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EMI Opposition To Google

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Case 1:07-cv-09931-WHP -FM Document 252 Filed 01/07/11 Page 1 of 9



Plaintiffs, ) No. 07 Civ. 9931 (WHP)(FM)
v. )
Defendants. )
Counter-Claimants, )
v. )
Counter-Defendants. )


Case 1:07-cv-09931-WHP -FM Document 252 Filed 01/07/11 Page 2 of 9

Plaintiffs oppose the motion of non-party Google, Inc. (“Google”) for leave to file an

amicus curiae brief in support of defendant.

A district court has broad discretion to accept or reject an amicus filing. SEC v. Bear,

Stearns & Co., Inc., No. 03 Civ. 2937 (WHP), 2003 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 14611, at *16 (Aug. 25,

2003) (denying motion to participate as amici). In exercise of that discretion, courts should deny

permission when the proposed brief (a) duplicates the arguments made in the litigants’ briefs, (b)

is filed by an advocacy group as opposed to a third party with a unique perspective, and (c) when

all parties are represented by competent counsel. Ryan v. Commodity Futures Trading

Commission, 125 F.3d 1062, 1063-64 (7th Cir. 1997). Courts also should reject amicus filings

that would result in unfair prejudice to the opposing side. Leigh v. Engle, 535 F. Supp. 418, 422

(N.D.Il 1982); see also Voices for Choices v. Illinois Bell Telephone Co., 339 F.3d 542, 544 (7th

Cir. 2003); Strasser v. Doorley, 432 F.2d 567, 569 (1st Cir. 1970). On all counts, Google’s

request to file an amicus brief should be denied.

1. Google’s Brief Is Untimely And Would Prejudice Plaintiffs.

Google’s motion and proposed amicus brief are exceedingly late, and would cause undue

and unfair prejudice to plaintiffs. The parties’ cross-motions for summary judgment are fully

briefed and have been for weeks. Reply briefs were filed on December 17, 2010. In its motion

for leave, Google does not even pretend to have an excuse for its untimely filing – and there is

none. In its proposed amicus brief, Google principally addresses the applicability of the DMCA

to pre-1972 sound recordings. Proposed Brief of Non-Party Google, Inc., Docket # 249 at 2-8.

That “pre-72” issue has been in this case, explicitly, from the very outset. See Complaint,

Docket # 1, ¶¶ 84-93 (asserting state law claims based on pre-1972 sound recordings).

Defendant briefed that issue in their opening brief, filed on October 29, 2010, in a stand-alone

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section titled “The DMCA Safe Harbors Apply to Claims of Infringements of Sound Recordings

Authored Prior to 1972”; plaintiffs responded to those arguments in their opposition brief filed

on November 24, 2010. Generally, an amicus brief must be filed within seven days of the

principal brief that the amicus seeks to support. F.R.A.P. 29(e).1 This rule ensures that a party

opposing the position of amici curiae has sufficient time to respond to arguments advanced in an

amicus brief. U.S. ex rel. Gudur v. Deloitte Consulting LLP, 512 F. Supp. 2d 920, 927 (S.D.

Tex. 2007). There is no excuse for Google waiting more than two months – until briefing has

closed – to seek leave to file an amicus brief.

Google’s late request, if granted, would unfairly prejudice plaintiffs. Plaintiffs would

have no opportunity to respond to Google’s arguments. Likewise, plaintiffs are aware of other

amici that would have sought to file briefs on the “pre-72” issue if Google had timely filed.

The prejudice is especially acute here, because Google’s only legal argument is flatly

wrong in multiple respects. Google mostly advances one-sided policy arguments that are

divorced from and incompatible with the statutory text of the Copyright Act.2 The foundation of

Google’s sole legal argument is that the DMCA “safe harbors do not annul or limit rights or

remedies available under state common law” because plaintiffs “may pursue claims of

infringement against individuals (including MP3tunes users) they reasonably believe to have

directly infringed those rights.” Proposed Brief of Non-Party Google, Inc., Docket # 249 at 8

