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CoC - Gaslight Adv - The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum PDF

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Cthulhu By Gaslight – The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum – Shadow Warriors Demonstration Game

Call of Cthulhu By Gaslight translate in to bonuses on real in-game rolls,

especially for SAN.
The Lunatics Have Taken Over The
Once the idea was pushed to reality, it was
Asylum found that actually getting hold of more than
one lot of ‘real Victoriana’ was a bit too
This scenario is a Gaslight scenario, set in expensive, so more historically recent bits
England in May 1891. were substituted, but as the items were
This is in fact a bit of a con. common, small and found in every era, this
The whole point behind the scenario is to get was not so much of a problem as was
the Investigators in to a very claustrophobic imagined: visualising them as ‘Victorian’ was
environment, where their mental illnesses, easy.
phobias and fears can be played upon as they So. That’s the justification for the Gaslight tag.
gradually regain their memory and face up to
a stark choice: die in the service of humanity Running The Scenario - A Convention Game
or live in a world where they will inevitably
(and imminently) become servants of the Please be aware that this scenario was
crawling chaos. designed specifically as a Convention game.
It could quite easily, with a bit of jiggling, be That is, it was designed to fit in to a four hour
set in any period, in any country. slot, to get people in to character quickly, to
“So, why the Gaslight tag?” I hear you ask. focus on inter-character relationships, to fit in
Well. a reasonable amount of action, and to not
All of the inherent baggage that goes with the care a jot about consequences for the
Victorian Era can be used to good effect in characters or the ‘game world’ once the
getting Investigators in to character and scenario has finished.
giving them something clear to visualise and Investigators are going to die. Oh yes they are.
inter act with. They may not all die, but most will go insane
And the bleak oppression that is always or die. So it’s not really suitable for long term
associated with Victorian Asylums allows us campaign arcs.
to abandon concepts of human rights, But, that said, with a bit of tweaking, it could
political correctness, understanding of mental be slotted in for a group of Investigators who
illness and any hope of a ‘cure’. These things need to spend some time recovering in an
will only hinder us in fostering a sense of Asylum.
desperate despair.
Of course, the limited technology of the age, Handling Sanity During The Scenario
including that of weaponry, all adds to the
sense of isolation and futility in those who’s This is a scenario revolving around the
goal it is to fight the brooding evil from insanity of the Investigators. Even more so
beyond the stars. than a normal CoC scenario. The
Another hook (and the primary one really) for Investigators are already mad at the start of
the scenario was the introduction of a fetish the game. Their fragile minds will be further
for each of the Investigators. battered by encounters with some Mythos
(In this sense, the word ‘fetish’ is used to creatures as well as by revelations of their
describe an object that a person is past lives and apparent crimes against
unnaturally attached to and relies on for humanity in the service of the dark gods.
emotional comfort.) Because of this we will need to handle the
These are real Victorian bits and bobs that effects of SAN loss slightly differently. We
each Player was given as a focus for their need to raise the threshold for 'Short
Investigator. The Investigator would handle Temporary Insanity' from 5 SAN points lost in
their fetish when they were distressed and one hit to 10. We also need to ignore the
gain comfort from it. This would even 'Indefinite Insanity' threshold, instead

Writer and Keeper: Max Bantleman – For Shadow Warriors – CoC Demonstration Game
Cthulhu By Gaslight – The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum – Shadow Warriors Demonstration Game

stressing the need for the Investigators to act The Doctor attempts to use a spell to drain
out their heightening insanity as already Magic energy from those around him in a
explained to them on their character sheets. final desperate attempt to complete the
Ultimately, the Investigators will die nobly in summoning of Glaaki.
the cause of trying to save the human race, or The Investigators force the Staffs to open fire
they will become the slaves of the outer chaos, killing them all (including the Doctor) or they
so we can afford to mess with the SAN rules escape the carnage, leaving Glaaki to enter
without worrying too much about game our world.
balance and longer term effects for the
Investigators. Background to Oakengates

In A Nut Shell Oakengates, England.

Friday May 8th, 1891.
Brutally simplistic overview of the scenario:
Oakengates lies on Watling Street, (now
The Investigators are all together in an Market Street), one of the main Roman trunk
Asylum. They have acute Amnesia and each roads which ran past the nearby fort of
has a mental disorder and physical side effect. Uxacona (Red Hill) to Wroxeter in the west,
Each has a personal effect: a fetish, that and a Roman villa's hypocaust was seen in
comforts them. the town in 1767. Here in 1130 Wormbridge
Investigators break lose from a group activity Priory was founded and thrived until the
session. Dissolution in 1536.
They discover that something or someone has
rampaged through the Asylum murdering the
other patients.
They realise their old nemesis the Doctor is
behind it.
They encounter some of the Doctor’s servants
and summoned beasts:
They will come across murdered and dying
patients, a Hunting Horror, an area where
they may encounter Dream Space and one of
more of it’s beasts, they will have an
opportunity to save sacrificial victims, they
meet the Doctor’s personal guard; a twisted
Zombie creation. Market Street as it stands today.
As they move through the Asylum to seek out
and confront the Doctor, they regain their Due to geological serendipity, this area
memories. They come to realise they were all provided an abundance of the raw materials
cultists and worshipper slaves of the Doctor needed for the industrial revolution. Thick
who chose to try and redeem themselves for forests provided wood then charcoal to smelt
their hideous actions by thwarting the Doctors the iron ore that lay only feet beneath the
ultimate plan. ground surface. Coal burst out of the ground
They confront the Doctor during a in bizarre areas called 'fungus' coal, and
summoning ceremony dedicated to Glaaki. mining was often a matter of scraping off
The Doctor flees the disrupted ceremony, the topsoil, and harvesting it out of the ground.
Investigators give chase. As these pits were exhausted, deeper mines
The South Staffordshire Regiment have were sunk, and the district grew covered in
surrounded the Asylum. spoil pits. Industry flourished, canals were
built to transport the heavy materials about,

Writer and Keeper: Max Bantleman – For Shadow Warriors – CoC Demonstration Game
Cthulhu By Gaslight – The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum – Shadow Warriors Demonstration Game

joined by the incline planes, a local invention. A public appeal was launched and following a
Shrewsbury was supplied with the majority of competition, the design of a Mr Moffat was
its coal from Oakengates, firstly by canal, then chosen and a builder's tender for £29,400
railway, and Oakengates coal had been used was accepted. The builder was the same Mr
in the hypocausts of the Roman City of Jay who had built the Houses of Parliament.

St. George’s Church, haven for the faithful. The Magnificent Oakengates Asylum.

The small village of Oakengates lies just north The Oakengates Asylum building was
of Telford and some five miles south west of financed by public subscription and Queen
Newport. Victoria subscribed 250 guineas in the name
Oakengates, sitting as it does about four miles of Edward, Prince of Wales, who became a life
from Shifnal, and three from Wellington, it is member. Albert, Prince Consort, laid the
most peculiarly situated, one portion being a foundation stone on June 16, 1853, and in
township in the parish of Shifnal, the other June 1855 opened the Oakengates Asylum.
being in the parish of Wormbridge. Before long the number of patients reached
Consequently it is in both the Northern or 300.
Newport and the Wellington parliamentary It soon became clear the asylum needed to be
divisions of the county: it is also in the bigger, so a further appeal was launched and
Madeley and Wellington county court on June 28, 1869, the foundation stone for
districts, and in two petty sessional divisions - the extension was laid by Prince Edward and
Shifnal and Wellington. Two railways intersect Princess Alexandra.
the town - the Great Western and the London It was completed in 1872. The first medical
and North Western. It has a good market hall, superintendent at Oakengates was Dr John
with assembly room over, and the market is Heatherington-Smythe. Dr Heartherington-
held every Saturday. The leading shops close Smythe was killed in a Hansom Cab accident
for the half day holiday on Thursdays. in 1873, shortly before his retirement. His
successor, Dr William Peterson has been the
Oakengates Asylum medical superintendent at Oakengates from
1874 to the present day.
In 1847 a group of philanthropists set up a Admission to Oakengates is by election and
charity to create the ‘Asylum for Idiots'. patients are usually admitted for a total of five
Oakengates Asylum was founded in 1847 and years.
opened it’s doors to people with mental Each subscriber had one vote for each half
disorders and learning disabilities in 1855. guinea subscribed and candidates supplied
details of their condition and circumstances.

Writer and Keeper: Max Bantleman – For Shadow Warriors – CoC Demonstration Game
Cthulhu By Gaslight – The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum – Shadow Warriors Demonstration Game

Fee paying patients are accepted without They are currently lead by Major Henry
election. Campbell Chads. Other names: Lieutenant
Children are educated as far as possible and Thomas Barratt and Colour Sergeant John
then trained in a variety of trades. Music is Daniel Baskeyfield.
encouraged and the hospital has its own
band. The asylum is largely self-sufficient, The South Staffs should not have that much
producing a large quantity of fruit, vegetables, of an interactive role with the Investigators,
meat and dairy produce. but you may decide to change things around
at the end.

The Esteemed Board Of Governors Of


The South Staffordshire Regiment (1st

Battalion) South Staffs On Parade.

The South Staffs will play an important part Investigator Fetishes

in the climax of the scenario.
The South Staffordshire Regiment (1st Each Investigator should have a real period
Battalion) are currently on a training exercise 'fetish' which will be tied to them and their
at Eyton Upon The Weald Moors some five back story; they must keep the fetish
miles to the north west of Oakengates. They prominent during the game and 'play' with it
are leaving for Egypt within the month. in times of stress. As we’ve said, getting hold
of real Victoriana, even the trivial mass
produced items, can be a bit expensive and a
bit of a pain, so feel free to substitute modern
day equivalents. The closer they look to their
Victorian counter-parts the better.

Fetishes: coin, button, toy soldier, matchbox

with spider in it, strip of cloth, small wooden

Each Investigator’s fetish is detailed on their

character and background sheet.

The Investigators

Major Henry Campbell Chads (seated). The Investigators are convinced they are sane.

Writer and Keeper: Max Bantleman – For Shadow Warriors – CoC Demonstration Game
Cthulhu By Gaslight – The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum – Shadow Warriors Demonstration Game

Each has a prominent scar on their temples All the Investigators have an over powering
and has obviously been surgically tampered hatred of the Doctor, and a driving ambition
with. to stop him at all costs.
All Investigators suffer from amnesia, having They will all know each other from 'outside',
little or no recollection of events further back but will only gradually come to remember
than a year, when they were admitted to each other as the game progresses and they
Oakengates Asylum. are prompted in to moments of revelation
Each of their mental illnesses manifests itself through trauma and SAN loss.
in extremes when they are under pressure or
when they have just taken a SAN loss.
The direct physical manifestations (tics) are
lessened by their handling of their fetish.
Mental aspects are easier to control with
handling of fetish but do not disappear
The Investigator’s mental and physical
afflictions are:

Major Robert J. Ogilvie: Mental - Compulsion:

must keep nails and teeth clean. Physical -
Tic: blinks both eyes at same time. An Abominable Flying Polyp.
Harry Postins: Mental - Somnolence: gets very
tired and drowsy. Physical - Tic: hugs himself Investigator Revelations
for comfort and apparent warmth.
Granville Harrington: Mental - Neurosis: There are four points in the scenario that
doesn't trust own judgement or other’s prompt the issuing of a handout:
opinion of it. Physical - Tic: uncontrollable
smiling. First (in scene one): Finding of first lot of
Stanley Boyd: Mental - Paranoia: persecution. butchered bodies (killed by the Doctor’s
Physical - Tic: sways or gently rocks body twisted servants: he needs them as fodder for
backwards and forwards. the ritual). This will prompt greater knowledge
Rebecca Beasley: Mental - Delusion: germs of each other and will allow a degree of trust
are alive and can choose their hosts. Physical to develop, may even hint that the
- Tic: itches ears and throat. Investigators were bound by a common goal,
Victoria Pinch: Mental - Logorrhoea: copious, though they are still not sure what that might
coherent, logical speech. Physical - Tic: have been.
involuntary sharp shrugs.
Second (in scene three): Detect being followed
The Investigators were all once cultists, by Hunting Horror. Become aware that they
dedicated to the secret worship of Glaaki and have each taken life to stop a greater evil (as
his return. They stumbled upon the Doctor's they think at this stage). The events are still
plot to bring about the return of a Great Old sketchy, but each will still rationalise them
One (Glaaki) and were soon counted as his and avoid the conclusion that they may be a
most loyal servants. Finally the Doctor went murderer or worse.
insane and summoned a Flying Polyp to teach
him the ‘Summon’ spells for Glaaki. The Third (in scene four): Dream Space. Realise
Investigators were at the Polyp ceremony and they have thwarted the Doctor in the past by
went mad. The Doctor had them committed their ‘failing’ him at a critical moment, and
and has been torturing them for their magical that he has been torturing them for a year in
energy for a year now. revenge. Terrible flash backs as well as

