as: drying.

Dryin g C H AP TE R 2 9

Fig . 29.4 • Fluidized bed dryer.

7. The uidization containers can be mobile, making

handling and movement around the production
area simple, thus reducing labour costs.
8. Short drying times mean that the unit has a
high product output from a small oor space.

Dis a d va nta ge s .of. uid ize d -b e d .d rying

1. The turbulence of the uidized state may result
in excessive attrition of some materials, with
damage to some granules and the production of Fig . 29.5 • Vacuum oven.
too much dust.
2. Fine particles may become entrained in the
uidizing air and must be collected by bag
lters, with care to avoid segregation and loss of Co nduc tive drying o f
nes. we t s o lids
3. The vigorous movement of particles in hot dry
air can lead to the generation of charges of
In this process, the wet solid is in thermal contact
static electricity, and suitable precautions must
with a hot surface and the bulk of heat transfer
be taken. A mixture of air with a ne dust of
occurs by conduction.
organic materials such as starch and lactose can
explode violently if ignited by sparking caused
by static charges. The danger is increased if the Vacuum oven
uidized material contains a volatile solvent.
Adequate electrical earthing is essential and, This equipment is a good example of a conduction
naturally, is tted as standard on all modern dryer, though it is not used as extensively as it was
dryers. formerly. The vacuum oven (Fig. 29.5) consists of a

P A R T F IVE Do s ag e Fo rm De s ig n and Manufac ture

jacketed vessel suf ciently strong in construction to Ge ne ra tion.a nd .a c tion.of.mic rowa ve s

withstand a vacuum within the oven and possibly
Microwaves are produced by an electronic device
steam pressure in the jacket. In addition, the sup-
known as a magnetron. Microwave energy can
ports for the shelves form part of the jacket, giving
be re ected down a rectangular duct (termed a
a larger area for conduction heat transfer. The oven
waveguide) or simply beamed through a transparent
should be closed by a door that can be locked tightly
polypropylene window into the drying chamber. To
to give an airtight seal. The oven is connected
avoid interference with radio and television, it is
through a condenser and liquid receiver to a vacuum
permitted to operate only at certain frequencies
pump, although if the liquid to be removed is water
which are normally 960 and 2450 MH z.
and the pump is of the ejector type that can handle
The penetration of microwaves into the wet
water vapour, the pump can be connected directly
product is so good that heat is generated uniformly
to the oven.
within the solid.
O perating pressure can be as low as 0.03–0.06
When microwaves fall on substances of suitable
bar, at which water boils at 25–35 °C. Some ovens
electronic structure (i.e. small polar molecules, such
may be large (for example, about 1.5 m 3 and with
as water), the electrons in the molecule attempt to
20 shelves).
resonate in sympathy with the radiation. The result-
The main advantage of a vacuum oven is that
ing molecular ‘friction’ generates heat. The large
drying takes place at a low temperature, and since
molecules of the solids do not resonate as well as,
there is little air present, there is minimal risk of
say, water molecules, so further heating may be
oxidation. The temperature of the drying solid can
avoided once the water is removed. This is indicated
rise to the steam or heating water temperature at
clearly by the ‘loss factors’ listed in Table 29.1. The
the end of the drying but this is not usually harmful.
loss factor is the ratio of the microwave energy
Vacuum ovens are rarely used nowadays for pro-
absorbed by individual molecules to the microwave
duction but are still worthy of mention as they may
energy provided. Thus, the higher the value, the
be the only method available to dry particularly
greater is the absorption of microwave energy. Table
thermolabile or oxygen-sensitive materials. Addi-
29.1 lists these values for some common solvents
tionally, small-scale vacuum ovens are frequently
and excipients. Clearly, the absorption of the micro-
found in development laboratories where they are
wave energy is far greater for small polar molecules
commonly used for the drying of small development
than larger and less polar molecules.
samples, particularly when the heat stability of the
drug or formulation is uncertain.
Mic rowa ve .d rye rs .for.gra nula te s
Radiatio n drying o f we t s o lids Figure 29.6 is a sketch of a microwave dryer used
for drying granules. It is designed to operate under
Radiant heat trans mis s ion
Table 29.1 Microwave energy loss factors for some
H eat transmission by radiation differs from heat pharmaceutical solvents and excipients
transfer by conduction or convection in that no
transfer medium (solid, liquid or gaseous) needs be Material Loss factor
present. H eat energy in the form of radiation can Methanol 13.6
cross empty space or travel through the atmosphere
virtually without loss. If it falls on a body capable of Ethanol 8.6
absorbing it, then it appears as heat although a pro- Water 6.1
portion may be re ected or transmitted.
Isopropanol 2.9
Us e of microwave radiation Acetone 1.25
Maize starch 0.41
Microwave radiation in the wavelength range 10 mm
to 1 m has been found to be an ef cient heating and Magnesium carbonate 0.08
drying method. Microwave dryers are used in the Lactose 0.02
pharmaceutical industry.

