An Overview of The: Jatco Re5R05A
An Overview of The: Jatco Re5R05A
An Overview of The: Jatco Re5R05A
tarting in mid-2002, JATCO failure modes this unit can experience. code that needs to be addressed before
introduced the RE5R05A: a Some DTCs may be displayed at the checking any other codes in memory.
rear-wheel drive, 5-speed same time; that is, it’s possible to have
automatic transmission used in the multiple codes set for the same failure. Failsafe Function
Infiniti Q45. Since then, this unit has Perform the necessary inspections one The TCM, which is part of the
appeared in Infiniti and Nissan drive- by one based on the priority descrip- valve body (Figure 1), has an electri-
trains. Infiniti uses it in CX25, FX35, tions covered in this article. cal failsafe mode. This mode makes it
FX45, G35, M35/35x, Q45, and QX56 possible to operate even if there’s an
vehicles. Nissan uses it in the 350Z, DTC U1000 error in a main electronic control input
Frontier, Pathfinder, Armada, Titan, Before going any further, there’s or output signal circuit. If the computer
and Xterra. one thing you should be aware of: DTC detects any faults in the systems sen-
Let’s start by looking at the initial U1000. This is a CAN communication sors or solenoids, it switches to failsafe
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Turbine Speed
TCM Connectors
4 7
1 2 3 5 6
Figure 1
1. Line Pressure Solenoid 4. Front Brake Control Solenoid
2. Low Coast Brake Solenoid 5. Input clutch Control Solenoid 7. TCC solenoid
3. High and Low Solenoid 6. Direct Clutch Solenoid
operation. Failsafe allows the transmis- position. problem in one of these systems. If the
sion to continue operating under lim- This should return the transmission vehicle speed sensor A/T (revolution
ited conditions to make it possible to to a normal shift pattern. But be careful: sensor) fails, 5th gear and manual mode
continue driving without damaging the Just because the transmission’s shift- won’t be possible.
transmission. ing normally doesn’t mean the prob- Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor
In failsafe mode, the transmission lem’s fixed. Always handle the situation — If there’s a failure in one of the sys-
is fixed in 2nd, 4th or 5th, so the according to the conditions present, tems, TCM or ECM the accelerator
customer should be complaining of a using a standard diagnostic procedure. opening angle is controlled by ECM
slip or poor acceleration. Under special Here are some of the sensors and according to a predetermined accel-
conditions (such as if you slam on the switches and their codes (Figure 2) that erator angle. And if there are failures in
brakes while the wheels are spinning, can cause failsafe, and a description of TCM and ECM, the engine is fixed to a
stopping the tire rotation suddenly), the their failures. predetermined RPM by the ECM (idle).
transmission can go into failsafe even Vehicle Speed Sensor Signal Throttle Position Sensor — If
when the computer controls are work- — Vehicle Speed Sensor signals are there’s a failure in one of the systems,
ing properly. This is normal. provided by two separate systems: the the accelerator opening angle is con-
If this happens, you can reset the vehicle speed sensor A/T (revolution trolled by ECM according to a pre-
computer like this: sensor) installed on the transmission, determined accelerator angle. And if
• Key off for about 10 seconds. and the combination meter. So normal there are failures in TCM and ECM, the
• Turn the key back to the On-Run driving is possible even if there’s a accelerator opening angle is controlled
by the idle signal sent from the ECM, either on or off. The ECM determines 1st Gear Engine Braking — When
based on an input indicating either idle this signal based on engine RPM and there’s a 1st gear engine brake judgment
or off-idle (predetermined accelerator battery voltage. If the starter relay is fault, the low coast brake solenoid is
opening). switched off, the start circuit to the switched off to prevent engine braking.
PNP Switch — In the unlikely starter is disabled. Line Pressure Solenoid — The
event that a faulty signal enters the A/T Interlock — If there’s an A/T solenoid is switched off and the line
TCM: interlock judgment failure, the trans- pressure is set to maximum to pre-
• the position indicator is switched mission is fixed in 2nd gear. vent damage to the transmission during
off, NOTE: When the vehicle is driven operation.
• the starter relay is switched off fixed in 2nd gear, a turbine revolution Torque Converter Clutch
(starting circuit is disabled), sensor DTC will set, but this doesn’t Solenoid — The solenoid is switched
• the backup lamp relay is switched indicate a turbine revolution sensor fail- off to release the converter clutch.
off (backup lights are off), ure. When the pressure switch assembly Low Coast Brake Solenoid —
…and the position is fixed to the is in failsafe, the failsafe action cor- When an electrical or functional failure
D range. responding to the pattern listed occurs occurs, the engine brake isn’t applied in
Starter Relay — The PNP switch (Figure 3). 1st or 2nd gears.
indicates the start signal status as being
Figure 2
Clutch Pressure Output Pattern After
ATF Pressure Switch Output
Fail-safe Fail-safe Function
Gear Position
SW3 SW6 SW5 SW1 SW2 Function
(I/C) (HLR/C) (D/C) (FR/B) (LC/B)
A/T Interlock 3rd NG X X NG Held in 2nd Gear OFF OFF ON OFF OFF OFF
Coupling 4th NG X X NG Held in 2nd Gear OFF OFF ON OFF OFF OFF
Pattern 5th X NG NG X Held in 2nd Gear OFF OFF ON OFF OFF OFF
NG= NO Good