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Club Policies Adopted 2011 AGM

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Bonnet Bay Football Club – Policies Proposed at 2011 AGM Page 1



1. Code of Conduct ........................................................................................................ 6

2. Structure & Responsibilities .................................................................................... 7
3. Child Protection Policy ............................................................................................. 9
4. Member Welfare Policy ............................................................................................ 9
5. Club Chaplain ......................................................................................................... 10
6. Coaches & Managers .............................................................................................. 10
7. Wet Weather Policy ................................................................................................ 11
8. Field Allocation Policy ............................................................................................ 12
9. "No Pay No Play Policy". ....................................................................................... 13
10. Ground Control Policy ........................................................................................... 13
11. Club Functions Policy ............................................................................................. 13
12. Occupational Health & Safety Policy .................................................................... 14
13. Good Sports Program ............................................................................................. 17
14. Alcohol Management Policy................................................................................... 17
15. Smoke Free Policy ................................................................................................... 20
16. Safe Transport Policy ............................................................................................. 21
17. Club Trips ................................................................................................................ 21
18. Dispute Resolution Policy ....................................................................................... 22
19. Privacy Policy .......................................................................................................... 23
20. Small Sided Football ............................................................................................... 24
21. Player Development Policy..................................................................................... 24
22. Registration Policy .................................................................................................. 25
23. Grading Policy ......................................................................................................... 27
24. Social and Trial Matches ........................................................................................ 31
25. Association Rules & By-Laws ................................................................................ 31
26. Borrowing from Other Teams ............................................................................... 31
27. Training Policy ........................................................................................................ 32
28. Keys Policy ............................................................................................................... 32
29. Good Neighbour Policy........................................................................................... 33
30. Special Arrangements for Mid-Week Night Games ............................................ 34
31. Waste Management ................................................................................................ 34
32. Accident/Emergency & Evacuation Procedures .................................................. 35
33. Playing Home Games at Other Club’s Grounds .................................................. 35

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34. Gear Policy .............................................................................................................. 36
35. Club Property Policy .............................................................................................. 36
36. Club Trophy Policy ................................................................................................. 36
37. Playing Time Allocation Policy .............................................................................. 39
38. Lakewood Clubhouse Hire Policy ......................................................................... 39
39. Football NSW Policies ............................................................................................ 40

Bonnet Bay Football Club – Policies Proposed at 2011 AGM Page 3

The Club prides itself on its sense of community and club spirit which we call
“Bomberaderie” The club caters for male and female players of all ages and all skill
levels. The club’s Vision is:

“Giving each person the opportunity

to become the best player, person and/or citizen
that they can be.”

In achieving this the Club aims to:

“To promote, develop and play

the game of “Soccer” football
in accordance with the rules set down
by the Federation of International Football Associations (FIFA)’

The Club’s approach to achieving its Vision is depicted in the following Club Values

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The club values all of its members but in turn expects its members to put the best
interests of the club then their team ahead of personal wants.

These policies are reviewed at the Annual General Meeting each year and are intended to
guide the Executive Committee in its decision making. The Executive Committee may,
however use its discretion to make changes to these policies during the course of the
season in order to ensure the smooth operation of the club and to attend to situations not
envisaged by these policies.

When registering with Bonnet Bay Football Club players (and their parents where
applicable) agree to the club constitution and these policies which outline the club’s
expectations. Failure to adhere to the club constitution and these policies may lead to
suspension or cancellation of membership or may jeopardise future registration.

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1. Code of Conduct
The code of conduct establishes rules for how club members should interact with match
officials, coaches, managers, players and one another. In summary respect should be
shown to all parties at all times.

The club considers the code of conduct to be fundamental to maintaining its reputation
for fair play and will treat violations of the code very seriously.



* Play by the rules. * Remember that children * Give all children an equal * Encourage children to
compete for pleasure and chance to participate. participate, do not force
* Never argue with an that winning is only part them.
official. of the fun. Never ridicule * Provide quality supervision
or yell at a child for and instruction for all players * Focus on the child’s
* If you disagree with making a mistake or efforts rather than the result
something dramatic losing. * Remember that children of the game.
within a game or at the participate for enjoyment. Don’t
field of play, seek out * Ensure that rules, over-emphasize awards. * Encourage players to
the ground control equipment, length of participate by the rules and
officer and advise of games and training * Help coaches and officials decisions of the officials.
your complaint in a schedules suit highlight appropriate behaviours
calm and rational the maturity level of and skill * Never ridicule or yell at a
manner. Advise the players. development, and improve the child for making a mistake
committee of your own standards of coaching and or losing.
club in writing within * Be reasonable in your officiating.
48 hours of the event. demands on young * Remember that children
players’ time, energy and * Ensure everyone involved in learn best by example.
* Control your temper. enthusiasm. junior sport emphasizes fair Applaud good
Verbal abuse of play, not winning at all costs. performance.
officials or other * Teach your players to
players, deliberately always follow the rules. * Give a Code of Conduct sheet * Congratulate all
distracting or to officials, coaches, managers, participants regardless of
provoking an opponent * Whenever possible, players and parents, if possible. the outcome.
is not acceptable. group players to ensure
everyone has a * Compliment and encourage all * Respect officials’
* Work hard for reasonable chance of players. decision and teach children
yourself and/or your success. to do likewise.
team. Your team’s * For referees: be consistent,
performance will * Avoid overplaying objective and courteous when * Respect the opposition –
benefit and so will you. talented players. The making decisions. Condemn without them there is no
“just average” need and unsporting behaviour and game.
* Be a good sport. deserve equal time. promote respect for opponents.
Applaud all good plays * Show appreciation of
whether they be your * Ensure that equipment * Emphasize the spirit of the volunteers, coaches and
team or the opponent. and facilities meet the game rather than errors. administration. Without
safety standards required. them there would be no
* Treat all players as * Set the example yourself by competition.
you would like to be * Develop team respect being a good sport.
treated. Do not for the ability of * Support efforts to remove
interfere with, bully or opponents and for the * Ensure this code of conduct is verbal and physical abuse
take unfair advantage judgment of officials and on display at the club’s from sporting activities.
of another player. opposing coaches. headquarters
and is referred to. * Do not use foul language,

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* Co-operate with your * Follow the advice of a harass players, coaches,
coach, team mates and qualified person when administration or officials.
opponents. Without determining when an
them there would be no injured player is ready to * Condemn the use of
competition. recommence the game. violence in any form, be it
by spectators coaches,
* Play for the fun of it, * Keep up to date with managers, officials or
and not just to please the latest coaching players.
parents and coaches. practices and the
Remember, it is a principles of growth and
game. development of children.

2. Structure & Responsibilities

The club shall adopt a structure that ensures the smooth operation of the club. All
members of the club shall perform their functions in accordance with these policies.

The structure will seek to distribute tasks across as many volunteers as possible yet retain
good co-ordination. This is designed to ensure that no one person is required to take on
too onerous a task.

