Comments to
Traditionally, before any initiation or ceremony, the initiate would cry, "I
am prepared!". This is the nature of our cry; for through it we assert that
what we do is entirely in accord with our will, and that we will consciously
accept responsibility for the changes we bring upon ourselves.
It is a charge to our heart (that is, the seat of consciousness, the ego, or
point of consciousness which we consider ourselves, and use to "judge" the
infinite universe) to remain silent during our journey into the unknown
(represented by the West, the land of the setting sun).
The "dread Lord of the West" is Osiris, who is the Lord of the dead and of
the afterlife. In ourselves, he represents who we are after the death of
solar-linear consciousness. He represents change, the most powerful of which
is death, which is the highest unknown-- for it is the birth into that which
we do not and can not know beforehand.
The Cross Qabbalistic
Adam numerates to 45, the number of "hm" or "form" (that which the
Universe was created out of). We have placed this "form" in Yesod,
that is, we have given ourselves form, and by virtue of the Hebrew
"\da", we assert that our form is that of Man. I might remark that
among the Qabbalists, Adam signifies Tiphereth, which is only partly
correct. While it does acknowledge the divine spirit (a) born to blood
(\d), and thus consciousness, it also signifies Yesod illuminated by
28, the mystic number of Netzach being 4 * 7 as well as ? (1-7). This is a
perfect number, for it shows us that even in division or loss of unity (4 *
7) we find the purity of a new beginning.
406 is then the extension of this, for it shows the cyclic nature of
existence as love, containing within itself the beginning and end of all
Tiphereth, which is the root of the sexual force, and the ability to
create. "Only when the sun shines, can the moon give off light."
Also, 45 is the mystic number of Yesod, and of Yetzirah, the “Astral”
world above Assiah, the Material Plane.
Interestingly, we also find that 406 is the number of "tw" (UT) which is Greek
for "Not" (as in Utopia).
Note, hmya spelled in full as hh mym dwy pla = 231 = 77 * 3, 21 * 11, and ? (1-
21). Similar to Atoh, this shows us that there is always truth ? (1-21), even
in what is perceived as a division of truth (11*21). To an infinite, all
things are true-- only to a linear is truth relative to conditions.
The subjective communicated through objective.
We have acknowledged energy by three of its holiest names, and
projected this energy outward, of the left side.
Attempts to link Amadeus with Wolfgang Mozart have only little merit, as it
was once explained to me over the Usenet newsgroups:
We find more appropriately and esoterically applied, "For God so loved the
world, that he gave his only begotten [most beloved] Son, that whosoever
believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)
Figure 1
It is the word of a Magus, being partly true ("Love God") and partly
false ("Beloved of God"). Adept magickians will note that the latter
view implies a point of view, or ego.
Amadeus is the son, itself a new being but formed from the supernal
barren mother (Ama) fertilized by the God (Deus). Amadeus, the
"Beloved of God" is then Ra-Hoor-Khuit, the mystical union of will and
love, the unity of the son bound with a crown, here a mystery of Venus,
for it reflects the wonderment of life, the pure joy which all motion
through the universe is-- it represents the spiritual purpose each
Some might say, “the key of it all”.
Aiwass was the Messenger of the Gods, the Aeon reflection of Hadit into
Mercury. Amadeus is Hadit's Aeon reflection into Tiphereth, as Ra-Hoor-
creation has, that which makes it special-- which is why it exists in
the first place.
And this is too expressed by the latin-english mix "Am a deus", that
is, "Am a God".
Amadeus numerates to 111, and to 671 with the Mem taken as a Mem Sofit.
111 is the number of Aleph (pla, 111), and implies the highest unity.
It is the same "God of Justice" written of in the Enochian calls,8 and
Compare also what is said here with the Priest’s “third-step” commentary
from Liber XV, “The Gnostic Mass”.
