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Education: John C. Hull

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B.A. and M.A., Mathematics, Cambridge University, England 1965-68.

M.A., Operational Research, Lancaster University, England, 1969.
Ph.D., Finance, Faculty of Management, Cranfield University, England, 1973-76.
Dissertation title: "A Study of the Subjective Probability Assessments necessary
for the Analysis of the Risk in Major Capital Investment Opportunities."

Employment History

2000 to Present: Maple Financial Professor of Derivatives and Risk Management, Joseph
L. Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario,
1990 to 2000: Professor of Finance, Joseph L. Rotman School of Management,
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
1988 to 1990: Associate Professor of Finance, Joseph L. Rotman School of
Management, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
1981-1988: Associate Professor of Finance, Faculty of Administrative Studies, York
University, Downsview, Ontario, Canada.
1978-1981: Senior Lecturer in Finance and Accounting, Cranfield School of
Management, Cranfield University, England.
1976-1978: Lecturer in Finance and Accounting, Cranfield School of Management,
Cranfield University, England.
1973-1976: Lecturer, Quantitative Aspects of Management, Cranfield School of
Management, Cranfield University, England.
1971-1972: Senior Research Officer, London Graduate School of Business Studies,
London, England.
1969-1971: Corporate Planning Officer, British Shoe Corporation, Leicester, England.

Visiting Appointments

Fall 2000: Visiting Professor, Finance, Stern School of Business, New York University
1980-1981: Visiting Assistant Professor, Finance and Accounting, Faculty of Commerce
and Business Administration, The University of British Columbia, Canada
1978-1979: Visiting Assistant Professor, Finance and Accounting, Faculty of Commerce
and Business Administration, The University of British Columbia, Canada.
Fall 1977: Visitor on Individual Studies Program at Harvard Business School.

Honours and Awards

2010: Winner of PRMIA Higher Standard Award

2009: Elected to Fixed Income Hall of Fame by FIASI
2008: Inaugural recipient of PRMIA’s History Makers Award.
2006: In an industry survey by ICBI, voted the academic who has made the most
contribution to the derivatives industry over the previous five years.
2002: Included by the magazine Risk in its Hall of Fame as one of the 50 people who
have “made a profound contribution to the field of risk management”
2002: Winner of the Northrop Frye Award at University of Toronto for linking teaching
and research.
2001: Appointed Chairman of the Moody's Academic Advisory Committee
2000: Appointed Maple Financial Group Professor of Derivatives and Risk Management
at the Joseph L. Rotman School of Management
1999: Financial Engineer of the Year, awarded by the International Association of
Financial Engineers.
1999: Won Roger Martin and Nancy Lang award for excellence in teaching
1999: Won award for best second year MBA teacher, University of Toronto
1996: Won outstanding teacher award at University of Toronto.
1989: Won with Alan White the Nikko-LOR Research Competition with a paper
entitled "One factor interest-rate models and the valuation of interest-rate
derivative securities."
1989: Won the Graduate Student Business Council Award presented in recognition of
outstanding service by a faculty member to the students of the Faculty of
1987: Won with Alan White second prize in the Practical/Professional section of the
Montreal Exchange's IOM Award Competition for a paper entitled "Hedging
through the cap : implications for market efficiency, hedging and option pricing."
1985: Won with Alan White first prize in the Practical/Professional section of the
Montreal Exchange's 1984-85 IOM Awards Competition for a paper entitled "The
Use of Exchange-traded Currency Options to Hedge the Risks from writing Non-
Exchange-Traded Currency Options."
1984: Won with Nahum Biger first prize in the Practical/Professional section of the
Montreal Exchange's 1983-84 IOM Awards Competition for a paper entitled, "The
Valuation of Currency Options."
1965-68: Won a total of three prizes and a scholarship at Cambridge University.
Obtained first class honors in all three years. Graduated as Wrangler.

Journal Appointments

Associate Editor, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 1991 to 1999.