Dryin g C H AP TE R 2 9

2. The thermal ef ciency is high since the dryer

casing and the air remain cool. Most of the
microwave energy is absorbed by the liquid in
the wet material.
3. The bed is stationary, avoiding problems of dust
and attrition.
4. Solute migration is reduced as there is uniform
heating of the wet mass.
5. Equipment is highly ef cient and re ned. All
the requirements of product and operator safety
have been incorporated into machines without
detracting from G MP considerations.
6. G ranulation endpoint detection is possible by
measuring the residual microwave energy
(as this rises sharply within the dryer when
there is little solvent left to evaporate).

Dis a d va nta ge s .of.mic rowa ve .d rying

1. The batch size of commercial production
microwave dryers is smaller than the batch sizes
Fig . 29.6 • Microwave dryer. Courtesy o T K Fielder. available for uidized-bed drying.
2. Care must be taken to shield operators from
the microwave radiation, which can cause
damage to organs such as the eyes and testes.
This is ensured by ‘fail-safe’ devices preventing
a slight vacuum. That, in itself, is not essential for generation of microwaves until the drying
the use of microwaves but the air ow through chamber is sealed.
the chamber facilitates the continuous removal of
evaporated solvent. The radiation is generated by
multiple magnetrons each producing 0.75 kW at
2450 MH z. The radiation passes through the poly- Drye rs fo r s o lutio ns
propylene window into the drying chamber where
it is absorbed by the liquid in the wet granules con-
and s us pe ns io ns
tained on a tray. The heat generated in the mass
drives off the moisture. The objective of these dryers is to generate a
The evolved vapour is drawn away in the air ow large surface area in the liquid for heat and mass
as it is formed. When drying is nearly complete, the transfer and to provide an effective means of col-
radiation eld intensity within the chamber will rise lecting the dry solid. The most useful type disperses
since the dry solids do not absorb as readily as water. the liquid as a spray of small droplets – the spray
This rise is detected and the magnetrons are pro- dryer.
gressively turned down automatically to give an
accurate control of the nal moisture content and
minimize the danger of overheating. Spray dryer

Ad va nta ge s .of.mic rowa ve .d rying The spray dryer provides a large surface area for heat
and mass transfer by atomizing the liquid into small
The following advantages are claimed for microwave droplets. These are sprayed into a stream of circulat-
drying: ing hot air, so that each droplet dries to an individual
1. It provides rapid drying at fairly low solid particle. Thus, particle formation and drying
temperatures. occur in the one process.

P A R T F IVE Do s ag e Fo rm De s ig n and Manufac ture

Fig . 29.8 • Rotary atomizer.

