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5 Yugas Concept With Etymological Meaning

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There are actually 5 YUGAM (with Etymological meaning

in Tamil) against belief of 4 YUGAM:
Compared with 5 Thinai or lands in Tamil:
KRETA YUGAM: There could be only one name for this
yuga & Sathya is the fifth yugam & not other name of
kreta yuga.
Kari (black or dark as mountains) → Kiri (mountain) &
Than (belonging to)
Kiri+than → Kirithan → Kiritha→ Kretha → Kreta Yugam
After human evolved started the life as hunter-gatherer,
lived in caves on mountains. Food is abundant with less
population.The land is classified as kurinji (Strobilanthes
Kunthiana) thinai (land) in Tamil. Kirinji is a flower
blossoms once in 10-12 years on mountains.
Tharai (ground or flat surface) → Tre (ground) & Than
(belonging to)
Tharai+than → Tharaithan → Tharetha→ Treta → Treta
When human lived in caves on mountains as groups &
populated, Food is getting short. Humans in search
moved out of mountains downwards into forests made
huts to live-in. Animal husbandry, Hunting, food
gathering, experimenting in agriculture. Believed to
have group leader for proper distribution of food among
groups.The land is classified as mullai (Jasmine) thinai
(land) in Tamil. Mullai is a common flower in forests.
Dwaram (Doorway access from one place to other or
connecting two places) → Dwa (Two) & Paravu (Vast /
Spread / Enormous) → Para
Dwaram Paravu → Dwara Paravu → Dwara Para→
Dwapara → Dwapara Yugam
When human lived in groups, Dwapara is spread of two
technologies i.e. agriculture & fishing is widely practised
for food and livelihood and its knowledge is spreading
among various groups or communities. People settled
near water sources like river or lake.
The land is classified as Marutham (represents
Cropland) Thinai & Neithal (represents Seashore) as
thinai (land) in Tamil. The Marutham tree
(Lagerstroemia speciosa) is common sight in plain lands
& neithal (Water Lily) is sighted in lagoons.

Kali derived from Goddess Kali and also “kala” mean
Black in Sanskrit, “Kal” means Dark in Tamil. Actually,
denoting the worshipers of Kali, the Jews & their Dry
For this the Mahabharat war is the evidence. Shakuni
was the reason of the Mahabharat war through
gambling between Pandiyans (Pandavas) & Koravas
(Kauravas), is a Jew came for trading Amber, Dry fruits
with Southern Indian people through present day
Kollam, Kerala. Shakuni & the modern day jews wear
Black as their favourite dress colour which symbolically
represents Kali.
The Tamil words used in Tamil version of Mahabharat
were Soodhu, Yuddham & Yukthi to prove “Shakuni” a
“Soodhu” means unfair act in Tamil & “Soodhattam”
means Gambling. The Tamil name for Jews is “Yudha”.
Tamil Etymology of Yudha→ Sudhu→ Soodhu. Indian
old languages meaning of Jew: Kannada ,Marathi called
as “Yuhudi”, Telugu as “Yudulu”, Malayalam as
“Yahudhan” & Sanskrit as “Yahudi”.
Tamil Etymology of Yuddham is Yudha (Jew in Tamil) →
Yudham (Judaism in Tamil) → Yuddham (War)
Tamil Etymology of Yukthi is Yudha (Jew in Tamil) →
Yuktha (a Sanskrit word its Tamil word is “Sadhanam”
meaning Tool) → Yukthi (Cunning Strategy in Tamil)
As per epic Mahabharat, Sahadeva killed Shakuni.
Though Duryodhana was nearby to Shakuni didn’t help
him because the 100 brothers came to know the
Shakuni’s true intension. The etymology gave the
characteristics of Jews as “Cunning, Gambler, and War
instigators by the creation of 1st secret society
“Mason” by “Moses”.
Moses→ Mosan→ Mason & also Mason would have
coined from the Tamil word “Mesam” (Goat) or Mesha
(Aries), which also represent early symbol of “Mason”,
the “Baphomet: Goat Head with Female Body”.
There is link to Muslims and Mahabharata war. The
Koravas (Kauravas) families exodus to Middle East
countries after they lost the war and followed Islam.
Let's take the example of "Hasbi Rabbi Jalallah" song on
praise of Muhammad.

