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British Columbia HISTORY Journal of the British Columbia Historical Federation | Vol.40 No. 2 | $5.


This Issue: Hotels | Comox | Brass Bands | Home Economics | and more
British Columbia History British Columbia Historical Federation
Journal of the British Columbia Historical A charitable society under the Income Tax Act Organized 31 October 1922
Federation Published four times a year.
ISSN: print 1710-7881 online 1710-792X PO Box 5254, Station B., Victoria BC V8R 6N4
Under the Distinguished Patronage of Her Honour
British Columbia History welcomes stories, studies, The Honourable Iona Campagnolo. PC, CM, OBC
and news items dealing with any aspect of the Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia
history of British Columbia, and British Columbians.
Honourary President
Please submit manuscripts for publication to the Ron Hyde
Editor, British Columbia History,
John Atkin,
921 Princess Avenue, Vancouver BC V6A 3E8
Book reviews for British Columbia History,
Frances Gundry, Book Review Editor,
President: Patricia Roy
BC Historical News,
602-139 Clarence St., Victoria V8V 2J1
P.O. Box 5254, Station B., Victoria, BC V8R 6N4
Subscription & subscription information:
Alice Marwood First Vice President: Ron Greene
211 - 14981 - 101A Avenue Surrey BC V3R 0T1 PO Box 1351, Victoria V8W 2W7
Phone 604-582-1548 Phone 250.598.1835 Fax 250.598.5539 |
Second Vice President: Tom Lymbery
1979 Chainsaw Ave., Gray Creek V0B 1S0
Subscriptions: $18.00 per year
Phone 250.227.9448 Fax 250.227.9449 |
For addresses outside Canada add $10.00
Secretary: Janet Mary Nicol
611 - 1035 Pacific Street, Vancouver V6E 4G7
Single copies of recent issues are for sale at:
- Arrow Lakes Historical Society, Nakusp BC
Recording Secretary: Gordon Miller
- Book Warehouse, 4th Ave & Broadway, Vancouver
1126 Morrell Circle, Nanaimo V9R 6K6
- Books and Company, Prince George BC
- Gibson Coast Books, Gibsons BC
- Galiano Museum Treasurer: Ken Welwood
- Gray Creek Store, Gray Creek BC 1383 Mallard Road, Parksville V9P 2A3
- Royal British Columbia Museum Shop, Victoria BC Phone 250.752.1888 |
- Otter Books in Nelson
- Touchstones Nelson: Museum of Art & History Member at Large: Webb Cummings
- Caryall Books in Quesnel 924 Bellevue St., New Denver V0G 1S0
Phone 250.358.2656 |
This publication is indexed in the Canadian Magazine
Index, published by Micromedia. Member at Large: Lorraine Irving
ISSN: 1710-7881 1131 East 23 Avenue, Vancouver V5V 1Y8
Phone 604.874.8748 |
Articles appearing in this journal are abstracted and
indexed in HISTORICAL ABSTRACTS and AMERICA: Past President (ex-officio): Jacqueline Gresko
HISTORY AND LIFE 5931 Sandpiper Court, Richmond V7E 3P8
Phone 604.274.4383 |
Production Mail Registration Number 1245716
Publications Mail Registration No. 09835
Member of the British Columbia Association of
Magazine Publishers

While copyright in the journal as a whole is vested

in the British Columbia Historical Federation,
copyright in the individual articles belongs to their
respective authors, and articles may be reproduced
for personal use only. For reproduction for other
purposes permission in writing of both author and is the Federation’s web site

BCHF Prizes | Awards | Scholarships
“Any country worthy of a future should
be interested in its past”
W. Kaye Lamb, 1937
British Columbia HISTORY
The Journal of the British Columbia Historical Federation | Volume 40 Number 2 2007
W. KAYE LAMB Essay Scholarships
Deadline 15 May 2008
The British Columbia Historical
Federation awards two scholarships The Vancouver Race Riot of 1907
annually for essays written by students
at BC colleges or universities, on a topic Janet Mary Nicol ............................................................. 2
relating to British Columbia history.
One scholarship ($750) is for an essay
written by a student in a first or second A Celestial Love Story, or was it?
year course; the other ($1000) is for an
essay written by a student in a third or
Ronald Greene ............................................................... 6
fourth year course.

To apply for the scholarship all Sounds of Brass Ladner 1889 - 1902
candidates must submit (1) a letter Jim Love and Brant Mitchell ............................................... 8
of application and (2) a letter of
recommendation from the professor
for whom the essay was written.
First and second year course essays
Red Book Revealed
should be1,500-3,000 words; third and Mary Leah de Zwart ........................................................ 11
fourth year,1,500 to 5,000 words. All
essays must be on a topic relating to
the history of British Columbia. By The Leland Hotel, Nakusp
entering the scholarship competition
the student gives the editor of BC Rosemarie Parent............................................................ 14
History the right to edit and publish
the essay if it is deemed appropriate
for the magazine. Kingsmill Bridge in Italy
Applications should be submitted Ken McLeod................................................................... 16
to: Marie Elliott, Chair BC Historical
Federation Scholarship Committee,
PO Box 5254, Station B, Victoria, BC The Royal Navy and the Comox Settlement
V8R 6N4
Allan Pritchard............................................................... 20
BC History Web Site Prize
The British Columbia Historical
Federation and David Mattison The Hotel Phair
are jointly sponsoring a yearly Patrica Rogers ............................................................... 28
cash award of $250 to recognize
Web sites that contribute to the
understanding and appreciation of
British Columbia’s past. The award
Archives and Archivists.................................................... 32
honours individual initiative in writing
and presentation.
Book Reviews................................................................ 35
Nominations for the BC History Web
Site Prize must be made to the British
Columbia Historical Federation, Web Miscellany.................................................................... 40
Site Prize Committee, prior to 31
December 2007. Web site creators
and authors may nominate their own
sites. Prize rules and the on-line
nomination form can be found on The
British Columbia History Web site:

Anne & Philip Yandle Best

Article Award
A Certificate of Merit and fifty dollars
will be awarded annually to the author
of the article, published in BC History,
that best enhances knowledge ot
British Columbia’s history and provides
reading enjoyment. Judging will be
based on subject development, writing
skill, freshness of material, and appeal
to a general readership interested in
all aspects of BC history.


The Vancouver Race Riot of 1907 and
the Death of Ng Ah Sim By Janet Mary Nicol

Janet Mary Nicol is riday, September 13, 1907 A streetcar was stopped at Westminster and
a Vancouver based The corpse of Ng Ah Sim was laid out on a Hastings Streets in front of a two-storey red-brick
writer who wrote A cart and pulled by one of the six men. They passed building with twin turrets and traffic was unable to
Working Man’s Dream through roped barricades patrolled by police and move past the people crowding the road. Drawing
for issue 36.2 of BC Chinatown residents and climbed Cambie Street, scattering nearer, Olaf saw smoke rising from an effigy made of
Historical News tiny pieces of paper along the way. Evil spirits became straw and old clothes. It was in flames and a sign at
trapped in the holes cut into the paper, they believed, its feet read: “Lieutenant Governor Dunsmuir—to be
leaving the dead man’s soul unharmed. Each man wore a burned at City Hall.” A Christian minister standing
skull cap, a long braid falling down his back. The cautious on the building steps shouted “The Asians are taking
among them hid a gun inside the wide sleeve of his dress- the bread from our table! he roared. It’s time to do
length tunic or suspended a knife from a cord tied around something!”
his waist. At 33rd Avenue, the procession turned toward “You bet it is” came a reply from somewhere
the segregated section of Mountainview cemetery. Below in the crowd. People cheered until they were hoarse
and in the distance, low rise buildings of Vancouver fanned as flames rose and fell. Many held a small white
Burrard Inlet. On the opposite shoreline, a great wall of flag with the slogan “A White Canada For Us”. Olaf
mountains appeared dark blue against a pale sky. At the edged closer. A man holding a drum told Olaf about a
burial site, the group banged drums, clapped cymbals and ‘monster parade’ held a few hours earlier. Thousands
set off firecrackers as they placed the corpse in the moist of spectators on Granville and Hastings Street joined
earth and then covered it. Their duty complete, the men the marchers along the route. “Half of Vancouver is
retreated home to the city’s heart. So ended the bad luck here tonight,” he said with pride. Olaf looked out at
journey of Ng Ah Sim. the sea of white faces and thought it could be true.
The late summer sun was nearly gone, casting
Six Days Earlier a veil of darkness. The speaker went back inside
It was an intensely warm Saturday evening the building where more shouting and cheers were
when Olaf Lauritzen arrived in downtown Vancouver heard. Another man in a dark suit holding a panama
after visiting his brother ’s farm in the nearby hat came out and stood before his excited audience.
farming community of Cloverdale. He registered “Drive away the aliens,” he advised. Americans up
at the Glasgow Hotel at 505 Westminster Street and and down the coast have taken matters into their own
planned to have a leisurely beer with a friend when hands, he told them, running foreigners out in places
the commotion down the block caught his eye. like the border town of Bellingham. “There are no

Sentaro Uchida, General

Merchant, Powell Street,
Vancouver, B.C

Library and Archives Canada

Photo C-023556


the alley’s tenements. On this Sources
night, they also hid indoors.
Behind one locked
door lived 12 year old Lillian Adachi, Ken, “The Enemy
Ho Wong. When she heard That Never Was: A History of the
the loud voices she ran Japanese-Canadians.” Toronto:
McClelland and Stewart, 1976.
to her mother. Her father Chan, Anthony, “Gold
commanded them to stay Mountain: The Chinese in the
in the centre of the room, New World.” Vancouver: New
ready to run out the front or Star Books, 1983.
Roy, Patricia, “A White
back door. He told them to Man’s Province: BC Politiicans
turn out all the lights. “And and Chinese and Japanese
don’t sit near the windows.” immigrants, 1858 - 1914.”
As the mob ran through the Vancouver, UBC Press, 1989.
Sugimoto, Howard Hiroshi,
lane, she could hear swearing “Japanese Immigration, the
and yelling. Across the alley, Vancouver riots and Canadian
someone had left their store diplomacy.” New York: Arno
hindoos in Bellingham tonight!” he yelled. the crowd lights on and all the glass there was shattered. Finally, Press, 1978.
Yee, Paul. “Saltwater City: an
responded with wild applause, finally subsiding to Lillian heard the footsteps fade away. Illustrated history of the Chinese
quiet, only to be disrupted moments later by a distant Olaf saw a gang turning into Canton Alley and in Vancouver.” Vancouver:
sound of breaking glass. joined them. It was a short lane ending in a courtyard. Douglas and McIntyre, 1988.
Olaf held his breathe. Someone yelled, ‘On Tenement buildings lined both sides, one as high as
Other Publications
to Chinatown’. The crowd was unchained. They seven stories. As residents hid within, the destruction
streamed down Dupont Street only half a block away. continued. Back on Dupont Street Olaf gazed at the W.L. Mackenzie King,
A man holding a liquor flask led the charge of men heaps of window glass on the ground. Some of the Deputy Minister of Labour,
and boys. He snatched a long cloth banner out of rioters reached their arms into the store windows Commissioner: “Losses sustained
by the Chinese and Japanese
the hands of a stranger, the slogan “Stop the Yellow and grabbed merchandise. Gunshots rang out. People population in Vancouver, 1907.”
Peril!” as he dragged it along for two blocks. Stopping moved helter skelter up and down the street gathering Ottawa, 1908.
suddenly, he threw his flask at a store window, stones and seeking unbroken glass to smash. Vancouver Daily World
shattering the glass. Olaf ran behind him and with One man spotted an unbroken window and (1907)
Vancouver News-Advertiser
the crowd, cheered encouragement, as he stuffed the kicked it out. An officer who had been watching (1907)
banner inside the gaping hole. Another man took his chased him. The man sped off across the railway Vancouver Province (1907)
boot to a window and kicked it. Then he took a rock tracks and into the arms of another officer. Someone Death Certificate (Ng Ah Sim)
from his pocket and sent it hurling at the jagged edges chanted, ‘rescue, rescue’ as the rioter was led away Reg. #1907-09124780, Microfilm #
B13095, GSU M#1927123 BCA
of glass. When a terrified Chinese shopkeeper peered in handcuffs to the police’s motorized van. Officers Vancouver Mountainview
from the balcony above, the rock thrower shouted barked at the crowd to move along. Another rioter Cemetery Records (Ng Ah Sim)
abuses and threats. Others in the crowd began taking began throwing stones at the police, and shouted, Original burial site: Range 4,
aim at the windows too, using bricks and chunks of “Don’t listen to him. We don’t have to move for them.” Block 4, Plot 11, Lot 14
Chinatown Heritage
wood. They continued to whoop and holler as they He was grabbed and handcuffed. By now, all the city’s Alley website - http://www.
moved down the street. available police were at the scene, including Chief
Not a sound came from inside the shops and Constable Chamberlin. Henderson’s Directory,
apartments above. Fewer than a dozen police, their The sound of gongs rang out as fire trucks came. 1907 VCA
Vancouver Court Records,
clubs drawn, moved among the people attempting Men with cans of coal oil had been spotted moving 1907 VCA
to bring order. One police officer grabbed a boy but around the backs of the buildings. Fire chief Carlisle  
positioned himself and other firemen at Pender and
another man shoved the officer, causing him to lose
Carrall by a hose wagon. Carlisle considered turning
his grasp. The boy disappeared into the crowd. the water hose on the crowd but Chamberlin advised
Olaf joined a group turning into Shanghai him not to, believing it would incite more violence. So
Alley. Any other night the alley was brightly lit and far, no one had been seriously hurt. Strangely, a few
full of people going to and from its gambling dens, Sikhs, Chinese and Japanese men moved unharmed
On Powell Street at Gore
in Vancouver this mosaic
restaurants and theatre. Prostitutes, evicted a year ago among the spectators. recalls the ugly events of
from waterfront brothels, also lived and worked in Olaf joined the mass movement toward the 1907.


Damage done by the
rioters to the store of
V. Kawasaki Bros., 202
Westminster Avenue,
Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada, 8 - 9
Sept 1907.

Library and Archives Canada
Photo C-023556

Westminster (Main St.). By now it was completely iron bars, knives and bottles.
dark, with only street lights casting a dim uneven Olaf turned into a lane and watched as a
light. The rioters had grown to more than a thousand Japanese man climbed a stepladder alongside the
people, most of them curious onlookers. A man building. Another man in the swarming mass climbed
shimmied up a pole and cried out, “On to Japtown.” up behind him. The Japanese man pulled out a knife,
All were unified as they cheered their agreement. swooped down and cut him on the arm. The injured
Olaf was part of the mass of marching men
man fell and rolled onto the ground, showing his face
who went swinging around Westminster to Powell
Street. Before them, the rows of wooden tenements in a dim light. He was a fellow Japanese. Before Olaf
and shops were barely visible in the darkness. No could take a swing at him, the attacker scrambled
lights shone on either side of the street. Oblivious to down the ladder and pulled his unintended victim
the ominous appearance of the Japanese quarters, through a side door.
the intruders picked up crushed rocks from the semi- The fighting did not prevent the mob from
paved street. Suddenly, a child’s shrill cry from inside smashing windows of shops and small homes along
a second-storey tenement split the eerie silence. It was both sides of the street. A police sergeant charged the
followed by another and another. A bedlam of wailing crowd with a drawn revolver and people scattered but
broke loose as the rioters began smashing storefront continued to break windows along side streets and to
windows. steal merchandise. Two Japanese men pulled a rioter
The Japanese residents had been alerted to the into a lane and cut his head with a sharp rock while he
rioting and positioned themselves on rooftops, armed fought back with a bottle. The gongs of the ambulance
and ready to fight. Some were veteran soldiers of their wagon rang out. Eventually the rioters wavered, broke
home country’s war against the Russians two years and then retreated, some cut and bleeding.
earlier. As the mob approached, they took aim and Olaf followed the crowd re-gathering on
pelted rocks down onto the unsuspecting mob. Others Westminster Street. Officers had begun cordoning off
came shrieking out of their front door, crying ‘Banzai’ Powell and Dupont, placing barricades of rope from
and tearing into the startled crowd with sticks, clubs, one side of the street to the other. A boy emerged


from the crowd holding a knife. He stepped up to the There were no fatalities from the riot but in
barricade and sliced the rope, followed by a roar of its aftermath, marital law was declared for 10 days.
approval from the crowd. He looked defiantly into the The city was compelled to shut down gun shops
face of an officer. “What can you do to me for cutting after Asians purchased hundreds of dollars worth of
the rope?” As the officer moved to grab him, the boy weapons. Residents of Chinatown and Japantown set
threw his knife into the crowd. He was handcuffed up their own security patrols and Chinese workers
and pulled to a van. went on a three day city-wide strike, demanding full
Just then, two officers seized and handcuffed police protection.
Olaf. “Mob the police!” Olaf shouted as the police The Asiatic Exclusion League, established
pulled him to the van. The crowd chanted ‘rescue, earlier that summer was modelled after other leagues
rescue’. Five officers hastily assembled and standing in American cities. With an active membership of
shoulder to shoulder dragged Olaf along. Their 2,000 people including Mayor Bethune, the league
formation forced the mob to back against the curb but had sponsored the rally. When they applied to
didn’t stop them from cursing and shouting. People conduct yet another “monster parade” on October 8,
surged back and forth under the glare of the street 1907, the council surprisingly voted 8-3 against their
lights and threw bricks and stones over the heads of request. The federal government paid the Chinese and
police as Olaf, still calling out, was thrown in the van, Japanese community for property damages incurred
joining more than a dozen others. The police driver by the riot but federal authorities continued to restrict
sped to the jail house as some of the crowd followed Asian immigration for decades to come.
on foot while others stayed behind to see what would In 1919, Ng Ah Sim’s body was disinterred from
happen next. Mountainview cemetery, as was customary among ex-
By midnight the police had gained control of patriot Chinese and sent back to his home province in
the streets though outsiders continued prowling the China for burial among his ancestors. •
roped-off areas all night and throughout Sunday
and Monday in the relentless heat wave. As another
cloudless dawn broke Tuesday, it was to be a 50 year
old gardener’s last. Ng Ah Sim worked and lived on
a South Vancouver farm and studied English from a
neighbor in the evenings. That morning he was found
hanging from a tree branch, his corpse still warm. A
rope had been taken from a nearby well. The razor
used to cut it was in Ah Sim’s pocket. The Vancouver
coroner ruled his death a suicide but many in the
Asian community believed otherwise.
Later that same day, the rain finally arrived,
washing the streets and cooling some of the tensions
of a city caught up in a fever of hatred.

