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Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 19(1) 18ü25 (2011)

Experimental and CFD Study on the Role of Fluid Flow Pattern on

Membrane Permeate Flux

A. Parvareh1, M. Rahimi1,*, S. S. Madaeni1 and A. A. Alsairafi2

CFD Research Center, Chemical Engineering Department, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering and Petroleum, Kuwait University, Kuwait

Abstract This paper reports a study on the role of fluid flow pattern and dynamic pressure on the permeate flux
through a micro filtration membrane in laboratory scale. For this purpose, a dead-end membrane cell equipped with
a marine type impeller was used. The impeller was set to rotate in the clockwise and counter clockwise directions
with the same angular velocities in order to illustrate the effect of rotation direction on permeate flux. Consequently,
permeate fluxes were measured at various impeller rotational speeds. The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) pre-
dicted dynamic pressure was related to the fluxes obtained in the experiments. Using the CFD modeling, it is
proven that the change in dynamic pressure upon the membrane surface has direct effect on the permeate flux.
Keywords membrane, microfiltration, computational fluid dynamics, modeling, permeate flux

1 INTRODUCTION due to the higher wall shear stress produced by central

baffle. Agashichev [7] developed a model for quantita-
The design and optimization of the operating tive correlation between the longitudinal mass flow
conditions of membrane modules requires rigorous and the degree of the concentration polarization,
knowledge about the hydrodynamic characteristics which may be used to analyze the influence of mass
inside the channels. In membrane separation processes, flow and bulk flow concentration on the degree of the
the hydrodynamics of fluid affects the membrane flux, concentration polarization. Wiley and Fletcher [8] de-
especially the pressure distribution in the pressure- scribed the application of a CFD model on pressure-
driven processes. Numerical simulation for processes driven membrane processes involving selective removal
involved with membrane separation has recently re- of components in the feed channel and their transfer to
ceived a lot of attention due to the advantage over ex- the permeate channel. The effects of changes in rejec-
pensive experiments [1, 2]. In addition, the optimum tion, wall permeation rates and solution properties on
operational condition may be obtained by simulation. velocity and concentration profiles were presented for
Nowadays, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) empty channels and channels with eddy promoters.
is one of the most useful theoretical tools to investi- They also developed a generic purpose CFD model for
gate and predict the performance of processes in- concentration polarization and fluid flow in pressure
volved with momentum, heat and mass transfer. CFD driven membrane separation processes [9]. The results
is useful to improve our knowledge about increasing were validated by classical solutions available in the
the separation efficiency without recourse to further literature and revealed that over simplified expressions
rigorous and costly experimental work, especially in for the dependence of viscosity and diffusivity on
complex-geometries modules [3]. concentration, which produce velocity and concentra-
CFD has been applied successfully in the mem- tion profiles, may lead to misrepresenting the reality.
brane technology for the separation process optimiza- Damak et al. [10] performed a CFD modeling of a
tion. In a number of studies, CFD was used to predict laminar, incompressible and isothermal flow in a cy-
the flow field. Belfort [4] reviewed the development of lindrical tube. They assumed the flow to be axisym-
understanding of the fluid dynamics in membrane metric and used Darcy’s law to explain the mass
systems up to 1989. Most of such research was fo- transfer in the tube and in the porous wall. Their re-
cused on the flow pattern in a simple separation cell to sults offered a theoretical structure for the under-
complicated cells such as fuel cells. standing of the phenomenon responsible for flux de-
Fimbres-Weihs and Wiley [5] reviewed the study cline. Ahmad et al. carried out a CFD study on the
for 3D CFD modeling of flow and mass transfer in mass transfer and hydrodynamics in a membrane [11].
narrow spacer-filled channels in membrane modules They studied the concentration polarization profile,
in laminar steady and unsteady as well as turbulent mass transfer coefficient and wall shear stress in a
flow regimes, in which the difficulties and restrictions membrane channel.
of such simulation are accounted. Liu et al. [6] studied Rahimi et al. [12] presented a CFD modeling in
the turbulent flow in central and wall baffle-filled order to predict the total permeate flux by integrating
membrane tubes by using CFD technique and found the local permeate fluxes over the whole membrane
that the filtration flux in the central baffle was higher surface. The permeate fluxes from different input-output

Received 2009-08-12, accepted 2010-11-07.

* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:
Chin. J. Chem. Eng., Vol. 19, No. 1, February 2011 19

pressures as well as various cell setups, including a sidered as the novel point of this work.
cell equipped with three types of barrier and the same
cell without any barrier, were predicted. They com- 2 THEORY
pared the CFD prediction results with a simple calcu-
lation based on the well-known Darcy equation.
Ghidossi et al. [13] reviewed the studies on using Microfiltration is one of the most general mem-
CFD to model membrane separations and showed that brane separation processes. In general, two types of
CFD can provide interesting and important informa- fluid movement regimes are reported, dead-end and
tion for the development of membrane processes. cross flow. The driving force in the microfiltration is
Ranade and Kumar presented a detailed fluid hydro- the pressure gradient across the membrane. The Darcy
dynamics of spacer-filled channels using the “unit equation is the most general equation used in literature
cell” approach [14]. The CFD modeling was used to for determination of permeate flux, which is defined as
evaluate the performance of certain spacer shapes and 1 dV 'P
compare the results in flat and curved channels. Torras J (1)
A dt P ( RM  Rc )
et al. [15] simulated a rotating disk flat membrane
module operated at high rotation speeds in the turbu- in which 'P is the transmembrane pressure, μ is the
lent regime using CFD technique and concluded that viscosity, RM is the membrane resistance, and Rc is the
the discrepancy for the membrane shear stress is proba- cake resistance.
bly due to an incorrect choice of Reynolds number for In the present study the fluid movement upon the
deducing the approximate solution. In another study, membrane surface is produced by a marine type im-
Alexiadis et al. [16] performed experimental and nu- peller, the impeller should be modeled similar to that
merical analyses for a reverse osmosis (RO) module in mixing tanks, which is the most important part for
and compared the results in order to validate the modeling a mixing tank. The three popular approaches
model from a practical perspective. They showed that for modeling an impeller are: impeller boundary con-
as 'P increased, the error between the CFD calcula- dition, inner-outer iterative procedure and sliding-grid
tions and experimental results increased. In a more method. In the impeller boundary condition method,
recent study, Pak et al. [17] simulated a laminar fluid which is the most traditional approach, steady condi-
flow in a 2D porous tube as a cross flow micro filtra- tions are imposed and simulations are conducted in
tion tubular membrane using CFD technique and de- the reference frame. This method needs empirically
veloped a numerical finite volume code, using SIM- derived boundary conditions, so the simulation results
PLE algorithm, for the solution of flow and concen- are strongly dependent on the predefined boundary
tration fields. conditions. The inner-outer method takes the approach
In the present study, the effects of fluid flow pat- just one step further. In this approach, the whole vessel
tern on the permeate flux through a microfiltration volume is subdivided into two partly overlapping re-
membrane are investigated. Two flow pattern regimes gions, as shown in Fig. 1 (a), an “inner” domain con-
are produced using a marine type impeller placed in- taining the impeller and an “outer” one containing the
side a dead-end cell. The main idea in this study is to rest of the tank. A crucial feature of this approach is
illustrate in what extent the flow pattern upon the the overlap region, common to the “inner” and “outer”
membrane surface is important. The flow pattern is domains, which provides the iterative matching of the
related to dynamic pressure, which is a part of total two solutions. The extent of this region and the exact
pressure upon the membrane surface. The dynamic location of its boundaries are largely arbitrary. By con-
pressure distribution is to be obtained by CFD model- trast, in the multiple frames of reference (MFR) method
ing. A scientific illustration of the importance of dy- [18], the “inner” and “outer” steady-state solutions are
namic pressure beside the static pressure can be con- implicitly matched along a single boundary surface

