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EN – Addendum, Airmaster™ Q1 Software Manual, E09 – E25


Software Manual, E09 – E25
Addendum, Airmaster™ Q1 Software Manual, E09 – E25

1.0 Safety Warning
2.0 Version revision notes

3.0 General description

3.1 Airmaster™
3.2 Airmaster™ Q1
3.3 Airmaster™ RS485 card option
3.4 Airmaster™ ECO card option
3.5 Airmaster™ XPM card option
3.6 Airmaster™ network card options
3.7 Metacentre™ system networking
4.0 User interface
4.1 Keypad
4.2 Graphic display
4.3 User account controls
4.4 Menu navigation
4.5 Menu map
4.6 Menu detail
5.0 General operation and control modes
5.1 Airmaster™ Q1 state diagram
5.2 Load / offload
5.3 Continuous run
5.4 Pressure decay / off load
5.5 Dynamic no load control
5.6 Variable speed
6.0 Text abbreviations
6.1 Language codes
6.2 Logged events
6.3 Admin edit user # configurable parameters
6.4 Start and / or load source configurable parameters
6.5 Use of Menu pages and page items
6.6 Symbols used
6.7 Standard software – parameter configuration table
7.0 Release notes
8.0 Help and Support
8.1 What you need to know first!
8.2 Where to go for help and support

Limit of Liability

The publisher and the author make no

representation or warranties with respect to the
accuracy or completeness of the contents of this
work and specifically disclaim all warranties,
including without limitation warranties of fitness for a
particular purpose. No warranty may be created or
extended by sales or promotional materials.
Neither the publisher nor the author shall be liable
for damages arising here from. The fact that an
organisation or website is referred to in this work as
a citation and/or a potential source of further
information does not mean that the author or the The Airmaster, CMC, EnergAir, Metacentre,
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or website may provide or recommendations it may registered trademarks of CMC NV. All other
make. Further, readers should be aware that trademarks are the property of their respective
internet websites listed in this work may have trademark owners.
changed or disappeared between when this work
was written and when it is read Copyright © 2015 CMC NV, all rights reserved

Page 1
Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25


AGREEMENT. CMC' or its suppliers' liability to Customer, whether in
contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise, exceed
IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO ALL OF THE TERMS OF the price paid by Customer. The foregoing limitations shall
THIS AGREEMENT, RETURN THE PRODUCT TO THE apply even if the above-stated warranty fails of its
PLACE OF PURCHASE. essential purpose.

CMC NV ("CMC") and its suppliers grant to Customer The above warranty DOES NOT apply to any beta
("Customer") a nonexclusive and non-transferable single software, any software made available for testing or
user license to use the CMC software ("Software") in demonstration purposes, any temporary software modules
object code form solely on a single Airmaster™ product. or any software for which CMC does not receive a license
fee. All such software products are provided AS IS without
PART, SOFTWARE OR DOCUMENTATION; MODIFY This License is effective until terminated. Customer may
THE SOFTWARE; REVERSE COMPILE OR REVERSE terminate this License at any time by destroying product
ASSEMBLE ALL OR ANY PORTION OF THE including any documentation. This License will terminate
SOFTWARE; OR RENT, LEASE, DISTRIBUTE, SELL, immediately without notice from CMC if Customer fails to
OR CREATE DERIVATIVE WORKS OF THE comply with any provision of this License.
Software, including technical data, is subject to Belgium
Customer agrees that aspects of the licensed materials, export control laws. Customer agrees to comply strictly
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copyrighted material in any form to any third party without is found to be void or unenforceable, the remaining
the prior written consent of CMC. Customer agrees to provisions of this License shall remain in full force and
implement reasonable security measures to protect such effect. This License constitutes the entire License between
trade secrets and copyrighted material. Title to Software the parties with respect to the use of the Software.
and documentation shall remain solely with CMC.


CMC warrants that for a period of ninety (90) days from

the date of shipment from CMC the Software substantially
conforms to its published specifications. Except for the
foregoing, the Software is provided AS IS. This limited
warranty extends only to Customer as the original
licensee. Customer's exclusive remedy and the entire
liability of CMC and its suppliers under this limited
warranty will be, at CMC or its service centre’s option,
repair, replacement, or refund of the Software if reported
(or, upon request, returned) to the party supplying the
product to Customer. In no event does CMC warrant that
the Software is error free or that Customer will be able to
operate the Software without problems or interruptions.

This warranty does not apply if the software (a) has been
altered, except by CMC, (b) has not been installed,
operated, repaired, or maintained in accordance with
instructions supplied by CMC, (c) has been subjected to
abnormal physical or electrical stress, misuse, negligence,
or accident, or (d) is used in ultra hazardous activities.






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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

Preface: Version Revision notes

E09 extended modbus for remote control,
This addendum contains important update improved safety functions+ general bug
information. It should be read in conjunction fixing
with MANY1202A.EN Airmaster™ Q1 E10 added Spanish and Italian, improved
Software Manual E08. hard/soft reset system, introduced the
compressor table framework + general
This addendum preserves and used the same bug fixing
index used in MANY1202A.EN E11 added American English and
introduced the external language and
Where no update information exists, the font file to free up internal memory
section will be marked ‘INTENTIONALLY (FC50-tool) + general bug fixing
LEFT BLANK’. Where you see this text, refer E12 introduced the LED framework, solved
to MANY1202A.EN bug in admin access rights+ general
bug fixing
Section 1: Safety Warning: E13 introduced the analog input and sensor
function config (menu changes!) to
INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK harmonize the config+ general bug
Section 2: Version Revision notes: E14 introduced framework for start up user
i.s.o. default user, fixed modbus remote
control bug + general bug fixing
E15 fixed run schedule bug, fixed ISC bug +
general bug fixing
E16 fixed bug in compressor table system
E17 Added selection between phase or line
current for CT, fixed default language
E18 Mainly fixed some HMI bugs
E19 Introduced delays on inputs and
improved language and font files
transfer speed
E20 Bug fix in configurable menu items
E21 Split tolerance for ISC to load and
unload tolerance setting
E22 Introduced a parameter for the contrast
setting. Extended the possible actions
for the run schedule
E23 Introduced a motor thermistor (PTC)
function on AI5, corrected a bug in the
run schedule, corrected fan control
functions. Cleaned up load/unload
source indication in P00
E24 Change dialog box for relay functions
to display NO or NC per function,
parameters removed and added in
P10,Second fault alarm was not
implemented, different indication for
standby and started, bug fixed with
ON/OFF and YES/NO parameter
E25 Introduced the Q1 ECO CARD
(version2),a new relay functions
‘backup compressor and Force spiral
valve’, add second Fan control, relay 2
and 3 are reconfigurable, add
parameters for traceability and
diagnostics of ECO module, corrected
bugs in ISC

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

Section 3: General description

3.1 Airmaster™


3.2 Airmaster™ Q1


3.3 Airmaster™ RS485 card option


3.4 Airmaster™ ECO card option


3.5 Airmaster™ XPM card option


3.6 Airmaster™ network card options


3.7 Metacentre™ system networking


Section 4: User interface

4.1 Keypad


4.2 Graphic display


4.3 User Account Controls


4.4 Menu Navigation


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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

4.5 Menu map (Display menus will vary in relation to device configuration)

Read and Edit menu Read and Edit menu

Read only menu
Colour key: (Keyboard or controls studio option) (edit using controls studio option only)
 Press ENTER key to access sub menu item (e.g. P02.10.01)

P00 – Home P01 – Service timers P02 – Utilisation P03 – Error Log P04 – Event Log P05 – Service Provider
01 Any active alarm  01 Total hours 01 EQUIP status 01 Error 1  01 Event 1  01 Company name
02 Control mode 02 Load / off load HRS 02 Load / offload hours … … 02 Company name
03 P00.03 user DEF 03 Load hours 03 MTR STR last HR 50 Error 50  200 Event 200  03 Street name
04 P00.04 user DEF 04 Off load hours 04 MTR STR last 24H 04 Street name
05 P00.05 user DEF 05 Stopped hours 05 Load frequency 05 City
06 COMP OUT TEMP 06 Service hours 1 06 Load % last hour 06 State / Province
07 EQUIP OUT PRESS 07 Service hours 2 07 Load % last 24 hours 07 ZIP / Postal
08 EQUIP INT PRESS 08 Service hours 3 08 Load time last hour 08 Country
09 DIFF pressure 09 Service hours 4 09 Load time last 24HRS 09 Telephone
10 Oil/Air SEP DP 10 Service hours 5 10 VSD average RPM  10 Fax
11 Main MTR current 11 Service hours 6 11 E-Mail
12 Fan MTR current 12 Service hours 7 12 Web
13 Time 13 Service hours 8
14 Date 14 Weekly service
15 Daylight saving 15 Annual service
16 ISC Sequence 16 Bi-annual SERV
17 ISC rotate in HRS
18 ISC XPM pressure

P06 – Controller Data P07 – Equipment Data P08 – Message Codes P09 – Access P10 – Equip settings 1 P11 – Equip settings 2
01 Controller ID 01 MANUF name 01 Message code 01 Initial user  01 Control mode  01 Star delta TRANS 
02 Serial number 02 EQUIP model … 02 ADMIN USER  02 Force offload  02 MIN MTR run time 
03 Software ID 03 MDL SER number 205 Message code 03 USER 1  03 Start pressure  03 Load INH time 
04 Software version 04 MDL rated PRESS 04 USER 2  04 Load pressure  04 Reload INH time 
05 Software time 05 MDL rated output 05 USER 3  05 Off load pressure  05 Off load run time 
06 Software date 06 MDL YR MANUF 06 USER 4  06 Run period  06 Stop MIN time 
07 Software CONFIG 07 COMP SER NUM 07 USER 5  07 Offload period  07 Vent time 
08 Software © 08 COMP YR MANUF 08 USER 6  08 Cooling DP 08 AUTO restart INH 
09 MTR SER NUM 09 USER 7  09 RS485 X04 CONFIG  09 CNDS drain open 
10 MTR YR MANUF 10 USER 8  10 RS485 X05 CONFIG  10 CNDS drain INT 
11 CLR SER NUM 11 USER 9  11 RS485 X06 CONFIG  11 CNDS off load 

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

12 CLR YR MANUF 12 USER 10  12 Start source  12 HI MTR STR HR 

13 PV inspect date 13 Load source  13 DP inhibit time 
14 Language  14 Service hours 1 
15 Time  15 Service hours 2 
16 Time format  16 Service hours 3 
17 Daylight saving  17 Service hours 4 
18 Date  18 Service hours 5 
19 Date format  19 Service hours 6 
20 LCD light level  20 Service hours 7 
21 Pressure unit  21 Service hours 8 
22 Temperature unit  22 Weekly service 
23 VSD target pressure 23 Annual service 
24 Not visible in STD 24 Bi-annual service 
25 Not visible in STD
26 Not visible in STD
27 LCD contrast

P12 – Equip settings 3 P13 – VSD settings P14 – Motor protection P15 – Inhibits P16 – Warning alarm P17 – IMM stop alarm
01 Parameter reset  01 VSD control mode  01 Main MTR protect  01 Operator  01 Service hours 1  01 COMP OUT TEMP 
02 Save as CONFIG  02 VSD target PRESS  02 Fan MTR protect  02 Door open  02 Service hours 2  02 TEMP rise CONFIG 
03 Not visible in STD 03 VSD MAX speed  03 Main MTR NOM CUR  03 Low temperature  03 Service hours 3  03 EQUIP OUT PRESS 
04 Not visible in STD 04 VSD MIN speed  04 Main MTR SDTTF  04 INT PRESS high  04 Service hours 4  04 EQUIP INT PRESS 
05 Not visible in STD 05 VSD OPT speed  05 Main MTR ROT LOC  05 Service hours 5  05 PRES rise CONFIG 
06 Error log reset  06 VSD offload SPD  06 Main MTR PH IMB  06 Service hours 6  06 DIFF pressure 
07 Event log reset  07 VSD speed RPM 07 Fan MTR NOM CURR  07 Service hours 7  07 Main motor lock 
08 Total HRS STR  08 VSD output CURR 08 Fan MTR OVLD INH  08 Service hours 8  08 Main motor OVLD 
09 Set load hours  09 VSD P factor  09 Weekly service  09 Motor phase IMB
10 Set off load HRS  10 VSD I factor  10 Annual service  10 Fan MTR overload
11 Set stopped HRS  11 VSD D factor  11 Bi-annual SERV  11 Phase detection 
12 Not visible in STD 12 VSD speed % 12 COMP OUT TEMP  12 Door open 
13 Not visible in STD 13 VSD MAX RMP rate  13 EQUIP OUT PRESS  13 Fan motor alarm 
14 Not visible in STD 14 Not used in STD  14 EQUIP INT PRESS  14 COOL water alarm 
15 ISC available  15 Not used in STD 15 DIFF pressure  15 Oil level alarm 
16 ISC P SENS range 16 Not used in STD 16 Oil Air SEP DP HI  16 Belt drive SERV 
17 Fan TEMP high 17 Not used in STD 17 Phase detection  17 Dryer alarm 
18 Fan TEMP low 18 Not used in STD 18 HI MTR STR HR  18 Water flow 
19 Fan run period 19 Not used in STD 19 Door open  19 Inverter fault 
20 Boot screen BMP 20 Not used in STD 20 CAB filter DP  20 Main MTR temp HI 
21 P00.03 CONFIG  21 Not used in STD 21 Air filter DP  21 EQUIP out TEMP H 
22 P00.04 CONFIG  22 Not used in STD 22 Oil filter DP  22 Cooling system 
23 P00.05 CONFIG  23 Not used in STD 23 SEP filter DP HI  23 Main motor fault 
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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

24 Restart reminder  24 Not used in STD 24 Fan motor alarm  24 CONF IMM stop 1 
25 Not visible in STD 25 Skip Hz 1 low 25 CNDS Drain alarm  25 CONF IMM stop 2 
26 Not visible in STD 26 Skip Hz 1 high 26 COOL Water alarm  26 CONF IMM stop 3 
27 Dryer type 27 Skip Hz 2 low 27 Oil level alarm  27 Not used in STD
28 Dryer off temperature 28 Skip Hz 2 high 28 Dryer alarm  28 Not used in STD
29 Dryer on temperature 29 Skip Hz 3 low 29 Line FTR DP ALM  29 Not used in STD
30 Max dryer starts 30 Skip Hz 3 high 30 FTR drain alarm  30 Not used in STD
31 LCO COM severety 31 Oil/WTR SEP ALM  31 Not used in STD
32 Resume DI start  32 Ambient TEMP HI  32 VSD fan MOT OVLD 
33 Run check delay  33 CONF alarm 1  33 Fan motor OVLD 
34 Limit SCHED FUNC 34 CONF alarm 2  34 Oil TEMP HI 
35 P switch low 35 CONF alarm 3  35 Not used in STD
36 P switch high 36 Not used in STD 36 EQUIP INT TEMP
38 Fan Motor OVLD
39 Oil TEMP high 
41 Not visible in STD

P18 – I/O CONFIG P19 – Sensor CONFIG P20 – Diagnostics P21 – Run schedule P30 – Compressor table P40 – User DEF Page 1
01 AO function  01 Not used in STD 01 Digital input 1  01 Run schedule 
02 DI2 function  02 Not used in STD 02 Digital input 2  02 Workday edit 
03 DI2 OK: NO/NC  03 Not used in STD 03 Digital input 3  03 Parameter reset 
04 DI3 function  04 Main MTR current  04 Digital input 4  04 Schedule entry 
05 DI3 OK: NO/NC 05 Fan MTR current  05 Digital input 5  ...
06 DI4 function  06 Analog input 1  06 Digital input 6  31 Schedule entry 
07 DI4 OK: NO/NC  07 Analog input 2 07 Digital input 7 
08 DI5 function  08 Analog input 3  08 Digital input 8 
09 DI5 OK: NO/NC  09 Analog input 5  09 Analogue input 1 
10 DI6 function  10 Analogue input 2 
11 DI6 OK: NO/NC  11 AI 3 - Ohms 
12 DI7 function  12 AI 3 - Amps 
13 DI7 OK: NO/NC  13 AI 3 - Volts 
14 DI8 function  14 Analogue input 4 
15 DI8 OK: NO/NC  15 AI 5 - Ohms 
16 Relay 5 function  16 AI 5 - Amps 
17 Relay 6 function  17 AI 5 - Volts 
18 Relay 7 function  18 Relay output 1 
19 Relay 8 function  19 Relay output 2 
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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

20 ANA IN 1 FUNCT  20 Relay output 3 

21 ANA IN 2 FUNCT  21 Relay output 4 
22 ANA IN 3 FUNCT  22 Relay output 5 
23 ANA IN 3 type  23 Relay output 6 
24 ANA IN 5 FUNCT  24 Relay output 7 
25 ANA IN 5 type  25 Relay output 8 
26 Analogue output 1 
27 ANAL input CT1A 
28 ANAL input CT1B 
29 ANAL input CT1C 
30 ANAL input CT2A 
31 L1 Frequency 
32 L2 Frequency 
33 L3 Frequency 
34 L1 Phase angle 
35 L2 Phase angle 
36 L3 Phase angle 
37 Key switch test 
38 LED test 
39 MIN loop time 
40 AVG loop time 
41 MAX loop time
42 Software name QL 
43 Software revision QL

P60 – LED CONFIG P80 – ISC Main menu P81 – ISC Settings P82 – ISC Priority
01 LED 1 CONFIG  01 ISC enabled  01 ISC # compressors  01 COMP1 priority 
02 LED 1 ON COND  02 Offload pressure  02 ISC start delay  02 COMP2 priority 
03 LED 1 SL BD COND  03 Load pressure  03 ISC damping  03 COMP3 priority 
04 LED 1 FST BL CND  04 ISC rotate INT  04 replaced by P81.10 &.11 04 COMP4 priority 
05 LED 2 CONFIG  05 ISC DI1 FCN  05 COMP5 priority 
… 06 ISC DI2 FCN  06 COMP6 priority 
100 LED 25 FST BL CND  07 ISC DI3 FCN  07 COMP7 priority 
08 ISC XPM pressure  08 COMP8 priority 
10 ISC load tolerance
11 ISC unload tolerance

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

4.6 Menu detail

Menu name Menu code Menu text Additional information

The home page is the where the display will default after any period of non use. The home page provides routine status and condition information

Where present, any one active alarm will be displayed. If more than one active alarm exists, active alarms will
be displayed in chronological order. The active alarm with the highest chronological priority only will be
displayed. Active alarms are displayed until action has been taken to remove the alarm condition.
P00.01  Any active alarm
To view all active alarms press ‘ENTER’. Use ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to view all active alarms. Press ‘ENTER’
or ‘ESCAPE’ to return to P00.01
P00.02 Control mode The control mode selected
Home P00.03 P00.03 user DEF User defined home page P00.02 display menu item
P00.04 P00.04 user DEF User defined home page P00.03 display menu item
P00.05 P00.05 user DEF User defined home page P00.04 display menu item
P00.06 COMP OUT TEMP The compressor (air end or engine) outlet temperature
P00.07 EQUIP OUT PRESS The equipment or device outlet pressure value
P00.08 EQUIP INT PRESS The equipment or device internal pressure value
The differential pressure value (EQUIP INT PRESS minus EQUIP OUT PRESS)
P00.09 DIFF pressure
Note: EQUIP INT PRESSURE should always be greater than EQUIP OUT PRESS during normal operation.
As such, no negative range values will be displayed
P00.11 Main MTR current The main motor current value
P00.12 Fan MTR current The fan motor current value
Home P00.13 Time The current time (configured)
P00.14 Date The current date (configured)
P00.15 Daylight saving Indicated active daylight saving
Indicates if ISC Sequence control is ON or OFF. When ON, annunciates the active Sequence assignment
A Manual sequence rotation can be to performed by pressing both start and reset buttons at the same time
P00.16 ISC Sequence whilst having selected this item.
In the same way, an independent start/stop of the ISC function can be performed by pushing the start or stop
button whilst having selected this sequence parameter
P00.17 ISC rotate in HRS Decrements the value in HRS when the next ISC rotate event will occur
P00.18 ISC XPM pressure The ISC XPM pressure sensor value

Service timers provide a method of managing device service condition and preventative maintenance programmes that begin from the device
commissioning date (i.e. when the device was first put into service)

P01.01 Total hours Hour counter , Total hours indicates the number of hours since device commissioning date
P01.02 Load / off load hours Hour counter, Load / off load hours indicates the number of hours the device has operated in any load or off
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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

load state
P01.03 Load hours Hour counter, Load hours indicates the number of hours the device has operated in any load state
P01.04 Off load hours Hour counter, Off load hours indicates the number of hours the device has operated in any off load state
P01.05 Stopped hours Hour counter, Standby hours indicates the number of hours the device has operated in any stopped state
Service timers P01.06 Service hours 1 Hour counter, visible when configured and displays assignment (e.g. routine service)
P01.07 Service hours 2 Hour counter, visible when configured and displays assignment (e.g. cabinet filter)
P01.08 Service hours 3 Hour counter, visible when configured and displays assignment (e.g. air filter)
P01.09 Service hours 4 Hour counter, visible when configured and displays assignment (e.g. oil filter)
P01.10 Service hours 5 Hour counter, visible when configured and displays assignment (e.g. oil service)
P01.11 Service hours 6 Hour counter, visible when configured and displays assignment
P01.12 Service hours 7 Hour counter, visible when configured and displays assignment
P01.13 Service hours 8 Hour counter, visible when configured and displays assignment
P01.14 Weekly service Time counter, visible when configured
P01.15 Annual service Time counter, visible when configured
P01.16 Bi-annual SERV Time counter, visible when configured

Utilisation provides a method of interrogating the devices routine operation. The equipment utilisation menu can provide useful information when
diagnosing device efficient operation or reliability.