Positions Responsibilities

President Constitution
Vice President SSFA Rules
Secretary Club Policies
3 Other Members

Executive Committee Child Protection Policy

MEMBER Member Protection
WELFARE Member Welfare Policy
Information Officer
(insert policy)
Club Chaplain

Registrar Registration Policy


Club Historian

FINANCE & Treasurer Law

LEGAL Auditor Club Finances
Legal Representative No Pay No Play" Policy

Player Development Sub-Committee Player Development Policy

DEVELOPMENT Technical Director
Small Sided Games Policy
Training Policy
Grading Policy

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Grounds & Property Superviser _ Lakewood Ground Allocation Policy
GROUNDS Caretaker,
COMMITTEE Linemarking,,Equipment, Club Wet Weather Policy
Property Policy
Ground Control Policy
OH&S Policy
Grounds & Property Superviser – Prince
Edward Park Good Neighbour Policy

Linemarking,Equipment, Club Gear Policy

MATCH DAY Ground Control Roster Officer

COMMITTEE Match Day Co-ordinators
Draw Secretary

CATERING Catering Superviser Liquor License

COMMITTEE Canteen Food Safety Standards

MARKETING & Communications Manager

SPONSORSHIP Sponsors Sponsorship Packages

Uniform Co-ordinator


SOCIAL Social Co-ordinator Club Functions Policy

COMMITTEE Monthly Functions
Senior Presentation
Junior Presentation
Mid Season Function

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TROPHIES Trophies Trophy Policy

CLUB Life Members & Former Presidents Constitution & Policies



At least one member of the

DELGATES TO Executive & one other with SSFA Rules & By-Laws
SSFA alternates as necessary

3. Child Protection Policy

Bonnet Bay Football Club Inc is committed to ensuring that the health, safety and welfare
of all children and young people is maintained at all times during their participation as a
player, coach, official, volunteer or spectator of Bonnet Bay Football Club.

This club, as an affiliated member of Football NSW and Sutherland Shire Football
Association, fully supports the Child Protection Policies and guidelines of these

In short there are possible legal ramifications for anyone who deals improperly with a
person aged under 18. This applies to referees, players and coaches under the age of 18.
The club will treat any child protection issues very seriously.

The Executive Committee appoints a Member Protection Information Officer to act as

liaison to club members on any child protection issues.

4. Member Welfare Policy

The club expects all its members to respect all differences between individuals. There is
no place for discrimination of any type within the club including on the basis of sex, race,
illness, disability, popularity, mental capacity, marital status or aptitude for the game.

Parents are particularly asked to teach their children tolerance in all these respects as the
club regards this as an essential component of their development as players and people.

BBFC aims to provide a sport environment where all those involved in its activities are
treated with dignity and respect, and without harassment vilification or discrimination.

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BBFC recognises that all those involved in its activities cannot enjoy themselves,
perform to their best, or be effective or fully productive if they are being treated unfairly,
discriminated against or harassed because of their sex, marital status, pregnancy, parental
status, race, age, disability, homosexuality, sexuality, transgender, religion, political
belief and/ or industrial activity.

BBFC prohibits all forms of harassment vilification and discrimination not only because
it is against the law, but because it is extremely distressing, offensive, humiliating and/or
threatening and creates an uncomfortable and unpleasant environment. If any person feels
they are being harassed or discriminated against by another person or organisation bound
by this policy they should report this to the Member Protection Information Officer.

5. Club Chaplain
The commitment of the BBFC to our members, their families and their extended families
is a continual development process. There have been times in our history where we have
needed to offer support in some way to our membership during adverse times. To assist
in honouring this commitment the Executive Committee may appoint a suitably qualified
person to the position of BBFC Club Chaplain.

The Club Chaplain is a totally confidential, non-intrusive, non-religious role that

members can utilise at their request if needed or desired. We urge members who need
some guidance to contact the Club Chaplain.

Club Chaplaincy is a popular trend in sport today as clubs provide support to their
sporting community. Many elite teams are adopting Sports Chaplains as an important part
of their club’s culture where they provide pro-active support for their members, players
and staff. Clubs with Sports Chaplains include Sydney FC, Sydney Swans and the
Cronulla Sharks,

The BBFC Club Chaplain is a voluntary position at no cost to our sports community for
services including; injury support, home and hospital visitation, encouragement, trauma
leadership and support, grief and loss, club personnel care, spiritual support, marriage and
relationship support, and other forms of pastoral care. Help during the difficult times of
tragedy faced by individuals or the club as a whole, ie, loss of a family member, accident
or death of a team mate, difficult divorce, etc

6. Coaches & Managers

Coaches and managers are volunteers. They are appointed to their position each year by
the club. Their efforts should be respected by all players and parents. With younger teams
parents play a major role in setting a good example to their children in this regard. Under
no circumstances will the Committee condone public criticism of coaches or managers.

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Club members are at liberty to discuss issues of concern with the Player Development
Committee or the Committee very rare circumstances changes can be made mid season,
otherwise the process is that each position is opened for nominations at the conclusion of
each season.

7. Wet Weather Policy

Where teams or players contravene this policy the Executive Committee may determine
an appropriate penalty which may include suspension of players or refusal of future

Training Sessions - Weekdays:

Sutherland Shire Council controls whether or not grounds are open for training. Any
person can get up to date information by telephoning council’s Wet Weather Line 9710

Council may also post a “GROUND CLOSED” sign at the ground. This should be
observed unless there is a formal message on the Wet Weather Line to the contrary.

Under no circumstances should a team train on any ground in Sutherland Shire when
grounds are closed.

In some circumstances (eg where it rains late in the day) the club may decide to close the
ground for training. All members are asked to respect such decisions which are made in
the interests of protecting the filed from undue wear and tear.

Competition – Saturdays and Sundays:

On weekends the Sutherland Shire Association decides if grounds are playable during
inclement weather.

We will not be informed until about 7.30am of that morning. As soon as we are informed
we will post a message to the club website.

Team managers should check the website then contact their players. Of course any person
can check the website.

Please do not ring Lakewood as we will be using that phone or expecting a call from the



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8. Field Allocation Policy
The club has two home grounds. Lakewood Reserve, Bonnet Bay is the number 1 ground
and Prince Edward Park, Woronora is the number 2 ground.

Priority will be given to all games being played on the number 1 ground except that
where there is a significant representation of Woronora residents in a team efforts will be
made to play a good proportion of home games for that team at Prince Edward Park.
Where all games cannot be accommodated on the number 1 ground allocation will be
made according to the table below with teams highest on the table having priority for
matches to be allocated to the number 1 ground. This is subject to other provisions
contained in this policy.

Fields will be allocated in accordance with the following table. Note that lower ranked
teams may be rotated at the discretion of the committee so they play some games on the
number 1 ground.

Saturday Teams Sunday Teams

21A AL1 to AL5

21B WSA to WSB
18A 35A to C
18B W21A
16A W18A
21C and over AL6 and over
18C and over 35D and over
16B and over WSC and over
15 to 12 (according to age then grade) W21B and over
W15 to W12 (according to age then grade) W18B and over
11 to 6 (according to age and grade) W16
45A and over
W30A and over

This formula provides all players with the opportunity to aspire to play on the number
one ground as they move through the age groups and grades.

The club will use its best endeavours to arrange night games so more teams may be
allocated matches at the number 1 ground.

Notwithstanding the above the committee may vary the manner of allocating the grounds
where that is in the best interests of the club. One such situation may be where the
committee feels it is in the interests of the club that the load on the number 1 ground is

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9. "No Pay No Play Policy".
Any player who has not paid their registration fees will be unable to play until all fees are
paid in full. This includes both junior and senior players.

