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Sikaswell® A: Product Data Sheet

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SikaSwell® A


SikaSwell® A is an acrylic sealing profile which swells in ▪ Easy to apply
contact with water to seal all types of joints and penet- ▪ Can be applied on different substrates
rations in concrete. It has a rectangular profile and is ▪ Highly economical
available in several sizes. ▪ Swells in contact with water
▪ Can swell into cracks and gaps
USES ▪ Long-term reliability tested
▪ Resistant against water and various chemical sub-
To seal: stances
▪ Construction joints ▪ No hardening time required
▪ Pipe and steel work penetrations through walls and ▪ No welding required
floor slabs ▪ Adaptable to fit many different detailing tasks
▪ Construction joints in cable ducts, etc. ▪ Different types and dimensions available
▪ Around all types of penetrations through concrete
▪ Functional test to check sealing capacity,WISSBAU,
Report No.2012-206
▪ Agrément Certificate, Sika Hydrophilic
Waterstops,BBA, Certificate No.13-4994
▪ Test Report, Water tightness testing of hydrophilic
waterstop, Vattenfall,Report No.1278-10

Chemical Base Acrylic polymer
Packaging Rolls packed in cardboard boxes
SikaSwell® A 2005 Roll of 20 m
Box with 1 roll
SikaSwell® A 2010 Roll of 10 m
Box with 1 roll (or 6 rolls on re-

Product Data Sheet

SikaSwell® A
June 2019, Version 01.02

Appearance / Colour Rectangular red profiles. Swelled and unswelled profiles shown in image

Shelf Life 36 months from the date of production

Storage Conditions The product must be stored in original, unopened and undamaged sealed
packaging in dry conditions at temperatures between +5 °C and +35 °C. Al-
ways refer to packaging.
Dimensions Type Width Height
SikaSwell® A 2005 20 mm 5 mm
SikaSwell® A 2010 20 mm 10 mm

Swelling Time Demineralised water 5 % saline solution
3 days ~100 % ~60 %
7 days ~150 % ~100 %
14 days ~200 % ~120 %
21 days ~220 % ~140 %

Swelling Pressure ≤ 16 bars after 3 days stored in tap water

Service Temperature 0 °C min. / +50 °C max.

System Structure The following system products must be used:
▪ SikaSwell® A
▪ SikaSwell® S-2 Sealant

Substrate Moisture Content Dry or matt damp. Do not apply in construction joints when standing wa-
ter is existing.
Ambient Air Temperature +5 °C min.
For installation below +5 °C ambient temperature, special measures are re-
quired in accordance with relevant national regulations and Sika guidelines
Substrate Temperature +5 °C min.
For installation below +5 °C substrate temperature, special measures are
required in accordance with relevant national regulations and Sika


Product Data Sheet

SikaSwell® A
June 2019, Version 01.02

The substrate must be sound, clean, dry or matt damp, VALUE BASE
free from all surface contaminants
All technical data stated in this Product Data Sheet are
SUBSTRATE PREPARATION based on laboratory tests. Actual measured data may
Existing Concrete vary due to circumstances beyond our control.
All loose particles, release agents, laitance, paint, rust
and other poorly adhering materials must be removed LOCAL RESTRICTIONS
by suitable hand or mechanical preparation.
Please note that as a result of specific local regula-
Freshly cast concrete tions the performance of this product may vary from
During concreting, compact well around SikaSwell® A country to country. Please consult the local Product
profiles to provide a dense concrete without any hon- Data Sheet for the exact description of the application
eycombing or voids. fields.
Surfaces which are excessively rough can be suscept-
ible to leaking. It is recommended to smoothen the ECOLOGY, HEALTH AND SAFETY
freshly cast concrete with a batten where the sealing
profile is to be placed.
This product is an article as defined in article 3 of regu-
lation (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH). It contains no sub-
SikaSwell® S-2 Sealant application stances which are intended to be released from the
Apply SikaSwell® S-2 in a narrow bed (size of triangu- article under normal or reasonably foreseeable condi-
lar section ~5 mm) onto the prepared substrate. Ex- tions of use. A safety data sheet following article 31 of
trude sufficient quantity to level the roughness of the the same regulation is not needed to bring the product
substrate. Refer to the SikaSwell® S-2 Product Data to the market, to transport or to use it. For safe use
Sheet follow the instructions given in this product data
SikaSwell® A application sheet.Based on our current knowledge, this product
Cut the SikaSwell® A-Profile to the required length. does not contain SVHC (substances of very high con-
Press the SikaSwell® A-Profile into the freshly applied cern) as listed in Annex XIV of the REACH regulation or
SikaSwell S-2 until a small quantity is extruded from on the candidate list published by the European Chem-
both sides of the profile to achieve a full surface bond. icals Agency in concentrations above 0.1 % (w/w)
The profiles must be placed within max. 30 minutes.
Connections and corners must be butt jointed and LEGAL NOTES
fixed. Allow SikaSwell® S-2 to harden for 2–3 hours be-
fore placing concrete. Protect the SikaSwell® A pro- The information, and, in particular, the recommenda-
files against water (e.g. rain) until the concrete is tions relating to the application and end-use of Sika
placed. products, are given in good faith based on Sika’s cur-
rent knowledge and experience of the products when
properly stored, handled and applied under normal
LIMITATIONS conditions in accordance with Sika’s recommenda-
▪ Ensure a full and continuous contact between the tions. In practice, the differences in materials, sub-
SikaSwell® A profiles and the substrate is achieved. strates and actual site conditions are such that no war-
▪ The SikaSwell® A profiles require a reinforced con- ranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a
crete cover of at least 75mm with the product placed particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any
within the steel reinforcing. Otherwise a minimum legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either
cover 150mm is required. from this information, or from any written recom-
▪ SikaSwell® A profiles expand in contact with water. mendations, or from any other advice offered. The
This does not occur immediately, but slowly after user of the product must test the product’s suitability
several hours. It is advisable not to leave SikaSwell® A for the intended application and purpose. Sika re-
profiles in the open air or exposed to rain water serves the right to change the properties of its
(max. 24 hours as long as water can drain away) products. The proprietary rights of third parties must
▪ Do not use profiles for movement joints. be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our
▪ If the water level suddenly increases the watertight- current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always
ness of joints will only be achieved after SikaSwell® A refer to the most recent issue of the local Product Data
profiles have swollen. Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which will
▪ In a totally dry state, SikaSwell® A profiles shrink to be supplied on request.
their original dimensions then expands again in con-
tact with water.
▪ Above 2,5 bar water pressure it is recommended to
install an additional back-up system such as
▪ If profiles are to be fixed around small diameter pipes
use additional mechanical fixing with tie wire or a

Product Data Sheet

SikaSwell® A
June 2019, Version 01.02

Watchmead Ballymun Industrial Estate
Welwyn Garden City Ballymun
Hertfordshire, AL7 1BQ Dublin 11, Ireland
Tel: 01707 394444 Tel: +353 1 862 0709
Web: Web:
Twitter: @SikaLimited Twitter: @SikaIreland


Product Data Sheet

SikaSwell® A
June 2019, Version 01.02


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