The events of the riot have been recounted
through the eyes of Olaf but based on a composite
of eyewitness accounts. Olaf Lauritzen was one of
only five rioters convicted. He served a three month
sentence and likely left town as his name does not
appear in the city directory of 1907 or thereafter.
The eyewitness account of Lillian Ho Wong
of Shanghai Alley was originally told in Paul Yee’s
Saltwater City. Lillian was among the 150 Chinese
and Japanese children attending Vancouver public


A Celestial1 Love Story, or was it?
by Ronald Greene

Ron Greene writes ome time ago the following ad in the Nelson Home made Bread, Cakes and Pies for sale. Open
the Token History Miner2 caught my eye: day and night. No Chinese employed. A. Cowey,
column which proprietor.”
appears in BC In the social climate of the day, the following
History and he is story was handled surprisingly sympathetically.
the BC Historical It appears that Lun Foo’s “girl” was brought to
Federation’s 1st vice “To Wah Chung Kuskonook by Wah Chung, the Revelstoke merchant.
president. Revelstoke, B.C. If we believe the Nelson Miner then Wah Chung sold
the girl, named Tai, to Lun Foo for $400. However,
this is just one of the alternative versions of the story
Some one took my girl away, dress in
that are available and lacking any means to determine
English clothes. Looks like a Jap girl. which is accurate and which is journalistic licence or
Has three Chinamen with her. conjecture we will leave it up to the reader to decide.
$200 reward for returning her to The Miner indicated that when Wah Chung brought
Nelson. the girl to Kuskonook he was accompanied by two
other Chinese, young men, one of whom was called
Lun Foo
Loo, a fan-tan player, a professional gambler who
Kuskonook” wandered from camp to camp. Lun Foo established
his girl nearby to his restaurant. Lun Foo was a happy
man. The source is vague on how long Lun Foo was
in such a state, we don’t know whether it was a day,
One of the problems with researching a week, or longer. The Miner claimed, “from inquiries
Chinese items from the late 19th century is that the made in Nelson,...” that Lun Foo’s heart was not the
Chinese were viewed unfavourably by most British first gladdened by the young lady, before going to
Columbians. White workmen viewed the Chinese Revelstoke she had been the object of the affections
as cheap labour who undercut their wages and the of a Nelson resident, Hip Chang. The cause of Lun
lack of communication between the Chinese and the Foo’s advertisement was that two young Chinese
whites led to a lack of understanding and hence a men, Loo and Joe Wing, brought a boy’s suit for Tai
dislike of the Chinese by the whites. The province and the three of them slipped onto a lake steamer
was entering a period of strong anti-Asian feeling. heading across the border to Bonner’s Ferry.
Many restaurants advertised “All white help” and With Tai gone, Lun Foo became unhappy,
some Kootenay communities declared themselves irritable and bedraggled. He was said to have taken
Chinese-free and “encouraged” the Chinese either a potato-masher to someone who had suggested that
not to come, or to leave if they had come. Giving a Tai was “no good.” The question asked was whether
few typical comments, we note The Slocan Drill, of Wah Chung had deliberately taken advantage of Lun
April 14, 1900 had a headline “Asiatics not wanted Foo, intending all along to resell the girl elsewhere.
at Salmo. ...” and on June 8, 1900 said “The Chinese The Anaconda Standard, a Montana
cook imported into the camp last week has been newspaper, reported3 that Koo Wong, the Tai of the
given his walking ticket.” The Moyie Leader in 1900 Nelson Miner, was languishing in the Great Falls city
noted, “Moyie Laundry Opened. Messrs Bremner & jail, with her “lover,” Wong Lee alias Wong Sing, the
Hickey opened their new laundry this week and are “Loo” of the Nelson Miner and a second Chinese male,
now ready for their share of the public patronage. Joe Wing. Wong Lee and his colleague, Joe Wing,
With two white laundries in town there is no further were said to have left San Francisco in the spring
necessity of patronizing the Chinese. Give the white looking for a suitable place to establish a laundry.
men a show to make a living.” Again on Jan 12, 1901 The story describes Koo Wong [Tai] as a dainty maid
the Moyie Leader roared “To fight the Chinese The of 17 years, whom Wong had spied when he came
citizens of Moyie have taken a firm stand to rid the through Revelstoke, which they called Rose Lake.
town of the Chinese population….” The following It was not known whether she was the wife of Wah
advertisement in the Kootenay Mail, July 10, 1900 Chung, his concubine, or a mere chattel, but after she
“Revelstoke Restaurant, First street near Molsons was deposited with Lun Foo she was stolen away by
Bank. Board by the week, $4.50 , meals 25 cents, Wong Lee and Joe Wing, dressed in boy’s clothing.


The trio were apprehended in Great Falls, Montana, stories]. This version of the story was that Wong Lee Notes
or maybe as stated, Bonner’s Ferry, although those was from a different tong than Wah Chung and that he
1 A term used for Chinese,
two communities are far enough apart that one could doubly benefit from an abduction by harming deriving from an old name for
wonders why if arrested in Bonner’s Ferry the three a member of an opposing tong, i.e. Wah Chung, and the Chinese Empire, i.e. the
companions ended up in a Great Falls jail. At first selling the girl in San Francisco where she would have Celestial Empire
2 Nelson Miner, October 11,
the authorities there thought they had a kidnapping had a value for immoral purposes of several thousand
1898, p. 3
case on hand, but later believed that Koo Wong was dollars.7 3 Anaconda Standard, Oct. 9,
a willing companion to Wong Lee. When their case What happened to the girl after she was 1898, p. 15
came up in court almost a week later it was decided returned to Wah Chung? Wah Chung died July 2, 4 Anaconda Standard, Oct. 15,
1898, p. 15, and Great Falls
that Koo Wong was to be returned to her lord and 1932.8 Mrs. Wah Chung had predeceased her husband
Tribune, Oct. 15, 1898, p. 4
master, presumably Wah Chung. Wong Lee, the by almost three years, dying on August 17, 1929. 5 Great Falls Tribune, Oct. 20,
lover, gambler and prospective laundryman, had However, Mrs. Wah Chung was shown as having been 1898, p. 3
permission to be in the U.S., but not to leave it, which born in 1861, and only in Revelstoke for 16 years, so 6 Nelson Miner, Oct. 17, 1898,
p. 1
he had violated when he went to Revelstoke and his she is unlikely to have been the fair Oie Gam [or Tai, or
7 Nelson Miner, Oct. 25, 1898,
situation was to be determined. Joe Wing turned out Koo Wong].9 However, a Mrs. Wing Chung delivered p. 1
not to have any status in the U.S. so he was to be a fine boy in early August 1908.10 It hasn’t been shown 8 GR2951, Death Registrations,
deported to China.4 The final decision was that Wong that this woman was Wah Chung’s wife. She died at 1932-09-466084, microfilm
Lee was also to be deported, so he and Joe Wing were sea on a trip to Hong Kong in 1921 and was buried
9 GR2951, Death Registrations,
taken to Tacoma for deportation. Koo Wong was in China, so any proof that she might have been Oie 1929-09-429030, microfilm
given the choice of returning to British Columbia, or Gam will be hard to find.11 When Wah Chung died B13137, her own name was not
also being deported. She chose the former.5 his son, Eng Bing, was shown as the informant. • given, just Mrs. Wah Chung
10 Kootenay Mail, August 8,
A report in the Nelson Miner, following 1908, “The first Chinese baby
the arrest of the three offered several stories, one of born in Revelstoke arrived on
which was that Koo Wong was born in San Francisco Wednesday at the home of
of rich parents who sailed for China about two years Mr. and Mrs. Wing Chung. The
new comer is a fine boy.” If
before, leaving her in the custody of Wah Chung, traditional Chinese name
who claimed that she was his wife. She said that he patterns were followed by Wah
proved to be a drunken brute who frequently beat Chung then his family name was
her and that she wrote Wong Lee and Joe Wing to Wah and not Chung, so that Wing
Chung could be unrelated.
come up from San Francisco and take her back to 11 Kootenay Mail, July 20,
San Francisco.6 However, the Nelson Miner states 1921, p.
this story doesn’t agree with what they discovered
in Kuskonook, which was that the girl had been sold
to Lun Foo for $400, and was afterwards stolen from
him. Wah Chung’s story is different once again. He
claimed that he brought the girl down to Nelson
to visit a dressmaker and that after finishing that
business he remembered that his cousin, Lun Foo,
owed him $400 and so sent the girl over to Kuskonook,
in the company of Wong Lee, to collect the debt. This Kuskanook
Supposedly derived from a Ktunaxa word meaning
money was given to the girl, but she and Wong Lee
edge or end of the lake. The town by this name,
slipped away over night. formerly known as Kalama, flourished briefly in 1898.
The next week the Nelson Miner reported It was originally spelled Kuskonook, but when the CPR
another story, this one given by Mr. C.P. Hill, the built a steamship by the same name, they changed it
to Kuskanook, which became widely accepted. There
United States deputy collector of customs for Montana
is also a Kuskanax Creek (spelled Koos–Ka–Nax on some
and Idaho. He stated that the girl’s name was Oie maps) near Nakusp, although this was traditionally
Gam. That she was born in China, but emigrated Sinixt territory.
to Victoria with her parents at the age of two years.
Informtion from:
Her parents decided to return to China and the girl
married Wah Chung, a merchant of Revelstoke [at
least this one point seems consistent through the


Sounds of Brass Ladner 1889-1902
Jim Love and Brant Mitchell

Jim Love and Brant n January 2007 we rediscovered a hard-covered with many of the same performers including the
Mitchell are members ledger, “Treasurer’s Book Ladner Cornet Band”2 Minstrel Band that had been such a hit at the January
of the Delta Concert in the Delta Museum and Archives. It shed some concert. 7 Practices continued and contemporary
Band light on Brass Bands in the Delta, particularly at reports suggest rapid progress was being made. By
Ladner’s Landing. After considerable detective work, 1891, the band gave several concerts, including an
They would like to we were able to reconstitute some of the musical open air series, and was able to pay its way.
thank the staff of the history of the area. Although the ledger only covers The band seems to have been most active in the
Delta Museum and 1900-1902, the volume included a brief history of a winter. This may reflect the seasonal occupations of the
Archives for their predecessor, the Delta Brass Band that functioned majority of the players, namely in farming and salmon
help, particularly between December 1889 and November 1891. Indeed, canning. From December 1889 to November 1891,
Kathy Bossort and we deduced that the Brass Band started the book some members left the band and the total Membership
Kate McPherson. that was turned over along with its instruments and Roll reached fifteen. But late in 1891 or early 1892,
We would also treasury when the Ladner Cornet Band was formed the Delta Brass Band was dissolved. The reason is
like to thank Mr. in December 1900. not clear since most of the band members, including
Edgar Dunning, a F.W. Harris, an English-born cannery Bandmaster Harris, still lived in or around Ladner’s
founder and long bookkeeper who arrived at Ladner’s Landing in Landing. There was money in the treasury and the
time supporter of 18883, probably led the formation of Delta’s first brass band had instruments, music and stands. Possibly,
the Delta Concert band at Ladner’s Landing in December 1888. He was as in other small communities, the less skilled players
Band for setting us supported by prominent local residents: a physician may have lost interest and the number of experienced
on our historical from Germany, a lumberman from Sweden, a clerk players may not have sufficed to carry on.8
quest. Our thanks in the general store from Ontario, four cannery men Almost ten years later, in December 1900, Paul
are also due Gwen and three farmers. All eleven band members signed Ladner, a farmer and founder of the Delta Brass Band,
Szychter for her the Constitution and By Laws. Among the interesting John Watson, a cannery man and brother of a Delta
help with newspaper clauses in the Constitution were a capping of the Brass Band founding member, Ed Bown, a saddler
references. membership at eleven, and a somewhat draconian from Nova Scotia and W.H. Smith, a baker from
schedule of fines for missing practices (50 cents) or Ontario, organized the Ladner Cornet Band with an
being late (25 cents). initial complement of sixteen players, including Leslie
The band raised money through public McNeely, a member of the old Brass Band. Of the
subscriptions, membership fees, assessments on initial sixteen players, ten came from Eastern Canada,
members, and concerts. It also received a grant particularly Ontario, where bands were plentiful, even
from Delta municipality. In turn, the band did not in small communities. The players in the new band
own the instruments bought with its general fund; had more varied occupations than those in the Delta
the municipality held them in trust and could give Brass Band and so the seasonal effect on activities
them to the leader of any regularly organized band. was less evident.
With the help of local amateur performers4, the band The Ladner Cornet Band inherited the
held a fund-raising concert in January 1890. Despite instruments – their number and variety unknown
inclement weather, the attendance was large. Later -- of the Delta Brass Band and its treasury. Under the
that month, when the instruments arrived from leadership of Arthur Leslie, a professional musician,
Charles Stark of Toronto, Mr. Harris distributed who traveled from New Westminster, weekly practices
them and arranged the first practice on the following began. Since there is no mention of the purchase of
Wednesday. Some members, in their eagerness, began instruments and there were more bandsmen than in
to blow their instruments right away and sounds the Brass Band some of the new players probably
could be heard over a long distance.5 had their own instruments and were experienced.
The weekly practices soon became twice The account books reveal that between them, the two
weekly as the band members struggled to master bands owned five cornets, two trombones, a baritone
their instruments in time for the Queen’s Birthday horn and a snare drum, a bass drum, and a B flat bass.
celebrations at the end of May. 6 Many members Tom Foster, the butcher and cornet player in the Brass
were quite young. While they may have been able to band bought himself a helicon (a tuba).
read music, almost certainly most had no previous While the first year was primarily devoted to
experience with a brass instrument. Nevertheless, the melding the band, it made a few public appearances,
band had a second fund-raising concert in December including open-air concerts. To raise money for



1 Delta Museum and Archives

Terry Brennan Fonds
2 Vancouver Daily World,
10 December 1889
3 Vancouver Daily World,
22 January 1890
4 Vancouver Daily World,
29 January 1890
5 Vancouver Daily World, 5 May
6 Vancouver Daily World,
23 December 1890
7 Dale McIntosh, History of Music
in British Columbia 1850-1950
(Victoria: Sono Nis Press, 1989),
8 Vancouver Daily World, 29
9 Delta News, 22 March 1902,
July 1901
10 Delta News, 31 May 1902
11 Delta News, 31 May 1902
12 Delta News, 23 August 1902
13 Delta News, 4 October 1902
14 Delta News, 27 December 1902
15 Delta News, 18 October 1902
16 Delta Times, 23 March 1909

uniforms, it organized a successful garden party for was almost emptied of people.11 The first boat, the The Ladner Cornet Band
July 24, 1901 with assistance from the Westminster SS Transfer, left Ladner’s Landing at 7:00 a.m.; the c. 19031
Delta Museum and Archives photo
City Band. The Westminster Band chartered the SS excursionists returned on the SS Ramona after the 1991-33-4

Ramona, filled it with people from New Westminster last curtain fell.
for a moonlight cruise to Ladner’s Landing where In addition, the band played at community
they partook of raspberries and cream, cooling events. Some of its eleven public appearances in 1902
drinks and ice cream. Then, by the light of Chinese appear to have been spontaneous. For example, on a
lanterns strung throughout the grounds, the visiting Wednesday evening, the night of its practices, the band
band played for a dance on a specially laid wooden serenaded Mr. and Mrs. Fawcett outside their house
platform. An estimated one thousand people attended and the “boys were royally treated”.12 Mr. Fawcett was
the party.9 retiring and moving to Victoria after selling his drug
By 1902, the band was a force in the community. store to F.J. MacKenzie. His son, Arthur, played in the
On St. Patrick’s Day, it was a major act in a concert in Band. Other outings, not recorded in the ledger, were
which local amateurs presented vocal solos and duets, of a community nature. For example, the band led the
and piano solos. Among the featured performers were children in a parade to the sports ground for the May
Rev. I.W. Williamson, who played a solo on a recently Day celebrations in 1902. It also played at concerts in
arrived silver-plated Besson cornet valued at about aid of churches or benevolent societies with its only
$80, and Arthur Leslie, the first band instructor, who charge being the conductor’s fee.
played a piccolo solo.10 The band also co-operated The Band had fraternal feelings for other
with the Ladner Dramatic Society to present two bandsmen. When the visiting Nanaimo lodge of
plays, “The Rough Diamond” and “Ici on Parle Woodmen of the World unexpectedly brought the
Francais.” For the 24 May celebrations, the Dramatic Ladysmith Band with them,13 the Ladner Band paid
Society and the band crossed the river to Steveston, $3.00 to W.H. Smith, the baker and restaurant owner,
the “Sockeye Town,” to repeat the performance at the to serve lunch to the Ladysmith band.
Steveston Opera House. The two groups split the box Over the period covered by the Treasurer’s
office receipts that must have been considerable since Book, the Ladner Cornet Band had three instructors.
the Delta News reported that on the occasion Ladner Leslie was probably a military musician and his


military commitments probably took precedence
over the Ladner Cornet Band in the summer. In July
1901, Frank Dorland, who had joined the band as
a player in May 1901, took over the band. Little is W. Kaye Lamb
known of his musical background but he improved
the caliber of the band’s playing over the next fifteen Scolarship Winners
months. In October 1902, John Cronshaw, a military
musician, a clarinetist in the Sixth Regiment Band
(Duke of Connaught’s Own Rifles), was appointed
director of music.14 First or second year essay:
Newspaper reports of concerts often listed
the music played. The bandmaster purchased blank “Agricultural Societies
music books and probably arranged piano music, and Farmers’ Institutes in
religious and secular, for the band. Otherwise, the
band bought music from Whaley Royce and Co., J.W. Nineteenth-Century British
Pepper and A.A. Lombard. The programme for the Columbia”
St. Patrick’s Day 1902 concert included:
submitted by Shannon Lucy, Victoria. She
received a cheque for $750.00.
Wien Bliebt Wien, Schrammel
Sons of Erin, Beyer
Danube Waves, Ivanovici
Songs of the Sea, Walston Third or fourth year essay:
Sounds from the Sunny South, Isenman two essays tied for this award.
Distant Greeting, Doring