Associate Editor, Journal of Derivatives, 1993 to present.
Associate Editor, Applied Mathematical Finance, 1993 to present.
Associate Editor, Review of Derivatives Research, 1993 to present.
Associate Editor, Journal of Financial Engineering, 1994 to 1998.
Associate Editor, Journal of Derivatives and Hedge Funds (Formerly Journal of
Derivatives Use, Trading & Regulation), 1994 to present
Associate Editor, Canadian Journal of Administrative Studies, 1996 to present.
Associate Editor, Journal of Risk, 1998 to present
Associate Editor, Journal of Bond Trading and Management, 2001 to present.
Associate Editor, Journal of Credit Risk, 2004 to present

Associate Editor, Journal of Derivatives Accounting, 2002 to present (chair, supervisory
academic committee)
Associate Editor, Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions, 2007 to present

Books Authored

“Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives,” Pearson, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey,
USA: first edition 1988; second edition; 1992; third edition 1996, fourth edition 1999,
fifth edition 2002, sixth edition 2005, seventh edition 2008 (includes instructor's manual,
solution’s manual, slides, and software; translated into many languages including
German, French, Italian, Russian, Korean, Japanese, Mandarin, Cantonese, Spanish, and

“Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets,” Pearson, Upper Saddle River, New
Jersey, USA: first Edition 1991; second edition, 1995; third edition 1998; fourth edition
2001, fifth edition 2004, sixth edition, 2007, seventh edition 2010 (includes instructors'
manual, slides, and software; translated into many languages including German, French,
Italian, Polish, Korean, Japanese, Mandarin, Cantonese, Spanish, Portuguese, and

“Risk Management and Financial Institutions,” Pearson, Upper Saddle River, New
Jersey, USA: first edition 2006, second edition 2009 (includes instructor’s manual, slides
and software),. (translated into several languages including Italian and Mandarin)

“Hull-White on Derivatives” Risk Books, 1996 (with Alan White)

“The Evaluation of Risk in Business Investment” Pergamon Press, 1980.

“Model Building Techniques for Management,” Saxon House, 1976 (with J. Mapes and
B. Wheeler)

Articles in Academic Journals and Books

“The Valuation of Correlation-Dependent Credit Derivatives Using a Structural Model,”

Journal of Credit Risk, 6, 3 (Fall 2010), 99-132 (with Alan White and Mirela Predesu)

“The Risk of Tranches Created from Mortgages,” Financial Analysts Journal, 66, 5
(September/October 2010), 54-67 (with Alan White)

“OTC Derivatives and Central Clearing: Can All Transactions Be Handled?” Financial
Stability Review, 14 (July 2010), 71-80

“An Improved Implied Copula Model and its Application to the Valuation of Bespoke
CDO Tranches,” Journal of Investment Management, 8, 3 (2010), 11-31 (with Alan

“The Credit Crunch of 2007: What Went Wrong? Why? What Lessons can Be Learned”
Journal of Credit Risk, 5, 2 (2009), 3-18. An early version of this paper appears as
chapter 7 in the proceedings of the 2008 International Banking Conference: The First
Credit Turmoil of the 21st Century” World Scientific Publishers, 2009. Republished as
Chapter 1 in Lessons from the Crisis, Incisive Media, 2010.

“The Credit Crisis of 2007 and its Implications for Risk Management,” invited chapter in
Understanding the Financial Crisis: Investment Risk and Governance (eds: S. Thomsen,
C. Rose, and O. Risager), SimCorp Strategy Lab, 2009.

“The Financial Crisis of 2007: Another Case of Irrational Exuberance,” invited Chapter
in The Financial Crisis and Rescue University of Toronto Press, 2008.

“Dynamic Models of Portfolio Credit Risk: A Simplified Approach” Journal of

Derivatives, 15, 4 (Summer 2008), 9-28 (with Alan White).

“Forwards and European Options on CDO Tranches” Journal of Credit Risk, 3, 2

(Summer 2007), 63-73 (with Alan White).