(a) Flow domain with overlapping region (b) Flow domain with common boundary
Figure 1 Different subdivisions of flow zones in a mixing tank [20]
20 Chin. J. Chem. Eng., Vol. 19, No. 1, February 2011

and external iteration is then not required. In the sliding- w ( UH ) w w § Q eff wH ·

grid or sliding-mesh method, the flow domain is di-  U uiH ¨ U V wx ¸  SH (8)
vided into two cylindrical, non-overlapping sub-domains, wt wxi wxi © H i ¹
each girded as a separate block. The outer one is fixed,
Peff k2
while the inner one rotates with the impeller. Fig. 1 (b) Q eff where Peff P  Pt , Pt U CP
shows the flow domain configuration typically used in U H
this method and MFR method as well. Brucato et al. (9)
[19] presented predictions with the three methods for
in which
baffled tanks stirred by single and dual Rushton tur-
bines and also by a constant pitched helical impeller. § wui wu j · wui
The CFD modeling involves the numerical solu- Pk Qt ¨  ¸¸ (10)
¨ wx j wxi
tion of conservation equations. In this work, the Navier- © ¹ wx j
Stokes equations are applied to all of the control vol-
§ H H H ·
umes and the RNG k-İ based equations [21, 22] are SH U ¨ C1 Pk  D H  C2 H ¸ (11)
used to describe the physics associated with the tur- © k k k ¹
bulence flow such as velocity field, pressure, turbulent 1  K / K0 k
kinetic energy and turbulent dissipation rate. The D CPK 3 , K E , E2 2 Eij Eij and
Navier-Stokes equations for an incompressible flow 1  EK 3
with constant fluid properties in the Cartesian coordi-
nate are as follows [23]: § wu wu j ·
0.5 ¨ i 
Eij (12)
¨ wx j wxi ¸¸
wui © ¹
0 (2)
wxi The following coefficients are used in the modeling as
the RNG turbulence model parameters [22], C1 1.42 ,
wui wP w ª § wui wu j · º C2 1.68 , CP 0.0845 , V H Vk 0.719 , K0 4.8 ,
U ui   «P ¨  ¸¸  U uicu cj » (3)
wxi wxi wxi «¬ ¨© wxi wx j ¹ ¼» E 0.012 .
in which ui, P, ȡ and ȝ are mean velocity, pressure,
density and dynamic viscosity respectively. uic and u cj 3 EXPERIMENTAL

are fluctuation components, and  U uicu cj is the aver- In order to investigate the effect of the fluid flow
aged Reynolds stress. on the membrane permeate flux, a dead-end cell
As the layout studied is an open surface case, the equipped with a mixer was used. In practice, the shear
system is involved with the contact of water and air. on the membrane surface is usually induced by a
Therefore, in Eq. (3), the density (ȡ) and viscosity (ȝ) spacer or rotating disk. In the present work, the shear
induced by an impeller is merely to illustrate the effect
of the fluid depend on the volume fractions of each
of fluid flow pattern on the membrane permeates flux.
phase and are calculated by the following equations Fig. 2 shows a schematic of the experimental cell and
U DUair  (1  D ) U water (4) the place of the membrane and the impeller. The cell
consists of a glass cylinder with a height of 15 cm and
DUair Pair  (1  D ) U water P water a diameter of 6.6 cm. The cell is fixed inside a frame
P (5) with a hole at the top and another at the cell bottom
DUair  (1  D ) U water
for collecting permeate. The impeller is located at a
where D is the air volume fraction in the cell. The in- clearance of 9 cm from the cell bottom where a 5 cm
terface between two phases is tracked by the volume circular membrane sheet is placed.
fraction. Conservation of D can be represented by the The microfiltration membrane used in the current
interface mass balance, experiment was a hydrophilic Millipore PVDF (poly
vinylidene fluoride) with the commercial name of
wD GVWP. This membrane has a thickness of 120 μm
 U ˜ ’D 0 (6)
wt and a porosity of 60%. The average pore size of the
membrane is 0.022 μm.
The cell phase is gas when D 1 , while D 0 means In order to eliminate the blocking effect due to
that the whole volume is occupied by the liquid. It can the formation of the cake on the membrane surface,
be concluded that the gas-liquid interface exists in the the cell was filled with deionized water up to 15 cm.
regions that D lies between zero and one. Physical properties of deionized water are considered
In addition to the above equations, the equations as those of water. Since the membrane resistance de-
of the RNG k-İ model are as follows [21, 22] pends on operating pressure, its value was measured
w( U k ) w w § Q eff wk · under the experimental condition. From the mass of
 U ui k ¨ U V wx ¸  U Pk  H (7) permeate obtained at different pressures in the range
wt wxi wxi © k i ¹ of experiments, the membrane resistance was obtained.
Chin. J. Chem. Eng., Vol. 19, No. 1, February 2011 21

