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Curing The Silent Epidemic: Caries Management in The 21st Century and Beyond

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C DA J O U R N A L , VO L 3 5 , N º 1 0

Curing the Silent

Epidemic: Caries
Management in the 21st
Century and Beyond

ABSTRACT Caries is the most prevalent disease of children and is epidemic in some
populations. A risk-based approach to managing caries targets those in greatest
jeopardy for contracting the disease, as well as provides evidence-based decisions
to treat current disease and control it in the future. This paper outlines key concepts
necessary to effectively manage and reduce caries based on the most current science
to date. Subsequent articles will outline a roadmap to success in curing dental caries.


Douglas A. Young, DDS, John D.B. Featherstone, The Silent Epidemic disease of childhood, with a rate five times
MS, MBA, is an associate MSC, PHD, is interim dean,
“What amounts to ‘a silent epidemic’ greater than that seen for the next most
professor, Department University of California,
of Dental Practice, San Francisco, School of of oral diseases is affecting America’s prevalent disease of childhood: asthma.
University of the Pacific, Dentistry, and is a profes- most vulnerable citizens: poor children, Because dental infections are common
Arthur A. Dugoni School of sor, Department of Pre- the elderly, and many members of ra- and usually nonlife-threatening in nature,
Dentistry. ventive and Restorative cial and ethnic minority groups.” the significance of dental caries in overall
Dental Sciences, at UCSF.
— THE SURGEON GENERAL 2000 health has historically been minimized
Jon R. Roth, MS, CAE, is U.S. Department of Health and until recently. On Feb. 28, 2007, the
executive director, Cali- Human Services, 2000 Oral Health in Washington Post reported that a 2-year-
fornia Dental Association America: A Report of the Surgeon Gen- old Maryland boy died from untreated
Foundation. eral, Rockville, Md., U.S. Department of tooth decay. This news received national
Health and Human Services, National attention, not only from the dental profes-
Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Re- sion but the public in general. Although
search, National Institutes of Health. overall dental caries prevalence and sever-
ity has been notably reduced in several

western countries over the past couple of
ental caries, also known as the decades, dental caries continues to be a
process leading to tooth decay, major health issue in the United States.
is the pathologic progression The third National Health and Nutri-
of tooth destruction by oral tion Examination Survey (NHANES III)-
microorganisms that can Phase , collected data from 988 to 994
affect individuals of all ages, cultures, eth- that indicated 50 percent of 5- to 8-year-
nicities, and socioeconomic backgrounds. old children in the United States had ex-
In 2000, it was determined that dental perienced caries in the primary dentition.2
caries was the most common chronic Remarkably, when the data are examined,

