Lottery Looper Manual
Lottery Looper Manual
Lottery Looper Manual
User Manual
Lottery Looper 2.5
copyright © Timersoft. All rights reserved.
Lottery Looper is a powerful tool which empowers you to create intelligent numbers to play for your
lottery. Using interactive analysis capabilities through an intuitive easy to use interface, you’ll quickly
understand why Lottery Looper is vital when it comes to playing the lottery intelligently.
Lottery Looper’s simple interface was designed with the user in mind. Taking but a few minutes to become familiar
with it provide the user with everything one needs to capture positive numbers for your lottery. Further yet, it allows
one to check the recorded numbers against the next draws results. Countless features with many others planned for
future updates, and Yes! They are all free! It was designed from the ground up with one focus, to make selecting the
most efficient and effective numbers possible.
Lottery Looper brings a whole new level of interaction with your lotteries winning numbers. It creates numbers for
future draws by applying interactive software analysis based on range technology snapshots utilizing the locator. It
offers a simple, convenient, and fast way to build professional intelligent numbers in just a few minutes - No
programming knowledge required!
This guide is designed to introduce you to using Lottery Looper, all of its features, functions and tools. The guidelines
in this help file will take you through all the features of the application and lead you through the process of creating a
functional set of numbers.
Lottery Looper is a powerful tool with no complicated interfaces to hold you back. You’ll be creating intelligent
numbers in a matter of minutes!
Lottery Looper works by taking a series of snapshots of a running history. It records the best results taken on the
application’s data so it is able to determine through simulation these results. Each snapshot taken by Lottery Looper
constitutes a 'Best Range' it will then analyze the best range from these results.
Once a range is selected Lottery Looper will showcase everything about the past history with analytical features so
you can start to filter visually when selecting numbers to play. Using many of these new features you can take full-
control of your game. Recorded numbers are saved until the next draw and can be checked with a click of a button.
Overall Lottery Looper is an extremely flexible, easy to use tool which allows complete control of your game with
easy to understand visual aids and cues.
System Requirements
• Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7/8/10
• Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile (Pre-installed on most Windows)
• Intel P4, Intel Centrino, Intel Xeon, or Intel Core Duo (or compatible)
• 512+ MB RAM (1GB Recommended)
• 1024x768 minimum screen resolution (1280x1024 recommended)
Change how many numbers your lottery draws (this is adjustable from 1 to 9) now adjust the pool of
numbers your lottery draws from; (this is adjustable to start from 0 or 1, and end with 9 to 99).
If your lottery draws an additional supplementary number(s) you can adjust this value to 1 or 2.
Depending on the additional number(s) some lotteries require you to preselect from a separate pool in
order to play. If your lottery requires you to select a supplementary type number such as Powerball,
Mega Millions adjust this secondary pool as shown below.
To finalize the initial setup click the menu ‘File’ then ‘Enter Draws’.
This completes the one time set up. The ideal way to start would be to enter 10 past draws to get you
going. Entering past draws is covered in the next section.
The only way to take full control of your lottery is by first becoming familiar with your data. Entering
your own data is by far and large the most important and crucial first step in using any lottery software.
You should start with at least 10 draws, you may enter as many as you want, but 4 is the minimum to
enable all the features. The most efficient means to begin entering draws is to pick today’s date and
count back the amount of draws you wish to enter then start with that date. This enables the auto
calendar to take care of the date for you.
To start enter at least 10 draws to get off to a great start. Remember years and years, even months and
months of data is never a good idea as the machine and balls are changed often, what was relevant
years ago, even several months ago is no longer relevant right now and this is why starting with 10
draws is plenty.
Click ‘New Entry’ and the next date is automatically selected for you.
Once you have entered the draws you want to start with click Close.
- Check for new updated versions of Lottery Looper by clicking ‘Check for Update’ and return to
your number page by clicking ‘Favorite’.
- Clicking a date on the calendar will change the date when in ‘New Entry’ mode.
- If any number box has invalid data it will turn red.