Both the Delta Brass Band and the Ladner Cornet “Representing Space as
Band struggled with some of the same problems still Place: Property Dialogues in
encountered by community bands. There was a the McKenna/McBride Royal
constant need for money to pay instructors and buy Commission, 1913-1915”
new music, instruments and uniforms. There was
always a need for more players. The Delta Brass Band by Tessa Stiven, Victoria,
was capped at eleven players. Although a total of
forty-two names appear in the Cornet Band’s roster,
it usually only had about twenty active members and and
a core of about twelve. Many players dropped out
because they left the area. For example, Reverend “Field Correspondence Sheds
Williamson, the Baptist minister and briefly the Light: McIlwraith’s Letters on
band master, left to accept a call to Kamloops early
in 1903.15 Thus, the Cornet Band publicly appealed His Own Monograph”,
for new players. 16
by Susan Ritchie, Campbell River.
The Treasurer’s Book ends with an indication
that the accounts were being transferred to a new
book. We know that the Ladner Cornet Band carried Each student received $500.00.
on for quite a few years and maintained its tradition
of joint ventures with other groups such as a concert Marie Elliott, Chair of W. Kaye
with the Delta Glee Club in 1909.17 Perhaps the later
record will yet turn up. Nevertheless, the Treasurer’s Lamb Scholarship Committee.
Book gives a glimpse at brass bands in Delta between
1889 and 1902 and some insight into the cultural life
of the community. •


The Red Book Revealed:
British Columbia’s Home Economics Secret 1930-1975 By Mary Leah de Zwart

n bookshelves of used bookstores and of milk bottles – no housekeeping detail is too minor Mary Leah de Zwart
school storage rooms across British to be omitted. Laundering is described as one of has taught Home
Columbia, you will find an unassuming the oldest arts in existence. Speaking from personal Economics, Planning
recipe book that falls open naturally at experience, I would like to say that the stain removal and Career Prep in
food-spattered pages. It’s the reference to which method advocated for rust still works (salt, lemon various locations
great-aunts and grandmothers turn when faced juice and sunlight). With the overwhelming amount around the province
with a household problem. Between the covers of of detail, it appears that nothing was going to be left and is currently at
Food, Nutrition and Home Management Manual, an to chance, home teaching or trial-and-error. Queen Elizabeth
entire world of bygone British-Canadian household “The good housekeeper does her marketing Secondary School in
management is described. The mere mention of this with intelligent care”, declares the manual, and follows Surrey. She is also
school textbook, commonly known as the Red Book, up the claim with sixteen rules for marketing. The a sessional lecturer
is a guaranteed conversation starter questions at the end of the unit at UBC and has a
among women (and a very few include the following question: special interest in
men) who used it in their home “If you were hungry and had educational history
economics classes in B.C. between only 10 cents, would you buy a
1930 and 1975. People comment on loaf of bread or candy? Why?”.
the uniform on page 41; the orange This question is more complex
tea biscuit recipe; the one-egg cake than it appears. Teachers
recipe versus the two-egg recipe.1 were obviously supposed to
What is it about this book that has convince pupils to answer
enabled it to carve its little niche “bread”, as if they were adult
in history? women who were responsible
The Red Book appears to for family welfare, instead of
have been intended to remain being young students. On the
in households long after school other hand, the very asking
days were done. Sturdy and well of the question implies that
bound, it emphasizes recipes for a some adults, those who were
family of six. The original version not intelligent or wise, would
was green, then blue and finally in choose to buy candy instead
1944, the first red cover appeared, of bread. Therefore children
remaining until the book was had to be warned about short-
completely revised in 1975. In the sighted, possibly delinquent
foreword, Jessie McLenaghen, Provincial Director of people who might be their own parents.
Home Economics in B.C. from 1926 to 1946, stated Once the kitchen is clean, the pupils can
her hopes for the book; first that it would eliminate concentrate on twelve rules for healthy, happy B.C.
the necessity of copying notes and recipes, and schoolchildren. Children are admonished to eat
secondly that it would prove that home economics very little candy (only after meals) and to exercise
was not an “unprepared subject” by including two hours each day. Ten hours of sleep each night
questions that could be the basis of homework is recommended for the 14 – 16 year old age group.
assignments. McLenaghen proclaimed her intention The questions at the end of this unit include the
that the manual should be put in the hands of the following: “Explain why a very expensive meal may
student in order to promote home interest. “Power not contain the right food to meet the body needs”
to do”, she wrote, “is gained only by doing”. Even and “If dinner is served in the evening, should it be
after McLenaghen retired, her foreword continued a light or substantial meal? Give reasons for having
unchanged until 1975. dinner at noon.”
The book begins with a plea to spend one’s The section on Meal-planning and Table Service
self, strength, time, and money wisely. Housekeeping is filled with ways to improve living standards. Fifteen
procedures are painstakingly elaborated, from efficient suggestions are given to aid in meal planning. Some
kitchen arrangement to reasons for not slamming the of these recommendations would not be out of place
refrigerator door.2 Care of the garbage can, gas, electric today, such as including some of each food group
and coal stoves, the detection of draughts, and care in each meal and choosing whole grain over refined


Notes cereals. Other suggestions are more prescriptive. Foods Food preparation takes up the bulk of the book,
1 The Manual did change with
should be selected “because they contribute most to over one hundred pages. Recipes and preparation
the times. The 1951 edition did the health of the family,” rather than because they tips are included for beverages, fruits, cereals,
not include a picture of a maid are cheap, are liked by the family, or require the least soups, vegetables, salads, eggs, flour mixtures, stiff
but included “Rules for Serving amount of preparation.” Food courses should be set up doughs, desserts, candy, meat, fish, poultry, canning,
without a Maid.”
2 Even in the 1951 edition
so that they contrast in flavour, “a mild course being jelly-making, sandwiches, lunch-box requirements,
the care of the “refrigerator” followed by one more pronounced. Strong seasonings invalid cookery and infant-feeding. The recipes are
referred to an icebox not to an which destroy natural food flavours are harmful”. traditionally British: Matrimonial cake, bread and
electric refrigerator. This recommendation eliminates any number of foods butter pudding, blanc mange, Welsh rarebit, shepherd’s
3 This photograph did not appear
in the 1951 edition but like Mary
such as goulash, borscht, or garlic, or anything that pie and kippered herring. No foods considered
Butler many former students might be vaguely ethnic other than British. Two foods indigenous to British Columbia are included; no
remember making an apron to of pronounced flavour should never be served in the huckleberries, no salmonberries, no raspberries, no
wear in class. same meal. “The combination of Saskatoon berries, no deer,
salmon, onions and prunes is an moose, clams, oysters, or small
References: unpardonable error.” game such as rabbit or grouse.
The Red Book emphasizes Salmon, a staple food to large
Mary Butler, Behind the Kitchen practicality, simplicity, and if numbers of British Columbians,
Door, Victoria, British Columbia
archives, 1983 (Cassette
possible, elegance. “No amount is mentioned in passing as one
Recording No. 4088:21) of lavishness and perfection of a number of available types
in the preparation of the food of fish. The strongly urban
Bessie Dickinson, (1983). Behind will compensate for poor tone ignores the food realities
the Kitchen Door, Victoria,
British Columbia archives, 1983
arrangement and service in the of rural and resource-based
(Cassette Recording No. 4162:23) dining-room…. Paper flowers are British Columbians who at that
not in good taste”. Two murky time were living on farms and
Foods, Nutrition and Home photographs of a dinner table in logging camps. The manual
Management Manual. Home
Economics Circular No. 1
setting are provided from advises serving meat only once
(revised). (1931). Victoria, BC: the Canadian Cook Book, first a day: “Too much meat is apt to
British Columbia Department of published in 1923 and written cause digestive disturbances,
Education. King’s Printer by Nellie Lyle Pattinson, an causing a ‘dark-brown taste’
early home economist. The in the mouth”. White sauce,
white damask tablecloths, a staple of the British diet,
flower centerpieces, and elegant receives a fair amount of press
china suggest a sophisticated way of life beyond most with three pages devoted to its variations as well
people’s means. Bessie Dickinson, a home economics as a whole series of procedural questions. Perhaps
teacher at Templeton Junior High School (Vancouver) we should not be surprised at the inclusion of such
in the 1920s remarked in an interview conducted in typically British recipes. In 1931, people of British
1983 that the china in the home economics room, to ethnic origin accounted for 71% of the B,C. population
her astonishment, was real Limoges. (490,000 out of a population of 694,000), and in 1971,
Questions follow the information on table those of British extraction accounted for 58% ( 1.26
settings and service: “Which is preferable, coarse million out of 2.18 million). The British majority had
table-linen which is well laundered, or fine table-linen a clear cultural agenda invested in the many editions
poorly laundered?” This question draws obvious of the Red Book.
class lines; is it intended to discriminate between the A young student named Irene Brown, whose
supposed pretentiousness of newcomers and the poor name is written in the flyleaf of my 1931 copy, penciled
but honest Canadian? The etiquette section concludes in an evaluation of every recipe she tried in home
with a picture of a dour young student trapped in her economics class; the ratings ranged from “terrible”
Centre photo: Jessie
Mclenaghen set the tone cookery uniform, consisting of an apron with French (cream of pea soup), “poor” (junket), “fair” (blanc
of home economics for seams, pocket and buttonholes, buttoned-on towel mange), “not so hot” (brown betty), “quite rich” (carrot
almost 50 years by putting and potholder, and a hair-band. The accompanying pudding), “O.K.” (blushing apples, cream of tomato
together the first edition
curriculum suggests that the uniform be compared to soup, muffins, fruit rolls, two-egg cake) to “good”
of Foods, Nutrition, and
home Management. the professional appearance of a nurse.3 (Welsh rarebit). In this way, the instructional rhetoric


was circumvented. The dry text of Foods, Nutrition watching the effects of heat upon starch: The “hideous” uniform
and Home Management was transformed changed very slightly
“In cooking the first thing we learned to make from 1911 (top) to
into an object of meaning for the owner. was white sauce. And it was astonishing for 1942 (bottom) but the
Rea Willoughby of 2580 Petallack Street, me to watch the teacher make white sauce temperament of the
Regina, took more liberties with her 1941 because she dissolved the fat over heat at model improved. While
copy. In addition to writing her name and a low temperature, stirred the flour in, and Miss 1911 seems dour,
then added the heated milk and the salt Miss 1942 is a cheerful
the names of several friends in fat letters and pepper, and of course you stirred this embodiment of what
on the inside front cover, she wrote first slowly until the whole thing thickened.” every home economics
names beside each letter of the recipe girl should aspire to
index: A was for Arliss, B for Bunny, C for The Red Book is still in use. Rene be, in her nurse like
head scarf, full apron,
Charmian, right up to Q for Queenie and Schindel of Richmond says her mother, button-on potholder ,and
Y for Yvonne. a Red Book veteran, still makes rarebit towel draped over her
A sample recipe from the Red and it’s “quite enjoyable”. Nina Ho of arm. Both girls clutch
Book exemplifies how Canada began Vancouver had only been in Canada a their indispensable
Foodsj Nutrition and Home
to grapple with its increasingly multi- couple of years when she was introduced Management manuals.
ethnic population. The Chinese Chews to the Red Book in the 1970s. She recalls
recipe is one of two recipes that concede finding it most confusing to discover
the possibility of ethnicity other than that matrimonial cake was not intended
white British in the entire manual, the for weddings. Sharon Marshall, a home
other one being Swiss Steak. Nothing is economics teacher in Surrey, comments that
Chinese about the recipe, but perhaps the the Red Book recipes did not seem foreign
complicated baking procedure makes it to her mother who was an immigrant
seem foreign and possibly exotic. from the former Yugoslavia in the 1950s.
Chinese Chews “My mom said in those days you were
¾ cup flour encouraged to forget your heritage and
1 tsp. baking powder embrace everything Canadian, so she
¼ tsp. salt did.” Lynne Wright of Quesnel recalls the
2 eggs
1 c. white sugar teacher who thought the students were
1 c. walnuts far too noisy in the Orange Tea Biscuit
1 c. dates lab and “made us throw them out when
they were done and sit with our hands
1. Sift flour and measure. Add baking powder
and salt and sift again. behind our backs for the rest of the period.
2. Beat eggs until light. When we complained at home, we got no
3. Add sugar and dry ingredients sympathy.”
4. Add walnuts and dates, chopped. What to make of this influential
5. Press into a greased pan (8 by 8 inches)
6. Cook in a slow oven (300’F – 325’F.) for recipe book? It recalls a time in British
20-25 min. Columbia when life could be understood
7. When a crust forms (after about 15 min.) in precise measurements and step-by-step
it is advisable to mix the crust into the softer procedure, and expectations were clear
centre portion with a fork.
8. Replace in oven and cook 10-15 min. longer; (if not kind). It’s tempting but trite to end
then repeat No. 7 by saying that times have changed, and
9. When cooked, lift out in spoonfuls and roll the Red Book is a hopeless relic. The Red
in the palm of the hand. Book is important for what it leaves out
10. Roll in powdered sugar and store in a
covered tin box. as well as what it includes and in that
respect it’s a valuable historical artifact. In addition to
Voices of the past regarding the effects of the perpetuating colonialism it gave credibility to home
Red Book can be heard in a series of interviews done economics as a legitimate subject area. Be sure you
in 1983 with B.C. women who took home economics safeguard your mother or grandmother’s copy well!
from 1920 to 1960. Mary Butler, born in 1915, recalled You never know when you might need a recipe for
with clarity the “hideous” uniform she and her fellow hermits or marshmallows. •
students had to construct and wear, and the thrill of


The Leland Hotel, Nakusp
A Short History Rosemarie Parent

Rosemarie Parent is a he Leland Hotel was not the first hotel in made up of three separate segments that were
memebr of the Arrow Nakusp but in 2008, it will share with the nevertheless quite attractive. The roofline displayed
Lakes Historical town, a 116th birthday. It is possibly the numerous inverted ‘v’s. Dormers were added to the
Society oldest wooden hotel in the province. By original building while bay windows were built in the
1892, mining and prospecting had been going on two newer sections. A balcony in front of the dormers
the area for several years and the Canadian Pacific allowed customers to view the spectacular scenery
Railway was planning to build a line from Nakusp to and busy harbour.
Three Forks. The Nakusp House (later the Madden Mrs. McDougald had left the hotel by 1907
House and then the Grand Hotel), built in 1892, was and a succession of proprietors took over. Rachel
the first hotel in Nakusp but it burned to the ground McKitrick and William Ogilvie who came about 1907
in 1925. The Leland Hotel, opened later in 1892 as were succeeded by Jimmy Sneddon who had the
the Rathwell house, however, has survived though hotel for two years. In 1912, Henry and Pearl Bohart
many changes of ownership. Mr. Rathwell who built looked after the hotel for the new owner, Henry’s
leased it to Grant Thorburn and Harry Phair, who grandfather, but could not keep up the payments so
changed its name to the Leland Hotel. Rathwell, Jimmy Sneddon took over the building again. He
however, soon sold it for $1,000 to D. Alan and Ellen rented it to George Keys for a few months in 1918 until
McDougald, Californians who had been lured to Keys took over the foreman’s job at the shipyard. Jim
British Columbia by the prospecting opportunities Sneddon moved back with his sister Jennie and her
in the Kootenays. The McDougald’s soon became husband Sam Jackson to help him reopen the hotel.
involved in many of the town’s activities but Alan They remained until 1921 when William (Bill) Pratt
died from tuberculosis in 1895, leaving Ellen with took it over on 1 May 1921. Pratt and his wife Agatha
three children and the need to make a living. She did and their daughter, Edith, had visited Agatha’s father
well. On July 24, 1897, the Sandon Paystreak reported, every year at Demars and settled there in 1918 to get
“The Leland Hotel will have 50 plastered rooms when away from the unbearable summer heat of Detroit
the addition, now under construction, is thrown open. and in an attempt to improve Agatha’s health.
Mrs. [Ellen] McDougald, the proprietor of this well Unfortunately, she died in 1920. Bill was about to
known hotel, is to be congratulated for the able and return to Detroit with Edith when he learned that Jim
energetic manner in which she has built up one of Sneddon wanted to sell the Leland.
the largest hotels in all the Kootenays.” The addition Pratt’s first project was to replace the small
was a three-storey structure on the west side of the stoves spread throughout the building. This was
building. The Leland was fortress-like in appearance not a very effective system since many rooms had


almost no heat on cold winter days. He installed Merril and Edith Barrow retired to Vancouver
a large furnace and boiler to produce low-pressure in 1957 and sold the hotel to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest E.
steam that was piped to registers along the halls. The Davidson of Vancouver who, in turn, sold it in 1960,
system worked well but took huge amounts of fuel to Roy Tricula and Nick Davis, who briefly operated
and burned a cord of four-foot-lengths of wood a day the hotel with the help of Roy’s older brother, Chris
during the coldest spells! Over the years, Bill Pratt before selling it to Ralph and Peggy Tedesco. The hotel
improved the hotel by replacing the veranda with a continued to change hands. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Milton
new enlarged one, by repainting the hotel, by laying and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sommers purchased it in 1967
a new floor in the sitting room, installing new tables but two years later sold it to brothers Corrado and
in the dining room, a replacing the “old drops” with Bruno Cultura, who in turn sold it to Bob and Caroline
new chandeliers, and planting flowers at the front of White, Bob’s parents, Eric and Helen White, and Bob’s
the hotel. To take advantage of the view of the dining sister, Carol and brother-in-law, Emil LaFrance in 1973.
room over six miles of lake, Pratt put in four large Again the hotel sold in 1976, to Roy Shaw and Murray
glass windows covering thirty-three feet of space Ardies. About a year and a half later, Murray sold
along the entire frontage of the dining room. his interests to Clay Eng. In 1984, they sold to Lynn
Two canaries added their charm to the hotel and Dennis Gautier who the following year sold it to
but not all of Pratt’s plans worked out as well. He Klaus Toering in 1985. Over the next few years, he
attempted to have a little zoo for his patrons and the upgraded the hotel, especially the bedrooms upstairs
local children but a grizzly bear cub hung itself when and constructed a deck off the dining room so that
its chain caught when it attempted to climb out of in summer all could enjoy eating outdoors. This is a
its cage; a fawn got out and died when it couldn’t tremendous asset to the only restaurant in town with
fend for itself, and an eagle escaped. Then, in 1931, a panoramic view of the lake. In 2005, Danny Watt
an overheated furnace caused some fire damage but and Sharon Metlewsky bought the hotel from Klaus
luckily, was easily brought under control. and continue the work of upgrading the building. We
After Pratt died in 1937 at age sixty-six, Edith wish them well in the years to come. •
and her husband Merril Barrow took over the hotel.
Because money was tight, Merril kept his job driving
a truck for the Department of Highways. In 1938,
however, the crew brought in to overhaul the lakeboat,
the Minto, stayed at the hotel. The Leland took in
about $10,000 that year and this allowed Edith and
Merril to improve it. In 1940, Merril built a new and
larger furnace room and installed a bigger and better
boiler. He, like his late father-in-law, kept the hotel
well maintained and made improvements every year.
The men’s side of the beer parlour was redecorated
to represent an old-time log cabin with deer, bear
and moose heads and old rifles used to recall pioneer
days. The ladies’’ side of the beer parlor was repainted
and fluorescent lighting and an electric fireplace were
added. In 1945, as business expanded, the Barrows
reopened the third floor that had been closed for
several years after modernizing it and replacing the
beds, carpeting and heating system. Improvements
continued included installing a modern refrigeration,
washing and sterilizing system in the bar. The ladies’
beer parlour was again remodelled, the plaster in This page: Leland Hotel,
the kitchen was replaced with gyproc, furniture was Nakusp c.1910
BC Archives Photo D-08214
repainted, extra shelving put in the pantry, the table
tops were replaced with arborite and the building Opposite: Leland Hotel,
Nakusp c. 1930s
was rewired. BC Archives Photo H-01734