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approximately 25 percent of children and same.4 Throughout this Journal, the tion of fermentable carbohydrates) battle
adolescents in the 5- to 7-year-old range authors will refer to an evidence-based protective factors (saliva and sealants,
accounted for 80 percent of the caries disease management protocol for Car- antibacterials, fluoride, and an effec-
experienced in the permanent teeth. These ies Management by Risk Assessment, tive diet).6 With the use of CAMBRA,
data indicate that dental caries contin- or CAMBRA.5 Evidence-based dentistry, there is evidence that early damage to
ues to be a major oral health concern in as defined by American Dental Asso- teeth from dental caries may be re-
children in the United States and world- ciation Council on Scientific Affairs in versed and the manifestations of the
wide.3 This suggests that the population 2006, is an approach to oral health care disease perhaps prevented all together.
of individuals susceptible to dental decay that requires the judicious integration
continues to expand with increased age. of systematic assessments of clinically Transitioning From Science to Practice
It is evident from numerous other studies relevant scientific evidence relating to the In February and March 2003, two
that dental caries continues to affect indi- issues of the Journal of the California
viduals through childhood and beyond.3 Dental Association were dedicated to
Much of the dentistry is focused on THE CORE PRINCIPLES reviewing the scientific basis for CAM-
restoring the symptoms of this transmissi- BRA, culminating with a consensus
supporting risk-based caries
ble bacterial infection rather than treating statement of national experts and the
its etiologic cause, the infectious cariogen- management are decades production of risk assessment forms.
ic biofilm in a predominantly pathologic The California Dental Association,
old, and many practitioners
oral environment. The core principles sup- through the CDA Foundation, has made
porting risk-based caries management are are already using this as these journals available to the public at
decades old, and many practitioners are These
their current standard
already using this as their current standard issues of the Journal present reviews
approach in patient care. Many clinicians approach in patient care. of the scientific literature on the caries
still need help getting started with em- process starting with the infectious
ploying these principles in their practice. nature of the pathogenic bacterial
This issue of the Journal provides cur- patient’s oral and medical condition and organisms that are part of an extremely
rent information on how to assess caries history, with the dentist’s clinical exper- complex biofilm community.7 These
risk, what to do as a result, and provides tise and the patient’s treatment needs organisms utilize fermentable carbohy-
the protocols to implement it in practice. and preferences ( drates as an energy source and create
The articles emphasize practical sugges- sources/pubs/jada/reports/index.asp). small molecule acids that then enter the
tions on how these current management Simply put, with the CAMBRA tooth via diffusion channels between
techniques may be efficiently incorpo- methodology the clinician identifies the the mineral crystals. The diffusion of
rated into a dental practice. This paper cause of disease by assessing risk fac- acid causes mineral loss below the tooth
will present key concepts necessary for tors for each individual patient. Based surface and, if the process is not halted,
the most current management of dental on the evidence presented, the clinician the surface will cavitate. In the case of
caries and sets the stage for subsequent then corrects the problems (by managing a noncavitated lesion, it is possible to
papers in this issue to cover the clinical the risk factors) using specific treatment halt or reverse the caries process. In
implementation of a caries management recommendations including behavioral, this case, using the Caries Balance, the
by risk assessment model, or CAMBRA. chemical, and minimally invasive pro- protective factors overcome the patho-
cedures. Both the risk assessment and logical factors and remineralization of
Caries Management by Risk interventions are based on the concept of the lesion is possible and preferred.8
Assessment altering the Caries Balance (see Feather- Remineralization is the natural repair
For more than two decades, medi- stone, et al. this issue). The Caries Balance process for dental caries. Several articles
cal science has suggested that physi- is a model where pathological factors in those Journals reviewed the individual
cians identify and treat patients by risk (bacteria, absence of healthy saliva, and chemotherapeutic agents such as xylitol,
rather than treating all patients the poor dietary habits (i.e., frequent inges- chlorhexidine, iodine, fluoride, as well

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as fluoride releasing dental materials.9-3 Why Define Terminology? cariogenic biofilm in the presence of
More recently, a pivotal randomized Changing paradigms in caries manage- an oral status that is more pathologi-
clinical trial by Featherstone et al. ment does not happen without global in- cal than protective leads to the demin-
investigated CAMBRA protocols volvement and collaboration from several eralization of dental hard tissues.
compared to conventional care.4 In sources, including updating terminology Any resulting changes, visible on the
the intervention group, patients were to reflect new scientific advances. Existing teeth or not, are merely symptoms of
assessed at levels of caries risk based terminology does not always accurately this disease process. Therefore, caries is
upon the Caries Balance described reflect new advances in science. However, not a hole in the tooth, cavitation, nor
previously. Depending upon their risk new terminology is not always universally should it be used to describe everything
status, patients were treated with accepted as new concepts are often de- clinically detectable. Throughout this
antibacterial therapy (chlorhexidine) to scribed with different definitions, names, Journal there will be clear use of other
reduce the bacterial challenge and topical descriptive terminology when referring to
fluoride (daily fluoride mouthrinse) to the symptoms of caries such as cavita-
enhance remineralization. The control MINIMALLY INVASIVE tion, carious lesions, radiographic caries,
group received examination, customary white or brown spot lesions, infected
dentistry and
preventive care and restoration as dentin, affected dentin, and so on.
needed, but no risk assessment or minimal intervention
chemical interventions. Results showed CAMBRA, MID, AND MI
stand for
a significant reduction of cariogenic Minimally invasive dentistry, minimal
bacteria and future carious lesions in much more than intervention, and CAMBRA are relatively
the CAMBRA test group compared to the new terms developed in response to sci-
conservative cavity
conventional care control group.4 entific advances in the field. They are used
Since the science of CAMBRA has preparation. interchangeably by some, and by others a
been well-cited in the literature, clinicians source of debate about which is the most
are increasingly placing this knowledge proper term. For example, CAMBRA does
into practice to the benefit of their or labels. Some feel there should be glob- not stop at prevention and chemical treat-
patients. This issue of the Journal will ally accepted terminology, while others ments; it includes evidence-based deci-
present ways to incorporate CAMBRA want the freedom to apply terminology sions on when and how to restore a tooth
into practice and will be added as a that is more locally accepted. In any case, to minimize structural loss. In addition,
resource to the previously mentioned caries management by risk assessment minimally invasive dentistry and minimal
Web site. Protocols mentioned in this accurately describes the new paradigm of intervention stand for much more than
Journal are suggestions based on the treating the caries disease process and will conservative cavity preparation. The term
best available scientific evidence to be used throughout this Journal. Alterna- “minimal intervention” was endorsed by
date as well as clinical practice in offices tive terminology that has been used in the Federation Dentaire Internationale
currently using the CAMBRA approach. the past includes the “medical model” in a 2002 policy statement and is globally
It is meant to be a starting point to aid or the “modern management of caries.” recognized.6 The terms CAMBRA and
the offices that have not yet incorporated The limitations with these terms is that MID are in 00 percent agreement with
CAMBRA principles. This issue also they do not describe the disease process. the FDI statement on minimal inter-
contains updated risk assessment forms vention. Thus, the authors support the
and procedures that should be adopted by CARIES interchangeability of all three terms and
those currently utilizing CAMBRA as the The term caries has been used to recognize the importance of local prefer-
changes are based upon experience to describe a multitude of manifestations, ences as well as global collaboration.
date. This effort will continue to be which may lead to confusion if not
updated as new research science and further defined.5 For purposes of this DETECTION VERSUS DIAGNOSIS
dental products are incorporated into Journal, caries is defined as an infectious Defining the terms detection and di-
the dental marketplace. transmissible disease process where a agnosis as it relates to dental caries is best