The first line of the first key of the Enochian calls, answering to Spirit
is "I reign over you Saith the God of Justice, in power exhaulted above the
firmament of Wrath."
We find 671 as the number of Adonai, the Holy Guardian Angel, spelt in
full (dwy nwn tld pla, 671) and also of the Law (arut, Tora, 671) the Gate
(urat, Taro, 671) the Wheel (atur, Rota, 671) and the Lady of the path
of Daleth (ruta, Athor, 671). Of this Crowley writes, “This important
number marks the identity of the Augoeides with the Way itself ("I am
the Way, the Truth, and the Life") and shows the Taro as a key; and
that the Law itself is nothing else than this.”10
pla then is the God of Justice exhaulted above the firmament of Wrath.
The prime lesson found here is that ALL things are GOD and that GOD is ONE
(that is, all things are linked through their God-nature) and to deny any-
thing love we only deny ourselves of our own spirituality. This shows the
path to spirit as being one without attachment to ego.
Note, swdma spelled in full as ]ms ww tld mym pla = 767. I take this to be the
joy found in every new beginning.
The Word of Manifold Power
These five words become one word, and through it we are able partake of the
deepest mysteries of the Aeon. The word itself is a praise or hymn to Ra-
Thou Man [the] Terror[ful] Voice of the Chief Seer [who is] AMADEUS
[Ra-Hoor-Khuit, the supreme unity of love and will].
Note how this formula unites the universe into unity through Abrahadabra and
Amadeus. Moreover, this formula is universal for it is infinite-- within
A.A.A.A.A. we find Abrahadabra, which itself contains A.A.A.A.A.-- thus
creating an endless cycle. (“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was
with God, and the Word was God”.)
As energy, we find:
aaaaa as The Fool (0+0+0+0+0) = 0 (“NOT”)
Taking each 'a' as a Svastika (17), 'aaaaa' = 85, "hp" the Mouth,
(Mars), and "mmh" to put into motion. This is energy in its most
violent creative/destructive form.
Taking each ‘a’ as an Aleph in full (pla, 111) we get 555. This
I take aaaaa to be Hadit, “the breath of God which was not, yet set all to
motion”, or even “None, breathed the light, faint & faery, of the stars, and
two.” from Liber la.
Aleph is not only the Hebrew letter of Spirit, but also of the silent breath.
Interestingly, the silent breath too does not “exist”, that is, it does not
Note the flawless perfection in the synthesis of all these qualities of
energy in one creation, and the progression, from energy in its most
spiritual form (0) to its most earthly form (666), with all forms in-between
make a sound-- but still it provides the basis for all spoken words, which
in the metaphors of magick, is life itself.
As a mandala we find:
Figure 2
Figure 3
We find that AAAAA has no “true” sigil. On the rose cross all we get
is a point (See Figure 3). “it exists”-- Hadit.
Figure 4
The English “A”, by shape, represents a cone. That is, the harmony and
interconnectedness of the circle and the point, and thus is another
paragon of the Great Work complete. In Figure 4, we find a three-
dimensional, stylized, representation of a cone, based upon AAAAA as
the pentagram.
The Paths
In turn, this invocation has formed the following paths within us:
As we have begun the rite proper by drawing down our spiritual essence
and defining it based on our spiritual understanding of the universe,
we have allowed ourselves to be absorbed into Yesod, the Astral World,
by attraction to the divine light of Kether. This path represents our
aspirations, and hews within us our first focus, which is Evolution.
Through this, we have established a link between our higher
consciousness and lower consciousness.
Note how the Universe (Nuit) co-joined with Motion (Hadit) creates the
perception of Da’ath (tud, Da’ath, 474) to everything below the Abyss--
Da’ath defined here as movement through the universe creating the
illusions of time and of a know-er and a thing known.
We have united our conscious and subconscious mind and released control
of them to our higher self. Thus, we have, as far as we exist below
the Abyss, become Babalon, the perfect vehicle for our higher self to
Notice how the Middle Pillar presented here reflects the pantacle of
the OTO system of Magick, being the Holy Spirit’s decent into the Womb
of Babalon.
