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Kajewski, Stephen (2005) Multilevel Formwork Load Distribution with Posttensioned

Slabs. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 131(2):pp. 203-210

Copyright 2005 American Society of Civil Engineers

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Multi-Level Formwork Load Distribution with Post-Tensioned Slabs

By Dr Stephen L Kajewski1

Abstract: Formwork and the associated shoring represent a significant proportion of the costs associated with the

construction of multi-level concrete structures. To minimize these costs, a limited number of formwork and shoring

sets are recycled up the structure as construction progresses, eliminating the need for a new set of formwork and

shoring with each new slab. When a slab is post-tensioned using draped tendons, slab lift occurs as a portion of the

slab self-weight is balanced. The formwork and shores supporting that slab are unloaded by an amount equivalent to

the load balanced by the post-tensioning. This produces a load distribution through the structure that is inherently

different from that of a conventionally reinforced slab. This paper presents two design methods suitable for modeling

the multi-level formwork process for post-tensioned slabs: a modification to the simplified analysis method and a

finite element model – both techniques will be of immediate use by industry practitioners and of interest to

researchers examining the load distribution phenomenon. The paper also summarizes the findings of one of only a

few research projects (Kajewski, 1997, 1998) in which actual shore loads were monitored during the construction of

a multi-level post-tensioned building, which is used to validate the proposed design models.

A/Head, School of Construction Management & Property, Queensland University of Technology, GPO Box 2434,
Brisbane, Queensland, 4001, Australia. Phone: +61 7 3864 2676, Fax: +61 7 3864 1170, email:

CEDB Key Words: concrete construction, formwork, post-tensioned concrete, post-tensioning, structural design

In multi-level building design, a fundamental principle of structural engineers designing post-tensioned slabs is

that as the slabs are post-tensioned, a certain amount of slab lift occurs as a portion of the slab self weight is

balanced. Extending this assumption, if the slab lifts, the shores supporting the slab must be unloaded by an amount

equivalent to the slab load balanced by the post-tensioning. This unloading of the shores produces a situation entirely

different from that of a conventionally reinforced slab system in which no load balancing occurs. The load

distribution that occurs between interconnected post-tensioned slabs should therefore be significantly different from

that of a conventionally reinforced slab system.

This phenomenon and the analysis thereof will be of particular interest to researchers and industry practitioners

involved in the design of post-tensioned slabs and the specification of formwork cycle stripping times as the

proposed analysis techniques potentially allow for significantly reduced cycle times, enhanced construction safety

and a reduction in construction cost through the use of a lesser number of formwork and shoring sets.


When the shoring is stripped, all suspended concrete slabs will deflect elastically under the effect of self-weight

and any applied loads. If the slab is conventionally reinforced, this deflection is irreversible. If a slab is post-

tensioned with tendons that are draped parabolically, some portion of the deflection is able to be reversed through a

process commonly referred to as load-balancing.

When a slab is cast, it is fully supported by the formwork and shoring. The slab is unable to deflect resulting in a

level slab that is not subjected to any bending stresses. If post-tensioning forces are adopted such that it produces

stresses equal but opposite to the self-weight stresses, a level (undeflected) slab results. In this situation, it can be

said that 100% of the slab self-weight has been balanced (full load balancing). It should be noted that in practice,

structural design engineers do not always design for full load balancing; a lesser or greater load may be balanced

depending on the desired effect.

As a concrete slab is poured, the formwork deflects and the shoring supporting that formwork compresses under

the load from the concrete self-weight. As the concrete does not have any strength at this stage, the shores are

required to carry the full slab self-weight as indicated in Figure 1(a). If the post-tensioning tendons are tensioned

before the undisturbed shores are removed (the usual practice), the shoring supporting the slab is unloaded by an
amount equal to the portion of the slab self weight that is balanced. If, for example, full load balancing is adopted,

the slab will theoretically lift to a level state forcing the slab to support its own self-weight thus unloading the shores

to produce the situation in Figure 1(b). If less than the full self-weight is balanced, the slab will lift partially forcing

the slab to support that portion of the load that was balanced. The unbalanced portion of the load remains in the

shores (Figure 1(c)). These assumptions have been validated in a research project investigating the effects of post-

tensioning by Kajewski (1998) – this project is outlined in the later stages of this paper.


