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Grade 9

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Sitio Lao, Nagpan, Malungon, Sarangani Province

Name: __________________________________________________ Date: ________________
Teacher: Score:_______________
Directions: Read the poem and answer the questions that follow. Encircle the letter of your answer.

Child Soldiers
Chief Charles Okoreke

Heavens cry, mothers bemoan;

Father and son trade hot metals
Nations slug out, children at front;
Young minds dance the limbo.

Munition war, as toy games;

Battlefields as playground;
Bullets flow the whistle;
Trenches shield blind shots

.Murder tutorials the course;

Predation, vandalism, an honor;
Grades in white stripes
Nation wastes her rising suns.

1. What is being described in the poem?

a. how bullets blow the whistle c. how people cry
b. how children suffer because of war d. how a place is being destroyed
2. What words related to children and play did the poet use?
a. toy games, playgrounds c. predations, vandalism
b. trade hot metals d. bullets blow the whistle
3. “Heavens cry,” is an example of what figure of speech?
a. Simile b. Metaphor c. Personification d. Hyperbole
4. What is the writer’s purpose in writing the poem?
a. to entertain b. to describe c. to convince d. to criticize
5. What is the tone of the poem?
a. serious b. friendly c. funny d. formal
Vocabulary: Read each sentence carefully and get the meaning of the italicized word
from the context. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
6. She was a large woman with a large purse that had everything in it. It had long strap and
she carried it slung across her shoulder.
In American English, a purse is also the same as a _______.
a. Travelling bag b. wallet c. handbag d. none of the above
7. “Then, I won’t turn you loose,” said the woman. She did not release him.
If you hold a boy and turn him loose, you:
a. Allow him to move freely after you restrained him from movement
b. Let him escape easily
c. Ask him to stay cool and relaxed
d. none of the above
8. He would make a dash for it down the hall. He could run, run, run.
If you dash, you ______.
a. Make a sudden turn around
b. Go there quickly and suddenly
c. Walk hurriedly
d. none of the above
9. He looked as if he were fourteen or fifteen, frail and willow-wild in tennis shoes and blue
Someone who is frail is ________.
a. untidy b. rude c. thin d. none of the above
10. “I want a pair of blue suede shoes,” said the boy.
Suede shoes are made of ____________.
a. Leather b. rubber c. plastic d. none of the above
11. When King asserts that a horror movie is reactionary, he means that it is _____.
a. dynamic b. conservative c. revolutionary
12. Don’t trust him. You scarcely know him.
a. hardly b. exactly c. reasonably
13. I wish he would go away. I don’t need a watchdog to look after me.
a. a person who works
b. nonsense person
c. person who monitors the safety of others
d. none of the above
14. The painting of Mona Lisa is Leonardo Da Vinci’s masterpiece.
a. a material used to create
b. a work of outstanding artistry
c. a covering as a disguise
d. none of the above
15. He was a dull speaker. The audience grew tired of his speech.
a. a foolish talk b. incomprehensible c. lacking interest or excitementd. A&B

Reading: Read each of the selections and questions that follow. Choose the letter of
the correct answer from the given choices.

The sky was crimson and tree- scattered fields stretching out into
the distance were like a red sea. Golden grains dropped heavily, ready
for gathering. They were artistically colored by the sunlight that flooded
the sky. A flock of chirping birds were flying in to roost. Along the
palay- scented path, a man carrying a plow and leading the carabao
walked homeward at peace with the world. A church bell ringing from
afar found its way to him. He took off his hat and bowed.

16. What time of day is it?

a. dawn b. twilight c. noontime d. siesta time
17. What season of the year is it?
a. plow time b. planting season c. harvest time d. fiesta time
18. Where is the scenery most likely to be found?
a. in a metropolis c. in an urban area
b. in a semi-urban area d. in a rural area
19. What does sentence 4 imply?
a. that the birds are going to rest for the night
b. that the birds will look for food
c. that the birds will hatch their eggs
d. that the birds are going to fly away
20. Who is referred to in sentence 5?
a. a laborer b. a harvester c. a farmer d. a butcher
21. How does man feel in Sentence 5?
a. hopeful b. optimistic c. happy d. contented

For too many years, contamination and pollution has been allowed to happen.
People have littered their surroundings. Factories have let their smoke rise into the
air, coloring and obscuring vision. Rivers have been made receptacles of all kinds of
waste which have killed aquatic plants and animals.
22. All kinds of pollution are mentioned in the passage except ___.
a. soil b. noise c. water d. air
23. Our waterways have become polluted because of ____
a. overcrowding in the metropolis c. reclamation projects of the government
b. improper garbage disposal d. lack of anti-pollution device in factories

Our earth is only a speck in the universe but it is a very special part. For our
earth is largely made up of forms of matter that are rare in the universe. The universe
has stars as hot as 35, 000,000 ˚F. It has empty spaces as cold as 459.6˚F. But our
earth has just the right temperature for the rare and delicate forms of matter such as
the plants and animals. It is the most important to man, of course, who can look at the
world around him- from the tiniest living things in a drop of water to the vastness of
the universe… and marvel at its wonders.