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done by example. Simply put, one diagno- Arizona. Additionally, representatives new CAMBRA groups in the Eastern and
ses the caries disease but detects carious from research, industry, the California Central United States have formed and
lesions. Detecting a white spot lesion, for Dental Association Foundation, govern- begun to meet with the same agenda
example, is not diagnosing the disease ment, the Dental Board of California, and principles as the Western CAMBRA
of caries because the disease process third-party payers, and private practice Coalition. The regional groups have agreed
involved with the lesion could be inactive clinicians were included in the work- to work together and collaborate with the
and the lesion could be remineralized. ing group. The strategy for including a newly formed ADEA Cariology Special
diverse perspective of individuals was to Interest Group where opportunities exist.
PREVENTION VERSUS MANAGING RISK break the traditional mold where only
FACTORS researchers, educators, and clinicians Standard of Care
Traditionally, the term “prevention” met for their specialties. The goal was Standard of care involves many
has become a common language term components and is more than just what
that has been blanched and simplified to a dentist does in his/her own practice,
only mean “brush and floss” and “don’t THE TERM “PREVENTION” what a dental school teaches, or even
eat sugar.” That advice is historically what is published in refereed publica-
what many consider when the term is has become a common tions. Standards are never static, nor is
used in the context of caries prevention. language term that there always complete agreement on the
Utilizing CAMBRA archetype, manag- application. The California legal system
ing risk factors is what is done after first has been blanched and defines the standard of care as what a
performing caries risk assessment. Once simplified to only mean reasonably careful dentist should do
the risk factors are identified, then evi- under similar circumstances. Reason-
dence-based treatment decisions can be “brush and floss” and able care weighs the benefits versus the
made to bring the balance of pathologic “don’t eat sugar.” risks. If the benefits exceed the risks,
and protective factors positively back to then reasonable dentists should adopt
favor health using an array of behavioral, these standards. The public expects that
chemical, minimally invasive surgical, dentists and physicians will utilize current
and other techniques. Throughout this to infuse new ideas into the conversa- scientifically safe and effective practices.
issue of the Journal the term prevention tion where no existing network for CAMBRA procedures, as presented in
will be defined as risk factor management sharing this information existed. this issue of the Journal, provide a frame-
(by maximizing protective factors and Additionally, the cross-pollination work for providing caries management
minimizing pathological factors). provided support from nontraditional by risk assessment for the benefit and
partners to implement changes in car- improved dental health of the patient.
Western CAMBRA Coalition ies management. The coalition used Explaining the planned treatment to the
The Western CAMBRA Coalition this conduit of information based on patient and obtaining informed consent
is a unique collaboration of diverse reciprocity so that those in the network is, of course, necessary as part of this
groups of independent organizations. could share information freely and approach, as it is for any procedure. Al-
This coalition represents an interor- confidentially in the spirit of coopera- though the CAMBRA protocols are based
ganizational collaboration that has tion, collaboration, and coordination for on the best available science we have now,
evolved over four years and has led to the common good of improving the there is much more involved in treat-
significant progress in the clinical adop- standard of caries management. ment decisions other than just science.
tion of CAMBRA. The working group, The coalition has used the World As stated previously, the ADA definition
assembled from different aspects of the Congress of Minimally Invasive Dentistry of evidence-based dentistry implies that
dental profession, included unofficial annual meeting, attended mostly by treatment decisions should also consider
representatives of education from all clinicians, as a venue to gather each year the clinical expertise of the clinician and,
five California dental schools, as well as because CAMBRA is a core value of the most importantly, the preferences of
from Oregon, Washington, Nevada, and WCMID ( Recently, the fully informed patient just as much