The main display is color coded to easily select numbers visually. The legend indicates the frequency in
which each color represents. When you have your range of past draws
calculated, as here we have 41 draws calculated we find 26 and 39 have
only shown once in the last 41 draws and 8 and 15 have shown over 8
times in the last 41 draws.
- Hover your cursor over any number in the pool to display the exact number of times it has
shown in the past draws calculated.
The 4 Modes
Lottery Looper has four main modes of operation, Create Tickets, Check Tickets, Explore Draws, and
Range Locator. A typical loop when fully up and running will be to Check the tickets you made, Explore
Draws and locate where the new winning numbers showed, run the Locater to find the best Range and
then Create Tickets using analytical features and filters to aid you in selection for the next draw.
- You can switch to any mode at any time by clicking on the appropriate modes Radio Button.
When switching into Check Tickets mode the last date’s selections are automatically loaded. On the left
you’ll notice the last set of winnings numbers are highlighted.
To check other selected number sets against the winning numbers click Up
and Down.
- You can change the date to check any previous sets of numbers by using the scroll button to
change the date.
- The new draw date’s numbers are now Targeted and highlighted on the left.
The Explore Draws feature enables you to switch to any past winning draw and change the amount of
past draws calculated to provide you with information such as what was the most popular, least
popular, pairs, triples, even where the numbers where at any given point in the history of your data with
any amount of past draws calculated that you want.
To change to any previous winning draw use the Target Date scroll
button. To change how many past draws are calculated use the
calculated scroll button.
The minus sign indicates that these draws are completely removed
from the equation, the T indicates that this is the draw which is
targeted for comparison and is also removed from the equation,
and the two draws are the only sets of numbers calculated.
Let’s set the past draws to 5 and check out where the last winning numbers are located with them
included in the calculation.
Now let’s remove the last draw by targeting it, we now know where these numbers were before they
even came into play using five past draws. Doing this enables us to time travel in a sense as we are able
to use the past winning draws and then view where the targeted
numbers were before they came into play.
The Track option enables you to follow a numbers progress as draws were entered over time. To start
the tracker drag a number from the main display and drop
it on the track feature.
- As you notice explore draws is very powerful yet easy to use feature which is open to any
analysis methods you desire.
- Many more features are planned for this mode in coming updates.
The Range Locator mode removes the last know draw, then runs analysis on a set of past draws you
define using the removed draw as its primer for its final decision on how many past draws would have
been ideal for the best selection of numbers to choose from. Repeating this pattern on several past
draws can indicate patterns which exhibit an ideal range to set for your next selection of numbers to
Let’s break down the components before we get into some examples.
Draw Cap locks in how many past draws to use against the set it’s
using for its foundation of analysis. By default this auto adjusts to
about half of your past draws.
The scroll button is used to remove a past draw(s) for analysis which in doing so starts the locator. You
can remove and analyze as many past draws as you want as long as there are enough past draws to use
for the calculation. To simplify, if you have 4 draws and set the Draw Cap to 2, you can remove one draw
which leaves three, it will use the next 2 draws for analysis, remove another past draw which leaves 2
this would now be the limit on past draws to remove.
Draws Removed displays how many past draws have been removed.
The drop down box will populate with the Locators individual results for each past draw.
Hot: Displays the average of all the hot range results. The Hot result is the best range result which only
uses numbers within the Hot Numbers pool.
All: Displays the average of all the best range results which use the entire pool of numbers for analysis
Note: Although the entire pool is used it only uses numbers in play, meaning if the number has not
appeared in history it is not considered for analysis until it appears in history. This helps strengthen the
“Best” factor of this premise.
You find that the last draw has been targeted and
removed; this is now the set of numbers the locator will
use for analysis. Also note that the next 6 draws are in
the equation indicted with the plus signs.
OK click the Find button, our first result with one past draw
removed using 6 past draws is 3 for Hot and 6 for All (all the
numbers in play) with an overall average of 4.
OK remove another draw and click the Find button again. Now
we find the individual results for 2 = 3 and 3, 3 for Hot and 3 for
All. With two past draws removed using 6 past draws the hot
average is still 3 and 4 is now the All average, the overall
average is still 4.
For this example let’s repeat this pattern 5 times. The hot
average is 4, the All average is 5 and the
overall remains at 4.