Kingsmill Bridge in Italy
A Tribute to a Vancouver Man
By Ken MacLeod

Ken MacLeod is a n May 12, 2007 on the Gari River near the Sangro River in early December, 1943.
historian and retired town of Sant’Angelo, 5 kilometres southwest By early May, 1944, the Allied forces had been
teacher who now of Cassino, Italy, a commemorative plaque held up by a four month struggle at the Gustav Line
makes his home in was unveiled which officially renamed a that extended from Gaeta on the Tyrrhenian Sea to
Courtenay, BC bridge vital to the breaking of the Gustav Line south the Arieli River on the Adriatic Sea, just north of the
of Rome after Captain (retired) Tony Kingsmill, MC, port of Ortona. Monte Cassino was the anchor of the
of Vancouver. The bridge, codenamed Plymouth Gustav Line in the west. German paratroopers held
Bridge, was officially renamed the Kingsmill Bridge in Monte Cassino which overlooked and guarded the
honor of Kingsmill for his actions during World War approaches to the Liri Valley.
II during the Italian Campaign. Captain Kingsmill, A large Benedictine monastery atop Monte
who was serving with the 61st Light Aid Detachment, Cassino was thought to be used by the Germans. After
Royal Canadian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers the first attempt to take the monastery and the town
(RCME), attached to the 14th Canadian Armoured of Cassino had failed, the Allied command made the
Regiment (Calgary Regiment), 1st Canadian Armoured decision to bomb the monastery in mid-February,
Brigade, British 8th Army. Kingsmill devised a means 1944. Rather than dislodging the enemy from Monte
of transporting an 80 foot Bailey bridge on the top of a Cassino, the bombing turned the ruins of the abbey into
turret-less Sherman tank and then moving the bridge a German fortress, making it more difficult for the the
into position across the Gari River. A second Sherman American, New Zealand, British, and Indian troops to
tank was used as a pusher tank to help support and take Monte Cassino.
steer the bridge into position. The bridge enabled tanks By early May, 1944, General Harold Alexander,
of the Calgary Regiment to make the initial crossing of Commanding Officer of Allied Operations in Italy, and
the Gari River by armoured vehicles in order to support his staff decided that there would have to be an all-out
infantry of the 8th Indian Division whose ranks had attack on the Gustav Line between Monte Cassino and
been badly decimated and were attempting to hold the Gaeta involving both the US 5th Army and the British
important bridgehead. The result was that the success 8th Army, which now included the 2nd Polish Corps
of the operation undertaken by Kingsmill was vital under the command of General Wladyslaw Anders.
to the breaking of the Gustav Line which enabled the American and British forces had also been
Allies to push north through the Liri Valley towards pinned down by the Germans since January 22 at
Rome. the seaside resort town of Anzio, south of Rome but
Tony Kingsmill, age 87, has been a Vancouver north of the Gustav Line, where the Allies had hoped
resident for the past several years. He and his wife to establish a beachhead and outflank the Germans in
Tee attended the ceremony on May 12 that was part order to relieve the pressure on Allied troops trying
of a veterans’ tour by Special Travel International of to take Monte Cassino and break into the Liri Valley.
Vancouver. Although the beachhead was established, delays by the
Kingsmill, whose responsibility was to oversee American commander allowed the Germans to move
a unit of approximately 30 men to repair and maintain in reinforcements and prevent an inland advance by
tanks of the Calgary Regiment of the 1st Canadian the Allied forces at Anzio.
Armoured Brigade, an armoured unit that was The plan called for the Poles to take Monte
regarded by General Sir Oliver Leese, Commanding Cassino, while the British 8th Army attacked the
Officer of the British Eighth Army, as “the finest Allied Gustav Line in the Liri Valley and the American 5th
armoured brigade in Italy.” The 1st Canadian Armoured Army, commanded by General Mark Clark, and which
Brigade had landed in Sicily in July, 1943 and had often included the Free French Expeditionary Force made
supported the 1st Canadian Infantry Division until up of French Moroccan and Algerian colonials, would
following the Battle of Ortona in December, 1943 when attack the Germans in the Arunci Mountains and along
there was a falling out between Major-General Chris the Tyrrhenian Sea. The Allied forces at Anzio would
Vokes, the commanding officer of the 1st Canadian then attempt a breakout.
Division and Brigadier Bob Wyman who commanded On May 11-12, the Poles failed in their first
the 1st Canadian Armoured Brigade. From that point attempt to take the monastery on Monte Cassino, but
on the 1st Armoured Brigade supported mainly British in a fiercely-fought battle with German paratroopers on
and other units in the 8th Army, mostly the 8th Indian May 17 succeeded in taking the ruins of the Benedictine
Division which they had also supported since the abbey and forcing a German withdrawal. The Free


Sherman tank and to assemble the References
span on top of four rollers mounted
In addition to interviews with
on a twelve foot wide “I” beam Captain (retired) Tony Kingsmill
bolted to the turret ring of the tank. and Al Judson, Historian, Calgary
A second tank was used as a pusher Regiment, the following sources
tank to help support and steer the were used:
80 foot span into position with a The Calgary Regiment (An
second carrier and reserve tanks in Informal History of the Calgary
reserve in case the first tanks were Regiment), originally printed
knocked out. in Hilversum, Holland in
June, 1945, Second Printing,
Soon Captain Kingsmill Vancouver, April, 1990.
and his “kids,” as he still refers to
his men, even though Kingsmill The following interviews
himself was only 24 at the time were used from the above
of the action, removed the turret
from a tank and equipped it with A Bridge Too Soon – For the
rollers to enable the bridge to be Germans, That Is by Trooper Ian
pushed forward into position. The Seymour, MID
last five days prior to the attack Background to the Kingsmill
were used to search for a suitable Bridge by Lieutenant-Colonel
location on the river which could Cyril H Neroutsos, DSO
be bridged by the 80 foot section
The Gari River and Beyond by
of Bailey bridge. The 1st Canadian Lieutenant RA (Al) Cawsey
Armoured Brigade were at this
time in support of the 8th Indian The Seldom Told Story of
Division. Canadians in the Gustave Line
Battle in Italy by Ed Page,
Once a location for the bridge Calgary Regiment.
was found, the bridge was to be put
into position following the heaviest
Allied artillery barrage to date
during the Italian Campaign which
was to begin at 11 pm, May 11.
Under the direction of Kingsmill
French colonial forces, known as the Goumiers or the Bailey bridge was to be assembled on the carrier
Gourms, under the command of General Alphonse tank by an Indian Engineering Bridge-Building Platoon
Juin, drove the Germans back in the Aurunci 300 yards south of the Gari River and then bolted to
Mountains to the west of the Liri Valley while American the pusher tank. Transporting the bridge was tricky.
forces pushed north along the coast. A pothole would be enough to cause the bridge to fall
The major problem facing the British Eighth off the lead tank. Some time was lost when the tanks
Army was to construct a crossing across the Gari veered off course because of the early fog, complicated
River (also known as the Garigliano and the Rapido by the smoke from the German guns and the smoke laid
in other sectors). The plan called for the construction down by the Germans to confuse the Allied advance.
of at least ten bridges with the hope that at least one of A further delay occurred when the tanks again became
these bridges would succeed despite heavy fire from bogged down in mud 100 yards from the river.
the Germans. With the advent of dawn the bridge had still not
A few weeks prior to the attack on the Gustav arrived. Finally about 7:45 am the carrier and pusher
Line, an officer of the Royal Engineers approached tanks arrived with the bridge. There was open daylight
Captain Kingsmill about the possibility of using now. The original plan called for the operation to be
tanks to transport a Bailey bridge into position across carried out in the dark. Because of the heavy German Right: Captain (retired)
the river. At first Kingsmill doubted the idea, but fire, smoke canisters were utilized to hide the activity Tony Kingsmill, MC, in Italy
eventually came up with a plan to remove the turret of a from the enemy. Kingsmill noticed that the Indian May 2007


Canadian and Italian
dignitaries at the
unveiling of the plaque
commemorating the
naming of the Kingsmill

engineers who were to assist him had stopped for tea still resting on the carrier tank and was like a “teeter
and were sitting around a table. Kingsmill kicked over totter.” Six Germans who had been hiding on the south
the table with the tea on it and told the Indian engineers side of the Gari River were the first to scramble across
to get back to work. “It was the only time in my life that the bridge, before the first of the Calgary Tanks, each
I ever got mad,” Kingsmill later admitted. weighing 30 tons, managed the crossing.
Kingsmill walked backward to guide the bridge After about an hour a Calgary tank under the
into position, but soon the fire became too heavy, and he command Corporal Bill Cawthey of C Squadron
climbed into the carrier tank. The pusher tank pushed crossed the bridge, followed by Lt RA Cawsey’s tank.
the bridge forward until it was 20 feet over the opposite Because of the “teeter totter” motion of the bridge,
bank of the river. The carrier tank was again in danger only one tank at a time could cross. Two other Calgary
of becoming bogged down in the mud when Kingsmill tanks managed to cross before the bridge was damaged
told the driver to “step on it.” The tank lunged forward by enemy fire. The arrival of the Calgary tanks saved
into the river, and the bridge dropped into position. the bridgehead established by a company of Indian
Kingsmill and Trooper McLean, the driver, footsoldiers, 3rd Brigade, 8th Indian Division, who had
were just above waist deep in the water, but Trooper crossed during the night in rubber boats, but whose
Ian Seymour, wireless operator, was still submerged. numbers had dwindled to only 10 men. Eventually a
Eventually all three of the crew clambered out of the number of German gun positions and self-propelled
tank and onto the Bailey bridge. Kingsmill and his crew armoured vehicles were knocked out by the first
took refuge from the German mortars and machine- Calgary tanks. The machine guns on the tanks also
guns in the second carrier tank to further direct were utilized to mow down the enemy soldiers.
the operation until Kingsmill received several shell A half hour earlier tanks of the Ontario Regiment
fragments in his back and had to be evacuated by jeep began crossing the Oxford Bridge, but became bogged
ambulance when he was satisfied that the operation down in mud and 17 of these had to be towed out
was a success. The bridge, at the time codenamed by RCEME, the repair unit. Eventually about half
“Plymouth Bridge,” had to be disengaged from the the squadron of Ontario tanks were able to continue
pusher tank. According to Kingsmill, the bridge was the battle. C Squadron of the Calgary Tanks became


“mucked down” at the Oxford Bridge. By noon, aged children, to discuss the matter with veterans of
Plymouth (Kingsmill Bridge) had been repaired the Calgary Tank Regiment.
and Major Fred Ritchie and B Squadron of Calgary Koonar had just finished raising more than $250,000
tanks crossed the Gari River on the Kingsmill Bridge, through a military art mosaic project for the Museum
followed by Headquarters and A Squadron. of the Regiments in Calgary. Koonar, a real go-getter
To the people of Sant’Angelo, the first tank and incredible organizer, took the idea from there. She
to cross the Gari River was a tank of the Calgary contacted veterans of the Calgary Regiment Association
Regiment, and the men of the Calgary Tanks are heros through the museum, and received the okay and funding
to the people of Sant’ Angelo for the role they played for the project. The commemoration was long overdue.
in smashing through the Gustav. Tony Kingsmill who According to veterans of the Calgary Tanks, reference to
oversaw and directed the operation, was a key figure this important action was omitted by most major historical
in this victory. Fourteen decorations for bravery were books on the Italian Campaign. Working with Al Judson,
handed out to soldiers of the British Eighth Army for historian, 14th Armoured (Calgary) Regiment, Koonar
their actions in the crossing of the Gari-Rapido River. lined up a company in Edmonton to design a bronze
Captain Kingsmill and Major Fred Ritchie of the plaque and secured the services of the Canadian military
Calgary Regiment were awarded the Military Cross to fly the plaque to Rome.
(MC). Trooper George MacLean received the Military Roberto Molle, President, Battle of Cassino
Medal (MM), and Trooper Ian Seymour was mentioned Historical Association, and Dr Alessandro Campagna,
in dispatches (MID). Vice-President of the Association, did a lot of the leg
Major (retired) Fred Ritchie of the Calgary work in Italy to make the commemoration a reality. The
Tanks, who also attended the ceremony on May 12, Canadian Embassy in Rome and the mayor and council
2007 was also awarded the Military Cross for leading of Sant’Angetlo were also involvef.
two squadrons of tanks across the Gari River on the At last the day arrived for the commemoration
Plymouth/ Kingsmill Bridge during the afternoon of arrived. May 12, 2007 was a beautiful day, basking in
May 12, 1944. Ritchie, age 88, is a retired orchardist the Italian sun. The 40 travellers from Canada witnessed
who presently lives in Naramata, BC and is in good the commemoration of an event that took place 63 years
health. John Whitton, age 87, who in May, 1944, was ago. Kingsmill, age 87, recalled the event almost as
a lieutenant in charge of the reconnaissance troop for clearly as the day that it happened. Major (retired) Fred
the Calgary Tanks, also made the trip along with his Ritchie, age 88, and Lt (retired), age 87, also addressed
wife Sheila. the crowd.
Frederico Lamberti, a historian and world- The ceremony was also attended by two
reknown authority on the fighting in the Cassino representatives of the Royal Engineers’ Museum at
area, was the instigator of the commemoration at Chelsea, England, as well as Tony Wojcik, the Canadian
Sant’Angelo. In a 2006 telephone conversation with military attaché in Rome, Various Italian dignitaries,
Ken MacLeod, historian and co-organizer of the trip, including the mayor and councilors from Sant’Angelo
Lamberti told MacLeod, “There should be a plaque at also attended the event. That evening Al Judson
Sant’Angelo where the Calgary Tanks were the first to presented a painting of the May, 1944 action at the Gari
break the Gustav Line.” MacLeod had been informing River to Roberto Molle for the Cassino Museum.
Lamberti of another commemoration which took place Kingsmill, a modest and unassuming hero with a
in May, 2006, where a plaque was unveiled at the Melfa kind smile and friendly disposition, had his day in the
River north of Cassino to commemorate an important Italian sun. It was a proud moment for the Canadians
crossing by the Westminster and Lord Strathcona Horse who had done so much to liberate the people of the Liri
Regiments on May 24, 1944. Major Jack Mahony of the Valley during the war.
Westminster Regiment was awarded the Victoria Cross The commemoration was only the start of a
for this action. wonderful trip which took the Canadian contingent to
MacLeod discussed the idea of the Sant’Angelo/ Ortona, the Gothic Line battlefields near Rimini, and
Gari River crossing with Karen Koonar of Calgary to a large reception by school children and the people
following the 2006 trip. Koonar, who was on the 2006 of Villanova near Ravenna on the Adriatic Coast. In
trip, was involved with the Museum of the Regiments addition to reception and military tours, the Canadian
(renamed the Military Museums), Calgary. MacLeod contigent toured Rome, Pompeii, San Marino, and
asked Koonar, a mother of three elementary school- Venice. •


The Royal Navy and the Comox Settlement
By Allan Pritchard

Allan Pritchard is a he varied, sometimes unexpected and had previously escaped European colonial intrusion.
Victoria-based writer surprising roles the Victorian Royal Navy The scarcity of good agricultural land on Vancouver
who last wrote for played in establishing and fostering Island, especially of land clear of the heavy timber
the magazine in issue European settlement on Vancouver Island that covered most of the coastal area, ensured that
37.4 are revealed nowhere more fully than in the history settlement by Europeans would not be much longer
of Comox. The agricultural settlement at Comox, delayed. Although Mayne learned that the Natives
together with another at Cowichan, was founded valued the land highly at Comox for the abundance
in 1862 by the colonial government of Vancouver of berries as well as game and other resources, in
Island in order to expand European settlement of the eyes of Europeans it was open for settlement
the island, which then extended little beyond the because it was not being cultivated in any way they
Victoria area and the small coal mining village of could recognize. The first prospective settlers, a small
Nanaimo, and to provide livelihood for unemployed group from the Nanaimo coal mines, pre-empted
miners in the aftermath of the Cariboo gold rush. The land at Comox in June 1862, but then withdrew,
extensive naval involvement at Comox arose from with one exception, George Mitchell, because of
the facts that the tiny governmental establishment of lack of access to markets. During this summer the
Vancouver Island, which was still a separate colony colonial government, prompted by Attorney-General
from mainland British Columbia, had few resources G.H. Cary, publicized plans for officially sponsored
of its own to draw upon, and that Comox, even settlements at Comox and Cowichan in newspapers
more than Cowichan, was isolated, nearly 150 miles and meetings in Victoria. A series of new Comox
north of Victoria, separated even from Nanaimo pre-emptions were registered at the beginning of
by seventy-five miles of impenetrable forest. It is September, and at the beginning of the next month
characteristic of the history of this settlement that the the navy transported the first group of permanent
earliest record of its beginning is to be found in the European settlers to Comox.
logbook of a naval ship, and that the first accounts of The direct naval involvement in the Comox
its early development are provided by the letters of settlement began with Governor Douglas’ letter of
a naval officer. July 31 to the navy’s commander-in-chief for the
The navy initially prepared the way for the Pacific Station, Rear-Admiral Sir Thomas Maitland,
Comox settlement by coastal exploration three years requesting that a gunboat might accompany
before its foundation. The first very brief European some settlers “about to form a settlement near the
inspections of the area had been made by J.W. McKay Courtenay River in the Comax Country”. Maitland
of the Hudson’s Bay Company post at Nanaimo in responded favourably, and the gunboat HMS Grappler
October 1852 and James Douglas in August 1853, in under the command of Lieutenant Edmund Hope
order to investigate reports of a deposit of coal. They Verney carried the first group of some thirty-five
noted the agricultural potential of the area but no settlers to Comox on October 1-2. The voyage, which
further exploration was made until the Comox district brought such great and sudden change to the Comox
was included in the navy’s coastal survey conducted district, is recorded in the ship’s logbook preserved
by Captain George Richards in the autumn of 1859 among the Admiralty records in the British National
and the spring of 1860. This not only provided for Archives. According to the log, the Grappler in Victoria
the first time an accurate chart of Comox Bay and harbour received the settlers for Comox with others
the adjacent coastline but resulted in Lieutenant R.C. for Cowichan early in the morning of October 1, and
Mayne’s report of his exploration of the Comox Valley sailed at 9. After discharging settlers at Cowichan at
in April 1860, when he went up the Courtenay River 2:15 in the afternoon, it anchored for the night at 5:50
in a canoe with Natives. In this first at all detailed near Dodds Narrows south of Nanaimo. It sailed at
description of the area, Mayne drew special attention 6 the next morning, passed Nanaimo at 7, and at 3:50:
to the open “prairies” of rich soil, “perfectly clear land “Anchored at Mouth of Courtney [sic] River”, and
ready for the plough”, and concluded that the district then “Disembarked Settlers”. 2
was “a most desirable place for a settlement”. 1 Both the seamen and the commander of the
Mayne reported that the Comox Natives Grappler were well aware that in the foundation of
recognized that white settlers would soon be arriving the Comox settlement they were being called upon
in their area, which because of its remoteness and to undertake tasks outside normal naval duties. The
lack of attraction for fur traders and gold diggers Victoria Colonist reported that the seamen complained



1. I have given a fuller account

of early naval exploration of
the Comox area in the article,
“What is in a Name? Captain
Courtenay and Vancouver
Island Exploration”, British
Columbia Historical News, vol.
37 (2004), no. 4, 3-7, continued
in the renamed journal, British
Columbia History, vol. 38 (2005),
no. 1, 35. My transcript of much
of R.C. Mayne’s report, 19 April,
1860, from the British Columbia
Archives (hereafter BCA), F1217,
is printed in D.E. Isenor, W.N.
McInnis, E.G. Stephens and
D.E. Watson, Land of Plenty, A
History of the Comox District
(Campbell River: Ptarmigan
press, 1987), 57.