Part of the registration costs goes towards covering players for insurance purposes.
Therefore any player who has not paid their fees is not covered with insurance for
injuries occurring during the game.

The Executive Committee has the power to come to alternate arrangements with
individual players where special circumstances exist.

10. Ground Control Policy

The club expects that all members will contribute equally to ground control activities.

Teams are assigned to ground control on at least one occasion during the season. As far
as possible every team will be allocated a similar level of responsibility.

Team managers are asked to organise members of their teams to assist with ground
control. This is a difficult task and all club members are required to respond to requests
from their team manager promptly and enthusiastically.

Failure by teams or individuals to properly carry out their ground control duties may
jeopardise future registration with the club.

11. Club Functions Policy

The club holds various functions during the season to enable people within the club to get
to know one another better and celebrate club, team and individual achievements. The
club regards these as an important factor in developing a strong club spirit. All members
are requested to support these activities.

The Executive Committee will issue a Calendar of Events at the commencement of each
season. This will include monthly gatherings at Lakewood, at least one major function
during the season and a Junior and Senior Presentation. The Executive Committee may
subsidise some of these functions after considering the club’s financial position.

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12. Occupational Health & Safety Policy
The health and safety of all members of the club and people visiting Lakewood or Prince
Edward Park is of paramount importance to the club. All club members are required to
report any safety issue to the committee. Hazard reports are available in the Ground
Control room.

All members are required to observe all safety procedures. In particular there are
procedures in place for ground control.

Some specific safety requirements are outlined below:


No person aged under 16 years is permitted in the canteen at any time.

Jewellery Policy

Football NSW confirms to all members the following 2005 FIFA guidelines and
FFA advice concerning the wearing of jewellery whilst participating in the game
of soccer (football).

This information has been provided to Football NSW by Football Federation

Australia and is confirmed to all Branches, Associations, Clubs and NSW
Referees Association Inc. as applicable to all competitions at all levels within
Football NSW.



“A player must not use equipment or wear anything that is dangerous to himself
or another player (including any kind of jewellery).”

This includes anti-discrimination bands, leather necklaces and any other loose

The taping of jewellery is no longer allowed (including earrings and wedding


Sweatbands may be worn.

Any player not complying with these regulations will not be allowed to play.

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If in the opinion of the Referee, a medical bracelet or necklace presents no danger,
then it may be allowed on the condition that it can be taped or bandaged to the
body to provide protection. A medical bracelet can be covered by a tight wrist
guard and similarly, a medical necklace can be sufficiently padded.

It is important for a Referee to ensure that the player’s coach, manager and team-
mates are aware of the player’s condition, together with any first aider who may
comprise part of the clubs management. If a player is injured and is unable to
speak, ensure that somebody checks whether they are wearing a medical bracelet
or necklace.

Shin Pads

All players must wear shin guards when playing or training. Failure to wear shin
guards will result in team officials withdrawing the player from playing or

Food Safety Standards

The club prepares food on site. Certain safety standards must be maintained.
These are kept at the Ground Control room and any person working on the bbq
should familiarise themselves with them prior to commencing work.

Goal Post Safety

Football NSW has issued guidelines for goal post safety that need to be observed.
Serious accidents have occurred around soccer fields in the past leaving young
people with suffering serious injury and in some cases, death. The main issues
surround roo-ball posts.

All parents are required to be vigilant in making sure the posts are set up properly
and that they are properly anchored. Players should be actively discouraged from
swinging on posts as they may pull them down on themselves or others. This is
everyone’s responsibility.


As a soccer player, parent, coach, team manager, club official, referee, or spectator you can play a part in
ensuring equipment used for your soccer game is safe and suitable.

The best goalposts to use are those that are permanently fixed into the ground. Where these are not
available, moveable goalposts can be used as an alterative. But you must strictly adhere to safety rules, as

Bonnet Bay Football Club – Policies Proposed at 2011 AGM Page 15

falling goalposts can be dangerous. New safety standards are being developed for moveable soccer
goalposts. In the meantime, follow the safety steps

What is a moveable goalpost?

It’s a soccer goalpost designed to be a temporary structure which can be transported (whether in one piece
or after disassembly) both on and off a soccer field.

Provided the moveable soccer goalpost is stable with the necessary safety checks and precautions taken, a
safe soccer environment is only a goal kick away.

At the start of the soccer season

All NSW soccer clubs have copies of the Standards Australia Handbook (HB227-2203) and policies issued
by Soccer NSW and Northern NSW Soccer Federation.

The policy and handbook contain important information about the manufacture, use and storage of
moveable soccer goalposts.

You must read these documents, and undertake the following steps before every match.

If you believe your soccer goalposts may be unsafe, do not use them. Soccer NSW and Northern NSW
Soccer Federation can help you organise professional external testers.

Before every soccer game AND before all training sessions

Officials should undertake the following four steps before every match and before every training session.
Players, coaches, spectators and others should check that these steps have been carried out.

Four steps to moveable soccer goalpost safety

1. Check it
Never use goalposts that are homemade.

Check that all goalposts are in good condition and properly constructed. Refer to the Australian Standard
handbook HB227-2003.

Check there are no children around the goalpost, then shake it by using both hands and pushing from
behind the upright.

If any goalposts fall, do not use them or let anyone else use them until they have been secured.

2. Secure it
For safety reasons, moveable soccer goalposts of any size must be anchored securely into the ground. As a
general rule, it takes about 200 kilograms to properly anchor a full size portable soccer goalpost; this
equates to 10 stakes or 12 bags of sand or 10 bags of cement mix per goalpost. Consider:

• fitting a number of sleeves into the ground along the goal lines of the field
• having each upright of the moveable soccer goalpost extended by about 300mm
• fitting the upright into the sleeves to make sure they will not topple over.

Again, officials should read, and take notice of Australian Standard Handbook HB227-2003 for more
comprehensive information.

After use, always remove soccer goalposts and store them in a secure area.

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3. Test it
Before use, adults (preferably club officials) should test all moveable soccer goalposts to make sure they’re

Again, check there are no children around the goalpost, then shake it by using both hands and pushing from
behind the upright.

If you’re unsure of the safety of your moveable soccer goalposts, don’t use them or let anyone else use
them until you have them tested professionally. Soccer NSW and Northern NSW Soccer Federation can
help you organise professional external testers.

4. Respect it
Under no circumstances should people be allowed to climb, swing or play on a moveable goalpost. This
can be extremely dangerous.

If you see anyone doing this, report them to your club officials immediately.

13. Good Sports Program

The club will actively participate in the Australian Drug Foundation’s Good Sports
program with an ongoing priority to achieve Level 3 accreditation. The club will promote
the Good Sports program via its website and by signage at its facilities.

14. Alcohol Management Policy

This policy provides the basis for the responsible use of alcohol by Bonnet Bay FC
members and guests and is seen as fundamental to the aims of the club.

The club’s two home fields are at Lakewood Reserve, Bonnet Bay and Prince Edward
Park, Woronora. Both these fields are situated on public reserves where alcohol
consumption is permitted. In the case of Lakewood the club holds a liquor license which
enables it to sell alcohol between 3 pm and 7 pm on Sunday match days. The club has
chosen not to use this license at this time.

Whilst not operating under the liquor license the club recognises the importance of
embracing the Good Sports program. The club acknowledges it has a duty of care both to
its members and to meet the expectations of our community in supporting responsible use
of alcohol by members and guests at Club events.