Under Create Tickets you find these 3 average results are displayed
allowing you to easily select any of the 3 to auto adjust the Draws
Calculated for you to select numbers from.
To wrap up this section the decision of which range to choose is really up to the strategy you want
to play. Looking at the all the individual ranges we notice3 is fairly dominate; you can also use your
gut feeling by checking out all the results.
Not only that you can also adjust the hot number to 10, 14, 22 or all the way up to the cap of your
lotteries pool limit, however that would only give you the exact same results as the ‘All’ results. You
can also adjust the amount of past draws to 10, 15, or 40 all the way to the limit of draws you have
minus one draw of course, but then again that would only allow one past draw to be analyzed.
Basically whatever you want to use in your strategy you are able to make the adjustment. In
addition you are not required to remove draws in any order either; you can remove every other
draw or find ranges for every 5th or 7th draw if you like.
- Once a past draw is removed for analysis the main display will turn Red to show how many hot
numbers you have selected and blue to show the remainder of numbers in play.
- When locator mode is active Hot and Cap are locked, unlock by setting past draws back to zero.
- Changing Hot Numbers or Draw Cap will clear the previous results on the next run.
- One strategy is to always override the auto adjustments and always set them to same numbers
every draw as your database grows
To create a number set for play you only need to click Select, if you like the set all you need to do is click
the Keep button which will add the set to the ticket list
above the check tickets section. You’ll also notice in the
check tickets section that the Next Draw date is displayed,
this is the next draw you are creating tickets for.
Let’s do some analysis and add some indictors/filters. To the left of the Create Tickets section you’ll find
four list boxes.
Here you can quickly find What’s Hot What’s not, what & when Pairs and Triples occurred, also the last
time numbers showed. Not only that you can use these four lists to discover additional information such
as numbers which are growing more popular by using each list to show certain amount of past draws.
This is normal as pairs will need one more set to check for a
pair, if it were to bottom out it can’t check anyway, similarly
with triple as displayed here, the last two draws are needed to
check for a triple. Basically it will need an addition two, so it will
check the third draw entered using the 3rd 2nd, and 1st draw to
check for a triple. In this example we find 21 tripled out the second past draw against the draws 2, 3 and
Why do we show 12 paired 2, 3 and 4 and 12 tripled 2 and 3 is depending on how many past draws are
being calculated as this information will change, as in this example using 2 and 3 past draws:
- As you’ve noticed the four lists are an extremely powerful, yet flexible, feature and pretty much
open to whatever you can think of to use in your strategy.
- Many more filters are planned for this is future updates.
As you’ve been using the check boxes you notice that selecting a number in any box will locate the
selected number in any adjacent box, if displayed.
You’ll also find that when a number is checked it’s also added to the number filter as shown below. Here
we have added 2, 32, 12, 38, 42, 26 and 51 to the filter. You can add up to 10 numbers to the filter, any
boxes checked beyond 10 will not be added to the filter.
The number or numbers you ultimately add here are used as a filter for which numbers you are focusing
on for whatever your strategy defines.
In this example set we notice 32 and 12 have matched and the maximum matches so far have been 3.
The set itself has a total showing of 11 and the maximum a created set so far has reached is 17. The sets
total is all the times the numbers have shown in the amount of past draws calculated.
Using the legend we can instantly find visually how hot or cold each
number is, 12 is the warmest and 43 is the coldest (or due to show)
indicted as a no show in gray within this set.
- If you have kept a ticket set you do not like any more simply double click it in the list to delete it.
- Delete will not work on old sets from previous draw dates, only on the set you are creating for
the next draw.
Additional Options
If your lottery does not draw sorted then change this option before you create tickets to properly pull
Clear options:
Checks - clears all numbers checked within all 4 lists, this will not clear the filter, nor
will it clear any list you have created. Literally just clears the checks.
- Lottery Looper is as easy to use as it is flexible, yet immensely power packed to accommodate
any strategy for new players and pro’s alike.
- This is only the beginning with many features, filters and updates planned for future versions of
Lottery Looper, which are all free to anyone who registers.
- Enjoy!