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Color Psychology - Red

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Color and Psychological Functioning

Author(s): Andrew J. Elliot and Markus A. Maier

Source: Current Directions in Psychological Science, Vol. 16, No. 5 (Oct., 2007), pp. 250-254
Published by: Sage Publications, Inc. on behalf of Association for Psychological Science
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Accessed: 14-11-2019 19:25 UTC

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Color and Psychological

Andrew J. Elliot and Markus A. Maier

University of Rochester and University of Munich, Munich, Germany

ABSTRACT?Color is a ubiquitous perceptual experience, we briefly describe a second hypothesis generated from our
yet little scientific information about the influence of color model, and close with thoughts on the need for rigorous scientific
on affect, cognition, and behavior is available. Accord work on color psychology.
ingly, we have developed a general model of color and
psychological functioning, which we present in this article.
We also describe a hypothesis derived from this model re
garding the influence of red in achievement contexts. In
Most existing work on color and psychological functioning is
addition, we report a series of experiments demonstrating
applied, as opposed to theoretically based. The questions that
that a brief glimpse of red evokes avoidance motivation
drive this type of research include: What colors influence retail
and undermines intellectual performance, and that it has
behavior? What colors influence food preference? What colors
these effects without conscious awareness or intention. We
influence worker mood and productivity? What colors influence
close with thoughts on the need for rigorous scientific work
physical health and aggressive behavior? What color prefer
on color psychology.
ences are associated with different personality types? Such re
KEYWORDS?color; red; avoidance; approach; motivation search simply seeks to establish relations between color stimuli
and affect, cognition, or behavior for pragmatic purposes; it

Every visual stimulus processed by the human perceptual system

seeks neither to explain why such relations occur nor to test
basic principles regarding psychological functioning.
contains color information. Given the prevalence of color, one
Of the existing research that is theoretically based, most has
would expect color psychology to be a well-developed area.
Surprisingly, little theoretical or empirical work has been con been loosely guided by Goldstein's (1942) proposal that red and
yellow are naturally experienced as stimulating and disagree
ducted to date on the influence of color on psychological func
able, that these colors focus people on the outward environment,
tioning, and the work that has been done has been driven mostly
and that they produce forceful, expansive behavior, whereas
by practical concerns, not scientific rigor. As such, although the
green and blue are experienced as quieting and agreeable, focus
popular and applied literatures are replete with statements re
garding the content of color associations and their presumed people inward, and produce reserved, stable behavior. Subse
impact on behavior (e.g., "Green is peaceful and helps people quent researchers have tended to interpret Goldstein's proposal
in terms of wavelength and arousal: Longer-wavelength colors
relax"), the lack of theory and carefully controlled experimenta
tion makes clear conclusions about color associations and their like red are experienced as arousing, and shorter-wavelength
colors like green are experienced as calming (e.g., Stone &
implications elusive (Levy, 1984; Whitfield & Wiltshire, 1990).
Given the disparity between the ubiquity of color stimuli and
English, 1998).
Aside from Goldstein's proposal and its derivatives, most
the dearth of extant theory and research on color psychology, we
theoretical statements about color rely on general associations.
have developed a general model of color and psychological
Different colors are presumed to have different associations, and
functioning. In this article, we set a conceptual and empirical
context for our model, present the model, and describe one main viewing a color is thought to trigger psychological responses
consistent with these associations. For example, Frank and
hypothesis derived from it. Then, we overview a research pro
Gilovich (1988) posited that black is associated with evil and
gram designed to test various aspects of this hypothesis. Finally,
death and, therefore, leads to aggressive behavior. Likewise,
Soldat, Sinclair, and Mark (1997) proposed that red and blue
Address correspondence to Andrew Elliot, Department of Clinical and
Social Sciences in Psychology, University of Rochester, Rochester, are associated with happiness and sadness, respectively, and
NY, 14227; e-mail: therefore lead to cognitive processing and behavior consistent

250 Copyright ? 2007 Association for Psychological Science Volume 16?Number 5

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Andrew J. Elliot and Markus A. Maier