Writer and Keeper: Max Bantleman – For Shadow Warriors – CoC Demonstration Game
Cthulhu By Gaslight – The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum – Shadow Warriors Demonstration Game

glimpses of some of the abominable things will begin. A storm is not far behind, with
his servants have done to inmates; may cause rolling thunder and sheet lightning.
SAN loss as well as a return of memories.
Scene Zero : 5pm, Friday 8th May 1891.
Fourth (in scene five): Return of the Hunting Introduction and character intro.
Horror and more bodies. Triggers knowledge Start in a quiet room doing some drawing and
return of the Mythos. Each Investigator painting as part of the therapy (very forward
returns to their previous Mythos knowledge thinking for Oakengates and totally at odds
score. (This may allow them to understand with the normal treatment regime for the
what the Doctor is trying to do, which may Investigators). Monitored by Arthur and Sarah
cause a SAN loss.) They regain full memory of Mossop (brother and sister). Arthur monitors
the terrible, hideous, evil acts they have the artwork, Sarah plays quietly on a piano.
undertaken in the name of Glaaki. They While the Investigators familiarise themselves
realise salvation and redemption can only be with their characters, the Keeper should stress
achieved by sacrifice and stopping the Doctor. that it is a break from the brutal and extreme
treatments at other times.
The Scenario - Scenes
Purpose Of The Scene: To get the
The scenario is set out like scenes in a play. Investigators introduced to their characters
The basic information and some description and to allow them a quiet exchange to find
is given, but it is always up to the Keeper to out a little about each other. It should also be
fill the scenes out and make them breath. used to emphasise the tortuous nature of their
Don’t hesitate to change things to suit the imprisonment in Oakengates, that this session
flow of the game and the mood. All timings with Arthur and Sarah is an oasis in the
are approximate and there only to give you hellish desert of their existence. This will be
an idea of when things should be moving when the Investigators have the first chance
along if you want to fit it all in four hours. If a to discover their fetish and their mental
scene is going particularly well, getting lots of ailments and tics. Let the Investigators read
role playing and atmosphere, let it run, simply through and understand their character
change a later scene to compensate. As the sheets, they must be comfortable with them
scenario is very modular, some scenes may be before the game starts in earnest.
cut altogether if necessary, just be clear where
the revelations for the Investigators Descriptive Stuff: The large room they are in
(handouts) would fit and juggle accordingly. is quite opulent, well furnished and decorated
Information not in the scene’s description with paintings and photographs. The huge
should be added by the Keeper: don’t look for rugs cover a well polished floor, the lamps are
a more detailed section elsewhere to tell you well filled and polished and the curtains are
all the things you think are missed out: there thick scarlet velvet. Through the floor to
isn’t one and they probably are J ceiling windows (barred), they can look out on
to the well tended gardens of Oakengates.
Oakengates Asylum, England. The room has a peaceful atmosphere, given to
5pm, Friday May 8th, 1891. relaxation and contemplation. The large
grand piano that dominates the room does
Weather: The weather should be slightly over not look out of place, and musical recitals
cast with the threat of rain later in the could easily be held here in great comfort and
evening. As the scenario progresses it will get style. There are numerous long sideboards in
darker as the clouds gather, bringing dusk the room and a few wall mounted cupboards.
early. As the Investigators reach the roof, the All are locked. They contain crockery and
heavens will open and a torrential downpour some small amount of silverware. The

Writer and Keeper: Max Bantleman – For Shadow Warriors – CoC Demonstration Game
Cthulhu By Gaslight – The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum – Shadow Warriors Demonstration Game

furniture is well worn but extremely Sarah, as well as corpses of some other
comfortable and stylish. It looks all the world patients and staff. SAN check and revelation
like any drawing room in any well to do (handout).
Victorian country house. The Investigators Possible Threats: cultist.
have easels set up and two large tables, at
which they are free to write or draw. They are Purpose Of The Scene: To light the blue
free to converse and walk about as long as touch paper… The Investigators will be driven
they are reasonably quiet and do not alert the to act in discovering what is going on. They
suspicion of the Matron (Alice Eyre) who sits will confront the fact that there is a
on the veranda outside the large barred catastrophe unfolding around them and that
windows, patiently enjoying the garden's the barbarous murder of the inmates and staff
views. Arthur and Sarah will encourage the at Oakengates may be driven by the Doctor.
Investigators to express their creative nature, They will also have to ‘snap out of it’ to a
and will allow them to associate freely. They degree as they fight to defend their lives
know that the Investigators are singled out for against the blood drenched, machete wielding
some of the Doctor’s more bizarre ‘treatments’ cultist. They will realise (through a glimpse of
and so tend to think of these session as an the Hunting Horror and their handout) that
opportunity to grant the Investigators a they are aware of a shadowy world that co-
respite from their ordeals. exists along side our own: the Mythos. The
Investigators will be filled with an
Timing: 30 mins. unreasoning hatred for the Doctor and a
desire to hunt him down and do very
unpleasant things to him as well as to ‘stop’
him, though they will not know precisely what
this means yet. The scene is a huge jolt to
action and contrast from the peaceful opening
segment of gently getting in to character. The
screams that alert Arthur and Sarah are
horrific. They will draw Arthur and Sarah
outside the room in a hurry, they quickly lock
the door behind them. If the Investigators try
and follow Arthur and Sarah they will be told
to stay put and that if they leave they will not
only get themselves in to a great deal of
trouble, but their guardians as well. The key
The Compassionate Sarah and Arthur Mossop. will be pace and catching the Investigators
unawares. If they are insistent and too
Scene One: Friday 8th May 1891. Piercing determined, have them make a SAN check
(triggered by the screams) and any that fail
screams from the hall send Arthur and Sarah
out of the room, they lock it behind them. will become catatonic and go in to shock,
becoming briefly immobile.
Investigators hear horrible sounds of butchery
and slaughter. Door slowly swings open, a
Descriptive Stuff: How you pitch the
deranged cultist enters armed with a wicked
description is up to your style and the
looking machete. The cultist will try and kill
Investigators in the game. As always with
the Investigators, and if possible, summon
Cthulhu, hinted at is often more horrific than
help. May sight shadowy form pass by door
(Hunting Horror). Will hear chanting coming revealed. The over all effect should be one of
an abattoir, a whirlwind of mindless violence
from upper floor. As they leave the room, they
will find mutilated bodies of Arthur and has been let loose on patients and staff alike.

Writer and Keeper: Max Bantleman – For Shadow Warriors – CoC Demonstration Game
Cthulhu By Gaslight – The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum – Shadow Warriors Demonstration Game

Arthur and Sarah bolt for the door, alerted by

cries for help from fellow staff members. After
a brief backward glance, they disappear
through the sturdy oak door and you hear the
lock drop behind them. A moment of utter
silence is followed by ear splitting chaos.
Piercing screams rend the air, shrieks of
madness, pain and pleading: human cries of
suffering and desperation as a slaughter
unfolds. You are sure you hear Sarah cry out
for Arthur, then there is silence.
(You may want to add in a view of an insane, Mad Cultist - George Barker.
leering, paint and blood smeared figure
appearing on the veranda and attacking the George is completely insane and has taken a
Matron, knocking her down the steps with a powerful cocktail of drugs 'prescribed' by the
blow from their axe and then butchering the Doctor. These drugs cause George to sense
hapless nurse.) everyone as a twisted parody of a human, with
In the silence you think you hear soft exaggerated features. George sees everyone
footsteps approach the locked door. The lock as an enemy and knows he must kill everyone
clicks and the handle slowly turns. The door he meets until the Doctor tells him it is safe to
is thrown open and there stands a blood stop.
soaked mad man, stripped to the waist,
covered in scratches and strange tribal STR 14
markings in ink, they hold a dripping machete CON 14
in their hand and stare blankly in to the room. SIZ 13
With a wild, wordless cry they launch INT 10
themselves at you. POW 10
(The cultist will attack a random target and DEX 12
will fight to the death, trying to kill as many of HP 14
the Investigators as he can.)
As the madman strikes, you see a shadowy Move: 6. Hit Points: 14. Damage Bonus: +1d4
figure pass across the door from out in the Weapons: Machete 50% 1d6+1d4 damage.
hall. It resembles a strange column of filthy Fist / Punch 40% 1d3+1d4 damage. Grapple
horizontal smoke, the dark recesses of which 40%. Bite 25% 1 damage.
seem to be alive with teeth and eyes.
From out in the hall you can see the carnage Scene Two: Second floor. Find more
with a terrible clarity. Bodies lie butchered bodies, some dead cultists and one tortured
and strewn along the floor, blood smears victim still alive (horribly mutilated). SAN
floor, walls and even the high ceiling. The air check. Will find out that the ‘soldiers’ have
is thick with the cloyingly sweet smell of been alerted and will be here within a few
spilled blood. From up the master stair case, hours. Will find discarded gun case and a few
you hear a soft rhythmic chanting, at odds broken ‘artefacts’ discarded by the cultists.
with the charnel house around you in it’s Possible Threat: SAN loss.
soothing tones. Strange words and sounds
mingle with a language you feel you should Purpose Of The Scene: The Investigators will
understand. One voice you recognise above need to find out about the South Staffs being
the rest: the Doctor. alerted, though they will not know too much
about the regiment or what it will do when it
Timing: 20 mins. arrives. The still living victim will be a scant
source of information, descriptive stuff that

Writer and Keeper: Max Bantleman – For Shadow Warriors – CoC Demonstration Game
Cthulhu By Gaslight – The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum – Shadow Warriors Demonstration Game

may trigger some memory in the Investigators

of familiarity. The Investigators may also arm
themselves from a broken gun case with a
pair of hunting shotguns, and with some
discarded machetes and knives, maybe an
axe. The investigators will be further drawn
towards hunting down the Doctor, who they
will realise is on the upper floors or the roof
of the Asylum.

Descriptive Stuff: The hall on the second floor

is awash with blood. The bodies here, of both
staff and inmates, are not strewn randomly
where they were hacked and fell, but rather
lay neatly propped up against walls at regular The Remains Of A Ransacked Study.
intervals. Each has been mercilessly mutilated,
and many have been torn by claws and teeth, Shotguns: base chance 30%. Base range:
chewed, bitten and gouged so that their forms 10/20/50. Damage: 4d6/2d6/1d6. Either 1 or
are barely recognisable. From one of the 2 shots per round. Mal: 00.
figures a low sigh emerges, a whispered plea Machete: base chance 20%, damage: 1d6+db.
for help: it is one of the porters (Charles Small Axe: base chance 20%, damage:
Mavin), his face half ripped off and one of his 1d8+1+db. Knife: base chance 25%, damage:
arms missing. “Eyes that bite… the snake that 1d4+db.
got me… they ate what they could… mad…
voices… they ate my arm… my arm… the Scene Three: Second floor. Hunting
Staffs… Nurse called the Staffs before… before Horror will swoop by, looking for the survivor
they… it… ate her face…” The porter falls to (porter, Charles Mavin) to finish off. Will
babbling incoherently, close to both insanity attack the Investigators if provoked or if
and death. needed. SAN check and revelation (handout).
All of the offices and cells on this floor have Hunting Horror may taunt and stalk them,
had their doors thrown open or ripped off, all
playing cat and mouse with them from here
of the contents of each of these rooms has until their final encounter with the Doctor.
been scattered to lay among the blood and Possible Threat: Hunting Horror.
gore of the hall. Next to a half torso,
immersed in the unravelled intestines of a Purpose Of The Scene: To introduce the
slaughtered nurse, you see a leather gun case: Investigator to the Hunting Horror and
it must be from the Doctors study on this provoke another revelation that will drive
floor (pair of 12 gauge double barrelled
them. To get the Investigators moving towards
shotguns and 30 shells.) the Doctor. The Hunting Horror is a savage
Many of the bodies have scars that form a opponent and could quite easily, if it was
pattern, horrible inscriptions in human flesh. determined, kill more than one of the
Some have small clay tablets stuck in their Investigators: that is not it's purpose. If the
eyes or tucked in to rents in the flesh. The Investigators do well against it, or if it's in a
symbols are all the same, and though you particularly evil mood, it will cast a spell on
don’t know what the symbol is, you are sure it
one of the Investigators before it departs:
is meant to be a creature, perhaps a twisted Wither Limb (target loses 1d8 HP and 3 CON,
sea urchin. All you can focus on is the chosen limb withers and blackens becoming
chanting, drawing you upwards. useless. To take effect, Hunting Horror
matches Magic Points with victim on
Timing: 20 mins.