140 r·min1 for both clockwise and counter clockwise

directions and the permeate mass from the membrane
was measured. Fig. 4 shows the permeate mass of de-
ionized water for different states of impeller: clock-
wise rotation, counter clockwise rotation and station-
ary. The increase of the permeate flux is negligible
when the impeller rotates in counter clockwise direc-
tion, while the collected water with clockwise rotation
is three times of that obtained in other layout.

Figure 4 The mass of permeate at various time for differ-

ent rotation directions at 140 r·min1 (Re 5830)
Figure 2 The cell and its accessories Ʒclockwise motion;ƹcounter clockwise motion;Ƶno motion

In the second step, the experiments were per-

formed at several angular velocities, 55, 70, 110, 120
and 130 r·min1, in order to investigate the effect of
rotation speed on the flux through the membrane. The
mass of permeate collected was measured at different
time up to 60 s. In order to have more understandable
data, the results are compared based on the Reynolds
number in an agitated tank, defined as [24]
U Nd 2
Re (13)
Figure 3 Determination of membrane resistance where d is impeller diameter, N is rotational speed
(r·s1), ȡ and ȝ are density and dynamic viscosity of
working fluid respectively. The Reynolds numbers
The effects on the permeate flux were examined by related to the angular velocities from 55 to 140
varying the transmembrane pressure as shown in Fig. 3. r·min1 are from 2290 to 5830, so that the flow in the
The permeate flux linearly increases with the increase cell is turbulent [24].
of transmembrane pressure. For this calculation the Figure 5 represents the permeate mass at various
Darcy equation was used and the cake resistance, Rc, time for different Reynolds numbers with clockwise
was set at zero, as the working fluid was deionized water. rotation of impeller. The mass of permeate collected
The value of 2.5u1010 m1 was obtained for RM. increases almost linearly for all cases, indicating at
The main aim of the present study is to illustrate
how the fluid flow pattern affects the permeate flux.
Some experiments were carried out for this purpose
and each one was repeated three times with a maxi-
mum observed difference of 5% between the meas-
ured fluxes. The average values of the permeate flux
measured during 5 min were used for this analysis. In
the first two experiments, the impeller was rotated
with the same power and in the fourth one the impeller
was stopped. In a marine type impeller, the blades are
fixed on a shaft with an angle of 120q relative to each
other. When the impeller rotates in different direction
it is expected that different fluid flow patterns and Figure 5 The permeate at various time and different
velocities are established inside the cell. Reynolds numbers
In the first step, the impeller rotation speed was Re:ƹ5830;ͩ5410;Ʒ5000;Ƶ4580;ƽ2910; × 2290
22 Chin. J. Chem. Eng., Vol. 19, No. 1, February 2011

each Reynolds number, the permeate flux rate is con-

stant. The figure also shows that as the rotation speed
of impeller increases, the slope of the curve increases.
In addition, the difference between the permeate fluxes
at higher Reynolds numbers is more considerable. It
should be noted that when the Reynolds number in-
creases from 5410 to 5830 (less than 8% increase), the
permeate flux increases by more than 25%.
The variation of mass flux at various Reynolds
numbers is shown in Fig. 6. As the Reynolds number
increases, the permeate flux increases. This increase is
more significant for higher Reynolds numbers.