The club is committed to supporting the principals of the Good Sports program which
aims to:

• Highlight clubs’ important role in the community

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• Reduce alcohol-related problems (eg. binge and underage drinking, violence, etc.)
Increase club viability

• Enable clubs to meet their duty of care obligations

• Eliminate drink driving incidents Provide free ongoing education and support.

To ensure the aims of the club to manage alcohol consumption responsibly by the club
are upheld, the following responsible use of alcohol principals will apply when members
and guests represent the club in any capacity including :

1. bringing alcohol to Lakewood or Prince Edward Park during a club game or event

2. attending a club or other SSFA affiliate’s function; or

3. representing the club at another club’s fields; or

4. attending a club trip.

The club does not encourage excessive or rapid consumption of alcohol

The club will ensure information about standard drink measures are displayed at the

Incident Register

An incident register shall be maintained in the ground control area at the Lakewood
clubhouse and any incident involving a club member and alcohol will be recorded there.

Intoxicated Members and Guests

• Drunk members and guests are not permitted to enter the clubhouse or playing
field area
• Drunk members and guests will be asked to leave the ground (after appropriate
safe transport options are offered).
• If members and guest do not respond to reasonable requests the police will be

Underage Drinking

By law persons aged under 18 are not be permitted to consume alcohol. All club
members are required to support this particularly coaches and managers of young adults.

Alcohol Alternatives

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The Club sells alternative products to that of alcohol through its canteen at Lakewood

• Tap water is provided free of charge (where available)

• At least four types of non-alcoholic drinks are always available
• Substantial food is available when the BBQ is open The club will avoid using
alcohol for player awards and fundraising prizes.

The Club does not provide canteen facilities at Prince Edward Park.

Policy Management

The presence of a committee member or ground control official at grounds is essential

to ensure compliance with this policy. At least two committee members are required to be
present at all club functions where alcohol is being consumed. Key responsibilities of the
duty committee members are to:

• Meet visiting police, cooperate and assist with any enquiries

• Compliance in respect of consumption of alcohol by persons under 18 years of
• Recording any incidents in the incident register
• Ensuring strict compliance with all sections of this policy in accordance with legal
requirements and the Good Sports program.

Policy Promotion

The Club will promote the alcohol management policy regularly by:

• Displaying a copy of the policy on the club website and

• Displaying a copy of the Alcohol Management Policy at the Lakewood
• displaying information posters about standard drink measures at the Lakewood
• Periodic announcements to members at functions.

The Club recognises the importance of educating club members, particularly players,
about the benefits of an alcohol management policy and will endeavour to provide
information to assist this process including links to the Good Sports website.

The Club will actively participate in the Australian Drug Foundation’s Good Sports
program with an ongoing priority to maintain Level 3 accreditation.

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15. Smoke Free Policy
The Club recognises that passive smoking is hazardous to health and those non-smoking
club members and visitors have the right to be protected from exposure to tobacco

Accordingly, the following policy shall apply to all club facilities, functions, meetings
and activities undertaken by the club and will apply to all members, officials, players and
club visitors.


All club facilities are to be completely smoke free and shall include the social rooms and
areas inclusive of canteen, meeting room, toilets, storage areas, player change rooms,
player warm up areas, ground control room, bbq area, spectator areas and within 20
metres of any of these areas.

Cigarettes will not be sold (including vending machines) at any time at or by the club.

Players, Officials & Coaches

Coaches, players, trainers, volunteers and officials will refrain from smoking and remain
smoke free while involved in an official capacity for the club, on and off the field.


All club functions including social and fund raising events and meetings are to be
completely smoke free:
• Ashtrays will be removed from all club facilities.
• Smokers must dispose of cigarette butts properly and safely before entering/ re-
entering smoke free areas at club facilities

All club functions held away from the club facilities are to be completely smoke free
and shall require an assurance from the venue management of compliance with the club
policy before a booking is confirmed by removing all ashtrays from venue where
function is to be held; enforcing a smoke free policy during the function and not selling
cigarettes (including vending machines) at any time during the function.

Wherever practicable invitations and advertising for functions, meetings and events will
be promoted as smoke free.

Policy Promotion

The club will promote the smoke free policy regularly by putting a copy of the policy on
its website and placing appropriate signage in key areas.

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The club recognises the importance of educating club members, particularly players,
of the benefits of implementing a smoke free policy and will endeavour to provide
information to assist this process.

16. Safe Transport Policy

This policy aims to provide a basis for avoiding any incidents as people travel to or from
the club and its events.

The Club understands and accepts its responsibility to the safety of our members and
friends. The following requirements will apply when people consume alcohol, either at
the club or during a club function.

• Members shall encourage fellow members and visitors to make alternate safe
transport arrangements if they are considered to exceed .05 blood alcohol
concentration (or .00 if probationary driver)

• Telephone calls will be made free of charge to arrange a taxi or other transport

• Contact telephone numbers for taxi services will be clearly displayed

• Groups are encouraged to nominate a designated driver to drive them home safely

• Where available club transport will be provided to/from events

• Taxi vouchers will be considered as part of selected raffle prizes/player awards

• Committee will consider pre-order taxis or other transport to arrive at the venue at
the conclusion of the function.

17. Club Trips

In order to reduce the risks to individuals and the club the club does not endorse or
support any end of season celebration that involves excessive drinking.

Fundraising events throughout the year that help subsidise such activities may not be
conducted at the club.

The club takes no responsibility for conducting such activities and reminds members of
its concern regarding their health and safety, as well as the potential for the activity to
bring the image of the club into disrepute.

It is against the law for anyone under 18 to drink alcohol.

Bonnet Bay Football Club – Policies Proposed at 2011 AGM Page 21

The club recommends that event organisers and members consider the following
suggestions to help reduce the risks of alcohol related harms at end of season events:

• Identify possible risks and measures to be taken to reduce those risks.

• Ensure no-one under 18 is involved in the event.
• Provide a copy of this policy to all participants.
• For trips away, encourage transport that does not require anyone to drive.
• Where driving a bus, assist to organise a trained driver or ensure at least two
people will act as designated drivers.
• Ensure drivers have an appropriate license and keep zero blood alcohol content.
• Encourage regular meals and food being eaten throughout the day.
• Consider a ‘buddy’ system, whereby delegated participants agree not to drink and
look after others.
• For ‘Mad Monday’ type events, encourage use of taxis or a bus (and driver(s)).
• Ensure suitable insurance coverage is obtained for the event

18. Dispute Resolution Policy

The club has complaint handling procedures in place to deal with an array of issues
which may arise, including child protection issues, grading issues, internal complaints
against other members, non-compliance with these policies as well as complaints from

All club committee members will enforce these policies and any non-compliance will be
handled by clearly explaining club policy to the person/people concerned, including
identification of how they might better manage a particular issue. Continued non-
compliance with a policy should be handled by at least two committee members who will
use their discretion as to the action taken, which may include asking the person/ people to
leave the club facilities or function. Serious breaches may be referred to the Executive
Committee who may suspend a member or bar a visitor and refuse future registration of a

Complaints from neighbours may be received via other club members, council, police or
direct from the neighbour. All complaints are treated as a matter of urgency.

In the first instance complaints from neighbours should be directed to either the
President, Secretary or the club’s Council Liaison Officer. The complaint will be
investigated and a response prepared. Details of all complaints are referred to the club
members involved and the full club committee is kept fully informed.