Writer and Keeper: Max Bantleman – For Shadow Warriors – CoC Demonstration Game
Cthulhu By Gaslight – The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum – Shadow Warriors Demonstration Game

Resistance Table. Hunting Horror currently SIZ 34

has 15 Magic Points.) Witnessing the spell INT 13
casting and taking effect is a 0/1d3 SAN loss. POW 18
DEX 16
Descriptive Stuff: The mangled Porter HP 23
whispers, "don't let it take me, save me… don't
eat me…" and with that appears to slip in to a Move 6 / 10 flying. Hit Points: 23.
coma from which he will likely not awaken. Weapons: Bite 65%, damage 1d6+1d4. Tail
From out of the dim recesses of the stairs, a 90%, damage Grapple (+20% to Bite vs
harsh voice, barely comprehensible, screeches pinned victims).
it's intent with ear splitting ferocity, "none Armour: 6-point skin; cannot be impaled by
shall live." A viperous flying creature of bullets.
darkness and inky shadow glides through the Sanity Points: 0 / 1d10 Sanity points to see a
air, defying all natural laws with it's existence. Hunting Horror.
It's writhing, shifting, slime covered form has a
barbed tail and a gaping maw of fangs, a Scene Four : Second Floor. Abandoned
blackened tongue licks the air, as it's black library. Area of Dream Space still open.
rubbery single wing writhes in a mockery of a Glimpse the other realm, see a victim tied and
flapping motion, sending the abomination awaiting sacrifice in a 'Glade'. May see
hurtling towards you. approaching beast. SAN loss and revelation
(handout) – Doctor has been torturing them
Timing: 20 mins. for a year and draining them of ‘essence’
(Magic Points). Will discover the nature of the
Hunting Horror (Small specimen) Doctor’s current ceremony and slaughter: to
summon Glaaki.
The Hunting Horror will be obsessed with Possible Threat: Dream Space beast.
finishing of the survivor from it's previous
assault and will largely ignore the Purpose Of The Scene: This scene is to give
Investigators. If they attack it, it will turn it's the Investigators a glimpse of the Dream
fangs on them but will fight to injure and then Space that Glaaki can command and control,
taunt. Eventually, if it is not killed, it will fly an area that lies outside of normal time and
upwards to the roof to rejoin the Doctor. space and borders the Dreamlands. There is a
sacrificial victim tied and awaiting slaughter: a
nurse from Oakengates, Alice Shipley, it
should be clear that the Investigators can
actually enter the weird spatial distortion to
rescue her should they so wish. They will
realise that if they don't, her death will aid in
Glaaki's coming. The Dream Space is quiet,
sound does not seem to exist here, so while
here the Investigators will only be able to
communicate in signs and signals. The
landscape can change and seems to flex
between solid ground in the shape of a
grassy, sunny glade, to that of the airy
nothingness of the deep space void. The
A Rare Two Winged Hunting Horror. scene should give an eerie break in the hectic
violence in the Asylum, being reinforced by
STR 24 the complete silence of the Dream Space. This
CON 12

Writer and Keeper: Max Bantleman – For Shadow Warriors – CoC Demonstration Game
Cthulhu By Gaslight – The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum – Shadow Warriors Demonstration Game

area of Dream Space is effectively a huge coming for their offering, their sacrifice: if you
shallow grave, where Glaaki disposes of the are to help the poor wretch bound to the
remains of those sucked dry by the mad god. other realm, you will have to act swiftly. The
At least one Skeleton will rise from their grave vision of the sunny glade returns.
to attack the Investigators. And all this while As you step through in to a separate reality,
the true 'beast', the servant sent by Glaaki to you realise you are sundered from everything
harvest the offering glides serenely closer you know and understand. This place can not
through the void. really exist, yet here you are, in some
You can, if you want, place an evil twist on demented dream realm where the world
this segment: once the Investigators have doesn't need to make sense to those alien to
reached the sacrificial victim, poor old Alice it. You are immediately aware that there is no
Shipley, they will realise that she has been sound, nothing: sound simply can not exist
'bound' to the alter she lies on, either by here. You feel your feet crushing twigs and
physical means like having her nerve endings sticks laid beneath the surface of the springy
torn out and entwined with the rock, or green grass. A broken bone snaps through
magically, and that they can not in fact rescue the moist earth, pointing upwards like an
her. They will also realise that it would be a accusing finger. Then the ground begins to
kindness to spare her the eternal torment squirm and writhe, alive with the dead things
Glaaki will put her through, by ending her life. beneath.
Or you can simply have the Investigators
rescue her and take her back to the Asylum, Timing: 30 mins.
where she will become catatonic with the
shock and sanity loss.

Descriptive Stuff: Through the broken door

frame to the library, you catch a glimpse of a
swirling mass of darkness. You realise you are
looking at something strange, impossible
even, a window in to another world, another
space, viewing a swirl of the bleak night sky.
The scene fills the whole doorway, pushing
deeper back than the library, building, or Skeleton Awakening.
indeed the world should allow. Twisted
perceptions of depth and angles change, These are the animated remains of those
suddenly you can see a translucent forest slaughtered by Glaaki: undead servants that
glade, floating over the blackness of the void, exist only to serve the twisted god's will. They
and in the alien landscape you see a familiar attack relentlessly and once 'killed' explode in
face, one of the nurses, tied and laid over to a shower of splintered bone fragments.
what looks like a black slab of rough stone,
she is terrified. As she turns her face to catch STR 10
a glimpse of the world she came from, her CON N/A
eyes plead with you for help. The shimmering SIZ 14
vortex glimmers with energy, suddenly the INT 10
stars are back, the glade gone. A huge POW 1
mountain of blackness detaches itself from DEX 10
the surrounding darkness, blotting out the HP Special Damage.
pale slivers of light from the starry
background. You know the abominable shape Move: 7. Damage Bonus: none.
is a creature of hideous malevolence, a Hit Points: No damage taken 'normally'.
servant of a greater evil, and that this beast is

Writer and Keeper: Max Bantleman – For Shadow Warriors – CoC Demonstration Game
Cthulhu By Gaslight – The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum – Shadow Warriors Demonstration Game

Ignores all damage unless the person causing Descriptive Stuff: The chanting is coming
the damage rolls under the damage done x4 from the roof, low pitched, rhythmic, you
on % dice, when the whole Skeleton explodes realise the ceremony the Doctor is performing
in a shower of bone. Half chance to hit is nearing some kind of awful completion. The
Skeleton with any impaling / piercing weapon carnage here is organised, with bodies being
or firearm as they are mostly air. placed in patterns around the walls. You
Weapons: Club 55%, damage 1d6 (uses a quickly conclude that everyone must be dead.
long piece of bone as weapon). Inmates and staff have all been butchered.
Skills: Clatter Ominously 45%, Rise The only living presence in the Asylum, apart
Unexpectedly 60%. from you, is the Doctor and his diabolical
San Loss: 0/1d6 Sanity points to see a risen followers. Then you are reminded that this is
skeleton. not true. Things are alive in the Asylum that
should not be. The serpent form of the beast
Scene Five: Third Floor. Main area of you encountered earlier drifts through the air
sacrifice and carnage. Hunting Horror will from the roof, lazily swimming towards you
attack in earnest and kill or be killed. on a shadowy current, it's jaws working
Revelation (handout). They will realise that silently in some hateful curse.
they are all worshippers of Glaaki that have Use the Stats. from the Hunting Horror and
turned from the madness. Full disclosure of Cultist detailed earlier.
some of their previous abominations and
actions, they will all come to realise they Timing: 30 mins.
made a pact for redemption through killing
the Doctor. Corrupted Hounds
Possible Threat: Hunting Horror, cultists.
These can be either Doberman Pincers or
Purpose Of The Scene: To fully awaken the Irish Wolf Hounds. They will have numerous
Investigator to their torrid past and to get festering wounds and will seem diseased and
them to make the decision that they can only rabid, unreasoning beasts that will not
find redemption through stopping the Doctor. hesitate to fight to the death. They will be
They will also realise they no longer find the strangely silent, neither barking nor growling.
scenes of carnage round them as shocking as
they should: they no longer take SAN loss for STR 7
witnessing the butchery and bloodshed. They CON 11
have become desensitised, or perhaps realise SIZ 6
they have done worse themselves in previous INT 3
years. This is a point of preparation for the POW 6
assault on the roof. If the Hunting Horror is DEX 12
dead, you can have a couple of cultists HP 8
guarding the bottom of the stairs leading to
the roof, or perhaps a more 'bestial' foe in the Move: 12. Hit Points: 8. Damage Bonus: none.
form of some demented guard dogs from the Weapons: Bite 40% 1d4 damage.
Asylum that have been 'turned' by the Doctor. Skills: Listen 75%. Scent Something
Essentially this scene can have as much or as Interesting 90%.
little action as you think is needed to push the
Investigators on to confront the Doctor. Scene Six : Third Floor – Roof. Melded
They may need some small amount of time to Zombie and Doctor. All cultists are in process
explore what their final revelation actually of being slain, sacrificed to Glaaki. The
means to them, and how they want to handle Zombie is guardian, the Doctor is deep in
it with regard dealing with the Doctor. performing terrible acts of worship with

Writer and Keeper: Max Bantleman – For Shadow Warriors – CoC Demonstration Game
Cthulhu By Gaslight – The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum – Shadow Warriors Demonstration Game

vision of Glaaki. Realisation that the Great

Old One is about to be unleashed on Earth.
Doctor will drain Magic Points from
Investigators to boost summoning.
Doctor will ultimately escape, Investigators
must follow.
Possible Threat: Melded Zombie, undead

Purpose Of The Scene: This is all about The Terrible Vision Of Glaaki.
getting the Investigators to see how close the
Doctor is to getting Glaaki to return to Earth. Descriptive Stuff: It starts to rain, the low
broiling clouds spilling their guts on to the
The cultists will all be used to supply the
Magic Points needed to fuel the spells that Asylum, thunder rolls ominously as sheet
will make Glaaki's return permanent. Cultists lightning splits the sky. There are cultists
will be slain through their involvement, the everywhere, standing rooted to the spot,
Doctor wont care less. The Investigators will swaying slightly as they stare transfixed at the
also be targeted for their Magic Points. The swirling mass of spatial distortion that
Doctor must escape and will turn the now dominates the roof.
In front of the swirling gateway to the stars
undead cultists loose if he has to, as well as
commanding his Zombie to eat the flesh of stands the Doctor, and beside him a mutant
the Investigators. If time is against you, you servant of horrid appearance: an amalgam of
can make this the last scene, perhaps with dead body parts sewn together and given life
Glaaki using his 'Dream Pull' spell on the by evil spells, a twin torso'd Zombie.
There are glowing strands of sickly green
Investigators and the Doctor as a climax. If
you're going for the 'big bang Butch & light oozing from the cultists, the light is
being sucked in to the vortex in space. In the
Sundance' ending (highly recommended), we
also need to use this scene to establish that deeper darkness of space glimpsed through
the Doctor is all but untouchable with the the gateway, you see the abominable form of
sparse resources the Investigators have, Glaaki, writhing impatiently as it awaits it's
leading them to see that the hail of fire from birth in to the waking world (possible SAN
the Staffs (see next scene) may be the only
way to overcome the Doctors magical The Zombie turns it's agonised face towards
protection. The Investigators should come to you, reaching out with it's clawed hands, it
realise that they can disrupt the ceremony by stumbles through the rain, intent on ripping
distracting the Doctor, through physical the flesh from your bones and feasting upon
attack, or by killing the cultists, each of whom it.
is fuelling the ceremony with their Magic Shooting at the Doctor will provoke a small
shower of sparks as the bullets bounce
Points. Once killed, each cultist is 'reborn' as
an undead servant of Glaaki, a fresh Zombie. harmlessly from his magically protected form.
The Doctor will run once four cultists have It would take a greatly concentrated force to
been killed or once he has had to deflect ten penetrate the unnatural shield he has cast
points of damage with his magical shield. The around himself. The ceremony must be
Doctor will throw himself from the roof, using stopped! The magical energy being drawn
a spell to soften his fall. from the dying cultists holds the key.

Sanity Loss: 1d3/1d10 Sanity points to view Timing: 20 mins.

this incarnation of Glaaki.

Writer and Keeper: Max Bantleman – For Shadow Warriors – CoC Demonstration Game
Cthulhu By Gaslight – The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum – Shadow Warriors Demonstration Game

Melded Zombie Investigators deeper mental illnesses via some

dusts and powders.
This foul creature has the dead and decaying The Doctor and the Investigators will run in
body of a powerful human from the waist to the path of the awaiting South Staffs. The
down, and two smaller humans sewn together Investigators will realise that the Doctor has
from the waist up. One of the Zombie's heads the power to transport himself through Dream
has his eyes, nose and mouth sewn shut, the Space to escape, they will have to sacrifice
other head has it's mouth and ears stitched themselves to stop him (cast spell, drain his
closed. essence, link up, fuel it with joint Magic
Points) and at the same time provoke the
STR 18 garrison to open fire, killing them all.
CON 17 Possible Threat: Doctor and spells / powers,
SIZ 16 South Staffs Regiment.
POW 1 Purpose Of The Scene: To get the scenario to
DEX 7 a climactic ending. The Investigators will have
HP 17 to use a spell, sacrifice Magic Points to it's
completion, take SAN loss to fuel it and
Move: 6. Hit Points: 17. Damage Bonus: +1d4. ultimately sacrifice their bodies as the South
Weapons: Bite 40% 1d3. Punch / Claw 45% Staffs open fire en-masse to stop the Doctor
1d4+1d4. and the attack upon them. If the Investigators
Armour: None, but impaling weapons do 1 are pretty beat up by now, have the Doctor
point of damage and all others do half rolled escape with a minimum of force and fuss. If
damage. the Investigators are full of the joys of spring
Skills: Obey Command 90%. (Pursue Human and relatively unharmed, you can have the
Flesh: 90%.) Doctor target them with a couple of spells
Sanity Loss: 1/1d8 Sanity points to see a (Shrivelling or Wither Limb), possibly even a
Zombie. summoned creature from the Dream Space
surrounding Glaaki (use a Nightgaunt). You
will need to gauge the threat quite carefully as
you'll need to have the Investigators alive for
the final confrontation. The Doctor will, in
complete desperation, recast a spell that will
try and drain Magic Points from the soldiers
and the Investigators, he will then prepare a
spell to transport himself to the Dreamlands.
Killing the Doctor will close the portal that
Glaaki needs to arrive in our world. The
Doctor will have a head start on the
Investigators from the roof, so he will have
had enough time to stop, set up a circle of
Protection and begin the chanting cast of the
Zombie Torso. new spell. He will expect the Investigators to
follow him and will be counting on their
magical energy to be added to the spell. The
Scene Seven: Chase down the Doctor.
spell used by the Doctor may have sent out
Run through Asylum, from Roof to Ground
searching tendrils of black energy to sap
floor. Doctor may unleash some beasts from
magic from soldiers close at hand, and a few
Dream Space or may simply trigger the
of them may be rooted to the spot and
leeching a sickly green light of energy as their