Figure 7 The meshed cell and impeller

4.1 Boundary conditions

The atmospheric pressure was set as the inlet

pressure boundary condition for the top of the cell. The
modeling was carried out for different angular veloci-
ties of the impeller including 140 (for both clockwise and
Figure 6 The permeate flux at various Reynolds numbers counter clockwise directions), 130, 120, 110, 70 and
55 r·min1 (for clockwise direction only). The mem-
brane surface was assumed as no slip wall condition.
4.2 Solution procedure
The commercial CFD package, FLUENTTM ver-
sion 6.2, a finite volume Navier-Stokes solver, was
used to model the cell containing an impeller in three The SIMPLE pressure-velocity algorithm, the
dimensions. The fluid region was discretized into a standard pressure, the second order upwind discretiza-
finite set of control volumes, using the mesh generator tion scheme for momentum, turbulent kinetic energy
GAMBITTM of FLUENT. The code is able to employ and dissipation energy were employed in the modeling.
the MFR model for the impeller modeling. The applied convergence criterion was selected to be
Based on the definition of Reynolds number, the 107.
fluid flow regime in the cell is turbulent. The standard Volume of Fluid (VOF) model was used to model
k-İ turbulence model is not appropriate for the strong the fluid free surface inside the cell. In this method,
turbulent flow with unisotropic flow behavior. There- the interface between two phases, water and air, re-
fore, the renormalization group (RNG) k-İ model of mains fixed [25]. The numerical stability can be ob-
Yakhot and Orszag [22] was employed in this study. tained easily in this model because the flow field cal-
Using RNG methodology for the governing equations, culations are not coupled with the identification of the
the RNG-formulated k-İ model will be produced, in free surface location. However, the viscous stresses
which the model constants are reevaluated. The dif- and surface tension cannot be simulated accurately
ference between the RNG and the standard k-İ turbu- because the interface within each cell is not located
lence models appears in the epsilon equation while the precisely. This limitation is largely overcome by using
kinetic energy equations are identical. very fine meshes close to the surface.
The whole volume was divided into 686124 un-
structured tetrahedral meshes. This number of control 5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
volume was found by examining different grid num-
bers between 234320 to 1085234. As no significant
difference was found between the predicted results In the present research, the role of fluid flow hy-
using more than 686124 cells, this number of control drodynamics on the permeate flux, which has a direct
volume was used in the modeling to save computer CPU effect on the dynamic pressure distribution, was ana-
time. The regions close to the impeller were meshed lyzed by the CFD. The dynamic and static pressures
into smaller control volumes in order to increase the are related to the downward velocity (Uv2/2) of the
precision of predictions. In addition, the region close liquid toward a surface and the head of the liquid
to the membrane surface was meshed to fine struc- above the surface (Ugh), respectively. The difference
tured hexagonal cells with a size ratio of 0.2 relative in the permeate flux from the microfiltration mem-
to mesh size of the rest of domain. Fig. 7 shows the brane is explained by the predicted fluid hydrody-
meshed cell walls, membrane surface and the impeller. namics upon the membrane surface. As a first step, the
Chin. J. Chem. Eng., Vol. 19, No. 1, February 2011 23

(a) Clockwise motion (b) Counter clockwise motion

Figure 8 Fluid flow patterns in a vertical slice for two rotation directions

(a) Clockwise motion (b) Counter clockwise motion

Figure 9 A comparison between the predicted downward axial velocities for two rotation directions

flow fields in the vertical slice through the middle of rine impeller rotates in the counter clockwise direction
the impeller shaft are shown in Fig. 8, which reveals (b), the flow pattern consists of a loop in each side of
significant differences between the flows generated by the impeller. Thus the impeller pushes the fluid
the marine impeller in clockwise and counter clock- downward along the cell wall and after it hits the bot-
wise rotation. When the impeller rotates in clockwise tom most of the fluid goes up and returns to the im-
direction (a), the impeller pushes the water toward the peller. This flow pattern does not have a significant
bottom of the cell and after the fluid hits the mem- positive effect on pushing the water toward the mem-
brane surface, it moves upward along the cell wall. In brane surface. Therefore, it can not be expected that
this layout the water is pushed on the membrane sur- this layout is effective for increasing the permeate.
face, increasing the dynamic pressure in downward Figure 9 shows a 3D view of the region with the
direction upon the membrane surface. When the ma- axial downward velocity in the range of 0 to 0.13 m·s1.
24 Chin. J. Chem. Eng., Vol. 19, No. 1, February 2011