An analysis method, commonly referred to as the “simplified method”, first proposed by Grundy and Kabaila

(1963) is probably the most widely used analysis method for determining the slab load ratios and hence shoring

procedures when multi-level formworking. The method provides a rapid, simple and relatively accurate procedure

for determining slab and shore loads when using multi-level formwork to construct conventionally reinforced

concrete slabs. In its present form, it is not suitable as an analysis method when considering multi-level post-

tensioned slabs as it does not allow for the effect of slab lift during the stressing operation. The method is not

reproduced nor explained in its entirety here – readers unfamiliar with this common technique are directed to Grundy

and Kabaila’s original publication or the numerous other papers which have followed.

Slab Load Ratios for Post-Tensioned Slabs with Undisturbed Shores or Backpropping

Undisturbed shoring assumes that the formwork and shores remain undisturbed in their original position for the

entire period during which the slab is required to be supported. Backpropping involves the stripping of small areas of

slab soffit and reinstalling the shores to support the slab. With both techniques, the slab essentially remains fully


The initial stress that a slab receives at an age of 24 hours involves stressing the post-tensioning tendons to some

percentage of the full stress load. “Initial stress” is a common term used for the initial level of stress that is placed

into the post-tensioning tendons at an early age (usually 24 hours) to limit shrinkage cracking that occurs due to the

greatly reduced levels of conventional reinforcement. This initial stress effectively unloads the shores supporting the

slab by an amount equivalent to the portion of the slab load balanced by the initial stress. Assuming the post-

tensioning has been designed to balance full slab self-weight, if the initial stress was 25% of the full stress, the shores
are unloaded by an amount equivalent to 25% of the slab self-weight. Similarly, the slab would then support 25% of

its self weight as indicated in Figure 2. “Full stress” is a common term used for the full level of stress that is placed

into the post-tensioning tendons at an appropriate age to provide the full design strength and serviceability criteria.

The unloading of the shores causes a redistribution of load upwards, increasing the load on the upper level slabs and

decreasing it on the lower level slabs. The application of full stress has a similar effect but the shores supporting the

slab being stressed are completely unloaded (assuming full load balancing).

Figure 3 indicates the slab load ratios for a multi-level post-tensioned slab structure with undisturbed shores. The

structure is assumed to consist of 3 levels of undisturbed supports with a 7 day slab construction cycle (the 7 day

construction cycle means that construction of the formwork starts on construction day 1 with the first slab being

poured on construction day 7 as indicated in Figure 7). The formwork is stripped at a slab age of 19 days with the

initial 25% stress occurring at a slab age of 1 day (with the slab poured on day 7, the initial stress occurs on

construction day 8 as indicated in Figure 3) and final 100% stress at a slab age of 4 days (construction day 11). Full

post-tensioning is designed to balance the full self-weight.

When using undisturbed shores on conventionally reinforced multi-level slabs, the shore loads are cumulative at

the foundation level shores provided a continuous load path is maintained. Figure 3 indicates that when multi-level

formworking post-tensioned slabs, the shore loads are not cumulative to a maximum at the founding level shores.

Rather, the founding level shores alternate between a maximum slab load ratio of 1.0 as each new slab is poured and

a minimum of 0.0 as that new slab receives full stress. The “slab load ratio” is the ratio of the load carried by the

shores to a standard slab self weight. A slab load ratio of 2, for example, indicates that the shores are carrying the

equivalent of 2 slab loads.

Post-tensioned slabs after the founding level shores have been removed, as indicated in Figure 3, are all subject to

a maximum slab load ratio of 1.34 as each new slab is poured. This maximum slab load ratio does not converge to a

lower value but alternates between 1.34 as each new slab is poured and 1.00 as that new slab receives full post-

tensioning (thus causing a redistribution of load upwards through the structure). Figure 3 also indicates that each slab

is subjected to a slab load ratio of 1.25 at the stage of initial stress. The actual slab load ratio is dependent on the

portion of load balanced by the initial stress. Assuming equal slab stiffness, the slab load ratios indicated at day 28 of

Figure 3 repeat up the structure without alteration.