suspensions of solids and it can operate ef ciently

at various feed rates.
Modern two- uid nozzles have overcome the
problems of earlier jet atomizers and have proved
successful. In this context, the two uids are the
liquid product and the atomizing air. Two- uid
nozzles can handle feed rates between 30 and 80
litres per hour. They can be positioned either to
spray their droplets co-currently into the air stream
Fig . 29.7 • Spray dryer.
from the top of the dryer, or to spray from the base
of the dryer in what is known as ‘fountain mode’.
The two- uid nozzles produce a narrow droplet size
There are many forms of spray dryer (e.g. G EA
range with the mean size being affected by nozzle
Niro) and Figure 29.7 shows a typical design in which
position. In general, a nozzle used co-currently will
the drying chamber resembles a cyclone. This ensures
produce smaller droplets than one used in fountain
good circulation of air, facilitates heat and mass trans-
mode. Rotary atomizers produce droplets in the
fer and encourages the separation of dried particles
mid-range. To illustrate this, data from one experi-
from the moving air by the centrifugal action.
ment performed under similar conditions showed
that the mean droplet size from a co-current two-
Atomize r uid nozzle was 2 µm, from a rotary atomizer was
The character of the particles is controlled by the 50 µm and from a two- uid nozzle used in fountain
droplet size, so the type of atomizer is important. mode was 100 µm.
Early simple jet atomizers tended to block easily as
a result of rapid evaporation and deposition of solid Drying.c ha mb e r
on the nozzle. This caused the ow rate to vary and The air enters the chamber tangentially and rotates
this had a detrimental effect on the uniformity and the drying droplets around the chamber to increase
predictability of droplet size. their residence time and therefore time for drying.
This was resolved by the use of rotary types of For pharmaceutical purposes, it is usual to lter the
atomizer, one form of which is shown in Figure 29.8. air and to heat it indirectly by means of a heat
Liquid is fed on to the disc that is rotated at high exchanger. Dust carried over in the air outlet stream
speed (10 000–30 000 revolutions per minute). A may be recovered by a cyclone separator or lter
lm is formed and spreads from the small disc to a bag. It is also possible to recycle up to 60% of the
larger, inverted hemispherical bowl, becoming exhaust air to the air inlet of the dryer. This greatly
thinner, and eventually being dispersed from the improves the ef ciency of the process.
edge in a ne spray of uniform droplet size. In A range of sizes of spray dryer is available,
addition, the rotary atomizer has the advantage of from a laboratory model with a volume of 100–
being equally effective with either solutions or 200 mL capable of producing just a few grams of

Dryin g C H AP TE R 2 9

experimental material from aqueous or organic solu- so that evaporation is very rapid. The actual
tion, through a pilot-scale model with a chamber drying time of a droplet is only a fraction of a
diameter of 800 mm and a height of 3 m capable of second, and the overall time in the dryer only a
evaporating 7 kg of water per hour, to a production- few seconds.
scale model that could have a chamber diameter of 2. Because evaporation is very rapid, the droplets
3.5 m and be 6 m high (or even larger) with an do not attain a high temperature. Most of the
evaporative capacity of about 50–100 kg water per heat is used as latent heat of vaporization and
hour. Larger spray dryers, with a capacity of up to the temperature of the particles is kept low by
4000 kg/ h, are used in other industries, notably in evaporative cooling.
food production. Typically, modern spray dryers 3. The characteristic particle form allows ef cient
have a 60° cone at the base of the hollow cylinder. particle packing and thus gives the product a
high bulk density. It also leads to rapid
P rod uc t dissolution because of the large surface area.
Spray-dried products are easily recognizable, being 4. Provided that a suitable atomizer is used, the
uniform in their appearance. The particles have a resulting powder will have a uniform and
characteristic shape, in the form of hollow spheres controllable particle size.
sometimes with a small hole. This arises from the 5. The product is free- owing, with almost
drying process, since the droplet enters the hot air spherical particles, and is especially convenient
stream and dries on the outside to form an outer for tablet manufacture as it has excellent ow
crust with liquid still in the centre. This liquid then and compaction properties.
vaporizes and the internal vapour escapes by blowing 6. In many cases spray drying will increase the
a hole in the sphere. Figure 29.9 shows the mecha- dissolution rate and bioavailability of poorly
nism of formation of the spherical product. water-soluble drugs.
Intelligent computer control is available to control 7. Labour costs are low, the process yielding a dry,
process parameters as these, in turn, can affect par- free- owing powder from a dilute solution, in a
ticle size, bulk density, moisture content, dissolution single operation with no handling.
rate and dispersibility of the resulting product. 8. It can be used as a continuous process if
Ad va nta ge s .of.the .s p ra y-d rying.p roc e s s
1. There are millions of small droplets which give Dis a d va nta ge s .of.the ..
a large surface area for heat and mass transfer, s p ra y-d rying.p roc e s s
1. The equipment is very bulky and, with the
ancillary equipment, is expensive.
2. The overall thermal ef ciency is rather low
since the air must still be hot enough when it
leaves the dryer to avoid condensation of
moisture. Also, large volumes of heated air pass
Drople t Eva pora tion Conce ntra tion through the chamber without contacting a
from s urfa ce of s olute a t
drople t s urfa ce
particle and thus not contributing directly to
the drying process.