Writer and Keeper: Max Bantleman – For Shadow Warriors – CoC Demonstration Game
Cthulhu By Gaslight – The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum – Shadow Warriors Demonstration Game

bodies are drained. The clouds above the close, to be within striking distance of the
Doctor will be swirling, as if a tornado is Doctor, you'd need to be close enough that
gathering: this is where the new spatial rend the bullets would inevitably strike you too…
will allow Glaaki to descend upon us. The
South Staffs will be slightly confused about Timing: 20 mins.
what they are seeing, they will be in the midst
of forming up. It will not take much for them
to open up with several volleys of shot to stop
what they perceive is some kind of attack on
them. Once the South Staffs open fire, each
Investigator will be targeted by 1d6+2 shots,
each doing 1d6+3 damage. The South Staffs
will fire 3 or 4 volleys. The Doctor will be
shredded by the rifle fire, his already
weakened husk of a body finally giving up
under the hail of bullets. The Investigators will
of course see the Doctor ripped apart before
they die, and may catch a glimpse of the
vortex leading to Glaaki collapsing.
Doctor William Peterson.
Descriptive Stuff: The Doctor has run off,
throwing himself from the roof, doubtless with Shrivelling
some foul magics to protect him from the
forty foot fall. The storm grows in intensity, The target is blackened and shrivelled as if
darkening the sky and making it hard to see with a terrible burning wound. They take 1
through the driving rain. A sudden flash of HP damage for each Magic Point expended
lightning highlights the running figure of the by the caster. The Doctor will use 1d6+2
Doctor, he is heading towards a large group Magic Points. To hit the target, the Resistance
of darker figures, drawn up in some kind of Table is used, using Magic Points, the Doctor
order. The Doctor stops and you see the faint counts as having 35 Magic Points.
but distinctive crackle of magical energy leap
from his outstretched hand, tearing up Nightgaunt
towards the still swirling vortex to another
dimension: it would seem the summoning Nightgaunts are loathsome, shocking and
continues. The darker figures before the uncouth creatures, much akin to the classic
Doctor come in to plainer view: soldiers, rank demons of medieval tales. They have oily,
upon rank, weapons raised, their buttons and dripping skin that seeps darkness. Their bat
trim flashing briefly in the lightning. A sickly like winds make no sounds as they beat the
green light spreads from the Doctor, deadly foetid air around their stinking bodies. Their
tentacles casting a net to ensnare the tickle brings dismay and shame to a victim,
unsuspecting troops gathered near by. Many making them concentrate on the terrors of
are enveloped by the glowing energy, their their unearthly opponent and immobilising
hands fall limp to their sides, weapons them with the fear from it's razor sharp,
discarded as their minds and spirits are tickling, barbed tail.
drained to fuel the Doctors insane ceremony.
If only there was a way to bring down the STR 11
Doctor's defences, to interfere with his magics, CON 12
to interrupt the energy flow long enough for SIZ 14
the bullets of the soldiers to have an effect? INT 3
But to do that you would need to get too POW 10

Writer and Keeper: Max Bantleman – For Shadow Warriors – CoC Demonstration Game
Cthulhu By Gaslight – The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum – Shadow Warriors Demonstration Game

DEX 13 immobilises them for 1 round and causes

HP 12 them to lose 1d6 SAN.

Move 6 / 12 flying. Hit Points: 12. Scene Eight: Wash Up. Explain scenario
Weapons: Grapple 30%, damage held for and what Doctor has been and would be
tickling. Tickle 40%, damage immobilised for doing.
1d6+1 rounds.
Armour: 2-point skin. Purpose Of The Scene: To let the
Skills: Hide 90%. Sneak 90%. Investigators understand that their sacrifice (if
Sanity Points: 0 / 1d6 Sanity points to see a they made it) is not in vain. And if they didn't,
Nightgaunt. that Glaaki will be summoned and a reign of
terror will begin for the whole area, perhaps
the world, as the mad god begins his creation
of undead worshippers and slaves. It is also a
good chance to get feedback from both the
Investigators and the Players, get them to
suggest things they think could make it better,
talk about anything they didn't like or
understand and any general observations
they have on the running of the scenario, it's
pace etc.

Timing: As appropriate, 10-15 mins.

A Loathsome Nightgaunt. Dr William Peterson - The Doctor - Insane

Plans of A Dead Soul
Investigator Spells
Dr William Peterson, known to the
The Investigators will know two spells Investigators as 'the Doctor', has been driven
between them, each of which will be put to insane by his contact with Glaaki and is in
best use in the final scene when they catch up fact an undead servant of the Great Old One,
with the Doctor near the South Staffs soldiers. held together by the will of the evil god.
The Investigators will remember the spells in The Doctor was of course doomed from the
their final revelation (in scene five). moment he contacted the Great Old One.
The Doctor has been using the Asylum to
Enthral Victim create cultist worshippers for some years,
though he has also been careful to cover his
The spell costs 1d6 SAN and 2 Magic Points tracks and those that have been converted
to cast. Match Magic Points from caster with have been listed as either discharged or killed
victim on Resistance Table. If successful will while under treatment. A year ago, the Doctor
hold the Doctor immobile for 1 round. The lost control of what little bit of his own mind
Doctor will count as having 18 Magic Points he had left and came totally under the sway of
for the purposes of this spell's resistance. the Great Old One. Since then he has been
working to open an area from Dream Space
Implant Fear to allow the mad god to enter in to our own
realm. It has been a matter of timing. Friday
The spell costs 1d6 SAN and 12 Magic Points May 8th is the appointed night.
to cast. The victim feels a desperate and The Doctor has been using his position in the
terrible fear grip their heart which Asylum to take revenge upon the

Writer and Keeper: Max Bantleman – For Shadow Warriors – CoC Demonstration Game
Cthulhu By Gaslight – The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum – Shadow Warriors Demonstration Game

Investigators, who betrayed him and Quick bit of the niceties of using
ultimately cost him his sanity and his soul.
The spells the Doctor is using draws energy someone else’s system and such:
in the form of Magic Points, but also act as a
Chaosium own all copyrights and IP rights to the
kind of 'Dream Pull', which is a special trait of
Call of Cthulhu game system.
Glaaki, that allows the god to create undead This is an unofficial scenario designed for use
slaves and worshippers (see main description with that system and is in no way a challenge to
of Glaaki in core book for Dream Pull). those rights.
The Doctor is protected by a version of
'Deflect Harm' fuelled by the Magic Points of Please don’t sue us.
those attacked by the spell and ultimately by
Glaaki through the link to Dream Space. Only All images used in this scenario are used without
an overwhelming amount of force can get the permission of the owners, and for that we beg
through the Deflect Harm spell. forgiveness. But we did find them all on the
With the banishing of the Great Old One, all internet in public domain sites with an implied
permission that it was alright to use them for
those created as undead servants will simply
‘personal use’, i.e. not for passing off as your own
die, their flesh and bones rotting at an or for profit.
accelerated rate: but if Glaaki enters our
realm, they will become powerful undead, Please don’t sue us.
fuelled by visions from their god and energy
from Dream Space. With that in mind: this scenario is a copy of a
demonstration game that was run at Shadow Con
Preparing The Scenario II 2006 and Conception 2007, and is not for sale
by anyone to anyone. It is free to any that want to
You will need to print out the character sheets download and use it, subject to the condition that
as well as the handouts. The handouts will they do not try and pass it off as their own or sell
it on.
need to be separated (cut or torn) to allow
each section to go to each Investigator. There Many, many thanks to those that played this
is also a copy of a summary of each character scenario at Shadow Con II and Conception 2007
that needs to be given to each Investigator, it (you know who you are!): as you’ve so rightly
shows each of them so they know what each demonstrated – sanity is overrated!
other looks like, so you'll need as many copies
of this sheet as you have Players. The official Conception web site can be found at:
The handouts with the spells on can be given
out in Scene Five. All of the Investigators are The Shadow Warriors web site can be found at:
capable of remembering each of the spells, so
let them all read them and decide who will
The Chaosium Call of Cthulhu web site can be
cast them when the opportunity arises. found at:
You will of course also have to have sorted
out the fetishes. The fetishes are important, Please feel free to contact us to let us know how
the more work you put in to them, the greater you got on in playing or running this scenario or
the reward during the game. with any suggestions you may have for follow up’s
Don't hesitate to use anything that comes to or other Gaslight scenarios.
hand of the same form, but if you can get
hold of really old stuff all the better.
And don't worry about getting a real spider…
Play safe… and watch that san!

Writer and Keeper: Max Bantleman – For Shadow Warriors – CoC Demonstration Game
Cthulhu By Gaslight – The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum – Shadow Warriors Demonstration Game

The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum

Investigator Summary



STRENGTH 13 16 12 11 12 12
CONSTITUTION 14 16 14 14 16 14
SIZE 14 12 14 13 14 13

DEXTERITY 12 14 13 12 15 16
APPEARANCE 12 14 13 12 14 14
SANITY 65 50 75 75 70 70

INTELLIGENCE 14 12 12 17 14 12
POWER 13 12 16 15 14 14
EDUCATION 17 14 18 17 18 14

IDEA 70 60 60 85 70 60
LUCK 65 60 80 75 70 70
KNOWLEDGE 85 70 90 85 90 70

SANIY POINTS 45 35 55 50 50 40
MAGIC POINTS 13 12 16 15 14 14
HIT POINTS 14 14 14 14 15 14

DAMAGE BONUS 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d4

Investigator Skills

Any skills not listed by an Investigator are at the 'base chance' (see separate list). Skills listed on the
Investigator's character sheets do not have numerics next to them. They are listed on the character sheet
in order of 'profession' and then 'personal choice' in alphabetical order (basically the lists below with the
numbers taken out) but without the Cthulhu and Occult skills.

Major Robert J. Ogilvie - Skills

Cthulhu Mythos 12%, Occult 25%.

Accounting 30%, Anthropology 25%, Bargain 30%, Credit Rating 55%, Dodge 24%, Law 25%, Library
Use 55%, Natural History 35%, Navigate 30%, Persuade 40%, Pistol 40%, Psychology 25%, Rifle 45%,
Sabre 25%.
Astronomy 15%, Drive Carriage 30%, French 15%, German 20%, History 35%, Listen 35%, Ride 20%,
Spot Hidden 40%, Swim 35%, Throw 40%.

Harry Postins - Skills

Cthulhu Mythos 10%, Occult 20%.

Chemistry 30%, Dodge 35%, Electrical Repair 15%, Geology 35%, Library Use 50%, Mechanical Repair
50%, Operate Heavy Machinery 30%, Physics 30%, Drive Carriage 55%.
Climb 50%, Credit Rating 25%, Jump 35%, Locksmith 10%, Navigate 20%, Photography 20%, Punch
65%, Ride 15%, Spot Hidden 35%, Swim 35%, Sword 35%, Shotgun 40%, Throw 35%, Track 30%.

Writer and Keeper: Max Bantleman – For Shadow Warriors – CoC Demonstration Game
Cthulhu By Gaslight – The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum – Shadow Warriors Demonstration Game

Granville Harrington - Skills

Cthulhu Mythos 10%, Occult 30%.

Art (Purchase) 35%, Art (Appreciation) 35%, Craft (Painting) 30%, Credit Rating 50%, French 30%,
German 30% History 50%, Library Use 55%, Ride 35%, Shotgun 60%, Spanish 25%.
Accounting 25%, Astronomy 15%, Bargain 20%, Conceal 35%, Fast Talk 20%, Law 20%, Listen 40%,
Spot Hidden 40%.

Stanley Boyd - Skills

Cthulhu Mythos 15%, Occult 20%.

Art (Purchase) 40%, Art (Appraise) 40%, Astronomy 35%, Bargain 40%, Craft (Calligraphy) 35%,
Egyptian 30%, History 55%, Library Use 40%, Listen 60%, Spot Hidden 60%.
Accounting 25%, Archaeology 20%, Climb 60%, Credit Rating 30%, Medicine 25%, Natural History 25%,
Persuade 30%, Ride 20%, Sneak 25%, Throw 40%.

Rebecca Beasley - Skills

Cthulhu Mythos 10%, Occult 15%.

Biology 45%, First Aid 75%, Library Use 65%, Medicine 40%, Persuade 50%, Pharmacy 35%,
Psychoanalysis 30%, Psychology 30%, Spot Hidden 70%.
Dodge 50%, Knife 45%, Listen 40%, Natural History 25%, Physics 15%, Ride 20%, Sneak 25%, Swim
40%, Throw 40%.

Victoria Pinch - Skills

Cthulhu Mythos 15%, Occult 15%.

Biology 35%, Chemistry 45%, First Aid 60%, Medicine 30%, Natural History 40%, Pharmacy 25%,
Physics 30%, Spot Hidden 60%.
Anthropology 15%, Archaeology 20%, Hand Gun 35%, Persuade 30%, Pilot Balloon 15%, Shotgun 45%,
Swim 45%, Track 25%.

Skills Base Chances

Accounting 10%, Anthropology 01%, Archaeology 01%, Art ( ) 05%, Astronomy 01%, Bargain 05%,
Biology 01%, Chemistry 01%, Climb 40%, Conceal 15%, Craft ( ) 05%, Credit Rating 15%, Disguise 01%,
Dodge DEX x2, Drive Carriage 20%, Fast Talk 05%, First Aid 30%, Geology 01%, Hide 10%, History
20%, Jump 25%, Law 05%, Library Use 25%, Listen 25%, Locksmith 01%, Mechanical Repair 20%,
Medicine 05%, Natural History 10%, Navigate 10%, Occult 05%, Other Language 01%, Own Language
(English) EDU x5, Persuade 15%, Pharmacy 01%, Photography 10%, Physics 01%, Pilot Balloon 01%,
Pilot Boat 01%, Psychoanalysis 01%, Psychology 05%, Ride 05%, Sneak 10%, Spot Hidden 25%, Swim
25%, Throw 25%, Track 10%.
Punch 50%, Head Butt 10%, Kick 25%, Grapple 25%. Axe 20%, Club 25%, Knife 25%, Sword 20%.
Handgun 20%, Rifle 25%, Shotgun 30%.