with those emotions. Such models tend to focus on one or two hostile or hospitable (Elliot & Covington, 2001). Fourth, the
colors/associations and typically propose general links between evaluative processes evoked by color stimuli produce motivated
colors and functioning across situations. behavior. Color stimuli that carry a positive meaning produce
Existing research on these proposals tends to be sparse and approach responses, whereas those that carry a negative
spotty, occasionally supporting some hypotheses but not others. meaning produce avoidance responses. Fifth, color typically
Although the popular and even scientific literatures commonly exerts its influence on psychological functioning in an automatic
state as fact that long-wavelength colors are arousing and short fashion; the full process from evaluation of the color stimulus to
wavelength colors are calming, the actual data simply are not activation and operation of motivated behavior typically takes
supportive. Frank and Gilovich's (1988) proposal is supported place without conscious intention or awareness. Given that the
by some data, but that proffered by Soldat et al. (1997) is not. influence of color tends to be nonconscious in nature, color ef
Furthermore, the extant research on color and psychological fects tend to persist, even when they are deleterious. Sixth, color
functioning in general is plagued by several weaknesses. First, meanings and effects are contextual. A given color has different
perhaps due to the applied nature of the work, many studies have implications for feelings, thoughts, and behaviors in different
neglected to follow basic experimental procedures such as ex contexts (e.g., achievement contexts, relational contexts).
perimenter blindness to hypothesis and condition. Second, many Our research to date has focused primarily on the color red in
of the manipulations in these studies have been uncontrolled achievement contexts. Our hypothesis is that red carries the
(e.g., presenting color on an office wall for 4 days) or have altered meaning of danger in such contexts, specifically the psycholog
participants' typical perceptual experience (e.g., presenting ical danger of failure (Elliot, Mai er, Moller, et al., 2007). One
color via overhead lights). Third, and most important, almost no source of this red-danger link is presumed to be teachers' use of
extant research has examined the effect of hue while controlling red ink to mark students' mistakes and errors. This specific as
for lightness (similar to brightness) and chroma (similar to sat sociation is likely grounded in a more general societal association
uration), despite the fact that these other color attributes can between red and danger where negative possibilities are salient,
themselves influence psychological functioning. such as stop signs and warning signals. These learned associa
tions may be bolstered by or even derived from an evolutionarily
A MODEL OF COLOR AND PSYCHOLOGICAL ingrained predisposition across species to interpret red as a signal
FUNCTIONING AND A HYPOTHESIS DERIVED FROM of danger in competitive contexts. For example, in primates, red
THE MODEL on the chest or face (due to a testosterone surge) signals the high
status, and thus danger, of an opponent; Setchell & Wickings,
We (Elliot, Maier, M?ller, Friedman, & Meinhardt, 2007) have 2005). Thus, through both specific and general associative pro
developed a general model of color and psychological func cesses that may themselves emerge from biologically based pro
tioning, the core premises of which are stated in the following. clivities, red carries the meaning of failure in achievement
First, colors can carry specific meanings. Color is not just about contexts, warning that a dangerous possibility is at hand. This
aesthetics?it also communicates specific information. Second, warning signal is posited to produce avoidance-based motivation
color meanings are grounded in two basic sources: learned that primarily has negative implications for achievement out
associations that develop from repeated pairings of colors with comes. The influence of red in achievement contexts is presumed
particular messages, concepts, or experiences; and biologically to take place outside of individuals' conscious awareness.
based proclivities to respond to particular colors in particular
ways in particular situations. Some color associations may OUR EMPIRICAL WORK ON RED IN ACHIEVEMENT
emerge from learning alone, but color theorists suspect that CONTEXTS
many such associations emerge from evolutionarily ingrained
responses to color stimuli (Motion, 1989). Research indicates We began our empirical work with four experiments designed to
that colors often serve a signal function for nonhuman animals test the effect of red on intellectual performance (Elliot, Maier,
(e.g., the redness of fruit signals readiness for eating), thereby Moller, et al., 2007, Experiments 1?4). In the first experiment,
facilitating fitness-relevant behavior (Hutchings, 1997). If, as we participants completed an anagram test that contained a red,
suspect, humans are "prepared" to respond to color stimuli in a green, or black subject number in the upper right-hand corner.
similar fashion, then at least some color associations may rep Green provided a chromatic contrast to red, its opposite in several
resent a cognitive reinforcing or shaping of biologically based color models, and green has some general associations with ap
response tendencies. Third, the mere perception of color evokes proach motivation. Black, an achromatic color, served as a neutral
evaluative processes. Color computations occur at an early level control. At the end of this and all experiments in this research
within the visual system, and evaluative processes are so fun program, participants received a careful debriefing that probed
damental that they are present, at least in rudimentary form, in their awareness of the purpose of the experiment. Results indi
all animate life (Schneirla, 1959). By "evaluative processes" we cated that participants shown red solved fewer anagrams than
mean basic mechanisms that discern whether a stimulus is those shown green or black; those shown green or black did not