P02.01 EQUIP status Equipment status, Consult this manual

Utilisation Hour counter, Load / offload hours indicates the number of hours the device has operated in any load or offload
P02.02 Load / offload hours
P02.03 MTR STR last HR Frequency counter, number of times the device main motor starts in the prior 1 hour of utilisation
P02.04 MTR STR last 24H Frequency counter, number of times the device main motor starts in the prior 24 hours of utilisation
P02.05 Load frequency Frequency counter, number of times the device moves from the offload state to the load state
P02.06 Load % last hour Total of load state in the prior 1 hour expressed as a percentage
P02.07 Load % last 24 hours Total of load state in the prior 24 hours expressed as a percentage
P02.08 Load time last hour Total of load state in the prior 1 hour displayed in minutes
P02.09 Load time last 24 hours Total of load state in the prior 24 hours displayed in hours and minutes (HH:MM)
Utilisation P02.10 VSD average RPM  VSD average RPM 1 – 100% expressed as a percentage
P02.10.01 VSD average RPM ##% VSD average RPM 1 – 25% expressed as a percentage
P02.10.02 VSD average RPM ##% VSD average RPM 26 – 50% expressed as a percentage
P02.10.03 VSD average RPM ##% VSD average RPM 51 – 75% expressed as a percentage
P02.10.04 VSD average RPM ##% VSD average RPM 76 – 100% expressed as a percentage

The error log provides a log of error conditions. Error conditions can be grouped into 4 categories; Warning conditions, Immediate stop (or
shutdown) conditions, Start inhibit conditions and Run inhibit conditions. Each error condition consists of an error code and condition text. A list
Error log of error codes and condition text is contained in this publication. When an error condition occurs, the error is immediately logged and stored in the
internal memory of the Airmaster™ Q1. In addition to the error condition being logged, additional key data is simultaneously logged and stored.
The error log stores the previous 50 errors in chronological order beginning with the most recent error condition at menu location P03.01. To view
additional data relating to any error condition, navigate to the error condition in the error log and press ‘ENTER’. Then use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

keys to view the data relating to the selected error condition.

Note: Some data is dependent on device setup!

P03.01 ~ 50 Error log 1 – 50 Error condition code and condition text

P03.##.01 Index Where ## = 01 to 50, Error index
P03.##.02 Error code / Description Where ## = 01 to 50, Error message code and short description of error
P03.##.03 Time Where ## = 01 to 50, Time when error occurred
P03.##.04 Date Where ## = 01 to 50, Date when error occurred
P03.##.05 EQUIP status Where ## = 01 to 50, Equipment status when error occurred
P03.##.06 EQUIP OUT PRESS Where ## = 01 to 50, Equipment outlet pressure when error occurred
P03.##.07 EQUIP INT PRESS Where ## = 01 to 50, Equipment internal pressure when error occurred
P03.##.08 COMP OUT TEMP Where ## = 01 to 50, Compressor outlet temperature when error occurred
P03.##.09 Main MTR current Where ## = 01 to 50, Main Motor current when error occurred
P03.##.10 Fan MTR current Where ## = 01 to 50, Fan current when error occurred

The event log provides a log of event conditions. Event conditions include START button pressed, STOP button pressed, Parameter adjustment or
reset of parameter to default and USER ACCESS. When an event condition occurs, the event is immediately logged and stored in the internal
memory of the device. In addition to the event being logged, additional data is simultaneously logged and stored with the event. The event log
stores the previous 200 events in chronological order beginning with the most recent event at menu location P04.01. To view additional data
relating to any event, navigate to the event in the event log and press ‘ENTER’. Then use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to view the data relating to the
Event log event.

P04.01 ~ 200 Event log 1 – 200 Event

P04.###.01 Index Where ### = 001 – 200, Event index
P04.###.02 Event description Where ### = 001 – 200, Description of the event
P04.###.03 Time Where ### = 001 – 200, Time when event occurred
P04.###.04 Date Where ### = 001 – 200, Date when event occurred

Service provider, Airmaster™ Q1 controller and equipment data are menus that retain specific data regarding the device and the device service
provider. Note that these menus cannot be configured from the Airmaster™ Q1 keypad. Menus can be configured via a browser (e.g. Internet
Explorer) and accessing the menu parameters via an installed Airmaster™ Q1 ECO option card.

P05.01 Company name Service provider, company name

P05.02 Company name Service provider, company name
Service P05.03 Street name Service provider, street name
provider, P05.04 Street name Service provider, street name
Airmaster™ Q1 P05.05 City Service provider, city
controller and P05.06 State / Province Service provider, state or province
Equipment P05.07 ZIP / Postal Service provider, ZIP or postal
data P05.08 Country Service provider, Country
P05.09 Telephone Service provider, Telephone
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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

P05.10 Fax Service provider, Fax

P05.11 E-mail Service provider, Email
P05.12 Web Service provider, Web
P06.01 Controller ID Airmaster™ Q1 part number
P06.02 Serial number Airmaster™ Q1 serial number
P06.03 Software ID Airmaster™ Q1 software ID
P06.04 Software version Airmaster™ Q1 software version
P06.05 Software time Time, software version installed
P06.06 Software date Date, software version installed
P06.07 Software CONFIG Software configuration File name
P06.08 Software © Software copyright
P07.01 MANUF name Name of the original equipment manufacturer
Airmaster™ Q1
controller and P07.02 EQUIP model Equipment (Compressor package) model
Equipment P07.03 MDL SER number Model serial number
data P07.04 MDL rated PRESS Model rated pressure
P07.05 MDL rated output Model rated output
P07.06 MDL YR MANUF Model year of manufacture
P07.07 COMP SER NUM Compressor (air end or compressor engine) serial number
P07.08 COMP YR MANUF Compressor (air end or compressor engine) year of manufacture
P07.09 MTR SER NUM Main motor serial number
P07.10 MTR YR MANUF Main motor year of manufacture
P07.11 CLR SER NUM Cooler serial number
P07.12 CLR YR MANUF Cooler year of manufacture
P07.13 PV inspect date Pressure vessel inspection date

Message codes are used to annunciate equipment alarm conditions in message code form. Message codes are used to allow information to pass
more freely where language restrictions may exist. Message codes are supported by message text and condition symbols left and right of text. A
flashing symbol to the right of the message code indicates that a software hard coded delay offset exists (i.e. the offset timer must decrement
before the error will annunciate).

Alarm condition key to prefix letter: A = Warning, E = Immediate stop, R = ‘run’ inhibit, S = ‘start’ inhibit, I = Information, L = ‘Load’ inhibit

P08.01 A:0008 Dryer power sup. Digital input not OK

P08.02 A:0030 Door open. Digital input not OK
P08.03 A:0031 CAB filter DP. Cabinet filter differential pressure, digital input not OK
P08.04 A:0040 Oil level alarm. Digital input not OK
Codes P08.05 A:0041 Oil TEMP HI. Oil temperature high.
P08.06 A:0050 Dryer alarm, digital input not OK
P08.07 A:0070 Fan motor alarm. Digital input not OK
P08.08 A:0071 VSD Fan MOT OVLD

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

P08.09 A:0072 FAN MOTOR OVLD

P08.10 A:0083 Motor phase IMB. Main motor phase imbalance. Consult manual
P08.11 A:0085 HI MTR STR HR. Number of permissible motor starts exceeded. Consult manual
P08.12 A:0119 DEL PRESS high. Equipment outlet pressure high.
P08.13 A:0129 COMP out TEMP HI. Compressor outlet temperature high
P08.14 A:0139 INT PRESS high. Equipment internal pressure high.
P08.15 A:0149 EQUIP INT TEMP Equipment internal temperature high
P08.16 A:0151 OIL P LO limit. Oil pressure low limit
P08.17 A:0160 Dew Point. Digital input not OK.
P08.18 A:0181 Inlet CALIBR.
P08.19 A:0200 COOL water alarm. Cooling water alarm. Digital input not OK.
P08.20 A:0201 CNDS drain alarm. Condensate drain alarm. Digital input not OK.
P08.21 A:0620 Main motor OVLD Main motor overload
P08.22 A:0809 DIFF PRESS high. Differential pressure high. EI – EO pressure out of permissible range. Consult manual.
P08.23 A:0901 CONF alarm 1. Configurable alarm 1. Digital input not OK
P08.24 A:0902 CONF alarm 2. Configurable alarm 2. Digital input not OK
P08.25 A:0903 CONF alarm 3. Configurable alarm 3. Digital input not OK
P08.26 A:1001 COMP OUT T° H EN. Compressor outlet Temperature high alarm
Message P08.27 A:1002 COMP OUT P LL A. Compressor outlet Pressure low low alarm
Codes P08.28 A:1003 Main MTR TEMP HI. Main motor temperature high
P08.29 A:1004 Voltage Low
P08.30 A:1006 Ambient TEMP HI.
P08.31 A:1888 Run feedback ALM. Digital input not OK
P08.32 A:1903 Ambient TEMP HI. Digital input not OK
P08.33 A:2030 Air filter DP. Air filter differential pressure. Digital input not OK
P08.34 A:2032 Line FTR DP alarm. Line filter differential pressure. Digital input not OK
P08.35 A:2035 SEP filter DP HI. Separator filter differential pressure high
P08.36 A:2036 SEP filter DP HI. Separator filter differential pressure high
P08.37 A:2040 Oil filter DP. Oil filter differential pressure. Digital input not OK
P08.38 A:2110 Max MTR run time
P08.39 A:2201 FTR Drain Alarm. Line filter drain alarm. Digital input not OK.
P08.40 A:2240 Oil / water SEP ALM. Oil water separator. Digital input not OK.
P08.41 A:2602 No COM fan DRV. (MODBUS comm.’s with 3rd party drive)
P08.42 A:2604 COM INI fan DRV (MODBUS comm.’s with 3rd party drive)
P08.43 A:2606 COM ERR fan DRV (MODBUS comm.’s with 3rd party drive)
P08.44 A:2608 COM XCP fan DRV (MODBUS comm.’s with 3rd party drive)
P08.45 A:2610 Fan Drive Fault. EO PRESS high (MODBUS comm.’s with 3rd party drive)
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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

P08.46 A:2612 Fan DRV LNK FLT (MODBUS comm.’s with 3rd party drive)
P08.47 A:2613 Main DRV alarm (MODBUS comm.’s with 3rd party drive)
P08.48 A:2816 Power failure. 24v @ X13 is below permissible level
P08.49 A:2826 Stop@power fail There was an immediate stop at power fail
P08.50 A:2831 Airbus™ RS485 HW (Hardware not detected in X04)
P08.51 A:2832 Airbus™ RS485 HW (Hardware not detected in X05)
P08.52 A:2833 Airbus™ RS485 HW (Hardware not detected in X06)
P08.53 A:2834 LCO COM alarm.
P08.54 A:2836 RTC error. A real time clock error
P08.55 A:2846 Language or font
P08.56 A:2970 ISC XPM DI alarm. An Internal System Control ‘XPM’ digital input alarm. Consult manual
P08.57 A:4804 Service hours
P08.58 A:4805 Cabinet filter. Service due
P08.59 A:4806 Air filter SERV. Service due
P08.60 A:4807 Oil filter SERV. Service due
P08.61 A:4808 Separator SERV. Service due
P08.62 A:4809 Grease service. Service due
Message P08.63 A:4810 Valves service. Service due
Codes P08.64 A:4811 Belt drive SERV. Service due
P08.65 A:4812 ELEC SYS SERV. Service due
P08.66 A:4813 MTR bearing SERV. Service due
P08.67 A:4814 COMP BRG SERV. Service due
P08.68 A:4815 Dryer service. Service due
P08.69 A:4816 Oil service. Service due
P08.70 A:4817 Cooler service. Service due
P08.71 A:4818 Oil/Fog SEP SERV. Service due
P08.72 A:4819 Routine service. Service due
P08.73 A:4820 Weekly service. Service due
P08.74 A:4821 Annual service. Service due
P08.75 A:4822 Bi-annual service. Service due
P08.77 A;4824 Major PREV MAINT
P08.78 A:5000 Default CONFIG. Incompatible software version and parameter values. Reset to default configuration.
P08.79 A:5100 Default CONFIG. Invalid settings. Reset to default configuration.
P08.80 A:5200 Default CONFIG. Parameter consistency error. Reset to default configuration.
P08.81 A:5300 Default CONFIG. Reset forced by flashtool
P08.82 A:5999 Test Version
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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

P08.83 E:0001 Inlet P low l_S. Inlet pressure low Immediately stop
P08.84 E:0002 DIFF PR Hi l_S. Differential Pressure high Immediately stop
P08.85 E:0003 Inlet P high I_S. Inlet pressure high Immediately stop
P08.86 E:0004 Oil PRESS sensor
P08.87 E:0005 Inlet PRESS SENS. Inlet pressure sensor
P08.88 E:0006 Ambient T°. Ambient temperature sensor
P08.90 E:0008 Dryer power SUP
P08.91 E:0010 Emergency stop. Digital input not OK, emergency stop button pressed!
P08.92 E:0030 Door open. Digital input not OK
P08.93 E:0040 Oil LVL IMM stop. Digital input not OK
P08.94 E:0041 Oil TEMP HI. Digital input not OK
P08.95 E:0050 Dryer alarm. Digital input not OK
P08.96 E:0060 Belt drive SERV. Digital input not OK
P08.97 E:0070 Fan MTR IMM stop. Digital input not OK
P08.98 E:0071 VSD fan MOT OVLD. Digital input not OK
Message P08.99 E:0072 Fan motor OVLD. Digital input not OK.
Codes P08.100 E:0080 Main motor OVLD. Consult manual (DI function)
P08.101 E:0081 Main motor lock. Consult manual
P08.102 E:0082 Main motor OVLD. Main motor overload. Consult manual (CT input function)
P08.103 E:0083 Motor phase IMB. Main motor phase imbalance. Consult manual
P08.104 E:0084 Main MTR CT SENS. Main motor current sensor. Consult manual
P08.105 E:0085 Fan MTR CT sensor. Fan motor current sensor. Consult manual
P08.106 E:0086 Fan MTR overload. Consult manual
P08.107 E:0087 Main motor fault
P08.108 E:0090 Phase sequence. Consult manual
P08.109 E:0091 Phase L1 fault. Consult manual
P08.110 E:0092 Phase L2 fault. Consult manual
P08.111 E:0093 Phase L3 fault. Consult manual
P08.112 E:0115 EO PRESS sensor. Equipment outlet pressure sensor. Wiring error or faulty sensor
P08.113 E:0119 EO PRESS high. Equipment outlet pressure high
P08.114 E:0125 PD TEMP SENS. Compressor outlet temperature sensor Wiring error or faulty sensor
P08.115 E:0129 COMP out TEMP HI. Compressor outlet temperature high
P08.116 E:0131 INT PRESS low. Internal pressure low. Consult manual: See pressure rate rise feature
P08.117 E:0135 INT PRESS sensor. Internal pressure sensor. Wiring error or faulty sensor
P08.118 E:0139 INT PRESS high. Internal pressure high.
P08.119 E:0145 INT TEMP SENS. Internal temperature sensor. Wiring error or faulty sensor
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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

P08.120 E:0149 EQUIP INT TEMP Equipment internal temperature high

P08.121 E:0151 Oil P LO limit. Oil pressure low limit
P08.122 E:0155 Dryer TEMP SENS. Dryer temperature sensor. Wiring error or faulty sensor
P08.123 E:0159 Oil P HI limit. Oil pressure high limit
P08.124 E:0160 Dew point. Digital input not OK
P08.125 E:0165 Motor PTC SENS. Motor PTC sensor. Wiring error or faulty sensor
P08.126 E:0179 EQUIP out TEMP HI. Equipment outlet temperature high.
P08.127 E:0185 Reverse rotation.
P08.128 E:0200 COOL WTR IMM stop. Cooling water immediate stop. Digital input not OK
P08.129 E:0229 TEMP rise rate. Consult manual.
P08.130 E:0603 COM INI main DRV (MODBUS comm.’s with 3rd party drive)
P08.131 E:0605 COM ERR main DRV (MODBUS comm.’s with 3rd party drive)
P08.132 E:0607 COM XCP main DRV (MODBUS comm.’s with 3rd party drive)
P08.133 E:0609 Main drive Fault (MODBUS comm.’s with 3rd party drive)
P08.134 E:0611 Main DRV LNK FLT (MODBUS comm.’s with 3rd party drive)
P08.135 E:0612 Drive activation
Message P08.136 E:0620 Main motor OVLD
Codes P08.137 E:0621 MTR SPD too low Motor speed too low
P08.138 E:0809 DIFF PRESS high. EI – EO pressure out of permissible range. Consult manual
P08.139 E:0814 Venting error. Excess pressure after vent time has elapsed. Consult manual
P08.140 E:0821 Short circuit. Wiring error. Consult manual.
P08.141 E:2826 Stop@power fail There was an immediate stop at power fail
P08.142 E:0846 DEL PRESS RANGE
P08.143 E:0856 INT PRESS RANGE
P08.144 E:0901 CONF ALARM 1. User configurable immediate stop 1
P08.145 E:0902 CONF ALARM 2. User configurable immediate stop 2
P08.146 E:0903 CONF ALARM 3. User configurable immediate stop 3
P08.147 E:0971 Cooling SYS FLT. Digital input not OK.
P08.148 E:1004 Voltage Low
P08.149 E:1005 Drain IMM stop. Digital input not OK
P08.150 E:1006 Ambient TEMP HI
P08.151 E:1887 Main motor fault. Digital input not OK.
P08.152 E:1888 Run CHK IMM stop. Digital input not OK.
P08.153 E:1901 Water flow. Digital input not OK.
P08.154 E:1902 Inverter fault. Digital input not OK.
P08.155 E:1903 Main MTR TEMP HI. Digital input not OK.
P08.156 E:1904 INV FLT MAN. Inverter fault manual
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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

P08.157 E:2030 Air filter DP. Air filter differential pressure. Digital input not OK
P08.158 E:2032 Line FTR DP stop. Line filter differential pressure. Digital input not OK.
P08.159 E:2040 Oil filter DP. Oil filter differential pressure
P08.160 E:2101 DI oil PRESS on. Digital oil pressure on. Digital input not OK
P08.161 E:2102 DI oil PRESS off. Digital oil pressure off. Digital input not OK
P08.162 E:2120 Stage pressure
P08.163 E:2121 Stage TEMP
P08.164 E:2130 Inlet P low I_S. Inlet pressure low Immediately stop
P08.165 E:2131 Inlet P high I_S. Inlet pressure high Immediately stop
P08.166 E:2200 Group Fault
P08.167 E:2834 LCO COM alarm communication lost with LCO board
P08.168 E:2915 ISC PRESS SENS
P08.169 E:2950 ISC sensor range
P08.170 E:2960 ISC XPM COMMS
P08.171 E:2980 ISC XPM DI
P08.172 E:3230 Door open. Digital input not OK.
Message P08.173 E:4804 Service hours. Consult manual.
Codes P08.174 E:4805 Cabinet filters. Digital input not OK.
P08.175 E:4806 Air filter SERV. Air filter service. Service timer elapsed
P08.176 E:4807 Oil filter SERV. Oil filter service. Service timer elapsed
P08.177 E:4808 Separator SERV. Separator service. Service timer elapsed
P08.178 E:4809 Grease service. Service due
P08.179 E:4810 Valves service. Service due
P08.180 E:4811 Belt drive SERV. Service due
P08.181 E:4812 ELEC SYS SERV. Service due
P08.182 E:4813 MTR bearing SERV. Service due
P08.183 E:4814 COMP BRG SERV. Service due
P08.184 E:4815 Dryer service. Service due
P08.185 E:4816 Oil service. Service due
P08.186 E:4817 Cooler service. Service due
P08.187 E:4818 Oil/Fog SEP SERV. Service due
P08.188 E:4819 Routine service. Service due
P08.189 E:4820 Weekly service. Service due
P08.190 E:4821 Annual service. Service due
P08.191 E:4822 Bi-annual service. Service due
P08.192 E:4823 AIREND SERV ALM
P08.193 E:4824 Major PREV MAINT
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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

P08.194 E:5000 System error

P08.195 I:2856 Motor jog
P08.196 I:2857 Safety valve test
P08.197 L:0149 EIT load INH LL. Equipment Internal Temperature load Inhibit Low Low
P08.198 R:1000 Wait run enable
P08.199 R:1006 Ambient T° RIL. Ambient air temperature run inhibit low level
P08.200 R:3123 PD TEMP low. Compressor outlet temperature low
P08.201 R:3137 INT PRESS high. Internal pressure high
P08.202 S:0133 Air TEMP low INH. Air temperature low start inhibit
P08.203 S:3500 Start inhibit (operator inhibit)
P08.204 S:3501 Start inhibit (enclosure doors)
P08.205 S:3601 Main MTR VSD COM

The Access menu is used to both manage access and administer access rights to all Airmaster™ Q1 users. Begin by choosing an administrator
(the ADMIN user). The ADMIN user must read and understand ‘4.3 User Access Controls’ and be acquainted with the ‘DEFAULT USER’, ‘ADMIN
user’; all other USER PROFILE options and also have the ADMIN user default PIN code before attempting to access the Airmaster™ Q1’s PIN code
protected menus.
Access The default Access code for ADMIN USER is “2308” to navigate to the pages > P09
ADMIN can set more users with specific requirements, different access code, which pages will be shown for the user.
P09 Active: ######## The ‘Active: User’ is displayed above P09.01 when the operator navigates to P09
Use to return User Access to ‘<P10 view user’. Press ‘ENTER’. User Account will return to ‘,P10 view user’
P09.01  Start-up user
user and the operator is returned to Menu P09.01
P09.02  ADMIN user Use to enter the ‘ADMIN’ user account. Press ‘ENTER’ to access the ‘ADMIN’ User PIN code sub menu
P09.02.01 ADMIN user No edit
The ‘ADMIN’ User PIN code is a four digit numeric number. Press ‘ENTER’ to access the ‘ADMIN’ User PIN
code sub menu. The current ‘ADMIN’ User PIN code is displayed and first digit is selected. Use the ‘UP’ and
‘DOWN’ keys to configure and then press ‘ENTER’. The configured value is stored and the second digit is
P09.02.02  User PIN code
selected. Complete the process for digits two, three and four. Use the ‘ESCAPE’ key to go back at any time.
When the operator presses ‘ENTER’ after configuring the fourth digit, the configured value is committed
permanently to memory and the operator is returned to menu P09.02.02
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure from language list options. Press ‘ENTER’. The
P09.02.03  Language
configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P09.02.03
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure for 24:00 (24 hour) or 12:00 a/p (12 hour AM /
P09.02.04  Time format PM). Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to
menu P09.02.04.
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure date format display for ‘DD/MM/YYYY’,
‘MM/DD/YYYY’ or YYYY/MM/DD’. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and
the operator returned to menu P09.02.05.
P09.02.05  Date format

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

DD = Day. For example 21 = the 21st day of the month

MM = Month. For example 12 = the 12th Month of the Year or ‘December’
YYYY = Year. For example 2011
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure for ‘BAR’, ‘PSI’, ‘kPA’ or ‘MPA’. Press ‘ENTER’.
P09.02.06  Pressure unit
The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P09.02.06.
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure for °C or °F. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured
P09.02.07  Temperature unit
value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P09.02.07.
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure the initial user at startup from the list of users..
P09.02.08  Initial user Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu
P09.03  User 1 Use to enter the User 1 user account. Press ‘ENTER’ to access the User 1 sub menu.
The User name is an eight digit alpha number value. Press ‘ENTER’ to access the Edit user name sub menu.
The current User name is displayed and first digit is selected. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure and
then press ‘ENTER’. The configured value is stored and the second digit is selected. Complete the process
P09.03.01  Edit user name
for digits two, three, four, five, six, seven and eight. Use the ‘ESCAPE’ key to go back at any time. When the
operator presses ‘ENTER’ after configuring the eighth digit, the configured value is committed to memory and
the operator is returned to menu P09.03.01
The User PIN code is a four digit numeric number. Press ‘ENTER’ to access the User PIN code sub menu.
The current User PIN code is displayed and first digit is selected. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure
Access and then press ‘ENTER’. The configured value is stored and the second digit is selected. Complete the
P09.03.02  User PIN code
process for digits two, three and four. Use the ‘ESCAPE’ key to go back at any time. When the operator
presses ‘ENTER’ after configuring the forth digit, the configured value is committed to memory and the operator
is returned to menu P09.03.02
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure from language list options. Press ‘ENTER’. The
P09.03.03  Language
configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P09.03.03.
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure for 24:00 (24 hour) or 12:00 a/p (12 hour AM /
P09.03.04  Time format PM). Press ENTER. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure date format display for ‘DD/MM/YYYY’,
‘MM/DD/YYYY’ or YYYY/MM/DD’. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and
the operator returned to menu P09.03.05.