Writer and Keeper: Max Bantleman – For Shadow Warriors – CoC Demonstration Game
Cthulhu By Gaslight – The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum – Shadow Warriors Demonstration Game

Major Robert J. Ogilvie

Sex: Male
Age: 53
Nationality: British
Birthplace: Chester
Occupation: Retired Officer / Historian

Physical Appearance

Six feet tall, large hands and feet, slightly greying hair and
moustache, both always well groomed through military habit.
Steady Brown eyes, somewhat stern of countenance. Stout frame,
obviously used to physical exercise and the hardships of an officer
on campaign. Physically fit and active, though have become slightly
more sedentary with the taking on of historical study. Always
dresses smartly and conservatively when possible, attire reflects
station in life.

Personality & Attitudes

You have taken your Army training, morals and values with you in to Civilian life. The Cheshire
Regiment and the Army were a natural choice for you: discipline is the corner stone of a well balanced
individual and social structure, the Army understands this. From a well-to-do family, you never the less
believe that every man should stand on his own two feet and make his own way in the world. You have
no time for slackers and loafers. An Injury while on active service in Burma caused you to take early
retirement. You had a distinguished career and were well liked by your men and the other officers. For
some reason you have drifted out of contact, which is not like you.
You believe it is important to keep the mind and spirit fit as well as the body, and have thrown yourself
in to your studies with the same energy you immersed in the Cheshires.
You believe that all men are created equal, but some need to be guided, controlled even, until they are
wise enough to govern their own affairs. There is a natural order of things in which the strong protect
and guide the weak. You believe that women should be treated as social equals but there are some
limits: a lady should be a lady after all and there are some things that should simply just never be
undertaken by a woman, such as fighting and politics.

Aptitudes & Skills

Accounting, Anthropology, Bargain, Credit Rating, Dodge, Law, Library Use, Natural History, Navigate,
Persuade, Pistol, Psychology, Rifle, Sabre.
Astronomy, Drive Carriage, French, German, History, Listen, Ride, Spot Hidden, Swim, Throw.

A Year In The Asylum

You have little recollection of events that lead to you being committed to Oakengates. Indeed you
remember little from more than a year ago. It would seem that some madness drove you in to the arms
of Doctor William Peterson, and you have been at his mercy in the Asylum ever since. Periods of doubt
and self loathing are interspersed with periods of longing for freedom and a chance to prove you are no
longer mad. You are aware that the Doctor has been treating you very badly, in a less civilised country it
would be described as torture. You have come to loath the Doctor. At the back of your mind is the
suspicion that you did indeed lose control of your senses, and that your initial imprisonment in the
Asylum was indeed probably for your own good as well as the protection of those around you. But now,
now you are not so sure. Memories are lost. If only you could think back to the time before your
treatments started. If there was a way to confront the Doctor, you'd do it. If there was a way to give him a
taste of his own medicine, you'd jump at the chance.

Writer and Keeper: Max Bantleman – For Shadow Warriors – CoC Demonstration Game
Cthulhu By Gaslight – The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum – Shadow Warriors Demonstration Game

Major Robert J. Ogilvie

Mental Illness - Memories & Madness

You remember little or nothing of events that lead to your being in Oakengates. Try as you might,
nothing comes to mind. Vague feelings and impressions of having a full and active life are drowned in
the more recent memories of pain and misery at the hands of the Doctor.
You are scarred by a deep mental illness, brought on by your treatment at the hands of the Doctor:
You have an overwhelming Compulsion; you must keep your hands and nails clean at all times and at
all costs. You have also developed a very obvious physical side affect of the mental illness: a tic - when
you are stressed or worried, you tend to blink a lot, mainly with both eyes at the same time.
You are confused and frustrated, but you will not give up trying to remember. You are comforted and
helped in your fight for sanity by a tiny keep sake, a small thing, trivial to all others, but a cornerstone
for your fight back from the edge of the abyss of madness.
You have a dull, old coin, of little value in itself. Handling this soothes and calms you: you do not
understand why, or remember where the coin came from, but it is your comfort in dark times.

Kindred Spirits & Fellow Tortured Souls

Harry Postins - Harry is close to your age, and shares many similarities with you in his outlook
on life. You like and trust Harry and feel in your bones that you have known him a long time. You are
confident that each of you has trusted the other with their very lives at one time or another, and each
has shared their darkest secrets with the other. More than any of the others, Harry shares your abiding
hatred of the Doctor.

Granville Harrington - Granville is full of youthful energy, you envy him this, though sometimes
you wish he could learn some patience, and share in the wisdom of others. You get the feeling that, for
whatever reason, Granville is not very fond of you, though you have no idea why. You both retain your
manners and goodwill in all exchanges, but there is definitely something lurking there.

Stanley Boyd - You find Stanley charming, and are not fooled by his quiet nature: there is a man
of action when need calls. Sometimes you feel a certain distance between you, as if you come from such
different worlds there can be little understanding between you, yet this is not borne out by the sense of
camaraderie you feel in his presence: you have both passed through shared ordeals of some kind and
have both emerged the stronger.

Rebecca Beasley - Rebecca's beauty is apt to disarm many a lesser man than you, those who can
not see past those stunning eyes fail to observe the well honed intellect and iron will that lies beneath.
You realise Rebecca has a lot of new fangled ideas about the role of women in the world, but you find
her a comforting companion none the less. You sense a bond between you borne of learning, a mutual
respect for each others dedication to learning.

Victoria Pinch - Victoria is a woman of great compassion. She has a noble spirit and a keen
mind. You feel very protective towards her, even though you realise her strength of character allows her
to take more than adequate care of herself. You sense she is very much a woman of the people, and that
her mood can either lift or depress those around her. You know she has a strong faith, though for some
reason you find it inappropriate to mention it.

Writer and Keeper: Max Bantleman – For Shadow Warriors – CoC Demonstration Game
Cthulhu By Gaslight – The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum – Shadow Warriors Demonstration Game

Harry Postins

Sex: Male
Age: 52
Nationality: British
Birthplace: Ironbridge
Occupation: Engineer

Physical Appearance

Five feet eleven inches tall, slight, lithe frame, fit and active manner.
Greying hair, black full moustache. A kind face quick to smile. Can
easily be over looked in a gathering due to tendency to dress
conservatively and remain still. Thoughtful looking, as if every aspect
of appearance is well considered.

Personality & Attitudes

You are very much a self made man, having made it to the top of your chosen profession by sheer hard
work and determination. Engineering seems to come easily to you, the principals and laws fit well with
your logical mind and outlook. You respect your elders and tradition as long as it makes sense to do so:
ultimately your pragmatic nature means you are apt to question as much as you accept. You have long
been an advocate of the science of evolution and it's associated disciplines. You see science as offering a
steady, logical progression for mankind, ensuring that the civilised societies will ultimately understand
and harness all of nature's bounty and power. You are a confirmed bachelor believing that the time and
energy spent in pursuit of science and engineering in particular, could never be diluted by the attentions
of a woman or a family.
Your view of society is that it is generally wisely governed, and that the laws of the land are there for a
good reason, not just paying lip service to tradition. You can however, sympathise with those who would
protest against the more unjust laws, and fully accept that civil unrest is a part of the price any
democracy must pay for it's continued health.
You have a naturally introvert nature, but have worked long and hard to cultivate many, many social
contacts and friendships, recently you have been letting this slip and have to some degree become
detached from your social circle and your oldest friends, you can't think how this could have happened.

Aptitudes & Skills

Chemistry, Dodge, Electrical Repair, Geology, Library Use, Mechanical Repair, Operate Heavy
Machinery, Physics, Drive Carriage.
Climb, Credit Rating, Jump, Locksmith, Navigate, Photography, Punch, Ride, Spot Hidden, Swim, Sword,
Shotgun, Throw, Track.

A Year In The Asylum

You have little recollection of events that lead to you being committed to Oakengates. Indeed you
remember little from more than a year ago. It would seem that some madness drove you in to the arms
of Doctor William Peterson, and you have been at his mercy in the Asylum ever since. Periods of doubt
and self loathing are interspersed with periods of longing for freedom and a chance to prove you are no
longer mad. You are aware that the Doctor has been treating you very badly, in a less civilised country it
would be described as torture. You have come to loath the Doctor. At the back of your mind is the
suspicion that you did indeed lose control of your senses, and that your initial imprisonment in the
Asylum was indeed probably for your own good as well as the protection of those around you. But now,
now you are not so sure. Memories are lost. If only you could think back to the time before your
treatments started. If there was a way to confront the Doctor, you'd do it. If there was a way to give him a
taste of his own medicine, you'd jump at the chance.

Writer and Keeper: Max Bantleman – For Shadow Warriors – CoC Demonstration Game
Cthulhu By Gaslight – The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum – Shadow Warriors Demonstration Game

Harry Postins

Mental Illness - Memories & Madness

You remember little or nothing of events that lead to your being in Oakengates. Try as you might,
nothing comes to mind. Vague feelings and impressions of having a full and active life are drowned in
the more recent memories of pain and misery at the hands of the Doctor.
You are scarred by a deep mental illness, brought on by your treatment at the hands of the Doctor:
You have developed Somnolence: you get very tired and drowsy when stressed or worried.
You have also developed a very obvious physical side affect of the mental illness: a tic - when you are
stressed or worried, you hug yourself for reassurance and for warmth.
You are confused and frustrated, but you will not give up trying to remember. You are comforted and
helped in your fight for sanity by a tiny keep sake, a small thing, trivial to all others, but a cornerstone
for your fight back from the edge of the abyss of madness.
You have a shiny brass button, of little value in itself. Handling this soothes and calms you: you do not
understand why, or remember where the button came from, but it is your comfort in dark times.

Kindred Spirits & Fellow Tortured Souls

Major Robert J. Ogilvie - The Major is a stout and reliable companion, a great friend and a long
time associate. You feel a great bond and tie with him borne from some terrible shared ordeal. There is
little doubt in your mind that you are both indebted to each other in ways others could not possibly
understand. You know the Major shares your unflinching hatred of the Doctor, and that given the
chance you would both cast of the veil of civilised behaviour and kill the monster if you could.

Granville Harrington - Granville is somewhat foolish, borne from his age you suspect. he appears
to have a curiosity which outstrips his with and maybe even his spirit. Despite this, you like him and try
to pass on what wisdom you can, when you can. You sense a tension between Granville and Stanley,
though you are not aware of the cause and you know Granville tends to ignore it as his focus wanders.

Stanley Boyd - Stanley's quiet nature disguises a will of iron and a driven spirit. You know
Stanley is something of a dark horse, given to bouts of extreme physical activity, though he is loathed to
talk about his exploits. You tend to maintain a polite and discrete distance from Stanley, as ultimately
you feel you are creatures of different habit and intent. His passions are not your passions, though you
respect each others love of learning.

Rebecca Beasley - Rebecca is quite the most beautiful woman you have ever seen. You have very
vague memories of a romance of sorts between you, though you do not trust them. You know her beauty
is matched by her wit and intellect. She has the mind of a true scholar and the thirst for knowledge that
you knew too in your youth. You feel a slight sense of unease around Rebecca, as if you both share a
dark secret each is afraid the other will acknowledge.

Victoria Pinch - Victoria is a compassionate and very outgoing woman. You know she cares for
others more than she cares for herself. You have little doubt that Victoria missed her calling, she should
have joined the Church. A woman of boundless energy, she seems to embrace life to the full. You are
protective of Victoria as you sense she is often blind of the dangers around her. Occasionally you share
a feeling of great melancholy with her, as if you have both many regrets from a past life lived.

Writer and Keeper: Max Bantleman – For Shadow Warriors – CoC Demonstration Game
Cthulhu By Gaslight – The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum – Shadow Warriors Demonstration Game

Granville Harrington

Sex: Male
Age: 37
Nationality: British
Birthplace: Bristol
Occupation: Shipping Company Owner

Physical Appearance

Six feet four inches tall, stocky frame and strong facial features. Well
groomed and conscious of appearance, sports a fashionable
moustache. A very expressive face, hard to hide feelings and thoughts.
Seems to have an inner strength and resolve that shines through
restless eyes.

Personality & Attitudes

You have an overwhelming curiosity. Your intellect and passion for knowledge have pushed you
throughout your life. You found the world of business remarkably easy, and took over your father's
business at an early age, running it with little effort, leaving you time to pursue studies of art and
painting in particular. You are naturally confident, having a charm that allows you to move in all social
circles with ease. You are a passionate believer in the Empire, and the rightness of Britain leading the
world in matters of social and political conscience. Forward looking, you never the less believe that
individual rights and responsibilities should first serve the country of your birth. You are used to getting
what you want, and have made a few enemies in the art and business world, though you treat this with a
light hearted joviality, typical of your self belief. Comment has also frequently been made of your
apparent good luck. You see it as more a realisation of your energy and persistence.
Some have described you as single minded, especially in pursuit of the things to are passionate about.
You prefer to think of yourself as dedicated and energetic, knowing that you will not give up once you
have set your sights on achieving (or acquiring) something.
The world is a wide and wonderful place, full of things to be discovered. You see yourself as retiring
from the business world early, to pursue your passion for collecting. Recently you have been so
absorbed in other things, that you have let the business slip slightly, as well as losing track of a number
of fellow collectors and philanthropists, which is most unlike you.