District courts are encouraged to look to the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure in
determining whether amicus filings are timely and otherwise acceptable. In re Thorpe Insulation
Co., No. CV 10-1493, 2010 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 104196, *2 n. 1, (C.D. Cal. Sept. 21, 2010); U.S.
v. Olis, NO. H-07-3295, 2008 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 15972, *23-24 (S.D. Tex. Mar. 3, 2008). Under
Rule 29(e) of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, Google’s brief would have been due
within seven days of MP3tunes’ opening brief, or no later than November 5, 2010.
This is precisely why amicus briefs are generally disfavored at the trial level. Goldberg v.
Philadelphia, No. 91 Civ. 7575, 1994 U.S. Dist LEXIS 9392, at * 2 (E.D.Pa. July 14, 1994); see
also Strasser v. Doorley, 432 F.2d 567, 569 (1st Cir. 1970).

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(emphasis added). First, it is simply misleading for Google to assert that § 512 does not

expressly limit its applicability to federal copyright claims, and that, therefore, § 512(c) and the

other DMCA safe harbors apply to “all copyright claims, whether under federal law or

otherwise.” Proposed Brief of Non-Party Google, Inc., Docket # 249 at 6 (emphasis in original).

In fact, the statute does contain just such an express limitation. Section 512 is part of Chapter 5

of the Copyright Act. Under Chapter 5 of the Copyright Act, the expression “infringement of

copyright” (the term used throughout Chapter 5, including in § 512) has a specified meaning, as

set forth in § 501(a): namely, violation of “any of the exclusive rights of the copyright owner as

provided by sections 106 through 122” of the Copyright Act. 17 U.S.C. § 501(a) (emphasis

added). Thus, the DMCA safe harbors are expressly limited to infringement of rights granted

under the federal Copyright Act.

Second, the argument that the DMCA safe harbor provisions do not “annul or limit”

rights or remedies of copyright holders does not pass the red face test. Section 512 is titled

“Limitations on liability.” 17 U.S.C. § 512. Likewise, the distinction between direct infringers

and secondary infringers on which Google bases its argument simply does not exist under the

DMCA; if applicable, the DMCA would apply to both. E.g., Sen. Rep. No. 105-190 at 40 (“The

limitations in subsections (a) through (d) protect qualifying service providers from liability …

for direct, vicarious and contributory infringement”)(emphasis added).

Google’s argument also ignores that the Supreme Court has emphasized that the remedy

of suing every individual direct infringer is impracticable and likely impossible. MGM Studios,

Inc. v. Grokster, Ltd., 545 U.S. 913, 929-930 (2005); see also Sony Corp. of America, Inc. v.

Universal City Studios, Inc., 464 U.S. 417, 446 (1984). That is one reason copyright law

provides for secondary copyright infringement liability. Under copyright law, secondary

Case 1:07-cv-09931-WHP -FM Document 252 Filed 01/07/11 Page 5 of 9

infringers are liable on equal footing with direct infringers. Sony, 464 U.S. at 435. Respectfully,

it is not helpful to the Court for Google to argue that completely eliminating remedies against the

secondary infringer – i.e., the party enabling the infringement and usually the only party in a

position to stop it – does not directly contravene Section 301(c)’s explicit prohibition on

“annul[ing] or limit[ing]” “any rights or remedies under the common law.” 17 U.S.C. § 301(c)

(emphasis added). In this context, eliminating a remedy against a secondary infringer is a far

greater “annulment” than eliminating a remedy against the direct infringer.3

This clearly is not the forum to answer Google’s substantive arguments in detail. Suffice

it to say plaintiffs believe Google’s proposed brief is fraught with arguments that are mistaken or

precluded by the statute. The Court should not allow Google to file a brief well after all briefing

has closed, and therefore unopposed. This would present the very “elements of unfairness” that

courts are urged to consider in rejecting requests to file amicus briefs. See Leigh, 535 F. Supp. at

422; Voices for Choices, 339 F.3d at 544; Strasser, 432 F.2d at 569.