"Volatility Surfaces: Theory, Rules of Thumb, and Empirical Evidence," Quantitative

Finance, 7, 5 (October 2007), 507-524. (with Toby Daglish and Wulin Suo)

“Valuing Credit Derivatives Using an Implied Copula Approach,” Journal of

Derivatives, 14, 2 (Winter 2006), 8-28 (with Alan White)

“Bond Prices, Default Probabilities, and Risk Premiums”, Journal of Credit Risk, 1, 2
(2005) 53-60. (with Mirela Predescu and Alan White)

"Merton's Model, Credit Risk, and Volatility Skews" Journal of Credit Risk, 1, 1 (2004),
1-27, (with Izzy Nelken and Alan White)

"The Relationship Between Credit Default Swap Spreads, Bond Yields, and Credit
Rating Announcements," Journal of Banking and Finance, 28 (Nov 2004), 2789-2811
(with Mirela Predescu and Alan White)

"Valuation of a CDO and an nth to Default CDS Without Monte Carlo Simulation,"
Journal of Derivatives, 12, 2 (Winter 2004), 8-23 (with Alan White)

"Accounting for Employee Stock Options: A Practical Approach to Handling Valuation

Issues" Journal of Derivatives Accounting, 1, 1 (March 2004), 3-9 (with Alan White).

"How to Value Employee Stock Options," Financial Analysts Journal, 60, 1,

(January/February 2004), 114-119. (with Alan White)

“Valuing Credit Default Swap Options" Journal of Derivatives, 10, 3 (Spring 2003), 40-
50 (with Alan White)

“A methodology for assessing model risk and its application to the implied volatility
function model.” Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 37, No.2 (June
2002), 297-318 (with Wulin Suo)

“The general Hull-White model and supercalibration” Financial Analysts Journal, Vol.
57, No. 6 (Nov/Dec 2001), 34-43 (with Alan White)

“The Estimation of Default Probabilities: A Review of Alternative Methodologies and

Why They Give Different Results” pp171-180 in Mastering Risk, Volume 2, ed: Carol
Alexander, 2001, Prentice Hall, (with Alan White).

“Risk-neutral and real-world measures of default risk" in Visions of Risk, ed: Carol
Alexander, Pearson Education, 2000. (with Alan White)

“Valuing credit default swaps I: No counterparty default risk” Journal of Derivatives,

Vol. 8 No. 1 (Fall 2000), pp 29-40 (with Alan White)

“Valuing credit default swaps II: Modeling default correlations” Journal of Derivatives
Vol. 8 No. 3 (Spring 2001) pp12-22 (with Alan White)

“Forward rate volatilities, swap rate volatilities, and the implementation of the LIBOR
market model” Journal of Fixed Income, Vol. 10, No. 3, September 2000, pp 46-62
(with Alan White)

“Quantifying credit risk: Why different approaches give different answers” Canadian
Journal of Administrative Studies, September 1999, Vol. 16, No. 3 (with Alan White;
invited article)

“Incorporating volatility updating into the historical simulation method for VaR”
The Journal of Risk, Fall 1998, Vol 1, No 1, pp 5-19 (with Alan White)

"Value at risk when daily changes in market variables are not normally distributed"
Journal of Derivatives, Spring, 1998, Vol 5, No3, pp 9-19 (with Alan White)

"Evaluating the impact of skewness and kurtosis on derivative prices" Net Exposure, Dec
1997, pp 81-90 (with Alan White)

"A Note on the models of Hull and White for pricing options on the term structure:
Response" Journal of Fixed Income, Vol 5, No 2 (Sept 1995), pp 97-102 (with Alan

"Using Hull-White interest rate trees," Journal of Derivatives, Vol. 3, No. 3 (Spring
1996), pp 26-36 (with Alan White).

"Numerical procedures for implementing term structure models I," Journal of
Derivatives, Fall 1994, pp 7-16 (with Alan White).