P09.03.05  Date format
DD = Day. For example 21 = the 21st day of the month
MM = Month. For example 12 = the 12th Month of the Year or ‘December’
YYYY = Year. For example 2011

Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure for ‘BAR’, ‘PSI’, ‘kPA’ or ‘MPA’. Press ‘ENTER’.
P09.03.06  Pressure unit
The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P09.03.06.
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure for °C or °F. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured
P09.03.07  Temperature unit
value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P09.03.07.

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

P09.03.08  P00 Home Locked, No edit ‘Read access’

P09.03.09  P01 Service timers Locked, No edit ‘Read access’
P09.03.10  P02 Utilisation Locked, No edit ‘Read access’
P09.03.11  P03 Error log Locked, No edit ‘Read access’
P09.03.12  P04 Event log Locked, No edit ‘Read access’
P09.03.13  P05 Service provider Locked, No edit ‘Read access’
P09.03.14  P06 Controller data Locked, No edit ‘Read access’
P09.03.15  P07 Equipment data Locked, No edit ‘Read access’
P09.03.16  P08 Message codes Locked, No edit ‘Read access’
P09.03.17  P09 Access Locked, No edit ‘Edit access’
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure for ‘Not available’, ‘Read access’ or ‘Edit access’
P09.03.18  P10 Equip settings 1 using the ‘Rights for’ sub menu. Press ‘ENTER’ The configured value has been committed to memory and the
operator returned to menu P09.03.18.
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure for ‘Not available’, ‘Read access’ or ‘Edit access’
P09.03.19  P11 EQUIP settings 2 using the ‘Rights for’ sub menu. Press ‘ENTER’ The configured value has been committed to memory and the
operator returned to menu P09.03.19
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure for ‘Not available’, ‘Read access’ or ‘Edit access’
P09.03.20  P12 EQUIP settings 3 using the ‘Rights for’ sub menu. Press ‘ENTER’ The configured value has been committed to memory and the
operator returned to menu P09.03.20
Access Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure for ‘Not available’, ‘Read access’ or ‘Edit access’
P09.03.21  P13 VSD settings using the ‘Rights for’ sub menu. Press ‘ENTER’ The configured value has been committed to memory and the
operator returned to menu P09.03.21
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure for ‘Not available’, ‘Read access’ or ‘Edit access’
P09.03.22  P14 Motor protection using the ‘Rights for’ sub menu. Press ‘ENTER’ The configured value has been committed to memory and the
operator returned to menu P09.03.22
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure for ‘Not available’, ‘Read access’ or ‘Edit access’
P09.03.23  P15 Inhibits using the ‘Rights for’ sub menu. Press ‘ENTER’ The configured value has been committed to memory and the
operator returned to menu P09.03.23
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure for ‘Not available’, ‘Read access’ or ‘Edit access’
P09.03.24  P16 Warning alarm using the ‘Rights for’ sub menu. Press ‘ENTER’ The configured value has been committed to memory and the
operator returned to menu P09.03.24
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure for ‘Not available’, ‘Read access’ or ‘Edit access’
P09.03.25  P17 IMM stop alarm using the ‘Rights for’ sub menu. Press ‘ENTER’ The configured value has been committed to memory and the
operator returned to menu P09.03.25
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure for ‘Not available’, ‘Read access’ or ‘Edit access’
P09.03.26  P18 I/O CONFIG using the ‘Rights for’ sub menu. Press ‘ENTER’ The configured value has been committed to memory and the
operator returned to menu P09.03.26
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure for ‘Not available’, ‘Read access’ or ‘Edit access’
P09.03.27  P19 Sensor CONFIG using the ‘Rights for’ sub menu. Press ‘ENTER’ The configured value has been committed to memory and the
operator returned to menu P09.03.27
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure for ‘Not available’, ‘Read access’ or ‘Edit access’
P09.03.28  P20 Diagnostics
using the ‘Rights for’ sub menu. Press ‘ENTER’ The configured value has been committed to memory and the
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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

operator returned to menu P09.03.28

Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure for ‘Not available’, ‘Read access’ or ‘Edit access’
P09.03.29  P21 Run schedule using the ‘Rights for’ sub menu. Press ‘ENTER’ The configured value has been committed to memory and the
operator returned to menu P09.03.29
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure for ‘Not available’, ‘Read access’ or ‘Edit access’
P09.03.30  P80 ISC Main menu using the ‘Rights for’ sub menu. Press ‘ENTER’ The configured value has been committed to memory and the
operator returned to menu P09.03.30
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure for ‘Not available’, ‘Read access’ or ‘Edit access’
P09.03.31  P81 ISC Settings using the ‘Rights for’ sub menu. Press ‘ENTER’ The configured value has been committed to memory and the
operator returned to menu P09.03.31
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure for ‘Not available’, ‘Read access’ or ‘Edit access’
P09.03.32  P82 ISC Priority using the ‘Rights for’ sub menu. Press ‘ENTER’ The configured value has been committed to memory and the
operator returned to menu P09.03.32
Use to enter the User 2 user account. Press ‘ENTER’ to access the User 2 sub menu. Follow procedures
P09.04  User 2
described for User 1.
Use to enter the User 3 user account. Press ‘ENTER’ to access the User 3 sub menu. Follow procedures
P09.05  User 3
described for User 1.
Use to enter the User 4 user account. Press ‘ENTER’ to access the User 4 sub menu. Follow procedures
P09.06  User 4
described for User 1.
Access Use to enter the User 5 user account. Press ‘ENTER’ to access the User 5 sub menu. Follow procedures
P09.07  User 5
described for User 1.
Use to enter the User 6 user account. Press ‘ENTER’ to access the User 6 sub menu. Follow procedures
P09.08  User 6
described for User 1.
Use to enter the User 7 user account. Press ‘ENTER’ to access the User 7 sub menu. Follow procedures
P09.09  User 7
described for User 1.
Use to enter the User 8 user account. Press ‘ENTER’ to access the User 8 sub menu. Follow procedures
P09.10  User 8
described for User 1.
Use to enter the User 9 user account. Press ‘ENTER’ to access the User 9 sub menu. Follow procedures
P09.11  User 9
described for User 1.

Use to enter the User 10 user account. Press ‘ENTER’ to access the User 10 sub menu. Follow procedures
P09.12  User 10
described for User 1.

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

Equipment settings have been arranged over a series of Equipment setting menus. Menu items are grouped together allowing Administrators to
provide menu access to equipment setting menus as appropriate. Equipment settings 1 allow users with access to configure routine operating

See 5.0 ‘Control modes and device state diagram’ for a detailed explanation of each control mode.

Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure for ‘Load / off load’, ‘Continuous run’, ‘Pressure
decay / no load’, ‘Dynamic / no load’, ‘Variable speed’, ‘Modulation’ or ‘ACS Modulation’ . Press ‘ENTER’. The
P10.01  Control mode configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P10.01


When selecting ‘Variable speed’, parameters in menu P13 must be configured accordingly!
When active (ON) the feature allows the operator to force the device from the load state to the offload state.
Once active, to force off load, press and hold the ‘START’ key and then press the ‘DOWN’ key. The device will
move from the load state to the offload state. The device will remain in the offload state until the force offload
condition has been removed. If the offload period expires during the force offload condition the device will vent
Equipment and move to the started state. To remove the force offload condition repeat the key stroke sequence.
settings 1 Stopping the device will remove the force offload condition.
P10.02  Force offload
Note: If during a force offload condition the device vents and returns to the started state the operator must
remove the force offload condition for the device to move from the started state to the loaded state.

Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure ON or OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured
value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P10.02
When active the start pressure value provides an alternative load pressure value to the load pressure value
used during normal load operation (P10.04). In use, the device will move from the started state to the loaded
state when the equipment outlet pressure decreases to the start pressure value. Once loaded, the load
pressure (P10.04) and off load pressure (P10.05) are used to cycle the device between load and offload states.
Only after the device enters the stopped state is the start pressure value used as the load pressure value once
P10.03  Start pressure

Press ‘ENTER’ Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between OFF, 5 BAR and a maximum pressure
value equal to load pressure (P10.04) minus 0.2 BAR (or other selectable unit of measure). Press ‘ENTER’.
The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P10.03
P10.04  Load pressure Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between permissible values. Press ‘ENTER’. The
configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P10.04 ~ 05. The
P10.05  Off load pressure minimum differential between Load pressure and Off load pressure is 0.2 BAR (or other selectable unit of
Run period. Consult this manual; control modes: Pressure decay / no load
P10.06  Run period
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between 60 and 3600 seconds. Press ‘ENTER’
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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to Menu P10.06
Offload period. Consult this manual. Control modes: Pressure decay / no load.
P10.07  Off load period
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between 60 and 3600 seconds. Press ‘ENTER’
The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to Menu P10.07
P10.08 Cooling DP Only visible if the equipment internal pressure is used
P10.09  RS485: X04 CONFIG Press ‘ENTER’ to enter the RS485: X04 configuration sub menu
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to select between Airbus485™, MODBUS Master or MODBUS
P10.09.01  RS485: X04 CONFIG slave. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to
menu P10.09.01
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between 1 and 200. Step = 1. Press ‘ENTER’.
P10.09.02  Airbus485™ address
The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P10.09.02
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between 1 and 200. Step = 1. Press ‘ENTER’.
P10.09.03  MODBUS address
The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P10.09.03
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to select between 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 9600,
Equipment P10.09.04  MODBUS baud rate 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800 and 931600. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured
settings 1 value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P10.09.04
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to select for ‘no parity’, ‘odd parity’, ‘even parity’, ‘zero parity’
P10.09.05  MODBUS parity or ‘one parity’. Press ENTER. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned
to menu P10.09.05
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between 5 and 8. Press ‘ENTER’. The
P10.09.06  MODBUS data bits
configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P10.09.06
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between 1 and 3. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured
P10.09.07  MODBUS end bits
value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P10.09.07
P10.10  RS485: X05 CONFIG Press ‘ENTER’ to enter the RS485: X05 configuration sub menu
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to select between Airbus485™, MODBUS Master or MODBUS
P10.10.01  RS485: X05 CONFIG slave. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to
menu P10.10.01
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between 1 and 200. Step = 1. Press ‘ENTER’.
P10.10.02  Airbus485™ address
The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P10.10.02
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between 1 and 200. Step = 1. Press ‘ENTER’.
P10.10.03  MODBUS address
The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P10.10.03
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to select between 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 9600,
P10.10.04  MODBUS baud rate 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800 and 931600. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured
value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P10.10.04
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to select for ‘no parity’, ‘odd parity’, ‘even parity’, ‘zero parity’
P10.10.05  MODBUS parity or ‘one parity’. Press ENTER. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned
to menu P10.10.05
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between 5 and 8. Press ‘ENTER’. The
P10.10.06  MODBUS data bits
configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P10.10.06
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between 1 and 3. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured
P10.10.07  MODBUS end bits
value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P10.10.07
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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

P10.11  RS485: X06 CONFIG Press ‘ENTER’ to enter the RS485: X06 configuration sub menu
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to select between Airbus485™, MODBUS Master or MODBUS
P10.11.01  RS485: X06 CONFIG slave. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to
menu P10.11.01
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between 1 and 200. Step = 1. Press ‘ENTER’.
P10.11.02  Airbus485™ address
The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P10.11.02
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between 1 and 200. Step = 1. Press ‘ENTER’.
P10.11.03  MODBUS address
The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P10.11.03
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to select between 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 9600,
P10.11.04  MODBUS baud rate 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800 and 931600. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured
value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P10.11.04
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to select for ‘no parity’, ‘odd parity’, ‘even parity’, ‘zero parity’
P10.11.05  MODBUS parity or ‘one parity’. Press ENTER. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned
to menu P10.11.05
Equipment Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between 5 and 8. Press ‘ENTER’. The
settings 1 P10.11.06  MODBUS data bits
configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P10.11.06
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between 1 and 3. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured
P10.11.07  MODBUS end bits
value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P10.11.07
Start source is commonly associated with pressing the keypad ‘START’ button. In addition to the keypad
‘START’ button, Airmaster™ Q1 features configurable alternatives for start source. See notes below! Press
‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure for ‘Keypad’, ‘Equipment DI’ or ‘Communications’.
Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu


Only the selected start source method is active. When selected, all alternative start source methods
are inactive!

Any ‘start’ command merely invokes the device to move to a started state. A device in a started state may not
P10.12  Start source
necessarily move to any other state (e.g. running, loaded). Inhibit functions, timers and the load source
configuration will continue to influence operating characteristics following a ‘START’ command.

When configured for ‘keypad’ the keypad ‘START’ button functions as the start source. The keypad ‘STOP’
button functions as the stop source.

When configured for ‘Equipment DI’, digital input ‘normal’ state (i.e. normally open or normally closed) functions
as the start source. The digital input alternative state functions as the stop source.

The digital inputs normal state is configurable (i.e. normally open or normally closed). Carefully consider the
characteristics of the digital input circuit during all operating conditions to determine the appropriate ‘normal’

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

When configured for ‘Equipment DI’, an available digital input must be appropriately configured for ‘COMP start
/ stop’.

When configured for ‘Communications’ an appropriate RS485 option card must be installed and configured for
Device Load source configuration. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure for ‘EQUIP
OUT PRESS’, ‘Equipment DI’ or ’Communications’. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been
committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P10.13


When configured for ‘Equipment DI’, Available digital input must be configured for Remote load enable and
Equipment Remote load / offload.
settings 1
Remote load enable purpose:
P10.13  Load source
Manages device master or local control. Can be used to return the device to local if the remote load / offload
signal is lost.

Remote load / offload purpose:

Moves the device state

When configured for ‘Communications’ an appropriate RS485 option card must be installed and configured for
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure from language options listed. Press ‘ENTER’.
P10.14  Language
The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P10.14
Press ‘ENTER’. Use ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ key to set Time. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been
P10.15  Time
committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P10.15
Press ‘ENTER’. Configure for 24:00 (24 hour) or 12:00 a/p (12 hour AM / PM). Press ‘ENTER’. The
P10.16  Time format
configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P10.16
Press ‘ENTER’. Configure ‘+0h’ or ‘+1h’. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to
P10.17  Daylight saving
memory and the operator returned to menu P10.17
P10.18  Date Press ‘ENTER’ to access the Date edit sub menu
P10.18.01  Edit year Use ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ key to set the Year
P10.18.02  Edit month Use ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ key to set the Month
P10.18.03  Edit day Use ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ key to set the Day
Press ‘ENTER’ to commit the configured values on P10.18.01 – P10.18.03 to memory. Pressing ‘ENTER’
commits the configured values to memory are returns the operator to P10.18.
P10.18.04  Save changes
Note: You must save the newly configured values in P10.18.01 – P10.18.03 using P10.18.04 before leaving the

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

sub menu!
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure date format display for ‘DD/MM/YYYY’,
‘MM/DD/YYYY’ or YYYY/MM/DD’. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and
the operator returned to menu P10.19.
settings 1 P10.19  Date format Note:

DD = Day. For example 21 = the 21st day of the month

MM = Month. For example 12 = the 12th Month of the Year or ‘December’
YYYY = Year. For example 2011
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between 100% and 0%. Press ‘ENTER’. The
P10.20  LCD Light level
configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P10.20.
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure for ‘BAR’, ‘PSI’, ‘kPA’ or ‘MPA’. Press ‘ENTER’.
P10.21  Pressure unit
The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P10.21.
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure for °C or °F. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured
P10.22  Temperature unit
value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P10.22.
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between 0 and 100 %. Press ‘ENTER’. The
P10.27  LCD contrast
configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P10.27.

Equipment settings have been arranged over a series of Equipment setting menus. Menu items are grouped together allowing Administrators to
provide menu access to equipment settings menus as appropriate. Equipment settings 2 allow users with access to important operating

Star / Delta contactor transition time. Press ENTER. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between 1
and 30 seconds. Step = 1 second. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and
Equipment the operator returned to menu P11.01
settings 2 P11.01  Star delta TRANS
Note: Understand the operation of R1: Main contactor relay, R2: Star contactor relay, R3: Main contactor relay.
See diagram below…

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

Note: R1, R2 and R3 and R4 have no function edit. R5, R6, R7 and R8 have function edit. Refer to menu P18
for more information about I/O configuration options.
Minimum main motor run time. Used to fix the main motor minimum run time following a main motor start
Equipment event.
settings 2

Load / Offload state is independent of minimum main motor run time setting (i.e. irrespective of device state the
P11.02  MIN MTR run minimum main motor run time is fixed).

Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between Off, 1 and 1800 seconds. Step = 1.
Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu

Note: Device state timers (e.g. Off load run time) remain active and can influence the total main motor run time.
Load inhibit time. Inhibits the device from moving to the initial load state for the initial load inhibit time duration.
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between OFF (i.e. not required) and 30 seconds.
P11.03  Load INH time
Step = 1 second. Press ENTER. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator
returned to menu P11.03.
Reload inhibit time. Inhibits the device from moving to the load state for the reload inhibit time during normal
operation. Press ENTER. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between OFF (i.e. not required) and 10
P11.04  Reload INH time
seconds. Step = 1 second. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the
operator returned to menu P11.04.
The time the device will continue to run in an offload state. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to
P11.05  Off load run time configure between 3 and 3600 seconds. Step = 1 second. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been
committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P11.05.
Stop minimum time. The minimum time the device will remain in the stopped state before moving to any new
P11.06  Stop MIN time
state. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between OFF (i.e. not required) and 60

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

seconds. Step = 1 second. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the
operator returned to menu P11.06.
Vent time (Sometimes described as the blow down time). The period of time required to discharge pressure
from the device. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between OFF (i.e. not required)
P11.07  Vent time
and 600 seconds. Step = 1 second. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory
and the operator returned to menu P11.07.
Automatic restart inhibit. Use to inhibit automatic restarting of the device or to return the device to the started
state following a power source failure. Once the source of power has been restored, the device will decrement
the automatic restart inhibit time period and then return to the started state.

Note: The automatic restart INH function can only restart a device that was in the started state prior to the
P11.08  AUTO restart INH power source failure. A device configured for auto restarting that was not in the started state prior to the power
source failure will not automatically restart!

Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between OFF (i.e. no automatic restart) and 120
Seconds. Step = 1 second. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the
operator returned to menu P11.08
P11.09  CNDS drain open The condensate drain is the component employed by the device to collect and eject condensed water from the
Equipment P11.10  CNDS drain INT device. These components are typically energised and de-energised using a relay output. Before proceeding
settings 2 to configure drain open, drain interval and off load drain times, be sure to assign a relay output to ‘Drain’

Condensate drain load open time. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between OFF,
1 and 30 seconds. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator
returned to menu P11.09

Condensate drain interval time. The interval time between condensate drain open events. Press ‘ENTER’ Use
the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between 60 and 3600 seconds. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value
has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P11.010

Condensate drain off load open time is only active during all device off load running or other no load started
state. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between OFF, 1 and 30 seconds. Press
P11.11  CNDS off load
‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P11.11

Configuring the condensate drain off load open time to ‘OFF’ will disable the condensate drain function during
off load running or other no load started state.


Device state influences how the condensate drain interval times are used!