Finally, to try to justify its untimely request, Google asserts that “[t]wo proposed amicus

briefs in support of Plaintiffs were … submitted on the same day that [the parties’] reply briefs

were filed.” However, what Google fails to say is that MP3tunes did not object to the filing of

those briefs. Thus there was no cognizable prejudice to defendants. Here, there is manifest

prejudice to plaintiffs, and plaintiffs do object.

Google likewise does not assist the Court with a strained and unsupportable argument that the
language of § 512(c) is in conflict with § 301(c), when clearly on its face it is not. And Google
disserves the Court by arguing that bedrock rules of statutory construction should be suspended
because “section 512’s enactment post-dates the 1998 amendment to section 301(c),” Proposed
Brief of Non-Party Google, Inc., Docket # 249 at n.13, when in fact the same Congress enacted
both pieces of legislation in the same month. 17 U.S.C.A. § 301(c)(revision history); Auburn
Hous. Auth. v. Martinez, 277 F.3d 138, 145 (2d Cir. 2002) (“The ‘cardinal rule’ that repeal by
implication is disfavored…is even stronger when the two acts were enacted close in time”)
(citation omitted).

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2. Google Attempts To Inject Irrelevant Issues Not Raised By Any Of The Parties.

Google additionally argues in favor of the legality of “space-shifting” (i.e., storing music

purchased on a CD in digital form either on a computer hard drive, portable media player, or in

the “cloud”). Proposed Brief of Non-Party Google, Inc., Docket # 249 at 9. But that issue has

never been in this case. Indeed, on the first page of plaintiffs’ opening brief, plaintiffs explained

that this case does not concern “cloud computing or what users may do with their lawfully

acquired recordings,” but about defendants’ unlawful exploitation of copyrights they do not own.

Pls. Mem., Docket # 207 at 1-2. Indeed, Google acknowledges that plaintiffs have not argued

that “space-shifting” or “cloud computing” is illegal, but rather “Plaintiffs instead focus on users

who allegedly obtain music from infringing sources.” Proposed Brief of Non-Party Google, Inc.,

Docket # 249 at 9. As a result, the section of Google’s proposed brief on “space-shifting” (pages

9 through 11) is irrelevant and unhelpful to the issues briefed by the parties on summary

judgment. Moreover, Google has failed to explain how a decision in this case would materially

affect any of the services it offers.

As the only purported justification for trying to introduce an extraneous issue, Google

points to a footnote in the amicus brief filed by the Motion Picture Association of America

(“MPAA”). Id. at 9. However, there is no connection between footnote 6 in the MPAA’s

amicus brief and the “space-shifting” argument advanced by Google. See Motion to File Amicus

Brief, Docket # 226, attachment #1 at p. 19 n. 6. What Google is really trying to do is bait the

Court into commenting favorably on Google’s own view of space-shifting, an issue of first

impression that has not been raised or briefed by any of the parties. The Court should decline

that invitation. That is an improper use of an amicus brief and further supports denial of

Google’s motion for leave.

Case 1:07-cv-09931-WHP -FM Document 252 Filed 01/07/11 Page 7 of 9

3. Google Is Merely Acting As An Advocate For Defendants.

The Court also should deny Google’s request for leave because Google does not come as

a “friend of the court” but rather as an advocate in support of defendant. U.S. v. Gotti, 755 F.

Supp. 1157, 1159 (E.D.N.Y. 1991) (proposed amici’s lack of “objective, dispassionate, neutral

discussion of the issues” should result in denial of leave to file); see also Bear, Stearns & Co.,

2003 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 14611, at *16 (Pauley, J.) (rejecting proposed amici who were not

“seeking to assist the Court in clarifying issues as an objective, neutral, dispassionate friend of

the court) (internal quotations omitted); Goldberg v. Philadelphia, No. 91 Civ. 7575, 1994 U.S.