2. Correspondence between
Douglas and Maitland, 31 July-4
Aug., 1862, Maitland’s Pacific
Station Journal, Public Record
Office (hereafter PRO), National
Archives, Kew, England, ADM
50/311. Log of HMS Grappler,
PRO, ADM 53/8158.

3. Complaint of Grappler’s
seamen, Colonist, 25 Oct., 1862.
Letters of Sir Harry Verney to
Edmund, 13 Feb., 1863, and
Edmund to Sir Harry, 22 Sept.,
1862, Vancouver Island Letters of
Edmund Hope Verney, 1862-65,
that they had not been given extra pay for their labour As well as commanding the ship that ed. A. Pritchard (Vancouver:
in transporting and landing the settlers and their brought the settlers, Verney performed the historically UBC Press, 1996) (cited below
possessions. Lieutenant Verney undertook the work valuable service of providing the earliest reports of as Verney, Letters), 31, 91. See
also the Introduction, 42.
of establishing the settlement more enthusiastically, the first days of the Comox settlement, in letters to
but in letters he termed the Vancouver Island colony his father and stepmother in England, Sir Harry 4. Verney, Letters, 93-94,
“a very curious place” and described the peculiar Verney and Parthenope, Lady Verney. On October 99-100.
mixture of responsibilities and tasks he had been 11 he wrote to his stepmother about the voyage that
5. Hills, Diary, 29-30 Oct.,
given there in a way that made his politically brought the settlers, and stated that when he returned 1862, Provincial Synod of the
experienced father, a long-serving British Member of a few days later he found them “in ecstacies with the Anglican Church of Canada, BCA,
Parliament, caution his relatively youthful son about country”. On November 1 he wrote his father a fuller microfilm A796. Hills to Sir Harry
the need for discretion: “because many of your duties report as a result of another trip to Comox on October Verney, 30 Oct., 1862, Claydon
House Trust, Claydon House,
appear to be more connected with the Colony than 28-30. He described canoeing up the river and visiting Buckinghamshire, England.
with the Navy”. On one occasion Lieutenant Verney about twenty settlers busy building their log houses.
appears to have been reproved by a superior officer He predicted a fine future for the settlement, stating
for making an improper naval intervention in colonial that although he had often heard of the fertility of
affairs by criticizing the Vancouver Island government the “Komux country” it exceeded his expectations,
HMS Grappler 1862.
for failing to keep promises to pay Cowichan Natives and writing enthusiastically about the beauty of the Photograph of an
for the land it took from them, but such cautions and scenery, the large stretches of open land, the great otherwise unknown
reprimands did not discourage him from interesting trees of the forest, and the abundance of game.4 painting in one of Lieut.
and involving himself in the Comox settlement.3 On this last visit Verney brought with him E.H. Verney’s albums.
Claydon House Trust.


6. Verney, Letters, 133-34, 137.

7. Verney, Letters, 56-57n., 154.

8. Spencer to Douglas, 13
April, 1863, BCA, Colonial
Correspondence, F1226. Log
of HMS Forward, PRO, ADM
53/8028. Produce at Comox at
such an early date as April 1863
was probably provided by George
Mitchell, the only one of the
prospective settlers of June 1862
to remain at Comox.

9. In 1864 Robert Brown

estimated that there were
about 76 Natives at Comox,
including 50 ‘Comoncs’ and 10
‘Puntledge’, in his “Journal of
the Vancouver Island Exploring
Expedition”, BCA, Add MS 794,
vol. 4, 159 (omitted in John
Hayman’s 1989 edition of this
journal). For complaints from
settlers about the government’s
failure to pay Natives for land
taken from them, and about the
inactivity of the gunboats, see
the letters signed C.R.B. and
Beta in the Colonist, 18 Feb.,
1864. Morton Jones to Governor
Arthur Kennedy, 5 April, 1865,
BCA, Colonial Correspondence,
F1208.14, and Franklyn to
Colonial Secretary, 1 May, 1865,

10. For a contemporary estimate

of the devastating impact of
the ‘whisky traders’ on the
Native population, see David
Higgins, “The Passing of a Race”,
reprinted in Tales of a Pioneer
Journalist (Surrey, B.C.: Heritage
House, 1996), 124. Cf. Pidcock,
“Adventures in Vancouver
Island”, BCA, Add MS 728, vol.
4a, 82.

11. Pike to J.W.S. Spencer, 4

April, 1863, enclosing F.O. Simpson
to Pike, 3 April, BCA, Colonial
Correspondence, F1210.5a.

Lieutenant Edmund Hope

Verney, about 1860.
BC Archives photo 22-95061


to Comox on the Grappler George Hills, the Anglican Esquimalt, Captain J.W.S. Spencer, wrote in response 12. Verney’s two commissions
as justice of the peace are
Bishop of Columbia, and so while we owe directly to a request from Governor Douglas that the navy preserved in his family’s
to Verney the first account of the new settlement, would gladly accord any accommodation it could archive at Claydon House,
we owe indirectly to him and the navy also the for carrying the settlers’ seeds, “but it must always Buckinghamshire. Extensive
record of its beginning that appears in Hills’ diary. be borne in mind that Gun Boats are not the most documents relating to the
seizing of the Shark and Hart’s
Probably the fact that Hills was related to Verney, as convenient vessels for carrying either passengers, or conviction and temporary
the cousin of Verney’s father, enabled him to reach articles liable to injury from wet or damp, having no imprisonment are in BCA,
the Comox settlement as quickly as he did, and thus further storage than their upper deck, exposed both Colonial Correspondence,
provide descriptions of his visits to settlers working to rain and sea” – reservations that may suggest some F593.44, F594.10, and F597.3.
See Hills, Diary, 21 Nov., 1865.
on their houses and Natives engaged in fishing, and surprise at the peculiar demands being made upon the Richard Mackie has shown that
to corroborate Verney’s view of the excellence of navy by the Comox settlement. In Victoria the Colonist Hart’s liquor trade became linked
the land and the promising future of the settlement. on June 9 described the growth of the settlers’ crops, with violence and death among
Before departing on October 30 Hills held divine but the log of the gunboat HMS Forward, sister ship white settlers, in The Wilderness
Profound: Victorian Life on the
service for the settlers, and in a letter to Sir Harry of the Grappler, reveals that a sale of farm produce Gulf of Georgia (Victoria: Sono
Verney written the same day at Deep Bay on the return had already been made, probably the first record of Nis, 1995), 78-79.
voyage to Victoria he commended Lieutenant Verney any sale from the new agricultural settlement. An
for addressing the settlers at the end of his service to entry in the ship’s log at Comox on April 29 reads: 13. Mayne, Four years in British
Columbia and Vancouver Island
offer them all the assistance in his power.5 “Recd on board 84 lbs of Fresh Beef and 42 lbs of (London: John Murray, 1862),

Verney’s continued interest in the Comox Vegetables purchased of one of the settlers”. This 246. Pidcock, “Adventures”,
settlement appears in letters to his father in the initiates a pattern of sales important for the future 78-79.
spring of 1863. He returned to Comox in late April of Comox, where the navy later became a valuable
14. Verney to Commander
and reported that during an afternoon spent visiting market for farmers, especially after the establishment E. Hardinge, 28 Nov., 1863,
settlers he found the settlement much advanced: land of a naval rifle range on Comox Spit in the 1890s. BCA, Colonial Correspondence,
was being ploughed, and gardens cultivated, “and Meanwhile during the earlier period before regular F1208.5. Douglas to Hardinge, 22
I had a glass of rich and delicious new milk”. He coastal shipping was established the navy sometimes Dec., 1863, BCA, D/A/10 G79,
vol. 3. Lascelles to Hardinge and
came back on May 15, bringing as his guests Mr. and helped Comox farmers convey their produce to the Morton Jones, 13 Jan., 28 Feb.,
Mrs. Nicol from the Nanaimo coal mines, and went larger markets. The Colonist reported on February 22, and 26 March, 1864, F1208.6-7,
up the river in a canoe and again visited settlers in 1867 that when the gunboat Sparrowhawk overtook a F1208.10, F1208.13. Morton
their houses. He carried with him “juvenile works in Comox farmer en route by canoe to Victoria with a Jones to Kennedy, 5-10 April,
1865, F1208.14. Franklyn to
verse and prose for distribution among the youthful half ton of ham and bacon it gave him passage as far Colonial Secretary, 1 May, 1865,
population”, and conducted divine service for the as Nanaimo.8 F593.18.
settlers.6 While the navy was called upon to undertake

Other letters and a diary he kept in shorthand various roles outside normal naval duties it seems 15. Franklyn to Colonial
Secretary, 18 Oct., 1865,
show that from time to time Verney gave passage on never to have been seriously required to protect with depositions by Cave and
the Grappler both to the families of settlers and to the settlers against the Natives of the Comox area, Native constable and Kennedy’s
clergy going to perform services at Comox. According although settlers occasionally complained that the response, BCA, Colonial
to his diary on September 15, 1863 he brought to gunboats did not come as often as had initially been Correspondence, F600.6.
Comox two daughters of the Robb family, which had promised or do much to ensure their security. The 16. Franklyn to Colonial
pre-empted land that is now the centre of the Comox settlers, arriving in the aftermath of the devastating Secretary, 4 Nov., 1865, BCA,
townsite, and on October 2 he brought an Anglican smallpox epidemic, found only a small remnant of F600.6.
clergyman from Victoria, Rev. R.J. Dundas, whom he the original Natives of the area, the Pentlatch, whose
17. Denman, report to Kennedy,
joined with a congregation of ten at the Robbs’ house. numbers had earlier been much reduced by intertribal 14 Nov., 1865, BCA, F600.6,
His helpfulness was not confined to the Anglican warfare, after which they were partly replaced by and Report of Proceedings to
clergy, for he mentions in a letter on July 25, 1863 the tribe named Comox (K’omoks), who had been Secretary of Admiralty, 27 Nov.,
giving passage to Comox some time previously to driven south during the 1840s by the more powerful 1865, PRO, ADM 1/5924. Logs of
Sutlej, Sparrowhawk, Clio, and
Rev. Ebenezer Robson, the Methodist minister from Lekwiltok from their old territory around Campbell Forward, PRO, ADM 53/8838,
Nanaimo.7 River and Cape Mudge. The settlers seem to have 9255, 9147, 9449.

Other services performed by the navy for regarded both these groups at Comox as friendly
the Comox settlement in its first spring included rather than feeling threatened by them, even though 18. Denman to Kennedy, 14
Nov., 1865, BCA, F600.6.
bringing seed for the crops and providing a market Natives, left with small reserves, often complained
for the produce. On April 13, 1863 the senior officer at they had not been paid for the land taken from them 19. Ibid.


– complaints that settlers (who viewed this as the
20. “Alleged Disturbances at
Comox”, Colonist, 18 Dec., 1865,
responsibility of the colonial government) recognized
p.3. to be entirely justified. In late April 1863 when alarm
had been caused on the coast by murders in the Gulf
21. Porcher, A Tour of Duty Islands, at Governor Douglas’ request the gunboats
in the Pacific Northwest.
E.A. Porcher and H.M.S.
Forward and Grappler made a brief visit to Comox
Sparrowhawk, 1865-68, ed. to reassure the settlers but there was no sign of any
Dwight L. Smith (Fairbanks: threat. In April 1865 when Commander Theodore
University of Alaska Press, 2000), Morton Jones visited Comox in HMS Cameleon he
optimistically reported that the Natives welcomed the
22. Kennedy’s memo approving presence of the settlers. A month later the Nanaimo
Denman’s recommendation magistrate, W.H. Franklyn, reported after one of
is dated 15 Nov., 1865, BCA, his periodic visits to the settlement that the Comox
Colonial Correspondence,
F867.13. In the aftermath, the
chief, Wacas, had “a very good character among the
missionary some settlers blamed settlers”. There were two causes, however, which
for precipitating the crisis, involved the navy in policing duties from time to
Cave Brown Cave, soon went time at Comox: first, to protect the Natives from
elsewhere when Bishop Hills
accepted his decision that he
illegal ‘whisky traders’, and second to deal with
was not the right man for Comox problems arising from large-scale seasonal incursions
(Hills, Diary, 21 Nov., 1865). of Lekwiltok from Cape Mudge.9
The navy’s attempt to suppress the illegal
liquor traffic at Comox as elsewhere on the coast
proved frustrating because of the difficulty of
obtaining evidence and convictions. The prohibition
of the sale of liquor to Natives was both paternalistic
and discriminatory but was intended to protect from
unscrupulous traders a people in whose culture
alcohol had been unknown. Some contemporary
estimates suggest the liquor traffic was second only
to the smallpox epidemic as cause of the decline of
the Native population on the coast. At Comox in the
1860s there are reports of large amounts of liquor,
which included deadly concoctions, being brought
to the Native villages by schooner and canoe from
Victoria and elsewhere, and early settlers like R.H.
Pidcock described the harm to the Natives that
The whisky sellers naturally took good care
to conceal their illicit activities from the authorities,
but in 1863 the accident of a shipwreck brought some
of these activities to light. In late March the schooner
Explorer ran aground on the north coast of Hornby Natives.11
Island. Commander John Pike of HMS Devastation, Hart’s store was subsequently established
which happened then to be at Nanaimo, sent some of adjacent to the reserve at Comox, and became the
his men to investigate. They reported that the Explorer source of many problems, sometimes prompting
had carried a large cargo of liquor, for which it lacked naval investigation and action. In connection with
“A chief of the Eucletaw
Tribe. V.I.” A photograph the proper papers. The captain, Moses Phillips, stated such activities Lieutenant Verney held commissions
with this inscription he planned to establish a store at Comox with his as justice of the peace, signed by James Douglas,
in Lieut. E.H. Verney’s partner, John Hart, before continuing further north. for both colonies of Vancouver Island and British
hand enclosed by him in Witnesses testified that they heard Phillips and Columbia. In November 1863 Verney returning from
a letter of March 1865.
Claydon House Trust Hart discussing plans to trade liquor for furs with a northern voyage in the Grappler, during which he


took action against liquor sellers at Metlakatla and largest naval force that ever appeared there in the early
Kitimat, seized the schooner Shark, which had recently years of the settlement.13
landed liquor at Hart’s. In December of the next year The problems began in the autumn of
Hart was sentenced in a Nanaimo court to a year 1863 following the settlers’ first potato harvest. On
in prison, in lieu of a fine, for having liquor landed November 25 when Verney in the Grappler visited
within a prohibited distance from a reserve. After he Comox en route back from Metlakatla, he reported
had been in prison a few weeks in Victoria, however, that the farmers complained of Euclataws stealing
Arthur Kennedy, who had replaced Douglas as potatoes, and that their presence was desired neither
Governor of Vancouver island, ordered him released by the Comox Natives nor by the settlers. In late
upon payment of costs, following the presentation of December and early January 1863-64 at Governor
a petition, as advised by the attorney-general. Hart Douglas’ request Lieutenant Horace Lascelles in HMS
with a partner then resumed business for several Forward spent two weeks at Comox. He reported that
years at Comox, where Bishop Hills in his diary in the settlers wanted the Euclataws ordered back to
November 1865 described their establishment as Cape Mudge, but that they had been better behaved
“productive of vast evil” among settlers, but the since the recent visit of the Grappler, and he did not
agricultural settlers do not appear to have been feel justified in doing this. In response to a petition
implicated in the illicit traffic that was the concern of of settlers to the colonial government, however, he
the navy.12 made two further visits in February and March, and
The illegal liquor trade at Comox received then ordered the Euclataws to return to their own
attention from authorities in high quarters, as is country. He reported that they took down their
shown in various naval and colonial documents, the houses without any trouble. The next year in early
latter in some cases annotated in the handwriting April 1865 the senior officer at Esquimalt, Commander
of Governor Kennedy himself. The records leave a Theodore Morton Jones, came to Comox in the larger,
strong sense of the futility of attempts at suppression, more heavily armed vessel, HMS Cameleon, and once
in view of the facts that willing victims, justly resentful more ordered the Euclataws back to Cape Mudge; he
of a highly discriminatory law, usually refused to reported that they promised to obey. Later that month,
provide evidence, and that the traders in a lucrative Lascelles called at Comox in the Forward, with W.H.
occupation often could easily afford to pay fines and Franklyn, the magistrate from Nanaimo, to confirm
obtain the assistance of some of the colony’s best that they had departed. In the autumn of that year,
lawyers. however, an apparent crisis developed, which proved
More frequently than the liquor traffic, to be exaggerated but sheds interesting light on the
however, it was the incursions of the Lekwiltok, early history of the agricultural settlement, and the
Kwakwaka’wakw from Cape Mudge, generally relations between Natives and settlers.14
known to the settlers and others at the time as The crisis of October-November 1865 began
‘Euclataws’ or ‘Yacultas’ that brought the navy to with the arrival in Nanaimo of the Anglican lay
Comox. This tribe was accustomed to make extended missionary catechist from Comox, Jordayne Cave
visits to Comox during certain fishing seasons on the Brown Cave, accompanied by one of the Native
rivers, coming down the coast in great numbers in a constables recently appointed at Comox by Franklyn.
large armada of canoes, bringing the planks of their On October 18 they made depositions to Franklyn that
houses with them. They were a vigorous and bold about 150 Euclataws had recently arrived at Comox
tribe, who in the past had a reputation for aggressive and camped two miles up the river, beyond reach of
and ‘piratical’ behaviour. Mayne in 1862 observed the gunboats. The constable deposed that they had
that they were the only tribe on the coast to resist the come to steal the white men’s potatoes, and to take
gunboats. At Comox, while some settlers admired revenge upon the Comox Natives for the deaths of
them – Pidcock described them as “a fine lot of five of their tribe from drinking whisky at Comox on
fellows”, others alleged they came to steal the farmers’ a previous occasion. Cave stated that when he went
potatoes. The complaint about theft of potatoes was to the Euclataws at their camp on the river the chief,
a serious matter since this was a specially important Claylik, said that the Forward had already driven
crop for many of the farmers. It resulted in a number them away two or three times, and that they would
of visits by gunboats to Comox in the years 1863-65, kill any man who now tried to put them off the land.
and at the end of the last year brought to Comox the In a scene the missionary seems to have viewed with