Volume 16?Number 5 251

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Color Psychology

ment, after the color manipulation and before (ostensibly) taking

a test, participants selected the number of easy and moderately
difficult items they wanted on the test; selection of easy items is
a classic indicator of avoidance motivation. Results indicated
that participants shown red selected more easy items than those

shown green or gray; participants shown green or gray did not
differ. In the other experiment, after the color manipulation and
prior to (ostensibly) taking a test, participants' prefrontal cortical
activity was assessed using electroencephalography (EEG);
right (relative to left) prefrontal cortical activity indicates that
avoidance motivation has been activated in the brain. Results
indicated that participants shown red evidenced more right
prefrontal cortical activity than those shown green or gray;
participants shown green and gray did not differ.
Fig. 1. An example test cover used in our experiments. In a separate set of experiments, we examined the effect of red
on physically enacted avoidance behavior (Elliot, Maier, Binser,
Friedman, & Pekrun, 2007). In a first experiment, participants
differ. Participants were unaware of the purpose of the experi
were shown red or green on the cover of an analogies test that
ment. Additional experiments replicated this finding using
they would (ostensibly) take in an adjacent lab. Participants
different achromatic controls (white, gray), a different method
shown red, relative to those shown green, knocked fewer times on
of presenting color (on a test cover; see Figs. 1 & 2), and
the door of the adjacent lab as they anticipated taking the test. In
color stimuli equated on all color parameters except hue (this was
a second experiment, participants were shown red, green, or gray
true in all experiments reported below). In some of these
on the cover of an IQ test that they would (ostensibly) take. A
subsequent experiments, participants' motivation and perceived
sensor was placed on participants to assess their body movement
competence were assessed with self-report measures; null results
upon presentation of the test cover. Participants shown red
were obtained on these measures, indicating that participants
were unaware of the effect color had on their motivation and moved their bodies away from the test cover to a greater degree
than did those shown green or gray; those shown green or gray did
not differ (see Fig. 3). Debriefing indicated that the effect of red
Given that our initial experiments showed no effect of red on
in these experiments occurred without participants' awareness.
conscious reports of avoidance motivation, we conducted two
additional experiments to examine the effect of red on noncon
scious avoidance motivation (Elliot, Maier, Moller, et al., 2007, -2690 -i
Experiments 5-6). Both of these experiments manipulated color
using the test-cover procedure described above. In one experi

Red Green Gray

Fig. 2. The effect of color on IQ test performance in Elliot, Maier, M?ller, Time (s)
et al. (2007, Experiment 4): Mean number of correctly solved items by
color on the cover of the test (means are adjusted for general ability, Fig. 3. The effect of color on body movement in Elliot, Maier, Binser,
premanipulation performance, and gender). Confidence intervals (95%) Friedman, and Pekrun (2007, Experiment 2). Mean inclination of the
upper body over time in milli g (mg) units as related to the color on the
are indicated by vertical lines.4 ' Red' ' participants performed significantly
worse than "green" participants and "gray" participants, who did not cover of the IQ test. Negative mg values indicate angle adjustment away
differ from each other. from the test cover.

252 Volume 16? Number 5

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Andrew J. Elliot and Markus A. Maier

Finally, we conducted four experiments designed to test other countries lacking a history of prejudice against African
whether nonconscious avoidance motivation mediates the dele Americans). As such, "context" must be considered not only in
terious effect of red on intellectual performance (Maier, Elliot, & terms of domain but also in terms of culture.

Lichtenfeld, 2007). In the final experiment in this series, partic

ipants were shown red or gray on the cover of an IQ test and then
completed a visual-matching task assessing local (relative to
global) processing of stimuli. Local processing represents an often
Our research both provides a conceptual framework to guide
rigid constricting of attention to the "trees" as opposed to the
"forest" and is a well-established indicator of avoidance motiva research in the neglected area of color psychology and illustrates
how rigorous empirical work in this area may be conducted. We
tion. After the visual-matching task, participants completed an IQ
think that this is a highly promising research area in which many
test. Results indicated that participants shown red performed
pressing questions await empirical consideration (e.g., How do
worse and evidenced more local processing than did those shown
color associations develop, and how does this development differ
gray. Furthermore, local processing was shown to mediate the
when biologically based predispositions are present versus ab
direct effect of red on performance?that is, red led to more local
sent? How potent are color effects in real-world contexts con
processing, which in turn undermined performance.
taining a wide variety of color stimuli? What is the duration of