By aligning ourselves to the lower tree in our rite, we have made the
divine to manifest through us, and thus have reached our own
“salvation”. 156 + 474 = 630.
In the system of Frater Achad, the path of Shin links Kether with
630 = “knyu” with Kaph taken in final form-- “Thine Eye”, or the Eye of
Figure 5
(a perfected Diagram of the Eye of Horus, that is, the phallus and yoni
co-joined is provided as Figure 5)
9 x 70 = “f”, Teth, the Serpent (9) and “u”, Ayin, the Spirit (70).
15 x 42 = “hy”, 15, the phallic force, being thrust into “ama”, 42, Ama,
the unfertile mother.
We can hold 630 to contain the synthesis of these ideas, being “will”,
“movement”, “life”, or even “eternity”.
The insights derived from this Qabbalistic dissection give us the keys
to destroy our false selves: Consciousness (6) to Annihilation (3) to
Cosmic Consciousness (0). In short, we find the idea of ego being
dissolved in Binah to end in Annihilation, and also that of the Adept
being crucified and reborn in Binah, attaining to dissolution.
Note how the 630 of above has reversed itself (via reflection through
the Abyss) and is now illuminated by Kether (1000, or Aleph on the
grand scale). From below the Abyss we perceive destruction, but this
is illusory-- We are merely creating from above, from the supernals.
Note how this number too expresses the whole of the ritual. Moreover,
1+0+3+6 = 10 = 1.
In “The Law is for All”, a new formula for Amen was hinted at, and is
now revealed. Originally, I had used this formula in the opening
There is much of interest in the analysis of 1036. The interplay or 28 *
37 and 7 * 148 for example. 37 is described in Liber 777 to represent the
Hindu “Jediciah” or highest aspect of the human soul; or though a Qabbalistic
analysis too detailed to present here: Hadit; “the flame that burns in every
heart of man”. 28 is the “mystic” number of Netzach, and a perfect number.
148 is Netazch spelled in full. Therefore does this represent attainment to
the crown by victorius Babalon.
cross, and although on paper it works out flawlessly (that is, we
become crowned with the Flaming Sword, and the circle becomes the Ayin
(O) we need to fulfill mtca), I have found from experience that this
just leaves me unfocused, with a painful Astral “buzz”. Perhaps I am
missing something, so I now include my notes in their original form for
private experimentation.
a - A = [Spirit]
ca - Ash = Fire
mt - TM = To be finished, perfect,
destroyed. To cease or be
spent. Innocence,
simplicity, completeness,
Note the Spirit of Fire and the god Set making open the ways of
innocence and perfection.
The Journey
cyrhm, the form (hm) of the Sun's (r) most exalted and spiritual
North: wn NU 56
The Circle:
Taking only the first letters of each quarter, we get E.H.N.B. This
forms the great name of Spirit that reconciles the Enochian Tablet of
More importantly, taking the West, South and North quarters we get “hnb”
an alternate spelling of Binah, the barren womb.14 These three quarters
hnb is perhaps more representative of the energy we seek than hnyb, anyway.
The former represents the barren womb, the latter, the womb fertilized by the
form Binah as a parabola, or crescent moon. The initials of the
eastern quarter form the Phallus as a point. This is yet another
formula of “the Beast and Babalon”.
Originally Maut was hinted for use in the second quarter, although I
believe this was done only to allude to a new word of power, hmbmha
(93). This in a sense is another name for Ra-Hoor-Khuit, formed by mha,
the Penis, or “Spirit of Form” [a, Aleph, Spirit; hm, Form] and the
Yoni, or “House of Form” [b, Beth, a House; hm, Form] co-joined.
phallus y. In the context of our rite, the point mha becomes our phallus. hnb
shares the same numeration as lkwa (“Consuming”), nwa (“Wealth, an age, Time;
Night”), and lwfyb (“A breaking down, subversion, destruction”), which too
reflect this nature.
