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Renaissance Painting - Reflect Revival of Interest in Classical

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ARTS 9 Ex.

“Gates of Paradise” by Lorenzo Ghiberti

ARTS OF THE RENAISSANCE AND BAROQUE PERIOD - this demonstrate his knowledge of ancient
- includes paintings, sculptures, architecture, and - is the style that dominated the art of Europe and
allied arts produces in Europe between 1400 and 1600. some Spanish and Portuguese settlements in the America
- the word Renaissance literally means “rebirth” is during the 16th century till 1750.
the French translation of the Italian rinascita.
2 components of Renaissance style: 1. curvilinear and swirling lines to convey emotions of life
1. revival of the classical form originally developed from subject.
Greeks and Romans. 2. lifelike and real.
2. intensified interest in humanism and assertion of the 3. emotional drama expressed usually arranged by the use
importance of the individual. of “chiaroscuro” (the play of dark and light).

Representative artist from Renaissance Period Representative artist from the Baroque Period

1. Michelangelo 1. Caravaggio
- born in Caprese, Italy, in 1745. - Michelangelo Merisi de Caravvagio
- he is known primarily as an outstanding painter - 1573-1610. (Italian-Catholic)
and sculptor, poet and architect. - he was an orphanage.
- he was commissioned to paint from the church of
His work: 1. “Pieta, Sculpture, marble” San Luigi Francesi.
- shows Christ in his mother’s lap, - the art piece portray the life of St.Matthew caused
just after he is taken down from the cross. public outcry. (dramatic and lifelike)
2. Leonardo da Vinci
- born in 1452 in the small town of Vinci, near 2. Rubens
Florence, Italy. - Peter Raul Rubens (1577-1640) a Flemish-Catholic.
- he was a painter, sculptor, architect, engineer, and - he tried to expose beauty tempered with religious
scientist. disposition.

His works: 1. “The Last Supper” His work: 1. “Prometheus Bound” and 2. “Venus at a
- Christ is at the center of the mirror”
painting, while the disciples seated to his right and left.
2. “Mona Lisa” 3. Velasquez
- world’s most famous painting. - Diego Rodriguez de Silva y Velasquez (1599-1600),
- it’s about the origin of the Spanish-Catholic
inexplicable smile on the woman’s face. - almost all of his subjects – from man to beast –
3. Raphael breathe life, so real and inspiring.
- born 1483 – 1520. - his work: “Pope Innocent X”
- on of the most popular artist of all time and the
next master painter to inherit the frame of Leonardo da 4. Remmbrandt
Vinci. - Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (1606-1669),
His work: 1. “La Belle Jardiniere” - most of his painting effectively conveys the
- famous Madonna portrait of emotions and character of his subjects.
Italian painter Raphael. - his work: “the Night Watch”
- it is the informal pose of
Madonna. 5. Bernini
4. Donatello - Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1680).
- his real name is Donatello di Niccolo di Berto - he is a craftsman.
Bardi. - a prolific noble artist to do religious art and design.
- greatest sculptor and a master stonecutter. - his work : symbolic architectural design over the
tomb of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.
His work: 1. “The Penitent Magdalene”
- portrayed as a beautiful young
woman with lovely long hair. Name:_____________________________________
- the sculpture shows the repentant Date: ___________
Magdalene as a haggard old woman. P#:_____
Grade & Section:_______
Renaissance Painting – reflect revival of interest in classical Teacher:___________________________________
culture and a strong belief in individualism.
Ex. “Expulsion from Paradise” by Masaccio.
- pose of Eve whose arms attempts to cover her
naked body.
Renaissance Sculpture – shows strong interest in the past.

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