Dist LEXIS 9392, at * 2 (E.D.Pa. July 14, 1994) (“When an organization seeking leave to appear

as amicus curiae is perceived to be an advocate for one of the parties to the litigation, leave to

appear amicus curiae should be denied”). Indeed, twice Google simply adopts and endorses the

arguments of defendant. Proposed Brief of Non-Party Google, Inc., Docket # 249 at 1, 10. Such

advocacy is neither the proper role of an amicus brief nor helpful to the Court.4

Google’s proposed amicus brief, whether engineered by defendant or not, has the same

effect: It frees MP3tunes from the Court’s page limits and provides MP3tunes an additional,

unsanctioned sur-reply brief. In all respects, Google advances the arguments of a party

defendant not a genuine amicus. From its unfairly one-sided policy arguments to its exaggerated

hyperbole about theoretical harms that have not materialized in over a decade of DMCA

experience, Google presents the Court with the spin of an advocate not “the objective,

dispassionate, neutral discussion” of a friend of the court. Bear, Stearns & Co., 2003 U.S. Dist.

LEXIS, at *16.
Undisclosed by Google is that Google has a business relationship with MP3tunes founder Michael Robertson, who
founded and developed Gizmo5, software which Google purchased in 2009 and has since integrated into its internet
telephone system. See (announcing
Google’s acquisition of Gizmo5 in 2009); see also
acquired-gizmo5/ (reporting that Gizmo5 was developed by Robertson).

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In the end, Google does not offer a perspective any different than MP3tunes, and

certainly not one that is objective, neutral or dispassionate. U.S. v. El-Gabrowny, 844 F. Supp.

955 (S.D.N.Y. 1994) (denying motion to file amicus where proposed submissions did not offer

“any argument or point of view that was not available from the parties themselves”). In fact,

defendant MP3tunes’ interest in the “pre-72” issue is far more direct than any interest Google

articulates. The “pre-72” issue involves one narrow set of copyrights only: sound recordings

first fixed prior to February 15, 1972. The issue of whether the DMCA covers infringement of

pre-1972 sound recordings is most directly of interest to MP3tunes, a company focused primarily

on the delivery of sound recordings. The issue, at best, has only marginal relevance to

hypothetical reviews on Google’s blog service, spreadsheets in the Google Docs service, search

engine results through the Google Web Search, pictures hosted through Picasa Web Albums, or

any of the other non-music services offered by Google.


For the foregoing reasons, the motion to leave to file should be denied. If, however,

Google is given leave to file its brief, plaintiffs request that the Court provide an opportunity for

plaintiffs and other interested third-parties to respond to the arguments presented by Google.

DATED: January 7, 2011 Respectfully submitted,

By: /s/ Steven B. Fabrizio

Andrew H. Bart
Joseph J. McFadden
919 Third Avenue
37th Floor
New York, NY 10022
tel. (212) 891-1690
fax (212) 891-1699

Case 1:07-cv-09931-WHP -FM Document 252 Filed 01/07/11 Page 9 of 9


Steven B. Fabrizio
1099 New York Avenue, NW
Suite 900
Washington, DC 20001
tel. (202) 639-6000
fax (202) 639-6066

Attorneys for Plaintiffs Capitol Records, LLC,

Caroline Records, Inc, EMI Christian Music
Group Inc., Priority Records LLC, Virgin Records
America, Inc.

By: /s/ Frank P. Scibilia _

Donald S. Zakarin
Frank P. Scibilia
Jacob B. Radcliff
M. Mona Simonian
7 Times Square
New York, New York 10036-6569
Telephone: (212) 421-4100
Facsimile: (212) 326-0806

Attorneys for the Beechwood Music Corp.,

Colgems-EMI Music Inc., EMI April Music
Inc., EMI Blackwood Music, EMI Full Feel
Music, EMI Golden Torch Music Corp., EMI
Longitude Music, EMI Virgin Music, Inc.,
EMI Virgin Songs, Inc., EMI Al Gallico Music
Corp., EMI Algee Music Corp., EMI Feist
Catalog, Inc., EMI Gold Horizon Corp., EMI
Grove Park Music, Inc. EMI Hastings
Catalog, Inc., EMI Mills Music, Inc., EMI
Miller Catalog, Inc., EMI Robbins Catalog,
Inc., EMI U Catalog, Inc., EMI Unart
Catalog, inc., Jobete Music Co., Inc., Screen
Gems-EMI Music, inc., Stone Agate Music,
and Stone Diamond Music

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