Wherever possible, disputes that arise will be dealt with by facilitating discussion
between the parties involved.

Bonnet Bay Football Club – Policies Proposed at 2011 AGM Page 22

Where matters cannot be resolved by the committee it may be referred to the Disputes
Committee comprised of prominent club members who will help to resolve issues.

The executive may also refer matters where a formal complaint is brought by one
member against another or the Committee generally to the Disputes Committee which
has the power to refer matters to a more appropriate forum (eg in the case of Child
Protection) or make recommend actions where appropriate including cancelling or
suspending membership of the club.

The club takes whatever corrective actions are required to minimise the risk of future
complaints of a similar nature.

19. Privacy Policy

The club obtains information about each player at registration including:

• Name
• Address
• Home, Business & Mobile Telephone Numbers
• Email Addresses
• Date of Birth
• Sex
• Playing History
• Identification photographs
• Details of Parents or Guardians

Similar information is also maintained for committee members, coaches and managers.

The club uses this information to:

• conduct its affairs including regular communication with members.

• maintain a database of current players and historical records
• provide committee members access to all this information.
• grade players into teams
• provide coaches and managers information for their team members.
• provide information to the Sutherland Shire Football Association to conduct its affairs
including officially registering players and issuing identification cards for players
• promote itself by publishing photographs of spectators and players other matters
associated with running the affairs of the club

It is usual for each team manager to publish a team contact sheet which contains all this
information and provide a copy to each team member. The club also issues broadcast
emails to keep people up to date. Under the club’s processes email addresses are
distributed widely throughout the club network and in the ordinary course of events will

Bonnet Bay Football Club – Policies Proposed at 2011 AGM Page 23

become available to unrelated parties as could the content of such emails. The use of
email is important to the club as it saves considerable administrative time.

Apart from the above the club will not provide your information to any other party
without your express permission. If there is any information you do not wish the club to
use please advise the Registrar. Please note certain information is essential in order to

20. Small Sided Football

Small Sided Football is simply an introduction to the sport of soccer football. Parents are
encouraged not to place too much importance on things like winning or losing or the
score. These things are of no relevance at earlier ages as these are not official
competitions. Even when competition tables are introduced the priority should be given
to development of every player entire skill set rather than results.

The important thing is the kids learn to enjoy their sport and learn values such as
sportsmanship, supporting their team mates, respecting their coach etc. Players must first
enjoy and respect the game to reach their potential.

The U6 and U7 age groups will be graded, such that all players play with at least one

From the U8s and upwards, any age group which has sufficient players to form more than
one team, will be graded with team members being selected by a grading committee in
accordance with our registration & grading procedures.

It is important that parents understand that grading is an essential part of running a club
properly. They must prepare their children and themselves for the eventuality that they
may not be selected in their preferred team.

21. Player Development Policy

Players will vary in their skills level, learning ability, attitude, fitness and overall
aptitude for the sport. These variances need to be understood and every player given the
opportunity to get the best out of themselves. That is the achievement.

The club is committed to catering for players who are interested in improving irrespective
of their overall aptitude. An important part of this is to have transparent and fair grading
processes in place. These are covered by the Grading Policy.

The club provides the following development opportunities for its players:

Bonnet Bay Football Club – Policies Proposed at 2011 AGM Page 24

• The opportunity to develop life skills by being part of a club
• The opportunity to develop life skills by being part of a team working towards
common goals
• The opportunity to develop playing skills to their full potential
• The opportunity for all players to play in a grade suitable to their ability
• The opportunity for developing skills to adapt to getting involved in new groups
• The opportunity for strong players to follow pathways to representative soccer

The club has an ongoing program to develop the capabilities its coaches. Coaches who do
not demonstrate continual improvement will jeopardise future appointments.

The club has an ongoing small sided football development program designed to create a
love of the game in these players and get them to try things without being scared of
making mistakes. These programs are also designed to provide an opportunity for the
parents of these players to gain an understanding of the club’s approach and to get to
know other members of the club as their children may later be graded into different

The Player Development Committee may engages external footballing professionals to

supplement the efforts of our volunteer coaches & managers where required. These
resources are made available to all players and teams on an equal basis except that some
teams may be allocated greater resources as they approach the semi final stage of the

The club encourages its senior players to become involved in the development of juniors.

22. Registration Policy

Each season the club needs to make decisions about the teams it intends to register and
the players it will register in those teams.

The acceptance of teams each season will be based on the following criteria:

• The optimum number of players in each team as per the table below
• The availability of coaches and managers for teams
• The availability of sufficient players to form a team without chasing players
• The ability of the team to properly manage itself
• The years of service of players comprising the team
• The commitment of returning teams to their ground control and financial obligations
the previous season
• The general contribution of returning teams to the club culture and spirit the previous
• The strategic value of the club having a particular team eg to fill a gap in an age group
or to have a senior A grade team (say 18s, 21s, open mens, open womens).

Bonnet Bay Football Club – Policies Proposed at 2011 AGM Page 25

• The availability of sufficient playing space to accommodate all teams playing home
matches on one of the club’s fields

Sufficient players will be registered to fill the optimum playing roster for each team to be
registered. The optimum for each team will be set down by the club but may vary for
each team based on consultation with the appointed coach and manager of each team.

As a guideline the optimum number of teams for each division and players within each
team shall be as follows:

Division Optimum No. of


Small Sided Football No. of players that can

take the field at any
6s, 7s, 8s, 9s, 10s & 11s one time plus 2

Full Field Games

12s, 13s, 14s, 15s, 16s 12-14

18s, 21s 16

AL, 35s 16

W12s, W13s, W14s, W16s, W18s 13-15

W30s 16

WAL 16

Priority of the acceptance of the registration of players each year will be:

1. players who played the previous season and fulfilled all their commitments to the
club. Players returning directly to the club from representative commitments will
be included in this group. These players will be accepted in order of years of
service with the club, then ability from strongest to weakest.
2. new players who have made a longstanding commitment as a coach, manager or
official or with family members already playing for the club where these families
have fulfilled all their commitments to the club.

Bonnet Bay Football Club – Policies Proposed at 2011 AGM Page 26

3. players who have previously played for and fulfilled all their commitments to the
club and wish to return. These players will be accepted in order of years of service
with the club, then ability from strongest to weakest.
4. new roo ball players from the club’s catchment (ie Bonnet Bay and the adjoining
suburbs of Woronora, Sutherland, Como and Jannali).
5. new players from the club’s catchment (ie Bonnet Bay and the adjoining suburbs
of Woronora, Sutherland, Como and Jannali). These players will be accepted on
the basis of ability from strongest to weakest.
6. new players from outside the club’s catchment. These players will be accepted on
the basis of ability from strongest to weakest.

The exception to the above rules shall be for 21As, All Age 1 to 3 and WSA.

These are the top grades within the local competitions and the club feels it is desirable to
have teams in these grades so that young players have higher grades to aspire to. The
criteria will be as follows:

1. at least 60 years of previous service to the club between all players .

2. at least 5 players with 5 years service or more
3. all players graded on ability from strongest to weakest.
4. players must have fulfilled all their commitments to the club.

All players who register must agree to be bound by the club’s constitution and its
policies. Failure to adhere to these may result in suspension or cancellation of
membership or jeopardise future registration.