The word "Noor Muhammad", as per Arabic it is holy

light but taking Tamil Etymology route Noor means
Hundred, Muhammad deformed from Maha Medhai
(Great intellectual).
(repeatedly spell the word Mahamedhai multiple times
very fast, it sounds as "Muhammad").
The Maha Medhai is refered to “koravas” as they
refined & improved the lives of Desert people or
Qureshi People.
Tamil reverse Etymology of Qureshi is
Qureshi→ Kuresi→ kuresa→ Kurava or Korava
Mecca was called Macoraba in olden days. Tamil reverse
Etymology of Macoraba is
Macoraba (Arabs believe it derived from the word
“Mikrab” meaning Temple. But it could be “Great
Teacher” in Tamil) → Ma Koraba→ Ma Korava (Ma
means Great & Koravas taught & guided the Qureshi
people, so they see as Teacher i.e Great Teacher).
Killing of one Jew Shakuni in Mahabharat war didn’t let
to killing of Muslims & Hindus. Jews belong to the
Central Asia where their lands are turning not fit for
Agriculture due to climatic changes, this place is called
in Tamil as Palai Thinai (Dry Land). The tree common
here are Panai maram derived from Palai (Palm Tree).
The Jews want to settle in Green pastures in Indian
Subcontinent, own themselves through cunning ways it
also includes Ramayana War between “Rama” (a Jew)
and “Ravana” (Tamil King). The real story of Ramayana
is vast but Jews failing abruptly capturing Green
Pastures twice raised their enemity towards Hindus
(Pandiyas & Ravana were great devotees of Shiva) &
Muslims (The “Koravas” of Mahabharat exodus to
Middle East, were reason for killing of Shakuni and
Middle East Muslims started living a better life than
Jews under “Koravas” or “Muhammed’s” guidance).
The Jews later migrated into Indian Subcontinent (1000
of years after Mahabharat war) from Iran into Northern
India & from Khazar Region (semi nomadic turkic) into
Southern India.
The Intellectuals or who attained Wisdom were called
“Brahmins” among Prehistoric Native Indians through
intense yogic practises, who wear white clothing with a
white thread across shoulder for tying the thighs for
“Kundalini Yoga” position . The Jews copied the thread
wearing as Upanayana (in Sanskrit) & Poonal (in Tamil)
and their White skin (as superior and equal to God)
commanded the Native Indians across Time to
discriminate, disintegrate into Casteism ,
Untouchability, destroying & stealing the Indian
inventions, discriminating Tamil language later led to
the birth many Indo-Iranian (Pali, Sanskrit, Urdu, Hindi,
Gujrati etc.) and Dravidian Languages (Kannada,
Malayalam, Marathi, Telugu).
The Muslims attacked Temples, looted valuables in India
when they raged war and destroyed to build Mosques
or Dharga was to avenge the Mahabharata War killing
of Koravas (Kauravas later Muslims).

Jews Muslims
The British split India into Three during independence:
India, East & West Pakistan based on Religion could be
avenge of Mahabharata war. It is rumoured the Queen
Elisabeth II & their grandparents were the descendant
of Prophet Muhammed.

In the Global level, Jews dominated Muslims specifically

Palestinians for a separate Nation for Jews, which also
extended to allies of Palestine such as Algeria,
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Brunei, Iran, Ireland, Iraq,
Kuwait, Libya, Lebanon, Malaysia Morocco, North
Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Sweden, Syria, Saudi Arabia,
Tunisia, Yemen.
Post WWII American Jewish Presidents razed Muslim
Countries like Iran (1980, 1987-1988), Iraq (1991-
2011,2014-till date) Libya (1981,1986,1989,2011),
Lebanon (1983), Kuwait (1991), Somalia (1992-1993,
2007-till date), Bosnia (1995), Saudi Arabia (1991, 1996),
Afghanistan (1998, 2001-till date), Sudan (1998), Kosovo
(1999), Yemen (2000, 200—till date), Pakistan (2004-till
date), Philippines (1989, 2012), Syria (2018-till date).
The terrorism was populated, tamed by Americans
against Muslims i.e Al-Qaeda, who attacked US itself ,
which gave upper hand to raze Muslim Nations
(Afghanistan & Pakistan) for their Natural Resources for
free. US tamed ISIL faked to be originated from Iraq, US
tamed ISIS faked to be originated from Syria, both
attacked Asian, European, Middle East countries.
The World Trade Centre twin building complex were
designed by Minoru Yamasaki (Japanese) & Emery Roth
(American but a Hungarian-Jewish descent) represents
the key persons of Ramayana war for the only purpose
to collapse in 2001, which commemorated the Tamil-
Lankan civil war, which ended in 2009 (Ramayana war
avenge of killing Rama).
Coming back to India, post-independence Jewish
Brahmins are most of the ruling class in Indian Politics
instigated many Hindu-Muslim communal riots like
Bombay, Calcutta riots, Baber Masjid attacks, Godhra
attack & Gujrat riots, Revoking article 370 in Jammu &
Kashmir, CAA law & NRC protest attacks in Delhi & UP,
Ram temple construction in disputed Ram-Babri Masjid
, Hindi compulsion etc.
Mahabharat Epic war started after twin Solar Eclipse in
13 days.
a) Aryabhatta estimated the year of Eclipse to be around
3102 BC.
b) Dr S Balakrishna of NASA did a thorough study of
them with advanced computer software. When he went
through the eclipse pairs i.e two eclipses happening in a
13th day interval, which the Mahabharata refers to, he
matched one eclipse that happened in 2,559 BC.
In 2012, Sathya Yuga started and have into transition
period from Kali yuga ( the same year 10th April 2012
Airtel launched 4G in India and the world of internet
took a big leap in India, You Tube, Social Media boomed,
many truths revealed). 20-21 May 2012 Annular Solar
Eclipse occurred.
Today (21st June 2020) I believe we entered the Sathya
Yuga officially through astronomical event of Annular
Solar Eclipse.

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