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Concordia University Nebraska Education Department Lesson Plan Format

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Concordia University Nebraska Education Department Lesson Plan Format

Name: Jeremy Doose Grade Level: 10th

Topic/Central Focus Subject: World and Regional

Geography of the American Midwest Geography
The Rust Belt Time Frame: 50 min.

Standard(s) to be met in the lesson:

SS HS.3.4.a Compare trends in human migration, urbanization, and demographic composition at a
local, national, and global scale over time and short-term and long-term causes and effects.

SS HS.3.2.b Examine the importance of places and regions to individual and social identity and how
identities change over space and time.

Learning Objective: Assessment Tool(s) and Procedures:

TSWBAT list out important sites within Students will start the period with the
the Rust Belt and explain why the region question of what is the Rust Belt and
is called the Rust Belt. They will also be what it entails? Once the discussion
able to explain the general history of the and lecture occurs, I will then
region, as well as ponder what could be implement a group discussion for
done in order revitalize the region. students to break down core issues of
the area as well as ways in which the
region could bounce back

Research-Based Best Practice used in lesson and why it is appropriate/useful

In talking with small groups, I want them to come up with ideas to revitalize the
region while recognizing the area’s issues. In doing this I want them to generate
potential ideas and test them to see possible benefits and shortcomings.
Student Engagement used throughout the lesson
Students will often be engaged through certain questions during the lecture such
as insight regarding maps to giving details on what they think the region needs to
do in order to develop and improve.
Academic Language:
Rust Belt, Ford, auto industry, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Cleveland, Cincinnati,
Columbus, Lansing, Detroit, Indianapolis

Materials: Technology:
Notebook PowerPoint
Pen or writing device Map (will be given to students, also on
Computer or electronic device the PP)

Faith/Values Integration:

Updated 8/15/19
Concordia University Nebraska Education Department Lesson Plan Format

In understanding all of our fellow neighbors on Earth, we can grow closer as a

community of followers.

Assets (Knowledge of Students: personal, cultural, community)

Depending on the area I’m teaching in, I may ask students if they have family
who lives in this area and if they are willing to share their family members
thoughts on the area or if anyone in the class has been around this area

Differentiating Instruction
Identify the elements of the lesson that are differentiated (content, process, product).
Identify the student characteristic you will use to differentiate (readiness, interest, learning profile).
Explain how you differentiate (whole class, groups of students, individuals, or students with IEPs or 504 plans)
The questions at the beginning of the unit is meant as a measuring stick in order to gauge
the student’s general comprehension of the core material.. In creating natural discourse, I
hope to create an environment full of students are interested behind the stakes of the subject
material. When it comes to differentiating instruction, for those with a temporary injury, I will
try and make fewer physical handouts for them to not have as much to carry around, make
proper accommodations for ease of access into the classroom, and be sure that each of their
groups congregate around their respected locations. For those who are ahead of their grade
level and are gifted, I plan of having them focus on a Rust Belt city such as Toldeo or Akron
and see how they are trying to revitalize their community in a short paper. For those
struggling or may have a learning disability or hinderance, I will provide handouts for them
and their family to help them go over, as well as aiding whenever they may need it. I will
also provide clear guidelines regarding terms, and will assist them in group discussion in
order to flesh out their ideas.
Procedure with time allotments:
A) Hook/Engage/Pre-Assess Students
Class will start with students analyzing the term Rust Belt. I will ask what
they think it means and if it should be considered a region or a broad term
not easily applicable to an area. (5 min.)
B) Communicate the purpose of the lesson to students (objective/assessment)
The purpose of the lesson is to break down the Rust Belt, including the area
it encompasses as well as the effects giving it the name Rust Belt.
C) Instructional Sequence:
After the opening discussion, terms and a map will be provided in order to
explain the area in question. From here, I will break down general history
as to why the area is in the state it is in today, Lastly, I will speak on the
states of Ohio, Michigan, and Indiana, giving some general information on
the states themselves.
(35 min.)
D) Closure:
Students will assemble into small groups, and address some issues that
preside in the area from what was taught in the PowerPoint. From here,
students will throw out ideas that could help to improve the region, such as
bringing back industry or replacing it with a new industry. (10 min.)

Updated 8/15/19
Concordia University Nebraska Education Department Lesson Plan Format

Updated 8/15/19

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