Us e s .of.s p ra y-d rying

The spray dryer can be used for drying almost any
substance, in solution or in suspension. It is most
useful for thermolabile materials, particularly if
handled continuously and in reasonably large
‘S hrive lle d’ Furthe r Hollow s phe re
pa rticle drying
Examples of both soluble and insoluble sub-
Fig . 29.9 • Formation o product in spray drying. stances that are spray dried include citric acid,

P A R T F IVE Do s ag e Fo rm De s ig n and Manufac ture

sodium phosphate, gelatin, starch, barium sulfate The theory and practice of freeze drying are
and calcium phosphate. The process is also used for based on an understanding and application of the
some powdered antibiotic formulations where the phase diagram for the water system.
spray-dried powder is packaged and distributed.
This is then reconstituted as a syrup at the time of
dispensing. The dry product is spray dried from a
The phas e diagram for water
formulation containing all the necessary ingredients,
The phase diagram for the water system (Fig. 29.10)
including colours and avours. Since only water is
consists of three separate areas. Each area represents
removed in the spray-drying process, these products
a single phase of water – vapour, liquid or solid. Two
must be reconstituted with pure water only.
phases can coexist along a line under the conditions
Spray drying is also capable of producing spheri-
of temperature and pressure de ned by any point
cal particles in the respirable range of 1–7 µm that
on the line. The point O is the one unique point
are necessary for the delivery of drugs from dry
where all three phases can coexist and is known as
powder inhalers (see Chapter 37).
the triple point. Its coordinates for pure water are a
It is possible to operate spray dryers aseptically
pressure of 610 Pa (as a comparison, atmospheric
using heated ltered air to dry products such as
pressure is approximately 10 5 Pa) and a temperature
serum hydrolysate. Also, some spray dryers operate
of 0.0075 °C.
in a closed circuit mode with an inert gas to mini-
The lines on the phase diagram represent the
mize oxidation of the product. Volatile solvents can
interphase equilibrium lines which show:
be recovered from such systems.
Pharmaceutical spray drying has been reviewed • the boiling point of water as it is lowered by
by Wendel & Çelik (1997) and the reader is referred reduction of the external pressure above the
to this article if additional information is required. water (BO in Fig. 29.10)
• the variation of the melting point of ice on
reduction of the external pressure above it.
Fluid ize d .s p ra y.d rye r There is a very slight rise in the melting
A development of the spray dryer is the uidized point (AO )
spray dryer (Niro). This has a small uidized bed • the reduction of the vapour pressure exerted by
mounted in the base of the cone at the point where ice as the temperature is reduced (CO ).
the product is collected. The moving air created in
the uidized bed overcomes any cohesion of spray-
dried particles after they fall into the collection A 1 B
chamber. This allows spheres with a higher moisture 10 5
content to be handled and also ones made from
stickier and more cohesive substances than were
previously possible to process.
Fre e ze drying
S olid Va pour
Freeze drying is a process used to dry extremely
heat-sensitive materials. It can allow the drying, 2
without excessive damage, of proteins, blood prod- Triple
ucts and even microorganisms which retain a small point
but signi cant viability. 610
In this process, the initial liquid solution or sus-
pension is frozen, the pressure above the frozen C 3
state is reduced and the water removed by sublima- 0 0.0075 100
tion. Thus an overall liquid-to-vapour transition
Te mpe ra ture ( C)
takes place, as with all the previous dryers discussed,
but all three states of matter are involved: liquid to Fig . 29.10 • The phase diagram or water (not to scale)
solid, then solid to vapour. with reeze-drying process superimposed.