"Numerical procedures for implementing term structure models II," Journal of

Derivatives, Winter 1994, pp 37-48 (with Alan White).

"The impact of default risk on the prices of options and other derivative securities,''
Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol 19 (1995), pp 299-322 (with Alan White).

"Interest-Rate Options: Choosing a Model for Trading" in Advanced Strategies in

Financial Risk Management, Chapter 3, pp 49-58 (with Alan White).

"The pricing of options on interest rate caps and floors using the Hull-White model" in
Advanced Strategies in Financial Risk Management, Chapter 4, pp 59-67. Reprinted in
Journal of Financial Engineering, Vol 2, No 3 (September 1993), pp 287-296 (with
Alan White)

"Bond option pricing based on a model for the evolution of bond prices" Advances in
Futures and Options Research, Vol 6 (1993) pp 1-13 (with Alan White).

"Efficient procedures for valuing European and American path-dependent options,"

Journal of Derivatives, Vol 1, No 1 (Fall 1993), pp 21-31 (with Alan White).

"One factor interest rate models and the valuation of interest rate derivative securities,"
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol 28, No 2, (June 1993) pp 235-254
(with Alan White)

"Analisi del rischio connesso al credito e indici di inadeguatezza del capitale" Rivista di
Sistemi Finanziari, Vol 3, No.3, (1991) (with Alan White).

"Pricing interest-rate derivative securities", The Review of Financial Studies, Vol 3, No. 4
(1990) pp. 573-592 (reprinted in Options: Recent Developments in Theory and Practice,
Vol 2, 1992, pp 160-180. (with Alan White). Also reprinted in Options Markets by
George Constantinides and A. G. Malliaris and The Debt Market by Stephen Ross.
(These are two volumes of the Critical Writings in Financial Economics series edited by
Richard Roll)

"Contingent claim valuation with a random evolution of interest rates: Commentary" The
Review of Futures Markets, Vol 9, No. 1 (1990) pp. 77-78.

"Monitoring a company's operating cash flow using variance analysis", Accounting

Horizons, Vol. 4, No. 3 (Sept. 1990), pp 50-57.

"Valuing derivative securities using the explicit finite difference method" Journal of
Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 25 No. 1 (March 1990), pp 87-99 (with Alan

"Assessing credit risk in a financial institution's off-balance sheet commitments" Journal

of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 24 No. 4 (Dec. 1989) pp 489-502.

"An analysis of the bias in option pricing caused by a stochastic volatility" Advances in
Options and Futures Research, Vol. 3, 1988, pp 29-61 (with Alan White).

"An analysis of the credit risks in interest rate swaps and currency swaps" in Recent
Developments in International Banking and Finance, Vol III, 1989.

"The Use of the Control Variate Technique in Option Pricing", Journal of Financial and
Quantitative Analysis, Sept. 1988, pp 237-251 (with Alan White).

"An Overview of Contingent Claims Pricing" Canadian Journal of Administrative

Sciences, Sept. 1988, pp 55-61 (with Alan White).

"Hedging through the Cap: Implications for Market Efficiency, Hedging and Option
Pricing" International Options Journal, Vol 4, pp 17-22, 1987 (with Alan White).

"The Management of a Bank's Off-Balance Sheet Exposures: The Case of Interest Rate
Swaps" Banking Law and Finance Review, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp 47-60, 1987.

"The Pricing of Options on Assets with Stochastic Volatilities" Journal of Finance, Vol.
42, No. 2, pp. 281-300, June 1987 (with Alan White). Reprinted in "Options: Classic
Approaches to Pricing and Modeling," edited by Lane Hughston.

"Hedging the Risks from Writing Foreign Currency Options" Journal of International
Money and Finance, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp 131-152, June 1987 (with Alan White).

"A Note on the Risk-Adjusted Discount Rate Method" Journal of Business Finance and
Accounting, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 445-450, 1986.