HMS Sutlej.
BC Archives photo F-06988.

special indignation, “He then held open his blanket the order, but Franklyn learned they did not actually
& danced on the beach in a defiant manner”. 15 intend to leave, and that they said they despised the
Upon receiving these depositions from ‘tennas’ (little) gunboat. He reported on November
Franklyn, Governor Kennedy instructed him to 4 that he remained at Comox awaiting the arrival of
proceed to Comox in the Forward and order the a larger force.16
Euclataws to depart. When he arrived atComox in the The navy responded with all available
gunboat on October 31 Franklyn sent Police Sergeant force. The commander-in-chief of the Pacific Station,
Blake up the river to summon the Euclataws down Rear-Admiral Joseph Denman, decided, as he later
to the ship. Claylik and others then came down in stated, that he should visit in person “a place where
a large canoe; Franklyn addressed them through an so many ineffectual remonstrances had been made”.
interpreter, reproving them for repeatedly disobeying He arrived in Comox Bay on November 7 in his
the governor’s instruction, and ordering them away flagship, HMS Sutlej, accompanied by the Clio and
from Comox. They said they had come only to fish for the Sparrowhawk. The Sutlej was a big ship with a
salmon that did not come to their own area so soon, crew of over five hundred and more than thirty heavy
and that they needed more time to dry the fish they guns as well as much other armament, and the Clio
had caught. At first they promised to comply with and the Sparrowhawk were also much larger and more


heavily armed than the little Forward. According to Denman, he was very critical of Cave for attempting
their logbooks, the three ships immediately on the to have the Euclataws expelled from Comox. He
afternoon of November 7 put on a display of power, declared that they had been accustomed to come there
firing shells and rockets, and carrying out various for salmon fishing “from time immemorial” and that
exercises. Denman reported that in response the Denman had no right to force them to leave:
Euclataws hastily began to pull down their houses, We consider that the Euclataws have the privileges of
and send them down the river in canoes with their British subjects, and as such have as good a right to
women. Denman detained the canoes until the chiefs visit Comox as any other men, so long as they behave
themselves, and it is unfair to punish them thus before
came to him. He put Claylik in irons for forty-eight they have done wrong.
hours as punishment for pointing a musket at Cave
the previous summer. Then after Denman addressed He alleged that in the past they had wrongly
them on November 13 the Euclataws left for Cape been blamed for the theft of potatoes actually taken
Mudge.17 by the Comox Natives. He emphasized the value of
Meanwhile Denman held a meeting with the Euclataws in providing both labour for digging
the settlers on November 10 at Cave’s mission house, potatoes and a market for their sale, as well as selling
which he and the others reached with difficulty salmon and venison to the settlers.20
because of heavy rains and flooding. He found When Admiral Denman returned to
that two-thirds of the thirty settlers who attended Esquimalt with the Sutlej and the Clio, he temporarily
favoured leaving the Euclataws undisturbed, as their left behind HMS Sparrowhawk with Commander
labour was important to the farmers, and no danger Edwin Porcher to monitor the situation at Comox
was apprehended. He promised to tell the governor and Cape Mudge. Porcher had just arrived from
of the settlers’ wish that the Euclataws should be England with the Sparrowhawk to replace the two
allowed to continue coming for the fishing season in smaller old gunboats, and so he observed events at
the autumn. Subsequently Denman, as he stated in his Comox with special interest as his first experience
report to Governor Kennedy, visited several settlers. of the west coast colonies. In a journal he kept he
He found that a party led by James Robb was very seems to have viewed the bloodless Comox potato
critical of Cave for his activity in bringing in the navy war as, like the bloodless San Juan ‘pig war’ a few
to drive away the Euclataws, and that the settlers were years earlier, finally more comic than serious. He
afraid Denman might attack the Euclataws as he had recorded that the events concluded with Denman
the Natives at Clayoquot Sound, where in October presenting gifts and a certificate of good behaviour
1864 in retaliation for the plundering of a trading to Claylik, and undertaking to support the chief’s
schooner and killing of its crew he had carried out a request to be appointed a constable. Porcher reflected
punitive attack on the Ahousats, causing much death a little ironically on what he considered to be crisis
and destruction.18 that never was: “Thus ended our warlike expedition
As a result of what he learned in his meetings against the Euclataws who were supposed to be the
with the settlers, in his address to the Euclataws on most troublesome tribe in the whole island”. 21
November 13 Denman told Claylik and the other Governor Kennedy immediately accepted
chiefs that they must not come again to Comox Admiral Denman’s recommendation that in the future
without the governor’s permission but that he would the Euclataws should be allowed to come to Comox
attempt to obtain this. In the conclusion of his report annually in the fishing season, as the majority of the
he stated he thought it right to mention that the settlers desired. The yearly arrival of the flotilla of
Euclataws had recently behaved well to the settlers, Euclataw canoes from Cape Mudge at Comox Bay,
and that he believed they did not deserve such a bad described by Pidcock as a remarkable sight in the
reputation as previously. He found that the settlers, 1860s, continued to be a notable local event of the
though scattered and without the ability to combine autumn until at least the 1880s. There were no further
for defense, were “certainly without apprehension of crises, real or apparent, that caused any large naval
violence”. 19 force to be sent to the Comox settlement.22 •
An interesting comment on these events
appeared in the Victoria Colonist in a letter dated
December 6 by a Comox settler who used the signature
‘Beta’. Like some of the settlers interviewed by


The Hotel Phair:
and the Extraordinary Family Who Created Her By Patricia Rogers

Pat Rogers’ last The time is September 1928, a meeting of the General! He was on a roll. He created the American
article for BC History Ladies Literary Society, hosted by Mrs. Alexander Legion, a group of soldiers fighting under the King’s
was in issue 39.4. Carrie. The Guest of Honour is Gretchen Hatt Gibson, Colours and appointed Great Grandfather Andrew
This is another the daughter of Edwin Ernest Phair, the Proprietor Phair as the Adjutant. Adjutant is a fancy name for
story written and of the luxurious Hotel Phair. Please welcome Mrs. secretary. Andrew Phair was responsible for all the
presented at the Gibson. General’s paperwork. He was the first to know the
annual story telling “When my Father first set foot in this shantytown General’s thoughts - a position of some confidence.
festival in Proctor, on the side of a mountain lake little did the residents As you will have guessed the family remained
BC on July 7 & 8, know that he brought with him a family ancestry loyal to the Crown and fought with distinction helping
2007 steeped in loyalist pursuits, intrigue and Witchcraft. to secure the North America we know today. A sense
Oh yes, you heard me right. Witchcraft. I see I have of civic responsibility was well ingrained in my family
Susan leFebour was your attention now. and has withstood the test of time.
the storyteller. Let me see a show of hands-how many here Andrew, as a loyal defender, was granted land
have heard of Mary Estey? Rebecca Nurse? Benedict as a United Empire Loyalist in 1793. The designation
In the audience were Arnold? Well, I am glad to see your education has not of United Empire Loyalist brought with it a certain
three generations of been a total romp! cachet that is evident to this day.
the Phair Family. Now, get comfortable, sit back and listen as I Can you imagine the bedtime stories passed
tell you the tale of the luxurious Hotel Phair and the from Father to son to son? The battles, the Indians, the
extraordinary family who created her. victories. Enough to turn sleepy time eyes into saucers
My Father entered the world in 1851 in and eventually lull them into a dreamland filled with
Fredericton, New Brunswick, a child of privilege. His vast battlefields and glorious victories. The stuff little
Father was a prosperous Barrister, his Mother from a boys are made of.
family of means. In 1874 my Father cast his eyes upon the petite
Little Eddie grew up as most boys did with one beauty known as Junietta Estey. Flashing dark eyes
eye on the door and the other on the cookie jar. He and the wit and intelligence to match his own. Oh talk
was just a tad spoiled. When his parents separated about pitching woo, he was smitten. After a whirlwind
briefly Eddie and his Mother moved to the home courtship they were married that fall.
of her parents. Little Eddie was soon packed off to Mother’s family had a bit of a dark past, although
Boarding School. However, after many letters home by no fault of her or her family, as history has shown.
to his Grandfather, he was soon home again. It was at Oh, my, where to begin…
that time that my Father knew he had the gift, the gift Mary Estey was my Great Grandmother and she
of the gab. At 11 years of age he had turned the whole and her sisters, Rebecca Nurse and Sarah Cloyce lived
school upside down in quite short order. He had the in Salem Village, Massachusetts, in 1692. The village
gift and if it worked as well as he thought it could, it name alone is enough to conjure up the ghosts of a time
could be the Midas Touch. gone terribly wrong.
Now, I can see you are wondering how My Great Grandmother was 58 years old and the
Fredericton and Benedict Arnold could ever possibly Mother of 7 when she was accused of being a Witch.
be linked. When we think of Benedict Arnold on this In the winter of 1692 young Betty Parris became ill-she
side of the 49th we think of a Hero. It is the Americans dashed about, dove under furniture, threw fits and
who have forever tarnished his name. contorted in pain. Soon others followed suit; the local
During the time of the American Revolution doctor, one William Griggs, diagnosed Witchcraft and
Benedict Arnold became disenchanted with Congress. outright bedlam ensued. Soon the villagers were seeing
He felt slighted and passed over for promotions. He Witches flying through the winter’s mist off and on
had incurred so many debts that Congress wanted their broomsticks!
to court-martial him. Can you imagine that, Debtors The girls said my Great Grandmother’s spectral
Prison. It seems the high life and a young wife were image was strangling them and causing them all sorts of
his undoing. In 1780 he schemed to hand over the afflictions. As soon as she was shackled the afflictions
Fort at West Point, New York, to the British for 20,000 stopped. Her fate was sealed and on September 22, 1692
pounds. Well, the plan failed dismally so he abruptly my Great Grandmother was hanged.
changed sides, saving his own skin. He collected 6,000 Rebecca suffered the same fate being hanged on
pounds from the British and was promoted to Brigadier July 19, 1692. She was 71 years old and had a reputation


of piety and simplicity of heart.
The only member of the trio to escape the
gallows was Sarah. She, instead, was shackled and
If hanging was not enough a Witch was not
allowed to be buried in consecrated ground. The
families silently buried their own in unmarked graves
and sadly, over the years, the locations have been lost
to time.
In 1711 the families were compensated with 20
pounds for wrongful execution. Too little too late, I
fear. The hysteria died as quickly as it started, yet the
very hint of anything demonic will send shivers down
the spine of my family. You can rest assured that these
trumped up charges bear no familial links. Of that time
we carry within our souls the knowledge that good
champions evil, no matter the time elapsed.
Yes, long shadows weave through the very fabric
of my family.
My parents welcomed their first child in 1876,
but a long life was not meant to be. Infant death was not
uncommon, however no matter how often it occurred
it struck the heart with the force of ten blades.
Jasper arrived in 1879 and I was, well suffice it
to say, I am the youngest - as old as my tongue and a was the part we were leaving. There were towns with Hotel Phair July 1898
bit older than my teeth. houses and white picket fences, cities with modern
Nelson and District Museum,
Archives and Art Gallery photo
Father was busy managing the Beaches Hotel transportation, telegraph and telephone systems, libraries,
and the Kent Northern Railway while Mother churches, universities and direct lines to the markets of
tended to us young ones. Their lives seemed full and Europe. Canada East was booming.
comfortable. Bearing that in mind can you imagine what went
One morning Mother caught a glimpse of a through my Mother’s mind when she first set foot in
familiar spark in Father’s eye and she knew exactly Shantytown West?
what he saw-opportunity. Railroads carry passengers I still have the picture etched into my memory of
and passengers need accommodation. The CPR was that wild and woolly town. There were wooden shanties
already beating this drum and Father wanted to join and tents, and scruffy, unshaven men. The air was blue
the parade. with smoke and the smell was overpowering. Mother
It was not long before Father and a group of told me to quit scrunching up my nose, as it just may stick.
like-minded individuals heard opportunity knocking There were muddy ruts for streets and not one sidewalk. I
in the Interior of British Columbia. As Father packed didn’t know where to step as I had the distinct impression
his bag Mother gave him her blessing and a promise my patent leather shoes would soon be swallowed up
to follow. and me with them!
Father arrived in what was to become Nelson Jasper’s eyes were like saucers and Mother was
in 1890 and with the investment money started the forever pulling him from one disreputable sight or
proceedings to erect a hotel the likes of which the another. He was intrigued by the painted ladies, the
Interior had never seen. gunfire, the hullabaloo from the saloons and the horses
Mother tied up loose ends and with Jasper and forever racing about-it was magical for him.
I in tow closed up the house and boarded the train All the colour drained from Mother’s face. This
West in 1891. Little did she know that her love for her was no place for a proper woman and a young lady.
children and their Father would soon be tested. After considerable discussions and many tears
Now we must remember Canada was only 24 Mother and I waved goodbye to Father and Jasper. I heard
years old and the most civilized part of the country Mother thank our Lord she had not sold the house!


The Phair rose timber by timber at the Of course I did not mind in the least. One Christmas
unfathomable cost of $12,000. Father had a gift for was particularly memorable. I caught my first glimpse
promotion and continually extolled her virtues in the of Jock Gibson. Oh, what a handsome figure he cut in
local paper. If nothing else he had the whole town his kilt. Little did he know my sights were set. Did
curious. you know Jock was one of the signers of the Letters of
In October 1891 the Phair opened her doors and Incorporation for the City of Nelson in 1897? - a man
oh, she was grand. There were 35 rooms, steam heat, of some importance.
hot and cold water, electric bells, flush closets, baths, Now, let me tell you of that Christmas so many
a bar, parlours, billiard tables and dining facilities. The years ago. Oh, if the walls could talk. Close your eyes
Honeymoon Suite could not be rivaled anywhere in the and let your mind cycle back in time.
Interior. Carriages met the trains and sternwheelers. It is the Christmas season and merriment is in
The dining facilities were the finest in the the air.
Kootenays with the most up to date cooking stoves and The snow was falling in those big, fluffy flakes
staff. Beautifully engraved menus graced each table that add layer upon layer to the stoop. Two miners,
and the servers clad in spotless uniforms
were at your elbow at a moment’s
notice. The linens were crisp, the crystal
Edwin Ernest Phair fine and the sterling silverware heavy
1851 - 1929
Courtesy of the Phair Family and polished.
The separate parlours offered
exquisite furnishings, with fine Persian
carpeting for the comfort of both male
and female guests alike. No expense was
spared and no amenity was missed.
Jasper eventually opened a
Tobacconist Shop in the Hotel and
imported the finest smoking tobaccos
and Snuff. Beautifully engraved pipes,
Snuff boxes and match holders filled his
glass cabinetry.
The Phair knew pomp and
The Hotel Phair’s lobby grandeur. She was graced by two
Courtesy of the Phair Family
Governors-General, the Countess of
Aberdeen, countless politicians, Supreme Court Jurists; fresh from the camp, kick the snow from their boots as
and Provincial and Federal notables. Her clientele was they enter the lobby. Over their arms are clothes from a
first class. different time. A time when hard work did not include
Father loved a good story and he in turn was a pickaxe and shovel; a time when linen tablecloths
an excellent raconteur. He held court in the Phair and and sterling silverware were the norm. Tonight, for
all were invited to attend. When he laced his fingers one night, they will forget the dust and grime of the
across his chest and tipped his chair back you could mine and concentrate on finer things.
have heard a pin drop. Father and Mayor Houston Envision, if you will, the lobby with a Christmas
were particularly close. Many a night they spent over tree so tall you have to lean back to see the Angel. A
libations discussing the progress of this shantytown. tree adorned with holiday candles and ornaments
It was only fitting that Father was a Pall Bearer when so lovely that it takes your breath away. Garlands of
his dear friend passed away. evergreen are strung along the staircase and over the
When Mother died in 1894 I was shuffled doors adding a fresh, crisp smell to the room. The
between my Aunt and Father. I spent many days sound of carolers drift in from the street and the smell
thanking Sir John A. for his railroad. Eventually Father of roasting chestnuts and the crackling fire add to the
relented and I was able to join him. It was a very festive cheer. Yes, it is that favourite time of year.
exciting time for me. Guests begin to enter the hotel shortly after 8:00
I lived in the Hotel and was treated like royalty. pm. The first to arrive is Alexander Carrie, the noted