Dryin g C H AP TE R 2 9

O n heating ice at atmospheric pressure, it will melt to produce a large frozen surface to speed up
when the temperature rises to 0 °C, i.e. at this tem- that later stage.
perature the ice will change to liquid water. Contin- Shell freezing. This is employed for fairly large
ued heating at atmospheric pressure will raise the volumes such as blood products. The bottles are
temperature of the water to 100 °C. If heating is rotated slowly and almost horizontally in a refriger-
continued, the liquid water will be converted into ated bath. The liquid freezes in a thin shell around
water vapour at 100 °C. the inner circumference of the bottle. Freezing is
If, however, solid ice is maintained at a pressure slow and large ice crystals form, which is a drawback
below the triple point then on heating, the ice of this method as they may damage blood cells and
will sublime and pass directly to water vapour reduce the viability of microbial cultures.
without passing through the liquid phase. This In vertical spin freezing, the bottles are spun indi-
sublimation, and therefore drying, will only occur vidually in a vertical position so that centrifugal
at a temperature below that of the triple point. force forms a circumferential layer of solution which
Thus it will only happen if the pressure is pre- is cooled by a blast of cold air. The solution super-
vented from rising above the triple point pressure cools and freezes rapidly with the formation of small
during the process. To ensure that this is so, the ice crystals.
vapour evolved must be removed as fast as it is
Centr ifuga l eva por a tive freezing. This is a
similar method where the solution is spun in small
containers within a centrifuge. This prevents foaming
Ap p lic a tion.of.the .p ha s e .d ia gra m.of. when a vacuum is applied. The vacuum causes
boiling at room temperature and this removes so
wa te e ze .d rying
much latent heat that the solution cools quickly and
The process of freeze drying is superimposed on the ‘snap’ freezes. About 20% of the water is removed
phase diagram for water in Figure 29.10. In its basic prior to freeze drying and there is no need for sepa-
form freeze drying comprises three steps: rate refrigeration. Ampoules are usually frozen in
1. freezing the solution this way, a number being spun in an angled position
2. reducing the atmospheric pressure above the (approximately 30° to the horizontal) in a special
ice to below that of the triple point of centrifuge head so that the liquid is thrown
the product outwards and freezes as a wedge with a larger
3. adding heat to the system to raise the surface area.
temperature to the sublimation curve (CO in
Fig. 29.10) to provide the latent heat of Va c uum.a p p lic a tion.s ta ge
The containers and the frozen material must be con-
These are discussed in detail below. nected to a source of vacuum suf cient to drop the
pressure below the triple point and remove the large
volumes of low-pressure vapour formed during
Stages of the freeze-drying drying. Again, an excess vacuum is normal in prac-
proces s tice to ensure that the product in question is below
the triple point of the formulation.
Fre e zing.s ta ge Commonly a number of bottles or vials are
attached to individual outlets of a manifold which is
The liquid material is frozen before the application connected to vacuum.
of a vacuum to avoid frothing. The depression of the
freezing point caused by the presence of dissolved
solutes means that the solution must be cooled to Sub lima tion.s ta ge
well below the normal freezing temperature for pure H eat of sublimation must be supplied. It may be
water and it is usual to work in the range –10 to thought that, as the process takes place at a low
–30 °C, typically below –18 °C. The presence of dis- temperature, the additional heat needed to sublime
solved solutes will shift the pure-water phase the ice will be small. In fact, the latent heat of sub-
diagram. Since the subsequent stage of sublimation limation of ice is 2900 kJ kg–1, appreciably larger
is slow, several methods are used at this stage than the latent heat of evaporation of water at