The Communion
The adoration A KA DUA is another excerpt from the Stélé 666. Once
again Ankh-f-n-Khonsu, “the Lord of Thebes”, speaks, but this time he
has reached the crux of his journey-- communion with his own higher
self. Crowley paraphrased this adoration “Unity uttermost showed! I
adore the might of Thy breath, Supreme and terrible God, Who makest the
gods and death To tremble before Thee:-- I, I adore Thee!”.
We too have reached the crux of our journey. There are many magickal
and mystical formulae at work here that I hasten to comment upon,
though one need not understand them to benefit from their use. The
invocation here translates to “Remember! O Remember! O IAO! O
Suedama! O! O Suedama! IA!”.
The signs of N.O.X. further align us, but (“if I droop forth my head
and shoot forth venom, then I and the earth shall be one”) also serves
to align our magick circle, our universe, and even our immediate
environment. In this sense, the rite acts as a “banishment” -- but in
a deeper sense, we have aligned our universe with understanding, that
we may work in an environment purified thereby -- the task of the
magister. In this aspect, the laws of cause and effect may be
understood with a greater clarity.
To put perspective on this chapter I was given a vision that can only
be described as insight into the “spiritual essence” of feudalism.
Before me, I saw many medieval-styled “Coat of Arms”, each with
fantastic and mythical creatures depicted. I understood that each Coat
of Arms was the achievement of a King, and the creatures thereupon were
metaphors for the ideals and virtues he embraced. It was through the
King’s dedication to these virtues and ideals that he rose to become
more than “just a man”. For while virtues have power in themselves,
when manifest in the world of men through a king, mighty are they
indeed. My vision continued to show how both knights, and priests, and
nobles were true to their king and his ideals, yet each in their own
manner. Nobles would apply the king’s chosen virtues to business and
rhetoric, and so align those of a lesser nature – to form a society
based upon common values. The knights would “quest” to foreign lands
and “challenge” those of different ideals.15 Of course, as circumstance
changed and with evolution of ideas over time, so did kings rise and
fall. And therein was found the prophecy that someday, the “one true
king” (he whose ideals were in greatest harmony with the universe, and
thus most powerful), would reign supreme and so “heal the land”.
Traditionally, we find "to know", "to will", "to dare", and "to keep
silent". With the exception of "to keep silent", I do not like these
at all and tend to believe they are more the result of misguided
intellectualism than anything else.
We use:
Given the belief that truth is the highest ideal and self-evident, so came
the belief that “no knight that is true can ever fall to one who is false”.
understanding of a circumstance with its reality. It provides a
genuine understanding of ourselves, and the universe around us.
The virtues presented are meant only as a guide and these should change
as the adept better understands his own function and relationship to
the universe.
We have communed with our higher self, and armed ourselves with the tools to
achieve our will. We acknowledge this ceremonial journey of Ankh-f-n-Khonsu,
from life to death to rebirth, now complete, as the “love-promise” of Nuit.
We acknowledge our heart and purpose, now renewed, as Hadit. Lastly, we call
upon the formulae of sharing, and acknowledge Ma’at.
“ATH ADM AYMH ABRAHADABRA AMDVS” as the sum of it’s Tarot Trump
M][D][V][S]+[A][M][N] as
[0]+[0][12][3][5][14]+[0][12][13] = 210
M][D][V][S] as
[0]+[0][12][3][5][14] = 185 (37 x 5)
Analysis by Sums
Words 4 + 0 + 6 = 10 = 1
5 + 6 = 11 = 11
1 + 1 + 1 = 3 = 3
4 + 1 + 8 = 13 = 4
4 + 5 = 9 = 9
--------- ---- ----
1036 46 28
Letters ATH = 3
ADM = 3
AYMH = 4