Players will waive their rights under the criteria above if they do not register by deadlines
established by the Executive Committee.

23. Grading Policy

An integral part of the grading is the information available about the player from his or
her coach in the previous year. The Player Development Committee will ask each coach
to complete a mid season and an end of season evaluation assessing player attributes and
playing ability.

These evaluations should be completed & returned within 2 weeks of presentation to

Coaches, to give the most up to date information. If an evaluation is not returned within 2
weeks the Player Development Committee may complete it’s own report

The reports remain CONFIDENTIAL to the Player Development Committee and the
Committee in the case of appeals. They are used to provide such things as statistical
information of player development, as well as preliminary grading and support the actual
placement of players into teams. We advise refraining from discussing the reports content

Bonnet Bay Football Club – Policies Proposed at 2011 AGM Page 27

as this may cause disharmony and misunderstanding. Players of all ability exist within
every team, and an honest appraisal of their talent is not unkind or demeaning.

The grading process gives all players the opportunity to demonstrate their talents to a
variety of unbiased selectors thus giving all talented players (irrespective of the team they
played with in the previous season) a chance to play in the highest division in the new
season. The Club holds this as important in providing equal opportunity to all players.

Young players can change dramatically during a 12 month period. A player who is
graded into an “A” team in one season must try out again in the following years to win a
position in the “A” team. This is the best format to maintain the equality of opportunity.

Care must be taken to cater for those who have average ability (or less) but still love the
game. It adds to their enjoyment if they are playing with and against players of similar or
equal ability. Grading must help these players as well.

The Committee has the care of members/players at heart and it is the Club generally,
rather than individuals, which enters teams into various competitions.

Where necessary the club grades all teams. Parents need to clearly understand that this is
a difficult job and there are bound to be decisions made that people do not agree with.
The club believes it is an important part of each player’s development to deal with
disappointment as well as enjoy success. People will face many disappointments during
their life and the club feels parents should take responsibility for helping their children in
this regard.

Grading will be conducted as follows:

1. All players registered for a division will be gathered into one group.
2. The number of teams to be graded will be determined by dividing the number
of players by the optimum number of players per team
3. Excess players will always be allocated to the lowest graded team as this
facilitates borrowing of players between teams
4. An Independent Grading Committee will be appointed by the Player
Development Committee for each division to be graded. Independent means
the coaches and managers of the teams in question will not be on the Grading
Committee. The Grading Committee is encouraged however to consult with
the coaches and managers, particularly where they have been involved with
some players in previous seasons
5. Players will be graded based on the following criteria with each criteria
carrying equal weighting:
a. Having fulfilled their commitments to the club in previous seasons
b. Their ability to contribute effectively to the spirit of the team (note this
may rule out some quite skilful players)

Bonnet Bay Football Club – Policies Proposed at 2011 AGM Page 28

c. Their aptitude for the game as supported by data collected by the club
which may include player evaluations, previous experience whether with
the club or another club
d. Their general fitness level and athleticism
e. Their attitude to training, club and team officials
f. Their ability to improve

6. As the number of teams is driven by the number of registrations, there may be

occasions where the numbers make it difficult to allocate the optimum number
of players as per the Registration Policy to each team. In such instances
players may be asked to play in different teams or age groups to ensure that
every one gets a game. In every case the committee will strive to ensure every
one gets a game with declining a registration considered only as a last resort.

The Player Development Committee has the responsibility of grading teams, where they
deem it is in the best interests of the Club and Players to do so.

At the start of a New Season the Player Development Committee will appoint Graders to
assist in carrying out the Grading Process.

To assist in the orderly and fair grading of players the Player Development Committee
may appoint an age co-ordinator to act as a liaison between the Player Development
Commitee and the age group. It is usual that the coach of the highest graded team within
the age group is firstly offered the position of co-ordinator. The role is to advise and
direct with the grading process drawing on their past experience with the players. The age
co-ordinators will not have any ruling power over the Grading Committee, but rather act
as a support role.

For the purpose of grading, age co-ordinators will be asked to attend some grading
meetings and as a minimum their relevant grading days or trials.
Grading will be carried out prior to commencement of each season on days determined
by the Grading Committee, which will be subject to field availability.
The Grading Committee will determine the time allocated to age groups dependant on the
number of players registered and participating in that age group.

The Grading Committee will choose which of the following two methods to use in
grading players:

Method 1: Trial Days

Under this method all players will be invited to trial for the top team only. After this team
is selected players will be advised of arrangements for other team(s) in the age group.

Method 2: Grading Days

Bonnet Bay Football Club – Policies Proposed at 2011 AGM Page 29

All players must attend grading. Players unable to attend may be allocated to a team
having regard to player numbers.

Guidelines for Trials and Grading

The Grading Committee will determine the time allocated to age groups dependant on the
number of players registered and participating in that age group.

All players must attend grading. Players unable to attend may be allocated to a team
having regard to player numbers. Players unable to attend grading but wanting to try out
for higher division sides must make application in writing to the Player Development
Committee. The Player Development Committee decisions will be final.

The Player Development Committee will ensure that sufficient graders are present to
enable proper consideration of all players.

Grading will be carried by the running of trial Games, and/or Basic Skill exercises; as
well as using the relevant Player Development Assessments, along with the Grading
sheets, with decisions made on a majority of graders’ votes basis.

Players are sorted into teams, and the team then recommended into a grade to the SSFA.
In a situation where players wish to play with friends or not in a division one team their
choice should be respected. The Club should endeavour, where practical and possible, to
cater to these players’ needs albeit without ever moving a weaker player into a higher
graded team at the expense of a stronger player. The Club should endeavour to cater for
all players irrespective of their ability and should promote football as a means for all
players to have fun both on and off the field.


Any appeal to the Player Development Committee’s decision must be submitted in

writing and addressed to the Chairman.

Any submission must include a parent or guardian name, contact phone number, child’s
name and age group as well as the circumstance or nature of the appeal.

Any appeal lodged will be reviewed by the Player Development Committee who will
submit a report to the Executive Committee who will make a final decision.

Any verbal approach will not be considered.

Bonnet Bay Football Club – Policies Proposed at 2011 AGM Page 30

24. Social and Trial Matches
Teams may only play social matches or trials with the permission of the committee. This
will only be granted after receipt of permission from the association.

Where such permission is not in place players do not have insurance cover for injuries.

25. Association Rules & By-Laws

The association establishes Rules and By-Laws which govern how competitions and
matches are conducted. Each team manager is issued with a copy of the Rule Book each

All players, parents, supporters and officials are bound by these rules and they must be
adhered to otherwise penalties can be imposed on the club, the offending team and the
player(s) involved.

If a member of the club feels a rule requires revision they should forward their suggested
revision to the club secretary who will add it to the business of a club meeting. If the club
agrees with the proposed revision they will submit it to the association for consideration
by the delegates representing the various clubs.

26. Borrowing from Other Teams

All team managers and coaches are required to work together (within the rules) to:

• enable all teams to field the strongest possible team every week subject to that not
adversely affecting the performance of teams they may borrow players from.
• actively encourage players in their team to assist other teams whenever required.
• ensure every team in the club has the best opportunity, on balance, to qualify for

The association establishes rules for the borrowing of players between teams. These must
be adhered to otherwise penalties can be imposed on the club, the offending team and the
player(s) involved. These are set out in the association rule book which can be
downloaded from their website. The club secretary can assist if you are uncertain of an

A player registered in a team may only play for another team with the permission of
his/her coach or manager. If the player is under 16 years of age they must also have the
permission of a parent.