Aptitudes & Skills

Art (Purchase), Art (Appreciation), Craft (Painting), Credit Rating, French, German, History, Library Use,
Ride, Shotgun, Spanish.
Accounting, Astronomy, Bargain, Conceal, Fast Talk, Law, Listen, Spot Hidden.

A Year In The Asylum

You have little recollection of events that lead to you being committed to Oakengates. Indeed you
remember little from more than a year ago. It would seem that some madness drove you in to the arms
of Doctor William Peterson, and you have been at his mercy in the Asylum ever since. Periods of doubt
and self loathing are interspersed with periods of longing for freedom and a chance to prove you are no
longer mad. You are aware that the Doctor has been treating you very badly, in a less civilised country it
would be described as torture. You have come to loath the Doctor. At the back of your mind is the
suspicion that you did indeed lose control of your senses, and that your initial imprisonment in the
Asylum was indeed probably for your own good as well as the protection of those around you. But now,
now you are not so sure. Memories are lost. If only you could think back to the time before your
treatments started. If there was a way to confront the Doctor, you'd do it. If there was a way to give him a
taste of his own medicine, you'd jump at the chance.

Writer and Keeper: Max Bantleman – For Shadow Warriors – CoC Demonstration Game
Cthulhu By Gaslight – The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum – Shadow Warriors Demonstration Game

Granville Harrington

Mental Illness - Memories & Madness

You remember little or nothing of events that lead to your being in Oakengates. Try as you might,
nothing comes to mind. Vague feelings and impressions of having a full and active life are drowned in
the more recent memories of pain and misery at the hands of the Doctor.
You are scarred by a deep mental illness, brought on by your treatment at the hands of the Doctor:
You have developed a deep Neurosis: in times of high stress you tend not to trust your own judgement
or others opinion of it.
You have also developed a very obvious physical side affect of the mental illness: a tic - when you are
stressed or worried, you find yourself smiling uncontrollably.
You are confused and frustrated, but you will not give up trying to remember. You are comforted and
helped in your fight for sanity by a tiny keep sake, a small thing, trivial to all others, but a cornerstone
for your fight back from the edge of the abyss of madness.
You have a small toy soldier, of little value in itself. Handling this soothes and calms you: you do not
understand why, or remember where the toy soldier came from, but it is your comfort in dark times.

Kindred Spirits & Fellow Tortured Souls

Major Robert J. Ogilvie - The Major irritates you, though in truth there seems to be no grounds
for it. For all his military bearing and correctness, you know he is a man of honour and high spirit. Yet
this counts for little within ten minutes of his company, when you can not help but feel trapped and
smothered. You are polite to the Major and do not think he senses your discomfort in his presence.

Harry Postins - Harry is a kind old gentleman, who has taught you much, and who, if he would
only listen and be more open to new ideas, you could teach much to in return. You are slightly jealous of
Harry's relationship with Rebecca though you feel unsure as to what their exact relationship is. Harry
has shown his strength of will on numerous occasions, and you feel a gratitude towards him that extends
beyond the mundane: you have shared some danger and each survived through the help of the other.

Stanley Boyd - Stanley is a man of many contradictions, a puzzle that scrapes away at your
curiosity. You know that Stanley's scholarly demeanour hides a much more active man. You can not be
sure, but there is a vague sense of violence that accompanies Stanley. This more than anything intrigues
you: that someone could have that different sides to their character.

Rebecca Beasley - Rebecca is beautiful. She distracts you. You know there is much more to this
picture of elegance, grace and nobility, but you always end up making a fool of yourself when you try to
talk to her. You know in your heart that something deeper than friendship has passed between you, but
you also know that she either chooses to forget, or is incapable of remembering it. You are very
protective of Rebecca though you hide it well from the others.

Victoria Pinch - You are drawn to Victoria, as so many are, through her seemingly boundless
compassion and kindness. She eases your confusion and fears in this terrible place. Her spirit is
matched by her learning, and you know you have both spent many a happy day in the pursuit of
knowledge, through books and lectures. This sense of an early acquaintance and friendship is greatly
frustrated by your inability to remember how, where and why you met, and what events you share in

Writer and Keeper: Max Bantleman – For Shadow Warriors – CoC Demonstration Game
Cthulhu By Gaslight – The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum – Shadow Warriors Demonstration Game

Stanley Boyd

Sex: Male
Age: 48
Nationality: British
Birthplace: London
Occupation: Antique Dealer

Physical Appearance

Six feet three tall, light and lithe frame. Rather austere of
appearance, placing little value on fashion or accessories. A
worldly wise look of face and a ready smile. Well kept hair and
trimmed beard, as is proper for a gentleman. Very restive in action
and movement.

Personality & Attitudes

Quiet, studious, introvert, you like you own company and the company of books and the past. Your
natural curiosity drew you to the world of history, archaeology and antiques. This also allowed you the
solitude you like to work and study. You see society as a thing that needs feeding and tendering, and
tradition and custom help do this. You respect those that make and minister the laws, and trust the
judgement of those in power. You largely see your place as being outside of the normal social structure
as you deal with the past. The deeper mysteries of the East drew you from an early age, the Egyptian
culture in particular. It seemed so ordered, so dedicated, so well structured and ministered.
You are well travelled and have been on many, many digs in Egypt. These excursions have been a
necessary part of what you do, and you have put as much energy and thought in to making them a
success as you would any translation or study of any art. You have learned that a lot can be picked up
with quiet observation: there are those more extrovert than you that want to be the focus of attention,
and you are happy to let them. You fee slightly detached from many social and political issues that seem
to stir people, as you feel any disruption in the status quo can only harm your work and studies.
Recently you have noticed a drop in both business and social contact with those in the same field as
you, and you wonder when this started, how long it has been going on and to what degree you have
actively helped it along. It is not like you to ignore fellow professionals and clients.

Aptitudes & Skills

Art (Purchase), Art (Appraise), Astronomy, Bargain, Craft (Calligraphy, Egyptian, History, Library Use,
Listen, Spot Hidden.
Accounting, Archaeology, Climb, Credit Rating, Medicine, Natural History, Persuade, Ride 20%, Sneak,

A Year In The Asylum

You have little recollection of events that lead to you being committed to Oakengates. Indeed you
remember little from more than a year ago. It would seem that some madness drove you in to the arms
of Doctor William Peterson, and you have been at his mercy in the Asylum ever since. Periods of doubt
and self loathing are interspersed with periods of longing for freedom and a chance to prove you are no
longer mad. You are aware that the Doctor has been treating you very badly, in a less civilised country it
would be described as torture. You have come to loath the Doctor. At the back of your mind is the
suspicion that you did indeed lose control of your senses, and that your initial imprisonment in the
Asylum was indeed probably for your own good as well as the protection of those around you. But now,
now you are not so sure. Memories are lost. If only you could think back to the time before your
treatments started. If there was a way to confront the Doctor, you'd do it. If there was a way to give him a
taste of his own medicine, you'd jump at the chance.

Writer and Keeper: Max Bantleman – For Shadow Warriors – CoC Demonstration Game
Cthulhu By Gaslight – The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum – Shadow Warriors Demonstration Game

Stanley Boyd

Mental Illness - Memories & Madness

You remember little or nothing of events that lead to your being in Oakengates. Try as you might,
nothing comes to mind. Vague feelings and impressions of having a full and active life are drowned in
the more recent memories of pain and misery at the hands of the Doctor.
You are scarred by a deep mental illness, brought on by your treatment at the hands of the Doctor:
You become Paranoid when stressed: you become convinced that all events conspire against you
personally, and that they are orchestrated by a malevolent will that hates only you.
You have also developed a very obvious physical side affect of the mental illness: a tic - when you are
stressed or worried, you stay still and sway gently backwards and forwards.
You are confused and frustrated, but you will not give up trying to remember. You are comforted and
helped in your fight for sanity by a tiny keep sake, a small thing, trivial to all others, but a cornerstone
for your fight back from the edge of the abyss of madness.
You have a small matchbox with a spider inside it, the spider needs protecting. Handling this soothes
and calms you: you do not understand why, or remember where the matchbox came from, but it is your
comfort in dark times.

Kindred Spirits & Fellow Tortured Souls

Major Robert J. Ogilvie - The Major is a solid, dependable companion. You do not doubt that you
have each seen each other through hard times. His military bearing and attitudes are sometimes slightly
annoying as they seem to govern all he says and does, though you know that he tries hard to behave as
a 'civilian': once a soldier, always a soldier.

Harry Postins - Harry is a well learned gentlemen of great understanding and worldly wisdom.
His academic demeanour belie a great understanding of the world and the way it works. You have a
sense that he is somehow ashamed of his past, but as none of you remembers any of that, it remains a
puzzle. Although Harry has the wisdom of someone who has lived in the world with all it's foibles, you
doubt he could have ever done anything really dishonourable.

Granville Harrington - Granville makes you feel restless. His energy and enthusiasm, seemingly
for everything he does, makes your feet itch: you long to be on your travels again. You do however wish
that his energy was tempered with at least some common sense. You feel that Granville's drives have, on
more than one occasion, placed you in danger as you have tried to help him. But for all that, you can not
help but like him, in many ways he reminds you of a younger you.

Rebecca Beasley - If you were but a few years younger you would tell Rebecca how you feel
about her. You sense she remains the one regret of your full life. She has the mind of a true scholar and
the beauty of Helen of Troy. There can be little doubt there is a shared secret between you, but you
would be loathed to speak of it or try to uncover it. You could never stand to see her hurt.

Victoria Pinch - Victoria is a woman of many guises, by turns academic and compassionate,
worldly wise and scholarly, selfless and driven. She has a noble spirit. Yet you sense a very dark past
haunts her. Things shared in her company seem to draw her back to her hidden memories, and you
sense you have both been involved in events that each would much rather forget, yet has to remember to
have any hope of reconciling their past with their future.

Writer and Keeper: Max Bantleman – For Shadow Warriors – CoC Demonstration Game
Cthulhu By Gaslight – The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum – Shadow Warriors Demonstration Game

Rebecca Beasley

Sex: Female
Age: 32
Nationality: British
Birthplace: London
Occupation: Pharmacist / Nurse

Physical Appearance

Five feet eight tall, of slim figure and face, universally thought of
as beautiful. Dark brown hair, usually worn up. Delicate hands
and nimble fingers. Compassionate eyes. Dresses in practical
clothes and keeps up with fashion, though does not spend
frivolously on it.

Personality & Attitudes

Fiercely independent, you have learned that persistence will usually get you what you want. Your quick
mind soaked up all the learning your private tutors could supply, you soon became bored and restless,
using your father's other resources to fuel your thirst for knowledge. You value the power of the mind,
and are suspicious of overly emotive people. Science has shown you the beauty of the Universe, both in
it's function and form, you need no other distractions. This is not to say you are not a social creature,
you have had many suitors and enjoy the contact with those of like minds your fathers patronage can
bring. Your compassionate nature is reflected in the duties you perform as a nurse, mainly voluntary
work for the Army. You feel a strong sense of duty and can understand the need to serve your country.
Society can not stand on the logic of scientists alone: armies are needed to stand strong against the
bullies and despots in the world, and to help lead the less civilised towards a more utopian future. You
care little for societies perceptions and restrictions it would place upon your chosen fields of research,
you have always felt you were a scientist first, a humanitarian second and a woman third. You dislike
being distracted when you have a problem to solve, and can be engrossed to the point where you neglect
the more trivial, basic drives such as eating an drinking.
You can not remember the last time you were out in the community doing the voluntary work you so
love, or the last time you were at a social engagement of your father's, missing these things from your
diary is not like you.

Aptitudes & Skills

Biology, First Aid, Library Use, Medicine, Persuade, Pharmacy, Psychoanalysis, Psychology, Spot Hidden.
Dodge, Knife, Listen, Natural History, Physics, Ride, Sneak, Swim, Throw.

A Year In The Asylum

You have little recollection of events that lead to you being committed to Oakengates. Indeed you
remember little from more than a year ago. It would seem that some madness drove you in to the arms
of Doctor William Peterson, and you have been at his mercy in the Asylum ever since. Periods of doubt
and self loathing are interspersed with periods of longing for freedom and a chance to prove you are no
longer mad. You are aware that the Doctor has been treating you very badly, in a less civilised country it
would be described as torture. You have come to loath the Doctor. At the back of your mind is the
suspicion that you did indeed lose control of your senses, and that your initial imprisonment in the
Asylum was indeed probably for your own good as well as the protection of those around you. But now,
now you are not so sure. Memories are lost. If only you could think back to the time before your
treatments started. If there was a way to confront the Doctor, you'd do it. If there was a way to give him a
taste of his own medicine, you'd jump at the chance.

Writer and Keeper: Max Bantleman – For Shadow Warriors – CoC Demonstration Game
Cthulhu By Gaslight – The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum – Shadow Warriors Demonstration Game

Rebecca Beasley

Mental Illness - Memories & Madness

You remember little or nothing of events that lead to your being in Oakengates. Try as you might,
nothing comes to mind. Vague feelings and impressions of having a full and active life are drowned in
the more recent memories of pain and misery at the hands of the Doctor.
You are scarred by a deep mental illness, brought on by your treatment at the hands of the Doctor:
You become Delusional when stressed: you believe that germs are alive and sentient and that they
actively choose their hosts, they seem to seek you out with particular vigour.
You have also developed a very obvious physical side affect of the mental illness: a tic - when you are
stressed or worried, you get an intolerable itch on your ears and throat that you simply have to scratch.
You are confused and frustrated, but you will not give up trying to remember. You are comforted and
helped in your fight for sanity by a tiny keep sake, a small thing, trivial to all others, but a cornerstone
for your fight back from the edge of the abyss of madness.
You have a small strip of cloth. Handling this soothes and calms you: you do not understand why, or
remember where the cloth came from, but it is your comfort in dark times.