In the clockwise setup, the downward flow starts from cates that at higher speeds the effect of rotation speed
the impeller and goes toward the membrane surface at and consequently the effect of Reynolds number are
the bottom of the cell. For the counter clockwise mo- highly considerable. A similar trend is observed in the
tion of the impeller, the fluid moves downward only in experimental results of Fig. 6.
a small region around the impeller. Therefore, in the
clockwise setup, the downward stream causes a higher 6 CONCLUSIONS
dynamic pressure upon the membrane surface. This is
the main reason why more water passes through the
membrane in clockwise layout. In the present work, an experimental set up was
In the second step, the effect of rotation speed on designed to illustrate the importance of the fluid flow
the fluid flow with clockwise impeller rotation is dis- pattern and established dynamic pressure on mem-
cussed. Fig. 10 shows the average values of predicted brane flux. The experimental results show that two
dynamic pressure at different downward distances different flow patterns produced by an impeller, rotat-
from the impeller at various values of Reynolds num- ing in the clockwise and counter clockwise directions,
ber. The pressure increases slightly with increasing cause a significant difference on the permeate flux.
distance between the impeller and the cell bottom. In The permeate fluxes with the clockwise rotation in
addition, as the Reynolds number increases, the differ- some cases are more than three times of those with the
ence between the predicted pressures is larger, espe- counter clockwise rotation. In order to illustrate the
cially as the Reynolds number increases from 5410 to effect of dynamic pressure on the permeate flux, some
5830 r·min1. This pressure increases from about 96 to experiments were performed at several rotation speeds
125 Pa, which means that an 8% increase in the rota- (different Reynolds numbers) in the cell. It was ob-
tion speed causes about 23% increase of this pressure. served that as the rotation speed increases the perme-
The trend of pressure change is similar to the curve in ate flux increases.
Fig. 5 from the experiments, which shows that more Prediction of dynamic pressure distribution in-
permeate is collected at higher Reynolds numbers. side the cell is the main contribution of computational
fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling in this study. It is
tried to show the importance of dynamic pressure be-
side the static pressure in microfiltration membrane
separation. By analyzing the experimental and CFD
predicted results it is found that higher dynamic pres-
sure results in more membrane permeate fluxes. In the
other words, the results reveal a direct relation between
the flux and dynamic pressure. Thus a designer should
pay more attention to dynamic pressure as a part of
total pressure across a microfiltration membrane.

Figure 10 Dynamic pressures on the horizontal slices at ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

different distances from the impeller with clockwise rotation
Re:ƹ5830;Ƶ5410;Ʒ5000; × 4580; 2910;ƽ2290
The authors wish to express their thanks to Mr.
Rouzbahani and Miss. Sepehri for their help in the
Figure 11 illustrates the average dynamic pres- experimental work.
sure on the horizontal plane close to the membrane at
different Reynolds numbers. As the Reynolds number
increases, the predicted dynamic pressure on a plane NOMENCLATURE
close to the membrane surface increases. The larger
slope of the curve at higher Reynolds numbers indi- A area, m2
C1, C2, Cμ constants of the k-İ model
Eij linear deformation rate, s1
G dissipation function, Pa·s1
J flux, L·m2·h1
P pressure, N·m2
R resistance, m1
T time, s
S source term
U velocity vector, m·s1
u, v, w, ui, uj mean velocity components, m·s1
uƍ, vƍ, wƍ, uci , ucj turbulent fluctuating velocity component, m·s1
xi, xj Cartesian coordinate, m
Į volume fraction of gas phase in the cell
Figure 11 Dynamic pressure on the horizontal close to İ turbulence dissipation of k, m2·s3
the membrane at various Reynolds numbers for clockwise μ, μT, μeff laminar, turbulent and effective viscosities, Pa˜s
ȞT, Ȟeff turbulent and effective kinematic viscosity
Chin. J. Chem. Eng., Vol. 19, No. 1, February 2011 25

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