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as the science ( 6. Featherstone JD, The caries balance: the basis for caries 14. Featherstone JDB, Gansky SA, et al, A randomized clinical
management by risk assessment. Oral Health Prev Dent 2 trial of caries management by risk assessment. Caries Res
sources/topics/evidencebased.asp). Suppl 1:259-64, 2004. 39:295 (abstract #25), 2005.
7. Berkowitz RJ, Acquisition and transmission of mutans strep- 15. Young DA, Managing caries in the 21st century: today’s
Conclusions tococci. J Calif Dent Assoc 31(2):135-8, 2003. terminology to treat yesterday’s disease. J Calif Dent Assoc
8. Featherstone JD, The caries balance: contributing factors 34(5):367-70, 2006.
It is the consensus of the Western and early detection. J Calif Dent Assoc 31(2):129-33, 2003. 16. Tyas MJ, Anusavice KJ, et al, Minimal intervention dentistry
CAMBRA Coalition that it is best for 9. Lynch H, Milgrom P, Xylitol and dental caries: an overview -- a review. FDI Commission Project 1-97. Int Dent J 50(1):1-12,
the profession to position itself for the for clinicians. J Calif Dent Assoc 31(3):205-9, 2003. 2000.
10. Anderson MH, A review of the efficacy of chlorhexidine
future and embrace caries management on dental caries and the caries infection. J Calif Dent Assoc TO REQUEST A PRINTED COPY OF THIS ARTICLE, PLEASE
by risk assessment. This means think- 31(3):211-4, 2003. CONTACT Douglas A. Young, DDS, MS, MBA, University of the
ing of dental caries as a disease process 11. DenBesten P, Berkowitz R, Early childhood caries: an Pacific, Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry, 2155 Webster St.,
overview with reference to our experience in California. J Calif Room 400, San Francisco, Calif., 94115.
with the possibility of intervention, Dent Assoc 31(2):139-43, 2003.
arresting the progress of the disease, 12. Donly KJ, Fluoride varnishes. J Calif Dent Assoc 31(3):217-9,
and even reversing it. Caries risk assess- 2003.
13. Weintraub JA, Ramos-Gomez F, et al, Fluoride varnish
ment should become a routine part of efficacy in preventing early childhood caries. J Dent Res
the comprehensive oral examination, and 85(2):172-6, 2006.
the results of the assessment should be
used as the basis for the treatment plan.
This issue of the Journal provides
caries risk assessment and treatment
procedures for newborns to age 5 (Ra-
mos-Gomez et al.); caries risk assessment
for age 6 through adult (Featherstone
et al.); caries management based on
risk assessment (Jenson et al.); and
dental products available for use in the
CAMBRA approach (Spolsky et al.).
In summation, the Western CAMBRA
Coalition urges that all dentists imple-
ment CAMBRA in their practices for the
benefit of their patients and the improved
oral health of the nation. The time to do it
is now. The tools and rationale are
provided in the following pages.

1. Mouradian WE, Wehr E, Crall JJ, Disparities in children’s oral
health and access to dental care. JAMA 284(20):2625-31, 2000.
2. Kaste LM, Selwitz RH, et al, Coronal caries in the primary
and permanent dentition of children and adolescents 1-17
years of age: United States, 1988-1991. J Dent Res 75 Spec No:
631-41, 1996.
3. Macek MD, Heller KE, et al, Is 75 percent of dental caries
really found in 25 percent of the population? J Public Health
Dent 64(1):20-5, 2004.
4. Anderson MH, Bales DJ, Omnell K-A, Modern management
of dental caries: the cutting edge is not the dental bur. J Am
Dent Assoc 124:37-44, 1993.
5. Featherstone JDB, et al, Caries management by risk assess-
ment: consensus statement. J Calif Dent Assoc 31(3):257-69,

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