When in the load state; cycle in accordance with P11.09 drain open and P11.10 drain interval times. When the
device is off load, any elapsed interval time is stored in memory and the remaining interval time applied when
the device returns to the loaded state.
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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

When in off load running or other no load started state; cycle in accordance with P11.11 drain open and 10 X
P11.10 CNDS drain INT. The cycle begins with the calculated X10 condensate drain interval time. No elapsed
time is stored and the cycle is reset each time the device enters a state which invokes the use of the off load
drain open and interval times.
High motor starts per hour. The maximum permissible main motor starts in any one chronological hour

Every time a main motor start occurs, a ‘start event’ entry is made in a perpetual ‘first in first out’ list. The list
entry begins at 3600 seconds (or 1 hour) and decrements from that value. For each additional main motor start
up to the maximum permissible number of main motor starts in any one chronological hour, a further entry is
made. When an entry expires (i.e. after 3600 seconds) the total number of listed main motor starts entries
decrements accordingly. If the total number of main motor starts registered (motor start events within the last
3600 seconds) equals the number of permissible starts, an adjustment to the off load run time is made. The
new off load run time is calculated so that the main motor will continue to run until the number of registered
main motor start events within the last one hour period reduces below the permissible maximum, allowing
another main motor start event to occur.
P11.12  HI MTR STR HR
settings 2 The ‘main motor starts per hour inhibit’ function only influences the off load run time, it will not prevent the main
motor from starting. If a main motor start is performed after the maximum permissible number of main motor
starts have been registered, the oldest register is removed from the list, causing the off load run time to

Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ key to configure between OFF (i.e. not required), 1 and 20. Step =
1. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu
Differential pressure inhibit time. Measures the differential pressure between the Equipment outlet pressure
and the Equipment internal pressure. Use the Differential pressure inhibit time to filter (ignore) instantaneous
P11.13  DP inhibit time or short periods where the differential pressure alarm or trip levels are exceeded. Press ‘ENTER’. Configure
between 1 and 600 Seconds. Step = 1 second. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to
memory and the operator returned to menu P11.13.
P11.14  Service hours 1 Enter sub menu
Configure timer for a variety of service functions. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ key to configure
for OFF, Air filter SERV, Belt drive SERV, Cabinet filters, COMP BRG SERV, Cooler SERV, Dryer service,
ELEC SYS SERV, Grease service, MTR bearing SERV, Oil filter SERV, Oil service, Routine SERV, Separator
P11.14.01  Function SERV, Valves service, PV inspect, Air End SERV. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been
committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P11.14.01

Note: Set hours value at P16.01

Use pre condition to annunciate Service hour conditions up to 200 hours before the timer decrements to 0.
P11.14.02  Pre condition Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ key to configure between OFF, o and 200 hours. Step = 10. Press
‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P11.14.02
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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

Note: The Pre condition menu item will not reveal until the corresponding Immediate stop enable is set to ON.
Use immediate stop enable to create an Immediate stop condition once the service hours timer decrements to
P11.14.03  IMM stop enable 0. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘Up and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between ON or OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The
configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P11.14.03
P11.15  Service hours 2 Enter sub menu
Configure timer for a variety of service functions. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ key to configure
for OFF, Air filter SERV, Belt drive SERV, Cabinet filters, COMP BRG SERV, Cooler SERV, Dryer service,
ELEC SYS SERV, Grease service, MTR bearing SERV, Oil filter SERV, Oil service, Routine SERV, Separator
P11.15.01  Function SERV, Valves service, PV inspect, Air End SERV. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been
committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P11.15.01

Note: Set hours value at P16.02

Use pre condition to annunciate Service hour conditions up to 200 hours before the timer decrements to 0.
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ key to configure between OFF, o and 200 hours. Step = 10. Press
P11.15.02  Pre condition ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P11.15.02

Note: The Pre condition menu item will not reveal until the corresponding Immediate stop enable is set to ON.
Use immediate stop enable to create an Immediate stop condition once the service hours timer decrements to
Equipment P11.15.03  IMM stop enable 0. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘Up and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between ON or OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The
settings 2 configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P11.15.03
P11.16  Service hours 3 Enter sub menu
Configure timer for a variety of service functions. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ key to configure
for OFF, Air filter SERV, Belt drive SERV, Cabinet filters, COMP BRG SERV, Cooler SERV, Dryer SERV,
ELEC SYS SERV, Grease service, MTR bearing SERV, Oil filter SERV, Oil service, Routine SERV, Separator
P11.16.01  Function SERV, Valves service, PV Inspect, Air End SERV. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been
committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P11.16.01

Note: Set hours value at P16.03

Use pre condition to annunciate Service hour conditions up to 200 hours before the timer decrements to 0.
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ key to configure between OFF, o and 200 hours. Step = 10. Press
P11.16.02  Pre condition ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P11.16.02

Note: The Pre condition menu item will not reveal until the corresponding Immediate stop enable is set to ON.
Use immediate stop enable to create an Immediate stop condition once the service hours timer decrements to
P11.16.03  IMM stop enable 0. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘Up and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between ON or OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The
configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P11.16.03
P11.17  Service hours 4 Enter sub menu
Configure timer for a variety of service functions. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ key to configure
for OFF, Air filter SERV, Belt drive SERV, Cabinet filters, COMP BRG SERV, Cooler SERV, Dryer SERV,
P11.17.01  Function
ELEC SYS SERV, Grease service, MTR bearing SERV, Oil filter SERV, Oil service, Routine SERV, Separator
SERV, Valves service, PV Inspect, Air End SERV. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P11.17.01

Note: Set hours value at P16.04

Use pre condition to annunciate Service hour conditions up to 200 hours before the timer decrements to 0.
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ key to configure between OFF, o and 200 hours. Step = 10. Press
P11.17.02  Pre condition ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P11.17.02

Note: The Pre condition menu item will not reveal until the corresponding Immediate stop enable is set to ON.
Use immediate stop enable to create an Immediate stop condition once the service hours timer decrements to
P11.17.03  IMM stop enable 0. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘Up and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between ON or OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The
configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P11.17.03
P11.18  Service hours 5 Enter sub menu
Configure timer for a variety of service functions. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ key to configure
for OFF, Air filter SERV, Belt drive SERV, Cabinet filters, COMP BRG SERV, Cooler SERV, Dryer SERV,
ELEC SYS SERV, Grease service, MTR bearing SERV, Oil filter SERV, Oil service, Routine SERV, Separator
P11.18.01  Function SERV, Valves service, PV Inspect, Air End SERV. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been
committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P11.18. 01

Equipment Note: Set hours value at P16.05

settings 2 Use pre condition to annunciate Service hour conditions up to 200 hours before the timer decrements to 0.
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ key to configure between OFF, o and 200 hours. Step = 10. Press
P11.18.02  Pre condition ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P11.18.02

Note: The Pre condition menu item will not reveal until the corresponding Immediate stop enable is set to ON.
Use immediate stop enable to create an Immediate stop condition once the service hours timer decrements to
P11.18.03  IMM stop enable 0. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘Up and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between ON or OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The
configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P11.18.03
P11.19  Service hours 6 Enter sub menu
Configure timer for a variety of service functions. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ key to configure
for OFF, Air filter SERV, Belt drive SERV, Cabinet filters, COMP BRG SERV, Cooler SERV, Dryer SERV,
ELEC SYS SERV, Grease service, MTR bearing SERV, Oil filter SERV, Oil service, Routine SERV, Separator
P11.19.01  Function SERV, Valves service, PV Inspect, Air End SERV. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been
committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P11.19.01

Note: Set hours value at P16.06

Use pre condition to annunciate Service hour conditions up to 200 hours before the timer decrements to 0.
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ key to configure between OFF, o and 200 hours. Step = 10. Press
P11.19.02  Pre condition ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P11.19.02

Note: The Pre condition menu item will not reveal until the corresponding Immediate stop enable is set to ON.
Use immediate stop enable to create an Immediate stop condition once the service hours timer decrements to
P11.19.03  IMM stop enable
0. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘Up and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between ON or OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P11.19.03
P11.20  Service hours 7 Enter sub menu
Configure timer for a variety of service functions. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ key to configure
for OFF, Air filter SERV, Belt drive SERV, Cabinet filters, COMP BRG SERV, Cooler SERV, Dryer SERV,
ELEC SYS SERV, Grease service, MTR bearing SERV, Oil filter SERV, Oil service, Routine SERV, Separator
P11.20.01  Function SERV, Valves service, PV Inspect, Air End SERV. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been
committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P11.20.01

Note: Set hours value at P16.07

Use pre condition to annunciate Service hour conditions up to 200 hours before the timer decrements to 0.
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ key to configure between OFF, o and 200 hours. Step = 10. Press
P11.20.02  Pre condition ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P11.20.02

Note: The Pre condition menu item will not reveal until the corresponding Immediate stop enable is set to ON.
Use immediate stop enable to create an Immediate stop condition once the service hours timer decrements to
P11.20.03  IMM stop enable 0. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘Up and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between ON or OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The
configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P11.20.03
P11.21  Service hours 8 Enter sub menu
Equipment Configure timer for a variety of service functions. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ key to configure
settings 2 for OFF, Air filter SERV, Belt drive SERV, Cabinet filters, COMP BRG SERV, Cooler SERV, Dryer SERV,
ELEC SYS SERV, Grease service, MTR bearing SERV, Oil filter SERV, Oil service, Routine SERV, Separator
P11.21.01  Function SERV, Valves service, PV Inspect, Air End SERV. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been
committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P11.21.01

Note: Set hours value at P16.08

Use pre condition to annunciate Service hour conditions up to 200 hours before the timer decrements to 0.
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ key to configure between OFF, o and 200 hours. Step = 10. Press
P11.21.02  Pre condition ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P11.21.02

Note: The Pre condition menu item will not reveal until the corresponding Immediate stop enable is set to ON.
Use immediate stop enable to create an Immediate stop condition once the service hours timer decrements to
P11.21.03  IMM stop enable 0. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘Up and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between ON or OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The
configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P11.21.03
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ key to configure for ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured
value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P11.19.
P11.22  Weekly service
Note: Set time value at P16.09
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ key to configure for ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured
value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P11.20.
P11.23  Annual service
Note: Set time value at P16.10
P11.24  Bi-annual service Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ key to configure for ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P11.21.

Note: Set time value at P16.11

Equipment settings have been arranged over a series of Equipment setting menus. Menu items are grouped together allowing Administrators to
provide menu access to equipment settings menus as appropriate. Equipment settings 3 allow users with access to make adjustment to critical
operating parameters.
settings 3
Parameter default values are defined by the application software configuration file. The application software
configuration file is part of the Airmaster™ Q1 software.

Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ key to configure for ‘NO’ , ‘Soft Reset’ or ‘Hard Reset’. Press
‘ENTER’ on a reset selection and the Airmaster™ Q1’s parameter default values will be reset.


P12.01  Parameter reset The Airmaster™ Q1 will power cycle following a parameter reset

A soft reset willinstall all default values which are not controller, compressor or sensor related. It keeps stuff
like calibration for sensors, the commissioning date .

A hard reset will install all defaults available. This is like getting a new Airmaster™ Q1 out of the box with
complete factory defaults installed. The commissioning date is taken at the moment of the hard reset.

The Event Log will indicate that a parameter reset to default event was carried out
Creates a new configuration file, replacing the existing configuration file. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ key to
select ‘YES’. Press ‘ENTER’. The current parameter values have been saved as the configuration file.


Understand how the Airmaster™ Q1 manages parameter data…

settings 3 P12.02  Save as CONFIG

Each Airmaster™ Q1 controller is delivered complete with a hard coded environment and configuration file.
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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

Parameter default values are defined by the application software configuration file.

Current parameter values are parameter values configured during normal operation. Current parameter values
can differ from the original configuration file.

Saved parameter values are the then ‘Current parameter values’ and saved by the Airmaster™ Q1 following
power down. The current parameter values are instantly recovered and re-instated by the Airmaster™ Q1
following power up.

Following a parameter reset the current parameter values are replaced by the original or previously saved
configuration file.
Not visible in STD
P12.03 
Not visible in STD
P12.04 
Not visible in STD
P12.05 
Use to purge Error log from memory. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ key to select ‘YES’. PRESS ‘ENTER’.
Equipment The Error log has been deleted from memory and the operator has been returned to P12.06.
settings 3 P12.06  Error log reset
Note: ‘NO’ will remain the default state following the log reset!
Use to purge Event log from memory. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ key to select ‘YES’. PRESS ‘ENTER’.
The Event log has been deleted from memory and the operator has been returned to P12.07.
P12.07  Event log reset
Note: ‘NO’ will remain the default state following the log reset!
Total hours start date. Total hours start date is intended to synchronise with the device commissioning date
and thus provide a controller accessible indication of device ‘total in service’ hours.

Total hours = Number of chronological hours elapsed since 00:00 on the date the device was commissioned
P12.08  Total HRS STR

The date configured should correspond with the device commissioning date (i.e. the date the device was put
into first service)
Press ‘ENTER’. Use ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure as required. Pressing ‘ENTER’ saves the configured
P12.08.01 Year
value and returns the operator to P12.08.01
Press ‘ENTER’. Use ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure as required. Pressing ‘ENTER’ saves the configured
P12.08.02 Month
value and returns the operator to P12.08.02
Press ‘ENTER’. Use ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure as required. Pressing ‘ENTER’ saves the configured
P12.08.03 Day
value and returns the operator to P12.08.03
P12.08.04 Date Press ‘ENTER’. The configured values in P12.08.01 ~ P12.08.03 have been committed to memory and the

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

operator returned to Menu P12.08

Note: You must save the newly configured values in P12.08.01 – P12.08.03 using P12.08.04 before leaving the
sub menu!
Set load hours provide a controller accessible indication of device load hours. The set load hour’s feature is
typically only used to purge pre commissioning load hours from memory or to synchronise with other hour
P12.09  Set load hours
Press ‘ENTER’ Use ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure as required. Pressing ‘ENTER’ saves the configured
value and returns the operator to P12.09
Set off load hours provides a controller accessible indication of device off load hours. The set off load hour’s
feature is typically only used to purge pre commissioning off load hours from memory or to synchronise with
other hour counters.
P12.10  Set off load HRS
Press ‘ENTER’ Use ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure as required. Pressing ‘ENTER’ saves the configured
value and returns the operator to P12.10
Set stopped hours provides a controller accessible indication of device stopped hours. The set stopped hours
feature is typically only used to purge pre commissioning stopped hours from memory or to synchronise with
Equipment other hour counters.
settings 3 P12.11  Set stopped hours
Press ‘ENTER’ Use ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure as required. Pressing ‘ENTER’ saves the configured
value and returns the operator to P12.11
Not visible in STD
P12.12 
Not visible in STD
P12.13 
Not visible in STD
P12.14 
Internal system control available. Use ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure as required. Pressing ‘ENTER’
saves the configured value and returns the operator to P12.15. When enabled, the Airmaster™ Q1 Internal
system control menu’s P80, P81 and P82 become available.
P12.15  ISC available

Menu P12.15 merely activates ISC menu access. Once activated, configure the use of the ISC function in
menu’s P80, P81 and P82
Internal System Control Pressure Sensor range. Press ‘ENTER’. Use ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure as
P12.16  ISC P SENS range
required. Pressing ‘ENTER’ saves the configured value and returns the operator to P12.16.
Fan TEMP high setting. Press ‘ENTER’. Use ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure as required. Pressing
‘ENTER’ saves the configured value and returns the operator to P12.17.
P12.17  Fan TEMP high

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

When COMP OUT TEMP ≥ Fan TEMP high the relay output assigned to ‘fan’ function is activated
Fan TEMP low setting. Press ‘ENTER’. Use ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure as required. Pressing
‘ENTER’ saves the configured value and returns the operator to P12.18.
P12.18  Fan TEMP low

When COMP OUT TEMP ≤ Fan T° low the relay output assigned to ‘fan’ function is de-activated
Fan run period. Press ‘ENTER’. Use ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between 0 and 600 seconds. Step
P12.19  Fan run period
= 1. Pressing ‘ENTER’ saves the configured value and returns the operator to P12.19.
Use to enable (ON) or disable (OFF) the bitmap screens displayed during a power cycle. Press ‘ENTER’ Use
P12.20  Boot screen BMP the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between ON and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has
been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P12.20.
P00.03 User defined menu display configuration. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ to configure
P12.21  P00.03 CONFIG between OFF, P##.## or other accessible menu page name. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been
committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P12.21
P00.04 User defined menu display configuration. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ to configure
P12.22  P00.04 CONFIG between OFF, P##.## or other accessible menu page name. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been
committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P12.22
Equipment P00.05 User defined menu display configuration. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ to configure
settings 3 P12.23  P00.05 CONFIG between OFF, P##.## or other accessible menu page name. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been
committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P12.23
Restart reminder. Press ‘ENTER’. Use ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure as required. Pressing ‘ENTER’
saves the configured value and returns the operator to P12.24
Restart reminder is a selection for information at power up. If at the moment of power down, there is
an active immediate shutdown condition, there are 3 ways of starting up. You switch this selection
P12.24  Restart reminder
off and nothing happens. When set to warning alarm, a warning will be generated suggesting that at
power down, something was wrong. When set to IMM stop alarm, an immediate shutdown
condition will be flagged, making it impossible for the compressor to start without someone coming
over, checking the machine and resetting this immediate stop condition.
Not visible in STD
Not visible in STD
Press ‘ENTER’. Use ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure as required. Pressing ‘ENTER’ saves the configured
value and returns the operator to P12.27
P12.27 Dryer type
Dryer type selection between continuous dryer and refrigerant dryer. Continuous dryer follows the
started states, refrigerant dryer uses the dryer on/off settings in P12.28 & P12.29
Press ‘ENTER’. Use ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure as required. Pressing ‘ENTER’ saves the configured
P12.28 Dryer off temperature value and returns the operator to P12.28
Dryer off temperature

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

Press ‘ENTER’. Use ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure as required. Pressing ‘ENTER’ saves the configured
P12.29 Dryer on temperature value and returns the operator to P12.29
Dryer on temperature
P12.30 Max dryer starts Max dryer starts/hour
Selection for LCO (Led Card Option) communication loss response. Selection between
P12.31 LCO COM SEVERITY ALARM_SEVERITY_OFF (no response), ALARM_SEVERITY_WARNING (flag a warning about
comms loss) and ALARM_SEVERITY_TRIP

Press ‘ENTER’. Use ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between ‘ON’ and ‘OFF’. Pressing ‘ENTER’ saves
the configured value and returns the operator to P12.32.
P12.32 Resume DI start Resume DI start observes the condition of the DI associated with DI start after for example a power outage
event. When switched on the controller will generate an artificial contact open/close cycle in order to remote
start the controller when power comes back.
settings 3

Press ‘ENTER’. Use ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between 0 and 30 seconds. Step = 1. Pressing
‘ENTER’ saves the configured value and returns the operator to P12.33..
P12.33 Run check delay
One of the selectable functions for a digital input is checking a feedback signal of a motor relay. P12.33
determines the time the DI has to change state..

Press ‘ENTER’. Use ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between ‘ON’ and ‘OFF’. Pressing ‘ENTER’ saves
the configured value and returns the operator to P12.33.
This parameter can limit the selection of actions for the run schedule. When switched on the actions are limited
P12.34 Limit schedule functions to use default PH/PL, use schedule PH/PL and goto standby. When switched of, 3 more actions are added to
the action list: run default PH/PL, run schedule PH/PL, device stop. For the 3 first ones to be able to work, the
user must start the machine first. Here starting and stopping the machine is left to the operator. The additional
actions will actually start and stop the machine as scheduled.

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

P Switch low setting. Press ‘ENTER’. Use ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure as required. Pressing ‘ENTER’
saves the configured value and returns the operator to P12.35
P12.35 P Switch Low
Note :

When COMP OUT PRESS ≤ P Switch low the relay output assigned to ‘P Switch’ function is de-activated

P Switch high setting. Press ‘ENTER’. Use ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure as required. Pressing ‘ENTER’
saves the configured value and returns the operator to P12.36
P12.36 P Switch High
Note :

When COMP OUT PRESS ≥ P Switch high the relay output assigned to ‘P Switch’ function is activated

Variable speed drive (hereinafter referred to as the VSD) settings manage the relationship between the VSD and the device main motor.

VSD control modes selection. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between ‘VAR
speed CTRL’ or ‘Fixed speed control’. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory
and the operator returned to menu P13.01.

P13.01  VSD control mode
In variable speed control mode, the VSD functions across the available and configured speed range

In fixed speed control mode, the VSD functions like an electronic gearbox, regulating between…
VSD settings
 At PL change device state, go to OPTIMUM SPEED
 At PH change device state, go to OFFLOAD SPEED
VSD target pressure. Press ‘ENTER’ Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between
permissible values. Step = 0.1 BAR (or other unit of measure). Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has
been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P13.02.
P13.02 VSD target PRESS

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

Maximum permissible value = Equipment outlet pressure alarm value minus 0.2 bar (or other unit of measure)
Variable speed drives maximum speed. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between
P13.03  VSD MAX speed 100 and 10,000 RPM. Step = 100 RPM. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to
memory and the operator returned to menu P13.03.
Variable speed drives minimum speed. Press ‘ENTER’. Configure between 0 and 9900 RPM. Step = 100
P13.04  VSD MIN speed RPM. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to
menu P13.04.
Variable speed drives optimum speed. Press ‘ENTER’. Configure between 100 and 10,000 RPM. Step = 100
RPM. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to
menu P13.05.
P13.05  VSD OPT speed
Note: Variable speed drive optimum speed is used to broadcast device optimum speed to Metacentre™
system controllers via the Airbus485™ network protocol. Using this parameter and its intelligent software
algorithms, Metacentre™ system controllers are able to optimise the utilisation of multiple variable speed drive
devices that feature Airmaster™ device controllers.
Variable speed drive off load speed. The drive speed used when the device moves to the off load state. Press
P13.06  VSD off load speed ‘ENTER’. Configure between 0 and 9900 RPM. Step = 100 RPM. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has
been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P13.07.
P13.07 VSD speed RPM Variable speed drive speed RPM. No edit. Airmaster Q1™ PID output to variable speed drive.
VSD settings P13.08 VSD output CURR Variable speed drive output current. No edit. Airmaster Q1™ PID output to variable speed drive.
Variable speed drive proportional loop factor (See diagram below). Press ‘ENTER’. Configure between 0 and
100. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu

P13.09  VSD P factor

Variable speed drive Integration factor (see diagram above). Press ‘ENTER’. Configure between 0 and 100.
P13.10  VSD I factor Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu
Variable speed drive derivative factor (see diagram above). Press ‘ENTER’. Configure between 0 and 100.
P13.11  VSD D factor Press ENTER. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu
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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

P13.12 VSD speed % Variable speed drive speed %. No edit. Airmaster Q1™ PID output to variable speed drive.
Variable speed drive maximum ramp rate. Press ‘ENTER’. Configure between 5% and 100%. Step = 1%.
P13.13  VSD MAX RMP rate Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu
P13.15 NOT VISIBLE Parameter not used in Airmaster Q1 Standard software
P13.16 NOT VISIBLE Parameter not used in Airmaster Q1 Standard software
P13.17 NOT VISIBLE Parameter not used in Airmaster Q1 Standard software
P13.18 NOT VISIBLE Parameter not used in Airmaster Q1 Standard software
P13.19 NOT VISIBLE Parameter not used in Airmaster Q1 Standard software
P13.20 NOT VISIBLE Parameter not used in Airmaster Q1 Standard software
P13.21 NOT VISIBLE Parameter not used in Airmaster Q1 Standard software
P13.22 NOT VISIBLE Parameter not used in Airmaster Q1 Standard software
P13.23 NOT VISIBLE Parameter not used in Airmaster Q1 Standard software
VSD settings
P13.24 NOT VISIBLE Parameter not used in Airmaster Q1 Standard software
VSD skip frequency 1 low set point. Press ‘ENTER’. Configure between OFF and 100 Hz. Step = 1. Press
‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P13.25


Logical skip frequency low and high set point value restrictions apply
P13.25  Skip Hz 1 low
When skip frequency 1 low set point is adjusted to a value greater than OFF, skip frequency 1 high menu and
skip frequency 2 low menus are revealed. Similarly, when skip frequency 2 low set point is adjusted to a value
greater than OFF, skip frequency 2 high menu and skip frequency 3 low menus are revealed.