As indicated in Figure 3, slab loadings vary from 100% of a typical slab load to 134% of a typical slab load.

Whilst this might initially appear to result in an “overload” situation, it needs to be remembered that slabs are design

for combinations of self-weight, dead load and live load. Kajewski (1998) presents an analysis of slab factors of

safety for the various stages of slab construction and indicates that for the slab construction cycle outlines in Figure

3, the factor of safety available for the slabs varies from 1.25 to 3.22.

Slab Load Ratios for Post-Tensioned Slabs with Reshores

The preceding examination was based on an assumption that a backpropping operation was adopted. Reshoring,

however, is a technique that involves stripping formwork from large areas of slab soffit before the shores are

replaced. With this technique, the slab is allowed to deflect, thus causing a redistribution of shore and slab loads.

Adopting a reshoring procedure produces a situation identical to the slab load ratios for a post-tensioned slab with

undisturbed supports. This is to be expected as the application of post-tensioning produces a situation in which the

undisturbed shores are completely unloaded prior to their removal (assuming full load balancing). There is no shore

load to be redistributed during the stripping operation and, therefore, the slab load ratios remain unaltered.


In attempts to model the actual physical properties of the slabs and shoring more accurately, a number of

researchers have modeled the structure and shoring procedure using two and three-dimensional computer models.

Liu, Chen and Bowman (1985) for example, used a three-dimensional finite element model to examine the effects of

foundation rigidity, column axial stiffness, slab aspect ratio and shore stiffness distribution. Numerous other

researchers (Aguinaga-Zapata and Bazant 1986; Liu and Chen 1987; McAdam and Behan 1988; McAdam 1989;

Mosallam and Chen 1992; El-Shahhat and Chen 1992; Stivaros and Halvorsen 1992; El-Shahhat, Rosowsky and

Chen 1993) have used various computer models to examine a range of criteria influencing multi-level formwork load

distribution. It was commonly found that the simplified analysis method was able to predict the location and

construction stage at which the maximum slab and shore loads occurred but it did not accurately determine the

magnitude of these loads.

An overall schematic representation of the structural component model adopted for this analysis is indicated in

Figure 4. The rationale behind the adoption of the particular elements is described in the following sections.
It is assumed that all slab levels in the regions being monitored are essentially symmetrical about both primary

axes. Allowing for this symmetry, only ¼ of the slab is modeled to save computation time. The edge fixity for the

slab edges along the lines of symmetry are set to allow only vertical translation with all other degrees of freedom

(translation and rotation) restrained. The continuous slab edges are restrained such that translation is allowed in the

vertical direction and fully fixed in all other degrees of freedom. Translation in the vertical direction at the column

support is restrained as described in following sections. Allowance is made in the model for the relative age and

hence stiffness of the concrete.

Columns: Under the weight of a slab, the concrete columns compress a negligible amount, particularly when

compared with the compression of the shores. The shortening of the columns is, therefore, ignored in the analysis. To

confirm this assumption, a number of trial finite element analyses were performed in which the columns were

modeled with their full sectional properties and alternately as fully restrained supports. The results from these trial

analyses indicated no discernible difference between the shore loads for the two models. Column shortening is

ignored in the finite element analysis and the columns are modeled as pinned supports rather than vertical concrete

members with finite sectional properties.

Steel Shores: The steel shores are modeled in the finite element model as three-dimensional pin-ended truss

elements with the material and sectional properties determined from manufacturers’ data.

Foundations: Infinite stiffness is assumed.

Construction Stage Modeling

It is necessary for the finite element model to determine the multi-level formwork load distribution at the stages

of pouring a new slab, stressing a slab, stripping shores or reshores, and reshoring. Each of these construction stages

was modeled individually with the slab load ratios at any stage of construction being determined through a process of


Pouring a New Slab: Figure 5 indicates the construction stage model for the pouring of a new slab. As indicated,

when a slab is first poured and in a plastic state, it has no strength or stiffness and the shores are required to support

the new slab load fully. To model this stage of construction, the actual shore properties are adopted; the new slab

stiffness (Ec) is set to zero; and all other slab stiffnesses are set at their actual time dependant values.
Stressing a Slab: Figure 6 indicates the construction stage model for the stressing of a slab. To model the

stressing operation, an upward load equivalent to the portion of slab load balanced by the stressing is applied to the

slab being stressed. If this load is applied to the slab being stressed, it would place the shores supporting that slab

into tension. This in turn would tend to lift the other slabs and shores in the interconnected system. In practice, the

shores are unable to develop tension as they are not rigidly fixed to the slab over and slab under. To model this

inability for the shore to develop tension, it would be necessary for the shores to be set as zero tension gap elements.