Kindred Spirits & Fellow Tortured Souls

Major Robert J. Ogilvie - The Major reminds you of your father. He is a strong willed, diligent
man, with a strong sense of tradition. You can't imagine him being anything other than a soldier. You
know you an trust him and are comfortable in his presence. His slightly more archaic notions about the
social 'place' of women can easily be forgiven and they seldom annoy you, even though they are
indicative of all you have had to fight against your whole life.

Harry Postins - Harry is a sweet man who you have deep feelings for. His intellect and thirst for
knowledge greatly impress you. You also sense that there may have been something more between you,
though you do not fully trust yourself in this as you do not truly believe that Harry would ever have let
anything happen. You also know full well that Harry's gentle manner should not be taken for a sign of

Granville Harrington - Granville is a vibrant man, full of energy, with a boundless curiosity. His
apparent lack of common sense can be a source of much irritation to you. If only he could bring his
energies to bear on something other than apparent trivial pursuits, you could easily see yourself in a
deep friendship with him. There is a lurking sense of shared pain between you, that you are both loathed
to explore. perhaps a shared tragedy, or perhaps a shared shame.

Stanley Boyd - Stanley is quite the most gentle man you have ever met, and yet you know he is
also possibly the most dangerous. His quiet nature and academic poise are only part of his make up.
You know that Stanley can be a man of great and decisive action, and that he has very little fear of any
physical danger. Within Stanley beats the heart of a hunter, an explorer and a man of great knowledge
and wisdom, You are deeply attracted to him.

Victoria Pinch - Victoria has the soul of a saint, or more likely a martyr. She has an iron will to
accompany her compassionate nature. You know that many are fooled in to under estimating her. Much
has passed between you that eludes exact recall. You have both shared much pain and heart ache, as
well has having saved each other from death, perhaps on many occasions. Yet you remain slightly afraid
of each other, perhaps more afraid of what each could reveal of the other.

Writer and Keeper: Max Bantleman – For Shadow Warriors – CoC Demonstration Game
Cthulhu By Gaslight – The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum – Shadow Warriors Demonstration Game

Victoria Pinch

Sex: Female
Age: 34
Nationality: British
Birthplace: York
Occupation: Chemist

Physical Appearance

Five feet six inches tall, very light frame, delicate hands and feet.
Thick dark brown hair, worn tied back or in bun. Wears very
conservative clothes and pays no heed to fashion. Always very clean
and very tidy. Open, friendly countenance, very welcoming smile.

Personality & Attitudes

You have a very compassionate nature, caring far more for others
than you do for yourself. Though not overly religious, you have a very spiritual nature, believing in the
sacred nature of the human soul. You were brought up with your father's agricultural business and soon
found you had an affinity for the sciences which he gladly encouraged and facilitated through the tutors
and scientists from his York premises. You are fascinated by the science of the living, and enjoy putting
your first aid knowledge to practical use on the streets through the Church hostels. Your open, friendly
nature attracts many suitors and admirers, and you have spent more than your fair share of time at balls
and country weekends, where you always entertain with your charm and singing voice. You have become
a good shot with a shotgun, which amuses many gentlemen and pleases your father greatly. You enjoy
hunting and some of the more bizarre pursuits of the landed class, such as ballooning. You see no
contradiction in your earthy, compassionate nature and the association with the so called privileged
classes. You respect tradition and can see the value of the class system, even if you do not agree with
some of it's core values. You believe those that have, are duty bound to share with those that have not,
but that there is a social hierarchy that must be observed. Your outgoing, gregarious nature can be at
odds with the solitary nature of some of your research and study, and you constantly bemoan the fact
that time is in such short supply.
You miss your father and the circles he moved in, you have been out of the social calendar for some
time now and you can't remember why or when this started, though you realise it is most unlike you to
have let this slip.

Aptitudes & Skills

Biology, Chemistry, First Aid, Medicine, Natural History, Pharmacy, Physics, Spot Hidden.
Anthropology, Archaeology, Hand Gun, Persuade, Pilot Balloon, Shotgun, Swim, Track.

A Year In The Asylum

You have little recollection of events that lead to you being committed to Oakengates. Indeed you
remember little from more than a year ago. It would seem that some madness drove you in to the arms
of Doctor William Peterson, and you have been at his mercy in the Asylum ever since. Periods of doubt
and self loathing are interspersed with periods of longing for freedom and a chance to prove you are no
longer mad. You are aware that the Doctor has been treating you very badly, in a less civilised country it
would be described as torture. You have come to loath the Doctor. At the back of your mind is the
suspicion that you did indeed lose control of your senses, and that your initial imprisonment in the
Asylum was indeed probably for your own good as well as the protection of those around you. But now,
now you are not so sure. Memories are lost. If only you could think back to the time before your
treatments started. If there was a way to confront the Doctor, you'd do it. If there was a way to give him a
taste of his own medicine, you'd jump at the chance.

Writer and Keeper: Max Bantleman – For Shadow Warriors – CoC Demonstration Game
Cthulhu By Gaslight – The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum – Shadow Warriors Demonstration Game

Victoria Pinch

Mental Illness - Memories & Madness

You remember little or nothing of events that lead to your being in Oakengates. Try as you might,
nothing comes to mind. Vague feelings and impressions of having a full and active life are drowned in
the more recent memories of pain and misery at the hands of the Doctor.
You are scarred by a deep mental illness, brought on by your treatment at the hands of the Doctor:
You suffer from Logorrhoea when stressed: your are compelled to communicate in copious, coherent,
logical speech.
You have also developed a very obvious physical side affect of the mental illness: a tic - when you are
stressed or worried, you shrug your shoulders in sharp, involuntary movements.
You are confused and frustrated, but you will not give up trying to remember. You are comforted and
helped in your fight for sanity by a tiny keep sake, a small thing, trivial to all others, but a cornerstone
for your fight back from the edge of the abyss of madness.
You have a small wooden ball. Handling this soothes and calms you: you do not understand why, or
remember where the small wooden ball came from, but it is your comfort in dark times.

Kindred Spirits & Fellow Tortured Souls

Major Robert J. Ogilvie - The Major is a kind man, he carries the stern countenance of an army
officer, but you know he has a kind soul. You sense he is a natural leader, and can see why men would
follow him, both in thought and deed. He seems to feel kindly towards you, protecting you even when
there is no need. You can readily forgive him this as it is a part of his guardian nature. He seems mildly
puzzled by you, perhaps through his views on women in society.

Harry Postins - Harry is a studious man, a great intellect and wit, you enjoy his company
enormously. You sense a sadness in him that goes beyond the sadness you all share at your common
plight, as if he has deep regrets, perhaps from things not done as much as things done and best
forgotten. Harry looks out for you and you find this very comforting.

Granville Harrington - Granville's boundless energy is matched only by his curiosity, you know
he questions everything and has a need to find things out for himself. In truth, you feel a great bond with
Granville, as if you have shared much, both through pursuit of knowledge and worldly wisdom and
through shared hardship. Slight feelings of regret surface whenever you speak with Granville. You wish
you could remember more about your past encounters.

Stanley Boyd - Stanley is a man of great energy and great mystery. You are sure you are kindred
spirits in your pursuit of knowledge. Yet there can be little doubt Stanley is a man driven by more than
the academic. He has the bearing of a sportsman at times, and you detect a darker side within him, well
buried and kept behind his charm. There is no fear in your heart that he could ever hurt you, but you
feel pity for those that would stand against him.

Rebecca Beasley - Rebecca is a beautiful, intelligent, charming, driven woman with a passion for
life and living. You feel closer to Rebecca than mere friendship. A bond ties you that is inexplicable. Your
memory betrays you as you try desperately to bring more to the vague feelings that you have been
sisters-in-arms for many years. There is much to learn of each other and yet you are worried that in
learning it, you may uncover things that would best be left buried.

Writer and Keeper: Max Bantleman – For Shadow Warriors – CoC Demonstration Game
Cthulhu By Gaslight – The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum – Shadow Warriors Demonstration Game

Investigator Handout 1 - Prompted by events in Scene One.

Finding of first lot of butchered bodies (killed by the Doctor’s twisted servants: he needs them as fodder
for the ritual). This will prompt greater knowledge of each other and will allow a degree of trust to
develop, may even hint that the Investigators were bound by a common goal, though they are still not
sure what that might have been.


Major Robert J. Ogilvie - The sight of the bodies torn and butchered triggers a memory of war, of people
falling in battle, of those standing shoulder to shoulder with you, your comrades and fellows in the thick
of the fighting. These are not soldiers, they do not wear the Queens uniform, these are those that stand
with you now: you have stood together on the battlefield before, and you know you have all shared in the
brutal reality of combat and helped each other survive it.


Harry Postins - You can barely stand to look upon those slaughtered around you, but as you do you are
taken back, back to a time when you have seen such butchery before, and a time when you could so
easily have been counted among the slain. All that stood between you and the grave then, are the same
people that stand side by side with you now.


Granville Harrington - The terrible sight of those lying dead and dismembered around you jolts your
faltering memory, a vivid sense that you have stood in the midst of such a scene before. The smell of the
blood, the sights of the shattered bodies, a feeling of having suffered this before overwhelms you.
Looking about you, you realise that as much as they are a part of this now, those standing around you
now were with you before.


Stanley Boyd - The death and destruction are more than you care to look upon. The savagery disturbs
you. But as horrific as it is, it also triggers a feeling of strange comfort. Not at the mutilated bodies, but
with those around you. if you must stand amidst such carnage, you would want it to be with those you
share it with now, and have undoubtedly shared it with in the past.


Rebecca Beasley - You feel strangely detached from the scene of butchery around you. As if it's not real,
perhaps part of some half remembered dream. But the reality can not be denied, those slaughtered
around you are mute testament to the horrible reality of it. It is a reality you have experienced before,
you are sure of it, and as sure that you are with the same comrades that helped you through it before.


Victoria Pinch - You could easily be overwhelmed by the scenes of bloody despair surrounding you. A
great sense of waste and hopelessness wash over you, the sheer human misery of it could cripple you.
Yet you draw strength from those with you, and a feeling of remembrance comes with this new strength:
you have survived this before, and with their help, will again.

Writer and Keeper: Max Bantleman – For Shadow Warriors – CoC Demonstration Game
Cthulhu By Gaslight – The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum – Shadow Warriors Demonstration Game

Investigator Handout 2 - Prompted by events in Scene Three.

Detect being followed by Hunting Horror. Become aware that they have each taken life to stop a greater
evil (as they think at this stage). The events are still sketchy, but each will still rationalise them and avoid
the conclusion that they may be a murderer or worse.


Major Robert J. Ogilvie - The sight of this horrific, unnatural creature forces you to confront the twisted
possibility that you have yourself been a killer. You have been a serving officer, so of course you have
killed, and been responsible for other's deaths. But this feeling is different. For whatever reason, you
have taken the life of another. You can only hope it was in a good cause.

Harry Postins - This unnatural aberration triggers in you feelings of confusion and familiarity. You sense
it's evil intent, it's blood lust, it's blind need to rend human flesh. Somehow you know you have felt the
need to take human life, indeed have taken human life. Yet surely it must have been justified, necessary,
perhaps to stop some evil act or greater misfortune?


Granville Harrington - This beast unsettles you, the very fact it lives and breaths flies in the face of
everything you know. The horrible creature has no right to exist yet there it is. From out of nowhere, a
sense of dread washes over you as a memory of taking human life flashes in to your bewildered mind.
You know you have killed, but you must surely have only done so in desperation?


Stanley Boyd - This foul thing that flies before seems intent on one thing: the destruction of human life.
A shocking feeling of understanding comes to you. You know what it is like to take human life. Your
mind reels with this thought, you can but hope whatever you did was done for the greater good, for a
noble cause, to a good end, if only you could remember.


Rebecca Beasley - This wretched thing can not be. No creature could exist in our world. It flies in the
face of all science and reason, yet here it is. It unsettles you, brings back feelings of guilt and regret, of
unreasoning action. You realise you know what it is like to take human life. You have killed another
person. You can't remember how or when, though you know with a startling clarity that you did not
hesitate to do it. What could have forced you to such dreadful action?


Victoria Pinch - The sight and smell of this disgusting creature of nightmare unsettles you, forces you to
thoughts best left alone. It's hideous nature is obvious: it is a beast of death and despair. And yet death
and despair are not unknown to you, indeed you realise that you too have taken human life, have been a
killer. You could never kill another human being, yet without any doubt, you know you have. There must
be some hope that it was done for the good, if only you could remember.

Writer and Keeper: Max Bantleman – For Shadow Warriors – CoC Demonstration Game
Cthulhu By Gaslight – The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum – Shadow Warriors Demonstration Game

Investigator Handout 3 - Prompted by events in Scene Four.

Pleas note these handouts are intentionally all the same J

Major Robert J. Ogilvie - A confusion of loathsome memories return, the burning hatred the Doctor has
for you seems to make some twisted sense. In some monumental way, in some past event, you have
failed the Doctor, and he has never forgiven or forgotten. He has been bending all his evil energies and
efforts upon torturing you within the Asylum for the past year. Scenes of absolute carnage fill your mind,
the terrible things he has done to other inmates, the depraved and wicked things his servants have done:
it is all too much, you can't shut it out, the screams, the terrible, unending screams.