There are a total of 3 skip frequency ranges that can be configured

VSD skip frequency 1 high set point. Press ‘ENTER’. Configure between skip Hz 1 low +1 and 100 Hz. Step
P13.26  Skip Hz 1 high = 1. Press ENTER. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu
VSD skip frequency 2 low set point. Press ‘ENTER’. Configure between OFF, skip Hz 1 high +2 and 100 Hz.
P13.27  Skip Hz 2 low Step = 1. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to
menu P13.27
VSD skip frequency 2 high set point. Press ‘ENTER’. Configure between skip Hz 2 low +1 and 100 Hz. Step
P13.28  Skip Hz 2 high = 1. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu
VSD skip frequency 3 low set point. Press ‘ENTER’. Configure between OFF, skip Hz 2 high +2 and 100 Hz.
P13.29  Skip Hz 3 low Step = 1. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to
menu P13.29
VSD skip frequency 3 high set point. Press ‘ENTER’. Configure between skip Hz 3 low +1 and 100 Hz. Step
P13.30  Skip Hz 3 high = 1. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu
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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

Motor protection is part of Airmaster™ Q1’s Advanced Power Monitoring feature. Advanced power monitoring is provided in two ways. First,
frequency and phase protection is provided via the high voltage phase connection (X12). Refer to Menu P16 and P17 for a detailed description of
this feature. Secondly, phase angle, under current detection, rotor lock overload and phase imbalance protection is provided. Menu P14 describes
these features in detail.

Combined, Advanced Power Monitoring offers protection equivalent to Trip Class 10A for the main motor and motor overload protection equivalent
to Trip Class 10A for the fan motor of the device as well as current sensor and / or wiring error protection.

Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between ON and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The
P14.01  Main MTR protect
configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P14.01.
Motor Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between ON and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The
protection P14.02  Fan MTR protect
configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P14.02.
Main motor nominal current is described below. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure
P14.03  Main MTR NOM CUR between 5.0Amps and 1000Amps. Step = 0.1A. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to
memory and the operator returned to menu P14.03.
Main motor star delta transition time factor is described below. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys
P14.04  Main MTR SDTTF to configure between 1.1 and 3.0. Step = 0.1. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to
memory and the operator returned to menu P14.04. (See example below)
Main motor rotor lock protection is described below. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to
P14.05  Main MTR ROT LOC configure between OFF (i.e. not required) and 5.0. Step = 0.1. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has
been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P14.05.
Main motor phase imbalance protection is described below. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to
P14.06  Main MTR PH IMB configure between 5% and 40%. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and
the operator returned to menu P14.06.
Fan motor nominal current is described below. Fan motor nominal current. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘Up’ and
P14.07  Fan MTR NOM CURR ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between 0.50Amps and 100Amps. Step = 0.01A. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured
value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P14.07. (See example below)
Fan motor overload inhibit time. Used to inhibit the current value measured during the Fan motor overload
inhibit time. Note: The Fan motor overload inhibit time starts following a fan motor start event. Press
P14.08  Fan MTR OVLD INH ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between 1 second and 10 seconds. Step = 0.1 second.
Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu

Establishing motor nominal current:

For the motor protection feature to function effectively it is important to configure the main motor nominal current at P14.03 and the fan motor nominal current
Motor at
protection P14.07. Motor nominal current can be calculated as follows...

First, establish the nominal motor kW rating, service factor (if any), power factor cos phi and the line voltage for the motor concerned (i.e. main motor and / or
fan motor where applicable).

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

Because the CT’s are placed on only one of the 3 phases we’re going to add 1.73 (the square root of 3) to our calculation. So, for example a main motor with a
nominal motor rating of 37kW, service factor of 1.05, power factor cos phi of 0.85 and line voltage of 400 volts, the nominal current would equal...

(37kW * 1.05) / (400V * 0.85 * 1.73) = 66 AMPS

So, for example a fan motor with a nominal motor rating of 1.1kW, service factor of 1.0.5, power factor cos phi of 0.85 and line voltage of 400 volts, the nominal
current would equal...

(1.1kW * 1.05) / (400V * 0.85 * 1.73) = 2 AMPS

C.T. selection and physical location:

C.T. selection:

A comprehensive range of C.T.’s from 5 AMP to 650 AMP exist.

Do not select a C.T. where the nominal current measured is less than 40% of the C.T.’s rating. The available range of C.T.’s overlap between 40% and 50% at
which point two options may be possible!

Loop or wind the current cable through the C.T. for greater accuracy where necessary (1 x = current, 2 x = 2 x current, 3 x = 3 x current etc)
protection Main motor:

The main motor C.T.’s (2) are placed on the phase current, which is 1.73 times lower than the line current in the delta state. Factor accordingly! Using our
example above, 66A / 1.73 = 38 AMPS so selecting a 40 AMP C.T. is appropriate.

Fan motor:

The fan motor C.T. (1) is placed on the line current so there is no reduction in current measured. Again using our example above, fan current is 2 AMPS so
selecting a 5 AMP C.T. is appropriate. Because the nominal current measured is 40% of the C.T.’s rating it is possible to loop or wind the line current through
the C.T. twice for greater accuracy (i.e. increasing the line current measured to 4 AMPS)

Note: When looping or winding the current through the C.T. remember to adjust the corresponding C.T. winding parameter in Menu P19

Note: Consult the Airmaster™ Q1 installation guide for a comprehensive guide to main and fan motor C.T. physical location

Rotor lock and overload protection:

Rotor lock and overload protection are never active simultaneously!

During a motor start event, rotor lock protection is active for a factor of time determined by the star delta transition time factor parameter at P14.04. Following
the aforementioned period of time, rotor lock protection is deactivated and overload protection is simultaneously activated.
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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

Rotor lock protection (providing enhanced motor start event protection):

Rotor lock protection will immediately stop the main motor if the starting current is too high. The protection has a delay time of 2 seconds to allow current peaks
that occur when the main motor is initially started and / or during a main motor star-delta transition event.

The following method is provided for guidance only! It can be used to establish a parameter value for the main motor ROT lock parameter at menu P14.05. If
in doubt, contact your product supplier

2 second delay time 2 second delay time
Overload (x times nominal current)

Main motor rotor

lock protection level
(Parameter P14.05)

Time [s]
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Overload protection active

Typical parameter values are between 2.5 and 4. A simple method of establishing a parameter value is to gradually lower the parameter value until a main
motor ROT lock immediate stop event occurs. The motor should be COLD when using this method to establish a parameter value. Once established, set the
parameter value higher (for example... add 1.0) to compensate for performance variation due to general wear and tear, filter blockages and lower device oil

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

Overload protection (providing continuous motor overload protection):

Following star delta transition time factor period, overload protection of the main motor is activated. Following the fan motor overload inhibit period, overload
protection of the fan motor is activated. The fan motor overload inhibit is intended to allow current peaks that can occur during a fan motor start event.

It is not necessary to configure the characteristics of the overload protection. Instead, overload protection is determined by Airmaster™ Q1 using the
configured nominal current for the respective motor and the following...

Overload protection characteristic



50 Overload factor Time [s]

1,2 60
Time [s]

1,3 48
1,5 24
1,6 15
20 2 5
3 1
10 4 0,25
5 0,1
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Overload (x times nominal current)

Under current detection:

No configuration is necessary! Following a delay tim of 2 seconds, the Airmaster™ Q1 monitors the presence of current in any running state. If the detected
current is less than 20% of the nominal motor current the Airmaster™ Q1 will assume this to be an abnormal under current condition and an immediate stop
event will occur.

Note: 20% is a value sufficiently high to filter out noise and sufficiently low to avoid reporting low operating current as a fault (e.g. no load running current)

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

Main motor phase imbalance protection:

The value measured in each phase should be equal. Main motor phase imbalance measures any deviation in the phase value measured. If the measured
value in any of the 3 phases deviates by more than the configured value (configured as a percentage), an immediate stop event will occur.

Main motor phase angle protection:

No configuration is necessary! The Airmaster™ Q1 monitors the sequential use of Phase 1, 2 and 3 and the corresponding phase angle.

L1 = 0°
L2 phase angle = 100° and 140°
L3 phase angle = 220° and 260°

If a phase angle error occurs and the immediate stop condition is configured, an immediate stop event will occur.

Current sensor or wiring error protection:

If the measured current is lower than 20% of the nominal current when the respective motor is running, the Airmaster™ Q1 will assume there is a current
sensor defect or that there is a wiring fault.

Airmaster™ Q1 features a variety of menu configurable inhibits that restrict the device moving to a running state.

The operator inhibit is intended for operators to intentionally inhibit the device from operation
P15.01  Operator
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between ON and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The
configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P15.01.
Some devices require the device enclosure door(s) to be closed. To prevent running when the device
enclosure door(s) are open the Door open inhibit can be used to prevent the device from starting. The Door
Inhibits open inhibit uses an assigned digital input as a reference condition.

If a digital input has been assigned to ‘door open’ (see digital input assignment) then the door open inhibit can
P15.02  Door open be used to prevent the device from starting if the digital input is in an alarm state during a start event.

Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between ON and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The
configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P15.02.

Note: A digital input must be configured to ‘door open’ for the door open inhibit feature to function
To prevent starting during extreme ambient conditions the low temperature inhibit can be used to prevent the
P15.03  Low temperature device from starting. The low temperature inhibit uses the COMP OUT TEMP sensor value as a reference
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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between -20°C and +10°C (or other selectable
unit of measure). Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator
Inhibits returned to menu P15.03.
To prevent starting when excessive internal pressure exists the internal pressure high inhibit can be used to
prevent the device from starting. The internal pressure high inhibit uses the internal pressure sensor value as
a reference condition.
P15.04  INT PRESS high
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between 0.1 BAR and 2.0 BAR (or other
selectable unit of measure). Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the
operator returned to menu P15.04.

Airmaster™ Q1 features a variety of menu configurable WARNING ALARM and IMMEDIATE STOP ALARM conditions.

Service hours 1 warning alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between 0 and
10,000 hours. Step is variable. It starts out as 1. When the value hits the first multiple of 10, the step becomes
10. When the value hits the first multiple of 100, the step becomes 100 and so on. Releasing the up or down
button resets the step size to 1 again. The default value can be set immediately by using the reset button
P16.01  Service hours 1
whilst editing the value. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the
operator returned to menu P16.01.

Note: To function, the parameter must be enabled in menu P11 – Equip settings 2!
Service hours 2 warning alamr. Press ‘ENTER’. Use ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between 0 and
Warnings / IMM 10,000 hours. Step is variable. It starts out as 1. When the value hits the first multiple of 10, the step becomes
stop alarms 10. When the value hits the first multiple of 100, the step becomes 100 and so on. Releasing the up or down
button resets the step size to 1 again. The default value can be set immediately by using the reset button
P16.02  Service hours 2
whilst editing the value. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the
operator returned to menu P16.02.

Note: To function, the parameter must be enabled in menu P11 – Equip settings 2!
Service hours 3 warning alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between 0 and
10,000 hours. Step is variable. It starts out as 1. When the value hits the first multiple of 10, the step becomes
10. When the value hits the first multiple of 100, the step becomes 100 and so on. Releasing the up or down
button resets the step size to 1 again. The default value can be set immediately by using the reset button
P16.03  Service hours 3
whilst editing the value. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the
operator returned to menu P16.03.

Note: To function, the parameter must be enabled in menu P11 – Equip settings 2!
Service hours 4 warning alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between 0 and
10,000 hours. Step is variable. It starts out as 1. When the value hits the first multiple of 10, the step becomes
P16.04  Service hours 4 10. When the value hits the first multiple of 100, the step becomes 100 and so on. Releasing the up or down
button resets the step size to 1 again. The default value can be set immediately by using the reset button
whilst editing the value. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the
Page 48
Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

operator returned to menu P16.04.

Note: To function, the parameter must be enabled in menu P11 – Equip settings 2!
Service hours 5 warning alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between 0 and
10,000 hours. Step is variable. It starts out as 1. When the value hits the first multiple of 10, the step becomes
10. When the value hits the first multiple of 100, the step becomes 100 and so on. Releasing the up or down
button resets the step size to 1 again. The default value can be set immediately by using the reset button
P16.05  Service hours 5
whilst editing the value. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the
operator returned to menu P16.05.

Note: To function, the parameter must be enabled in menu P11 – Equip settings 2!
Service hours 6 warning alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between 0 and
10,000 hours. Step is variable. It starts out as 1. When the value hits the first multiple of 10, the step becomes
10. When the value hits the first multiple of 100, the step becomes 100 and so on. Releasing the up or down
button resets the step size to 1 again. The default value can be set immediately by using the reset button
P16.06  Service hours 6
whilst editing the value. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the
Warnings / IMM operator returned to menu P16.06.
stop alarms
Note: To function, the parameter must be enabled in menu P11 – Equip settings 2!
Service hours 7 warning alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between 0 and
10,000 hours. Step is variable. It starts out as 1. When the value hits the first multiple of 10, the step becomes
10. When the value hits the first multiple of 100, the step becomes 100 and so on. Releasing the up or down
button resets the step size to 1 again. The default value can be set immediately by using the reset button
P16.07  Service hours 7
whilst editing the value. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the
operator returned to menu P16.07.

Note: To function, the parameter must be enabled in menu P11 – Equip settings 2!
Service hours 8 warning alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between 0 and
10,000 hours. Step is variable. It starts out as 1. When the value hits the first multiple of 10, the step becomes
10. When the value hits the first multiple of 100, the step becomes 100 and so on. Releasing the up or down
button resets the step size to 1 again. The default value can be set immediately by using the reset button
P16.08  Service hours 8
whilst editing the value. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the
operator returned to menu P16.08.

Note: To function, the parameter must be enabled in menu P11 – Equip settings 2!
Weekly service warning alarm. Press ‘ENTER’ to access sub menu P16.09.##
P16.09  Weekly service
Note: To function, the parameter must be enabled in menu P11 – Equip settings 2!
Automatic schedule next service. Press ‘ENTER’. Use ‘UP’ or ‘DOWN’ keys to select ‘YES’. Press ‘ENTER’.
The next weekly service has been chronologically configured.
P16.09.01  AUTO SCH service
Note: The auto schedule feature adds 7 calendar days to the currently configured values in P16.09.02 ~
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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

Manually configure the Year of the next service. Press ‘ENTER’. Use ‘Up’ or ‘DOWN’ keys to configure ‘Year’,
P16.09.02  Year
Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been updated and the operator returned to menu P16.09.02.
Manually configure the Month of the next service. Press ‘ENTER’. Use ‘Up’ or ‘DOWN’ keys to configure
P16.09.03  Month ‘Month’, Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been updated and the operator returned to menu
Manually configure the Day of the next service. Press ‘ENTER’. Use ‘Up’ or ‘DOWN’ keys to configure ‘Day’,
P16.09.04  Day
Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been updated and the operator returned to menu P16.09.04.
Manually configure the Time of the next service. Press ‘ENTER’. Use ‘Up’ or ‘DOWN’ keys to configure ‘Time’,
P16.09.05  Time
Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been updated and the operator returned to menu P16.09.05.
Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu
P16.09.06  Save changes
Annual service warning alarm. Press ‘ENTER’ to access sub menu P16.10.##.

P16.10  Annual service Note: To function, the parameter must be enabled in menu P11 – Equip settings 2!

Warnings / IMM Note: Following Year, Month, Day and Time configuration procedure described above!
stop alarms Bi-annual service warning alarm. Press ‘ENTER’ to access sub menu P16.11.##.

P16.11  Bi-annual service Note: To function, the parameter must be enabled in menu P11 – Equip settings 2!

Note: Following Year, Month, Day and Time configuration procedure described above!
Analogue type (See Menu P12.12):

Device ‘compressor engine’ outlet temperature warning alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’
keys to configure between OFF (i.e. not required), 70°C and 240°C (or other selectable unit of measure). Step
= 1. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu
Digital type (See Menu P12.12):

Device ‘compressor engine’ outlet temperature warning alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Configure between OFF and
ON. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu
Equipment outlet pressure warning alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure
between OFF and the maximum permissible value. Step = 0.1 BAR (or other unit of measure). Press
‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P16.13.
Note: Minimum permissible value = 0.1 BAR (or other unit of measure) above Off load pressure

Note: Maximum permissible value = 0.1 BAR (or other unit of measure) below Equipment outlet pressure
immediate stop value.
P16.14  EQUIP INT PRESS Equipment internal pressure warning alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure

Page 50
Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

between OFF and the maximum permissible value. Step = 0.1 BAR (or other unit of measure). Press ‘ENTER’.
The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P16.14.

Note: Minimum permissible value = 0.1 BAR (or other unit of measure) above Equipment outlet pressure

Note: Maximum permissible value = 0.1 BAR (or other unit of measure) below Equipment internal pressure
immediate stop alarm
Differential pressure warning alarm (EQUIP INT PRESS MINUS EQUIP OUT PRESS). Press ‘ENTER’.
Configure between OFF, 0.2 BAR and the maximum permissible value. Step = 0.1 BAR (or other unit of
measure). Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to
menu P16.15.

Note: The minimum differential between differential pressure warning and differential pressure immediate stop
P16.15  DIFF pressure
= 0.2 BAR.
Warnings / IMM
stop alarms Note: DIFF pressure warning monitoring is disabled when delivery temperature is below 50°C (or other unit of

Note: DIFF pressure must continuously exceed the set value for more than 10 seconds for a warning to occur
Device ‘Oil / Air Separator’ differential pressure high warning alarm (Oil Air SEP DP HI MINUS EQUIP OUT
PRESS). Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between OFF, 0.01 BAR and 2.00 BAR
(or other selectable unit of measure). Step = 0.01 BAR (or other unit of measure). Press ‘ENTER’. The
configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P16.16
P16.16  Oil Air SEP DP HI
Note: Device pressure warning monitoring is disabled when delivery temperature is below 50°C (or other unit
of measure)

Note: DIFF pressure must continuously exceed the set value for more than 10 seconds for a warning to occur
Power source phase detection warning alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure
between ON and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the
operator returned to menu P16.17.
P16.17  Phase detection
If ON this parameter will warn if a loss of phase occurs or if the frequency is lower that 40Hz or greater than
70Hz for more than 500milliseconds (or 25 cycles).
High main motor starts per hour warning alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure
P16.18  HI MTR STR HR between OFF, 1 and 20. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the
operator returned to menu P16.18
Device enclosure door open warning alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure
between ON and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the
P16.19  Door open operator returned to menu P16.19

Note: Requires appropriate digital input assignment. See Menu P18

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

Device cabinet filter differential pressure warning alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to
configure between ON and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and
P16.20  CAB filter DP the operator returned to menu P16.20.

Note: Requires appropriate digital input assignment. See Menu P18

Device air filter differential pressure warning alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to
configure between ON and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and
P16.21 Air filter DP the operator returned to menu P16.21.

Note: Requires appropriate digital input assignment. See Menu P18

Oil filter differential pressure warning alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure
between ON and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the
P16.22  Oil filter DP operator returned to menu P16.22.

Note: Requires appropriate digital input assignment. See Menu P18

Device separator filter differential pressure warning alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to
Warnings / IMM configure between ON and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and
stop alarms P16.23  SEP filter DP HI the operator returned to menu P16.23.

Note: Requires appropriate digital input assignment. See Menu P18

Fan motor alarm warning alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between ON
and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to
P16.24  Fan motor alarm menu P16.24.

Note: Requires appropriate digital input assignment. See Menu P18

Device condensate drain warning alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between
ON and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator
P16.25  CNDS drain alarm returned to menu P16.25.

Note: Requires appropriate digital input assignment. See Menu P18

Device cooling water warning alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between ON
and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to
P16.26  COOL water alarm menu P16.26.

Note: Requires appropriate digital input assignment. See Menu P18

Device oil level warning alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between ON and
OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to
P16.27  Oil level alarm menu P16.27.

Note: Requires appropriate digital input assignment. See Menu P18

Device refrigerant dryer warning alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between
P16.28  Dryer alarm
ON and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator

Page 52
Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

returned to menu P16.28.

Note: Requires appropriate digital input assignment. See Menu P18

Device line filter differential pressure warning alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to
configure between ON and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and
P16.29  Line FTR DP ALM the operator returned to menu P16.29.

Note: Requires appropriate digital input assignment. See Menu P18

Device filter drain warning alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between ON
and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to
P16.30  FTR drain ALM menu P16.30.

Note: Requires appropriate digital input assignment. See Menu P18

Device oil / water separator warning alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure
Warnings / IMM between ON and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the
stop alarms P16.31  Oil/WTR SEP ALM operator returned to menu P16.31.

Note: Requires appropriate digital input assignment. See Menu P18

Ambient temperature high warning alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure
between ON and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the
P16.32  Ambient TEMP HI operator returned to menu P16.32.

Note: Requires appropriate digital input assignment. See Menu P18

Configurable warning alarm 1. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between ON and
P16.33  Conf alarm 1 OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to
menu P16.33
Configurable warning alarm 2. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between ON and
P16.34  Conf alarm 2 OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to
menu P16.34
Configurable warning alarm 3. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between ON and
P16.35  Conf alarm 3 OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to
menu P16.34
P16.36 Not used in standard software
VSD fan motor overload. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between ON and OFF.
Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu
P16.37  VSD fan MOT OVLD P16.37.

Note: Requires appropriate digital input assignment. See Menu P18

Fan motor overload. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between ON and OFF.
Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu
P16.38  Fan motor OVLD

Page 53
Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

Note: Requires appropriate digital input assignment. See Menu P18

Oil Temperature high. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between ON and OFF.
Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu
P16.39  Oil TEMP HI P16.39.

Note: Requires appropriate digital input assignment. See Menu P18

Equipment internal temperature high. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between
ON and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator
P16.40  EQUIP INT TEMP returned to menu P16.40.

Note: Requires appropriate digital input assignment. See Menu P18

Not visible in STD
Warnings / IMM P16.41 
stop alarms Device ‘compressor engine’ outlet temperature high alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to
configure between OFF and ON. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and
P16.42  COMP OUT T H A the operator returned to menu P16.42

Note: Requires appropriate digital input assignment. See Menu P18

Device ‘compressor engine’ outlet pressure low low alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to
configure between OFF and ON. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and
P16.43  COMP OUT P LL A the operator returned to menu P16.43

Note: Requires appropriate digital input assignment. See Menu P18

Device ‘compressor engine’ outlet temperature immediate stop alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and
‘DOWN’ keys to configure between OFF and ON. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed
to memory and the operator returned to menu P17.01
Comp out temperature must be enabled in P18.22-P18.25
High temperature rise immediate stop alarm. The purpose of the high temperature rise parameter is to monitor
P17.02  HI TEMP rise any abnormally high rise in device temperature following a run condition. Press ENTER to access the HI
TEMP rise sub menu
Delta temperature immediate stop alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure
P17.02.01  Delta TEMP between 1 and 60°C (or other selectable unit of measure). Step = 1°C. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value
has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P17.02.01.
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between 5 and 30 seconds. Step = 1 second.
P17.02.02  Delta time Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between OFF, 0 and 60 seconds. Step = 1
second. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to
menu P17.02.03
P17.02.03  Active time
Note: Active time = The period of time defined in seconds that the high temperature rise parameter remains
active following a state change to ‘run’.