Setting the shores as zero tension gap elements in the analysis, however, does not result in the required redistribution

of loads in response to the stressing. As a process of superposition has been adopted, it is necessary for this stage of

construction to ‘lift’ the slab load from the supporting slabs such that reverse loads are induced in the structure.

These reverse loads, when super-imposed on the existing loads, produce the required load distribution for this

particular stage of construction. Zero-tension gap elements, being unable to develop tension, are not able to ‘lift’ the

supporting structure to generate these reverse loads. To overcome this problem, the shores are left as pin-ended truss

members but the stiffness of the slab being stressed is set to zero regardless of its actual stiffness. This produces the

same effect as if the shores were unable to develop tension but provides the required load redistribution. The stiffness

for other slabs and shores are set at their actual values.

Stripping Shores and Reshores: Figure 7 indicates the construction stage model for stripping shores or reshores.

As indicated, the load that was in the shores to be stripped immediately prior to their removal is applied to the slab

being stripped. To model this stage of construction, the actual properties for the shores and slabs at the particular age

are used.

Reshoring: As reshores are installed without any load in them, they do not alter the multi-level formwork load

distribution. It is, therefore, unnecessary to model this stage of construction.

Superposition of Construction Stage Models

The analysis of the individual construction stage models provides slab and shore loads for a particular stage of

construction as if it was the only stage. A multi-level formwork procedure is a continuous activity with the slab and

shore loads adjusting at each stage of construction as a new load-sharing equilibrium is reached. As each new slab is

added, for example, the load distribution resulting from that new load must combine with loads that already exist in
the slabs and shores from earlier construction activities. It is only by examining the cumulative effects that the actual

slab and shore loads can be ascertained.

The finite element model developed for this project is based on a process of superposition in which the load

distribution resulting from a particular construction stage is added to the loads already existing in the system. A

similar form of superposition was adopted by El-Shahhat and Chen (1992: 529-530) who used the principle of

superposition to ‘calculate accumulated displacements due to successive loading steps and removing shores and



To validate the proposed analysis methods, the shoring loads from a post-tensioned concrete building were

monitored during the construction of a multi-level concrete building as a part of research undertaken by Kajewski

(1998). The building project consisted of 14 storeys of primarily one-way post-tensioned concrete slabs and beams.

To obtain a greater volume of data and to provide a greater level of redundancy, the shore loads were monitored for

each level of the structure in two separate slab regions. The particular slab regions adopted were selected because the

reinforcement and post-tensioning in the regions were without irregularity; contained reinforcement and post-

tensioning within the normal percentage ranges; the slab aspect ratios were within the range of 0.6 to 1.0 (identified

by Liu, Chen and Bowman (1985) as having little effect on shore loads); and there were no plans to place abnormally

heavy construction loads within these regions. The slabs were typically 160mm thick with the one-way band beams

being 1500mm wide by 270mm deep with splayed sides. Shore loads were measured at approximately the same time

every day using a 250mm Huggenberger Extensiometer. The extensiometer measures extensions and compressions

of the shores between 2 points fixed to the shores after construction of the formwork but prior to pouring of the

concrete. The testing procedure and validation of the results, including a pilot study, are outlined in greater detail in

Kajewski (1998).

The post-tensioning for the full scale project was designed such that full stress balanced the full slab self-weight.

This full stress was to be applied to the slab at an age of 5 days (typically) and a concrete compressive strength of 22

MPa or better. The initial stress was to be 25% of full stress applied at a slab age of approximately 24 hours. At the

stage of initial stress, data from the project indicated that slabs was forced to carry between 23% and 25% of their
self-weight. The unbalanced portion of the slab self-weight (75% to 77%) remained in the supporting shores. At the

stage of final or full stress, the slabs lifted to carry between 92% and 100% of their self-weight.