"Risk in Capital Investment Proposals: Three Viewpoints," Managerial Finance, Vol. 12,
No. 3, pp. 12-15, 1986.

"The Use of Exchange-Traded Currency Options to Hedge the Risks from Writing Non-
Exchange-Traded Currency Options'', International Options Journal, Vol. 2, pp. 7-18,
1985 (with Alan White).

"The Effect of a Stochastic Variance on Option Pricing," International Options Journal,

Vol. 2, pp. 39-47, 1985 (with Alan White).

"The Valuation of Currency Options - Reply," Financial Management, Vol. 13, 2, 1984.

"The Impact of Taxes on the Valuation of Low-Interest Household Mortgages,"
Canadian Tax Journal, Vol. 31, No. 5, pp. 797-804, 1983.

"Valuation of Currency Options," Financial Management, Vol. 12, 1, pp. 24-28, 1983.
Reprinted in International Options Journal, Vol. 1, 1, pp. 5-11, 1984 (with Nahum

"The Bargaining Positions of the Parties to a Lease Agreement," Financial Management,

Vol. 11, 3, pp. 71-79, 1982.

"Conflicts of Interest Between Shareholders and Managers," The Investment Analyst,

Vol. 67, pp. 4-8, September 1982.

"The Impact of Stock Relief on the Attractiveness of Capital Investment Opportunities,"

Accounting and Business Research, No. 45, pp. 30-34, Winter 1981.

"Lease Evaluation in the U.K. Current Theory and Practice," Journal of Business Finance
and Accounting, Vol. 7, 4, pp. 619-637,1980 (with Graham Hubbard).

"The Interpretation of the Output from a Sensitivity Analysis in Investment Appraisal,"

Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Vol. 5, 1. pp. 109-122, 1978.

"The Accuracy of the Means and Standard Deviations of Subjective Probability

Distributions," Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, A., Vol. 141, 1, pp. 79-85, 1978.

"Reducing the Number of Probabilistic Variables in a Risk Simulation," Omega, Vol. 5,

5, pp. 605-608, 1977.

"The Input to and Output from Risk Evaluation Models," European Journal of
Operational Research, Vol. 1, 6, pp. 368-375, 1977.

"Dealing with Dependence in Risk Simulations," Operational Research Quarterly, Vol.

28, 1, ii, pp. 201-218, 1977.

"The Impact of Inflation on Corporate Financial Performance," Management Decision,

Vol. 14, 1. pp. 7-16, 1976. Reprinted in Managerial Finance, 1977 (with Bill Alexander)

"A Note on Risk Simulation," Omega, Vol. 3, 3, p. 358, 1975.

"Utility and Its Measurement," Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, A,

Vol. 136, 2, pp. 226-247, 1973 (with Peter Moore and Howard Thomas).

"The Application of Decision Analysis to a New Product Planning Decision - A

Comment," Operational Research Quarterly, Vol. 24, 3, pp. 469-471, 1973.

Other Articles

“The Power Law,” Risk, 20, 3 (March 2007), 72-74

“VaR vs Expected Shortfall,” Risk, 19, 12 (December 2006), 48-49

“Defining Copulas” Risk, 19, 10 (October 2006), 62-64.

“New layers of protection” in Mastering Risk section of Financial Times, Sept 16, 2005
with Alan White)

“The Credit Spread Puzzle” Journal of Financial Transformation, 13 (April 2005), 131-134
(with Mirela Predescu and Alan White)

"Advisor's guide to risk management" co-editor, 2002.

"Approaches to managing portfolio risk" in Advisor's guide to risk management, pp 14-

18, 2002.

"Advisor's guide to new investment opportunities" co-editor, 2001.

"Avoiding irrational exuberance" in Advisor's guide to new investment opportunities, pp

20-25 (with Alan White), 2001.