architect, and his wife Lizzie. Alexander is resplendent your eyes now.
in white shirt and tails. His quick smile evidences the Father had the
magic of the night. Lizzie is elegantly attired in a dark Midas Touch and the
green velvet evening dress, with Victorian collar and Phair prospered under
muff. A simple cameo adorns the bodice. his management. In
The Doctors Arthur are the next in the door, 1905 the Phair was
brushing light snow from their shoulders. Dr. Edward sold for the tidy sum of
is wearing a dark suit specifically chosen for him by $40,000 and renamed
Dr. Isabella. As much as she tries her husband always the Strathcona. Father
looks like an unmade bed. Dr. Isabella is attired in a was back in Nelson in
burgundy coloured satin evening dress with a high 1908 and once more
lace choker. The bodice is embroidered with a fine back at the helm of his
silver thread. flagship Hotel. She was
Our miners enter in white shirt and tails, freshly once more christened
scrubbed and shaven. A gold fob leads to an elegant the Phair and remained
timepiece kept in the waistcoat pocket. They strike a so until 1912.
handsome and comfortable pose that echoes of another There were
time and place. many managers after
The guests continue to fill the ballroom. The Father, but none had his
Emorys, Bradshaws, Wards, Stewarts, Nelsons and the touch. Although having
guest list goes on as they drift into the room adding an numerous renovations
air of elegance to an already elegant evening. the hotel could not keep
Father and Jock Gibson, attired in their finest, pace with the others
keep a watchful eye as friends and neighbours mingle in the city. Father ’s
and break off into small groups. Tiny flickering clientele was loyal, but
candles, floating in glass snifters, adorn each table once he was gone, so
setting, along the perimeter of the dance floor. were they.
Soon the guests find the crystal punch bowl and The Strathcona
canapés. A few think the libations should be a bit more today offers housekeeping rooms with an assortment of Inferno May 28, 1958
festive and if it were not for the practiced eye of the tenants-well heeled CPR employees, widows on limited
Nelson and District Museum,
Archives and Art Gallery photo
hotel staff, a flask or two would embolden the quaff. incomes, migrants and of course, my Father.
For those so inclined a shot or two of rum added to Father has recently retired to the City and has
their glass makes a drink that would warm the heart taken a series of rooms at the Strathcona. The circle
of Jack Frost himself! now seems complete.
A band of local musicians play the night away. However, you will not find Father holding
Impromptu sing alongs to all the Christmas favourties court in the hotel, but on the verandah of 924 Vernon
echo through the hotel. Many waltz to the strains of Street with my husband, Jock, yes I did catch him, and
Greensleaves, a few to the sounds of a Viennese Waltz. our two daughters, Jean and Agnes. Please stop by
A Ladies’ choice finds Dr. Isabella waltzing with the for some lemonade and stay for a tale or two of how
Reverend Rogers and Alexander Carrie gracing the Nelson and the Phair came to be. Father would love
floor with Addie Nelson. to see you.” •
Over glasses of punch the women make plans
for Christmas get togethers as the men quietly step
outside to enjoy a fine cigar from Jasper’s venue.
Soon the couples drift back together for one final whirl
about the dance floor. As the clock strikes midnight
the outerwear is donned and soon the elegantly attired
citizens of Nelson steal into the night. The softly falling
snow appears as haloes in the lights of the city and
leaves a fine blanket of white on the streets below.
Oh, those were memorable times. You may open


Archives and Archivists
Edited by Sylvia Stopforth,
Submitted by Sylvia Stopworth Librarian and Archivist, Norma Marian Alloway Library,
Trinity Western University

The Simon Fraser letters at SFU Simon Fraser is sometimes referred to having carefully tested the papers and inks,
Archives as the founding father of British Columbia.1 Hill washed the letters – first in pH neutral
Between 1805 and 1807 he established the water, then in alkaline water. She invited
Based on a July 6, 2007, interview first four colonial trading posts west of the archives staff to watch. No one doubted
Rockies. A few years later, in 1808, he set for an instant that Hill knew what she
with Frances Fournier, SFU off to explore the river that would later bear was doing, but there was still a moment of

his name. In spite of his pivotal role in the apprehension as the precious documents
history of our province, original documents slipped beneath the water.
n 1965, when Simon Fraser University pertaining to Fraser are rare. The accompanying images clearly
officially opened at its mountain-top When the Simon Fraser letters – as demonstrate the fruits of Hill’s labour.
campus overlooking the Fraser River, they came to be called – came to light Thanks to the far-sighted efforts of
there was no University Archives. So again at SFU in the late 1980s, they were the SFU Archives, researchers will be able
when Donald Fraser, descendant of famed authenticated, enclosed in acid-free file to access the information contained in these
explorer Simon Fraser, donated a collection folders, and placed in storage, this time unique and significant documents for years
of historic letters and other documents to in the University Archives. But these to come.
the new University, they were locked away documents were not in pristine shape, and For more information, visit the SFU
in a desk for safe-keeping. with the passing of time, their physical Archives online at:
When the drawer of the desk was condition continued to deteriorate. archives/
unlocked just over two decades later, it was Enter professional Conservator,
like stumbling upon a lost treasure. Rosaleen Hill.
Experts were consulted, and the Hill conducted a detailed assessment
authenticity of the documents, most dating of these invaluable documents, identified A few of the cleaned letters appear on the
back to 1846, was verified. the work that needed to be done, and following pages
The “find” consisted of twenty-eight – thanks to a generous grant from the
pages of fragile documents. Most were National Archival Development Program
letters written by Fraser to family and (Library and Archives Canada), embarked
friends around 1846, discussing his family’s on a project in January, 2007, to clean and
history. There were also a few pages from repair the papers, ensuring their long-term
the account books of the first Fort Liard on preservation. 1 Barbara Rogers, “Simon Fraser – Explorer.” The Greater
Vancouver Book. Discover Vancouver. <http://www.
the Peace River. These date back to 1803, Looking back on the project a few>
when Fraser was serving as a clerk for the months later, Archivist Frances Fournier Accessed July 10, 2007.
North West Company. says, “we all learned a lot.” At one point,


Book Reviews Books for review and book reviews should be sent to:
Frances Gundry, Book Review Editor,
BC Historical News,
P.O. Box 5254, Station B., Victoria, BC V8R 6N4

Clam Gardens; Aboriginal Mariculture on

coastal areas from a helicopter. When included. A sampling of human history is
Canada’s West Coast. presenting their findings to what should given for each community, and aspects of
Judith Williams. Vancouver, New Star Books
(Transmontanus 15), 2006. 128 pp. Photos, notes, index. have been the appropriate provincial and natural history, geography, arts, culture,
$19.00 paperback. academic agencies, both Williams and recreation and industry are interwoven into
An artist who is also a determined Harper had met with icy indifference and the text.
and thorough researcher and an experienced even resistance. Clam gardens were not Boomer Jerritt’s superb photographs
beachcomber, Judith Williams pokes about mentioned in the “literature”; there was capture the beauty and flavour of the area
British Columbia’s shore and islands, digging no place for them in the archaeological, and its people. Printed on flattering glossy
clams, encountering and questioning coast- historical or ethnological scheme of things. paper, there are several full-page photos,
dwellers (Native and new-comers), and Editor and investigative historian Terry and a two-page spread heads each chapter.
following her evidence to unsanctioned Glavin suggested what proved to be a fruitful Other photographers include Rick James.
conclusions.. As a consequence of her sharing of resources and “discoveries.” Wild successfully brings the history of
digging and questioning, she has come to Williams points out that the clam gardens the Valley to life by describing the characters
challenge the received view of indigenous were not “discovered”, because they were that have shaped its communities. The
people as hunter-gatherers. In an earlier never lost. history of the First Peoples of the Valley is
book in this same series, Two Wolves at the This little book gathers several illustrated by chief Nim-Nim, the last of the
Dawn of Time, she questioned the notion threads, the first the story of the clam gardens full-blooded Pentlatch who recalled many
that “inhabitants of the most complex with the implications for understanding wars prior to the arrival of white settlers.
Native culture in North America” wandered Native economy. But then there is the The life of a pioneer farmer is told
“aimlessly around in the rain hoping to trip question of the suspected suppression, by through Eric Duncan, a tenacious and frugal
over food.” She looked then at cranberry the anthropology father figure, Franz Boas, man who moved to the valley in 1877 from
orchards and clover gardens. The seed of and his successors to the present, of evidence the Shetland Islands. Farming played a
the present book germinated in 1993 when which threatens preconceived hypotheses. critical role in the history of the Comox
Klahoose elder Elizabeth Harry (Keekus) Evolving from the first thread and alleviating Valley, which Wild emphasizes.
directed her to the clam garden structures the second is the ongoing story of people Logging was another important
on Quadra Island. like Williams, Harper, Keekus, Proctor and industry. Comox lumber baron Robert
From there her quest took her by boat Glavin, who care about the West Coast and Filberg encouraged the hiring of local
to Cortes Island, around Desolation Sound, its history and legacy, and who keep poking employees, and let them use his cabins at
and north to the Broughton Archipelago. about the islands, meeting on beaches, and William’s beach. Filberg’s 9-acre estate is
She borrowed her definition from Billy asking hard questions. now used for public functions.
Proctor, upcoast personality and clam Wild recounts the history of Courtenay
Phyllis Reeve is a resident of Gabriola Island
garden cultivator, who learned from Native and Comox, and includes a section on the
people that a clam garden “was a clam beach past and present military presence at Goose
The Comox Valley Spit and CFB Comox. South of Courtenay,
that was tended with great care and a lot Paula Wild with Rick James, photography by Boomer
of work. Rocks were gathered up from the Jerritt. Madeira Park, B.C., Harbour Publishing, 2006. the seaside community of Royston was a
sandy beach area and piled in a ring along 143 p. illus., bibliog.., $34.95 hardcover. former log dump and booming ground, and
the low-tide perimeter. The removal of the The Comox Valley, by Paula Union Bay was a busy shipping port for coal.
rocks made more room for the clams, and Wild with Rick James and Boomer Jerritt Fanny Bay, at the southern boundary of the
the wall of stones prevented the sandy beach (photographer) is a colourful introduction Comox Valley, has long been a major site for
from eroding.” Accessible only at extreme to one of BC’s most popular regions, which shellfish harvesting.
low tide, these elaborate structures were extends along the east coast of central The Valley has produced many
designed to foster butter clam production Vancouver Island from Oyster River south activists. One of the most notorious is Ginger
and became one of the foundation blocks to Fanny Bay. Goodwin, who stood up for the rights of
of a coastal economy, likely preceding Wi l d e x p l o re s t h e Va l l e y ’ s miners and workers through strike action,
modern shellfish mariculture installations three centres of Courtenay, Comox and and was killed when his name became
by hundreds, perhaps thousands, of years. Cumberland, and the smaller communities associated with the Cumberland miner’s
She meshed her exploration and of Merville and Black Creek to the north and strike of 1912-1914. Environmental, as well
documentation with those of marine Royston, Union Bay, Fanny Bay, Denman as political activists continue to have a
geomorphologist John Harper, who spotted and Hornby Islands to the south. Mt strong presence in the Valley. Best known
the human-made rock walls, while mapping Washington and Strathcona Park are also are Melda Buchanan (1924-2004), who was


instrumental in protecting the 650-hectare Lantzville: the First Hundred Years. long run, it preserved a village that might
Seal Bay Nature Park and Ruth Masters, Lynne Reeve. Lantzville, B.C., Lantzville Historical have become another northern suburb of
who recently donated part of her property to
Society, 2007. 96 p., illus. paperback.
Nanaimo. Since the span of the book ends
This letter sized book outlines in in the 1960s, the author doesn’t document
become the Masters Greenway and Wildlife
text and photographs the settlement, the 2003 successful community initiative
changing economics and growth of the to incorporate as the District of Lantzville.
Wild highlights the unique natural
small community of Lantzville, B.C. from Achieving municipal status after a century
history of the Comox Valley, noting that
its first settlement in 1868 to mid twentieth and half may indicate residents with a
it is a significant area for birds, is home to
century. The village is situated between well-developed sense of themselves and,
rare species such as the Morrison Creek
Nanaimo and Parksville on the east coast perhaps, a strong feeling for their history
Lamprey, and encompasses a rare Garry
of Vancouver Island. and future.
Oak ecosystem. The natural beauty draws
Author Lynne Reeve begins her The book could have used more
tourists to the mountains, beaches, and
history with Lantzville pioneer George careful copy-editing and attention to the
parks. Skiing, hiking, mountain biking, and
Copley’s heartfelt 1905 poem: tweaking and reproduction of the many
golfing are popular recreational activities
in the area. well-chosen photographs. Lantzville: the First
The Comox Valley is a thriving place Oh Nanoose Bay though beautiful spot Hundred Years is a classic local history. It has
for the arts. Wild pays homage to artists Where first I found my freedom. all the strengths that flow from the author’s
Brian Scott and Jack Shadbolt, and writers love of her community and its people and all
T’was on thy shore I took up my lot the weaknesses that may emerge from the
Jack Hodgins and Des Kennedy. The Valley
also has a strong tradition in theatre, which And thought I had found my freedom narrow focus of local narratives. The writing
stems back to Sid Williams, a hiker, skier But soon I found to my regret is lively and engaging but largely ignores
and boxer who served on Courtenay city That scenery is quite unsubstantial the contexts in which Lantzville ebbed and
council for 20 years, and was an avid actor in waned. Nevertheless, it will give pleasure
For a mortgage on it I could not get and serve as a useful compilation for future
theatrical productions. Today, Courtenay’s
main theatre is named after him. When I wanted something financial. generations of mid-Island residents and
Part history, coffee table book and history buffs.
tourist guide, The Comox Valley is a joy to And for many of Lantzville’s settlers
read and provides a good introduction to the during the first hundred years, it was the Ross Carter is the editor of Historiana the newsletter of
area. Readers seeking a more comprehensive financial swings of extraction economics the Bowen Island Historians.
history may wish to check out the “Sources that shaped their community’s character.
and Further Reading” section at the back of Lynne Reeve details in four chapters the
Leaving Paradise; Indigenous Hawaiians in the
the book. changes from stump ranches and fishing
Pacific Northwest, 1787-1898.
Though the book celebrates the that dominated up to the turn of the century Jean Barman and Bruce McIntyre Watson. Honolulu,
area’s indisputable beauty, it sometimes to coal mining that eclipsed everything from University of Hawai’i Press, 2006. 512 p. illus. $42.50
reads rather like a tourist promotion 1905 until the Depression years. As the coal (U.S.) hard cover.
brochure. Wild does, however, hint that the seams ran low, Lantzville entered another In June of 1787, Winee, the first
Valley is changing, due to unprecedented era whereby its life became one of a hard Hawaiian known to visit the Northwest
growth in recent years. Many residents are scrabble economy with a number of local Coast of America, arrived at Nootka aboard
concerned about large-scale developments. residents involved in subsistence farming, Captain Charles Barkley’s trading vessel,
A burgeoning population may threaten the logging and fishing. At the same time, the Imperial Eagle. Save for the matter of her
very “paradise” that drew them here. waterfront, unloved by the farmers, began to gender, Winee was typical of the vast
Even long-term residents will pick blossom as a summer cottage area for some majority of indigenous Hawaiians to come
up new information from this book. The Nanaimo and Victoria residents. Ms. Reeve’s to this coast. Her true name has either not
photography of Boomer Jerritt is outstanding, final chapter provides brief biographies of been recorded – “Winee” may actually
and the layout is very attractive. It is a book pioneer and leading families. be Frances Barkley’s corruption of the
worth having for anyone wishing to know In 1947, the Island Highway was Hawaiian word wahine, meaning woman
more about this special part of B.C. deliberately routed around the village to and her employment was that of a servant
by-pass the unsightly abandoned colliery in the fur trade.
Jocie Ingram lives in the Comox Valley shacks and other “blighted areas”. To many The first section of the book recounts
of the Lantzville merchants this seemed like the history of Hawaiian settlement in what
disaster but as Lynne Reeve suggests, in the would become the Columbia District of