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

Equipment outlet pressure immediate stop alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure
between permissible values. Step = 0.1 BAR (or other unit of measure). Press ‘ENTER’. The configured
value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P17.03.
Note: Minimum permissible value = 0.1 BAR (or other unit of measure) above Equipment outlet pressure
warning alarm.
Equipment internal pressure immediate stop alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to
configure between permissible value. Step = 0.1 BAR (or other unit of measure). Press ‘ENTER’. The
configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P17.04.
Note: Minimum permissible value = 0.1 BAR (or other unit of measure) above Equipment internal pressure
Low pressure rise immediate stop alarm. The purpose of the pressure rise parameter is to monitor any
Warnings / IMM abnormally low rise in internal pressure following a run condition. Press ‘ENTER’ to access the Low pressure
stop alarms P17.05  Low PRESS rise rise sub menu.

Note: Only active when an internal pressure sensor is installed.

Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between 0 and 2 BAR (or other selectable unit of
P17.05.01  Min INT PRESS measure). Step = 0.1 BAR. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the
operator returned to menu P17.05.01.
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between OFF, 0 and 60 seconds. Step = 1
P17.05.02  Active time second. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to
menu P17.05.02
Differential pressure immediate stop alarm (EQUIP INT PRESS MINUS EQUIP OUT PRESS). Press ENTER.
Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between OFF, 0.4 BAR and the maximum permissible value. Step
= 0.1 BAR (or other unit of measure). Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory
and the operator returned to menu P17.06.

Note: The minimum differential between differential pressure warning and differential pressure immediate stop
P17.06  DIFF pressure
= 0.2 BAR.

Note: DIFF pressure immediate stop alarm monitoring is disabled when delivery temperature is below 50°C (or
other unit of measure)

Note: DIFF pressure must continuously exceed the set value for more than 10 seconds for a warning to occur
Device main motor locked immediate stop alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ to configure
P17.07  Main motor lock between ON and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the
operator returned to menu P17.07.
Device main motor overload immediate stop alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to
configure between ON and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and
P17.08  Main motor OVLD the operator returned to menu P17.08.

If ON this parameter will immediately stop the device of a motor overload determined by P14 menu
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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

configuration or if a main motor overload digital input registers a ‘NOT OK’ condition
Device main motor phase imbalance immediate stop alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to
configure between ON and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and
P17.09  Motor phase IMB the operator returned to menu P17.09.

Warnings / IMM If ON this parameter will immediately stop the device if a phase imbalance occurs
stop alarms Device fan motor overload immediate stop alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure
between ON and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the
operator returned to menu P17.10.
P17.10  Fan MTR overload
If ON this parameter will immediately stop the device of a motor overload determined by P14 menu
configuration or if a fan motor overload digital input registers a ‘NOT OK’ condition
Device phase detection immediate stop alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure
between ON and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the
operator returned to menu P17.11.
P17.11  Phase detection
If ON this parameter will immediately stop the device if phase order (L1, L2, L3) is incorrect or if a loss of phase
Device enclosure door open immediate stop alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to
configure between ON and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and
P17.12  Door open the operator returned to menu P17.12.

Note: Requires appropriate digital input assignment. See Menu P18

Fan motor immediate stop alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between ON
and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to
P17.13  Fan motor alarm menu P7.13.

Note: Requires appropriate digital input assignment. See Menu P18

Device cooling water immediate stop alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure
between ON and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the
P17.14  COOL water alarm operator returned to menu P17.14.

Note: Requires appropriate digital input assignment. See Menu P18

Device oil level immediate stop alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between
ON and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator
P17.15  Oil level alarm returned to menu P17.15.

Note: Requires appropriate digital input assignment. See Menu P18

Device belt drive service immediate stop alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure
between ON and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the
P17.16  Belt drive SERV
operator returned to menu P17.16.

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

Note: Requires appropriate digital input assignment. See Menu P18

Device refrigerant dryer immediate stop alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure
between ON and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the
P17.17  RD alarm operator returned to menu P17.17.

Note: Requires appropriate digital input assignment. See Menu P18

Water flow immediate stop alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between ON
and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to
P17.18  Water flow menu P17.18.

Note: Requires appropriate digital input assignment. See Menu P18

Inverter fault immediate stop alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between ON
and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to
P17.19  Inverter fault menu P17.19.

Note: Requires appropriate digital input assignment. See Menu P18

Main motor temp high immediate stop alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure
between ON and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the
P17.20  Main MTR temp HI operator returned to menu P17.20.
Warnings / IMM
stop alarms Note: Requires appropriate digital input assignment. See Menu P18
Equipment outlet temp high immediate stop alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to
configure between ON and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and
P17.21  EQUIP out TEMP HI the operator returned to menu P17.21.

Note: Requires appropriate digital input assignment. See Menu P18

Cooling system fault immediate stop alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure
between ON and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the
P17.22  Cooling SYS FLT operator returned to menu P17.22.

Note: Requires appropriate digital input assignment. See Menu P18

Main motor fault immediate stop alarm. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between
ON and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator
P17.23  Main motor fault returned to menu P17.23.

Note: Requires appropriate digital input assignment. See Menu P18

Configured immediate stop alarm 1. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between ON
and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to
P17.24  Conf IMM stop 1 menu P17.21

Note: Requires appropriate digital input assignment. See Menu P18

P17.25  Conf IMM stop 2 Configured immediate stop alarm 2. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between ON

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to
menu P17.22

Note: Requires appropriate digital input assignment. See Menu P18

Configured immediate stop alarm 3. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between ON
and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to
P17.26  Conf IMM stop 3 menu P17.23

Note: Requires appropriate digital input assignment. See Menu P18

P17.27 Not used in standard software
P17.28 Not used in standard software
P17.29 Not used in standard software
P17.30 Not used in standard software
P17.31 Not used in standard software
VSD fan motor overload. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between ON and OFF.
Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu
P17.32  VSD fan MOT OVLD P17.32

Note: Requires appropriate digital input assignment. See Menu P18

Fan motor overload. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between ON and OFF.
Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu
P17.33  Fan motor OVLD P17.33

Note: Requires appropriate digital input assignment. See Menu P18

Oil temperature high. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between ON and OFF.
Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu
P17.34  Oil TEMP HI P17.34

Note: Requires appropriate digital input assignment. See Menu P18

P17.35 Not used in standard
Equipment internal temperature high. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure between
ON and OFF. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator
P17.36 EQUIP INT TEMP returned to menu P17.35

Note: Requires appropriate digital input assignment. See Menu P18

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

Airmaster™ Q1 features a variety if input / output configuration options.

Note: When configuring I/O assignments in menu P18 you must also configure the associated menu item(s) in the respective menus. For example;
if you want to configure digital input 2 of menu item P18.02 for ‘Oil filter DP alarm monitoring’, you must also enable the Oil filter DP alarm function
by navigating to the Oil filter DP alarm menu item at P16.19 and select ON. In summary, remember to enable a function you require and assign it to
an input or an output!

Airmaster™ Q1 features 1 menu configurable Analogue output. Selectable options are tabled below
Note: some analogue output options require the addition of an external physical relay
Analogue output function. Press ENTER. Select from function list. Press ENTER. The configured value has
AO function
been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P18.01.
OFF Feature disable
I/O Alarm Energised for any active Alarm fault (not including Start/Run Inhibit)
(Input / Output) Alarm NO De-energised for any active Alarm fault (not including Start/Run Inhibit)
CONFIG Alarm & service Energised for any Alarm fault or Service Due alarm (not including Start/Run Inhibit)
Alarm & Service NO De-energised for any Alarm fault or Service Due alarm (not including Start/Run Inhibit)
Drain See P11.08 & P11.09
Dryer control Energised in all RUNNING state conditions
EQUIP OUT PRESS Repeat Equipment output pressure value via 4-20mA output signal
EQUIP INT PRESS Repeat Equipment internal pressure value via 4-20mA output signal
COMP OUT TEMP Repeat Compressor output temperature value via 4-20mA output signal
Energised in all RUNNING states except ‘motor starting’ and ‘load delay’. Can be used to energise internal
and/or external cooling fan motor contactor
Enabled to operate in all RUNNING states except ‘motor starting’ and ‘load delay’. If enabled to operate the
output will only energise if delivery temperature exceeds the set ‘Fan High’ temperature setting. If delivery
P18.01  
Fan control temperature falls below the set ‘Fan Low’ temperature setting the output will de-energise. Once energised the
output will remain energised for a minimum of the set ‘Fan Minimum Run Time’ regardless of delivery
temperature. Can be used to energise internal and/or external cooling fan
Fan MTR current Repeat Fan motor current value via 4-20mA output signal
Group fault Energised for any active Alarm, Star/Run Inhibit or Shutdown fault
Group fault NO De-energised for any active Alarm, Star/Run Inhibit or Shutdown fault
Energises if detected temperature falls below set low temperature run inhibit + 2°C. De-energises if detected
Heater temperature increases above set low temp run inhibit + 3°C. Can be used to energise anti-condensate heater
contactor or as low temperature warning auxiliary output.
Immediate stop Energised for any active Immediate stop condition. (not including Start/Run Inhibit)
IMM stop NO De-energised for any active Shutdown fault (not including Start/Run Inhibit)
Loaded Energised in all LOADED state conditions
Main MTR current Repeat Main motor current value via 4-20mA output signal
Running Energised in all RUNNING state conditions
Service Energised for Service due alarm only
Standby Energised in ‘Standby’ and ‘Venting’ states
Started Energised in all STARTED state conditions
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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

Airmaster™ Q1 features 7 menu configurable Digital inputs. Each menu configurable digital input parameter (e.g. P18.02) is followed by a
configurable digital input state selection parameter (e.g. P18.03). Selectable options are tabled below. Each warning or stop condition uses
condition codes as well as text to display condition information on the Airmaster™ Q1 graphical user interface.

= Alarm = Trip

P18.02 ~ 14   OFF Feature disable

 Doors open alarm Select

Doors open Trip Select

 CAB filter DP Select

Air filter DP Select

I/O  Oil filter DP Select
(Input / Output)  Select
 SEP filter DP HI
 Fan motor alarm Select
 Select
Fan motor IMM stop

 CNDS drain alarm Select
 Select
COOL water alarm

 COOL water IMM Select
 stop
 Oil level alarm Select

 Oil LVL IMM stop Select
 V belt IMM stop Select
Dryer alarm Select
Dryer IMM stop Select
Line FTR DP ALM Select
Line FTR DP stop Select

FTR drain alarm Select

Oil/WTR SEP ALM Select

Run SCH On/Off Select
DI Remote Start Select
REM load Enable Select
REM load/offload Select
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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

Main motor OVLD Select

CONF alarm 1 Select

CONF alarm 2 Select

P18.02 ~ 14   Select
(Continued) CONF alarm 3
User trip 1 Select

User trip 2 Select

User trip 3 Select

Water flow Select

Inverter fault Select

Ambient TEMP HI Select

Main MTR TEMP HI Select

EQUIP out TEMP HI Select

Main motor fault Select

I/O Cooling system Select
(Input / Output) Select
CONFIG Run feedback ALM
Run CHK IMM stop Select
Clear active FLT Select
VSD Fan MOT Select
VSD Fan MOT Select


Oil TEMP HI Select

Oil TEMP HI Select

Run enable Select
Standby start Select
Main MTR TEMP HI Select

Voltage low Select

Voltage low Select

Drain IMM stop Select

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

Remote start ENA Select

Air filter DP Select

Oil filter DP Select


Stage pressure Select

Stage TEMP Select

Group fault Select

Dew Point Select

Dew Point Select

(Input / Output) EQUIP OUT PRESS Select
CONFIG Dryer power SUP Select

Dryer power SUP Select

Force spiral VLV Select
R1 run warning Select (hard coded delay of 10 seconds)
R1 run IMM stop Select (hard coded delay of 10 seconds)
Configure input for normally open (NO) or normally closed (NC) state
P18.03 ~ 15  NO / NC
Note: ‘Normally’ = healthy or OK

Airmaster™ Q1 features 8 relay outputs of which 4 relay outputs are configurable. Menu configurable options are as follows:

P18.16 ~ OFF Feature enable / disable

P18.19   Alarm NC De-energised for any active Alarm fault (not including run Inhibit)
 Alarm NO Energised for any active Alarm fault (not including run Inhibit
 Immediate stop NC De-energised for any active Shutdown fault (not including Start/Run Inhibit)
 Immediate stop NO Energised for any active Shutdown fault (not including Start/Run Inhibit)
 Group fault NC De-energised for any active Alarm, Star/Run Inhibit or Shutdown fault
 Group fault NO Energised for any active Alarm, Star/Run Inhibit or Shutdown fault
 Alarm & service NC De-energised for any Alarm fault or Service Due alarm (not including run Inhibit)
 Alarm & Service NO Energised for any Alarm fault or Service Due alarm (not including Start/Run Inhibit)
 Service NC De-energised for Service alarm or service Trip condition only
 Service NO Energised for Service alarm or service Trip condition only
 De-energised if detected temperature falls below set low temperature run inhibit + 2°C. Energised if detected
 Heater NC temperature increases above set low temp run inhibit + 3°C. Can be used to energise anti-condensate heater
 contactor or as low temperature warning auxiliary output.
 Energised if detected temperature falls below set low temperature run inhibit + 2°C. De-energises if detected
 Heater NO
temperature increases above set low temp run inhibit + 3°C. Can be used to energise anti-condensate heater

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

 contactor or as low temperature warning auxiliary output.

 Drain NC De-energised when Drain is in active state.
 Drain NO Energised when Drain is in active state.
 De-energised in all RUNNING states except ‘motor starting’ and ‘load delay’. Can be used to energise internal
 Fan NC
and/or external cooling fan motor contactor
 Energised in all RUNNING states except ‘motor starting’ and ‘load delay’. Can be used to energise internal
 Fan NO
and/or external cooling fan motor contactor
 Standby NC De-energised in ‘Standby’ and ‘Venting’ states
 Standby NO Energised in ‘Standby’ and ‘Venting’ states
P18.16 ~ Running NC De-energised in all RUNNING state conditions
P18.19  
Running NO Energised in all RUNNING state conditions
Loaded NC De-energised in all LOADED state conditions
Loaded NO Energised in all LOADED state conditions
Started NC De-energised in all ‘Started’ state conditions
Started NO Energised in all ‘Started’ state conditions
Enabled to operate in all RUNNING states except ‘motor starting’ and ‘load delay’. If enabled to operate the
output will only de-energise if delivery temperature exceeds the set ‘Fan High’ temperature setting. If delivery
temperature falls below the set ‘Fan Low’ temperature setting the output will energise. Once de-energised the
Fan control NC
output will remain de-energised for a minimum of the set ‘Fan Minimum Run Time’ regardless of delivery
temperature. Can be used to energise internal and/or external cooling fan motor contactor; the minimum run
time is intended as a means of limiting Fan motor starts per hour.
Enabled to operate in all RUNNING states except ‘motor starting’ and ‘load delay’. If enabled to operate the
output will only energise if delivery temperature exceeds the set ‘Fan High’ temperature setting. If delivery
temperature falls below the set ‘Fan Low’ temperature setting the output will de-energise. Once energised the
Fan control NO
output will remain energised for a minimum of the set ‘Fan Minimum Run Time’ regardless of delivery
temperature. Can be used to energise internal and/or external cooling fan motor contactor; the minimum run
time is intended as a means of limiting Fan motor starts per hour.
Dryer control NC De-energised in all RUNNING state conditions
Dryer control NO Energised in all RUNNING state conditions
RC Start/Stop NC De-energised when remote start / stop is enabled.
RC Start/Stop NO Energised when remote start / stop is enabled.
RC Load/Off load NC De-energised when remote load / offload is enabled.
RC Load/Off load NO Energised when remote load / offload is enabled.
Modulation NC De-energised in modulation state conditions.
Modulation NO Energised in modulation state conditions.
De-energised when digital input assigned to ‘Inverter Fault’ is NOT OK.
Inverter FLT RST NC
The digital output should be used in conjunction with an inverter digital input assigned to reset the inverter
Energised when digital input assigned to ‘Inverter Fault’ is NOT OK.
Inverter FLT RST NO
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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

The digital output should be used in conjunction with an inverter digital input assigned to reset the inverter
Load request NC De-energised in all ‘load request’ state conditions
Load request NO Energised in all ‘load request’ state conditions
Inhibit NC De-energised when a inhibit is enabled.
Inhibit NO Energised when a inhibit is enabled.
Service due ALM NC De-energised when an Alarm service has been reached. Alarm codes A:4804 to A:4824
Service due ALM NO Energised when an Alarm service has been reached. Alarm codes A:4804 to A:4824
STR or RUN IN NC De-energised for a start or run inhibit condition only
STR or RUN IN NO Energised for a start or run inhibit condition only
Auto Restart NC De-energised when auto restart is enabled
Auto Restart NO Energised when auto restart is enabled.
Star delta TRANS NC De-energised when Star delta Trans is enabled
Star delta TRANS NO Energised when Star delta Trans is enabled
Press Switch NC De-energised when P switch high is reached and energised when P switch low is reached
Press Switch NO Energised when P switch high is reached and de-energised when P switch low is reached
De-energised when any alarm or Shutdown is enabled, when another alarm or Shutdown is enabled there will
be a Pulse (P),the relay will be energised again for a delay of 3sec
Any Alarm NCP
Note: COMP OUT P LL A, COMP OUT T° H A, TEST VERSION are not include.
Energised when any alarm or Shutdown is enabled, when another alarm or Shutdown is enabled there will be a
Pulse (P) the relay will be De-energised again for a delay of 3sec.
Any Alarm NOP
Note: COMP OUT P LL A, COMP OUT T° H A, TEST VERSION are not include.
De-energised when any alarm is enabled, when another alarm is enabled there will be a Pulse (P),the relay will
be energised again for a delay of 3sec
Advisory alarm NCP
Note: COMP OUT P LL A, COMP OUT T° H A, TEST VERSION are not include.
Energised when any alarm is enabled, when another alarm is enabled there will be a Pulse (P) the relay will be
De-energised again for a delay of 3sec.
Advisory alarm NOP
Note: COMP OUT P LL A, COMP OUT T° H A, TEST VERSION are not include.
De-energised when an alarm service has been reached only, when another alarm is enabled there will be a
Maintenance ALRM NCP
Pulse (P), the relay will be energised again for a delay of 3sec
Energised when an alarm service has been reached only, when another alarm is enabled there will be a Pulse
Maintenance ALRM NOP
(P), the relay will be de-energised again for a delay of 3sec
De-energised when any Shutdown fault is enabled, when another Shutdown fault is enabled there will be a
Shutdown fault NCP
Pulse (P),the relay will be energised again for a delay of 3sec
Energised when any Shutdown fault is enabled, when another Shutdown fault is enabled there will be a Pulse
Shutdown fault NOP
(P),the relay will be energised again for a delay of 3sec
COMP OUT P LL A NC De-energised when COMP OUT P LL A is reached.
COMP OUT P LL A NO Energised when COMP OUT P LL A is reached.
COMP OUT T° H A NC De-energised when COMP OUT T° H A is reached.
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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

COMP OUT T° H A NO Energised when COMP OUT T° H A is reached.

Ready to start NC De-energised in ‘ready to start’ state.
Ready to start NO Energised in ‘ready to start’ state.
Run request NC De-energised in all ‘Run request’ state conditions
Run request NO Energised in all ‘Run request’ state conditions
De-energised for a delay set in P12.38 when E: 1904 is triggered and when we are pushing on the reset button
of the controller. When E : 1904 is still apply.
Energised for a delay set in P12.38 when E: 1904 is triggered and when we are pushing on the reset button of
the controller. When E : 1904 is still apply.
Backup COMPR NC De-energised when ‘Backup COMPR’ is enabled.
Backup COMPR NO Energised when ‘Backup COMPR’ is enabled.
Same as Fan Control: Enabled to operate in all RUNNING states except ‘motor starting’ and ‘load delay’. If
enabled to operate the output will only de-energise if delivery temperature exceeds the set ‘Fan High’
temperature setting. If delivery temperature falls below the set ‘Fan Low’ temperature setting the output will
Fan control 2 NC
energise. Once de-energised the output will remain de-energised for a minimum of the set ‘Fan Minimum Run
Time’ regardless of delivery temperature. Can be used to energise internal and/or external cooling fan motor
contactor; the minimum run time is intended as a means of limiting Fan motor starts per hour.
Same as Fan Control: Enabled to operate in all RUNNING states except ‘motor starting’ and ‘load delay’. If
enabled to operate the output will only energise if delivery temperature exceeds the set ‘Fan High’ temperature
setting. If delivery temperature falls below the set ‘Fan Low’ temperature setting the output will de-energise.
Fan control 2 NO
Once energised the output will remain energised for a minimum of the set ‘Fan Minimum Run Time’ regardless
of delivery temperature. Can be used to energise internal and/or external cooling fan motor contactor; the
minimum run time is intended as a means of limiting Fan motor starts per hour.
Force spiral VLV NC De-energised when digital input assigned to ‘Force spiral VLV ‘ is NOT OK
Force spiral VLV NO Energised when digital input assigned to ‘Force spiral VLV ‘ is NOT OK
P18.20 ANA IN 1 FUNCT No edit. Pre configured EQUIP OUT PRESS function
Used to configure the function associated with analogue input 2. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ or ‘DOWN’ key
P18.21  ANA IN 2 FUNCT to configure between ‘OFF’ or ‘EQUIP INT PRESS’. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been
committed to memory and the user returned to Menu P18.21.
Used to configure the function associated with analogue input 3. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ or ‘DOWN’ key
to configure between ‘OFF’, ‘COMP OUT PRESS’, ‘DRYER TEMP’, ’EQUIP INT TEMP or ‘inlet pressure’.
P18.22  ANA IN 3 FUNCT Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the user returned to Menu P18.22.