"Using derivatives to achieve international diversification" in Advisor's guide to

international financial research, pp 42-47, 2000 (with Alan White)

"Advisors guide to international financial research" co-editor, 2000

"Advisors guide to financial research" co-editor, 1999

"Taking rates to the limits," RISK (December 1997) pp 168-169 (with Alan White)

"Pricing credit risk: Introduction" Chapter 5 in Derivative Credit Risk, Risk Publications,
1995 (with Alan White).

"Branching Out," RISK (July, 1994), pp 34-37. Reprinted as Chapter 47 in Over the
Rainbow, Risk Publications, Nov 1995 (with AlanWhite)

"Finding the keys," RISK (September, 1993), pp 109-112. Reprinted as Chapter 32 in

Over the Rainbow, Risk Publications, Nov 1995 (with Alan White)

"The price of default," RISK (September, 1992) pp 101-103. Reprinted in Chapter 5 of
Derivative Credit Risk, Risk Publications, 1995 (with Alan White) . Reprinted in Credit
Technology, September 1998, pp 23-34.

"In the common interest" RISK (March 1991) pp 64-68 (with Alan White).

"Buying and selling interest rate options: the new over-the-counter market" Canadian
Investment Review Vol III, No. 2, 1991, pp 71-74 (with Alan White)

"Over-the-counter interest-rate options" The Treasurer, November 1991, pp 12-15 (with

Alan White).

"Modern Greek," RISK Vol. 4 No. 1 (Dec. 1990 - Jan. 1991) pp. 65-67. Reprinted as
chapter 8 in From Black-Scholes to Black Holes (with Alan White).

"New ways with the yield curve," RISK Vol. 3 No. 9 (October 1990) pp 13-17. Reprinted
as chapter 15 in From Black--Scholes to Black Holes (with Alan White).

"Root and branch," RISK Vol.3 No. 8 (September 1990) pp 69-72. Reprinted as chapter
14 in From Black-Scholes to Black Holes (with Alan White).

"Coming to terms," RISK, Vol. 3 No. 1 (Dec 1989-Jan 1990) pp 21-25. Reprinted as
chapter 16 in From Black-Scholes to Black Holes (with Alan White).

"Currency Options and the Bank," Canadian Banker, pp. 46-50, February 1985 (with
Alan White).

"When to Opt for Vendor Mortgage Takeback", Financial Times, p. 28, March 8, 1982.

"Adjusting Mark-ups for Inflation," Management Accounting, pp. 155-156, April 1977.

"Obtaining Probability Distributions for the Evaluation of Investment Risk,"

Management Accounting, pp. 349-351, October 1976.

"Evaluating Investment Risk," Management Accounting, pp. 138-141, April 1976.

"Financial Planning: Terminal Case'', Management Today, pp. 37-47, December 1973
(with Brian Wheeler).

Working Papers

“Ratings Arbitrage and Structured Products” (with Alan White)

Current Research Interests

Understanding the credit crisis, credit ratings, credit derivatives, credit risk, market risk,
the valuation of interest rate derivatives, numerical procedures for valuing derivatives,
and employee stock options.

Conference Presentations

About 10 invited presentations at academic and academic/practitioner conferences in

various parts of the world each year

PhD Students Supervised

Louis Gagnon, graduated 1990

Jason Wei, graduated 1992
Ken Vetzel graduated 1992
Wulin Suo, graduated 2002
Mirela Predescu, graduated 2006

Major Administrative Assignment

Co-director of Rotman’s Master of Finance program (since 2007).


Consulting projects include the development of models for valuing, hedging, and
managing non-standard derivatives. Clients include major financial institutions, their
external auditors, and software companies in North America, Europe, Japan, and
Australia. Appointed chairman of the Moody's Academic Advisory Committee in 2001.

Litigation Support

Expert testimony in cases involving disputes about derivatives. Clients have included
major law firms in the U.S., Europe, and Canada.

Executive Education

Have provided executive training for employees of many financial institutions throughout
the world. Regular presenter at ICBI's annual RiskMinds conference in Geneva and
ICBI's annual Global Derivatives conference in Europe. Consistently high student


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