Bonnet Bay Football Club – Policies Proposed at 2011 AGM Page 31

Due to teams losing players during the season due to injury or other reasons the
committee may transfer players to higher grades during the course of the season. Such
decisions will take account of the needs of all teams but it is easier to bring players up
through grades when needed rather than downwards.

27. Training Policy

The committee will allocate teams to specific areas at specific times. All teams are
expected to respect these decisions and the rights of other teams.

Teams of similar type (eg age, sex and/or capability) will train at the same time and
venue to encourage those players to work together from a development perspective.

28. Keys Policy

Security of the clubhouse and storage areas is important to the club as they contain
valuable equipment, stock and records.

Members of the club need to access certain areas in order to carry out their functions eg
stocking the canteen or bar, carrying out ground control duties etc.

The club will have 3 sets of keys available for people to carry out these functions. These
sets of keys will be held by the President, the Catering Superviser and one other person
who the committee determines appropriate. This will normally be a person who lives in
close proximity to Lakewood and is readily available should someone wish to borrow the

It is the responsibility of all persons borrowing keys to return them as soon as they are
finished with them.

A single key providing access to the club rooms will be made available to coaches and
managers. This key is to be used to open the clubhouse on training nights. It should be
returned to the holder immediately after opening the clubhouse. The clubhouse door
should be kept open, but locked to facilitate it locking immediately on being closed by
the last person to leave each night.

When using the clubhouse Coaches or Managers must take ALL care and ALL
responsibility for the club house during such access. They are responsible for the use of
the key, the behaviour of the team and the condition of the clubhouse. The following
rules apply:

• Coaches and Managers are ALWAYS responsible for the behaviour of the team,
the condition of the Club House and locking up before they leave

Bonnet Bay Football Club – Policies Proposed at 2011 AGM Page 32

• Junior teams are expected to be under adult supervision at all times
• When the team is finished, all seats are to be returned to their correct place
• The floor is to swept, all rubbish placed in bins and the Clubhouse left in a clean
and tidy condition
• The canteen and internal store room doors are to remain locked.

In the event that the above guidelines are not adhered to, or there are reports of
unacceptable behaviour, the Coach and Manager shall be asked to show reason to the
committee why they and their team should continue to have access to the Club House .

The committee may review this policy at any time during the season.

29. Good Neighbour Policy

As members would be aware we share our environment and surrounds at our grounds at
Lakewood and Prince Edward Park with a number of neighbours.

Our Club has a "GOOD NEIGHBOUR POLICY" and will co-operate with both
Council and individual neighbours where issues have arisen in the past and it is most
important that we do not interfere with their property in any way.

It is most important that club members and guests do not interfere with neighbour’s
property in any way. Requirements include:

• If a ball goes over a neighbour's fence please do not jump the fence but ask the
ground control official to arrange retrieval by knocking on the front door of the
house concerned
• Noise levels especially, during night training sessions or night matches, should be
kept to a minimum
• Do not use offensive language.
• When driving to and from Lakewood and Prince Edward Park do so in an orderly
and quiet manner so as not to cause any undue disturbance.
• In no circumstances may a member or guest park in a manner which obstructs a
neighbour’s access to or from their property
• All members and guests are required to assist us in maintaining a good
relationship with our neighbours.
• Treat all comments, complaints or requests from neighbours respectfully and,
where appropriate, pass them on to the club committee.

Lakewood and Prince Edward Park are Council owned and controlled, and is allocated to
the Association for use by our Club for the Soccer season. We must ensure that we do not
place this allocation at risk. The club is committed to minimising the impact of
unreasonable noise on residents. Noise levels, especially during night training sessions,
should be kept to a minimum and under no circumstances will bad language be tolerated.

Bonnet Bay Football Club – Policies Proposed at 2011 AGM Page 33

On match days the club appoints club members to ground control. Part of their
responsibility is to manage spectator behaviour and support the match officials as
required to manage events on the field. They have the power to remove people from the
field and clear instructions to call police if there are any issues.

The committee and club members must make every effort to vacate the ground within a
reasonable time of games being completed. Initiatives to achieve this include holding
regular bookings at local restaurants coinciding with the end of activities and arranging
transport. Where functions are held after matches music is directed away from houses and
activity focused at the back of the clubhouse to minimise impact on neighbours. A
committee member must always be at Lakewood until lock up after matches on Saturdays
and Sundays.

Where a particular match day is likely to draw above average crowds, the committee will
request that council permit an overflow parking area to be established on the reserve itself
using the access gate within the Coolidge Crescent car park.

All people driving to an from Lakewood and Prince Edward Park are required to do so in
an orderly and quiet manner so as not to cause any undue disturbance.

Everyone is required to assist us in maintaining a good relationship with our neighbours.

30. Special Arrangements for Mid-Week Night Games

For Monday to Friday night games at Lakewood:

• lights will be automatically timed to turn off at 9 pm

• all participants and spectators will be off the premises and the gates locked by 10
• there will be NO sale of alcohol
• there will be a maximum of two (2) matches
• ground control persons will be allocated and be present at all times
• at least one (1) member of the Bonnet Bay Football Club committee will be
present at all times

31. Waste Management

During the winter season Bonnet Bay FC manages the waste generated by players and

All members and visitors have an obligation to take responsibility for disposing of their
waste appropriately. This applies at the club’s home grounds and also when visiting other
club’s fields. If waste disposal facilities are not accessible please take waste with you.
Team officials should always ensure their players leave areas clean and tidy after

Bonnet Bay Football Club – Policies Proposed at 2011 AGM Page 34

The club places bins around the playing field and the clubhouse at the start of every
weekend. These bins are put out every Sunday night for the Monday morning collection
by Sutherland Shire Council. A club member brings the bins in every Monday evening.

In conjunction with Sutherland Shire Council, Bonnet Bay FC has established a system of
separating recyclables from general rubbish and using yellow bins. Sutherland Shire
Council has established a bin bay in the area near the cricket nets where empty bins are

32. Accident/Emergency & Evacuation Procedures

The club deals with accidents on a regular basis during the season with many injuries
occurring during matches or at training, some of which require an ambulance. A key to
the access gate for emergency vehicles is kept in the ground control room and all
committee members and two residents in the immediate vicinity also have keys. The keys
used for accessing training equipment may also be used to open emergency access gates.

A telephone is maintained in the Lakewood clubhouse and mobile phones are easily
accessible to call emergency vehicles in.

The club maintains a suitably equipped first aid kit in the Lakewood clubhouse. Ice to
treat injuries is readily accessible.

A megaphone with a siren is kept in the Lakewood clubhouse to alert patrons and players
should an emergency occur.

All rooms in the clubhouse are interconnected ensuring there are multiple exit points
available in the event of the need to evacuate.

The vast majority of patrons and players are outside the Lakewood clubhouse building at
any one time. Evacuation for these people is towards the surrounding streets. Assembly
points are located at the Coolidge Crescent entrance to Lakewood and the Woronora RSL
car park.

33. Playing Home Games at Other Club’s Grounds

Where a team is drawn to play a home game at another club’s home ground our team is
expected to respect the fact that the other club is assisting us. Our team should approach
ground control and offer to assist as much as is practicable with the co-ordination of
activities whilst our club is using their facilities.