Note: When configured for ‘COMP OUT TEMP’ associated logic is active (e.g. 17.02 TEMP rise CONFIG)
Configure for sensor type. Press ‘ENTER’ Use ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure for ‘PT1000’, ‘PT100’or
‘KTY’. Pressing ‘ENTER’ saves the configured value and returns the operator to P18.23

P18.23  ANA IN 3 type Note:

We recommend the use of PT100 or PT1000 temperature sensor types! When using KTY sensor types always
specify 2000 Ohm @ 25°C rated sensors
P18.24  ANA IN 5 FUNCT Used to configure the function associated with analogue input 5. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ or ‘DOWN’ key
Page 65
Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

to configure between ‘OFF’, ‘Motor PTC’, ‘COMP OUT PRESS’ or ‘DRYER TEMP’ , ’EQUIP INT TEMP or ‘inlet
pressure’. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the user returned to
Menu P18.24.

Note: When configured for ‘COMP OUT TEMP’ associated logic is active (e.g. 17.02 TEMP rise CONFIG)
Configure for sensor type. Press ‘ENTER’ Use ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure for ‘PT1000’, ‘PT100’or
‘KTY’. Pressing ‘ENTER’ saves the configured value and returns the operator to P18.25

P18.25  ANA IN 5 type Note:

We recommend the use of PT100 or PT1000 temperature sensor types! When using KTY sensor types always
specify 2000 Ohm @ 25°C rated sensors

Sensor configuration.

Caution: Incorrectly configured sensor calibration can influence device performance and device related safety features and function.

P19.01  EQUIP OUT PRESS Equipment outlet pressure. Press ‘ENTER’ to access the EQUIP OUT PRESS sub menu.
Use to calibrate the sensor offset. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘Up’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to adjust within permissible
values. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to
menu P19.01.01
P19.01.01  Value offset
Sensor Note: To calibrate an offset, expose the sensor to atmosphere and adjust the offset value until Menu P19.01.03
CONFIG displays 0.0bar.

If, for example, the sensor has a –1.0 (minus one) to 15.0bar range; set to –1.0bar.
Use to calibrate the sensor range maximum. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to adjust within
permissible values. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator
returned to menu P19.01.02

Note: To calibrate the ‘range maximum’, apply an accurately known pressure to the sensor and adjust the
P19.01.02  SENS range HI
range value until the value displayed in Menu P19.01.03 matches the applied pressure. The range value can
be calibrated with static or changing applied pressure.

If, for example, the sensor has a –1.0 (minus one) to 15.0bar range; set initially to 15.0bar then adjust as
P19.01.03 EQUIP OUT PRESS Equipment outlet pressure. No edit. Equipment outlet pressure measured value display menu
P19.02  EQUIP INT PRESS Equipment internal pressure. Press ENTER to access the EQUIP INT PRESS sub menu.
Use to calibrate the sensor offset. Press ‘ENTER’. Adjust within permissible values. Press ‘ENTER’. The
configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P19.02.01.
P19.02.01  Value offset
Note: To calibrate an offset, expose the sensor to atmosphere and adjust the offset value until Menu P19.02.03

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

displays 0.0bar.
CONFIG If, for example, the sensor has a –1.0(minus one) to 15.0bar range; set to –1.0bar.
Use to calibrate the sensor range maximum. Adjust within permissible values. Press ‘ENTER’. The
configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P19.01.02.

Note: To calibrate the ‘range maximum’, apply an accurately known pressure to the sensor and adjust the
P19.02.02  SENS range HI range value until the value displayed in Menu P19.01.03 matches the applied pressure. The range value can
be calibrated with static or changing applied pressure.

If, for example, the sensor has a –1.0 (minus one) to 15.0bar range; set initially to 15.0bar then adjust as
P19.02.03 EQUIP INT PRESS Equipment internal pressure. No edit. Equipment internal pressure measured value display menu
P19.03  COMP OUT TEMP Compressor (device engine) outlet temperature. Press ENTER to access the COMP OUT TEMP sub menu.
Use to calibrate the sensor offset. Press ‘ENTER’. Adjust within permissible values. Press ‘ENTER’. The
P19.03.01  Value offset
configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P19.03.01.
P19.03.02 COMP OUT TEMP No edit. Equipment internal pressure measured value display menu
P19.04  Main MTR current Main motor current. Press ‘ENTER’ to access the Main MTR current sub menu
Main motor current transformer rating. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure within
permissible values. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator
returned to menu P19.04.01
P19.04.01  Main MTR CT RTG

The main motor current rating must match the current transformer rating
Current transformer windings. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure within permissible
values. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to
menu P19.04.01
P19.04.02  CT windings
CONFIG The configured value must match the number of times the source power cable is wound around the current
Use to calibrate the sensor range maximum. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to adjust within
P19.04.03  Sensor range permissible values. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator
returned to menu P19.04.03
P19.04.04  Main MTR current No edit. Main motor current measured value display menu
P19.05  Fan MTR current Fan motor current. Press ‘ENTER’ to access the Fan MTR current sub menu
Fan motor current transformer rating. Press ‘ENTER’. Configure within permissible values and to match
device current transformer. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the
P19.05.01  Fan MTR CT RTG
operator returned to menu P19.05.01

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

Current transformer windings. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘’UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to configure within permissible
values. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to
menu P19.05.02
P19.05.02  CT windings

The configured value must match the number of times the source power cable is wound around the current
Use to calibrate the sensor range maximum. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP and ‘DOWN’ keys to adjust within
P19.05.03  Sensor range permissible values. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator
returned to menu P19.05.03.
P19.05.04  Fan MTR current No edit. Fan motor current measured value display menu
P19.06  Analog input 1 Analogue input 1. Press ‘ENTER’ to access Analogue input 1 sub menu
P19.06.01 Not used in standard software
P19.06.02 Not used in standard software
P19.06.03 Not used in standard software
P19.06.04 Not used in standard software
Use to configure measurement offset. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP and ‘DOWN’ keys to adjust within
P19.06.05  MEASURE offset permissible values. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator
returned to menu P19.06.05.
Use to configure measurement range. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP and ‘DOWN’ keys to adjust within
P19.06.06  MEASURE range permissible values. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator
returned to menu P19.06.06.
P19.06.07 Analog input 1 Actual readout. Allows live checking of what measure offset and range settings changes do to the reading
P19.07  Analog input 2 Analogue input 2. Press ‘ENTER’ to access Analogue input 1 sub menu
Sensor P19.07.01 Not used in standard software
CONFIG P19.07.02 Not used in standard software
P19.07.03 Not used in standard software
P19.07.04 Not used in standard software
Use to configure measurement offset. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP and ‘DOWN’ keys to adjust within
P19.07.05  MEASURE offset permissible values. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator
returned to menu P19.07.05.
Use to configure measurement range. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP and ‘DOWN’ keys to adjust within
P19.07.06  MEASURE range permissible values. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator
returned to menu P19.07.06.
P19.07.07 Analog input 2 Actual readout. Allows live checking of what measure offset and range settings changes do to the reading
P19.08  Analog input 3
Use to configure measurement offset. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP and ‘DOWN’ keys to adjust within
P19.08.01 MEASURE offset permissible values. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator
returned to menu P19.08.01.
P19.08.02 Not used in standard software
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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

P19.08.03 Analog input 3 Actual readout. Allows live checking of what measure offset settings changes do to the reading
P19.09  Analog input 5
Use to configure measurement offset. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP and ‘DOWN’ keys to adjust within
P19.09.01 MEASURE offset permissible values. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator
returned to menu P19.06.05.
P19.09.02 Not used in standard software
P19.09.03 Analog input 5 Actual readout. Allows live checking of what measure offset settings changes do to the reading

The diagnostics menu provides a keypad accessible method if testing or interrogating digital inputs, analogue inputs, relay outputs, current
transformer analogue inputs, phase frequency inputs, phase angle and the controllers power supply and membrane key switch panel.

Diagnostics P20.01 Digital input 1

P20.02 Digital input 2 Digital input diagnostics. The information display alternates between digital input number and the current state
P20.03 Digital input 3 for the digital input. Press ‘ENTER’ to view the digital input’s condition state.
P20.04 Digital input 4
Digital input condition states:
P20.05 Digital input 5
P20.06 Digital input 6 INACTIVE = OK
P20.07 Digital input 7 ACTIVE = NOT OK
P20.08 Digital input 8
P20.09 Analogue input 1 (mA)
P20.10 Analogue input 2 (mA) Analogue input diagnostics. The information display alternates between analogue input number and the
P20.11 Analogue input 3 (resistive) measured value (mA, resistive, current or voltage) for the analogue input. Press ‘ENTER’ to view the analogue
P20.12 Analogue input 3 (current) assignment and conditioned value (e.g. EQUIP OUT PRESS, 7.3BAR)
P20.13 Analogue input 3 (voltage)
Airmaster™ Q1 power supply voltage (X13). The information display alternates between analogue input
number and the measured voltage.
P20.14 Analogue input 4 (voltage)
Note: Analogue input 4 is the voltage detected at X13 of the Airmaster™ Q1 and has no other configurable
purpose or function!
P20.15 Analogue input 5 (resistive) Note: Only visible when AI5 is detected!
P20.16 Analogue input 5 (current)
Analogue input diagnostics. The information display alternates between analogue input number and the
P20.17 Analogue input 5 (voltage) measured value (resistive, current or voltage) for the analogue input. Press ‘ENTER’ to view the analogue
assignment and conditioned value (e.g. COMP OUT TEMP, 85°C)
P20.18  Relay output 1 Press ‘ENTER’ Use ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to energise and de-energise relay 1
P20.19  Relay output 2 Press ‘ENTER’ Use ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to energise and de-energise relay 2
Diagnostics P20.20  Relay output 3 Press ‘ENTER’ Use ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to energise and de-energise relay 3
P20.21  Relay output 4 Press ‘ENTER’ Use ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to energise and de-energise relay 4
P20.22  Relay output 5 Press ‘ENTER’ Use ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to energise and de-energise relay 5
P20.23  Relay output 6 Press ‘ENTER’ Use ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to energise and de-energise relay 6
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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

P20.24  Relay output 7 Press ‘ENTER’ Use ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to energise and de-energise relay 7
P20.25  Relay output 8 Press ‘ENTER’ Use ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to energise and de-energise relay 8
P20.26  Analogue output 1 Press ‘ENTER’ Use ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys to adjust the mA output value.
P20.27 ANAL input CT1A
P20.28 ANAL input CT1B
P20.29 ANAL input CT1C
P20.30 ANAL input CT2A
P20.31 L1 frequency
P20.32 L2 frequency
P20.33 L3 frequency
P20.34 L1 phase angle
P20.35 L2 phase angle
P20.36 L3 phase angle
P20.37  Key switch test Press ‘ENTER’ perform key switch test using display acknowledgment if key pressed
Note: Only visible when LED driver PCB is detected!
P20.38  LED test
Press ‘ENTER’ and select ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’. When ‘ON’ the LED’s are sequentially illuminated and extinguished.
The LED test will continuously cycle until ‘OFF’ is selected.

The run schedule provides a internal diary feature that schedules the device controlled by Airmaster™ Q1 to move to the stop, standby and started
state and at a configured load and off load run pressure. The run schedule achieves this by associating the configured load and off load pressure
values with the run schedule entry.

Press ‘ENTER’, Use ‘UP’ or ‘DOWN’ keys to select ON or OFF, Press ‘ENTER’, the configured value has been
P21.01 Run schedule
committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P21.01
Press ‘ENTER’ to access sub menu P21.02.##

The workday edit is used to associate each day of the week with the working week and thereby allowing for
territorial variations. Use the sub menu to associate accordingly...


Workday = numeric value...

P21.02  Workday edit Monday = 1
Tuesday = 2
Wednesday = 3
Run schedule Thursday = 4
Friday = 5
Saturday = 6
Sunday = 7
Weekend = #

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

For example; if the working week is Monday to Friday and the weekend is Saturday and Sunday, following
configuration, P21.02 should annunciate 12345##
Press ‘ENTER’, Use ‘UP’ or ‘DOWN’ keys to select Weekday or Weekend, Press ‘ENTER’, he configured value
P21.02.01  Monday
has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P21.02.01
Press ‘ENTER’, Use ‘UP’ or ‘DOWN’ keys to select Weekday or Weekend, Press ‘ENTER’, he configured value
P21.02.02  Tuesday
has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P21.02.02
Press ‘ENTER’, Use ‘UP’ or ‘DOWN’ keys to select Weekday or Weekend, Press ‘ENTER’, he configured value
P21.02.03  Wednesday
has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P21.02.03
Press ‘ENTER’, Use ‘UP’ or ‘DOWN’ keys to select Weekday or Weekend, Press ‘ENTER’, he configured value
P21.02.04  Thursday
has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P21.02.04
Press ‘ENTER’, Use ‘UP’ or ‘DOWN’ keys to select Weekday or Weekend, Press ‘ENTER’, he configured value
P21.02.05  Friday
has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P21.02.05
Press ‘ENTER’, Use ‘UP’ or ‘DOWN’ keys to select Weekday or Weekend, Press ‘ENTER’, he configured value
P21.02.06  Saturday
has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P21.02.06
Press ‘ENTER’, Use ‘UP’ or ‘DOWN’ keys to select Weekday or Weekend, Press ‘ENTER’, he configured value
P21.02.07  Sunday
has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P21.02.07
Used to clear all schedule entries (P21.04 – P21.31). Press ‘ENTER’ , Use ‘UP’ or ‘DOWN’ keys to select
P21.03  Parameter reset
‘YES’, Press ‘ENTER’, all schedule entries have been cleared and the operator returned to menu P21.03
Press ‘ENTER’ to access sub menu P21.04.##


Schedule entry options include OFF, Every Monday, Every Tuesday, Every Wednesday, Every Thursday,
Every Friday, Every Saturday, Every Sunday, Every day, Every Work day, Weekend or Configured date.
P21.04  Schedule entry
Complete selection and press ‘ENTER’, the selection is made and the operator returned to P21.04.01

Irrespective of the menu location used to add a run schedule entry, schedule entries are arranged
chronologically. Consequently, schedule entries ascend the run schedule menu P21.03 ~ P21.30. Once a run
schedule entry has elapsed, it is either removed from the schedule, or schedule entries that repeat (e.g. Every
work day) are chronologically rearranged.
Press ‘ENTER’ Use ‘UP’ or ‘DOWN’ keys to select between Off, Every Monday, Every Tuesday, Every
Wednesday, Every Thursday, Every Friday, Every Saturday, Every Sunday, Every day, Every Work day,
P21.04.01  Frequency
Weekend or Configured date, Press ‘ENTER’, The configured value has been committed to memory and the
operator returned to menu P21.04.01
Press ‘ENTER’ Use ‘UP’ or ‘DOWN’ keys to select between…
Run schedule
Use SCHD PH / PL. allows using schedule PL / PH (enables P21.04.03 & 04, ignores device PL / PH P10.4 &
.05). This function does not start the machine when stopped
P21.04.02  Function
Use DFLT PH / PL. allows using the device PL / PH (disables P21.04.03 & 04, uses device PL / PH P10.4 &
.05). This function does not start the machine when stopped
Device standby. Move device to Standby state using schedule entry
Run SCHD PH / PL. Move device to a Started state using schedule PL / PH (enables P21.04.03 & 04, ignores

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

device PL / PH P10.4 & .05)

Run DFLT PH / PL. Move device to a Started state using the device PL / PH (disables P21.04.03 & 04, use
device PL / PH P10.4 & .05)
Device stop. Move device to Stop state using schedule entry

Press ‘ENTER’ Use ‘UP’ or ‘DOWN’ keys to select between permissible values, Press ‘ENTER’, The
P21 04.03  Load pressure configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P21.04.03

Press ‘ENTER’ Use ‘UP’ or ‘DOWN’ keys to select between permissible values, Press ‘ENTER’, The
P21.04.04  Off load pressure
configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P21.04.04
Press ‘ENTER’ Use ‘UP’ or ‘DOWN’ keys to select between permissible values, Press ‘ENTER’, The
P21.04.05  Year configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P21.04.05
Only visible if Configured Date is selected as frequency
Press ‘ENTER’ Use ‘UP’ or ‘DOWN’ keys to select between permissible values, Press ‘ENTER’, The
P21.04.06  Month configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P21.04.06
Only visible if Configured Date is selected as frequency
Press ‘ENTER’ Use ‘UP’ or ‘DOWN’ keys to select between permissible values, Press ‘ENTER’, The
P21.04.07  Day configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P21.04.07
Only visible if Configured Date is selected as frequency
Run schedule Press ‘ENTER’ Use ‘UP’ or ‘DOWN’ keys to select between permissible values, Press ‘ENTER’, The
P21.04.08  Time configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P21.04.08
Only visible if Configured Date is selected as frequency
Use to commit the schedule entry to memory. Press ‘ENTER’, The schedule entry is committed to memory and
P21.04.09  Save changes
the operator returned to menu P21.04
P21.05  P21.05.01 
… … See P21.04.01… P21.04.09
P21.31  P21.31.09 

Airmaster™ Q1 features a selection of compressor tables. A number of parameters can be changed in one go by selecting one of the predefined
Compressor tables.

P30.01  Select table Not visible in standard software due to lack of tables. Can be configured for custom use

Airmaster™ Q1 features configurable menus. A selection can be made of parameters from other menus and brought together in menus P40-P44.
Compressor This solves the problem of giving certain users only access to certain parameters. This way you can deviate from the standard menu layouts

P40.01  To be configured Not visible in standard software due to customized menus. Can be configured for custom use

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

The LED CONFIG menu is displayed when a factory fit LED option card & LED keyboard are present. Additionally, The LED option card may feature
an additional analogue input. The LED option card analogue input has a number of uses. Refer to Menu P18 & Menu P19 for further information
about the use of the LED option card analogue input. The LED CONFIG menu

P60.01  LED 1 CONFIG Press ‘ENTER’ to access sub menu P60.01.##

Press ‘ENTER’ Use ‘UP’ or ‘DOWN’ keys to select between permissible values, Press ‘ENTER’, The
configured value has been temporarily committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P60.01.01
P60.01.01  LED colour The LED colour is merely an indication to create a better link or recognition with the keypad. The actual colour
is determined by the LED present in the keypad. Every keypad with LED’s will have a specification which
LED CONFIG clearly links the physical location to the LED number
Press ‘ENTER’ Use ‘UP’ or ‘DOWN’ keys to select between permissible values, Press ‘ENTER’, The
configured value has been temporarily committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P60.01.02
P60.01.02  MAX HW intensity
This setting allows to change the intensity of the LED. A standard default of 40% was found to be acceptable
for all colours.
Press ‘ENTER’ Use ‘UP’ or ‘DOWN’ keys to select between permissible values, Press ‘ENTER’, The
configured value has been temporarily committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P60.01.03
P60.01.03  REL intensity
This setting allows to further change or refine the intensity of the LED. A standard default of 100% was found to
be acceptable for all colours.
Press ‘ENTER’ Use ‘UP’ or ‘DOWN’ keys to select between permissible values, Press ‘ENTER’, The
configured value has been temporarily committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P60.01.04
P60.02, P60.03 and P60.04 determine the conditions which will make the corresponding LED illuminate
continuously ON, slow blinking or fast blinking. These conditions are configured independent. If none of the
P60.01.04  > 1 COND TRUE
conditions are true, then the LED will not illuminate. If however more than 1 condition is true, we need a priority
setting to be in place. This >1 COND TRUE parameter does exactly that. It allows the user to select which one
has priority from left to right. Possible selections are: fast_slow_on, fast_on_slow, slow_fast_on, slow_on_fast,
on_fast_slow, on_slow_fast
Press ‘ENTER’ to save sub menu configuration. The configuration is saved and the operator returned to menu
P60.01.05  Save changes
This parameter and the items in the submenu will determine upon which condition LED 1 will be illuminated.
When visible (so not in the subitems), you get an indication of the state of the condition: true (ON) or false
(OFF). The slow blink condition and the fast blink condition do the same. If you navigate in such a way that you
see all 3, it makes it very easy to check if the configuration is ok.
The condition is created by combining some elements with logical operators. As elements you can choose
between error conditions or any of the functions (or states) that are also available as configurable relay
LED CONFIG P60.02  LED 1 ON COND functions (cfr P18.16-P18.19). The logical operators are the usual suspects like AND, OR , NOT and so on
(see below). So by selecting an operator (P60.02.03), selecting an error condition (P60.02.04) or a state
(P60.02.05), and doing the same for P60.02.06 – P60.02.33, you can combine up to 10 errors or states in 1
logical expression. If you for instance want an LED to illuminate when the motor is running, just select the state
“running” in P60.02.04 and it will happen. If you want an LED to slow blink upon a warning or service being
present, and fast blink upon any immediate stop. Just setup the “warning” state on the slow blink condition,
“immediate stop” state on the fast blink condition and make the fast blink the highest priority.

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

Because off the potential high number of conditional operators and states or errors, this parameter allows you
to erase the entire subitem configuration for this condition. It saves you from manually erasing up to 30
P60.02.01  Condition reset parameters.
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ key to select ‘YES’. Press ‘ENTER’. The Airmaster™ Q1’will now reset the
settings for this condition to memory.
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP’ key to select ‘YES’. Press ‘ENTER’. The Airmaster™ Q1’will now commit the
P60.02.02  Save changes
settings for this condition to memory.
Press ‘ENTER’ Use ‘UP’ or ‘DOWN’ keys to select between permissible values, Press ‘ENTER’, The
configured value has been temporarily committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P60.02.03.
P60.02.03  COND operator
This is only required if you want to combine more than 1 error or state.

Press ‘ENTER’ Use ‘UP’ or ‘DOWN’ keys to select between permissible values, Press ‘ENTER’, The
configured value has been temporarily committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P60.02.04.
P60.02.04  COND PRIM error The list of permissible values is a dropdown list of all existing error codes.
Selecting an error code will automatically reset the next parameter being the state selection. They are mutually
Press ‘ENTER’ Use ‘UP’ or ‘DOWN’ keys to select between permissible values, Press ‘ENTER’, The
configured value has been temporarily committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P60.02.05.
P60.02.05  COND PRIM state The list of permissible values is a dropdown list of all existing relay functions or states.
Selecting an error code will automatically reset the previous parameter being the error selection. They are
mutually exclusive.
P60.02.06 P60.02.03
… … See P60.02.03…P60.02.05
P60.02.33  P60.02.05
P60.03  LED 1 SL BL COND
P60.03.01  Condition reset
P60.03.02  Save changes
P60.03.03  COND operator
P60.03.04  COND PRIM error
P60.03.05  COND PRIM state
P60.03.06 P60.03.03
… … See P60.03.03…P60.03.05
P60.03.33  P60.03.05
P60.04  LED 1 FST BL CND
P60.04.01  Condition reset
P60.04.02  Save changes

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

P60.04.03  COND operator

P60.04.04  COND PRIM error
P60.04.05  COND PRIM state
P60.05 P60.05
… … See P60.01…P60.04. LED 2…LED25
P60.100  P60.05

Airmaster™ ISC software is compatible with current and legacy Airmaster™ controllers equipped with serial communications and the Airbus485™
(formerly Multi485) field bus protocol.