P A R T F IVE Do s ag e Fo rm De s ig n and Manufac ture

atmospheric pressure. This heat must be supplied

for the process to take place.
Sublimation can only occur at the frozen surface.
It is a slow process (approximately 1 mm thickness
of ice per hour) and is surface area dependent. This
step must therefore be considered at the freezing
stage (as discussed above). The procedures dis-
cussed earlier not only increase the surface area, but
also reduce the thickness of ice to be sublimated.
Pr ima r y dr ying. Under those conditions the ice
sublimes, leaving a porous solid which still contains
about 0.5% moisture after primary drying. Further
reduction can be effected by secondary drying.
During the primary drying, the latent heat of subli-
mation must be provided and the vapour removed.
Fig . 29.11 • Sublimation drying: rate o drying curve.
H ea t tr a nsfer. H eat transfer is critical; insuf -
cient heat input prolongs the process, which is
already slow, and excess heat will cause melting. extent of the necessary pumping capacity will be
Small ampoules may be left on the centrifuge realized from the fact that, under the pressure con-
head or may be placed on a manifold; in either ditions used during primary drying, 1 g of ice will
case heat from the atmosphere is suf cient. Large form 1000 litres of water vapour. Ejector pumps are
volumes, bottles of blood for example, are placed in most satisfactory for this purpose.
individually heated cylinders or are connected to a Ra te of d r ying. The rate of drying in freeze
manifold when heat can be taken from the sur- drying is very slow. The drying rate curve illustrated
rounding environment that must be replaced by in Figure 29.11 shows a similar shape to a normal
some form of input heat. drying curve, the drying being at constant rate during
In all cases, heat transfer must be controlled since most of the time.
only about 5 W m –2 K–1 is needed and overheating Computer control enables the drying cycle to be
will lead to melting. It is important to appreciate monitored. There is an optimum vapour pressure for
that, although a signi cant amount of heat is a maximum sublimation rate, and the heat input and
required, there should be no signi cant increase in other variables are adjusted to maintain this value.
temperature; the added heat should be suf cient to Continuous freeze drying is possible in modern
provide the latent heat of sublimation only and little equipment where the vacuum chamber is tted with
sensible heat. a belt conveyor and vacuum locks. Despite these
Va pour remova l. The vapour formed must be advances, the overall drying rate is still slow.
removed continually to prevent the pressure within
the container rising above the triple point pressure Se c ond a ry.d rying
and thus preventing sublimation. To reduce the pres- The removal of the nal amounts of residual mois-
sure suf ciently, it is necessary to use ef cient ture at the end of primary drying is performed by
vacuum pumps, usually two-stage rotary pumps on raising the temperature of the solid to as high as 50
the small scale and ejector pumps on the large scale. or 60 °C. A high temperature is permissible for many
O n the small scale, vapour is absorbed by a desiccant materials because the small amount of moisture
such as phosphorus pentoxide, or is cooled in a small remaining at the end of primary drying is not suf -
condenser with solid carbon dioxide. Mechanically cient to cause spoilage.
refrigerated condensers are used on the large scale.
For vapour ow to occur, the vapour pressure at
the condenser must be less than that at the frozen P a c ka ging
surface and a low condenser temperature is neces- Attention must be paid to packaging freeze-dried
sary. O n a large scale, vapour is commonly removed products to ensure protection from moisture during
by pumping, but the pumps must be of large capac- storage. Containers should be closed without con-
ity and must not be affected by moisture. The tacting the atmosphere, if possible, and ampoules,