Harry Postins - A confusion of loathsome memories return, the burning hatred the Doctor has for you
seems to make some twisted sense. In some monumental way, in some past event, you have failed the
Doctor, and he has never forgiven or forgotten. He has been bending all his evil energies and efforts
upon torturing you within the Asylum for the past year. Scenes of absolute carnage fill your mind, the
terrible things he has done to other inmates, the depraved and wicked things his servants have done: it is
all too much, you can't shut it out, the screams, the terrible, unending screams.


Granville Harrington - A confusion of loathsome memories return, the burning hatred the Doctor has for
you seems to make some twisted sense. In some monumental way, in some past event, you have failed
the Doctor, and he has never forgiven or forgotten. He has been bending all his evil energies and efforts
upon torturing you within the Asylum for the past year. Scenes of absolute carnage fill your mind, the
terrible things he has done to other inmates, the depraved and wicked things his servants have done: it is
all too much, you can't shut it out, the screams, the terrible, unending screams.


Stanley Boyd - A confusion of loathsome memories return, the burning hatred the Doctor has for you
seems to make some twisted sense. In some monumental way, in some past event, you have failed the
Doctor, and he has never forgiven or forgotten. He has been bending all his evil energies and efforts
upon torturing you within the Asylum for the past year. Scenes of absolute carnage fill your mind, the
terrible things he has done to other inmates, the depraved and wicked things his servants have done: it is
all too much, you can't shut it out, the screams, the terrible, unending screams.


Rebecca Beasley - A confusion of loathsome memories return, the burning hatred the Doctor has for you
seems to make some twisted sense. In some monumental way, in some past event, you have failed the
Doctor, and he has never forgiven or forgotten. He has been bending all his evil energies and efforts
upon torturing you within the Asylum for the past year. Scenes of absolute carnage fill your mind, the
terrible things he has done to other inmates, the depraved and wicked things his servants have done: it is
all too much, you can't shut it out, the screams, the terrible, unending screams.


Victoria Pinch - A confusion of loathsome memories return, the burning hatred the Doctor has for you
seems to make some twisted sense. In some monumental way, in some past event, you have failed the
Doctor, and he has never forgiven or forgotten. He has been bending all his evil energies and efforts
upon torturing you within the Asylum for the past year. Scenes of absolute carnage fill your mind, the
terrible things he has done to other inmates, the depraved and wicked things his servants have done: it is
all too much, you can't shut it out, the screams, the terrible, unending screams.

Writer and Keeper: Max Bantleman – For Shadow Warriors – CoC Demonstration Game
Cthulhu By Gaslight – The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum – Shadow Warriors Demonstration Game

Investigator Handout 4 - Prompted by events in Scene Five.

Triggers knowledge return of the Mythos. Each Investigator returns to their previous Mythos knowledge
score. They regain full memory of the terrible, hideous, evil acts they have undertaken in the name of
Glaaki. They realise salvation and redemption can only be achieved by sacrifice and stopping the


Major Robert J. Ogilvie - This glimpse of a reality outside our own shocks you in to realising that you
have known of the existence of this place, of these beasts, of this whole other creation and it's mythos.
You become fully aware that not only have you been aware of it, but that you have succumbed to it's
worship. You have been on the same side as the Doctor, counted as one of his most loyal servants. You
have done things in his name, terrible things, things you could not believe one human could do to
another, and all in the name of worship of a twisted god: Glaaki. This dark creature of chaos owned your
soul, broke your spirit and stole your sanity. And it is this foul deity from beyond the stars that the
Doctor is trying to summon to our world now. Your previous evil deeds can never really be atoned for,
but you can seek redemption through the thwarting of the Doctor's plans once and for all, no matter the
cost. The full recall of your previous, hideous life, brings with it the strange realisation that you actually
know some 'magics', that you may even be able to cast a 'spell' to help stop the Doctor. You realise your
whole life and the salvation of your spirit could lie in the sacrifices you are prepared to make to thwart
the Doctor.


Harry Postins - You have seen a realm that should not exist, yet you remain strangely calm. It's as if
you've always known of it. As if awakening from a sleep, you suddenly begin to remember. You have
been a servant of the beasts from this other world, indeed you have been a servant of the Doctor, one of
his most loyal. And like his other servants, you have committed unspeakably evil acts, depraved
ceremonies and sacrifices, you have joined with the other worshippers of these mad gods in their
revelries of debauchery and slaughter. There can be little doubt you have lost your will and maybe even
your soul to these dark creatures of chaos. Now you have a moment of respite, a moment of clarity, a
clear realisation that you simply must stop the Doctor. Whatever the cost he must be stopped. Perhaps
the only peace your tortured soul can find will come through the knowledge that you stopped at nothing
to bring about the Doctor's death. With a deepening sense of impending madness, you find yourself
remembering that you have learned a spell, some magic, that may be used to fight the Doctor. If only
you can get close enough. If only you can muster the strength, the power, to fight the mad god's servant.


Granville Harrington - All of your focus and energy are spent on trying to comprehend the impossibility
you have witnessed, the other world you have glimpsed. You feel a curtain has been drawn aside as you
look on memories long since buried. An overwhelming sense of shame and remorse flood through your
mind as you come to realise that you have long been aware of these beasts and rulers of another realm.
Worse than that, you once worshipped and served them, along side the Doctor, who was your able
master and teacher. Then it dawns on you: the atrocities, the heinous acts you have committed in these
mad gods name, like all of their servants, you thought nothing of the insane acts of violence asked of
you. Little is left for you to do except try and regain some of your soul, to take back some of your
broken and enslaved spirit, and you can only do this by stopping the Doctor bringing the elder god
Glaaki to our realm. That you know so much of this must be used for good now, and so must the magics
you learned, the spells you have half remembered that are gradually fully returning. No matter the cost,
you must bend all your will and energy to killing the Doctor.

Writer and Keeper: Max Bantleman – For Shadow Warriors – CoC Demonstration Game
Cthulhu By Gaslight – The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum – Shadow Warriors Demonstration Game

Stanley Boyd - The impossibility of what you have seen unlocks previously shut off memories. With
startling clarity, you see this twisted world from beyond the stars for what it is: the home and hunting
ground of mad gods and their chaotic servants. These hideous beasts are real. And you know more
about them than you could ever have imagined. A feeling of horror builds inside you as you realise that
your knowledge is born from their worship, from serving them and their every insane whim. At the heart
of it all is the Doctor: you were once counted as one of his closest and most loyal companions, doing his
evil, twisted bidding, committing acts of utter depravity in the name of the great old one you both sold
your souls to: Glaaki. In desperation, as you try to steer your crumbling mind away from remembering
the full horror of what you have done, you find yourself thinking about the books you read of ancient
magics, even spells, and it dawns upon you that you may have the ability to cast some such spell to aid
you in stopping the Doctor once and for all. Some small comfort can be taken from the fact that you
may be bale to end this madness. You may even be able to salvage something of your tortured soul and
spirit, bringing some small measure of peace, redemption even, through your dedication to the
destruction of the Doctor, regardless of the cost to you.


Rebecca Beasley - The supernatural horror of the impossible vision throws your normally logical,
scientific mind in to turmoil. Memories are trawled, some dim understanding that previously lurked
repressed comes creeping back. You are sure these visions of places and creatures that simply should
not be are in fact as real as anything you have studied from the world around you. And more than that,
they are as familiar to you as many of the earthly things you cling to as normal. A flash of insight shocks
you: you were once a follower of these beasts, and you were not alone, you were in league with the
Doctor. Together you worshipped them, did their bidding, became their servants. And with that dawns
the realisation that you have acted as abominably as they, that you have brought pain, death and
suffering on an unimaginable scale to hundreds of innocents. You feel sick with the thought, you are no
better than those that have rampaged through the Asylum. Your knowledge of these foul demons must
be used to stop them. The Doctor has strange powers, magic powers, spells, and you feel certain you
could conjure these forces too. There may be a way to redeem your soul, to take back your spirit from
those hideous masters who once owned it. Perhaps through the stopping of the Doctor you can reaffirm
your humanity, before it is stripped from you forever.


Victoria Pinch - The insane vision of the other realm, the twisted creatures that reside there, and at the
heart of this other realm the god like being that awaits to bring doom to all mankind: it is too much.
Your soul cries out, your heart breaks in recognition, these things are known to you. And more than that,
they are what drove you to the Asylum, they are the reason you have lost many memories, your mind
simply shut down in an attempt to stop you coming to terms with the terrible, insane truth. You once
worshipped these abominations, and the elder god Glaaki, you served him willingly along side the
Doctor, his most loyal of servants. The shameful atrocities you committed in his foul name flood your
mind, overwhelming you, filling you with the filthy realisation that you have done much worse than those
that have torn through the Asylum killing all that stood before them. This can not be how it ends. There
must be a way for you to find redemption, to cleanse your soul of at least some of the evil that stains it.
You stopped the Doctor once and now you must do so again. It is the only way. And nothing can stop
you, there will be great sacrifice but it will be worth it. Reaching back in to your surfacing memories you
find scenes of worship where you acted as a priestess, where you were casting spells and using magic
powers that helped drive you insane. Perhaps these seemingly impossible magics could help you now,
perhaps it is the only way to stop the Doctor. But stop him you must. Your spirit must be free of this evil.

Writer and Keeper: Max Bantleman – For Shadow Warriors – CoC Demonstration Game
Cthulhu By Gaslight – The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum – Shadow Warriors Demonstration Game

Major Robert J. Ogilvie

Sex: Male
Age: 53
Nationality: British
Birthplace: Chester
Occupation: Retired Officer / Historian

Physical Appearance

Six feet tall, large hands and feet, slightly greying hair and
moustache, both always well groomed through military habit.
Steady Brown eyes, somewhat stern of countenance. Stout frame,
obviously used to physical exercise and the hardships of an officer
on campaign. Physically fit and active, though have become slightly
more sedentary with the taking on of historical study. Always
dresses smartly and conservatively when possible, attire reflects
station in life.

Harry Postins

Sex: Male
Age: 52
Nationality: British
Birthplace: Ironbridge
Occupation: Engineer

Physical Appearance

Five feet eleven inches tall, slight, lithe frame, fit and active manner.
Greying hair, black full moustache. A kind face quick to smile. Can
easily be over looked in a gathering due to tendency to dress
conservatively and remain still. Thoughtful looking, as if every
aspect of appearance is well considered.

Granville Harrington

Sex: Male
Age: 37
Nationality: British
Birthplace: Bristol
Occupation: Shipping Company Owner

Physical Appearance

Six feet four inches tall, stocky frame and strong facial features. Well
groomed and conscious of appearance, sports a fashionable
moustache. A very expressive face, hard to hide feelings and
thoughts. Seems to have an inner strength and resolve that shines
through restless eyes.

Writer and Keeper: Max Bantleman – For Shadow Warriors – CoC Demonstration Game
Cthulhu By Gaslight – The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum – Shadow Warriors Demonstration Game

Stanley Boyd

Sex: Male
Age: 48
Nationality: British
Birthplace: London
Occupation: Antique Dealer

Physical Appearance

Six feet three tall, light and lithe frame. Rather austere of
appearance, placing little value on fashion or accessories. A worldly
wise look of face and a ready smile. Well kept hair and trimmed
beard, as is proper for a gentleman. Very restive in action and

Rebecca Beasley

Sex: Female
Age: 32
Nationality: British
Birthplace: London
Occupation: Pharmacist / Nurse

Physical Appearance

Five feet eight tall, of slim figure and face, universally thought of
as beautiful. Dark brown hair, usually worn up. Delicate hands
and nimble fingers. Compassionate eyes. Dresses in practical
clothes and keeps up with fashion, though does not spend
frivolously on it.

Victoria Pinch

Sex: Female
Age: 34
Nationality: British
Birthplace: York
Occupation: Chemist

Physical Appearance

Five feet six inches tall, very light frame, delicate hands and feet.
Thick dark brown hair, worn tied back or in bun. Wears very
conservative clothes and pays no heed to fashion. Always very
clean and very tidy. Open, friendly countenance, very welcoming

Writer and Keeper: Max Bantleman – For Shadow Warriors – CoC Demonstration Game
Cthulhu By Gaslight – The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum – Shadow Warriors Demonstration Game

Strange Spells & Magics

Investigator Spell

Enthral Victim

A type of binding spell, this chanted incantation throws a silvery web of intrigue over the victims
mind. They become unable to act with any determination or purpose, and are enthralled while
their mind tries to comprehend the strange, fluted musics that plague it for the short time they
are under the spell. Casting this spell is a matter of matching your innate power with that of the
intended victim: strength of will and knowledge of the dark arts are the powers that drive this
magic. There is of course a price to pay, both in loss of sanity and magical energy: you will
doubtless be weakened after this spell's use, and that's if you can match wits and spirits with the
target and overcome their will and own magical power.
A spell of limited use and power, it may be just enough to disrupt the Doctor while other forces


Investigator Spell

Implant Fear

This is a brutal spell of intense assault on the victims mind and spirit. It overwhelms the
intended victim with a feeling of complete despair, causing them to doubt all they know and to
see danger in all around them. The all encompassing fear engulfs them and paralyses them for
a brief moment, during which it is as if they are a comatose, frozen statue. The assault on their
mind and soul causes the victim to suffer a loss of sanity as the forced nature of their
helplessness dawns upon them.
Casting this spell causes a fearful loss of magical energy, and seldom can it be cast more than
once per day, even by the most accomplished of magical practitioners. And a worse cost is the
loss of will and sanity, for the fear seeps in to the spell's user, causing them to experience a
brief moment of deepening madness.

Writer and Keeper: Max Bantleman – For Shadow Warriors – CoC Demonstration Game

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