This phenomenon was similar for all of the slabs when receiving initial or final stress, as indicated Table 1. Table

1 indicates that for the initial stress stage, the error in slab load balanced varies from 0.00 to 0.07 of a typical slab

load. The error in slab load ratio for the full stress stage varies from 0.00 to 0.09 of a typical slab load. This

represents a maximum error of 9%.

From the low error levels and the trends indicated in Table 1, it can be concluded that the effect of post-

tensioning is to force a slab to carry a portion of its self-weight in direct proportion to the slab load balanced. There

is a corresponding reduction in the supporting shore and slab loads. For example, if 25% of the slab self-weight is

balanced by the post-tensioning, it can be assumed that the slab is forced to carry 25% of its self-weight. The

remaining 75% of the slab self-weight being carried by the supporting slabs and shores. If the full slab self-weight is

balanced by the post-tensioning, the supporting shores and slabs are completely unloaded of this slab’s self-weight.

Confirmation of the Validity of the Proposed Analysis Techniques

The slab load ratios obtained from measurements on the full scale project are used to confirm the validity of the

modified simplified analysis method and the finite element model. The maximum variation in slab load ratios for the

slabs on the full scale project when compared with the values predicted by the simplified analysis method and the

finite element model are summarized in Table 2. The table provides the maximum variation in slab load ratios at the

centre of the slab and the average across the slab for each of the two slab regions monitored. A variation of 0.10, for

example, indicates that the actual slab load ratio and the predicted slab load ratio vary by 0.10 or 10% of a typical

slab load. (Word limit restrictions prevent the full presentation of the analysis results – these results are provided in

full in Kajewski (1998).

Table 2 demonstrates that there is little difference in the slab load ratios predicted by the simplified analysis

method and the finite element model. Table 2 indicates that the maximum difference in predicted values using either

analysis method is only 0.03 or 3% of a typical slab load. Of special note is that the finite element model does not

appear to provide any greater degree of accuracy when predicting the slab load ratios.

Table 2 indicates that the finite element model is only slightly more accurate when examining the centre shore or

slab value and slightly less accurate when predicting the average values. From this particular project, it is not
possible to ascertain if this minor variation between the predicted values would become more pronounced and the

finite element model provide greater accuracy in all circumstances. For example, the structural sections on the

typical slabs in this project varied gradually from 160 mm thick slabs to 1500 x 270 mm band beams with 900 mm

splays. It seems reasonable that the effect of more pronounced section changes may make the simplified analysis

method less accurate and the finite element model more accurate.

The maximum variation in slab load ratios is 12% and 15% of a typical slab load for the simplified analysis

method and finite element method respectively. Many of the variations in slab load ratios were less than 5% of a

typical slab load. The magnitude of the variations indicates that both methods predict the slab load ratios with a

reasonable degree of accuracy, therefore, either method could be used with confidence. The small variations arise

from a number of possible sources including, but not necessarily limited to the effects of creep and shrinkage of the

slabs; the effects of creep and shrinkage of the columns; the presence of unaccounted construction loads;

unaccounted losses in the stressing operation; under or over-stressing; and variations in the concrete density (slab

dead load). The variability of these occurrences arising from slightly different structural systems and structural

influences might also account for the differences in variations between grids 7-8 and grids 9-10 (indicated in Table

2). Slab grids 7-8, for example, are influenced by the close proximity of a reinforced concrete lift-core whilst slab

grids 9-10 are not.

In situations such as where the structural slab section varies significantly, it may be necessary to adopt a finite

element method to improve the accuracy of the solution. In other systems such as flat slabs, flat plates, or slabs with

shallow band beams, the simplified analysis method provides the simplest method for determining the load

distribution that occurs when multi-level formworking. The extra analysis time and complexity arising when using

the finite element method appear unjustified on the basis of an insignificant improvement in the accuracy when

predicting slab load ratios. Certainly if creep and shrinkage were to be analyzed, the finite element method would be

necessary. Many researchers, however, conclude that ignoring the effects of creep provides a conservative result.