Hudson’s Bay Company, comprising the contributions here which would have been was flexible, vibrant and inter-connected,
area which today is British Columbia, impossible below the line. a microcosm of the dynamic national and
Oregon and Washington. Permanent The second section of the book international forces of the times that affected
Hawaiian settlement on this coast began in consists of an alphabetical series of short industry, politics, education, culture and
February of 1811 when John Jacob Astor’s biographical essays on approximately 800 social relations. As the “coal mining industry
Pacific Fur Company hired 12 men at Oahu Hawaiians who either visited or settled on slowly and painfully became a footnote in
to work at Astoria. The practice of hiring the North West Coast. The various forms Nanaimo’s history,” (p. 110), the people of
Hawaiian contract labourers was continued of each individual’s name used in primary Nanaimo met the challenges and adversity
by the North West Company and ultimately sources are given as well as the actual of the collapse of the mining industry by
the Hudson’s Bay Company. They were Hawaiian name of that person, in those cases adapting to the possibilities offered by its
regarded by the fur traders as good and where it can be ascertained. This feature will harbour and forest resources. The transition
faithful workers, and it is quite likely that be of great use to genealogists. is evocatively captured on the cover of the
the Columbia Department could not have This book will probably remain a book in Michael Dean’s painting, Princess
functioned without them. The vast majority standard and essential reference for persons Marguerite, at the CPR wharf, Cameron
were maka’ainana, the common people in interested in the fur trade era, immigration to Island, Nanaimo -- the belching smoke
a society which had been feudal but was British Columbia, newcomer- First Nations stack a harbinger of a later 21st century
rapidly changing to a cash economy, the relations and the Hawaiian diaspora. It is intransigent environmental challenge.
ali’i, the nobility, no longer felt a traditional well written, based on extensive research In the midst of the social and economic
obligation for the lower orders – in the words in Hudson’s Bay Company and Hawaiian progress clearly delineated in the book, there
of the mid-nineteenth century Hawaiian government records as well as those in are occasional hints of an alternate world
historian, S. M. Kamakau “The working man various British Columbian, Californian of devastation that call for further study.
labours like a cart-hauling ox that gets a kick and Oregon archives. Few of the emigrants These include: a 1937 ad for Hotel Malaspina
in the buttocks. He shivers in the cold and were literate in English, if they were literate which read, “expert white help only” (p.
dew laden wind, or broils in the sun with no at all. Thus, if the voices of the emigrants 53); the story of the 1942 arrest, registration
rest from his toil. Whether he lives or dies themselves or unofficial accounts of their and evacuation of Japanese members of the
it is all alike.” It is no wonder that many stories exist, they will have to be found at community (pp. 133-5); and George Pearke’s
Hawaiian contract labourers, almost all of some future date in the nineteenth century speech in 1948 lamenting the state of the
whom were men, entered in relationships Hawaiian language popular press or family Indian reserve filled with hovels with no
with First Nations women, either in the papers which are yet to be discovered, but lights, water or sewers , and children who
custom of the country or sanctioned by law, the basic story is unlikely to change. had received no education for the previous
and determined to remain here. five to six years (p. 143).
The period from the Gold Rush Michael Halleran lives in Victoria The book is divided into 20 thematic
to the ending of the Hawaiian Islands and colorfully titled chapters that develop
independence in 1898 by their annexation chronologically, starting with the “Roaring
as a colony of the United States, saw Harbour City: Nanaimo in Transition, 1920-1967. Twenties” and ending with the “Fabulous
the establishment of a Hawaiian Métis Jan Peterson. Victoria, Heritage House, 2006. 176 p. Fifties” and sixties. It touches on many
community in British Columbia, where they $19.95 paperback. themes, including law, mining, education,
had the same civil rights as the European Jan Peterson’s final volume in her fire, religion, politics, doctors, harbours,
and African settler community. In contrast Nanaimo trilogy is a fitting conclusion forestry and mayors, ending with a
was the situation in the neighbouring to her vibrant local history, packed with celebration of the community efforts that
republic, where the Hawaiians and their detail, colourful stories, and lively energetic built the Nanaimo Community Museum
descendents had the status of the Chinese, writing. It is filled with evocative images to preserve, in the words of William
which facilitated their assimilation with the that capture the mood of the changing times, Barraclough, the history of “those thoughtful
aboriginal population in that country. This and the attention of the reader, beginning in persons who preceded us” (p. 202). Peterson
is not to suggest that racism, or pressure for the very first haunting line that foreshadows honours the names of individuals in list after
assimilation with the aboriginal population, the looming changes: “The rhythm of the list of those who contributed their amazing
were absent in British Columbia. Indeed, the day in Nanaimo was set by mine whistles energy, insight and time to the public sphere
very existence of a Hawaiian community and by the chimes of ‘Big Frank,’ the of life. Reflecting the inter-connectedness
was oblivious or irrelevant to the bulk of Dominion Post Office clock” (p. 11). With of Nanaimo’s vocal, argumentative and
the majority society, but the Hawaiians quick brush strokes, Peterson portrays committed civic life, it is not uncommon
were able to make political and social Nanaimo as a thriving community that to see one person listed in many spheres


of community life, including City Council, to organize a trip of exploration in an era her story and differs from the unemotional
School Board, Hospital Board, Church, when women were expected to leave such style used by the male explorers and
Music Festival, Rotary Club and sports. foolish endeavours to men. She was born climbers of this area. It is for this good
Besides the great story-telling, another into an upper class Quaker household in reason, amongst many others, that this
strength of the book is Pederson’s use of well Philadelphia and became interested in the book deserves to be available to succeeding
documented and clearly footnoted primary outdoors only because she married Dr. generations who have learned to love the
sources, including Nanaimo newspapers George Shaffer who was a medical doctor outdoor wilderness and seek the peace
articles, archival records, oral histories and and an amateur botanist. Together, they and tranquility that Mary loved. Readers
photographs, which enrich the vibrant first visited the Rockies in 1889 shortly should know that a fine biography of her life
sense of immediacy created by the writing after the CPR connected the west coast to written by the author of the foreword, Janice
style. It is enhanced by a comprehensive the remainder of Canada. Mary slowly Sanford Beck, is in print to complement
bibliography of primarily local history developed a love for the wild places and this reprint. Unfortunately, cost constraints
studies and newspapers, and includes her skills as an amateur artist were refined prevented including Mary’s photographs
an impressive list of archival documents to include detailed and scaled water colour published in the original edition. The out-
created and preserved in Nanaimo, which paintings of the flora that her husband of-print A Hunter Of Peace by E. J. Hart also
is a personal delight. There is also a good discovered. She also developed significant included her story as well as copies of the
index, and several appendices, including skills as a photographer. Sadly her husband hand coloured versions of Mary’s original
a comprehensive list of all mayors and died suddenly in 1903. She memorialized photographs that she had used for slide
council-members from 1920-1967. her grief by enlisting the assistance of shows about her trips. Mary married Bill
The book is a great read for anyone Stewardson Brown, the Herbarium Curator Warren in 1915 and they lived the remainder
interested in the history of Nanaimo. at the Academy of Natural Sciences in of their lives in a house in Banff that is now
Previous books in the trilogy: Philadelphia to complete the pioneering part of the Whyte Museum and Archives.
Black Diamond City: Nanaimo the work started by her late husband since she
Victorian Era, Victoria: Heritage House, 2002. lacked the necessary botanical knowledge. Harvey A. Buckmaster has hiked extensively in Banff
and Jasper National Parks and is a collector of archival
Hub City: Nanaimo, 1886-1920. Victoria: The book - Alpine Flora of the Canadian material about this area.
Heritage House, 2003. Mountains - was published in1907. Mary,
by this time 45 years of age, had visited
Jane Turner is a retired archivist and former resident of
most of the areas already explored in Banff
National Park and was eager for more
challenging adventures. She had shared
Unsettling Encounters: First Nations Imagery
these travels while working on her book
Old Indian Trails of the Canadian Rockies in the Art of Emily Carr
Mary T. S. Schaffer. Vancouver, BC, Rocky Mountain Books, with her friend, Mollie Adams. She decided Gerta Moray. Vancouver, UBC Press, 2006. 400 p., illus.,
2007. xi + 179 p. $19.95 oftcover. to enlist the services of a Banff outfitter, bibliog.., $75.00 hardcover.
It is a sad fact that Canadians have Bill Warren and his assistant, Sid Unwin,
allowed books written by those intrepid to spend the summers of 1907 and 1908 Wild Flowers
persons who explored and made the first exploring the region in Jasper National Park Emily Carr, illustrations by Emily Henrietta Woods.
ascents in our Canadian Rockies to lapse east of the valley through which the North Victoria, B.C., Royal British Columbia Museum, 2006
into out-of-print status since they make Saskatchewan River flowed. There were (distributed by UBC Press), 96 p., illus. $19.95 paperback.
important contributions to our knowledge rumours of the existence of a large lake, now
of the region and, in addition, are great known as Maligne Lake. This became their A spate of recent books and exhibitions,
adventure stories that should be available objective and they succeeded in reaching not to mention plays and even music,
on an ongoing basis. The publisher, Rocky and exploring it during these two trips. indicates that the Emily Carr Industry is
Mountain Books, is to be commended for Old Indian Trails of the Canadian Rockies still in a growth phase. The Vancouver
initiating a series of reprints of these classics describes these travels in a very careful Art Gallery exhibition in the autumn of
with A. P. Coleman’s The Canadian Rockies – fashion for it was not considered ladylike 2006 received a tremendous amount of
New and Old Trails and has followed with for women to travel alone in the wilderness publicity and attracted large crowds; its
the one under review. It is hoped that this without husbands or family. Mary was a accompanying coffee-table book, Emily Carr
initiative will be successful and that many pioneer feminist of a radical brand but still by Ian M. Thom, Charles C. Hill and Johanne
more titles will soon follow. she was extremely circumspect and careful Lamoureux (Douglas & McIntyre), provides
Mary Schaffer’s book is of particular to avoid personal scandal. Nevertheless, her essays and interpretations of Carr’s life and
importance since she was the first women perspective as a woman is always present in exhibitions, adding new information to


that of the late Doris Shadbolt, whose Art of as an artist, she was not blessed with great Canadian critics to claim a place for her in
Emily Carr, first published in 1979, was the technical skill in drawing and conveying the context of the European and American
standard work for a generation. pictorial space but, as she matured, her use pioneers of modern art.”
Published in the same year as the book of colour and form developed enormous As her health began to fail in the
by Thom et al, Gerta Moray’s Unsettling emotional power. late 1930s and she could no longer face the
Encounters is like a fresh breeze blowing The most satisfying aspect of challenges of painting large-scale oils, even
away the dust and cobwebs that have the book is the reinstatement of Carr’s in her studio, Carr turned increasingly to
accumulated on the artist’s story in the six early documentary work in the Native writing and developed an extraordinary gift
decades since her death. Moray, a professor villages of northern BC to the pinnacle for whimsy and lyricism. If her late paintings
of art history at the University of Guelph, where Carr herself believed it belonged. could be almost oppressively dark and solid,
reassesses Carr’s body of work, rebalancing Other books have tended to dismiss it as her prose was transparent and deft. Klee
all of her influences to give a superb portrait overly representational and uninteresting Wyck is a classic journal of her adventures
of “her life and times.” The book is divided artistically, but to Carr it remained a critical as a travelling artist, the perfect flip side of
into three sections: Contexts for a Colonial part of the story she spent her life telling. the coin of her “Indian paintings” from the
Artist; A Pictorial Record of Native Villages To me, this book was as much a 1912 voyages. The Book of Small could well
and Totem Poles, 1899-1913; and Homesick revelation for my understanding of her as be the perfect memoir of childhood, and
for Indian. The lavishly illustrated middle Robert L. Herbert’s Impressionism: Art, Leisure, The House of All Sorts shows her at her most
part of the book reproduces the life-changing and Parisian Society (1988, Yale University eccentric, a weird boardinghouse operator
work she created on her trips to the north; Press) was for understanding 19th century in provincial, uptight Victoria during the
later, text and reproductions of classic oils French art. Moray writes clearly with little 1920s – her years in her other wilderness,
like Vanquished, Indian Church, Big Raven “art-speak” jargon and paints a convincing when she was a fish out of water artistically
and Guyasdoms D’Sonoqua show how she picture of the complex, contradictory worlds and socially, couldn’t sell a painting and
adapted to the dictates of Modernism under of the dominant settler culture, the declining abandoned her career.
the guidance of Lawren Harris, finding Native one, and the aspirations of the tiny Wild Flowers is Emily Carr struggling
therein national recognition and an opened elite of anthropologists, museum curators to find her voice; reading it is perhaps like
doorway into the pantheon. Hundreds of and artists who strove to define a Canadian listening to the early compositions of Mozart.
period black and white photographs show identity in the 1920s and 1930s. The book is a series of word portraits, some
gallery interiors, friends and travel scenes, Emily Carr’s famous oils of the 1930s better and more finished than others, which
bringing to life the world in which Carr grew out of her reinterpretation of her Carr wrote as she was feeling her way
struggled for acceptance. 1912-era documentary work. Moray writes into new expressive forms. Archivist and
Throughout the book, Carr comes in great detail about Carr rediscovering historian Kathryn Bridge provides some
across as a storyteller in paint, words and her Fauvist past from her European art context to this writing and introduces the
actions – an activist artist in the modern education and how the “Indian pictures” of book’s illustrator, Emily Henrietta Woods,
sense – an intermediary in the relations A.Y. Jackson and the Svengali-like influence who was Carr’s childhood drawing teacher.
between the settler and indigenous cultures. of Lawren Harris came to direct her art It is an interesting juxtaposition, as Woods’s
But was she the artistic equivalent of Grey towards a more iconic, semi-abstract style flower watercolours are traditional, stiff and
Owl, just a romantic and picturesque figure, of painting with less of the “history and rather opaque, not unlike the Victoria culture
or was she to be judged as a serious artist? cold fact” she felt was in her early paintings. that Carr spent her life rebelling against. It’s
And, as a woman, was she dismissed by She dabbled in Harris’s theosophy and a slim volume, in every sense of the word.
critics and handicapped in the competitive, found some sympathies between it and Does it represent the final plumbing of the
masculine arena of the eastern Canadian art her own nature-loving, animist beliefs, but Carr oeuvre, as the Anthologies were to the
Establishment? kept to her own path. Moray almost, but Beatles? I doubt it.
I had not realized how early and not quite, answers the great riddle for Carr
quickly the Emily Carr legend developed, junkies: did Harris imply, “paint like me and Michael Kluckner is a writer and artist now living in
how it was said that she “understood the you’ll get into the National Gallery,” or did Australia
Indians,” and how she walked a fine line Carr think, “if I paint like him I’ll get the
between producing commercial knock-offs commercial breakthrough I’ve been waiting
of Native art themes while instilling her for since I first put a brush in my hand”?
own fine art with the power and spirit she It’s a tantalizing question, but the answer
had witnessed in the totems and carvings in remains uncertain. Regardless, her formal
the northern villages. What is clear is that, experimentation allowed “contemporary



Anne and Philip Yandle Best Greg’s article received considerable Fishing Industry History Online
Article Award attention from the media with articles in
local newspapers and interest from the The City of Richmond Archives
Each year, the British Columbia Historical CBC • is pleased to announce a new online
Federation offers a certificate and cash resource on its website. < http://www.
prize to the author of an article published in
British Columbia History that best enhances Genealogy Guide Available barkerletterbooks.htm >
knowledge of the history of British Columbia The first fifteen years of letters from
and provides enjoyable reading. Judging is We’re pleased to announce the the Barker Letter Books, donated to the
based upon subject development, writing publication of the 15th edition of the City of Richmond Archives by British
skill, freshness of material, and its appeal to Cloverdale Library’s genealogy guide. The Columbia Packers Limited in 2001, have
a general readership interested in all aspects best news is that it will be available free been transcribed and are now available
of the history of the province. on-line at: online. This will be of interest to researchers
In 2007, the Federation renamed of the historical development of the fishing
its Best Article Award in honor of Anne Programs+and+Services/Genealogy/Cana industry in British Columbia.
dian+Genealogical+Resources+Guide.htm The Barker Letter Books were compiled
and Philip Yandle dedicated members
It’s searchable by using Ctrl+F & the between 1905 and 1926. They consist of the
of the Federation and the cofounders of
Table of Contents is also hyper-linked. outgoing correspondence of William Henry
British Columbia Historical News (1968), the
Print copies will be showing up in Barker, an early General Manager of the
predecessor to British Columbia History company. Mr. Barker, born in Manchester,
(2005). During the journal’s first ten years, the collection soon. We will also be making
copies available for sale for the public and England in 1853, joined the British Columbia
the Yandles edited, typed, mimeographed, Packers’ Association in October, 1904 as
collated and mailed the publication. For all the ordering information is available on
our website. General Manager. It was the beginning of a
many years Anne served as the journal’s 22-year career with the company of which
Book Review Editor. Laurie J.Cooke Information Services Librarian Cloverdale he later became President.
The winner for 2006 is Greg Nesteroff Branch, Surrey Public Library The letters chronicle revolutionary
for, “Boris Karloff in British Columbia,” which 604-598-7328 changes in the fishing industry in British
appeared in British Columbia History, 39.1. Columbia: machines replaced hand-labour;
new technology in the manufacturing of
cans improved safety and reduced labour
costs; engines replaced oars in fishing
boats; and the regulation of the fishery by
the Canadian government became more
restrictive and comprehensive.
Volunteers have been responsible
for the painstaking transcription and
proofreading process. They continue to
work on Volume 2, 1920 to 1926, which will
be available later in the winter.
Lynne Waller, Archivist, City of Richmond Archives
7700 Minoru Gate,Richmond, BC V6Y 1R9 604-247-8305

Archives Temporary Closure

Please be advised that the Archives of

the Anglican Diocese of New Westminster/
Appearing in Provincial Synod of BC and Yukon as well as
the Nelson the United Church BC Conference Archives
Daily News
will be closed while they move into their
newly built archives. They will officially
re-open January 24, 2008.


The British Columbia Historical
Federation is an umbrella
organization embracing regional


are entitled to become Member
Societies of the BC Historical
Federation. All members of these
local historical societies shall by
that very fact be members of the


organizations with specialized
interests or objects of a historical
Main Streets in Chilliwack and Nelson BC MEMBERSHIP FEES for both classes
of membership are one dollar per
member of a Member Society or
Affiliated Group with a minimum
membership fee of $25 and a
maximum of 575.

Question regarding membership

should be sent to;
Ron Hyde, Secretary #20-12880
Railway Ave., Richmond BC VlE 6G2
Phone 604.277.2627 Fax
Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to Circulation Department. Canadian Publications Mail Product Sales Agreement No. 40025793
British Columbia Historical News Publications Mail registration No. 09835
Alice Marwood, 211 - 14981 - 101A Avenue Surrey, B C V3R 0T1

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Publications Assistance program (PAP), toward our mailing cost

Contact Us: 24th Annual Competition for Writers of BC His-

tory Lieutenant-Governor’s Medal for Historical
British Columbia History welcomes stories,
studies, and news items dealing with any aspect
Writing Deadline: 31 December 2007
of the history of British Columbia, and British
The British Columbia Historical Federation invites book
submissions for their annual Competition for Writers of
Please submit manuscripts for publication to
BC History. Books representing any facet of BC history,
the Editor, British Columbia History,
published in 2006 will be considered by the judges who
John Atkin,
are looking for quality presentations and fresh material.
921 Princess Avenue,
Community histories, biographies, records of a project
Vancouver BC V6A 3E8
or organization as well as personal reflections, etc. are
eligible for consideration.
Reprints or revisions of books are not eligible.
Book reviews for British Columbia History,
Frances Gundry, Book Review Editor,
Lieutenant-Governor’s Medal
BC Historical News,
The Lieutenant-Governor’s Medal for Historical Writing
P.O. Box 5254, Station B.,
will be awarded to an individual writer whose book con-
Victoria, BC V8R 6N4
tributes significantly to the history of British Columbia.
Additional prizes may be awarded to other books at the
Subscription & subscription information:
discretion of the judges.
Alice Marwood
211 - 14981 - 101A Avenue
Surrey, B C V3R 0T1
All entries receive considerable publicity, Winners will
Phone 604-582-1548
receive a Certificate of Merit, a monetary award and
an invitation to the Awards Banquet of the Federation’s
annual conference.
Subscriptions: $18.00 per year
For addresses outside Canada add $10.00 For mailing instructions please contact:
Barb Hynek,
Chair/Judge of the BCHF Book Competition
2477 140th Street, Surrey, B.C. V4P 2C5
Books entered become property of the BC
Historical Federation.
By submitting books for this competition, authors agree that
the British Columbia Historical Federation may use their names
in press releases and Federation publications regarding the
book competition.

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