24. What is the paragraph mainly about?

a. how man looks upon the earth and the vastness of the universe
b. why there is life on earth unlike in the other parts of the universe
c. how the earth differs from other parts of the universe
d. why the earth is important in spite of its small size
25. Which is a good title for the selection?
a. Life on Earth c. Earth- A Unique Planet
b. Our Home Planet d. Beautiful Earth
Directions: Encircle the letter of the interpretation that most faithfully expresses the
meaning of the first statement.

26. From the cradle to the grave is but a day.

a. The baby died one day after it was born.
b. The distance between the cradle and the grave is only one day’s walk
c. Life is short
d. none of the above
27. Before the sun rises, you see the glimmer of its rays.
a. Dawn comes before sunshine
b. Our future is foreshadowed by our present inclinations
c. If you see a chance, take it so that you will be successful.
d. none of the above
28. The silence is deafening.
a. Silence can cause deafness.
b. The deaf can’t hear anything.
c. The silence is so deep that nothing can’t be heard.
d. none of the above
29. “Love’s not Time’s fool”
a. A The passage of time does not make love fade.
b. Time cannot fool love.
c. The passage of time does not make love seem foolish.
d. none of the above
30. “We are not sure of sorrow, and joy was never sure”
a. Life is full of joy and sorrow.
b. Joy and sorrow don’t last.
c. There is nothing certain in life.
d. none of the above
Directions: Encircle the appropriate modal to complete each of the sentences below.

31. ________ you speak any foreign language?

a. May b. Can c. Have d. none of the above
32. Where’s Nick? He ________ be in his office.
a. will b. should c. might d. none of the above
33. Take an umbrella. It ______ rain later.
a. has to b. must c. might d. none of the above
34. You look tired. You _______ go to bed.
a. should b. are to c. will d. none of the above
35. ______ it be true?
a. Must b. May c. Can d. none of the above
36. You _________ smoke so much. It’s bad to your health.
a. can’t b. shouldn’t c. won’t d. none of the above
37. I _______ believe that you failed your test!
a. can’t b. shouldn’t c. may not d. none of the above
38. You have such a beautiful voice! You ______ sing for us!
a. should b. can c. might d. none of the above
Directions: Read the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

39. Which of the following sentences is a passive construction?

a. I wonder why you polish the car so carefully.
b. Joed polished the car.
c. The car is driven by Zandree.
d. The traffic enforcer calls the driver’s attention.
40. The following sentences are active except ____________.
a. Every mother dreams big for her children.
b. Parents save money for their family.
c. The father works very hard abroad to earn more income.
d. The children’s future is secured.

41. Which of the following is the past perfect passive form of the verb, write.
a. written b. has written c. had witten d. had been written
42. Which of the sentences below is the active construction of the given passive construction?
“Death of a Salesman was written by Arthur Miller.”
a. Arthur Miller writes Death of a Salesman.
b. Arthur Miller wrote Death of a Salesman.
c. Arthur Miller has written Death of a Salesman.
d. Arthur Miller had written Death of a Salesman.
43. Which is the passive construction of the following sentence?
“ A broken family creates tension.”
a. Tension is created by a broken family.
b. Tension was created by a broken family.
c. Tension is being created by a broken family.
d. Tension has been created by a broken family.

Encircle the correct form of the verb to complete each of the sentences below?

44. “I __________ by the laboratory result yesterday.”

a. am bothered b. was bothered c. were bothered d. had been bothered
45. Sibling rivalry __________ by two brothers
a. was created b. were created c. am created d. are created
46. Willy __________ when he saw Linda mending her stockings.
a. is angered b. was angered c. has been angered d. were angered

Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct indirect/reported speech of each of the
given direct speeches.

47. Manny prepared his costume for the party. He also prepared his puppet. He makes sure
his audience will be entertained because he was a very good ventriloquist. What do you
think were his audience?
a. children b. adult men c. teenagers d. old men
48. Chef Boy Lagro shown his kitchen skills to the people viewing his show. Almost all of them
were amazed by the way he cook delicious food. Who do you think were his audience?
a. people who loves cooking c. people who loves kitchenware
b. people who wants kids d. people who wants to play.
49. LeBron James showed off his amazing tricks and dunks in the basketball court. Which of
the following will most likely be more interested in watching the show he is into?
a. Men b. old women c. toddlers d. zookeepers
50. Mr. Marquez discussed about the ways in teaching children on how to have fun while
earning Mathematics. Who were his audience?
a. engineers b. teachers c. chef d. doctors
Hebrews 13:6
“The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.”

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