Creep really only needs to be considered when examining the long term deflections arising from the early loading of

the slabs.

CONCLUSIONS and Recommendations for Further Research

The results obtained from the project allow the following conclusions to be drawn with regard to the effect of

post-tensioning on multi-level formwork load distribution:

a) The assumption of slab lift, leading to a corresponding reduction in shore loads is valid. The proportion of the

slab lifted from the shores is directly related to the portion of the slab load balanced by the stressing. That is, if full

dead load is balanced, the shores supporting the slab are completely unloaded of that slab self-weight. If only 25% of

the load is balanced, such as at the stage of initial stress, 25% of the slab self-weight will be carried by the slab. The

balance of the slab self-weight (75%) remains in the supporting shores.

b) The shores produce a non-uniform load due to the effects of infinite column stiffness, slab edge fixity (or

continuity) and changes in slab section profiles.

c) The process of load distribution that occurs in a post-tensioned structure prior to stressing is similar to the

load distribution for a conventionally reinforced structure. That is, the loads due to the pouring of a new slab are

distributed downwards through the interconnected slabs in direct proportion to their relative stiffness. As shores are

removed, the loads are distributed upwards through the interconnected slabs in direct proportion to their relative

stiffness. The effect of stressing is to cause an unloading of the shores and a redistribution of the loads among the

slabs. This redistribution is also in direct proportion to the slab’s relative stiffness, with the exception of the slab

being stressed, which supports only that portion of the load balanced.

d) Both the proposed simplified analysis method and the finite element model can be used to predict the slab

load ratios.

e) Both analysis methods provide approximately the same degree of accuracy when analyzing flat slabs, flat

plates and slabs with minimal changes in the section properties. The finite element method provides greater accuracy

when the slab sections change significantly.

f) The simplified analysis method is recommended for use when analyzing flat plate, flat slabs and slabs with

minimal changes in the section properties, due to its ease of use.

Much of the research associated with multi-level formwork load distribution for conventionally reinforced slabs

has been into the area of time dependant effects from concrete creep and shrinkage. Although this research

confirms that the immediate effects of such influences are minimal for conventionally reinforced slabs, research

into these effects on post-tensioned slabs is recommended.

It is also recommended that further research be undertaken into the effects of non-typical situations including

shock or impact loading from construction activities; sudden de-stressing of slab sections from anchor or tendon

failure; non-uniform load balancing arising from significantly different stress levels being put into adjacent

tendons; and non-typical slab sections.


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Table 1 Shore Loads & Errors in Load Balancing

Slab Slab Initial Stress Full Stress

Level Location (25% of Full) (100%)
Actual Error Actual Error
Slab Slab
Load Load
Ratio Ratio
Mezzanine level Grid 7-8 0.23 0.02 0.92 0.08
Grid 9-10 0.23 0.02 0.94 0.06
Boulevard level Grid 7-8 0.21 0.04 0.97 0.03
Grid 9-10 0.20 0.05 0.95 0.05
Level 1 Grid 7-8 0.22 0.05 0.98 0.02
Grid 9-10 0.23 0.02 0.95 0.05
Level 2 Grid 7-8 0.22 0.03 0.95 0.05
Grid 9-10 0.22 0.03 0.96 0.04
Level 3 Grid 7-8 0.18 0.07 --- ---
Grid 9-10 0.25 0.00 0.95 0.05
Level 4 Grid 7-8 --- --- 0.91 0.09
Grid 9-10 --- --- 0.95 0.05
Level 5 Grid 7-8 0.22 0.03 0.91 0.09
Grid 9-10 0.19 0.06 0.93 0.07
Level 6 Grid 7-8 --- --- 0.95 0.05
Grid 9-10 --- --- 0.92 0.08
Level 7 Grid 7-8 --- --- 0.93 0.07
Grid 9-10 --- --- 0.95 0.05
Level 8 Grid 7-8 0.26 0.01 0.93 0.07
Grid 9-10 0.22 0.03 0.91 0.09
Level 9 Grid 7-8 0.27 0.02 1.00 0.00
Grid 9-10 0.23 0.02 0.94 0.06
Level 10 Grid 7-8 0.25 0.00 1.00 0.00
Grid 9-10 0.23 0.02 0.92 0.08
Level 11 Grid 7-8 0.23 0.02 0.94 0.06
Grid 9-10 0.26 0.01 0.96 0.04
Table 2 Slab Load Ratio Variation for the Proposed Analysis Techniques