OTHER CONTEXTS AND COLORS color priming?). The scientific study of color and psychological
functioning is not an easy enterprise, as it requires careful as
All of the research that we have overviewed has been conducted in sessment and calibration of lightness and chroma, as well as
hue. However, we believe such efforts pale in comparison to the
achievement contexts, but we are currently examining a second
benefits of documenting the influence of a ubiquitous feature of
hypothesis that focuses on the color red in relational contexts
the perceived social environment on important affective, cog
(Elliot & Niesta, 2007). We posit that in relational situations,
nitive, and behavioral processes outside of conscious awareness.
specifically those involving sexual attraction, red carries the
Social-cognitive research on priming focuses extensively on the
meaning of love, passion, and sexual readiness. These associa
effects of lexical, contextual, and relational stimuli on psycho
tions are likely grounded in the use of red hearts to symbolize
logical functioning; we think the time has come to broaden this
romance on Valentine's Day; the use of red lipstick, rouge, and
focus to include color stimuli.
lingerie to heighten attractiveness; and the use of red light to
signal sexual availability in brothels. These learned associations
may be bolstered by or even derived from the biologically in
Recommended Reading
grained use of red to attract mating partners during estrus in many Elliot, A.J., Maier, M.A., M?ller, A.C., Friedman, R., & Meinhardt,
nonhuman female mammals (Mollon, 1989). Thus, through asso J. (2007). (See References)
ciative processes that may themselves emerge from evolutionarily Fehrman, K.R., & Fehrman, C. (2004). Color: The secret influence (2nd
based proclivities, red signals love, passion, and sexual readiness, ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
and the perception of red is presumed to produce approach Whitfield, T.W., & Wiltshire, T.J. (1990). Color psychology: A critical
motivated behavior outside of individuals' conscious awareness. review. Genetic, Social & General Psychology Monographs, 116,
Color effects on psychological functioning are not thought to
be constrained to red. Other colors undoubtedly impact affect,
cognition, and behavior as well, and research to examine such
possibilities is needed. A core premise of our model is that color
effects are context specific, and it will be important to attend
carefully to this issue in subsequent research. Thus, in the
Elliot, A.J., & Covington, M.V. (2001). Approach and avoidance moti
United States, green may be linked with money and facilitate
vation. Educational Psychology Review, 13, 73?92.
spending in consumer contexts, but green (especially blue Elliot, A.J., Maier, M.A., M?ller, A.C., Friedman, R., & Meinhardt, J.
green) may be associated with mold and quash one's appetite in (2007). Color and psychological functioning: The effect of red on
culinary contexts. Likewise, in the United States, black may be performance attainment. Journal of Experimental Psychology:
linked with evil/death and lead to aggression in zero-sum com General, 136, 154-168.
petitive contexts, but black may be associated with eroticism and Elliot, A.J., Maier, M.A., Binser, M.J., Friedman, R., & Pekrun, R.
enhance arousal in sexual contexts. Furthermore, although we (2007). The effect of red on avoidance behavior in achievement
contexts. Manuscript submitted for publication.
believe that some color meanings and effects (such as those that
Elliot, A.J., & Niesta, D. (2007). [The effect of red on sexual attraction].
are the focus of our work thus far) are biologically based and
Unpublished raw data.
pancultural, it is likely that at least some color meanings and Frank, M.G., & Gilovich, T. (1988). The dark side of self and social
effects are entirely learned and vary by culture (e.g., black has perception: Black uniforms and aggression in professional sports.
negative associations in the United States that are not present in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 54, 74-85.

Volume 16?Number 5 253

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Color Psychology

Goldstein, K. (1942). Some experimental observations concerning the Jones (Ed.), Nebraska Symposium on Motivation (pp. 1-42). Lin
influence of colors on the function of the organism. Occupational coln: University of Nebraska Press.
Therapy and Rehabilitation, 21, 147-151. Setchell, J.M., & Wickings, E.J. (2005). Dominance, status signals, and
Hutchings, J. (1997). Color in plants, animals, and man. In K. Nassau coloration in male mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx). Ethology, 111,
(Ed.), Color for Science, Art, and Technology (pp. 222-246). Am 25-50.
sterdam: Elsevier. Soldat, A.S., Sinclair, R.C, & Mark, M.M. (1997). Color as an envi
Levy, LB. (1984). Research into the psychological meaning of color. ronmental processing cue: External affective cues can directly
American Journal of Art Therapy, 23, 58-62. affect processing strategy without affecting mood. Social Cogni
Maier, M.A., Elliot, A.J., & Lichtenfeld, S. (2007) Nonconscious tion, 15, 55-71.
avoidance motivation mediates the negative effect of red on in Stone, N.J., & English, A.J. (1998). Task type, posters, and workspace
tellectual performance. Manuscript submitted for publication. color on mood, satisfaction, and performance. Journal of Envi
Mollon, J.D. (1989). "Tho' she kneePd in that place where they grow..." ronmental Psychology, 18, 175-185.
Journal of Experimental Biology, 146, 21-38. Whitfield, T.W., & Wiltshire, TJ. (1990). Color psychology: A critical
Schneiria, T. (1959). An evolutionary and developmental theory of review. Genetic, Social & General Psychology Monographs, 116,
biphasic processes underlying approach and withdrawal. In M. 387-412.

254 Volume 16?Number 5

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