Dryin g C H AP TE R 2 9

for example, are sealed on the manifold while still strains to be stored for long periods with viability of
under vacuum. O therwise, the closing must be about 10% on reconstitution.
carried out under controlled atmospheric condi-
tions. The dry material often needs to be sterile.
So lute mig ratio n during drying
Ad va nta ge s .of.fre e ze .d rying Solute migration is the phenomenon that can occur
Freeze drying, as a result of the character of the during drying which results from the movement of
process, has certain special advantages: a solution within a wet system. The solvent moves
1. Drying takes place at very low temperatures, so towards the surface of a solid (from where it evapo-
that enzyme action is inhibited and chemical rates), taking any dissolved solute with it. Many
decomposition, particularly hydrolysis, is drugs and binding agents are soluble in granulating
minimized. uid and during the drying of granulates these solutes
can move towards the surface of the drying bed or
2. The solution is frozen such that the nal dry
granule and be deposited there when the solvent
product is a network of solid occupying the
evaporates. Solute migration during drying can lead
same volume as the original solution. Thus the
to localized variability in the concentration of soluble
product is light and porous.
drugs and excipients within the dried product.
3. The porous form of the product gives ready
Migration associated with drying granules can be
solubility of the freeze-dried product.
of two types: intergranular migration (between gran-
4. There is no concentration of the solution prior ules) and intragranular migration (within individual
to drying. H ence, salts do not concentrate in granules).
the wet state and denature proteins, as occurs
with other drying methods.
5. Since the process takes place under high Intergranular migration
vacuum, there is little contact with air and
oxidation is minimized. Intergranular migration, where the solutes move
from granule to granule, may result in gross maldis-
tribution of active drug. It can occur during the
Dis a d va nta ge s .of.fre e ze .d rying drying of static beds of granules (e.g. tray drying)
since the solvent and accompanying solute(s) move
There are two main disadvantages of freeze drying:
from granule to granule towards the top surface of
1. The porosity, ready solubility and complete the bed where evaporation takes place. When the
dryness of the product result in one with a very granules are compressed, the tablets may have a
hygroscopic nature. Unless dried in the nal de ciency or an excess of drug. For example, experi-
container and sealed in situ, packaging requires mentation found that only 12% of tablets made
special consideration. from a tray-dried warfarin granulate were within the
2. The process is very slow and uses complicated USP limits for drug content.
plant that is very expensive. It is not a general
method of drying, therefore, but is limited to
certain types of valuable products that, because Intragranular migration
of their heat sensitivity, cannot be dried by any
other means. Drying methods based on uidization and vacuum
tumbling keep the granules separate during drying
and so prevent the intergranular migration that may
Us e s .of.fre e ze .d rying occur in xed beds. H owever, intragranular migra-
The method is used for those products which could tion, where the solutes move towards the periphery
not be dried by any other heat method. These of each granule, may take place.
include biological products; for example, some anti-
biotics, blood products, vaccines (such as BCG , Cons equences of s olute migration
yellow fever, smallpox), enzyme preparations (such
as hyaluronidase) and microbiological cultures. The Solute migration of either type can result in a
latter enables speci c microbiological species and number of problems and occasional bene ts.

P A R T F IVE Do s ag e Fo rm De s ig n and Manufac ture

Los s .of.a c tive .d rug and more resistant to abrasion. It has been shown
that this migration can aid the bonding process
The periphery of each granule may become enriched,
during tablet compaction as a result of binder–
with the interior suffering depletion. This will be of
binder (rather than drug–drug or drug–excipient)
no consequence unless the enriched outer layer is
contact and is therefore sometimes bene cial.
abraded and lost, as may happen during uidized-
Many other factors such as granule formulation,
bed drying when the ne drug-rich dust will be
drying method and moisture content have been
eluted in the air and carried to the lter bag or lost.
shown to affect solute migration.
The granules suffer a net loss of drug and as a result
will be below speci cation with respect to quantity
of active ingredient. In uence of formulation factors on
s olute migration
Mottling.of.c oloure d .ta b le ts
Coloured tablets can be made by adding soluble Na ture .of.s ub s tra te
colour during wet granulation. Intragranular migra- The principles governing solute migration are similar
tion of the colour may give rise to dry granules with to those of thin-layer chromatography. Thus, if the
a highly coloured outer zone and a colourless interior granule substrate has an af nity for the solute then
(Fig. 29.12). During compaction granule fracture migration will be impeded. Luckily, many of the
takes place and the colourless interior is exposed. common tablet excipients possess this af nity. The
The eye then sees the coloured fragments against presence of absorbent materials, such as starch
a colourless background and the tablets appear and microcrystalline cellulose, will minimize tablet
mottled. solute migration.
Migration may be reduced by using the insoluble The use of water-insoluble aluminium lakes (pig-
aluminium ‘lake’ of the colouring material (in which ments) reduces mottling compared with water-
the soluble dye is adsorbed strongly onto insoluble soluble dyes. This effect has also been seen with
alumina particles) in preference to the soluble dye lm-coat colours (Chapter 32).
itself. Studies have indicated that the production
of small granules, which do not fracture so readily, Vis c os ity.of.gra nula ting. uid
are preferable to larger ones if mottling is
troublesome. The popular granulating uids are solutions of poly-
mers whose viscosity is appreciably greater than
water alone. This viscosity impedes the movement
Migra tion.of.s olub le .b ind e rs of moisture by increasing the uid friction. Increas-
Intragranular migration may deposit a soluble binder ing the concentration and therefore the viscosity of
at the periphery of the granules and so confer a PVP solution has been shown to slow the migration
‘hoop stress’ resistance, making the granules harder of drugs in xed beds of wet granules. Solution of

Fig . 29.12 • Diagram o mottling caused by intragranular migration.