As a minimum we should:

• assume ground control responsibility for the ground our match is being played on.

Bonnet Bay Football Club – Policies Proposed at 2011 AGM Page 35

• provide a referee if one has not been officially appointed.
• Ensure our team cleans up after itself
• Assist with any set up or pack up duties as required
• Make a point of thanking the officials from the club who have hosted our home

34. Gear Policy

The club provides teams with gear to use at training and on match days. This gear is the
property of the club and all members are required to take good care of it.

Players must always retrieve balls they have kicked away.

Players must assist the coach and manager to take good care of all gear.

35. Club Property Policy

The club has invested funds into the development of its facilities over many years. All
members are required to protect the club’s property.

All damage to club property should be reported to a member of the committee.

36. Club Trophy Policy

Small Sided Games
• each player receives a small momento

12s to 16s
• each player receives a small momento
• an award is given to the best and fairest player

18s upwards
• a President’s Medal is awarded to one player from each team who has
made a significant contribution to the team. The criteria for each team is
determined by the Club President in consultation with the coach and
manager of each team.

Loyalty Awards
• 5 years continuous service – a medal + as determined by committee
• 10 years continuous service – a medal + as determined by committee
• 15 years continuous service – a medal + as determined by committee

Bonnet Bay Football Club – Policies Proposed at 2011 AGM Page 36

• 20 years continuous service – determined by committee on a case by case
• 25 years continuous service – determined by committee on a case by case

Note: The committee may grant a leave of absence where a player does not participate
during a season for reasons such as travel, injury or not playing football. If a leave of
absence is granted then continuity is not affected. A leave of absence cannot be granted in
any circumstances where the player leaves to play soccer football with another local club
unless Bonnet Bay Football Club was not in a position to offer the player a position.
Years Service Playing Representative Soccer is counted as years service with the club
where the player does not play for another local club in the intervening period.

(Explanatory note: all years of service up to and including 2009 shall be considered as

Club Awards

Paul Ferguson Memorial Award (best competition team):

Paul Ferguson was a well respected member of the Bonnet Bay community and soccer
club, who worked tirelessly on the committee as the club’s ground and equipment
coordinator and was precise and meticulous in his duty. Paul’s memory is carried,
through this significant club award.

Awarded to the best “competition” team from the season – Criteria:

1 – highest placed team after grand finals
2 – if 1 is level then best placed team of the teams tying in minor premiership
3 – if 2 is level also then best for & against

Ron Miller Memorial Shield (achievement award):

Ron Miller was the 2nd Bonnet Bay Club President (1985, 1986), and was one of those
responsible for the early foundation and direction of the Bonnet Bay Football Club. This
trophy is a proud monument to Ron and is a highly regarded prize within the Bonnet Bay

Awarded for the most outstanding effort by a team during the season, or to an individual
recognised for a significant input to the club’s development.

McCallum Perpetual Trophy (most improved team):

Presented to the club by former club president and current association president Craig
McCallum and the McCallum family. The McCallum family have more years of service
between them than any other family in the club.

Bonnet Bay Football Club – Policies Proposed at 2011 AGM Page 37

Awarded to the team with the most improved form for Round 2 Vs Round 1.
Criteria – improvement in wins from round 1.
If wins are equal, then improvement in ‘draws’ from round 1 is taken into account.
If teams are still equal – overall goal differences are then taken into account.

Bonnet Bay Football Club Encouragement Award:

Club committee generated award raised to applaud ‘Bonnet Bay Spirit’.

Awarded to a team that has stuck to their task and displayed a strong will to improve
during the competition. Teams subject to adverse aspects such as composite team age
groups, team disruptions etc., which strive for success throughout the year are considered
strong candidates.

Gary Lawler Merit Award:

Gary Lawler was a ‘favourite son’ within the Bonnet Bay community and soccer club,
and held the position of Secretary during the years 1994/ 95 and 1998. Gary also served
on the SSJSFA committee for 10 years and was awarded life membership of the
association in 2005. He was instrumental in taking the club’s first group of juniors into
all age in 1991(the sweathogs). Gary’s irreverent approach helped him win the hearts of
players at that critical stage where they move from the junior to senior ranks. He made a
very significant contribution to the development of Bonnet Bay’s senior teams.

Awarded to a player from the U21 team who has displayed character, commitment and
creativity throughout the year which has contributed positively to the team’s overall

Womens Football Award

(Significant women’s team award):

Presented to the club by former club president Glenn Elms who played a major role in
ensuring equity between male and female players of all ages and skill levels.

Awarded to the women’s team, either junior or senior, that has displayed a most
significant performance for the season when all circumstances surrounding the team

Coach of the Year

Awarded to the coach who achieves the best overall result during the season in terms of
club development. In considering nominees the Executive Committee should take into

Bonnet Bay Football Club – Policies Proposed at 2011 AGM Page 38

account results and also longer term benefits to club development. Results also include
improvement in a team from one season to the next rather than their standing on the
competition table.

Clubperson of the Year:

Awarded by the club whenever the need arises – is presented to an individual responsible
for a significant display of club loyalty and/or dedication throughout the season which
contributes significantly to enhancing and developing club culture.

Life Membership:

Any member may nominate another member for life membership. Such a nomination
must be properly seconded. Life membership is determined solely by the Annual General

For a nomination for life membership to be referred to the Annual General meeting it
must first receive a 75% endorsement at a meeting of the General Committee. Life
membership should not be conferred lightly. The Executive Committee should only
consider nominees who have provided outstanding and distinguished service to the club
and soccer over a long period of time (usually over 10 years).

Life membership might also be conferred for twenty five years of playing soccer for
Bonnet Bay Football Club. This is not automatic and will only be considered where the
player has proven to have fulfilled all off field commitments to the club and become a
role model for other players. Life members would receive a 50% reduction in registration

37. Playing Time Allocation Policy

For age groups Under 16s and below all players should receive approximately the same
playing time (where possible) during the competition proper. During the “semi finals,
finals and grand finals series and for State Cup or other such competitions the best
available team will take the field.

For ages above Under 16s teams should remain conscious of the need for everyone to be
provided with equal opportunity to earn field time. Field time will be allocated however
at the discretion of team officials.

38. Lakewood Clubhouse Hire Policy

Bonnet Bay Football Club – Policies Proposed at 2011 AGM Page 39

The clubhouse is only available for use for activities related to the club eg club meetings,
recreational use on match days, storage of equipment etc. Any enquiries for use other
than this should be directed to council.

39. Football NSW Policies

Club members are also bound by all rules and policies of FIFA, Football Australia,
Football NSW and Sutherland Shire Football Association, some of which are identified

Privacy Policy
Football NSW - Goal Post Safety Policy
Goal Post Safety Brochure
Office of Fair Trading - Moveable Goalpost regulation
Football NSW - Lightning Policy
Football NSW - Pregnancy Policy
Football NSW - Child Protection
Football NSW - Players Code of Conduct (Full)
Football NSW - Players Code of Conduct (Short)
Football NSW - Touring Code of Conduct (Full)
Football NSW - Touring Code of Conduct (Short)
Smoking Policy
Capital Development Grant Policy

Bonnet Bay Football Club – Policies Proposed at 2011 AGM Page 40

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