Location Maximum Variation between Actual and

Predicted Slab Load Ratios
Simplified Analysis Finite Element Method
Centre: Grid 7 to 8 0.10 0.10
Average: Grid 7 to 8 0.12 0.15
Centre: Grid 9 to 10 0.09 0.07
Average: Grid 9 to 10 0.10 0.11
Formwork and shoring deflects under the
slab self-weight thereby, loading the shores.

Slab load ratio = 0.0 in slab

Slab load ratio = 1.0 in shores

(a) Cast Slab

Slab lifts to level allowing the slab to

support its own weight and unloading the

Slab load ratio = 1.0 in slab

Slab load ratio = 0.0 in shores

(b) Full Load Balancing

Slab partially lifts allowing the slab to

support the balanced portion of its own self-
weight with the shores carrying the
remaining unbalanced portion of slab load.

Slab load ratio = 0.8 in slab

Slab load ratio = 0.2 in shores

(c) 80% Self Weight Balanced

Figure 1 Effect of Post-Tensioning on Shore and Slab Loads

0.0 0.25 1.0 1.0
1.0 0.75 0.0 1.0

Pour 25% Stress 100% Stress Pour

Figure 2 Effect of Post-tensioning on Slab Load Ratios

0.0 0.25 1.00
1.0 0.75 0.00

Day 7 Day 8 Day 11 Undisturbed

Pour Initial Stress Full Stress shoring

0.00 0.25 1.00

1.00 0.75 0.00
1.00 1.00 1.00
1.00 0.75 0.00

Day 14 Day 15 Day 18

Pour Initial Stress Full Stress

0.00 0.25 1.00 1.00

1.00 0.75 0.00 0.00
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
1.00 0.75 0.00 0.00
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
1.00 0.75 0.00

Day 21 Day 22 Day 25 Day 26

Pour Initial Stress Full Stress Strip

0.00 0.25 1.00 1.00

1.00 0.75 0.00 0.00
1.33 1.25 1.00 1.00
0.67 0.75 0.00 0.00
1.33 1.25 1.00 1.00
0.34 0.25 0.00
1.34 1.25 1.00 1.00

Day 28 Day 29 Day 32 Day 33

Pour Initial Stress Full Stress Strip

Multi-level post-tensioned concrete slab, undisturbed shores, 7 day construction cycle

Figure 3 Slab Load ratios for Post-Tensioned Slabs with Undisturbed Shores
(3D plate element)

Steel shore
(3D pin-ended truss element)

(pin support)

(pin support)

Figure 4 Schematic Structural Component Model

1 typical slab load

New slab
Ec = 0

Es = actual value

Existing slab
Ec = actual value

Es = actual value

Figure 5 Construction Stage Model - Pouring a New Slab

Portion of typical
slab load balanced
by the stressing

Slab being stressed

Ec = 0

Es = actual value

Existing slab
Ec = actual value

Es = actual value

Existing slab
Ec = actual value

Figure 6 Construction Stage Model - Stressing a Slab

Existing slab
Ec = actual value

Es = actual value

Existing slab
Ec = actual value

Loads in shores
prior to stripping

(a) Prior to Stripping

Existing slab
Ec = actual value

Es = actual value

Existing slab
Ec = actual value

Loads from (a)

(b) Stripping Model

Figure 7 Construction Stage Model - Stripping Shores or Reshores

Figure 1 Effect of Post-Tensioning on Shore and Slab Loads

Figure 2 Effect of Post-tensioning on Slab Load Ratios

Figure 3 Slab Load ratios for Post-Tensioned Slabs with Undisturbed Shores

Figure 4 Schematic Structural Component Model

Figure 5 Construction Stage Model - Pouring a New Slab

Figure 6 Construction Stage Model - Stressing a Slab

Figure 7 Construction Stage Model - Stripping Shores or Reshores

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