Dryin g C H AP TE R 2 9

methylcellulose with comparable viscosities gave • Prepare the smallest granules that will ow
similar migration rates showing that the effect is due easily and are generally satisfactory if mottling
to viscosity alone and not to any speci c action of is troublesome.
either of the binders. • Avoid tray drying unless there is no alternative.
• If tray drying is unavoidable, then the dry
In uence of proces s factors on granules should be remixed before compression.
This will ensure that a random mix of
s olute migration enriched and depleted granules will be fed
to the tablet machines. This remixing will be thod more effective if the granule size is small since
Intergranular migration in xed beds of granules will there will be a greater number of granules per
occur whenever a particular method of drying die ll.
creates a temperature gradient. This results in • If intragranular migration is likely to be
greater evaporation from the hotter zones. troublesome, consider vacuum or microwave
In slow convective drying (e.g. during static tray drying as an alternative to uidized-bed drying.
drying), the maximum concentration of migrated
solute will normally occur in the surface of the
drying bed since the process of drying is slow enough Reference
to maintain a capillary ow of solvent/ solute to the
surface over a long period of time. Wendel, S., Çelik, M. (1997) An overview of spray-drying
applications. Pharmaceutical Technology, 10, 124–144.
Drying by microwave radiation results in uniform
heating that in turn minimizes solute migration.
Drying methods which keep the granules in Bibliography
motion will abolish the problem of intergranular
migration, but intragranular migration can still occur. Banker, G .S., Rhodes, C.T. (2002) M odern Pharmaceutics,
This is marked in uidized granules. 4th edn. Marcel Dekker, NY, USA.
Broadhead, J., Rouan, S.K., H au, I., Rhodes, C.T. (1994)
The effect of process and formulation variables on the
Initia l.mois ture .c onte nt properties of spray-dried beta-galactosidase. Journal o
Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 46(6), 458–467.
The initial moisture content of the granule will also am Ende, D.J. (2010) The freeze drying process. Chap. 41
in uence the extent of migration. The greater the in: am Ende, D.J. (ed.) Chemical Engineering in the
moisture content, the greater will be the moisture Pharmaceutical Industry: R&D to M anu acture.
John Wiley & Sons (in conjunction with AIChE),
movement before the pendular state is reached, at New Jersey, USA.
which migration cannot continue as there is no Franks, F., Auffret, T. (2008) Freeze Drying o
longer a continuous layer of mobile liquid water Pharmaceuticals and Biopharmaceuticals: Principles and
within the wet solid (see Fig. 29.2). Practice. RSC Publishing, London.
Masters, K. (1991) Spray Drying H andbook, 5th edn.
Longman Scienti c and Technical, H arlow, Essex.
Some practical means of Travers, D.N. (1983) Problems with solute migration.
M anu acturing C hemist and Aerosol N ews, 53(3), 67–71.
minimizing s olute migration Troy, D.B. (ed.) (2006) Remington: The Science and Practice
o Pharmacy, 21st edn. Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins,
It may be useful to list the measures that can be Maryland.
taken to minimize migration: Tsotsas, E., Mujumbar, A.S. (2011) M odern Drying
Technology, vol. 3. Wiley-VCH , G ermany.
• Use the minimum quantity of granulating uid Wan, L.S., H eng, P.W., Chia, C.G . (1991) Preparation of
and ensure that it is well distributed. H igh- coated particles using a spray drying process with an
speed mixer/ granulators give better moisture aqueous system. International Journal o Pharmaceutics,
77, 183–191.
distribution than earlier equipment and
Zoglie, M.A., Carstensen, J.T. (1981) Drying. In:
granules prepared in this way show less Leiberman, H .A., Lachman, L. Pharmaceutical Dosage
migration. Forms: Tablets. Marcel Dekker, New York.


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