In use, as demand for compressed air fluctuates and as system pressure decays or increases in response to that demand, the Airmaster™ ISC
software ensures that network compressors are harnessed as 1 to obtain an equilibrium where efficiency, equipment utilisation and system
pressure are in perfect balance. In unmanaged compressed air systems that equilibrium represents a significant energy & cost saving opportunity.

The primary function of the Airmaster™ ISC’s pressure control strategy is to maintain system pressure between the ‘High Pressure’ set point & the
ISC (Internal ‘Low Pressure’ set point in conjunction with targeting energy efficiency through optimal compressor utilisation. The Airmaster™ ISC software
System calculates a ‘Target’ pressure level which is used as the nominal ‘target’ pressure level for the system. Rate of change in pressure, is largely
Control) determined by system volume and the scale, and/or abruptness, of air demand fluctuations; these characteristics will differ from installation to
installation. To accommodate for variations in installation characteristics the ‘Tolerance’ pressure level (tP) and an influence on the dynamic
reaction time (or ‘Damping’ (dA)) of the Airmaster™ is adjustable.

The Airmaster™ ISC (Internal System Control) option kit consists of a dedicated option card, AC / DC power supply and a remote pressure sensor.
The kit is intended for use in compressor systems with up to 8 Airmaster™ equipped air compressors. The ISC option card is located within the
electrical enclosure of a host air compressor and connected with the compressors Airmaster™ controller using Airbus485™ serial
communications. The supplied pressure sensor should be mounted vertically upwards in a suitable location (e.g. air reservoir). Once installed, the
host air compressors Airmaster™ ISC software feature can be configured to provide narrow pressure band control of up to 8 Airmaster™ equipped
and networked air compressors.

For more information on the Airmaster™ ISC option kit contact your product supplier requesting product factsheet ‘Airmaster™ ISC Option kit –

Enable or enable with stop control feature or disable the use of the ISC feature.

Note 1: If enabled... If subsequently ISC becomes unavailable for any reason, ISC controlled air compressors
revert to local control!
P80.01  ISC enabled
Note 2: if enabled with stop control feature... If subsequently ISC is ‘stopped’ ( via the stop control routine
described above), ISC retains control of all ISC controlled air compressors in a offload or stopped state (the
offload to stopped state and time remain a function of the local air compressor)
P80.02  Offload pressure ISC control offload pressure. Offload pressure range = no less than 0.2 above load pressure
P80.03  Load pressure ISC control load pressure. Range = Sensor range and host Airmaster controller’s load and offload pressure
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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

ISC rotation interval or sequence interval. Range = 1 – 720 hours. Default = 24 hours
This parameter is the set point for the next interval. The current ongoing interval will not be reset. If the current
P80.04  ISC rotate INT interval expires, the new one will be used to initialize the interval time. A faster way of using the new interval
time would be to perform a manual sequence rotation. This can be done by navigating to item P00.16 ISC
Sequence and pressing both start and reset buttons at the same time
ISC (Internal P81.01  ISC # compressors Number of ISC controlled air compressors. Range = 2 – 8 compressors. Default = 4 compressors
System Start Delay Time. Range = 0 – 60 seconds. Default = 3 seconds
P81.02  ISC start delay Staggered start function; when the ISC is started compressors will be loaded, as required, with this interval
time between each load request. This feature is intended to prevent all compressors starting at once during
system start.
Damping. Range = 0.1 – 10 bar. Default = 1.0 bar.

In situations where the loading of an additional compressor, at the PL pressure set point, is inadequate to
match a significant and/or abrupt increase in air demand the additional reaction of the ISC, while pressure
deviates into the ‘tolerance’ limit, is dynamically calculated. The time before an additional compressor is
loaded, to increase generation capacity further, will vary in accordance with the urgency of the situation.

The ISC’s dynamic reaction algorithm is pre-set by default to accommodate for the majority of installation

In some situations, of which the following are examples, the rate of pressure change may be aggressive and
P81.03  ISC damping
a) Inadequate system volume
b) Excessive air treatment equipment pressure differential
c) Inadequately sized pipe work
d) Delayed compressor response

In such instances the ISC may over-react and attempt to load an additional compressor that may not be
necessary once the initial compressor is running, loaded, and able to contribute adequate additional generation
capacity. If an increase in the ‘tolerance’ band is insufficient, the ISC’s dynamic reaction response can be
influenced by increasing the ‘Damping’ factor (DA) reducing tendency to over-react.

The ‘Damping’ factor is adjustable and scaled from 0.1 to 10 with a default factor of 1. A factor of 0.1 equates
to 10 times faster than default and a factor of 10 equates to 10 times slower than default.
P81.04  ISC tolerance Replaced by P81.10 & P81.11.
Digital Input # Function... No ISC DI FUNCT, ISC DI Start Stop, ISC DI alarm NO, ISC DI alarm NC, DI delay
P81.05 ~ 07  ISC DI1 – DI3 FCN alarm, DI delay alarm NC, ISC DI STOP NO, ISC DI STOP NC, DI delay STOP NO, DI delay STOP NC, ISC DI
P81.08  ISC XPM pressure Setup ISC XPM pressure

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

Use to configure measurement offset. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP and ‘DOWN’ keys to adjust within
P81.08.01  MEASURE offset permissible values. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator
returned to menu P81.08.01.
Use to configure measurement range. Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP and ‘DOWN’ keys to adjust within
P81.08.02  MEASURE range permissible values. Press ‘ENTER’. The configured value has been committed to memory and the operator
returned to menu P81.08.02.
P81.08.03 EQUIP INT PRESSS Equipment internal pressure
P81.09  ISC PRESS SENS Use to enable a dedicated external ISC pressure sensor.
ISC (Internal Tolerance is a pressure band above and below the set pressure control levels that accommodates for an
System exceptional instance of abrupt and/or significant increase, or decrease, in demand without compromise to
Control) optimal control. The upper and lower tolerance can be set individually

P81.10  ISC load tolerance

Tolerance (TO) is expressed as a pressure defining the width of the tolerance ‘band’.

For example; a tolerance setting of 3psi (0.2bar) means the ISC will implement appropriate optimal response(s)
during a deviation of pressure 3psi below the set PL pressure level. If pressure ever deviates beyond the
‘tolerance’ limit the ISC will proportionally increment an emergency response until pressure is returned to
normal levels.

If system volume is inadequate, and/or demand fluctuations are significantly large, it is advisable to increase
the ‘Tolerance’ band to maintain optimum control, and reduce over-reaction, during such transition periods.

If system volume is generous, rate of pressure change is slow and demand fluctuations are insignificant and
gradual, the ‘Tolerance’ band can be reduced to optimise pressure control.
P81.11  ISC unload tolerance See P81.10
ISC (Internal Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP and ‘DOWN’ keys to adjust within permissible values. Press ‘ENTER’. The
P82.01  COMP1 priority
System configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P82.01.
Control) Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP and ‘DOWN’ keys to adjust within permissible values. Press ‘ENTER’. The
P82.02  COMP2 priority
configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P82.02.
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP and ‘DOWN’ keys to adjust within permissible values. Press ‘ENTER’. The
P82.03  COMP3 priority
configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P82.03.
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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP and ‘DOWN’ keys to adjust within permissible values. Press ‘ENTER’. The
P82.04  COMP4 priority
configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P82.04.
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP and ‘DOWN’ keys to adjust within permissible values. Press ‘ENTER’. The
P82.05  COMP5 priority
configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P82.05.
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP and ‘DOWN’ keys to adjust within permissible values. Press ‘ENTER’. The
P82.06  COMP6 priority
configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P82.06.
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP and ‘DOWN’ keys to adjust within permissible values. Press ‘ENTER’. The
P82.07  COMP7 priority
configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P82.07.
Press ‘ENTER’. Use the ‘UP and ‘DOWN’ keys to adjust within permissible values. Press ‘ENTER’. The
P82.08  COMP8 priority
configured value has been committed to memory and the operator returned to menu P82.08.

5.0 General operation and control modes


5.1 Airmaster™ Q1 state diagram


5.2 Load / off load:


5.3 Continuous run


5.4 Pressure decay / no load


5.5 Dynamic no load control


5.6 Variable speed


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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

6.0 Text abbreviations:

Abbreviation Text Abbreviation Text

ACTIVE Active or Activated MANUF Manufacture
ADCT Air end (compressor) discharge temperature MAR March
ADV Automatic drain valve MAX Maximum
AI Analogue input MAY May
AIR Air MDL Model
ALM Alarm or alarm message META Metacentre
AMB Ambient MIN Minimum
ANAL Analogue MIN’S Minutes
AO Analogue out MMT Measurement
APR April MON Monday
AUG August MOD Modulation
AUTO Automatic MOTOR Motor
AVAIL Available, already existing MOPS Motor overload protection switch
BRG Bearing(s) MPA Mega Pascal
BELT Belt MPV Minimum pressure valve
BIN Binary MTH Month(s)
BUVV Butterfly valve NC Normally closed
CAB Cabinet (package enclosure) NO Normally open (healthy or OK)
CBV Compressor bypass valve NOM Nominal
CFG Configuration NUM Number
CLK Clock OCT October
CLR Cooler OIL Oil
CNDS Condensate OK Healthy or normal
COOL Coolant OVLD Overload
COMP Compressor OPT Optimum
COMMS Communications OR Operating range
COP Changeover point OP CRT Open circuit
CO BK Continuity break OS Oil separator
CO Compressor outlet OSD On screen display
CONFIG Configuration or configured OUT Outlet
CONT Contactor P# Parameter 0, 1, 2, …
CORR Correction PARA Parameter
CT Current transmitter PD Package discharge
CURR Current PERMS Permissible
CW Cooling water PLC Pre-programmed logic controller
CWT Cooling water temperature PR Pressure
DAY Day PRESS Pressure
DEC December PROT Protection
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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

DEF Default PRV Pressure relief valve

DI Digital input PSENS Pressure sensor
DISCH Discharge PSWITCH Pressure switch
DIFF Differential PV Pressure vessel
DP Differential pressure REF Refrigerant
DT Differential temperature RNG Range
DIR Direction RAM Random access memory
DO Digital output RB Remote bus
DOL Direct online RC Remote contact
DIR ROTO Direction of rotation RD Refrigerant dryer
DELTA P Delta pressure (pressure differential) READY Ready
DEL Delivery REF Refrigerant
DEL PO Delivery pressure offset REM Remote
DEL PR Delivery pressure range RPM Revolutions per minute
DELTA T Delta T (temperature differential) RT Running hours
DRN Drain RTC Real time clock
Dryer Dryer (Refrigerant dryer) SAT Saturday
DST Daylight saving time SC Short circuit
ELEC Electrical SCH Schedule
EQUIP Equipment SDTTF Star delta transition time factor
ERR Error SEC Second(s)
EXT External SEP Separator or September
FAULT Fault SEQ Sequence
FEB February SEP FIL Separator filter
FTR Filter SERV Service
FM Frequency modulate SN Serial number
FRI Friday SP Switching point
FUNCT Function SPD Speed
H Hours STAGE Stage
HR Hours STOP Stop
HRS Hours STR Start(s)
INH Inhibit SUN Sunday
IIPT Input SYS System
INT Internal TCP/IP Transmission control protocol / internet protocol
INT PRESS Internal pressure TEMP Temperature
INTVL Interval THU Thursday
IMB Imbalance TIMEV Time valve
IMM Immediate TNS Tension
ISC Internal system control TRANS Transition
JAN January TT Transition time
JULY July TUE Tuesday
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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

JUNE June UOM Unit of measurement

K Kelvin VSD Variable speed drive
LOCAL Local YR Year
LUB Lubrication

6.1 Language codes


6.2 Logged events


6.3 ADMIN edit user # configurable parameters


6.4 Start and / or load source configurable parameters


6.5 Use of Menu pages and page items

Users of Airmaster™ Q1 should note that Menu pages and Menu page items are arranged sequentially from P00 to P99 and item 01 through item 99 and that
some Menu pages and Menu page items are intentionally omitted or not displayed. This can be for a number of reasons and is perfectly normal!

Default page numbers and display names are as follows:

Page Display name Page Display name Page Display name

P00 Home P10 EQUIP settings 1 P20 Diagnostics
P01 Service Timers P11 EQUIP settings 2 P21 Run schedule
P02 Utilisation P12 EQUIP settings 3 P30
P03 Error Log P13 VSD settings P31 Programmer CONFIG page views
P04 Event Log P14 Motor protection P32
P05 Service Provider P15 Inhibits P40 Programmer CONFIG lookup tables
P06 Controller Data P16 Warning alarm P80 ISC – Main menu
P07 Equipment data P17 IMM stop alarm P81 ISC – Settings
P08 Message codes P18 I/O CONFIG P82 ISC - Priority
P09 Access P19 Sensor CONFIG

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

6.6 Symbols used

Airmaster™ Q1 uses a variety of symbols alongside text descriptions to annunciate device conditions or states. Symbols are used individually or with other symbols to
annunciate a specific message.

The following table describes each symbol and its intended use...

Symbol Description Symbol Description Symbol Description

Management or sequence control Phase angle Immediate stop

Remote control Upper or Lower range Warning

Start inhibit Fan Status (animated)

Running, load Running, off load Stopped

Run inhibit Load inhibit Condensate drain

Time Edit Sensor

Temperature User configurable *see note Compressor or package

Key Schedule Timer

Motor Range or detect Total hours

Set point Set point, upper limit Set point, lower limit

Oil Read only Unlocked or accessible

Locked or not accessible Date Start delta

Delta pressure Up Auto restart

Filter Down Audible alarm

Service or maintenance Stop Time

Set point Enter or inlet Exit of outlet

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

Emergency stop Next forward Page back

Status Compressor ‘air end’ Frequency

Daylight Water Controller, Airmaster™ Q1

4 – 20mA output Number or frequency Percent

Average Compressor, Cabinet door open Analogue

Up Down Enter

Stop Start Edi

Less than Greater than Last 24 hours

Starts last 24 hours Starts last hour Last hour

Normally open / normally closed Digital input Relay output

Phase, L1 Phase, L2 Phase, L3

Phase current sensor Running (animated)

Analogue value Network or system Inlet

Separator filter Valve Belt drive

Power Pressure set point Yes

Since Q1CMCSTD_E23 the HMI uses another way to indicate if “P10.02 Force offload” is turned ON and activated by pressing [Down]+[Start] .
in P00:

In earlier editions, this was done by showing a fast blinking hand in the HMI.
Since E23, The “load source“ is shown by means of one or two symbols on the HMI. Two things are shown:
 What is the current load source?
 What should the current load source be? How is the controller configured?

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

If for example the controller is configured in P10.13 to use “EQUIP OUT PRESS” as load/unload source, then the symbol is shown.
If this configuration is overruled by forcing an offload (“P10.02 Force offload” is turned ON and pressing [Down]+[Start]) then the following
symbols are shown alternating:

during one second, meaning “although the controller is configured to use “EQUIP OUT PRESS” as load/unload source, is uses another
load/unload source”

during 3 seconds, meaning “the current “load/unload source” is manually forced to stay offload”

Following symbols can indicate a possible load/unload source

forced by hand to stay offload


“Communications ”(Sequencer)

“Equipment DI”

Run scheduler

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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

6.7 Standard software - parameter configuration (Not listed = config OFF / item not displayed)

Item Menu Set configuration Item Menu Set configuration

Control mode P10.01 Load / off load INT PRESS HIGH P15.04 0.5BAR
Allow force load P10.02 OFF Service hours 1 P16.01 2000 hours
Load pressure P10.04 6.3BAR Service hours 2 P16.02 4000 hours
Off load pressure P10.05 7.0 BAR Service hours 3 P16.03 4000 hours
RS485 X05 CONFIG P10.10.01 Airbus485™ Service hours 4 P16.04 500 hours
Airbus485™ address P10.10.02 1 Service hours 5 P16.05 2000 hours
MODBUS address P10.10.03 1 COMP OUT TEMP P16.12 105°C
MODBUS baud rate P10.10.04 57600 EQUIP OUT PRESS P16.13 7.6 BAR
MODBUS parity P10.10.05 No parity EQUIP INT PRESS P16.14 8.6 BAR
MODBUS data bits P10.10.06 8 DIFF pressure P16.15 0.8 BAR
MODBUS end bits P10.10.07 1 Oil Air SEP DP HI P16.16 OFF
RS485 X06 CONFIG P10.11.01 MODBUS slave Phase detection P16.17 ON
Airbus485™ address P10.11.02 1 HI MTR STR HR P16.18 OFF
MODBUS address P10.11.03 1 Door open P16.19 OFF
MODBUS baud rate P10.11.04 57600 CAB filter DP P16.20 OFF
MODBUS parity P10.11.05 No parity Air filter DP P16.21 OFF
MODBUS data bits P10.11.06 8 Oil filter DP P16.22 OFF
MODBUS end bits P10.11.07 1 SEP filter DP HI P16.23 OFF
Start source P10.11 Keypad Fan motor alarm P16.24 ON
Load source P10.12 Equip out pressure CNDS drain alarm P16.25 OFF
Language P10.13 English Cool water alarm P16.26 OFF
Time P10.14 Current time Oil level alarm P16.27 OFF
Time format P10.15 24:00 RD alarm P16.28 OFF
Daylight saving P10.16 +0h Line FTR DP alarm P16.29 OFF
Date P10.17 Current date FTR drain alarm P16.30 OFF
Date format P10.18 DD/MM/YYYY Oil/WTR SEP ALM P16.31 OFF
LCD light level P10.19 90% Ambient TEMP HI P16.32 OFF
Pressure unit P10.20 bar CONF alarm 1 P16.33 OFF
Temperature unit P10.21 °C CONF alarm 2 P16.34 OFF
Start/delta TRANS P11.01 10 seconds CONF alarm 3 P16.35 OFF
MIN MTR run time P11.02 OFF COMP OUT TEMP P17.01 110°C
Load INH time P11.03 1 second TEMP rise CONFIG P17.02 0°C
Reload INH time P11.04 1 second EQUIP OUT PRESS P17.03 8.5 BAR
Off load run time P11.05 600 SEC EQUIP INT PRESS P17.04 9.0 BAR
Stop MIN time P11.06 OFF DIFF PRESS P17.06 1.0 BAR
Vent time P11.07 20 SEC Main motor lock P17.07 ON
AUTO restart INH P11.08 OFF Main motor OVLD P17.08 ON
CNDS drain open P11.09 5 SEC Motor phase IMB P17.09 ON
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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

CNDS drain interval P11.10 60 SEC Fan MTR overload P17.10 ON

CNDS off load P11.11 1 SEC Phase detection P17.11 ON
MTR SRT HR INH P11.12 OFF Door open P17.12 OFF
DP inhibit time P11.13 10 SEC Fan motor alarm P17.13 ON
Service hours 1 P11.14 Routine SERV Cool water alarm P17.14 OFF
P11.14.02 100 hours Oil level alarm P17.15 OFF
P11.14.03 ON Belt drive alarm P17.16 OFF
Service hours 2 P11.15 Oil service RD alarm P17.17 OFF
P11.15.02 100 hours Water flow P17.18 OFF
P11.15.03 ON Inverter fault P17.19 OFF
Service hours 3 P11.16 Separator SERV Main MTR temp HI P17.20 OFF
P11.16.02 100 hours EQUIP out TEMP H P17.21 OFF
P11.16.03 ON Cooling system P17.22 OFF
Service hours 4 P11.17 Cabinet filters Main motor fault P17.23 OFF
P11.17.03 OFF Conf IMM stop 1 P17.24 OFF
Service hours 5 P11.18 Air filter SERV Conf IMM stop 2 P17.25 OFF
P11.18.03 OFF Conf IMM stop 3 P17.26 OFF
Service hours 6 P11.19 OFF AO function P18.01 EQUIP OUT PRESS
Service hours 7 P11.20 OFF DI2 function P18.02 Remote load enable
Service hours 8 P11.21 OFF DI2 OK P18.03 Closed
Weekly service P11.22 OFF DI3 function P18.04 Remote load / off load
Annual service P11.23 OFF DI3 OK P18.05 Closed
Bi-annual service P11.24 OFF DI4 function P18.06 OFF
Use custom SENS P12.03 OFF DI4 OK P18.07 Closed
Year P12.08.01 Current Year DI5 function P18.08 OFF
Month P12.08.02 Current month DI5 OK P18.09 Closed
Day P12.08.03 Current day DI6 function P18.10 OFF
Load hours P12.09 0 DI6 OK P18.11 Closed
Off load hours P12.10 0 DI7 function P18.12 OFF
Stopped hours P12.11 0 DI7 OK P18.13 Closed
TEMP sensor type P12.12 PT1000 DI8 function P18.14 OFF
EI sensor active P12.13 YES DI8 OK P18.15 Closed
ISC available P12.15 OFF Relay 5 function P18.16 Drain
Boot screen BMP P12.20 ON Relay 6 function P18.17 Group fault
P00.03 CONFIG P12.21 OFF Relay 7 function P18.18 RC Load/Off Load
P00.04 CONFIG P12.22 OFF Relay 8 function P18.19 RC Start/Stop
P00.05 CONFIG P12.23 OFF
Main MTR protect P14.01 OFF
Fan MTR protect P14.02 OFF
Main MTR NOM CUR P14.03 40.0A
Main MTR SDTTF P14.04 1.5
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Airmaster™ Q1 software, E09 – E25

Main MTR ROT LOC P14.05 3.0

Main MTR PH IMB P14.06 15%
Fan MTR NOM CURR P14.07 1.0A
Operator P15.01 OFF
Door open P15.02 OFF
Low temperature P15.03 0°C

7.0 Release notes

Release Description

8.0 Help and support

8.1 What you need to know first!

Compressor & Machine Controls NV (CMC NV) is a provider of Airmaster™ product solutions to original equipment manufacturers (OEM’s) only. CMC NV is
not able to support end users or nominated representatives of OEM equipment in the use, operation or fault diagnostics of Airmaster™ products.

8.2 Where to go for help and support

If you are not the original equipment manufacturer of the device, DO NOT CONTACT CMC NV for Airmaster™ product support. Instead, contact your original
equipment manufacturer or your original equipment manufacturers nominated representative.

If you are the device original equipment manufacturer and you require Airmaster™ product support, please visit and use the
knowledge base and resources provided. If afterwards you still require assistance, please use the helpdesk sidebar to contact us.

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